Jan 112023
 January 11, 2023  Posted by at 9:45 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dorothea Lange Ex-slave with long memory, Alabama 1937


Zelensky Achieves Unique Results In The Destruction Of Ukraine (Zadorozhnaya)
Wagner Group Claims Full Control Of Soledar (RT)
What Would It Take? (Saker)
A Rift in the Lute? (Batiushka)
G7 Seeks Two Price Caps For Russian Oil Products (RT)
G7 Wants To Force India To Accept Russian Oil Price Cap – Reuters (RT)
The Ukrainian Crisis And Europe – The Opinion Of Experts (Milacic)
Why The CIA Attempted A ‘Maidan Uprising’ In Brazil (Escobar)
Biden’s Classified-Records Headache Is Garland’s Nightmare (Turley)
Biden May Have Taken Secret Documents For His Book (Turley)
We Now Have Evidence Pfizer Committed Fraud (midwesterndoctor)
Excess Deaths In 2022 Among Worst In 50 Years (BBC)





Tucker op-ed









If you read one thing today… Alyona Zadorozhnaya, translated for the Saker. Devastating.

Zelensky Achieves Unique Results In The Destruction Of Ukraine (Zadorozhnaya)

By the end of 2022, Vladimir Zelensky has achieved unique and in many ways tragic results. He managed to reduce the population of Ukraine to the level of a century ago, put the country in bondage to the West and deprive fellow citizens of the elementary benefits of civilization. What other “successes” could be added to Zelensky’s track record? In 2023, a catastrophic drop in the birth rate is expected in Ukraine. This was stated by the director of the Ptukha Institute of Demography and Social Research, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ella Libanova. According to her, by 2030 the population will decrease to 35 million people, and the reduction process has been going on since 1994. At the same time, Libanova assures that 34-35 million people still live in Ukraine.

However, these figures are questionable. The number of refugees who arrived in Russia from the territory of Donbass and Ukraine has already exceeded five million people. In the summer, according to the UN, there were about 6.3 million Ukrainian citizens who left the country in all the European states. Experts are convinced that Libanova gives inflated figures – and already today there are significantly fewer people living in Ukraine than she claims.. “Even before the start of the SVO, it was difficult to understand how many people really live in Ukraine. Official figures were around 40 million people, while in reality there were approximately 33 million people, if not less,” economist Ivan Lizan told the newspaper VZGLYAD. “From 2016 to 2019, Ukrainians were leaders among those who obtained primary residence permits in Poland. Every year, up to 500 thousand people “flowed out” this way. Also, do not forget that a large number of their refugees have recently moved to Europe,” the expert emphasizes.

“Thus, there are at best 25-27 million people left in Ukraine, which is comparable to the population as of the 1920s of the last century. Mostly men remained in the country, because they were simply banned from traveling abroad,” the source notes. “I am sure that these trends will continue in 2023. We will also observe internal migration. In those areas of the front where the situation is heating up, people will run away. As, for example, from the Kiev–controlled part of Donbass, local residents fled to Dnepropetrovsk,” the economist claims. “A terrible situation is developing in the labor market. State employees mostly live on bare salaries. Teachers who are forced to move to other regions of Ukraine due to the proximity of hostilities have enough money only to pay for rented housing,” says Lizan.

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Bakhmut is next.

Wagner Group Claims Full Control Of Soledar (RT)

Units of Wagner Group have taken control of the “entire territory” of Soledar, the head of the private military company Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed on Tuesday evening. Fighting is still going on in the center of town, where an unknown number of Ukrainian soldiers has been encircled. “There is a cauldron in the center of town, where urban fighting is taking place,” Prigozhin said in a statement released to the media. “We’ll announce the number of prisoners tomorrow.” He added that only Wagner “and no other units” had taken part in the storming of Soledar. A video showing two Wagner fighters standing calmly outside the town administration building was released on social media earlier in the day.

Such recordings, usually accompanied with geospatial coordinates, have commonly been used during the conflict to announce territorial control. Named after its salt mines, Soledar had around 10,000 residents before the conflict. The Ukrainian army turned it into a strongpoint after being pushed out of Popasnaya in mid-2022. Russian control over the town creates problems for Kiev’s forces in the embattled bastion of Artyomovsk, which Ukraine has renamed Bakhmut. Prigozhin said last week that his objective was not necessarily to take the towns, but “the destruction of the Ukrainian army and the reduction of its combat potential.” On Sunday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged that the situation in Soledar was “very difficult” and called it “one of the bloodiest spots along the front line,” but vowed that Ukrainian troops would continue to hold “no matter what.”

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“..it appears that 40% of the Ukrainian electrical grid is down forever, since nobody (except Russia) can replace the extremely heavy (and costly) transformers..”

What Would It Take? (Saker)

NATO did “celebrate” the Orthodox Nativity, but in its own way. First, a few headlines:
Remember the truce offered by Russia? It was rejected. Instead we got this:
• Donetsk shelled in first minute of Christmas truce – authorities
• Two Serbs shot in Kosovo Christmas Eve attack
And, just to clarify, NATO uses Serbia as a defenseless victim to show Russia what it can do to its allies, the message being, as Stoble Talbott said, “after Serbia, you are next”, so the link here is strong. NATO did not stop at that, it also continued its policy of persecutions, see these headlines:
• Zelensky sanctions over 100 Russian public figures
• Zelensky deprives Orthodox priests of citizenship – media.
Speaking of issues of freedom of religion, NATO is planning to completely ban the parishes which used to have an autonomous status under the Moscow Patriarchate, which then turned against Moscow and condemned the SMO. But that was not enough, so, just like in NATO occupied Kosovo, the persecution of Orthodox clergy and faithful is both a “feel good” operation for Orthodoxy-haters and a “message” to Moscow. NATO did not stop at that, it also announced yet another military aid package for Banderastan: (no translation needed I suppose)

None of that will be enough to make a difference, but there are many more such “aid” programs being discussed, so NATO wants to continue to draw out this war for as long as possible and fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian. Not that any of this did any good to “Ze” and his gang: having rejected the Russian truce, the Ukronazis are now loosing the towns of Soledar and Artemovsk (see here for details), which are not only tactical victories for the Russians, but this now threatens the operational defenses of the Ukronazis which will have to fall back on what we could call a “third line of defense” if they want to restabilize the front.

