Basseterre Kitona
Forum Replies Created
Basseterre Kitona
Participant“Researchers at the University of California San Diego recently published a preprint paper titled “People cannot distinguish GPT-4 from a human in a Turing test.”
Sorry but this probably tells more about the declining intelligence of the general human population than it does about any advancement in computer technology.
For the last 10-15 years, I’ve been thinking that all of mainstream media (i.e., NY Times, Wash Post, WSJ, CNN, NBC, etc.) is full of poor writing produced bye morons. Consequently, it is hardly surprising that current AI models can produce similar quality.
Frankly, I think that we are a long ways from any sort of AI being a threat to humans…assuming that there are at least a handful of us who can maintain our natural intelligence & wit.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantAs an American, I have a deep-seated distaste for the British royals & aristocrats and usually try to ignore them. Having said that, it might be worth sharing my own experience with cancer because it is similar to the recent timeline of events with Kate Middleton which is a news story that has caught my eye.
One day (early March) while I was sitting at work (39 years old), I felt a bit of an unusually hard spot in the soft underbelly of my midsection. I didn’t panic but nonetheless made a doctor appointment. About a month later (early April) after seeing my local doctor, blood test and CT scan, it was determined that I had large liposarcoma tumor in my abdomen. I then met with a specialist doctor and a surgery was scheduled for early May.
The scheduled 8 hour surgery removed the large tumor (as well as the right side of my colon and my right kidney). I spent 1 week in an intensive care room then another week in a normal hospital room. Next I moved to a convalescent home for another 5 weeks of care & rehabilitation.
Shortly after leaving the convalescent home, I had another meeting with my surgeon where I was informed that they advised radiation therapy as an additional cautionary or preventative measure. Chemotherapy—in my case—was not recommended because there was no evidence of spread of cancer to other parts of my body.
For me, the radiotherapy lasted about 9 weeks from August until October. In total, I spent almost half of the year not working as the treatment for my illness lasted from April until October. I easily lost 10 kg during the ordeal and definitely looked like a different person.
Thus although I do not claim to know anything about the recent shady stuff with the royal family, based on my own experience with cancer I do not find anything suspicious about the reported details of the Kate Middleton case.
And as much as I dislike the royals, I do not wish cancer on anybody as it is a miserable experience even in the best of circumstances. Fortunately, I recovered rather well and—minus a kidney—I’ve been back to living a normal life for nearly a decade now with a bit of added wisdom from my experience. I wish Kate Middleton (and all cancer patients everywhere) the same recovery.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantTrump definitely improves the appeal of Home Alone 2…but the real star power is Rob Schneider.
Without those two, Home Alone 2 is no better than the first movie…which was just a showcase for a psychopathic young boy torturing a couple of hapless dupes.
Which is all kind of moot because everybody knows that Ernest Saves Christmas is the superior holiday classic of that era.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe former commander of the Australian special forces, Ricardo Bosi, made a sensational statement: “Ukraine has been the center of globalists for decades … The CIA has been working in Ukraine for 70 years”
— Spriter (@Spriter99880) May 29, 2023
What most people do not understand is that the entire Eastern Europe / Russian operations of the CIA were built off of the legacy of the Germans eastern intelligence operations at the conclusion of WWII (also approximately the same time as CIA establishment). Look into Reinhard Gehlen and his Fremde Heere Ost organization including both pre-war and post-war activities.
As crazy as it sounds, the American intelligence apparatus has significant Nazi roots in Eastern Europe and—once that is understood—then much of the current affairs in Ukraine make perfect sense.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThank you Illargi !
You’ve done great work and deserve the rest. In fact, don’t hesitate to take an occasional vacation once you are feeling better.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantFYI, the Saker’s main website has been under attack. There is a backup alternative site where he posts a few updates when the main site is down at blogspot:
Basseterre Kitona
Participant“If the NATO vassals have any common sense, they will dissolve NATO altogether..”
One might hope, however, a quick look at the new Nato headquarters building on the outskirts of Brussels reveals how unlikely that is to happen. Opened in 2017, the 8 wings total 250,000 square meters and cost 750 million euros.
