Debt Rattle June 14 2021
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- This topic has 110 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
Dr. D.
June 14, 2021 at 8:28 am #77275
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterVittorio Matteo Corcos Sogni (Dreams) 1896 • 79% Of Democrats Support Employers Forcing Workers To Get Covid-19 Jabs (RT) • ‘Pretty Safe’ Jab W
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 14 2021]June 14, 2021 at 9:04 am #77276V. Arnold
ParticipantVittorio Matteo Corcos Sogni (Dreams) 1896
Wonderful painting; almost photographic in its detail of a very beautiful woman…
June 14, 2021 at 9:22 am #77277V. Arnold
ParticipantAs we continue the deep dive into this madness that is Covid – 19; it becomes obvious its attacking our weakest members of society…
Created by bad living, bad diet, and a total lack of any semblance of responsible living…
We’re so far out of wack, we have no path back to sanity…
The Hopi understood life in harsh conditions, and lived accordingly. They even left this word for us…
(n.) “life out of balance.”
a state of life that calls for another way of living.June 14, 2021 at 9:53 am #77278Mister Roboto
ParticipantNearly 80% of Democrats agreed that employers should be able to force their workers to get Covid-19 shots, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll released on Sunday.
And…I am officially done with Team Blue. If my icon doesn’t change, it’s because I don’t know how to change it.
June 14, 2021 at 10:06 am #77279Mister Roboto
ParticipantThe pic accompanying the RT article brings up a very interesting point: Apparently “my body my choice” goes flying out the window for the Team Blue Cult when it applies to something other than getting rid of unwanted pregnancies.
June 14, 2021 at 10:11 am #77280Huskynut
ParticipantHere’s the link to the full vid that I posted a section of in the last post: hyperbole, but overall a very interesting watch.
June 14, 2021 at 10:33 am #77281Mister Roboto
ParticipantPeople do not like psychological explanations for physical symptoms,” he says. “They want something that’s perceived as real. Many of these patients don’t really believe mental illness will explain their symptoms. They want something tangible, something external like the virus.
We do know that post-viral syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs with respiratory viruses. Is it really so difficult to believe the severe cases of Covid-19 might often feature a particularly formidable manifestation of PVS?
June 14, 2021 at 11:49 am #77282Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI’ve been looking at the numbers from “EU VAERS” that I posted on top, and I still don’t know what I’m looking at. Are these vaccinated children? There is no authorization for that which I’m aware of. For the 0 to 1 month old, I could imagine their injuries and fatalities come from vaccinated mothers, but for the others, up to age 17, that seems impossible. So what is going on?
June 14, 2021 at 12:19 pm #77283Dr. D
Participant“Why Is Britain Now the Capital of Long Covid? (T.)”
Short answer: Vitamin D
“Wisconsin Top Court: Health Agency Lacks Power to Close Schools Over Covid (JTN)”
So if it’s against a person’s civil rights is anybody going to sue them into penury for human rights violations? If not: shut up. I know the courts are a foot-dragging safety valve, but 18 months later, after it’s over is no help at all.
“Biden Calls For Access To Wuhan Labs (RT)”
Speaking of 18 months later, after the body has been cleaned up, the carpets replaced, and a fire set in the living room…
BTW, EVERYBODY knew they had bats at Wuhan. What is this revisionist history? They had bat caretakers take sick leave going way back, Wuhan were the focus of the pneumonia-cave research, and an honest theory was that they might have sold bats to the wet market rather than kill them on-site.
“We Make S—t Up! Every minute, every day. The News Never Sleeps.™”
“Why can’t this dude just shut up? That’s what people, including the SEC, want to know.”
Why? Because Musk was under a court order, instantly flouted it, and told the SEC to go f- themselves. The SEC did nothing. At all. Ever. So why should he? If I could commit felonies all day against direct court orders, I would too. I could make a ton of money in a hurry. If I put on the wrong size porch railing: Fines and jail! Commit top secret security breaches, 100,000 felonies in MERS, $23Trillion in Fed frauds, kill 60,000 grandmas in three states, light car owners on fire after cruising around to crash into the nearest EMS vehicle, or even ignore any court order ever given: No problem, old chum! We got you.
Same thing as Capitalism for the poor, Socialism for the Rich. Tyranny for the poor, Carte Blanche for the rich.
