D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2023 #142204
    D Benton Smith

    How much of the economy is based on government spending? It’s impossible to place a definitive figure on it, BUT it is easily estimable by adding together just a few base-figures that are absolutely known to the penny, and doing a little long division like they taught us in grade school. When the IMF did that (and we could do it, too, because we learned arithmetic ) it came to a staggering 42.36 % of the United States GDP was attributable to DIRECT government spending.

    Let that sink in and ramify for a few minutes. Now let some of the ramifications sink in alongside that for a while, and it should soon become clear that if HALF of all of the money comes from the government SPENDING, then the OTHER HALF of GDP consists of the folks who RECEIVED that spending (as wages or receipts) then going out and immediately spending it all.

    So half of the spending is governmental and the other half is private, but the PRIVATE half of the spending was using the money it got from the government spending. One half plus one half equals ALL. So why do so many people side with the government’s “narrative”? Because that’s who gives them the paycheck they depend on for practically everything they need to stay alive. But that ain’t all.

    Sure, these are estimates, and one could easily miscalculate by a maybe 5 or 10 percent in either direction, but that does not make enough difference to change the general picture a single pixel.
    And the picture basically this: America does not MAKE practically ANYTHING. All that it does is “govern”a systematized racket for literally STEALING what it wants , which is to say that it gives counterfeit IOU’s to it’s employees and suppliers, and in this manner DEMANDS that real goods and real services be delivered to it. These demanded goods and services are things that it absolutely must have but is almost totally incapable of making or providing for itself. I say counterfeit because, as we all know, there is NO INTENTION or possibility whatsoever of the IOU’s (dollars) ever being paid back or made good.

    Putting that in a nutshell, and using only an inconsequential amount of hyperbole, the USA does not know how to MAKE practically anything any more, and the money it uses to BUY those missing items is FAKE. Most of the things that the United States actually needs to survive are things that (as a society) it no longer knows how to produce. It can only obtain those things (like machinery, materials, and skilled labor) by buying them, and the only currency it has for making those purchases is an almost totally bogus IOU which practically everyone knows isn’t REALLY worth the electrons that it’s digitally written with. (Because it is tens of TRILLIONS of dollars overdrawn on a century or more of past-due IOU’s). If the books were balanced right now, and every last obligation was resolved, the result would be a nation/empire that was so monumentally SHORT of meeting its contractual obligations, that it would take a hundred lifetimes of actual production to pay it back to the people it was “borrowed” from.

    This no small thing. This is not some fanciful exercise of abstract imagination or theory. This is cold hard fact that I’m talking about here. The US is not just a flat-broke, indebted idiocracy.. It is at the END of its rope and the usual suckers are no longer rolling over and obediently accepting the incredible shrinking dollar and threats of violence that have long been the only way America has managed to keep getting the stuff that it will literally die without.

    I’m talking about an EMPIRE, of perhaps a billion people, that A) cannot make enough stuff to feed itself and keep the lights on, and B) is now measurably losing the ability to BUY that stuff either. It can only get that money by LYING about, and frankly, folks just aren’t buying the lie like they used to.

    We’re talking about a projected (expected? predicted? unavoidable?) level of abject poverty headed our way like a DEW assisted wild fire, unseen anywhere outside the most desolate of third world shitholes, and burned out cities in remote and abandoned places like Lahaina and Baltimore.

    What usually happens when a place as big as a nation or empire hits the skids that hard is that people from elsewhere move in and buy everything up for “pennies on the pound note” (or just take it by main force) and become the new owners, so that’s probably what they’re doing now here. In fact ….. looking around …..that’s exactly what they’re doing. Burn it down, buy it up and use starving slaves to build it back better, and then dump the slaves. Tidy and effective.

    “But wait !”, people say. “No one would stand for that!”

    Oh, yeah? Sure looks like they’re “standing for it” from where I’m standing.

    Related to what I wrote yesterday about CONNECTION, and how the FIRST thing that an oppressive occupier does to its victims is to DISCONNECT them from every one of the people and groups who care enough about them to come to their rescue or help in some meaningful way. Once a target is separated from those who they were previously connected with they are ust sitting ducks.

    Once the victim has sold all moral allegiance in exchange for a fake paycheck, and has obediently disconnected from former friends, and no longer cares enough about them to risk coming to their aid or complaining, then the DISCONNECTION process is complete. Mission accomplished.

    The oppressor can then do any damn thing it pleases, to any victim that it wants to, and practically no one will move to stop them or even complain much (because that might make them the next target). The bad guys can do literally ANYTHING. They can torture rape child slaves, kill them and then sell their nice fresh young internal organs on the open market. They can worship evil and glorify degradation and make Hollywood Blockbuster movies about it for a profit. I mean ANYTHING, whatsoever, you name it, and no one will interfere or move to stop or punish them in any way.

    Welcome to Lahaina, Americans! The way things stand now, no one gives a flying fuck whether you enjoy your brief stay or not, because you have disconnected from nearly everyone who might care, and so they do not care.

    But who cares, right?

    Well, I still care, and I think that a bunch of you care, and I also very much think that it’s time to reestablish connections to the others who do, too.

    Here’s a good place to start re-connecting, it’s a blunt and unapologetically true history of our home turf, who it actually belongs to, and precisely who has been working so hard to steal it for so long. The book is not for beginners, nor the brainwashed. The author is Hindu, and there are a few Hindu-ish references, but not many, and not all dogmatic or distracting from the core historic info. link: https://www.amazon.com/Apocalypse-Yajnavalkya-Revelations-Concerning-Humanity/dp/B0C1J2MLCN/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2023 #142159
    D Benton Smith

    All of us humans are EXACTLY alike in at least one respect, regardless of how rich or poor, strong or weak, good or bad, smart or stupid or anything else that we happen to be.

    That point of identical characteristic is that when we do not know something that we need to know then we will turn to others to get that information. We cannot (practically speaking) find out all by ourselves alone because even if you TRIED to get it yourself you would quickly discover that “finding out for yourself” still comes down to accepting information from others because NO ONE knows everything. This unavoidable necessity of getting vital information that we need but don’t have, from other people who we think do have it, immediately brings the TRUST factor into strong play. Who does a person think actually will have and share the true info that’s needed? In other words, who do we TRUST ?

    Well, without putting too fine of a point on it, we trust the people who we believe are “better” than we are regarding something or in some other important way. (maybe they’re a savvy street fighter and we need their advice on hiring a good a body guard.) More frequently , and especially in this culture at this time, people tend to “look up to”, and follow the opinions of, people who are extremely rich, world famous and/or politically powerful. To be all three at once is a “hat trick” which virtually guarantees that entire swaths of the population are going to turn to that person as someone whose statements are accepted as gospel by their fan club. If that fan club is itself extremely rich, famous and powerful then the club can be pretty damned small and still have a tremendous impact on the nature of the information that filters down from on high.

    Depending on the nature of the information we need (for example cooking or medicine) we will seek a data source who we think knows a lot more about it than we do. We think of them in that way (as being our “betters” about something) because they have demonstrated to our satisfaction over a long enough period of time that their knowledge is consistently “better” than our knowledge.

    The other way to garner rough estimates about what is (or should be) happening is to look around at the rest of the herd. What is everybody ELSE doing? Whatever they’re doing, then if I do that too everything should be okay. Nine times out of ten that works great. Most of the time following the herd works beneficially for all, is culturally unifying, and extremely efficient. It saves trillions of hours of time that we don’t have to spare. It’s that TENTH time that gets ya! (that time when the herd and the trusted sources are WRONG.)

