Debt Rattle September 18 2022
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- This topic has 52 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
September 18, 2022 at 8:51 am #116161
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterMarcel Duchamp Sonata 1911 • Ukraine Is No Longer a “Limited Military Operation” (Paul Craig Roberts) • Ukraine Fumes Over ‘Unnatural Borders’
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 18 2022]September 18, 2022 at 9:58 am #116162V. Arnold
ParticipantMarcel Duchamp Sonata 1911
I didn’t know that Sonatas’ traditionally feature a key-board along with other played insturments…
September 18, 2022 at 10:04 am #116163V. Arnold
ParticipantNuts…should be instruments…
September 18, 2022 at 11:20 am #116170Red
ParticipantBelow is the excerpt of the email she sent to Gateway Pundit:
If I had any doubts about this being on purpose, that is completely gone at this point. It’s almost terrifying seeing what is going on and the majority of people have no idea. Every day something else happens to add to this list. Things are happening so quickly now, that it is mind boggling. Big Tech is covering most of these up or burying them so far down the feed that most people never see them. I have investigative skills that I have used my entire career so I know how to get around all of that or I would never have found what I have.
I had not heard of anyone looking up actual grocery store fires so that is what started me down this path. Once I saw how bad it was and the patterns that are happening it was clear what they are doing, and I am now convinced they are getting people to help with this just like they did with the election. I realize that not all of these are on purpose but once you see how big this is, it cannot be denied that something evil is going on and we are about to have our legs kicked out from under us…
I wanted to see if you could send out an update for the map? When you first posted my map, there were so many people going to it that they told me it was going to cost several thousand dollars for a certain amount of views. I told them I didn’t have money like that so I would make it private for myself only or try to find another company. Apparently word got around so fast from your article that people bombarded the map company and wanted it back up. They contacted me and told me they decided to leave it up so they could get some good publicity because at that point I think it had almost 200,000 (from people around the world!) views within a week or two.
Since then, I have learned that people can participate in the map and help me add things that I may not be able to find, that are being hidden on purpose, or that need to be corrected. I have made it to where anyone can add information for me but it won’t show up until I review and confirm if it is true. I am trying to play catch up but I’m still behind on the map right now so this would be wonderful if people knew they could help! I honestly believe that it is all of our responsibility to try and warn people so they can prepare for what is coming. It’s scary and heartbreaking but I know that God has His hand in this… I also know that people like you and I were born for “Such A Time As This” or God wouldn’t have given us the skills and tools that we have to help get the word out!
September 18, 2022 at 11:41 am #116171Dr. D
Participant“ Ukraine Is No Longer a “Limited Military Operation” (Paul Craig Roberts)
PCR telling Putin what to do. I’m sure like Willy Wonka, he will listen in raptured attention.
Okay PCR, IF Russia attacked, they demanded Russia destroy everything the way we did in Iraq. Turning all the people against us, killing millions, all those children that are “worth it”, and making a very expensive nationwide repair. Aaaaaaand appears to have bankrupted us. Congratulations. Russia did NOT do that, and has control of most of the mining and industrial centers WITH the population and WITHOUT that much repair. Also have not alienated the rest of Ukraine should it come to that. Also if Russia swept in to the Polish border then NATO really would have mobilized as demanded, and possibly more confusion to get a FF into. But when the war is far away, why would French men sign up? So NATO is hamstrung as Poland and Germany won’t invest.
Never do what your enemy demands. I mean, duh. If they, if YOU say it, we do the opposite.
“US President Joe Biden has warned Russia of harsh consequences should it use nuclear or chemical weapons in Ukraine.”
They generally say this before CNN sniffs the backpack and the OPCW makes stuff up.
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.” Biden said. …Using nuclear-chemical weapons like depleted uranium rounds that have caused birth defects and 1,000 year cancers in Iraq and with Vets is something only Americans should do. You know: the America that has first-strike nuclear attacks on Moscow as our official policy. And backed it up with non-stop offensive wars of aggression which were all “Defensive.” As 20-year norm. While being the only nation using land mines, cluster bombs, and attacking civilians nearly everywhere as we do in Yemen. Go on, Joe, tell us all about it. …While you tell us how you plan to attack wrong-voters in the U.S. domestic territories with F-15s.
“Washington has previously issued exemptions to its own restrictions for American entities.”
Of course they have. And we’re so mad we doubled imports of Russian oil.
And the U.S. is trying to create jobs, in Mexico? Again? Maybe Beto should campaign there. Again.
“US is working to … pull out every stop to maximize its global competitiveness.” By creating jobs in other countries, not the U.S.
