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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2019 #50205

    Snowden smells like another “limited hangout”, i.e., a little prick.

    Interesting fact: the bot profilers of the internet think I’m a rabid right-wing Libertarian.

    That’s because, I suppose, they can’t think outside of labeled categories. Real persons, with genuine independent thoughts and conclusions, seem to baffle them.

    “It’s a rare man who is taken for what he truly is.”
    ― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2019 #50204

    “As the late great British satirist Michael Wharton, who wrote under the nom de plume Peter Simple liked to say – the wilder the fantasy, the more rapidly it was bound to ‘collapse” into the realm which we naively and inaccurately describe as “reality.”

    Not only a delicious quote as is, but it also applies to civilization itself, which has functioned for many decades as wild fantasy bound to collapse into a reality bearing little resemblance to the wild fantasy.

    “I increasingly suspect Hillary will emerge.”

    Inspires me to quote from another wild fantasy, The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle:

    “Creatures of night, brought to light.”

    Hillary as Mommy Fortuna, Trump as the Harpy. In the book, the harpy eats Mommy Fortuna.

    As for the real world and the plights we face, Schmendrick the Magician said to Mommy Fortuna, replying to her remark that she would have fed the harpy Schmendrick’s liver if it would help her keep the harpy in her power:

    “Real magic can never be made by offering someone else’s liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.”


    Snowden started smelling rotten to me early on. He gets ample face time in the press where Assange doesn’t.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 28 2019 #50185

    It is too easy to confuse and conflate how the media establishment, and its handlers, may or may not be handling Greta Thunberg, with the actual genuine (one assumes she isn’t a hologram) Ms. Grunberg herself and her young, terrified peers who are soon-to-be-enraged in a manner not seen since the Great Depression, and likely to far surpass it.

    She and her age grouping have every reason to be furious, and I mean furious in the real raw literal sense, like: ‘Step on those old whiny fuckers’ heads and stomp until they stop oozing!’ Let’s just let that fact sit where it is and not pretend it isn’t so.

    Did I say Great Depression? More like the 14th century and the Black Death.

    So, having gotten that untidy facet of reality tucked into its shelf niche, let us resume our adult musings and self-entertaining analyses and abstractions, however based on genuine concern, even terror, they may be.

    I see Greta, vis a vis the media/establishment/UN/3-ring manipulation frenzy that is today’s political processes and reportage thereof, as what the CIA calls a “limited hangout”. They know they can’t continue to keep the kids passively quiet and reassured with phony promises by foamheads like Elon Musk and Al Gore. (Remember this snake oil? )

    But the fact that they’re trying to manipulate her doesn’t mean they can control her or her potential audience. Look: the fact that a 15-year old girl stood in front of the UN and openly called them shitfaced poopoo-doodoo-cacaheads and Big Fat Poopy Buttheads, with a slightly murderous edge in her tone, does not bode well for the security and authority of the primary Powers That Be.

    Greta was not manufactured by assholes looking to make yet another killing selling eco-snake oil. She’s the kid down the street. Be grateful they haven’t killed us in our sleep yet.


    Meanwhile. bosco wonders if the increasingly rapid collapse of the DNC, sort of a disappearing clown car act, won’t happen so fast that it creates powerful vacuum of the kind that often brings in a black swan event. Specifically, the kind that looks like the whitest white swan anyone has seen since Disney’s Swan Lake.
    I don’t see partisan politics in USA lasting much longer. Either we go full Orwellian totalitarian like the left fears Trump will bring about, certainly with a major war accompaniment, or we go revolutionary, almost certainly via some kind of civil war.

    After all, as I always say:

    Why let the rich and powerful make fools of us when we can make fools of ourselves?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2019 #50171

    “If, as I suspect, they were shipped to Saudi on a truck or in a container and launched locally then there is no real defense, except possibly a Pantsir if strategically placed.”

    Cost of drones compared to milindustry missile systems says the Houthis win this war, if necessary, on attrition alone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2019 #50170
    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2019 #50169

    “They are remarkably intact, and I wonder if they had any explosives in them at all.”

