Debt Rattle March 20 2020


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    David Hockney Do remember they can’t cancel the spring 2020 (released for corona crisis)     • “We’re Not Even Counting The Dead Any More” (
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 20 2020]

    V. Arnold

    David Hockney Do remember they can’t cancel the spring 2020 (released for corona crisis)

    Oh, how lovely…
    …and spring has sprung…



    From an article by Pepe Escobar : “… coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan”

    Has anyone seen any corroboration for this statement?

    No wonder Iran feels it was yet another product of a US Biowarfare lab!!!

    Initially I was suspicious when the virus appeared in Iran as I thought it could have been spread deliberately. Then it seemed that it was probably just spread from China. If it is a different virus then this can not be the case.

    The implications are horrific.

    John Day

    This is the new treatment standard: Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg THREE times per day, PLUS azithromycin 250 mg X 2 the first day, then one per day for 4 more days.
    Effect of hydroxychloroquine on viral load
    The proportion of patients that had negative PCR results in nasopharyngeal samples
    significantly differed between treated patients and controls at days 3-4-5 and 6 post-inclusion
    (Table 2). At day6 post-inclusion, 70% of hydroxychloroquine-treated patients were
    virologicaly cured comparing with 12.5% in the control group (p= 0.001).
    When comparing the effect of hydroxychloroquine treatment as a single drug and the effect of
    hydroxychloroquine and azithromyc in combination, the proportion of patients that had
    negative PCR results in nasopharyngeal samples was significantly different between the two
    groups at days 3-4-5 and 6 post-inclusion (Table 3). At day6 post-inclusion, 100% of patients
    treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination were virologicaly cured
    comparing with 57.1% in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine only, and 12.5% in the
    control group (p<0.001). These results are summarized in Figures 1 and 2. Drug effect was
    significantly higher in patients with symptoms of URTI and LRTI, as compared to
    asymptomatic patients with p<0.05 (data not show).

    Off to work a long shift in the viral-testing protocol line.

    Thanks for putting up Michael Murphy’s, Geronimo’s Cadillac
    He left Austin before I came here for college in 1976. I missed him.


    Got an email from a surgeon friend this morning telling me that “at least 20% of procedures this week” [at Carilion – Roanoke] ” elective and could have waited months”. They are questioning the CEO’s decisions on this…

    The he/she asks: “Do you know any reporters?”

    As a matter of fact, I do know some reporters…

    Doc Robinson

    Forced closure of most businesses in the state of Pennsylvania.

    “Governor Tom Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania to close their physical locations as of 8 p.m. March 19, 2020 to slow the spread of COVID-19. Enforcement actions against businesses that do not close physical locations will begin at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, March 21.”

    What businesses are considered “life sustaining”? Food, fuel, transportation, etc.
    Full list:


    dont you think the republican senators should get at least what Martha got.


    The OR docs decided it was a “tough political environment” and gave opted NOT to go on record with what they feel are extremely poor administrative decisions in the face of things…

    But I don’t know their stresses, who am I to judge, but frustrating. Especially when one types: “At least my golf course is open”.

    Reporter’s simple reply: “Welcome to my world. Everyone bitches, few step up”.

    Dr. D

    Well, a day after they granted Trump unlimited dictatorial powers and signed his mega-money super-duper mail-check economy “Huuuuge”, they name the cure for Kung-Flu. 40 people peer reviewed on chloroquine, in France, 100% cure.

    Huh. Who knew? You know, that if you created a biovirus in Ft. Detrick, run it through Chapel Hill, to Harvard folks, exported via Canada (most now arrested), landing at the lab in Wuhan, then probably mishandled, that no one would create such a thing without also creating a cure for the home front. Ah but “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right Rahm?

    And who wants to take the blame for the inevitable financial reset, planned for 40 years? Nobody, that’s why they’ve been feverish to gin up a war, and in fact started 15 of them since 2001, including open WWIII in Ukraine and Syria. But those were the good old days, it’s not the 20th century anymore, boys, you’re all doddering dinosaurs of destruction.

    Same with bailouts. Last century, when the monetary capture was on the upswing. On the downswing – that is now that you’ve completely destroyed all manufacturing, skills, and work ethic – the only thing that matters is real goods, not your garbage promises, i.e. paper money, paper notes.

