D Benton Smith

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2023 #143139
    D Benton Smith

    We all get our “facts” the same way. We get them from others.

    We may say (or perhaps even believe) that we do our “own research”, but in the end , if we’re being fully honest, our own observation turns out to be just us regarding a fact, or thing, or “expert opinion” based information that was simply THERE for us to look at. We did not ourselves create it in any way that we know of, nor put it there to be observed. We simply find ourselves in a world, and start looking around and asking people about this place that we now find ourselves to be in.

    Therefore it is both valid activity, and very important, that we know the most accurate estimation of truth about numerous things to the very best of our ability. In that way, when others look to us for confirmation of something that they think might be pertinent or true then we can provide VALID validation or confirmation, even if it is just agreement that the item in question is false or unimportant. It takes a LOT of such checking and cross checking in order for us to reach conclusions that we can have some confidence in, since virtually everything we learn is “second hand”. (I say “second” hand, but in practice the information has passed between an uncountable number of “hands” before we get to it.)

    I firmly conclude, from what I have personally observed by receiving it from others, that this process of searching for actual truth invariably leads to the same good place. And contrariwise as well. Lies and falsehood go nowhere that anyone in even a semblance of their right mind would want to go.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 16 2023 #143138
    D Benton Smith

    The only way that the Bad Guys can convict Trump of anything is by publicly (in full view of everybody, friend and foe alike) is by doing to him PUBLICLY the very crimes that he is accusing them of doing SECRETLY. Indeed, it is Trump’s truthful accusations which make the Bad Guys hate him so much.

    And yet they are doing exactly that, compulsively breaking even the most fundamental laws and morals, in broad daylight, because they are caught in the trap. The Lie Trap. The trap of needing to commit new crimes (and lies) in order to forestall justice being served for previous crimes and lies. And they don’t seem to be able to stop. That’s why it’s called a trap. It ends in death, of the very worst sort, for the offender who does not desist soon enough to turn themselves around and get honest.

    This spiraling descent into total oblivion is not something done to them by others. It is done to themselves, BY themselves. Ironically, it is their psychopathic obsession with “self” that drives the whole ugly thing in the first place

    Those aforementioned crimes against Trump (censorship, cancellation, coercion, robbery, unfounded prosecution, imprisonment and murder of his supporters) are the SAME things that they are doing to us on a much larger scale. Therefore, the same prognosis applies. And the same cure.

    Serve your own interests best by serving all others honestly and well, and thereby assist them in coming to the realization that such behavior is the ONLY way out of the deadly Lie Trap.

    Serve your own enlightened self interests by treating others in the manner that the prime author of existence wishes you to treat them. On close and honest inspection it is demonstrably true that such capacity, intent and action is the only thing about “you” that makes your otherwise faulty (and therefore unsustainable) “identity” worthy or even possible of keeping in the mix.

    Those who choose to NOT do so (and everyone does indeed have the free will to make that self destructive choice) then the world will simply not be able to sustain their continued existence in it. It is the nature of this world that it can only sustain and continue that which operates in accordance with the laws of the universe (ALL of the Universe, not just the “touchable” and “visible” bits).

    Those laws are largely beyond our faulty and inadequate capacity of understanding, but there is this much about them we can definitely know for certain: they are the rules which cannot be broken ….. because they CAN NOT be broken, no matter how diligently or how vehemently such insanity is attempted.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 15 2023 #143069
    D Benton Smith


    You win today’s Subtle Funny award.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142915
    D Benton Smith


    I know exactly how rotten that is. It happened when a sailor dropped such an egg onto the grill in a crowded galley at breakfast time. So bad we almost abandoned ship (and we abandoned the galley instantly, en masse).

    Additionally, and not just ONE “against-all-odds” collapse into it’s own footprint, but THREE such miracles in a row within minutes of each other and all at just the right political moment to pass the Homeland Security Act (cancelling the US Constitution, and facing certain rejection by the citizenry) that had just been presciently completed in written form mere weeks before.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142912
    D Benton Smith

    People tend to have a hard time imagining (mentally modelling for the purpose of then using the model in making predictions about future actions and consequences) other people and things that are more evil and stupid than the evil stupidity that they have experienced or suspected in themselves.

    Since the average person is only averagely dumb and mean that’s about as bad as they can imagine anyone else to be. For this reason they are sitting ducks for professionals who make a living from the practice of buying and selling evil and insanity.

    Since the world is a marketplace of good and evil in which everything is exchangeable (buy, sell or swap) with any and every other thing when the price is right, these professionals seldom lack for customers and their line of trade is fabulously lucrative. Example: I will be an ally for you in business if you tell a lie for me in court. This will enable me to continue betraying the trust placed in me by my wife and secure loyalty from my girl friend, who I am lying to about leaving my wife to marry her.

    There simply are no upper limits to honor nor lower limits to perfidy. It is ALL for sale, so check price tags carefully before purchase or sale, and if you can’t actually imagine that a human would sell the lives of all humanity then you’re simply not that evil or adept at abstract reasoning. All you need to know at this point is that there ARE such people, they are running the world at the moment, and one can only imagine what they’re being offered for the deal.

    Well, you’re not really limited to ONLY your imagination. You could also read a little history to help fill in the gaps ……. but you won’t find it very encouraging. In fact, the more one studies and cross checks the record the more plausible the wildest of imaginings become. Well, imagine that!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2023 #142906
    D Benton Smith

    The Five Stages of Collapse, which was observed discerned and written by Dmitry Orlov in 2008 is more presciently relevant than ever. I bet that your take on it has matured and modified over the past 15 years.

    Good time for a re-read, so here’s a shorthand version (well under 10 minute read) also by Orlov): https://www.resilience.org/stories/2008-02-26/five-stages-collapse/

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 11 2023 #142881
    D Benton Smith

    Sometimes it helps to get back to basics, and I think it’s getting close to being one of those times.

    For starters let’s get REALLY basic on one of the big important things going on that has everyone in an uproar: Money and Ownership, both of which are closely related with all sorts of promises and agreement of many kinds, and especially with how well people KEEP those promises and agreements.

    Let’s get even more basic. The material fact is that money is symbolic and in the physics sense of the word nobody actually “owns” any “thing” because things are just things, they are material (of one kind or another) and we could not create an ounce of material if our lives depended on it. We couldn’t even guess where to start. At the height of our greatest feats of creativity the best we manage to do is “rearrange” stuff that’s already here, into interesting or beneficial forms that might serve us better (we think). But that’s only when we’re being sane and sensible. Most of the time we barely manage to not make things worse, and sometimes we can’t even manage that.

    The truth of the matter regarding “owning” stuff is that it is only through complicated arrangements of promises and agreements that we are able to claim even temporary custodial possession of a small number of certain “things”, and even that is not for very long. We “own” stuff for a brief moment and then we die and the trinkets becomes somebody else’s problem.

    When those promises and agreements are NOT adequately kept then we fall into a condition (a state of ordinary reality) that is much worse. When we try to take more than we make we soon discover that we CAN NOT KEEP certain (often important) promises and agreements. That state of default can be as simple as owing money and having nothing to pay it back, or as complicated as promising to keep the nation safe but instead treacherously sending it into war to make a profit or gain private advantage.

    And THAT state of affairs, among many other similar disasters, is where we are now. All sorts of IOU’s are falling due, and there is no possible way to pay them all back. Can’t be done. We owe quadrillions more than all of the combined “things” could possibly be worth even if they were stacked in a heap and appraised at double their real value.

    In other words, the world, the entire world, is bankrupt. If an attempt were made to settle the financial debts, the sworn promises, and the legally authorized agreements we would run out of “things” to use as repayment a country light-year before we satisfied even a tiny fraction of the binding contractual agreements (like money) that still needed to be paid. Therefore, nobody actually owns anything even in the financial or legal sense either. ALL of the stuff that we believe we own is all wrapped up in loans that are long past due that are so incalculably enormous that the very idea of repayment is a joke. .

