Debt Rattle November 9 2023
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- This topic has 71 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Noirette.
November 9, 2023 at 9:41 am #146267Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Hieronymus Bosch Adoration of the Magi c1472 • Another Interview With Dominique De Villepin On The Conflict In Palestine (MoA) • ‘Catastrophic’
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 9 2023]November 9, 2023 at 10:12 am #146268aspnazParticipantThe dichotomies of the TAE commentariat:
– We are all controlled by the borg; MSM is propaganda: So why is there expensive propaganda if we are all controlled? Why don’t “they” just force us to do things? Go milk the Covid years when TAE was full of “they” doing shit and us being the victims, think again.
– Jews do not choose to be born Jews; secular Jews do not believe in them being the superior race; leaving Judaism is impossible as it is against the Jewish religion: So Jews cannot denounce Judaism but there are secular Jews? So where did they come from? More Jewish bullshit, more attempts at persuading people that the Jews are like randomness, there are all sorts. Think again.The problem is that people are trying to persuade me of all sorts of things, but they keep on using contradictory arguments, as if the previous conversation never took place. I say “all Jews believe they are superior to the rest of us” then someone says “there are secular Jews who don’t think that way”, so I say then let the people who do not support the genocide in Israel stand up for themselves and leave the Jewish whatever, and the reply is “you cannot leave Judaism”. What? How does that work, why do I think I am being conned by a bunch of Jew defenders?
I see the Jews as the core of American cowardice, the power of the Jews in America is a symptom, and that is why I attack the Jews in America and Israel (essentially the same place). I actually have no problem with people who follow religions, whether it be the Jews, the Moslems etc. What I do have a problem with is a religion that separates itself from society, the same way as sects have done in the past, they separate and operate outside the law of the country. The Jews do this everywhere, they NEVER assimilate, they are proud to never assimilate and they operate as a sect. The real damage is done because they operate outside the aspirations of the country, they are leeches, stealing from the body.
November 9, 2023 at 10:27 am #146269aspnazParticipantPresident Trump tells @ClayTravis and @BuckSexton he’ll consider @TuckerCarlson for VP: “I like Tucker a lot. I guess I would consider him. He’s got great common sense.”
Trump is such a nob. Tucker Carlson has all the talking points that denounce Trump. Assange, wikileaks, Trump supported them during his campaign then dumped them when the rubber hit the road. Trump was being paid by the Jews – mostly Adelston – so we understand why he did not pardon Assange. I assume that Assange pissed off the Jews in London, same as Corbyn did, so they used their usual corruption to pervert the justice system and get him detained like a Jew in a concentration camp. Corbyn’s assassination was based on him being “anti-semitic”, the calling card of every Jew.
Next issue. Israel’s right to defend itself against the people who’s house they invaded? That may also be a tricky conversation. A bunch of blacks invade a house in Brooklyn and the Jewish owner starts shouting “they have a right to defend themselves” …. seems unlikely to me. Hypocrisy is the Jewish way. So Hitler marches into Paris and is pissed off that the French tried to defend themselves … bad example, the French were pussies, the Palestinians are not pussies. Mind you, the Germans are now pussies too.
November 9, 2023 at 10:38 am #146270aspnazParticipantIsrael has the right to delf defense
They stole Palestinian land and now they have a right to self defense? How does this work? If I steal your house to I have a right to self defense? But I am homeless. Eh? What has that got to do with it? You are stealing my house. One law for the Jews, another for the rest of us.
What is this “right”? What does that word mean? It appears to mean that the world police in the USA will allow it to happen, because they too are Jews. But the word “right” is bullshit. Every individual has a capacity to defend themselves, to a lesser or greater degree, but a military force having a “right” to defend ittself is bullshit. There are no rights involved, it is pure violence, survival of the fittest.
Israel is the fittest because it has the USA backing it up. Without the USA it would not be here today. It has no “rights”, it is a military tyranny, it has capacities provided by America, it has no rights at all, it gave up its legitimacy when it was formed. It’s actions are as legitimate as any robber killing people to steal goods. It is a thief and the Americans are supporting that robbery.
November 9, 2023 at 11:25 am #146271oxymoronParticipantHey Aspnaz. I wasn’t doing a ‘hit’ on you and others last night (said in non-defensive tone). I was just throwing it out there that I am a bit weary of my information/communication flows even here now. My trust horizon reaches to my kitchen sink and doesn’t make it to Larry Fink.
You do you, but know that you have an impact and treasure it because it means something. I’ll take the good with the bad and on a personal level – I am finding the fourth turning from my place pretty brutal and tapping out of a bunch of info feeds. I am also getting the feelz that no one really cares enough to make lifestyle changes (which is the money spigot to the Oligarchs and since they are not getting kneecapped by the golden billion who keep indebting themselves to big Daddies everywhere I am turning to pictures of attractive women and food production.Maybe I give us all too much credit, because I think we are a class act, but in the end we may be meaningless moths bashing into the light of good intel Raul and others bring and nothing more than a phenomena to the intel dorks.
