Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 27 2022 #122008
    Dr. D

    “The Consumer Economy Has Completely Collapsed (CTH)”

    In once sense, great. People have what they need. However, there’s an entire infrastructure built on this, and a mental, social, and financial infrastructure built on that. All are entirely useless if we drop back to shopping levels of 1959. Or 1979, or 1989. Actually, we shop a lot. What was it, the US has 5-10x the shopping footage of anywhere in the world? That’s a lot of acres not growing food. At the same time, people are still buying every irrelevancy and nothing useful like shovels and canning jars.

    “41% of US Small Businesses Can’t Pay Rent this Month (JTN)”

    As with framing and pegging, even unconsciously, it’s not “7%” exactly. It’s a 30% increase in just one month. Usually that is how it’s expressed since it’s more dramatic and explains why they wrote the article for you and aren’t wasting your time.

    Well, they destroyed the first half of small businesses the previous years. And large business too – just that [Powell] gave them free money in “Fascism” to insure they survived and continued their company store merger with the State. Now they’re going after the stragglers. That’s what your 87,000 armed IRS employees are for.

    Speaking of, hearing several Press Releases out of Europe, DeutscheBank for instance, that says “Don’t borrow from U.S. Banks.” Yes, that’s Luongo’s thesis. They are harboring their own business and few remaining nickels and not getting into hock for the Fed system which is crushing them. However, new problem: if they borrow in Euros instead of Eurodollars, they lose control of the endless printing press and the world reserve currency (us), creating more free US dollars than the US, and have to stand on their own. So the Press Release shows Powell’s attack is biting. Rate increases have a 6-9 month lag, sadly. Long enough everyone denies they matter, every time. Note correlation of the DOUBLING of state gold purchases last quarter. (And how that never increases the price by even one dollar)

    “Most NATO Members Are out of Weapons for Ukraine – NYT (RT)”

    China only had to wait like the Indians, for the cowboys to empty their guns on top of the mesa. I thought wars were supposed to help the economy and that’s why we’re in them. War is Good! It’s Peace, practically! Well not if we don’t employ Americans building bombs and planes! What do you think, this economic recovery works via telepathy? No, via PAYCHECKS. I’m glad they’re so psychotic and idiotic they haven’t figured this out. Better THEY are unarmed, and I don’t want to work in their bomb and bug factory. And WE remain extremely well armed, more than every each month, and now including Democrats.

    “Lithuania, which does not have any more weapons to donate, has urged the allies to give Ukraine “everything we have.”

    Okay Lithuania: give them all your electricity and you can sit in the dark in solidarity. No? Why not? Because like Europe you’ll start any war as long as it’s somebody else fighting it? Yanks from Arkansas and Harlem while you sit home?

    “The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that is most profiting from this war is the U.S.”

    AND? So this is some kind of galactic surprise you never saw coming? That wars are expensive? So we’re supposed to fight YOUR war – to conquer Russia FOR YOU – entirely at a loss, and when we come to collapse and occupy Russia, just hand all their oil wells to you for an Attaboy? I see how this goes. …Because that would be the alternative to “profiting” by it.

    Thanks for being honest. Never stop talking, we know who you are. If so, then this really is NOT an American war, is it? It’s WEF/Davos puppeting our NeoCons and media.

    “America needs to realize that public opinion is shifting in many EU countries.”

    Yay! Do you not like us anymore? You want us to close our deeply expensive military bases and go away? Okay! And since you don’t have the same 200,000 men, you want to increase defense spending to 10% for a few years like Cheeto said?

    “The CIA has been developing fascists for 70 years” Yes. Worldwide. The same people funded Hitler’s rise, the Bushes funded it, Time lauded it, IBM sent equipment, and Ford won an Iron Cross for helping. Later, they collected the best Nazi talent in Germany and embedded them in CIA and DoD and moved on to Pinochet and the Shah.

    It’s an old story. But new one too: their children are Klaus and Freeland, Nazi grandchildren highly placed worldwide. Soros was young enough that killing people side by side with Nazis was his original childhood job, one he continues to this day. Greatest years of his life, he says. That is not hyperbole, there is a video of the interview.

    “The Biden administration has quietly approved plans to build a new crude oil terminal in the Gulf of Mexico”

    Notice no Refineries. The Kissinger US-Saudi deal of 1974 vowed the U.S. would build no new refineries (so we couldn’t double-cross Saud like Anglos do 110% of the time) And so it seems we haven’t, despite the deal appearing to be well-ended for over a year.

    But they don’t get into details. Likely this is related to IMPORTING oil, as Biden narrows down a long term deal with Venezuela. Although that also sounds crazy, we require heavy crude to mix with our overly light crude and gas liquids or we have no feedstock, and especially no diesel. The details matter. Oil is not actually fungible.

    [Censored] both publicly or via direct message…as well as former President Trump’s campaign account”

    Read and Censored all PRIVATE messages? And yet – not only was this false, disinformation that the laptop wasn’t real, but ALSO promoted years and years and years of OTHER disinformation? Every one of them? Russia? “Fine People” hoax. Chlorine attack. Burning of the White House church? Trump wasn’t wiretapped? No masks. Are there any false things they DIDN’T promote?

    See, this is why you can’t censor information/disinformation. WHEN IT’S NEWS, ie “New”, NOBODY CAN TELL WHICH IS WHICH. But these “Head Girls” (hmm does that have different meaning?) believe everything ever known is in the textbook, and no one disagrees on it. ‘Cuz “teacher says.” Despite that the textbook says the #Opposite from last year. “Don’t wear masks…they might stop a droplet, but are useless”. “Never take Trump’s vaccine. I’ll die first.” There’s no such thing as Epstein island, and Weinstein was an upstanding guy and close personal friend of both Cuomo and the Mahattan DA. There are no pedos in Washington. It’s the only 10-mile U.S. city that is 100% pedo free!

    There is. No end. To Twitter’s idiotic, transparent, disinformation. All in one direction.

    I for one, appreciate it. Like NPR and MSNBC, I know if they say it, it’s false. It saves a lot of time since they condense it to the headlines for me. Paul Pelosi? Oh then he’s picking up gay addicts and railroading them using the police and D.A. Got it. Stunning and Brave. #Tolerance. Never stop throwing gays in jail, Paul. For sodomy or the lack thereof.

    “Companies Join Call to Suspend Advertising with Twitter (Turley)”

    Yes, but this is so they can focus more money on poisoning the earth and supporting slavery in China. Now that Twitter is 3 inches closer to free speech (still 100 miles from target) it’s just not killing enough people anymore.

    Climate activists are now calling for millions of dogs worldwide to be slaughtered in an effort to reduce the “carbon pawprint” they produce as a result of eating meat.”

    We must kill the animals to save the animals. Environmentalists sure love extinction. Making all these species extinct is in their top ten list. And Humans are #1 on the list.

    “if our furry friends formed a separate country, it would rank 5th in global meat consumption”

    Except knowing nothing, being both ignorant and arrogant, AND asking no questions; starting with the conclusion then getting the facts, they haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. Where 10 seconds asking the position of the Pet Food CEO would clear up. Okay: some about of pet food is meat, but unless it’s very expensive, that part is not much. So we get rid of that meat component, so far so good. And the environmentalists plan on a diet of brains, lungs, and cartilage that is now going to waste? No. Like dumb-ss college kids, they’ll just dump it in the street, having never seen a farm even on TV.

    P.S. “Bugs are Animals too.” You idiots. So we’re going to replace animals with…animals? To save the … animals? Because bugs are vegetarians just like…I dunno, cows are? Some savings. But there’s one advantage: like all their wind and solar farms, they can pave and ruin ten-thousands acres of farmland with CO2-intensive concrete when they build the 10,000-acre bug factory. Then we’ll never have to worry about those trees and pesky farmland ever again! Goooooo Green!

    “All claimed to be working towards the greater good. All turned out to be frauds.”

    “Turned out”? WTF ever thought they weren’t? It would take about 60 seconds to know, as Sequoia and BlackRock found out (and knew all along). By now is there anyone who hears the words “greater good” and doesn’t think “transparent scam” and is 99-44/100ths right?

    “’I feel bad for those who get f***** by it, by this dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shiboleths and so everyone likes us.” –Sam Bankscam Fried and every other Leftist activist ever

    WTF are the people falling for this? Should we get them a short bus and a helmet? Or just a “Go Green” banner printed by Uygher slaves in China? I’m just speechless by what it will take. I used to think: “If they only knew”. Then I thought “When it hits them personally”. Then, “If their children.” Then I thought, “since they don’t care about their children,must be their pocketbook.”

    Nope. There’s no cure for stupid. “Stupid” in this case being “not thinking.”

    Continuing on with endless, GALACTIC stupid, sir, how exactly did the Crypto “collapse”? All the coins still exist. None of them went bankrupt. Oh because you took your valuable property and GAVE IT TO THEM for safekeeping, with no history, no oversight, and no security? Was it his fancy haircut that sold you on this great idea, or was it his expensive shirts?

    In other words W T F WERE YOU THINKING???????????????????????????

    I MUST find these people right away and convince them to loan me the keys to their house and car. Forever. With no security. Because we just met, and I look like a homeless street bum.

    Hey…doesn’t that imply the OTHER necessary conclusion? That it was all a pre-arranged, pre-loaded, transparent SCAM? That it was invented and RUN by BlackRock and Sequoia, by the U.S, Federal regulators? Because we know BlackRock does NOT hand you the keys to their office for being a Hobo? And the only way ordinary investors would join is if BlackRock, the SEC, Vox and Wired, Cramer on CNBC gave them the highest possible seal of approval?

    Um, yes. But this is a reporter and they believe anything. Without asking questions.

    “The simplest answer is greed.”

    No. The simplest answer is not “greed”. No one “accidentally” was “fooled”.

    Newsflash: crypto is ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. All other coins do not exist. i.e., “They are scams”.

    “ripping people off, as racket. He’s a racketeer.”

    Close. If you’re “Racketeering” it is by definition a “conspiracy”. Who are his co-conspirators, his crime cartel? Wouldn’t they have to be CNBC, BlackRock, Sequoia, the DNC, and the SEC?

    Yes. By definition this must be true. SBF is the coffee boy. …If that wasn’t so painfully obvious it keeps you up at night marveling how anyone could think otherwise. Ellison was a girl who provided…other services.

    “Schwab said he respected China’s “tremendous” achievements at modernizing its economy over the last 40 years. “I think it’s a role model for many countries,”

    Yes, they all need to up their consumption and energy use to the 25% used by the 5% of humans in the West. And to do that, they must pave all their rice paddies and poison all their rivers. So Greeeeennnnn!!!! Now why won’t the backward hicks in Iowa do that and be as green as the hipsters in New Jersey? Why do they hate the earth so much they grow grass and cows under endless blue skies? Don’t they WANT to save Mother Earth by putting up skyscraper pods? What is wrong with them keeping all these animals from certain extinction?

    Slaves. Prisons. Yes, it’s a mixed bag. If you’re on earth, are you ever free? You are ruled by your belly. Or worse, your mind.

    ““They are very, very, very worried,” Canadian Finance Minister Nazi Chrystia Freeland said”

    So very, very, very worried, that they never talked to the truckers even once. Nor lifted what was a clearly idiotic, unscientific restriction, even though this was long after we knew vaccines didn’t stop the spread.

    So worried! So worried we did exactly nothing, then did the #Opposite of all things that make sense and would fix it.

    Actually, reminds me of the midterm elections. Like WTF does the rest of the world follow it or care? I have to because I live here. If I were in Canada I’d write a letter of protest to the CBC for covering such tripe as the United States, which clearly isn’t a country but a clown show, and a failing bankrupt one at that.

    the outgoing Anthony Fauci continues to vouch for the jab, stating” After I got vaccinated, I got Covid at least three times! That means it works!

    “and how the illegally-funded and personally overseen Wuhan lab was the “Wild West” and why the lab leak was a serious possibility [was entirely his fault and would go to jail if he didn’t cover it up].” Fixed it.

    Another day nothing changes. Everything goes and nothing matters. A day where Einstein was right, the Universe is finite but stupidity isn’t.

    Speaking of arrows, they are superior to guns in several other ways. Broadheads cut through body armor like it isn’t there. Far superior when dealing with policemen. But we’re still talking about guns when you can kill thousands of people far faster using almost any other method.

    “I’m not going to stand by the edge of the banks of the reservoir I’m not going to break gonna fake gonna drink from the reservoir”

    When you look at it that way, thank God people ARE stupid and DO use guns. They kill far fewer people that way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2022 #121964
    Dr. D

    USuk. Pronounced “You-suck”, this is going to be my new favorite phrase.

    It’s a sharp upgrade from “USians”, pronounced “You-assians”, and includes more units of insult.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2022 #121947
    Dr. D

    “30-Year-Old Co-Founder of Crypto Trading Platform Amber Dies “Unexpecteldy” in His Sleep”

    That’s five(?) crypto heads recently? “Died Suddenly” is suddenly very common – and no one’s interested in it – but that’s quite a trend. How would you tell? What if like China — that the WEF said today is their world model – we just happen to have lock downs in all the cities that are upppity, and all the people that annoy us just happen to test positive and die? Like egg farmers?

    Or alternatives to banking that disallow central control we’ve been working towards for 100 years?

    “There Will Be Pain” – Binance’s ‘CZ’ Floats Billion Dollar Bailout for Distressed Crypto”

    You are kidding me right? Let me put it this way: if you need a bailout, you’re not worth being bailed out. Get stuffed. It’s impossible to need a bailout since the wallet addresses still exist, and the coins are in one of those wallets. (Same with US$ banking)

    I did see a headline on FTX today: “This Is What the Top of Mt. Stupid Looks Like”, with a picture of Ellison.

    “Post-FTX Regulatory Crackdown Will Erode Liberties, Accelerate Path to CBDC ‘Social Engineering’

    That may be true, but if it can be regulated by governments, or prevented by governments, it’s not Liberty. Because they will never allow it. Then we have the same system as now. The CBDC “Social Engineering” money is what we have now. All money is digital. Almost zero money is paper form. All the computer accounts that it sits on are completely visible and tracked. You already can’t move $2,000, enough to buy a non-working car, and they are already freezing your accounts if you visit Ottawa for entirely legal reasons.

    I think Elon Musk is right: the Mainstream News Media will now face a venue where its habitual lying is called out forcefully…”

    Not really, as the people are habitual liars who approve. It starts with us.

    Kunstler: “Think of it: all the college presidents and deans, all the corporate CEOs, all the judges, all the governors, mayors, and agency heads, all the news editors and network producers who did nothing and said nothing about the wholesale demolition of truths, values, and principles carried out by Woke-Jacobin maniacs under their watch. And what’s more appalling: they all pretended not to notice each other’s craven inaction and silence.”

    This is what I mean by an immoral state, or an immoral West. If all the PEOPLE are completely without morals, what do you expect? That governments would be wildly MORE moral than their constituency? That “We’d be better than Ourselves”? We all pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps? That if I, an immoral person can’t hack it, I’d give it to equally immoral person to enforce?

    And some, like Musk, do, and barely as he’s a uncaring, chick-flipping, auto-car smashing murderer. But the immoral population will tolerate no morality and justice AT ALLand fight it with their life-blood at every turn. So 100,000 : 1 attacks at any limitations of any kind. Even for all the open crimes we’ve seen for decades in the FBI.

    “It’s hard to overstate how damaging Twitter’s dark years of insidiously massaging public opinion have been to this country.”

    That’s its POINT. That’s WHY it was created. Or a a minimum, captured from Dorsey, who it took years to capture it back. They tried some alternatives, but the App is the Users, and via Network effect, Twitter wuz it. So…they captured it. It sucks, and it’s a bad place to start, but if that’s what it takes, they methodically positioned and did it. AFTER the election.

    “You can already see The WashPo and CNN attempt to make small shifts in their coverage of events, which double as efforts to cover-up their past lying in the hopes that the public won’t notice”

    Yes, with much more LYING. “We never said lock down, AND we were on Hunter’s laptop from the beginning. You must be crazy and remember it wrong.” Uh-huh. Since the people are more immoral than the reporters, they approve and aren’t mad at all.


    Remember “Event 201”, the almost unbelievably timed blueprint for all this? Their 80% focus was CENSORSHIP. Control. Messaging. Media. The disease? Meh. It kills people so who cares? Go as slow as you can, maybe we won’t have to cure it. Naturally this $40M is a pittance. FTX gave that much themselves for censorship out of the ESG extortion mafia family of insiders. CNN, WaPo…what do you think paying like-kind value for their worldwide, media-wide biased PR services would cost? $200 Billion?

    “Twitter Has Lost 50 of Its Top 100 Advertisers Since Elon Musk Took Over (NPR)”

    The ESG mafia got woke, went broke. Since like Comcast and Cigna, they provide zero services for infinite money, enforced by paid government monopoly. Aka, “Fascism”. Now that they’re broke because they suck so much they can barely exist, they don’t have the money for advertising. So it goes for violent, oppressive mafias that kill everyone: eventually the people don’t like them anymore.

    P.S. NPR is also broke, since they are an advertising/PR wing of the Democratic Party, paid for by Republicans from coast to coast. Good work if you can get it. Imagine turning Fox news into a State Media arm, paid for by a tax only on Democrats.

    “The company is run by pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell.”

    That means he’ll be right in 6 months.

    “Antifa Plans to Burn Down Tesla Outlets Following Twitter Bans (Cheong)”

    Yes but to be fair, Antifa burns down everything. They don’t need a reason. But Tesla stations aren’t black people or black neighborhoods. Can they burn them down anyway?

    “large number of Antifa accounts operate on the website to promote riots and provide tips to each other on how to identify targets and commit violence.”

    I thought violence was illegal! The only thing not covered by free speech! Not if you’re Antifa, and your targets are black people. Then it’s open season. #Caring!

    “Hours after the bans, Antifa militants took to the social media platform to organize arson attacks on Tesla locations around the United States, posting the addresses of Tesla service centers and dealerships. “As revenge for [Elon Musk] suspending violent extremist accounts on Twitter, [Antifa] in Portland are organizing arson attacks on [Tesla] locations tonight,”

    This is literally extortion and racketeering. There is no clearer definition. It’s also terrorism more broadly, although I’m reluctant to use that word for most actions. But isn’t burning things randomly and broadly, which easily spreads to the general population, in order to violently intimidate people into political ends, the definition of Terrorism?

    Not according to Biden and the DoJ. FBI. DHS. Light it all up! We’ll burn more. Harris will be around shortly with the bail money, plus wages for protestors, as posted in Craigslist.

    Elon Musk: I’ll Make an Alternative Phone If Apple, Google Ban Twitter (PM)”

    In the years leading up to this, they specifically deployed infinity money against every. Single. Cell phone producer to engineer this snooping police-state monopoly, aka “Fascism”. That was against Nokia, Blackberry, and I’m sure several others, who were top-tier. They cannot be allowed. Now we only have s—t phones that cost $1,200 and barely work.

    It’s also why they used the “App store” plan to begin with. For example, it was the dumbest, tits-on-a-boar-hog slap-it-on system in Vista(?) and 10. It didn’t work for s—t and they still had the normal app installation at the same time. But it was all to “Cloud” apps, where they OWN YOUR PRODUCTION. That is, if you piss off Microsoft or miss a payment, you can’t even read your own documents. Not only are the DOCUMENTS in the cloud, where they and corporate competitors can pay to read them (a technique well-honed by Microsoft/Cisco/US spying on German industry) but you don’t even own the APP to read them with. You whole company ceases to exist. Law, medicine, real estate, doesn’t matter what it is.

    Now why any company would consent to this, I have no idea, especially as 10 days of the year something gets hosed and the company-required bolt-and-screw tracking app goes down, but apparently industry is even MORE idiotic and fail-oriented than even Microsoft. And that’s saying something.

    Anyway, the point of moving to this far less functional platform, was exclusively extortion and control. The people love it! “Shut up and take my money for apps that don’t work!” –Middle Management Purchasing, worldwide.

    What WON’T they do? Hire three in-house programmers at half the cost to write their own system, which gives them instant changes and long term control of their own data. Never! We would have to EMPLOY LOCAL PEOPLE! We hates the money soo much!!

    Nope. Give it to Microsoft, the biggest failure in the known Universe.

    ““300,000 pieces of arctic warfare kit.”

    300,000 pieces? Like “Mitten: Left” and “Mitten: Right”?

    ““restoration of [Ukraine’s] territorial integrity,” “compensation for all war damage,” and the “punishment of every war criminal.”

    Just a few little things: Give back all Russian states so we can finish ethnically cleanings them. Surrender Crimea and your largest base and warm water port. Versailles-level reparations to Ukraine, forever. And the arrest and execution of Vladimir Putin and every existing Russian official. To be replaced by Navalsky, with 1% popularity, and convicted criminal (for fraud). Oh and first-strike nuke for Moscow when we immediately join NATO.

    Hope you don’t mind and we’ll be sending our Army to Moscow to make sure, shortly. Right? Now why you don’t want peace?

    “Moscow rejects any doctrine that suggests a nation can be declared “terrorist”

    That is correct. States execute “war” under an umbrella of law and are not generally by definition terrorists.

    “Why should the treacherous Poles get anything out of this?”

    Hahaha. That’s because giving them Lviv and Western Ukraine isn’t a blessing, it’s a curse. It would tie up Poland for a generation, and change them forever.

    “The Economist: Gas & Energy Prices to Lead to Surge in Deaths in Europe (RT)”

    But, but, but, “If even a single life is saved…” We shut down all freedoms worldwide and transfer all assets to the 0.01%. But now “We’ll do whatever it takes, regardless of how many grandmas killed”? Huh. It’s almost like you don’t believe what you say. You should hire Cuomo.

    “She is being pushed by some Democrats as a possible surprise candidate for House Speaker”

    Apparently they don’t know how voting works? And I can see why not, having not done it fairly since 2000? The Democrats DON’T VOTE. They have zero say in the matter. It’s a GOP-only party vote. STFU.

    “some Democrats want Cheney to run for president either to dog Donald Trump in the primary debates”

    Please, PLEASE do this. Cheney, aside from being the face of her failed, hated, war-mongering father, is the face of everything America hates about the RINO party. Every day she gets in the news is a win for Democracy and Populism.

    “would focus almost entirely on Trump and the work of the committee’s “Gold Team,” excluding reams of other investigative work. Potentially left on the cutting room floor”

    Um. That means they didn’t find anything. Again. And again and again and again and again. We now know (and covered by Dore) that the FBI DID have MANY agents inside Jan 6 going back months or years. THE HEAD OF THE PROUD BOYS WAS A PAID FBI INFORMANT. The #2 of the OathKeepers was an FBI informant.

    …Yet they had no idea! They didn’t stop it! So many crimes were committed, they never arrested anyone beforehand! Oh wait: if no crimes were being committed because no one has been arrested, WHY WERE THERE MOLES AND INFORMANTS PLACED? On what legal basis? That requires a type of warrant and authorization. That we the FBI infiltrate and keep dossiers on everyone? Including the Quakers? (This is true).

    So you were in there for years, these red hats had all pre-planned and pre-organized a violent, armed coup, yet no one was arrested, nothing was stopped, and the Capital wasn’t reinforced even when President Trump asked everyone from Pelosi to the doorman, and in fact Twitter and the whole planet to get troops and do so? When zero weapons were found and the court has already ruled it wasn’t pre-planned?

    That’s your story?

    Yup. And the American people believe every word. Unarmed people always topple the largest government ever without any planning or weapons after the secret state illegally infiltrates them and knew all about it for months. Duh.

    ““Wow! It was amazing to spend 7 hours with Dr. Fauci,” Laundry wrote Wednesday on Twitter. “The man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science.’”

    …And not “The Law” because literally every action he did was illegal. As Dr. Birx so helpfully wrote in her book: “We totally knew the vaccine wouldn’t do anything and wouldn’t stop the spread. So I lied and did it anyway and am very proud and happy.”

    “troves of discovery showing that the federal government and the Biden Administration have worked with social media companies to censor speech”

    This is a Civil Rights violation, arrestable, and able to serve long jail sentences. Also able to be civilly prosecuted for hundreds of millions in compensation, or even prove racketeering for organized crime.

    Huxley: And as he said in his extensive book, we first make sure they all have free drugs, sex, and porn. It’s critical to make them stupid and destroy the family. Is it “1984” or “Brave New World”? Both. Whatever works to make me more powerful and on full-service Epstein Island. It’s a Happy Ending.

    “What all the entrenched insiders in America’s parasitic, predatory elites and institutions don’t dare admit is that to protect themselves from consequence, we’ve had to sacrifice everything else…” –CHS.

    It’s like a cancer. Trust-fund kids COULD work hard and compete fairly. But why? It’s so much easier to win UN-fairly. But to win un-fairly they have to steal the gains justly due to smarter, better people. This is a cancer. The only way to maintain the unfairness is to create MORE unfairness and protect more, poorer, dumber trust fund kids. The circle affected must expand ever wider, involving more cheating, corruption, market to fill the black hole of incompetence generated by a few trust fund kids who don’t want to work, study, and compete fairly. Eventually the entire economy is a writhing system of unjust control, and a ragged rat’s nest of pure incompetence. Then it collapses and is conquered and occupied by violent outsiders and everyone loses, even the incompetent, unjust Insiders.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2022 #121816
    Dr. D

    Because I live in this society, can’t go one click without an example:

    “How Wednesday Addams Birthed a Generation of Cynics”

    How Wednesday Addams Birthed a Generation of Cynics

    Here’s an article that tongue-baths homicide, nihilism, #AntiLife, and (besides the article itself being inaccurate, right from the title) I dunno, among other things, violence, black magic, and casual murder for entertainment.

    They go right for it too: “In Republican terms, ‘family values’…” Go on…fascinating… I think you’ve already said what you mean. Republicans have “Family Values” and you are against Republicans, and therefore against “family” and “values”. Right? Am I missing something here?

