Debt Rattle August 17 2021


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle August 17 2021

  • This topic has 145 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Dr. D.
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  • #84250
    Polder Dweller

    “The mRNA Vaccines Are Extraordinary, but Novavax Is Even Better”

    It’s sarcasm.


    citizenx: “I haven’t decided whether I will file the rust from my pitchfork or use it as is …”

    Leave the rust on. Hopefully everyone is up-to-date on tetanus vaccines.

    From a CBS news site:

    “The key to New York City. When you hear those words, I want you to imagine the notion that because someone is vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in New York City,” de Blasio said at a press conference. “This is a miraculous place, literally full of wonders, and if you’re vaccinated, all that’s gonna open up to you. You’ll have the key, you can open the door.

    “”I want people to get vaccinated to feel they can live life fully, have freedom. The reward of vaccination is freedom. If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re going to be left out, ” he said.’

    Btw, in a quick search didn’t find a news source that included *retail outlets* in the list of businesses? I’m sure it’s coming soon to a location near me.


    works right now

    madamski cafone

    deflationista: we are interested in actual info, not the dispernsers thereof. There are books, and there are covers…


    Malone interview conducted by Paul Cottrell PHD this last weekend.


    Blog has been removed
    Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

    Did you expect to see your blog here? See: ‘I can’t find my blog on the web, where is it?’


    @bluebird re: – Working for me also, LA county CA, AT&T provider.


    Don’t like to post ‘thanks’ often because it’s thread clutter. This one’s a long-owed thanks. Thank you very much, John Day! “Of all the souls I’ve encountered, his was the most…human.”


    How the fuck is this shit even tolerated- especially by the ‘tough’ motorcycle riding segment in America? Or by the ‘tough guy’ Trump supporters? I attended several rallies over the last two years and saw Nazi tats, Nazi / SS patches, and Nazi flags being carried during Trump rallies. And also by Trump supporters who showed up at BLM protests or vigils for George Floyd.

    madamski cafone

    John Day’s Blog

    The net is falling apart like everything else, according to some Mysterious Master Plan… i.e. greedy incompetence, including ours.

    madamski cafone

    Forbidden fruit is very appealing. Anything Nazi is forbidden and therefore appealing to some mindsets. Transgression is a necessary part of attaining freedom. ALways someone telling you what you can’t wear.

    those darned kids

    Q: “How the moo is this waddleydoo even tolerated?”

    A: “first amendment – it’s what made america great the first time.”


    I watched a bunch of mostly peaceful protest videos in the past year or so. Saw masked, dressed-all-in-black, ninja-type antifa guys, saw masked blm guys … they attacked unarmed citizens (even those eating at outside tables in restaurants), burned government buildings and police vehicles, and looted high-end stores.

    How is this even tolerated??


    Johndayblog unavailable to me as well. I was there earlier today.


    Jan 21, 2021

    “In Portland, Oregon, late on Wednesday night, Federal Protective Services deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse rioters … A large mob of Antifa members dressed in black was seen smashing windows of the Democratic Party of Oregon headquarters in Portland and covering the building in anti-Biden graffiti.”

    Seriously. How is this even tolerated?


    I am able to access John Day’s blog here. 🙂



    Just some Nazis here discussing Nazi stuff.


    Wow. We have reached Nazi rationalization right here on TAE! Awesome!

    If you aren’t anti-fascist, what exactly does that make you?



    A startling photo has emerged of hundreds of Afghans crammed into a U.S. military C-17 that took off from Kabul amid the chaos and landed in Qatar, suggesting that the military was forced to make decisions to take off with refugees aboard, in the wake of a complete lack of any contingency from the hapless Biden administration

    Defense officials said that the pilots had to make a decision to go with people onboard after they clambered up the ramp.

    Leaked audio from the crew also revealed that they thought there were 800 people on the plane:

    800 people is believed to be the largest number of people ever carried on a C-17, didn’t know if it could take off with that much weight.



    my goodness, now we’re Nazi for defending free speech, no matter what that speech might be … how low can we go?


    The stairs buckled under the weight of the desperate.


    Mister Roboto

    If you aren’t anti-fascist, what exactly does that make you?