The architect’s (SOM) website includes some nice spin doctoring in their description too: for a new era of diplomacy
SOM’s design proposal, selected in 2003, represents NATO’s growing focus on unification and integration in the 21st century. The campus is located on what was Belgium’s first airfield, which was occupied by German forces in 1915 and again during World War II by German and Allied forces. NATO’s peace-driven ambitions are represented through the building’s eight long and four short office wings (seven floors in the long wings, four in the short) intersecting with a central atrium—like fingers interlaced in a symbolic clasp of unity and interdependence. The atrium provides visibility for the office wings and serves as transitional space to common areas, such as the conference centre and staff canteen.
Clasped fingers of unity? Someone should remind them of the old saying that the tighter you squeeze, the less you hold.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThat Nato map needs a minor correction because France was not a member of NATO in 1990.
Charles De Gaulle wanted an independent and sovereign and decided to pull the country out of the alliance as he saw that the US & Britain were setting up to dominate it. This is why the NATO headquarters is in Brussels after being effectively kicked out of France. And it wasn’t until recently (Sarkozy era) that France rejoined the alliance.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantMe, I wonder what Hunter Biden is doing right now..
Hunter is probably trying to remember is he lost any laptop computers in the brothels of Kiev. Although I doubt Russian will actually invade into the Ukraine beyond the breakaway provinces, it would be interesting if they went to Kiev and turned up more hard evidence of corruption from Biden & Co.
As for Trudeau, rumor is that the about face was caused because his financial dragnet exposed some embarrassing connections, i.e., donations to the truckers from within his own party, government and police forces. Opened a can of worms and now trying to stuff it back in.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantCovid is becoming lethal as flu.
Probably less lethal than flu since omicron arrived.
Does anybody remember back in 2020 when used to lead with daily updates on coronavirus numbers? Personally, I was always most interested in the death rate of Cases Closed because all that really mattered to me was the odds of dying if I became a case. I double check the Archive and it appears that the peak death rate was a whopping 21% of Closed Cases during the stretch of April 5–21, 2020.
A secondary metric that I watched closely was the percent of “Mild” Cases amongst the Active Cases. And even during the peak of 21% of Closed Cases resulting in death, some 95% of Active Cases were still considered “Mild”.
After discontinued the daily posting of Cases and Death numbers, I have continued to make some basic calculations on my own once per week. With the recent spike in Omicron cases, the overall death rate has been dropping a lot, under 1% by my admittedly imperfect calculations. But even better are the 28 day rolling average numbers which, in some countries now, appear to be less than 0.1%.
It appears that we are now definitely into flu-like territory and knowing that it primarily impacts the old & sick there is no reason to continue the charade of ridiculous restrictions and mandates. It is over.
Basseterre Kitona
Participant“..calling BA.2 a sub-variant of Omicron may be factually and genealogically incorrect and their relationship may be more sibling-like than parent-like.”
FYI, the next letters after Omicron are Pi, then Rho.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantPandemic is over…only question now is which head of state will break rank first & liberate his nation.
With the upcoming election in April, I’m tempted to think France’s Macron would be feeling the pressure. But given his recent statement to piss off the uncowed (aka, unvaxed) until the bitter end…well, seems that he is more interested in securing a board seat at Pfizer than winning re-election.
Basseterre Kitona
Participant“ has to get to a certain threshold and overcome the other organisms in the nose and overcome our own immune system to become a clinical infection. So, there’s about a three-to-five-day window to actually zap the virus directly.”
McCullough is obviously correct about a clinical infection. One of the worst aspects of the past two years is that everybody neglects the basic biology of our immune systems. There is a reason why—even in a worst case scenario like an outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship—that still only about 20% of people got sick.
Instead, it is like the entire world has fallen for that kids game of “cooties” where you are supposed to freak out if some other kid touches you. Does anything better summarize mass psychosis than cooties? If only Mom were still around to talk us out of it.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantRand Paul: Vaccine Zealots “Won’t Be Happy Until They Get Your Newborn” (SN)
Oh, I expect the vaccine zealots to exceed the newborn goal. These fanatics will likely want to vaccinate the dead too. After all vaccination is a signal of religious devotion. No funeral ceremony for the untaxed/uncowed.
Wouldn’t surprise me either if they then try to vax all of the dead, kind of like the Mormons were baptizing deceased ancestors at one point.
But why stop with people? We know that animals are in play too.
