Dec 082023
 December 8, 2023  Posted by at 9:40 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait with Straw Hat 1887


Netanyahu’s Game Of Russian Roulette (Cradle)
Behind Enemy Bars: Palestinian and Israeli Prisoners (Inlakesh)
Gaza Divides the World, Again (Patrick Lawrence)
‘The Death Rattle of The Western Empire’: US Hegemony Crumbling (Sp.)
The Military/Security Complex Proved to be Too Strong for Peace (PCR)
The Military-Industrial Complex (RFK Jr)
Russian Intel Chief Warns US Of ‘Second Vietnam’ (RT)
Pentagon Threatens Americans Over Ukraine – Tucker Carlson (RT)
Moscow Rejects US Narrative On Aid For Kiev (RT)
The Diamond Crack-Up (John Helmer)
Hunter Biden Indicted by Feds on 9 Counts Related to Tax Evasion (Sp.)
“If People Think Things Are Bad Now…” Tucker And Alex Jones (ZH)
Trump Witness Says He Valued Mar-a-Lago at More Than $1 Billion (ET)




Today, the world mourns the loss of Professor Refaat Al-Areer, one of Palestine’s most prolific poets and activists. There is reason to believe that the Zionist regime deliberately targeted his sister’s home, killing his brother, sister, and her 4 kids



Elon Musk: “Drops more bombs than a B-52“








Noted among Putin’s entourage in Saudi Arabia: Chechen leader Kadyrov and central bank head Elvira Nabiullina



Weaponizing AI








Elon Musk in response via email to an Axios reporter asking about X: “I have never lost money for those who invest in me and I am not starting now.”

Since Elon Musk Bought X:

-SEC sues Musk over the purchase
-FTC demands internal X documents
-Biden DOJ sues SpaceX for not hiring refugees for secret rocket technology
-Biden DOJ and SEC open investigations against Tesla over a literal glass house
-Biden DOJ opens criminal investigation against Tesla over self-driving cars
-Federal investigation into Neuralink
-EOCC sues Tesla over harassment
-Massive media campaign against X
-Massive corporate boycott campaign






“Netanyahu, however, harbors a different agenda, seeking to prolong the conflict for personal gains rather than political success..”

Netanyahu’s Game Of Russian Roulette (Cradle)

Forced into a Gaza truce by an angry public demanding prisoner exchanges, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now faces his toughest challenge since launching air and land assaults on the Gaza Strip in October. The frequency of his threats to both Hamas in Gaza and Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Israel’s northern front has spiked since Netanyahu’s reluctant acceptance of the Qatar-brokered truce. While the prime minister and Washington’s goals align on waging a war on the Palestinian resistance, and, by extension, on Gaza, their policies diverge on the strategy and duration of the conflict. Faced with threats of its own and attacks by resistance factions in West Asia, the US prefers employing a leveraged military approach without any extensive involvement on the ground.

Lately, the Biden administration has been taking a sterner approach towards Tel Aviv’s actions in the northern Gaza Strip, and has called for Israeli coordination with the US on the ground war. Hours ahead of the truce being implemented, Secretary of State Antony Blinken underscored that “the massive loss of civilian life and displacement of the scale that we saw in Northern Gaza [should] not be repeated in the South.” The spokesman for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, has also recently told reporters that the Biden administration “does not support southern operations unless or until the Israelis can show that they have accounted for all the internally displaced people of Gaza.” Netanyahu, however, harbors a different agenda, seeking to prolong the conflict for personal gains rather than political success.

The continuation of the war means he will stay in office longer, and have the time to strike internal and external deals that ensure his post-conflict survival. For now, “King Bibi” faces mounting pressure from both allies and adversaries. International calls for tangible outcomes from the conflict are intensifying, with the mainstream media increasingly compelled – by social media – to highlight Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Domestically, Netanyahu is grappling with almost daily demands for his resignation or for the removal of extremist cabinet ministers from the Otzma Yehudit and religious Zionist parties. In the aftermath of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Israeli opposition tempted Netanyahu’s Likud party with offers to dismiss Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir – as well as the removal of the prime minister himself – as a condition for participating in an emergency government.

These proposals aimed to resolve Israel’s ongoing political and social unrest since 2019, which has led to five consecutive electoral cycles in four years and frequent mass anti-government protests. A national unity government would also be able to resume and possibly develop the Abraham Accords, strained by the presence of extremist parties in the government. Netanyahu’s radical ministers have often negatively affected both these nascent Israeli-Arab relations and Tel Aviv’s relationship with US Democrats.

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“We were sitting in the tunnels and we were terribly afraid not that Hamas but Israel would kill us, and then they would say – Hamas killed you.”

Behind Enemy Bars: Palestinian and Israeli Prisoners (Inlakesh)

The issue of Prisoners of War (POWs) taken captive by Hamas-led Palestinian resistance forces has become one of the key justifications for Israel’s military assault on the Gaza Strip. While western audiences are often presented with the image of these groups as bloodthirsty terrorists, a closer look reveals that Hamas and other factions may have treated Israeli captives more humanely than how Israel treats Palestinian political prisoners. While the Israeli POW issue spans eight weeks, the plight of Palestinian captives has persisted since at least 1967. There are said to be some 137 Israelis that are currently being held captive in Gaza, whom Hamas claims all are males and/or soldiers.

In the seven-day truce struck in November between Hamas and Israel, the Palestinian resistance released 108 women and children held captive in Gaza. In return, Israel was to release 300 Palestinian women and children held in detention and permit much-needed aid into Gaza through the Rafah crossing with Egypt. Stanley Cohen, a US attorney who has represented both Hamas and Hezbollah members, tells The Cradle that “the laws of war do not limit Prisoners of War to State actors.” He says that “all the laws of war apply, whether it’s state actors or non-state actors.” This would mean that the same legal obligations on the treatment of POWs should apply to both Hamas and Israel, despite there being a greater moral expectation often placed on UN member states.

Access to interviews with detainees is limited due to Israeli government restrictions on media interaction with the recently freed captives, especially since the embarrassing PR blunder in late October when one of the four Israelis unconditionally released before the truce – 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz – said at a presser that “they treated us very well” in Gaza, but had endured “hell” while being taken captive. But despite the challenges in obtaining their full stories, certain facts stand out. Recent audio recordings quoted by Israeli media have revealed statements from freed prisoners who claim they were more fearful of Israeli actions than those by Hamas. One former detainee, criticizing the Israeli government, highlighted the lack of support and the challenges faced during their captivity:

“We were sitting in the tunnels and we were terribly afraid not that Hamas but Israel would kill us, and then they would say – Hamas killed you.” Another former Israeli captive went further in expressing disdain for the Israeli government’s responses on and after the events of 7 October: “The feeling we had there was that no one was doing anything for us. The fact is that I was in a hiding place that was shelled and we had to be smuggled out and were wounded. Not including the helicopter that shot at us on the way to Gaza. You claim that there is intelligence, but the fact is that we are being shelled. My husband was separated from us three days before we returned to Israel and taken to the tunnels. And you are talking about washing the tunnels with sea water? You are shelling the route of tunnels in the exact area where they are.”

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“It is repugnant to see how, despite the cruelty of the facts on view to the world, the government of the United States of America and its satellites aim to justify the unjustifiable..”

Gaza Divides the World, Again (Patrick Lawrence)

My award for courageous elocution of the week goes hands-down to Samuel Moncada, Venezuela’s ambassador to the United Nations, who addressed the General Assembly last Tuesday on the topic of Israel and its barbaric attacks on the Palestinians of Gaza. His remarks, which Consortium News reproduced, were appropriately lengthy. Here I draw from his introductory paragraphs: “The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela robustly condemns the Israeli aggression against the civilian population in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is an operation of mass expulsion of an entire people in order to annex their territory by the occupying power. It’s a new cycle of expansionist terror, of so much that has been suffered by the Palestinian people over 75 years of occupation…. It is repugnant to see how, despite the cruelty of the facts on view to the world, the government of the United States of America and its satellites aim to justify the unjustifiable:

That the occupying power is carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people as defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court. We ask ourselves where are those who in other cases rush to apply the responsibility to protect but now are ignoring the human rights of Palestinians submitted to the Israeli occupation?” It is one thing, I have to say, for publications such as ScheerPost and Consortium News to publish commentary of this kind, or for many thousands of honorable people to march in the name of decency and justice. It is quite, quite another for a sovereign state to denounce Israel and the U.S. in a chamber such as the General Assembly. It all counts, everything we do. But Moncada and the government he represents just elevated the condemnation of apartheid Israel to the level of global diplomacy and state-to-state relations.

Jump-cut to the Land of Eire. Members of the Dáil, the lower house of Ireland’s national assembly, were the first in Europe—and remain alone in this—to speak for Palestinian rights and against the Israel Defense Forces’ savagery after Hamas’s October 7 incursion into southern Israel (which the Dáil also denounced). As noted previously in this space, the Dáil voted last month on expelling the Israeli ambassador and referring Israel to the ICC. These motions were defeated, narrowly. But the government’s countermotions nonetheless “deplore the escalation of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory since [October 7].” As to the ICC referral, the government pointed out that an investigation into Israeli war crimes has been in train since 2021—so, no point.