    Hasn’t it occurred to you that perhaps we’re just not your kind of anti-fascst? If you were paying attention, you would have seen that the consensus around here is resolutely anti-authoritarian/ anti-totalitarian.


    Fascism (merriam-webster):

    2. a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    Um, er, geez, maybe … mandatory vaccine in order to work and live in society … does that qualify?


    I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom for deflationista yet.


    my goodness, now we’re Nazi for defending free speech, no matter what that speech might be … how low can we go?

    People can say and do whatever the fuck they want. My question was- how the fuck is Nazi regalia even tolerated at Sturgis- or Trump rallies? These two groups typically like to project a level of patriotism and love of America, that it just seems completely out of character for their ‘image’ to be tolerant of Nazi symbolism at their events and rallies.

    How low can we go? Looks like you can go pretty fucking low.

    Mister Roboto

    How low can we go? Looks like you can go pretty fucking low.

    Well, I would certainly agree that we are living in a time of what I would characterize as very bad spiritual energy, and where it’s heading is…very worrying.


    Mister Roboto

    Keeping a cool head is very important about now, because the temptation to lose your composure and perspective will be strong. Being pro-liberty and anti-authoritarian should remain foundational at all times.

    Mr. House

    Looks like witches are in season,
    you better fly your flag and be aware
    of anyone who might fit the description,
    diversity is now our biggest fear.

    Now with our conversations tapped
    and our differences exposed,
    how ya supposed to love your neighbor
    with our minds and curtains closed?
    We used to worry ’bout big brother,
    now we got a big father and an even bigger mother.

    And you still believe
    this aristocracy gives a fuck about you.
    They put the mock in democracy
    and you swallowed every hook.

    The sad truth is
    you’d rather follow the school into the net
    ’cause swimming alone at sea
    is not the kind of freedom that you actually want.

    those darned kids

    mr. roboto: indeed.

    germ: fast’n’furious, part 17

    deflationista: c’mon, friend. please, i beg thee ¡no more clichés! if you must throw out such wretched musings, at least make ’em interesting. it has been suggested that we ignore thee, but it’s kinda cathartic. that being said, if the quality of your material doesn’t improve, we might have to vote you off the island. just kidding. seriously, pick up the quality, por favor. some originality will help and enough with copypasting the most vile aspects of american domestic life. i understand, people are misinformed jerks. time to hire better writers, ratings are plummeting.


    The Lark went over well yesterday, thanks Raúl. That is one of my favorite paintings. My grandma had a print of it hanging downstairs. I spent much time as a kid trying to figure it out. There’s so much to interpret. Sunset or Sunrise? beginning of a hardscrabble farm girl’s day, or the blessed end of a long day of chores? I could never read the young woman’s expression. Happy? Sad? Was she relieved that the harvest was good? Was she angry with the capriciousness of the world, of Nature?

    Maybe Grandma had the original, hanging downstairs and the one hanging in AIC is a forgery…we’ll never know 😀

    madamski cafone

    “How is this even tolerated??”

    Simple: people don’t fight back. They take cellcam movies and talk online about justice and “proper peaceful protesting”. THey rely on law enforcement to do their dirty work… and then law enforcement does dirty work on them.

    madamski cafone

    Hmm. deflationista seems to need to tell us that we’re poopy-doodoo-cacaheads. Now we’re Nazi/Nazi rationalizers. Maybe I should start beating my wife again: might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.

    I wonder what it is about us that attracts this kind of thing.

    ‘scuse me but I have to mask up now so that I can legally buy legal cannabis. Thank god my mask doesn’t have a swaztika on it. That would be so un-American. Not like wearing a mask and submitting to a mandatory vaccination program likely to be far more dangerous than the mystery bug it allegedly protects me from.


    Veracious Poet

    Not that I think the disruption will be mild, but I do like the Constitutional refresher course on this matter. I don’t see an unexpected boom of prosperity although possibly a brief illusion of that for a bit.

    The American Experiment was a Spiritual Evolution, always prey to generations that chose to conjoin in tribes of debauched pathological EGO, Edging-“God”-Out in a vain attempt to deny the Law of Nature hard coded into the fabric of their being:

    The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions ~ Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience. ~ John Locke 1690

    This point was inevitable, for those that chose finite EGO as their default conscientious, rejecting their true reality connected to the Loving, Healing, Creative Power of the Infinite Universe.