Oh and if that overeducated comment CelticBiker made was directed at me – I take it as a compliment, being raised by a single teenage mom with 3 kids in the public housing area of one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Eastern Aus. Public school no tutor just born a nerd.
Anyways anger and frustration are covers for fear and I do plenty of that feelz myself so no biggie. Just wanted to bring awareness to ‘The Vibe Man’November 9, 2023 at 11:45 am #146272Dr. DParticipant, I mean shoot EVERY hostage. All 2 million at a 50:1 ratio. Now you see why it’s prophesied Israel will become like an albatross around the world’s neck. They win points for simplicity and economy though.
…And now you see why Shapiro has been so protected (relatively) to this point.
“Republican Party Checks Into Rehab For Addiction To Losing” – BBee
…no wonder they support Israel.
““Once we got that first taste of losing, we just couldn’t stop,” said Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party. “Next thing you know, you have to lose even bigger just to match the thrill of that first crushing defeat. It’s a vicious cycle.”
Over the last several years, friends have watched the Republican Party steadily descend into addiction, with one loss inevitably leading to dozens more. “The Republican Party kept saying it didn’t have a problem, that it could quit losing any time it wanted to,” said long-time acquaintance Dan Gould. “They even got clean for a few months here and there, like back in 2022 with that Virginia governor. But — they could never stay away for long.” –BBee
Worth the click.
The Screw America pic, saved it is titled the Imperative form: [You! must] Screw America!
Always reminds me of this one: (Ben Garrison), the “CIA” did. But the “CIA” are the Lettermen, the non-American, un-American, WorldWide Party of the Derp state, with branch offices in Brussels, London, Tel Aviv, and even Iran. Yes, they wanted the money stopped, but “Stopping the money” means attacking, destroying them, their worldwide Mafia, K-pop, and scattering them to the winds.
So there is only one fight and we’re on that same fight. We know that’s the fight since 1963, but also since 1943, or even 1933, when London armed Germany and pointed them at RUSSIA, only to have their funny little Agent double cross them (like Osama, Saddam, Hamas, literally every single time…) and take Western Europe first. …Well, they needed the resources! Even WITH all Europe behind them a Medieval-level Soviet Union crushed them. Imagine it without.
Having lost, they then imported everyone back to the U.S., Canada, and of course London, while re-christening the same Nazis as mayors and industrialists where they were in Germany, Brussels, Austria, Switzerland…
Now as long advertised, either one of these guys wins, or the other. Either centralization and orders, a boot on your neck and Feudalism, or decentralized power and messy Liberty. They have positioned themselves for no alternatives. We have no alternative because they will kill every last one of us. They COULD have kept it down up there, but didn’t, and won’t, and have given us no plausible choice but to find them or die.
And here we are. You’re Next, so you might as well pull in the good direction.
“Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.”
Yes. As we’ve known since election night. And there were other foreign governments involved too, making it all “Treason”. Now will the Supreme Court do anything about it? Are the people at the point of supporting them yet if they do?
““The wounds of history are awakening.”
No, they are being forced open because they’re desperate. Like Slavery? In the United States? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph that was 200 years ago. I weren’t never no slaveowner, and you never picked no cotton. But Like Ukraine you can be utterly strategically defeated, no moves, and yet still have an army and still kill a lot of people from Normandy to Berlin.
“And Hamas, we all know, cares little for the Palestinian people.”
That may be true, however, they have made the people so desperate that Hamas is overwhelmingly supported. THEY did that. Israel created Hamas to split the vote only to find that – for the 100th time in a row – the Terrorists they funded got off the leash and won the first election and every election, therefore the election was no longer “Democracy” as they voted in the wrong guys. See how that works when they shut the doors on Gaza and were fully self-governing? So I would too, since you can die fast or die slow, and Hamas are the only people doing something about it, so you might as well. Dying fast sounds like an improvement. So Hamas perhaps “Cares about the ‘Palestinian people” (persisting over time) but not about civilian casualties? Because that is no longer a strategic option? A good example of the Overton window. He’s placing the window in a conciliatory and useful location, but it’s still not really true. Meh. I guess I don’t mind as I see his clear good intent.
“Netanyahu has asked three successive American presidents to either attack Iran”
Four: Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush. Every day of every month since 2000. And like Russia, we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979. CARTER invaded Iran. (well, attacked deeply at least). A “Blockade” is an act of war, legally and actually, and we’ve been embargoing Iran for 50 years. Before then, we and the British were “Attacking” Iran by installing leaders who torture all the people and hand over all the national goods to BP. Before then we were “Attacking Iran” at the time of Lawrence of Arabia… on and on. We’ve been “Attacking Iran” longer than any of us have been alive, longer than our parents were alive, and probably before then.
“Good luck with miles and miles of tunnels, good luck finding an enemy that is intertwined with the civilian population.”
That is no problem for the IDF. No problem at all for the present doctrine. They are going to kill EVERYONE, anything that moves, with no regard whatsoever for Civilians. So who cares if they’re intertwined with the civilian population we are all going planning to kill anyway?