    Since those values would be family, life, health, womanhood, childhood, and consequences you very expressly coo over Wednesday for being the express embodiment and #Opposite of those values. That’s why in the author’s opinion and outlook, they are “Good”. Because they are expressly anti-family, anti-life, anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-justice. They promote instead “A child of power”. That is, a nation of children running things, not adults. No? Is that not the basis and controversy of Greta Thunberg? That we should unthinkingly obey children? Eschew and reject maturity and reason? Stop me if I’m wrong here.

    The irony here is that the AUTHOR is the one bringing these mores to the table. Things such as “Every woman needs a man”. THEY are the ones who have internalized them, and as an outside reader I really marvel how on earth she internalized them so absolutely, and where on earth she imports them from. It’s as if all these Leftists were raised in 1952, with Poodle dresses and Church on Sundays. Instead of, as it no doubt was, all that was completely dead a generation before they were born. I see this elsewhere with “The CHRISTIANS” are after… (Insert ‘The Latest Cause’ here) Gays, Blacks, drinking, trees…random word. Dude. THERE ARE NO CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA. They’re like 3% of the population. There are more people who believe in Sasquatch. They don’t control Jack. That’s why it’s so jaw-dropping this people what don’t exist


    They’re living rent-free inside HER. No wonder she’s so mad! It’s like worrying what the Underpants Gnomes would say and what they would do to you. THERE ARE NO UNDERPANTS GNOMES. You live in Brooklyn, you’d have to drive 3 hours to FIND a Christian. …Or a Republican. I’m just beside myself about how unreachable they are in this state. How do you politely introduce that “The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” isn’t really running a world-wide secret conspiracy that controls Chicago? Trust me? It’s a put-on similar to the “Church of the Sub-genius”, and somehow you didn’t get that it was a joke?

    So again, ** I ** didn’t say every young girl needs a boy. ** I ** didn’t say everyone’s walking around in a cheerful “Stepford Wives” June Cleaver reality. ** She ** walks around with that, and when she talks, it comes out as her baseline and foundational paradigm. Of universal reality of all life-on-earth-since-the-beginning. It’s only because this incredible, un-natural, proveable un-real reality exists for her that she must rebel so forcefully against this by going full Anti-family, anti-woman, anti-life, pro-murder, anti-justice..

    Because of this, she misses the other essential reality: The REAL Addam’s Family WAS written in ** 1938 ** (yes, generations before the 60s, although we could start there) and “The Addamses are a satirical inversion of the ideal 20th-century American family” –Wiki. The JOKE is that they are the #Opposite of what is, and what can work. That’s not an instruction manual. Like “1984” and “Idiocracy”. She totally misses this essential context and point, and therefore wants the #Opposite of everything that is likely to function to be widely installed society-wide. We only print and promote it if it’s the #Opposite. Like all girls can beat up all men with movie kung-fu, and all black Americans before 1870 were nuclear physicists. The new one being all people occupying Victorian London were people of color.

    She literally quotes “Rebel Without a Cause” as if that America is relevant, predominant, and surrounding her today. In a world with universal porn and face tattoos.

    “Values never ascribes Wednesday’s outlook to cop-outs like loneliness …her appetite for chaos needs no excuse. “She’s at that age when a girl has one thing on her mind,”
    “Homicide,” Wednesday answers.

    Homocide, really? “truthfully, I can no longer remember a time when I wasn’t casually talking to people about how much we all wanted an asteroid to take us, now.” — Jezebel Author. Yeah, I can see why! Have you thought about trying something different? Actually rebellious? Part of such a tiny minority you barely exist? Like, but not limited to, being a Christian?

    But not to leave on a low note in these article reviews, there was a wonderful series that perfectly captured the real Addams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlIAhjRwOIE

    Of course seeing this, Hollywood immediately put a cease-and-desist on fan fiction instead of immediately hiring Melissa Hunter and making a TONNE of money for YEARS doing exactly what she told them and what the people wanted. Because Melissa understands what Jezebel doesn’t: Wednesday is funny because it’s a joke. Re-read that sentence if you have to. It’s a #Joke because she is the #Opposite of what is, and what can be. That is, as the first novels claimed, “art once served to educate and edify,” And by “Edify” they meant be a Moral tale, leading people to correct behavior that works, even if by hyperbolic and amusing bad examples. Mr. Collins for example. Or in hyperbolic, barely-believable form, Emily Alford, professional writer, L.A.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2022 #121810
    Dr. D

    “Britain Provides Helicopters to Ukraine for First Time in War”

    Ideal. Now they can blow the crap out of them in a big demonstration to all. And these helicopters are older than Richard Nixon? These choppers are older than more than half the country. That should go just great. Best of all, Britain can no longer deny that they are a direct participant.

    (Sea King is 1969. Nixon was President in 1970. The median age in the U.S. is 39, that is, 1983.)

    I hear the Montgolfier Brothers are free if Britain wants to send dirigibles. They’re supposed to be fighting the LAST war, not the last CENTURY’S war.

    Lira: “Dispiriting”. Yes, that’s my experience. You’ve been written from birth to do these things, think them, use them, so without electricity, you need not only to deal with actual dark and cold, but to re-write most things about yourself. Into a different person. Life re-localizes? Down to a VERY local, like your line-of-sight? Yes, but that also makes it real, tangible. You also re-animalize in several ways. I suppose the poor these days haven’t experienced this, as generally they’ll keep up power, heat, water, and cable for you, and now smart phones. That may not be much, but it’s essentially very different from a tin shack with an outhouse. In many ways the shack is better.

    Economist, “Frozen Out”. “The Economist”is the Rothschild’s Magazine. That’s an interesting cover.

    “One can hardly imagine anyone sitting on today’s U.S. Supreme Court writing such an opinion.”

    Yes, because like Roberts and Kavanaugh, they’re all actually Liberals. Republicans who follow the speed limit and have followed it Leftward for now another 30 years. No? What’s their position on gay marriage? Yes, I don’t see Eisenhower and Billy Graham supporting that. So CLEARLY no one is turning back the clock. Ever. So this writer feels the Supreme Court itself is largely against the Constitution and its principles, which is overwhelmingly true. Like all governments and government employees, they always side with government. Like FISA, with no review and no censure for problems. Suppressing all investigations if problems are found. If they weren’t pro-government, they wouldn’t be chasing and working for them. But the Constitution LIMITS government. It’s not a rule on US, it’s a rule on THEM. It doesn’t GIVE us Rights – those we had all along. It is a business contract law of employee and employer…and WE the People are the Boss.

    ““The people have spoken. Amnesty begins next week,”

    The Left boycotted, double-crossed, and refused to join the committees that would control the discussion. They said, “Obey me slimeball, and I’ll sit here in my apartment not working.” …Hey, aren’t you an employee, while telling your boss on the company platform to suck your d—k? How do you think that would go over at the DQ HQ? Not good? Insulting your boss, ordering him around, openly declaring you defy all orders, good for employment? So psychotic the concept doesn’t even register. After they are already fired. And both the firing and severance was Posh! EasyStreet!

    …And there’s the meme going around where Elon asked programmers to stay late and work because: yeah, a lot of problems to be fixed, or things to be changed, that’s for sure. When it was clock-punching, and we saw the video of the gal wandering from latte to yoga studio on the clock, they were half women. When the company needed Overtime, every woman bailed on work. It was 99% men. I don’t know what to say about that. There’s a lot of framing, interpreting, but that’s true over society as well. Something like half of women don’t work but 90% of men do? That’s why they suck, we hate them, and they should probably all be killed. CLEARLY the superior people are the ones who don’t work, and the bad people are the ones who do. “From each according to their ability”…at gunpoint, comrade.

    I was looking for that meme, but this one is funnier:

    Anyway, no conclusion on that, needs more review.

    “which online safety experts predict” Well, that’s wrong then. It’ll be the #Opposite. Apparently these “experts” have never been on “The Internet”? There’s nothing on the Internet BUT harassment and misinformation. That’s the POINT of Internet. Why? Because if you go to WalMart and talk to the people, you’ll get nothing but disinformation and harassment there too. Yet here they pass a law that apple trees must give bananas. “The Internet” is an expression of US. …Sadly the government is an even WORSE expression of us, via the natural selection process.

    “Resigning were…Twitter’s head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth.” Who did the #Opposite of everything in his job. BOTH banning innocent people without review AND supporting kiddie pron for years. By shattering Safety, he thereby personally shattered TRUST. So sad he’s gone. Now maybe kids won’t be r….. well this is a family show. Keep it classy, Yoel; maybe NAMBLA has a job for you.

    “Major advertisers have also abandoned the platform.” …Before returning 40 hours later.

    ““content moderation council” later immediately ”broke the deal”

    They spoke, therefore they were lying. Cheating, and destroying. It’s their religion.

    “ NATO Doesn’t Supersede the U.S. Constitution (McKnight)”

    Again with the definitions. Our Rights come from GOD. Our Creator. NATO does not supersede God. Duh. Yet this is exactly what Statists believe. The State is God, before God, replaces God in their minds and actions. Atheism writ large, which is why the first attack, even generations before, was against religion and the Church, BEFORE attacking via the State.

    NATO is not above God. This is their belief, their hubris, and their certain destruction as we see today. God is #Logos, Word and Truth. They believe they are above Reality, Reason, and Truth. Their express and only enemy is merely #Truth, and #Reality. “We’re an Empire now, and we create our own #Reality…” How’s that working out for ya? Tired yet?

    “Any member of Congress or news talking head saying Article 5 requires an immediate military response without a debate or vote is either lying or woefully uninformed.”

    We well know that’s true of all of them. Since it requires 30 seconds of reading in plain English, the are also bloodthirsty, reckless, illiterate morons. Never forget.

    But his opinion that “we would declare a war” is so cute I could eat it. That’s the law = we don’t do that. We do the #Opposite.

    “the Ukrainians were firing on Russian missiles from a direction that they could not possibly be coming from.”

    That goes with what I was saying. Apparently we have the radar blip and the missiles weren’t accidental? They immediately went West for no target? That’s why they hit the only standing object withing 20 miles? This needs more confirmation but doesn’t surprise me.

    “an invasion force should number three times the defending force”

    They inverted this by a factor of 6? (that is, 3x over and they were 1/3rd UDF?) And still took four provinces? Yup, they totally suck in the history of war suckage. Can’t figure out why Custer’s Army didn’t prevail against the combined manpower of 5 nations.

    He said something about torture? They’re by-the-book. They are not allowed to destroy civilian targets or infrastructure, only military ones, or in this case, dual-use ones. The power grid was allowed to be on for a year, helping Ukraine immensely. But it also runs the nationwide rail system to move arms and troops. What are you supposed to say? They still minimized casualties amazingly, taking this out. Ukraine literally argued that the LACK of civilian casualties meant Russia was bad at war. Literally. Because they wanted more casualties?

    ““If they [Kiev] don’t want people to die, and to die in huge numbers … “

    They DO want them all to die. Because that’s Joe Biden’s genocide. They already killed 100,000, more than that have left and will never return, and the power out will quickly kill that many more, this time adding the women and children, ol’ Joe is circling back to sniff.

    Please do not do this, although it is already too late.

    “The US military has declined to give an exact breakdown for billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine FTX” Fixed it. We have no idea where any of that money or weapons went, and the Republicans are evil for asking. Next?

    In WWII, we just made Sherman tanks, filled them with money, then put a random address and a postage stamp on them and they went somewhere in the world. Right? How dare you demand we follow rules and laws we already have? Hey is arming random governments and random crime syndicates like those in Finland a felony offense? Nope. A medal for making Sweden the hand-grenade capital. A medal for hardcore war weapons to organized crime in Finland. A medal for ten-thousand guns to the Zeta cartel in Fast and Furious. Medals all around.

    “referring to the Italian government as “enemies of France.”

    One-Europe. United under anti-God, Ursula.

    “have been released from the administrative center housing them, despite the minister’s previous assurances that “(they) will not be able to leave the administrative center.”

    1) They said it.
    2) They were lying.

    You know, I really get tired of saying it, and very tired of it being true. But I don’t see anyone’s behavior altering at all to accept this reality. If they are lying; we know they are lying; they know we know they are lying; and we know they know we know they are lying, is somebody going to start acting like it and not ask Government to “Pass a Law” and save them?

    Anyway, what Darmanin really means is, the French PEOPLE are the enemy of France. Since they agree with the Italian people on this. What is “This”? That immigration has rules. Any rules. Any at all. Everyone follows rules at the heel of the boot except immigrants. Whoops: nope them too. ILLEGAL immigrants. ONLY if illegal. If you’re legal, from Poland or Canada. F U. “The only legal people are the illegal ones”™ That sounds crazy and it is, but this is their express, specific, long-term actions.

    “It is hoped that the price limit would allow Russian production to remain at pre-sanctions levels, but reduce the country’s oil revenue.”

    Yes, we know that’s what they WANT, but they are trying to go Up and Down, both Left and Right at the same time, and so psychotic they can’t understand why that’s not possible. “They” being “the people”, who similarly consent to such insanity.

    “German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock rebuked Budapest and Ankara for delaying the ratification”

    Wasn’t she the one who declared there was no Germany? That she would support Ukraine ahead of Germans for the rest of her life, to the death of every German on earth if necessary? What’s she doing talking about the proper place and procedure of nation states?

    “Oddsmakers Favor DeSantis for 2024 (JTN)”

    Step back from this. Who would approve of ANY of them? DeSantis is lauded, but isn’t he still further Left than the Supreme Court? Supporting lockdowns, etc? That’s the GOP: the “Go over the cliff SLOWLY” Party. As opposed to the Thelma and Louise Party. I hardly think it matters.

    “What on earth made them go public with this?”

    AFTER the election. And seeming with no outside driver.

    Note they did NOT find these accounts when Trump was President. Wouldn’t that be Trump’s evilly-evil government running Meta against 1A, an impeachable offense? No? Had no idea back then but with Joe as President, after 2 years, suddenly they do? That was the same evilly-evil government DNC Congress gave MORE military and secret-agency money too. Not only MORE $$ to Trump and his government than last year, but ten-billions MORE than he asked for. That’s how against Trump they were. Uh-huh, boy-howdy. #Hitler. So we gave him an EXTRA $10B. For free!!!

    “Let’s put this in simple terms: If “ESG” is a net positive for a company then nobody has to exempt anything”

    This is the same as solar or wind. If they worked, they would be cheaper and come into the economy voluntarily. It’s only if they don’t work that government need be involved. So the very fact government wants them is proof that it doesn’t work. If it doesn’t work, and we’re paying someone to install it, isn’t that just fraud and theft?

    He’s not taking this up, but since Exxon and Amazon are “ESG”, the word has no meaning. It means “Our mafia friends”. “We use extortion to force you to give money to our friends, and refuse it to our enemies. Even when that DEFINITELY costs you money.” I.e, the definition of “Extortion.”

    “This “rule” amounts to an admission of collusive price-fixing”

    That’s called “Racketeering” and you get 3x damages in a Civil Suit. As he points out, that’s also Anti-Trust. But those are laws so we do the #Opposite. When it comes to court, judges rule the #Opposite. Because we are #AntiLogos religion, fighting God with every day, in every way, hating him So. Much!!!

    I thought it was against the #Law, to establish a Theocracy. Yet that is what we have with the #AntiLogos, #AntiReality there-are-no-genders I-was-never-born-of-woman citizenry. Suit yourself. You can stop any time you like. Just come back to God. That is, back to your senses, back to your right mind, and the pain will stop. They won’t.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2022 #121750
    Dr. D

    Trump said he was running, but not for the 2024 election.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2022 #121749
    Dr. D

    Worth adding at this point, no nobodies from nowhere suddenly got a docket on the Supreme Court for Election 2020.

    What? There were 50 lawsuits, highest-profile names, all declined for standing, but Dr. X from Arkansas goes to the top of the docket? Yup. And AFTER the election.

    Okay, what does the case say, that 2020 was a transparent fraud, all the congressmen, Presidents, and Governors should be thrown out, with all their Secretaries of State who oversaw it? Of course not. America is a nation of liars and weasels. We wouldn’t tell the truth even if it were easier and helped us. Tut tut.

    The suit is extremely small and says only one thing: Proper procedures weren’t followed as legitimate legal requests were made for election review. Instead of allowing the 10 days, Congress et all certified anyway. Mr. Supreme Court, is this legal?

    …Of course not. And that’s an easy 9-0 decision. Because it’s a technicality that is clear as written.

    So, should they rule, or even 5-4 on party lines, what does that mean for Election 2020, Congress, and the President who is seated? They are effectively de-certified.

    Okay well those 10 days are pretty darn long-passed, then what? You can’t just review it now, WHO would we trust to do the reviewing? Not THIS Congress and president, and we can’t install the OLD one. Huh. Funny ol’ world.

    I presume that only the MILITARY would take orders from the USSC to put the electees in escrow to sort it out.

    HOW? By having another election, overseen by the military. And that would mean some time from now, at least a year, as you’d have to give everyone time to campaign. And be a big enough event and bang for even American blockheads to remember.

    So will we look into 2020 and 2022 election shenanigans? Install the Post Office patent for honest (blockchain) voting? They own the House, why not? Or the present House can hand off to the Military Courts, who already know. Trump had executive order for election review in 2020 and already referred it all to the 10 agencies.

    No? Then why is this case on the docket? Why is the timing like an invisible, magnetic attraction?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 24 2022 #121747
    Dr. D

    Somehow still crazier than I thought:

    “Colorado Gay Club Shooter Identifies as “Non-Binary” with They/Them Pronouns”

    Also, so wtf was going on there for motive?

    Next Andre Bing in Va. We’re on 22 of 25 are Leftists so far?

    Now we need calls for Joe Biden to show some class and not politicize their deaths. Is now really the time, Joe? Nope. A minute later campaigning for gun control. Me too: if only everyone were well-armed this wouldn’t have happened. (Something else would have happened.)

    “Howls of Outrage after New York Times Confirms SBF to Speak Alongside Zelenskyy, Yellen”

    This is awesome. All the criminals together in one place, no shame. Billion dollar criminals, or need not apply.

    “a group of individuals gravitated toward one another for no apparent reason…inexplicably headed in the same direction

    Again noting nothing happened for the election itself: Twitter is purchased just AFTER it can help the election. FTX is clearly the biggest election story, easily brought down for an October scandal, but Binance takes it down – actively – the day AFTER the election. The House goes to GOP, Trump says in his candidate declaration, but before final tallies. That is correct. The House is taken only by one: the exact amount needed to have committees begin investigations. Note unlike the last 40 years, the GOP suddenly wastes no time. Why? They didn’t do jack between 2015 and 2020 when they had a majority. Nothing since 1996: they call them “Democrats driving the speed limit”, “the fast communists vs the slow communists” for a reason. Why the rush? Press meetings suddenly ask questions. The day AFTER GOP wins, Supreme Court releases Trump’s taxes.

    Notice all these things? They all have in common being a plan that is prepared but suddenly put into action. And that plan takes action AFTER the election, not before. That is, strangely it suggests they were not trying to win the election, but only need one hammer to ring the bell: The House. (They used the Senate last time)

    Why? They only need adequate control to gain the real prize and the real government: The People. CNN down, reforming. NY Times: constantly discredited, failing. Twitter, the public square: captured. Parler, Truth Social, Gab, etc: alt-platforms built and occupied, ready for use. Disney: smackdown. Google’s CEO: MIA.

    Since they released Hunter’s laptop and nothing happened, they — the White Hats — circled round and captured a few more of these chess pieces to start again. What was lost but time? Would you prefer a Civil War? If it only cost time, retained control and only your fee-fees of frustration were hurt, then suck it up Buttercup.

    But my point here was: what R the odds? All working together, all same target date, like an invisible magnetic force.

    Why is SBF being reported so gingerly? For example by calling him “SBF” instead of his real name “Bank Fried”?

    So let me get this right: SBF who had the clearest multi-billion dollar crime in history is innocent and walking around giving expensive public speeches, but Trump is guilty of something we can’t name and needs to go to jail. …And this is not partisan at all, just good law and order, social justice.

    “The more they throw into the mouth, the more they suck out of it. The system works perfectly for them and, what is left, once processed and liberated of most of the real substance and value, is excreted through the blackhole at the end.”

    A very expressive metaphor and probably correct. The beast’s purpose is to absorb and extract money, the blood of life.

    “Sam Bankman-Fried has now demonstrated that he is both a pathological liar and a sociopath, the kind who in “explaining” to his employees how he stole billions (over $4 billion”

    Need to watch the whole South Park “Margaritaville” episode again. Not the Fed headless chicken part, or the “Aaaaand it’s gone” part. This part where they go to the jack-ss CEO who says, “Mmmm, yeah, um, yeah, your money’s not here, yeah, sorry, yeah…” The only thing I can think, as a child of a dozen insiders, is that he thinks he’s going to Ken Lay island. That is, he goes in the front door, out the back door, and Sydney Carton appears to take his place in the docket. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/t/a-tale-of-two-cities/summary-and-analysis/book-3-chapter-13 (Wiki wasn’t precise enough)

    So just as I’ve said, he makes maybe $500M for his trouble in service to the CIA and DNC. Some poor drugged up drunkard ends up in prison or having an “accident”, and Bankman retires to Thailand next door to McAfee. That’s why he’s so relaxed. But not being an old cynic he doesn’t believe the CIA would double cross him despite every measure he took and every red flag thrown up. Like Lee Oswald giving a notarized statement to the Russian Embassy, and using a gun that’s impossible to shoot. There’s an old movie “F/X” that’s about staging, swapping fake outcomes. Suuuuure you’ll be fine, Sam, but wouldn’t it be easier to just NOT swap you? “Burn Notice.” Sorry old chum.

    But this would explain why HE is so relaxed and won’t shut up, doesn’t bother with lawyers, etc. He’s an a staged op from the get-go. He knows it. They discussed it. When collapse is the PURPOSE, why wouldn’t they have pre-planned their parachutes? There’s zero chance FTX was a going concern. Nothing was lost. All the money was stolen and handed to his Party Capo as promised. Why WOULDN’T they fulfill his retirement?

    Anyway, FTX seems to be taking down the next exchange now. And elsewhere there are derivatives involved. They don’t activate for 30 days, and derivatives are $2 Quadrillion or more at this point. $2,000 Trillion, which is $2,000,000 Million Billion. Like zillion-grillion-killion numbers I make up some times: equally not real. It can take a few FDIC banks in that sphere, and the 100% fraud of Tether, dropping crypto AND Dollar-banks.

    Much fun as that is, Credit Suisse is the same, no different. That like-kind ponzi, empty shell also blew up and has an equal-sized hole. Difference is, it has a Fed et al to print money to bail it out. That was the PURPOSE of a Fed: to the be “lender of last resort” so JP Morgan wouldn’t have to do it in his living room. They dirty the carpet.

    Again, the coins aren’t gone. There’s nothing wrong with Bitcoin. When MF Global went down we didn’t say “Dollars are fake” “Stocks are a scam” or “Commodities aren’t real”. Global was an EXCHANGE. Not paper dollars, stock certificates, or a truck of orange juice. Obviously those are real. If you put your car in Self-Stor and they steal and sell it on you, that’s not the CAR’S fault. Problem being: regular guy and investor can’t tell that. To them it’s “Crypto isn’t safe” and that’s how it is. Interest and investment falls.

    “EU Parliament Brands Russia ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’ (RT)”

    I see how easy it will be the turn the taps on now. “Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey”. Of course that’s the POINT. Of MacKinder. However, without conquering Russia Europe will slowly collapse in darkness. Darkness matching the religion of their leaders, the religion of nihilism and death.

    “adding that such a resolution “carries great weight.” The EU parliament’s document adopted so far is largely symbolic”

    Signaling! Can’t you see me signal??? What’s wrong with you, I’m signaling! Helloooo…?? Know your place; I’m talking to you, Juanita!

    “a comprehensive international isolation” of Russia and “to swiftly complete its work on a ninth sanctions package.”

    Slow learners. “If at eighth you don’t succeed…” But these guys also think the vax works so well you need five of them, and another every four weeks. That’s what makes it a “Vaccine” and not a “Therapy”. Darwin, I guess.

    As for family taking them, yeah, I know. But this isn’t the first time. The government has always lied, ALWAYS, since all of us were children. Because of this, logically you must always expect they will pull something like this, you’ll have to liquidate your property and flee over the Alps to Vermont (while singing in harmony, of course). So some have further to go than others, but we ALL KNEW. If they’re on life-long denial and never created any life boats or contingency plans, whose fault is that? You can always – though not easily – drop back to the level of an immigrant, illegal immigrant even, to live like a gypsy and save your life. Many have, millions, and a thousand times in history. We look down on the Jews denying and remaining in Europe for instance. Well, this was your chance, and they made their own choices, not in 2020, but in all the years leading up to.

    If someone is trying to KILL you, yes, flee to NY and become an illegal taxi driver. I can’t do it for you, but I have my own lifeboats. It’s called a “lifeboat” because it’s desperate and not as nice as the ship.

    “ Huge Swathes of Ukraine Without Power & Water (ZH)”

    Since nobody understands anything, the Grid is essentially a standing wave. A power plant of any sort has to integrate to the cohesion of the standing wave. A power plant cannot run without a grid to push electric into. That’s why with the North East Blackout, when the transmission failed, the power plants shut down as designed although there was nothing wrong with any of them. Part II: you cannot just start up a power plant again. Strangely, most of them require there to be a grid, or at least a whole lot of electric, to “turn it on” before it re-attaches to the Grid. Carefully.

    So that’s what was done here: Russia took out the Grid switching stations, dropping the Grid, but leaving the Power Plants intact, especially the nuclear ones. Also leaving all the towers, poles etc intact, just the substations. Like Russian rail, different gauge, this equipment is essentially “Russian” and must be made in Russia. It’s not impossible, not a state secret and I suppose Westinghouse could do it but they never have before and have hardly any capacity even for our own grid. The other choice is China, Russia’s ally, but even they probably have a 1 year lead time.

    Great plan. Go all-electric. Sure you won’t have any trouble in California, with forest fires, with charging, with blackouts, with trucking, with range, with rules.