So. Tired. Is there ANY crime, any WHERE, any TIME, of any THING, of any SIZE, that could cause an arrest? Or do we just (not) arrest foreign nationals, in a country they’re (not) in, for a crime that is (not) applicable, for freedom of speech they do (not) have?
No need to change the icon. It’s a good one and means well. Like so many things, the challenge is in living up to it.
June 14, 2021 at 12:20 pm #77284absolute galore
Participant“If you’re fully vaxxed, I wouldn’t be too worried, especially if you’re in a highly vaxxed region,” Wachter wrote. “If you’re not vaccinated: I’d be afraid. Maybe even very afraid.” a doctor, talking about the spread of the Delta variant in the U.S.
Any doctors care to comment? Is Ivermectin still as effective with Delta, which they are saying is not only more contagious, but also comes with more serious symptoms.
From my morning NYT email newsletter:
Good morning. We have an update on Covid and the Delta variant.
‘If you’re not vaccinated …’
It’s time for one of this newsletter’s occasional updates on the state of the pandemic. The brief version: The situation continues to look reassuring for anybody who is vaccinated — but has become more worrisome for anybody who is not, largely because of the Delta variant.
Here are three more detailed points:
1. Cases are no longer fallingThe news about Covid-19 has been mostly positive in the U.S. over recent months. The vaccines continue to work well against every variant, and the number of Americans who have gotten a shot continues to rise.
But the U.S. still faces two problems. First, the pace of vaccinations has slowed, and a substantial share of Americans — close to one third — remains hesitant about getting a shot. These unvaccinated Americans will remain vulnerable to Covid outbreaks and to serious symptoms, or even death.
Second, the Delta variant — which appears to be both more contagious and more severe than earlier versions of the virus — is spreading rapidly within the U.S., after having first been identified in India. It now accounts for about 10 percent of cases, according to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former F.D.A. commissioner.
Together, these two forces help explain why new cases have stopped falling:
Source: The New York TimesMany experts are concerned that cases will eventually start to rise as Delta becomes the dominant form of the virus. “We are vulnerable,” Dr. Kavita Patel of the Brookings Institution told Yahoo News. On Twitter yesterday, Dr. Robert Wachter of the University of California, San Francisco, wrote: “I’ll now bet we’ll see significant (incl. many hospitalizations/deaths) surges this fall in low-vaccine populations due to combo of seasonality, Delta’s nastiness, & ‘back to normal’ behavior.”
2. But the vaccines workIn addition to being more contagious, Delta also appears to be more severe. As my colleague Keith Bradsher reports about southeastern China, where the variant has been spreading: “Patients are becoming sicker and their conditions are worsening much more quickly.” (China has more detailed data than many other countries, because it conducts rapid, widespread testing.)
But there is still one very big piece of encouraging news: The vaccines continue to work extremely well against the variants, based on the evidence so far. The best performing vaccines vastly reduce the number of Covid cases of any kind and virtually eliminate death.
“The Delta variant is by far the most contagious variant of this virus we have seen in the entire pandemic,” Dr. Ashish Jha said yesterday. “The good news is the data suggests that, if you’ve been fully vaccinated, you remain protected, that the vaccines hold up.”
The clearest place to see this pattern is Britain, where the Delta variant has spread widely and where the vaccination rate is high. In Britain, there is “still no sign of increase in deaths, well after the strain has become dominant,” as Dr. Eric Topol of the Scripps Research Translational Institute noted.
Source: The New York Times
3. The lesson is clearNothing is more important than vaccination.
Persuading more Americans to get vaccinated will save some of their lives. And a more rapid global vaccination program can save millions of lives around the world. Delta already appears to be at least partly responsible for rising case counts in several African countries, Russia, Ontario and elsewhere.
“If you’re fully vaxxed, I wouldn’t be too worried, especially if you’re in a highly vaxxed region,” Wachter wrote. “If you’re not vaccinated: I’d be afraid. Maybe even very afraid.”
More on the virus: Novavax announced today that a clinical trial of its vaccine in the U.S. and Mexico found an efficacy rate of about 90 percent.
June 14, 2021 at 12:25 pm #77285WES
ParticipantPublic Health authorities are deliberately collecting and creating misleading data to ensure there is no way to see or verify the harm vaccines are doing.
We need to “trust our instincts” that something is terribly wrong and that public health officials are deliberately lying to us.
