Debt Rattle September 4 2023


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  • #142442

    Claude Monet Japanese Footbridge 1899   • A Comprehensive Ukrainian Defeat Is The Only Possible Outcome (Scott Ritter) • US Intelligence Sending
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 4 2023]

    V. Arnold

    Do you think dogs should be allowed in hospitals?

    Hell yes!

    Dr. D

    “A Dire Warning: The US Plan to Make Ukraine into Europe’s ‘Big Israel’

    Just as said here months ago. Israel is their pretend heritage, they want their ancestral homeland and to settle 1,000 year old scores with neighboring nations. Of course we approve. There’s never been an immigrant to the ‘States that didn’t want the U.S. army to settle every score for them back in the Old Country.

    “Donald Trump’s Trial for Election Interference Set to Begin in Time to Interfere with Election “ –Bbee

    “‘Mudpocalypse’ Hits Burning Man, 73,000 Trapped In ‘Toxic’ Lake Bed In Nevada Desert
    “President Biden has been briefed on the situation”
    …and to help he’ll be sending more tanks to Ukraine.


    That goes with this one:


    Paranoid anti-chippers. And here I thought it was a bad idea because not one of their existing computers works worth a s—t and needs a reboot or update every 4 hours or it’ll fail and stop working. When all I’m trying to get out of the device is a recipe for bacon I could write down on paper.

    “Raided Trump’s House” And so they say we’re stopping fascism” yesterday.

    They don’t care. I don’t know how much clearer it can be. They live in emotion-mind. There is no logic-mind, it’s never contacted or referred to. It might as well be a different part of the galaxy.

    “Our Country” 40 years since the first milk cartons, finally thinking about maybe sorta getting started. Well, I appreciate it, I guess. Have to start somewhere since no doubt this puts all the abortion deaths to shame.

    Speaking of, article this week, School pushed trans on disturbed kids, didn’t tell the parents (grandmother) and pushed, pushed, pushed until they were alienated enough to run away. …And be trafficked at 15, duuuuuuuuh. But NO! That’s not enough!!! So they get her back, having been raped by five people God knows how many times – I guess THEY noticed she was a woman – and the State then #Helps by pulling her out of her Parent’s house and into foster care. Why? Deadly, violent abuse: they called her by her actual, real, biological gender. The one she was raped by and is therefore somewhat relevant to the discussion?

    In foster care, alone, the State alienating and separating this disturbed person from love and family again, #Helping!!, she then ran away to a guy in Texas who turned out to be…Shocker!!! NOT 16 and her age, but another adult male trafficker who raped her some more. Yay! #Winning! Thanks Daddy government!

    Did they learn their lesson? NOT ON YOUR LIFE. In the custody hearing, the State turns on the Zoom, The parents says, “I love you Katie” “I love you to, Nana” she says. Boom. Close connection. WELL, the State says. “I guess I’ve made my case. Such intolerable abuse right here in the courtroom! This violence cannot stand!” Why! Families saying they love each other! Throw away the key! (If they use the wrong gender that clearly no one is bothered by)

    So…tell me again how the State is NOT the trafficker, themselves? The Teachers, the Social Worker, the D.A? The Judge, the policemen, the courts? The doctors who stamp it, tell me how they’re not all in on it, since that is the only natural consequence of their action, they know it, they saw it happen, one minute ago, and still don’t care?

    How long is she removed for? So the parent will serve a longer sentence than the rapists, and a more certain one, that starts today and not years from now like their 6+ trials. Uh-huh. And with the State’s behavior the issue multiplies as more children are raped and raped again and more trials start, although as this trailer says, practically no one is chased and caught, too busy monitoring Catholics and School Parents. If like Chicago, +90% chance of getting away with every murder, why WOULDN’T you? It only shows how good people are they can know this and DON’T do that all day, because it’s strictly logical and sensible to do so.

    …Thanks to Chicago and the State system.

    Oh that’s just one case. Suppose this already disturbed young woman will remain, I dunno, possibly more disturbed after being raped 100x by 6 different men? Therefore require care from the rest of us her whole life? Nah! We’ll give her to the GOVERNMENT to figure out, and the Doctors who already helped and made all the decisions that GOT her there. That’s what Medicare Therapy is for! #Helping! To Infinity, and Beyond!

    This is not their GOAL for YOUR kids, this is their daily action and literal, legal history with your kids.

    “Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs

    Trust us. The School and State know what they’re doing. Now quick, there’s a fire, all get on that bus!!!

    Ukraine caused by the CIA, who funded nobody BUT Nazis, literal, active, armed, shop-smashing Nazis as reported by the NYTimes for a decade?

    Nobody cares. I cannot express to you how emphatically and deeply no one here cares. Illusionary White Supremacists used a “dog whistle” (aka a “conspiracy theory”) racism no one can actually identify? Solitary without trial forever! Lose your job, have to move out of state. If you said that other guy is a crummy worker and he also happened to be black under the “single drop of black blood” theory. ACTUAL Nazis with nukes doing ethnic cleansing of millions, leading to WWIII Nukes dropping in Staten Island?