“The video of his ruined house shows several children’s party dresses that lie amidst the rubble. The human family is in the rubble.”
Yes, and as he says on “war consciousness”, you’re next if you don’t halt this centralized paradigm of “power over.” The Point of Power is Power. The Purpose of Power is More Power. There is never enough power, until everyone else is killed and my Ego is alone, at peace at last. Everything must be subservient to me. Everything in the Universe. I am God.
“After all, who has suffered more than the Jews during the Holocaust?”
Um…everyone? All the normal people were rounded up too you know. All people in the wrong parties, war protestors, Roma, slavs, Greeks, everyone. I know of two in work camps, One Greek, one Pole. Why? Duh, they were “Greek” and “Pole” and Kaiser needed workers. Same as American prison system today, right now, with legal slavery, papered over at $1/hr “or else”. Kamala was a top rounder-upper of black kids to toss into the system and enslave and she gloated about it, both for pot, and for needed workers to die fighting forest fires. 250,000 “normal” Germans died in OUR camps after the war, and they were eating shoe leather before then. Now why didn’t they share their kid’s shoe leather with some Jew they never met? Hateful, I tells ya. Get a grip.
“warning Americans about the need for “inclusive capitalism” and the pathologies of “material consumption”
See? Now this is slick. This is how you do it. “Inclusive Capitalism” is of course the “Dead opposite” of “Capitalism”, that is, Capitalism without price, markets, money, choice, or bankruptcy. Aka “Soviet Socialism”. But it SOUNDS great. “Material Consumption”, ending this wendigo sickness of consumption, who could oppose that? …Except he means in “Soviet Socialism” is “Misery Spread Widely”, as Widely as Possible, and “Work or no Food” changing to “Work AND no food”.
That is, “You’ll own nothing.” And I’LL be very happy. Because it’s not about “owning”, it’s about CONTROL. That’s what “owning” is supposed to mean, but in a world with no meanings, “Owning” now means NOT having control, the government can tell you everything to do on every inch of your property, every minute of your time, and every screw that composes that car you built. While NOT owning means we put all property in a national Trust, and WE, you know, insider Committee Members, the Very Important People have access to Al Gore’s 5 sea-level mansions and 500 more. Well somebody has to live in them, right? By sheer coincidence it had to be ME. Somebody has to eat wild berry jam and eat waigu beef. And coincidentally that was only ME. YOU get to work in the Uranium mines.
“you have to take in the whole truth, and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean – that all of us are complicit to some degree.”
Ah, but it SOUNDS nice. People are all in. THIS is how you do it. “Everyone” is responsible, so No One is. Therefore when something happens YOU are responsible and arrested, while when I smoke crack and bang 15-year-old hookers with $30 Million from Russia, I am NOT arrested, as “We are ALL complicit”, human, and frail. You understand, pal.
But who could disagree with such a magnanimous statement if you didn’t grow up with psychopathic narcissists and have the Orphan Annie decoder ring?
“Ukrainian Women to Be Zelensky’s New Cannon Fodder (Sp.)
Yes, but Military Summary, which is generally Russian but even-handed wanted to add that they are not FORCING women, not conscripting. These women are destitute because no income, their men were killed, their husbands, sons, etc,, which is precisely why the age was raised. They WANT to fight back, to do something, and Ukraine is only letting them. Okay, that’s a generous view, but fine. However, as we all know, it never stops there. Governments, narcissists, can never stop and this just cracks the door to Daddy’s room. Sure TODAY that’s what’s meant but tomorrow they will conscript in the streets, etc. However, for them the war will be over before they get to this point, so I’m not worked up about it.
“She had said that that the EU should commence “accession negotiations” with both Ukraine and Moldova, while upgrading the former Soviet republic of Georgia to official candidate status.”
Moving forward with The Plan. Regardless of any and all reality.
“Wife of NY Judge in Case Against Trump Attacking Him on Social Media (PM)
Behavior of noble wives before the French Revolution. This is what happens when you are a special protected class for generations, no longer even feel shame, no longer have any sense that rules or principles even exist, and therefore cannot demonstrate to the public that they are worthy or competent to rule. …But they hate that because so long as they must FEELZ shame or pretend to feel da shame while ruling, they are ruled by the people. Have to think about the dirty deplorables at all. Ever. Or like a toddler, have ANY limits on their behavior, their desires, at all.
So when you reach this level – and why it takes this level I don’t know – then the people come for you and chuck you in the river. They have an internal mental deference, that “makes things work”, practically. When you remove that, well…
“US House Panel Subpoenas Hunter & James Biden (Sp.)
As the Italian Intelligence statement, they are pushing forward all these in coordination, at once. But they all depend on the PEOPLE being sick of eating lies, sick of being poor, sick of being ordered around, sick of irrational stupidity and theft. That clearly takes FAR longer than anyone imagined. But imagine: USSC comes forward. Military deposes Biden and holds – CLAIMS to hold – new elections. But 2/3 of Congress (to be generous) is ALSO bribed, raping traitors. They then need to be removed too. So NO Federal government. What the USMC needs is for the PEOPLE to at least NOT RIOT under Martial Law. Because under Martial Law in a nation with now 400 Million guns, the Army will at some point end up shooting someone, and they need the PEOPLE to not start shooting back. But sit down and wait for elections. Which takes time, we have no candidates nor campaigns right now.