“..since the 1950s, London has mastered the role of “Washington’s junior partner,”
They’re the neck that turns the head as they say in Greece. That is, from our perspective they’re the merged or senior partner. And we have to destroy them while they and we are merged. They’re inside all our systems, from FBI, CIA, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Uber. …Pretty hard. But we’ll do it and kick their -ss because we like that sort of thing.
“It supports a president who banned the official use of his country’s most widely spoken minority language, who sanctioned the torture of prisoners and persecution of ethnic minorities,”
No change here: they are always against minorities. Just yesterday Jean-Pierre said if you didn’t hold a 51% view, you were an “Extremist” and targeted by the FBI for cleansing with F-15s. That’s not just “Minorities”, that category would/could include all men (49%) all Christians no doubt, or all people under 5’-5”. That’s “Democracy”! The 51% rule and the 49% have no rights, as would be allotted to them by their Creator and legally due under a “Republic”.
“Angry Customers Demand Explanation as German Energy Bills Soar (ZH)
How long can the EU survive?”It depends. Whenever things fail, they add more fascism. Like ’01 and ’08. It’s only the amount of fascism at debate here. If they add infinite North Korean totalitarianism as the NY Times recommends, it can go on quite a long time. For their immediate problems: don’t pay. You won’t pay now, or you won’t pay later, so might as well shelter your resources now.
“Uniper, to potentially lift its 30% stake in the company to majority participation or to nationalize the firm.”
Privatize the gains, socialize the losses. Which is why they’re for Socialism. Socialism and welfare for the corporations and the rich. But don’t worry: once the corporation is working and the losses are all covered, they’ll sell it right back to the Engelhorn family at a loss. He’ll use the profits to buy more German politicians. Win-win.
“The proper description for what is happening in Europe is really an energy and food price shock rather than a general inflation.”
Uh…? Or an unnecessary and pointless suicide attempt. However, nations are essentially eternal. Like “the Truth,” they cannot die, but they can live a long, miserable existence. As France has recently.
Anyway, how are the two different? And he thinks wages just rise with inflation? Never have before. They always lag critically and badly, which is why inflation is promoted and such a boon for speculators and asset-holders. Why it causes such enormous income disparity. And why it cripples a nation near-instantly. “Wages are the price of labour. If wages are not rising along with other prices, then you are not dealing with a general inflation at all,” We’ve never had “inflation” then, because this never happens.
“What good will interest rate increases do in slowing down a surge in gas prices caused by the uneven COVID recovery, Putin’s war in Ukraine and the lack of integration in the global gas market?”
But they work in the U.S. with essentially the same problems? Same foundation – though a little faster – as the last 100 years? His whole argument is off-center.
“Corporations basically never pay off debt; they always roll it over.” Yes, since 1980 only. But you can grow operations with a thing called “Cash” that comes from “Profit.” We haven’t done that in generations and forgot. I mean, LITERALLY forgot. I read regularly that if financing dries up, companies fail and won’t make parts…that they could make from “Sales” and “Profits”. Gee, however will we live without that enormous financial tapeworm in our guts?
“How does the “current” 58 P/E sound to you … if the earnings crash by nearly half?”
Michael Pento says the same thing. Stocks now have NEVER been more expensive. Ever. Never ever ever. Not since the first three gentlemen sat under the buttonwood tree. Never. Higher than ‘29, higher than ‘08. Which is astonishing. Does it FEEL like we’re at a boom high? And what gives rise to such astonishing valuations compared to U.S. GDP? Because the customers are so fat, and own so little stuff with such high savings accounts they’re about to buybuybuy?
Um, no. Highest price EVER. When sales and earnings are about to be cut in HALF. But we’ve spent lifetimes here with no choice but to spend too much, buy too high, increase too much debt. …Because, central banks, inflation. That’s the cycle. If you don’t, you can spend from childhood being responsible, never owning a car, house, stock, etc, poorer every day, and many have. But lashed to the cycle, should it turn, the whole ship sinks.
““Tony and I are friends” Why?
“Everyone had to agree to the narrative” Why?
“Nothing’s going to happen as long as the Biden administration is here.” Why? I didn’t do any of these things, and don’t understand them. They’re not necessary or inevitable to me. Are you a robot or something?“Transmission doesn’t make sense under natural evolution,” And did you see the genetic outliers for Omicron? Like 20 independent mutations, all in the same direction, all at once, with no evolution. A 10-sigma outlier. But Science doesn’t ask questions. It goes around the questions, and knows exactly WHICH questions not to be curious about. Strange curiosity that is turned on and off with such precision. That matches both the money and Twitter so exactly.
“No, DeSantis Is Not a Human Trafficker or Kidnapper (Turley)”
Yes, but this is reality and the law, and they are the #Opposite of reality and the law. Why waste your breath mentioning the law? They don’t care. Neither do their followers. If it gives them emotional jollies, the fee-fees, they do it, if if doesn’t, isn’t satisfying emotional jollies, it doesn’t exist.