    “L-strain and S-strain coronaviruses were quite different in some parts of their genome, so one could not be a “parent” of the other. It appears that there are more strains”

    Two strains, one dangerous, one “not”. Ding. And somebody wandering around the world with a drone and a briefcase. Ding. Of course. However, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” You think you can have a war and not get hurt? In these days? The implications were always obvious and the first (okay, 2nd) thing I thought.

    Oh, and back with U.S. testing, that would show the U.S. already had it, and didn’t want to admit it? So is that WHY they shut down Ft. Detrick, long manned by black hats? With their pals imbedded in the CDC and CIA, WHO and everywhere else? You know, Rod Rosenstein’s sister, Mueller and Hatfill, other fun and nonsense going back decades?

    “What’s happening in Italy today will very likely happen to your country … in a week,”

    Not if they’re two different viruses, as known, and not if we have a common cure, as known.

    “France Tightens COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions to ‘Max 2km From Home’ (RT)”

    In good French fashion, you have to fill out a form to leave your home. I don’t know about the French, but I don’t see that working here. We have a few million illegals driving without licenses, the rest are doing illegal drugs while carrying illegal guns. But, sure, print up some paper if it makes you feel better.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday night ordered residents in America’s largest state to mostly stay at home,”

    Uh, yeah, above. Doubt it. This from a state that didn’t care about medieval diseases and a runaway homeless population. At the same time, the police promised to stay home. But I’m sure MS-13 won’t be up to anything with masks and gloves required outside and empty stores everywhere.

    “Baltimore Mayor Jack Young urged residents to put down their guns and heed orders”

    Oooooh. It’s against the LAW? When you put it that way… Unbelievably powerless and inept. Have been for decades, killed more people than 10 coronas, no one cared or acted before now. Now they think adding “pretty please”? Hey go arrest your Mayor if you want to make a start. News: they already did.

    4 GOP Senators Implicated in Stock Dumping Scandal (RawS)”

    We’ve already established open insider trading is legal for them. …Of course not in the Constitution, which says you can’t make two different laws for different classes, but they’ve been doing this my whole life. Nothing new. Why care now?

    Senate GOP Coronavirus Bailout Bill Caps Executive Pay at $425,000 (CNBC)”

    I thought Cheeto and the GOP existed only to make the rich richer. Why cap? And now they’re far “left” of Pelosi and Schumer on family checks, foreclosures, etc. Was the media lying about them? Huh. While Pelosi, DNC, all trying to STOP the shutdown, STOP the checks? Whoda knowd?

    South Korea Success in Virus Control Due to Acceptance of Surveillance”

    It’s always a good time to promote fascism and end the Constitution.

    “Everyone in Iceland Can Get Tested for the Coronavirus (BF)”

    Everyone can test but us? Why? Not for any practical or scientific reason. Maybe because without a crisis you can’t get dictatorial powers and $10T in money to pay voters?


    OK, So only one virus, multiple strains

    Most countries are infected by a single strain of the virus, so the virus must have originated externally. [This includes China]

    The likely original source is that country which has all the different strains.

    This country is the USA.

    Although it most likely originated in a US biowarfare lab it is also most likely that it was released accidentally.


    • 4 GOP Senators Implicated In Stock Dumping Scandal (RawS)

    I would guess that they did not think that they were connected enough to get a larger portion of MMT
    I’m starting to get worried, the MMT – Virus is moving by private jet.
    Refugee camps get MMT. (The refugees don’t work for their food)
    The world is heading toward a global refugee camp.
    What we have, to try to keep the society that you knew and want, is MMT.

    Connected elites will continue getting MMT and will be able to save their assets.
    Wait, soon you will see the protectors protecting the enablers and the elites.
    The troops will be recalled home to protect the assets of the elites.
    Being the biggest fish in the pond last only until a bigger fish comes around to take over your territory.

    The virus is the “biggest fish”


    Shopping for seniors. Special opening time, 7:00 a.m.
    I’m going to go get bread and milk.