How about plants? Corona virus is a respiratory disease and do trees not breathe too? In with the CO2 and out with the oxygen? Come to think of it, maybe the miracle vaccine can cure “climate change” too.
I’d like to say that I’m being sarcastic…but I fear that I’m just giving the nut jobs more bad ideas.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantAt least we banned straws.
Oh how I despise the face masks. The damn things are all over the roadsides here.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe government would also decide who was considered “vaccinated” and whether people who have recovered from Covid-19 should be counted as “vaccinated” as well.
The war of words. A pet peeve of mine is the use of the word vaccinated to describe people. Recall a few weeks ago when I delved into the etymology of vaccine & its bovine origins with Jenner? To be vaccinated is to be cowed, i.e., frightened into submission.
Thus every time one reads a sentence like the quote above, consider substituting in the word cowed instead like this:
The government would also decide who was considered “cowed” and whether people who have recovered from Covid-19 should be counted as “cowed” as well.
They could use terms like inoculated instead or speak of the various forms of immunity or other inherent protections…yet instead we get the constant barrage of vaccinated / cowed.
Bit out of left field: “These batches may be Hot Lots by design.”
The quality control of the injections is another aspect that I’ve been wondering about lately too because it could easily explain some of the anecdotal discrepancies that we are seeing with the vaccines. That is why do some people complain of numerous adverse events near them whereas others find that there’s been no problem within their communities.
One might recall, that before these vaccines it was generally considered logistically impossible to try to inoculate the entire planet…or that it’d take something like 5–10 years. So how are they suddenly producing billions of these doses in such a short time? Are they pumping this shit out of Coca-cola factories? And what about that big issue of -40 degree storage & transportation?
I’m not in favor of the vaccines, but to give them the benefit of the doubt, it could be that many of the adverts events are simply a result of defective product. But that brings us back to why the vaccines advocates don’t seem to care about any critical data simply stonewall everything. Hardly reassuring to the hesitant.
And, of course, that’s assuming the poor quality control is an honest mistake. In these times, I wouldn’t put it past these bastards to be deliberately experimenting with various formulas in different population because we all know that they have a sick, anti-human streak in their scientific minds.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantOr to no vaccine needed?!
• Covid-Resistant People Point Way To Universal Coronavirus Vaccine (NS)
Covid-Resistant People? In other words, normal healthy people. The most dangerous aspect of the past two years of BS is the inversion of the presumption of health in our fellow man. And this satanic inversion threatens to collapse human civilization.
Since these sickos love word games, here’s another one:
Vaccine’s etymological root is cow. The “vaccinated” are very much the “cowed”.Reminder of that definition:
cowed, adjective, frightened into submission or complianceRemind me: is it C O V I D – 19 or C O W E D – 19 ?
Basseterre Kitona
Participant(ALL health care here is Govt paid positions and there are no private health care Doctors or Hospitals etc.) Since the Health care system is state run and funded, it has been run into the ground. All the good doctors left France 5 Years ago, all the hospitals look like they are 3rd world hospitals since there is no money to repair them, half of the equipment doesn’t work and not every hospital is stocked with supplies needed for daily needs (masks, gels, disposable gowns etc).
This is not accurate because there are private doctors and hospitals in France. I know because I have spent a lot of time dealing with them during the past five years. I think that a lot of people, especially Americans, are ignorant or confused about how French health care system works. It is not an entirely government run, single payer system like some other countries.
Instead, government administers the social security taxes that account for most (but not all) of healhcare funding. For example, I go to my general practitioner doctor and pay him (typically cash) and then file a paper for a reimbursement with the social security system. That system sets a limit on the reimbursable expense, presently about 25 € for an office visit. Now as my doctor is quite expensive, he charges 100 € per visit. I then get reimbursed the 25 € from the state’s social security coffers (which I paid into via taxes by the way). The other 75€ is up to me to pay, however, there is also a type of private health insurance available in France called a mutuel. I have a good mutuel which thus reimburses the additional expense form my doctor.
