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  • in reply to: FPC: The Hard Money – Soft Money Synthesis #3469

    andrew_not_the_saint post=3081 wrote: Ash

    F-theory doesn’t deserve that much press. I used to read him for a while, roughly during the 2009-2010 period. His writings on gold were always hard to digest and bloated, and in the end, I just find most of it to be just “ideas” without empirical evidence backing it up.

    The one article, which I still very much like to revisit is more to do with debt, and BTW you must have read it as you posted one of the graphs from it:

    IMHO, this is the crux of any economic policy. Knowing that debt can be both productive and destructive, i.e. it can lead to both real growth or fictional growth, what kind of regulations should be enforced for Consumer Debt and Corporate (i.e. investment) Debt, two very different animals.

    My view is that most kinds of consumer debt in the current form are pretty evil and that in a “hard-ish” currency world should NEVER be enforced by the government. I.e. if you take out a loan you’ll be never legally required to pay it back (but of course your credit rating could suffer). I’m also thinking that real-estate finance could be based on equity rather than debt – the bank could have a stake in your house, thus making it suffer more when things go sour.

    Corporate debt, on the other hand, is different as it’s supposed to be productive (unless it’s speculative of course). Even there, I feel that equity-based investment could work better than monetary debt in many situations, as it would require the lender to have more skin in the game. Nonetheless, I can definitely see why business would need easy ways to raise money (equity does seem a lot more complicated), and the downsides of company bankruptcies are not as bad as the downsides of personal ones.

    And of course, fractional/fictional reserve banking in the current form should be abolished too. Private entities creating government-backed money is a ridiculous privilege, nothing more than a parasitic rent.

    We are meant to get lost in endless details. The macro detail is best – the mechanism by which ALL money is created and distributed within a society exposes the fraud that is lost in more micro analyses.

    This is why Steve Keen is so close… but just not quite there.

    The looting mechanism embedded within Debt Money Tyranny is visually expressed here:

    keepandshare is a PDF hosting website. Google it for problems if you don’t trust it. This information is KEY.

    So KEY that everyone, apparently, is left speechless after seeing it.

    in reply to: FPC: The Hard Money – Soft Money Synthesis #3468

    Tao Jonesing post=3078 wrote: “They have taken a very well thought-out philosophy of the Ideal and forced it to become an actual economic/political denouement that human civilization will occupy.”

    Of course. The term “philosophy” is merely shorthand for “political philosophy,” and it is always an engine and never a camera.

    FOFOA is obviously influenced by the Austrian school and, therefore, has massive blinders induced by his dogma. The problem is that his “debt-hungry collective” was trained to be debt-hungry for a reason, as it is through debt that the individuals of the collective lose their liberty and are controlled by a very few. Gold as money will free nobody because the value of gold itself is a fiction, but its scarcity is a fact. Control the gold, control the collective through constrained liquidity. Where’s the freedom?

    One of the goals of the Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution was to get people to love their servitude… the gold bugs seem to fit that bill.

    My current view is that the oligarchs may well use gold to claim to get rid of “bad political monetary decisions” (decisions mandated by banksters behind the scenes) by tying money to gold. That could easily be correlated with the Greatest Depression collapse and scapegoated for the same.

    Folks, the monetary system isn’t the problem, it is that hard core, wicked, demonic criminals run it and the general populace is wilfully as ignorant as a lava rock.

    All evidence points to tyranny kicking some hard core *ss over the next several decades…

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3419

    Reverse Engineer post=3028 wrote:
    I’m fine with the Seed/Fertilizer analogy. Another good one is the Catalyst Analogy. In that one, certain reactions cannot occur or occur only infinetisimally slowly in the absence of a catalyst.

    The point be here that whatever the PRECISE genesis is of the Origin of Evil, it is quite clear that in the presence of Money, Evil grows MUCH more rapidly. So if you want a society where Evil does NOT grow at such a rapid rate, you gotta get rid of the Catalyst for it, or get rid of the Fertilizer/water etc however you want to make the analogy is fine.

    By no means will getting rid of money solve ALL problems, and in fact given the current organizational parameters it is going to create a whole lot of other problems. Regardless of that, if you have a system which is CLEARLY doing great damage to Human Society, you MUST try something else. SOON. time is running out.