    We should really invent a new energy source, hydrogen, or based on chaining hydrogen bonds. Rather than being flammable and under dangerous chemical tension, we’d make it a liquid to be consumed and removed, for light weight, then filled, so as to “charge” the car in less than two minutes. It would be flexible, as the energy isn’t grid-tied, and hopefully underground, and can re-fill twenty cars at a time. It wouldn’t use any rare materials but something very common and cheap like steel and aluminum. I would have the highest energy density, going 500 miles on a charge, and yet if it was injured or caught on fire wouldn’t burn too easily and could be put out with water. Lastly, you should be able to put this energy in a box and carry it around, to your mower or tractor, giving it essentially infinite range for just a few dollars.

    WE HAVE A SYSTEM LIKE THAT. It’s called Gas and Diesel. We already built it, at many trillion$$ expense. Electric is substantially inferior. You’d be better off with a golf cart or a 1920 Model T than that. I would. You can probably fix a Model T with a screwdriver and a file.

    “The country is now in an extremely dire and urgent phase,” and it’s winter. I can’t tell you how grave this is, and how difficult and all-consuming just living becomes, unless you’ve lived in a deep-cold winter. You think pulling water in buckets and waiting for the food truck sucks in summer? You ain’t seen nothin’. “This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco
    This ain’t no fooling around.” I ain’t got time for that now.

    “EU Has ‘No Right’ To Get Tired Of Ukraine Conflict – Kiev (RT)”

    Yup, Kiev is the world capital and first nation, more equal than others. It’s the Fifth Reich.

    “Gold purchases by regulators more than quadrupled in the July-September period and totaled 399.3 tons..”

    They’re always preparing, yet nothing happens. Like Russia tying the Ruble to Gold. Yes, and then nothing happened, they never pulled the switch. The dollar goes on, and with it, infinite-compounding corruption.

    “Oddly, the advertisers are abandoning the platform as its user-base is growing to record highs…”

    Yes, the Mafia is broke and collapsing. They’ve been hoarding all strength and dollars only between fellows. So is NOT advertising — to a larger base — going to bring in less money? Sounds like it’ll collapse you, but slowly, bleeding out. As fascists, they cannot exist without direct violence by government, forcing tax money and monopoly sales to their private coffers. They keep losing key pillars one by one as the White Hats target them and methodically and with irritating slowness, remove them.

    …You think that’s bad, what about the kiddie pron revenue lost now that Twitter won’t allow it? There’s the real bucks and blackmail.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2022 #121714
    Dr. D

    Phoenix: Yes, that was my thought as well: ignore all arguments except blind authority. This week someone commented that their work asked them why they won’t take the Vax and the 29 point answer? Don’t care: we want to know what AUTHORITY you adhere to that is not OUR authority. It’s literally being a Peasant-Lord status with the according papers of owernship. If the Lord were, say, the archbishop, they would accept his social position as being preeminent and give you an exemption. If it were his local priest, they would protest. But a man HIMSELF, using LOGIC? Does not compute. Ask again. Does not compute. Ask again. To this mind of humans, free autonomy of the soul does not exist for themselves and also others.

    So much the worse for us.

    I felt Germ was also schadenfreude, but there’s nothing in the text itself that demands it. The vaxxed are f’d, or some of them, according to his data and belief. So to get bent I’d have to ask more. There’s enough trouble I don’t need to look for it.

    Same idea as Bosco, it’s not Covid Putin fears, or most probably with Russia’s own and different vax: it’s straight bio-assassination. Which they DEFINITELY want to do and have said so. They would then blame on Covid, so any protest would sound stupid although perfectly accurate.

    I have heard that the withdraw from Kherson is okay, the vacuum they left in the city Ukraine can’t not fill and occupy. However, having evacuated it’s a free-fire zone for Russia with nothing Ukie can do about it. Suck-fest common in war, but if they had tactical brains they would find a solution rather than throwing valuable men into a pre-targeted kill zone.

    Still, having left they will still need to get back there, which is a big detour in time, men, and location. Again, such is war. If things are going well, the enemy isn’t doing their job. And is therefore a trap.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2022 #121672
    Dr. D

    “Emmanuel Macron Comes Clean: “We Need A Single Global Order”

    Run by Me, of course.

    Not run by Russia and China, right? So it seems THEY run it, Russia OBEYS it. Or else.

    Now I know why we haven’t heard about the gay club shooting: “A former U.S. Army officer has been credited with ending Saturday night’s mass shooting at the LGBT club in Colorado Springs.”

    This outrage shall not stand! How dare he prevent our shooting. At the “Q” Club. Cute!

    “Police identified the shooter as 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich,” who was known to police. Not arrested or restrained for previous threats and bombs.

    Not only was the shooting stopped, but the shooter was taken alive: a double loss for police. Official police policy for shooting gays or children is to wait outside for at least an hour until everyone is killed, as in Pulse and Uvalde. Then the close friends of the shooter are executive VIPs at a DNC election event. Thanks to this Army guy screwing it all up, dozens of people weren’t killed.

    One last thing: since he killed 5 people, is he released free with no bail yet? Anyway, OBVIOUSLY no press coverage, the most they can do is headline: “Mass murder of Gay drag hour in Conservative town: Veterans involved” so they ran it.

    It’s late but I stopped clicking on such stories, knowing what I’ll find. Correct again.

    “Chaos broke out in the White House press room on Tuesday, after multiple reporters asked Anthony Fauci questions about the origins of Covid-19”
    “”You need to call people across the room! She has a valid question, she’s asked about the origin of COVID,” a reporter from Africa Today shot back.”

    Because words have meanings, “Chaos” did not break out. That’s a lie. However they DID ask the question. Same reporters. Why now suddenly? And this shows Joe Biden, same racist as always, has his racist secretary STILL do not ask any questions from Africa. Only the “Right” people. Who can Shibboleth properly like SBF said. https://www.theepochtimes.com/fauci-makes-final-white-house-appearance-as-press-secretary-shuts-down-covid-questions_4879704.html

    Just to be clear: this is the specific research he paid and funded, overseen by people he interacted with regularly, and against the express will of Congress.

    “Germany Gives Poland Patriot Missiles to Defend Airspace”

    Defend from Ukraine, apparently, since that’s who bombed them. Now who will defend Germany’s infrastructure from deadly multi-billion dollar energy attacks?

    “Wealthy countries will now set up a fund to cover climate damage for the least developed countries—i.e., not China or middle-income nations. …Some reports suggest that the US will be on the hook for up to a billion … the total amount due would be $4.3 trillion.

    [Paid by] polluters except for China.” Who creates 30% of all carbon, and worse than that.

    A lot in that quote, but to me it just says: debt compounding, they need a new excuse to add ANOTHER $50B/month. Doesn’t matter who. Doesn’t matter why. Doesn’t matter to where. Like Bitcoin, all US$ circulates and remains in the US$ system. That’s what “Systems” mean. The US$ system needs more debt/cash or it will collapse. I don’t care who you give it to or why, just get it.

    This money fire-hose just goes to the “Right people”, and not to the people who we’re trying to kill and have “Own nothing” aka “The Middle Class”, especially in Europe, but DEFINITELY the Deplorables in any state where they can be found. Thus: No checks, NEVER, although that would be a FAR better, faster “solution.” They’re not at the end of inventing reasons to print more money and power for themselves. No sireee. They print themselves faster than Dogecoin.

    “Last week we said that the latest greenwashing virtue-signaling eco-boondoggle, the COP 27 UN climate summit Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh ended in failure as participants couldn’t even agree on a fossil fuel pledge. The only reason it wasn’t a total disaster is because it introduced Greta Thunberg’s far more effective replacement – Iranian Sophia Kianni”

    SSDD. BOHICA. They’re all minons, cogs in “The Plan,” so we pop out one cog and pop in another one. They’re all interchangeable and have no essence or value.

    “Exposing just how hypocritical the virtue signaling by all the western “green” nations truly is – …more than 80 countries had supported a proposal to phase down the use of fossil fuels at the UN climate summit in Egypt, …
    Ultimately, however, the agreement by almost 200 nations reached after all-night discussions did not go further than the weakened Glasgow COP26 pledge to phase down polluting coal power and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.”

    This did not include China, who is building coal plants, and to whom the West outsourced all their pollution so they could all feel good about themselves…by supporting both coal AND slavery! Why support one or the other when you can have both! AND streams poisoned with rare earths.

    Honestly, Europe has now done more than anyone to cut CO2 and keep climate promises, and we should paste the picture of the leaders who approved this in every bus station and train station so we’ll know who did it. …Because they’re about to euthanize a few hundred thousand poor people. Killing grandma. Ah, and Cuomo’s still out there.

    ““The world will not thank us when they hear only excuses tomorrow,” said the EU’s green chief Frans Timmermans.”

    Yes, the world will be extremely mad when they hear you DIDN’T kill half a million Europeans in just the next 4 months. Amazing Student Council ego-politics when actual people are actually dying, starving – and being shot – worldwide from the policies they ALREADY enacted and failed. …Or succeeded, if killing humans was the goal.

    “Democrats Sue to Block Election Recount in New Hampshire”

    We count until we win. THEN WE STOP. What don’t you understand? We don’t recount just because that’s legal and accurate. And we don’t keep the machines and ballots secure for a year just because tampering with them is a felony. We open the doors and tamper with them right away like Arizona.

    Approval of marriage: Yes, you can see how America is returning to being a Nazi, racist state when all the people are interracial couples and all their children are mixed race. This puts quite a crimp in the overall edict that people MUST be distinguished and separated by race. But we have a solution! Like the KKK, the government follows the “Single drop of Black blood” rule. Poof! Races now exist! Now we can make them fight! When most/all Americans are the progeny of 5 or 10 different “Races”.

    “NATO can’t defend ANY of its members against a truly modern military..”

    Nor will they. As has been proven a dozen times. Yet confidence goes on and on forever, like Einstein’s “stupidity and the universe”. Nothing changes.

    “When the Ukraine war hysteria finally dies down – as the Covid hysteria died down before it – it will become obvious to vastly more Americans what an absolute fiasco this whole thing has been.”

    Yes, but nothing changes. Tomorrow they will start a new war/help/initiative that we must send $50B in aid to the Ferengi. CNN will report and the world will approve, along with Congress, although the Ferengi are a fictional people on a planet we haven’t discovered yet. There will be Ferengi discussions, Ferengi hate crimes, Ferengi censorship, Ferengi shibboleth tests.

    “the article debunks the notion that there is a move towards a ‘New World Order’, despite the panelists at the World Government Summit openly discussing that very agenda.”

    Yes, my constant complaint. And nothing changes. So I guess we deserve it? If they’re right at the table next to us, discussing which sheep to eat, and we the sheep deny and say “Pshah! Never!” then I guess we deserve what’s coming to us? Both by their morality, but also ours?

    the current economic downturn in Europe, … attributed it to growth in Asia instead,”

    We were always at war with Estasia. Don’t you remember? 12 year olds always died of heart attacks and we never locked down, mandated vaccines, or stopped Ivermectin. You must be crazy.

    If you think otherwise we’ll just put you in a psych ward like this nice Swiss Doctor over here.

    In reality, I’d have a hard time correlating the effect of Asia on Europe. It’s much more clear and dramatic in the U.S. They seem to have done much better by it, with Germany in particular selling machine tools and setting up factories under more profitable conditions.

    “A sizable portion of the refugees, however, have gone to Russia, with more than 2.8 million recorded in the country.”

    3 Million are already in Russia and I presume that does not include the 4 new Oblasts. That’s why Kerson was empty: the first half, the Ukrainians, fled West rather than be under the Russians. The second half, the Russians, were all evacuated back to the Russian side. Ukraine then declared toughness and wild success — Victory in the whole war in fact! — in taking a city of 10 people. This is true all over, such as where Lira is, and is a standard feature of war and human nature. However, that’s logic, so we never use it or report it.

    “Russia Threatens to Cut Gas Exports Due to Ukraine’s Theft (RT)”

    They’re broke. So they need to take gas without paying.

    “CIA Reveals Plan For Disgruntled Russians (RT)”

    Yes, but only every day of the year for 50 years. 18,000 days in a row. Who do you think the Saker is? He is one such Russian hired by them decades ago. Also I’m quite sure they do the same to us, why wouldn’t they? But since the Left hates America more than cancer, I’d look for their recruitments there.

    “App store ‘gatekeepers’ Apple, Google Play and Amazon could all decide to deplatform Twitter itself”

    Muh Private Company. As Leftists wildly support 1) Private companies 2) Capitalism and 3) Billionaires. Nothing better! I pledge allegiance to the flag, or Twitter, Google, and Facebook. And to the Profits for which they stand, one World Government, indisputable, with Liberty to do what I tell you.

    Anyway, Parler: “Muh Private company? Okay, here we are!”

    Everyone: “De-bank, de-platform, de-contract all the Parler servers.”

    Oh so it WASN’T “Muh private company”. Because you were speaking, it was a lie.

    And so here. “Twitter private company. My company, my rules.”
    Elon Musk “Okay.”
    EU, Congressmen, Apple/Facebook/Google: “Not like that! I mean your company OUR rules!” You know, like “Own and Control the Means of Production.”

    Muh-huh. How many days can I come out here and say, “They spoke so therefore they were lying?” I guess I’ll never know because the first day I don’t it’ll be because I died.

    “Fossil fuel interests have taken over climate talks. The acronym COP for “Conference of the Parties” should be changed to “Continue Oil Production.”

    Yes, but the oil companies and Amazon are the top picks for ESG companies. Surely this means they are green!

    “This is part of the bigger problem which is linked to the overall corporate capture of the U.N. climate talks… We need to kick the big polluters out.”

    That would be YOU. And China.

    “On Monday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked deposition requests handed down to three officials in the Biden administration,”

    Somebody want to explain to me how there is any Law when we have nothing but judges contradicting other judges? And the law is only what the last Judge randomly said? “We’ll flip a coin but when it comes up tails and I win, we stop, okay?”

    Confidence. There is no “Winning” here. If we don’t work together and confidence is eroded, they win. “They” being Agents of C.H.A.O.S. I can’t stop that because unless you are moral, you can’t work together and deserve confidence and order.

    “Greek Food Prices Consistently Higher than EU (K.)”

    They really need to nationwide Permaculture. It would be worth any billions investment and hundred times more than any debt servicing or submarines. Of course that’s true of every nation on earth. Instead we’re stopping all food in Holland and Canada.

    “[Greece] second to last behind Bulgaria.” That’s why they need to pay for DeutscheBank and the War.

    ““They really haven’t articulated facts which justified the appointment of any kind of counsel..”

    Yes, there is no named crime. Therefore, it is a scam. They spoke, therefore it is a lie.

    Africa 6% vaccinated and Covid immune…

    We must never, never look.

    “Many doctors would insist that the vaccine does not cause what I was suffering [from].”

    They know this because she took the vaccine and the symptoms started immediately. Obviously no scientific cause or effect here. If there were, wouldn’t there be a thousand others whose doctors ALSO refuse to help or report?

    “My family doctor pretty much …refused to run any tests for me.”

    That’s been my experience. You don’t want drugs? F—k You.
    Idiocracy. With Doctor Mercedes.

    ” New WHO Pandemic Treaty In Final Stages, Would Overrule US Constitution (NN)”

    Hahahahaha! No. Nothing overrules the People. Who have 400 million guns. Oh and also they totally never wrote about this being their exact plan for 40 years.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2022 #121626
    Dr. D

    Don’t mean to pick on this guy but “We are very similar to Nazi Germany, We only have a small window of time left.”

    “Canadian Government Literally Proposes State Execution of Living Babies”

    Yeah, if we don’t look out, we could be killing thousands with eugenics and funding/supporting/arming/joining Nazis.

    And also if we don’t look out, we could end up in a Recession where we have 2 quarters of declining growth and the biggest yield curve inversion ever with 100M people out of work, housing stops fastest ever, and even Amazon crash-halts their construction.

    If we don’t look out, snow could be white and water could be wet.

    Will they ever notice “When it happens here”?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2022 #121601
    Dr. D

    CME CEO Terry Duffy Recalls First Meeting Sam Bankman-Fried in March 2022:

    “Duffy went to Congress and told them FTX was a bankrupt business model and he was ignored just like he was ignored when he said Corzine knew he had used customer funds and knew where the missing $1.6 billion was.”

    And Harry Markopolis on Madoff. And they investigated all of ’08 and “Subprime was contained”. Seems like every time there’s a multi-billion dollar transparent open fraud, it’s pretty hard to hide. Billionaires aren’t stupid: they know what it takes to get and move a billion dollars. And these guys can’t, which means they just steal it. It’s fraud. And if there’s fraud, there’s just payoffs and fraud payoffs.

    “The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, led by Damian Williams, spent several months poking into FTX’s massive exchange operations. It failed to find any fraud or crime before the exchange collapsed.

    Yup. All clear! Thanks SDNY, the greatest center of fraud outside of Ukraine.

    This is that short clip of SBF calling Elon in the lurch (again, trying to draw more people and money in), and claimed he had billions. Elons says, “$3 Billion – Liquid?” Yes. …And he knew he was a fraud. Only a child would think, or rather answer in that way. NOBODY is $3 Billion “liquid”. If you called the Federal Reserve to transfer the Swiss National Bank they would hold up, delay, cut into tranches your $3 Billion, because movement of that kind of money anywhere would destabilize the system. It has to be done carefully, with warning. That’s why it’s not “liquid” by definition.

    Elon was probably looking for an answer like “Well, not exactly, I can probably raise $1B in 30 days from various sources, and can give you a $1B stock interest in the company, plus a $500M agreement in another company.” Like, easy, fast, pretty equivalent, but you know: realistic. As if the person in question has ever dealt with more than a $500 hotel bill. SBF had not, and he was the supposed front man? Running it? No. This tells you he also didn’t establish it and wasn’t running it. That he was a fraud, exactly as these two said, and directly told Congress.

    “Taliban Quits Twitter to Protest Return of Trump” – BBee

    And from 2018: “Democrats Shudder at Idea of Having to Legislate through Congress Should Supreme Court Lean Right

    Nope, still haven’t. 4 more years. Not looking good for the next two either. It’s so important we won’t do it!

    “AP Fires Reporter Who Risked Triggering WWIII with Polish Missile Misinformation”

    Yes, but the probably fired him for FAILING to trigger WWIII. Just kidding, for a change this is probably right. If so, this marks a watershed where the first time in 50 years America begins to take things seriously.

    “USA Wins,” Morans! Now let’s see who’s bad at math!

    ““the Euro-Atlantic area is no longer at peace and that the global security environment has deteriorated rapidly” …Because of the unprovoked bombing of the NordStream Pipeline. Unfortunately, their Euro-Atlantic enemy is the NeoCons and Brits.

    “Russian leaders “must be judged as terrorists in front of international tribunals.”

    Again, no definition. “Words mean whatever what I wish them to mean” because they decide “Which is to be master”. Terrorists generally by definition cannot be nation states. Nation states make war instead because they’re not useless, pointless, helpless nobodies and have real power. Terrorists don’t or they’d use tactics that function.

    This NATO article is bookmarked by a new and evolving media narrative highlighted by Lira here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUW2SLz6_dk

    Official NY Post (!) front page, transparently false propaganda from one end to another. Like wtf is this ygtbfkm false. Key takeaway: NATO is still after Crimea. Because they know they can’t beat Russia without it, why I’m not sure since above-water navies are about as viable as steam dreadnaughts, but hey, they wrote “The Plan” in 1910, and they ain’t gonna alter it now! But since it keeps them preoccupied with an outdated, unworking, losing plan, never change! Your desperate incompetence is probably saving the world.

    “Peace Talks Would Require More Weapons for Ukraine – NATO chief (RT)”

    We’ve done it! War = Peace!

    “UK Bypassing Its Own Sanctions on Russian Oil – Sunday Times (RT)”

    Well of course! Rules for thee but not for me. Signaling. We said it, so it was a lie. All of the above.

    “It will be difficult for the UK to actually stop Russian oil from arriving in the country”

    Yup, the Brits just aren’t that smart! Totally impossible. We can find it with the most illiterate glue-sniffers on the island: reporters, but MI6 and the BoE can’t even. Guess we have no choice to go on being warm and eating then. P.S. If any oligarch crosses them, suddenly they will be TOTALLY able to tell where the oil came from.

    Legal experts have expressed doubt it is possible to unilaterally confiscate another country’s assets under existing international law.”

    But they’re doing it anyway. “Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!” They’re broke, and need to steal money: your money is here, almost like Fate! This is how they haven’t collapsed yet under Powell’s 400% rate increase. That and Biden’s direct injections to Davos, only some of which circle back to FTX. Any questions?

    Speaking of: “Fed’s Daly: Currently expect fed funds rate to top out around 5%”

    No, Powell already said he’s up to 7%. They’re still ignoring him “Fighting the Fed”, just like ’01, ’08 and every other time. Painful to watch. “BuyBuyBuy” — Jim Cramer.

    Ukrainian Attacks Risk ‘Nuclear Disaster’ – Rosatom (RT)”

    Another day the UN, IAEA, NATO, Biden, and World Bank love it. Along with every Blue-and-Yellow flag in the U.S. and worldwide. Signaling! Signaling that we love to bomb nuclear power plants and cause Chernobyls! That’s Green. Empathy: so caring!

    What did SBF say? “I feel bad for those guys who get f—ed by it, by this dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and so everyone likes us.”

    It’s okay to bomb nuclear power plants and irradiate Europe if you’re for the caring free sterilization of children. …Or something.

    “…but the IAEA still claims they can’t figure out who’s doing the shelling, i.e. it could still be the Russians.”
    “We would like these random attacks from somewhere to stop,” Haq added,” as an open letter to the world.

    Note, this is all AFTER Ukraine (Britain) tried to attack and take hostage their own IAEA inspectors en masse. We approve of that too! So sad no one was killed! The IAEA is hiring! Apply today!

    By early 2023 the evidence of excess all-causes deaths and disabilities resulting from Pfizer and Moderna shots will be overwhelming..”

    Hahahaha! He’s kidding right? It’s been overwhelming for two years: Zero. Zip. Nada. They have “American Soccer” levels of bad at math. Again, a fantasy that 1) Americans have the brains of a slug 2) They will do something about it. Clearly neither is true, so adjust your map and trajectory. From here, they could have quadrupled daily deaths from here and no one would notice.

    “Smith faces the unenviable task of investigating a presidential candidate less than two years before the election.”

    I thought that was election interference! Not when WE do it! And Biden was NOT a candidate at all, and they weren’t investigating him but his family, with whom he never once talked about business matters. Right?

    So now being RELATED to anyone in government – or FORMERLY in government, completely retired and too old to run – makes you immune to investigation. …And you wonder how we get titled nobility and an oligarchy. This position of related birth is then a life-long free card.

    Meanwhile, after 6 years of investigations, no discoveries, they are opening ANOTHER investigation because a conspiracy theory that Mueller is a Russian Agent? Whoops: Logic. We don’t do that. It works COMPLETELY and perfectly. No one notices a single one of this long list of things.

    1) He’s guilty.
    2) Of what? Don’t know.
    3) We should open our (first) investigation and,
    4) Impeach
    5) A guy who isn’t in office and
    6) Is a declared candidate which is
    7) Not election tampering when one party arrests all the members of the other party.
    8) This is all laudable and will not have any consequences at all, be it political, legal, financial, or military as our country becomes the laughingstock banana republic of the universe.

    Sounds good to me. Free speech: now we all know who you are. I can’t save you from yourselves. If the country is composed of reckless idiots, then the only thing that can happen is we endure the consequences of our reckless, immoral, idiotic actions. Go forth.

    “If Italy elects the wrong parties during parliamentary elections, the EU “has tools” to coerce them,”

    Submit or die. This is how we’re all together as one thing: You all have the freedom to do exactly what I say. We are all one under my ego.

    World Cup: Qatar, an anti-gay state uses open slavery to build the arenas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMqLDhl8PXw (John Oliver) Teams joyfully agree but wear rainbow colors to “signal” while giving FIFA and Qatar 100% of their money. Qatar then double-crosses on both gays AND beer. Teams “Signal” by backing down even this tiny, pointless token of protest. FIFA crows about how much they have caused Qatar to progress in human rights. Next year do it all over again for another $1M/per FIFA board member, choosing China, Russia, and Pinochet’s Argentina.


    ““I feel bad for those guys who get f—ed by it, by this dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and so everyone likes us.” –Sam Bankman Fried, biggest con artist in world history.

    Yogurt: To make this clear, they are so removed from food – and reality, especially as an adult human female – that she thinks milk comes from “Cows”. “Cows” itself having already lost all meaning as “Adult FEMALE Bovine”, specifically excluding “bulls”. “Cattle” is the general term, distinguished from “calf”, “heifer” “ox”, etc. That is, Bulls do not give milk. Human males do not give milk. Only adult females give milk, a fact she might be aware of, being an adult female.

    Also, entirely ignored, overlooked, not known, completely forgot: Adult Females cannot give milk unless they recently gave birth. To calves or human babies for instance. Thus formula shortage: you can’t just start up again or hire the local cleaning lady.

    It is unfathomable how detached we have become from basic reality, and how deep into abstractions we are lost. I guess it’s a death sentence and this young girl will die of stupid.

    Adding: if you think being a COW is bad, you should try being a newborn male calf, which has no purpose in life, either in a domestic or a wild herd. But we must not kill them. We must raise them to old age. Which is completely unnatural and never found in the wild.

    Ask questions, you might learn something. But their violence and arrogance prevents it. A violence and arrogance directed at me each day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2022 #121532
    Dr. D

    “FDA Says not taking Ivermectin was just a suggestion” …that you better follow or we’ll remove your license and take you to court. See? Totally voluntary! Not violence at all!

    Home Price: Well, yes, but only a sub-5% drop? After years of +10% rise? No. They are higher than in the history of America. They were 3x wages – and that was before thousands of nuisance costs and fees we pay today, like $100/mo cell phones. In ‘08 it was up to 6x wages? And now that is both higher, but actually thanks to BlackRock taking all the Fed’s free money and overbidding all houses coast to coast, the overprice has become dangerously widespread. That is, sure prices were too high in San Francisco, and expected to be so with high jobs and growth, but remained only upper-average in Spokane. Now prices in the 12 cities hasn’t risen much, but they’ve run up houses and rents in the rest of the country that never had wages to begin with, and in fact wages have dropped. (By number of possible positions)

    That’s touchy but all real estate is local as they say. It only matters what it is for YOU.

