Henry Bacon General View of the Acropolis at Sunset 1927(?)

For as long as they keep firing (and threatening to fire) healthcare workers who don't get the shot, I'm calling BS on all concerns of hospitals being 'overwhelmed'.
You can't have both narratives. What a fiasco. https://t.co/kfXC5BAWHU
— ZUBY: New Album Out Now (@ZubyMusic) September 8, 2021

Retweet this or no one but my followers will see it.
I subtitled the EXPLOSIVE interview by French microbiologist Luc Montagnier, discoverer of HIV-1:
"#Coronavirus is meticulously engineered by a craftsman."#WeaponizedHIV pic.twitter.com/J1vnzFDHL0
— Theodore R. Smith (@hopeseekr) April 28, 2020

The HIV insert is definitely there. Two choices: 1) I think that it is a vaccine candidate for HIV. 2) Bioengineering a more deadly bioweapon. I’ll take the high road. https://t.co/dqiida013Q
— Ducky (@Ducky68257909) September 8, 2021

Fauci will re-define gain of function again.
• Rand Paul, Top Republicans Demand Fauci’s Firing (RT)
Top White House Covid adviser Anthony Fauci is facing calls to resign after newly released documents suggested his agency funded dangerous “gain-of-function” research in China, despite previous denials. Demands for the health adviser’s firing come after the Intercept obtained more than 900 pages of material related to coronavirus research funded by Fauci’s agency – the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) – including previously unpublished grant requests from a US-based organization that passed federal funds to the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), who has repeatedly sparred with Fauci throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, touted the document dump in a Tuesday tweet, saying the materials “make it abundantly clear that [Fauci] needs to be held accountable,” noting he had already asked the Justice Department to review the adviser for “lying” in previous congressional testimony. The documents published by the Intercept show that the US-based organization, the EcoHealth Alliance, was granted some $3.1 million in funding approved by Fauci’s NIAID – later increased to exceed $3.7 million in total, according to other government records. Of that grant, $599,000 was funneled to the WIV, specifically to fund work to “identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans,” according to the Intercept.
The firm’s grant application acknowledged potential dangers posed by the project, noting that “fieldwork involves the highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs [coronaviruses] while working in caves with high bat density overhead and the potential for fecal dust to be inhaled.” The EcoHealth Alliance’s joint research with the WIV has raised other questions about potentially unsafe work at the Wuhan lab, and whether ‘gain-of-function’ research – which aims to increase the virulence and infectiousness of pathogens to better study them – was carried out there. The research was considered so risky that the government imposed a halt on federal funding in 2014, though that has since been lifted.
Fauci has repeatedly denied that his agency funded, directly or indirectly, any gain-of-function work at the WIV, including in high-profile confrontations with lawmakers such as Senator Paul. However, according to Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who spoke to the Intercept after reviewing the documents, the research funded by EcoHealth included work to engineer novel viruses and test “their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell.” In a lengthy Twitter thread posted following the Intercept story, Ebright went on to argue that the WIV work indeed constituted “gain-of-function research as defined in federal policies,” and that Fauci and other top health officials have lied to the public about it.