Russia has also continued with her strikes, including an absolutely huge explosion at the NATO base in Ochakovo and a retaliatory attack following the HIMARS strike which killed nearly 100 Russian soldiers. The retaliatory attack was aimed at two barracks in Kramatorsk and, according to the Russian, it killed 600 Ukronazis soldiers. Finally, it appears that 40% of the Ukrainian electrical grid is down forever, since nobody (except Russia) can replace the extremely heavy (and costly) transformers needed to reconnect that grid (now all electrical power is local, with no means to distribute it through the grid).

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“Civil war in the USA. Bankruptcy in the UK. Collapse in Germany. Revolt in France and Southern Europe. Chaos in Eastern Europe. The end of NATO.”

A Rift in the Lute? (Batiushka)

There is no such thing as racial superiority among modern woke Americans, only of moral superiority. This is in fact even more insulting and condescending nonsense, which means the acceptance of ‘our’ values, i.e. ‘freedom and democracy’. Thus, Victorian London imposed the Puritan Englishman as the model for salvation (‘wash more often and your skin will become as white as ours’), whereas ‘liberal’ Washington says ‘wear jeans and trainers, eat at MacDonalds, drink coca cola and watch Disney, and you too will be saved, even though you are the wrong skin colour’. Same old, same old. Among the Victorians there were politicians with personalities: Palmerston, Disraeli and Gladstone, the only one adored by Bulgarians. Of course, the first two were obnoxious imperialists – but they did have personalities.

Among them we can also include the Kurd-gassing Churchill and the Pinochet-loving Thatcher. They were Victorians in their mentality. Racist to the core. But they did have personalities. It seems now that they were the last of the line. After Thatcher came a series of nonentities, the believing in his own delusions Blair and then in 2022 the three geniuses: Johnson, whose name is now a synonym for a buffoon; Truss, who gave the world a new word, a ‘Trussism’, e.g. ‘Peru is the capital of Africa’ or ‘Inflation is overcome by printing more money’; and then there is the Indian banker, sunny Sunak, not quite a billionaire, but well on his way. Say no more.

Such British geniuses should recall that the neocons who run NATO and then think that if they extend their war in the Ukraine and hope to drag it out for a decade or so, that will destroy Russia. Clearly, they live not in the real world, but in a virtual world. The longer it lasts, the greater the damage to the West. This is what they will create: Civil war in the USA. Bankruptcy in the UK. Collapse in Germany. Revolt in France and Southern Europe. Chaos in Eastern Europe. The end of NATO. The trouble is that, as Col. Douglas MacGregor always quotes his Spanish NATO friend as saying: ‘The USA is not another country, it is another planet’. Having been to different parts of the USA four times, visiting from the Old World, I can confirm the words of the Spanish officer.

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Exercise in futility.

G7 Seeks Two Price Caps For Russian Oil Products (RT)

The Group of Seven (G7) coalition will seek to set two price caps on Russian refined products in February, one for products trading at a premium to crude oil and the other for those trading at a discount, a G7 official said, Report informs via Reuters. The coalition – which consists of Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States, plus the 27-nation European Union – introduced a $60 per barrel price cap on Russian crude from Dec. 5, on top of the EU embargo on imports of Russian crude by sea. From Feb. 5, the coalition will also impose price caps on Russian products, such as diesel, kerosene and fuel oil, to further reduce Moscow’s revenue from energy exports and its ability to finance its invasion of Ukraine. But capping Russian oil product prices is more complicated than setting a price limit on crude alone, because there are many oil products and their price often depends on where they are bought, rather than where they are produced, the official said, asking not to be named.

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India is an independent country.

G7 Wants To Force India To Accept Russian Oil Price Cap – Reuters (RT)

The G7 intends to impose two price caps on Russian petroleum products in February that will target refined products trading at a premium to oil and those which are being sold at a discount, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing an unnamed G7 official. Additional restrictions would come on top of the previously agreed upon price ceiling on oil products, such as diesel, kerosene and fuel oil, which is due to come into force on February 5. Late last year, the EU, G7 countries, and Australia introduced a price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports, which bans Western companies from providing insurance and other services to vessels transporting Russian oil unless the cargo is purchased at or below the set price. Imposing a price ceiling on refined products is more complicated than capping crude alone, the official told Reuters, explaining that the price of oil products “often depends on where they are bought, rather than where they are produced.”

Meanwhile, India may also join the Russian oil price cap if crude costs go above $60 per barrel, The Telegraph reported on Tuesday, citing the country’s oil ministry and industry officials. Oil supplies to India, which remained Russia’s top importer for three months in a row as of December, have not been affected by Western sanctions, as the country is buying crude at a discount with prices standing between $53 to $56 per barrel, the outlet said, quoting sources familiar with the matter. Russia supplied a record 1.17 million barrels a day to New Delhi in December, up from November volumes by 24%, according to oil-flow tracking data from energy intelligence company Vortexa. Indian authorities, however, are “weighing options” to slash oil imports from Russia if the EU imposes additional restrictions for nations buying crude from the sanctioned country or if the price crosses the set limit of $60 per barrel, according to the outlet.

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“Treating Ukrainian soldiers in German hospitals is a good sign of humanity. Sending weapons and training soldiers has nothing to do with humanity.”

The Ukrainian Crisis And Europe – The Opinion Of Experts (Milacic)

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, we have been bombarded with mass information and opinions about the war and Europe’s attitude towards it. As someone who deals with geopolitics, I carefully followed the conferences and debates of European experts and politicians and their arguments. That is exactly why I would recommend the online conference and debate that was held on January 5th. The information presented in the debate is very interesting for anyone dealing with the Ukrainian crisis and European policy towards the crisis.

Hansjörg MÜLLER (former member of Bundestag from AfD): Training soldiers makes Germany participant of the war. A Bundestag council stated that Russia would be right if attacking Germany in the framework of international law, because Germany started participating in anti-Russian aggression. Treating Ukrainian soldiers in German hospitals is a good sign of humanity. Sending weapons and training soldiers has nothing to do with humanity. It is act of aggression of war. Regarding the peace opposition in Germany: about 40 percent of German citizens do not believe the media propaganda that Russia started the war. Every history has its prehistory. The war did not start 24.2.2022, but six days earlier, when Ukraine started to shell Donbass 10 times more than before.

