Sep 202021
 September 20, 2021  Posted by at 9:01 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Claude Monet The sheltered path 1888


YouTube Is Always Right (Steve Kirsch)
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Killing At Least 2 People For Every 1 Life They Save (TE)
Counting Covid (Attkisson)
A Plausible Hypothesis, Based On Fact (Denninger)
Indian Bar Association Issues A Legal Notice To WHO (IF)
The Weaponisation of Vaccination (NoF)
Gaming Measurement of Vaccine Efficacy (Crawford)
Now The Lancet U-turns Over Covid Lab Leak Theory (DM)
This Week in the New Normal |(OffG)
Evergrande: Why Most Analysis Is Dead In The Water (Erba)
France Accuses Britain Of ‘Retreating To America’s Lap’ (Inews)
BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the Climate Nazi Train (IMan)






Singapore stats. Completely out of hand. Vaccines, is there still any doubt about this? 82% fully vaccinated. Yet Eric Topol, who calls himself a physician-scientist, says:
“Delta can be daunting to contain. The situation in Singapore with over 1,000 new cases today and yesterday, 80% of total population fully vaccinated, 1 of top 3 countries in the world, is an important indicator of the challenge.”

How blind can one be?

And here’s the health minister. The vaccines saved us!







See Us. Hear Us. Believe Us. Heal Us.



Vaccine Truth tweets: “Steve Kirsch’s last video on YouTube where he admits “Ivermectin doesn’t work” in order to satisfy YouTube policies. It’s hilarious. Let’s see how long it takes before YouTube removes it.”

Note: Kirsch was suspended by Twitter too.

YouTube Is Always Right (Steve Kirsch)

STOP listening to the science! Whatever YouTube says is what you should believe. The science says that Ivermectin works. The science is wrong. What matters is what YouTube says, not science. Stop thinking for yourself and do whatever YouTube says. Otherwise, you will be banned, block, and demonitized.

Watch all my future content on Rumble.

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More Kirsch.

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Killing At Least 2 People For Every 1 Life They Save (TE)

FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16 in the USA, citing a lack of long term data and stating that the risks do not outweigh any benefits because the Covid-19 vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life saved. In a live broadcast conducted on the 17th September the Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee met to debate and vote on Pfizer and BioNTech’s application to offer booster shots to the general public. The meeting lasted over 8 hours and contained some shocking revelations. Dr Joseph Fraiman, an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, spoke for several minutes during the meeting and revealed that no clinical evidence exists to disprove claims that the Covid-109 vaccines are harming more people than they save.

“We need your help on the front lines, to stop vaccine hesitancy. Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalisations. “Without this data we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-Covid-vaccine activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save especially in the young and healthy. “The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all”. Dr Joseph Fraiman was then followed by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, who revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines more people than they are saving. “I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more than they save.

“We were led to believe that the vaccines were perfectly safe but this is simply not true, for example there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6 month file report, that wasn’t just bad luck.VAERS shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,” Steve Kirsch then continued his presentation by showing a slide titled ‘Excess Death: Life ratio is UNACCEPTABLE’. The slide shows how many excess deaths were required following vaccination to save one life due to Covid-19. “Only the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) are statistically significant, but the other numbers are troubling.” said Steve Kirsch.

“Even if the vaccines have 100% protection, it still means we kill 2 people to save 1 life. “Four experts did analysis using completely different non US data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine related deaths, about 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into 115,000 people have died (due to the Covid-19 vaccines).”

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“Oh, well that was a typo. They just got put in there by accident.”

Counting Covid (Attkisson)

As hindsight comes into clearer focus, we’re learning a lot about mistaken advice and policies amid the Covid-19 pandemic. One still murky and disputed area involves the death toll, now upwards of 640,000 in the U.S., according to CDC. Some insist the true count is much higher; others claim it’s lower. Today, we begin with the startling results of our investigation that found in some documented cases, news that Covid was the cause of death was greatly exaggerated. Grand County, Colorado, rural country a hundred miles outside of Denver. Thanksgiving 2020, Lucais Reilly shoots his wife Kristin in the head, then turns the gun on himself, committing suicide. They have alcohol and drugs in their system and a history of domestic troubles. Grand County coroner Brenda Bock explains how the small town tragedy is exposing serious questions about the way Covid deaths are counted.

Brenda Bock: I had a homicide-suicide the end of November, and the very next day it showed up on the state website as Covid deaths. And they were gunshot wounds. And I questioned that immediately because I had not even signed off the death certificates yet, and the state was already reporting them as Covid deaths. Bock says somebody, somewhere had apparently run the couple’s names through a database showing they’d tested positive for Covid within 28 days of their death. Then recorded them as Covid deaths even though they died of gunshots. Sharyl: If we look at the death certificates for the murder-suicide case, what will it say about Covid? Bock: Nothing, absolutely nothing. I paid a forensic pathologist to do the autopsies on those two cases. And nowhere is COVID mentioned on those death certificates. Nowhere.

Bock: This is a copy of the death certificate, and nowhere does it say COVID. So we have a homicide, suicide, nothing to do with COVID. Because there had been no Covid deaths within the geographic boundaries of Grand County in 2020, Bock was in a unique position to challenge the state’s accounting. In many cities and counties, the numbers are too big and the coroners would never know about discrepancies. Within a week of the murder-suicide, two more Grand County deaths popped up on the state’s Covid count. Bock investigated and found out why she had no record of them. Bock: Two of them were actually still alive, and yet they were counting them. Had I not called them on it and asked them who those were, where were they from, all the information about it and it’s like, “Oh, well that was a typo. They just got put in there by accident.”