These are specific cases suggesting a larger whole. After the U.S., in February 2022, finally succeeded in provoking Russia to intervene in Ukraine, we recall, 90 percent of humanity declined to line up behind Washington and its European client states. “The international community” whose support the Biden regime incessantly cited, turned out to be the 20–odd nations we refer to as the West. Hamas’s attacks on noncombatants on October 7 have been more or less universally condemned, as they should be. But Israel’s unrestrained response and the Biden regime’s unrestrained support of it have again divided the world. The trans–Atlantic alliance, with the U.S. per usual in the lead, is full-tilt behind Israel’s outright genocide. Support for it is scarce in the non–West, while expressions of support for the Palestinians of Gaza are many if in some cases muted.

Ireland is, of course, an exceptional and interesting case, I should pause to note. The government of Taoiseach Leo Varadkar won the day in the Dáil last month, yes, but Ireland’s identity is nonetheless as non–Western as it is Western. The Irish know Western colonialism firsthand and have not forgotten their time under it. During the Troubles, the Irish Republican Army insisted Ireland must be understood as a Third World country. If you want to go further back, Ireland lay beyond the Roman walls; Rome never attempted to conquer it. These historical realities are often detectable in Dublin’s foreign policies and certainly, I would argue, in its position on the Israel–Gaza crisis. How fine it is to know the Dublin City Council began Wednesday to fly the Palestinian flag atop it for a week.

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But as a country, we don’t really have the intellectual resources to dig our way out of the hole that we’re in…”

‘The Death Rattle of The Western Empire’: US Hegemony Crumbling (Sp.)

Speaking to Sputnik’s The Critical Hour on Wednesday, Jon Jeter, an award-winning foreign correspondent, two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, and a former Washington Post bureau chief, said the wider perception of the United States as a the world’s most prominent political and military locomotive has shifted dramatically. He put that sea-change down to the developments within the Ukrainian and Gaza crises. “The events since October 7th, I think that’s the death rattle of the Western empire of the United States as the single greatest political and economic and military power in the world,” said Jeter. That to me is the final nail in the coffin, because we can’t go back to the world the way it was before October 6th.” The fading of US international hegemony has its roots at home too.

Dimming global engagement among the general public and the ineptitude of current US political establishment have added to the overall weakening US foothold on the international arena. “But as a country, we don’t really have the intellectual resources to dig our way out of the hole that we’re in. <…> I’ve seen this transition from a country that was very much engaged with the world. As a teenager, you could see it in the 1970s, and the 1980s up until Reagan, and then it started to change. We started to dumb down the conversation”, Jeter believes. The speakers also discussed the effect developments on the African continent earlier this year on the status-quo the US desperately seeks to uphold.

“One of the things that happened was the African summit [in Russia]. A bunch of African leaders came and the next week they went back and started overthrowing countries and kicking the French out. <…> the world that was scared of the big bully. And after they saw somebody punch back, people aren’t as afraid anymore,” noted Garland Nixon, The Critical Hour’s co-host. Jeter stressed the irreversible changes over the past couple of years to the balance of power and their lasting effect on the global political makeup. “I don’t think the United States or the West can put that genie back in the bottle. You know, Germany is de-industrializing. There’s turn to the right by many countries in Europe, Italy and now the Netherlands. And I don’t think they’re going to find answers that can really help to restore the West to its past glory,” Jeter concluded.

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“Truth is not very powerful as it does not serve very many powerful interests..”

The Military/Security Complex Proved to be Too Strong for Peace (PCR)

Henry Kissinger’s death resulted in an outpouring of hatred toward the former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, especially from CounterPunch. Even a few of my readers mistook my explanation of Kissinger as a justification of the war crimes so many accuse him of. I have noticed over recent decades the increasing tendency of Americans to respond emotionally, instead of rationally, to information. Since I explained Kissinger, instead of denouncing him, I was seen as apologizing for him or justifying him. I have no doubt that large numbers of civilians were killed and maimed in the bombings associated with the Vietnam war, some of which–Cambodia for example–Kissinger approved. But, of course, the Secretary of State is not the official who orders bombings.

Moreover, there is no indication that Kissinger engaged in bombing civilians simply because he enjoyed killing people and committing war crimes or because he believed in ethnic cleansing like the Zionist government in Israel. The Democrats and the left-wing have been very adroit at shifting the blame for the Vietnam War to Republican Nixon from Democrat Lyndon Johnson. Nixon and Kissinger wanted to end the war, but they had to do so in a way that did not discredit Nixon with his conservative base, a base that believed in the Domino Theory and that the Soviet Union’s mission was world conquest. The same base made it difficult for Nixon to defuse Cold War tensions with arms control agreements, such as SALT I. The North Vietnamese were not in much of a hurry to enable Nixon to exit the war on comfortable terms.

The only option remaining was to increase the violence in order to force an acceptable exit. That is what produced Cambodia, not blood-lust on the part of Kissinger and Nixon. Because Kissinger was a Jew, in denouncing him today some compare him to Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza. This is to misread both Kissinger and the events of his time. Nixon was distrusted by the ruling establishment because he worked to defuse both the tensions of the Cold War and the hostile relationship with China. This went against many vested interests and belief about communist motives. As I have explained, the CIA used Watergate and the Washington Post to assassinate Nixon. The liberal-left hated Nixon for his work as a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee that led to the conviction of Alger Hiss and for his rhetoric, which was nothing but a sop to his base. The liberal-left was too busy enjoying Nixon’s discrediting to notice that he was another victim of the CIA like they believed Salvador Allende to be.

In my life I have seen close up so much that is then falsely explained and goes down in history books as wrongful accounts. Truth is not very powerful as it does not serve very many powerful interests. The fact remains that the Cambodia bombing was the desperate act of a government that wanted to end the Vietnam War. A legitimate question is: why didn’t Nixon simply walk away from the war? The answer is that he would have lost his conservative base, and, of course, the liberal-left would have piled on as well. Nixon and Kissinger hoped to create a more stable world by defusing the tensions between the West and the communist powers. This is also the reason left-leaning governments were overthrown elsewhere. The reasoning was that stability was impossible if Soviet leaning governments kept popping up in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

The Nixon/Kissinger decision is not everyone’s. But, the Cuban Missile Crisis had made clear that one alternative to stability was conflict that could result in nuclear war. Reagan faced the same conundrum, but was able to reconcile with Gorbachev. It is a crime that subsequent administrations threw Reagan’s accomplishment away. The military/security complex proved to be too strong for peace.

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X thread.

The Military-Industrial Complex (RFK Jr)

On my seventh birthday, January 17, 1961—three days before my uncle, John F. Kennedy, took his oath of office as United States President—his predecessor, President Dwight Eisenhower, appeared on national television to deliver his farewell address, which history increasingly regards as one of the most important and prophetic speeches in American history. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.””

President Eisenhower took special care to include an expanded definition of his term “military-industrial complex” that would include the top bureaucrats at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Eisenhower warned that the federal government’s rising medical and scientific technocracy posed its own unique threats toward our democracy and freedom. “In this revolution, [scientific/medical] research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government . . . Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity . . . The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded . . .

[W]e must also be alert to the . . . danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” Eisenhower ended his speech with an admonition that echoes now in rebuke as we emerge from the COVID era that trampled the core principles that had, for 240 years, maintained America as the global exemplar for democracy, constitutional government, and personal freedom. “It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system—ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”

The Wuhan Cover Up
Robert F Kennedy, Jr

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Wasn’t that Afghanistan?

Russian Intel Chief Warns US Of ‘Second Vietnam’ (RT)

By backing Kiev in its fight with Moscow, the US risks sleepwalking into another Vietnam War-style debacle, Sergey Naryshkin, the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), has said. In an opinion piece for Razvedchik magazine issued by the SVR and published on Thursday, Naryshkin predicted tectonic geopolitical shifts in the coming year, which he said would be marked by an intensified confrontation between the West and those countries that oppose its hegemony. The intelligence chief suggested that the Western bloc would try to defend the dominance that is slipping from its grasp, with the ripples of the struggle likely to spread across the world.

The West will be particularly focused on the Ukraine conflict, Naryshkin said, predicting that it “would try to prolong the fighting as much as possible” in a bid to turn hostilities into “a second Afghanistan” and defeat Russia in a battle of attrition, using unprecedented sanctions and pumping Kiev with weapons. However, he warned that there is a high chance that continued support for the “Kiev junta” – given that the Ukraine conflict is becoming an increasingly “toxic” issue in the eyes of the global community – would lead to a rapid erosion of Western authority. The further we go, the more Ukraine will turn into a ‘black hole’, absorbing material and human resources. In the end, the US risks bringing upon itself a ‘second Vietnam’.”

According to Naryshkin, should this come to pass, every US administration will have to deal with this conundrum until “a more or less reasonable person comes to power in Washington” with enough courage and determination to extinguish the crisis. The 1955-1975 Vietnam War, in which the US actively supported anti-Communist forces, is widely regarded as one of the worst conflicts in America’s recent history. Apart from claiming the lives of about 58,000 US soldiers, it shattered public confidence in the government, in no small measure due to several controversies surrounding alleged war crimes committed by Washington. Under relentless public pressure, US forces completely withdrew from Vietnam in 1973, with the Washington-backed government being defeated a few years later. Russian officials have repeatedly warned the West against arming Ukraine, arguing that it will only prolong the conflict but not change its ultimate outcome. Moscow has also said that by supporting Kiev, NATO is essentially waging a war against Russia.

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“Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.”