    Those who still believe that they own things are simply not balancing the accounts properly. If they did that audit diligently they would find that they aren’t owners of anything. They’re debtors in arrears, at the bottom of an ocean of unrepayable DEBTS of every kind (money, promises, and agreements) who would choose to go to Hell rather than suffer a full review and balancing of all accounts.

    The second big shock induced by these universal bankruptcy proceedings is that so MANY people find out that they don’t own what they need, at the same time that they find out that they don’t know how to get any more of it either. If there ever were a bunch of people who desperately needed a gift, that bunch would be them.

    Some of you reading this may think that I’m speaking in a theoretical, abstract or even spiritual sense. Those descriptors might or might not be applicable in some cases, but in this case that’s not the way I meant it. When I use the word bankruptcy I mean it the old fashioned way. Money, promises and agreements are being called due for payment, and society as a whole has no capacity to make payment. I mean THAT kind of bankruptcy.

    This is not a drill. This is not an abstraction. This is a prosaic description of the process that is playing out around the globe. It is a deep and wide bankruptcy and bankruptcies, especially on this scale, are shockingly brutal. It just HAPPENS, like it or not, in much the same way as a physical law.

    That house, car, retirement account or cash stashed in a cookie jar. . . that we probably think of as things we own , are “ours to own” solely on the basis of the agreements and promises of many and various other people, most of whom we barely know exist. If those various other people BREAK those agreements (like money, or law, or oaths of office), for any reason, then we discover that the items in reference are not in fact ours. They belong to someone else (or no one at all), and when accounts are fully settled those assets become either worthless or unwanted or are taken away by force by more influential claimants.

    So, as earlier stated, people own stuff based only upon the temporary (and faintly humorous) promises and agreements that others make, and few indeed have any idea of how to get any more. That’s because humans couldn’t make a molecule if God handed them the atoms.

    Basically, everything we have is a gift. All of it.

    The calling in of old debts has begun. Think of it as Black Monday on the planetary civilizational scale, and it is going to run its course. Cause and effect is the law, and the effects can get pretty big. Atomic war for instance, resulting in extinction of the species for example. Maybe the Bible (and so many other ancient texts) are literally accurate and Biblical style “End Of Days” is upon us, but in any case the end is the end.

    I for one would very much prefer that it doesn’t go quite that far, but we shall see.

    Of course (and with all of the aforesaid notwithstanding) there are those will not believe any of it (not even the banal accounting parts) without a Hollywood Movie version of an outright Act of God. For some reason, (probably unhappy childhood experiences or a rotten education) such hyper-sceptics don’t think of atomic bombs & missiles as acts of God, but I say that largely depends on how one interprets the old stories into modern understanding.

    Some prefer to think that their personal possessions and material forms of wealth are special and exempt from the laws of Man, God and High School physics. Okey dokey. That should work fine until it doesn’t. But when it doesn’t, then (or a little sooner) would be a good time to review the record from a different perspective, because there is a heap of evidence piling up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142783
    D Benton Smith


    Thank you for the insightful reply. I re-read it three or four times and found it more and more encouraging each time over. The world’s a mess at the moment, but what else is new? We keep on mightily slogging through and it’s going to work out better than most expect.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142771
    D Benton Smith

    That motorcycle sculpture made my day. What is in the world depends on how you see the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142769
    D Benton Smith

    So the Governor of New Mexico has attempted to personally cancel the US Constitution by declaring guns illegal to carry in HER state’s biggest city, Albuquerque. Aside from being illegal nonsense her solution to gun crime is amusing for the fact that anyone abiding and cowardly enough to actually comply with her executive order was not really much of a threat to anyone in the first place. I mean, what’s even the point of having a personal defense weapon if not having got the balls to use the weapon to defend oneself?

    As for those guys who defy the order, however, well they might be a significantly different matter. I would advise not trying to take their gun away if not up for a gun fight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142767
    D Benton Smith

    The deep archeological evidence contains a curious characteristic that seems to accompany all those long gone empires that seem to rise, fall and disappear like some sort of sociological clockwork.. . . big cities.

    It doesn’t seem to have occurred to many academics that the cities are not any kind of desirable accomplishment but are instead a manifestation underlying disease and symptomatic manifestation or “signals” foreshadowing the collapse and dissolution that is right around the corner. The hundreds or even thousands of years preceding such Great Cities in various regions of the world (that is, the hubs of pathologically centralized wealth, power and control) are the actual society. The “advancements (not!) found in cities are mere evidence of Mass Formation Psychosis that thinks its a GREAT idea to kill children for “profit” or worship power and money above ALL other goals and values.

    So who lives in cities? Pretty much everybody who sincerely believes that the “perks” of city life (like money, snazzier clothing and easy access to drugs and hookers are worth the extremely high price, such as living in close proximity to filth, ugliness, crime, perversions of all sorts, and ruler who enforce tighter and tighter and tighter control (as they sense their failing grip on power).

    And who lives OUTSIDE the cities? All the folks who just won’t put up with that kind of shit.

    As the insane forces of centralized brutal control draw their wagons into every tightening circles they eventually contract into non existence when NOBODY is putting up with that shit anymore. Sometimes the peasants burn it all down, sometimes the empire next door sets up shop for awhile until its their turn to disappear, and sometimes the local human society just take it apart stone-by-stone to build barns and houses and stuff that are more useful to their actual lives.

    You can only herd sheep up to certain (but hard to precisely forecast) point, beyond which there are just too damn many sheep for too few shepherds and then, Blammo! The sheep who are for distant from the reach of the dying cities just go back to doing what they wanted to do all along, and the shrinking minority of ex-shepherds are forced back to having their would-be livestock ignoring them (or hanging them from lamp posts, depending upon local attitudes and conditions.

    I just hope no one interrupts Act III with an A-Bomb. That could REALLY slow down the recycling process.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 9 2023 #142764
    D Benton Smith

    I think everyone deserves to be considered innocent until proven human.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142754
    D Benton Smith

    Shucks! Just when yesterday’s conversation was starting to get really interesting the clock struck midnight and I turned back into a pumpkin (or something) and had to stop thinking and start sleeping. Several good points had been raised, however, so before today gets rolling in a different (yet oft-revisited) direction there were a few points I wanted to reply to.

    But first a note for @VeraciousPoet.

    DBS, you should really learn how to use/B-Quote…
    The lack thereof makes your response(s) look quite unreadably suspect, ridiculously so .
    But not quite as wrenching as the confirmation bias of the borderline personality you’re responding to, which I won’t even bother with…”

    What you say is true to a certain extent, but presents no solution to my problem (or to yours either, for that matter) because I have already learned how to use the block quote function quite adequately, just as I have learned and honed my ability to spell and express myself through the written word. Unfortunately I continue to occasionally fail on both accounts. Too often, you might say. Too bad, I reply. In other words, cut me some slack. We’re mostly old geezers around here. If you will forgive me a few typos and procedural errors I will attempt to forgive your grumpy nit-picking. Incidentally, my ideas might be “ridiculous”, but not my keyboarding. My typing and computer skills are simply pathetic . . . and virtually guaranteed no matter how hard I continue to attempt better. It’s the thought that counts.

    The case reminds me of one particular reader of a small weekly news mag I published back in the day (in a remote area that lacked easy access to any form of news other than face to face gossip, even telephones.) Most of my fans and critics read the rag for content and opinions, but not Barbara. She read it for grammar and punctuation. Every week on the day after publication, Barbara would drop me a brief note containing a polite list of every single mistake. I never was much of a geek or typist, but she was one hell of a tenacious (and accurate) proof-reader.