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“Despite the presence of antibodies sufficient to suppress a virus with an R0 of nearly 6, twice that of the original strain [..] we had a wild outbreak of disease anyway”

A Plausible Hypothesis, Based On Fact (Denninger)

The recent JAMA article makes clear several things. First, likely as many as half of those who got a positive PCR test never had Covid-19 at all. The antibody counts they documented in that study do not square with the claimed infection rate nor the low-symptom prevalence where the person in question never sees a doctor and is never tested. Back in the fall of 2020 the folly of the so-called “tests” was laid bare on the table when Elon Musk took four in sequence on the same day and got two positive and two negative results — nothing better than a coin-toss. How many more people were labeled as “diseased” when they either had the flu, some other virus, or nothing? The data from JAMA strongly suggests the answer is “a huge percentage, likely roughly half of so-called positive tests, were in fact not from actual positive Covid-19 individuals.”

The danger of telling someone they had something when they didn’t is they have every reason to think they’re safe when they’re not and thus they are likely to put themselves at severe risk of getting hammered. That’s stupid and contrary to every principle of medicine, say much less ethical behavior. But antibody presence is dispositive. Pre-existing immunity is very, very hard to determine the presence of, since cross-reaction requires you know what you’re looking for — and we don’t. We didn’t do the work, beyond SARS. We didn’t want to do the work because discovering what it was (1) made possible a potential easy infection that would confer actual immunity (e.g. if it’s OC48 which usually causes colds, well, go get inoculated with it on purpose!) and (2) instantly deflates the fear porn, drive for vaccines and every single screaming idiot in the government, social media and on TV.

But then this summer something odd happened. Despite the presence of antibodies sufficient to suppress a virus with an R0 of nearly 6, twice that of the original strain and equal to that claimed for Delta, which I remind you is unsubstantiated and the data from the UK in fact suggests Delta is not materially more-infective than the original wild strain (it only has to be a bit more-so to out-compete, of course), we had a wild outbreak of disease anyway. Much worse is that in Britain it is impossible for there to be widespread communicable disease even for a a virus with an R0 worse than measles: “Based on antibody testing of blood donors, 97.7% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to 18.1% that have antibodies from infection alone.”

It is impossible for Britain to have any material Covid-19 infectious activity among adults given this level of prevalence unless the jabs are largely or entirely worthless, or much worse, enhance infection. It’s a hypothesis that fits the facts and you can bet not one single penny of government money will go toward proving or disproving it as if it was to be proved then what do you do with all the vaccine companies and every involved government at all levels, local, state and federal, who literally slaughtered their populations with their advocacy and even in some cases attempted mandates for these jabs. Do we have any independent medical science folks remaining, anywhere in the world, who will take this challenge on and prove it up? We’ll see.

But whether they do or not you can’t change facts and the facts are that either the jabs destroyed existing immunity, creating susceptible people out of resistant ones, or the virus has evolved to largely-evade the protection the jabs provided. Which it is doesn’t matter to the person who believed they were safe, and now learns — especially the hard way — that they are not.

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You go girl.

Indian Bar Association Issues A Legal Notice To WHO (IF)

Advocate Dipali Ojha of the Indian bar association and a team of young indian lawyers have issued a legal notice to the world health organization over their blatant campaign against any alternative treatments. Her legal action against WHO comes after the tweet from Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientist, who issued tweet against Ivermectin backing it with a link, that was declaration from a private company. The team of indian lawyers seeks to make available all possible affordable options to the masses and hold the highest authorities accountable for their directives, and suspected submission to big pharma lobbying.

Timestamp :

00:00 Intro
01:14 Interview Start
02:03 Dipali Ojha background
03:58 Why did Indian Bar association sue WHO ?
11:08 WHO Scientist Twitter statement against treatments
13:04 History of Iver-mectin & Big Pharma profit motive
16:30 Can 8 billion people get vaccine ? options for poor countries
20:19 Dipali Ohja explains indian Protocol & Lawsuit
23:44 Media blackout on Iver-mectin
24:20 role of fact checkers
25:20 AI bias in social media
26:40 Where was the lawsuit filed?
27:10 Dipahli ojha explains cause of 2nd legal notice
32:38 Effects of legal notice
34:50 Many solutions to the crisis
37:14 Diplai ojha explains the Public Interest Litigation
38:52 Rajiv explains the two lawsuits in one
40:54 Challenging Compulsory Vaccine & civil rights
42:28 Role of Gates Foundation , Fauci & Wuhan lab funding
46:50 Dipali Ohja explains WHO’s compromised investigations
48:40 Vaccine and complementary treatments
50:24 Role of AI in information bias
51:19 Closing statement of Diplai Ojha

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“The vaccination pass is a mobilisation of state power, an extension of discipline and policing over the free life of civil society.”

The Weaponisation of Vaccination (NoF)

The vital public health measure of vaccination is being transformed into a project of the extension of state control, with measures such as covid passports and mandatory vaccination. The Israeli minister of health was caught confiding to the minister of the interior that ‘there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate’. France – the European country with the harshest covid pass laws – shows how this ‘pressure to vaccinate’ is driven by a political rather than a medical impulse. The vaccination pass is a mobilisation of state power, an extension of discipline and policing over the free life of civil society. This rides roughshod over individual liberty, unions, scientific committees and medical logic alike.