    We the Sheeple have no spiritual underpinning to return to the Constitution, -0-, since #ANTISPIRIT beings have no affinity/understanding for America’s foundation, & thus the spiritual system that enabled the Constitution:

    WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    The magic words that changed EVERYTHING, until it was violated by the great usurper Lincoln, used as a precedent by every tyrant since…

    Most importantly, the USofA has NOT been a Democratic Republic since FDR suspended Natural Law in MAR 1933, under emergency powers that have been in effect every since…

    THEY masterfully laid the plans for OUR destruction frighteningly well, as not one brainwashed prole will EVER question/abandon the EMERGENCY POWERS that birthed Eisenhower’s Banking/.MIL #Derp Complex, which has completely infected American systems down to the local level ~ And what lazy, duplicitous, mercenary people would ever abandon wanton dreams of power.

    IF THEY allow FED.GOV to implode (on purpose), disturbed war whoops will fill the air, as the #ANTISPIRIT hoards compulsively lay siege upon normality, while at the same time turning on each other in search of monsters to destroy & victims to exploit…

    The American Experiment become nothing more than a dark fairy tale taught as a warning to future generations…

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~ John Adams

    You’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution, have you denied your EGO self today?


    phoenixvoice asked, “(1) Are run of the mill people in Australia aware that the vaccinated can still contract and transmit Covid?
    (2) Are run of the mill people in Australia aware of the myocarditis/pericarditis risks, of the blood clot risks?
    (3) Are they really going to permit their precious children to get jabbed?
    (4) WTF is going on?”

    Four questions, my four answers in brief:

    1. Increasingly so but thus far it’s a s-l-o-w process.
    2. In general, no. The general attitude is that such side effects are rare to the point of irrelevance.
    3. Yes.
    4. Among other things, a dose of our own medicine.

    Let me enlarge a little.

    Re (1), the news is slowly seeping in around the edges, but the MSM narrative, including academic sites like The Conversation, still hew to the party line. It’ll take a mighty lot of adverse effects to change their minds. And to be impartial we must address the hypothesis that the mooted side effects may not prove as severe as many fear. This requires time to assess and we’re not being given time — THAT is my main gripe about all of this. Lack of time.

    It’s also starting to happen that information about non-vaccine treatments is making its way into the public forum. People need to be given the choice of vaccine or non-vaccine treatment — but they’re not.

    Re (2), this sort of info is a bit abstruse yet. Give it time.

    Re (3), I know a mother of 3 young children, oldest about 11, who believes firmly in the powers of vaccines to keep her and hers safe. She has willingly accepted the jab herself and is impervious to arguments against it. She is understandably keen to protect her kids, and in her estimation this is best done by trusting medical science. She is NOT evil, NOT stupid. Her days are full and she does not have the luxury of time to pore over discussions on TAE and other websites. Now multiply this by the hundreds of thousands and it’s obvious why we’re in this situation.

    Re (4), one thing going on here is that it rhymes with what we did to the indigenous peoples of this country. A big dose of our own medicine. It is a great sadness of the epidemic that its arrival shut down an important exhibition at the Australia Museum in Sydney about the European invasion and occupation of this country. The exhibition is due to close on 10 Oct, and on present indications the plague will still be with us then.

    The exhibition shows clear and indisputable historical evidence that the Brits simply invaded this country, Roman-style, seeking geopolitical advantage and another territory to plunder. The indigenous peoples were brutally pushed aside, in spite of much surprisingly successful early resistance. My delightful forebears used germ warfare (smallpox-infected blankets) to turn the tide. Later on we stole their children from them. We chased them of their lands and imprisoned them in a foreign system. The incarceration rate for indigenous people is vastly higher than for the rest. They have been pushed to the bottom of the heap and are kept there. Sensible and humanitarian recommendations of Royal Commissions are in the main ignored. Recently the world learnt how horribly much of this was duplicated in Canada and the US.

    The plague is kind of doing to us what we did to them. It invaded us. It is locking us up and badly damaging our economy, just as we damaged and largely destroyed the indigenous economy. It is afflicting our children and our adults in many ways: physically and psychologically. We have choices and freedoms taken away from us. The parallels go on and on.