June 14, 2021 at 12:32 pm #77286Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterIs Ivermectin still as effective with Delta
I’m not a doctor, but I see no reason why it wouldn’t be. It’s at least a bit weird to compare it to mRNA (spike protein) vaccines.
Persuading more Americans to get vaccinated will save some of their lives. And a more rapid global vaccination program can save millions of lives around the world.
Ivermectin would do the same, but without blood clots, myocarditis etc.
June 14, 2021 at 12:34 pm #77287Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster🇮🇳 Delhi
Have you seen an improvement like this in any other large, densely populated city?
Differences in a month, from May 12 to June 13, 2021
COVID beds from 82% to 8%
COVID Oxygen beds from 85% to 8%
COVID ICU beds from 99% to 16%
Ivermectin was included at the end of April
— J Chamie (@jjchamie) June 13, 2021June 14, 2021 at 12:35 pm #77288Germ
ParticipantWhile speaking at a conference in 2018, Wuhan Institute of Virology and collaborator and gain-of-function advocate Dr. Ralph Baric advised attendees on how to “make money” in the next pandemic.
WATCH: 2018 Video Shows Wuhan Lab Partner Scheming on How to Make Money from a Pandemic.
June 14, 2021 at 12:39 pm #77289Germ
ParticipantThis guy has had enough of NHS harassment over the Jab
June 14, 2021 at 12:59 pm #77290Oroboros
ParticipantRobespierre Fauci and his Neo-Jacobin supporters are following the arc of history, hopefully to the Blade.
The vaccination of children and infants is monstrous.
Fascist Fauci and his running dog lackeys have frankensteined a cult of personality around Mr I Am Science with Pravda on the Potomac.
“79% Of Democrats Support Employers Forcing Workers To Get Covid-19 Jabs”
The Democrats are so thoroughly brainwashed into a Death Cult at this point that it would make Jim Jones pea green with envy from the grave.
The Cult of Fuhrer Fauci has surpassed Jonestown in scope.
The Democrats just need Leni Riefenstahl as a ‘media consultant’ to stage a Drink the Koolaid rally a la Nuremberg on the Washington Mall
June 14, 2021 at 1:00 pm #77291Dagnarus
Participant@absolute galore
The delta variant used to be known as the Indian Variant. India (except Tamil Nadu) just crushed an outbreak of this variant using Ivermectin. So yes, ivermectin is still effective.June 14, 2021 at 1:11 pm #77292Django
ParticipantMuh friends say they won’t talk to me if I don’t drink muh koo-aid.
June 14, 2021 at 1:25 pm #77293Django
ParticipantAlso Wikipedia has pulled the Jonestown article.
Curiouser and curiouser. Prolly just coincidence.
June 14, 2021 at 1:32 pm #77294Mister Roboto
ParticipantTo the Obama poster I would add: “But I won’t drink the water when it’s from Flint, Michigan.” (It was so painfully obvious he wasn’t really drinking that water.)
What’s so bizarre about the cultists of both Team Red and Team Blue is that they have no concept of how weird and scary they come off to normal people who aren’t sleep-walking through life.
June 14, 2021 at 1:46 pm #77295Mr. House
ParticipantIts still posted.
June 14, 2021 at 1:59 pm #77296John Day
Societal changes do not just happen. Entire societies have to work them out and enact them. It’s not as simple as a good or evil government making a detailed plan and having it carried out in a series of laws and processes. WW-2 was a complex example of that, as was the Great Depression.
We are already well into failing processes to bring about “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset”. The elite owners plan a “transhuman” future, except for themselves, and whatever other faithful and capable human servants they need, but not 90% of humans.
The transition from the postwar societal contracts, where people could reasonably expect personal freedoms and the opportunity to earn a good/adequate living by working diligently, to whatever sort of hopeless slavery awaits us is going poorly at first.
People are embracing the new rules on one hand, giving their teenagrs “the vaccine”, like it’s a good thing, completely innocent to the extreme dangers, even after “reactions” begin. “That just means it’s working.” I have a specific boy in my prayers, and have not yet been able to see the wise way to speak to his mother, my friend, about what is happening. He is away, visiting family. She doesn’t understand. She loves him with all her heart.
Other people, like the workers at Methodist Hospital in Houston, who are jobless, after the Federal Judge rejected their bodily rights argument out of hand, have found their hill to stand and defend:
How does this become a first, crystalized choice for the rest of us? It is easier to delay that choice, but it seems to be crystalizing for our Western societies around bodily integrity, around the precedent of having to accept a genetic-engineering injection into your flesh to have the right to be a member of a failing social order.