Pentagon Threatens Americans Over Ukraine – Tucker Carlson (RT)

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reportedly told members of Congress that unless they approve more funding to Ukraine, Americans will be sent to fight Russia directly, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Thursday. According to Carlson, Austin spoke at a classified briefing for members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, and at one point told members that “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia” unless Kiev gets the $60 billion in aid requested by the White House. “The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine,” said Carlson said on X (formerly Twitter), summarizing Austin’s message as “Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.” “He really said this?” asked X owner Elon Musk. “He really did. Confirmed,” Carlson replied.

Carlson was by far the most popular host of an evening talk show on cable TV when Fox News mysteriously chose to part ways with him in April. He has since speculated that its corporate owners “really didn’t like” some of his coverage that challenged official narratives. In May, he launched his own show on Musk’s platform in a format similar to his long-form interviews for Fox. On Tuesday, his guest was Congressman Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican opposed to sending any more money to Ukraine – on account of the US being too heavily in debt. “How could Washington possibly send tens of billions more to sleazy oligarchs in Ukraine now that the whole enterprise has been revealed as a fruitless, corrupt and incredibly destructive disaster?” Carlson wondered in the introduction to that interview.

The US Congress has approved over $120 billion worth of aid to Kiev since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022, in the form of weapons and ammunition coming from the Pentagon’s stockpiles as well as cash payments to the Ukrainian government. That money has mostly run out at this point, and the White House has asked for $60 billion more – choosing to bundle it with aid for Israel, weapons for Taiwan and “border security.” Some Republicans in both the House and the Senate have refused to go along, however. GOP senators stormed out of their briefing on Wednesday and later voted against advancing the aid package. Meanwhile, Republican chairs of the Foreign Affairs, Armed Services and Intelligence committees in the House of Representatives have embraced the White House talking points in a memo aiming to persuade their party members to back the Ukraine funding bill, according to Axios.

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“In an attempt to ‘add fuel’ to the fire of the Ukrainian proxy war, [US] authorities have finally lost touch with reality..”

Moscow Rejects US Narrative On Aid For Kiev (RT)

Claims in Washington that Russian President Vladimir Putin may attack NATO, unless Congress allocates tens of billions of dollars in additional Ukraine funding are “bogeyman stories,” Moscow’s top diplomat in the US capital said on Wednesday. White House officials, including President Joe Biden, have claimed that by withholding aid from Kiev, American lawmakers were increasing the risk of a direct US-Russia war. “If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there,” Biden said in an address on Wednesday, in which he made a last-ditch appeal to lawmakers to appropriate over $110 billion in assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Touting the scenario of a Russian attack on NATO, Biden stressed that then American troops will have to get involved directly. The Russian leadership has not expressed an intention to “take Ukraine,” let alone invade any NATO member.

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov called the narrative “myth-making and [the] propagation of dangerous lies” about his nation. “In an attempt to ‘add fuel’ to the fire of the Ukrainian proxy war, [US] authorities have finally lost touch with reality,” he claimed in remarks posted by the embassy. “Washington and [the] insatiable US military-industrial complex are direct beneficiaries of the bloodshed in Ukraine,” Antonov added. In his pitch to Congress, Biden claimed that the Russian leader’s ambition was to “dominate Ukraine” and warned that “the entire world is watching” Washington’s actions. America is “the reason Putin has not totally overrun Ukraine and moved beyond that,” he claimed. Moscow has cited NATO’s expansion in Europe and the pledge that Ukraine will eventually join the US-led military bloc among the causes of the crisis. It was willing to seal a truce with Kiev in the early phase of the conflict in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality.

However, Russia’s opponent ditched a proposed peace agreement and opted for continued hostilities, after then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the country to “just make war,” according to David Arakhamia, who headed the Ukrainian delegation at the Türkiye-mediated negotiations. Biden accused Republican opponents of his request of being willing to “literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield” and “give Putin the greatest gift he could hope for and abandon our global leadership not just to Ukraine.” Nevertheless, Republican senators voted unanimously against the aid, which was bundled in a spending package, later in the day. The GOP legislators insisted that the White House and Democratic lawmakers make concessions on immigration reform and border security before they were willing to approve additional tens of billions of aid to Kiev.

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“I hope and believe business rises above the political nonsense.”

The Diamond Crack-Up (John Helmer)

It has never happened before among the world’s diamond-producing and diamond-processing countries. Meeting together last month in Zimbabwe in what is called the Kimberley Process (KP), the 57-member states refused to agree to the US and European Union (EU) attempt to exclude Russia, producer of half the diamonds in global trade. To camouflage the outcome of the fight, the KP delegates decided not to issue a communiqué. Without that, the rules of the meeting nullified all points of agreement which the Kimberley Process states had accepted during their two-day sessions. This dramatic collapse of the Kimberley Process happened in Harare on November 10. The disagreement and deadlock came over a letter from the Kiev regime, backed by the US, the EU, Japan, and Canada (the G7 member states) to impose a full ban on the trade in Russian diamonds.

The Ukrainian attempt was backed by intense pressure from the US State Department and by Jewish diamantaires in New York for the international diamond trade to accept the US Diamond Protocol, a scheme of registration, inspection, auditing, and certification enforced by US intelligence and Treasury agents, to prevent any Russian-mined diamond from entering the international diamond jewellery market. Instead, what has happened is that the global diamond industry has been cracked in half by the sanctions war. The defeat of the so-called “western bloc” in Zimbabwe is big news in Africa and India. It has not been reported in the New York and London financial press. Diamonds are now likely to follow oil, gas, coal, gold, and other commodities into parallel and competing global market operations.

In the diamond war, however, the outcome is also going to backfire on the Israeli diamond industry and the traditional Jewish centres in Antwerp, Belgium, and New York City, which have combined to take sides against Russia. In time, they will be replaced by the Arabs, Indians, and perhaps the Chinese. The Israelis don’t think so. They are calculating that in the short run they will gain from the recovery of diamond prices when the shortage of Russian supplies hits much harder than it has to date. A source in Antwerp reports “absolutely no backlash [against the Gaza war] here from any of the five main diamond communities including the Lebanese. The Israeli industry has been declining for many years anyway, especially manufacturing – it’s uncompetitive with the Indians — but also trading. There is no diamantaire sympathy with any Arab country (or Iran). I hope and believe business rises above the political nonsense.”

The Kimberley Process, first created in 2003 to stop “blood diamonds” from entering the market from the genocidal wars of western Africa, is about to be confronted by blood diamonds from Israel. The story of the US attempt to start sanctions against Russian diamonds from the US and its allies began here when the Belgian government was resisting to save the multi-billion dollar Antwerp diamond business.

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This does not yet include anything FARA related.

Hunter Biden Indicted by Feds on 9 Counts Related to Tax Evasion (Sp.)

US federal prosecutors filed nine new counts against Hunter Biden and alleged he engaged in a scheme to evade over a million in taxes, a court filing revealed. “The Defendant engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019, from in or about January 2017 through in or about October 15, 2020, and to evade the assessment of taxes for tax year 2018 when he filed false returns in or about February 2020,” the document, filed in a federal court in California on Thursday, said. The indictment alleges that Hunter Biden “spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills.” He evaded taxes while getting paid millions, the document revealed.

Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, according to the document, Hunter Biden received more than $7 million in total gross income. The document also said Burisma agreed to pay the defendant $1 million annually, which they reduced to $500,000 a year in March 2017. The indictment also details Hunter Biden’s business dealings with other foreign contacts. Between 2015 and 2017, Hunter Biden and two business associates split a payment of $3.1 million tied to attempts to help a Romanian businessperson contest bribery charges he was facing in his home country. Hunter Biden and business associates in 2015 met with individuals tied to CEFC China Energy company for talks on infrastructure projects.

“On or about March 1, 2017, State Energy HK, a Hong Kong entity associated with CEFC, paid approximately $3 million to Business Associate 1’s entity for sourcing deals and for identifying other potential ventures. The Defendant [Hunter Biden] had an oral agreement with Business Associate 1 to receive one-third of those funds, or a million dollars. The Defendant, in turn, directed a portion of those million dollars to Business Associate 3,” the document said. Republican-led House panels are probing Hunter Biden for alleged criminal activity, including foreign bribery and influence peddling. Last month, the Oversight Committee subpoenaed Hunter Biden to appear for a deposition.

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Perhaps Elon Musk WILL reinstate him..

“If People Think Things Are Bad Now…” Tucker And Alex Jones (ZH)

Dubbed “the most censored man in the world”, Jones began by discussing his (correct) prediction about 9/11. As Tucker points out, “the 9/11 thing, you called it in public.” But Jones says his most accurate prediction was around a decade ago when he read the “Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep report,” which he says: “described using a virus to bring in world government, a world medical ID, which they would then build a social credit score off of……that they would make people wear masks for fear, shut down sporting events and things like that… and basically phase in this new tyranny.” These warnings, among other things, were the reason, Carlson argues, why Jones was so widely deplatformed. “Fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And in fact, that’s why they don’t like him.”

“To this day, nobody has been more aggressively censored, I don’t think, than you… I read about it, and I felt that it was a major moment in the history of American media. I don’t think anybody defended you when that happened. Anybody, with any kind of audience,” To which Jones replied: “When Tim Cook admitted that he met on the weekend in August of 2017 with the other big tech heads, and they made the decision to “curate” like it’s a museum – and take me off, it was hundreds of platforms. It wasn’t just the big ones. Everything from LinkedIn, to our bank accounts being taken away, to everything ensuing over the next week and that month. And I knew I was a test case.” “It was the questioning the school shooting thing that came later. They kind of dredged that up from my past, blew that up after I’d been deplatformed, and said I’d been deplatformed for that.