    FWIW, commercial drones are designed to detach from packages not blow up with them. The military definition of delivery system differs from the (let’s call it) Amazon model of delivery systems in that Amazon drones aren’t designed to blow up with the package on the delivery site.

    Naturally, the drones wouldn’t turnaround and fly back home even if they had the fuel. That would be to suicidally point flying arrows at your home base/chosen operating area. The drones were allowed to crash once any bombs were dropped, or deliberately driven into targets for what further damage they might cause.

    “Unlike everything false on T.V., this is what America really looks like:”

    Here in Portland, it’s mostly all new and grand in our little Pacific Northwest prosperity zone. We don’t have run-down homes and buildings. We just have run-down homeless people everywhere.

    Why here? Because:

    a) many people can’t afford to pay the over-priced rent in our over-hyped prosperity zone, and once you hit the streets, it takes enormous lift to pull you off;

    b) this being a prosperity zone, homelessness pays better than it does in, say, Baltimore or Detroit, so local homeless tend to stay while homeless from elsewhere tend to come here to enjoy the relatively good begging;

    c) while it’s wet around here, it doesn’t get too cold nor too warm, and;

    d) weed is legal, and street life without a buzz is hell with a suicide chaser.

    Homeless is as homeless does:

    Homeless Portland

    “The Trump administration wants to cap the number of refugees admitted into the United States to the lowest number since the resettlement program was created in 1980. A State Department proposal released Thursday would put a cap on the number of refugees at 18,000 for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. Of those refugee admissions spots, 5,000 would be set aside for persecuted religious minorities — an attempt to bolster President Donald Trump’s heightened focus on global religious freedom — and 1,500 would be set aside for nationals of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, who are seeking asylum in the United States in far greater numbers.”

    There could be a wise, if cruel, logic to this in that refugees from where we create mayhem are likely to have a significantly higher proportion of souls angry at USA and willing to do mayhem within. And most refugees derive from our mayhem (including global warming, of which USA is the official avatar). Just sayin’. I ain’t buying the logic, but that’s cuz I’m a bleeding-heart liberal at the core.

    But that logic doesn’t apply to refugees from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, nations we’ve grievously scarred. These nations are known for producing criminal gangsters of exceptionally violent nature uncommonly adept at besting our oh-so-brave-and-brilliant constabulary as they play Home Soldiers in their used tanks and Operation Desert Storm (that was a recent war, wasn’t it? or just a fashion tag?) bulletproof superhero costumes.

    If one chooses to assume, however briefly, that there is method to this particular madness, then I suggest the rabid conspiracy notion that this is some kind of steroidal Operation Paperclip on krokodil.

    But surely there’s a logical rationale to this that someone can share with us.

    Because I was raised in Chicago but born in South Carolina (’56, y’all, first string of the second wave of Boomers, that generation of Boomers who was too young to remember live broadcasts of Howdy Doody, and know of Him only through the few video remnants), I especially appreciate this telling of the One True Genuine Birth of Funk:

    Hey! Watermelon Man!

    Fiddle you Romans, fiddle!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 26 2019 #50146

    “Saudi is collapsing and America is embracing it in its fall.” (Whazzat s’posta mean?”

    Embracing SA means we can’t protect but we can occupy it, using the Houthi threat as an excuse. For awhile during the occupation (or perhaps leading up to it), we’ll directly bomb Yemen into holy smokes, but I suspect that Russia will stop that shortly after letting us show the world yet again what a sorry bunch screwball psychopathic chickenshits we are.

    We’ll go broke doing it, but in a way that lets us continue going broke a little longer.

    That’s what the hazy images in my crystal bong show today.

    in reply to: Desperate Democrats Dig Deep #50124

    Top Ukrainian justice official says US ambassador gave him a do not prosecute list

    Whatever the comprehensive truth is, it’s far from cut’n’dried for-or-against either camp.