Live under a tightening noose of control /ownership by the same selfish, heartless, and now, increasingly desperate elites, or what?.
The Deep states and media are the iron fist and velvet glove of that order.
. Ordinary Doctors, teachers, government employees, grocery clerks, garbage men and policemen follow orders and respect rules, like they always have.
At what point does one have to choose a side?
How soon can one choose a side, having determined what side to choose?
The sooner the better, I suspect.
Proactively framing the question at my clinic, instead of awaiting an ultimatum, might be possible for me, with the Houston nurses in mind.
I will take that path, now that the specific decision is clearly coming, likely this fall.
I will explicitly state my firm conviction to refuse “vaccination”.
(My reluctance to suggest it for any but the highest risk patients has been clear all along. The vaccine machine has been going around me, like a critter in the road.)June 14, 2021 at 1:59 pm #77297Mister Roboto
ParticipantThat guy in the NewTube vid really shouldn’t get so worked up. Bureaucracies automatically send out nuisance-mailings all the time that quite appropriately end up in the circular file. Why should this one be any different? Unless, I suppose, so many people have been giving him grief over not getting the jab that he’s just really, really touchy about it now. Still, I don’t recommend that mindset.
As for cases going up because of Scary Delta, I looked at the new cases graph for the USA on Google, and I saw only the tiniest blip upward that I wouldn’t have even noted had it not been for what I read here from that NYT article.
June 14, 2021 at 2:03 pm #77298Oroboros
ParticipantThe French Revolution Jabobins were the ‘Wokesters’ of their age.
They tried to institute a new calendar that had 10 days to the week and had all religious holidays removed from it to ‘purge’ the memory of the Roman Church from the New Republic.
Like the Wokesters trying to purge ‘white priledge’ from the collective memory.
The Jacobins also wanted to purge any different types of bread from the Republic.
The type and color of your bread indicated your social status.
The darker the bread generally, the poorer you were.
White bread was for aristocrats.
To get white bread before chemical bleaching was in force in the early 20th century, the old technique was to spread whole grain flour out on cloth sheets and have it bleached white by the sun while turning it with feathers continuously all day long.
This added to the cost of producing white flour considerably and thus the status and snob appeal.
The Jacobins wanted the People’s Bread, a medium dark/light colored bread that everyone would eat in ‘equality’.
Just the thought of forcing this on all Americans makes the Wokester’s nipples hard.
June 14, 2021 at 2:27 pm #77299Oroboros
Participant@John Day
I’ve appreciated your thoughtful comments for a long time.
The Houston nurse saga just highlights the total corruption of ‘the rule of law’
Judges are already bought and paid for running lackey dogs.
Shaking off the French Oligarchs resulted in a military dictatorship and the twelve solid years of the Napoleonic Wars.
Estimates of total dead from the Napoleonic Wars, both military and civilian, range from 3,250,000 to 6,500,000
Most ‘changing of the guard’ episodes in history don’t go smoothly or as anticipated by their supporters.
The modern battlefield has apparently shifted from the field to the bloodstream
The war is internal to the mind and body of the participants not external to a battlefield.
The Wokesters are a virus too.
June 14, 2021 at 3:02 pm #77302Doc Robinson
Participant• The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein” (Whitney)
The defenders of the mRNA vaccines insist that the spike proteins resulting from the vaccines are not a problem, because the spikes have been stabilized in the “pre-fusion” configuration, by having “two proline substitutions” (2P) engineered into them.
In theory, if the spike proteins are stabilized this way, they cannot fuse with cells in the body.
In the real world, however, the 2P spike proteins are still “unstable,” according to an article in the journal Science. So who knows what’s they’re actually doing in the body. Because of these problems with the 2P substitution (used in the current mRNA vaccines), researchers are working on a version of the spike protein with six substitutions.So, despite all the “debunking” and censoring of claims about the vaccines being able to cause damage from spike proteins circulating in the body, a couple dozen medical professionals and professors, including Peter Doshi (senior editor at the BMJ), Peter McCullough, and Patrick Whelan, submitted a related petition to the FDA two weeks ago.