And Davos will be buying off everyone still, and Money flows will want to go to Europe And/Or a year long market close (this has happened before). Can you grasp the level of the problems involved? Doing this is the SAME AS CONQUERING THE UNTIES STATES. As we WERE conquered, the Americans need to RE conquer it, as Cheeto said, to “Hand the nation BACK to The People”. ..When the people don’t want that, and don’t know what’s going on.
Annual Interest payments on a Mortgage:
$24,300Annual Interest payments on the National Debt:
$400 Billion
$1,100 Billion = $1.1 Trillion.Overall debt $18 Trillion to $31 Trillion since 2016. The rates are also rapidly rising, headed to 5% or up 5 fold. So it would be $2 Trillion in no time even if we didn’t double the debt, which we have every 4 years.
One thought for this week, fighting K-pop, they have shut down their high-water-mark of setting up an ethnostate in Ukraine homeland, which was turned back. Losing that, they are now attacking and losing their middle eastern ethnostate home base. That will take a little time. And after that, where will K-pop have left as a secret base, a control center? Take the big picture here. They’re losing.
November 9, 2023 at 12:08 pm #146273DoraParticipantWhat I hear when Obama speaks.
November 9, 2023 at 12:23 pm #146274Dr. DParticipant@Aspnaz appreciate your thinking and refining your views here, that’s all we ask.
We’re not the only ones with double thinking, “hypocrisy” as you say, a human condition. “The Jews” are one thing, but can be both secular AND religious (and as I said, two other flavors as well) Okay, so we have two types of Jews. Now WHY don’t religious (you mean Zionist) Jews ‘convert’ to being secular and thereby sort of sideline from your attacks? Because they no longer undertake actions offensive to you?
They do. They have. YOU won’t let them. YOU say they cannot be secular Jews. Like Kunstler, growing up in NYC, which is not just from a “Jewish” (non-Jewish?) secular family, but in a city that is very influenced by the Holocaust, the creation of Israel as a solution, etc. So if I grow up in a Pentcostal family who cheers the Dallas Cowboys, guess what? I’m going to understand and sympathise with the Pentacostals and cheer the Dallas Cowboys. Surprise. It’s very rare and takes a long time to re-choose and re-build all that. Being a Blue Dog Democrat, Kunstler is and has been doing that whole journey, in front of us, in public, for decades. The Whooooooole time. He’s now with Trump, the “Anti” Democrat. Against the Blue Party. Against Wokeness. And while he still hasn’t made some jumps, he’s been moving steadily the whole time.
But none of that matters to you, because: Born Jew. Once a Jew, always a Jew, even for Jews who were never Jews in the first place. His views, are the views of ALL OF NY CITY. They are the views of the WHOLE EAST COAST. So all the atheists, the “Christians” there are nominal, honorary Jews? Maybe. I’m not sure how you come down on that issue. But at the least I believe I read your opinion that no Jew whose any ancestor was a Jew, they are therefore all the same.
Even atheist pork-eating non-Jews like Kunstler. Even anti-Zionist Jews throughout America. Even Pro-Palestinian Jews being beaten and arrested in the Streets of Israel this week. They’re all the same, WHETHER THEY ARE FOR, WHETHER THEY ARE AGAINST, no matter what very wide range of perspecitves and opinions they hold.
So therefore, The Nazis are Germans. = The Germans are Nazis. This is not true, a logical fallacy, you can never assume the supergroup (set theory) from the subgroup. And when = All Germans are Nazis, .: therefore, the WHite Rose Society are Germans. Who are Anti-Nazis. Who are .: Therefore Nazis. AntiNazis = Nazis, QED.
Acting AGAINST something is the same as acting FOR it. Intending and choosing a thing is the same as being born into it.
And I’m sure all “Americans” are the same, Adam Shiff = Rand Paul. AOC = MTG. Trump = Hillary. Joe Rogan = Anderson Cooper.
Or any other subgroup. Pro-Abortion, Christ-denying Universalists are the same as snake dancing Pentecostals. Black America, Jussie Smallet = Candice Owens. Louis Farrakhan = Garland Nixon.
The fallacy is that although we must create categories, words, groups, to use our brains and have logic, yet there is also in a real sense no such thing as a group. They and we are al individuals.
Which is why We are Individualists, and they are Collectivists. We belive you’re more than the “Critical Theory” of your Birth, Race, Gender, etc. YOU may have to start wherever you were born, but you have active agency, and can think and decide. You don’t HAVE to be whatever you were born as, the core American belief and American Way.
Thus the “Jewish”, of whatever category, can be for or against ISRAEL, and ARE. Non-Jews can be for and against Israel, AND ARE. So as they are all individuals, sure a majority of American Jews are pro-Israel, why not? But that says literally nothing about any individual, nor opens them to collective punishment on Israel’s behalf.