    I cannot express to you how much they don’t care. Buy me one, buy me a thousand, shut up and take my money, no price is to high, get yours today. …The rest of the country? Too tired to take up this ANOTHER issue they won’t win. Thanks to the money and the one-way wealth pump. As you noticed, we can’t even save our own kids from rape camps, much less take on Bandarites 10,000 miles away. As according to plan. Polished up with CIA ops worldwide now brought home to you!

    “..Russia does not pose a threat to Central Europe” because Moscow has not been able to accomplish a quick and resounding victory in the conflict..”

    It is a relevant reason not to Shock and Awe as they could, and not to roll over the entirely missing Ukrainian army last month. You know the minute the line falls France will fall down and writhe around on the ground like a football (soccer) foul about how Putin will be in Paris tomorrow. Even as every part of that is literally impossible, much less not a Russian goal. But when has that mattered? They were going to nuke them for being 100 miles in the oblast, much less at the border.

    I somewhat disagree, this makes it all go on forever, but I understand the state-of-play on the board.

    “G20: Last Waltz In A World Torn Apart (Bhadrakumar)

    Luongo points out that India – having 100s of years history getting screwed by the British – are trying to play both sides still. We understand. However, Iran is going right around them and India will be left behind. Hopefully that can get the lead out. That means Biden is on a fool’s errand, which makes him perfect for the job.

    No one can, or will, ever trust the U.S. again, thank God. How COULD you sign anything with us? Unless like Turkey, the money is released instantly, and you already don’t care about the inevitable double-cross.

    “Phillips Payson O’Brien claimed in The Atlantic on Saturday.”

    Good thing the People don’t read The Atlantic, or they’d vote Trump in immediately.

    “Ramaswamy has gone the furthest, suggesting that the US recognize Russia’s territorial claims in Ukraine in exchange for Moscow distancing itself from Beijing.”

    You’re…you’re kidding right? This is the apex of talking out your -ss. We’re now going to tell people who their FRIENDS are? This is what I was saying about his childish platform being easily positioned by the NeoCons. I cannot express how incredibly STUPID you sound. Which is why Americans like it.

    “Now, almost three months in, the counteroffensive is widely regarded as a failure.” he says.

    Huh. That’s odd. I don’t see anyone PRINTING that it’s an open failure. Everyone knows, but no one will say? No one will be on record as admitting what they all believe? Even “widely”? Wow, cowardice that deep is hard to come by! Bottle it and sell it!

    ““The enemy of the U.S. dollar isn’t in Beijing or Moscow or Riyadh, it’s in Washington.”

    Jimmy Dore said the same thing (about Ramaswamy): all the real enemies to the United States are here at home. Everyone who’s trying to destroy us is already in D.C. We all know that since 1996, so welcome to the party, pal.

    Yet “Gold’s Role Rises”? Yes, and it NEVER MATTERS. Price never changes, in fact it goes the other way. No effect, change, reality, shortage, ever changes anything. Prices never go up, shortages never come down. That’s “Capitalism”! I hear, when complete shortages have no effect on price, ever, for decades.

    ““district attorneys hand-picked and personally funded by” Soros”

    Speaking of all the happy-happy rapes above, arranged for your children, just such D.A.s and other officials are going to let every death row criminal go in California. ‘Cause we ain’t got enough problems, jack. …Now if you should SHOOT them, when these horror-crime, murder-rapists inevitably attack your daughter, if you cave in their head with a hammer defending yourself in Bakersfield, You’ll be in big trouble, mister!!! How dare you pick on this poor man who had a bad childhood? Who’s the real victim here? Your daughter? Or a convicted death row inmate? I guess I’ve made my case!

    Cloward-Pivon. Overwhelm the State, and then the People, in the “Three World Wars” a battle of all against all, in service to our master, the Prince of Lies, aching for his return. They are fanatics for death, and this is their religion.

    “• US Congress is Older than Ever, But Reform is Unlikely (Sp.)

    Congress progresses one funeral at a time. So…not a single person there is coherent anymore, every day, on camera, including young’uns like Fetterman, and no one cares. “How dare you sir?” Even MENTIONING it makes you a big meanie, hateful bigot, disowned from the family, fired from your job. How dare you even SUGGEST employees must be competent??? I kid you not. If you want people to go bat-s—t, like your kicked their dog, even suggest something like this about ANYONE protected by the little blue square. They. Will lose. Their minds. Rape their daughters? Meh. Get in line. Don’t care a bit.

    (won’t allow pics)

    Dr. D

    “You cannot have two different justice systems for long.
    • Biden Asserts Executive Privilege on Hunter Emails, But Waived Trump’s (GP)


    As far as I know, dogs are allowed in hospitals, but under specific conditions, just like their family members, who make far bigger problems and far more messes. Allow the dogs, prohibit the humans.


    Can we pan back for a minute and look at the human trafficking issue from a cold energy dynamics perspective. The reduction in net energy into the economic system coupled with unbelievable levels of debt seems to lead to human slavery throughout history. Fossil fuels gave us 7 x humans and now we are tapping out and on the downslope of the prosperity curve.
    I’m sorry to say it goes into the mix along with depop agendas, war and command and control economics.