“Why weren’t both those *******s driven out of the NIH years ago for what was an obvious intentionally-installed conflict of interest..”
• Where Are The Handcuffs? (Denninger)
Gee, you think the obvious I pointed out a long time ago — that the double-amine coding in Sars-Cov2 was both a marker commonly used in virology research and had a zero probability of being naturally-occurring in bats because it is not a coding preferred for that amino acid in bats, and thus would not result in an infective virus in said bats, marked the virus as almost-certainly manipulated in a lab?
NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than nine hundred pages of documents detailing the work of the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory. The trove of documents includes two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as project updates relating to the EcoHealth Alliance’s research, which has been scrutinized amid increased interest in the origins of the pandemic.
It appears, does it not, that Fauci lied. Both he and his wife, Christine Grady, who chairs bioethics at the NIH and who “conveniently” has been ignored by the media and everyone else, and who, it must be presumed, any grant proposals would have to go through and be approved by, ought to be in irons right now. And by the way, exactly how does it happen that in a federal agency a person’s wife winds up in a position to review and formally approve her husband’s work? Exactly how did that situation arise and why has it been allowed to continue to exist for a very, very long time? Why weren’t both those *******s driven out of the NIH years ago for what was an obvious intentionally-installed conflict of interest and, since this organization was dealing with things like bat viruses, a potential cause of a global pandemic if and when said conflict wound up approving something that should have been denied and immediately exposed to the public as a intentionally-dangerous act that was blocked?
Why is nobody looking into this? Why hasn’t it been investigated? Did it happen? We don’t know. It is a reasonably hypothesis, is it not? Gee, don’t think those are important questions that deserve answers, especially when it turns out that Fauci has repeatedly maintained, both in public and in sworn testimony before Congress that absolutely no “gain of function” research was in fact funded by the NIH under his direction and approval — and that of his wife?

“The end of Covid is nigh, thanks to the miracle of vaccines. Just ask Dr. Anthony Fauci. Then ask him again. And again. And..”
Hedge fund managers sometimes joke the stock market has predicted nine of the last five recessions. And then there’s Anthony Fauci. Here he is on Nov. 12, 2020 – just after Pfizer released the first data showing its vaccines were 90-plus percent effective (don’t ask at what):

Can you be more specific, doc? He sure could. A month later:

If America’s Doctor (TM) says it, you can believe it! Maybe. Three months later – in March 2021, about when we were supposed to be hitting herd immunity – we were a mere four to six months away! Woke math is the best.

And here we are, in late summer, heading for early fall. Pandemic’s gotta be over, right? Let’s partaaaay! Hot Vaxxed Fall! Yeah, about that…

It’s almost as if the vaccines aren’t helping at all. Almost. But that can’t be right.

“..even when you have variants that do diminish somewhat the efficacy of vaccines, the vaccines still are quite effective against variants of that type,” Dr Fauci said at a news briefing.”
• Mu Variant Raging Through US As Experts Fear ‘Greater Transmissibility’ (Sky)
The Mu variant of COVID-19 – officially labelled a “variant of interest” by the World Health Organisation – is suspected to have key mutations linked to “greater transmissibility” and a potential to “evade antibodies”, according to health officials. The strain, also known as B.1.621 was first discovered in Colombia at the beginning of the year and has since been detected in 42 countries and 49 states in the United States. In the US, it’s most prevalent in California, with at least 384 cases, and 167 cases alone in Los Angeles. “The Mu variant is found to have key mutations linked to greater transmissibility and the potential to evade antibodies,” the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said in a statement. “More studies are needed to determine whether Mu variant is more contagious, more deadly or more resistant to vaccine and treatments than other COVID-19 strains.”
Dr Anthony Fauci, the US government’s leading infectious disease expert says he’s “keeping a very close eye” on the variant. He acknowledged the WHO’s message that the variant may be more resistant than previous strains to vaccines, but continued to encourage people to roll up their sleeves for the jab. “Not to downplay it, we take it very seriously, but remember, even when you have variants that do diminish somewhat the efficacy of vaccines, the vaccines still are quite effective against variants of that type,” Dr Fauci said at a news briefing. Although the Delta variant accounts for more than 99 per cent of cases in the US, Mu has mutations that “indicate that it might evade the protection from certain antibodies”. “The identification of variants like Mu, and the spreading of variants across the globe, highlights the need for LA County residents to continue to take measures to protect themselves and others,” LA county’s Director of Public Health Dr Barbara Ferrer said.