Cheetahs lived in India? Were they introduced by people the first time too, maybe 2,000 years ago?
Sagan: “What could you buy for $10 Trillion dollars?” All of Congress. And all the judges. And the Scientists too. Apparently all the Doctors.
Go ahead and stop them before cutting off the money system.
“Why doesn’t that thinking apply to Global Warming?”he asks. Because your every prediction has been completely wrong, mostly ever, but certainly for the last 30 years. Remember we had only until 2000 to stop the runaway climate change? Extinction of polar bears? That was 22 years ago. And they said the same thing in the 30s, the 40s, the 50s, the 60s, the 70s. How many decades do you live where a group is so dead wrong – more wrong than even economists – and you just keep listening to them? At some point don’t you grow up and say “Heyyyyyy, I think maybe I’ve been had”? “Every thing they say never happens, and every time it involves more MONEY, and more POWER to them, and it’s my money and power they took”? In fact, I’m flat broke, in a tent, eating bugs, and they’re jet-setting 300 days a year from one sea-level 5-star maskless dinner to another.
NOPE. It will never happen. A lifetime of failed predictions, false alarms, decade after decade after decade cannot cure it. That these are the guys who CAUSED every problem with previous Science, has no warning, no caution, no alarm, no effect. That every promoter and progenitor are ALSO the most evil companies on earth, and the most wasteful: Nike, Amazon, Coke, Google, Raytheon, ADM, and were the most wrong about everything ever said: CNN, NPR, BBC, NYT, “WMD! Yellowcake!” no caution at all. This one time, the most evil companies, the most failed scientists, and the most wrong, criminally misreporting, million-man killing media operations, and all their jet-flying billionaire owners have all combined powers like “Superfriends” and this one time are completely right and have only our greater good and truth at heart.
That is the most unlikely and preposterous conspiracy theory I have ever heard.
Page after page. SSDD. Oh and the Ice Age in the cooler 1970s! Classic! Scienz! Always wrong; never in doubt. Quietly removing “This glacier is melting” signs in national parks then slinking away. Away away to go publish more AI word-soup articles in journals that their own Editors say aren’t science and can’t be trusted. While killing a million men at a pop with recommended lockdowns. But this one time….
September 18, 2022 at 11:44 am #116172Dr. D
ParticipantI am also pretty sure the Rand leak wasn’t “real”. Over 50-50 at least, I did consider undermining it by adding my doubts but usually there’s a kernel of truth, and what was leaked was accurate and not wrong. The leak’s existence was still important.
The food plants, generally optional, as like the LNG terminal accidental explosion, and the Fertilizer accidental explosion, after it breaks, no one bothers to fix it. Uninterested. Why? Doesn’t that seem odd? As odd as their total disinterest in contracts for domestic masks, and to transfer Pharma back stateside?
Yeah. No. Don’t. Stop. Too hard. Can’t figure it out. Must be conicidence-day again.
September 18, 2022 at 11:45 am #116173Red
ParticipantNeoliberal economics:
Establishment version: modern free market freedom, practised by freedom loving people, to freely create freedomaceous wealth everywhere! Woohoo!Real World Translation: rigged system to funnel wealth from the poor to the rich by imposition of slave wages and debt servitude = economic enslavement of the 99%
Establishment version: anything contrary to the “truthiness” narrative espoused by Western Mainstream Media Patriots. Is Israel an apartheid state? That’s disinformation!Real World Translation: anything which portrays the AngoEuroZionist Empire in a bad light and their enemies du jour (Russia, China, Iran etc) in a neutral or favourable light. Absolutely nothing to do with truth or facts.
National Endowment for Democracy:
Establishment version: benevolent fund by the USA to promote rule by, for and of the ordinary people in foreign countries. Yay!Real World Translation: CIA cutout to finance astroturf campaigns to destabilise foreign governments that do not bend to the US will, in order to install US puppet regimes that will funnel wealth to the USA.
US invasion of Iraq in 2003:
Establishment version: act of “liberation” to save the world from Saddam’s WMDs and bring democracy to the Iraqi people.Real World Translation: WMD story was a fucking LIE, invasion was done to preserve the US petrodollar and control Iraqi oil assets and give massive contracts to US corporations. Killed more than a million Iraqis by 2010, so I guess you could say those Iraqis were “liberated” (from life).