…As “Collective Punishment” is a war crime, especially of an ethnic group. I’m not for war crimes. As an individual or an American. Nor is America as 65% of Americans are against the war, despite the most relentless life long propaganda in the history of earth.
November 9, 2023 at 12:45 pm #146276tbocParticipantWatters “I was told”
i saw pictures and videos of members of the United States armed forces patroling and, thus by their presence, protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan. These images were created during the presidency of Donald J. Trump.
What i did not see was a video of Donald J. Trump acknowledging the corruption and bringing forth court martial procedings for anyone in the command structure of the U.S. armed forces. Lest someone raise an objection. One of the functions of the Executive Branch under Article II of the United States Constitution is found in Article 2, the president is the commander and chief of the Army of the United States.
El no tienes los cajones.November 9, 2023 at 12:50 pm #146277tbocParticipantThe art of the deal
Watters and Carlson – they are lying, we know they are lying, they know we know they are lying. The lying has no value yet it is profitable.
This morning:
National US Debt – $33.7 trillion
Debt is 124.44% of GDP
Do you own your car outright? Do you own your water craft outright? Do you own your home outright? Are your clothes part of your credit card debt? Did you add the fabulous vacation you posted images of on social media to your credit card debt?
Well then you own nothing and are happy. The proposal is to simply increase your happiness.November 9, 2023 at 1:00 pm #146278DoraParticipantI saw Trump try to pull US troops out of Afghanistan and get blocked from the effort. Biden comes in, pulls the US presence out of Afgha, then plant US efforts in Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe by everyone’s assessment. Another country for drugs, weapons, and human trafficking.
November 9, 2023 at 1:03 pm #146279DoraParticipantHere’s a crazy idea. What if the CIA and da mob are in cahoots in the US to run the country for their own enrichment?
November 9, 2023 at 1:36 pm #146280John DayParticipant‘Cave Sweet Cave?’ Geologist Builds Cozy Abode In Vertical Cliffs In New Mexico
Was it nuclear holocaust he was expecting? Who in their right mind would spend $20,000 excavating the side of a cliff in a steep valley for a few extra square feet of office space? 9, 2023 at 1:38 pm #146281WESParticipantWill the Israeli-Gaza war spread?
Not according to the gold and oil markets!
Prices for both good and oil keep falling.
(Admittedly both of these markets are heavily manipulated.)Obama, Muslim Brotherhood supporter, is smiling as his plans for Israel unfold.
Ukraine has abolished all age restrictions, for both men and women, to increase their extortion revenues. Now every Ukrainian will have to pay!
November 9, 2023 at 1:49 pm #146282Mr. HouseParticipant
Epstein lives on, still waiting for the release of his “client” list.
November 9, 2023 at 1:57 pm #146283Mr. HouseParticipantI mean that list of clients wouldn’t have anything to do with unwavering endless support of a certain country right?
November 9, 2023 at 2:01 pm #146284tbocParticipanthere is a particularly ugly response to the racial profiling currently the rage
the forebearers of the human population emigrated from Africa, out of Africa as the saying goes. The whole problem can be traced back to this dislocation of humanity. Some have known the problem all along. it’s all the niggers fault.
“What a piece of work is man…though by your smiling you seem to say so.”
do you keep a record of your deaths? Do you die daily and the count is of no matter, or do you give harbor
to every slight and allow them to swell as sun bred maggots in a dead dog?
“How noble in reason…”November 9, 2023 at 2:08 pm #146285kultsommerParticipantEasy-peasy cut and paste this morning.
See? Now this is slick. This is how you do it. “Inclusive Capitalism” is of course the “Dead opposite” of “Capitalism”, that is, Capitalism without price, markets, money, choice, or bankruptcy.
One of those blissful moments after which Dr D has to wipe his dick so he can continue writing.
Man is totally oblivious to:Do you own your car outright? Do you own your water craft outright? Do you own your home outright? Are your clothes part of your credit card debt? Did you add the fabulous vacation you posted images of on social media to your credit card debt?
Well then you own nothing and are happy. The proposal is to simply increase your happiness.November 9, 2023 at 2:21 pm #146286zerosumParticipantFixing any problem depends first on recognizing what is the problem.
My insight
The sound of war are decapitating.
The images are heartbreaking.
The reality unbearable.
The calls for peace are white noise.
Live and let live are ignore
My AI, Gem contribution
Poem about WarThe sound of war are decapitating
The screams of pain are penetrating
The blood of innocents are staining
The soil of the earth that is achingThe images are heartbreaking
The scenes of horror are haunting
The faces of despair are confronting
The eyes of the world that are watchingThe reality unbearable
The suffering unimaginable
The injustice intolerable
The hope of change that is invisibleThe calls for peace are white noise
The voices of reason are drowned out
The pleas of mercy are ignored
The ears of the powerful that are closedLive and let live are ignored
The rights of others are violated
The lives of humans are destroyed
The hearts of the people that are shattered
Contribution from Dennis Kucinich:
The Nothingness of a War ConsciousnessNovember 7, 2023
————November 9, 2023 at 2:28 pm #146287Mr. HouseParticipant
Why are we still in Iraq? Are we still searching for weapons of mass destruction? Why are we in Syria? Did the Sovereign of that country ask us for assistance in the civil war we funded?