    In regard to confirmation bias and the alleged borderline personality disorder of my worthy antagonist @aspnaz I subscribe to a different (and I would say much more productive) approach than yours. Rather than write him off or ignore his comments altogether I respectfully (most of the time, unless I’m feeling frisky) and carefully read and consider everything he has to say. When he’s wrong I am able to refute his errors and strengthen the cause of rightiousness, and when he’s right I’m able to correct my own, and thereby ascend even closer to sublime perfection. He’s an intelligent guy, which both makes his criticism worth reading AND explains why he is so frequently mistaken. He falls in love with his own abstract reasoning skills and thus fails to notice that his assumptions and/or obtained information are false and have led him astray.

    For example, his assumption (based on the widely observed and awful manifestations of human folly and crime), that people are obviously irremediably flawed and must therefore either be corrected by outside forces or given up on as a lost cause. That’s simply wrong. People can NOT be corrected by outside forces, and there is no point in considering them a lost cause because the human condition (our own included) is the ONLY cause that we are (or even can be) aware of. In other words, we are each one of us STUCK with the inescapable and irrefutable fact that the only awareness we can ever have is the awareness that we have. We can bump it up or dumb it down but it’s the only game in town.

    As for how that happens (awareness and right behavior improved by going “up”, or awareness and right behavior degraded by going “down”) that is a very important thing to know. Basically we do it to ourselves, frequently with assistance or impedence from others. We want to HAVE an experience (for example a pleasant sensation of some kind) but we are aware that to DO that will inevitably and invariable result in some consequence that we DON’T want (for example shame or loss.) We’re not so stupid (yet) as to not know about the invariability or inevitability of the consequence of the action which will yield that thing we want to have.

    Our solution? Why we simply NOT KNOW (in whole or in part) what those “wages of sin” are going to be. Maybe we say to ourselves that the consequences won’t be that bad, or that we’ll do it “just this once” and then reform on the morrow, or even the laughably stupid idea that we can actually get away with it and have NO consequences. I have even gone so far as to say to myself that I’m just a bad person and DESERVE the bad consequences that will eventually come back to bite my ass. Nevertheless, the fact remains that ALL causes have effects, and that the effects are predictable and known.

    But we really do WANT to have whatever it is we want to have and so we avert our awareness and just do it anyway. In other words, we deliberately lower our own awareness by “not knowing” what we damned well knew in the first place. Congratulations. One has just lowered their own awareness.

    My next self-inflicted mistake will be a lot easier now that I’m stupider.

    The same process can be done in the upward direction, but can be exceedingly painful because it involves taking responsibility for being the cause of the now regretted consequence.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142735
    D Benton Smith


    I do not understand your thinking. We all know that people only behave well when there are checks on their behavior, feedback that benefits them behave better. You may claim to be trying to be nice to everybody, but we can see from human history that your self evaluation is probably bullshit as all people seem to be able to behave badly when they have an incentive to do so.”

    I think that the reason that you don’t understand my thinking is revealed in what you wrote immediately thereafter ( the remainder of the paragraph after the sentence “We all know that people only behave well when there are checks on their behavior, feedback that benefits them [to] behave better.”

    Not everyone knows the datum that you assert that they know. In fact, a sizable proportion, and me among them, instinctually know at birth (and thereafter until induced to think otherwise) that there is an important and fundamental difference between good and bad, also between truth and falsity, and they strongly prefer good, and truth, and fairness in the matter of determining which is which.

    It makes good sense that (barring congenital malfunction of the organism) all people have this innate capacity for rational thought, because those are the skills which are necessary to survival in a world that automatically rewards error with failure. Badness is an error. Falsity is an error. Injustice (unfairness) is an error. These are fundamentals precepts necessary to long range success, which are equally true to both of the paradigms commonly referred to as either materialism or spirituality, because truth and fairness simply WORK BETTER (ultimately) than lies and injustice.

    In other words, it is not actually true that, “. . . people only behave well when there are checks on their behavior, feedback that benefits them [to] behave better.” They behave well because that is their most basic nature, and behave badly because there are horrible consequences to violating ones basic nature for any reason. One of those horrible consequences is degradation of the ability to think rationally, predict inevitable consequences, and tell the truth when they should.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 8 2023 #142731
    D Benton Smith

    The only way people are ever going to be treated well all the time is if there are whole bunches of other people around them whose goal in life and main activity consists of treating other persons well. If people treat people well then oneself is going to be one of those recipients. Otherwise (like when there are NOT enough of such well intentioned people all around), then there will instead be more people around who more or less tend to treat others selfishly (i.e. badly) so that’s the way they can be expected to treat YOU.

    So there’s the choice. To live life as though others were “worth” as much as we are (and therefore adjust one’s behave accordingly. . . that is, treat people at east as well as we would treat ourselves under similar circumstances) OR to act as though other people were worth less than we are (that is to say, deal with them selfishly because we are “better” than them in some arcane way and therefore deserve more than they do.)

    So which way should someone go? Should people serve the interests of others as well as they serve themselves or should they serve others less well? If the choice is to serve and interact benevolently then one should use whatever gifts they have (brains, brawn or good looks) to go out and do that, and right now, because there is a severe shortage of such behavior at the moment. Furthermore, if that’s what you want to do (that is, to care for the people around you so that they too care for the people around them . . . which would include YOU as beneficiary, too, of course) then it seems like that is the only sensible thing to do.

    On the other hand, if someone chooses to unduly gratify their own selfish desires at the unwilling expense (or unknowing expense) of others, then they should not be surprised at where it lands them. I strongly advise against such a self centered strategy because it goes nowhere good and causes unbearable personal loss on the way there. To BOTH parties.

    The plain fact is that people use their gifts. And yes, our innate conscious awareness and volition are pure gifts. We did not make these basic capabilities and as human beings we do not know how we came to have them. At birth, we awakened with the gifts already in place, and just took them for granted through no conscious effort or action of our own, and proceeded to use them to accomplish our goals, or at least try.

    Note that when people use their gifts of awareness and volition to treat others as well as they wish to be treated themselves, they thereby build a culture and society in which treating people well is simply what most people do all day long.

    But those who use their gifts of various abilities ( yes, GIFTS) such as abstract reasoning or physical advantage to serve only themselves regardless of loss and harmful consequences to others, they build the opposite. If not stopped or persuaded to change their low down ways their actions would build a veritable HELL in which everyone would spend all or most of their time treating other people badly. Very badly indeed, judging from current conditions. Very badly, and very indeed, all of the time.

    I aim the above described cautionary accusation at those who use their intellectual prowess (such as it is) to “put one over” on their less devious or cognitively inclined brethren. It requires no great skill, and certainly implies no superiority (quite the opposite, actually). Good people tend to be easy prey for such sharpsters, because good people aren’t selfishly trying to do bad things to other people all the time in order to serve themselves at the of others’ expense. It doesn’t typically occur to good people to spend a lot of their precious time thinking like criminals so as to avoid criminals’ scams. They’re too busy working at doing the right thing.

    Nevertheless, and despite the grisly and predictable consequences we are actually encouraged and validated and rewarded (even falsely “admired”) for being bad and (frankly) stupid.

    We are diligently trained from birth (at great effort and expense) by our covert masters to venerate money, amass wealth, gain power, promulgate lies, impose our will on those who would prefer that we not, and to basically use our gifts to benefit ourselves at great cost to the victims that we are stealing from.

    Those who seek to instill those insane values in us as being desirable or honorable traits are the same ones who are themselves leveraging those literally Satanic values to strip us of every vestige of human decency, by tricking us into behaving like they do and even admiring the twisted evil that drives their behavior. How absolutely insane.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2023 #142639
    D Benton Smith

    Ya know, those old professional intellects (some call them philosophers) sure did know how boil arguments down to brass tacks.
    Take Voltaire for instance. He ridiculed God by drawing attention to the worst and most ludicrously evil deeds of men, and then sarcastically asserting that this is, after all, the best of all possible worlds because God made it and HE could only have made it perfectly the way He wanted it. Which He did. Complete with Free Will for all participants (because that’s the only way that it could be done).