On the whole, it is a good system as it forces the patient to have some savings to account for their care before they get reimbursed and most importantly, it promotes a level of price transparency that is especially absent in most American healthcare. Unfortunately, this system is beginning to change with more of the transactions becoming automatic payments linked to the health card (Carte Vitale). My personal doctor is a bit old-fashioned with his use of cash and paper reimbursement forms that need to be mailed to social security. It’s a bit inconvenient but probably worth the effort given that the alternative is an opaque system of automatic transfers that can be difficult to track for the average person (and thus prone to unnecessary price increases.)
I also had surgery at a private hospital in France. They do exist. Again, reimbursement prices are set by the social security administration and then the French doctors & hospitals work within the framework. As it turned out, I did not pay any extra to the hospital for my surgery.
Lastly, one more note about France. Because of summer vacation season, big French cities tend to be ghost towns in August, so take the images of empty or closed cafes with a grain of salt. I have no doubt that people are resisting the Health Passport BS but it will be more interesting to see how it looks come September after everybody returns from their holidays.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantI forgot one more thing to consider:
What if instead of talking about the disease/virus as Covid/sars-cov-2, we were talking about Aids/HIV ?
What would people make of an injection that is 95% effective in reducing the disease Aids but only about 1–4% effective in preventing an HIV infection? Likely, they’d consider it a very good thing but would probably be questioning whether it can really be called a “vaccine” if it doesn’t prevent infection at all.
Which ties into my original point of the conflation of the disease and the virus. Seems that everybody (medical establishment, journalists, and public) has a much stronger understanding of the difference between Hiv and Aids but that this is conspicuously lacking in the current Covid/sars-cov-2 discussion.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantNot sure why I didn’t catch this earlier, but how often are we conflating the disease (Covid) with the virus (corona virus or SARS-cov-2)?
Consider it in the context of the Pfizer/Biontech trial data from last year. This numbers might be slightly inaccurate but as I understand it, 8 out of 21,000 (0.04%) participants that received the trial injection developed symptoms compared to 160 out of 21,000 (0.76%) in the control group who received a placebo. In other words, the Relative Risk Reduction was calculated at 95%—this was the number touted all over the place—by comparing the 8 participants with 160. 8 of 160 equals 5% thus the 95% effective number.
But I always found it curious that within the control group, 99.24% of the participants with the placebo still managed to avoid infection. The experts sometimes (but rarely) explain another interpretation of the data as the Absolute Risk Reduction method. This way, one compares the 99.24% of the control group without symptoms to the 99.96% with the injection without symptoms and concludes that the absolute risk reduction is about 1% if we round up from 0.72% difference between 99.96% and 99.24%.
Now if we can to go a step further using anecdotal evidence (such as the numbers from the Diamond Princess cruise ship) and work with the assumption that roughly 80% of the population has strong enough immune systems to fight off the virus without ever becoming infected at all—that is, eliminate 80% of the 21,000 participants in each of the trial groups which will improve the performance of the mRNA injection in terms of the Absolute Risk Reduction—then the number improves from about 1% effective to abut 4% effective.
But back to my original post about conflating the disease with the virus…given the trial data, as the injection reduces symptoms, it might be accurate to say that the mRNA treatment is 95% effective in preventing the disease Covid but it also appears to only be 1–4% effective in actually preventing the spread of the virus sars-cov-2.
That probably explains why there are so many “breakthrough” cases appearing now. From the beginning, Pfizer never claimed that their injection stopped viral transmission only that it reduced symptoms and severity of the Covid disease. But how many people would have taken the injection had they understood that nuance? Especially, it the reality that the “vaccine” was only about 1–4% effective in stopping the transmission of the corona virus itself?
Of course, as just an amateur, I could be totally wrong in my interpretation and I welcome the scrutiny of this community. But I felt that it was a different perspective that was worthy of consideration nonetheless.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantCalvin is pretty smart sometimes 🙂
The Moderna mRNA line that “oh, it’s safe because we’ve been working on it years before sars-cov-2” really irks me. Yes, mRNA has been worked on for years…but they neglect to mention that it has failed for years. Since 2003 when SARS (or more pointedly sars-cov-1), there have been efforts to create an mRNA vaccine treatment but they always ran into two problems when trying to gain FDA approval: first, the long term trials and secondly the animal trials.
Conveniently (very conveniently) in January 2017 after entering office President Trump (who I rather like, by the way) signed the order allowing the FDA to issue Emergency Use Authorization for medicine under circumstances where no other treatment is available. And it is crucial to note that the Emergency Use Authorization eliminates the two major roadblocks that had been holding back mRNA therapy; i.e., long term trials and animal trials.