The prehistory for that is the illegal coup on Maidan, which was financed and operated by the Americans. In Bratislava conference NATO drew a red line where Baltic States, Ukraine and Belarus should be dragged into NATO. All this started in the beginning of the 20th century, when the Anglo-Saxons realised that if the German empire develops further, there will be a power independent of Anglo-Saxon control of seaways, which was the initial spark of the WWI. The ongoing crisis is nothing more than continuation of the ongoing Anglo-Saxon aggression against Germany and Russia for more than 120 years. Land-Lease of 1941 was renewed in 2022. Who provoked this war? It is the Anglo-American weapons industry. There will be no regime change in Russia. The main questions is: who has bigger warehouses and production of weapons. When Russia wins, it will be a change for the new financial system and a big blew for the US.

Patrick POPPEL (geopolitical expert from Austria): Austria is part of the West in this conflict and supporting the interest of NATO. NATO is supporting Ukraine. Austria is a neutral country by constitutional law but in practice not. Also during the pandemics, many politicians worked against the law and the constitution of Austria. People in our government and the media are not neutral. Neutrality is the special weapon of Austria. This neutrality was given to us by Russia, because SovietUnion liberated us. Austria was kept outside NATO and Warsaw Pact and given a constitution of neutrality. Supporting Ukraine is a big mistake because Austria is loosing the reputation of neutral country.

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Why The CIA Attempted A ‘Maidan Uprising’ In Brazil (Escobar)

The failed coup in Brazil is the latest CIA stunt, just as the country is forging stronger ties with the east. A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation, and linked it to the recent attempts at color revolution in Iran. On Sunday, alleged supporters of former right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court, and presidential palace, bypassing flimsy security barricades, climbing on roofs, smashing windows, destroying public property including precious paintings, while calling for a military coup as part of a regime change scheme targeting elected President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva. According to the US source, the reason for staging the operation – which bears visible signs of hasty planning – now, is that Brazil is set to reassert itself in global geopolitics alongside fellow BRICS states Russia, India, and China.

That suggests CIA planners are avid readers of Credit Suisse strategist Zoltan Pozsar, formerly of the New York Fed. In his ground-breaking 27 December report titled War and Commodity Encumbrance, Pozsar states that “the multipolar world order is being built not by G7 heads of state but by the ‘G7 of the East’ (the BRICS heads of state), which is a G5 really but because of ‘BRICSpansion’, I took the liberty to round up.” He refers here to reports that Algeria, Argentina, Iran have already applied to join the BRICS – or rather its expanded version “BRICS+” – with further interest expressed by Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. The US source drew a parallel between the CIA’s Maidan in Brazil and a series of recent street demonstrations in Iran instrumentalized by the agency as part of a new color revolution drive: “These CIA operations in Brazil and Iran parallel the operation in Venezuela in 2002 that was highly successful at the start as rioters managed to seize Hugo Chavez.”

Straussian neo-cons placed at the top of the CIA, irrespective of their political affiliation, are livid that the “G7 of the East” – as in the BRICS+ configuration of the near future – are fast moving out of the US dollar orbit. Straussian John Bolton – who has just publicized his interest in running for the US presidency – is now demanding the ouster of Turkey from NATO as the Global South realigns rapidly within new multipolar institutions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his new Chinese counterpart Qin Gang have just announced the merging of the China-driven Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Russia-driven Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). This means that the largest 21st century trade/connectivity/development project – the Chinese New Silk Roads – is now even more complex, and keeps expanding.

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“..some of those experts have rushed to distinguish the two cases and assure us that there really is no comparison..”

Biden’s Classified-Records Headache Is Garland’s Nightmare (Turley)

The Justice Department reportedly is investigating the discovery of 10 classified documents found in an old private office used by President Biden when he served as vice president. The discovery could not come at a worse time for the Justice Department — or a better time for former President Trump. While there are significant differences in the number of the documents involved in each case and the reported response of the Biden and Trump teams, the underlying allegation — removing and retaining classified material — is the same. Moreover, there remain questions that are likely to be pursued by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives in the coming weeks. Those questions not only deal with the scope of the alleged violations but the increasingly conflicted and irreconcilable positions of Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the Biden and Trump investigations.

Biden’s lawyers have said they found the documents just days before the midterm elections and are “cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice regarding the discovery of what appear to be Obama-Biden Administration records.” The White House Counsel’s Office notified the National Archives on Nov. 2 of the discovery as it was closing out a Washington office, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania after he left the vice presidency in 2017. That academic appointment itself is considered controversial by some Biden critics. Biden was made an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019 and reportedly paid nearly $1 million for a few visits to the school. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was paid $371,159 in 2017 and $540,484 in 2018-2019. He has used the appointment to claim the status of a professor in speeches.

The newly discovered material reportedly includes some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as TS-SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources. There is no accusation of false statements or obstruction in this instance, both of which are being investigated in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago matter. However, the incident further highlights AG Garland’s unintelligible position. This controversy will again raise prior cases of knowing or negligent removal of classified material by government officials and the relatively light punishment given in even some of the most egregious cases. After the raid on Mar-a-Lago, experts and pundits went into a frenzy about Trump being given an “orange jumpsuit,” and some insisted that even a misdemeanor conviction should bar him from office. It is not clear if the same view (which I criticized then) will now apply to Biden — but some of those experts have rushed to distinguish the two cases and assure us that there really is no comparison.

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“.. Biden insisted “if I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid?” Many are likely to be asking the same question in the weeks ahead.”

Biden May Have Taken Secret Documents For His Book (Turley)

“How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible,” President Biden, struggling to find words to express his revulsion at the very idea of moving classified material to Mar-a-Lago in a “60 Minutes” interview. “And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods.” So how does Biden explain the roughly dozen documents found sitting in a closet at a private office supplied by the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement? For the moment, he is not saying anything at all. It is easy to understand why. According to reports, the clearly marked classified documents include those at the highly classified “Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information” (TS/SCI) level. The documents reportedly include material related to Iran, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. When the documents on such subjects were found at Mar-a-Lago, media experts immediately opined that Donald Trump may have sold material or was endangering national security for a book or vanity.