    But that’s usually no super-big deal because, in the final analysis, MOST things aren’t very important to begin with. They are often a worthwhile deal, but they are very seldom a BIG deal. Some things matter a lot, and other things don’t. For important things, however, when it really DOES matter, then we look for the teachers and advisers who we trust about IMPORTANT stuff. We turn to the same people that we turn to for our other important stuff such as sustenance, safety and security. That works fine too, unless those people have disconnected themselves from us and now consider themselves to be “different” than us. And not just different, but better as well.

    Like I said, who it is that we search for (and believe) in our search for good information depends on the type of info that we need. There are a lot of different types, but they can be roughly divided into three general categories.

    Let’s call the FIRST category those things we’re interested in on a purely and only self determined basis. No one tells you that you must be or do or have whatever it happens to be. You engage in these activities and pastimes just because you want to and it ain’t nobody’s business but your own.

    Then there is the SECOND category, which is comprised of the things that you know you’re just going to have to do in order to get along well and have a good life. You could neglect these things if you chose to, but that would be stupid because you know that the result would be if you neglected it (for examples: poverty or lack of friends). Whatever the known or suspected consequence, it would be something that you really wouldn’t like , and so you voluntarily choose to do the right thing and get the positive result instead (for examples: wealth and friendship).

    Finally there is the THIRD category. The one that nobody likes. These are the things that one is forcefully compelled to do, under threat of mandatory material punishment (for examples: fines, imprisonment, violent treatment or even death). Like I said, nobody likes “Category Three” except the jailer, the goon and the hangman, and even they are careful to not wind up on the wrong side of the arrangement. This fact largely explains why they opted to be jailers, hangmen and hired thugs rather than money-less saints and heroes.

    I reckon that by now you have recognized that the three general “categories” are not actually hard-edged categories at all. They are more like arbitrarily defined general positions along an infinitely graduated scale. A scale that runs from completely voluntary at one end, to totally mandatory at the other end. And I must say that as “categories”go, they can also be so frustratingly complicated and “fuzzy” that they can be almost impossible to recognize as such, as I am sure we have all experienced. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this essay the three divisions are rudimentarily accurate and focused enough to serve the purpose, so I will stick with them for now.

    Unfortunately, we humans spend most of our time dealing with life as it happens to us in the dangerous no-mans-land of shifty, teeter-tottering on the contentious border BETWEEN Voluntary Action/Belief and Mandatory Action/Belief. The big question is about WHERE does that “fuzzy difference” [between “doing stuff because one wants to” versus “doing things because one was FORCED TO”, under threat of material punishment] turn into a sharply drawn thin red line?

    Do you see how this all relates to the crucial question of, “Who do we turn to for TRUSTED sources of information?”

    I hope that you do see that close relationship , because this choice is one of the two or three most important choices that we ever face in life.

    To state the question clearly, “Who does a person turn to for TRUSTED information on important issues?” If the person turns to their “employer” or other work-related associates in an organized hierarchy(financial, social or otherwise) who they also depend on for the necessities of life (like money, food, shelter, protection, etc.), then that person IS going to be lied to because the layers ABOVE the person in the hierarchy are going to serve THEMSELVES before (and better) than they will serve the person.

    That sort of deceitful duplicity can only be accomplished by LYING, and/or FORCE (or threat of force).

    The information being passed DOWN through the nested levels of authoritative control will ALWAYS be falsified to a degree that is at the very least SUFFICIENT to assure that the interests of the higher ups are benefited more and better than the interests of the lower down. Otherwise the hierarchy would not even exist because if no one is FORCIBLY ruling over ANYONE ( the “-archy” part of hierarchy) then, by definition, it is not a hierarchy in the first place.

    Hierarchic control can ONLY exist when ENFORCEABLE ORDERS (that is, orders that are mandated, upon threat of material punishment) can be given to underlings who MUST obey.

    Long story short, trusting those who issue ENFORCEABLE orders is very close to being as stupid as it’s possible to get, because no matter how persuasively an enforcer tries to convince that it IS in your best interests to obey their command, you know for a FACT that it is NOT. Asserting that it’s good for you when it is in fact bad for you, is simply a lie. The plain truth is that the mandated order is the exact opposite of good for you. It’s for the benefit of the one giving the violently enforced order, to YOUR detriment. Period. Full stop. Otherwise they would not have given the order. Furthermore, the self-serving lie was given and enforced for THAT purpose, the purpose of serving benefit the order giver at your expense.

    If you are not the one who gave the order then the only way you are not screwed is if the order giver truly does have your best interests truly at heart. I know only one such case.

    When I look around this so-called civilization what I see is a WHOLE bunch of people who are turning to the sources of their income (mostly money) as also the sources for their trustworthy information. This is both extremely unwise, and a rather extreme understatement.

    To put it a different way, when employed people need to know who and what to believe they typically turn to their friends and employers for the answer. Horribly, pretty much every one of the people they live with and associate with are people who are doing the same damned thing. Accepting, relaying and DOING bad things for pay (which pay is, itself, a lie because the pay IS NOT WORTH what they promise that it’s worth. More often than not the “pay” is worth even LESS than nothing.

    In the described manner the entire ship of fools are following self-destructive orders in exchange for a stupidly believed LIE that their paycheck is actually worth what they’re doing for it. (for example, the lie is told to the Nursing Assistant that the paycheck….. which the nurse totally depends for virtually ALL vital food, shelter and general wherewithal……. is worth more than the life of the kid who they just killed with a Pfizer jab.) What a self-actualizing cluster fuck.

    Of course the nursing assistant doesn’t THINK that giving the poison injection constituted a Capital Crime of hired murder, because he/she only believes the things that their employers and comrades tell them, and the only things that they tell them are the self-serving lies that are coming down the chain of command as orders for what they MUST do, upon pain of material punishment for disobedience.

    Getting back to where this essay started, we all turn to those we trust for the information we depend on for survival. Do not trust ANY of the information that comes from anyone who supports mandatory orders backed by force. The information will always and only serve THEM, not you, and they will lie about that purpose every step of the way, all the way to the point that you are kicked out of the club altogether and treated thereafter as a worthless impediment

    The one saving grace of THAT is that once kicked out and trodden down people tend to stop associating with and listening to the psychotic ravings from inside the echo chamber.

    Trust only those who actually care about you. Connect with them. Care for them. Put their interests on at least an equal footing as your own, because that’s what THEY are doing for you. They are actually caring about how you are actually doing, and that intentional connectedness is the only thing really worth having. What do I mean by “connection”. I mean to actually give a damn. It’s not a physical thing done for material gain. It is a spiritual thing with no ulterior motive whatsoever. Call it unconditional love. Connection is the manifestation of it. It’s a piece of God, if you will, so ultimately, that connection is not just the only ting worth having. It is the only thing that IS.

    The first thing that an mal-intentioned enforcer will attempt (other than tell you a pack of lies) is to DISCONNECT you from everybody who might provide the support needed to defend yourself from the wholesale lying, starting with the ones who already are. Divide and conquer by cutting the links to existing or potential support. One very effective way to disconnect people from each other is physical separation, and another is to prevent and forbid them from telling each other the information they need to survive and flourish. And yet another way is to insist that to continue getting stuff from the liar one must disconnect from (or even harm) the truthful and caring people (and Supreme Being) that one is currently connecting with.

    It’s not difficult to understand why the evil ones do everything they can to cause that disconnect and induce such stupidly destructive bad behavior. So don’t do it. Connect instead and care. You CAN do that, and it is highly recommended that you do.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142099
    D Benton Smith

    I think that Tucker Carlson’s speech in Budapest is going to go as viral as Oliver Anthony’s inspired, “Rich Men North of Richmond”.