    It is all so sad. In particular I deplore the polarisation taking place. We are divided in two and set against each other. I think the analogy is a good one, that of rats in the cage subjected to electric shocks who attack each other as scapegoats for the externally-applied shocks.

    madamski cafone

    ” My question was- how the fuck is Nazi regalia even tolerated at Sturgis- or Trump rallies?”

    Violent assault is as illegal and violaent at a political rally as anywhere. I’m not sure you understand this freedom concept.


    Just now successfully accessed John Day’s blog: 11:04, 18/8/2021, AEST. Hope its unavailability was just a glitch.


    “IF THEY allow FED.GOV to implode (on purpose), disturbed war whoops will fill the air, as the #ANTISPIRIT hoards compulsively lay siege upon normality, while at the same time turning on each other in search of monsters to destroy & victims to exploit…”

    That’s what I’m seeing as well. At least for awhile. Buckle up.

    absolute galore

    deflationista wrote: These two groups typically like to project a level of patriotism and love of America, that it just seems completely out of character for their ‘image’ to be tolerant of Nazi symbolism at their events and rallies.
    This in response to TAE participant response to his tossing a photo of Nazi trucker hats for sale at a big motorcycle rally, apropos of…?
    My thought would be, even among subcultures, there will be many subgroups, as well as overlap with other subcultures. Some motorcyclists who attend big rallies and are “tough guys” who are attracted to the Nazi stuff might also belong to a white supremacist group, or espouse that type of ideology. They might not have thoroughly thought through how that jibes with their patriotism. Or they might think the country is going to hell and if only there were Nazis, things would be better. It’s hard to know unless you sat down with a few of them to discuss.

    Whatever the case, the percentage of people that ride motorcycles or go to Trump rallies and buy and or wear Nazi hats is fairly minuscule. The percentage of people blindly in thrall of “the science” “technology” “the experts” and the people who direct messaging from these realms, are the people who could ultimately make true fascism possible.

    From The Atlantic article deflationista tagged,although I am not sure why on this non-news either?:
    But here’s what we know today, based on information that we have right now: Among several wonderful options, the more old-school vaccine from Novavax combines ease of manufacture with high efficacy and lower side effects. For the moment, it’s the best COVID-19 vaccine we have.

    The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

    Yeah, bro! Hit me with that old skool vax, man! Wonderful option, yo, just wonderful! Wait. What? You pumped me up and it’s not available?
    Novavax again delays seeking U.S. approval for COVID-19 vaccine

    Here’s my take on what could be going on: pumping up the Novavax before it goes to get EUA. That would be one thought. The company received a huge injection of funding from Bill and Melissa, but the theory is that with the cupboards currently overstocked with Pfizer, J&J and Moderna vaxes, the FDA may not be disposed to grant a fourth EUA.

    It’s just another “go get vaxxed” article, in the end. The Atlantic is completely pro-vaccination, even vaccinations that are impossible to get and do not even have EUA and are made by a company that has never produced a vaccine to market. Sorry, not available yet. But meanwhile, have one of these wonderful options!

    It certainly seems like a more sensible approach with fewer downsides, and it can be more easily distributed to countries that do not have the deep freeze storage necessary for the mRNA stuff. I’m sure enough people will be paid that it will speed through,especially if the boosters from the big three start stalling out. Why not through another vax into the mix that the virus can do its mutant dance on? It’s a world-wide vaxp party. What could go wrong?

    madamski cafone

    Report: Los Angeles to require vaccinations to buy groceries Plan introduced by Council President Nury Martinez

    “Enough is enough already,” said Martinez”(city council member)”in a statement to local news outlets. “Hospital workers are exhausted, moms who have put aside their careers are tired, and our kids cannot afford the loss of another school year. We have three vaccines that work and are readily available, so what’s it going to take?”

    Someone peeing in the vakzine reservoir? So they have to flush it all? Some wag here cracked wise awhile back about being willing to volunteer for the placebo group: make mine saline, pls.

    It’s in Forbes too. What I see are the smallest levels of what Raul calls “the little managers” doing what little managers do, which is the same thing as the inspiration for this ditty by one of my favorite Russians:

    Circus Polka


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