“Once they deplatformed me, it made the show in ways only get bigger… So then they panicked and said ‘okay, let’s look at his record and create more of a reason,’ so they took things out of context from 5-6 years before, blew em up as a current thing out of context, and deceptively reported on what I said to create a strawman argument to then facilitate the reason.”

The discussion turns to the current state of America with Jones laying the blame for the growing division of the nation by race squarely at the feet of China. “The CCP, along with the SPLC and ADL, see America’s weakness and they are literally coming in and saying ‘white people are inherently bad because of the color of their skin……and then they organize all them into race-based groups under the Democratic party flag to attack who is left… which tends to be more conservative.” Jones warns however that “they are panicking” because “more and more blacks and hispanics are voting Republican,” which, he explains is why the open border policy is being allowed. “They are bringing in all these totally disenfranchised people from around the world… putting them in camps where they indoctrinated into a subdued political under-class… that’s then going to be turned loose on America.”

Read more …

“If they want the best house in the country, that would be one of the top two or three that would be available if they were for sale..”

Trump Witness Says He Valued Mar-a-Lago at More Than $1 Billion (ET)

A Florida real estate agent this week testified in former President Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial in New York that his Mar-a-Lago property is worth at least $1 billion. Lawrence Moens, who was called as a witness by the defense, testified that the Florida property could be sold as a home, saying he would value it at over $1 billion as of 2021. “It’s something breathtaking. It’s something amazing to see,” he said of Mar-a-Lago, adding that he had valued it at over $1.2 billion in 2021. He also told the court that President Trump’s company had actually undervalued Mar-a-Lago by about half. Mr. Moens’s valuation assumes that Mar-a-Lago is a personal residence, a premise that a judge already has rejected in the ongoing civil fraud trial.

“I work very hard to sell rich people property in Palm Beach,” testified Mr. Moens. “I’m on the front lines every day of selling properties, and I have a pretty good handle on what’s happening in the market.” Spanning 17 acres with waterfront on two sides, the Trump estate and social club is his home, a place where the former president and current Republican 2024 front-runner has conducted high-profile meetings while in and out of office, and the spot where federal special counsel Jack Smith alleges he improperly stashed classified documents, which President Trump denies. Mar-a-Lago also is a key element of the current New York civil case. State Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit claims that the ex-president and his company deceived lenders and others by giving them financial statements that greatly overstated the values of some of his prime assets, including Mar-a-Lago.

Testifying for Trump’s defense, a Florida real estate attorney said the property could be sold as a home, notwithstanding decades-old legal documents in which Trump said he intended to forswear its use as anything but a club. Then a Palm Beach luxury real estate broker testified that he’d value the historic estate at over $1 billion as of 2021. Judge Arthur Engoron, in a pretrial ruling declaring that Trump and his company engaged in fraud, found that he exaggerated Mar-a-Lago’s worth by as much as 2,300 percent, compared to the Palm Beach County tax appraiser’s valuations. They ranged from $18 million to $28 million. However, some real estate professionals who aren’t involved in the case expressed concern about the judge’s ruling several months ago, suggesting that he made an error by relying solely on the tax appraiser’s valuations.

Some Palm Beach luxury real estate agents have told The Associated Press that the property would sell for $300 million to $600 million, and possibly $1 billion or more if it sparked a bidding war among uber-wealthy contenders.
During a short cross-examination Tuesday, state attorney Kevin Wallace asked whether he was a member of the Mar-a-Lago club. “I am,” Mr. Moens said, saying that he joined in 1995 or 1996. “I don’t go too often. I don’t like clubs,” he added. “You’re not running a process that is re-creatable … is that fair?” Mr. Wallace asked about his valuations of Mar-a-Lago. “That’s fair,” Mr. Moens said. In a pre-trial deposition over the summer, Mr. Moens had said that he “could dream up anyone from Elon Musk to Bill Gates and everyone in between” to purchase Mar-a-Lago. “Kings, emperors, heads of state.”

“If they want the best house in the country, that would be one of the top two or three that would be available if they were for sale,” he added. “I wish he’d let me sell it, but it’s not for sale,” he said. Another defense witness, Miami-based real estate attorney John Shubin, also testified that “there is absolutely no prohibition on the use of Mar-a-Lago as a single-family residence.” He noted that the property is simultaneously a club and President Trump’s residence. Mr. Shubin also pointed to a 1993 agreement between the former president and the city that said Mar-a-Lago would revert to private residential use if the club were “abandoned.”

Read more …





Kirsch Brand



Malabar giant squirrel found in India






Elephant shoe






The water quality in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, is monitored by clams. If the water gets too toxic, they close, and the triggers shut off the city’s water supply automatically





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Home Forums Debt Rattle December 8 2023

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  • #148066

    Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait with Straw Hat 1887   • Netanyahu’s Game Of Russian Roulette (Cradle) • Behind Enemy Bars: Palestinian and Israeli
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 8 2023]

    V. Arnold

    Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait with Straw Hat 1887 : December 7 2023
    I liked the December 7 much more than the “bloody” Dec. 8 van Gogh

    Dr D Rich

    A question for the crew:

    Julie Kelly dropped this stinker in her Trump J6 Prosecution essay yesterday:

      …unprecedented and possibly unlawful use of a corporate evidence-tampering statute

    I read DOJ Manual 9-28.000- Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations and couldn’t find a a corporate evidence-tampering statute

    So, what is “corporate evidence-tampering statute” Julie references?

    Along those lines, can anyone else see why Vivek’s unsolicited invocation of “I’m a CEO” is not just his least qualification to govern, but an American CEO is the most undemocratic of the humann species no matter what soporific prose Dr D raises to free markets and capitalism. Indeed, DOJ 9-28.00 explains exactly how “corporate officers” obtain carte-blanche, indemnification and near blanket immunity for exercising their own form of Corporate Governance over individuals under their employ.


    Influence from the web

    In my life I have seen close up so much that is then falsely explained and goes down in history books as wrongful accounts. Truth is not very powerful as it does not serve very many powerful interests.

    The military/security complex proved to be too strong for peace.

    the world that was scared of the big bully
    ethnic cleansing
    shifting the blame
    Ukraine will turn into a ‘black hole’, absorbing material and human resources.
    “The Biden administration is openly threatening Americans over Ukraine,” said Carlson said on X (formerly Twitter), summarizing Austin’s message as “Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids.” “He really said this?” asked X owner Elon Musk. “He really did. Confirmed,” Carlson replied.
    Congressman Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican opposed to sending any more money to Ukraine – on account of the US being too heavily in debt. “How could Washington possibly send tens of billions more to sleazy oligarchs in Ukraine now that the whole enterprise has been revealed as a fruitless, corrupt and incredibly destructive disaster?” Carlson wondered in the introduction to that interview.
    “bogeyman stories,” Moscow’s top diplomat in the US capital said on Wednesday.
    “If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there,” Biden said

    Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov called the narrative “myth-making and [the] propagation of dangerous lies” about his nation. “In an attempt to ‘add fuel’ to the fire of the Ukrainian proxy war, [US] authorities have finally lost touch with reality,” he claimed in remarks posted by the embassy. “Washington and [the] insatiable US military-industrial complex are direct beneficiaries of the bloodshed in Ukraine,” Antonov added. In his pitch to Congress, Biden claimed that the Russian leader’s ambition was to “dominate Ukraine” and warned that “the entire world is watching” Washington’s actions. America is “the reason Putin has not totally overrun Ukraine and moved beyond that,” he claimed. Moscow has cited NATO’s expansion in Europe and the pledge that Ukraine will eventually join the US-led military bloc among the causes of the crisis.
    the diamond war

    The Ukrainian attempt was backed by intense pressure from the US State Department and by Jewish diamantaires in New York for the international diamond trade to accept the US Diamond Protocol, a scheme of registration, inspection, auditing, and certification enforced by US intelligence and Treasury agents, to prevent any Russian-mined diamond from entering the international diamond jewellery market. Instead, what has happened is that the global diamond industry has been cracked in half by the sanctions war. The defeat of the so-called “western bloc” in Zimbabwe is big news in Africa and India. It has not been reported in the New York and London financial press. Diamonds are now likely to follow oil, gas, coal, gold, and other commodities into parallel and competing global market operations.
    The Kimberley Process, first created in 2003 to stop “blood diamonds” from entering the market from the genocidal wars of western Africa, is about to be confronted by blood diamonds from Israel.
    Hunter Biden
    tax evasion
    pardoned by joe
    Alex Jones had opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America. In fact, rattled a lot of us.
    Israel objective



    tboc – from yesterday:

    “…………..he that knows enough is enough will always have enough”. ………….

    Vintage lady with the side glance sly smile while holding the cup of coffee:
    That runs contrary to anything that capitalism (that we know it) is all about. But you guys know that already. Right?

    Dr. D

    Because there’s no inflation, WaPo is completely on strike for higher pay:
    “Washington Post Reporters, Other Employees Launch 24-Hour Strike”

    Expanding on “The presidents of @Harvard, @MIT, and @Penn were all asked the following question under oath at today’s congressional hearing on antisemitism: Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate [your university’s] code of conduct or rules regarding bullying or harassment?”

    They said it’s great! Calling for murder is always free speech if you’re the “Right People”.