For two days, Biden has refused to answer questions from reporters as his allies in the media struggle for a spin out of this scandal. His silence is hardly surprising. Biden has always been better at expressing revulsion than responsibility. Time and again, he has literally rushed before cameras to denounce others, often without basis, for alleged crimes. He has not waited for investigations, let alone trials. For instance, when mounted agents were falsely accused of whipping migrants in Texas, the president was there. Even though the whipping story was clearly refuted by the available videotape, Biden rode the wave of media outrage, declaring: “It was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.” This week, the president appeared on the southern border and held a photo op with border agents. Yet he has never had the decency to apologize to the agents who were cleared of all whipping allegations. Instead, his administration is still seeking to punish them on other grounds.

Biden may have to take responsibility for this debacle, but he faces a potential criminal charge. While Attorney General Merrick Garland has again refused to appoint a special counsel, any acknowledgment of Biden’s knowledge or interaction with the documents could have serious legal ramifications. These documents may have been relevant to his last book. The book, “Promise Me, Dad,” released in November 2017, was marketed as his insider view of America’s relations with countries like Iran and Ukraine: “As vice president, Biden traveled more than a hundred thousand miles that year, across the world, dealing with crises in Ukraine, Central America, and Iraq.” If he worked off these documents, it is impossible to deny the violation — or his hypocrisy in his comments on Mar-a-Lago.

He is now the subject of the same inquiries he raised with CBS’s Scott Pelley: “I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods. By that, I mean, names of people helped or et cetera.” The fact is past cases of the removal or mishandling of classified material have not resulted in major prosecutions. Yet many in the Democratic Party and the media have insisted on criminal charges in the Mar-a-Lago case, including barring Trump from office for even a misdemeanor conviction on unlawful possession. Biden has previously weathered scandals, often by denying culpable intent. When accused of plagiarism, for instance, Biden insisted “if I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid?” Many are likely to be asking the same question in the weeks ahead.

Dem top lawyer Aug 2022

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“..although by all reasonable standards, Pfizer and Moderna should be criminally convicted for allowing such a dangerous vaccine on the market (they clearly knew the vaccines had to be dangerous), nothing has been done..”

We Now Have Evidence Pfizer Committed Fraud (midwesterndoctor)

Fraud is a huge allegation to put forward, so since that time we did our best to vet the discovery and sent it out to independent parties who could validate it prior to publishing. Based on the feedback we have received since publishing this, I am no longer sure if one of my allegations holds (that the image being a digital straight line means it was not representative of the actual proteins present) as there was an additional approach to evaluating this we were not aware of at the time of publication. I still believe the central allegation (that the vaccines do not contain what was advertised) holds true and is critically important to understand, but we do not presently have the information to determine if the numerous suspicious characteristics we specifically identified in Pfizer’s western blots could be explained by something besides fraud.

One of the things that is less appreciated about governance is that governments will never have the resources to address every single problem that arises in their territory. Because of this, governments inevitably prioritize addressing problems which would otherwise cause them to lose money, and will prioritize protecting the (typically financial) interests of the upper class who support government officials (e.g., by paying for their election). This has lead to the curious phenomena whereby there are much harsher penalties for institutional level fraud than there are for an institution harming members of the general public. For example, as I have tried to show throughout this Substack, pharmaceutical companies frequently commit egregious harm against consumers and clinical trial participants, but in spite of this, most of our institutions will refuse to prosecute them for this conduct.

Conversely, one of my friends who is a paralegal in the industry has told me that pharmaceutical companies have to be honest with their investors, or they can and will be sued for financial fraud. For this reason, you can get typically get the most accurate information on their products by reviewing what pharmaceutical companies share with their investors. Similarly, although by all reasonable standards, Pfizer and Moderna should be criminally convicted for allowing such a dangerous vaccine on the market (they clearly knew the vaccines had to be dangerous), nothing has been done. However, Brook Jackson is currently pushing through a whistleblower lawsuit against Pfizer which makes the case that Pfizer conducted their clinical trials in a fraudulent manner, and by extension, committed fraud. The sale of the vaccines to the US government was predicated upon their clinical trial data and thus if that data was fraudulent, Pfizer’s sales constitute fraud.

Because fraud has much greater standing in our legal system than harming the general public, Brook’s lawsuit is critically important, and if it succeeds in proving fraud on Pfizer’s end, can collapse this entire vaccination campaign. Likewise, Brook has an even stronger case if a smoking gun were to be present which: 1) Showed that Pfizer beyond a shadow of a doubt intentionally committed fraud. 2) This fraud directly undermined the entire basis for their product. So understandably, we wanted to make sure our allegations were correct before moving forward.

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Does mention the vaccine, but only to insist that couldn’t be it.

Excess Deaths In 2022 Among Worst In 50 Years (BBC)

More than 650,000 deaths were registered in the UK in 2022 – 9% more than 2019. This represents one of the largest excess death levels outside the pandemic in 50 years. Though far below peak pandemic levels, it has prompted questions about why more people are still dying than normal. Data indicates pandemic effects on health and NHS pressures are among the leading explanations. Covid is still killing people, but is involved in fewer deaths now than at the start of the pandemic. Roughly 38,000 deaths involved Covid in 2022 compared with more than 95,000 in 2020. We are still seeing more deaths overall than would be expected based on recent history. The difference in 2022 – compared with 2020 and 2021 – is that Covid deaths were one of several factors, rather than the main explanation for this excess.

So what else might be going on? A number of doctors are blaming the wider crisis in the NHS. At the start of 2022, death rates were looking like they’d returned to pre-pandemic levels. It wasn’t until June that excess deaths really started to rise – just as the number of people waiting for hours on trolleys in English hospitals hit levels normally seen in winter. On 1 January 2023, the president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine suggested the crisis in urgent care could be causing “300-500 deaths a week”. It is not a figure recognised by NHS England, but it’s roughly what you get if you multiply the number of people waiting long periods in A&E with the extra risk of dying estimated to come with those long waits (of between five and 12 hours).