Currently, all over-12s in France must present a vaccine passport (‘pass sanitaire’) in order to access restaurants, museums, long-distance trains, and outdoor and indoor sports facilities. All civil society bodies take on a policing function. Covid pass checks are installed at the entrance of open-air horse riding facilities, in bars, at the entrance of swimming pools. The sports instructor checks your covid pass at the start of every class or term. The riding school asks you to ‘prepare your health certificate’ before you are allowed to walk into the open field where the horses are held. The cafe asks you to scan your QR code before sitting down at a table.

The vaccinated person is treated as safe, and the unvaccinated person as risky. This distinction is made not on public health grounds, since vaccinated and unvaccinated transmit the delta variant at similar rates, but because the unvaccinated person stands as the figure that has resisted state authority. The unvaccinated becomes the dissident, the person who refused to roll over. A young French woman who tried to enter a shopping centre without a covid pass was set upon and beaten by a group of armed police. She was beaten not because she is a public health risk, but because she represents a threat to public order. The push for 100% vaccination has become a project of incorporating the whole population, whether it is in their interests to be vaccinated or not.

It is this political impulse that lies behind the hasty extension of vaccination to younger age groups, who stand to benefit little from the vaccine and could suffer from short-term or future side effects. Macron apparently made the decision to extend vaccines to 12-15 year olds suddenly one morning, when he was told by his scientific advisory committee that he had ‘free rein’ to decide whether to vaccinate the young, partly in order to ‘avoid the slowing down of vaccination’. A more reflective scientific ethics advisory committee complained that it has not been given time to make its recommendations, and criticised the ‘hasty’ decision; it judged that the benefits of the vaccine to adolescents were ‘very limited’ and the existing safety data to be too slim to judge its suitability for this age group. Yet now, this age group is forced to take the vaccine.

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Statistician Mathew Crawford on the problem with the first 14 days after vaccination.

Gaming Measurement of Vaccine Efficacy (Crawford)

Suppose that tomorrow it is announced that in a Wuhan laboratory—located somewhere between the French-designed Wuhan Institute of Virology and the fabled wet market—that an NIH funded project results in highly valuable intellectual property in the form of the Morris Therapy. After rigorous mandatory testing of the Morris Therapy on Uyghurs, including the high risk elderly, pregnant women, and also children, the Morris Therapy demonstrates 100% efficacy in preventing COVID-19…after day 13. NIAID Princeling, Dr. Anthony Fauci quackly announces an EUA both for the Morris Therapy, and also swift approval of the as of yet unavailable COMorrisY Therapy. Nobody was reached at any governmental organization who could explain which of these has indemnity, and whether citizens pay for those liabilities by giving up their children as they drop them off at school where they are to be treated by swiftly trained gym teachers.

During the first two weeks, 80 million Americans jump at the opportunity to receive Morris Therapy. However, 79.2 million of those Americans seem to be…well…missing. With doctors and morgue owners tight lipped, the CDC reports that indeed, the Morris Therapy has resulted in 100% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 after the first 13 days. Scientists and other people who pay attention to things rush to post videos on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook pointing out that there are nearly a million reports of death in the Highly Profitable Therapy Adverse Events Reporting System (HPTAERS). Fact checkers [just doing their job] point out that causality of those deaths HPTAERS hasn’t been proved, and censor all those reports. University faculty petitioned to silence, reprimand, or simply harass their colleagues who participated in those reports, labeling them with the pejorative “anti-Morrisers”. No autopsies are performed on the 79.2 million Americans who died during the first 13 days after a dose of Morris Therapy.

What happened is that 99% of the people who received the Morris Therapy dropped dead during the first few days. Even worse, many were taken to the hospital, entered into a database as non-Morrised, and as hospital beds filled up, media outlets declared a “pandemic of the un-Morrised”. All the social pressure makes it hard to talk about the problem. Meanwhile, nobody does autopsies on the bodies that might reveal clues to the deaths, such as the presence of spike-Morris protein in organs all over the body. All the 79.2 million deaths are presumed to be COVID-19 deaths, and the media dedicates itself to a 48 hour marathon of fear porn, lamenting that poorer nations are not receiving their equitable share of limited supplies of Morris Therapy.

Meanwhile, health officials and all those devoted to the success of the Morris Therapy as the final solution to the COVID-19 pandemic…”correctly” point out none of the 800,000 survivors of the Morris Therapy have COVID-19 (though nobody really wants to talk about disease etiology as it might link Morris Therapy as a Type II COVID-19). In the end, the entire population of the SARS-CoV-2 virus decided as a “species” (if we can call a virus a species), that invading the U.S. just wasn’t worth it at all, deciding instead to go live amongst the flies, minks, bats, and pangolins.

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Have they apologized yet?

Now The Lancet U-turns Over Covid Lab Leak Theory (DM)

The Lancet medical journal has bowed to pressure over its heavily-criticised coverage of the disputed origins of the Covid pandemic by publishing an ‘alternative view’ from 16 scientists – calling for an ‘objective, open and transparent debate’ about whether the virus leaked from a Chinese laboratory. It was revealed earlier this year that Peter Daszak – a British scientist with long-standing links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – had secretly orchestrated a landmark statement in The Lancet in February 2020 which attacked ‘conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin’. The now-infamous letter, signed by 27 leading public health experts, said they stood together to ‘strongly condemn’ the theories which they said ‘do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice’.

