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  • in reply to: Let’s Save Some More Lives #78033

    Evil… I must admit I take the bait – relentlessly and I rail and despair at the shit-fuckery but. It is a big but too. The way I see it is – I woke up this morning and looked into a mirror and a head was looking back at me. I am seeing this world through bodies eyes. This means I will often be defensive and see attack – from evil. But that has to be my ego otherwise all is lost. The ‘Good’ – I believe comes when people see themselves as bigger than just one body – to such an extent they will even care about other countries and whole of humanity (like Dr D, Madamski and Raul amongst all others on this forum). The ‘evil’ ones are thinking about what they can accumulate for their individual self.
    They need our compassion (and a kick in the arse) and we need our compassion too because we will experience the anger and it is not fun – I know.
    The ‘good’ are prepared for hard work, sharing, honesty etc, and hate lies because it’s selfish and want for others what they want for themselves – liberty and freedom at whatever level they will accept.

    There is another concept I want to lay out at some stage around hierarchy of illusions and why it fails and also it’s delicious allure. For now I’m stuck musing on good and evil – thanks for throwing out the thought ball upstateNYer

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some More Lives #78019

    It’s hard not to speculate about what appears to be a hidden hand

    Dr Robert Malone – inventor of mRNA vaccine technology

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some More Lives #78005

    Back to the fear thing – at the end of the day ALL fear is related to bodies and bodily attacks which is why our saints preserve us – they see through that. I have found this rolling totalitarian thunder frightening at times, as it threatens my optimism for humanity. We need to find comfort in the now. The peace of being still and the considering the phrase “forgiveness is kind and does nothing – it merely looks, waits, and judges not”. There are some among us who are vaccinated and this should breed sensitivity in us when we want to freak out and proclaim ideas like mass genocide is coming etc. Right now we know (as far as I can tell) that the safety profile is no where evn close to what it should be regarding COV 2 vaccines. What we don’t know is how dangerous, how long the danger etc. I think we all keep asking questions and looking but also be cautiously optimistic that the world will continue (albeit in a more shitty form).
    Love you guys.
    You little internet connected, knowledge-hungry avatars.

    in reply to: Let’s Save Some More Lives #78003

    Huskynut – yes you are good to pull our heads in but some of us remained quite open to being bullshitted and it was Dr D’s early rants about numbers not adding up that kept a lot of minds open. I do think though that when so many thousands of people have died through lack of Ivermectin it is frustrating to find the wider published authors getting on board later in the game when every second counts.
    I think fear got the better of me because there are still small pockets of trust left in my heart when it comes to authorities. There is no trust now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 22 2021 #78001

    The mask wearing vid is what is happening here in Victoria Australia as well. People are just so used to them now that when mask mandates are removed they just keep wearing them – open air. I back on to 35 thousand acres of national park forest and have seen trail walkers with them on while I have been in the middle of nowhere (and they didn’t see me – I was hiding as I did not want to be seen looking for magic mushrooms – my current covid induced medication protocol). They were in forest on top of mountain on their own. MASKED. I mean I understand if you left it on because you are in and out of shops and you are carrying things or whatever burt people want to be seen to be good.
    I’m going to continue to be the guy in the elevator who faces away from the open door. Social norms are freaking me the hell out!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 22 2021 #77941

    From Germs Geert paper – ( basically saying it’s better to let nature take it’s course … yawn. Dr D – I too want to sit by a pure stream and catch fish and eat and lay with my woman in the warm sun but spiders make webs that catch us trying to fly free)

    Or don’t they realize that the type of immune priming following natural Sars-CoV-2 infection is very different from the one that results from prophylactic immunization with S-based vaccines? It is difficult to imagine they would not comprehend why under conditions of natural viral infection and transmission during a pandemic, the chances for freshly infected, immunologically naïve or previously infected subjects to become re-infected on a background of suboptimal S-specific Abs are much lower than for vaccinated people to become exposed to Sars-CoV-2 while not being armed with a high enough titer of full-fledged S-specific Abs.

    In other words, if molecular epidemiologists would only realize that immune selection pressure exerted by S-directed Abs occurs much less frequently during a natural pandemic than in the course of mass vaccination campaigns, they would probably figure among the best placed scientists on earth to warn against the high likelihood for this virus to evolve immune evasion and, ultimately, to resist vaccinal nAbs as a result of mass vaccination. At any rate, they all recognize the need for careful systematic surveillance of the ongoing evolutionary immune escape, which currently translates in an enhanced expansion of variants comprising mutations that further converge as they continue to adapt to rising population immunity in general and S-specific Abs in particular (1).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2021 #77921

    upstateNYer It sure ain’t funny, and it’s more disturbing than anything I thought I would experience in my lifetime. I can’t be the only one finding it difficult to concentrate and maintain focus on work, etc., over the past year, am I?