    And I thought I **hated* Federal Reserve enslavement notes before. -lol-

    They really do represent the most the most sophisticated implementation of evil that humanity has ever devised.

    “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” – and that all kinds of evil “tree” is one big behemoth right now that is getting ready to fall and crush us all.

    The flip side of this reality is that money ought to be the one thing that the people watch more closely than anything else since it is so closely associated with being a catalyst of and accelerating evil across the globe… but the chumptocracies we all live in don’t have a clue.

    The money power empire that runs this con game isn’t about to tell you as they obsess over reducing population.

    But they wouldn’t do anything dastardly or underhanded like toxify the water, toxify the food, toxify medicine, attack or ignore nutrition and hormonal balanced eating… no, these criminals who want billions dead are *nice people* ™.

    So don’t go look at the actual data and logic, just repeat the narrative that Big Finance Capital paid so much to put in front of you.


    I usually posted the Yahoo link, but it looks this link was getting too many hits so it was taken down.

    Some sheeple are waking up to the wolves.

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3407

    [quote=Reverse Engineer post=3007]I napalmed the latest trash off the keyboard of Ambrose earlier today at the Tomaine Poisoning Table in the Diner in the AEP: Illuminati Shill thread.

    Hi RE, I’ve been thinking about your view of money and I think our views are moving closer and closer the more I evaluate it.

    Before I said that money “greases the skids” of the innate human selfish factor.

    I think that visual is a gross understatement. Money doesn’t “grease the skids” as much as it is a “hyper-accelerant” for the selfishness that resides in humanity.

    Think of human selfishness as the seed and the money as the fertilizer, water and sunshine.

    I think that analogy works much better.

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3406

    Golden Oxen post=3017 wrote: Triv, Agreed that they have no concern whatsoever for us. Do think they fear a real uprising at this point in time however. No sense upsetting the gravy train until they have too. After all it is all peaches and cream for them. I just love the way they joust about in chauffeur driven limos as they enjoy their escargot and champagne lunches while preaching austerity to the sheeple. Why screw up a setup that is working so nicely? As you rightfully point out the printing is theft and the sheeple want it. Paul Krugman is even begging for it. Such a deal, makes me just a bit jealous.

    GO, Krugman is a cold blooded, 20 sheckel coveting, piece of trash operative funded by Big Finance Capital to do exactly what he’s doing. If Krugman wouldn’t do it, you wouldn’t know his name and some other Judas would be doing it.

    Collaborators much prefer to be thought of as fools, if you know what I mean. Academic fools is an even better deception.

    Hard gold outside the system is good as a store of wealth over the long term. Short term is anybody’s guess – it is a gamble like everything else in this “all risk, no reward” world they’ve created for the proles. The oligarchs can drive up gold if they want. Or they can collapse it by collapsing everything else. Or tax it at 90% or simply make it illegal.

    All while they loot billions from segregated account and the “liberals” protect these crooks.

    And don’t get me started on the bankster/government duopoly neo-Opium Wars they are running against the developed world.

    They do have a point, though. Most of society is more gullible than a child looking at a puppy in a windowless white van… unwilling to admit the obvious – or even discuss it.

    People seem to think that figuratively pulling the covers over their eyes give them some kind of force field protection against the criminals.

    It does not. But that’s a mature viewpoint, something that is in very, very short supply today.

    The tide is turning, though. Slowly, but surely, hence the in your face police state, freedom being defined as an assassination President who can kill anyone, anywhere without any evidence or oversight and re-education camps for political activists.

    These b*stards will probably name their re-education rooms “Winston” and “Smith.”

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3405

    ashvin post=3016 wrote: [quote=Golden Oxen post=3013]Agree 100% with this forecast of Gary Jenkins. Things are getting out of hand rapidly with deflation shouters now out of control. Shock therapy imminent.

    Shock therapy is always imminent – it’s the only thing the banks and their cronies know how to do (threaten shock therapy and/or implement it). It ONLY works consistently in a paradigm of growth/expansion. We are not in that paradigm any more, and that is the point – deterrence is DEAD.