They also lavished praise on Chinese scientists who they said had ‘worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak… and share their results transparently with the global health community’. Now, The Lancet has agreed to publish an alternative commentary which discusses the possibility that laboratory research might have played a role in the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It also directly confronts the efforts of science journals to stifle debate by labelling such theories as ‘misinformation’. In the article, the authors argue that ‘there is no direct support for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, and a laboratory-related accident is plausible’. They add that the February 2020 statement ‘imparted a silencing effect on the wider scientific debate’.

[..] The new commentary, published in The Lancet on Friday, said: ‘The world will remain mired in dispute without the full engagement of China, including open access to primary data, documents, and relevant stored material to enable a thorough, transparent and objective search for all relevant evidence.’ One of the signatories, Professor Nikolai Petrovsky of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘It might seem small, but after 18 months of complete denial, the very act of [The] Lancet agreeing to publish this letter acknowledging the origins of Covid-19 remains an open verdict, is a very big deal. ‘For a leading medical journal like Lancet to agree to finally open its doors to a letter from scientists highlighting the ongoing uncertain origins of Covid-19, indicates how far we have come in 18 months in requesting an open scientific debate on the topic, but also indicates just how far we still have to go’.

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“..once we’ve established “anti-vaxxers” don’t deserve healthcare, those other people she’s so careful to mention – smokers and drunk drivers – they’re next. Along with the obese, or the clumsy, or the religious, or the politically inconvenient.”

This Week in the New Normal |(OffG)

Ruth Marcus, a deputy editor at the Washington Post, has had enough of people pussy-footing around this issue and is going “come right out and say it” – unvaccinated people deserve healthcare less than vaccinated people. She at least admits this “conflicts radically with accepted medical ethics”, which is completely true but for some reason that doesn’t seem to change her mind: “..under ordinary circumstances, I agree with those rules. The lung cancer patient who’s been smoking two packs a day for decades is entitled to the same treatment as the one who never took a puff. The drunk driver who kills a family gets a team doing its utmost to save him..”

To be clear then – Ruth considers the unvaccinated as morally inferior to a drunk driver who ran over some kids. Which says a lot more about her, than the unvaccinated. This is one of this feeler pieces. An antennae article, gently feeling the ground to see if can bear the weight of the agenda coming behind it. It’s setting up the conversation. Because once we’ve established “anti-vaxxers” don’t deserve healthcare, those other people she’s so careful to mention – smokers and drunk drivers – they’re next. Along with the obese, or the clumsy, or the religious, or the politically inconvenient.

If you don’t believe me, just check the comments under the article. The WaPo has one of the most scripted comments sections on the internet, whose usual job is to play the “bad cop” to the author’s “good cop”. And, sure enough, BTL is full of hundreds of supposedly real humans saying the author doesn’t go far enough, and we should ration all kinds of healthcare based on personal choices. This particular talking point is already being aired on CNN and by late-night talkshow hosts too. Expect it to spread quickly, especially when the flu season starts.

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Twitter thread by Girolamo Pandolfi da Casio ditto Carlo Dossi Erba.

Evergrande: Why Most Analysis Is Dead In The Water (Erba)

Evergrande: why most analysis is dead in water and how best to understand and navigate what’s happening? Both denialists and alarmists are getting it wrong. Let’s start by understanding this: what is happening is the result of a CCP-initiated policy change to curb leverage. It started a while back and has seen other defaults, including SOEs. What are the specific policy changes? Most important is the introduction of the 3 red lines a year ago: – L/A < 70% – net leverage < 100% – cash to ST debt > 1. What’s the point of the 3 red lines? First and foremost to forestall a systemic crisis that could have brought down the whole financial sector if left unchecked. Real estate amounts to a significant chunk of China GDP with strong linkages upstream and downstream.

And believe it or not, the sector was levered to the gills. The 3 red lines are hardly draconian, yet all the CCC, a large chunk of the B and a good 1/3 of the BB did not pass them a year ago. Needless to say, it was really not too early. But there is more to it than leverage. One common practice of these construction companies,a game Evergrande excelled at, was to bid land at prices significantly higher than market. It didn’t matter to them, coz the risk got transferred to flat buyers and banks that financed the purchase. That model worked well for local governments, banks and households because house prices were going up. So much so over the last 15 years, that a serious affordability crisis emerged in major cities AND HH debt soared way above disposable inc – below HH debt as % GDP.

So it wasn’t hard to figure out the economic disaster in the making: exponential price rises with explosive HH and Construction leverage. But that’s not all. There is another problem that escapes most China analysts. As a result of years of seeking easy growth through construction and leverage, the misallocation of capital was : 1- capital starving more innovative and high tech sectors (see chart) and 2- creating a headwind for a re-balancing towards a more consumption driven growth. At some point, reigning in lending to the RE sector became vital in order to address the structural issue of capital misallocation. That also explains the curbs on VC investments in RE and most importantly, a curb on all the irregularities that characterized RE.

The issue of irregularities is at the core of what is happening with Evergrande. More on that later. It’s a long introduction, but it seemed important to explain these issues to understand the long term nature of this problem and why its resolution will be tedious. So there is a new paradigm dictated by a set of economic realities that CCP could no longer ignore and most importantly, they can relax the rules a bit, but can’t reverse course. They can’t allow consumers to be bust nor a rogue unproductive sector to balloon further.