    “all the real skinheads. They all went to Ukraine,”

    Yes, they attracted them there like a bug light, then Russia kills them. Brutal, but effective. I approve. It seems mostly voluntary.

    In the same way they attracted all the corruption there, then smash it with Hunter and FTX.

    Videos of Execution of Russian POWs in Ukraine Are Authentic – NYT (RT)”

    What brought on this sudden bout of journalism from the NY Times? Who is directing them? They never move without permission.

    “ Ukraine Shelled Radioactive Waste Storage – Official (RT)”

    Clearly the IAEA and the UN approve.

    “Can’t really call this “the smart money”, can you?”

    No. It’s really just corrupt money. Minions following directions. 50 out of 1,000,000 creditors are special. “More equal than others.” Me guess they are all the important, politically connected ones that can pay for privacy. 50 names but not 100?

    And we know 5 new Epstein names, but not 6 or 7? Why? Who decides? And since we already know BlackRock and McConnell, Pelosi and the DNC are on the FTX major-donor list, who is being protected?

    For some reason, SBF just knew that he was supposed to oppose repurposed drugs, though he knew nothing about the subject”

    Yes, how is that? Minions follow orders. Apparently the other part was, the original terrible test that “proved” the vaccine was funded by FTX. A rushed study full of holes. That’s odd: why is a Crypto exchange neck-deep in proving pharmaceuticals? Shouldn’t Pfizer do that?

    They’re all income streams of the same mafia. Drug-dealers Pfizer was hard for cash that minute, we had our counterfeiting arm pay for it.

    “FTX is not one kid’s brainchild.”

    I agree. Too fast, too specifically set up, too instantly funded. It was intended to get in quick, outsize, eat all the crypto competition to banking into a vertical consolidation, then collapse and bring in regulators that would erase – or more actually control – Bitcoin and crypto. The way they still presently control gold, although in theory it’s an “outside money” asset.

    Interesting point with Serum being “worth” $3B or $3M: crypto is crypto and dollars are dollars. They are two different systems and barely meet. We are still valuing BTC in terms of dollars not in terms of Amazon purchases. Several points with that one, but there are two parallel financial systems that like oil and water cannot be made to merge. I agree Serum is worthless, but defining that worthlessness in dollars is off point. What’s on point is if the banking system wobbles, the crypto system is not attached to it and cannot be made to be. Similarly the stock and housing financial systems of value are of no interest, because young people don’t own any. If they vanished everyone from age 35 and down wouldn’t care. It could collapse and not affect them. Those are systems for 40yo and up, and mostly 60yo and up.

    So we have four? Six? Age-determined financial systems. If the Dow crashed and the nation voted, they wouldn’t save it because Z, Millennials and half of X have nothing in it, and they are the national majority. They would vote TO crash it, because home prices would fall for them. But Congress is owned by the over 60, and realistically the over 80.

    So we were talking about 100 disconnected financial systems and money issuers like existed under Jackson. Here we are already; all you need is the over-sized curtain of Dow and Banking to fall as it must. It’s been levitated and there’s no reality under it.

    “James Rickards says a huge crash is already a certainty sometime in 2023.”

    Yes, but this drops some prices: Dow and banking, perhaps houses, and not others. Gas and Pasta perhaps.

    That’s true of some prices – it’s ALWAYS true of some prices: in 1929 gold rose IN RELATION to the Dow – but also in this case, some “financial systems” and not others. CitiCorp, but not your Credit Union? Amazon but not the local hardware? The opposite? Can we even predict?

    We centralized, now we are un-Centralizing.

    “But another candidate plausibly pledged to the enactment of the Trump program and supported by Trump but not stigmatized by him,”

    What we have is a breakdown of trust. Republicans came first to the point of not trusting, after Bush and decades of betrayal since Gingrich. So the Republican base may not like Trump, but they trust him, if that makes any sense, because they’ve seen the other side attack him so actually. All the right people are his enemies. That could be true of other Republicans, even DeSantis, but not enough. They still 60% suspect DeSantis will reverse all actions and promises like every other politician since…FDR? Being to save the ‘29 crashed banks and be against the war? Since every politician since ever? Since Jefferson called Adams a hermaphrodite?

    Even if Trump DID promote DeSantis, the base wouldn’t believe him. Surely that’s ridiculous: they’re in a cult, they adore Trump and do anything he says. Nope: they were against Trump’s magic vaccines day one. They were against his boy Bolton. They were against all kinds of things and said so loudly. Some cult. So Trump promoting Desantis, Paul, whoever, MEANS NOTHING. No one will believe him. That person has to prove themselves. What does that tell you? What does it say that this reporter doesn’t know that? What does it say that the general reporters always keep looking for the “Source of this disinformation” because in their world no one thinks but are only Minions believing and following orders? The very IDEA of people thinking for themselves and not by authority is foreign and incomprehensible to them. But they’re from Harvard, so…

    “AP: Zero Evidence Joe Biden Discussed Hunter’s Business Dealings (Turley)”

    1) They printed it.
    2) It’s a lie.
    3) It’s a day ending in “Y”.
    Oh, and
    4) All American people joyfully believe it.

    Joe and Hunter shared bank accounts, flew on Presidential planes, communicated on business regularly, and are seen in all the same business pictures, where Joe met with his business partners in D.C. hotels. Their own business partner said so. This is not connection or discussing. Got it.

    “Elon Musk Addresses Child Sexual Exploitation Content on Twitter (Tasm)”

    This is how you know it was run by the bad guys and captured by the good guys. Pretty simple. Now if only we can stop Facebook, that major marketplace for children.

    CO2: why do they hate nature so much? Don’t they want a lush, green world filled with giant animals like the Triassic? Do they prefer this world of deserts, ice caps, cars, and cities?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2022 #121499
    Dr. D

    Luongo has the same take as I do on FTX: made to fail, to rob, and to regulate. He defines that the core value is to erase the competition first, i.e. Binance. That is a necessary component and why it failed too soon. Also that the purpose BY eating the competition is to roll the residue of reality, i.e. US$ and actual coins, int FTX so they could all be stolen. Hey, robbing a bank that’s 99% empty is pointless, yes? Unless the 1% remaining is still $10 million dollars. And it was. FTX did both, from day 1, overseen by regulators who are identical to the same money-center banks, that is, NY and Wall Street. However, it blew up spectactularly and prematurely, while not taking out any other important exchanges. AND the regulators/government look like the cause, not the solution.

    “First, our Western culture prizes charity and philanthropy while stigmatizing the receipt of such gifts. This is out of balance, for without receiving, there is no giving. How can giving be noble and receiving be sordid?”

    You’re missing exactly why it’s sordid: It’s not charity. Charity is GIVEN. Voluntarily. Taxes are STOLEN. Forced. How can a right and just act begin and end with force? How does it end with force? Because when it’s government, it isn’t “Given” either: it’s required. Via the rules. Then if you’re misbehaving, if it’s doing you harm, too bad, you get it anyway. We don’t stop because you’ll take this to O.D. tonight: I’ll just write that down on this database that goes somewhere, maybe somebody will act on it, but probably not. Thoughtless, soulless disconnect from humanity and need. Install faceless, uncaring, miserable bureaucrats trying everything they can think of to forestall the needed giving. Then everything they can think of to prevent your returning to health, prosperity, and the ability pay it back by being able to give your own free charity someday.

    This principle is exactly the same as sex as love, and sex as rape or prostitution. It really WOULD be great, IF ONLY… But it’s not. It’s extremely corrosive.

    So IF it were charity, it would be two sides of the same coin, and honorable, as it cost something. But it isn’t. It didn’t. Worse, it forestalls or prevents or impoverishes normal people so much with their 50% overhead that they can’t, and don’t see the need for, providing and experiencing charity, of themselves helping, participating, and giving to those in need. This impoverishes them, and us, as well. But what are we supposed to do? Pay it twice? Yes, I pay in taxes to have this fixed, then the state blows half of it on hookers for the Governor. Am I supposed to ALSO give charity on my own? Does anyone have that kind of money? Wouldn’t we fix the first violence, theft, and misallocation first? …Then we just go in a 50-year debate about how it’s being executed without paying the slightest mind to those in need: the party of providing and the party of fixing it alike. Is this what we want?

    The strong produce more than they “need”. So we just take from them. Cough it up, bucko! I have need, so chop chop, gimme your money. Go get more. Your car’s almost paid off for you and the kids? You almost reached an inch of safety? Too bad about that! My need never ends, so why not take a second job for me while you’re at it? Really? Now this is merely an attitude, but surely this is not what’s meant. This is not moral either.

    Instead of creating charity, this is preventing charity. The charity of doing good. That can only come from your own, voluntary self-sacrifice, not of the receiver, but of the giver. When this is freely given there is a second part: that is the receiver is aware that this is a sacrifice that has real cost and therefore real meaning, and therefore can be certain that THEY the downtrodden have value, and is therefore not something owed but appreciated, and with the appreciation that comes from the heart – of your joint sacrifice, to mean to do the best for someone who valued you enough to give an unbidden favor. THis is one of the MOST foundational of all the downtrodden in my wide experience: that they feel hated, discarded, unvalued, unloved. But the State provides empty nourishment, hollow food. The State hates your guts by their every action in charity. They demonstrate daily how worthless they think you are, and demand groveling and compliant gratitude. This is a major part of how things get constantly worse until some ONE — a real person — intervenes, and not with MONEY. Who cares about g-d–n money when you’re dying? But with LOVE.

    The Government’s place is to stop all heart, all meaning, all value, and all appreciation: the things that bind a community and nation together. They replace it with widespread and terminal resentment, poverty and ill-use until now all charity has the same bad name, and the same bad feeling associated throughout the population. It takes a lot of work to get there, but they’ve spent trillions making it happen. Congratulations, now EVERYONE hates each other: both givers and takers, rich and poor alike.

    Is it really that hard not to use force and violence on everyone? Is it really that bad to ask?

    I guess for what it’s worth I give to charity relentlessly, and know many people who need or use it all my life. Very little helps as almost all problems are systemic, due to extraction, or are outside forces, like mental illness and disability. The only cure is a real community.

    Impossible to find any conclusion on Buffalo, I assume that means it was a lie. (Was it published? Then it was a lie.) Best I can see from pics, 3 feet in places? But 1 foot in the city itself? Well that’s not seven feet. I guess we’ll have to round down and call it a drought.

    You know, if they hadn’t called for seven feet I would have found 3 feet in 24 hours very impressive and worthwhile. Jut like calling for the end of the planet every 7 years for 35 years in a row.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2022 #121465
    Dr. D

    “Gun Sales Skyrocket after Oregon Passes Measure Restricting Gun Rights”

    The Eastern slaves are restless and looking to flee, so the Western slave owners have to disarm them. Colonialism, human slavery, all shades. Since probably 100% of gun crimes are in the West and Portland, why do they feel the need to outlaw guns that are safe? Yes, because: slavery. They don’t want their slaves getting free. I guess we’ll see how that goes. I’d say not well as they are excellent shooters, but these days it’s more likely to be cut off in the Supreme Court instead.

    “CBS News Stops Posting on Twitter out of “Abundance of Caution”

    CBS finally does something about misinformation. They’ve stopped talking.

    I was going to write an article that I was shocked and assured that both the Wisconsin black supremacist mass-murderer, AND the NYC Antifa lawyer who firebombed police AND handed out firebombs widely, were both sentenced. However, the lawyer was given a slap on the wrist for trying to kill…well everyone, anyone, police…AND commit arson in an EXTREMELY dense, populated area where thousands could die easily. So, it’s still carte blanche for leftists: kill anyone you want, especially black people, neighborhoods, immigrants in custody, and Kamala Harris will get you off. It’s an old Weatherman tradition: bank robbery, arson, murder, then Congress! Where the real felons live.

    But Theranos was sentenced to 11 years. For a hundred-billion dollar white collar crime that gave completely false, random results to millions of medical tests. So yes, also a pittance, a slap on the wrist.

    “Ukraine Rejects Alleged Offer Of “Short Truce” By Russia: “A truly real, long-lasting and honest peace can only be the result of the complete demolition of Russian aggression,” Zelensky said”

    Another very smart move by Russia. They’re still massing for winter: no difference. But they can demonstrate Ukraine hasn’t the slightest interest in peace, of any kind, even a test peace to prove good faith. And that their intent is and remains the complete annihilation and subjugation of Russia. And to show it to the world. Again.

    If I were Ukraine, I’d take the peace and double-cross them. Again. That’s tactically smarter. They’re not that smart.

    But in the Heroic Polish Tractor Incident, don’t we see the shadows of what we’ve seen all over for two years? They’re not really running things, especially the military. America at a deeper level is stopping the escalations. If this is true, then America is also ALLOWING Russia to solve their Ukraine problem by taking it over. Just the way we solved their critical manufacturing and financial weaknesses by embargoing them – gently – for 5 years. I don’t know how people can’t see this. If I keep robbing you and every day you get richer, what’s happening?

    A federal judge in Florida partially blocked a law that forbids schools from telling students that certain people are “privileged or oppressed” due to their race or sex, calling it “positively dystopian.”

    This is quite interesting, and why governments should not be involved. “Government is FIRE. It is FORCE…” Okay, government can’t forbid speech, I understand that. But they also pay for it. So government must and can only give money to people who can do whatever they feel like? They’re not employees and we don’t set the curriculum? You see the problem. So who DOES set the curriculum if we the taxpayers, don’t? CNN? NPR?

    “Canadian Bank Launches Credit Card Linked to Carbon Emissions”

    They already did this then shut off the heat to Colorado houses in a snowstorm. I’m thinking this is not going to go well.

    “FedCoin: It Starts with a Trial Run

    Same, and as an aligned setup with FTX. FTX bomb may have detonated too early before things were set and the evidence burned – and imagine if they’d taken out a REAL exchange, like Binance as attempted – but Yellen spoke of regulating just a week before, and they got all the talking heads – including the crypto bois – to jump on the “Regulate me Daddy” bandwagon. This is just in time to release the “Regulated crypto” (actually not a crypto) FedCoin. Which is in time for the unstoppable compounding debt collapse. The Treasury seems to be withholding 2/3rds of their silver Eagles right now as well, both not to sell it at a price-rigged loss, and to have adequate supply laid up to stabilize the nation. Same with penny-coins again. Just before Sept ‘19, coins all vanished and we could see them on the books of the major banks. What an interesting change from the usual: I thought you wanted to outlaw coins as expensive relics, yet here you are hoarding them by the billions! “Then a Miracle Happened” and the system didn’t melt down, it locked down.

    But here we are again, with notices at registers that coins are in shortage. And Ye Olde Fed Coin ready to go. Giving out SS, SSDI, and EBT only in this currency, which will give it traction. …That is not a crypto, has no transparency, no supply limits, and is more completely tracked than in prison. It’s an excel sheet for purchases, that dials home with every transaction.

    Did you buy a turkey and drive to grandma’s house? Not anymore you earth-killing parasite: locked out: no coin for you!

    “Protesters Set Fire to Iconic Home of Islamic Republic Founder Ayatollah Khomeini”

    The Yanks are still at their stupid color revolution. Iranian people are still patsies for us, right on cue, if the blue square tells them to. So cute.

    “FBI Director Cannot “Be Sure” Whether Facebook Is Sending User Information to Agents”

    It’s a fascist state: of COURSE they are. It wouldn’t be fascism if they didn’t.

    “UK Hikes Windfall Taxes on Oil and Gas to 35%”

    That’s not PROFIT you morons, that’s 25% INFLATION. That YOU caused. However, Germany just de-facto NATIONALIZED the energy industry with a 99% tax. And thus: Fascism. Merger of Corporation and State. “Owns (or controls) the Means of Production” in a worker’s paradise forever.

    “War on Everything (El Gato Malo)”

    Great writing.

    “The goal is not to stop drugs. The goal is to rule and to profit.

    The purpose of the rule and regulation is POWER. Power to permit more drugs, more crime, more violence, but licensed by me, paid to me. At my discretion, to my friends. That’s why once regulated there has to be more than ever before: otherwise we wouldn’t profit. Otherwise, why do it?

    “the african american community in the US that was literally devastated by the so called “great society” programs”

    Yes but to be fair they’ve only known it destroys all Blacks for 50 years. That’s why they kept doing it and all Blue places are the worst in America for them. Too soon? Should we try a little longer? Chicago’s problems aren’t the fault of JimmyJohn in Bowling Green Kentucky. Duh. Yet they sell this for 50 more years and it still works.

    “ Europe Warns Musk He Must Hire Hundreds of Moderators (ZH)”

    Make me. We’ll see you when the court case resolves in seven years. Europe will implode first.

    “German Public TV Compares Elon Musk to Goebbels (Kogon)”

    Ah so much here.
    Yes, and Goebbels was an acolyte of Madison Avenue and Bernays.
    The Picture shown here as a smear is exactly the one Biden was channeling in his Red Wedding speech.
    And free speech = Hitler, a man of UN-free speech? Yes, that’s the same as RUSSIA being Hitler instead of the ENEMY of Hitler and 2/3rd the cause of their end at the cost of 20M dead Russians. …Talk about Goebbels.
    And Speech = War, apparently?
    Allowing people to speak = them clamoring for “Total War” of 60M people? Non Sequitur much? How many is Orange?
    Meanwhile ACTUALLY killing upwards of 100,000 male Ukrainians is…speech and peace I suppose?
    A Ukraine that expressly SUPPORTED Goebbels and Hitler? Who were so violent the Nazi SS told them to slow the f– down?

    No doubt there are hundreds more, but I’ll stop at this.

    “Noted that Scholz, Sunak, Zelensky are all 1.70m (5’58”).”

    Little men. But I wasn’t referring to their height.

    “There must be no direct conflict between Russia and NATO,”

    Uh, whut? We should be referring to their brain power, morans.

    Ukraine Could Seize Crimea before Year Ends – MOD (RT) “

    This month? And we thought Hitler was nuts, hanging around on meth. Did someone inform him Russia is a nuclear armed country ten times their size? If you take Crimea, Ukraine will be nuked tomorrow. In ten seconds you won’t exist. But: Nazis and phyrric victories, amirite?

    “Gavrilov suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin could “disappear”

    Yes, and if he disappears, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more hard-liners will take over. And take Ukraine AND Germany, firing every hypersonic missile and bioweapon. On London, Sydney, and New York. Confider yourself lucky they’re not at war. Distance won’t save you.

    “EU Leaders Accuse US Natural Gas Producers of Profiteering (IA)”

    But I thought this was a NeoLiberal “Rules based order”! That is, as they say: Capitalism. But we don’t allow profits and price-fix worldwide? And no bankruptcy? That seems a lot like the #OPPOSITE of Capitalism, i.e. Socialism.

    “Laziness regularly prevents” Prevents? We must declare war on this oppressor “Laziness” and bomb it from Marseilles to Strasbourg. We will never, never stop bombing until all laziness is killed.

    In actuality, the French just say “Why bother?”, like the erst of us. “We pretend to work, and you pretend to pay us.” Why pretend? Pay is completely 100% divorced from effort, skill, or outcomes. Because #Above, “The #OPPOSITE of Capitalism”. That is, we central planners set a random price for random goods and it changes from hour to hour. If there are shortages or outages, they are paid and rewarded. If there are surpluses, they are ruthlessly punished. This is a stupid game, with no rules or logic. No matter what happens, the bratty rich kid wins. Why play it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121396
    Dr. D

    Bosco: “It’s like running out of breath:”

    Luongo just used a metaphor I didn’t understand at first but suits the situation very well. In an airplane it’s called Running out of altitude.

    At too high an altitude, you run out of lift under the wings. (and air for your engine). To fix this, you increase speed and point upwards, going higher so you don’t stall. However, going higher, faster obviously makes everything worse. Eventually you run out of ability and stall, perhaps the engine goes out and crash. What is this?

    The U.S. economy (and Australian and Canadian real Estate) have “fixed” the crash by raising stock and home prices. But now they have risen too high. When they can go no higher, the economic engine stalls, and the nations likewise plummet out of control and crash. As long as they can keep prices higher, print faster, the illusion is maintained, but this is really just painting yourself into a definite failure.

    Which they have. And the airspeed now has. Biden $30B a MONTH now. After $50B in the whole year. They’ve run out of breath and now they’re out of time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121395
    Dr. D

    Ugo Bardi’s description of Colin and the ASPO has the usual tropes:

    “[in 2000] an attempt to alert governments and everyone about the dangers ahead. Rethinking about that story, today, it is amazing how Colin succeeded, alone and only with his own resources, in creating an organization that arrived to have some effect on the global debate. High-rank politicians heard the message…”

    “In both cases, a group of intellectuals tried to alert the world rulers about the finiteness of the material resources on which the economy was based, and that something had to be done to avoid the “overconsumption trap” that would necessarily lead to a crash. In both cases, the message was rejected and demonized, then ignored.”

    But I’d like to try an alternate narrative: one where the “veil was being lifted, that we could see what was behind the propaganda curtain,”

    In 1970, the Club of Rome set the tone, paid for and relentlessly publicized for decades by the highest powers. Before 2000, Colin knew what everyone knew: Exxon, BP, the CIA, Pentagon planners, it was public data. Oil was running out, but unlike his chart that stops in 2000, ONLY IN THE WEST. (Note Former Soviet Union, dropping in 1990, no line to 2020) That’s not untrue. Another major oil man – I forget who – yelled a book about Saudi and Gawar being dead, this is also true. End of US$ and US power, US military.

    But their, his diagnosis, is that the political leaders, CIA, Exxon, didn’t listen. But on the contrary, they did. They listened in the highest, most serious, most long-term, critical, dangerous planning ever. He just said in the next sentence he saw the Twin Towers in 2001. Conveniently AFTER the deep recession from the ‘99 Nasdaq collapse. Caused itself by oil, by numeric representations outrunning real resources? We’ll never know.

    What we DO know is a day later, Bush started a 100-year oil war, worldwide. General Clark has the Youtube video on the 5 nations they were toppling that had nothing to do with it. “Why are they doing this?” he asks. “They don’t know.” C’mon: they are GENERALS. They DO know. They are taking over the Middle East in the later Arab Spring, to capture all the oil in the Middle East, stated in our wide-spread Americanism “How did OUR oil get under THEIR sand?”

    Owning this oil, plus all our farmland, would bring to heel that OTHER problem, a rising China, and set up an immediate attack on Iran. With China out and Iran’s oil captured, Russia would be isolated and conquered next. They listened to Colin all too well: but they are religious, mass-murdering psychopaths and used it as moral justification to do what they know and like best: to murder people and steal things.

    That war continues on today, with battles in Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Somalia, and Venezuela. These are all oil producers, oil reserves, pipeline routes, food producers, or all of the above. China remains at risk.

    But again, Two things:

    1) They DID listen. As far back as the Club of Rome they’ve been planning this. It’s just a world war of planetary domination.
    2) There’s still lots of oil, but it’s largely in countries that the West hasn’t yet conquered and dominated. So his curves are wrong too.

    Question is: will we support the wars and burn all the oil in an failed attempt to conquer it? Or will we give the nations that still own it their far due, fair price, and import it?

    Too late: we’ve already answered both questions with our blood in Ukraine. War that wastes, with the Pentagon the largest user on earth, supported with ever-increasing budgets and bombs.

    That’s why they can’t cut back on oil. They can’t cut back on spending. That economy is what supports the 100 year oil war, and we can’t de-tax, de-industrialize and de-control the economy while that’s the basis of the Pan-Western Military Complex and military production. They can’t not do this because if they admit the war, they immediately cannot import free goods and raw commodities with printed money. That will deplete our own war materials and options here at home. SO they must also lie. To Colin, Peak Oil people and the public. If they think what they’re doing is so right and necessary, then why do they have to lie about it? Ah, see: they don’t.

    What the people see is, 1) Nothing ever happens, so their economizing only hurts themselves while profiting the reckless, and 2) any attempt to actually economize and ecologize is rigorously, violently opposed by every level of law, government, and industry and they’ve been attacking them tirelessly since the first hippies went back to the land in 1970. But Ugo expects them to buck both the economy AND the government to reduce their standard of living so China can burn more coal. Ain’t happening. But this is WHY it’s not happening, not because we down here are immoral, uncaring parasites. To the contrary, we’re the only ones who DO care. I don’t see politicians, industry, lawyers, or universities care: every day they use more and plan more airline conferences, build more condos, and trash everyone in Iowa and Wyoming who doesn’t follow their lead.

    So no: you’re not going to get our support. For your stupid, useless 100 year war. When there’s 50 years of oil. And your “solution” after blowing the last 50 years and making us work like rented mules is for us to give you MORE money and power, in fact Carbon Credit lockdown, UNLIMITED, PERMANENT money and power some may call “Tyrannical”. Nope.

    But they’re all happy to use less. Lake Camp, Cottagecore, Tiny House chicken farmers are the hottest thing on the internet and have been for decades. Nobody wants to live in your cities. Nobody wants to live in your pods. They all moved out. Your VR is the biggest failure in the history of silicon. They’re not eating the bugs, they’re eating the chickens that eat the bugs, and dreaming of raising cows and cooking the finest foods, a Food Channel sector so large it may be half of “television” by now.

    So they’re not using less. They’re using better and trying to freely produce – anything – green, against all unified block of opposition, raining down on them worldwide.

    But that’s what happened with Colin, Peak Oil, governments, and the People. The governments went to a war planned these 40 years. The people didn’t, so the government went to war against them too. And here we are, burning all the oil in the war and cutting ourselves off instead of downsizing like everybody wants to.

    Nobody wants this desperate, unhappy, frenetic, chaotic life. Nobody wants to drive 2 hours each way to work 65 hours while others sit on the couch in collapsing apartments. So if nobody wants it, why is it happening? Just stop.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2022 #121382
    Dr. D

    “‘The US Won’t Sacrifice Chicago for Warsaw’ (Misnik)”

    Now that you mention it, Chicago is a 3rd world s—thole that I wouldn’t even know what to compare to. Corrupt, ruinous, extractive, unreformable? Compare to D.C. or Kiev? Bomb away, I guess, and save Warsaw.