    If you think about it, flooding the system with liquidity is a form of deterrence – it punishes people for “betting” on the other side, whether that be investors, hard workers, savers, retirees, or anyone else who has chosen to face reality and be disciplined (personally, not institutionally) in their lives. That punishment will only be effective when the costs of being disciplined outweigh the benefits.

    If/when a significant portion of investors, consumers and/or citizens of the world choose to keep their money, efforts, support out of the system no matter what the central bankers threaten to do or actually do, for whatever reason, then Gary Jenkins and all others like him will be exposed as puppets of the Naked Emperor, and their predictions will be flat out wrong.

    Hi Ash, in other words, the level of tyranny we will live under is exactly equal to the level of tyranny that we will passively accept.

    One aspect of psychology that the delites (they aren’t elites, people, they are delites) have down pat is that reality doesn’t matter at all, unless it impacts perception.

    The delites are masters of manipulating perception against anything that is reality.

    So, you are correct in your analysis, but the factor you don’t mention is that your view won’t take effect until perception begins to more closely match reality. That is a big wild card, IMHO.

    It could be now or it could be later.

    BTW, All that liquidity can be summed up in one word – looting.

    It has nothing to do with anything else other than raw, in your face, Darwinistic level theft (they are “fit” to steal and deceive us and we are “unfit” to figure out their deceptions and stop them).

    “Those who will not use their own brain, they are nothing more than meat on the table and beasts of burden by choice and consent.”
    – Albert Pike

    “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”
    – Carrol Quigley, [Our] Tragedy and [Their] Hope

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3401

    Golden Oxen post=3013 wrote: Gary Jenkins from the bond advisers Swordfish said those betting on a market crash should be careful. “The global central banks are going to respond with the biggest flood of liquidity the world has ever seen. It will make the LTRO (the ECB’s €1 trillion lending to banks) look like small change,” he said.

    Agree 100% with this forecast of Gary Jenkins. Things are getting out of hand rapidly with deflation shouters now out of control. Shock therapy imminent.

    GO, they will only do it if they think it benefits them. When it doesn’t, the populations will be hung out to dry… with the media touting “imminent” floods of liquidity all the way down.

    That’s how they roll.

    IMHO, I could see it going either way this time around… but I tend to think the odds favor another trillion dollar theft by the banksters. At some point, though, they will determine they’ve stolen enough cash and bank credit to buy up a fully depressed planet – so stealing won’t matter any more.

    The banksters finance their operatives into government so that the bankster agenda reigns SUPREME.


    Fascism isn’t coming, people, fascism is already here… it is “soft,” but it is hardening at an alarming rate.

    in reply to: Deterrence is Dead #3400

    ashvin post=3012 wrote: AndrewP,

    And China and Russia (and India, Pakistan, Iran, etc. etc.) do what exactly in this scenario? I’ll give you the UK and the US this time as at least passive observers, and Japan again (it’s quite irrelevant either way), but the Others might not be so tolerant.

    Nobody in the mainstream asks…

    If these countries can’t pay back their debts now, how are they going to pay more debt later?

    If the US has grown debt faster than GDP for nearly 30 years ahead of the 2008 collapse, how are they going to grow GDP faster than debt now?

    What is the exact text of the Federal Reserve mandate and what does Ben Bernanke and the repeating talking heads claim it is?

    Big Finance Capital capital has captured major media and much of the population sucks off this authority’s t*t like it was gospel instead of BFC propaganda.

    It’s all fake where the rubber hits the road. Fake, fake, fake.

    It is an ongoing effort to figure out the mechanics of this fraud, but it *is* a fraud and it doesn’t “just happen.”

    “The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country, than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.”
    ~Andrew “Den of Viper slayer” Jackson

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3355

    Hircus post=2948 wrote: [quote=pipefit post=2945][quote=TheTrivium4TW post=2942]

    Hyperinflation in the drachma could easily be deflation in dollar terms.

    When Argentina hyperinflated their currency, did that mean that an American with dollars lost purchasing power or gained purchasing power?

    It depends on one’s perspective. Think about it for a bit, I’m sure you’ll get it..