The long-term trial stuff is kind of obvious, however, the animal trials are probably more important. The significance with animal trials is that after administering the drug or vaccine, then they can be exposed to the disease pathogen to see how well the drug or vaccine performs. In humans, this is considered unethical. And the problem with animals trials for the mRNA therapy is that the results were terrible. The vaccinated animals had worse results than the un-vaccinated animals.
Think about it: sars-cov-1 has been around since 2003 and there is no approved vaccine for it, yet says-cov-2 hits and almost immediately there is a vaccine on account of the fact that they skipped the animal trials and long-term studies. Yikes !
Lastly, beyond the basic facts of the science, the political calculus is so bizarre. I’ve already mentioned that I rather like President Trump…yet I’m in no hurry to take one of his “warp-speed” vaccines. What absolutely boggles my mind is that all the people that have been trying to roast Trump for years now have their golden opportunity on account of the vaccine issue…and instead those same people are rushing to get the mRNA injection and insisting that everybody else do it too. That only makes sense if you go down some rabbit holes that lead to a reality far beyond our currently accepted narrative.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantDoes anyone still realize how short we’ve become on science and rationality in the Covid response? And how we claim the exact opposite?
I’ve been complaining about that for a year now. It has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with public tyranny. Forget the heart disease and cancer, what about mosquitos ?! Mosquito borne illness kills almost 3 million people every year…so why aren’t we harassing people in public that wear shorts and sandals? They should be covered head-to-toe. Don’t they know how dangerous their behavior is to other people?
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantA test to see if you have immunity? But isn’t that at the heart of this whole scam, i.e., a healthy person’s immunity system might reject the virus via other defenses (b-cells, t-cells, skin, nose hair, etc.) before the virus even gains enough foothold to require the production of anti-bodies.
Common sense dictates that a normal healthy person is at minimal risk even when expose to the virus hence the impressive 80% of people that did not become sick on the Diamond Princess.
But instead of common sense, the whole world seems to be afflicted by that horrible childhood disease called cooties. You remember that one? The uncool dorky kid always had cooties and heaven forbid if he touched you because then you had it too. It was an invisible, merciless death wish of a disease that could only be cured by your mother talking some sense into you when she exposed the other kids as either pranksters or frauds.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantI’l second Germ’s link to the interview with the three women who got the shot in December and have suffered ever since. It is a must watch for anybody considering the vaccine. All three were pro-vaccine but have since learned the hard way that they were foolish t be so trusting of the pharmaceutical companies. The really crazy part of their story is that they have been ignored by doctors & hospitals since who simply don’t want to deal with them.
Yeah, 4.4M deaths of starvation every year and also 2.7M deaths every year from mosquito borne illnesses (malaria, dengue, etc.)…yet a new virus kills 1M mostly old people and the world is supposed to freak out and stop doing anything. Total insanity!
The Diamond Princess continues to be a very valuable case study. Divide 14 deaths by 3,711 passengers and crew, then realize that 99.6% of people on that hell-ish death boat survived. Moreover, 80% of people were trapped on the boat for about 5-6 weeks and presumably exposed to the airborne virus…yet they did not become sick.
In other words, the initial assessment that this coronavirus was both very deadly and highly contagious was never really true. The Diamond Princess exposes both of those frauds.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe new religion.
• It’s Time To Start Shunning The ‘Vaccine Hesitant’ (Stern)
Well, I’ve been trying to label these people as Evangelical Vaccine Fanatics (EVFs) as a counter to the silly “anti-vac” smear…but hasn’t really caught on thus far.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThat’s quite something if true.
• Dr. Harvey Risch: 60% of New Covid Patients Have Been Vaccinated (WR)
Dr. Risch reveals a bombshell: 60 percent of new covid patients have been vaccinated.
Hardly a surprise as the vaccines are “leaky” in the sense that they do not stop transmission or prevent infection. They only reduce the impact of the symptoms. Pfizer & Moderna themselves admit this.
Amazing that so few people understand this and continue to think that the vaccines make them immune.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantOne more calculation from the Diamond Princess, of the 3,711 people on board 14 died which means that the chase of survival for all of those people stuck in the nightmare scenario of that boat for weeks was 99.6%.