    I was thinking the same thing for I dunno, practically every daily event here. State’s broke, comes down for s’more shakedown money they can spend on drugs and immigrants. Look around, Lo! There’s a violation here! –
    “This is the same place as yesterday.”
    “Why, this is un-SAFE for the people of the state, how dare you sir?”
    “We’ve done this operation for 140 years and probably in the whole time 10 people were hurt statewide.”
    “We’ll just have to fine you for this extra screw here, and how this switch is 4” too high.”
    “That goes to the people of the state we have threatened and wronged, right?”
    “No of course not: it goes to the governor’s slush fund, and/or ‘donated to charity’ on behalf of you.”
    …Opposition party charities, that will donate directly to the governor in a shakedown operation, to make sure the crime never stops.

    Not kidding, all these things, and especially the charity donations is directly true. Hey, why not code “fine” the Catholic Church and send their “donations” directly to the abortion clinic? Same thing. No? Why not the other way: we find violations on Starbucks worldwide and give their multi-million fines over all the stores directly the Proud Boys, a “voting and safety” fund. Sound good now?

    This is about every day in America, so if you own a run-down diner, hasn’t been fixed in 50 years, you see this guy and his new $45,000 15mpg State Enforcement SUV. If you’re Jimmy-John who got unemployed, going around in his 1994 pickup truck doing odd jobs in Arkansas, that guy will be on the jobsite in NO TIME, looking for all those fat stacks of cash you must be papering over all your rust holes with. What happens? Price goes up. Job goes down. Nobody comes into work. Why bother? Town is boarded up and blows away, but CRIME NEVER SLEEPS. They will never – NEVER – stop shaking down Jimmy John so they can make $40 grand as their second job while doing 10 hours work. …And Jimmy John is their NEIGHBOR, and they know his kids don’t eat. Time to call Social Services! And THEIR new car and fine State benefits can come down and “Help”. Help him into prison where he doesn’t even have bail. The kids’ll LOVE it. We’ll have this fixed up in a jiffy!

    What I used to say is “This place is like Romania” — The Town, the County, the State, the Nation – but that’s a vicious slur to Romanians. There’s no place in Romania or eastern Europe as corrupt as here, with their smooth, flashy flawless takeout, and their slick, pearl-clutching victim-game PR.

    Not just us, of course, eating in the “Brokeback Diner” while every government office looks like Apple’s Headquarters. Did you not just see multi-billionaire Elon Musk get the shakedown from Congress only yesterday. Hey, you’d better send me some money from your new acquisition or “I guess we’ll have an investigation” (using state funds to create personal and party “donations”)? How about FTX, that look like a multi-billion shakedown and theft operation by and for the nation’s wealthiest?

    Romania, Moscow, Bulgaria, can only DREAM of being able to have such levels of corruption as we have here in America. Every day, at every level. Nah, go ahead and bomb away at Chicago. It’ll do us all a favor. Hope the sea levels rise, it’ll save the earth.

    What I said this week about “what doesn’t America have”, that we’ll be fine is true, but what we don’t have is MORALITY. Anywhere. That’s the only thing, that can turn a barren rock like Japan into the world’s power and prosperity, but without can turn the wealthiest states like the Congo — or the United States — into pure ruin you would think had been hit by a nuclear bomb. …The environs of Detroit.


    Worse, it’s the hardest of anything to fix. And has been engineered on us for 100 years. Such that now, a single step away from it is considered being Hitler.

    No bomb hit this place. That’s just corruption.

    Decay in Detroit: Feral House Photos by James Griffioen

    Detroit, yes, but all America outside of the 12 Blessed Cities, and mostly inside them too. Lookin’ at you, D.C., run directly by Congress and the murder capital of the world.

    It’s the best, most thorough, most certain, least-repairable bomb there is. Why use anything else?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQPsKvG6WMI Yuri Bezmenov

    “Psychological warfare…To change the perception of reality to such an extent that despite an abundance of information, no one is able to come to a sensible conclusion, in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.”

    If you want to stop this, you’re Hitler. If you want to unite the country, you’re Hitler. If you want to make America Great, as it was before this outside psychological operation started mind-bombing the nation, you’re Hitler. In fact, if you want anything BUT a complete lack of agreement, sensible conclusions, and anything that might possible work together to defend yourself, your family, your children, your community or your country, you’re Hitler.

    Worked like a charm, so why not? P.S. The Soviet Union isn’t the only one who knows how to do this or has a motive. 2) Yuri’s Soviet Union hasn’t existed in a lifetime. So who’s running the Op?

    “Bankman-Fried has boasted of meeting policymakers in Washington “every two or three weeks for the last year.”

    Corruption. FTX — WEF partner and Big Pharma-donor — is going to speak on how to make money from the rubes next to Janet Yellen and Zelensky, along with Mark Zuckerberg, Mayor Eric Adams, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Vice President Mike Pence at the $3,000/seat Accenture event next week. Awkward timing? Will they even cancel? Why bother?

    Like I said, probably in line as the next DNC chairman.

    “F**k regulators,” [SBF] said in the interview, adding: “They make everything worse. They don’t protect customers at all.”

    You mean like when they CREATE the scam, FUND it, green light it, direct it, then sweep the money from fines into their personal and political donors’ accounts, even being so low as to use charities? Like that? That kind of “everything worse”?

    Yes, the thing with Regulation and “Helping” I’m on about all the time is corruption. …Although even non-corrupt laws are pointless, because if you’re not corrupt, no one needs the law in the first place. So then 1) the people call for “a law”. 2) the already-corrupt people RUNNING the law, then say “Oh goodie!!! A new tool to use corruptly!” And 3) Never fix, solve, or regulate the original problem 4) steal more from honest people 5) use the money to pass more laws and get more tools and 6) have the people – who are the slowest learners in the universe – beg for more “Help” and “Tools”. i.e. more “Corruption”.

    You don’t solve corruption with rules. You actually don’t need any written rules to not be corrupt. Zero. And many nations have for a thousand years. All you need is to arrest and remove the criminals. And replace them with non-corrupt people of good intent. But as above, this is the hardest of all things, and far harder in a nation lacking any.

    Anyway, what did “The Regulators” do for FTX while watching it from day 1, hand in glove, with their own kids on the board, involved?

    The Regulators “helped” in Savings and Loan, to make sure the criminals wouldn’t go to jail and be able to do it again a few years later. They “helped” Bernie Madoff run his scam for 20 years, with only one bank, no trades, no accountant, where every action was authorized directly by the Chase Board of Directors, protecting him from the outside non-regulators screaming about it. They “helped” cover up 100,000 felonies in MERS, the million or billion in tax-stamp revenue stolen from towns, the “helping” of keeping home prices levitated so Millennials would “Own nothing”, make ten-hundreds of fraudulent foreclosures on innocent families, then when it blew up, “Helped” themselves to $23 Trillion dollars. The home prices didn’t drop because regulators “helped” High-Frequency-Traders make trillions of fake stock trades that levitated prices and scalped all Americans in the billions, while regulators helped them do this when they didn’t own the stock, naked shorted, and ran honest companies like “ToysRUs” out of business, and Blackberry, Overstock, into financial hardship? How are they trading without even the stock? Need I go on with “regulators” and “Helping”?

    Or as Mark Baum said in The Big Short:
    “Paulsson and Bernanke just left the White House. There’s going to be a bail-out.
    They knew. Cash would have stopped coming out the ATM, they had to back-stop this
    they knew the tax-payers would bail them out, they weren’t stupid, they just didn’t care! ” ’cause they’re fucking crooks!”

    Regulation? Laws? All I hear is “Oh goodie! Now I have new tools to steal from you more!” For the love of God, stop giving them more power.

    The more laws and restrictions there are, The poorer people become.” –Tao te Ching. That is an oooooold book. After Lao Tzu wrote it, he fell off his dinosaur. Hey, if laws help so much then how do they make all people poorer? For 3,000 years in a row?

    “Ukraine Has Lost 40% of Energy System as Kyiv Sees First Snow (ZH)”

    Look at it this way: they gave you almost a year to get your act together and knock it off. That could have been done without losing 4 provinces. Yet here we are. Biden’s genocide is nearly complete.

    ” Former Trump Advisor: Biden Admin Has No End Goal for Ukraine War (JTN)”

    No, they do. It’s just they can’t say it because it’s slavic genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the complete nuclear attack and destruction of Russia to the Pacific. Just like WWI an WWII. It’s also not like they DIDN’T say that: it’s been in all their official documents and war plans since 1940. It’s kinda hard to miss. But reporters and Americans are completely illiterate, I guess. The Government would never do that! Their job is to HELP! Help themselves.

    reports indicate [oil] will be set at around $60 per barrel.”

    Signaling. Signaling so hard!!! Meanwhile, back in reality, they are wildly overpaying for thousands more tonnes of CO2 to be released as the oil goes to Vladivostok, Beijing, then back to Rotterdam. “We paid more, AND released more carbon! Go us!!!” Greenest Green. The purest peace. Yes: weaponized empathy, but like other Cons, it only works if the sucker WANTS it. The mark has to participate in the lie. Btw, if you price-fix, the immediate result is no supply.

    “In the Best tradition of the Department of Justice” – Jack Smith.

    Omg, no. You mean the DoJ that kept 100,000 dossiers on un-Americans, before, during, and after Vietnam, and worked tirelessly or perhaps did in fact kill Martin Luther King? You mean that tradition? “Helping”! When have we ever done wrong?

    ““digital health certificate” which shows whether a person has been “vaccinated or tested properly

    And remember, that’s now booster 5 — they work so well 4 is not enough — and with a PCR test that has proven, and admitted, never worked. This law was written by men who were vaccinated 5 times and got Covid. Safety first! But if I didn’t take it, how would we all know you’d just get Covid anyway?

    ““..many people misunderstood the meaning of “peak oil” and saw it as equivalent to “running out” of oil…”

    There’s a reason for their misunderstanding, Ugo: don’t you have a picture of “Seneca’s Curve” at the top of your website? That “Poof, it’s gone” curve? And it’s a serious business indeed we can’t seem to make people take seriously, probably because of our clown leaders, clown scientists, and clown ecologists. Could say something simple like “Ever notice how the more you buy, the more you use the more UN-happy you become?” Now Russia and UAE for example just signed 50 YEAR energy deals. With VERY expensive pipelines. So they’re just lying about not having any energy or what?

    But I tell you, although we have options now, options everyone is denying to sell “There Is No Alternative” front-pocket grift, after that 50 years I’d be surprised if we would have oil even for plastics and mining, and the price of fertilizer will be very high.

    “Hillary”, brazen liar, crooked lawyer, too corrupt for Watergate, opened a slave market, and promised to start WWIII while gleefully cheering “We Came, We Saw, He Died! Te-he”. These are the people choosing the new Special Counsel on “Ethics”.

    Well I for one say let’s give this government infinite power with infinite laws. Definitely things will get much better then. …I mean if laws and voting work and all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121284
    Dr. D

    Yesterday’s comment on Poland is just an equally unhelpful misrepresentation. There’s no sense in loving on Russia, but what’s all the hating on Russia? Russia helped Hitler in Poland? Hey no kidding. Yet we say “that’s 100 years ago” for Germany, but it’s not old news in Russia, for Russia it’s yesterday? Shouldn’t we apply equal standards to both parties and not go hypocrite on everything? Besides, in 1939 Poland had only JUST attacked Russia. The same soldiers were still in service.

    Okay, Russians were far worse? I don’t prefer it, but isn’t that considered a good thing in war? And it’s hard to communicate why that is for them. Yes, they have a Devil-may-Care attitude to life and death, but that also includes their own lives. Life is cheap. At the same time, they come from IMMENSE hardship and have much lower – or harder – standards. They might think you getting a potato only reminds them of growing up a young lad on the Steppes in the 20s. For a German that’s clearly starvation, not a Russian Tuesday.

    This is illustrated by our Western “Concentration Camp” narrative. Like 2 feet is not enough snow, it has to be 6 feet, so these were originally WORK camps. As in “Arbeit macht frei”. You’re supposed to work and help out. If they wanted to KILL you, they’d just do it. They did and nobody’s stopping them. So then there are no German men left, top officers are starving and when they show up in 1945, the convicted criminals in Work Jail (same as ours), the lowest of the low, were eating even LESS? Hey no s—t Sherlock. German HOUSEWIVES were starving by then, eating sawdust. But they were supposed to donate food to Auschwitz? They were’ WORK camps. How do they “work” without food? And if this was a death camp, they sure were bad at it, leaving so many undesirables alive when pilots and officers were hungry. Problem is, when you say that, you minimize what work prisons ACTUALLY were, even when they weren’t quite what they were billed as. Like stealing all Greek children to work there? Yes, this is not good. But when they started, before the war and loss of all food for everyone, how different were they from eugenic sterilization in Georgia and chain-gangs of Alabama? See? It’s difficult to tell, and difficult to measure. And CERTAINLY no one is able keep their brains and discuss it. It has to be baddie-bad, super bad. 6 feet bad, always bad of all bads that-we-totally-never-did in Andersonville. Not just 2 feet of bad. That is: it’s a lie that’s barely technically the truth.

    The USSR was an atheist murder machine and was originally established and run by (Western backed) Jews it seems. However, that contradicts all other statements that “The Russians” were brutal, “The Russians” did this. Clearly “The Russians” had almost no representation in government at first, being run by a small cadre of men who were somewhat alien to Russian ways, mores, and ethos. So you can say “The Jews” – or more technically the Bolsheviks, the elite insiders like every nation has – attacked Poland, OR the Russians did so, but not both. So is it these weird small minority insiders? Or is it broadly and totally what all Russians would do? Make up your mind. And if they are the same, why distinguish “the Jews” as the Bolsheviks and leaders in the first place? YOU distinguished them and YOU said ‘the Russians” weren’t in charge. So I’ll agree with you.

    Yes, this is why the Germans, Poles, and Ukrainians and many other countries all hated “the Jews”. And such same careless misunderstanding even today. OMG ZeroHedge and other commenters: Elon Musk and Warren Buffet are insiders. Do they look Jewish to you? The Bush and Clintons? C’mon, use your head. Even the Jews themselves disagree with both this behavior, and also with events such as Israel. Listen to Rabbi Manni Friedman for example on your general (real) Orthodox mitzvah. These guys use actual Jews like a skin suit, a sheep’s clothing. And the State of Israel too. …So do others, as racist warmongers like Clinton, Obama, and Biden wear the Woke Left’s empathy as a cynical skin suit to hide non-stop racism and mass murder. Bush used the Christian Right and it worked a treat back then.

    Back to history, these nations saw that the Jewish were over-represented in Government, journalism, university, industry, and especially banks. But while that had a lot to do with special favors granted by the crown (to insiders like Soros-class and obviously not Manny Goldstein in the Warsaw ghetto) it had as much to do with them trying and working and helping each other as well. Common citizens just backstab each other like Americans do, then wonder why they can’t get ahead, while immigrants like Mexicans and Chinese (or Amish) work together and succeed quickly and reliably. Look: if you’re not going to help yourselves and the Temple does, you’re going to get left behind. That’s not the fault of the Jews: that’s you being a dumb-ss.

    But seeing they had stuff, were running all these brutal, failing institutions in a nation failing them, it’s the same as watching alien, fake, uncaring, death-dealing Blue Hairs snooting down the rest of us “Because they’re smarter, more moral, and know better”: “Do what you’re told!!!” It’s the exact same thing, although luckily for our Blue Bombers they’re not in an easily-identifiable ethnic group. But you can see how IF they mostly were, the confusion would be immediate and impossible to undo. That’s how it was in Eastern Europe 1900-1940 and the UK (worldwide) America, Canada, and everyplace else too. We just deny it and re-write history the same way we deny anybody ever loved Eugenics. Yale, Harvard, Oxford, loved loved loved Eugenics exactly as Progressive as Hitler, and promoted it – that is, Hitler’s policies – tirelessly. That’s why both Hitler and Stalin were Time “Man of the Year” and they raved Mussolini at every turn. But: “NY Times”, so nothing ever changes. Always Eugenics, always murder. Germany wasn’t different: in fact they got their ideas FROM Britain and America, and their techniques from Bernays and Madison Avenue.

    Looking through the Polish eyes here? Yes, they hated everyone. This is no longer in reality because they’re all “White” now, or Schrodinger’s “White”, the Jews: to be ethnic whenever it’s convenient. Poles hated the Jews, the Russians, the Germans, the Swedes, and when they were in Paris, like Madame Curie, they hated the French and English too. It’s just nationalism. And so did the Germans, the Brits, the French, the Irish, the Basques, hate all the others too, each in their own way. So they killed the Jews, but were equally happy to kill the Russians, the Roma, whoever. So was Harvard and Oxford happy to kill and promote killing. Just they didn’t end up on top, Germany did, so they got the bigger PR prize, with Poland and Ukraine coming in bronze and silver, with Croatia sort of a Jr. Varsity Gold.

    Although this sort of ethnic prejudice has settled down a lot, Poland had a lot of it then and therefore still has a lot now. So sure they hate Russia. But they don’t exactly love Germany, but they pick them as convenient for the moment, and as tradition to be smashed between the two for 1,000 years, picking one or the other like a pendulum, usually the wrong side.

    Russia for their part didn’t “Occupy” Poland. The USSR was “Liberating” them from the horrors of Western Capitalism in support of the oppressed worker. They had a real government, made of Poles who completely agreed with Stalin on this point. Just like the U.S. today. Not an occupation government at all. Totally elected honestly.

    So if you’re going to say look at it from the Polish point of view, then you have to look at it from the 1930 point of view, where the USSR was going to blow out the West and create a Worker’s Paradise. They were doing this FOR Poland. To “help” them. People were FOR this, especially FDR and the NY Times. Or from a Soviet point of view that they actually THOUGHT they were liberating Poland. Half or a third of Poles probably agreed. It didn’t work out until later, then like Eugenics, Lo! Suddenly no one was ever for it! Like lockdowns! Yup, totally never wanted them. Trump did!

    And how did Russia not pay, along with all the FSRs? Their life expectancy dropped by 10 years and was on this for like a decade. Even today they’re 20 years behind and have only just been showing some prosperity. Did Germany pay like kind? N O P E. They got a million-billion dollars from the Marshall Plan and all the Nazi officials were re-installed as Mayor and Governors. Oh they said “Oopsie! Our bad. Here’s a couple of bucks.” Then invaded and extracted all Greece. Five years ago in 2009.

    Are you trying to prove the opposite of a lie is another lie?

    Yeah, I know what happened. Do you not hear me railing on the USSR until we’re all sick of it? I spent all 2014-15 on Ukraine’s terrible history, highlighting the Holodomor. But we ALSO talk about British and American extraction, and the failed attempt to destroy Russia, extract all their wealth for Europe, and finish taking over the world, as they write evey day of the year for 100 years and twice on Sundays. CoughWEFCough.

    Right now NATO, the collective and wealthy 20 nations have used their power to encroach on Russia, get inside nuclear first-strike and cause the war. Exactly as Brzezinski directed. Written every day for 30 years. Russia, a small country with big land, has been forced to re-direct their GDP towards war for decades because of it, and that sucks if you’re Russian, but also unavoidable. China is just as likely to backstab them someday. Knowing this, they’re being painfully cautious holding their own against overwhelming opposition as you see in the news each day.

    So why single out Russia? Doesn’t your own country have enough crimes to comment on? Mine sure does, and I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing me about it. Unfortunately right now one of those crimes is our war against Russia in Ukraine.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121283
    Dr. D

    “Up to six feet of snow possible in some areas this weekend”

    Typical media. They started at 2 feet in 12 hours, which is a pretty good news! Unlike most, that’s worth reporting. But then a few hours later it wasn’t exciting enough and became 3. Then 3 became 4. Then THAT wasn’t getting clicks so 4 became 5. Then the other outlets could just misquote the FIRST outlets, and 5 became 6.

    I wonder if it’ll be 40 feet in one storm if it holds off another day. And “Bitterly cold”? Um, it’s “Winter.” We save “Bitterly” for at least -10f. (-25c) There’s half the nation praying for global warming again.

    Continuing their Extinction Agenda, Germany plans to make cows, sheep, and chickens extinct.

    “The current federal government would like to abolish animal husbandry and switch the diet in Germany to vegetables and oatmeal,”

    Should some other nation wish to keep these animal breeds going, they will soon be attacked and outlawed in their home countries too. Britain outlawing open wheat seed comes to mind. Yes, it is illegal to plant seeds in England. Even the Romans never attempted something so brazen and tyrannical, but Monsanto calls.

    “Biden Admin Warns of Bankruptcy Surge as It Asks Supreme Court to Resume Student Debt Forgiveness Plan”

    The must get a war or a $3T Covid 2.0 stimulus or the debt compounding collapses. FTX was pretty good at that, but it needed the Biden $50B (or is it $80B now?). This is Luongo’s thesis on Powell and Europe. Europe is tough to crack, but since their elite will cease to exist if they do, that’s only to be expected.

    Monty Python. Signaling. Signaling so HARD! Can’t you see me signal? (P.S. we have no weapons or men. We have “money”, but no men, weapons, or oil to buy with it.)

    Zelensky Confirms Signals from West on Peace Talks (RT)”

    Signaling. We’re doing nothing, mind you. But we DID book a conference room to talk about how we’re doing nothing. Hey look! Another 10,000 Ukrainians died!

    And as the article says, now Zelensky has to arrest himself for talking about peace. Wot a pain! Now he’ll have to put himself on trial and acquit himself too, as there is no opposition party and Ukraine is a ruthless dictatorship. Like here.

    Khashoggi. Actually, I think MBS is probably right about that immunity. Heads of State in their official duties are exempt and must be sued via the organization, not them personally. That’s why Bush is still walking around, now mouth-kissing Obama in a big reach-around. Obama hated him so much, he kept Bush’s whole cabinet. BFF!

    As if that would matter anyway: 1) He’s a Prince, so ALSO immune 2) All this has to be executed against a sovereign country that dgaf. There was a Prince Rapist there, who literally walked into a courtroom and said, “I slipped and she fell on my d—k” and got off. Welcome to monarchy: paging Prince Andrew and Charles III.

    But this isn’t about any of that. THEY’RE BROKE. So they need to seize assets, Saudi’s getting out of the fence, so I guess it’s Saudi assets we steal today!

    Of course they’re going to steal ALL assets, but Saudi just moved themselves to the front of the line, having enough dough – and more crucially, gold – to hold off the imminent collapse for a few more hours. …Anything but doing work and producing things.

    “Corruption has been eradicated from Ukraine”

    Wow, and I thought the Polish tractor bomb was a brazen whopper. Also, this missile hits the only vertical object in 20 miles? And kills two people? What are the odds? I have a gut feeling they set this up, with a target (the silos, so that it would look adequate on camera) for the next time Russia fired in the area and they’d set up missile defense. Probably the two Poles were unplanned collateral damage, a bonus.

    “if it had not been for the evidence in the form of photos from the scene, “all facts would have been concealed from the public, and Russia would have been proclaimed the guilty side.”

    Yes. Exactly the plan. Control the narrative. We do no investigations, provide no evidence. Like NordStream II, MH17, and the Warren Commission.

    “Remember all the global leaders who had Zelensky address their parliaments, giving him standing ovations, and chanting Slava Ukraini? This … serial liar who keeps trying to start WW3 by pulling NATO into the US proxy war.”

    Yes, but he misses that is WHY they give him standing ovations. You can’t look at it from a normal, rational mind. They are insane, bloodthirsty, religious warmongers.

    “The Ukrainian leader revealed he had just met with the vice president of the World Bank in order to “start a ‘pilot’ “

    Well most corrupt nation on earth meets the most corrupt bank on earth, no surprise. When you can make the criminals at Morgan and Fargo look mundane, that’s really something.

    “those voices have since gone quiet for fear of being seen as perpetuating a pro-Russian narrative.”

    Apparently all truth is pro-Russian. Or it is for an Empire of Lies.

    “The US government doesn’t care about getting the results in an investigation,” she said. “The US government always has somebody to ‘hold responsible’ on political grounds.”

    Whoever is guilty is the one most convenient to us in that 5-minute period. Pinochet? Innocent as doves. Saddam? “Our Guy,” kissy-facing with Rumsfeld, who gave him our chemical weapons. Israel? “What Apartheid?” Iran? How dare you be so aggressive as to not invade a country for over 200 years!!! Iran is bad, bad baddie bad!

    “Said it before: The Dutch are the last party that should have investigated.”

    Didn’t the Dutch get their gold back from the Fed for helping fabricate this? That seems like a good trade.

    ” White House Slams GOP for Probing Hunter Biden ‘Conspiracy Theories’ (RT)”

    I guess that means six weeks from now, they’ll be true. Wake me when you do something. I won’t wait up.

    “I tried not to be CEO of Tesla, but I had to or it would die. I rather hate being a boss. I’m an engineer,”

    No. No he’s not. He’s not an engineer and is barely a programmer. He’s a money man. But in the same way the Bill Gates is the planet’s top doctor, Elon Musk is the world’s top engineer.

    FTX, “this situation is unprecedented.”

    Oh no. This is quite business as usual now in America. Nothing unusual about it. Probably every top board in America looks like this. Certainly Sequoia does. And BlackRock. And how many others, how can they take any fees whatsoever, when there was zero oversight anywhere, which you could discover with zero effort? And lost ALL your money? Yes, that shows the only POSSIBLE explanation was: it’s a mafia, and this is one of the money-laundering wings. Therefore, the other mafia arms were directed to support it. They neither ask questions nor care. They are minions, and obey or die. So Sequoia and the Teacher’s Union put their life savings into it, and yes, like other mafias, the corruption might have made a lot more money as usually happens, but also who cares if it fails? It’s not like they kick you out of the family or anything. The only way you get killed is to NOT obey when you get the order to invest in their new pet money-laundering project. Then they pull a Theil-Gawker on you and you go out like McAfee: “Whackd”.