    “This matters for markets. You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you aren’t Jewish, American, or a student. Yet canaries in mines speak to the state of the mine, not the canaries. The university presidents shamed this week are evidence that post-modern Western intellectuals now act on the quote chiselled into Marx’s gravestone: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” Doing so has seen the adoption of an identity politics taxonomy of ‘oppressed vs. oppressor’ or ‘colonized vs. colonizer’, and Fanon’s view that extreme violence is justified for the latter – as we see with Hamas. Yet aside from the Middle East issue, the list of “colonizers” to be violently resisted covers everyone in markets, every Western institution, and then capitalism, liberalism, and the West itself. Tell me what term premia should be on bonds, or where stocks will trade, or fair value for any FX cross is, if so.

    This matters for markets. The success of the West lies not just in its liberalism, now unravelling, or its rule of law, which business evidently could care less about, or its military, which is going to be eclipsed on the current trend, but on its science and technology that powers that military. That’s why allowing top universities to turn into what @EricRWeinstein calls “Revolutionary Marxist justice fingerpainting day-care for sociopaths” is not a good idea. How many econometric papers talk about human capital, R&D, technological progress, etc., without looking at what the universities are actually doing? Economically, this can point to lower productivity and so stagflation. Geopolitically, Russia and China are throwing money at science in a Cold War manner, but it doesn’t even enter markets’ minds that this a talent contest the West could lose.

    This matters for markets. Western institution after institution is being proved unfit for purpose. Congress, already held in contempt, is now finally seeing that academia is just as morally and intellectually corrupted, if not worse”

    “Worse” is actual open violence. You know “mostly peaceful” protests coast to coast where $2B of damage and 50 people killed is called “A good start” and Harvard Law far beyond drumming out anyone who disagrees with them – why would lawyers need to deal with disagreements?? — arrests and outlaws the legal council of anybody they don’t like. Who aren’t “The Proper Crust”. Then you get arrested and prosecuted for giving legal advice such as “Filing papers.” Oooooooooh… Yup! That’s Harvard Law for you: Killing people: rightful and good; arresting lawyers and ending all rule of law since the Magna Carta: rightful and good!

    We are “Revolutionary Marxist justice fingerpainting day-care” whose entire purpose is to “Change the world” by “Killing the colonial oppressors” aka “Anyone I don’t like or gets in the way of my personal power.” So what’s not to like? What took them this long to open genocide?

    “FBI Director Says Terror Threats Elevated To All-Time High Since Hamas Attacks”!!!
    …Which is why the Southern Border is wide open, with them arresting dozens of known terrorists (watchlist) there.

    “Chicago and New York have woken up to the fact that they can’t feed and support the illegal immigrants, but nobody’s stopping it, which is insane.” — Moriarty

    NY Mayor flies to DC to get money for this catastrophe, but they won’t give it because we need it in Israel and Ukraine. Zero. NY loses Remington arms, one of the oldest companies in the U.S., 1820. They specifically worked to get NY compliance, so NY worked specifically to change the rules daily so they couldn’t.

    Much more final, confirmed reports from AZ Sheriff that they are indeed widely handing all felons $5,000 free open cash and a free Obamaphone. I mean, illegals. So all I need to do to pay rent this month is go to the Southern Border and avow that I am NOT a citizen? Done! And you’re going to use the phone to activate my sleeper cell and tell me to Antifa on command when the banks lock up?

    But of course zero of these people are sleeper cells because we (didn’t) talk to and vet each and every one, and we (don’t) totally know who they are.

    You know: this can stop any time you like. No problem. All voluntary. Just get off the Feelz and follow the law.

    California: ALL toys are gender neutral. Because What is a Woman? The baking sets are for boys, the digger machines are for girls. Duh.

    Since Elon Musk Bought X:

    -SEC sues Musk over the purchase
    -FTC demands internal X documents
    -Biden DOJ sues SpaceX”
    for hiring (any) Americans.

    Yes, but we all miss the point: They are doing it with YOUR money. They’re not going to get tired. They’ll give themselves raises instead. Control the money.

    “But as a country, we don’t really have the intellectual resources to dig our way out of the hole that we’re in…”

    We have plenty of intellectual resources everywhere in America. Problem is, none of them are anywhere near power right now. How does Nuland, Blinken, Cheney, Bernank, Krugman, all fail daily for 40 years and go up? Control the money. This is the same: you THINK you’re voting but you’re not. You THINK these people are there for some reason, but they’re not.

    They say, “Put my pal (and bastard daughter) Vikki in or I’ll rape your daughter in front of you then derail a train of toxic waste and depopulate your State,” and they say “I guess Nuland isn’t as bad as the alternative.” No reasonable person would prosecute.” You think there’s some OTHER reason? C’mon, srs?

    Congressmen are what, 800% more likely to die by suicide and small plane crash, and you should see their families! Like Biden 1980, or the Georgia Governor whose daughter’s boyfriend was killed head-on during the little election kerfuffle.

    “my readers mistook my explanation of Kissinger as a justification of the war crimes”

    PCR: Not a fan of Kissinger but you DO have to convict him for what he’s actually guilty of. Which shouldn’t be too hard.

    “Eisenhower warned that the federal government’s rising medical and scientific technocracy posed its own unique threats toward our democracy and freedom.”

    If he knew all about it, why didn’t he stop it? No really: why? So even in 1959, just a few of these guys were far more powerful than the President, and told him to pound sand or he’d be murdered in public and we’d start bankrupting wars in Cambodia with or without him? What do you think? And are those same placed, “made” corporations more or less powerful today than 1959?

    Ike’s “Technocracy”? Yes, that’s Soviet Socialism. Functionally they are essentially identical. Why? Because if somebody wants to do something, but it’s against “The Plan”, we then have to arrest and shoot them, which the individual sees as being capricious and for no reason. But to get people to obey a Technocracy, you must have OUTRAGEOUS violence. I may seem like people are pretty compliant, but I assure you, they’re not. For instance, still easier for me to get heroin than a Doctor’s appointment, so I can get another appointment, so I can get prescribed, so I can get an appointment to pick up, my heroin(Oxycodone). Illegal is way faster, better, cheaper. Ok, “better” is debatable, but cheaper is all-in cost, as for most of us, cost is offset by insurance, either personal or national safety net. If anyone obeyed any rules, I couldn’t do that, or at least it would be difficult. You need OUTRAGEOUS violent and oppressive, totalitarian state to get literally anything to move in a Technocracy. …And so we have today.

    “the US risks bringing upon itself a ‘second Vietnam’.” According to Naryshkin, should this come to pass,

    Sir? “Time Exists”. And this event is “in the past.” Maybe you’ve heard?

    JB may follow but this was worthwhile as a clip: (Critical Drinker) Picking on “the Marvels.” They were selling about FIVE tickets per theatre. FIVE. And why? Psychopathic girl Boss executives make movies where the LITERAL VILLAIN is the hero(ine). Because that’s how they see themselves. So they’re like “What??? I just internalized all the grrl power memes I saw growing up, and that made me executive Vice President. OBVIOUSLY that’s wonderful. OBVIOUSLY such heartless, robotic man-women are wonderful. If not it’s YOUR FAULT.”

    Yeah, the whole universe of NORMAL PEOPLE, even as warped as they’ve managed to make us, absolutely hate that. No, we won’t root for the VILLAINS. Who are psychopaths. And have no internal change or story arc at all, since they’re already perfect at birth. If not YOU are the one who needs to change for me. Captain Marvel runs a LITERAL GENOCIDE for most of her career and has no thoughts or feelz about it at all.

    Anyway, contrasting, what are the remaining good movies? Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was fine. Partially using the original legacy director. Why? Well, so many of the Marvel stories, the foundation, is set in 1960. Like we can believe a boy can swing from buildings with the webs of a spider, but being able to pay rent in Chelsea with two jobs? You lost me: that’s just unbelievable. A mild man turns into a Green Monster that can throw tanks, fine. But can walk into any town in the American West and get a job without questions? No way. And like Captain America, WWII, about 1,000 years ago. Cold war. Like 4 generations ago. Ya know? Even Xmen from the 90s seems quaint and dated, unpresentable.

    But Guardians? That’s about a bunch of TOTALLY IMMORAL, Chaotic-Neutral characters, every one, who were each abused by their parents within an inch of their lives. Then they’re just trying to figure it out, and maybe — just maybe, even FIGURE what the heck “Moral” or “Good” is, and impossibly, and for no real gain, to do it. See, THAT is a premise modern kids – and adults – can empathize with. THAT is what makes the GotG engine work. All traumatized man-children.

    Now granted, any intelligent writer could probably find similar modern material in the other characters with 30-year comic runs, but GotG and Gunn actually does. And btw, if you missed it and like nonsense, their Holiday Special is very worthwhile.

    Why is this important? This psychosis – and the losing money of it – is a fractal of the whole society that expresses everywhere. When Harvard collapses, people toss their Harvard MBA nonsense about killing every worker like rats, and we all hang middle management from the concrete posts in every cube farm, and suddenly Lo! People are promoted based on results, productivity, outcomes. We are only BEGINNING to see this as they realize you can’t run a machine losing more BTUs than it makes (aka “money”, profits, you know the evilly-evil of growing and not committing personal suicide each waking day). This has yet to cause a real straightening out, but we see with Musk “GFY,” Iger being brought back (but still failing, of course, he PUT IN a lot of this and far greater reforms are needed), there is finally ANY motion towards solution. About 20 years too late, but better late than never.

