Debt Rattle November 28 2021


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    René Magritte Youth 1924   • Early Action Against Omicron Is Imperative (Birney) • South African Medical Head: Slow-Roll the Panic Over Omicron (
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 28 2021]

    Dr. D

    “Early Action Against Omicron Is Imperative (Birney)”

    Four guys somewhere who were fully vaccinated got this. None of them are noticeably sick.

    “Someone in Greenland just got the sniffles. Quick, shut down the planet to keep us all safe!”

    You know, safe from everything but depression, suicide, poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, heart treatment, mental health support, pap smears, dental, checkups, other vaccines… But other than getting no regular healthcare for any other issue, perfectly safe. You wouldn’t believe the money it saves us insurance companies. Helping!!!

    “When Omicron was first detected, viral genomic experts already noted the large number of changes relative to the original Wuhan strain. Worryingly, a significant number of these mutations are linked to the spike protein,”

    Viruses have like 50 lines of code. OF COURSE IT’S LINKED. But where did your “Science” go that “mutations” are almost always to become LESS DANGEROUS??? When that’s the experience, the more mutations it has then the SAFER we can expect it to be.

    …Except under the new science and medicine. Which seems to be the OPPOSITE of all 250 years of the OLD science and medicine. ‘Cause: today. Goldfish. Squirrel.

    My question was, who identified it and how? Do they run genetic tests for every couple of non-sick guys in Africa now? (A: NO. They do not. So explain.)

    we should consider this potential immune-escape discovery,”

    You mean like Delta already was? And was also noticeably safer? And so why would I care? …I mean except to point out it made your already bad vaccine Totally. Worthless. Which we all predicted almost two years ago, as part of that “100 years of Science” that seems not to exist anymore. So since you’re not going to do f-all anyway, and your responses have been a 2-year running catastrophe and joke, excuse me if I could care even less now than ever before, AND believe you less now than any previous point of my entire life, which is really saying something.

    You’re the biggest failures in the history of failures. And such failures, they don’t even have the RECOGNITION of kinda-maybe something might be wrong, which is so moronic it wouldn’t pass in “Dumb and Dumber.”

    Proof? “our experience and understanding of the Alpha and Delta variants make it clear that early action is far better than late response.”

    Howso, good sir? You failed at both almost 100%. In fact, some argue your ‘early action’ killed 120%, when it needed only be the 100%. You’re in the middle of completely failing Delta right now, and yet these words somehow come out of your ridiculous mouth-hole.

    Here’s an idea: why don’t you go get the very FIRST piece of data on this and tell me if it’s even DANGEROUS before you show up in my office covered in s—t and finger paints again.

    “Omicron variant “presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. […] as medical practitioners, we don’t know why so much hype”

    ‘Cause Step Three: Profit! Just like all the turd burglar underpants gnomes.

    “Are We Overreacting to Omicron? (BI)”

    It depends. Are you a stockholder or a government? Cause if then: Profit!

    “2/ The liability exemption is now lifted retroactively.”

    They don’t have to do this. There is no immunity and exemption for open, known fraud. No good faith = no legal protection. That rule is almost as old as law itself. What are we on 10 whistleblowers who showed the process was no good, the data was no good, and the studies were frauds as known by the Board?

    “Locking down travel after it is already in your nation is stupid and does nothing.”

    …According to 100 years of research at the CDC. Once it’s past 1%, pandemic cannot be quarantined. So I guess we’ll open up like the CDC says then, right? That’s “Science”, right?

    …No, not if you’re the Postal Union, the Auto Union, or the Teacher’s Union. Then Science doesn’t apply to you. If you touch every thing, every day, at every door, on every box handle of every house, it doesn’t spread. That’s Science!

    “Not only have all previous attempts ended in failure several have resulted in vaccine-enhanced disease ripping through the vaccinated test subjects on re-challenge with several of those trials ending in the death of all or nearly all test subjects…”

    Pointing out the 10 solid years of mRNA failures. Or we need a word stronger than ‘failure’ as failure just “doesn’t work.” Their failure killed everyone it touched.