    Really, none of the things here are anything different. This scam is as old as time and the first time I saw it, I fell off my dinosaur. It’s the same stock-pump scams Jesse Livermore wrote about in 1920. Just replace “Exchange” with “The Latest Thing”, and Gisele for Dorothy Parker, and you have a story of a guy creating a token — whoops, stock pyramid — like The Great Gatsby which can only outrun its own compounding. Where does his money come from? Debt. How is the multi-hundred-billion in debt created? It’s borrowed against newly-issued stock. Why does the stock have value when it’s printed like confetti? Confidence. It’s a Confidence Scam. That’s it. Same old same old, nothing new. You don’t need a computer, you can run this scam on papyrus and many have.

    Like 100% of such scams, people who get our early do great! As Warren Buffet said. And you can buy up every regulator, every newspaper, every Congressman, every competitor, and that palace on the ocean, and they did. However, they always end when — anyone – tries to withdraw money. Or asks any questions, which is why Ellison did like her father and instantly fired anyone who got involved or questioned SBF. NOT for ego, NOT for compliance, but because it was always a scam, and they always knew it was a scam.

    The other thing that I can’t get out of my head, besides how obvious it was, and how worn-out and commonplace it was, was the “polyamorous” aspect. Like, college friends lived together and a few dated? Um, that’s not salacious or unusual; you’re just fabricating that to get headlines, because words: they have no meanings anymore. Likewise, they weren’t “doing meth”; one of the kids takes Ritalin. (Ritalin is ‘meth’) That’s just lying, just headlines for fake. Thanks alt-Media, keepin’ the tradition alive: “If we wrote it, it’s fake.”

    No, what struck me was that the whole system: the free houses, the bright kids out of school, giving them limitless money, direction, parties, glamour, sex…anything really, anything the will work…is direct CIA users handbook. Read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman,” they did the exact same thing to Perkins when he was 20: beautiful Bond girl, charming a shy book nerd at dinner. Stays around a while until he’s firmly on board and has his orders. Then leaves now that he’s a playah and can get the next gal in Costa Rica or wherever he’s to be stationed and boom: he’s in the the life.

    I mean: textbook. And Every. Single. Person involved is connected? Through DNC, MIT, SEC, BlackRock, Congress? Uh-huh. But they didn’t know nothin’ although they were raised in it from diapers.

    “Clinton-Linked Dark Money Group Targets Twitter Advertisers (Turley)”

    The mafia only directs money to the mafia. And why not? Elon has recaptured Twitter, so they burn it down like Artie Bucco’s restaurant. To hide the evidence. And punish the competition. So predictable. So average. I guess we’ll just do this for all creation until someone finally catches on and says “Hey! I smell a rat!” No. Probably not.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121228
    Dr. D

    “There is a karmic payback emerging, as the US, the nation that most vigorously championed rapid depletion of energy resources and no action whatsoever to reduce industrial emissions now faces collapse from climate instability and severe drought induced by excessive carbon dioxide emissions that result from ‘lifestyle choices’ and political corruption going back to the mid nineteenth century.”

    Hahahahahaha: No. Lake Mead isn’t even a pinprick on the United States. It’s practically irrelevant. Remember when all of NOLA was wiped out, the major port of the entire United States? Neither does anybody else because it didn’t have any effect. Like a “Trillion” is is hard to conceive of, so is how large the United States is. They have 20? 25? Lake Mead zones?

    The entire Northeast doesn’t BOTHER to farm but pops up McHouses again because food is just. so. cheap. If you put HALF that land back into service you’d replace California. Now I’m sorry to tell this to the people in Nevada, but Las Vegas shouldn’t exist anyway, and it’s like the world’s longest-running train wreck: absolutely cast-iron, rock-solid certain, so if you bought in there, I don’t know what to say. As it ended, they didn’t do a thing. Like “Fallout”, I guess.

    But what would the United States not have? We have three coasts undrilled. We could easily cut retail petrol useage in half just by not going to Starbucks. We have all our mines – some of the world’s largest – shuttered. We have all the farmland China must take. We have several 1,000 mile rivers and the canals to connect them. We have unlimited railways and electric lines coast to coast. We have enough existent housing for another generation. We have relatively clean rivers, land, and air. Half the country can only DREAM of it getting warmer, which would increase our output 25%.

    We won’t collapse from climate, as the only places who give a damn are a few uneducated college professors and a few coastal mansions. The rest of the country can only PRAY that both cease to exist so that we can get their self-serving, parasitical anti-ecological practices off our backs so we can make needed food and machinery in peace. IF ONLY the sea levels would rise 30 feet, the U.S. would be quite saved. Unfortunately, this is not happening. Wall St is the 2nd street from the Hudson and nary a drop of water these 100 years. Please, PLEASE let the glaciers melt, if you have an ecological bone in your body. Please.

    Hey, come visit. Rent a camper. It would take the rest of your life to see America even once.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121188
    Dr. D

    Buffalo gets 3 feet of snow. But I thought there was only drought now? If we report the drought, then we have to report the rain, don’t we? Or do we just lie to ourselves all the time now?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121187
    Dr. D

    Ukraine: Nazi Salutes all around. Heil!

    (Jimmy Dore)

    I particularly love the soccer stadium of 40,000 people with the sig heil salute. Stay Classy, Biden. You Blue Hairs: never change. Supporting literal Nazis with their heart, soul, and blood. In a country it’s unsafe for blacks to work in because: Racism. Ethnic cleansing.

    So is $40 Billion really enough support for them? If they sig heil by the 100,000 and hate blacks, shouldn’t we really give them $100 Billion? $200 Billion? Ah Democrats: Party of the KKK since 1865. Opening slave markets and promoting genocide worldwide.

    Fairness? USA Today gives another tongue bath to Pence. Only 50 GOP House opposed war at all. Certainly the last RINOs have not been purged.

    “WEF’s Klaus Schwab Gives Speech to G20 on the “Need to Restructure the World”

    Who is this guy that he gets to tell the G20 what to do? The NY Longshoreman’s Union doesn’t get to speak. Why this joker?

    Biden on Democrats’ Effort to Codify Roe v. Wade: ‘I Don’t Think There’s Enough Votes’”

    52 years in a row! Too soon? Gooooo Democrats! “We care so much™” Roe = Top Priority! “When have we ever lied?™”

    FTX by Armstrong. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/cryptocurrency/ftx-crypto-implosion/ He immediately stops talking about Bankman and picks up how MF Global was equally stole money, equally collapsing, equally donors to the DNC, and equally were allowed to do whatever they wanted, against every law. Corzine went on to become a Obama fundraiser to rousing cheers and no discrediting at all. …But that’s true of all fundraisers. If you don’t steal at least a billion dollars now, you’re a nobody. Or kill 100,000 people, like Obama or Fauci. That’s true currency too.

    Who was MF Global illegally re-routed by the NY Judge to protect? Why Gislane Maxwell’s father, of course! The pretty-much official-reality Mossad agent. NY saved all his former London banks and Companies, at American taxpayer expense.

    “It doesn’t matter who bombed Poland, because Russia bombed Poland.” – Olaf Scholz, translation.

    Yup, Don’t burden me with facts and evidence, I wouldn’t follow them anyway. My mind’s made up.

    Great wrap up of massive Russian missile barrages dismantling Nazilensky’s electric grid.even as Ukronazi fanboys have said for six months that Russia is ‘running out of missiles’”

    Chilling. Makes me sad. Don’t get into wars, they are very serious business indeed.

    “Stocks Sink as Yield Curve Tumbles to Biggest Inversion in 40 Years”

    Most economists are unsure if there’ll be a recession. …That we’re already in. While Amazon lost a trillion dollars. Tesla lost half a trillion. Evergrande isn’t paying. And FTX lost $60B.

    “This lesson should have been long learnt since the downing of #MH17.”

    I agree. If you know anything about MH17, and apply a minute of common sense, this statement stands out.

    1) Everything Ukraine says is a knowing lie.
    2) Everything the media says is a knowing lie.

    “It’s not clear this is [the] same missile that struck Poland,”

    Slow walking the painfully obvious, another tactic. Because Me = Good, You = Bad, Presumed guilty until they prove a negative.

    “ Zelensky Doubles Down on Poland Missile (RT)”

    Such desperation shows they’re clearly winning. Russia is turned back and Ukraine will occupy Moscow to Vladivostok soon.

    “Zelensky was quick to blame “terrorist” Russia for what he described as an attack on NATO”

    Because words have no meaning, generally States cannot be terrorists. They are war mongers. An “Attack” must by definition be intentional. It must also be relevant, as with a Russian car accident in Berlin. And when Russia attacks NATO, you won’t have any doubts about it or miss it. This is perhaps the greatest crime, similar to the Western hyperventilating about everything from “Violence” to “Rape”. When disagreeing in a college debate is a “mass attack,” and being a bad pickup artist is rape (Cuomo), what you’ve really done is water down the word and meaning itself. That is a direct attack on every person who actually was raped. So congratulations for attacking the weakest, voiceless, and most vulnerable. Stunning and Brave. So proud. I see the same with “PTSD” for people who’ve had to choose a different pudding, or sit with someone they don’t prefer. “Obsessed”, “Victim” “Hate” “Racism”, practically none of these words are used correctly, and each a specific attack on those who were and are experiencing real, actual problems and not imaginary ones. Hollow, narcissistic adult toddlers in Depends.

    So with Ze here. He’s trying to pretend there’s a war and Europe is being attacked – even Ukraine. No, if Russia was attacking Ukraine, there would be 10 seconds, 10 mushroom clouds, and 10 years of silence. London likewise, and all the Scottish sub bases. Boop: Gone. So in a real sense Russia truly IS not at war yet. They haven’t declared one, so there’s that as well.

    Ze: stop attacking all people on earth and reason itself, these things have consequences. But that’s what Nazis do.

    Oh and Ukraine, the world’s top killer of Poles, is demanding all this of Poland, poste haste. Chop chop, you Untermensch. Don’t make us come up there with cattle cars again.

    “My staff was unsuccessful in getting me linked up with General Gerasimov,”

    That’s because Russia only talks to real and relevant Generals, not useless posers.

    “Polish General Roman Polko said that the country’s air defenses should assume responsibility for part of Ukraine’s territory,”

    No, this is a different thing. Poland is annexing their part of Ukraine as predicted. First as a “Security guarantee” then later, since they’re already running the place, as a permanent feature. The UN will of course approve of this future referendum vote. So this is a trial balloon, but like everywhere, “Poland” is not one thing, but comprised of factions. This general feels go forward. Other parties, and even the people, may not want to adopt the world’s largest population of violent, seig heiling Nazis.

    “Berlin had proposed to help Poland patrol its airspace,”

    We remember how they “helped Poland” by moving their army in there last time. But Germany doesn’t have an army anymore, just untrained men in a junkyard, so nothing to worry about. Therefore “What help”? What would Germany send? Moral support? They already refused to send multi-billion Euros that were long owed.

    “Identified it as a S-300 air defense missile, with Poland calling it “Russian-made”

    Yes, and the planes that hit the Twin Towers were American made. Your point?

    Poland Wants Russian Oil Despite EU Embargo – Kommersant (RT)”

    “Russiaphrenia: the Madness Edition” We are both at war with them, and close trading partners. This makes sense when you realize nations have been subjugated to corporations, but presently are near equal size and coexist. –The goal of course is for corporations to supersede government and the corporate-government merger with unaccountable monopoly corporations as the senior partner. Google and Facebook. Look into Senator Blowhard’s history, then tell him how to vote. If the citizens don’t vote with adequate enthusiasm, they are fired and their bank cards shut off.

    “the EU and the UK may not survive next winter, 2023-2024, without Gazprom.”

    I don’t think I can stand another year of this. It needed to be over, oh, maybe 1995? When Bill had Alan print a million trillion dollars and rig the gold price to win the election?

    “ Eurozone Facing Deep Recession – Economists (RT)”

    No it’s not: we just re-defined all the words and lied about the numbers. Easy! Poof! No recession, everyone’s fine. Those French women are protesting for nothing!

    an abrupt end to Russian gas imports, and the need to provide financial support to households and firms struggling with the energy crisis.”

    Every day, in every way, I get dumber and dumber. Again, and 10,000 times again, MONEY WON’T HELP if there is no supply. It can make the price of oil go infinite though.

    What they’re doing is starting a subsidy for space-blaster rays. In fact, we printed enough that every Ralpie can afford that Red Ryder space-blaster ray. …One problem though: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPACE BLASTER RAYS. They don’t exist, we didn’t land on Ewok and make a trade agreement, there is zero supply and doesn’t look to be any in the future.

    In true abstract fashion, because they can’t deliver bacon to your house, they will happily email you a PICTURE of bacon. Same thing, right?

    “Chairman Xi dresses down Justin from Canada publicly, in view of cameras and microphones.

    Yes, but why? What’s really going on? No offense, but Canada as presently constituted is a nobody. They have no relevance, even their former moral relevance. They’re hardly even a colony of the Crown. Maybe Xi is annoyed Canada is not HIS colony, under HIS police and interference, as the Han believe is inevitable and right?

    “the NY Times on Monday published a cowering puff-piece which mentioned exactly none of the major accusations against the well-connected Democrat mega-donor.”

    1) It was the NY Times.
    2) They were lying.

    Gosh people are slow learners.

    “ SBF’s support of Democratic candidates to the tune of $40 million, … may have been done with “stolen customer funds.”

    May have? And like Corzine of MF Global not only does it, has the DNC connections cover it, not only isn’t arrested, but actually continues on as a major Obama fundraiser? Yeah, that’s probably SBF’s future: DNC Chairperson.

    “FTX Collapse Dooms Founder’s Effort to Prevent Another Pandemic”

    …He prevented the first one? Did they do this like Obama did, by erasing and not replacing all the nation’s masks, then outsourcing ALL pharmaceuticals to China, who is our named enemy? If we get in a war, we won’t have insulin and antibiotics, yet you somehow claim you’re serious. About anything.

    “US officials use the “politically correct” rhetoric of multipolarity and multilateralism,”

    Yes, but to be fair, they were speaking, so they were lying.

    “Firm commitment that the fighter jets will not be used against America’s allies.”

    Unlike NordStream II, which was definitely bombed by our allies. And the 2016 Turkish coup, definitely run by our allies. And the colonial extraction of all Greece and Cyprus, definitely done by our allies. But you get the point.

    But why would Erogan want a jet from 1976? Does he want some Sopwith Camels to go with that?

    “Sperm Counts Plummeting Dramatically – Faster Than Previously Thought (EHN)”

    Yup, big coincidence. It came from nowhere. It means nothing. Nobody cares. Yet somehow was in all the White Papers of all the WEF/Rome NGOs going back 50 years. Well, my work here is done! As Bill Gates says, “If we could only vaccinate Africa, we could really bring the population down.” When he says this, everyone nods their heads: How DARE you criticize or suspect Bill Gates! Don’t you know he’s rich? And isn’t even a programmer, much less a doctor or scientist? Why, he’s practically an expert!

    “Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside The Capitol”?

    Let’s see: they had the head of the Proud Boys: an FBI informant. They VP of Oath Keepers, an FBI informant. Ray Epps, an FBI informant and paid provocateur. As well as people the booth who hit the button for the magnetic lock on the 2,500 pound doors. Oh and 13 of the 15 Whitmer conspirators.

    And both AOC and Pelosi both said they knew ahead of time.

    I do not find this suspicious at all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2022 #121117
    Dr. D


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2022 #121116
    Dr. D

    So let’s trade Portland for Przewodów, who’s down? Can we get a nuke on?

    So they’ve already settled this down going to Article 4. Really? That stands out. What is Article 4? That they f-ing ask some questions and find things out? Wow. So for these guys you have to take the obvious: “Keep Breathing”, and make a whole legal chapter out of it. So Poland, instead of pushing the button first asked what happened.

    And that makes sense. The media – being illiterate, glue-sniffing pin heads – started baying at the moon in unison saying “This activates Article 5! This activates Article 5!” No. If a Russian lorry hits a Turkish housewife in Hamburg, is that an “attack”? An act of war? No? Why not? Because we say so?

    No. Article 5 has to be INVOKED. It’s not automatic. And since it is likely to mobilize war, all the OTHER countries have to AGREE and join in. That is, they have to feel it’s legitimate enough to sell it to their people. And as the case of trading Portland for Przewodów, what happens if they don’t? What happens if Poland activates Article 5 and the U.S. won’t come? Or leaves NATO? Whaddya gonna do? Make us?

    Use your head for a second. That’s what it’s there for. But journalists don’t have brains, that’s why they were hired. They just have big mouths.

    Meanwhile, in Texas: ““Invasion Clause” Triggered In Texas As Migrants Overwhelm Border”

    I say activate Article 5. We ARE being invaded, right? Make Poland come over to Lubbock and spend their jeeps and diesel helping out. No? Why not?

    Kevin O’Leary, “Crypto Bottom is in.”

    Oh boy. You want to make a bet on that? And right after you just blew some millions losing on FTX, the greatest, most transparent scam in my lifetime. Way past Enron and Madoff combined.

    “Half the world’s GDP.” Why pick these areas? You could probably pick quite similar ones. They seem to be the financial trading centers.

    Also overlay with the “Half the world’s population” maps. Not very similar.

    “Russia, India, China, Iran: The Quad that Really Matters (Escobar)”

    Maybe. But they’re not that big yet and these things take time. Since it’s their job to attack anyone out of line, after directly attacking Germany, Turkey says they’ve also been attacked by the United States of Terrorism. That’s pretty salty, unusually direct, and opens a new Overton that wasn’t there before. Also Turkey is NATO, and Turkey is Europe. So we attack ourselves now? Hail NATO! But we already did, obviously, so this is just normalizing it. “Join NATO, and we’ll attack ourselves! Free bombings on Sundays!”

    Remember: they shut down our base there that was shipping all the C-130s of heroin out of Afghanistan…and worse. We removed our nukes, but they have the evidence on us to use when they want.

    “to attack China, by emboldening Taiwan, first Russia must be weakened, via the instrumentalization (and destruction) of Ukraine.”

    Tricky tricky. By telling everyone on earth, so everyone on earth knows. Kind of like when they said “Ukraine: you look bad. Pretend you’re doing peace talks but not really!” Um, you seem to think it’s clever to say the secret part out loud? Did you forget you’re not on a video game chat? The NPCs CAN hear, you know.

    “And all along the scenario, Europe simply has no agency.”

    You are kidding, right? So Washington does exactly and only what the WEF/Davos tells them to. Down to the letter. Against 70% of their citizens. But WEF/Davos – that is Europe – has no agency and it’s the U.S. that’s in control. Suuuuuure it is. If you mistake the servant for the master.

    How about “There’s two big clubs, and you’re not in either of them”? That WEF club of “Progressives” is supra-national, both coordinating lockstep internationally as with Covid, AND being in high opposition to their own people internationally… as with Covid. So they cannot be said to be the “States”, “Countries”, “Peoples” or “Governments” at all.

    The “United States” isn’t directing it. And “Europe” in this context has no meaning. WHO in Europe? The people? They oppose all of this. You mean Russia, which is “Europe”? Obviously not. I don’t think you mean Monaco or Montenegro. So WHO?

    This sloppy thinking will kill us all and give the bad actors a free pass. For the love of God, engage thinking.

    Anyway, the Master Plan of the glue-sniffers is to cut off Russia so they can attack China at leisure who then has no allies. And then they TELL them, and expect and are surprised China won’t abandon Russia. I’ve run out of words to describe this, because my words are “logical”. Okay then: tell them you’ll nuke Beijing one minute after Russia falls, then act surprised China don’t help Russia to fall.

    “ France’s Macron Urges More Chinese Pressure to End Ukraine War (AlA)”

    He then added, “As soon as the Ukraine war ends, we will all nuke Beijing”

    “Biden Unveils $37BN More in Emergency Ukraine Aid (ZH)”.

    Doesn’t this suggest they must have an FTX II somewhere? The whole PURPOSE goes like this: Actually Biden can’t print money. Even Congress can’t print money. The money is printed by the FED to cover the national debt.

    1) There is runaway interest compounding, making each month’s number twice the previous month.
    2) The Fed is TIGHTENING, not loosening as Europe demanded. This is primarily crushing Davos banks and the WEF mafia.
    3) Biden, as a paid employee of Davos, MUST create money to stop the debt-compounding explosion that will strike Europe first.
    4) Therefore, the only debt large enough, that he can put into action soon enough, seems to be “The Latest Thing”, the Iraqi Libyan Syrian Somali Ukraine war.
    5) The Fed must and does monetize this, at least so far.
    6) Debt compounding still increases tomorrow, and the enormous pressure on Europe, and Biden’s masters, continues without end, but also without collapse.

    So notice when we started, what was the size? Well, it was $50B from March to October, let’s say 6 months. Now they need another $40B in only one month. Yup, sounds like they’re collapsing.

    Then what? $100B by January? $300B total into “Ukraine” by February? Then what? $700B, $1.4Trillion by April?

    And the U.S. is going to give $1.5 Trillion to Ukraine, while it’s losing, there’s no water in Michigan and Arizona, there’s no heating oil, all the bridges are collapsing, and there’s 2 million homeless encampments from Tijuana to Vancouver? Okay: you go with that.

    “Ukraine is a hybrid war, in which Russia is essentially facing Western nations,”

    And Russia, with a GDP of Italy, has to face off against 20 nations combined. Gee, I guess they’d have to be very slow and careful then. Damn them! I want excitement! I want my nightly news!

    “The US wants to weaken and destroy Russia, and is using Ukraine as a “battering ram” to achieve that goal, the secretary of Russia’s national Security Council has warned.”

    What? So cray-cray. Just because he’s quoting Brzezinski, and U.S. public policy statements for 30 years. Yes, but it’s not crazy when Brzezinski says it. Me = Good. You = Bad. Any questions?

    “ Conflict in Ukraine Best Thing to Happen to US in 10 Years – Roger Waters (RT)”

    So says Assange, just before he was locked up. They don’t want the war to end. They don’t want it to increase. They need it to go on forever at just the right size so they can launder money back to the United States. (Using FTX)

    Washington allowed to happen because it was beneficial to American interests.”

    So goes the “America wot dun it” theory. However, it is beneficial to WEF interests, and NOT beneficial to “American” interests, as the people are screwed whiter than ever, and are even MORE restive against their government while owning 400 million guns. That does not sound to me like “America” is winning. It sounds like an ever-smaller cadre is circling the wagons even against their own oligarchs, possibly even the ones on Wall St that own the Fed. Fairfax/Lockheed may be powerful, but they’re not THAT powerful.

    And what is this, 1954? We need Roger Waters and Bob Dylan to tell us the obvious because not a single journalist will? “Commission on Un-American Activities” “Better Dead than Red.”

    “an account claiming to be pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly & Co said the company was giving away free insulin and immediately plunged its stocks. An account supposedly representing Lockheed Martin also said it was halting weapons sales to Saudi Arabia,”

    Man, I love this. Nothing could be better. There’s no better way to pop the bubble of “Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet, people!!!” If only they could do this every day, people might kick-start into thinking for themselves.

    As far as I can tell, changing your visible name is a core programming element from way back and as part of the foundation, it’s not easily changed. Just no one had bothered to exploit it before. This is FABULOUS sales pitch for Elon’s new, ACTUAL verified accounts, and he’s certain to get perfect buy-in from all of them, Eli and Lockheed included.

    There’s no doubt that the social media platform has lost significant value since the Tesla CEO’s takeover, probably to the tune of several billion.”

    Really? Prove it. The company is de-listed and has no stock price. Have you made an offer to the board they rejected? What do you base your value on? “I’m a reporter, and never dun no finance, but ‘cause I said so and wrote it down here, in my iPhone. P R I N T !!!” …Just like USA Today’s 200 false stories, no editors, no oversight.

    No, it probably did, but my point is valid. And? That’s why he took it Private, people! Because it was going to need a lot of work that would cost in the short-term. This is the PLAN. This is foreign to glue sniffers who can’t think ahead of the next page in their coloring book.

    “Republicans apparently learned very little from the 2020 election which turned voting and vote counting into a chaotic multi-week affair,”

    Well people like Tim Pool said “Don’t talk about election fraud!” It’s not a winning sales, it sounds like sour grapes. Um, if you don’t look into election fraud, you don’t have “elections”. You have only “Fraud”. You HAVE to look into it. But they didn’t, so here we are. We just keep counting through 100% of voters, then 105%, then 110%, until the Blue wins. Then we stop counting.

    (Not kidding. There were 140M registered voters in 2020. 70M voted for Trump. And 80? Million? Then voted for Biden??? Explain? Nevermind – that’s math and we don’t do that. It’s not cheating when we do it! Least popular President of all time got the most possible votes of all time: That’s just common sense.)

    In addition, if Republicans like-kind cheated to win, the wholly-owned Davos media would report only GOP fraud, and both undercut the elections, AND possibly Federalize them. No, this is the right approach.

    “‘Ballot Curing’ Might Cost Lauren Boebert Her Colorado Seat (Li)”

    We count until all Democrats win. Then we stop counting.

    Don’t worry: this story is still ongoing, and has an end. It’s WWE. And Trump – DeSantis is the latest “Royal Rumble”. This is all a big show. It’s just a “Narrative”. And one I’m pretty sick of waking up to every morning. I was already sick of it in the 90s, when they were bombing aspirin factories and verticalizing the media into 6 companies while defying the Constitution on rapacious Student Loans and selling our Sandia Defense Labs to China and bombing the streets of Panama. Yes, pretty sick of it, but I guess that’s what it takes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2022 #121115
    Dr. D

    “Arizona Has Finished Counting and Calvin Coolidge Is President!” — BBee

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2022 #121064
    Dr. D

    The American Financial System decides what to do about FTX:


    I have to say that part about suicide being an internal war, of memes I guess, seems very true. As a nation we are at war of memes, or rather paradigms.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2022 #121045
    Dr. D

    “Tom Brady, August 07 2022” Well that didn’t age well. That’s forty days?

    Aaaand It’s Gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nVk25ZvTkU

    There is something about the immediate and widespread press on FTX. That it’s “allowed”. However, it is a pretty big story, so it’s hard to tell.

    Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.” –Khalil Gibran
    How gauche. Everyone knows your heart is stupid and your mind is smart.