Russian invasion of Ukraine:
Establishment version: unprovoked aggression by Russian dictator Vlad-the-Impaler Putin on 24 Feb 2022 because he is just plain crazy (also a vampire). So naturally the West needed to ban Russian cats and Tchaikovsky in response.Real World Translation: belated response by Russian Duma (democratic parliament) to relentless aggression by the US/NATO [expansion] since 2014 – including the murder of 14,000 civilians in Donbass, ie Russia was forced to intervene to protect Russian speaking Ukrainians from genocide by the US proxies [amd prevent Ukraine from being used as potent nuclear latform against Russia.]. Also more than 30 bio-pathogen labs funded by the USA (by Victoria Nuland’s own admission) were discovered in Ukraine, so there WERE WMDs in-the-making in Ukraine.
International “Rules based order”:
Establishment version: even the USA cannot properly define WTF this crapulent term means.Real World Translation: USA makes up their one-sided rules (to always benefit itself) and orders everybody else about, otherwise foreigners face sanctions or coups or assassination of their leaders or invasion. Nothing to do with United Nations International Law.
Far too many Newspeak and Doublethink terms to itemise here!!
Commenters can think of many more!!
September 18, 2022 at 12:26 pm #116176Red
ParticipantTreatments for Vaccine Recipients
Dr. Shoemaker: [Ivermectin is] the only medicine that helps you fight if you’ve got a vaccine injury. It’s the key to a vaccine injury protocol. It’s time. It’s time. This is over because the science is strong. The science is huge, that ivermectin is the thing that should always be available. But now that we’ve created this crisis, we need it even more. We need it even more in Canada, in everywhere.
Dr. Shoemaker: I want I ivermectin available for everybody. I don’t want you to have to go to the veterinary clinic or the veterinary store to get some of this medicine. It has to be made perfectly and ethically legal in all of your pharmacies.
Dr. Trozzi: For the treatment protocols, if like [Dr. Shoemaker], if you’ve had a couple of those injections or one of those injections and you got these spike proteins being produced by yourselves, go to the World Council for Health, go to the Spike Protein Detox Guide. Dr. Shoemaker is aware of that. The FLCCC do a great job [and] Canada Covid Care Alliance. These are very similar protocols. There’s a variety of things you can do, both natural and medicinal, including one of the safest, most effective medications in the history of mankind – ivermectin.
Covid Injections Are Dangerous, What You Can Do If You’ve Had One or Two
September 18, 2022 at 12:38 pm #116177Germ
ParticipantHey wonderful group.
Has anybody heard anything significant about the dates Sept 23/24 ?
Sray sane purebloods!
September 18, 2022 at 12:42 pm #116178zerosum
ParticipantThe winner writes history
• Ukraine Fumes Over ‘Unnatural Borders’ Claim (RT)
Transcarpathia to Hungary, Galicia to Poland, Bukovina to Romania, Donbass and Crimea to Russia. These are the territories of other countries.• Ukraine Once Again Endangering Nuclear Plant – Moscow (RT)
Russian officials, however, criticized the document, saying that it failed to mention Ukraine’s attacks on the station. Blasting the resolution as “anti-Russian,” Moscow also accused Western nations of “supporting and shielding” Kiev in “every possible way.”• London Delusions (Milacic)
the Ukrainian economy is no longer able to support the very existence of the Ukrainian state, which requires monthly financial infusions from its Western allies.
Did you ever hear of how bad capitalism is bad for you?
Example of true capitalism. Stop your bitching.
(I got it, you want it. Pay what I say otherwise, do without.)
• Angry Customers Demand Explanation As German Energy Bills Soar (ZH)
“reduced Russian gas supply and soaring prices of non-Russian gas. “Another example of capitalism at work
• Zugzwang – Are We On The Brink Of A Central Banking Paradigm Shift? (Tooze)
“….redistributional push by capital at the expense of labour ….. . Price increases are not uniform, they never are. But they now extend from bottleneck sectors, such as energy and food, to rents and house prices….. The proper description for what is happening in Europe is reallyan energy and food price shock rather than a general inflation.capilalism“Third explanation of how true capitalism works.
Don’t argue with me, go argue with Karl Denninger
The Simple Facts On Equities And DebtCorporations basically never pay off debt; they always roll it over. (before they run off with their gains and go bankrupt)
———Again how true capitalism works.
Putin: Much of the Ukrainian grain is actually American after Ukraine sold its farmlands to U.S. companies.
———–September 18, 2022 at 12:43 pm #116179tinfoilhatted canuck
ParticipantWell, it occurred to me while appreciating Dr. D’s commentary “ gee however will we live without that enormous financial tapeworm in our guts “ that he, RIM and the AE community are collectively the lad in the crowd who cries out “the king has no clothes!”
Kudos to you all for delivering my daily dose of the “red pill”news and analysis. Especially you Dr. D , your cutting sarcasm speaks to my sense of humour.