    No. You most definitely are not. I can barely take my eyes off this computer and I used to install cool permaculture systems. Since Raul first started posting about what was happening in Wuhan till this day it has been like the tide just keeps coming in and won’t recede.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2021 #77920

    Mr House – CJ Hopkins newest article nails it. You are at war, you just don’t know it yet. Like Neo, I am starting to believe.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2021 #77843

    Germ – Stellar work. Keep it coming.
    I have been thinking a bit about ‘types’ who get what is happening or at least tease out the implications of where this might go, compared to the new normals. I don’t like to take a separatist tone because I don’t see pro-vaccine people as ‘deficient’ in terms of research or intelligence. I think it has a little to do with luck. I think you are lucky if you have a slightly distrustful or at least ‘on the fence’ type of mindset in this situation specifically. I was raised by a single mom who was not supported financially by my father or ‘the system’ to any meaningful degree and always had a ‘meh’ feeling toward authority which is not always helpful but feels that way right about now.
    I have just a small handful of friends in my physical world who are on board with our ‘narrative’ here at TAE and some of them were institutionally abused as kids (also big impetus to not trust authority).
    On the other side I have really really smart and community involved friends who have been getting jabbed left right and centre. I can’t think of any that are anarchists or anti-authoritarian or counter-cultural.
    But you know I’m just musing – what I know about myself is that I am so often wrong.

    Also glad so read Dr Malone’s post about 2 weeks only of risk (maybe). I like things to get better not worse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77579

    My two cents on dealing with other people but particularly in the working environment (but also friends) is to just humbly say you are afraid. You need to stoop to conquer. Just say you have read alarming things on line from doctors and scientists whose credentials check out and that it has just made you very afraid.
    It is not a sin to be afraid. Not very macho – but not a sin. Let the water wash over. Bend like a reed in the river. Water logic not rock logic.
    What this does is force a decision back on the opposing or forceful side. THEY have to force an outcome and expose themselves. We just have to chiiiillllll. Even though we wanna puch Fauci in the pie hole.

    Anyway it’s nice to have others think we are weird instead of the other way around all the time.
    I’m still angry though

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2021 #77575

    Queensland Australia – where I lived the first 20 years of my life. I was not removed from my mothers’ arms and she did NOT have to quarantine. 8 negative tests, quarantine, contacting the media and both are fully vaccinated. What the actual **ck!! This is why i flew up there 3 weeks ago to show off my 3 year old son to my mum – fully cognisant of the fact we may very likely be forceable separated for quite some time. There will come a reckoning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2021 #77473

    absolute galore – I agree with your thinking and the economy is really biting hard. I believe it to be Vax for profit and not cull. I think Gates wouldn’t mind a bit of a cull since he is a solutions guy but generally it’s just a mess of fear with profit motive and a cultural separation from nature going on. That is not to say there wont be a shit tonne of deaths down the line but the complexity and resiliency of the human body can endure. The question is can the West?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2021 #77417

    Germ – Youtube get soooo violated, like all the time – I really feel for them. I have to admit watching those two ghoulish men discuss how best to help treat the sick and unwell with safe treatments was very triggering for me.
    I feel so assured that the team overlords at Youtube care for me so much that they would censor that kind of conversation.
    Feel so safe right now

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2021 #77411

    Michael Reid – the culling… yes I am starting to believe what I don’t want to believe

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2021 #77402

    So let me get this straight – Turdros (WHO) is good mates with Gates who gets money for every jab, says his mate (who was mates with Epstein) needs more money from jabs because he doesn’t have enough money. I’m not bying it. It’s power not money.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2021 #77397

    Watched the full interview with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein and was blown away by the absolute injustice of what has occurred around Ivermectin. Thank you so much to Raul and Germ for this info. Feeling that truth/justice energy rise now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 13 2021 #77229

    Dr. D – re Mark Carney (as in works full time operating a circus type or Carney) I couldn’t agree more. At least Atilla was honest. This guy can’t even pretend to have any courage or stomach, and I’m sure he has regular massage sessions straight after his morning chai-latte on wholegrain organic kale bread. He wouldn’t know nature outside of a postcard or a view through double-glazed chalet windows carefully preprepared by underpaid gardeners.
    Not. A. Fan.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2021 #77159

    “irreconcilable differences”.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 10 2021 #77059

    It’s the planet, stupid

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 10 2021 #77048

    I just want to thank you all but particularly Ilargi and Germ for the rolling info that is coming down the line. So useful and so important.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2021 #76898

    I think I too have had all the reality I can have for one day.
    I’m gunna buy a diesel tractor (for real) this week and have just enough cash to survive for a year. Then reality will still be there for me in the morning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 4 2021 #76586

    So what’s the plan for this forum when the cyber attacks start – email lists? Do we offer Raul multiple or alternate emails and rebuild from there. I am thinking of resilience in the face of tyranny.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2021 #76415
    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2021 #76299

    Infrastructure is the opposite of flexibility, which is why it’s the opposite of resiliency, which is why in Tainter, etc, it’s the hallmark of dead empires.
    holy crap you nail it sometimes. just been reading Dark Emu. Up to 80,000 years and then barely a sign after European invasion is a sign of proof in reverse of your remark Dr. D and I thank you for it. Now off to re – read Walden!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2021 #76298