    So, you are predicting that, no matter the size of the budget deficit of the USA federal govt., the US dollar will INCREASE in purchasing power? In that case, why don’t they run a deficit of a million dollars per person (320 trillion) and give a million dollars to every person in the states?

    How about looking at gold as your base monetary unit? From that point of view, the cost of American goods and American labor is decreasing. You can buy more stuff with the same number of ounces. That’s textbook deflation.

    Or anther thing to consider — if the Fed printed x% more money since 2008 and the economy hasn’t increased in size, then you’d expect (on average) all goods and services to cost x% more. So if money supply is up 25% and groceries up 10%, that could be considered deflation (less inflation than expected).

    Gold as a currency isn’t good for the following reasons.

    1. The financial psychopaths own the vast majority of this. BTW, I suspect they could institute some form of gold standard to usher in the depression – and they’ll just blame the inflexibility of the gold standard and claim “nobody saw it coming.” I believe this is why the IMF is now floating the idea of a gold standard. The IMF are run by Art of War class criminal warriors – if they want it, watch your back.

    2. Gold isn’t flexible and it doesn’t account for credit. The gold standard didn’t prevent the Great Depression, nor any of the other myriad of depressions we’ve seen in the past under a gold standard.

    3. The gold standard has never worked in history, except for the rich to asset strip everyone else.

    I get that it is shiny and cool and stores value, but money needs to be more than that – like accessible to poor folks and not so easily manipulated by the uber wealthy.

    Do some research on Bill Still (The Secret of Oz on Youtube is a great place to start).

    “Gold and money are separate things, gold is the trick mechanism by which you can control money. That is the root of all evil.”
    ~ Thomas Edison

    Any analysis of “money supply” has to take into account credit as well. In spite of creating $2.5 trillion in *debt receipts,” aka “dollars,” per year, monetary and credit aggregates have essentially flat lined (small improvement).

    Since that isn’t sustainable, what do you think happens when that $2.5 trillion goes away as the banksters eventually defend their trillions in debt paper and their cash?

    There will be no bailouts for debtors… just servitude.

    Bailouts are for the oligarchs… debtors are the “pod” bodies in the Matrix that the oligarchs suck dry.

    I mean, isn’t it obvious by now?

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3354

    william post=2962 wrote: Its worth noting that Japan has not yet brought Fukushima under control. They hope to begin a clean up next year sometime. The size and scope of the fall out exceeds the perimeter so greatly the Island is in many ways divided in half. This is a game changer for this country and may in fact shut it down.

    They are definitely FUBARed and internationally we need to consider how to prevent this many reactors from going into meltdown and just how many can be located in one area without posing so great a risk.

    To me this is an example of over extended resources to supply the endless growth economy. As demands so greatly outstrips resources the country compromises protocols and safety.

    This is not the conclusion but the precursor to the problem of suppling infinite growth without infinite resources. The short sited solution is to continuously compromise the rules so the public doesn’t realize.

    The #1 driver of growth is the fraudulent debt based monetary Ponzi scheme that will collapse and its Ponzi operators.

    If we had debt free money held in stable quantity and a populace that abhorred anything big (understanding big is bad) and wanted to be sustainable, it could.

    Under a debt based Ponzi monetary system, the concept of sustainability is a non starter because the monetary system CAN’T BE STABLE.

    Yet, the Ponzi operators and their Ponzi monetary scheme get a near complete pass – BECAUSE THEY CONTROL THE ESTABLISHMENT INSTITUTIONS VIA FINANCING THEM.

    Who is the #1 producer of carbon? The Ponzi operators inflating the debt based Ponzi monetary scheme… This credit bubble correlates very nicely to a carbon bubble!

    Carbon follows credit, ladies and gentlemen… that means the banksters are more to blame for excess carbon and enforce “grow or die” onto the population via their fraudulent debt based monetary system.

    Not to mention these Central Banking cartel criminals finance the wars that are massive carbon emitters…

    So why do I have to make this point – which is so obvious when the data is actually reviewed without the Big Finance Capital propaganda filter?

    Because I’m not on their payroll – a payroll that self selects people who will say what they want them to say and will hush up what they want hushed up.

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3352

    pipefit post=2945 wrote:
    So, you are predicting that, no matter the size of the budget deficit of the USA federal govt., the US dollar will INCREASE in purchasing power?

