Forum Replies Created
ParticipantV Arnold. Yes. Isn’t It marvelous?
ParticipantClif High’s software for predicting the future is working well. Months ago he was predicting the alleged prion events which are now being reported. Can the space aliens far behind?
ParticipantAah yes. Dr. Franc( kenstein) from Poland Glim. Aluminium. The thing that is fed on graphene oxide eggs.
ParticipantCounterinsurgency memes.
Flying Doctor. Chemnitz.
Graphene hydroxide. Dr. Noakes
Magnets sticking to arms?Any others?
ParticipantReading about the career of Archbishop Vigano. Very hard on the kiddy fiddlers for an Arzobispo.
ParticipantSweet words.
El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.La gente come noi non molla mai.
ParticipantI have been singing along to the Italian anti-mandate song
la gente come noi non molla mai. (People like us never give up). Nice tune and clasier than the British You can stick your poison vaccines up your arse or Bill Gates is a wanker He wears a wanker’ s hat.Django
ParticipantSorry to be uncharitable. Marx might say they were suffering from false consciousness.
ParticipantQ What’s the name of antifascists who unknowingly support a fascist movement?
A Fascists.Django
ParticipantTdk I take your point. I have no desire to push a Catholic agenda. I was comforted by the Archbishop’s certainty that there is an Almighty God and that he can assist and protect us. I remain an atheist but I admire tbe clarity of the Archbishop’s mind. Maybe he reads TAE.
ParticipantAnd may Almighty God assist us and protect us. Thus sayeth the Archbishop.Why have I wasted my life being an atheist?
ParticipantA Catalan Archbishop, judging by his name.
ParticipantThank you Dora for the video of the Bishop. I had been looking for his speech.
A Red Bishop is a fine thing to see. A Bishop as they used to make them in the old days. A powerful man like the one on your chessboard.Django
ParticipantOK germ so maybe he was pushed. But don’t let that worry the rest of you sawbones.Jump you fuckers. Otherwise you’ll be explaining to us all in Nuremburg how you were just obeying orders. Jump now avoid the rush.
ParticipantYeah you fucking doctors who promoted the vaxxx. We’ll pay the gasoline. You do the Buddhist monk setting yourselves on fire shit. Any takers? Only the jumper from Chemnitz? Jump you fuckers.
ParticipantI have failed to prevent my children and a friend from being vaccinated. I love them and it hurts. As a result I have a terrible urge to hurt the people that made this policy.
My son is 30 a musician wants to travel and get on with his life. Concerts cancelled forever.l. My daughter 32 speaks 8 languages dentist who won a grant to do a double Masters in Public Health. Graduated with ridiculous marks. 100 percent in Granada and high eighties in Leeds where they at least read their work.. My mother 86 taught Biology her whole life says Oh well the scientists say bla bla bla not even understanding that she is one herself. Unable to think past O Level . My daughter not able to look at data which don’t confirm her prejudices. All treat me warily like a very well behaved tame lion. Of course they ask me ‘ and what do you think about Trump’? I don’t fucking care about Trump. I live in Spain I have always been an admirer of Kropotkin. Who? Really Johnny you need to go and see someone about it. Old fellow like you isolated in the mountains and cut off from society you will easily fall prey to crazed antivaxxer cults. They give you a sense of belonging that you were unable to find before.
Ah well.
ParticipantThe policia will be carrying out the dirty policies of tbe magnates. Be careful policia.
ParticipantNice painting. The rest not so much.
ParticipantIf peasants can burn weeds we can burn other things. Fire is something we understand.
ParticipantThe qualty of the propaganda should alert us to the truth.
Now go get your cookie.Django
Participantdeflacionista ( please note spelling) lose the hat with the unattractive stains on the brim and crown. It must be a lonely chore convincing these hippies. Come on side! We’re your friends.!
ParticipantOxy as one mushroom head to another Noli illegetimates carborundum. Now what is the word on the street on cane toads?
ParticipantGerm your link comes with ‘No hay nada para ver aqui ‘ attached.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.Django
ParticipantDr. D good thinking as ever with the Facebook Kremlinology Project. I have noticed that anything climate related on FB now comes with a sticker urging you to see how your local temperatures have changed. The same sort of stickers that warned that Ivermectin is toxic and that the vaccines are safe and effective.
ParticipantPandemic of the unwashed unfoxed reported in Spain. 30 to 50 yearolds who didn’t bother to be foxed. Rumblings of food shortages in the future.
ParticipantThanks Phoenix. It’s difficult, to understand the plan
ParticipantStrange obsessions in Spain. Food wastage at schools. Campaign to stop this GDP destroying practice. Pizza crusts, bread crusts. Hang on we can use the waste for the most disfavoured in the community. Also the idea is to get kids used to being careful of wasting food. Fair enough. But the kids don’t have much say in what they get from their grand and parents. Chocolate bar sandwich ha ha ha
at the end of the school day. Well the old folk grew up hungry and worried about their grandchildren.Hunger Games ahead?
ParticipantThe sleeping peasants are waking up.
ParticipantOxy I was thinking of you whilst mushrooming. They grow at above 2000 metres here in the Catalan Pyrenees. Do you recommend cane toads as a narcotic being an Australian and all?
ParticipantTrue enough tdk. Does anyone else feel strange having to go about their daily business with this sinister plot being realised all around us?
ParticipantNew slang ftom the Archdruid’s commentators
Double Foxed
ParticipantIf you submitted a script for a horror movie like this they would think you were very mentally ill and required help.
ParticipantYellow vaxxination badges! Who says the Germans don’t have a sense of humour?
ParticipantSpain introduced vaccine passports in order to get into discos.
ParticipantAustralia, UK and USA to make major international security statement tomorrow 7 am Australian time. Anyone know anything about this?
ParticipantWEF Brave New World. Ida Auden.
My biggest concern is all those who do not live in my city. Those we lost on the way. They have different kind of lives (sic) outside the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities.
This looks like the permaculture alternative in the cross-hairs.Why is the WEF so concerned about these people?I’m one of them.I don’t want to live in a city with all my wants immediately satisfied.If Ida Auden is so deliriously happy with the way things will be why doesn’t she leave us alone?
ParticipantUgo Bardi warned us that the witch-hunts were coming.
ParticipantPlease Miss the powers that be said ‘ default’ and also ‘New World Order.’
ParticipantOroboros thanks for the graphene oxide link. Looks like it is becoming part of the official narrative by stealth. Oh yes of course we use it but we had to deny it because it was a secret ingredient. Next the parasite which really gives me the creeps. Of course we include parasites in injections after all leeches have long been used in medicine. And people will take time off and stand in queues for it.
ParticipantI am not a praying man but I pray for the Australians in the front line of fascism. I see they took the quarentene people’s drink off them and rationed it back to them. That is out of order. I hope they didnt find their weed.