    For those who missed it (and to make it efficiently re-clickable for those who want to watch it again) here is a fresh link: https://rumble.com/v3bx24y-tucker-carlson-tuckers-speech-in-budapest.html

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142097
    D Benton Smith


    I find myself agreeing with BOTH DBS and jb-hb above.
    I can do that.”

    And I agree with you (and with@ jb-hb ), so me too.

    And by the way, I think he nailed it with the proposed new term of , “continuity and parallelism” . That says it just fine, so no need for a better wording.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142095
    D Benton Smith

    Trump’s trial date has finally been set. It’s March 4, 2024. That is 6 months from now. How much (and in which direction) is the political/informational situation going to change in the next 6 months? In other words, in terms of how much people know and care about the REAL situation, will more people know or will less people know?

    You are correct.

    During those six months virtually EVERYTHING about the case will have been dissected in public for all to see if they choose to.

    By the end of those six months (in other words, by Mar 6th, 2024) I do not think we have to worry very much about the outcome of the trial.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142090
    D Benton Smith

    I should add what that solution is. The solution is to care for others as much or more than you care for yourself, because the Supreme Being wants it that way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142089
    D Benton Smith


    The problems have been explained.
    There is no solution.”

    Numerous explanations to numerous problem have been offered, but until the correct explanations to the actual problems has been received, understood and done then nothing has actually been explained, and it is far to early to proclaim that there is no way out.

    Of course there is a solution, and when the pain of ignoring it outweighs the pain of facing it and doing it then each person in turn will do what they have to do: stop serving the enemy who is destroying them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142087
    D Benton Smith

    The 100% surefire never-fail guaranteed way to get rid of ANY leader is to stop following them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2023 #142051
    D Benton Smith

    Our primary purpose must be to care for those we care about. Proactively attacking the enemy is a misuse of resources if it distracts from the more important task of CONNECTING with and CARING FOR those who care about you. Wasting time, attention and energy on trying to do harm to those who DO NOT CARE about you is just that. A waste of time and energy, and this is not a good time to waste time.

    Harming others is a valid action ONLY when if it is necessary to do so in order to connect with and care for those who want to connect and care for you.

    The most caring thing you could possibly do for those you care about is to go connect with them and inform them about what is REALLY going on, so that they can do the right thing. And the RIGHT thing is to take care of those you care about.

    This is not necessarily restricted to other corporeal human beings (although your spouse and children are an excellent place to start). There are non-corporeal beings who care for you very much indeed, and it’s important that you connect with them to the maximum of your capability. Hint: The action is as simple as stubbing your toe, and the return on investment will surpass expectations beyond your imagination.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 27 2023 #142048
    D Benton Smith

    The controllers of the money KNOW that the “Jubilee” (the wiping clean of all MONETARY debt) is coming and coming fast. Destruction of the US Dollar , for example, cannot be stopped, and many of its companion currencies are going down with it. The way this “forgiveness” of debt will manifest is the falling of value (to near zero) of the MONEY that the system uses to control who gives the orders and who obeys them.

    Note that I said MONEY, specifically, and not “ownership”. Legal ownership remains intact during Jubilee. Only the MONETARY debts are forgiven and wiped to a clean slate (or a clean and fresh new blank ledger book in this case).

    Since ALL MONEY is a form of legally enforceable debt, when those debts CANNOT be repaid
    (meaning not possible to repay under any circumstances at all) then the value of that “money” ceases to exist as well and as a consequence. Thus all monetary debt is (de facto) destroyed (“forgiven”) by the total or near total BANKRUPTCY of the currencies.

    The object of the bad guys’ financial (and CONTROL) game, therefore, is to OWN everything before that unavoidable Jubilee occurs and all of their MONEY becomes worthless butt wiping tissue. And that bankruptcy is happening right now, so fast that it’s set financial heads spinning like tops.

    As to when this happens I can only say what the monkey said when he saw his tail get caught in the lawn mower, “Well it won’t be long now.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 26 2023 #142015
    D Benton Smith

    Miles of blackout fencing, National Guard, airspace closed to legal drones, mobile unmarked police guards (UN maybe? Private Security contractors? foreign mercenaries? Who the fuck knows who the goons are at this point.)

    I think it is unlikely that the perpetrators would spend that much time, effort and money (not to mention illegal violation of civil rights) blocking inspection and hiding EVERYTHING from EVERYONE inside the Lahaina fire zone if there were not stuff in there that was worth hiding. Like conclusive evidence of both the crime and the modus operandi.

    Short video, check it out. Next I suppose they’ll issue shoot-on-sight orders against anyone trying to get in there to inspect their own damn property.

    The (almost) unbelievable weirdness continues.

    Here’s the clip: https://youtu.be/Xm_DhiKrZvY?si=Bwbu7fmK5soprkB2

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 24 2023 #141901
    D Benton Smith


    John Adams famously said that the American Colonists were roughly divided into even thirds of staunch Royalists, staunch Patriots and determinedly neutral. Later serious studies show him to be more than a little bit optimistic about that. Real numbers were more like 20% Patriot, of whom only a small portion did anything substantial about it, and a very small fraction of that actually took up arms.

    Over the 7 year course of the war eventually 231,000 men served in the Continental Armed forces, though never more than 48,000 at any one time, and never more than 13,000 at any one place. Most official estimates place the percentage of participatory patriots at 3% . . . but THAT is over the course of the entire 7 years, including the end (when we were winning). At the START however (1776) it was a mere 27,000 who stood up and said “I will” when invited to the dance. Out of a population of just under 3 million at the time that pencils out to a rather unimpressive three quarters of one percent. The Brits must have been shaking in their jack boots.

    The fact is, the vast majority of any population are either too young, too old, or too engaged in the birthing and raising of children or other necessary tasks to engage in that kind of fight. Of the remainder not all are cut out to be either warriors, nor scholars, and that’s probably a good thing because there are many other vital works to be done. In any case, I am not a qualified judge of whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just THE thing.

    Personally I find it more than a little offensive to listen to carping non productive denigration of the victims of foul play, when the helpful and more beneficial action would be either to inform them into a better state of mind or fight on their behalf so as to go back and help them recover later, or both.

    If our younger generations have been decimated by evil then whose fault is that? Certainly not the children.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 24 2023 #141888
    D Benton Smith

    Prigozhin always had size 10 balls and a size 5 hat. He played his cards very well insofar as they served his own personal interests and won him a ton of money and powerful negotiating position, but he overplayed his hand when he got into a “me first & most” game with guys like Putin and Russian High Command, who placed RUSSIAN NATIONAL INTERESTS above personal interests in matters of existentially VITAL importance to the nation and its people.

    The Russian Federation is about to go no-holds-barred with the Collective West because Russia is about to take physical possession of Ukraine. Russia does not want to do that because of the storm such an act would create, but it is being forced by circumstances to do so anyway. Because if it DOESN’T take Ukraine then the Russian homeland will be attacked and annihilated by the Western Cabal (which has been explicitly relentless in clearly stating that is what they intend to do)

    The Western Cabal, on the other hand, can not survive the event of losing Ukraine, which has long been indispensably valuable to the Collective West in a number of indispensable ways, including (but not limited to), food, energy, minerals, geographically strategic position, money laundering, human trafficking and bio-weapons development.

    So, for the short-list of reasons as stated above, Russia SHALL take possession of Ukraine and a storm SHALL ensue as that occupation transpires. The only question remaining is about how rapidly or slowly that process takes place.