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“It shows our readiness to be hard-headed in defending our interests and challenging unfair practices and malign acts.”

France Accuses Britain Of ‘Retreating To America’s Lap’ (Inews)

France has continued its war of words in the increasingly bitter diplomatic row over the UK’s new defence pact with the US and Australia. Europe Minister Clement Beaune said Britain had returned into the “American lap” after Australia announced it was scrapping its £30 billion French submarine deal in favour of more powerful nuclear-powered vessels acquired with the help of the UK and US. The announcement prompted President Emmanuel Macron to order the recall of the French ambassadors from Washington and Canberra – a move virtually unheard of among such close allies. However, there was no similar order for the French envoy to London to return to Paris for consultations.

But in a series of interviews with French television, Mr Beaune suggested it was because the UK was the “junior partner” which had accepted its “vassalisation” by the US. “Our British friends explained to us they were leaving the EU to create Global Britain. We can see that this is a return into the American lap and a form of accepted vassalisation,” he said. “The UK is clearly trying to find its feet, perhaps there was a lack of thought about the strategic future. Today they are hiding in the American fold. I hope that will not be their policy for the decades to come.” He later added: “We see through this partnership, this strategic alliance and after the Kabul crisis, that Global Britain seems to be more about a US junior partner than working with different allies.”

New Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defended the pact, saying it showed Britain would be “hard-headed” in defending its interests. Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Ms Truss said the UK was a “fierce champion” of freedom and democracy around the world. “It shows our readiness to be hard-headed in defending our interests and challenging unfair practices and malign acts. It also shows our commitment to security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region,” she wrote.

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Wait. China takes it all over, and that’s supposed to benefit Citi?

BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the Climate Nazi Train (IMan)

There are some things that bring joy to my soul. My pleasures are simple ones. Peanut butter on toast (the food of gods), witnessing Macron getting a slap, and this…

The awesome thing here is that what is taking place is that our competition on bidding for coal assets has disappeared in a cloud of woke smoke. This will quickly become geopolitical, and the question is this: can BlackRock, Citi, Prudential, HSBC, and their other woke mates decide the fate of nations? They are already affecting the fate of nations. Witness Canada and all of Western Europe. But will they do the same to China? Will they do the same to Russia? The answer to that will only be fully revealed in the due course of time, but we don’t really need any crystal balls here as we just watch actions, not words.

“China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity into operation in 2020, according to new international research, more than three times the amount built elsewhere around the world and potentially undermining its short-term climate goals.” Nearly all of the 60 new coal plants planned across Eurasia, South America and Africa — 70 gigawatts of coal power in all — are financed almost exclusively by Chinese banks” We see all of this on the ground, and while it is taking place, formerly reputable media outlets such as the FT, Reuters, and Bloomberg tell us that: “China’s belt and road initiative creates a problem for China with respect to their climate goals.”

Really? There is no conflict or problem. Let me explain. Here is what is transpiring. They will keep paying lip service to the woke ideology while capturing the bulk of the energy market, and by the time we all wake up, they’ll control the world’s energy and logistics chains. And once they’ve done that, they’ll be able to control the reserve currency and once they’ve done that… well, they will be the dominant power. Game over. At this rate they’ll get there in a frighteningly rapid period of time. No more than a couple of decades.

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Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships.”
~ Douglas Coupland





Chris Rock: “there’s no money in the cure. The money’s in the medicine. That’s how a drug dealer makes his money… that’s all the government is, a bunch of drug dealers.”




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Home Forums Debt Rattle September 20 2021

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  • #87599

    Claude Monet The sheltered path 1888   • YouTube Is Always Right (Steve Kirsch) • Covid-19 Vaccines Are Killing At Least 2 People For Every 1 Lif
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 20 2021]

    V. Arnold

    The world is not a prison-house but a kind of spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks.
    — Edwin Arlington Robinson…



    Interesting tidbit here: “All attempts for a meeting between the FDA and CDC have been stonewalled.”

    Mister Roboto

    Dr. D

    “Reiner Fuellmich – scary if true…”

    Not pleased seeing “Scary if true.” Yeah, so is everything. So we need to have at least some strength of confirmation that it’s true before saying it. If you think it’s true, say so. If not, search quietly until later.

    “Evergrande: Why Most Analysis Is Dead In The Water (Erba)”

    Shows why it’s not about transferring money; it’s about transferring RISK. This is generally why the rubes can’t beat the house: they’re chasing the money, the Street is watching the risk. Ultimately, the risk is what matters and the money takes care of itself. Also the type of crash is slightly different, and the exposure for China or the world is slightly different. Those tings may matter but it’s hard to get adequate details.

    And chart: Ireland is low? With the price of Real Estate in Ireland? Needs follow-up. How is Ireland’s GDP so high it can outrun their land prices? Search: Tax Rates. More isn’t always better, particularly since the more they “Tax the Rich” with AOC, the richer they get. For 100 years in a row. Too soon to draw any conclusions though: let’s not be hasty.