    In a indicator of where this might being going, Marvel is being stock-played to be bought back at a loss and made independent again. Essentially – and let’s pretend these are the “Good Guys” they get out a bunch of heroic, American messages out there. Disney then swoops in, overpays to shut them down and being the Evil Alien Insect Minions they are, puts out pure shite. Disney is then sapped for tens of billions of dollars, gets smaller and weaker, and Marvel is pried away again and handed back to heroic, American messengers again. Rinse, repeat until Disney and the other evil empires are brought to heel by losing Trillions. As said, it’s not DISNEY’S Star Wars, that’s OUR Star Wars. Why should we kill it? Isn’t killing it what the cabal psychos want? It’s not Anheuser’s beer, that’s OUR beer. Why should we destroy it and not recapture it? Well, among savaging the failing failures of middle management, Kathleen Kennedy being a household name for “Epic Failure”, looks like they are positioning to recapture Marvel.

    And thus the Blinkens, the DoJ’s of the world too? As they fail every country, every thing they touch? and then indict Hunter this morning? It’s easy to destroy. It’s hard to rebuild. So why not get a leg up on rebuilding and just recapture what we already made? OUR country. OUR workers.

    There are only a few people who can “Run things”: Individuals. Corporations, CEOs. Governments.

    Okay, which do you prefer? It seems here they think we can’t have Corporations. We don’t want Individuals. Definitely not CEOs. And we already know what Governments Rule and act like. So…? Be productive. What’s your answer? Martians? Birds? Tree people? Who?

    Dr. D

    Kultsummer: It depends. What’s your definition of “Capitalism”? Clearly not the dictionary one?

    “Capitalism: An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development occurs through the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.”

    “I own stuff.” “I own stuff I made.” Do you see what I’m not seeing?


    “…………..he that knows enough is enough will always have enough”. ………….

    Vintage lady with the side glance sly smile while holding the cup of coffee:
    That runs contrary to anything that capitalism (that we know it) is all about. But you guys know that already. Right?

    Why do the current-year marxists hate working class, regular people so very, very much?

    They want it all for nothing. They can completely understand the uber-rich dude at the top who can have serfs remove the one color M&M he doesn’t like, eat a bowl of lark’s tongues, dither over which superyacht or mansion to stay at. All they want is to supplant them. “I should be ‘managing’ those resources”

    They really hate the working class because by their OWN calculations, the working class ought to be embittered, angry, and rising up (for them, as a service to them) Due to projection. I’m horribly unhappy, ready to start burning it all down and want it all, so they must be the same.

    And there’s the working class WORKING, plowing through their lives with all the limitations, hardships, humiliations, and having the effrontery to being decent, not ready to burn it all down, having their little homes, families, children, churches, baseball games, and so on.

    It’s a continual humiliating kick in the crotch to watch the working class able to accept the limitations and nobly, humbly carrying the weight and finding happiness while the neurotic marxist does not.

    I forget which marxist at the moment, probably Marcuse who said we need to give up on the working class, take everything away from them in fact, like an enemy. And then the new intersectionalism – the working class is no good, but we can pull together a New Proletariat of degenerates fundamentally unable to or unwilling to nobly to carry the weight like ourselves, who hopefully DO reflect our own inner demons, non-acceptance of limitations, reality, humility.

    And then just keep with the plan of projecting that on anyone living in “capitalism”


    If Dr D had been born in Soviet union he would have been unquestionable apparatchik and promoter of the system. Parroting the theoretical definition of the system is not the debate. That’s what apparatchiks do.
    jb-hb. Get of the Marx’s dick.


    …in fact, we can’t BEAR the sight of the working class going around carrying the weight, having meaningful and satisfying lives, worst of all, thinking they are alright.

    Definitely, definitely we should shame them and slander them by any means necessary, imagine new ways to entrap them or re-imagine them as shameful, guilty, empty – because we simply cannot stand to look at them being ok.

    I enjoy the critical drinker – thus far, I like heels vs babyface’s summary the best

    John Day

    “Love This”: Ben Shapiro Celebrates Palantir Announcing Affirmative Action Hiring Quota For Jews

    John Day

    Are the Tribe “white”? Asking for a friend.
    Dr. Paul Alexander , ‘No White Faculty Allowed; At the University of Washington, civil rights laws have not stopped blatant racial discrimination in faculty hiring’; why would U of Washington discriminate against white
    people, faculty? IMO, righting wrongs (redressing) of slavery & abuse of past should not be done on the backs on white people who had zero to do with it! Note, white people were slaves too! BARBARY


    It’s just like the movies
    When patience is thin
    And the little guy’s eating the floor.
    But he gets up again
    And to cheers at the end
    He yells, I’m not afraid anymore!

    Maxwell Quest

    The fact that the United States government could be lying to its people about the safety of a vaccine for me was unbelievable. – Steve Kirsch from the clip above

    This statement by Steve Kirsch reminded me of a quote I recently saw attributed to J. Edgar Hoover speaking about communism.

    From my experience there is a one segment of the population which will never admit that the Covid mRNA shots were part of a monstrous conspiracy, strictly because it might jeopardize their position in the political camp they have been herded into and identify with. Another segment is composed of those sociopathic elements who will never admit that they were wrong, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Then there are those honest and decent people who are just unable to wrap their minds around something so huge and diabolical, like state sponsored democide, that they find it impossible to believe.

    Hoover quote

    D Benton Smith

    Putin’s entourage in Saudi Arabia: Chechen leader Kadyrov and central bank head Elvira Nabiullina

    Arguably the top three most individually powerful personages in Russia, meeting with one of the most individually powerful personages in the entire world. I believe therefore that it is safe to conclude that they were not meeting for a purely Diplomatic (i.e. just for appearances sake) sort of Photo Op Tea Party.

    It was more of global pole shift kind of event in that regard. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud decides who gets energy and who does not. Putin (and his TOP two partners of necessity) are the only military force that has proven, on the battlefield, that it can lick the collective West. Take careful note of the fact that MBS chose Russia over China for this singular honor. In other words, this was a quite a meeting.

    The meet-up went well too, I think, because if the formal alliance between the world’s (provenly) strongest military and the worlds (provenly) most influential energy supplier had not already been determined down to the finest detail, then the formal meeting would not have taken place in the first place.

    It’s a rare thing when something takes place that affords us an incontestable fact in the foggy realm of geopolitics (or anything else, for that matter) but this was one of them.

    In a nutshell, the East has won and the West has lost. Victory (and likewise defeat) are now historically in the PAST. All actions hence forward are strictly in the related categories of the victor performing mopping up operations and the vanquished attempting desperate “last stands” which are indeed last stands.

    The so-called Great Western Empire led by the United States of America can now be regarded as factually and formally defeated. The implications are vast (as we all know), and things of this size take time to play out in their fullness (as we all know), but neither of those truisms should be allowed to distract us from the underlying FACT because that fact shall shape our lives and for many generations to come. We should therefore ponder and reconsider the implications yet again because these are things that are going to play out (i.e. actually happen) no matter what.

    The so-called “West” (whatever that actually meant, and whatever that actually was) has LOST. This might take some time to sink in (especially among the losers.) The time delay is due to the anesthetizing “hope” factor that lingers in the hearts of those who have not yet been rounded up and shot, metaphorically speaking of course. Except not so metaphorically in some cases.

    I am not saying that the situation should or should not be. I’m saying that it simply IS.

    So what IS this entity that has just slain Goliath? Who are they exactly, and what shall they proceed to do by way of carrying out their future plans? What ARE their plans, by the way?

    I don’t think anyone of this forum has a very clear view of the situation on the ground. The Battle lines up til now have often been very very VERY fuzzy. Some are in plain sight and some have been effectively obscured. Do the BRICS (et al) intend to proceed to enslave the world or are they the ones who stopped that enslavement in its tracks? Let me know your thoughts.


    Sifting through comments on Kunstler’s blog today.

    Here is the one by ugly stupid American:

    Many many moons ago I was traveling in the Soviet Union. They had bread stores in the USSR. To compare one such to a boulangerie in France would be a mistake, of course, and the name of a bread store in Russia is not near as melifluous as boulangerie; it fact, it sounds more like clearing your throat (seriously).

    Some good observations re post-Soviet collapse

    They had a lower standard of living, no suburbia. They “fell” from 5 feet, not 35 feet.
    Also, without understating the degree of the “disaster” that afflicted Russia and the former USSR in the mid/late 1990s, which was probably as bad or worse than the Great Depression in the US, the “fall” of Soviet Russian citizens was from a much lower point than it would have been for Americans in 1993 or 2023.

    They had a lower standard of living, no suburbia. They “fell” from 5 feet, not 35 feet.

    Dimitry Orlov points out that even after the USSR was destroyed, Russians still had a right to housing (although the mobs took to killing babushkas for their apartments), they still had public transportation, and they still had their dachas to grow food in the summer. We now know from this SMO that the Soviet legacy also provided them with electricity and railroads.

    Americans have none of that.


    John Day

    @DBS: I don’t basically disagree, but I think you jumped the gun.
    “There’s a lot of ruin left” in the western empire, still…

    John Day

    Truth Gets Out

    Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications , Max Blumenthal Thanks Eleni.
    Founded by a serial rapist known as the “Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,” Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to “mass rape” to a fetus cut from its mother.
    Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.
    Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.
    Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.
    During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israel’s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization:
    “A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table. The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed.” The Secretary of State concluded, “That is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.”
    Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim – and was not prompted to do so by any senator – it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious “disaster victim identification” organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.
    Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landau’s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that day — 12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroni — were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

    ​ We Blew Up Israeli Houses on 7 October, Says Israeli Colonel
    Speaking in Hebrew about the airstrikes, Colonel Nof Erez told a Haaretz podcast in November, that “the Hannibal Directive was apparently applied” and that 7 October “was a mass Hannibal.”