    Don’t be fooled into believing that there is some “faction” in Russia that doesn’t want that re-possession of Ukraine to happen. Baloney. There are only TWO factions in Russia. The hard-liners who want to get it over and done with quickly, and the soft-liners who want to do it more methodically, by means of economics and diplomacy within a firm structure of national and international Law (backed up by military force only when actually necessary to preserve the Motherland.)

    Priogozhin (secondary to being a self-serving oligarch) was decidedly a creature of the hardliners, but at the same time was totally not above playing footsies with CIA/NATO, and thought himself to be smart enough to play both ends against the middle (wrong on that one, boyo). Self serving betrayal and sharp dealing was his DNA, although it must be acknowledged that he WAS very brave, clever and good at what he did for a living, which was to WIN.

    A card as wild as Yevgeny Prigozhin can not be depended upon when a nation is about to escalate into unrestricted war with a firmly entrenched enemy who has revealed time and again that it will be satisfied by nothing less than your total extermination as a nation, people and culture.

    So, Prigozhin had to go. To be bluntly frank about it the only thing I personally lament about his death is that a human being had become so despicable that his total removal had become necessary so that far more loyal, fair and deserving people could live.

    In further good news, having now lost Prigozhin as their foil (and having received such a clear message about what happens to traitors in Russia) the hardliners must now take second seat to the softliners (led by Putin) who intend to bring this war to a more distant but VICTORIOUS close with less further loss of life, liberty and property.

    The end of this internecine conflict is just beginning, and yet already the Western Cabal is so desperately terrified of the inevitable conclusion (that they DO see coming, which is why they’re so intent on killing us before we can get our hands on them!) that it is using its previously hidden “ace-in-the-hole” high tech weaponry right out in full public view, in such a way that ordinary citizens with reasonably developed living skills have already figured out about half of it, and are openly talking about it all over the pace. I mean hard to believe super-toys like weather manipulation, targeted earth quake generation, directed energy weapons, a clunky sort of mass mind control (needs some bugs worked out), and desktop-designer-viruses. To name a few.

    The first thing about those malignant atrocities that needs to be pointed out, by the way, is that weapons are just “things”, and things can be defeated with other “things”, so weapons (no matter how “space opera” fancy they seem at first) are no kind of guarantee of victory in the medium to long run. When surprizing and unforseen new weapons are brought into play, defenders quickly design counter-measure “things” to nullify the weapon “thing’ and the game simply goes on developing from that point.

    And the second thing about such “weapons” is that they pretty useless in a REAL war. Their primary effectiveness are only as “Terror” weapons against defenseless civilian populations (who are not the actual warriors in a REAL war). They can be used as a threat to bully ill equipped leaders, but hurting civilians just pisses off the warriors and induces them to fight harder. It seldom determines strictly military outcomes in kinetic battles (the FIRST two atomic bombs being the rare exception.)

    Anyway, back to the point. The bad guys are scared so shitless that they are presently “un-secreting” their best and most secretest “secret weapons” by deploying them in full public view. I reckon that 80% of that population are not capable of believing their own eyes and go dormant, BUT roughly 5% that “public” are not quite that brain-dead and will recognize the threat immediately and go straight into designing and deploying counter-measures without skipping a beat.

    And the most important and effective of all possible counter-measures is to wake up as many of the 80% as possible to the awareness of what is going on all around them so that they come to their senses in time to engage in protecting themselves.

    Long story short: this story is going to get longer, not shorter.

    Shockingly surprising phenomena such as the liquidation of a traitor in the daylight sky above Moscow then indirectly triggering the use of heretofore “Above Top Secret” weapons systems to burn down a city in Hawaii, are going to become so commonplace that such events will barely garner attention. More and wilder are on the way.

    Few to none of those effected are going to have the time or luxury to “deep dive” much of it as events unfold at such an accelerating pace. There’s not enough time in the day, and even less luxury. There’s just too much, too fast, to keep up with and the cause-effect relationships between the lies, liars, schemes and atrocities will be so In-Your-Face-Obvious that “deep diving” won’t really be necessary anyway. It will just be too damned obvious who dunnit and why.

    Up until recently the lies and secrets regarding these attacks on humanity have been obsessively stringently “compartmentalized” and hidden so as to keep the “power-wielding” operations secret, and avoid corporate and personal legal liability in the event of exposure.

    Our job, therefore, is to “de-compartmentalize” those intricate lies and secrets and sufficiently explain the scams and consequences to the intended target victims so that they see what’s going on and stop contributing to it or supporting it through their compliance with the incessant orders to…. basically…. kill themselves.

    The best way forward that I can think of is to continue working hard to keep up with the facts as fast as we can, wise up as fast as we’re able, and to spread what we know to everyone who will listen. If some of it seems too “out there” or Woo for your personal acceptance level, then just drop back a notch or two and concentrate on whatever you DO recognize as true enough to be considered real.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141848
    D Benton Smith


    Adequate levels and balance of the cholesterols are, after all, necessary to proper brain function. So when people call me a fat head I should take it as a compliment ?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141844
    D Benton Smith

    We have now entered the “Twilight Zone” in which news consumers who are unwilling to think about conspiracy theories won’t be able to think about anything at all, because nothing is left in the news cycle except one kind of conspiracy or another. Not even the food section, science page and obituaries are exempt.

    That might be funny, if it weren’t for the sobering fact that it’s simply true.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141832
    D Benton Smith

    Freed from the impediment of Prigozhin’s frequent self-serving “negotiations” with Russia’s higher military chain of command the Wagner Troops can now be more smoothly integrated into Russia’s fine-tuned tactical support of Grand Strategy. Despite the successes of the Wagner organization, Prigozhin himself was always an irritant and sometimes an obstacle. Now it seems that he is neither.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141828
    D Benton Smith

    There is some argument (rather half-hearted) that Machiavelli didn’t personally espouse the dirty evil psychopathic behaviors of the powerful that he advised in his popular book, The Prince, and that the outrageously corrupt recommendations therein were meant to serve as some sort of moral warning. Not that it matters very much, but if you trace the arc of the man’s life it’s pretty obvious that sucking up to the powerful was how Machiavelli made his living, and he meant every damn word that he wrote, exactly how he wrote it. Think Henry Kissinger on meth.

    The enlightened know that Machiavelli was full of shit. They know as a certain and well understood fact that to subscribe to Machiavellian thinking means certain death. However, the enlightened ALSO know that there are SOME leaders (perhaps MANY leaders, in today’s world) who do indeed believe the suicidal shite he prescribed as proper rules for street smart rulers. Those depraved leaders must be dealt with, and to do so requires that their beliefs and mind set be understood. That requires subjecting one’s mind to the mind of Niccolo Machiavelli.

    I’ll say this for the bastard, though. He was resolute and ballsy to the end. On his death bed he is quoted as having said, “I desire to go to Hell and not to Heaven. In the former I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the latter are only beggars, monks and apostles.”

    I doubt those were his actual last words. Too carefully composed and quotable. But I think they got his general sentiment about right.

    Those who are angry with God (as Machiavelli clearly was) are not taking responsibility for their own role in the currently horrible state of affairs. Let them go do so now, and only speak again about whose fault they think it is, after completing the task of taking responsibility for their personal participation in it. I wonder. I wonder why it is that when something really bad happens that our FIRST impulse is to blame somebody else?

    Ya know what? I think that’s very good question, and I bet that the answer to it is going to have something to do with me (and any other guilty parties that you know of) being wrong about something important yet again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141824
    D Benton Smith

    Corollary to “Smitty’s Law” as expressed in comment #141823:

    So if MIGHT does not make right, then what DOES make right?