September 18, 2022 at 1:36 pm #116180those darned kids
ParticipantWell this was unexpected
— Natasha Huckfield (@dramadelinquent) September 14, 2022
September 18, 2022 at 2:30 pm #116181morongobill
ParticipantSeptember 18, 2022 at 3:50 pm #116185boscohorowitz
Participant““The proper description for what is happening in Europe is really an energy and food price shock rather than a general inflation.””
Is there anything more general to an economy than food and energy. Other than water and oxygen and land above water, no.
September 18, 2022 at 4:05 pm #116186boscohorowitz
ParticipantThis global warming is real/global warming is not real whining nonsense is enough to make me puke on someone’s shoes. Everything we disagree with has become formulaically reduced to someone else’s “scare tactics”. It doesn’t matter whether this or that is what’s causing the current climate upheaval: the climate is currently upheaving, puking all over our shoes.
So the fat cats wanna sell snake oil in the name of saving the human race or something? Whatever. The climate is going wonky, and it only takes 20 years of that to reduce a global civilization to a shadow of itself.
I can see it now on a billion tombstones: IT WASN’T MY FAULT! THEY DID IT!
Raised amid a thousand shades of grey of injustice, we naturally feel that the most important part of any remedy is knowing (or at least believing we know) whom to blame.
What is truth, Jesus asked. So did Socrates. Neither had an answer.
September 18, 2022 at 4:19 pm #116187TAE Summary
ParticipantSeptember 18, 2022 at 4:41 pm #116188D Benton Smith
Participant@boscohorowitz noted, “What is truth, Jesus asked. So did Socrates. Neither had an answer.”
How come nobody asked me ?
September 18, 2022 at 4:45 pm #116189phoenixvoice
ParticipantI went to a community gathering yesterday that was a presentation by the former mayor of Phoenix (Goddard) who has now been on the board of the Central Arizona Project for the past several years. (The Central Arizona Project — CAP — is the massive canal system that brings water from the Colorado River to central Arizona, the location of the largest population.). Due to agreements between western states that were finalized 100 years ago (NOT forced on the states by the federal government), Arizona had an allotment of the Colorado River, but was not able to fully realize that allotment until the CAP was built. This was very important because prior to CAP, AZ groundwater was habitually being pumped at unsustainable levels all across the state.
According to Goddard, when the allotments were created a hundred years ago, they were based on conservative estimates from the best data available. It was not then known that the Colorado River basin had been experiencing unusually wet years. Currently, the Colorado River basin is experiencing the worst drought since around 1200. (Goddard hinted that climate change was at play. Who knows? It isn’t all that relevant, as we must deal with “what is,” not with the unknowable “what may be.”).
In the 1990s (I think I’m remembering that correctly) the affected states recognized that the original allotments were not always going to work and got together and hammered out agreements about what to do in case of drought. Those agreements have come into effect in 2022. We are in Tier 1 now, and will most likely be in Tier 2a next year. It is recognized that the tier system is not going to work — it isn’t sufficient to address the problem, and would result in some populations with inadequate access to water. So, the US Department of the Interior stepped in about 6 months ago and told the affected states that they needed to get together and come up with a solution, or the federal government would see them in court. They were given 4 months to do this, with a deadline of August 16. Goddard says that the CAP board came up with what they thought was an equitable, doable plan, but that California (who has more senior rights to the water) wouldn’t play ball. So the states called the feds’ bluff, and the feds have so far failed to act.
AZ has some options. The governor has requested and received from the legislature around $500 million (fully funded, with another $600 million not funded) to address the drought. AZ has a second canal system serving central AZ with water that is entirely within AZ, the Salt River Project. The SRP water system is NOT in a drought state, and has plenty of water. There are plans to interconnect the two canal systems. Another option is to compensate those with more senior rights to various waters in AZ to not exercise those rights so that the water may be used elsewhere in the state. Rules may change regarding golf courses (a very big deal in AZ, as we have beautiful golf courses when much of the country is blanketed in snow,) and expansive green lawns in front yards.
AZ could decline to use its full water allotment from the Colorado River, utilizing other sources, to help build back up the volumes of Lake Mead and Lake Powell (preserving electrical generation capacity, etc.,) but without agreements with California (whose water rights are more senior under the hundred year old agreement), California could take any water that AZ decided to leave in the lakes.
My biggest takeaway from the meeting: it is critical that humanity cooperates.September 18, 2022 at 4:48 pm #116190zerosum
Participant“The climate is going wonky, and it only takes 20 years of that to reduce a global civilization to a shadow of itself.”
Nope. its going to take less than 20 years.
Nobody is noticing because they don’t think that they are being affected by “bad” weather. (until they lose it all to the weather)
We are on the down slope.