    Papers Please”

    If you want capital to hide and prosperity to disappear for 1,000 years, this is the way to do it. Of course, that IS what they want, so this makes perfect sense. As beta tested under Stalin, they and the party members will enjoy embarrassing prosperity and capital in their hundred-million dollar compounds in the Hamptons and on St. James. With your daughters. It’s called “Feudalism”, or in this case Neo-Feudalism, a technological dictatorship widely advertised and publicized by Bernays, Orwell, and Huxley for 100 years. Such a response is the only thing that can save their collapsing economic ponzi scheme.

    So don’t let them own you. Make them very unhappy.

    “Atlas’s book, I hope, makes it impossible to tell such tall tales without embarrassment.”

    That’s crazy. The nation and every man in it is incapable of embarrassment. 5 governors killed 5,000 grandmas a piece without embarrassment, and afterwards there were no consequences. Because: neo-feudalism, busy protecting Weinstein and flights to St. James.

    The book is true, so therefore more easily dismissed than ever. They say: “No it isn’t.” And that’s that. QED. Case closed. Finis. All the logic you’re getting or will ever need.

    Miss Greece: Palestine? What? And not your own country which has been attacked and killed in 5 ways for 14 years or more in a row? This is embarrassing, are you German or something? Or are your sponsors Pfizer and Goldman Sachs?

    Just Some Randomer

    So my darling fully-vaccinated (Don’t ask) Wife came down with Convid last week. The string-pullers behind the scenes would be very pleased with the swiftness of her pivot from ‘Vaccines will keep us safe from Covid’ to ‘It probably would have been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated’. She’s fit, healthy and generally in great shape so she threw it off after a couple of days in bed – unsurprisingly.

    Today I find out that she’s passed it on to me, but her confidence in the jab remains unshaken. It’s like that whole period of early 2021 where we were harangued daily to not be selfish and get jabbed ‘To protect others’ never happened at all. Just memory-holed. It seems that my memory of that period is faulty and nobody ever said that vaccines would stop people catching and spreading Covid – it was only ever about reducing symptoms.

    Hope it’s not the new OmiGod! strain – that sounds really scary – Imagine a head-cold but 0.025% worse! Terrifying.


    “The Impersonator: Eric Feigl-Ding, COVID-19, and an implicit far-left agenda
    How a nutritionist turned politician became a “COVID-19 expert.”

    Smile – you’ve been had!


    Myocarditis reports are exploding in Eudravigilance, age group 12-17 yrs

    Doc Robinson

    It turns out that the mutagenic drug Molnupiravir isn’t so effective against Covid.

    From Trial Site News:

    Merck and Ridgeback Report Full Phase 3 Analysis for Oral Antiviral COVID Pill; Efficacy Plunges from Interim Analysis

    The full data show molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 by about 30%, based on a study of more than 1,400 adults. Last month, an interim analysis showed about 50% efficacy, based on data from 775 patients.

    So the benefits are less than touted in Merck’s press release, but what about the risks?

    Below is a related article in Forbes, by William A. Haseltine (“For nearly two decades, I was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health where I founded two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. I am perhaps most well known for my work on cancer, HIV/AIDS, genomics and, today, on COVID-19.”)

    Harming Those Who Receive It: The Dangers Of Molnupiravir (Part 2)

    Yesterday I wrote about the potential dangers the antiviral drug molnupiravir could unleash by supercharging new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Today, my focus is on the people who may receive the drug as a treatment and the possibility that molnupiravir could lead to cancerous tumors in those patients and birth defects in the unborn.

    Molnupiravir is a relatively new drug, initially developed as an antiviral treatment for influenza…


    The truth.

    The “Omicron covid” is the proof,

    Even if there was 100% vaccines.

    The vaccine does not give herd immunity.

    IVM will help you when you are sick with covid

    Mr. House


    Nov. 11

    Israel successfully completes COVID-19 ‘war game’

    The “Omega Exercise,” as it was called by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, was meant to prepare for a hypothetical, new COVID-19 variant.