    Answer: RIGHT makes right

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141823
    D Benton Smith

    “Modern” political thinking is predicated upon an absolute (and quite insane) axiomatic belief that domination is the purpose of life because life is a battle between the weak and strong. Therefore in modern political think, all valid strategies must be fashioned so as to achieve that goal. In other words, the struggle is solely and only about strength and weakness, and therefore weakness MUST be avoided at all costs, and no holds barred. Hilariously, “weakness” is defined as any act that does not demonstrate (and serve) so-called “strength”, and strength is defined as the proactive domination of everything that is “weaker” than them.

    Now if you think that is rather ….. circular, shall we say? ….. in it’s reasoning, then you would be right. It’s as circular as a spin-dizzy, and if allowed to run to it’s natural conclusion it could ONLY result in a self-destroying monster that devours itself from the bottom up until ….. at the very end …..there would theoretically be just ONE guy in charge of NOBODY. (that’s silly, of course, but on paper that IS the theoretical end-state of the belief that the only valid goal of life is the acquisition and exercise of power over others. That strategy leads to death. Every time. No exceptions.

    I’m sorry if that statement offends anyone (not really) but the offense does not belong to me. It’s nothing that I did. It’s just what the universe does.

    To say this a different way, invariable adherence to the belief that might actually does make right, is invariably fatal in all cases.

    Or even shorter, “Might does not make right. Might makes dead.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141820
    D Benton Smith

    Well done on that moon landing, India. Anyone who underrates Indian engineers and manufacturers has never worked with either one. That’s why the “West” has been been very careful to hamstring India at every opportunity, because if they weren’t being artificially suppressed at every turn they COULD kick everyone else’s collective butts (but, being Hindu, they would probably choose not to).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2023 #141819
    D Benton Smith

    @citizenx & @Red

    (Picking up from where things left off at the tail end of yesterday)

    Or another way of saying that would be, “It’s not wisdom for anyone until they wise up to it.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2023 #141784
    D Benton Smith

    The reasons that the Cabal is pelting us with lies is that by doing so we are distracted from what we were looking at just before we got distracted by having to deal with some lie. It doesn’t matter how stupid or outrageously false that the lie is (in fact the loonier the better) because the objective is not to convince us that the lie is true (and thereby impel us to lay off our investigation). The objective is to DISTRACT us from what we were looking at right before we got distracted by having to deal with the lie. So the closer we look the harder they have to throw lies. They have to throw big enough and hard enough to compel us to deal with the new lie, and NOT with the preceding item of interest.

    Basing my opinion on how hard they’re throwing shit at us I would say that it has to be about something that is a REALLY big deal.

    So what were we (and by we I mean the common peoples of Earth) looking at that got them so nervous and trigger happy?

    I believe that if you care to examine the record, what you will find is that we were looking at increasing evidence, widening public discussion and growing acceptance as fact, that the world actually is run by a Satanic Cabal. Its existence is not delusional, it is a material fact backed by incontrovertible evidence, and as such it is dead serious.

    Don’t take my crazy-head word for it. Go look at the record. Alex Jones sure wasn’t the earliest one or even the biggest one to start blowing the whistle early, but he serves as a good starting point for any serious investigation into “conspiracy theory” and its related topics.

    How hard are the powers that be hammering on Jones? And remember, he’s still alive. There are bunch of others who got hammered a lot harder than he has been. They’re all dead or in prison.

    I think the Cabal REALLY doesn’t want us looking too closely at the fact that it is as real as a bullet to the back of the head.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2023 #141777
    D Benton Smith

    This is going to start out sounding like an over-the-top ego rant wherein I disdainfully explain to my inferiors how immeasurably superior I am.

    It’s not that kind of rant. Just keep on reading and you’ll understand (and why) I have a very very low opinion of IQ in general, and “superiority” in particular.

    The only reason I spout my credentials is to establish the fact that I know of what I speak when I criticize “superior” people for their misplaced arrogance. I can speak with the authority of personal direct observation, because I was long one of them and am only recently starting to actually wake up.

    Here’s the rant. Please don’t jump to derogatory conclusions too quickly:

    I’m a “genius” by measurement (for whatever that’s worth …. not much), and many of my family are similar, as were the majority of my ancestors, going back as far as I bothered to find out (circa 1776) No fewer than 12 of my kin were officers in the American Revolutionary war. My great great great Grandfather practiced law with Abraham Lincoln and (along with their wives and children) shared the same house (a brick duplex structure in Springfield, IL) My great great Grandfather was Ulysses Grant’s wartime Adjutant, and my Grandfather was law school room mates (and later law partner) and life long close friend of Adlai Stevenson. Dad was a sweet tempered incomparably competent street fighter (fists, knives, and guns) who could fly an airplane the way Tiger Woods could hit a golf ball. Toward the end of WW2 (after amazing feats of heroism and success in combat) he became pilot to the TOP top brass, and spent the the spring of 1945 as Robert Oppenheimer’s personal driver, body guard, and virtual babysitter (Oppy often became so lost in thought that he lost awareness and concern for his immediate surroundings, and had to have someone nearby to look out for him and prevent injury or interruptions).

    My own story is less dramatic, but no less peculiar, not just because I was a brainiac, but because of the types of people around me, who by their very existence could not help but shape my upbringing just by being who and what they were. So who and what were they? Well, for the most part they were “superior”.

    I’ll give you an anecdote as illustration of what a smart little boy I was, and by extension what the rest of my life has been like since then.

    At age four I was watching workmen repair our floor in St. Johns, Newfoundland where my Dad was stationed at the time. Along with their main tools of hammer, chisel and saw, the two men also had a one-burner fuel stove with a tin can full of slender square-cut wooden pegs, a jar of water, and a bag with more pegs to replace those in the the tin can as they got used up. A peg from the bag was put into the tin can to get maximally dried out. When the peg was hot, dry (and shrunken) they wood drive it into a round down through the floorboard and into the floor joist below, securing the board firmly. They then sawed off the peg even with the floor, poured a little water onto the spot and then move on to the next hole. It fascinated me how the square-cut peg completely filled the round hole JUST as it jammed tight and could be driven no further. They were really good at it, and I immediately knew how it all worked. They didn’t even think to explain it it to me, I was just a cute little four year old kind watching grownups. I just observed, and got it in an instant. The peg would expand when wet, and shrink when dry, so a CAREFULLY sized hole, and peg, would enable a DRY SHRUNKEN peg to just barely fit when driven into the hole, and because both the peg and the hole were wooden they deformed enough to fill the hole and make solid contact over their entire surface of shred contact. When dampened the peg expanded to fill the hole even tighter and increase the friction fit by an order of magnitude. Slick!

    The point is this: that kind of cognitive edge can EASILY lead to the notion that because one is “superior” at one thing that one is, for that reason, automatically “superior” regarding some other thing as well. In point of fact, such a conclusion is false. It’s just not true at all. It’s not even logical. Being superior at abstract reasoning, for example, does not confer superiority in regard to ANY other thing. None at all.

    But if one is self-deluded into thinking that it does then there will be HELL to pay. It can get so bad and become so automatic, unconscious and ASSUMED that the sufferer of the malady can actually think and BELIEVE that they are BETTER than their fellow creatures just because they can think faster (or bigger). This leads to actually believing (delusionally) that others are inferior in ALL ways, including value, worth, the right to fair treatment and even the right to self-managed life itself.

    In evidence, consider the loading of the life boats as the Titanic was going down. A fascinating demonstration of human morality, and the assumed-to-be-valid criteria for who got a seat. How would you have called it if you were the Load Master? Would it be smart rich men first or women and children first?

    Unfortunately, those with quick wits or some other singular advantage (like material wealth or highborn position) are the ones most easily infected. The elite and erudite often do subconsciously believe that they are “better” in some inscrutable, indefinable and yet absolutely unchangeable way.