Here’s a portion of their petition which relates to the spike proteins caused by the vaccines:
3. Require data on the safety and pharmacokinetic profiles of the spike protein.
a. In-situ production of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is the target mechanism of action of all COVID-19 vaccines with an EUA at present. Therefore, the safety profile of spike protein itself (i.e., in the absence of virus) must be thoroughly understood in the range of populations on the indications list.
b. Recently, evidence of systemic circulation of spike protein or its components in subjects post-immunization was reported.15 All studies we are aware of to date raise concerns about the safety of spike protein,16–28 and the concentration of circulatory spikes was correlated to the disease severity in COVID-19 patients.29
c. Required studies must, at a minimum, address these concerns:
i. Coagulopathy issues, including blood clots, hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, heart attack, and strokes. According to the VAERS, as of May 21, 2021, there have been a total of 1,222 reports of thrombocytopenia/low platelets; and 6,494 (112 in 0-24 year-olds) reports of blood clots/strokes.
ii. Reproductive issues, including menstrual irregularities, reduced fertility, miscarriages, and preterm births. According to VAERS, as of May 21, 2021, there were 511 reports of miscarriage and 522 reports of uterine hemorrhage (including 88 in women older than 50 years). The vaccines induce the generation of antibodies to attack spike protein, which are genetically similar to proteins produced by the placenta.30 To date, no vaccine sponsors have conducted immunologic studies of spike protein involvement with proteins involved in placental development.
iii. Carcinogenesis. There is preliminary and theoretical evidence that the spike protein may promote cancer.31,32 Considering the potential for annual booster vaccinations, COVID-19 vaccines should be treated similarly to medication taken for chronic conditions on a long term basis. Carcinogenic potential is important to characterize.
iv. Transmission of spike protein (or its fragments) from vaccinated individuals, such as through breast milk and associated risk in neonates and infants. According to the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, there are 921 reports of exposure via breast milk following AstraZeneca’s vaccine and 215 reports following Pfizer’s vaccine.
v. Neurological disorders, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, meningoencephalitis, meningitis, encephalopathy, demyelinating diseases, and multiple sclerosis.
vi. Cardiac issues, including myocardial infarction, myocarditis and pericarditis, among others. According to the VAERS, as of May 21, 2021, there have been a total of 1,598 reports of heart attacks (24 reported in 0-24 year-olds; 501 resulted in death).
vii. Autoimmune diseases, including thyroiditis and diabetes mellitus, immune thrombocytopenia, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, systemic sclerosis, autoimmune disease for skeletal muscles (myasthenia gravis, myositis such as polymyositis, dermatomyositis, or other inflammatory myopathies)
viii. Studies should be conducted in individuals of both sexes33 and all ages. We cannot assume that the effects of spike protein are the same across populations of all ages, sex, and across pre-existing conditions.
Reference to “unstable” 2P spike proteins 14, 2021 at 3:11 pm #77303zerosum
ParticipantThe Cult of Fuhrer Fauci has surpassed Jonestown in scope.
TAE and commentators have been finding/telling the truth
Our leaders have been lying
Its all theater
for our benefit
The “virus” attacks/kills weak immune systems,
The “virus” attacks/kills the Overweight
The “virus” attacks/kills the obeseSurvivors will be surprise as to who are the survivors.
Even Sci-Fi novels did not forecast or did not have this plot line and denouement.
June 14, 2021 at 3:18 pm #77304Mr. House
ParticipantJesus…. for what? Not telling the truth and killing hundreds of thousands by denying care?
June 14, 2021 at 3:20 pm #77305Mr. House
This is total bullshit, and these symptoms will continue to change over time until anyone who can’t provide proof of vaccination will be found guilty by having any symptom. Breathing perhaps……….
June 14, 2021 at 3:20 pm #77306Germ
ParticipantJim’s penned another Monday doozy.
Must read:June 14, 2021 at 3:22 pm #77307Mr. House
ParticipantSo now having a cold is enough to be ostracized, funny how all of this is going on in so many areas of society all at the same time. You’re racist because you won’t admit to me you’re racist, your deadly to me because you won’t jump off this bridge with me. Its funny how a few of us here said this was going to be the case from the beginning.
June 14, 2021 at 3:24 pm #77308zerosum
ParticipantSci-Fi or reality
Can you beat a random number generator?
There is a sure way to win on random number generator.