    Spin-dizzy, I am:

    Keep Me Turning

    (That’s the amazing Henry Spinetti on drums, tom-tom afficiandos. Too little known but always in demand.)

    in reply to: Desperate Democrats Dig Deep #50122

    Oops! White House Emails Democrats Its Trump-Ukraine Talking Points

    And so forth. So now the Dems circulate talking points that weaken the narrative one presumes they want to promote. With enemies like that, who needs friends?

    in reply to: Desperate Democrats Dig Deep #50121

    I’m not a Trump fan although I prefer him in office to Hillary. Back in the 2016, I called the duopoly choice of Hillary vs Trump as ‘ratshit vs batshit’. I didn’t vote for either of them so don’t blame me.

    Why do I prefer Trump over Hillary? Because I’m convinced that Trump understands how little fun it is to play golf in a stuffy, mildewed, harshly lit underground survival bunker on Astroturf, even New and Improved! Nanoturf. Trump, imo, carries a lesser risk factor for provoking a nuclear conflict than Hillary. However, every day in office he grows older and more deranged as his Narcissistic Personality Disorder and growing old age take their toll on his aching head, and he’s hounded by greedy sociopathic war hogs, so that risk grows hourly.

    So, that said, I’ll promote the probability that we haven’t gotten all the dirt yet on the Biden/Trump affair, and that neither party will come out clean. Right now, it’s just competing entities and media complexes trying to get the upper hold, imo. Right now, it looks like the Biden camp is poised to reclaim the media narrative and get a dominant grip on the Trump faction. But this corruption centipede has many more shoes yet to fall, sez moi, and today’s Democrats are the best friend the Republicans ever had. The Dems will fall on their own sword yet, I suspect.

    Biden is a creep, Trump is a creep, just in different ways at different times. Rome is burning. Music. maestro, please:

    Creeps Gonna Creep

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 25 2019 #50108

    Having trouble posting comments, so I’ll try posting this link to an old blog of mine and see if that works:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 22 2019 #50053

    We approach a season in history when the much-ridiculed holding of hand while singing kumbaya will prove to be one of the most important skills.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2019 #50011

    P.S. I am intrigued by what might happen with Epstein dead and Bibi knocked out. Seems to me that the Zionist global manipulation era is commencing its wind-down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2019 #50010

    Well, hush my mouf! The robots did it for me!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 20 2019 #50009

    The way I understand it, USA has to keep Saudi oil yoked to petrodollars lest it lose its foreign reserve status. Without those oil sales, inflation of the US dollar begins awful fast.

    So, occupying Saudi Arabia while continuing global unrest in oil regions to drive prices up, will forestall a rapid run on US $s. Higher energy prices will hammer our economy big time, but that paper tiger hot-air balloon is poised to pop regardless.

    If USA attacks Iran, it will be in order to wreak just enough mayhem to shut down the Gulf.

    Somewhere amid all these false flag/ambiguously flagged operations, someone’s likely to get real and do something serious under their own name? In a way that no one can dispute who the acting agency is?

    And there’s wee Israel, working overtime to get its Armageddon on. Don’t they know that’s a Xtian thing? Meanwhile, Mohammed is growing increasingly pissed at all these Izzymericans brewing war in Islam and blaming it on Koranic culture.

    Sorry. I forgot what little HTML I never knew, so you’ll have to cut’n’past to hear Mose make much spendid sense.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2019 #49967

    A cui bono review suggests that not only do the Houthis benefit but also, the USA. Our military weakness is already become apparent to enough of the world that the rest would soon catch on, so having the missiles/drones get through hardly matters at this point: that screw has already turned.

    Meanwhile, we have another pretext for ‘protecting’ Saudi Arabia by taking over. Everybody hates the Saudis so having odious Unca Sam in there won’t be all that infuriating, at least for a few years, which is as long as anything will hold together in this era.. Meanwhile, we can control the oil flow from Saudi Arabia. And if somebody blows them up again, so much the better for North American shale oil sellers.

    Either way, our economy, the Euromerican economy in general, will tank when energy costs rise too high, whatever fiscal/financial shenanigans have also eroded its base.

    For USA, either controlling or knocking out Saudi oil production is a win either way, and the defense contractors and the Dominionist nutheads infesting our armed services, would enjoy the process.

    In the long run, the Houthis may well not benefit if the USA decides to invade which would require slaughtering Yemenis on an industrial scale.

    Oh, we’re likely to outdo Hitler, Mao and Stalin combined when we’re through.

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