    Yup. That’s the basic argument alright.

    In pure hubristic obliviousness Voltaire reckoned that smart people like him could do a better job, and so set off the so-called “Enlightenment” that is now getting so dark that people can’t even see each other, much less see that Voltaire and his ilk were just flat ass WRONG.

    Anyone who still thinks that pursuit of materialist sciences, to the exclusion of all else, goes anywhere but Hell had better wake the fuck up because they are going in the WRONG direction. But I’m sure they could explain the validity of their mistake in overwhelmingly “valid” scientific detail, just so long as THEY are the arbiters of what is valid.

    Between the enslaved matter of material Hell and the insubstantiality of ethereal Heaven is a gigantic expanse where the two uncomfortably coexist on common ground. We call it the Universe, and if you want a place in which to play then you will accept it the way it was built and play by those rules. Voltaire’s snide insult was wrong. The fact of the matter is that this IS the best of all possible worlds, because its the only world there is that has you in it.

    Anyone who thinks they can do better can have a protracted post-game conversation in Hell about why that didn’t work. I’m sure Voltaire and Lucifer could use the company.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2023 #142637
    D Benton Smith

    The Maui fire news suppression reminds me of the Pizzagate news story suppression. Same modus operandi, and same insufficient result, because all that the news suppression finally accomplished was to drive the story underground where it spread (is spreading still) like a wildfire because of all the fuel, heat and oxygen. True facts are the fuel. People’s innate desire to live happily is the heat, and the resources being pumped into the effort to suppress and forbid TRUTH is the oxygen.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2023 #142595
    D Benton Smith

    Everyone is talking about how long it might be before Trump, RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson get bumped off.

    Everybody knows that their assassination is at least a strong possibility, and NOBODY thinks that those guys aren’t taking an enormous risk.

    So I ask ya, if there is NOT a Cabalistic One World Hidden Government with the power to reach out and snuff whomever they please, and get away with it absolutely Scot free, then what are you so worried about? If there is no secretive hidden power structure that could pull that off (for maybe the gazillionth time) then those old boys are safer than you and I are just walking down the street.

    Let’s just hypothesize for a moment that it is the teensiest bit possible that it is true. Then what?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2023 #142593
    D Benton Smith

    Oligarchs work within every known country in the world (and a few secret ones) to serve their own interests at the expense of the everyone else (outside that circle) in those countries.

    These semi-invisible (fully invisible in same cases) oligarchs and comparable “behind-the-scenes” rulers usurp the collective power of those states and use that massive power to serve their own interests at the expense of the everyone else (outside their approved circle) in those countries. This is done using broken oaths, counterfeiting, bribery, blackmail, and murder.

    They are, in other words, a de facto WORLD government, and specifically a “One World” government, to be precise. What I’m saying here, and as you already know, the much feared and warned against “One World Government” is not some future condition that must be avoided at all costs. It is a routine fact of your daily life, and has been been for more hundreds of years than I like to count.

    The reason you don’t know that simple fact is that the self-same One World Government that is in charge of everything else, is ALSO in charge of the OFFICIALLY ENFORCED BELIEF SYSTEM that that allows you to believe it or not. If you try to believe what they don’t want you to believe then brother, they will move to CRUSH you in so many ways that I do not enjoy counting them.

    Well, boys and girls, push has come to shove and the time is upon us when we must decide which side is lying, which side is lying more, and which side is lying the most. You life LITERALLY depends upon making the right call.

    Is there God or is there not, and if so then what does God want of you? Whatever that is, then you better get to work pronto, because the end is near, and you can take that from a barely known raving lunatic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2023 #142592
    D Benton Smith

    As a mental exercise (just to keep the old brain cells revved up) go on a sort of Easter Egg hunt to find the biggest lies in our entire civilization. Here’s how to do it:

    Identify the biggest and most powerful OFFICIALLY recognized leading institutions (there are many, but the number is small enough to be easily understood by anyone with reasonable intelligence). Now find out what the top layers of that institution ACTUALLY believe and ACTUALLY do to achieve and realize those beliefs. I don’t mean what they SAY, I mean what the DO. For example, is the World Health Organization trying to IMPROVE everybody’s health? If NOT, then what BELIEF do they have that is driving their actions? I Betcha it isn’t that the world’s population needs to go UP.

    Anyway, you get the idea. You will find that the alleged truth at the the top of EVERY institution will turn out to be the biggest and worst lie that one could possibly imagine in regard to the civilizational “zone”
    ruled over by that institution (hint: communications, news, and education are KEY institutions because they control so much of what people believe to be facts.)

    This is because Satanic Nephilists (under a myriad of misleading names and labels) constitute the entire executive management of every one of those “official” institutions. No exceptions.

    At the end of the day you will have a very interesting list. What ARE the biggest and worst lies that this civilizations’ official institutions work toward around the clock around the world?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2023 #142590
    D Benton Smith

    West using Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to distract from Nazism in Ukraine”

    Just like the Kahzar dynasty is using totally fictitious “Jewish” heritage and bunk “anti Semitism” to distract from Satanic Nephilism in the whole damn world.

    It’s not as if the distractions were sufficient to keep that historic fact a TOTAL secret, but I must admit (and am somewhat dismayed) by how well it worked. Frankly, I had always assumed that (since I was just a barely-above-average-dummy, and even I had figured it out) that there had to be at least hundreds of thousands, hopefully many millions, who also saw through the ruse.

    Alas, it has not been so. Even among the most lofty there is near total fucking ignorance (and even rejection) of the fact as stated above.

    The wise and well informed are ridiculed, and a total lie is held aloft in its place as the veritable APEX of respectable information. I am consistently stunned by how deeply rooted the lie has been.

    All that is necessary to refute the veracity of that fundamental truth is to suggest that the well informed (and to that extent “wise”) individual actually BELEIVED the facts which were simply true. I’m sure you can see how frustrating that is for the guy. If he knows and speaks the truth then he is regarded as liar, fool or lunatic, and the things that he is trying to communicate to others are dismissed and rejected out of hand and without further inspection, because they are the ravings of a fool or lunatic and thus not worth consideration and CERTAINLY never to be believed as true under any circumstances.

    And yet you cannot understand yourself or your role in the world if you do not know your own history.
    That’s a tough nut to crack, but I keep trying and am gaining tons of valuable experience as a nut job.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2023 #142532
    D Benton Smith

    Hmmm. I see now, from other (bigger) photos that Sholz does have other facial injuries. I retract 3.2 % of my snide innuendo.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2023 #142531
    D Benton Smith

    Check out the “Hathaway Shirt Man” eye patch being sported by Herr Sholz today there in Eurotardistan.

    Says he fell while out jogging. Congratulations on controlling the clumsiness well enough to avoid any injury to hands, cheeks, forehead or nose. It was just that right eye. Lucky guy.

    I must say that it’s been a while since the plague of black eyes swept through the leadership class. Nothing like a small (but tangible) demonstration of the futility of resistance to abject subjugation to whip the troops into line. Good old ritual humiliation. Jawohl, mein Führer.

    Do what you’re told, Olaf. Next time it won’t be your eye.

    You just have to wonder who physically administered the discipline. Was it all ceremonial and shit, or just a quick smack in the peeper by some goon?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 4 2023 #142480
    D Benton Smith

    If you tell the truth about something that the government has done wrong then the government will treat you as an enemy, but if you tell a lie about the government doing something wrong (for example, if you say that the vax is safe and effective, or that the dollar is strong, or that Ukraine is beating the Russians) then you will rewarded with praise, privilege, wealth and authority over other people.

    That’s about as bad as bad gets. We have a government that literally hates and punishes truth and good, while at the same time lavishing rewards and power upon falsity and evil.