One step forward two steps backward.
Our leaders, of all gov., will need increasing amount of taxes just to stand still and if you don’t own assets that can pass on those increases then you will be the payer.(The Rule of 72: Double Your Money – Rule One Investing
The Rule of 72: Learn How To Double Your Money with Compound Interest
Given a 10% annual rate of return, how long will it take for your money to double? Take 72 and divide it by 10 and you get 7.2. )September 18, 2022 at 4:55 pm #116191Tree Frog
Regarding the destruction of food… The fire at McCrumb in Belfast, Maine… I was an accident. I know people there.
I’ve not seen a statistical context for these events broadly. How unlikely, given history? I’d like to see that.
September 18, 2022 at 4:59 pm #116192D Benton Smith
ParticipantWhat a state we are in.
We are dealing with dangerous antagonistic potentially powerful adversaries that have sunk below the level of mere bad guys (plenty of those around, so meh.), into the realm of stark staring mad.
Wanting to steal everybody’s stuff and boss them around is bad, but at least it’s understandably rational. World institutional leadership however (a teensy bit under half of all world leadership) has sunk far below just wanting to steal and rule. They now want it ALL. The goal is 100% control of all that is. Being unable to accomplish that goal at their current level of capability, their new sure-fire strategic plan is to accomplish that very same goal by means of . . . . . (wait for it . . . .) . . . . . throwing away all of their existing capability so as to have LESS of it. Uh, yup. That should work like a charm.
For example, they have ruled over 3/4 of the world with the dollar for a century, and yet failed to rule over the remaining quarter. They have tried mightily but have been unsuccessful in attaining 100% total hegemonic control over absolutely everyone. So to accomplish that goal now they have decided to reduce the value of that dollar to zero. Boy, THAT should do it, dontcha reckon?
For example they have . . . . successfully enough . . . . controlled the “narrative” for centuries immeasurable. Well enough, at least, that their bamboozled subjects went on being uncomplaining . . . . enough . . . . for the scam to continue, despite being robbed at gunpoint on a daily basis and made to pretend belief in a mountain of absurd lies and fairy tales.
But enough wasn’t enough for the top of the heap. Leaders insisted upon there being NO complaints, NO challenges, and ZERO dissident voices asking humiliating questions. To accomplish that rulers lied and censored so much that now virtually no one believes anything that governments or “authorities” have to say anymore. More and more people now turn to each other for information instead of turning to their leaders or “experts” for that kind of thing, like they used to. In other words, being unable to accomplish their goal with their current (and impressive!) level of capability, they strategized that the way to accomplish that very same goal now after such unexpected defeat was to throw away their last vestigial shred of credibility and trustworthiness. No one trusts them. No one believes them. And (mostly Western) leadership did that to themselves, on purpose.
That is way below bad. It is even way below bat shit crazy. It is INVERTED. Nearly half of the leadership in the world believes that the ability to accomplish an effect is to have LESS ability to accomplish that effect. Down to and including no ability at all).
NATO, with all of it wealthy backers, years of preparation and massing of highly trained and well equipped armies could not win against Russia in Ukraine. So what’s the solution? Why to destroy its own food supply and fuel stores, industrial capacity, currency and and to go on doing so until Russia gives up. (Why would Russia quit, out of PITY or something?)
And how about that uber smug club of snobs known as the Davos crowd and its WEF? Their derangement is impossible to exaggerate. They want so much less of so many things that if they got their way there would not even be any of THEM left! Human’s would not exist outside of some truly truly bizarre and impossible robotized “Matrix” of electronics based “Artificial” intelligence containing digitized sentient idetnties (uploaded into the AI like an iTune MP3, which doesn’t need (and therefore doesn’t have) any organically grown humans at all. Homo sapiens will be translated into “Transhumans”, etc. etc. etc.
Such goals and behaviors are not so much “bad”, per se, as they are INVERTED from reality. The word “insane” is far too bland to describe the state. Demonic or Satantic are closer, but still inadequate. My personal favorite, if pressed for a strong enough adjective, might be “Satanic”, but let’s face it. Words alone just don’t do the trick.
These demented “leaders” are, at this moment as we speak, working feverishly and publicly, toward accomplishment of the goal of not enough of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING (including human population!) , and to go on doing so until the surviving world yields to them world d omination as a propitiative gift simply because those leaders are just so “Elitely” smart, rich and pretty that they DESERVE to own everything and everybody for no other reason than that.
Such creatures cannot be reasoned with because they have explicitly disavowed reason itself. They can only be escorted to the graveyard to which they are already headed of their own free will.
And that requires great care, because they are very crazy, and for that reason very dangerous.