    Also – Dr D, I shared your thoughts re Lahaina (and gave you mention) on Rounding the Earth substack and lo and behold Sasha Latypova asked ‘who are the Good Guys?.
    You are making me seem clever and interesting and I like it.

    Who are the good guys?

    Dr. D

    (Site going goof: won’t post, says “3 Comments” including mine, won’t show them, etc)

    Alternate realities:


    Or alternate universes. Not “Women are from Venus”, but the Pinwheel Galaxy, far, far, very far, very very very very very far away. Democrats: the Woman’s party, who will believe anything men tell them, I guess.


    See the truth/fact.

    Same reality. Two points of view.

    Read more TAE/RIM

    Die and go to Hell, and Die and go to Heaven.

    President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping will not be at the G20, (G18), Summit on September 9-10.
    Global Trade in Services Summit of 2023 CIFTIS held in Beijing

    Ivermectin Is a Proven Cure for Covid.  Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Different.

    Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It
    By Dr. Joseph Mercola • Aug. 30, 2023

    Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It!/

    Dr. D

    Good Question, who are the Good Guys. We don’t know since they have to keep their heads down. Also unlike the Mafia, which is a strict Hierarchy with “The Memo”, they are a loose aggregate of collective interests. They’ve been called a SOC, a “Self-organizing Collective”

    Now who literally? That we absolutely know for fact? “America First”. That is, a group of patriotic generals who saw this drift and arranged to discuss and oppose it, restoring the spirit of America. Literally named that. Literally open and discussed back then. Clinton had them all killed. That’s no surprise, so they went underground, being far smaller, and including mostly Colonels (workers), not Generals (Politicos). Nor do they get a pension and go to industry conventions. Someone just calls you on the phone and says they need a favor since you just retired Green Beret and maybe some money can appear too although like “Sound of Freedom” you’d probably do it for free anyway. That’s a patriot call. Do you go? Free choice. That’s the Good Guys.

    It’s not unusual, it’s STANDARD not to know anything. No op, in fact, no gov’t department tells you anything, EVER, so it’s not like not knowing the big plan is strange, or that there’s no hierarchy is unusual or weak construction for human actions. That also means they read the highest intel, as Admiral Rogers did when he went to talk at Trump Tower. They read the same highest intel and are in the same mainframes, with the same AI as the bad guys. So what are they fighting over? Resources, yes, but it’s really YOUR MIND. WHICH America will we create?

    Who else? Cheeto is protected from on high so it’s impossible he is not knowingly integrated with them. It’s actually impossible they didn’t prep and arrange him as far back as “Home Alone”, WWF, and “The Apprentice”. Along with JFKJr. And therefore his cabinet, like Meadows, must be carefully distinguishing the useful idiots like Bolton they place there, then monitor who they talk to and what they do. Bolton can’t NOT act, and what records he accesses and who he talks to tells them who’s on which side. Bolton unknowingly becomes their patsy and snitch.

    All other nations are in the same split, compromised position with the Mafia, so all of THEIR White Hats are on your side, although you can’t identify them. But you go to NoKo or Iran and say “War is bad for business” and they agree, so they are “self-organizing” with complimentary goals. That’s how we have Russia killing every Nazi and the Pentagon handing a nation the size of France to Russia without a peep. Wot a coincidence! Handing one of the largest nations on earth to the Christians! That’s how Taiwan will end up with China without a shot. You USE the NeoCons. They are simple-minded and predictable. Davos — roughly their/our enemy here — uses the NeoCons as simple-minded disposable idiots too.

    Who else? Like NoKo and Iran, Wall Street has complimentary interests. One-World Socialism puts them all out of a job, they finally noticed, so they lined up their sizeable army against Davos as well. At last. (And sadly, since “with allies like these”.) But if Dimon, etc wants to crush the Nazi Mafia and are willing to clean themselves up to do it, then what can you say? Make them prove it and let them. Fink at BlackRock must surely know but chose the Davos side and is sinking, hammered on all sides. ESG in flames, his house portfolio tanked.

    Who else? YOU. You are resisting. You believe in the Principles of the Enlightenment and the innate dignity of Man. That means every Doctor like the World Doctors Alliance is. They’re a whole group that are unaware of the “political” side, mostly. Nor do they need to. Every Whistleblower, of which there are thousands throughout government. They file reports that are ignored in the IRS and State, and eventually if they have bandwidth, someone shows up at your door, a Colonel or a Congressman, and says “We promise we can protect you. Are you willing to take the risk to go public?” And some do. Free Choice. The Good Guys.

    And so on. So in a sense we have a Parallel government, like nesting dolls, one inside the other. The bad guys have had the over-doll since Kennedy. The nesting Doll has always persisted inside it. Although Obama purged everyone he could find, he can’t “Fundamentally transform the United States” because WE, us, The People, still believe in it, and that we have Rights, Order, and Process. Clearly they’ve done everything in the Universe to kill us all, but we still believe in Rights, and Work, and Property and God.