    No. What I’m saying is there is the narrative fed to the proles and then there is reality.

    The narrative is that the government is sovereign and that it makes the decisions in its best interest.

    This is 100% false. The truth is that a bunch of financial oligarchs are in charge and elections are 95% about what lying psychopath will serve the interests of the oligarchs.

    I get that the education system, the media system, the political system all claim otherwise, but they are all funded by the financial oligarchs… and predators don’t tell the prey what process is being used to victimize them.

    Debt based money is a fraud. It is a weaponized monetary system ENGINEERED to asset strip society AND GOVERNMENTS and transfer wealth and control to the financial oligarchs.

    Think of it as “The Ultimate Revolution” – but of the financial oligarchs on everyone else. They are following The Art of War and using deception to wage war on the people and their nation states.

    The borrowers (government) is SERVANT to the lender (financial oligarchs). No sovereign government would ever set up a system where they depended on someone else to fund it – only a captured government would do such a thing.

    So, the hypothesis that the government will defend its debt by “printing” is one that fails to understand the underlying data of the system.

    The financial oligarchs WANT the nations to crash and burn and they won’t finance or promote anyone who won’t execute their strategy. Ron Paul is an outsider, so they do everything they can to minimize his influence. He wins Iowa, they lie and say he didn’t. They lied and said one of their operatives won it and the “establishment” played right along – THE PEOPLE’S WILL BE D*MNED.

    The point being is that this whole process is about wealth and control conveyance from the proles to the control freak financial feudal lords.

    All you really need to know is that they are in charge and they control trillions in debt instruments (shedding toxic debt instruments to “government” as fast as they can – again, no sovereign government would kneel and slobber like this!) and they control the destiny of the nation’s monetary future through their Trojan Horse – the Federal Reserve System.

    Once you know this, you will realize that straight to hyperinflation, or even serious inflation, ultimately hurts the oligarchs AND THEY WON’T HURT THEMSELVES, THAT’S WHAT SOCIETY IS FOR – to be hurt by them.

    When they are done turning over the toxic assets to the proles via their government operatives, they will eventually pull the plug on the world’s economies and bankrupt the world.

    They will make sure that their wealth is left intact in order to buy up the world for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. They will ELIMINATE THE COMPETITION NOT TIED INTO GOVERNMENT. They will CAPTURE STATE ASSETS.

    Governments will go broke as their operatives in government execute their will. This is all PART OF THE PLAN.

    Once the oligarchs have rolled up as many assets under their front corporations and seized control of as much nation state assets as they can (toll roads, water plants, power plants, etc…) and eliminated their competition, then they will hyperinflate and “balance their books,” all while wailing on about how “capitalism failed” and black holing the idea that they were the ones who criminally murdered it.

    Got it?

    Now, what does that mean here? Is QE done? It all depends on the oligarch decisions. If they can steal trillions from the ignorant proles and use QE to do it, why not? If the suckers keep lining up to get sucker punched, punch ’em, right?

    “Man who would not reason (think and use his own observations), a man who could not reason for himself is therefore a beast of burden and meat on the table by choice and consent.”
    ~Albert Pike

    They’ll continue to eat up the monetary wealth of society and blame the idiot morons who let them do it. You know, “survival of the fittest” and all. It is “nature’s” way, or so the psychopaths have taught us.

    What they won’t do, AND THEY WILL MAKE THIS DETERMINATION *NOT* GOVERNMENT, is to destroy the dollar BEFORE turning those debt instruments and dollars into society’s real wealth.

    It is sooooo elementary.

    This *is* Art of War economic warfare and they mean to do severe harm to the world’s populations. They’ve set up a structure to starve the third world to death BY DESIGN. 25 million a year – Hitler in his darkest moments could never dream of such death… and to obfuscate it with a systemic weapon instead of a real weapon? Wow. Mao and Stalin are jealous as well.

    pipefit post=2945 wrote:
    In that case, why don’t they run a deficit of a million dollars per person (320 trillion) and give a million dollars to every person in the states?

    Your premise is wrong. Everyone in the United States, outside of the financial oligarchs, EXIST TO BE PREYED UPON, TO BE ROBBED, NOT GIVEN HANDOUTS.