Jan 11 2017
• Fauci: ‘No Doubt’ Trump Will Face Surprise Infectious Disease Outbreak (Arch.)
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency. Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades, advising the past five United States presidents on global health threats from the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s through to the current Zika virus outbreak. During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.
“The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said. While observers have speculated since his election about how Trump will respond to such challenges, Fauci and other health experts said Tuesday that preventing disease pandemics often starts overseas and that a proper response means collaboration between not only the U.S. and other countries, but also the public and private health sectors. “We will definitely get surprised in the next few years,” he said.

”Into the void between our scientific knowledge and our fear of mortality has rushed politics.”
• On Child Vaccines, The Experts Are Suddenly Reluctant To Follow ‘The Science’ (Cook)
Into the void between our scientific knowledge and our fear of mortality has rushed politics. It is a refusal to admit that “the science” is necessarily compromised by political and commercial considerations that has led to an increasingly polarised – and unreasonable – confrontation between what have become two sides of the Covid divide. Doubt and curiosity have been squeezed out by the bogus certainties of each faction. All of this has been underscored by the latest decision of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation, the British government’s official advisory body on vaccinations. Unexpectedly, it has defied political pressure and demurred, for the time being at least, on extending the vaccination programme to children aged between 12 and 15.
The British government appears to be furious. Ministers who have been constantly demanding that we “follow the science” are reportedly ready to ignore the advice – or more likely, bully the JCVI into hastily changing its mind over the coming days. Over the weekend, the vaccines minister, Nadhim Zahawi, even suggested, in a potentially radical overhaul of traditional ideas of medical consent, that doctors – and presumably schools – might soon be allowed to persuade children as young as 12 to get vaccinated against their parents’ wishes. And liberal media outlets like the Guardian, which have been so careful until now to avoid giving a platform to “dissident” scientists, are suddenly subjecting the great and the good of the vaccination establishment to harsh criticism from doctors who want children vaccinated as quickly as possible.
Watching this confected “row” unfold, one thing is clear: “the science” is getting another political pummelling.

Oh sweet lord, Neil Ferguson is still alive.
• UK Vaccine Advisers ‘Acted Like Medical Regulators’ Over Jabs For Children (G.)
The UK’s vaccine advisory group behaved like a medical regulator in rejecting calls for all children aged 12-15 to be offered Covid jabs despite that not being its role, Prof Neil Ferguson has said. Last week the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said the margin of benefit for older children, on health grounds alone, was too small for the committee to support jabs for the entire age group. But it recommended that ministers seek further advice, taking into account factors such as the impact on disruption to education, with sources suggesting vaccines for older children could be recommended this week. Ferguson, a leading epidemiologist from Imperial College London whose initial modelling was pivotal in Britain’s coronavirus response, said he would not be surprised if the UK’s chief medical officers decide to press ahead with vaccinating healthy children aged 12 to 15.
Speaking at an online event hosted by the Institute for Government, Ferguson said he understood that the JCVI had been relatively conservative in its advice, because of the small risk of a condition call myocarditis that appears to be linked to certain Covid jabs. “I think the committee had some particular concerns about long-term follow-up data in terms of myocarditis associated with vaccination, and so took quite a conservative position, almost akin to a kind of medical regulator – which isn’t quite its role,” he said. He added that the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had already approved use of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines for children over the age of 12. Ferguson also said he suspected Covid infection might pose a greater risk than the vaccine when it came to myocarditis, although he noted a lack of good data for estimating the risk of the condition from Covid.

