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  • in reply to: “Incredibly Stupid” Juncker Opens Pandora’s Box #29155

    “Since they were going to get rid of him anyway, he decided to leave them the perfect parting gift, the ultimate poisoned chalice.”

    Shrinking identity groups, sharks starting to attack each other. Not the kind of chaos THEY like but it is going to be great entertainment.

    in reply to: Britain Can’t Stand On Its Own Two Legs #29025

    “Many just prefer to get drunk and try to blot out the grim realities that are starting to envelop us all.”

    “A gram is better than a damn.”

    in reply to: Britain Can’t Stand On Its Own Two Legs #29011

    Free quality BCPs for all (perhaps with “mandated” use and a lottery for exceptions) will be the most effective fertilizer for green growth. But that of course is another far-off utopian dream. Near-term, our well-known proclivity for increasing the death rate will be the operant paradigm.

    in reply to: Who’s Really The Fascist? #28764

    Best yet, Ilargi!

    ” They will, can, and do cut each other’s throats whenever possible.” Watching the sharks slice each other to shreds will be great circus for knowing survivors on the outside.

    “A moral rather than an economic problem. ” In the end, only ethics can give our lives meaning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 3 2016 #28512

    The truth is, the average Israeli is as much a victim of this Potemkin village-mirage as the average American citizen.

    Couldn’t agree with you more. And that’s why I have claimed repeatedly that MANY wonderful people and outstanding human beings are going to be harmed when blowback time arrives (again).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 3 2016 #28508

    …”‘The Nation’, America, must use every available weapon in the fight against the others so as to achieve absolute hegemony over the globe.”…

    No. America has ceased to exist except as a bizarre Potemkin village-mirage that is used as a curtain to hide (and eventually take the flack for) the directions of a Zioglobalist cabal/quabbalah loyal only to itself, usury and absolute power.
    America has sadly morphed into another early extraction zone, similar in many respects to others it so enthusiastically helped to create.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 23 2016 #28321

    Freedom cannot be taken for granted. The outliers who see things differently from the norm are its main guardians and their early (and persistent) warnings should not be casually dismissed. The agents of sloth, greed, cynicism, hate, tyranny and mind control have chipped away at freedom in the US for such a prolonged period now that its foundations can only be rebuilt in a tumultuous social setting. The Zioglobalist roaders who have engineered our current mess will certainly see the chaos they so clearly desire, but the result may not be the one they expect. Some people never learn.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 21 2016 #28298

    • Easy Money = Overcapacity = Deflation (Rubino)

    Just the latest ZH thinly-disguised “buy gold” infomercial.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2016 #28228

    After listening to Keen or reading one of his articles, I always feel a bit disoriented…confused…not a good sign. Of course he can sling it with the best of them, otherwise he would not be chairman of an Economics department…also not a good sign. TT4TW’s knife analogy is perfectly apt except he fails to mention that the holder is incessantly screaming “You’re hurting me” as he slices and dices.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 13 2016 #28163

    Congressman X: ‘Screw The Next Generation’

    As Chris Hedges emphasizes in his excellent new book, “Wages of Rebellion”, most successful rebellions are nonviolent and characterized by defections by elements of the fading elite: police, military, legislators, administrators, judiciary, corporate, banking. These types of revelation, similar to those of Snowden, ultimately have a strong and important beneficial effect.

    in reply to: An Unintentional Sabbatical #28081

    Ilargi you need to see a GOOD neurologist for a proper work-up of your symptoms.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2016 #28029

    It is hard to cure bad diseases. Zioglobalism is a bad disease. Just because the cure will be dangerous does not mean it should not be attempted. There will be a lot of unpleasant collateral damage to good and relatively innocent people as the vile, central core of Zioglobalism is eradicated. If Trump is snookering us or is not smart enough to protect his back side then conditions are not bad enough yet to activate meaningful change, but they WILL arise. Hate and greed will not be successful long term as the operant objectives of human endeavor.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2016 #28023

    “…I have to reflect that this may not be a very good deal for the states whose parliaments are thinking more of a foreign power than their own people….”

    No kidding!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 4 2016 #27987

    Seems like a bad time to keep on pushing through ever more deals people obviously don’t want.

    You are being silly, Ilargi. Those pesky tenacious Zioglobalists haven’t steered us where we are by taking “no” for an answer.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2016 #27884

    Steering the dumbed-down masses one little lie at a time.

    And if they get caught with their pants down (unlikely) they can always hire a MSM ally to manufacture contradictory evidence or just wait awhile and continue the same BS story line. It’s called tenacity; not taking no for an answer. Same with important legislation; if any doubt about passage just insert the theft clause in a long complicated bill and go party.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 24 2016 #27825

    …. nearly half of all unaccompanied minors carry a sexually transmitted disease, testament to the terrible dangers they face along the way to Europe.