    The White Hats are trying diligently NOT to have the fighting break out into the streets and have a Civil War where the Bad Guys operate better. That means like Sun Tzu, you must “Appear Weak” although they never seem to be able to touch Cheeto nor anyone? Huh. So weak the Bad Guys we know are there, run the world, have the universe at their disposal, can’t dispatch ONE guy? Not one. Never. For years? Maybe you’re not so strong, it seems. Yes, that’s frustrating. And more time consuming than Washington and Hamilton vs Gage. 8 years open war, probably +20 years legal-political war. But we won that and we already won this one too. We just need the Yorktown to admit it, and Ukraine will probably be that issue.

    So back to Maui: The Bad Guys have plans for it, that’s transparent. The Good Guys can’t just swoop in. Why? Because they have to appear weak, like rabble hiding behind trees or they’ll release smallpox or something. But they’re inside the same system and are reading their mail every day. They’re IN the upper NSA, they READ Josh Green’s mail to Klaus. Besides, where’s the battle? In Maui? H–l no! It’s IN YOUR MIND. For not just the United States, but the WHOLE PLANET. We can lose the whole d–n ISLAND of Maui and be worth it if we win the war. Sorry to the townsfolk there, but get your adult on, kiddies.

    So they NEED the governor to act like a maniac, in HI, in NZ, in Ottawa. The more they think they’re free and can do anything, the more the PEOPLE realize “These guys are insane!!!!!!!!!!!!” “Everything they told us about them…my GOD, it’s actually REAL!!!!!!” As we all did at some point, although some of us decades ago in grade school. Only the PEOPLE are large enough to defeat them, and only by ADMITTING and UNDERSTANDING the drugs, the trafficking, the war, the advertising mind-control. WE have to be the ones who win, WE have to be the Army. If the Army did it for us, it’d be useless: we’d sit on the couch and let them take over again. We, You, HAVE to be kicked in the teeth or you won’t learn and change. Sorry, we tried all the other ways. So WE, sir, are the White Hats. When you decide to KNOW and stop denying. Decide to take small action, like Hercules, a mere tailor, informing on British uniforms. Like Quaco and James Armistad, slaves and cooks. People who point out that their (communist) plans are illogical and anti-science. YOU are that man.

    So in Hawaii, we have the stage: We’re very busy and not at the level of arresting Governors for Treason yet. We can and do constantly divert the blows like a skilled swordsman, so they never quite land, — must be a coiniky-dink 500x in a row! — but we have to and WANT to keep them, and their WEF 15-minute city plans IN THE MEDIA, to show YOU who they are, what their goals and methods are. YOU can resist, or not, as you choose. YOU are the territory they are winning.

    In that environment, somebody drops a third joker and sweeps the pot, unsettling the table. Someone ALSO up high has given orders — way outside of our normal war parameters and escalation level right now — and uses weapons that DON’T EXIST on a wide-open, camera-area, visible to all. Now what you a-gonna do? Have Trump stand up and say “We have UFOs and Space Lasers, and there’s a Mafia from a small nation in the eastern Mediterranean that we’re at war with trying to kill all life on the planet?” Uh: don’t think so! Why? We ALREADY say that, and march 100 miles further back to Normaltown where RFK lives and SAYS this, the most POSSIBLE, Plausible, Provable thing on camera about our 50-year KNOWN bioweaons research, all consensus-reality, and they STILL lose their minds and kick him out of “serious” running for President. Saying the OBVIOUS. You think telling the truth about Maui is going to go over? With anyone? Puh-lease. So you tell ME how they’re going to explain that there are bad guys IN YOUR GOVERNMENT, and we’re all fighting them with Space Lasers, and have been for 50 years.

    Thus the problem. The White Hats can’t NOT try to stop Maui, and they probably did, as stated. The town was burned, most of the plan went off, but a number of people were saved, the children we can only assume were re-captured, and it’s rumored the people involved were rounded up. But do YOU want to have this break into the open today, this minute, without planning? Me neither, much as that burns. Now IF there are White Hats and IF they came in and busted heads as suspected, then they are presently tracking down everyone involved very quietly, one by one, using the same NSA docs and mainframes the Black Hats use. Notice people like bankers out windows, and helicopters with Roths crashing and that now years ago.

    That’s STANDARD in a non-declared war. The CIA did that for near 100 years, since the OSS. The difference is, the White Hats built their OWN mafia, and their OWN club, and their OWN servers, and are doing it all back to them, using the Mafia’s same “blackmail-and-capture” tactics.

    Dr. D

    The Americans may look stupid, but like the Russians, we’re smart about war. Painfully, immeasurably smart. What’s more, like the Russians we only APPEAR to be “Western” about it. Russia is Asiatic and Eastern in their approach, trading time and distance. America is also Asiatic and Eastern about it, but in the sense that we’re Native American ambush fighters. Like Russia, there’s a western top, but in reality our fighting is all underground, from nowhere, being nothing, appearing for a hit, then vanishing into the forest, all deniable. You have to realize our real war and our real fighters are like this, down into their bones, and the big, fat Pentagon Tank army is just the masquerade, the forest they hide in. That’s why they don’t care so much whether our stuff works or not. Like paintball, it’s all inflatable tanks and plywood jets. All just theatre for the rubes.