The dewormer wars continue.
• Ohio Judge Reverses Court Order Forcing Hospital To Give Patient Ivermectin (G.)
An Ohio judge has reversed a court order that forced a local hospital to treat a Covid-19 patient with the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. On Monday, Judge Michael Oster of Butler county issued an order that sided with West Chester Hospital, citing a lack of “convincing evidence” that the drug – used in small doses in humans against external parasites such as headlice, and in larger doses for animals including cows and horses – could significantly improve the patient’s condition. The patient, Jeffrey Smith, was admitted to intensive care on 15 July. He has been on a ventilator since 1 August. At a hearing on Thursday, Julie Smith, his wife, testified that neither she nor her husband were vaccinated against Covid-19. “We didn’t feel confident [the vaccine] had been out long enough,” she said.
As Smith’s condition deteriorated, his wife reached out to Fred Wagshul, a physician and founder member of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit that promotes ivermectin as a preventative treatment. According to Oster’s order, Wagshul, who does not have medical privileges at West Chester Hospital, prescribed 21 days of the medication without having seen Jeffrey Smith. The hospital refused to administer the medication, citing lack of FDA approval, despite Julie Smith’s request. Smith filed a lawsuit in an attempt to force the hospital to give ivermectin to her husband. On 23 August, Butler county Judge Gregory Howard compelled West Chester Hospital to give Smith 30mg of ivermectin daily for three weeks.
Oster’s order nullified the order issued by Howard. “Judges are not doctors or nurses,” he wrote. “We have gavels, not needles, vaccines, or other medicines.” He added: “This court is not determining if ivermectin will ever be effective and useful as a treatment for Covid-19. “However, based upon the evidence, it has not shown to be effective at this juncture … After considering all of the evidence presented in this case, there can be no doubt that the medical and scientific communities do not support the use of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19.”

“Double jabbed & thankful for that because I feel terrible..”
• Business Owner Tests Positive For 2nd Time Despite Being Double Jabbed (SN)
A business owner in the UK has been forced to close her shop after testing positive for COVID-19 for the second time despite being double jabbed. Ursula Sutcliffe says she has lost her sense of smell, has a pain in the back of her head and is now bedridden due to the infection, despite having received her second dose of the vaccine. “Ursula, who had her second vaccination in May this year, first tested positive for Covid in September last year, which led to her plant shop being shut for 10 days. This is set to be the same situation 12 months on,” reports the Telegraph & Argus. “It’s a nightmare. I feel absolutely shattered,” said Sutcliffe. “On Sunday morning I woke up and I felt like I had been hit by a train. The back of my skull felt like I had been hit in the head.
The shop owner previously had to close her store the first time she got COVID and then again after someone who visited was pinged by the onerous ‘Track and Trace’ system. Unbelievably, Sutcliffe responded to the complete failure of the vaccine by expressing gratitude for the fact that she was able to take it. “This is my second time having covid. The 1st was September last year. Double jabbed & thankful for that because I feel terrible,” she tweeted. She also scolded herself for not wearing a face mask during the summer, despite studies showing they are virtually useless at stopping the spread of the virus. “I stopped wearing my mask as much in the shop. I could kick myself now,” said Sutcliffe.

First you say it’s safe, then you studyif it’s … safe.
“Nobody expected it to affect the menstrual system, because the information wasn’t being collected in the early vaccine studies,” said NICHD director Diana Bianchi..”
“We were worried this was contributing to vaccine hesitancy in reproductive-age women,” said Bianchi.”
• NIH Orders $1.67m Study On How Covid-19 Vaccine Impacts Menstrual Cycle (NYP)
The National Institutes of Health has announced a $1.67 million study to investigate reports that suggest the COVID-19 vaccine may come with an unexpected impact on reproductive health. It’s been a little over six months since the three COVID-19 vaccines in the US — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — became widely available to all adults. But even in the early days of vaccine rollout, some women were noticing irregular periods following their shots, as reported first by the Lily in April. Shana Clauson, 45, spoke to the Washington Post’s women’s news site at the time, and again this week, about her experience after getting the jab — revealing that her period arrived earlier and heavier than what she considers normal. She was one of many who gathered on social media to share what they were seeing.
“Is this not being discussed, or is it even being looked at or researched because it’s a ‘woman’s issue?’ ” Clauson speculated to the Lily last spring. It would appear that the NIH heard Clauson and others’ reports, as they announced on Aug. 30 that they intended to embark on just such research — aiming to incorporate up to half a million participants, including teens and transgender and nonbinary people. [..] The approximately yearlong study will follow initially unvaccinated participants to observe changes that occur following each dose. More specifically, some groups will exclude participants on birth control or gender-affirming hormones, which may have their own impact on periods.
“Our goal is to provide menstruating people with information, mainly as to what to expect, because I think that was the biggest issue: Nobody expected it to affect the menstrual system, because the information wasn’t being collected in the early vaccine studies,” said NICHD director Diana Bianchi in a statement to the Lily — reportedly crediting their early coverage for helping to make the NIH aware. The NIH suggests that changes to the menstrual cycle could arise out of several of life’s circumstances during a pandemic — the stress of lifestyle changes or possibly contending with illness. Moreover, the immune and reproductive systems are intrinsically linked, and the notion that the immune-boosting vaccine may disrupt the typical menstrual cycle is plausible, as demonstrated by previous studies concerning vaccine uptake.
[..] As changes to the menstrual cycle are “really not a life and death issue,” explained Bianchi, the Food and Drug Administration — fast-tracking their work — prioritized only the most critical risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. The NIH, too, pulled together the initiative at breakneck speed. Funding for such a study would typically take years to see approval. “We were worried this was contributing to vaccine hesitancy in reproductive-age women,” said Bianchi.