    “France Accuses Britain Of ‘Retreating To America’s Lap’ (Inews)”

    I mean, yes, but he’s missing it. So UK, who is using Steele to pick Presidents in the US and elsewhere, is the senior or the junior partner? U.S. runs Blair for Gulf II, or we have Israel fighting to the last American? No: these are all false, because governments are not primary and in control. Power blocs, composed of the CIA, Halliburton, Israel lobby, sub manufacturers, etc, run the show, as sometimes said, like dark clouds circling the earth, disregarding and above borders, votes, and citizens. And it’s not JUST corporations as is often claimed. So what “France” is he talking about? What “Britain”? The “U.S.” on populist Trump side is the same as the “U.S.” on the Clinton CIA side? Not really, not at all. You can’t understand the world if you think of it this way, and they do. That’s why it’s confusing and they keep getting it wrong — the diagnosis as well as the cure.

    “BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the Climate Nazi Train (Iman)”

    Several articles on this, which is an improvement. People are waking up to how this will kill everyone it touches, millions of people in no time at all.

    It goes further and has this fabulous key paragraph though:

    capturing the bulk of the energy market, and by the time we all wake up, they’ll control the world’s energy and logistics chains. And once they’ve done that, they’ll be able to control the reserve currency and once they’ve done that… well, they will be the dominant power. Game over.”

    You can start to add “Social Credit” and cutting off food to all the minorities that won’t cooperate with the state, ruthlessly purging them, as all fascists and socialists do as an innate structure of “State First”. That is, rule by the oligarchs in favor of the oligarchs, for the pleasure of the oligarchs. Borrowing your daughters to St. James. …Then we dump some hollow PR about “the people” on the side.

    As Hugh Smith says, if you have a real problem, you “manage” it, using words, or more accurately: lies. That’s ’cause, “We’re an empire now, and we make our own reality…”

    A horse is now a Senator? You beat Poseidon and stole his seashells from the seashore? Riot = Not Riot = Riot? I see no downside. I’m sure no one will notice and that’ll all work fine.


    Elementary Statistical Analysis. If one desires to compare the Covid vaccinated to those who are unvaccinated, create two nearly equal populations by randomization of the participants. Inject one half with the vaccine and the other with a placebo. Count the subsequent infections in the two populations.

    That’s what Pfizer did. 43,548 test subjects were randomized and divided in two. After about 3 and ½ months, eight of the vaccinated developed Covid and 168 of the unvaccinated developed Covid. That convinced me that the vaccine was somewhat effective in the short run. Safety requires more time and analysis.

    Then the variants started appearing, and some seemed to be able to not only bypass the vaccine but to even cause death. Now, if the medical establishment wants to continue using the vaccine, another controlled study is needed for the dominant new variant to prove efficacy. Obvious.

    Pfizer won’t do this. They know the current vaccine would not look good. If forced, Pfizer would create a new vaccine for the variant. At “warp speed,” that would require 6 months to test in a new pristine set of volunteers. Another variant might appear and take over before the new vaccine could be finished with testing. We would see the general public become frustrated and disillusioned with the vaccine program. Better to just pretend the vaccine works.

    From the Lancet article (TAE 15 Sep.):
    Randomised trials are relatively easy to interpret reliably, but there are substantial challenges in estimating vaccine efficacy from observational studies undertaken in the context of rapid vaccine roll-out. Estimates may be confounded both by patient characteristics at the start of vaccine roll-out and by time-varying factors that are missed by electronic health records.”

    “Substantial challenges” is a gross understatement. If someone claims that the vaccine is effective against other variants, show me the randomized control trial. Electronic health record data is useless.

    Denninger (TAE 12 Sep.) claims that the vaccinated are more likely to become infected than the unvaccinated in a Public Health England paper. This is a misuse of general health data base statistics, …in my opinion this is not a “controlled” study. The paper even states, “The vaccination status of cases, inpatients, and deaths is not the most appropriate method to assess vaccine effectiveness and there is a high risk of misinterpretation.” Later on in the same paper, a table seems to imply that unvaccinated are 3 or 4 times as likely to die. This is also a faulty assumption for the same reason. The differences between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated could be due to socioeconomic status, nutrition, life style, occupation, use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and a hundred other complications.

    Hirschhorn (TAE 13 Sep.) looks to me like another flawed attempt to compare the vaccinated to the unvaccinated from a general data base. (I can’t get full access to the article now, but I recall that an opposite conclusion would be found from the younger patients.)

    The recent CDC paper claiming that unvaccinated are eleven times as likely to die as the vaccinated appears to me to make the same blunder by using an electronic health data base. I consider the paper to be a deliberate fraud. No wonder responsible federal employees are resigning.

    The so-called “test-negative case-controls” observational studies that are used as a substitute for randomized controlled studies may be valid approximations if the people doing the study are highly experienced experts with real integrity. The studies are fast and cheap but prone to error. They need to be reviewed by other experts to validate the study and to make sure that the vaccines truly do provide some benefit above being unvaccinated. This is a situation where errors are easily made, but a valid study is very difficult. “Inappropriate control selection can lead to selection bias and, consequently, invalid conclusions:

    What would happen if one of these studies showed that the vaccine was ineffective against the delta variant? Wouldn’t that be politically incorrect? Politicians, agency bureaucrats, and corporate executives might be embarrassed. The vaccination program would need to be shut down. Start over from scratch. This looks like a case where there would be tremendous pressure brought to bear on those conducting the “test-negative” study to arrive at the politically correct result. So, it’s hard for me to trust this type of data.