    Ah, daffodils! In color! Mine are four inches out of the ground at this time.
    So now we have a cure. Are the four congress-types buying back in now? Or just stock in the makers of hydroxychloroquine? As black markets in it arise, will the talking heads make sure people get the message not to overdose and go blind? Deagel wants to know.
    I find it interesting that we know about the shenanigans involving the Winnipeg biolab breaches and the Harvard fancy-pants guy. If I were going to be a conspiracy hypothesist, I would suggest that this was necessary for plausible deniability in the event of an accidently on-purpose release of some nasty bug here and there. They stole it (or is it them), and they didn’t know how to handle it/them like WE do. It doesn’t help that the spooks are having secret meetings about it. It doesn’t help at all.
    It has been said each new war is fought with new technology. Or is it that new technology entices warmongers to start new wars?

    I hope they don’t cancel May- I wish I had some cammo so no one could see me as I hunt for my mushrooms- a totally solitary endeavor.


    Regarding chloroquine:

    “A third drug, widely used around the globe to fight the parasite that causes malaria, is also being tried in China to see if it can slow infection by preventing the virus from infiltrating cells.” Feb 13 2020

    China Tests Anti-Corona Drugs

    Perhaps this explains part of China’s apparent recovery from pandemia to mere epidemia and major reduction of cases.

    Follows is from March 12th:

    China Tests Drugs


    Yup. I double-clicked. Thanks, error-entity.

    Dr D Rich

    So, Dr. D, the cytokine suppressing effects of chloroquine and plaquenil are not so theoretical???

    AND antibiotics which compete with this coronavirus for the RNA switch which turns off the host cells natural anti-viral activity DO make a difference or are they saying a Zpak effectively trests the concomitant bacterial pneumonia?
    Do you think the 30s ribosomal subunit tetracyclines will be found to be as effective as the 50s ribosomal macrolides or just another fortuitous coincidence?

    45 year old science re-emerges


    Went to get my milk at the special opening time of 7:00 am
    It was crowded with old men doing the shopping.
    The most vulnerable were all together.
    I don’t think it was a good idea.


    “If I were going to be a conspiracy hypothesist”

    THank you so much for using the proper term.


    I love watching Doc D’s very wide, broad, and rapid data analysis thingum work. Sometimes it gets tipsy on itself, which is par for high-speed complex machinery. Other days, it finds the predominant straight lines in a large field of related data and draws them out for easy examination. This is one of those days.

    I’m not saying he’s got all those straight lines lined up. Doc tends to drive wildly on/off road as an omnivore analysts should, making daring leaps of conjecture (omigod, I feel like David Attenborough describing political wildlife) that often appear to contradict previous conjectures; but holding a wide field of variables in interactive suspense is how it’s done. Plus, such inevitable contradictions help keep one’s confirmation bias at bay, which we all struggle with. A bit of tripping over inconsistencies keeps one on one’s toes.

    I thought I could sense a sense of satisfaction from the Doc, sort of a taraget acquisition radar ding.

    Question: would the text below be good rerading for understanding and assessing the concept opf a monetary reset planned since 1981?

    Monetary Reset

    I’m asking for my invisible friend. His name is Plausibly Deniable.


    The intro to the text linked above is telling:

    “At some point, politicians will start to understand that only a major change – a big reset, as I call it – in our global monetary system can save it. This realization will probably occur around the time that they are no longer able to refinance their mountains of debt.”

    The timing is certainly spot-on. I have this urge to haorsely bellow: “HURRICANE A-COMIN!”

    Dr. D

    Not possible: otherwise the BAD one would have gone to the U.S. first, or at least as well. Although we are now hearing odd, suspicious case in the U.S. months before China, not proven and apparently wouldn’t inoculate against the military strains as usual, which WOULD be smart. Or so it seems.

    Deniability? Of course! That’s the whole point of this TYPE of thing, instead of nukes. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t THREE players: The West, China and Co, and the Derp State. If Russia and China think it’s the black hats, it’s not the same, but it’s also deniable for us if it IS the same.

    Like I said, the 1st strangest thing from Day 1 was that China did NOT think we did it. That means they believe as a cast-iron lock they know WHO did do it, and it’s not us. Why? Far as I can tell, they believe it came from Wuhan labs, seeming accidentally (no one has been purged). But that doesn’t mean it did, just that THEY, with a million times more info, think so. However, does it make sense, is it His/Marine General’s style for US to release it? Not really. We’d do it, sure, but not in this way. So then you have a third party. Holed up in Iran? Seems like somebody was really mad at Iran lately.