    Interview with Dmitry Orlov on Dialogue Works about BRICS and Dedollarization

    BRICS already represents more of the world’s global trade than the G7

    The G7 is collapsing with Germany and France taking the lead.

    The G7 is the new ‘Green Colonialism’ and thankfully will crash and Burn Baby Burn.


    Ah, the Abrams are finally arriving for their Ritual Blood Sacrifice on the Steppes of Ukronaziland!

    Big bonus points for Russian troops for burning the first Abrams

    Giant Bullseye should be painted on their sides and tops.

    Another demostration of Empire of Lies military inferiority for all the world to witness.

    Profit before performance.

    Even Col. Douglas Macgregor who commanded a battle group of Abrams in the Gulf War says the turbine engines are a nightmare of fuel comsumption and produce a ‘heat signature’ so great they can be seen and located easily by the Russians from low earth orbit satellites!



    Turkey shoot!


    The Empire of Lies Gangster Nation Military Mafia is funded by Dollars Printed from Nowhere (DPN)

    Dollars Printed from Nowhere (DPN) are ending with BRICS

    Fewer and fewer countries want to be slaves to the Empire of Lies.

    The Debt that is in dollars can be defaulted on if you have BRICS to fall back on

    Stuff the IMF loans and Western Bank, they are usury and parasitic.

    Besides, who wants their assets and foreign reserves seized at a whim from the The Empire of Lies Gangster Nation Military Mafia?

    Answer: No one but the Brain Dead

    BRICS doesn’t need a new ‘reserve currency’, just a currency exchange/swop understanding.

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention.




    Figmund Sreud

    Alastair Crooke, … expands on his “Hotel California” theme.

    Hotel Ukraine: ‘Sure, Check-Out Any Time, but You Can Never Leave’



    On Kolomoisky “K”, UKR oligarch … charged with money laundering. (prev. top post.)

    The UKR Oligarchs had sweet positions post-1991, grabbing and controlling assets incl. banking (as K did.) They went overboard, *high* on power, developed networks of control -> over land, industry, transport, media – as well as setting up private ‘armies’ (gangs..) plus, focus no. 1, control of Politics.

    Zelensky was elected at the spurring and support of K (via media, TV show, etc.) To be a puppet.

    They did not realise that branching out further, such as cozying up to foreign powers (Ex. Biden), as well as fighting amongst themselves (. ?), and other mistakes, would diminish their influence, hold, power.

    K and others are now targets, enemies, of the US Corporate PTB, who aim to (and do already in part) control segments of UKR. ‘Local potentates’, such as K, are thus attacked, via a *drive against corruption* launched to eliminate competitors. Zelensky can only obey.

    Just one reading…


    Dogs in hospitals….
    Allowed? Yes, however, there must be caveats.
    There is a great deal of variation from dog to dog in their level of socialization and training.
    Patients themselves are not always well enough to care for the dog. Dogs don’t require a great deal, but they do need food, water, and access to a place to relieve themselves.
    Hospitals have not been designed with the need to keep dogs where they are intended to be, which means they require an able-bodied handler.
    There is the matter of cleanliness — we don’t want fleas and ticks brought into the hospital setting.
    It makes sense that dogs that have a proven track record (therapy dogs, human-assistance dogs,) would have greater privileges within a hospital setting than other dogs.

    So, yes, but…
    Dogs might require a quick inspection for cleanliness, no obvious signs of pest infestation. If the dog doesn’t pass inspection, then the patient could come to an outdoor courtyard and interact with the dog there.
    Dogs would require a short leash and an able-bodied handler to be with the dog at all times.
    Dogs who have proper certifications and training could be allowed to stay with a patient, provided the patient is ambulatory enough to get food, water, access to an outdoor courtyard for the dog, and able to clean up its droppings from the courtyard. Leash could be optional for these dogs in the patient’s room. Should the patient no longer be able to provide these things, there must be a friend or family member who can come a minimum of twice a day to provide these things. (It can’t be hospital staff.)


    Pot calling the pot black
    CNN present study to Fauci, that face masks don’t help/work.
    Fauci continues to tell lie.
    CNN continues to tell lies.

    D Benton Smith

    If you tell the truth about something that the government has done wrong then the government will treat you as an enemy, but if you tell a lie about the government doing something wrong (for example, if you say that the vax is safe and effective, or that the dollar is strong, or that Ukraine is beating the Russians) then you will rewarded with praise, privilege, wealth and authority over other people.

    That’s about as bad as bad gets. We have a government that literally hates and punishes truth and good, while at the same time lavishing rewards and power upon falsity and evil.

    And make special note of the fact that I’m not talking opinions and theories. I’m talking tangible and personally pragmatic facts. We are all experiencing this inversion of the most basic human grip on reality itself. The ability to tell true from false in order to seek workable solutions. True solutions work. False solutions fail, and our government has made truth illegal.

    Am I exaggerating or overstating the case for dramatic purposes? Well, no, actually. I’m not.