November 9, 2023 at 2:47 pm #146288Mr. HouseParticipantWhy did we overthrow a stable government in Libya and turn it into an open air slave market?
November 9, 2023 at 2:47 pm #146289jb-hbParticipantWe are all controlled by the borg; MSM is propaganda: So why is there expensive propaganda if we are all controlled? Why don’t “they” just force us to do things?
Right, like when I buy a hamburger for $5. And then I say, look man, I have a hamburger, so what’s the reason for the $5? No reason. I have a hamburger right here. Everyone I see paying at the counter ends up with a hamburger. Everyone has hamburgers now. Ergo, no $5. I mean just LOOK. They all have hamburgers!
Anyway, if there is no invisible hand that works towards unwelcome ends, then I think you can stop worrying about Jews, can’t you?
November 9, 2023 at 3:13 pm #146290jb-hbParticipantDo you own your car outright? Do you own your water craft outright? Do you own your home outright? Are your clothes part of your credit card debt? Did you add the fabulous vacation you posted images of on social media to your credit card debt?
Well then you own nothing and are happy. The proposal is to simply increase your happiness.No. I refuse the offer. Absolutely not.
First gather everyone looking to impose an “increase” (decrease) in MY happiness, band together, and then all of you Come Together As One (CTAO), WITH YOUR OWN RESOURCES, use those methods to increase YOUR happiness.
The monkeys near Bikini atoll all wash their fruit. Because one monkey tried it, it obviously worked, and now they all do, and it continues to work. No monkey had to gather everyone together and make them all, as one, behave how they imagined. Rather, they did something that obviously, demonstrably, repeatabley worked and then others imitated what worked.
November 9, 2023 at 3:52 pm #146291NoiretteParticipantOn Dominique de Villepin speeches.
When France refused to join the Coalition of the Willing for invading Iraq, the announcement was made by Villepin, it weas masterful. Underground news / gossip – was that the USuk would not allow Chirac (Pres. of F at the time) to make such an announcement, it had to be some other person, and France complied. To take some of the ‘sting’ off…
Villepin’s first speech on the current matters, here in F, on RMC (MSM) Oct. 27, 2023. 20 mins. (Not about the his latest speech quoted up top, I listened to the first one.)
A translated-print at MOA:
Absolutely masterful interview on Gaza of Dominique De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, who famously led France's opposition to the Iraq war and who, IMHO is the best diplomat the West has produced in decades.
This is so important, so incredibly well argued, that I…
— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) October 28, 2023
excerpt from that:
The Palestinian cause was a political and secular cause. Today we are faced with an Islamist cause, led by Hamas. Obviously, this kind of cause is absolute and allows no form of negotiation. On the Israeli side, there has also been a development. Zionism was secular and political, championed by Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century. It has largely become messianic, biblical today. This means that they too do not want to compromise, and everything that the far-right Israeli government does, continuing to encourage colonization, obviously makes things worse, including since October 7th.
OK, maybe as Dom. sees it, he is navigating complex waters, perhaps doing his best in the hope of some de-escalation ? .. ?
He refuses to address the question of ‘fault’, that is for historians to do … He says ‘we’ (who?) cannot manage as the world’s policeman (correct) and have to accept that Russians can provide (not his words) input, efforts at stability, they must be listened to.
He says:
There is certainly a realistic objective to pursue, which is to eradicate the Hamas leaders who committed this horror. And not to confuse the Palestinians with Hamas, that’s a realistic goal.
He paints the pic of a regional, localised conflict, between ‘some’ parties. Those who commit *horror* aka Hamas (he avoids the wd terrorists) must be *eradicated*! and Pals are not all ‘Hamas’ .. OK.
Sounds very ‘sensible’ yet distracts from, obscures (imho) that for ex. Hamas was supported by Isr, and that the ‘wars’ / ‘crisis’ in Isr. and UKR. are proxy ‘wars’ engineered by USuk, as in UKR, and/or the result of US control, interference, perhaps slipping out of control somewhat.
November 9, 2023 at 4:11 pm #146295choochParticipantNovember 9, 2023 at 4:13 pm #146296Figmund SreudParticipantDr. D – Okay, so we have two types of Jews.
_________________Uhm, … three (3) in fact? Parable: The year 1969: My father, Pole – residing in Canada – for the first time since the WW-3 separated them – meets with his very best friend in childhood years and beyond, Jew – residing in Chicago. They meet in Midland, Ontario, Canada. Most warmest, emotional reunion I ever witnessed! These two men sat down around the table and talked and talked for seemed like eternity, …
Anyway, at one point talk turned towards children, … my father asked about his children, how many, where are they, … what do they do?