    (Jerusalem Post Article: Link won’t post)

    Nov. 22nd

    Israel starts vaccinating young children as coronavirus cases rise

    Israel began rolling out Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 vaccinations for 5- to 11-year-olds on Monday hoping to beat down a recent rise in coronavirus infections.

    A fourth wave of infections that hit Israel in June began subsiding in September. But over the past two weeks the “R”, or reproduction rate of the virus, that had remained below one for two months began climbing and has now crossed that threshold, indicating the virus could again be spreading exponentially.

    (Boosters were rolled out in June)

    Nov 27

    Coronavirus in Israel: 517 new cases, 125 in serious condition

    (Jerusalem Post Article: Link won’t post)


    Omicron hysteria arrived just in time for the Swiss vote. Bravo 👏


    Ukraine ( > prev. thread.)

    While Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu are in charge, no Russian attack on Ukraine will take place.

    If others are in charge, no attack on Ukraine will take place.

    Russia is not massing troops on the Russia / Donbass, border, maybe some forces were there on some exercise.. etc.

    Russia (= R) does not want to take over the Donbass.

    It has avoided doing so since the Maidan. For contrast, see Crimea.

    It would be a costly and possibly difficult occupation. The ppl of the Donbass region are grateful (?..) for R’s ‘help’ but the nos. to happily join the Motherland aren’t there. Maybe at most third or so of them would like to join R, with others preferring ‘special status’ within Ukraine, others independence-why-not, or some other alternative.

    R has given a lot of help to the Donbass. About arms and military matériel and advice Idk, one can read various reports, how that works out on the ground tough, as it depends on human plots, plans, decisions, re. actions…

    R speedily encouraged changing the school system, switching to the R marking system, standards, qualifications and certifications, from primary up. It sent schoolbooks – always a major expense. The Donbass implemented the change with no firings. (Ukr. has primary and other schooling split by language – Ukr. or R. Generally it is parents who choose the ‘strand.’ Madness of course in a nation that pretends to seek ‘unity.’)

    Teachers in the Donbass who taught in the Ukr. option were re-cycled to sports, math, or switched to R. Today, all graduates conform to the R system and can for ex. study in R Unis, tech schools, other, with no barriers.

    R has handed out R passports to Donbass citizens, who now are *increasingly* (as I haven’t looked up how many 😉 ) dual citizens. Regulations for ‘foreignors’ who work in Russia are far more supple for Ukrainians, etc.

    —> R welcomes Donbass citizens as entrants and participants but does not want the territory.

    The latest “Ukraine will defend itself” news is but a last gasp of manipulation from Ukr. PTB, to push the US, the EU, into supporting, that is funding, some kind of ‘defense’ against R. Imho the W powers have given up Ukr. as a failed effort, lost cause. Retreat and disinterest and ‘no answer’ will be upcoming.

    Dr P

    The only thing I can say, with some inside knowledge, is that Ewan Birney is complete moron.

    those darned kids
    those darned kids
    those darned kids

    sorry about that horrible picture. i thought only the link would post. my, my..

    Polder Dweller

    Lockdown for the “vaccinated!”

    “The well-known French infectious disease specialist Perronne explains: Vaccinated, not unvaccinated, are the real danger – drugs are the much more effective and effective approach.

    Professor Christian Perronne, one of the most renowned French experts on infectious diseases and long-standing government advisor, has long been a dedicated skeptic of Covid 19 vaccination policy – and not just in his home country. With a view to the situation in Israel and Great Britain, Perronne has now publicly called for people vaccinated against Covid-19 to be quarantined and isolated from society; In fact, this would be a “lockdown for vaccinated people”. The provocative demand is a reversal of the previous narrative: Not the unvaccinated, but the vaccinated are dangerous for others. Especially in Israel and Great Britain, where the world’s largest vaccination programs are running, you can also see the most severe Covid cases among vaccinated people in hospitals.” (German)