“It isn’t a visual hellscape, like hospitals; it’s more of an emotional hellscape,” Boedy said.”
• The Masked Professor Vs The Unmasked Student (NYT)
Matthew Boedy, an associate professor of rhetoric and composition, sent out a raw emotional appeal to his students at the University of North Georgia just before classes began: The Covid-19 delta variant was rampaging through the state, filling up hospital beds. He would teach class in the equivalent of full body armor – vaccinated and masked. So he was stunned in late August when more than two-thirds of the first-year students in his writing class did not take the hint and showed up unmasked. It was impossible to tell who was vaccinated and who was not. “It isn’t a visual hellscape, like hospitals; it’s more of an emotional hellscape,” Boedy said.
North Georgia is not requiring its students to be vaccinated or masked this fall. And as in-person classes return at almost every university in the country, after almost 1 1/2 years of emergency pivoting to online learning, many professors are finding teaching a nerve-racking experience. The American College Health Association recommends vaccination requirements for all on-campus higher education students for the fall semester. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends face coverings, regardless of vaccine status, for indoor public spaces in areas where the rate of infection is high. But this is not how it has worked out on more than a few campuses.
More than 1,000 colleges and universities have adopted vaccination requirements for at least some students and staff, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. In an indication of how political vaccination has become, the schools tend to be clustered in states that voted for President Joe Biden in the last election. But at some campuses, particularly in Republican-led states with high rates of contagion – like the state systems in Georgia, Texas and Florida – vaccination is optional and mask wearing, while recommended, cannot be enforced. Professors are told they can tell students that they are “strongly encouraged” or “expected” to put on masks, but cannot force students to do so. And teachers cannot ask students who have Covid-like symptoms to leave the classroom. Certainly, some professors are happy to go maskless.
At least nine states – Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Tennessee – have banned or restricted school mask mandates. It is unclear, education officials say, whether all of these prohibitions apply to universities, but public universities depend on state funding. A smattering of faculty members have resigned in protest over optional mask policies. Most, like Boedy, are soldiering on. But the level of fear is so high that even at universities that do require vaccination and masks, like Cornell University and the University of Michigan, professors have signed petitions asking for the choice to return to online teaching. “Morale is at an all-time low,” warns a petition at the University of Iowa.