    Thankfully, I don’t need to care, I only need to withstand.
    My new bumber sticker Dr!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2021 #75958

    I’ll get the vaccine when the social credits system now being introduced leaves me in a state with a higher risk of lower life expectancy than taking the toxic jab.
    Oh and I am being tracked and analysed by another state govt. here in Aus who keep sending me nice messages on my phone to kindly let me know that they know that I am not home in Victoria and that they want me to report my current health status so they can decide whether I will be forced into isolation for a 14 day quarantine (with my 2 year old).
    One day I will throw this phone (tracking device into a hole in the ground)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2021 #75892

    The lockdowns in australia have been brutal in Victoria and Melbourne but the last year and a half has kept me in the bush semi-self sufficient (gum leaves do make good toilet paper!) and only popping into my little town sometimes. Now having flown to the Gold Coast to see family before potential VAXPASS stuff stops my mobility. The roar of fuel engines on the roads and the concrete buildings and endless suburban housing right to the ocean really freaked me out after such a long time in the wilderness but the Calvin and Hobbes comic really chilled me out so I’m super glad to be going back to living in the bush with me friends and quiet life. So much more relaxing than being in Peter Daszack’s life right now. Gain of Function research can make you neeed a real big glass of red wine at the end of the day to calm the nerves

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2021 #75229

    Mr Roboto – me too – green square although I could have a touch of the eco-fascist about me sometimes.
    Madamski. Do. Not. Leave.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 12 2021 #75102

    Persons can be male or female (or in between ) but in regards to the pregnant ones – refer to this -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2021 #75029

    Also – regarding the CA pastor and the NAZI cops – he was asking for it in a way but in a very principled and honourable way. The Chinese have a saying – ‘Stoop to conquer’. Just act compliant and do the minimum you have to do to get out of their way and then just wait for the bloated institutions to run out of steam. If you attack people who want power they get embarrassed and angry and seek revenge.
    Do I prefer to be right or happy?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2021 #75027

    Dr D – yes I think there are strong indications of death cult in overdrive. We need a love virus more than ever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2021 #75009

    Hey Doc Robinson thanks so much for the links to info about Omega-3. I have a funny feeling about these nutrient dense natural foods – obviously- but the way there are so many cross interactions in natural whole foods gives me a good feeling about increased immune response.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 10 2021 #74918

    Does anyone know if Omega 3 has any effect on health/recovery with regards to Covid?
    Thinking about how awesome Purslane is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 10 2021 #74909

    I know it’s been a minute but I’m still reeling about Whitney Webb’s Patreon issues. We are just gonna slam hard into a decentralised world of small hangouts if this keeps up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 9 2021 #74856

    Man Chelsea seems the bossy controlling type. She may need a neck rub or a glass of wine or something. All that certainty must wear you out by the end of the day. I felt exhausted just reading her mouth-words from this computer thing.
    Speaking of which – they really are tricky to make


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 9 2021 #74855

    Madamski just knowing that the cognoscenti are still alive and chatting has my spirits high.

    We need some brain in the mother-stuffing game.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2021 #74555

    Also I frikken love Denninger. A well researched rant is not quite an opinion piece and that is what matters.

    Also Western journos got the weird guilts shoved down inside – “I better grab another scotch” moment when Assange was laid before their feet again. I blame central banks for making them pay enormous mortgages because they have to live near the power centres where their masters are and also where all this money funnelled into – stinky pooey asset class housing along way from fly-over zones. They don’t get to talk truth no more or else they got no job. So they write what the boss tells em – something distracting about someone getting offended by their feelings about how they feel about their sexual identity or some other boring power play for little people.
    Hey I sound grumpy but I’m not – I think I have been reading from the sidelines too long.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2021 #74554

    Hey Absolute Galore and Raul – I really enjoyed your conversation. I think the points raised are both solid. I admit I am here because I know finding out alternative info to the narrative is hard and Raul’s tireless work saves us precious time, but critical thinking of all the stuff coming at us is so important.

    No way I’m getting that jab yet though. I didn’t spend my whole life looking after my health (mostly) to hand it over to lab coats. I’m with Dr. D – sometimes you have to person up and just grow a pair of ovaries and go all Verdana Shiva on Bill Gates’ arse and just resist!
    Love you my comrades. All of you here and you have my gratitude deep.
    Oh and it’s nice to have 2 shades of Rockstar on the forum Dr. D and Madamski – it’s like red and green or blue and orange or Beer and Wine. Go you good things.

    in reply to: One Myopic Dimension #73888

    Good read, many interesting points but the one that stuck out to me was India not forgetting the actions of the West. I think you are correct and even though Modi is corrupt and can be bought – there are forces in the mind of the people that have influence. In an emerging new Uni-Polar dynamic, strategic mistakes like these can have long consequences in terms of deals and alliances and I can see China smiling and saying quietly – “I told you so, can we be friends now”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2021 #71842

    That wealth inequality chart would be a flat straight line of zero for Australians from 1300 to 1788 and a sine-wave graph of populations mapping perfectly with drought and flood periods. Temperature not so much. European war-cultures do have their ups and downs.

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