    And make special note of the fact that I’m not talking opinions and theories. I’m talking tangible and personally pragmatic facts. We are all experiencing this inversion of the most basic human grip on reality itself. The ability to tell true from false in order to seek workable solutions. True solutions work. False solutions fail, and our government has made truth illegal.

    Am I exaggerating or overstating the case for dramatic purposes? Well, no, actually. I’m not.

    I am, if anything, actually understating the self-evident fact that major factions (in some cases RULING factions, like in America and Europe) of every government large and small, at all levels, is intensively dedicated to the complete elimination of truths, and the replacement of those facts with absolute lies, obfuscation and and evilly purposeful deceit.

    This is no small thing. because ultimately such a purpose is far worse, even, than being anti-human or anti-life. It is in the category of anti-EXISTENCE, because the the extant Universe as created by SOME sort of originating intelligence, is what truth IS. To be against THAT is to be against existence itself.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2023 #142427
    D Benton Smith

    As an additional (but important) note. Long before America becomes a toothless charity case to the world the nationalistic faction within its borders (like Trump or other like him) will depose the weakened idiots inside the Beltway and turn America back into a normal country that can co-exist (relatively peacefully) with other nations in a multi polar world.

    Or else (as Putin said a few months ago) a few depraved monsters die and go to Hell, and the rest of us die and go to Heaven.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2023 #142426
    D Benton Smith


    the “bad guys” hold a planet killing dead man’s switch, just in case you forgot…

    Why do you think that CH & RU tread lightly when it comes to dealing with them?”

    You raise a valid point about the potentially “planet killing dead man switch”, by which I assume you mean nukes, but you no, I haven’t forgotten. And and neither have the Russians or Chinese.

    That’s why I think you’re misreading their slow and steady (but inexorable) progress as being a matter of “treading lightly”.

    They are not treading lightly.

    They are winning in slow, steady, effective but unprovocative and minimally threatening SMALL advances designed to weaken the West while at the same time lulling it into a hopeful mindset of nurtured belief that a Western victory of SOME kind is still possible. They are boiling the frog, not inducing a terror driven panic response that might result the West hitting that red button which would end the world.

    Never push hard enough to make the other guy need to to swing. Just keep trimming away his power a little at a time until he hasn’t got enough left to hurt you. Eventually the Western “Empire” will be like North Korea or France. A nuclear armed lap dog that can’t even exist without your help, dependent on charity just to eat and have a roof over its head.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2023 #142420
    D Benton Smith


    Control the money, you control everything. Every fuckin thing. Who controls the money?”

    Not quite.

    The actual fact of the matter is that control of the money is only control of the money. If one controls the money sensibly then the money can be used to control people and things because people are willing to do things for money, and people are willing to trade things for money.

    BUT if one controls the money very very badly (for example, by those Jewish money changers that you have expressed so much affection for) then eventually the money becomes less and less valuable until it is worth nothing at all.

    When the money is worth nothing then people won’t sell their souls for it, and they won’t trade their genuinely valuable things for it either. At that point, the money changers lose their control over people and things, and control passes to the actual people who have (and control) the actual things.

    To avoid this calamity the typical money changer will try to sell the suckers some “new” form of money (like “Federal Reserve Notes”, or Treasury Bonds, or Central Bank Digital Currency) to buy up the old defunct currency, but this only works when the suckers are not wise to the scam.

    Otherwise, the money changers are stuck with ownership of worthless butt wipe (like “dollars”) that no longer provides them with enough control they need to keep the Ponzi scheme rolling, and it all comes crashing down. To keep control they need money, but to keep the money they need the control that only more money can provide.

    Basically they’re screwed, and consequently turn to totalitarian authoritarianism, censorship, violence and murder in an effort to retain the control that they absolutely cannot live without ….. but since they no longer have enough ACCEPTABLY VALUABLE “money” to pull it off , they fail and down they go.

    Like now.

    It’s messy. They try to weasel their way into the new system, but that doesn’t work because everyone knows who they are and the nature of the game. You’re not exactly the only “anti-Semite” out there, ya know?

    Sure they’re inside Russia, China, and the rest of the BRICS too. And sure they still have enough power to make it VERY difficult to dislodge them (for example Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard still DO operate, for the time being, inside Russia, and China , etc., as well) but they are being inexorably squeezed out by nationalistic factions inside those countries.

    That’s why Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard are waging war against all of the BRICS nations from the outside. Basically they want to use the countries that they still control (US, EU, UK, etc.) to crush the nationalistic nations that are driving the old money changers off the playing field. It ain’t working. The old money changers are losing.

    This is the most existential battle the world has seen in many many thousands of years. Some even say it’s the prophesied Biblical End Times. Maybe it is, but in any case it’s one Hell of a fight and it the bad guys will swept from the field like a scythe, because that is the only outcome possible.

    Those who want to be on the winning side better go with the good guys.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 2 2023 #142368
    D Benton Smith

    The reality that 90% of US businesses that were operating in Russia prior to the war (3,000 to be exact)), are STILL operating in Russia creates a real and actual physical reality conundrum that is so utterly bizarre that it is FASCINATING.

    First of all, let’s stipulate at the outset the common knowledge that it is “corporate America” who is waging proxy war against Russia (via its vassals and proxy nations and alliances), for the explicitly stated purpose of subjugating the government of the the Russian Federation, and taking control over all of their stuff and all of their people. That’s who’s doing it. The tippy top of that corporate/money/power hierarchy may still be a bit blurry to us mere chattel, but the GENERAL fact is that the heretofore masters of financial wealth and power are the ones who are financially, informationally and militarily attacking Russia, and they have total conquest in mind.

    Okay, That’s no surprise. It’s BAD but it isn’t totally nonsensical. The peculiar part is that Russia is LETTING those American businesses continue to make money inside Russia and to send the money home to America so that it can come back in the form of aggressively hostile anti-Russian sanctions , and as actual bombs, bullets and blitzkrieg that are killing tens of thousands of Russian citizens and hundreds of thousands of ethnically Russian Ukrainians.

    THAT is what I find so shockingly nonsensical that it fascinates.

    It would be like the United States allowing Japan to openly operate businesses in Honolulu to send money back home for aircraft carriers and warplanes to attack Pearl Harbor again (only more decisively this second time around).

    How can that even BE? Are these American businesses inside Russia subjected to the same financial, banking and other sanctions that their Russian partners are subjected to around much of the world? Such privileged treatment would certainly give them a decisive edge over their domestically Russian counterparts. I can see how the American side of it would see that as a sweet deal (use their competitor’s money to sanction and bomb them into helplessness) but why would the apparent victim go along with such an outrageously scam?

    What I have trouble imagining is that Russia would let 3000 of their sworn enemies take money from Russia and use the money to obliterate Russia. It strikes me as too crazy to even imagine UNLESS the international corporate consortium is so powerful, even inside Russia, that the NATION of Russia (its actual population) is not politically powerful enough to prevent the use of Russian resources to kill Russian people. That sort of behavior is ritual humiliation, forcing a victim to accept the unacceptable in order to annihilate all opposition and establish absolute power over them.

    In other words, the SAME thing that those supra-national corporations are doing to you and me at this very moment.

    Like I said, too crazy to even imagine. But not too crazy to be true.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2023 #142305
    D Benton Smith


    where are the 2000 childern?”

    Somebody knows. I dare say a LOT of people know, and a lot more than that have strong opinions based on personal observation.

    I think we should keep asking, and louder, until some of them answer, and then we’ll go from there.

    It is a test of whether this society is going to survive or not. And I’m not talking about just Lahaina or even just the USA. I mean the entire existing society. If a society will not protect its children then its ability to propagate its existence into the future, as a society, is precisely zero.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2023 #142291
    D Benton Smith

    It seems to be true (correct me please, if I’m mistaken) that there are over 2000 children missing from Lahaina after the fire (now, 3 weeks after the fire.)

