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    Alberto Giacometti Tête Noire 1957   Trump Can Come. But Let Him Know Britain Won’t Stand For His Bigotry, is the headline of an article for the
    [See the full post at: Live it Up and Love it Up]

    V. Arnold

    Righteous rant Ilargi. With a bit of wry thrown in? 😉


    Alternate truth

    Alternate reality – There was a chemical attack.

    Alternate reality – There was no bombing.

    Alternate reality – there is a nobel peace prize for the USA/Trump


    I don’t buy it that Trump had anything to do with the good that is happening in Korea. Moon and Un were on this trajectory long before Trump. The US is checkmated by North Korea. Any move by the US military against the North would end in disaster.
    When Kissinger and Obama get the Nobel, is it even relevant anymore?

    Jef Jelten

    Trump had about zero to do with Korea. This had much more to do with it and should be repeated far and wide on a regular basis;

    “Revolution by Candlelight: How South Koreans Toppled a Government
    South Korea’s Candlelight Revolution was the culmination of a sustained protest movement that brought out over 16 million people—almost a third of the country’s population.”

    Revolution by Candlelight: How South Koreans Toppled a Government

    And the fact that Un is not Il. So you have two entirely different leaders in north and south so let us pray that they can reunite despite western interest in having that not happen.

    This is all classic Trump, a deal is looking eminent and he comes along to put the TRUMP stamp on it so he ends up looking golden.

    I don’t hate or like trump but you are getting a little carried away with the pom poms there Ilargi.

    V. Arnold

    I must say Ilargi; I do not understand the painting; Tête Noire 1957.
    Any suggestions…

    Chris M

    It could be said that a revolution of the kind that Caitlin Johnstone alludes to is similar to a repentance, a turning away from what we innately know is evil and towards what is good and perfect.

    As participants in this blog, one of the greatest evils we discuss on a day to day basis is the evil of undervaluing people through our conduct of trade. Our money is based on the monetization of debt. It should be based on the monetization of people’s production, their talents being used to create and to also serve their fellow human beings. Until we honestly address this issue, we will continually be under the system of debt and bondage which keeps us from the freedom to fully be what we were meant to be, to be people that love our neighbors as ourselves.

    Doc Robinson

    V. Arnold,

    One interpretation (with online translation attempt):

    Tête noire, vers 1957-1959
    Un des aspects philosophiques du projet de Giacometti : arriver à faire le portrait d’ « un homme fait de tout les hommes, qui les vaut tous et que vaut n’importe qui », selon le mot de Sartre en 1964. Ce plâtre peint de 1958 Grande tête illustre cette tentative sans cesse recommencée de fixer un réel en permanente mutation qui a animé l’artiste sa vie durant, aboutissant à une des plus hautes expressions de l’art du XXe siècle.

    (Definitions of fixer: verb, Déterminer de façon précise…)

    Black head, circa 1957-1959
    One of the philosophical aspects of Giacometti’s project: to paint a portrait of “a man who is all men, who is worthy of them all and who is worth anybody”, in the words of Sartre in 1964. This plaster painted with 1958 Great head illustrates this constantly renewed attempt to fix a permanently changing reality that animated the artist throughout his life, resulting in one of the highest expressions of 20th century art.

    (Definitions of fix: verb, Determine precisely…)

    John Day

    I’m going to speak up on my own for Caitlin and Ilargi here. I’m a sensitive, entitled, 60 year old white male vegetable-gardening fixie-rider who grew up on Marine Corps bases during the Vietnam war and is no stranger to fist-fighting, or meditations on universal compassion. My patients range from PCP-using black male schizophrenic gang members with 3 little teardrop (murder) tattoos, to white women with PTSD from guys like that.
    There is a disturbance in the force. Everybody is feeling it. Everybody feels tense. Hell, drivers are almost hitting me several times on one commute, due to an urgency, coupled with a blindness. People are feeling the stress of the impact coming and looking at their smart-phone porn, shouting “LA-LA-La-lalalalalaaaa!”
    The last time the Zeitgeist awoke was 1967, and it was the left that jumped the social consciousness, Walter Cronkite, Jim Morrison and The Grateful Dead. BAM! Oil peaked in the US after that, but not the world. The zeitgeist slept, and was carried on as a fake ghost, like Marx is carried by Marxists, Keynes by Keynesians, and Jesus by Christian hierarchies.
    Things being cyclic, the Zeitgeist is at the extreme of a Yang swing, and about to turn hard Yin, so it is appropriate that the political right, out of left-field, become filled with the Holy Spirit and start emanating the light of universal loving-oneness out of their entire beings.
    I’ve read about this kind of esoteric stuff, but at 9 years old in 1967, I was like the little lame boy who couldn’t follow the pied piper into the maountain.
    We’ve all heard for years that we, as a species, need to evolve from materialism to spiritualism, or die, and we’ve all examined things pretty closely and figured we’re doomed.
    The Way of the Tao is Reversal.
    Cheshire Cat

    John Day

    Oh, I find Michael Hudson has an interview out on the ubiquity of debt-cancellation in the ancient world. This is really an ideal aspect of the Tao reversing.


    Nothing will change as you say, ‘And until we separate politics from money altogether, that’s not going to change’. This obsession with money is at the root of all man’s evil.

    V. Arnold

    Doc Robinson
    Thank you, very helpful.
    I had clicked on the image but didn’t get much from what it offered.

    John Day
    Iben Thranholm posits that the main problem of the west is spiritual; and I tend to agree with you both.
    Heres a link;
    Interestingly, the patriarchs of the Russian orthodox church also identify a loss of spirituality as the primary problem for the west.
    From one pov it seems too simple and from another pov it seems quite profound. I tend to the latter.


    V. Arnold,

    I had come across Tête Noire recently and the link to Kanye was obvious. But overall I’ve long given up trying to find pictures that are reflected in article content.

    If you Google Giacometti Tete Noire, you find he did a lot of similar paintings and drawings. And you can also see how Pinterest is trying to monopolize art the way Facebook does the interwebs. I refuse to link to Pinterest.


    Money can’t be separated (or eliminated) from politics short of ending its use altogether, and that could (only?) be accomplished through the simple (though not necessarily easy) abandonment of a single belief–and a lie, at that: that all “exchanges” must be balanced. Debt forgiveness isn’t a reversal, it’s a partial reset of the game. And changing from debt-based to production-based economics wouldn’t end the profit motive, Chris, which is the driver of the societal dysfunction.

    V. Arnold

    Thanks Ilargi; I do not use any social websites; facebook, twitter, pinterest, or any other.
    I comment here and 2 other blogs and that’s it.

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