    You have the system exactly backwards.

    pipefit post=2945 wrote:
    You are quite out of date with your prediction. We are on the wrong side of the social security and medicare ponzi schemes, and their fictitious ‘trust’ funds. Apparently, you trust in the ‘trust’ funds, lol.

    Actually, everything is going according to plan. The financial oligarchs aren’t trying to save anything – they know the system is doomed… THEY CREATED TO BLOW UP IN OUR FACE!

    QE isn’t about restarting the Ponzi scheme THAT MUST COLLAPSE at some point. It is all about quantitatively easing the losses of the oligarchs by transferring trillions in toxic assets to the proles and using public money to pump up the stock market so the insiders could get out at inflated prices.

    Again, you probably think the government is sovereign. It isn’t. It is under the thumb of those PRIVATE INTERESTS, many of whom are FOREIGN, that finance the operations of the government as well as the candidacies of their political operatives.

    Obama works for the financial oligarchs, NOT the poeple. Bush worked for the financial oligarchs, NOT the people.

    Social security, Medicare, bank accounts, etc… will eventually default in the world’s biggest credit destruction bust… and the proles will be impoverished and the oligarchs will claim the Earth as their own.

    pipefit post=2945 wrote:
    All the chatter about eliminating the Bush tax cuts, restoring the prior social security tax rate, etc. is just that. I don’t think it will happen. But let’s say that it does happen, as a talking point. It won’t shrink the size of the federal budget deficit. Has austerity worked in Spain? In Greece? You shrink your deficit with economic growth, not by forcibly creating an economic contraction.

    One of the chief goals of debt based money IS TO DESTROY THE NATION STATE for the benefit of the financial oligarchs who WEAPONIZED MONEY by defining it as debt.

    It isn’t a bug, it is a feature. Don’t you get it?

    You can’t come to the chess board with checker pieces and expect to be able to play the game.

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3351

    skipbreakfast post=2944 wrote: Great rant.

    And of course I know we’re fucked.

    But it all still seems unreal. We are going to have to let go of SOMETHING… but we don’t want to. And so I have no idea what that “something” is. Greece is the case in point. They don’t want austerity, but they do want to stay in the Euro. They don’t want to balance their budgets (who does, really!) but Germany won’t keep siphoning off billions to keep the Greeks in cigarettes. I just can’t figure out how this will end. I actually think there is SOME small chance that Greece might STAY in the Euro, as they stand at the cliff’s edge facing something far more painful and unknowable. Papa Germany might be mean, but you know he’s there if you “behave”. It’s not the first time the poor will have been scared into accepting that they can only become poorer. Seems like a case of mutually assured destruction to me, and in such a scenario, I can imagine a very, very long stalemate.

    Obviously, I’m not saying that is the right thing to do. I’m saying I just don’t see a solution in any way shape or form, but can’t imagine the alternative either! Can you? I mean, can you really IMAGINE the alternative collapse? It’s too surreal, and so even if it’s probable, we just won’t do what we have to do to really prepare because it’s like a pitch for a cheesy Hollywood sci-fi movie. Or maybe the reality we end up with will be even stranger than our fiction?

    Or, because I simply can’t make my mind up entirely, things really do unravel as chaotically as Ash believes. Like when your mum dies, you just always knew it would hapen, but never really believe it.

    The monetary system was ENGINEERED by some oligarchs to systematically asset strip society and enrich themselves. Period. It is a FRAUDULENT system. I get that this BIG LIE makes people so uncomfortable that they can’t even entertain the idea in their mind, BUT IT IS TRUE!

    Here is a graph representation of the process used to extract wealth from “main street.”

    If you want simplified text based walk through of how this fraud actually works, check out…

    When Money is Debt, Wealth is Poverty

    There is NEVER enough money in main street to pay back their debts BY DESIGN!

    It is the BIG LIE, hidden in plain view. Until we admit it, we have no chance of addressing the BIG LIE.

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3350

    agelbert post=2943 wrote: This FUBAR Planetary Clusterfuck is caused by human psychopathic predators that, unlike the predators in nature, are so willfully greedy and stupid that they failed to FOSTER THE HEALTH OF THE PREY POPULATION.