    Accurately determining what (or who) is “better” is, as I hope you now see, an incomprehensibly complex decision. No human being has that kind of chops. They should try as the best they can (and earnestly) but without guidance from the only one who can, truthfully, do it then they haven’t got a prayer.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141727
    D Benton Smith

    Here’s a guy worth listening to. I have no idea whether he’s religious or not, but I sure do know that he’s aware of who’s responsibility it is to figure it out correctly ……… because he tells you, and it only takes him about 10 minutes.
    link: https://youtu.be/hW3slCdQPA4 (

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141725
    D Benton Smith

    Ridicule is not an argument. More often than not it is the unspoken admission that one HAS no argument to offer, but only bluster. Reminds me of the Leftist propensity to just yell louder and double down on the stupid abuse every time they’re proven wrong and revealed as clueless incompetents. What an effing waste of time and energy. The time would be much better spent digging for the facts which might PROVE believers in God to be wrong. If properly done such research would result in coming to the conclusion that they are simply correct, which would save everybody a lot of grief.

    My keyboard is wearing out. Luckily my patience is not, because believers have an edge that disbelievers just can’t match. They’re right. God made the universe.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141723
    D Benton Smith

    Why would God not create the universe with good and bad and leave the people to choose what they wanted to do? Better ask the believers.”

    You rang, sir?

    God created the universe with free will in it, and so people (all life, actually) have free will to do any damn thing they want. Some use it to know and attempt to Be and Do and Have what is logical, truthful and good. Others get the free will thing quite wrong (by denying that consciousness is spiritual, for example, or telling lies as preferred standard operating procedure). Those mistakes are both illogical and wrong, resulting in the failures and perpetual degradation that we call bad.

    It’s not a difficult truth to grasp. Good is in one direction and bad is in the other, and it is your irrevocable right to choose whichever one you want. God is the spectrum and the oblivion of simulated spiritual death is at the bottom. LOTS of labels have been applied to both the destinations at either end of this graduated scale, and to the direction of travel, but it is NOT complicated.

    Don’t blame God if you’re confused about it. Blame egoic hubris. Your scatological imagery about God’s interference in human affairs are just a tantrum thrown to distract attention from the fact that you already know the difference between right and wrong, but would have to admit error in order to do the right thing about it.

    Vain attempts to ridicule those who DO have the balls to acknowledge the obvious is not moving your game in the right direction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141713
    D Benton Smith

    Dr Steven Greer says that there’s already guys on the moon, who don’t want any company that hasn’t been vetted and read into the program. That might explain failures by experienced world class experts to poke around there too much or land any gizmos recently.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141709
    D Benton Smith

    The world changes in PRECISELY the same way as the thoughts of the living beings who populate and comprise that world change. As the mind and thought of the participants change, the world changes with it. It’s an exact match.

    In other words, to change the world it is only required that you change your mind and persuade others to change their too. Once we have done that then the world is a changed place. No one has to die for it. All they have to do is change their mind.

    The best way to do that, to my way of thinking, is to have a closer look at everything and consequently (through that method) change one’s mind about the thing one has discovered. First, find or expand a truthful knowledge. Speed up the process by sharing it. That action alone constitutes a change in one’s own mind about it. By sharing the truth with others they’re assisted in changing their own minds the same way that you changed yours.

    Strictly self determined, all voluntary, and mostly peaceful.

    Post Script:
    If there was ever a country that desperately needed a coups d’etat the USA is it, because the current regime is erasing the country that it’s nominally reigning over. Someone might as well overthrow the “bankcorpo.gov” URL without wasting any more time and just get it over with, because if someone else doesn’t do it they’re just going to do it to themselves, in which case it’s anyone’s guess who will be in charge when it’s over. Maybe no one. Wouldn’t THAT be a hoot?
    A THOUGHT war! Whoever changes the most minds wins.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141705
    D Benton Smith

    What worries me about the political and economic future of the United States and it’s Western Empire is not the feared “Fall of The Great Western Empire”. That is simply a given because the trend in the shift of power is monumentally clear to everyone still drawing breath. It is impossible to not know which way those winds are blowing and the historical record is unambiguously clear on the fact that the literally overwhelming majority of the huge and currently “not-fully-aligned-in-either-direction middle” will choose to join the side of the winner once it is unambiguously clear who that winner will be. Well we all know that it just ain’t gonna be the “United States of America” in its present form and function, because the current form is an almost indescribably corrupt agglomeration of the literally criminally insane….. who are already LOSING so fast that the felony failures are hard to keep track of.

    True, the West still does have a few ostensible allies, but those allies fear and loathe their master greatly. I would assert that most (if not all) remaining allies remain “allies” only upon fear of death at its hands. And I mean INTERNAL allies as much or more as I mean foreign ones. These “friends and allies” (both foreign and domestic) know that the USA will not hesitate to take them out in a heartbeat if they do not obsequiously kowtow and obey every command that ‘USA Inc’ orders them to commit regardless of harm to themselves, and no matter how insane those orders might be (and brother, there have been some real doozies !)

    Burn down Maui to evict the opposition, and then steal it? That’s utterly beyond belief! You can’t be serious.

    Ukraine fighting to the last man (500,000 dead so far) in a war it has NO chance of winning so that Blackrock can buy up all the farmland cheap and WHO can sell children’s internal organs to the old and rich?

    Lithuania MILITARILY baiting Russia? Are you kidding me?!

    Germany cutting its natural gas flows from Russia and sanctioning all trade with Russian business of every kind, as an act of unprovoked economic aggression? Surely you jest.

    Anyway, here’s the point. Most countries (and people) are going to side with the winner. No kidding. Especially since there is also compelling moral, security, and economic self interests served by doing so.

    The West is toast, that part is cast in steel, so don’t worry about it.

    What I worry about is the new boss. Who will it be? Them or us?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 21 2023 #141704
    D Benton Smith


    I get your point now, and agree with it. I had read the article far far too shallowly (bad boy) and was not properly valuating the fact that Malone is basically a wealthy and unrepentant bio weapons designer. I’ll try to do better in future (but it’s slow going.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2023 #141681
    D Benton Smith

    you write,

    That Brownstone Institute article was the worst thing I have ever read on the site.

    I don’t understand why you say that. When I read the referenced article (about Robert Malone) it struck me as being supportive of Malone’s challenges (or at least his professional qualifications to make such challenges) to the false Covid 19 narratives pumped out by the bad guys, and their efforts to censor and silence all such challengers. That seems to me like a good thing, not “the worst thing”.

    Have I simply misinterpreted what you intended to say? What am I missing here?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2023 #141667
    D Benton Smith

    According to reputable main stream news sources, the the IRS agent killed in firearms training recently was actually shot by a fellow IRS agent who was also in training.

    Hmm. Maybe the training DOES work.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2023 #141663
    D Benton Smith

    Humor (as in funny, as in jokes, as in gales of laughter) has long been known to be a form of social and political weaponry against which there is virtually no defense other than fighting or running away.

    Ever wonder why that is? I can tell ya.

    It’s because jokes get the listener to reject (with laughter) all sorts of absurdities, lies, malice and bullshit on one’s own determination, rather than being compelled to do so by an outside authority or as the consequence of physical reality. ( Because when one does something REALLY bad and nonsensical the result is going to be one kind of unpleasantness or another, ranging from the displeasure of unhappy victims all the way to getting squashed by a boulder, blown up by an Acme sky-rocket or going “splat!” at the bottom of the cliff.)