    I am, if anything, actually understating the self-evident fact that major factions (in some cases RULING factions, like in America and Europe) of every government large and small, at all levels, is intensively dedicated to the complete elimination of truths, and the replacement of those facts with absolute lies, obfuscation and and evilly purposeful deceit.

    This is no small thing. because ultimately such a purpose is far worse, even, than being anti-human or anti-life. It is in the category of anti-EXISTENCE, because the the extant Universe as created by SOME sort of originating intelligence, is what truth IS. To be against THAT is to be against existence itself.

    Figmund Sreud

    John Helmer plugging away his book, Sovcomplot: How pirates tried to capture the treasure of the Russian seas, and were caught out





    Whatever you believe about Russia’s motivations for the SMO, it isn’t hard to imagine that Russian speakers in the Donbass and Crimea might have ample motivation for desiring independence from Ukraine after 2014. The following writeup by Gilbert Doctorow about Latvia makes it much easier to see why Ukrainian Russians might believe their future prospects were problematic if they remained part of Ukraine.

    Latvia’s actions since 1991 are reminiscent of the early stages of Nazism experienced by certain ethnic groups in Eastern Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s. Slavs such as Russians, Czechs, and Poles were among those singled out for special treatment. We all know how that all ended.

    New Russia-baiting provocations from Latvia


    Time to re-evaluate your preparedness.

    70,000 middle class, well to do, survivalist in expensive campers have been challenged by an extreme rain event/mud event.

    20,000 forest fire evacuees from Yellowknife returning home.

    I watched in horror as Maui burned to the ground. Now I’m leaving my dream home with survivor’s guilt.


    You read, you make up your mind/opinion of where is the truth.
    How many people died in Maui fires? Officials near end of search for wildfire victims

    Figmund Sreud

    Hmmn, … a family member just received a word from his doctor – after about eight months of investigation with following diagnosis: … it’s either giant cell arthritis or polymyalgia rheumatica, and promptly was prescribed corticosteroids pills of some kind. No trouble, …

    The trouble, however, started when that family member received fourth jab (… early January ‘23) which resulted – virtually with an hour – with most the symptoms that, say, Mayo Clinic Press lists. To boot, the idiot family member, in a meantime, allowed himself a fifth jab after about five months after fourth.

    Anyway, … in plane language, as I understand, his doctor is basing the above diagnosis on examination of arteries for inflammation, … declared as “massive” and a result of “bad eating habits”, and definitely not a result of allowing to vaxxed five times!

    Any comments on above? Dr. Day perhaps?

    … thanks,


    Dr D Rich

    I too look forward to John Day’s discussion on:
    GCA, temporal arteritis,
    non-arteritic AION vs arteritic-AION,
    accuracy of superficial TA biopsy versus clinical findings in assessing GCA.
    MRI, ultrasound and retinal angiography role and accuracy in detecting GCA/TA

    Best wishes for an optimal recovery to your family member, FS. The road is long, difficult, and aggravated by side effects from prolonged corticosteroid use.


    Best wishes for a pain free life.

    John Day

    @Figmund Sreud: Here is an overview of the quadrant they are searching for rheumatic issues involving pain. It is conveniently titled the things they said:,tend%20to%20improve%20with%20activity.
    The jabs do tend to cause autoimmune disease. This paper says polymyalgia Rheumatica is on the rise in the vaccinated:!/

    John Day

    Emergent Threats

    Sasha Latypova, More on Peculiarities of Lahaina Fire
    ​ Today’s post is short and comes from another reader. This is an interesting video from a Lahaina resident who was allowed to go to his house in the mostly unburned neighborhood of Kahoma Village. It is in the middle of the area that burned completely, so it is a miracle of sorts.

    ​ This particular Navy laser weapon is mounted on the USS Portland, which is docked in San Diego. The Navy has not had much to say about lasers and microwave directed energy weapons recently. They would light different things on fire. The lasers are typically near infrared, especially commercial lasers, so invisible. They make things get hot and burn. The microwaves don’t heat dry grass, cardboard, or ceramics but do heat polar molecules. Different microwave frequencies/wavelengths could act differently on materials. They would and do heat up flesh.
    ​ The AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS[1] is a laser weapon developed by the United States Navy. The weapon was installed on USS Ponce for field testing in 2014. In December 2014, the United States Navy reported that the LaWS system worked perfectly against low-end asymmetric threats, and that the commander of Ponce was authorized to use the system as a defensive weapon.[2] …
    ..The LaWS is designed to be used against low-end asymmetric threats. Scalable power levels allow it to be used on low power to dazzle a person’s eye non-lethally to turn away a threat, and to be used at high power, up to 30 kilowatts, to fry sensors, burn out motors, and detonate explosive materials. By lasing a vital point, LaWS can shoot down a small UAV in as little as two seconds. When facing small boats, the laser can target a craft’s motor to disable it, then repeat this against other boats in rapid succession, requiring only a few seconds of firing per boat.​..
    ..Against a larger aircraft like a helicopter, LaWS can burn through some vital components to cause it to crash.[3]​ …
    ​..With tests going well, the Navy expected to deploy a laser weapon operationally between 2017 and 2021 with an effective range of 1 mi (1.6 km; 0.87 nmi). The exact level of power the LaWS will use is unknown but estimated between 15–50 kW for engaging small aircraft and high-speed boats. Directed-energy weapons are being pursued for economic reasons, as they can be fired for as little as one dollar per shot, while conventional gun rounds and missiles can cost thousands of dollars each. The Navy has a history of testing energy weapons, including megawatt chemical lasers in the 1980s. Their chemicals were found to be too hazardous for shipboard use, so they turned to less powerful fiber solid-state lasers. Other types can include slab solid state and free electron lasers.[6] The LaWS benefitted from commercial laser developments, with the system basically being six welding lasers “strapped together” that, although they don’t become a single beam, all converge on the target at the same time. It generates 33 kW in testing, with follow-on deployable weapons generating 60–100 kW mounted on a Littoral Combat Ship or Arleigh Burke-class destroyer to destroy fast-attack boats, drones, manned aircraft, and anti-ship cruise missiles out to a few miles.