    In today’s celebrity roast, of experts being so full of it their eyes are brown:

    “An amateur dared to question a celebrated psychological finding. He wound up blowing the whole theory wide open.”

    Aaaaaaaand that means, just like Mr. Lancet and Mr. NEJM, no one checked. “Trust me! I’m an Expert™!”

    As we listen to 24/7 “Experts” on the news, from the WHO and CDC who know what I know, and are demonstrably lying as their story is de fascia illogical, and somehow we still believe every word. RussiaRussiaRussia. We’reallgonnadie!!! …Even though we have a cure. As predicted.


    “Not possible” refers to…? We’re readers of text not minds.


    No wonder Iran feels it was yet another product of a US Biowarfare lab!!!

    Secretary of state, Pompey just said don’t believe anybody but us.Its not true. We did not do that.
    (He said, she said,)


    Considering we were having a big uptick in chlamydia, we should even have bunch of azithromycin on hand, right?
    Will clarithromycin (helicobacter fighter) also work? We should have stores of that, as well. How about other macrolides? (It’s funny- all these drug words come up with spellchecker. I’ve had to go back to my Harrison’s a couple of time to make sure I was getting them right.)
    First named editor of my 14th edition? Anthony S. Fauci.


    I googled to see results for key herbal anti-microbials for covid-19 and all I came up with is results under myth-busters. It is great that pharmaceuticals are being found that are effective. However, if we are in for collapse in the longer term, it is really unfortunate that more research focus is not being directed to more readily-available plant-based medicine (ie garlic, ginger, astragalus, echinacea etc there are many many plants of interest). In a true collapse scenario, many people will not have access to pharmaceuticals and will not have the knowledge of how to use these readily-available medicines growing around them.


    Dr D

    I assume your ‘not possible’ refers to my assertion the virus started in the US.

    I read that the strain in Taiwan is also found in Australia and the USA.
    The different strain in Italy is also found in Iran and the USA.
    The strain in China is different to both of these strains so CAN NOT be the source of these infections.

    They must have a single country of origin and the only country with more than one strain of the virus is the US.

    We now have virologists in China, Japan and Taiwan pointing to the US as the most probable source.

    “..when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”

    Source article :

    China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?

    Doc Robinson

    A recent article from the highly esteemed journal Nature, with some herbal antivirals for sumac.carol

    On 17 February, the Chinese State Council announced that chloroquine phosphate — a structural analogue of quinine, originally extracted from the bark of cinchona trees — can be used for treating COVID-19 patients. This anti-malarial also has broad-spectrum antiviral activity and regulatory effects on the immune system…

    Another compound from herbal remedies recruited to control COVID-19 is diammonium glycyrrhizinate, an extract of liquorice roots. Liquorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra, has long been employed against coughs and colds as well as to settle disturbed digestion, while diammonium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory activity and is used to treat liver damage caused by hepatitis B. Professor Hong Ding of Wuhan University has proposed a combination of diammonium glycyrrhizinate and vitamin C as a COVID-19 therapy…

    Anti-viral herbal medicines have been used in many historic epidemics, for example the previous two coronavirus outbreaks (SARS-CoV in 2013 and MERS-CoV in 2012), seasonal epidemics caused by influenza viruses and dengue virus. Extracts from Lycoris radiate, Artemisia annua and Lindera aggregate, and the natural products isolated from Isatis indigotica, Torreya nucifera and Houttuynia cordata, showed anti-SARS effects. The plant flavone baicalein can prevent dengue virus entry into the host and inhibit post-entry replication6. Additionally, natural products from Pelargonium sidoides roots and dandelion have anti-influenza activities, as they inhibit virus entry and key viral enzyme activities.

    Like chloroquine phosphate, these herbal medicines are generally not highly potent and thus cannot be regarded as a cure. Nevertheless, as a complementary treatment they can elevate recovery rates when combined with other treatments.

    Redeploying plant defences
    Nature Plants volume 6, page177(2020)
    Published: 13 March 2020

    Dr D Rich

    I received notification from a nursing assistant to not report for work on Monday.

    Sounds like the termination letter comes next.
    Best wishes


    “I assume your ‘not possible’ refers to my assertion the virus started in the US.”