    Instead of explicitly informing someone directly that they (or maybe someone that they are in some sort of alliance or agreement with) are being a fool or a liar or an outright shithead, they are instead being encouraged to observe that behavior or fact from a safe non-aligned distance, so that they have the opportunity to reject it on their own mirthfully, without being compelled to do so by someone who makes them change their behavior (perhaps forcefully, if things don’t change.)

    If they do reject the humorously described onerous behavior then they laugh at the absurdity, and move (at least a little) toward a more amenable and acceptable frame of mind or mode of action.

    If they don’t reject it (for example if they are approvingly in favor of the alleged misbehavior or suggested idiocy, for instance) then they don’t laugh and are therefor not improved. They are instead unresponsive, or might even boo, or leave, or throw insults (or heavier objects) at the would-be comedian. In any case, they don’t think its funny at all. That’s funny, because they are what’s funny.

    If it weren’t for jokes there would be a lot more fights and shouting matches. Good natured joking has saved many lives, but if ya can’t take a joke then there’s not much you can do to defend yourself.

    The reason that there is no defense against humor is because in humor there is no attack. There is only an invitation. The invitation is to examine the inner workings of oneself and one’s behaviors, and possibly reform oneself as a result. The only alternative is to grumpily decline introspection and stay unhappily screwed up.

    That’s why lack of a sense of humor is such a bad sign. It reveals that the laughless one has already teetered a bit too far past past the brink. It’s why wokesters and Lefties are notoriously unable to write memes or “get” certain jokes. Even gentle joshing seldom works with these sad sacks, but get ’em to laugh again and you’re half way there.

    As for those demonically mirthless sourpusses who have abandoned even the pretext of humor, well I’m afraid that for them it is not going to end well. When they get to the punchline they’re going to discover that the joke is on them, and that’s no laughing matter.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2023 #141620
    D Benton Smith

    If it were not for the de-facto slave state system of commerce and civilization that compels people to work jobs, people would simply work until they had produced what they actually needed or wanted, and then stop. That’s just common sense. Why go on making more stuff when you’ve already got all the stuff that you need? It’s not as if you didn’t have other things to do, like care for family or appreciate just being alive in a beautiful world full of interesting people who would love to interact and socialize.

    Wouldn’t it make perfectly good sense to just stop working when you’ve got what you need, so that you could then go off and do all those other cool activities? No brainer. Of course it would.

    Well, from the viewpoint of those who MANAGE the system (and live off of its proceeds) THAT can’t be allowed to happen, now can it? Somehow or other those productive people have to be induced or compelled to go on working anyway, and the easiest way to do that is to destroy or piss away everything that those people produce so that the actual makers of stuff can never get their hands on enough of it to make ends meet.

    They must never be allowed to acquire enough stuff for them to adequately live on it and call the work that produced it to be called a job well done (for now), so that there’s NEVER “enough” and so folks have to keep on working to get what they still need because the EARLIER stuff they needed (and made) was stolen outright, taxed away, broke down (because it was junk to begin with), or blown up wholesale in yet another insane war.

    Here’s an interesting side note to the above described observation of plain open facts. Do you realize that the VAST majority of human activity boils down the buying and selling of bodies and body parts? Well it does. Just look and see for yourself. Food, clothing and shelter (not to mention the energy to keep them working) ALL come from bodies. Lumber, grains, fuel, livestock and door mats are ALL either whole bodies, parts of bodies, former bodies, or mixtures of such bodies and parts which were at one time living organic creatures of one kind or another.

    The concrete under your wooden house was formerly the shells and skeletons of diatoms and clams. Your cotton shirt may have originally grown in Dixie, and the shoes on your feet started off as parts of a cow. Plastic? It was derived from either soy beans or dinosaur juice. Asphalt? Same as gasoline and fuel oil…. squeezed out from dinosaurs and swamp scum. Electricity is generated from coal, natural gas and petroleum, all fossils. Same goes for trains, airplanes and row boats. All derive from once living BODIES or parts thereof. How about health and medicine, you ask? Modern “health care” [not much health and even less care] is all about carving up, patching up or medicating the shit out of……….. bodies. And they use OTHER bodies (and parts) to do it.

    So, essentially, our entire so-called “civilization” consists of slave masters compelling slaves to buy and sell bodies and body parts. Sometimes the bodies are both whole and alive (slaves, minions, prostitutes and canon fodder) and sometimes they are dead and dismembered (as food or entertainment). Lately there’s been a run on functional internal organs (hearts, kidneys and livers are quite popular, as are blood, bone marrow and baby brains), but trends do change over time, and maybe one day such items will simply be commodities available off-the-shelf. But you can bet your bottom dollar that they will STILL be bodies (and/or derivatives) of one kind or another.

    The reason it takes SLAVES to operate such a bizarrely depraved system is because only a slave would consent to any part of it. Any other type of reasonably sane individual would straight up refuse to do those obviously vile and suicidally destructive things. Free persons left to their own good senses will simply work ’til they’ve got what they want and then stop that particular task and turn to other vitally important activities as they see fit. In that process some lives will be taken (because that is the circle of life), but never in excess and never more than in is actually necessary, because THAT is the balance of life which allows it all to continue in synch. Everyone is free to exit the system at any time they see fit, but seldom voluntarily check out early because when run IN BALANCE it is an excellent system in which everybody wins at least a little, and the graceful win a lot . Better to have lived and then lost, than to never have lived at all. Even bone headed atheists have got to admit that the EXISTENCE OF LIFE is worth moderate risk at a reasonable price.

    Interesting, isn’t it?

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141569
    D Benton Smith

    Those babies do not need God to show them what is good and what is bad or how to get their parents to reward them

    The babies need a universe to live in that provides them with the wherewithal the need to survive in that world. Part of that wherewithal includes the sense of goodness possessed by their parents, and their ability to know right from wrong in the rearing of children. All of these things don’t just require that God exists, they prove that God exists because the rules that universe demands be followed consist of the very same things that the baby needs.

    Society will always have rules; God is irrelevant to this fundamental

    God remains relevant because if the rules are not aligned with truth (as manifested in the real world as it actually does exist) then those rules will catastrophically fail. You will find that such truths (which adhere to the real with uncompromising accuracy) are the precise pathway that unerringly leads straight to God, because the Universe (precisely as it is) is the creation of that God. Trace the causal chain back to its source and there is God. The only reason physicists don’t openly say so is that the rules of their so-called science forbid it. Only the MATERIAL components are even allowed to be considered. For a physicist to say otherwise IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS OF THEIR PROFESSION would result in the immediate dismissal of that person from their official accreditaion as as a “physicist”.

    the morality differs, depending on whether you are a mafioso breaking your morality by letting the police know that your colleague is the murderer, or a priest adhering to your morality by buggering little boys.

    No argument from me that mores differ, and that the mores of some criminal societies are utterly abhorrent BUT (and this is a biggy, so pay attention) mores are not morality and morality is never the full expression of the fundamental truths that morality attempts to model itself upon. Do not treat unequal things as equivalents. It leads to serious logical errors.

    God is a driven by selfishness, it is a creation in the minds of people to satisfy a need they have in themselves.

    God is not the imaginings of human minds, nor the needs which compel humans to engage in such imagining. God is God. The perceived need to find and connect with God is comparable to sex or hunger. You need them in order to survive.

    The rewards for believing in God will be different for everybody, but one is definitely that it gives us an excuse not to fix this world and gives us hope of a better world tomorrow, so suffering is not going to last forever, suffering will not be the final chapter.

    Well, we need some kind of hope and encouragement to be willing to come to this Hell hole and take a shot at fixing it up well enough that it can be lived in.

    For those that believe that God exists and is the creator of the universe, these people are imagining that they are transacting with someone outside of nature; this is a huge leap of faith, as they say in Christianity.