    That is an enormous mystery, and yet I understand why those who know ANYTHING about it and are neither saying what they know, or making it an issue by asking the government for answers. It’s simple. They are afraid to report what they know, and they are afraid to press the issue because they are afraid they will be targeted by whoever is responsible for the disappearances.

    This fear factor is not irrational. It is just the common sense of self preservation. After all, whoever IS actually behind the atrocity has demonstrated that they ARE capable of coordinating an absolutely huge crime ….. and nobody wants to just fruitlessly throw their own life away by standing up as one LONE target against such an APPARENT behemoth on behalf of someone else’s child who they don’t even know.

    But what about the parents, relatives and close friends of those unaccounted for missing children? I find it almost unbelievable that the parents and loved ones of those kids are not SCREAMING for answers, regardless of consequences. Why do we hear almost nothing from them? And if the kids are NOT missing (and therefore no parents or family to be aggrieved) then why would the government remain silent. Yet the officials in Lahaina are not even denying the charges that are blasting all over the world Internet.

    I have an idea for how to find out, and its an idea that has been used successfully in other situations in which everyone is afraid to speak out. Anonymous and secure whistle-blowing.

    An untraceable electronic billboard, or a pirate radio station, or paper broadsheets, or the like, broadcast the questions. There is at present no way to trace or identify who is reading or listening to the questions.
    Included in the broadcast would be a secure and untraceable method to REPLY to the questions and remain fully anonymous. This could be as simple as a two-step mail drop. (you mail a letter to a trustworthy friend in another state and in that same envelope is a SECOND stamped and addressed envelope (containing the requested information) which the friend then drops into a mailbox in some other town. This is rudimentary tradecraft and is virtually uncrackable upstream from the address of the final receipt point, and even more secure if the receiving address is a protected location such as a shell company in a non-extradition foreign country (think “Panama Papers” style cut-outs.)

    A fringe benefit of this method is that by PUBLICLY broadcasting the question (for EVERYONE to read, anonymously), the ISSUE is broadcast as well, which panics the perpetrators and drives them to expose themselves in their ill conceived efforts to stop it. Once again, this is elementary stuff, and is impossible to stop. ONE lone wild eyed revolutionary zealot is all that it takes to get the ball rolling.

    Worked like gangbusters for Julian Assange until he got big enough to identify and infiltrate ….. and by then it was too late to stop either the ball OR its rolling. (note that the ball that Assange started IS still rolling, like a snowball down a mountain).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 1 2023 #142285
    D Benton Smith

    Power consists of taking responsibility, which means responsibility for ALL results and consequences, not just the “good” ones. That’s why most people prefer to shirk responsibility (by handing it off to others) rather than taking it. Way easier to criticize the guy who fucked it up than it is to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the hideous results.

    Is Klaus Schwabb a fuckup? Well for sure. He tried to assume full responsibility for the species and screwed the job up royally, and is still trying, and still reckons that he’s got the right to do so because he sees himself as one of the only people willing to just take responsibility and DO IT. The reason he has the power to do that was because we GAVE it to him by shirking that responsibility ourselves.

    Would you like to get your power back? That’s easy. Just start taking your responsibility back instead of leaving it all to megalomaniacal jerks like Klaus.. Then screw ups can be YOUR fault again, just like they were meant to be.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2023 #142253
    D Benton Smith


    The answer is that the earth is just running a defrost cycle.

    I really like that metaphor. To carry it a step further, just imagine the things we’ll find in the back of the freezer. So THAT’s where that pound of gamey venison ended up after Uncle Bob’s hunting trip back in ’74!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2023 #142233
    D Benton Smith

    Tucker Carlson breaks the internet (AGAIN!) in an online interview on the Adam Carolla show. I think we have truly and measurably turned the corner.

    teaser: Barack Obama’s ACTIVE homosexuality was (and is) common knowledge in and around Washington since before 2008.

    link: https://youtu.be/q89Rzl9J5v4?si=NzLsrb70bgx_mOEx

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2023 #142231
    D Benton Smith

    A Federal Court has ruled that it was okay for YouTube to violate several of RFK Jr’s civil rights because You Tube is a private, not state, entity.
    [See: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-08-30/update-judge-rfk-jr-vs-youtube-lawsuit-claims-youtube-not-state-actor ]

    It’s no surprise that a Federal Court would rule that way, but it is nevertheless very INTERESTING that they did so, because :


    The government can evade the constitutional prohibition against censoring, and disenfranchising and libeling private citizens, through the means of directly using private corporations to do those identical things on the government’s behalf (which the corporate agents are not prohibited from doing because they are a private actor not a state actor)


    We mere private citizens are thereby automatically entitled to precisely the same interpretation of the same law. Thus, as a private actor (and not a state actor) I am not bound or restricted by the law which prohibits the state from inhibiting such things as the right to the freedoms of speech, mobility, and privacy of both person and possession. In other words, I am not restricted (as private citizen) by the rules that restrict just (and only) the government specifically. That means (insofar as Federal Law is concerned) I am breaking no rules by breaking THOSE rules because those rules are not for me.

    So long as I am acting as a private citizen (not as state actor) then I am not violating a rule which applies only to State actors and not to private ones.

    Under this interpretation it is completely legal for me to do anything that the government is not prohibited from doing, so long as I DO SO as a governmental actor. By that identical interpretation of law it is also completely legal for me, as a PRIVATE citizen to do any damn thing I want that isn’t specifically forbidden for private persons to do.

    If I want to shoot someone, in that case, then I’ll need to be sure that I am acting in my capacity as an official member of government. It is totally permissible for a soldier, cop (and many other official members of government and their deputies) to shoot to kill under rather loosely prescribed circumstances. But if I need to tell outrageous lies, silence a truthful critic or shirk my responsibilities then I’ll want to be doing THOSE sorts of things solely as Joe Sixpack, private citizen extraordinaire, for whom such follies are my God given constitutional rights.

    See how that works? No wonder tyranny requires the merger of state and private power. Depending solely upon which side of the line that you are allowed to legally “identify” with, you can do pretty much ANYTHING as either one OR the other of the two identities, and it would all be perfectly legal. Being allowed to flip from one side to the other to evade responsibility and punishment, at will and at need, is pretty much a carte blanche “anything goes” situation.

    Is this a loophole in the very concept of Law? Or is it just “Duh!” grade stupidity?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2023 #142227
    D Benton Smith

    Just for the record, I don’t BELIEVE books. I READ books, and the same sort of thing goes with people. I don’t believe people, I COMMUNICATE with people. The believing part comes after the communication and observation part. Usually a LOT after.

    I don’t think our colleague @aspnaz looks at things that way. He is more of the “believing” sort of guy. It looks like he BELIEVES the schooling and propaganda in which he is immersed.

    But I also think that he has come to the right place to get that error straightened.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 31 2023 #142225
    D Benton Smith

    @aspnaz …… (and other onlookers of like mind)

    In reference to your late yesterday’s comment attempting to dismissively ridicule Plato, Atlantis, ancient Hindu oral and written traditions, and generally all things having to do with the past (some people use the word “History”).


    Please accept my apologies. If I had known you were smarter, more erudite and wiser than Plato I would never have deigned to offend your majesty by even broaching the topic of the possibility that the history we were taught in school was a cartload of bull shit.

    Obviously you, personally, are the final arbiter of truth, and all of the thousands of other scholars, historians, archeologists and wise men who have attempted to record and discuss the history of our species and society were just wasting their time. All that anyone would have to do (rather than study so many dusty history books) would be to completely ignore what any of those doddering old fools had to say, and just go straight to you to find out what really happened in the past. Why spend a lifetime of study when all you’ve got to do is just go ask @aspnaz !?

    We all could have saved ourselves a lot of time and effort had we known that you were the guy with all of the answers, but at least we can now thank our lucky stars that we have finally found you. From now on none of the rest will have to do any reading or thinking at all. Anytime anyone wants to know something they can just come and ask you.