It is possible to debate the precise numbers, but it’s not controversial to say that your chances are worse if you wait longer for treatment, be that waiting for an ambulance to get to you, being stuck in an ambulance outside a hospital or in A&E. And we are seeing record waits in each of those areas. In November, for example, it took 48 minutes on average for an ambulance in England to respond to a suspected heart attack or stroke, compared to a target of 18 minutes. Some of the excess may be people whose deaths were hastened by the after-effects of a Covid infection. A number of studies have found people are more likely to have heart problems and strokes in the weeks and months after catching Covid, and some of these may not end up being linked to the virus when the death is registered. As well as the impact on the heart of the virus itself, some of this may be contributed to by the fact many people didn’t come in for screenings and non-urgent treatment during the peak of the pandemic, storing up trouble for the future.

[..] The rise in cardiac problems has been pointed to by some online as evidence that Covid vaccines are driving the rise in deaths, but this conclusion is not supported by the data. One type of Covid vaccine has been linked to a small rise in cases of heart inflammation and scarring (pericarditis and myocarditis). But this particular vaccine side-effect was mainly seen in boys and young men, while the excess deaths are highest in older men – aged 50 or more. And these cases are too rare – and mostly not fatal – to account for the excess in deaths.


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Home Forums Debt Rattle January 11 2023

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  • #125762

    Dorothea Lange Ex-slave with long memory, Alabama 1937   • Zelensky Achieves Unique Results In The Destruction Of Ukraine (Zadorozhnaya) • Wagner
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 11 2023]


    The sale of the vaccines to the US government was predicated upon their clinical trial data and thus if that data was fraudulent, Pfizer’s sales constitute fraud.

    Ah but if Pfizer is legally only manufacturing for the DoD then they cannot be held criminally liable. The DoD has given an indemnity shield to all of them as the Gov own the patent rights of the technology of slowly killing their own citizens.


    A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation

    Pepe is so full of shit, always has been, especially in his articles about China. Quoting retired intelligence officials, especially un-named ones, is typical. On the basis of his China articles, I am sure this is not what is happening in Brazil.


    I wouldn’t go so far as to say Pepe is full of shit. I think that is a bit of a stretch. Perhaps you disagree with aspects of his content, but I find he writes enough that there has to be some content you agree with, surely.

    Anyway, you did make a good point aspnaz and it is good to always check what we are reading lest we get complacent.
    I’m gunna try to stay ripped. Maybe not shredded like Bruce Lee or Dr D, but ripped will do for now. We are in a 5 g war afterall. 🙂

    Dr. D

    The Conservatives sure will cut homelessness: they’ll all be dead. To be fair, so will the non-homeless, so: social justice and equity.

    Big Mac indicator: And 1980 was not all that prosperous; in most ways it was a wreck. But goes to show.

    “reduce the population of Ukraine to the level of a century ago,
    catastrophic drop in the birth rate (along with Holland)
    by 2030 the population will decrease to 3515 million”

    Slavic genocide. Sounded hyperbolic when I first started saying it, didn’t it? Now same process, same human-killing fire hose, directed at Poland. BY London and the WEF. “Die for me bro’” and they do it. Gleefully.

    ““..it appears that 40% of the Ukrainian electrical grid is down forever, since nobody (except Russia) can replace the extremely heavy (and costly) transformers..”

    The U.S. learns nothing, like goldfish, as our transformers are made in China, who we are desperate to start a war with. …And our copper, and our steel, and our wire, and our antibiotics, and our drugs, and our masks, and our shoes, and our cars…

    …But if you’re trying to kill everybody: good plan. If you’re trying to LET everybody be killed, you the population, man on the street: good plan, just stand by, let them.

    “the Moscow Patriarchate, which then turned against Moscow and condemned the SMO….NATO is planning to completely ban the parishes”

    It’s a religion. You will have no gods by MY gods. It is therefore by definition, a theocracy. Like Handmaid’s Tale, perhaps. We love it, want more of it. Please me next.

    Obviously, as if I have to say it, freedom of religion is a basic human right. That right is codified into foundational law by both the UN and the U.S. Then both of them totally ignore and trample Law and Rights every where they can find them. “The Law is whatever I SAY it is: now do what you’re TOLD.” And I TOLD you to violate every tenet of your religion for my amusement and 50c.

    “and hope to drag it out for a decade or so, that will destroy Russia. … The longer it lasts, the greater the damage to the West.”

    Clearly, you’re missing the point: the goal is to murder EVERYONE, all humans on earth. They are like 500 men, so they can’t do it themselves, they need US to do it to each other. So the fact that it kills the West is a GOAL, not a drawback. The more in the West it kills the happier they are.

    Then follows on lots of problems: America doesn’t run the 5 Eyes but quite clearly the other way around: UK installed our President with the Steele dossier, it seems, and has for decades. All the “Nobility” he speaks of have intellectual fealty to Davos and the WEF although they are sub 1% of the U.S. population. That Noble class is not unique to the West but is deeply shared by Russian oligarchs and indeed most of the planet, who also attack whoever they can. In Africa, Asia, in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, as well as in the Spanish American war. It’s a “Dominant Paradigm” we hold in common with Russia.

    C’mon man, you know this. I’m sad to see Russia getting blinded by their own emotions. Deeply held, mostly repressed, this seems to be how they finally express their emotions, so I wonder once they’re blinded by this rot, what leverage the Anglos will make out of their pointless failure to think clearly. No good, I’m sure.

    “ G7 Wants to Force India to Accept Russian Oil Price Cap – Reuters (RT)”

    How entertaining: India is larger than the G7 combined. And without Russian oil they will collapse like Sri Lanka. P.S. how is Sri Lanka? I assume it’s useful and illuminating example that points to all the wrong villains (WEF) and all the right solutions (decentralization), and that’s why we aren’t allowed to hear anything about it.

    Why the CIA Attempted a ‘Maidan Uprising’ In Brazil (Escobar)”

    The U.S. Twitterati/Social Media was amazed they had their own J6 with their own Shaman, but they shouldn’t be: the answer, which is also the obvious conclusion is that they were both orchestrated and fabricated by the same people. And P.S. Brazil also has real shamans (duh), AND the shaman circulating is old footage, carefully placed (Nice).