His friend indicated that he has three sons, … and one daughter, … and he just kept talking about her for an extended bit of time. Eventually, my father interrupted, asked ‘and your sons?’. The old Jew hesitated for a bit, … than conversation restarted and went as follows ( I summarize it – it’s been long time, so forgive me).
One son stayed in Poland, became a politician, his father said, … was a hi-ranking government official, … continued helping building socialism – both my father and his friend concluded. When asked about second son, word was that that one was in the US, practicing and promoting socialism, … was a businessman and activist in Chicago – both men concluded building capitalism.
At that point, a long pause – I was puzzled, … so was my father, in fact. I actually recall that it was me who asked about his third son. Old man took a deep breath, hesitated a bit, … and than uttered: my Yitzhak now lives in Israel, on a kibbutz – northern Israel, and that he has five children already, … sixth one on its way!
Neither one of the two old friends suggested any further than that. There was no mention of politics.
… and that’s what I remember.
November 9, 2023 at 4:21 pm #146297phoenixvoiceParticipantGood heavens, aspnaz, you needn’t be obtuse.
I left the LDS/Mormon religion…and I no longer belong to it.
But I could not “leave” the fact that my ancestors on both sides were more or less “faithful” Mormons, some of whom crossed the plains in wagons in the 1800s, a few did the multi-wife thing generations back, etc. I embrace that culture every time I pull out my water bath canner.It’s the same for Jews: they can individually leave the religion, not believe a whit of it, they can individually disagree with Zionism, but that does not change the fact that their family heritage is a Jewish one.
One cannot change the history of one’s family tree anymore than a man can become a “real woman” through gender reassignment surgery.
What *matters* is what one does as an individual — how a person lives and treats others. You know…I think that Jesus would agree with me: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Not the fruits of their parents or siblings or great-great gandpa — but their own words and actions.
We humans have a nasty habit of letting our pattern recognition get the best of us, and it causes us to draw conclusions about individuals based on inadequate knowledge — such as, their clothing style or family tree. Now, such prejudices are likely impossible to overcome, and they are sometimes harmless, sometimes helpful, and sometimes tragic. When the Nazis blamed the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and disabled for the problems of society and put them to death — this was tragic. When the Israeli government and too many Israeli nationals blame “the Palestinians” for the actions of Hamas, calling them “human animals” and slaughter countless innocents to kill one member of Hamas — this is devastating.
Yes, there is a great deal of evidence that suggests that there is an elite cabal attempting to remold the world in their favor. There is evidence that some members of this elite cabal are Jewish, and have strong ties to Israel, etc. There are others in this elite cabal who are not Jewish and have strong ties to other, non-Jewish institutions, countries, etc.
I don’t give a rat’s arse what the ethnicity, family, religion, etc., may be of the person is who is trying to take away the liberty and rights of myself, my children, my family, my friends, etc. — I care that someone is making the attempt and I oppose it. If I spend time condemning that person’s ethnicity, family, religion, etc., I’m likely to get distracted from my goal — which is to maintain my rights and liberty, not to pour out hate and vitriol at everyone who shares a background with the oppressor.
November 9, 2023 at 4:35 pm #146298kultsommerParticipantCommunism Doesn’t Know How
People living in “those” countries knew that half a century ago. Einstein.
Thus heavy immigration traffic from the East to the West and just on time to experience all the internal contradictions (that bearded man predicted 150 years ago) of the new system adopted them.November 9, 2023 at 4:35 pm #146299NoiretteParticipantFrance.
An ‘allowed site’ – I presume, as has been up for some days – is recruiting French volunteers to the Azov battalion.
Front page says, “Join the camp of the Good”…(lit trans to give flavor)
2nd sentence on the front page states:
“France has already contributed greatly both in support and military assistance to our cause, but it is not enough to gain victory.” (my fast trans)
Follows how to apply, what docs are to be submitted, no experience necessary …. nothing about pay.
(Which I believe to be very high, but can’t show that for now.)
November 9, 2023 at 4:42 pm #146300Figmund SreudParticipantNews flash: Israel will begin daily four-hour pauses in northern Gaza to allow people to flee hostilities, the White House said moments ago, …
November 9, 2023 at 4:54 pm #146301Figmund SreudParticipantLatest from Crooke:
November 9, 2023 at 5:08 pm #146302John DayParticipantMeryl Nass MD asked Sasha Latypova about the Slovenian Nurse vial-numbering scheme in the image above.
It is about a year olld and “not true”, by Sasha’s report.November 9, 2023 at 5:33 pm #146303Dr. DParticipantMan is totally oblivious to: Do you own your car outright?
I do not understand. (Or the other, actually, WHO is moving East, and who West, etc?) So the existence of a Centrally-owned, government protected Central bank that issues money only to their friends and insiders outlawing or disadvantaging all other forms of money and therefore are a complete merger of corporation and state, altering prices, preventing their bankruptcy and insuring ours is an example of “Capitalism”?
I think that would broadly be considered to be “fascism” and at the very least, a government-decreed monopoly outlawing all competition.