    Where did you get the idea that anyone thinks that God is “outside of nature”? Of course The creator is not “outside”. We (and the rest of that which comprises nature) are his manifest thoughts.

    Love is also a selfish act, it aims to earn the feeling of being loved. It is heavily emotional and that love can rapidly turn to anger and betrayal when the relationship breaks down, at that point you see how the relationship was always selfish, whether between a child and parent or between lovers.

    Why do I keep getting the impression that you are a very young man? Love is the least selfish of all acts. It consists of ACTUALLY caring for the ultimate welfare of another as much (at the very least) as one cares for one’s self. It is not done for personal reward. It is done for the other. That’s why it is revered and special that it gets a word all of its own.

    DBS states that knowing something and believing something are the same. The problem with this theory is this; this morning I saw the sun, I saw it, my wife saw it, we did not just believe it, we actually saw it, as did our neighbours etc. This morning DBS talked to God and God talked back, nobody else saw this transaction and many others have not experienced this sort of transaction. DBS says that he knows it is the truth, so we ask him to show us, but he says that you will have to talk to him yourself to find out.

    I’m not above making dumb mistakes so I hesitate to categorically deny that I ever said such a stupid thing as equating knowing to believing, but if I did say it then I apologize, because believing and knowing are NOT the same thing. The may be relatives, but they’re not equals.

    Any yahoo can “believe” all sorts of nonsense in one minute and believe the opposite a minute later. Knowing, on the other hand, is a state of very high spiritual awareness that is seldom easily attained and usually takes a very long to achieve.
    In example, you might believe that you are seeing reality with your eyes, but you KNOW that you are seeing. Your eyes see a very very VERY narrow band of reality, and even that narrow view passes through so many filters and relays that by the time you “see” anything it is LONG gone in realty.

    DBS’s claim to hear God, to connect with the creator who is outside this universe, outside of your environment of nature. This is a belief because he cannot show this to me, he cannot reproduce this and show it to me, he cannot even show me any other scenario that involves humans transacting outside of the universe, outside of nature, so I am skeptical.

    Skeptical is good. Dismissal without inspection is risky. I can’t inspect for you. I can experience and report, but the seeing and knowing is up to you.

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141567
    D Benton Smith

    • Theists are illogical and suffer from cognitive dissonance; Only a major life upheaval like severe illness or death can help them realize the truth; Even then most won’t change
    • Since there is no consciousness after death theists will never know how wrong they were
    • Religion is closely aligned with far-right conservatism and spoils everything it comes in contact with

    Allow me to speak to the above cluster of bulleted items with an exemplary analogy.

    Two persons are accused of crimes and brought to court. One of them is innocent and the other is guilty. Both of them plead innocence and testify under oath that they did not commit the charged crime. Their statements are the same, but the validity’s of their statements are not. In other words, even though they sound the same in fact they are NOT the same. Indeed, they are oppositely different from each other.

    In similar vein, the fact that both theist and atheists say things about the other side like the three quoted bullet points quoted above, does not make their statements equal. They are not the same. Indeed, they are oppositely different from each other, because one is arrived at organically, and is true, while the other is lies told in copy-cat simulation of what the liar thinks can be passed off as the truth…. and is bullshit.

    Once again I’m compelled to point out that the conflation or “equating to each other things that are not equal, and then treating the extremely different two things as though they were the same,” is an error in logic. In fact it is a very serious error, because not only is it DEAD WRONG, but it will also have commensurately terrible consequences.

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141565
    D Benton Smith

    • People’s so called experiences with God are not reproducible; They are emotionally driven wishful thinking

    Say What? “not reproducible? They are TOTALLY reproducible, and not just that. Results from an experience with God are GUARANTEED.

    The “tricky” way (tricky as in, “Duh!) atheists think that they’re getting away with the outrageously false statement (i.e. that “experiences with God are not reproducible”, is that according to their rules, ANYBODY and EVERBODY who experiences the reproducible guaranteed result of having a personal experience with God is instantly and automatically DISQUALIFIED as a test case, and REMOVED for the list of persons whose personal report of such experience can even be considered as evidence.

    Every person that I have ever spoken with who has had such a personal experience has reported the same, extremely positive and gratifying results. None of them had a complaint about it, and they’re sticking around for more. They tried it, it worked, and they’re satisfied. When you experience that connection you will get the same (reproducible) result. Guaranteed.

    It’s yet another case of, “If you disagree with me then you’re wrong, so your vote don’t count,” which seems to be an all too common thread in atheist argument…… and American politics.

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141561
    D Benton Smith

    • You can only be truly free when you don’t believe in God and realize this is the only life you have

    This particular precept is just too over the top (or under the sub-basement?) It’s like saying, “You’re only free when you’re sitting on Death Row after losing your last true friend in the world.”

    I can easily see how that might make you a little depressed, but how does being totally fucked make you ‘free’?

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141560
    D Benton Smith

    • Theists believe they are always being watched and ultimately rewarded or punished by God; It is impossible for theists to have integrity; They can never act from innate goodness

    I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that people who express resentment about the idea of being watched and/or punished by God have guilty consciences. God isn’t going to see anything that isn’t there to see, (it’s not like he’s going to frame you up or anything) and the only punishments meted out are those dictated by the imminently fair and just laws of cause and effect. Do stuff, get consequences. That’s just common sense whether you believe in God or not. Rejecting belief in God is not going to eliminate consequences. Those are decided by cause and effect (look it up in a science book).

    As for claiming the exclusive monopoly on “innate” goodness, I must point out that innate goodness is the ONLY motivation for ALL action. Even the most depraved monster is trying to do what they believe (by their own twisted, perverse and inverted standards) to be the “right” thing to do under the present circumstances as they see them. Incidentally, by the time they are that far gone the definition of “right” has become “right for ME, exclusively, and screw everybody else.”

    The problem arises when the perpetrator can no longer accurately assess what is ACTUALLY the right thing. In other words, they can’t really tell the difference between what is good, true, and beneficial from that which is bad, false and destructive. For example, they might think that there is no immaterial spiritual intelligence as the foundation of reality, and consequently (with great self assurance) do things that deliberately interfere with others accessing that crucially important truth, or prevent them from acting on it (You MUST NOT save the life of your Covid patient with Ivermectin, or we’ll fire you and strip your license to practice medicine.)

    This inversion can become so pronounced that it’s believer can, literally, believe that doing the WRONG thing is the right thing to do. A Satanist, for example, wantonly takes the life of an innocent creature and makes a gift of that stolen life to his master. The worse the crime, supposedly, the greater is the value of the “gift”. Doing this to children is nearing the penultimate value of such “gifts”, but there are worse. War, mass murder and Democides, for examples.

    in reply to: A Tale of Two Cosmologies #141554
    D Benton Smith

    • Theists believe that the next life is more important than this one and discount this life and don’t put in the work needed to make the world a better place; Without God man is forced to confront the issues of ethics and morality and make the hard choices; With God men outsource their morality which gives them license to commit atrocities.

    To those who believe (for whatever reason) that people who sincerely believe in God don’t put in the work to make the world a better place I suggest a simple experiment.

    List out a dozen or so of the most renowned people who bettered the world by means of their own hard and frequently unpaid work. This means the deliberate helping of others, and remember that I’m talking about good WORKS, not Great Fortunes. Now review the list and note how many of those beloved people believed in God and how many were atheist.

    As to the other point, of how those without God are forced to confront the issues of ethics and morality so as to enable making the hard choices, I have a question. Without belief in the existence of Good how in the Hell are they going to be able to even know what ethics and morality ARE? No wonder they find the work so hard.

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