    Here’s more to the point: Like the U.S.. Lula won. K? Then the most popular President in world history, who couldn’t fill a High School Gym, immediately has an approval rating in the 30%’s. Ummmm….

    Lula, for example, is astonishingly popular, which is why he isn’t safe in public anywhere in Brazil. They say Bolsonaro “Fled” Brazil? WTF does that mean? He got on a plane. People do that all the time. He’s “Bolt holed” they say. Boltholed in the Orlando Holiday Inn? I think you have to do better than that: words have meanings for Christ’s sake. Can you just say he left before his term ended on expectation Lula would arrest him, and that is suspicious? Is telling the truth just too hard, the fact itself isn’t good enough, you have to make stuff up?

    Anyway, so Lula “Fled” Brasilia, the un-integrated capital (much as D.C. is a space-landing ant colony of outsiders, totally unrelated to the U.S. or Mid-Atlantic economy/people). Lula isn’t safe there EVEN IN THE CAPITAL because apparently he was so popular?

    He then fled to Sao Paolo, where he is also unable to go anywhere, do anything, or be near crowds – again, like Biden and Trudeau, because he is so amazingly popular.

    So I don’t know enough about Brazil, but I have to say that’s not a great sign for the legitimacy of his presidency and the soundness of the election. I also don’t know their politics well, but Bolsonaro is about anything but Far-Right. But the American media said it, therefore it is a lie. No need to check: for this century, that is a perfect truism. Their J6 should just confirm he’s an air-dropped CIA/WEF man, some random Guido.

    But yes, I also skip Escobar a lot because he’s careless and pejorative. It’s not geopolitical journalism if it’s just blogged opinions like the Saker. I don’t want to confuse the two, which is interesting. I know where he comes from: why would I NOT be okay to mix them?

    “Biden’s Classified-Records Headache Is Garland’s Nightmare (Turley)”

    What headache? Garland don’t GAF. And he missed the USSC seat, so then lets USSC Judges be attacked and kidnapped, the kind of guy he is.

    They miss a bunch of things: What R the odds? A day later, Secret docs. Like Joe tripping 3x, or fleeing F-Stan in Helicopters. Who punched it into the media and got it covered? They never covered anything before. Trump was President and can look down at the hall of records and like the Pope, declassify everything he sees to the horizon and it would arguably be legal. They cannot prove he did NOT do that to all the boxes he took. However Joe was VICE President and has no such powers. Etc. But why bother?

    The media jumps in to cover, knowing nothing about it, high as El Chapo on their ignorance, asking no questions, but we already knew that.

    As we see with Pfizer, next article “It is Fraud” / “Nothing has been done.” Which is our new national anthem.

    The second verse is that the people believe it, and you can’t convince them otherwise. “Get you and your stupid facts out of here.”


    Andrew Bridgen suspended as Tory MP over Covid vaccine comments




    FAA grounds ALL US domestic flight?! Glad I’m not a air-traffic controller there. You’d wanna get you some AI. That’s one complex system.

    Until 9AM ET no less. Imagine the chaos.




    I’ve got your back buddy

    Pass the popcorn



    I would urge you all to give Yon a listen:





    Mr Roger to Matt Gaetz:

    “You and me Loretta, pistols at dawn out in the parking lot at dawn”

    Matt Gaetz’s reply:






    What a sorry looking bunch of ‘leaders’ the Empire of Lies is.

    Positive Dennis

    I realize it takes time to check things, but I would rather have fewer entires that you take the time to evaluate. A Big Mac in 1980 cost $1.60 and $4.10 today. The ratio to the minimum wage has not changed much.


    Hakeem Jeffries

    Being Groomed for Greatness

    Another Oreo

    “I wuv you Kevin, I wuv you so wery, wery much!”


    Dr. D

    Possibly the previous link to Radix was meant to get here: https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2023/01/09/245-2023-navigating-the-narratives/

    “Fossil fuel energy has ceased to be low-cost and can be expected, in consequence, to become a lot less abundant as well. With no complete replacement available for the energy value hitherto sourced from fossil fuels, the economy can only contract.” Etc, expand.

    “a contraction which seems likely to be disorderly. … the onset of ‘de-globalization’ has started to gain some notice, the process of de-financialization has not.”

    He does however restate several mischaracterizations that it too me years to see through. One is the Club of Rome in 1972. I’m not going to say this wasn’t a warning, it was a road map – this time. He says they accurately predicted (instead of made happen) the depletion of resources predicted there. But what you see isn’t that “people ignored” it because “it was inconvenient”. No: they knew, heard the news, and every leader worldwide took express and vigorous action to MAKE us use resources. Tax breaks, corporate resource oil subsidies, defunding rail, trolley, subsidizing roads: not a single trick was missed. Every one was used to CAUSE resource depletion and some new ones were invented.

    Nor are resources depleted. The U.S. in particular has frozen ALL resource use. Every mine was de-licensed, every mill shut down. Our rare earths we claim to be ‘national security’ has been on hold in Colorado for 20 years, insuring China’s “Stranglehold” on critical metals when we merely take a busload of men up and turn on the mine. 3 coasts are undrilled. We clearly have an astonishing level of oil below 30,000 feet (translation: into the magma) under the Gulf but absolutely have oil in Anwar and bubbling onto the shores of Malibu, wasted. Some enormous fraction of our great farmland was paved, but the rest taken out of use by being peppered with houses. None of this is by accident, it’s all government from on highest level, and generally against all the people’s wishes.

    So: odd that we get blamed. We didn’t set tax policy that REQUIRED this result: the acolytes of the Club of Rome did, as is the WEF and EU today. Explain? It’s all the world’s biggest coincidence I’m sure and nobody knew nothing.

    Now this is ASIDE from his blind spot as a Westerner that they, oil, is depleted AT ALL. It’s not depleted in the slightest. We can easily pump all the oil we did last year and at relatively low cost, although maybe not $15/bbl low. The problem is: It’s in Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. It’s in the Leviathan field and UAE which only transit through Syria. That is, WE don’t have the oil, THEY have the oil. If we buy it from them honestly we lose CONTROL. So they’d rather kill every German citizen than let that happen. And are predictably starting a war instead.