    And just think about the lucky few who “end up” getting to “share the wealth” in England. Once they add the new antibiotic-resistant gonococcus to their microbial flora the Muslim “terrorists” will have a new invisible army of slow-fuse body-bombers. Puts giving them all the love you can in a different perspecitve.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 22 2016 #27803

    Pension Cuts Loom For Millions…
    Brutish police paramilitary and military machinegunning pitchfork-wielding old folks in the streets? “Mandated” visits to Kevorkian clinics after age 70 as a “patriotic” duty? Visions of our future? Just keep procrastinating long enough folks!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27568

    Maybe too much consciousness and too little truth-and-understanding modulated subconsciousness. “All men are my brothers” is utopian dreaming except at the level of “we are all made from the same clay.” Toynbee emphasizes that “long-term” successful societies have been supported by conceptual pillars of love and ethics, which I believe are the essential ingredients of a “meaningful” life.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27566

    “Individuals do not care about others equal to how they care about themselves.”
    Oh my such a cynical view! But the self IS the ultimate identity group. The faultS…I did not introduce “fault” into the blog BTW…are TNTC but include greed, unfairness, shortsightedness, dishonesty, racism, lack of introspection and lack of discipline. These are consequential to our genetically-determined basis for “cognition”, which induces maladaptive thoughts and behaviors as refuges from madness.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27562

    “…for the fault is in ourselves.”
    This is the most important observation, the elementary particle. We are inherently defective and contradictory beings. The best we can do is to understand how this frailty manifests itself in cyclical changes through time and to proactively position ourselves within the evolving structure.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27560


    Back to the Future: The “modified, limited hang out,” c. 2013

    and with regard to ZH, yes, overall it is a “confusing” site…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2016 #27530

    ” What a criminal country, always has been and always will be.”
    Surely you are referring to Eretz ‘Do as we say and not as we do’ Israel! LOL

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 22 2016 #27421

    The Uses of Disorder (Jim Kunstler)

    All good cooks know that if you stir and heat the pot too quickly it can become superheated and erupt, rendering the contents unusable and likely injuring the cook.
    The cook of our present world seem to be either ignoring this fact or a masochist or both.
    Our present cook has not seen the want ad for a new cook. Hopefully the new one will be more fair and pragmatic and better understand the basic rules of cooking.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2016 #27388

    TT4TW: A most emphatic agreed!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27202

    A very realistic dread/expectation; it’s the world we live in. Can the DMM keep things under control for the next 4-5 years? If not, Prechter says the party in power during the deflation will be blamed and relegated to the back burner for generations…if it survives…. so you should vote for the party that you least like in 2016. But that would assume that you believe that the Dem-Repub differences have more than manipulative circus value…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27199

    Donald Trump Embodies How Great Republics Meet Their End (Wolf)

    Pure Zioglobalist doublespeak. Nothing could be worse than maintenance of the status quo…which Martin’s paymasters so desperately want to keep in play. Belongs in the NYT or WaPo. Garbage.

    PS Sorry Raleigh, entered this before reading your apt commentary.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27198

    “Germany hasn’t even begun falling yet. And when Germany falls, and it will, that’s when the panic begins to set in.”

    Then somehow the BIS will find the funds to underwrite a monumental parade in Munich composed of goose-stepping Zioglobalist bankers, CEOs and think-tank manipulators, celebrating the victory of the neo-Bolshevik aka neoconservative cause.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2016 #27170

    Peddle your deceitful crap somewhere else, you vile, murdering illiterate.

    Hear, hear! And drink a cup of molten gold while you’re at it, dear “Lord”.

    It appears that a new, populist-nationalist wing has wrested control of the of the GOP away from its familiar constituency.

    This comes as a surprise? Axiomatic in the scheme of things.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2016 #27074

    But I am one of those cynical souls who also believe it is maliciousness on part of those at the top of the pyramid. They are guided by their plans to consolidate control. I have my doubts that they are as incompetent as they seem.

    Exactly right. Cynical does not translate to invalid.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2016 #27007

    One manager of a fund of hedge funds says investing with Mr Bass is like funding a “think-tank” on how to navigate the global economy.

    Talk about a sentence with Zioglobalist atmospherics…don’t know if it was intended to be a compliment or a damnation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 22 2016 #27006

    Smallest chip in the Hayman Capital casino is US$5 million. Any ZH bloggers at the table?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2016 #26867

    One of our biggest problems is the absence of a functional progressive liberal voice now in the USA. Tony Judt goes into this in great detail in “Ill Fares the Land”. The Democratic Party is mostly composed of closeted dovish neoconservatives who indeed are useful idiots to the Zioglobalists….but progressive liberals they are not. And let’s not forget the Zionist Christians who are also very supportive of the Zgs, and could certainly be construed as useful idiots.

    in reply to: Where Deflation Comes From #26866

    Michael Hudson (in “Killing the Host”):

    Debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid. But trying to pay such debts will plunge economies into prolonged depression.