    “Zelensky wants “effective security guarantees” and insists on an international meeting where the agreements are laid down in a peace treaty.”

    A peace treaty like Minsk? Where you shelled 14,000 of your own people for ten years while building Europe’s largest army for invasion? You can’t have “effective security guarantees” when you are “not agreement capable.” …But Ze never meant that at all, he could care less what happens to Russia. What he meant was “How can WE have security guarantees by disarming and bringing Russia to heel permanently, as a start of cutting them up and destroying them?”

    “UN Calls on Russia to Pay Ukraine Reparations (RT)”

    Again, this goes both ways. So now Russia cannot join the UN-world even if they wanted to. Nor can the Global South, knowing such a resolution will be put on them, Saudi Arabia for instance. Steal all their money. All the things! Like China’s overseas bank assets. Canadian Kenworths. So that entire world MUST create, and work exclusively within, a parallel system.

    At the same time, the other solution to this is now clear: rather than leaving a rump Ukraine within the city of Kiev, now Ukraine must cease to exist altogether for all time. Congratulations, UN, you just promoted total war.

    P.S. where are Russia’s reparations? Or Poland’s? How about Abenaki? Winnebago? Aboriginal? Flemish? Greek? Basque? Great plan. That shouldn’t cause any trouble or nothing.

    “people view this operation – as spectators: …What is at the base of these kinds of reactions?”

    Because they’re children. They’ve haven’t been punched in the mouth and left in a ditch enough.

    This is key, and key to the madness and insanity – bloodthirsty, unthinking insanity – of the West. The reason is, everything we do, think, see, say, is an abstraction. Christmas decorations are out, and what do we see? A Tree. Except it’s not a REAL tree, it’s a plastic tree, the #Opposite of a tree. It’s a PAPER tree, the picture of a tree, that is, a Representation, a tree WORD. A tree, supporting trees, made from the #Killing of trees.

    And so on with Reindeer, which no one has ever seen, with Santa, which is an abstraction of the holiday, for Jesus, who is an abstraction of an event, a representation of a man-box, which you can project nearly any other thought into.

    Not only that, ALL Western life is nothing but abstractions. Every day we see abstractions of chickens. Chickens on cartoon, chickens on the box, Chik-fil-a billboards, even chickens in a vacuum pack. But you will never see a real chicken. Probably most of the whole society has never seen one in person, ever, watched them go around, do their thing, live their life, come to bed at dark, wake up in the morning.

    I see the TERRIBLE writing in Hollywood now. OMG, “Gawd-’elp-us”, just moronic, infantile, illogical, cross-emotional, psychopathic cross-dressing drivel. It makes no sense. It delivers no story. Why?

    It’s all merely re-hashes of OTHER stories, tropes. Those tropes were themselves abstractions. Somewhere, 100 layers down, there was once a real story of a real person, or based on actual reality, as lived, experienced, and understood by someone. Maybe in 1911. Thus you have this America-That-Never-Is, in well, anything, but “Supernatural” comes to mind. The Rural version of “Friends” where five barristas afford a palatial apartment in Manhattan across from Central Park. Or the Abstraction of “Gremlins” (A Christmas movie), where the town isn’t from the 80’s, it’s Spielberg’s Boomer childhood of the 1950’s projected to 1980 when it had already failed and ceased to exist.

    …Today’s movies are “DinoLand IV: the Dinosty”, which is a rehashes of “Jurassic Park III”, which is a re-hash of “Jurassic Park I”, which is a rehash of Spielberg, which is a rehash of 1980, which is a rehash of 1950 someone once actually grew up in. …And THAT person, that young boy, grew up there, but mostly read books and watched “Lone Ranger” and “Hopalong Cassidy” on TV, with a thin layer of being outside and going to school on the side.

    This is equally true of the plots, and here’s more to the point. Same as they have no idea what chickens are, what trees are, what towns are, that it’s not “Hill Valley” (“Back to the Future”, a contradiction and abstraction meant as a joke, but as words have no meaning, becomes credible and real as “Elm Street”) but a boarded up mile and two nail salons beside a station with no gas: the real rural world if “Supernatural” actually was shot not on on a Paramount back lot with CGI. Pictures of tractors but no tractors. Country Kitsch of a goose or a butter churn, but no geese or cows.

    No, the same thing is with the plot, the thinking. Their abstraction of 50 years of torrential fire-hose, brain-melting stark raving nonsense is MacGiver disarming a nuclear bomb (stolen from WalMart using a muscle car, is made of tin foil and silly string, has no weight, no maintenance, no parts, and no radiation signature) and fixes it a pocket knife and a piece of duct tape. The baddies shoot no bullets, or no bullets that hit. Yet are a real threat who are baddies that practice with guns all day. A paper sign or 2010 Nissan car door can stop bullets, which never are shot below the doors at your ankles. Police stations are always like Google Corporate headquarters, which have the latest electron microscopes that project to wide-screen TVs. When you ask a question, like “Who did this?” the answer appears BEFORE the crime even occurs. Like when they knew North Korea hacked SONY before the q-bits had left the building.

    Their thinking is equally warped, abstracted, has had no contact with reality FOR GENERATIONS. Nor, as I’ve said, are you likely to get any. Even if you left your bubble at Vassar, would you see a real chicken working at Popeye’s while living in a trailer in Harper’s Ferry? No. If you were a oil worker, that is, actually contacting real things almost always, who would you tell? You’re a freak. What you say makes no sense to anyone else in American culture, and when you say “Don’t put your head in the industrial shredder” they say “You don’t own me, you racist, misogynistic hater! Your words are violence! I’ll do what I want!” So what do you do? Let them? They’re like a nation of two-year-olds, 250 million strong.

    …And so it is with the present war. It has the same reality as “Spy Kids” and “SpongeBob”. Russia is both so strong they fix every election worldwide but so weak they ran out of bullets back in March. They’re so smart they bomb their own pipelines and shell their own nuclear stations. –Who can figure out villains which on TV make no sense, have no purpose, and always lose? They’re both attacking with the whole Russian army, and don’t have enough men to defend a small town. They both own Ukraine-as-Russia and plan to irradiate it — themselves — forever.

    Peace talks are no different. Because villains are illogical and war has no point, thus peace also has no conditions and no purpose. The purpose of all things is to let the Good Guys win. Simple! And we’re the Good Guys, so “Know Your Place.”

    It’s simply impossible.

    And so, for examples, like a movie, like “Chuck” or “The Social Network”, when a 20 year old from MIT appears with a weird haircut, he’s OBVIOUSLY a computer genius. Can’t you see my black turtleneck? – Do I have to switch to my lab coat now? – And so OBVIOUSLY, like in the movies, 30 minutes into the movie, he’s “Wolf of Wall Street” and has made a BILLION dollars. With a short montage. Duh. Like, did you think it would take an hour? NO! We have to get to the climax here. All the people go “Looks legit to me!!!” and pile in a $160M NFL-Supermodel fortune.

    They have NEVER SEEN REALITY. They LITERALLY CAN’T TELL. So what is the world where the one-eyed man is king? No. In the story, the King who didn’t take the poison is thrown down a well as a raving madman, while the raving madmen are quite happy with themselves, their clarity, morality, and strength of judgment. Golf clap: good show old sir.

    How WOULD you see reality? Well, it would be like The Matrix: Dark, cold, hostile, miserable. Forever. Given a choice, the human animal will invariably pick endless, non-stop, pan-optical, universal, and highly approving fantasy. Where by joining, your life and status is not in danger.

    So this is the full background of “Not Agreement Capable”, and why Russia cannot negotiate with Ze for “Security”. This is why they’re just “spectators”, “consumers” with thoughtless advice they would never take themselves, then pick themselves up and carry on.

    Well, I gotta go buy an abstraction of Gingerbread cookies to hang on a tree and pin to a wall. These cookies talk, dance, and tell salty one-liners. Probably have batteries. One thing they don’t have is Ginger, Bread, or Cookies.

    Just like Christmas Trees have neither Christ, nor Mass, nor Trees.

    Thus we have Blinken, as “We’re the Good Guys”, therefore like American Movies for 50 years, we run the world, are the biggest and best, and whatever we say wins. Duh. So we say “Russia, you hereby lose” like any rich bratty kid playing Monopoly and setting house rules. Russia – and the planet – are like “Whaaaaat?” What game, what rules, and what enforcement? We never came to your house and never agreed to anything.

    “By contrast, the contemporary era resembles World War One, with a single, mostly immobile line of battle and endless trench warfare.’

    So…the Gilded Age.

    “Midterm Success Brings US Democrats to a Historic Dilemma (Desai)”

    We follow this as if it’s serious and real when Biden, who couldn’t fill a School Gym, won with 5 million more votes than there were voters. In 2022, in every contested state – but ONLY the contested states – Every mail-in ballot went Democrat, 100% of every Independent went Democrat, and 30% of all Republican mail-ins went Democrat.

    THEN winning surprise victories 4 days AFTER election, with perfect margins. With $50B recycled through Ukraine, FTX, and back to these races. But sure, we’ll do post-election analysis and never discuss “election deniers” again. Unless they’re the entire DNC Headliners, for 6 years straight.

    “this the most expensive midterm ever,”

    With $50 Billion spent through one avenue alone, I would think so.

    “Film and television have trained our brains to expect narrative arcs in everything we experience, from rising action, through to a climax, and ending in a denouement. Real life is not like this at all, but many of us cannot help but to interpret at least some of our own lives in this fashion.”

    Seems to be a theme today. Because we’ve consumed 150,000 hours of fiction, and like 10,000 hours of reality by the age of 20.

    “‘people power’ where the people steamrolled first their own party’s elites, and then those of the opposing party”

    Yes, except Trump just un-rigged the existing rig better, probably with Navy Seals, and having never played that card before, they didn’t see it coming. In 2020 and 2022, they fortified their fraud.

    “a revolution is what the overwhelming majority of Trump voters in 2016 wanted.”

    As words have no meaning, and a “Tree” is not a “Tree” War = Peace, Ignorance = Strength, then yes. But a “Revolution” is the violent overthrow and replacement of the existing government. Being “elected” means you are gaining control and directing the existing government. That is, they are #Opposites. But all things and their #Opposite are the same now, now when words have no meaning.

    Things wander from to and from their #Opposites almost minute-to-minute, masks, election denying, Russia, Practically every headline is the reverse of the previous. The “DoubleThink” becomes “DoublePlusThink”, thinking #Opposites at the same time, and not only don’t have a problem, they don’t even notice.

    Thus any Election = Revolution. An unarmed protest = a violent coup. One person dying, mostly by accident = “worse than 911 and Pearl Harbor combined.” Speaking is violence, but violence is merely speech. There’s no end, so why bother?

    Let me translate: Me = Good ; You = Bad. All thoughts follow accordingly.

    “cryptocurrency exchange BitMex, at the time under investigation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC) for illegally providing services to U.S. residents.”

    The CFTC? So Gensler’s co-worker arranged to kill and exchange and move their customers over to his boss’s daughter’s company, the one who found a billion dollars and donated to to his boss?

    “President Biden said the country’s “not anywhere near a recession right now,”

    “Subprime is contained” — Bernanke. “We will never see another Recession in our lifetimes” – Yellen. No one notices. Nothing is descredited.

    “there’s a 65% chance of a recession within the next 12-18 months, according to a survey of economists”

    Once again, they can’t predict it even when we’re ALREADY IN ONE. By definition. “Two quarters of declining GDP”. But they changed what the definition of “is” is. And can never be fired because we have neither capitalism nor markets. Failure is no obstacle. Consequences have been suspended, forever and ever, in a perfect world without God, where reason will never exist again.

    World Population Expected to Hit 8 Billion on Nov. 15 (JTN)”

    Like other Science, is this data all completely made up and we only reached 6 Billion? Who reports? Who checks? How would you tell?

    “March 8, 2008 …destroying the “feeling of trust that is WikiLeaks’ center of gravity.”

    Is that the Letter agency account that edits Wikipedia 10x a day, every day, 24 hours a day, including every holiday? Maybe you might look into that one. Maybe pull his account? And Colbert saving all the Elephants.

    Ithaka. Assange is just another abstraction. It can’t happen here. It didn’t happen to us. And if we don’t look out, we’ll be in a Recession, a War, or Lose Our Democracy and Free Speech.

    Menopause Vest: Signaling is real. The Real is just signals. That is reality = my mind.

    I need a new hobby. This one isn’t paying.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2022 #120983
    Dr. D
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2022 #120981
    Dr. D

    Working like a charm, traders now saying broadly, unconsciously, that ““FTX Was a failure of regulators”. Coinbase uses “Regulatory clarity” 500 times in their presentation.

    FTX was in the Bahamas, and was RELATED to the regulators. “@GaryGensler runs to the media while reports to my office allege he was helping SBF and FTX work on legal loopholes to obtain a regulatory monopoly.” DingDingDing! Regulate me daddy! It stopped S&L, Citi’s illegal merger into insurance before Glass-Stegall was revoked, stopped Nasdaq 1999, stopped S&P 2000, stopped “Subprime” in 2008, stopped 500,000 serial felonies of no transfer, no tax revenue in MERS, stopped them from foreclosing on houses that had no mortgage, Stopped Fargo from inventing user checking accounts and charging them fees. Yup. Regulation has been a rousing success. They’re cleaner than the FBI!

    …See, this is a change in paradigm. In mental level. In responsibility. And the people are not elevated, they have not changed, and wish to take no responsibility, but remain serial victims all their lives. And if they wish to do so, there’s nothing I can do, nor are any alternatives presented, like BTC, going to help. It would be like arming the population, but when it comes down to it, refuse to fire, hand over their power to the bad guys. – WITH all the accidental collateral damage like losing your keys or shooting the neighbor in the meantime.

    The Bad Guys know this, and that’s why they’re not worried. If it takes people to think for themselves, take action and do work, take responsibility and not blame others like a mature person, well, we’re not going to do that.

    In this case, one of many, Banks win completely, “Regulate” crypto, put it under complete control, float fake coins to infinity, rig the prices anywhere they like, and turn it into the Gold market. Or wheat, or oil. No reality at all there. No autonomy. Why? Because nobody wants it.

    How would we win? By moving to a higher consciousness, and doing the work and exhibiting the maturity of thought a higher consciousness demands. There’s nothing wrong with Bitcoin. It can work fine. But the people in the Bitcoin market? Just hopeless. Not a lick of principle or integrity in them. All word, all slogan and no action, like everybody else. If so, it’s just the Dow. With Teslas and Fargos running around. Open frauds, approved by everyone.

    Especially the regulators.

    Yeah, the Regulators haven’t even jumped in yet, with a world-wide blitz of CNN and Congress, and already the traders THEMSELVES pre-demand it. “God no! No peer-to-peer freedom and low costs! Anything but that!” Position accordingly.

    “Gensler was not the only one suckered by SBF. Nearly everyone else—myself included—fell for the narrative”

    YGTBFKM. A bank (exchange) appeared OVERNIGHT, multi BILLION dollars appeared with it, and nobody asked any questions? The billionaires 1) Didn’t oppose it 2) Didn’t try to capture it 3) Didn’t look into it 4) Put their OWN money into it? …And your argument with 1,2,3, and 4, was that they DIDN’T own it from the get-go? Monopoly billionaires always just let competition appear overnight and never stop them at all.

    YGTBFKM. I could smell it 10,000 miles away. Heck, even Coinbase is mostly captured, but FTX was a scam from the first minute. And Jimmy-John Roberts and Fortune Magazine had noooooooooooooo idea. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure you didn’t. Sure. I can tell you from under this bridge without lifting my eyes from the paper.

    And Gensler wasn’t involved 99% with this scam when: “The problem is that cop-on-the-beat Gensler not only failed to spot the crime—he appeared set to go along with a legislative strategy that would have given SBF a regulatory moat and made him king of the U.S. crypto market.”

    Sure, I as a regulator always hand out monopoly moats to 20 year old kids at MIT for free. Nope, never ask for any back-favors at all, I don’ts. Never been directed once by insider billionaires, Ukrainian Mafias, the CIA money-channels, or the DNC election committees. “Gensler, a former campaign finance chair for Hillary Clinton, is of course not the only prominent Democrat” Nope, I hand out world-wide monopolies – with the corresponding illegalities and jail time over me – for FREEEEEE!

    OMG make it stop.

    “It’s fascinating to see that the majority of the net equity in the Alameda business is actually FTX’s own centrally controlled and printed-out-of-thin-air token..”

    Apparently, the top regulator Gensler looked at this, thought it was AWESOME, then protected FTX and his boss’s daughter, and tried to arrange a worldwide regulatory monopoly for them? I always do that when I see the world’s most transparent, $100 Billion accounting frauds. That’s just common sense. Gee, since regulators love this, I guess we need more regulators!

    Okay, moving on with helpful, hopeful notes for the day: Europe continues uninterrupted with vax passports, the Social Credit Digital Money. How? Well, obviously they need to give money for home heating. Soon, they will also need a card to deliver food. Europe as UNESCO. They said “Luckily, we just happened to have a system in place for that! Ta-dah! The vax passport nobody wanted and which we’ll add back the vax requirement a minute after we get it in!”

    What is this really, though? Well, it’s merely an EBT card in the United States: Straight Welfare. But let’s be generous. It’s the UBI Card. Universal Basic Income, and since we doubled prices overnight, you can submit to UBI or die. Hopefully die. But what is UBI? What is this system really?

    It’s a system of RATIONING. Rationing, like in a war, or in the Soviet Union. Central control, because we’re SO BAD at everything, central planning so UTTERLY does not work, that we have no resources left for anyone but us at Davos, with the entire township filled with private jets, eating 5-star with our masks off. And you wouldn’t deny us that, would you? We’re your LEADERS. So: rationing for you, WWII level penury, FOREVER. 5-Star meals and unlimited whiskey on Doctor’s orders for US, like Churchill had.

    And because this UBI is a Vax Passport and Social Credit Score, if you criticize us, or not show AMAZING enthusiasm for great leader, MORE than parades for Kim Jong Il, if you aren’t OVERJOYED when we take your kids and sterilize them, …well, we cut off all your food and heat. Forever.

    That’s your “”Individual carbon footprint tracker” WEF.

    “Scholz is fully blind to the fact that the west is a minority.”

    Well, when you’re practically perfect in every way, and live in a Garden, where there’s no food, no freedom, no heat, you get to talk that way.

    No freedom? Yes, Ireland, in their new attempt to be #1, looks to outlaw even the possession of “Hate”. …No definition provided of course, but my guess is, not liking the PM with adequate enthusiasm. To the dungeon! No! The oubliette! Well, that’s Ireland for you: religiously oppressive at all times. If not, how would they talk bad about their neighbors? Back stab each other and keep Britain in charge?

    “Allen Dulles essentially kicked off the Cold War when he held secret talks with Waffen SS General Karl Wolff as Hitler’s regime was nearing its collapse.”

    Sure, Dulles was a Nazi, who like Ford and IBM and London, had funded Nazis, then air-lifted all the remaining Nazis, and installed them in the CIA and DoD. It’s a project so large, it’s impossible to miss. …Yet everybody misses it, believing pretty lies. You’re telling me we funded them beforehand, rescued them after, and had nothing to do with it?

    “Dulles, viewed the USSR as America’s biggest long-term threat even as the countries worked together to defeat Germany.”

    Yes, when Stalin defeated Hitler and 2/3s of the world army single-handedly, with virtually no US/Western help, suddenly America RUSHED to Berlin! In a big hurry they totally weren’t before then! They met at the Ober and American Troops were given direct orders not to cheer, celebrate, or fraternize with their allies, Russian Infantry. Why? Because Dulles/DoD already wanted to attack Russia. Right then. Just continue the war, since it was a failure. They had set up and funded Hitler out of nowhere to attack and re-capture Russia and failed. But here was their chance! Armies mobilized, keep going! This was diverted, but not because of Dulles and the DoD. They nuked Japan instead to bring Russia to heel. However, Russia was already in the Manhattan Project and had their own bomb immediately after. Therefore, America forestalled. Stalemate.

    …Up to today, actually.

    “Portray America as the virtuous champion of freedom while working with anyone — however abhorrent their deeds and views might be — as long as they share Washington’s burning desire to hurt Russia.”

    …Or hurt anyone else. As in Chile, Greece, well anywhere really. New Jersey. We’re not particular. Equal opportunity murderer, all 200 nations. Or all 200 at once! How this “Virtuous champion” routine could work more than 5 years is a mystery to me. Like BTC above, you’d think once you read 10 lines of history, you’d stop being a sucker. “History, that catalog of crimes”?

    Oh, PS, Dulles was the guy trying to end the Russian Stalemate by starting WWIII in Cuba. And a couple other places before then. Kennedy tried to take him out and then… Well, I guess things happen. All accidental of course. Nobody ever plans anything, Ever.

    Here we are today: SSDD. CIA still exact same people and character. Nazi ethos still everywhere Paper Clip ever was. DoD still divided between installed Nazis and US soldiers. Stalemate still on. Strange how organizations are like living beings, never changing, staying the same unless they are “torn up and scattered to the winds” by someone.

    White House Launches ‘Climate Gender Equity Fund’ (RT)”

    Yes, but turns out the Climate is “Gender fluid” which means the money can go anywhere, to anyone. Exxon and Amazon are “Climate ESG” companies, so anywhere.

    “leverage private sector contributions to provide women climate leaders with technical skills, networks and capital to develop and scale climate solutions,”

    So they’re setting up political agitprop groups and terrorists, funded by the taxpayers and authorized monopolies, in good Nazi, Goldberg fashion. Right.

    Is it appropriate for the government to directly fund political groups with taxpayer money? Won’t the other side’s political party not like having their money stolen to work against them? Sure they will, but Republicans haven’t taken action in 50 years and aren’t going to start now.

    “From Dec. 5, tankers and shipping insurance linked to EU and G7 countries — which dominate oil shipping globally — will be barred from trading Russian crude”

    MacKinder. World Island vs Oceania. “We have always been at war with Estasia.” Oceania, that is, the Anglosphere, still owns the seas. So they are cutting off oil tankers, just as we did to Japan as an open act of war. India may need to import via train and pipeline, but adequate volume hasn’t been built yet. …But the important part is the declaration of war on India. And everybody else. This comes after the declaration of war on Germany, by blowing the NSII that they mostly own, cutting off food and heat for millions.

    “Twitter has started culling its vast ranks of contract staff,”

    This was all a make-work project for Liberals. I’m sure many saw the “Here’s my workday” video where a 20-year old gets lattes, goes to yoga, plays video games, and does like 1 hour of work which is a meeting, so basically does no work at all.

    And he’s going to make wildly overpaid Manhattan employees who’ve done no work at all for 5 years, pay for their own lunch? Oh, the humanity!

    He should move the whole company to Cleveland and pay them $20/hr. They’d JUMP at the jobs.

    And be very likely to be fair. 50-50.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120914
    Dr. D

    Teri: no the point wasn’t that people donate to Democrats. That’s a good thing. And it’s a mark of honest dealing and open discussion to post the whole list, which shows all the equivalent very large GOP donations.

    The point is, George Soros is 80 years old and trading, building his fortune all his life. Like Theil, this takes years, decades.

    But you’re telling me that in two years a 20 year old from MIT has as much money as the 80-year fortune of the top scoundrel and trader?

    C’mon. Surely that beggars belief. If he made the money and wants to donate legally, nobody has a problem with that, although we’ll track for influence peddling, as he donated largely to the Congressmen running the SEC and CFTC.

    But when his donations 13 days after Biden’s campaign, come from his mother running “Mind the Gap” DNC vote-bending organization, and is personally fielding $50B Biden gave to Ukraine, back-laundered through his unregulated Exchange that only appeared yesterday, THAT’S when we want to ask a lot of questions about a 20-year-old suddenly discovering a few billion in the couch cushions.

    …That he gave away as Democratic donations.

    Donate away. That’s not the issue.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120913
    Dr. D

    “Tens of Billions Transferred to Ukraine and Laundered Through FTX (GP)”

    Been trying to phrase the narrative I see for FTX, but it’s complicated and wide-reaching.

    We have Ukraine, with billions going there – no limits! – while people all starve at home. Bridges collapse, crime spikes, homeless cities spring up, medieval diseases reappear, unsafe water. But no limits for Ukraine. GOP does nothing. In fact the Squad votes for it, I think there was one Senator, Rand Paul, and 51 Congressmen who showed any opposition at all.

    Money goes to Ukraine, and CBS reports that nobody knows where it’s going. We suggest that, when $50B moves through Europe’s most corrupt, money laundering nation, as reported by the NYTimes for 5 years, that maybe some of it is being laundered? But you don’t launder US money in Ukraine to send to Vanuatu. You launder it to get it back to YOU, the Congressmen and women who arrive with $500k and in 2 years are $10x Millionaires.

    At the same time, there has been non-stop accusations and evidence of election fraud and tampering. Facebook gives millions to critical races, NOT in the political PAC campaigns, but to buy and install their preferred people as the vote counters. No cases come to court. All are dismissed on standing, or timing, zero clarity on evidence. This goes on for years and only increases in 2022.

    At the same time, the Financial system is completely broken but won’t collapse. It’s like a badly-detonated building that’s leaning in on itself. Evergrande was halted, Credit Suisse bailed, losing a trillion in Amazon, half a trillion in Tesla, all collateral for ESG, makes no difference. Prices don’t drop. Why should they? When there are no regulators, companies merely cook books deeper, wider, and broader. If there are bankruptcies, they are merely bailed out, merged, or ignored, slow walked, never reported. BlackRock files and the media doesn’t report it. The judges don’t act on it. So it a real sense, it didn’t happen.

    Rates rise 6x. Shipping stops. Yet it has no effect on housing, retail, or employment numbers. All are gamed and fake for decades.

    The financial collapse never happens, but it HAS to happen, both for reality and sanity to reappear AND for the White Hats to show up so it didn’t happen on their watch, but is (rightfully) blamed on the other guy? It has to happen before. But their baling wire and duct tape is too strong, so good on them, I guess.

    There is no spark.

    So what if.