    Thank you, senor. My inferential sifter is unusually slopw today and I didn’t even begin to dare guessing.


    btw, I believe I saw a Nature article… no, it was a Forbes article, attempting to refute the CORVID-19-was bioengineered-hypothesis. It did a poor job in real terms, but is an impressive piece of nuanced soft-spew bullshit that should fool most people including more Ph.Ds than not, I would think.

    Hmmm Doc D could also stand for Doc Doctor. I like that.

    Forbes Spinning Straw into Thin Air…

    THis paragraph was decisively weak:

    “In fact, the research team found that the SARS-CoV-2 structure in general is quite different from what humans would have likely concocted. If a human had wanted to create a viral weapon, he or she would have started with the structure of a virus that’s already known to cause illness in people. Naturally, if you want to make a weapon, you may want to start with something like a grenade launcher rather than a smoothie maker, not that the virus looks like either. Instead, the structure of SARS-CoV2 is quite similar to those of viruses known to infect bats and pangolins.”

    As if a disease doesn’t combine plague with Ebola it can’t be a human-made weapon.

    The medical paper he cites to refute bioengineering is anything but definitive.

    I’ve been away too long. I hadn’t realized how many bright young things have gone to school to get a Communications Degree and are now writing “for the internet”.

    As for the other Doctor Doctor, the Rich one:

    Bite Me, Someone Said


    There’s a great respiratory help herbal tea called Breathe Right. Also one called Throat Coat. I deal with both issues chronically. They really help. They both have lots of liquorice. I’ve been awful to my lungs. Too much smoke, right? Stuff really makes a difference.

    I wonder how long supplies will be on the shelves once the naturopathic media examines the herbal roots of this stuff. I better stock up. I’ve actually miraculously finally stopped putting smoke into my lungs but they still like some assist. It will be awhile before they clear out.

    Stopping marijuana is maybe good since the virus seems able to throw an immune system’s punches back at it. Cytokine storms and shit. Good time for me to drink lots of good’oibal tay, blimey.

    A cuppa cuppas walk into a tea house…


    Doc Robinson
    Interesting notes, but the challenge again is that these are highly processed and highly concentrated extracts of specific compounds of plants. Aside from not being something your average person could prepare for him or herself, the other challenge is that, when specific compounds are removed from the plant matrix, the synergies are lost among all of the compounds within the plant, narrowing the effective range of anti-disease activity (excuse my terminology I am a lay person). You are effectively repeating the approach of big pharma- creating medicinal one-trick ponies. These create an excellent, focused workout regimen for pathogens which can now focus their efforts on surmounting a much simpler for. Eventually the effectiveness of this extract is destroyed, along with the effectiveness of the whole plant as a medicinal. This has already happened to several plant medicines used in organic agriculture.

    Dr D Rich

    Nothing new just the depth and breadth of hysteria.
    Here’s two Michael Parenti paragraphs from 1918:

    Back in the trenches, the agitators among us prove right. The mutinous Reds standing before the firing squad last year were right. Their truths must not be buried with them. Why are impoverished workers and peasants killing other impoverished workers and peasants? Now we know that our real foe is not in the weave of trenches; not at Ypres, nor at the Somme, or Verdun or Caporetto. Closer to home, closer to the deceptive peace that follows a deceptive war.

    Now comes a different conflict. We have enemies at home: the schemers who trade our blood for sacks of gold, who make the world safe for hypocrisy, safe for themselves, readying themselves for the next “humanitarian war.” See how sleek and self-satisfied they look, riding our backs, distracting our minds, filling us with fright about wicked foes. Important things keep happening, but not enough to finish them off. Not yet enough


    Dr Rich,
    Good luck


    It occurs to me that a major benefit of face masks is they prevent contact between hand and face when you involuntarily scratch your nose, etc.


    Verizon Wireless just texted me that they’re here for me, and they’re ready. It gave me such courage. 😉


    Classic weirdo ripple effect:

    Homemade TP CLogs Sewers


    Busloads of bull:

    “Recession Won’t Be Bad”


    Bosco: Someone on another site suggested we could just use baby wipes instead of TP. We need better Public Service Announcements.


    Before the virus, we had bubbles due to printing.
    During the virus, we are having exponential growth of printing.
    After the virus, the piper will be paid by the non connected

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