    ​The expert battlefield mercenaries that did not get killed went home already.
    Failed Counter-Offensive: Is Ukraine Losing Because Foreign Fighters Are Walking Away?

    ​Moon of Alabama has this, but I would like to point out that once a soldier or general is trained, he may well think for himself. (The military men I know think for themselves)
    ​ The U.S. used its training of African officer to subtly find and train people it could work with. An astonishing number of these officer were later involved in coups which often turned out to be anti-French and pro-American:
    ​ [S]ince 2008 U.S.-trained officers have attempted at least nine coups, and succeeded in at least eight in five West African countries alone: Three times in Burkina Faso; three times in Mali; and once each in Guinea, Mauritania, and the Gambia.
    ​ U.S. training and support to the region flows through the State Department and Africa Command, an arm of the Department of Defense, in charge of military operations across the continent.
    ​ Since the above was written Niger has followed:
    ​ Brig. Gen Moussa Barmou, the American-trained commander of the Nigerien special operations forces, beamed as he embraced a senior U.S. general visiting the country’s $100 million, Washington-funded drone base in June.
    ​ Six weeks later, Barmou helped oust Niger’s democratically elected president.

    John Day

    Google hiding websites of Trump and other Biden challengers – report
    Searching ‘presidential campaign websites’ returned incumbent Joe Biden’s webpage and several inactive Democrats

    ​Alex Berenson on COVID-vaccine immunosuppression:
    The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children, a new study finds
    Yet another reason giving mRNA shots to kids looks like an increasingly bad choice

    ​Thailand Medical News posts that Okinawa is seeing a wave of increased COVID infections and hospitalizations in July and August, which may go global.

    Okinawa is pretty far south of the rest of Japan, and is really a separate culture and ethnicity. Okinawans are the longest-lived people in the world, spending a lot of time outdoors the in sun and fresh air, and eating a widely varied fresh diet. Initial uptake of COVID-19 vaccines by September 2021 was the lowest in Japan, about 55%, based on this graph…

    John Day

    Thanks to Noirette and others:
    Eugyppius 12/20/2021, Omicron is Not Normal , Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research

    From 11/15/2021, The Ethical Skeptic looks at evidence of COVID variants circulating in early 2018, and also concludes that Omicron was so very genetically divergent that it had to be released from a lab.
    China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018

    China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018

    ​ A recent Japanese research paper provides conclusive evidence that none of the many recent COVID variants of Omicron sub-lineage that they tested could have feasibly arisen naturally. Two articles look at that, with different styles and a lot of overlap.

    Who’s Making the Variants?

    “Unnatural evolution”: indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants
    Comprehensive panels of “reversion mutations” found in general circulation look like an experiment

    Dr. Meryl Nass explains how the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty will enable the WHO “to take over jurisdiction of everything in the world by saying that climate change, animals, plants, water systems [and] ecosystems are all central to health”.​ (3 minutes only)

    Michael Reid
    John Day

    ​Meryl Nass MD, via Door To Freedom shows how this W.H.O. “treaty-revision” is a short-circuit of human-rights recognized by nations and constitutions, negating all of that if an unelected bureaucrat declares a “public health emergency”, which has no clear definition, and no checks or balances. This happens automatically if no nation objects promptly.
    The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

    The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics 

    ​ On September 20, about 2 weeks from now, the UN will silently approve these 13 pages, which will supersede all constitutional governments in 6 months, if no formal objection is raised by a government. This is very stealthy international law, and it is internally redundant, giving lip service to human rights, then clearly stripping them and enforcing emergency mandates without individual or national recourse. Reading a few pages is about like reading 13 pages. You have seen this kind of writing far too often by now.
    Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

    On Door To Freedom, from Yours Truly, for your reference and benefit: Vitamin D, Your Defense In Depth

    Vitamin D, Your Defense in Depth

    Michael Reid

    Thank you John Day. I have broken out the video (3 minutes) for those who want to send it to others.