    What if the Spark that finally reveals the existing worldwide financial collapse doesn’t come normally, from housing or leverage, but from a money laundering a fraud so BIG that the FRAUD ITSELF is what collapses the system? What if that fraud is actually ELECTION fraud, frauds so big it broke not only the United States, the nation, its government – even its army — but the whole world?

    What could anyone say? Are reporters going to ignore the Credit Anstalt that caused the worldwide financial collapse? And when they look into it and find nothing but DNC donors and DNC operatives, the regulators themselves funneling the $50B from Ukraine back to Congress – there’s nothing else IN the books but this – what are they going to say?

    So let me get this straight: We’re broke, you started two nuclear wars, the economy’s wrecked, everyone’s starving, Europe froze, the government collapsed, the market has ceased to trade, there are no jobs because no payroll … And it’s all because YOU WERE RIGGING ELECTIONS?

    Gee, that election rigging must be PRETTY BIG. How big is it? Hey wait: doesn’t this mean that all those things “We voted for” we didn’t REALLY vote for? All those people, that supposed support for things, it wasn’t really support?

    Hold on: I don’t think we even know what the country IS anymore. Who WE are. What we want. What’s popular and unpopular, because it was all a fraud so large, so titanic, so galactic, that it IMPLODED THE ENTIRE WORLD?

    I can’t eat, and my checks don’t clear from work because YOU WERE ELECTION TAMPERING???

    We need a spot-check election just so I can properly assess what is REAL. Who my neighbors are. What a “woman” is. Okay, okay: time out here: Suppose 2022 wasn’t real. Wow. Suppose 2020 wasn’t real either. …They’re all seated. …Passing laws. Um… How do we fix this??? Who is the referee? Who calls a Backsies, a Do-over, so we can find out what American people REALLY want, and REALLY think, without this $50B, planet-imploding market-collapsing, food-halting, election fraud?


    What does that say? Markets halt. I don’t see how they couldn’t, that’s what a “Financial Collapse” is. Second, the only organization capable of calling a time out – and enforcing it – is the U.S. Military. Martial Law. At least here.

    They step in, call a time out, get in NO HURRY, and let people talk, think, digest, plan. Safely. Without “Summer of Love” riots burning all the black businesses. Twitter is open and free speech, not for the election? But somehow after? At some point, a plan is made and elections are held again that people will credit as mostly real, because I really don’t think the military wants to be in charge and run the country. They want to hand it back.

    So you see the cascade here, as the collapse refuses to fail organically for 14, 22 years? Well, The White Hats are all military, Intel, and they have long-scenario planners. And so it if doesn’t happen, the White Hats just have to MAKE it happen. And if so, then how? If you’re forced to, Where is the best possible way for the best possible (bad) outcome?

    All public. All un-avoidable. Impossible to deny or explain away. FTX?

    I guess we’ll see.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120912
    Dr. D

    Looks like unlike the last Kherson withdrawal where Ukraine rushed in, got cauldroned and annihilated, NATO has not been in a hurry to fill the new Kherson city that Surovikin left them. Too bad. Might be the first time they demonstrated they’ve learned something. But these are probably British Generals by now with Polish troops.

    So they’ve taken the city, but what is that? What is a “City”? The “City” is empty. So do you go shopping? Clubbing? Maybe pick up your day job at the factory? No. The city is the infrastructure that supports the PEOPLE. Even if the people were there, it would be difficult to run it not at a loss while under fire, but possible in a bad sort of way. But with no people at all? No shipping, no building, no fixing. In fact, the infrastructure that is can’t be repaired either because it will be abundantly clear that anything moving within 15 clicks is military and a target. Pre-dialed. So Ukraine has good shelter there but what does that mean in a world of satellites and drones? Not like you can hide.

    The land is worthless without the people. All the people of Kherson are now, or can be, working in factories in the East. That makes them a food and logistics cost, but Russia has the food and the logistics.

    “…can robots and AI really make all the stuff for the elites after they have gotten rid of the people?”

    Well, let’s see: no energy, no shipping, no feedstock, no material and process standardization, no communications, no logistics. Um, probably not. But carry on with your human-hating fantasy. I’ll watch.

    “ UK and EU to Try to Isolate Russia at G20 Summit (RT)”

    If they go with Russia they’ll get their quota of energy, but if they don’t go with the UK and EU then where will they get their monthly quota of beatings? About how Europe is the master race only trying to reform “The Jungle.”

    “ The New Candidate Countries for BRICS Expansion (SRB)”

    I thought the next one was already Angola. And look: no war, no coup! Too busy losing every piece of hardware in the swamps of Ukraine. All-clear. US NATOstan is broke and unable to project power anywhere.

    There’s an easy solution. The exchange can issue its own token to replace the customer assets transferred to the hedge fund.”

    This sets up the classic issue and shows the pure amateur status of Alameda: mismatch between short and long, between liquid and less-liquid assets. Like this: There’s a comic collector named Joe, and he wants SpiderMan #1. The price was $3M, but because he wants it, the price is now $300M. Without Joe, the price drops back to $3M, or even $1.5M. That is, as the old Wall St joke goes: “I’ve bid this up to $1M. Now sell, Mortimer!” “Sell? To who? YOU are the market!”

    Mismatching BTC which can be transferred out of restless crytpo trader’s accounts in minutes, with SpiderMan #1 which will take months to sell, if at all.

    “The price rockets, inflating the balance sheets of both the hedge fund and the exchange, and making $billions in unrealised profits”

    This is accounting fraud. The problem being it’s become standard practice for everyone, headlined by Tesla and Amazon. What are they worth if they wanted to sell, to “realize” those gains? Oh, well, probably far under 1/10th of their listed value. THEN THAT’S NOT THEIR REAL VALUE. As Telsa just found out, $400 to $200, on its way to $40/share, losing $600B in 9 months. Amazon of course lost a TRILLION. …Because like FTX, they were never worth a Trillion to begin with. It’s all accounting fraud. It’s accounting fraud all the way down.

    If I can just value my own comic books, then SquirrelGirl #39 (yes, this is real) I say is worth $1M apiece, all 40 of them. …They’re just really illiquid, and I need to find that elusive buyer who will overpay for an unpopular comic printed only last year. Um, no. That’s accounting fraud. Or as Jon Stewart showed with JonCo valuing Jon’s 1984 Volvo at $1M (in 2011):

    https://money.com/jon-stewart-5-best-money-moments/ (original video is purged to archives) Demonstrating MBS securities sold to the Fed at $1 when worth 0.01. Yes, that’s fraud. No one arrested it then, no one arrested it since then. Everyone has known the whole time. Why arrest it now?

    “Up to $2 Billion in Client Money Missing in Crypto Giant FTX Collapse (NYP)”

    This is as hilariously unlikely as that time in Armstrong’s trial when they said $1B was transferred out of a bank with no record keeping. Hahahaha! Suuuuuurrrrre it did! For all non-literate glue-munchers, if the Crypto left the FTX wallet, it went TO somebody else’s wallet. Which, being crypto, is PUBLIC. That’s what public-ledger means. Sooooo, not like I’m the FBI here, but maybe you should keep an eye on the wallet it was transferred to? Which you have the public address of? And the same with US$ funds? This is not a suitcase of cash. The cash only exists if someone – ON THE LEDGER – knows and can prove that you have it. Because it only exists as a book entry, and US$ and BTC are identical in this. Client money cannot “Go Missing”. What they mean is: “It went to the right people, so we’re not going to look.”

    Fact Check? If it went to Steve Bannon’s and Eric Trump’s personal bank account and Crypto address, you think they could find it? And it wouldn’t be “Missing” then? Yeah, I think so too. What is this bulls—t?

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120857
    Dr. D

    This will keep pouring in, but you know US Taxpayer money, to Ukraine, laundered back to Congress? Said all year, or every year since Barisma? Yeah, well news is now, FTX had a direct line to Ukraine. So, can’t really launder ANOTHER ten billion in the banking system? Without trace, to whoever? No problem! We just created an Alt-Bank system! Overnight, a ten-billionaire exists!

    …Imagine what we’d say if, say, East Podunk bank, owned by … Joe Biden’s, Nancy Pelosi’s, is there anyone left? … AOC’s half-sister, suddenly became larger than JP Morgan Chase, and ran all the GOP election financing, being the largest donor to Don Trump, Jr.

    …And then imagine Parlor, NASCAR, MyPillow, and the NRA all invested heavily in it. Alarm bells yet?

    N O P E. The “Crypto” investors jumped in with both feet. …Except they weren’t. The Ontario Teacher’s Union doesn’t bank their gol-durned money with college students in the Bahamas. Somebody TOLD them to do it. As a tip, or as a direct order, don’t care.

    Now, Step II: AFTER funding the DNC midterms, for which donations had PLUMMETED, if/when this all goes down, Gary Gensler of the SEC — whose kids and connections did all this — is going to say “Hark and Lo! I told you so! We need regulation, because PhD Teachers are too retarded to not hand their money to meth-smoking college students! I got your back! I just so happens I have a 10,000 page bill already written with 500 copies in my warehouse. It outlaws that mean old Bitcoin, and gives sweeping worldwide jurisdiction of all exchanges in the solar system.”

    The Teacher’s union goes on TV and says, “Yes! We are the biggest idiots planet earth has seen in generations! Give your kids to us! Please help by passing Gary’s pre-planned, pre-positioned, pre-printed anti-crypto law, and replace it with something safe: THE SYSTEM WE ALREADY HAVE.” (Central Bank Digital Money. With no physical media and no accounting.)

    CNN and the people cheer! Help us Daddy! When has the SEC and Congress ever overlooked crimes and decades long banking schemes with over-leverage except all 100 years before 2008, and every year since then? S&L, Subprime, Madoff…

    See where this is going? Aaaand no one’s going to buy it, because trust is broken. In government and Banks. But they sure can make a mess in the meanwhile!

    I can be moral — maybe. But I have to cooperate in an immoral world that sets the rules and sends the Sheriff down at me if I 1) Say anything. 2) Do anything. 3) Stop anything 4) Alarm anyone or more importantly 5) Take just and long-lasting, much-deserved revenge on the people who richly deserve it, largely, but not limited to, scamsters, fraudsters, and paid extortionists. But they let loose a lot of murders every day too. So many that we have 6-sigma death rate. The police won’t take revenge on those people, accurately, in a court of law. Take revenge on even those people yourself and they get all kinds of mad. Just like they don’t want men in high-crime areas to be well-armed. So, aren’t they more accurately #AntiLaw Officers? That’s why the sarcasm.

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120843
    Dr. D

    More Tweets, not too far off:
    “Swapnil Devre |
    You are wrong, CZ [Binance] tweet didn’t collapse FTX

    1.FTX prints FTT out of thin air
    2.FTX lends FTT to Alameda Research
    3.Alameda Research borrows USD stables against FTT
    4.Alameda Research sends USD stables to FTX
    5.Repeat = infinite money”
    (P.S. only if they have connections with regulators to have a U.S. Bank front-door access)

    What’s with Crytpo? Um, it’s complicated. Who pays $60k for a coin mined at $5? Same people who buy a gold nugget I find in a California river. My cost = $0. Same people who buy my Amazon stock from 1999. Cost = $10. Or a Banksy. Cost = Free. It’s what YOU think it’s worth. Nothing else matters.

    Why would you buy a stove and crypto? Why do you own a wood stove and a 2018 car? The car can’t be fixed if the internet goes down either. In fact, the parts for your 1969 Camaro won’t show up in the parts store. You won’t be able to make phone calls, even with a land line. So you need BTC if/when you need to commerce not face-to-face, which has become extremely common.

    Again, why are cryptos worth anything? Because although FTX may be broke, Credit Suisse is as well, We hear BlackRock has filed, and Citi may be as well, and DeutscheBank certainly is. Cryptos have value only as much as Banks are crooked and failing. Without bank crimes and fraud, crypto would have no value.

    …That’s why you can be certain they will have near-infinite value.

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120830
    Dr. D

    Twitter thread: $40B to the DNC midterms. WHILE he was going bankrupt.

    Poof! The user’s accounts weren’t just tied up because the exchange has halted, somehow, coincidentally, at the exact same time, some completely unknown, unexpected, outside “hackers” ALSO got in and stole all the money! Yessss! Now with two gangs of criminals on site, we don’t even know which one stole the bags! (Spoiler: it was Bank Man.)

    Bank man playing video games during board meetings. Sure, why not? He wasn’t running the company anyway. He didn’t set it up, didn’t code it, didn’t authorize it, doesn’t fund it, didn’t run it. His whole purpose was as Actor. PR fall guy. So why not play video games, it’s all their parents could get out of them; the same parents that set the whole thing up.

    Speaking of, suppose ol’ Bank Man goes to jail. Like Theranos serves 18 months (!) for a multi-billion dollar crime. (She requests to serve this impossible, un-credibly light sentence AT HOME as well, in her mansion). So Bank Man serves 18 months for $1B paycheck?

    SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. I will do this all day! I would serve 18 months for one TENTH the paycheck. What’s a credible American wage? $50k? So HALF a million is 10 YEARS wage. One million is TWENTY year’s wage. That is, like the police, retire young and early. So what’s $100 Million? 200 YEARS WAGES.

    That is one TENTH of what Bank Man might have squirreled away, legally or illegally. ” FTX purchased $300MM in real estate including in the “playground of the rich” Albany, Bahamas”

    Continuing Bank Man’s parents, insider and anti-cash people, that his girlfriend is the daughter of Gensler’s (former) boss. Ellison.

    Posting more of that Twitter:
    “Mr. Whale 🐳 whalechart.org
    🔸April 25, 2019: Biden announces his presidential campaign.
    🔸 13 days later, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried (co-founder of political fundraising organizations), launches #FTX crypto exchange.
    🔸 The exchange is an overnight success. SBF becomes biggest donor to Biden.”

    CoinDesk: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/11/10/bankman-frieds-cabal-of-roommates-in-the-bahamas-ran-his-crypto-empire-and-dated-other-employees-have-lots-of-questions/
    The whole operation was run by a gang of kids in the Bahamas,” “…who were dating.”

    “SBF and CEO of Alameda lived together with 8 other people, all high on meth and all “involved romantically” with each other.” –Internet

    Probably a bit exaggerated. But not much. Did you see Alameda’s CEO? I wouldn’t trust her with a coffee shop: “CEO of Alameda Research is a 28-year-old Harry Potter Fan”

    Yeah, ultra-high-power billionaires always give hundred millions to college kids and their girlfriends without investigating anything. That’s how they stay rich!

    ” The money he spent bailing out other entities always seemed more of a cover up than bailout”

    Uh-huh. Still unfolking. Or should I say, unraveling.

    in reply to: A Rogues’ Gallery #120828
    Dr. D

    And all of this was rumor I needed to confirm. But how to confirm it? Who would you trust or believe?

    It just was timely for the effect it’s likely to have. So in that way, didn’t matter if it was true or not, the warning should go out, and the indicators to look for.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2022 #120822
    Dr. D

    That’s not Lily’s or Elon’s problem: that’s a problem in the markets. CLEARLY there is too much casino speculation, and zero investors. CLEARLY the prices are too high. Here: if Lily’s valuation was a utility, which it is, and hovering just above book value, 10-year cash-to-sales, how could it drop? If it dropped 5%, the “Value Investors” like Buffet would buy in. It’s only if it’s value is levitating 10x its sales or book on printed bubble money that it could drop so much. And who are the traders here? High-Frequency-Trading computers. Who do not follow any of the rules of the exchange, pay no costs (not kidding, the exchanges pay THEM), and flout every SEC rule ever invented? Then have their robots trade on 5-minute Headlines? If that’s true, float fake headlines day and night and steal their money until they learn their lesson.

    What’s not in any of these statements? Any reference to Elon, Twitter, or Free speech. If Free speech could affect stock prices, how come this never happened for the whole 200 years since the Buttonwood tree?

    “US Worried about EU Commitment to Punishing Russia (RT)”

    Europe at work: suddenly it’s all OUR fault, and Europe never wanted nothin’ to do with Russia and sanctions! It’s all Bad Sam’s fault! We wuz wronged! Germany never had no sanctions, Poland never sent no troops! Russiaphrenia, where they’re both too strong and too weak? (Eco also noted this in the mental illness of Fascism) This is Europhrenia, where Europe is completely co-equal, independent, until something goes wrong and then they’re helpless victims and it’s all America’s fault.

    Okay, so doesn’t Luongo’s theory of thought-blocs, the WEF/Davos vs the Populists make a lot more sense of the data here?

    “ How Europe Is Destroying Its Own ‘Garden’ (MPN)”

    If they don’t destroy it, how can they Build Back Better? Nobody’s going to sign up for unlimited insider printing of Carbon Credits by jet-setting yacht owners. Nobody’s going to sign up for a Vax passport, CBDC, and Social Credit Score that will evict you for attending a school board meeting. The people have already vetoed all of it in the biggest possible way. So they HAVE to have the world’s biggest crisis ever, get out the Army, and MAKE THEM. Shoot the f’ out of those rural French women, right in the eyes! Grind and murder, and savage them to the point of utter despair and desperation, until their children BEG for the Social Credit vax pass just for a loaf of bread. Let’s go Les Miserables on these ungrateful f–kkers!

    And they say Europe has no motive? They’ve been publishing their plan and motive in public for 40 years. Maybe 50 since the Club of Rome; Thanos writ large: people are a virus. Kill them all.

    “‘Replacement Theory’, a racist notion advocated by the West’s – Europe especially – rightwing intellectuals, which sees refugees, migrants and non-Europeans as parasites aiming to destroy the continent’s supposedly perfect demographic, religious and social harmony.”

    Except that this statement is completely false. Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? What is the need to merely make s—t up? Don’t we have enough problems?

    “Sadly, Europe is the birthplace of the most horrible pages of history, from colonialism and slavery to the nationalistic, fascist and nihilistic movements that defined most of the last three centuries.”

    Similarly false. And from the exact same “entrenched superiority complex,” he warns of. I’m glad to know China was never nationalistic in the last 5,000 years, slavery never existed in the Americas and all Africa centuries before Europe, there have never been extractive colonies, and Genghis Khan never nihilisitically killed every non-mongol he could find, and cannibalism wasn’t practiced in huge areas EXCEPT Europe. Nope! No one ever died except in Europe! No empires in Africa or South America at all! Kumbaya peace, harmony, tree-hugging in the totally-in-tune-with-mother-earth Matriarchical worldwide. Nary a murder to be found before those white guys showed up.

    …Nothing, and I mean NOTHING could be more racist and ethnocentric. Nice going, Baroud. But he’s from University of Exeter so what do you expect? 1) Knows no history 2) Has no common sense 3) Is an open racist and eugenicist. But I said “University” so all that is implied.

    The US government is divided on whether to pressure Ukraine into initiating peace talks with Russia, with some officials arguing that it won’t get better terms in the future, the New York Times reported”

    Kissinger told them this 6 months ago. Kissinger, the world’s biggest war monger? The man who wants a worldwide uni-party uni-government? And will kill every man, woman, and child on the planet to get it? And did? And he had to go PUBLIC with it he was so sure, embarrassing everyone? …And they still couldn’t listen. Like when Baker, Bush, and the retired Supreme Court got together and warned about late Iraq and the kids didn’t listen then either? They’re going to blow the whole 100-year plan with their pin-headed, feckless, incompetent arrogance, and I for one couldn’t be happier.

    Yes, as Milley the non-General says, Russia is merely waiting for the ground to freeze. You have ‘til then to surrender. They won’t.

    “Kiev Introduces New Restrictions on Speaking Russian (RT)”

    This is a human rights violation by a country with the top number of them, impossibly edging out Israel, and supported by the other top human rights violator, the United States. The UN approves with every fiber of their being. If the UN doesn’t trample Human Rights worldwide, what was it created for? I mean, what’s the point, really? We might as well shut the doors.

    “The Donetsk and Lugansk regions broke away from Ukraine in 2014, following the – illegal and open, international law violating, war crimes Western Anglo engineered — coup”

    Funny how it all sounds different when you add that. Poroshenko is an illegal PM, of an illegal, war-time Vichy government. His successor, Ze, is therefore also an illegally installed puppet of an illegal war-time government. A puppet regime violently established by outsiders. It’s only the Donbas that was following Ukrainian – and UN – law.

    “At a minimum, the Russians a long time ago should have reinforced their major strategic advantage bridgehead on the west side of the Dnieper so that it could hold – short of a widely forecasted Kakhovka Dam flood. And yet the Russians also ignored the dam bombing threat for months. That spells out terrible planning.”

    I agree. However, that was baked in with the manpower authorized for a SMO, and not a full war. That choice was a larger and good one that both eased into the war so as to burn up NATO without the West being able to mobilize, AND to firm up support at home, both of which were far more important. However, the result was indeed to run out of men and be stretched too thin to take lossless territory that far from the (former) border.

    But here we are, and it’s too late to re-invent it. What now? As Milley says, wait for the ground to freeze. And all Europe with it.

    ““Washington’s declaration that Russia no longer qualifies as a market economy..”

    Breathtaking. There is not a single free market remaining in the West. There can’t be: if there were, truth in pricing would come out of it and contaminate all the other markets. Thus we have Silver at $21 and a 100% premium. Diesel is at $8/gal, except you can’t get any. Health care costs $5,000 an aspirin and you STILL can’t get any. Does any of that sound like Market Pricing to you?

    “ Greece Threatens To Block EU Gas Price Correction Mechanism (K.)”

    Oh! Free Markets! Where the EU price-fixes AND shuts off supply. What could be more “Market based” than price-fixing?

    ““The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale”

    They’re just saying what I’m saying: There is No Rule of Law. Because the Constitution IS the law. I’m glad we all agree they’re openly breaking the law and it needs to be fixed. Yale and Harvard freely admit we are in a state of “No Rule of Law.”

    ““Biden knew he couldn’t “forgive”your student loan debt…”

    The day after the election. Wot a con-incidence.

    Again, if the President could do this what would we need Congress for?

    ““..the Flemish government will pay a whopping EUR 200,000 in membership fees to the WEF”

    Again, the WEF is a dating site. It introduces rich idiots to each other and charges them for their own privilege. That they pay for this shows my adjectives are not pejorative slander, but perfectly accurate: idiot is as idiot does.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2022 #120819
    Dr. D

    We really need to keep a rogue’s gallery. It’s like Dick Tracy and Batman. Bernie Made Off. Mr. Kash-n-Karry. Sam the Bank Man, Fried. You can’t make this up.

    Am I hearing this right, FTX was invented 16 days after the Biden Campaign? In a foreign nation not of his birth or residency, the Bahamas? His mother is involved with Vote Blue and other DNC money people? Then within a month or two, Sam has made so many billions he was the single largest donor to Biden? With this A-Mazing multi-billion influx that come out of nowhere? But everybody, all the “good” people instantly and telepathically KNEW they had, HAD to invest there? People like the Teacher’s Union?

    And other exchanges knew they needed to invest too! Like Citi just KNEW the best investment was to buy Morgan stock, to give money, capital, to their direct competition. Really? When does it happen that Home Depot’s top investment is Lowes?

    And how did “all the ‘right’ people” know to invest? Well The Bank Man was hanging out in a group house,coding away like any college kids! Financial knowledge, level = pizza. Give this man $10,000,000,000.00!!! Shut up and take my money! Why? Um, well, it seems Bank Man is related not only to DNC funding and the Biden administration, but also to Gary Gensler, the proposed and self-styled REGULATOR of all Crypto. The one who tied up Morgan, Barclays, BoA’s co-project XRP and has frozen it in the courts, unresolved, for YEARS? Who, so it would seem, would like to take down not just XRP but the entire Crypto world as a concept and going concern? A competition to his backers in Stocks and Banking?

    So all the kids of all the Regulators, politicians, bankers, insiders, all HAPPEN to be involved in what may be the biggest money laundering, heist, and political funneling operation maybe ever? Where’d the Pension money of the Teacher’s Union go? Where go? It was there, an “Exchange” takes a FEE for each transaction. Your MONEY, like SIPC, is YOURS. It’s your account, your trades. They just facilitate them. It’s a money-minting machine, no need for leverage.

    But like MF Global, they just took ALL the money in ALL the accounts and put it in their own? On day 1? AND all the money from “the Usual Suspects”, SoftBank, Pardigm, Sequoia? Their own co-company Alameda, and another largest insider scam ever called “Tether”? Tether being another insider-of-insiders, convicted felons, law-never-touches group like EOS (? check me?) was?

    Yes. That’s not an accident, that’s not a blow up, that’s not an over leverage, that’s pre-meditated THEFT. Arranged by Gary Gensler, DNC, and other insiders. From day 1, since they haven’t been around long enough to slowly drift into danger. They were invented yesterday.

    So if you wonder where the Ukraine money is going, to be back-laundered into the midterms, BY the same party GIVING Ukraine the money, here you go.

    Says the Sam: “Oops. Sorry. I f—ked up. I should have done better.” Oh, in that case, well I guess no problem! We won’t look into your extensive, amazing, and some might say “unbelievable” list of insiders, contacts, and arrangers. All of whose money was stolen more or less the instant it hit your books. As one big amazing “accident.”

    I’m sure the media will cover all this shortly because of the salacious names and DNC careers involved. NOT.

    Okay, given this, who blew the whistle on them? This scam was going perfectly: who blew it? The GOP’s like-kind fund? But after the election, not before? Powell? Was it really organic ponzi and they just don’t care, didn’t even try to cover it? Who?

    And it’s not the “Money”. They can print the money. You know what they can’t print? ETH. BTC. So when you’re an exchange and scalp coins as they fly across your books, and when you vanish, where’s the money, but more importantly, WHERE ARE THE COINS?

    Why? Because you need ACTUAL coins to manipulate the market. You can get a run started, it’ll blow the stops and start a cascade collapse, but to get it started, you have to have an ACTUAL ante of ACTUAL product. That’s the cost of manipulation. And the blow up of FTX means someone, these same insiders who wish to halt and/or destroy all crypto as a concept, have the nuclear pre-charge somewhere to make a run on the markets.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120776
    Dr. D

    Yes, but I take it for granted that when I say “They” do this, that “We” do it to. As we are all human. The point is for “us” not to become “them”.

    If you can identify an evil, don’t become it. Leave it to them. 😉

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