September 18, 2022 at 5:02 pm #116193Tree Frog
ParticipantDr D…
Per PCR… The long game for Putin is multiplarity. Being a thug like the US is a losing strategy. PCR seems to miss that entirely.
September 18, 2022 at 5:15 pm #116194zerosum
ParticipantWeekend opinion/fact/fiction is ready,
Come and get it. 18, 2022 at 5:16 pm #116195boscohorowitz
ParticipantI find it useful to reduce the Ukraine situation to this:
USNATO Euromerica started this mess.
Putin is finishing it. It will be over when Putin is done.
September 18, 2022 at 5:31 pm #116196Just Some Randomer
Participant“Hey wonderful group.
Has anybody heard anything significant about the dates Sept 23/24 ?”
It’s my wife’s birthday, so yes, I’ve been hearing a LOT about its significance recently.
September 18, 2022 at 5:32 pm #116197zerosum
Go get it.
Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine – as of September 18, 2022September 18, 2022 at 5:43 pm #116198anticlimactic
ParticipantIf Hungary grabs a slice of Ukraine it would be useful if it connected to a Russian controlled area, giving it access to the outside world.
September 18, 2022 at 5:59 pm #116199WES
ParticipantThanks Red and Morongobill for vaccine detox links.
Germ: I have seen Sept 23/24 dates too but remain baffled as to what it mean!
Zerosum: The Rule of 72 was one of the first rules of investing I learned. But since ZIRP and NIRP the rule only showed how fast you were losing!
Tree Frog: I admit I had a good chuckle at your expense re- “I was an accident”. Probably the work of auto correct!
Bosco: Re-shoes. I had a Dutch teacher who said Dutch kids who couldn’t make it to the toilet (or too lazy) would pee into someone’s wooden shoes usually left outside by the door! Polder might verify the practice?
BDS: Spoiler Alert! They wouldn’t ask you the question because they didn’t want an answer! It was really important that the question remained unanswered. An answer would have spoiled the effect!
September 18, 2022 at 6:02 pm #116200Red
ParticipantTree Frog I’d like to see that as well. Natural disasters happen without reason all the time. Looking for patterns is a human thing. With or without human help/intervention even in a steady state shit happens. Just watching the approaching storm and trying to prepare for it. Some are prepping physically and some mentally. For me it’s mostly mental prep as I’ve been living close to home for decades. Preparing my little property to feed and house me as much as possible with as little fossil energy as I can get away with. I am by no stretch of the imagination “depression” proof but somewhat “recession” resistant. Best I can do for now. Eyes open people.
Germ, I have seen the 24th mentioned in a number of places as well with no info forth coming. I guess we’ll just have to wait it out, like waiting on santa! Most likely just another lump of coal. For me coal would be a good find as I could use it in the forge I’m presently constructing.September 18, 2022 at 6:24 pm #116201Noirette
Participantaspnaz posted, prev. thread:
(…) this whole Great Reset thingy is a collaboration of the looney left green wankers and the oligarchs. The oligarchs spotted the simpleton looney leftist and put together a plan, which involved taking the looney leftists seriously, something oligarchs, in fact any normal people, had never done before, so the looney left green veggies fell in love with the oligarchs and believed that the oligarchs were in love with them, so they set their fat (…) lesbians off to war to fight for green. And here we are.
Ha ha… 🙂 Yes… I’d add that German Romanticism, which includes Close Harmony with Nature, and such like, and German Guilt, made it particularly vulnerable to a ‘green agenda’ traditionally rabidly against ‘nukulear.’ Which Merkel exploited / went along with / as Russian gas (and German coal …) filled the gap, and apparently afforded some renewable energy ‘gains.’
Once some of these FF feed-ins were put in jeopardy, via the US clamping down on a Russia-Europe integration and potential alliance, leading to cancelling NordStream 2, to closing down to NS1, problems arose. The energy-equation if I may call it that, didn’t add up.
So everyone in D is thrown in disarray…flailing about…But hey, a rich country should be able to buy what it wants? …Hmm.
Another factor is that ‘green’ energies / initiatives / industries, are quite lucrative, they have lobbyists, fight hard for subsidies, and get them. Powerful movers, money-makers, behind e.g. wind turbines.
One mini ex. Where I live (CH), electric bikes have replaced the ‘moped’. (50cc FF engine.)
This was accomplished by very consequent Gvmt. subsidies to the makers of E-bikes. A small village I lived in previous offered the e-bike of your choice, free, under certain conditions, like not having no car. There were almost no takers, as all the car-drivers were commuters, etc. Now I live in shabby suburbia, and the offer is, if you buy an e-bike standard model, you get 350 (CHF, dollars, euros, say), if a more powerful model (accomodates a child in trailer, etc.) 550, and each year 100 for repairs. ++ it’s the cool thing!