    Generic – nice look into things.
    Dr D. The China thing looks like a tough ride. Empires are nicer to those inside them riding a rising energy tide but get shitty quick on the downside.
    The cheap oil moves to dirty coal and Brown Tech / command economy looks inevitable from here.
    Always time to make moves or break some useless law that no one cares about though. Just gotta be quiet about it. Like it always has been.

    Clueless Honky

    I am intrigued by Denninger’s suggestion that the 80% of folks that have some kind of natural immunity to Covid (as the Diamond Princess and the January paper in “Nature” paper) could come from previous exposure to a dramatically less harmful cold virus such as OC43, which could then be used to inoculate the population with.

    @ Generic, and others:

    I believe the points you make about England’s PHE data are important, but it should not get lost that this data does seem to be showing a clear trend over recent time.

    In this post, I include a graph that clearly shows that trend. I also acknowledge that for most specific age brackets, that – at this point- the vaccines do still seem to show some kind of short-term benefit. How does that pan out in the future – nobody knows.



    Huskynut. Sorry to hear about your dad’s health – sounds like vaccination, all the best.


    If you look forward to and enjoy Dr. D’s commentary everyday, this linked article/interview has that vibe.

    Doc Robinson

    “Singapore has fully vaccinated 82 per cent of its population…”

    Transmissions jump when vaxxed people act as if the vaxxes will work as promised.

    When the Singapore government announced strict segregation measures in August for those who were not yet vaccinated against Covid-19, it had an immediate desired effect. Vaccination numbers surged, from 70 per cent who had completed the two-shot regimen as of August 8, to 78 per cent just two weeks later.

    Restaurants reopened to in-person dining on August 10 for those who were fully vaccinated, and a week later, strict work-from-home rules eased, allowing as many as 50 per cent of employees to return to the office. Shopping malls and cinemas were allowed to expand capacity for those who were vaccinated, and temperature screenings at entrances stopped.

    Those who did remain unvaccinated felt they were being ostracised.

    Despite the “strict segregation” and ostracizing, there is still some sanity in Singapore.
    “If people want to judge me, it’s on them.”

    Mrs Tan is one of the vaccine holdouts. In her late 30s and currently breastfeeding a five-month-old baby, she cites as the main reason for her decision to forgo the jab the lack of knowledge on the mRNA vaccines’ effect on babies.

    “There are no long-term studies on the effect of the mRNA technology on the human body, therefore I prefer to take my chances on my immune system and the different immune-boosting strategies I’ve been using for a while,” she says. Mrs Tan takes vitamin C, D and zinc supplements, and follows a wholefood, plant-based diet, with regular exercise.

    A strong believer in personal responsibility and freedom, Mrs Tan believes that the unvaccinated are discriminated against in Singapore. However, she has “made peace” with the restrictions imposed on her for her choosing not to vaccinate. “If people want to judge me, it’s on them,” she says.


    Where are we?

    1. “effectiveness” ….the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result;

    2. “A war of ideas”
    A war of ideas is a clash or disagreement of opposing ideals, ideologies, or concepts through which nations or groups use strategic influence to promote their interests abroad. The “battle space” of this conflict is the target population’s “hearts and minds”, while the “weapons” can include, among other sources, think tanks, TV programs, newspaper articles, the internet, blogs, official government policy papers, traditional diplomacy, public diplomacy and/or radio broadcasts.

    3. “a tempest in a teapot”
    … A disproportionate reaction of anger, concern, or displeasure over some minor or trivial matter.

    4. “shunned”…. persistently avoided, ignored, or rejected.

    Doc Robinson

    In Singapore, by July 23 the “vaccinated individuals accounted for three-quarters [75%] of Singapore’s COVID-19 infections in the last four weeks…”

    This coincided with when “Singapore has already inoculated nearly 75% of its 5.7 million people…”

    I haven’t found any further data on breakthrough cases in Singapore since then. The Ministry of Health makes no mention of them in their recent updates.

    Sweet Kenny

    Reiner Fuellmich – scary if true…

    Can someone tell me what this one was about? Reiner’s Twitter account is gone.

    There is this


    Germ, Many (and many more) thank you’s for the two links, they are both great! Really needed in these times.

    Figmund Sreud

    In following vid, starting at 5:27:04 mark, Dr. K. Jansen, Pfizer, states: “I think T-cell responses are really not important when we look at infection.” Er, … Whaaaat?


    Mister Roboto

    JHK today at this CFN blog:

    Events, you see, are closing in on all the fraught mendacious fakery that permeates the world, and the USA especially, in this time of the proposed “great re-set.” This is the week that will be the week that was. Try to keep your head together while other heads are exploding around you, and see what kind of country we are on Friday. Maybe not quite the same place.

    So what do y’all think? Typical Kunstlerian hyperbole, or might he be onto something?


    @sweetkenny – i came back from work too late to see this one before it was taken down by jack dorsey’s handlers as well. It seems that they have banned the user osler78 who uploaded the clip.

    Well, from reading the twitter comments it seems it references leaked contracts between world governments and Bill and Melinda Gates Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunisation (GAVI). 500k deaths since the vaccine rollouts is also mentioned. It references Reiner’s summary video that you have posted so the excerpt was taken from there if you can find the part about leaked GAVI contracts and 500k dead through the vaccines. Gates himself has admitted on camera in an interview that 700k could likely die from a vaccine rollout worldwide were it to be done.

    I hope Reiner and his team get the evidence to a judiciary that isn’t in the pocket of the devil. Most of the courts are bought out.

    I also hope that we can free Assange.