    Behind enemy bars: Palestinian and Israeli prisoners
    The fair treatment of Israeli captives by Hamas has become part of the information war between Palestinians and Tel Aviv. Left unsaid is that there remain thousands of Palestinians in captivity who barely survive their Israeli detention…
    “We were sitting in the tunnels and we were terribly afraid not that Hamas but Israel would kill us, and then they would say – Hamas killed you.”
    Another former Israeli captive went further in expressing disdain for the Israeli government’s responses on and after the events of 7 October:
    “The feeling we had there was that no one was doing anything for us. The fact is that I was in a hiding place that was shelled and we had to be smuggled out and were wounded. Not including the helicopter that shot at us on the way to Gaza. You claim that there is intelligence, but the fact is that we are being shelled. My husband was separated from us three days before we returned to Israel and taken to the tunnels. And you are talking about washing the tunnels with sea water? You are shelling the route of tunnels in the exact area where they are.” …
    ..Unlike the Israeli detainees, freed Palestinian political prisoners have spoken directly to the international media and provided horrifying accounts of physical abuse, including torture, beatings, and even rape. According to a number of Palestinian women and children who were freed in the latest exchanges, they were threatened by Israelis not to speak out about their treatment in detention.
    “There are no laws. Everything is permitted,” Lama Khater, a freed Palestinian captive, told the media. “I was led to the investigation handcuffed and blindfolded, I was threatened with being burned, I was explicitly threatened with rape and with deportation to the Gaza Strip,” she added.

    ​ Israel-Palestine war: In war, words matter. Palestinian ‘prisoners’ are hostages, too
    ​ Palestinian captives arrested, or rather captured by the Israeli army in the West Bank or police in occupied East Jerusalem, are hostages. Under Israeli law, any Palestinian of any age can be seized at any time of the day or night with no warrant, no charges, and held for days, months or years under “administrative detention”.

    John Day

    Gaza hospitals overwhelmed with wounded — enclave’s health ministry

    WHO ‘extremely concerned’ about thousands of patients, health care workers in Gaza​ , ‘The only way to protect them is a ceasefire. NOW,’ says WHO chief

    ​ Hundreds of Palestinian boys and men over the age of 15 are being rounded up by occupation forces in northern Gaza, stripped of their clothes and taken away.
    ​ Shocking images and video footage circulating online show the boys and men stripped to their underwear and left sitting on the ground in the cold winter temperatures in Gaza. They can be seen surrounded by heavily armed Israeli occupation soldiers who are screaming orders at them.
    ​ Further images show an army people carrier filled with the men being driven away.
    ​ It is not clear how many boys and men were disappeared, but some reports have put the figure as high as 700. They are said to have been taken from shelter schools in northern Gaza where thousands of displaced civilians were forced to take shelter as a result of the bombing and destruction of their neighbourhoods and homes.

    Gaza: Starving Palestinians to Death. Restrictions on Humanitarian Aid Brings Palestinians to a Single Meal a Day

    Gaza: Starving Palestinians to Death. Restrictions on Humanitarian Aid Brings Palestinians to a Single Meal a Day

    ​WATCH (or don’t watch): Israeli Soldiers Sing “I’m Coming to Occupy Gaza” and “Wipe off the Seed of Amalek”

    John Day


    John Day

    2017 video explains the advantages of autonomous micro-drone killing machines with facial recognition software.
    Five years ago this short film was made to show the dangers of weaponizing A.I. The end includes a stark warning from a professor who’s spent 30 years studying A.I. and his words seem more relevant today than ever before.

    ​ Is Truth Becoming Valueless?​ Paul Craig Roberts
    ​ In America and its Western puppet states, there is today no greater crime than to be a truth-teller. Despite habeas corpus and due process enshrined in British law and the US Constitution, Julian Assange has been illegally detained for a decade for telling the truth. Reiner Fuellmich, the Germany attorney, who was about to file charges against the pharmaceutical companies for deaths and injuries from the Covid “vaccine,” was kidnapped in Mexico by the German government and placed in solitary confinement in Germany on obviously false charges in order to prevent the lawsuit. Barry Young, the New Zealand Covid database administrator who released the official data showing that the alleged “vaccine” was a deadly killer, has been arrested for revealing the truth.​
    Be sure you understand what I am telling you. Those who tell you the truth are being arrested and treated worst than mass murderers. Murder is not a threat to the corrupt ruling establishment, but Truth is.
    ​ All truth-tellers have a target on their backs, including me. For reporting accurately on Putin’s hopes for reconciliation with Washington, I was labeled a “Putin agent/dupe.”
    ​ This was just the beginning. George Soros, who Elon Musk said “appears to want nothing less than the destruction of Western civilization,” finances “fact checkers” and “verification” sites, the purpose of which is to discredit those who tell the truth. The State Department, the FBI, CIA, Mossad, and any number of government agencies and official organizations in the West work overtime to discredit truth-tellers…
    ​..Every corrupt, evil, material interest has money to demonize the truth. NewsGuard is one of their operatives. These are people devoid of integrity, but these sorts of sites are plentiful online, and given the insouciance of the American people, these sites might have more influence than truth-tellers.
    ​ It raises the questions: can truth prevail when endless money can shout truth down? Can truth survive when people show scant interest in supporting truth and those who tell it?

    Is Truth Becoming Valueless?

    ​ Israel-Palestine war: Most US-based Middle East scholars self-censoring speech critical of Israel, survey finds
    Eighty-one percent of academics polled say they have self-censored criticism of Israel amid the war in Gaza

    ​ The Los Angeles Times (LAT) has banned 38 journalists from covering Gaza for at least three months after they signed an open letter criticizing Western newsrooms for their biased reporting on Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.
    ​ “The urgency of this moment cannot be overstated. It is imperative that we change course,” the open letter says.
    LAT management claimed that signing the open letter violated the paper’s ethics policy, but the policy contains no explicit prohibition against open letters.

    LA Times Reporters Who Demanded Unbiased Reporting Banned From Covering Gaza

    John Day

    ​ Just Like 9/11? Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints at Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack
    ​ A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued…
    ​..The paper notes numerous historical precedents for such activity, which “occurs in gaps in U.S. and international enforcement of legal prohibitions on informed trading.” Research on “profitable trading on the basis of information about coming military conflict” is an underdeveloped academic field.​..
    ​..The author of this article makes no comment on theories that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was actively permitted to go ahead by Tel Aviv to secure a pretext for executing the horrific genocide currently unfolding in Gaza. The attack’s success may well be attributable to Israel’s complacency and a genuine “intelligence failure” of epic proportions.
    ​ However, countless indications that so many knew something was brewing for so long – including foreign governments and intelligence agencies – raises the prospect that someone, or some individuals with prior knowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, sought to capitalize accordingly.

    ​”No, No, No, It Didn’t Happen!” Criticism mounts of professors’ controversial Hamas short-selling claims (Can they determine who profited? will they?)
    Israeli Securities Authority publicly said that it looked into any suspicious trading in Israel ahead of the attacks and found nothing abnormal that required further investigation.
    Separately, officials from Israel’s Tel Aviv Stock Exchange pointed out that the potential profits to some TASE trades that the paper spotlighted were magnified by an order of 100 due to an error related to the denomination of stocks. (Stocks in Israel are priced in agorot — basically, pennies — rather than shekels.)
    The authors acknowledged the error and revised the paper.
    Yes, but: The authors say the core findings — that there were large, unusual short positions taken in the U.S.-listed MSCI Israel ETF ahead of the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 — were not altered by TASE’s concerns.
    Their key finding is that shorts surged to nearly 100% of all trading volume on Oct. 2, just days ahead of the attack.
    “The ISA’s investigation did not address the short selling in the Israel ETF or short-dated options described in our paper. We hope regulators in Israel and around the world will continue to examine these troubling trading patterns,” wrote Joshua Mitts, a Columbia Law School professor and co-author of the paper, to Axios.
    Meanwhile: Skeptics are also picking away at the assertion that the large short positions were even anomalous at all.

    ​ Egypt warns of strained relations with ‘Israel’ over Gaza depopulation
    Egypt is seeking assurances that any wounded Palestinians allowed to leave Gaza for medical treatment will be permitted to return.–israel–over-gaza-de

    Abu Obeida: Al-Qassam fighters destroyed or damaged 135 military vehicles in Gaza during 72 hours [Why Bibi needs Biden to ask him to get out of Gaza?]
    Dec. 08(YPA) – The military spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, confirmed that, over the past 72 hours, Al-Qassam fighters managed to destroy 135 military vehicles entirely or partially in all combat zones in the Gaza Strip.
    They inflicted casualties on dozens of Zionist soldiers, causing deaths and injuries by exploding several tunnel openings and booby-trapped houses near enemy soldiers, Abu Obeida said in a statement on Thursday evening.
    “They targeted invading Zionist forces in their positions and engagements with anti-fortification shells, projectiles, and anti-personnel devices, engaging them at point-blank range.”