The debt could never reach this level nor the rates without guns pointed at every guy pushing for a free market. As we see on Youtube every day. Or the new Capitol Police Force SWAT teaming grandmas in Idaho. Is it normal to be arrested if I don’t wish to buy or use your product? Von NotHaus was arrested for merely minting rounds.
“Why are we still in Iraq?”
Yes, and in a Free market where does the money come from to pay for it? Oh wait… We don’t have a free market, in money or anything else. Thus we know WHY the complete merger of corporation and state exists: because it can beat up other countries and steal their stuff. This is not possible voluntarily.
Villepin: What was it Kissinger who said, Politics is the Art of the Possible? That is, a good diplomat like he is tells WHAT IS. That’s how he builds credibility. Our guys can’t even do THAT for 40 years. After that, he says, okay, this is what is, WHAT IS POSSIBLE? …Like I don’t care who did what, I don’t care why, I don’t care who thinks it is moral or immoral – that’s not helpful. …And better or worse that is the frame of mind and specialty of diplomats. It’s up to Politicians, or the People, who are supposed to control them to tell them whether this is good or bad, wanted or not wanted. That’s okay: my dentist doesn’t have to be my priest too, I understand. Villepin seems to say, “We’re here: now what?” And the other thing they have to do very carefully, is know who they are addressing, and where that guy’s Overton Window is.
I forget what the 4 Types were, I think it was Practicing, Non-practicing/atheistic, only by DNA and race, and People who happen to live in Israel.
Noirette: do you think “French”? Or “Francophone”? I.e anyone, Swiss, Belge, etc? NOt that it matters but I guess it implies if it’s direct French Govt run.
November 9, 2023 at 5:33 pm #146304Mr. HouseParticipantQuestion for everyone here: What does Israel intend to gain from the current operation? What is the goal?
November 9, 2023 at 6:35 pm #146305jb-hbParticipantPeople living in “those” countries knew that half a century ago. Einstein.
Thus heavy immigration traffic from the East to the West and just on time to experience all the internal contradictions (that bearded man predicted 150 years ago) of the new system adopted them.From the comments on that video:
I was born in the Soviet Union 60 years ago under the ideas of Karl Marx.
Now in the US I am about to die under the same ideas.
This evil stuff has been pursuing me all my life.Escape from Communism. Communists ruining new place. Ono! See? Capitalism doesn’t work!!! Every time communists ruin something, it proves how it doesn’t work. They have to ruin it to prove it to you, otherwise you might never learn unaided.
Kind of like how wokeists got me fired for not taking their sacrament, passing their purity test. Their presumption was that I have a debt to everyone else in my community to make them safe (blank out the middle part) therefore take a shot. Then they re-imagined my job as being a resource to me as opposed to me being a resource – at a profit – to my employer – and said if he does not act for his community, he should be deprived of resources. The very same people who took over infrastructure they couldn’t build and couldn’t maintain, but called it “their” resources they were denying me of to make it fair.
Are these the contradictions of Capitalism of which you speak?
November 9, 2023 at 6:40 pm #146306thomasjkenneyParticipantBrain fart:
The Zionists, for the most part, have ‘encamped’ themselves, and held a safety hostage all these years. They are now attempting to extinguish the hostage, concurrent with the power crash of their ‘Uncle Schmuel’ (thanks, Saker!).
November 9, 2023 at 6:47 pm #146307userzeroidParticipantMy best guess is that Israel is not going to gain anything from this.
Bibi was following orders. In fact, it is a desperate move because if it fails (which it likely will) Israel will suffer hugely.In my mind, there is not much difference between the bush/Cheney Iraq campaign and the narrative that is being constructed around Iraq and Palestine. Axis of evil has already been resurrected. Terrorism has become common use demonization for middle-eastern sympathisers and the phrase the war on terror is likely due to be put back into common use again. Israel will legitimise this new narrative and it will be driven into the minds of all people in the western sphere of influence in order to take their attention off of a collapsing economy, increased mortality from the shots and the implementation of stage 2 of the great reset.
November 9, 2023 at 7:41 pm #146308zerosumParticipantBrain Cataract
I used to see the world in vivid colors
But now it’s all a blur of gray and white
I don’t know what is real and what is not
I can’t tell day from nightMy memories are fading like old photographs
I can’t recall the faces of my friends
I don’t know who I am or where I belong
I feel like this is the endBut sometimes I catch a glimpse of something bright
A flash of blue or green or red
A spark of hope that ignites my soul
A reminder that I’m not deadMaybe there is a way to heal my eyes
To remove the cataract that clouds my sight
Maybe there is a way to restore my vision
To see the world in a new lightby Gem
November 9, 2023 at 7:52 pm #146309zerosumParticipantImpunity – U.S. hits Iran-linked facility amid ongoing attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq, Syria
1. Floating coffins
2. Hard of hearing – Go homeNovember 9, 2023 at 8:13 pm #146310Mr. HouseParticipantUH OH:
Live news: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts US Treasury market
— FT Breaking News (@ftbreakingnews) November 9, 2023
Is it time for cyberpolygon hoax already?
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