    Omicron tells the truth
    (Fauci cannot, will not read german, will not use google translate )

    Französischer Top-Infektiologe fordert Lockdown für alle Geimpften

    ( Es gibt Hydroxychloroquin, Azithromycin, Ivermectin, Zink, Vitamin D und so weiter – es funktioniert! )

    And we can treat them: we have therapies. There are hundreds of publications showing that early treatments work: there’s hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D, and so on – it works! There are publications! So all these products, so-called “vaccines”, are useless because we can very well control an epidemic. “


    Back in August TAE Summary posted his brilliant Tale of Two Narratives. Since that time he and I have been working to flesh out that document with links and succinct summaries. I wanted to post a link to the work in progress, both as aid for those wishing to engage with others using high quality sources, and also to solicit help in the project. Here is the link to download a PDF, hosted on for the moment: (note that you’ll have to click on the “Agree to the terms”)

    There was a period in September where I was falling behind on keeping up with the links posted here at TAE, and then… I came down with the virus, which enlarged the gap. Since October I’ve been managing to keep within a few days of current, but I’m not making much progress in working off that backlog in September. If you think you would be willing to help with the project, please contact me at




    It’s that time.


    Easier to do in Florida than other places, but even those places I still wouldn’t bend. I’m with Denninger here.

    “‘m not doing it folks. I will instead withhold my spending and redirect it where it is wanted and appreciated. If that ruins certain businesses, so be it. Each businessperson makes their own decisions whether to comply, resist or remove their so-called “officials”. The latter two can get quite messy and that’s fine with me. It’s their responsibility to provide me with a welcoming and open atmosphere and experience, not my responsibility to comply with whatever BS they choose this day, week or month.

    There is not one leisure and entertainment business that I will lift a single finger to in compliance of these measures. None. Ever. Every single dollar spent in one of those establishments, and every dollar spent to get to them is discretionary and my expectations are simple: You will cut this crap out by whatever means you must or I both hope you starve to death and I will assist in that goal by withholding my funds. The longer your BS goes on and the more-onerous it is the longer it will take for me to trust that it won’t happen again, and for many firms that length of distrust will almost-certainly exceed my lifespan.”



    I downloaded the pdf but can’t open it. Wet-transfer doesn’t seem to be very user friendly as it would not open the file to view either.

    I was hoping to see the fruits of your efforts.



    I am still boycotting woke Coke!



    Same, and quite a few others. Heineken is forever on the crap list now. I won’t go to any restaurant that is all masked either.


    Birx and Fraudci:

    Neither of those snakes are good for even dog catcher, and yet, we have to listen to their God Complex.


    If this JordanS bit on reports from the US college front hasn’t been posted yet, here it is.
    They are being cheated, tortured, and programmed.
    QUIT, kids, QUIT!
    If it has, thanks- it’s probably how I got there. It took me a while to get to it.


    After testing, they found that Omicron has arrived in Canada


    Yes… so sad if that JordanS is true…. my eyes glazed over just reading a few of the school testimonials…. so depressing I had to stop….higher education?🤔 😠


    The Tale of Two Narratives opened for me (in Oz). Now to peruse 43 pages!

    Mister Roboto

    If this JordanS bit on reports from the US college front hasn’t been posted yet, here it is.
    They are being cheated, tortured, and programmed.

    Yes, definitely programmed for something that it is intended to continue long after their college experience. They are being conditioned to spend their lives serving the Machine and the AIs that are now the Machine’s functional intelligence. My Generation (“X”) certainly weren’t the greatest, but I really like to think we would have rebelled against crap such as this. But then again, the world was a rather different place in 1986.



    And my family wonders why I won’t teach. I just point to the environment on campuses and tell them I won’t teach in a prison-like environment.