    ​ Israeli military forcing hospitals to cover losses: Israeli media
    ​ Several Israeli hospitals revealed that the Israeli army spokesperson demanded that they match their public reports of cases received to his daily statement updating the war’s toll.​–israeli

    John Day

    ​ Bibi’s way out; Biden’s CYA… US criticizes Israel on Gaza civilian toll as UN to hear ceasefire demand​
    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his strongest public criticism of Israel’s conduct of the war on Hamas in south Gaza, said there was a gap between the government’s declared intentions to protect civilians and the casualties.
    ​ “As we stand here almost a week into this campaign into the south… it remains imperative that Israel put a premium on civilian protection,” Blinken told a press conference after meeting British Foreign Secretary David Cameron in Washington on Thursday.
    ​ “And there does remain a gap between… the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground.”
    ​ Israel says it must wipe out the Hamas militant group after its attack on Israel two months ago and is doing everything possible to get civilians out of harm’s way, including warnings about military operations.
    ​ US President Joe Biden spoke separately by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordan’s King Abdullah on Thursday. Biden “emphasized the critical need to protect civilians and to separate the civilian population from Hamas including through corridors that allow people to move safely from defined areas of hostilities,” the White House said.

    ​ This drone imagery data might feed directly into the Israeli “Gospel” targeting computer. Whaddaya think? US resumes drone flights over Gaza after truce suspension
    ‘In support of hostage recovery efforts, the U.S. has resumed unarmed UAV flights over Gaza,’ Pentagon says

    ​Look, an Iranian Squirrel! US claims Iran involved in Yemeni Red Sea operations against ‘Israel’
    On another note, White House’s John Kirby claimed that Yemeni attacks are “a threat to global trade”, but their “responsibility falls on Iran, which supplies them with resources.”

    ​ Pentagon threatening Americans over Ukraine – Tucker Carlson​ , Fund Kiev or your children will have to fight Russia, X host claims Congress was told
    ​ According to Carlson, Austin spoke at a classified briefing for members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, and at one point told them that “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia” unless Kiev gets the $60 billion in aid requested by the White House.

    ​ Simplicius has this: Establishment Alarmism in Overdrive as Raytheon Lloyd Threatens Congress with War
    I’ll​ mention some points he makes.
    “Russia would be afraid to fight in Ukraine if Ukraine joined NATO, but Russia will invade NATO as soon as it gets done with Ukraine. So Send Money/Weapons NOW!”
    ​ Biden openly says that American troops will have to fight Russian troops if Ukraine is not shored up immediately… Kirby and Blinken stepped up the fearmongering as well, evoking spilled “American blood”…
    ​..Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.
    ​ “If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine.
    ​ “And then the idea that we’ll have to put troops on the ground in Secretary Austin’s word was very likely,” McCaul added. “That’s what we’re trying to avoid.”
    Recall in the last report I cited Moldova as precisely the next vector, given the sensitivity of the PMR pressure point for Russia.
    ​ Most notable is his express use of the qualifier “very likely” to describe U.S. troops fighting on the ground. In fact, the U.S. has been preparing for this grand European war for a while now. Reports have continued to come out this year about NATO attempting to remold the eastern flank’s infrastructure to properly prepare it logistically for a war:
    ️The EC calls for a 1435 mm European gauge railway to be built in the Baltics by 2030. But there is no certainty​ that Rail Baltica will be built in time​…
    ​..Add the above to recent reports of the NATO ‘military Schengen’ which I recently covered, and we get a clear picture of the slow attempt to move Europe onto a war footing, with the attendant infrastructural revampments.​..
    ​..So, according to them, even if the funding were to have processed this month, they wouldn’t get the first major deliveries until March and April. So now imagine what happens if it’s true that the funding is dead for this year. Congress won’t come back from recess until January and their docket will be full. They won’t have opportunity to begin even attempting to vote on Ukraine again until well into Jan or even February.
    ​ If they happen to reach some agreement, major equipment may not arrive until April, May, or even later.​..
    ​..Lloyd Austin, Biden, and co., have dialed up the fearporn precisely because they see the above projection and know what it entails. So they’ve resorted to trying to scare the pants off the GOP congressmen to ram through that aid, but it seems the cheap tactic didn’t work.
    ​ That’s not to mention the fact that Russia is now advancing on every single front, with breakthroughs everywhere.​..
    ​..Our sources said that the President’s Office banned the General Staff from conducting active mobilization in Kiev, so as not to set up residents of the capital against Zelensky. On Bankova Street, they are afraid that Kiev residents will become the vanguard of Maidan-3, which is why the capital is the most protected city in Ukraine, and there are almost no military commissars on the streets.

    John Day

    ​ This warning may imply what will happen if the US commits troops to the Ukraine war.
    Russian intel chief warns US of ‘second Vietnam’​ , Western attempts to exhaust Russia in the Ukraine conflict could backfire, Sergey Naryshkin has said

    ​ I personally read the implication here as being that Russia would conquer “Ukraine” and let each region vote on whether it wanted to join Russia or be part of “Ukraine”.
    ​ “Nuclear” bomb from Russia: “We will decide with a referendum the annexation of the whole of Ukraine” – Will the “New Russia” Army continue the war?
    ​ “The “annexation of the whole of Ukraine can be decided by a referendum!
    ​ “It is the people of Ukraine who could make such a choice, as the people of Crimea and other Russian regions have expressed their will to join Russia​” , said Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Yuri Shvytkin.
    ​ For the chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma to express this opinion means that there are “big plans” in the Kremlin…
    His comment, which upset the US, came in response to US Senator Chris Murphy’s recent statement that Ukraine could return to the control of the Russian Federation.
    ​”It’s a shame that an American senator decides on Ukraine.

    ​Steve Kirsch , Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren’t you publishing it?
    As my friend Robert “St. Augustine” Malone has wisely said, “Truth is like a lion: Let it loose and it will defend itself.” The truth has now been set free. Why aren’t you showing us your analysis?
    ​ When Health New Zealand’s (HNZ) Oracle DB administrator, Barry Young, sent the entire leadership team of HNZ an email to notify them of a huge safety signal in their own database, they didn’t ask any questions: they fired him immediately.
    ​ So Barry released the anonymized data which would expose the truth about what the New Zealand public health records contain without violating anyone’s privacy. 4M of the 12M records.
    ​ HNZ then decided to try to stop the truth from getting out. So they contacted Wasabi and MEGA and had them nuke my account and Kevin McKernan’s account even though neither of us had done anything wrong. Kevin lost years of work that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to create. This is work relied on by other researchers all over the world.
    ​ HNZ failed to stop the distribution of the truth.

    Dr D Rich

    “There are only a few people who can “Run things”: Individuals. Corporations, CEOs. Governments” says The Dr D who also says one genocide must be discussed before the others. As always for Dr D it’s the Jew before TWD, the white deplorable and The Palestinian.

    Who is indispensable? Who applies that term to 3rd parties known particularly for one trait, malignant narcissism and alcohol use. Well, that’s two.

    D Benton Smith


    Your postings might be profound works of genius, or totally maundering tripe, who could tell? It’s impossible to know which (although I have my suspicions) because you only write down half the words. Maybe there are complete thoughts knocking around up there in your noggin, but the writing you post typically reads like “notes to self”, or hand scribbled pharmaceutical prescriptions that make sense to the originator because the scribe knows what the unwritten parts consist of, but don’t make sense to anyone else because the writing consists of disjointed words and incomplete phrases that just don’t parse out into complete sentences and logically cohesive paragraphs.

    I don’t have a problem with anything you may have to say. I just want to know what that is.

    Michael Reid

    “a new fair world order”

    Check out the video at 1 hour 7 minutes for these words

    The world is changing.
    It would be nice if we would get along and help each other.

    Putin Standing 2024 Elections, Says West Financial System Ending; Lloyd Austen Talks War With Russia


    DBS- I see centers of power apparently shifting, but I still feel confounded by “lockstep” on the part of all of them way back in 2020.
    BRICS vs the West could just be part of making sure there is a choice between A or B; or right or left, or Moderna or Pfizer.
    Whenever forced to choose between two things, it seems to me nothing good comes of either choice.
    I’ll pay attention to any entity who steps in and stops the genocide.


    The jew wants European White people dead, dead and gone, but they’re running out of time, as the whole world, every color, every nation sees the true face behind the babylonian magic money master. Armageddon, the unveiling…when everyone, even the dense…begin to see.


    jb-hb said

    They really hate the working class because by their OWN calculations, the working class ought to be embittered, angry, and rising up (for them, as a service to them)


    Drone Wars, Wave of the Future

    Russia now mass-producing FPVs with night thermal vision and attacking Ukronazis regularly at night time


    Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

    When the Empire of Lies actually had an Industrial Base


    Zelensky Celebrates Hanukkah With His Rabbis

    Ukronaziland and Israhell are joined at the hip.


    Meanwhile, outside of the Hanukkah celebrations….

    Huge Losses as Ukrainian Armor Scrapyards Litter Every Square Inch of Ground

    Pretty much all Collective West equipment has been burnt…


    In this Season of Light and Goodwill Towards Men

    What would the holiday season be without a good Santa Brawl in Duh’merica


    Be All That You Can Be

    Only the Crème de la Crème of Duh’merica’s youth

    Amry parking





    The wrong man got hung



    The Empire of Lies Supreme Clowns

    “The rule of law’ officiated by Gutless Wonders

    “Our names are Ozymandias, Kings of Queens, look on our Works, ye Sheeple, and despair!”

    How pathetic


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