    But there’s no resource depletion. No really, or not yet.

    And that’s really surprising, as what is it, we pump and waste more every day than during an entire YEAR during WWII? Something along those lines. We really SHOULD be depleted if we waste that much on soccer moms and shipping goods 5x from mine around the world in parts to Amazon at your door. But I can only tell you what numbers are official and what contracts are signed, out of Russia and in Iran. 50 years in the future, and for rates where they haven’t even depleted the drilling yet, like we have the Bakkan Shale.

    Now WHY are all these things true? Surely if I can finally see them under my bridge, then people who are next door to Club of Rome, who are in committees who decide wars, who have to calculate what gas is off Crimea in the Black sea down to the MBTU, surely THEY know? So they know and they’re not telling us, not even down as far as the local MP’s? Uh-huh. WHY?

    Why do they WANT the PERCEPTION of resource depletion, end of the world desperation, if it isn’t actually true and we could all just honestly buy things? Do with a little less, use it up, wear it out?

    I don’t know. You tell me. Because that is – OFFICIALLY – what is happening. According to all our national mining, oil, and gas log books. The U.S. would rather have a rebellion over high unemployment, would rather lose a war to China, than go up to CO and turn on the rare earth mine that employs and prospers people. …And the silver mines, and the gold mines, and the copper mines…


    There’s going to be a global famine, yes, when we don’t get fertilizer WE HAVE. While we shut down thousands of farms that WE ALREADY HAVE. To create shortages ON PURPOSE. Then blame “Global Warming”.


    The Markster

    No time here to do much cross checking or independent research to verify, but tending to trust Escobar’s interpretation of the events in Brazil today as opposed to the angle taken by Kunstler yesterday. I like Kunstler a lot, and think Brazil should be run by the Brazilians, but it is amazing to me how some can see CIA manipulation all day long on most domestic operations, but then willingly ignore the possibility of same abroad.

    It is a terrible tragedy what is happening in Ukraine, most especially for the Ukrainian people. Lost another potential friend recently for countering a lunchtime narrative about her buddy fighting for a contractor on behalf of freedom in Ukraine. Midway through our lunch plates I had the bad manners to restate her position as one of support for a mercenary getting paid to butcher Slavic people on behalf of the Satanic US-NATO war machine. After which she threw a $20 bill on the table and stormed out without another word. Flashbacks of losing friends on Facebook for questioning Russiagate circa 2017-2019!

    And all this in a small red county town where reputations and stories travel fast. Funny how living in a collapsing, brittle, divided and dying empire with a smart mouth can be so isolating and potentially dangerous. Loose lips sinking ships and all that…

    But hey, at least I have a fleeting sense of virtual community each morning tapping on this little gadget over coffee and TAE. Many Blessings! ☮️

    D Benton Smith


    Your comment : “Ah but if Pfizer is legally only manufacturing for the DoD then they cannot be held criminally liable. The DoD has given an indemnity shield to all of them as the Gov own the patent rights of the technology of slowly killing their own citizens.”

    That’s true, and it is also a wonderful example of why most people would just stop thinking altogether when they reached that inescapable (but horrifying) conclusion.

    Why would they stop thinking at that point?

    Why, I’ll tell you. They want to stop thinking because to continue thinking BEYOND that point would lead to the inescapable, but even MORE horrifying conclusion, that a case can be made ( and IS made) for the idea that it is fitting, proper and LEGAL for a government to kill as many of its own citizens as it considers to be fitting, proper and legal.

    And just who, pray tell, is that “government?” Hmm. Good question, and also a big argument.


    Dr. D “words have meanings for Christ’s sake” yes they do and they mean what we, perceived authority, say they mean. The editors at Websters must be putting in some serious overtime trying to keep up with the new definitions. In the near future I expect them to just print out a new dictionary that is but one page:
    “all words have the same meaning, what ever is in vogue at the highest level today. Check you screen for the definition”.


    Thanks Germ for that article. Did you read the last paragraph?

    Extensive independent research shows that Covid vaccines are extremely effective at preventing deaths and that serious side effects (including approximately 60 deaths in England and Wales) are rare, given the tens of millions of doses administered.

    Now it’s just a few deaths, no biggie. Amazing how the narrative changes. And now the only benefit to taking the vax is “preventing death”? For a cold virus that doesn’t kill you?


    The Markster :

    And all this in a small red county town where reputations and stories travel fast. Funny how living in a collapsing, brittle, divided and dying empire with a smart mouth can be so isolating and potentially dangerous. Loose lips sinking ships and all that…

    Same here. I don’t say a word to anyone about the war. I hear what people say about it here and there, and it’s obvious my opinion would be not welcome, and I too would lose “friends”. I am new here, in a blue dot of a small town surrounded by dark red (very red state) but red or blue, it is interesting how war can truly unite people around propaganda. Right now I only have one person in my life I feel I can be 100% myself around (besides my husband thank God!). Boy would that be a nightmare if we didn’t agree.


    Once seen,
    can never be unseen!




    I asked Ed Dowd if I could have space in his book, “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” for an article about what we saw around the world as mass vaccination commenced.

    In light of Dowd’s stunning analysis, it is particularly instructive to look at data for those countries that did not have high numbers of COVID-19 deaths prior to mass vaccination, because they afford the simplest comparison:

    They had very low rates of death attributed to COVID-19.
    Then they commenced mass vaccination.
    Then they experienced huge increases in deaths attributed to COVID-19.
    South Korea gives us a fast example among many: Prior to the country’s wide rollout of mRNA vaccines, Korea had almost no COVID-19 deaths. You see that nearly all their COVID-19 deaths occurred after mass vaccination.

    Due to frequent supply problems, South Korea’s mass vaccination program really took off after the third quarter of 2021 when they borrowed hundreds of thousands of Pfizer doses from Israel. Their COVID-19 deaths soon followed. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

    In November 2021, President Moon began a massive campaign to push boosters: “The vaccination can be completed only after receiving the third jab.” His citizens complied, reaching more than 90% of adults fully vaccinated — the chart shows the COVID-19 deaths that followed.