“Such a hefty majority doesn’t look good for American corporations..”
• 67% Of Unvaccinated Americans Would Rather Quit Their Job Than Be Vaxxed (RT)
Almost 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather quit their job than submit to mandatory vaccination, a new poll found, as another survey suggests more than 50% of companies plan such requirements by the end of the year. Some 35% of the 1,066 unvaccinated individuals polled by the Washington Post and ABC News last week said they would request a religious or medical exemption if their employer adopted a vaccine mandate, while 42% said they would quit. Asked what they would do if no exemptions were available, the majority opted to join that 42% and said they would call it quits if ordered to vaccinate, amounting to around 67% of unvaccinated workers who would rather quit than comply.
Such a hefty majority doesn’t look good for American corporations, more than half of which (52%) said they planned to have at least one vaccination requirement in place by the last quarter of 2021, according to a Willis Towers Watson survey last week. That survey addressed 961 companies, employing a total of almost 10 million people. However, while unvaccinated Americans aren’t particularly keen on chasing down the needle, some 52% of Americans in general approve of businesses requiring their employees to be vaccinated, with 44% opposing the idea, the poll found. The arguments over mandatory vaccination have only grown louder in recent weeks as governments try to sweep the controversial issue under the proverbial rug.
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union claimed, to the shock of many, that mandatory vaccination actually bolsters civil liberties and that the right to bodily autonomy is not “absolute.” The US is hardly the only country to warn its citizens that the jab will soon be a prerequisite for everyday and recreational activities. The UK’s vaccines minister announced this week that a ‘vaccine passport’ would be required to enter certain venues from the end of the month.

Alice in Wonderland. Ivermectin to protect you from a vaccine.
• OTC Medicines & Nutraceuticals to Prevent/Reduce COVID Post-Vax Side Effects
These recommendations are based on the clinical experience of COVID-expert doctors surveyed. The recommendations are designed to address two concerns:
1. Prevention or reduction of side effects and adverse events that may in some cases be severe. The schedule for each nutraceutical or medicine is designed to cover the time when various of the side effects have been reported.
2. Breakthrough COVID infection is being reported during the approximately two weeks before immunity from the vaccine starts. The recommended antivirals and vitamin D help protect against these shortly-after-vaccine COVID infections. Vitamin D also helps protect against vaccine side effects. All the therapeutics listed are available over the counter without prescription. However, for those with access to them, adding ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine enhances the anti-COVID protection. Ivermectin for protection against COVID infection is recommended at a dosage of 0.2 mg/kilogram of body weight (typically around 12 – 18 mg/dose). An often cited protocol is to take one dose, then after 48 hours take a second dose. Then take once per week. Hydroxychloroquine for protection against COVID infection is often recommended at 200 mg once a day for 5 days, then 200 – 400mg one time a week.
• Aspirin (anti-thrombotic) 325 mg/day for 4 weeks beginning the day before vaccination.
• Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) Two 200 mg caplets 3 times/day the day before, day of and day after vaccination. Continue as needed if symptomatic (fever, muscle aches, headache, etc.)
• Loratadine (Claritin or generic equivalent; H1 blocker, anti-inflammatory) 10 mg/day the day before, day of and day after vaccination. • Famotidine (Pepcid or generic equivalent; H2 blocker, anti-inflammatory) 20 mg twice per day the day before, day of and day after vaccination.
• Vitamin D3 (potent anti-inflammatory effects at sufficient dosage; anti-viral immune enhancement) One dose of 50,000 IU five to seven days before vaccination (serum levels peak on average at 7 days), Then daily 15,000 IU until 5 days after vaccination, Then continue with maintenance dosage of 5,000 – 10,000 IU/day. For extra protection against breakthrough COVID infection during the approximately two-week window before immunity starts:
• Zinc (anti-viral) 50 mg/day started as far ahead of vaccination as possible and continued three weeks or indefinitely. • Quercetin (zinc ionophore, to enhance zinc anti-viral effect; anti-inflammatory; anti-thrombotic) 250 mg twice per day for three weeks starting the day before vaccination.
• Vitamin C (anti-viral; anti-inflammatory) 3,000 mg/day started as far ahead of vaccination as possible and continued three weeks or indefinitely.DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Any treatment you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional.

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— mc.fly (@mcflyhh) September 6, 2021

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