You must be the generator that is generating the next random number.June 14, 2021 at 3:25 pm #77309Doc Robinson
ParticipantIn the attempt to stabilize the spike protein in the pre-fusion configuration, Pfizer and Moderna are using the 2P proline substitution, while vaccine developers in Australia used another approach. They introduced a fragment of an HIV protein to the spike, which stabilized it. What could possibly go wrong? All of the participants in the vaccine trials tested positive for HIV as a result (“false positive”), and the vaccine was scrapped.
Coronavirus vaccine from UQ and CSL abandoned after HIV response which scientists say was ‘unexpected’ 14, 2021 at 3:35 pm #77310Germ
ParticipantDr Richard Fleming ran a 1800 patient study, with I believe 10 drugs, he goes over the data in this presentation along with anything you would ever want to know about this virus, it’s origins, the mechanism, etc.
June 14, 2021 at 3:39 pm #77311Germ
ParticipantThe Argentinian province of La Pampa is very happy with its use of ivermectin as a treatment and it will now extend its application to prophylaxis to close contacts.
June 14, 2021 at 3:43 pm #77312zerosum
ParticipantPick a quote, maybe you can find Wisdom in these quotes
Loneliness Quotes
“If one’s different, one’s bound to be lonely.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New WorldJune 14, 2021 at 3:45 pm #77313Noirette
ParticipantWhy young 15-25, volunteer for / accept the cov-19 vax?
— Technology advances, so do vaxes, this one is ‘new’, it is a modern thing, the publicity resembles that for a ‘new’ product, an ‘in’ thing like fantastic super fash shoes, a novel gadget, etc. Yeah, go for it. (=> Product advertising, placement.) I have heard this arg. from 15 yr. olds and 29 yr olds…
— I will be certified as vaxxed, get a ‘pass’ or other credential to stay / become part of the like-minded, or ‘top’ group – who can participate in xyz activities etc. Appeal to social identity, ingroup -> outgroup prejudice. ( => stiffer-armed marketing, skirting propaganda.)
—-I’m doing a good deed. If the only way to beat COV19 is via vax-immunity I’m helping that along. Here, the appeal held out is ‘to do good’ – as is done in pleas for charity donations to ‘ordinary’ ppl – a bearable dollar sacrifice accomplishes wonderful things elsewhere. The odd thing is that the vax is free and has no other obligations, which makes me think that the PTB were wary of this argument, but it seems to be quite common (ppl I have spoken to, internet boards.) Self-protection (I’m dead scared of catching covid) is as far as I can see completely absent, with good reason,15-25s don’t die of covid, which is perhaps why the ‘humanitarian’ argument is pushed.
— Low level marketing incentives to get vaxxed have been abundant: free beer, lottery tickets, etc. Quite odd, as it detracts from the seriousness of the matter (I want to protec’ my wife and the world’s children), so idk, is this corps. jumping on bandwagon, what? EU countries have avoided this move because it looks super scuzzy and will discourage ppl.
Note: the Med. community has said nothing, has been completely silent, about these mini-bribes to agree to a med. procedure. ??
—The threat of exclusion thru authority from above from many orgs., high n’ low, e.g. no college without vax, no travel without vax, no sports team, choir, employment, and so on.
It is as if *every possible* psych-, advert -, propa-, order from above-, threat type- move was implemented at once, badly coordinated. It looks desperate.
Eric Clapton brings up some of these points, I was happy to see. Always liked him.
June 14, 2021 at 4:06 pm #77314Germ
June 14, 2021 at 4:21 pm #77315Germ
ParticipantFully vaccinated Germans have been urged not to storm the country’s pharmacies in the rush to obtain a Covid digital vaccination pass made available in thousands of stores on Monday.
The “Digitale Impfpass” or digital vaccination pass, is the official document to be used as part of the the European Union vaccine certificate scheme to facilitate travel across the bloc, which the European parliament agreed last month.
The pass displays a QR – quick response – code given to everyone who has been vaccinated, either directly following a vaccination, or later via post. The QR code provides the necessary connection with an IBM European data bank storing the vaccine certificates.
The government also hopes once it is up and running, the scheme and the additional freedom it will give people, will encourage those still hesitant about getting vaccinated to finally do so.
June 14, 2021 at 4:41 pm #77316Germ
Participant98% of French teachers say ‘non’ to AstraZeneca: Mass vaccination centre offering jab to over-55s is forced to close after just 58 people out of 3,000 signed up
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