The death rate of the Diamond Princess was 0.38%. Last I heard, the Infection Fatality Rate was about 0.26%. Given the poor conditions on the boat and the 70+ crowd, that sounds about right.
It would be interesting to know what the death rate was in nursing homes because outside of the cruise ships they are probably the worst situation. Do the residents of nursing homes also have a better than 99% chance of survival?
If so, then we need to end the farce of any healthy adult being the least bit concerned about the virus. And the likes of Bill Maher are correct to start mocking this stupidity for what it really is.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe Bill Maher bit is worth watching, all 7 minutes. Hopefully it is a sign that some sanity is getting through to the left side of the political spectrum.
What type of ventilation do they have?
• Viral Sequence Suggests Coronavirus Jumped Between Hotel Rooms (G.)
The HVAC system could definitely play a role. And rooms on the same floor tend to share hallways too. Maybe this is a good moment to recall one of the worst case scenarios…that conveniently played out early during the pandemic: the saga of the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
On the Diamond Princess, 3,711 passengers and crew trapped on the boat for weeks during winter (Jan 20 – March 1, 2020) early during the crisis when doctors were unsure how to treat sars-cov-2. And it was an older crowd with most passengers in their 70s. A complete disaster scenario, right ?
So the final tally, 712 infections (presumably positive tests) and 14 deaths. Even amongst those who were infected, survival was 98%. Much closer to the flu than the Black Death of the middle ages inspire of the barrage of fear inducing hype.
Of those who were infected & hospitalized, 27% suffered severe complications. 41% had mild cases and 32 % were completely asymptomatic.
But looking back, the most important data from the nightmare scenario of the Diamond Princess is that 80% of the passengers & crew did not become infected. Quite possibly they were exposed to the corona virus for prolonged periods while on the cruise ship…yet apparently their immune systems were healthy enough to fight off infection. Maybe this was the T-cell and B-cell response that can repel attacks without the need to even create anti-bodies? I don’t know…but it is worth considering.
If 80% of people can be exposed to the virus without getting any infection…or certainly not enough to trigger a positive signal on a test, then that is a very important fact to keep in mind. And it makes the present infatuation with vaccines and vaccine passports that some people (especially globalist minded authority figures) even more insane.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe vaccine designer (Geert Vanden Bossche) who has put his career on the line to speak out about the risks of sars-cov-2 mass vaccination now has a website as a resource for anyone interested:
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantFYI, if anybody else out there is having trouble posting comments here then I suggest trying a different web browser. For over a week, most of my comments refused to stick. Then I switched from Safari to Firefox and seems to be working fine now.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThat Visual Capitalist chart of Deadliest Pandemics near the top is quite useful. I was using it yesterday to show some friends that the context of the current situration. The TV fear mongers keep trying to convince us that COVID! COVID! COVID! is near the top of the chart in terms of pandemics…but in fact, it barely rates as pandemic at all. For comparison’s sake, I wish that they’d included a few of the bad flu outbreak years too.
Anyhow, even little old neanderthal me realized by about mid-April last year that this was to the pandemic that we were promised because there was a clear lack of bodies piling up n the streets. As a medical issue, the sars-cov-2 outbreak is pretty much contained and nearing completion. But as a political crisis, the quarantine of healthy people has been insane and the fallout is just beginning. It is clear that politicians & health bureacurats are so heavily invested that they will double -down rather than admit fault. It doesn’t have to be this way…but it looks like it will get much uglier.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantGet healthy.
• Covid Spiking In Over A Dozen States—Most With High Vaccination Rates (F.)
Get healthy…and avoid the vaccines (at least for now). Here is an important critique of mass vaccination by a prominent vaccine designer (i.e., this guy is not an Evangelical Vaccine Fanatic):
Also, let’s remember the example of the dengue vaccine that proved more dangerous than the actual disease: Kitona
ParticipantWow, the Geert Vanden Bossche interview finally posted…only took a week of trying.
And if anyone doubts that vaccines can be worse than useless, please recall the dengue vaccine episode in Philippines that backfired:
Get healthy…and avoid the vaccines (at least for now).