    Another sad aspect is now I am the only one among family and friends( two of which were advised by their doctors not to vax due to autoimmune issues, which I take to be job related, i.e., requirement. my sister works for the Va. state gov, so she also had to succumb to a mandate) who is not vaccinated, so I’m all alone in this. While none has said anything about my vax status or tried to pressure, I’m not allowed in certain family member’s homes. All that said, I do worry that the vaccines will lead to their deaths or major harm, so I’m just standing by to deal with anything that does happen and try to steer them toward a lot number with the least negative results I can find through VAERS. My mother’s lot turned out to only have 1 death and 42 adverse events thus far. She handled it okay, but had to deal with chest pains.


    go ahead…….. push more rope

    Hubris or humility? ……..choose

    Veracious Poet

    Last couple of days I’ve been reflecting on There is no shame, anything goes…

    Having lived as an observant member of humanity now for 6 decades, with most of my photographic memory still intact, I can’t help but connect the ubiquitous acts of demoralization foisted upon western civilization.

    I could compile a list, but I’m sure those of us with unbroken morals, ethics & spirits are more of less aware of the long train of abuses and usurpations

    I believe that’s one of the reasons CULTS have proliferated, beyond the “normal” partisan tribalism, as many feel lost on the sea of blatant sociopathy whittling down the social contract/norms, ready to follow the latest fad and/or cult of personality to give the illusion of inclusiveness, belonging.

    Your either with us or against us!, change you can believe in!, MAGA, Russia! Russia! Russia!, build back bettah!, global warming!, anti-fascist!, black lives matter!, pandemic of the unvaccinated, ad nauseam, ad nauseam, ad nauseam…

    The end justifies the means, so lie & cheat & steal & even burn-loot-murder the unbelievers!

    Self-determination, rational thought, spiritual grounding is replaced by mantra, dogma, tribal thinking…

    To make matters worse, there appears a unifying system managed, curated & executed by TPTB.

    Which is exemplified by media monkeys, apparatchiks & celebrities repeating talking points verbatim from rural locals extending to the national stage…

    I see it in my friends & family ~ Brainwashed idiots & fools parroting CULT doctrine, not even aware their “superior” thoughts/opinions did originate via ANY personal critical thought, but was planted & cultivated by manipulative authoritarian mind control 😐

    One-sided arguments become gospel, when the problems are complex & rationally would require multi-faceted approaches to solve, that any humble person with two functioning neurons would approach with great patience, tolerance, compassion & awe.

    The last three decades have given rise to an exponential emergence of ludicrous, bizarre, illegitimate & craven personas seeming to be on a mission to dishonor & destroy healthy civilization, down to the family unit, who mostly suffer no public rejection in their insane cause celebre, to the point that genocide is now a palpable reality…

    The Sons of Liberty gave us a Democratic Republic under Natural Law, which could have cured the nation of this utterly depraved long train of abuses and usurpations, but everyone chose CULT psyops instead.

    The agenda has been set. The goals are visible. WWIII is unfolding.

    What will it take to break the MASS psychosis?

    For God’s sake, THEY’RE disabling, torturing & murdering CHILDREN on the altar of CULT insanity!!!



    Mister Roboto

    @Veracious Poet: I think you might appreciate the essays of Paul Kingsnorth about “The Machine”. Though you would have to plunk down five bucks to read more than two essays, and five dollars for every month after that.


    Slow down the spread of Omicron
    No more jet setting. It too fast.
    We need time to make a vaccine.
    (Weeks are needed to allow containers to be unloaded, and shipped to the USA buyers/suckers with money)

    Travelling by Cars, boats, trains, busses, buggies, walking not affected/banned.
    Keep your Omicron cases and we will keep our Omicron case.
    If you don’t look into blood samples, you won’t find Omicron


    A prophet among us? ……maybe……but *you* have to do the leg work


    Save us from Omicron!!
    Keep the USA/Canada border closed,


    drinking alcohol……..what? ……..your smoking pot?



    Zero said:

    “Keep your Omicron cases and we will keep our Omicron case.
    If you don’t look into blood samples, you won’t find Omicron”

    Plagiarist! Trump said something to that effect!! hahahahahahhaaa

    No way that ^&*k could be right about anything!


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