All of this takes place without taking into account analysis of overall energy production / delivery / use, which CH is capable of, and produces. But fashion and commercial interests, propaganda, local (cantonal) powers overrides any hard-headed analysis and what it might advise / enforce.
September 18, 2022 at 7:03 pm #116202Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantI see that blue-and-yellow is the new black.
15 years ago, ‘everything had to be black. Black clothes, black vehicles, black houses, black fences…. Now ‘everything’ has to be blue-and-yellow.
Fairly recently I wrote that if I had to live in Taiwan, I would choose Hualien.
Things are not good in Hualien at the moment.
At least the nuclear reactor near Keelong hasn’t been hit (yet?)
September 18, 2022 at 7:06 pm #116203Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantThe Saker has an excellent article on the controlled demolition of Europe, and Germany in particular, by the US.
WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons WHY the EU/UK is Being Deindustrialized!
September 18, 2022 at 7:11 pm #116204Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantI suppose we will observe how well the project of a controlled demolition of the global economic system proceeds over the next couple of months. It sure looks to be on track for ‘free-fall acceleration’ to ground zero for NATOstan countries.
September 18, 2022 at 7:55 pm #116205Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantThis is well worth watching to get a better understanding of how Moldova fits into the bigger picture of the SMO
(Note how much those borders changed and who was nominally in control of what is called Ukraine at the moment.)
September 18, 2022 at 8:19 pm #116206Afewknowthetruth
Participant18th September 2022
‘The price of gold will open today at US$1676/oz. This is -US$41 or -2.4% below where it was this time last week.’
Move on. Nothing to see here. And surely no manipulation is a ‘free market’.
September 18, 2022 at 8:40 pm #116207Veracious Poet
ParticipantThe proper description for what is happening in Europe is really an energy and food price shock rather than a general inflation.
Away away to go publish more AI word-soup articles in journals that their own Editors say aren’t science and can’t be trusted.
September 18, 2022 at 9:29 pm #116208my parents said know
ParticipantDoesn’t aspnaz live in Taiwan?
How are you doing, aspnaz?
Earthquakes, btw. Big, shallow ones.September 18, 2022 at 9:35 pm #116209Bill7
ParticipantMr. Tooze seems in the above article to be working very hard to not see what’s obvious, attempting to convince his readers that his obfuscating views are in fact accurate ones.
I’ll stick with my earlier comment about it virtually all being nonsense-news, these days.Who benefits from nonsense-news?
September 18, 2022 at 9:48 pm #116210Dr. D
ParticipantIt’s not a mystery, I’m as comforting as Mr. Rogers. I say the same thing every day: experts are wrong (they are), we can prove it for days, months, decades, centuries. As it has ever been, so shall it ever be. All the textbooks were wrong, every day you grew up, and they’re not suddenly right this time. Therefore, think for yourself and don’t believe what people on the internet tell you. Fair enough…but ESPECIALLY if they are Nike, Amazon, and the BBC. There’s never a time they agree on something that they are correct and up to no good. Treat them, and doctors, professors, economists, the same as you treat me: as some young guy.
If I’m right about some things like Housing Bubbles and Covid, add some points. If I’m wrong, like I was about Arizona water rights, subtract in proportion to the scale and surety I put on. I don’t know why Arizona was one of the westerns states I was so sure about, turns out it was probably California. And that’s not a panacea. Checking that, I found out several states have strongly relaxed their rules only a year or so ago, while against all others, Colorado only just went fascist on it.
Nobody’s right about all things, so the only thing you can be sure of is that only reporters will be reliably wrong about all of it. They – or rather the people who sign their checks – are as certain as gravity. Mr. Jones. How can they be so wrong?
“Their derangement is impossible to exaggerate.”
“Such creatures cannot be reasoned with because they have explicitly disavowed reason itself.”
Yes, the #Reason is the #Logos. They are expressly and actively #AntiLogos. Therefore, although they may not mean to, they MUST be against “The Way, the Truth, and the Light.” ACTIVELY against. FURIOUSLY against. With an irrational hatred and aversion that knows no limits. Why they’ve done it, I can’t imagine – they’re smart people – but done it they have. I cannot stop their free will to reject God, heaven, and reason, nor to invent hardships that are entirely unnecessary and even quite difficult and expensive to bring about. That are counterproductive to their plans and decrease their own power. But… #AntiLogos, #AntiReason. Stupid is as stupid does. I can only respond to it in a good, practical, and #Reason-able way. Even a #Forgiving one, although I don’t prefer it.
September 18, 2022 at 10:22 pm #116211slimyalligator
Participant@Afewknowthetruth Thanks for the Moldava video it’s a good starting point to try to understand the regional conflict.
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