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantA vaccine designer has some very important critiques on the dangers of mass vaccination for sars-cov-2:
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantI have long lost track of the ever changing rules and shifting logic, but I didn’t feel like arguing. The police were just doing their jobs, enforcing shitty rules that harass and antagonize people.
He is right about rejecting vaccine passport but he makes the mistake in not arguing with the police because he doesn’t feel like it. Instead, everybody needs to argue & resist all forms of this stupidity at every turn. Give the police & other enforcers no rest. Break them.
Also, I’ve been trying to post this for days but it keeps getting rejected by censors:
It is interview with a vaccine designer but who rejects the effort for mass vaccinations against sars-cov-2. Very important to consider his insights on the subject. The short version is that it is a bit like the disastrous dengue vaccine in Philippines that caused more harm than good:
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThis is a must read criitque of mass vaccination…by a vaccine designer:
Reminds me a bit of the Philippines dengue vaccine failure that made future infections worse: Kitona
ParticipantThis is important: a vaccine designer has come out to strong criticize mass vaccination against cars-cov-2:
He has a number of critiques which basically say that that the risk is that using a preventative vaccine while an outbreak is ongoing risks creating a stronger pathogen—i.e., a super virus that is more infectious and more deadly—while undermining our natural immune systems ability to center it.
On an individual level, there is also significant risk that taking the vaccine could lead to worse results once actually exposed to the real virus. Sounds a bit like the dengue vaccine disaster in the Philippines to me:
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe Stockton Experiment is not Universal Basic Income because it is not Universal at all. They give it to poor people. In other words, it is just your run of the mill charity handout. Nothing new about that.
Back to my vaccine ranting:
Geert Vanden Bossche, a prominent vaccine designer, has come out strongly against mass vaccination for sars-cov-2:
He is quite technical but basically there are a couple of major risks that are being ignored by the Evangelical Vaccine Fanatics everywhere these days:
Firstly, over-vaccination can lead to a similar phenomenon to the over-use of anti-biotics where the pathogen mutates in reaction, i.e., we end up creating a super-virus that is much more infectious & deadly. Additionally he makes the point that these are prophylactic or preventative vaccines which would be fine in advance of future outbreaks however, using them extensively during an ongoing outbreak is dangerous as they can aid the virus in mutating more quickly.
Secondly, on a more individual level, the immune systems of most people are strong enough to defeat sars-cov-2 but the vaccines use a technique that per charges a portion of the immune system and that risks over-riding other part of the immune system in future virus exposure. In other words, although improving resistance to sars-cov-2, it can make you more vulnerable to other things by tampering with you basic immune function. Sounds to me like it is similar to the unexpected consequences of the dengue vaccine disaster among children in the Philippines that I shared here recently:
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantA prominent vaccine designer named Geert Vanden Bossche has come out strongly against mass vaccination campaigns for sars-cov-2:
He delves into the technical stuff but basically there are a couple of major risks that are being ignored by the Evangelical Vaccine Fanatics everywhere these days:
Firstly, over-vaccination can lead to a similar phenomenon to the over-use of anti-biotics where the pathogen mutates in reaction, i.e., we end up creating a super-virus that is much more infectious & deadly. Additionally he makes the point that these are prophylactic or preventative vaccines which would be fine in advance of future outbreaks however, using them extensively during an ongoing outbreak is dangerous as they can aid the virus in mutating more quickly.
Secondly, on a more individual level, the immune systems of most people are strong enough to defeat sars-cov-2 but the vaccines use a technique that per charges a portion of the immune system and that risks over-riding other part of the immune system in future virus exposure. In other words, although improving resistance to sars-cov-2, it can make you more vulnerable to other things by tampering with you basic immune function. Sounds to me like it is similar to the unexpected consequences of the dengue vaccine disaster among children in the Philippines that I shared here recently:
Please research the concerns of Dr. Vanden Boosche before jumping on the vaccine bandwagon as he delves into much more deeply and with professional expertise, unlike my Neanderthal-self. Much too important to ignore.
Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantBravo ! By far, the ever-expanding tyranny is the bigger issue than any virus outbreak.
Unfortunately, it appears that most of the incompetent foosl with position of power will simply keep doubling down on stupid until the bitter end. From their perspective, in that sense, I guess this is a life & death struggle because once they are full exposed the mobs of citizens will be out for blood.