    Again, I apologize, and promise never make that mistake again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2023 #142224
    D Benton Smith


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2023 #142204
    D Benton Smith

    How much of the economy is based on government spending? It’s impossible to place a definitive figure on it, BUT it is easily estimable by adding together just a few base-figures that are absolutely known to the penny, and doing a little long division like they taught us in grade school. When the IMF did that (and we could do it, too, because we learned arithmetic ) it came to a staggering 42.36 % of the United States GDP was attributable to DIRECT government spending.

    Let that sink in and ramify for a few minutes. Now let some of the ramifications sink in alongside that for a while, and it should soon become clear that if HALF of all of the money comes from the government SPENDING, then the OTHER HALF of GDP consists of the folks who RECEIVED that spending (as wages or receipts) then going out and immediately spending it all.

    So half of the spending is governmental and the other half is private, but the PRIVATE half of the spending was using the money it got from the government spending. One half plus one half equals ALL. So why do so many people side with the government’s “narrative”? Because that’s who gives them the paycheck they depend on for practically everything they need to stay alive. But that ain’t all.

    Sure, these are estimates, and one could easily miscalculate by a maybe 5 or 10 percent in either direction, but that does not make enough difference to change the general picture a single pixel.
    And the picture basically this: America does not MAKE practically ANYTHING. All that it does is “govern”a systematized racket for literally STEALING what it wants , which is to say that it gives counterfeit IOU’s to it’s employees and suppliers, and in this manner DEMANDS that real goods and real services be delivered to it. These demanded goods and services are things that it absolutely must have but is almost totally incapable of making or providing for itself. I say counterfeit because, as we all know, there is NO INTENTION or possibility whatsoever of the IOU’s (dollars) ever being paid back or made good.

    Putting that in a nutshell, and using only an inconsequential amount of hyperbole, the USA does not know how to MAKE practically anything any more, and the money it uses to BUY those missing items is FAKE. Most of the things that the United States actually needs to survive are things that (as a society) it no longer knows how to produce. It can only obtain those things (like machinery, materials, and skilled labor) by buying them, and the only currency it has for making those purchases is an almost totally bogus IOU which practically everyone knows isn’t REALLY worth the electrons that it’s digitally written with. (Because it is tens of TRILLIONS of dollars overdrawn on a century or more of past-due IOU’s). If the books were balanced right now, and every last obligation was resolved, the result would be a nation/empire that was so monumentally SHORT of meeting its contractual obligations, that it would take a hundred lifetimes of actual production to pay it back to the people it was “borrowed” from.

    This no small thing. This is not some fanciful exercise of abstract imagination or theory. This is cold hard fact that I’m talking about here. The US is not just a flat-broke, indebted idiocracy.. It is at the END of its rope and the usual suckers are no longer rolling over and obediently accepting the incredible shrinking dollar and threats of violence that have long been the only way America has managed to keep getting the stuff that it will literally die without.

    I’m talking about an EMPIRE, of perhaps a billion people, that A) cannot make enough stuff to feed itself and keep the lights on, and B) is now measurably losing the ability to BUY that stuff either. It can only get that money by LYING about, and frankly, folks just aren’t buying the lie like they used to.

    We’re talking about a projected (expected? predicted? unavoidable?) level of abject poverty headed our way like a DEW assisted wild fire, unseen anywhere outside the most desolate of third world shitholes, and burned out cities in remote and abandoned places like Lahaina and Baltimore.

    What usually happens when a place as big as a nation or empire hits the skids that hard is that people from elsewhere move in and buy everything up for “pennies on the pound note” (or just take it by main force) and become the new owners, so that’s probably what they’re doing now here. In fact ….. looking around …..that’s exactly what they’re doing. Burn it down, buy it up and use starving slaves to build it back better, and then dump the slaves. Tidy and effective.

    “But wait !”, people say. “No one would stand for that!”

    Oh, yeah? Sure looks like they’re “standing for it” from where I’m standing.

    Related to what I wrote yesterday about CONNECTION, and how the FIRST thing that an oppressive occupier does to its victims is to DISCONNECT them from every one of the people and groups who care enough about them to come to their rescue or help in some meaningful way. Once a target is separated from those who they were previously connected with they are ust sitting ducks.

    Once the victim has sold all moral allegiance in exchange for a fake paycheck, and has obediently disconnected from former friends, and no longer cares enough about them to risk coming to their aid or complaining, then the DISCONNECTION process is complete. Mission accomplished.

    The oppressor can then do any damn thing it pleases, to any victim that it wants to, and practically no one will move to stop them or even complain much (because that might make them the next target). The bad guys can do literally ANYTHING. They can torture rape child slaves, kill them and then sell their nice fresh young internal organs on the open market. They can worship evil and glorify degradation and make Hollywood Blockbuster movies about it for a profit. I mean ANYTHING, whatsoever, you name it, and no one will interfere or move to stop or punish them in any way.

    Welcome to Lahaina, Americans! The way things stand now, no one gives a flying fuck whether you enjoy your brief stay or not, because you have disconnected from nearly everyone who might care, and so they do not care.

    But who cares, right?

    Well, I still care, and I think that a bunch of you care, and I also very much think that it’s time to reestablish connections to the others who do, too.

    Here’s a good place to start re-connecting, it’s a blunt and unapologetically true history of our home turf, who it actually belongs to, and precisely who has been working so hard to steal it for so long. The book is not for beginners, nor the brainwashed. The author is Hindu, and there are a few Hindu-ish references, but not many, and not all dogmatic or distracting from the core historic info. link: https://www.amazon.com/Apocalypse-Yajnavalkya-Revelations-Concerning-Humanity/dp/B0C1J2MLCN/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pdt_img_top?ie=UTF8

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 29 2023 #142159
    D Benton Smith

    All of us humans are EXACTLY alike in at least one respect, regardless of how rich or poor, strong or weak, good or bad, smart or stupid or anything else that we happen to be.

    That point of identical characteristic is that when we do not know something that we need to know then we will turn to others to get that information. We cannot (practically speaking) find out all by ourselves alone because even if you TRIED to get it yourself you would quickly discover that “finding out for yourself” still comes down to accepting information from others because NO ONE knows everything. This unavoidable necessity of getting vital information that we need but don’t have, from other people who we think do have it, immediately brings the TRUST factor into strong play. Who does a person think actually will have and share the true info that’s needed? In other words, who do we TRUST ?

    Well, without putting too fine of a point on it, we trust the people who we believe are “better” than we are regarding something or in some other important way. (maybe they’re a savvy street fighter and we need their advice on hiring a good a body guard.) More frequently , and especially in this culture at this time, people tend to “look up to”, and follow the opinions of, people who are extremely rich, world famous and/or politically powerful. To be all three at once is a “hat trick” which virtually guarantees that entire swaths of the population are going to turn to that person as someone whose statements are accepted as gospel by their fan club. If that fan club is itself extremely rich, famous and powerful then the club can be pretty damned small and still have a tremendous impact on the nature of the information that filters down from on high.

    Depending on the nature of the information we need (for example cooking or medicine) we will seek a data source who we think knows a lot more about it than we do. We think of them in that way (as being our “betters” about something) because they have demonstrated to our satisfaction over a long enough period of time that their knowledge is consistently “better” than our knowledge.

    The other way to garner rough estimates about what is (or should be) happening is to look around at the rest of the herd. What is everybody ELSE doing? Whatever they’re doing, then if I do that too everything should be okay. Nine times out of ten that works great. Most of the time following the herd works beneficially for all, is culturally unifying, and extremely efficient. It saves trillions of hours of time that we don’t have to spare. It’s that TENTH time that gets ya! (that time when the herd and the trusted sources are WRONG.)