    The same pattern repeats all over the world, and since seeing is believing, I’ll pause here and resume in more detail after some quick sample charts …

    Seeing Is Believing: What the Data Reveal About Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Around the World

    D Benton Smith

    The best way to avoid death by execution for having committed murder is to avoid conviction and sentencing for the crime. The best way to do that is to never be formally charged, arrested and tried in court. So how do you avoid being formally arrested, charged and tried in court?

    Here’s a way: keep talking about it endlessly (just to be SURE about everything and not miss anyone or unfairly charge the wrong people, right?) before taking any action whatsoever to actually charge, arrest and try any of the already known culprits.

    While meanwhile allowing the commission of the crime to continue unabated, BY the aforementioned known culprits, because there have not yet been any definitive judicial rulings about it because no one has yet been charged, tried, convicted and executed.

    Wheeeeeee! everybody yells as they spiral down into the cognitive rabbit hole at ever accelerating speeds.




    Hmmm. The G7 wants India to accept the price cap on Russian oil.

    Will India agree? They recently became no. 3 car market in the world: China, US, now India. Most of the new Indian vehicles are petrol-powered. Where will that fuel come from? How much are they willing to pay for it?

    The geopolitcal manoeuvrings continue.

    John Day

    Wagner took Soledar, including the 186 miles of salt-mine tunnels, with stored munitions and weapons.

    D Benton Smith

    So how do you charge, arrest, convict and punish persons of the government, when 100% the top positions controlling the entire apparatus for “charging/arresting/prosecuting” persons are held by those same persons that you need to be charged, arrested (etc) ?

    Hint : (you don’t)

    Second hint: think outside of the box dammit !

    Give up ? Okay. Think like Putin. By keeping earnest, sincere and entirely tangibly real pressure on the enemy the enemy is forced to self-destructively “protect” itself by committing suicide. LET THEM ! Just keep the pressure on just like you have been doing. Not too much & not not too little. Do a Goldilocks thing with the pressure. Build your strength at the same time that the enemy is SPENDING (losing) theirs. Rinse until your enemy has fully killed itself and is gone.


    Germ – Popcorn theory
    First step
    hospital emergency overwhelmed, operating rooms waiting lists
    Non-fatal/new/health/sudden health problems/weaken immune system, flue +2

    (Of course, nothing to do with covid or vaccines. Avoiding, “….. stormed out without another word”)
    Personally know, within 12 months, 3 approx. 80yrs, and 7 less than 60yrs.
    Dhuuuu! …. taking the vax is “preventing death”? For a cold virus that doesn’t kill you?
    @ D Benton Smith

    Hint: Encourage them to get the boosters. Let them comite suicide. LET THEM !

    Predictions 1: War
    Alternative Predictions 2: Cease fire, peacekeepers, peace/end of killing/destruction/shunning/isolation


    Former ‘Eight Is Enough’ Child Star Adam Rich Dead at 54: Report

    “The Eight Is Enough alum was found dead in his Los Angeles home on Saturday, January 7…”

    ‘Eight Is Enough’ Alum Adam Rich Dead at 54: Report


    I am vaccinated because …?


    D Benton Smith

    I will always try to persuade a suicidal person to not do it. I will try my utmost to use the most effective persuasion that I can muster up. Sometimes it works. Sometimes the person wakes up to truthful, sane thinking and no longer wants to be suicidal. In that case they certainly are worth the effort it takes to save them. (and is both directly and indirectly beneficial to my own interests at the same time. Win win.

    Sometimes it does not work, and in those cases the self-destructive individual must be allowed to exercise their own free will as it pertains to their own self interests as they see them with their own awareness. They have the inalienable right to learn from their own mistakes if they insist upon it and decline to be helped. This does NOT mean that you should give in to them or give up on them. You should keep trying your damnedest to persuade them with the best truth you can muster up, right to the limit. But in the end, it is up to them to decide whether or not to accept truth or lie.


    Remember – these “leaky” vaccines are driving the mutations!

    Watch GVB explain:


    D Benton Smith


    Back of the envelope super rough wild assed guess, based on Germany’s numbers comes to about 35 million excess deaths world wide . . . give or take. Further ball-parking the numbers half to death let’s say that for every outright death there will be half a dozen or so (let’s call it 10 just to make the shirt cuff arithmetic easier. That would be about 4 or 5 % of the world’s population will be shifted from the ranks of producers of goods into the ranks of non-productive receivers of care.

    The world’s demographics have just been sucker-punched, and this is quite in addition to the other shit that’s going to hell interactively at the same time.

    Collapse is a many splintered thing.


    Big Mac
    I think that the 50c sandwich in 1980 was the lowly hamburger, and the $8 Big Mac today would be a Big Mac meal with a large fries and large soft drink. Which begs the question: why is the creator of this graphic trying to deceive us, gaslight us, and trying to yank on our emotions?
    Sure, I was age 6 in 1980 and my allowance was 40c a week — but we went to McDs sometimes and I know that the Big Mac cost more than a dollar, and that my hamburger was less than a dollar.

    D Benton Smith


    You’re so lucky. Your parents gave you an allowance. Mine were way more stingy, so no allowance for the kids in our house . . . but on the upside, the MacDonalds burger was only 19 cents.


    Microchips in hands

    I don’t understand why it isn’t OBVIOUS that it is easy to duplicate the settings for some microchip embedded in a hand. Digital items and pure data is very, very easy to replicate, if you have the correct tools, and it is all available on a server out there connected to the internet and able to be hacked or compromised by the alphabet soup of federal agencies. My front door is more secure — secured by a mechanical code known to the residents of the home and able to be changed whenever we please. This code is not stored digitally and not written down — there is nothing to hack.


    @ dbs
    Lol, I suppose. My allowance ended at age 10, when I got to watch the younger 3 sibs when my parents went out, and was paid $1/hr. At age 12, I began watching other people’s kids for $2/hr, and my parents stopped paying me for babysitting services — however, I watched others’ kids before my own siblings, and I think that they then had my brother watch our sisters for $1/hr.
    It isn’t a complaint, my parents were wonderful when we were kids, and I remain close to them. It served me well that from age 10 on all of my spending money came to me through my own efforts.

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