    I hope for a lot against these odds it seems. Still, we can’t take away hope or else we give up trying to fight at all.


    Claude Monet’s The Sheltered Path painting is very apt for me!

    This past week I have been busy everyday making improvements to a pathway that runs back of the cottage and runs the length of the island.

    I have removed dozens of rocks and tree roots sticking out on the path and filled in the holes with sand.

    If I knew how post a photo on TAE I would. It would look somewhat like Monet’s painting!


    If I knew how post a photo on TAE I would. It would look somewhat like Monet’s painting!

    Send me the photo by email

    Mister Roboto

    An impressive amount of air is wooshing out of the intertube of the financial markets today.

    Mr. House

    Evergrande is said to have 300 billion in debt……… the fed prints that in two and a half days, and has been since march 2020.


    SEATTLE — In King County, eating at a restaurant indoors, seeing a movie in a theater or working out at a gym will require proof of a coronavirus vaccination or a negative test beginning next month.

    Among eligible King County residents, 85% have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the public health department. Yet infection and hospitalization rates remain at dangerous levels.

    “In a community where we have some of the highest rates of vaccination nationally, we are still seeing a small percentage who haven’t been vaccinated causing tremendous challenges,” he said.

    The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projects the current outbreak to worsen in the next six months, peaking in mid- to late-December, Duchin said at a briefing Thursday afternoon in Seattle’s Columbia City. The surge could overwhelm the county with up to 300,000 new infections, 8,000 new hospitalizations and up to 1,000 or more additional deaths, he added.

    Constantine said the county will rely on individual businesses and venues to verify vaccine compliance. He compared the verification to when businesses have to check identification to serve alcohol or ensure someone is wearing a shirt and shoes before they enter. The phase-in approach, he added, helps address staffing challenges faced by smaller restaurants.

    “We start with education and technical assistance, and we do everything we can to help [venues] be able to comply, but if they’re unwilling to, there are additional steps to be taken, just as there would be if there was a venue illegally serving alcohol,” he said. “But we don’t expect it to come to that.”

    Fuck Seattle, CDC. Biden, Pharma scum. Politicians, Media and the ignorant obese purple haired lesbians and the complicit dumbfuck vaxd little nazis….

    The war is ON. Bidet announced it on 9/9, the local liberal vaxzis are now just following orders.

    Seattle has fallen, I will be displaced soon and likely flee like an ostracized war refuge. Lines are being pushed and divided… May there be enough of us to push back this collective mass hypnosis insanity.


    Evergrande is said to have 300 billion in debt……… the fed prints that in two and a half days, and has been since march 2020.

    That’s not the problem. Which is that people who bought their WMPs and/or -mostly unfinished “properties” (over 1 million of those) themselves got into debt to buy them. That raises the problem at least tenfold. The PBNC could handle a $3 trillion issue, but when it’s out there spread among a million Chinese, that’s not so easy.

    Mr. House

    Hope you’re correct Raul, nothing would please me more then watching the corrupt finance system buckle under the weight of all its lies. Would be interesting to see how they spin that.


    I need to vent…

    After working my shift last night and closing up the bar- i heard about the latest King Co mandates for vax cards being implemented next month. Fucking Vaxzi scumbags !

    I am thoroughly f’n disgusted with this Govt Corporate Regime… Reds and Blues both suck, corrupt to the core.

    I suspected this was coming, the divided States and their mandate madness. The sense of being slowly choked out with blatant lies and horrific minds behind those lies. The- “I’m going to have to leave my city as it is being overrun with Vaxzi Tyranny”- that has nothing to do with health- and everything to do with an abusive power control scam has arrived.

    This is a fucking modern day crucifixion, a witch hunt. This is what true tyranny feels and looks like- it is enraging. This is the faceless nameless blob of insanity that destroys minds and bodies…

    The center cannot hold- it is falling apart.
    Civil Disobedience !

    Mr. House

    Something tells me this wouldn’t cut it these days 😉

    those darned kids

    “nothing would please me more then watching the corrupt finance system buckle under the weight of all its lies”

    buckle under and squish the desperate proles who’ll pay for the clean up.

    Mr. House

    “buckle under and squish the desperate proles who’ll pay for the clean up.”

    That was always going to be the case, deflation is deflation of everything. Me, i trust chaos more then those who have been calling the shots from 9/11/2001 thru 9/20/2021

    Mr. House

    Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum


    Seattle: “we are still seeing a small percentage who haven’t been vaccinated causing tremendous challenges …”

    The only question left is, how stupid can they get?

    citizenx: you’re allowed to be pissed. I know how you feel. NY resident here …

    Mr. House
    Sweet Kenny

    They have to figure out the right dose for minor children…



    I don’t know when, how, where, or why the first domino will fall and cause a cascade.
    Those with the most to lose will struggle the most to avoid the end.

    Our social/economic systems will fail/change because of too much money or not enough.

    Maybe, you prefer ” a house of card” crashing down.

    Fast or slow.

    How about dying or surviving an atomic bomb blast.

    It doesn’t change the ending

    Make your peace.
    Enjoy your life.
    Death will still be your ending.

    Mr. House

    “Make your peace.
    Enjoy your life.
    Death will still be your ending.”

    Indeed, i feel the same way about covid 😉

    those darned kids

    here’s your canadian election results: la même chose..


    Can Ivermectin be used as a treatment protocol with all kinds of flu?

    Thank you.

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