    But that’s usually no super-big deal because, in the final analysis, MOST things aren’t very important to begin with. They are often a worthwhile deal, but they are very seldom a BIG deal. Some things matter a lot, and other things don’t. For important things, however, when it really DOES matter, then we look for the teachers and advisers who we trust about IMPORTANT stuff. We turn to the same people that we turn to for our other important stuff such as sustenance, safety and security. That works fine too, unless those people have disconnected themselves from us and now consider themselves to be “different” than us. And not just different, but better as well.

    Like I said, who it is that we search for (and believe) in our search for good information depends on the type of info that we need. There are a lot of different types, but they can be roughly divided into three general categories.

    Let’s call the FIRST category those things we’re interested in on a purely and only self determined basis. No one tells you that you must be or do or have whatever it happens to be. You engage in these activities and pastimes just because you want to and it ain’t nobody’s business but your own.

    Then there is the SECOND category, which is comprised of the things that you know you’re just going to have to do in order to get along well and have a good life. You could neglect these things if you chose to, but that would be stupid because you know that the result would be if you neglected it (for examples: poverty or lack of friends). Whatever the known or suspected consequence, it would be something that you really wouldn’t like , and so you voluntarily choose to do the right thing and get the positive result instead (for examples: wealth and friendship).

    Finally there is the THIRD category. The one that nobody likes. These are the things that one is forcefully compelled to do, under threat of mandatory material punishment (for examples: fines, imprisonment, violent treatment or even death). Like I said, nobody likes “Category Three” except the jailer, the goon and the hangman, and even they are careful to not wind up on the wrong side of the arrangement. This fact largely explains why they opted to be jailers, hangmen and hired thugs rather than money-less saints and heroes.

    I reckon that by now you have recognized that the three general “categories” are not actually hard-edged categories at all. They are more like arbitrarily defined general positions along an infinitely graduated scale. A scale that runs from completely voluntary at one end, to totally mandatory at the other end. And I must say that as “categories”go, they can also be so frustratingly complicated and “fuzzy” that they can be almost impossible to recognize as such, as I am sure we have all experienced. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this essay the three divisions are rudimentarily accurate and focused enough to serve the purpose, so I will stick with them for now.

    Unfortunately, we humans spend most of our time dealing with life as it happens to us in the dangerous no-mans-land of shifty, teeter-tottering on the contentious border BETWEEN Voluntary Action/Belief and Mandatory Action/Belief. The big question is about WHERE does that “fuzzy difference” [between “doing stuff because one wants to” versus “doing things because one was FORCED TO”, under threat of material punishment] turn into a sharply drawn thin red line?

    Do you see how this all relates to the crucial question of, “Who do we turn to for TRUSTED sources of information?”

    I hope that you do see that close relationship , because this choice is one of the two or three most important choices that we ever face in life.

    To state the question clearly, “Who does a person turn to for TRUSTED information on important issues?” If the person turns to their “employer” or other work-related associates in an organized hierarchy(financial, social or otherwise) who they also depend on for the necessities of life (like money, food, shelter, protection, etc.), then that person IS going to be lied to because the layers ABOVE the person in the hierarchy are going to serve THEMSELVES before (and better) than they will serve the person.

    That sort of deceitful duplicity can only be accomplished by LYING, and/or FORCE (or threat of force).

    The information being passed DOWN through the nested levels of authoritative control will ALWAYS be falsified to a degree that is at the very least SUFFICIENT to assure that the interests of the higher ups are benefited more and better than the interests of the lower down. Otherwise the hierarchy would not even exist because if no one is FORCIBLY ruling over ANYONE ( the “-archy” part of hierarchy) then, by definition, it is not a hierarchy in the first place.

    Hierarchic control can ONLY exist when ENFORCEABLE ORDERS (that is, orders that are mandated, upon threat of material punishment) can be given to underlings who MUST obey.

    Long story short, trusting those who issue ENFORCEABLE orders is very close to being as stupid as it’s possible to get, because no matter how persuasively an enforcer tries to convince that it IS in your best interests to obey their command, you know for a FACT that it is NOT. Asserting that it’s good for you when it is in fact bad for you, is simply a lie. The plain truth is that the mandated order is the exact opposite of good for you. It’s for the benefit of the one giving the violently enforced order, to YOUR detriment. Period. Full stop. Otherwise they would not have given the order. Furthermore, the self-serving lie was given and enforced for THAT purpose, the purpose of serving benefit the order giver at your expense.

    If you are not the one who gave the order then the only way you are not screwed is if the order giver truly does have your best interests truly at heart. I know only one such case.

    When I look around this so-called civilization what I see is a WHOLE bunch of people who are turning to the sources of their income (mostly money) as also the sources for their trustworthy information. This is both extremely unwise, and a rather extreme understatement.

    To put it a different way, when employed people need to know who and what to believe they typically turn to their friends and employers for the answer. Horribly, pretty much every one of the people they live with and associate with are people who are doing the same damned thing. Accepting, relaying and DOING bad things for pay (which pay is, itself, a lie because the pay IS NOT WORTH what they promise that it’s worth. More often than not the “pay” is worth even LESS than nothing.

    In the described manner the entire ship of fools are following self-destructive orders in exchange for a stupidly believed LIE that their paycheck is actually worth what they’re doing for it. (for example, the lie is told to the Nursing Assistant that the paycheck….. which the nurse totally depends for virtually ALL vital food, shelter and general wherewithal……. is worth more than the life of the kid who they just killed with a Pfizer jab.) What a self-actualizing cluster fuck.

    Of course the nursing assistant doesn’t THINK that giving the poison injection constituted a Capital Crime of hired murder, because he/she only believes the things that their employers and comrades tell them, and the only things that they tell them are the self-serving lies that are coming down the chain of command as orders for what they MUST do, upon pain of material punishment for disobedience.

    Getting back to where this essay started, we all turn to those we trust for the information we depend on for survival. Do not trust ANY of the information that comes from anyone who supports mandatory orders backed by force. The information will always and only serve THEM, not you, and they will lie about that purpose every step of the way, all the way to the point that you are kicked out of the club altogether and treated thereafter as a worthless impediment

    The one saving grace of THAT is that once kicked out and trodden down people tend to stop associating with and listening to the psychotic ravings from inside the echo chamber.

    Trust only those who actually care about you. Connect with them. Care for them. Put their interests on at least an equal footing as your own, because that’s what THEY are doing for you. They are actually caring about how you are actually doing, and that intentional connectedness is the only thing really worth having. What do I mean by “connection”. I mean to actually give a damn. It’s not a physical thing done for material gain. It is a spiritual thing with no ulterior motive whatsoever. Call it unconditional love. Connection is the manifestation of it. It’s a piece of God, if you will, so ultimately, that connection is not just the only ting worth having. It is the only thing that IS.

    The first thing that an mal-intentioned enforcer will attempt (other than tell you a pack of lies) is to DISCONNECT you from everybody who might provide the support needed to defend yourself from the wholesale lying, starting with the ones who already are. Divide and conquer by cutting the links to existing or potential support. One very effective way to disconnect people from each other is physical separation, and another is to prevent and forbid them from telling each other the information they need to survive and flourish. And yet another way is to insist that to continue getting stuff from the liar one must disconnect from (or even harm) the truthful and caring people (and Supreme Being) that one is currently connecting with.

    It’s not difficult to understand why the evil ones do everything they can to cause that disconnect and induce such stupidly destructive bad behavior. So don’t do it. Connect instead and care. You CAN do that, and it is highly recommended that you do.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 28 2023 #142099
    D Benton Smith

    I think that Tucker Carlson’s speech in Budapest is going to go as viral as Oliver Anthony’s inspired, “Rich Men North of Richmond”.

    For those who missed it (and to make it efficiently re-clickable for those who want to watch it again) here is a fresh link: https://rumble.com/v3bx24y-tucker-carlson-tuckers-speech-in-budapest.html

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