    The title of Adam Smith’s chair at the University of Edinburgh was Moral Philosophy.

    in reply to: Is This Debt’s Last Rattle? #26803

    The key to decarbonizing our economy is to build a new energy system that does not rely on carbon-based fuels. Scientific studies show that that can be done, it can be done soon and it does not require nuclear power.”
    Pure scientism.
    Anybody who has ever looked carefully at new real estate construction during a boom knows that there is an inverse relationship between quality and price. Like all human endeavor, things turn rapidly to s*it when the focus on quick bucks becomes unreasonably intense. Experience strongly suggests that, as Nicole asserts, most of the new construction will have limited longevity, unless “things are different this time.”
    What the Chinese should have done is leave the rural population where it was, living in relative harmony and more directly connected with nature, rather than concentrate them in urban megacenters (with hopes for more), converting carbon into biologically unusable forms and making garbage consumer goods that consumers will soon no longer want or be able to afford.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2016 #26727

    shaming you in order to shut you up.
    Exactly. Just like making you feel guilty because they suckered you into going into debt.

    open their eyes and realize they’re being played?
    Nope. They (mostly) are just preselected second tier psychopaths who can ignore the widespread suffering they are causing as well as super tier welfare queens who are happy to relish the power they’ve been given and only need to deliver the goods when the cameras and tapes are rolling. Playing dumb can’t be used as an excuse at the executive level. The plebes have lower expectations for what constitutes the “good life” and are too busy running on their gerbil wheels and fitting in, generating that rentier interest, to have the energy to focus on the big picture, so while complicit, are at a relatively low level of accountability.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2016 #26710

    While I think that we have similar views about the mechanics of our current politico-economic world, my impression is that your thought system is much more utopian than mine. I have identified multiple identifiable empowered groups that are working in unison to more empower themselves and their puppet masters in the short and long term. They have utter disregard for most humans and other living entities on the planet. Far more groups than just the “revolving rascals”. You seem obsessed with the idea of getting to the “core” of the matter and wiping out the evil bastards with a single stroke. However, you cannot identify the DMMS except in the vaguest terms and so have no idea who you are going to take action against.
    I firmly believe that anything involving human beings, inherently highly defective creatures that we are, is always messy at best. At least I identify known bad actors whose inactivation would throw a monkey wrench into the Zio-globalist algorithm and perhaps make the “owners” a bit less racist, greedy and hubristic. This is in contrast to your assessment, which involves doing nothing oppositional as life marches inexorably to the cliff edge. The bad guys have so thoroughly infiltrated our political, judicial, military, financial, communications and educational systems that no piecemeal changes are going to turn the ship around. But the bad guys in the end will find that they have been committing slow-motion suicide, that the rope that they have been tugging on so tenaciously for so many centuries is connected to a noose around their necks. That hate and unfairness are not viable foundations for life. In the near term, the best we can do is to live as ethically and fairly as we can as individuals and to educate those who will listen as to the true nature of the situation. (Their increasing pain will focus their auditory mechanism; perhaps that threshold is getting nearer.) The single best weapon we have against the DMMs is mass refusal to pay debts, since our predictable debt-serfdom is their greatest source of power.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2016 #26679

    I think they call it Karma.

    The chickens leaving home to roost.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2016 #26675

    So we should follow the money. Very good. Shadow banks, derivatives up the gazoo, non-marked to market assets, the lead curtain. Who reading this blog hasn’t read Griffin. Duh. Fact remains that putting the heads of national security spooks, MSM magnates, traitorous elected officials, “think tank” sinecurists, bought and paid for Supreme Court justices, lobbyist generals, international CEOs and central bankers on pikes would be a good beginning at killing the “Debt-Money Monopolists” by proxy. But then what would our Congressmen and Senators know what to do?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2016 #26660

    “He thinks a lot… about words…” 4th grader comment about Socrates after reading a biography on him.

    4th grader was also undoubtedly smart enough to figure out that a second-tier spade is still a spade, and should be accountable for his actions. BTW, who are the three top “Debt-Money Monopolists?” Please pull back the curtain for us…or maybe you just like cluttering blogs with word-game distortions yourself.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 9 2016 #26645

    Erdogan and the EU’s two top officials, Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk

    Three cannibals discussing what they’re going to have for breakfast.

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