    Dr. Meryl Nass explains the proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) ammendents

    The International Health Regulations (IHR) are a legally binding instrument of international law that applies to 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.


    The Soros family has waged a years-long political war against Donald Trump and his supporters, with George Soros calling Trump a “danger to the world” and characterizing his ideas as a “threat to democracy.”

    Soros has the same problem that all tyrants have, their conscience, which is deeply buried under layers and layers of hate, gives them ideas such as “let’s blame Trump for undermining democracy”, the exact crime that Soros has been committing for decades. He has passed the mantle on to his son, a done nothing trust fund kid, who will now wield the Soros power and will continue to undermine democracy once the Nazi is dead; so much for Soros believing in one man one vote. These people are a scourge on the planet, I just hope that the demise of the west takes down most of these people and their trust fund children who are causing the demise.


    JD said

    It generates 33 kW in testing, with follow-on deployable weapons generating 60–100 kW mounted on a Littoral Combat Ship or Arleigh Burke-class destroyer to destroy fast-attack boats, drones, manned aircraft, and anti-ship cruise missiles out to a few miles.

    I doubt the bit about the anti-ship cruise missiles a few miles out. One of the problems with lasers has to be the accuracy and responsiveness of the aiming system. You are trying to hit a target that is probably about one square foot in size at a few miles. This is from a rolling ship and across a distance where the air will be distorted by thermals. Unlike an anti-missile missile which gains accuracy as it gets closer to the target, then explodes in the vicinity of the target, shooting down a tiny object at a few miles is quite a feat and may be impossible. I suspect that is why this technology is not considered a solution to hypersonic missiles and the like, in fact is not generally used to defend against missiles, simply because it would have to operate at rather close range, closer than would be comfortable for the target. The other question would be whether it would be that difficult defending against such missiles; would a mirrored finish on the anti-ship missile offer any protection?


    Watch How Openly Mass-Murderer Fauci Lies and Contradicts Himself

    Sub-human filth like Fauci need to be caned and beaten and paraded in chains and then publicly executed on the mall in DC at the base of the Washington Monument.

    He like ritual human sacrifice, likes make him the center of attention.


    You don’t need to read this post.

    I’m repeating the SARS-CoV-2 knowledge that was known and never investigated and as a result Fauci was able to do his covid scam

    “Unnatural evolution”

    , Omicron is Not Normal , Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research
    China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018
    Posted on November 15, 2021 by The Ethical Skeptic

    From 11/15/2021, The Ethical Skeptic looks at evidence of COVID variants circulating in early 2018, and also concludes that Omicron was so very genetically divergent that it had to be released from a lab.

    The knowledge was out there circulating in the science community, for Fauci to lie about.

    One must remember two principles in this deliberation of how fast Covid, and in particular the Delta variant, spread globally. First, Covid vaccines do not stop the transmission of the virus, rather only serve to mitigate its severity in vaccinated individuals.10 In fact, the opening of society based upon higher levels of vaccination, only served to speed the transmission of the Delta variant, not slow it. Second, the Delta variant still infected those with natural prior immunity from previous Covid B.1 and B.1.1.7 infection. So the notion that, for these reasons, the Delta variant spread more slowly across the globe is incorrect. Therefore, the fastest actual global spread we witnessed for a Covid variant, was indeed 10 months in duration, as indicated in Exhibit 2.2 below.

    (Note: Genetic analyses of both Covid-19 and its Omicron variant are contained in Questions #7 a. and b.)

    7a. and 7b. Do Covid-19’s genetics/variants indicate that it existed as a lab-release pathogen well before Oct 2019?
    Answer: Yes.


    There are no White Hats Doctor D no one is coming to save you or me, We are on our own.When you witness a genocide, which we are and no1 , no1 is held to account…you know you’re in big fucking trouble. Get right with your God. People are being murdered by injection, incinerated, burnt to death from the sky. If an honorable, moral person existed in these “governments”, they would not allow all this killing.. They do not exist.


    The Empire of Lies Gangster Nation Military Mafia and it’s Ukronaziland Dildo

    Unconditional surrender is their only option

    From Scott Ritter;

    “Kiev was offered a peace deal long ago, but chose war instead, egged on by its Western backers. Now its fate is sealed…

    September 2 marked the 78th anniversary of the World War Two unconditional surrender ceremony onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

    There was no negotiation, only a simple surrender ceremony in which Japanese officials signed documents, without conditions.

    Because that is what total defeat looks like.


    The Empire of Lies is ‘agreement incapable’.

    So it will have to submit to:

    Unconditional Surrender

    On Russian terms

    Nothing to talk about, no details to discuss, just…


    Michael Reid

    The Empire of Lies will never have ‘super soldiers’ cause they always designed for profit not performance

    Against a peer power like Russia or China with real industrial bases, the Empire of Lies can only produce ’boutique’ weapons system that can’t be mass produced for an efficient price point and require ungodly amounts of over priced maintenance to keep the delicate snowflakes working.

    Look at the Ukronazis

    They can’t even repair and maintain their tanks in Ukronaziland because the Russians routinely blowup their repair facilities and they have to send them to Polandistan.

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