    Any successful predator in nature selectively preys on it’s prey population so that the health and reproduction is enhanced. This ensures a continued food supply for the predator and the survival of his species.

    Wall Street twisted Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ portion of the Theory of Evolution so out of proportion to reality that they effectively adopted a murder/suicide pact for humanity.

    Fucking IDIOTS!

    agelbert, at the very top of this cesspool, there is some method to this madness. Exponentially growing populations with exponentially growing resource requirements will drain the psychopathic oligarch resources down to a level they do not.

    In short, they know economies can’t grow forever, the name of the game, from their point of view, is to take control of the Earth’s resources and, shall we say, “cull demand” for the resources they want to retain for themselves.

    I’m sure you can be creative and think about how they would “cull demand.” Some people believe that means kill of a whole lot of people – they do say over population is their #1 concern for “humanity” and mass death *is* the only solution to their problem.

    Somehow, I don’t think they will volunteer to be the solution, if you get my drift.

    IOW, their interest is not the status quo, but to roll up the real assets under their front corporations and to prevent humanity from using up the Earth’s limited resources.

    They are reckless to a degree, though. IMHO, that will be their undoing, but they will be able to take down a lot of the rest of us as they work out their empire building, “demand culling,” societal enslaving strategy.

    in reply to: Planet Earth – F.U.B.A.R. #3328

    natureisnature post=2927 wrote: [quote=ashvin post=2925][quote=natureisnature post=2923]
    The word “hyperinflation” came in the paragraph that came after the question, “so what happens after that?” Meaning, what will happen in EUROPE after Greece exits, and/or others eventually follow. If Greece reverts back to the Drachma, there is a good chance they will experience HI.

    I was NOT talking about the USD.

    whatever explanation, “hyperinflation” contradicts “Automatic Earth’s” persistent view point of “a severe deflation would be ubiquitous and pervasive imminently”

    how would a few countries defy “steady and globally deflationary trend and progression in memorable global deflationary depression”?

    reason and examples, please.

    Hyperinflation in the drachma could easily be deflation in dollar terms.

    When Argentina hyperinflated their currency, did that mean that an American with dollars lost purchasing power or gained purchasing power?

    It depends on one’s perspective. Think about it for a bit, I’m sure you’ll get it..

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3289

    ashvin post=2879 wrote:

    The Straw Man is Ash.

    Hi Ash,

    You may have just pointed out the most bizarre thing I’ve ever written.

    I went back to read it in context and it makes no sense and you were completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

    I was trying to point out steve’s use of a straw man to describe a scenario different than what almost assuredly occurred.

    I would explain the specific term if I could, but I can’t.

    My bad for the Bizarre with a capital “B”.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3288

    ashvin post=2879 wrote:
    Using Marx’s predictions about Communist utopia to discredit his predictions about capitalist meltdown. That has to be some sort of logical fallacy!

    The Straw Man is Ash.

    So now I have actually become “The Straw Man”?? I think you maybe meant Ilargi here, because he wrote this article.

    No, you aren’t a straw man, Ash, but you did use one and, based on your Straw Man fallacy, you accused me of using a fallacy when I did not. I didn’t use his lack of predicting Mao and Stalin to discredit his views on a capitalist meltdown.

    What did I write that gave you that idea?

    I didn’t say that at all. You just made that up out of whole cloth. What was the motivation that led to this false conclusion?

    In fact, I think he was correct that the “Capitalist system” (true capitalism, like true communism, is a myth – both are different forms of oligarchical dictatorships) would eventually melt down (technically, the oligarchs would rig the monetary, criminally blow a credit bubble, loot people under the con that they are trying to save the economy and then collapse everything to take control of it an dproclaim themselves rulers). In fact, I constantly explain exactly what methods are used to by the oligarchs to systematically rob people under the fallacy of “capitalism.”

    Even if we had a true capitalist society, my hypothesis is that it would go bad as the selfish people would then rig such a system to their advantage and everyone else’s disadvantage – ending in an oligarchical dictatorship.

    I didn’t argue against my own belief system, Ash, so what caused the “rush to judgement” on your part?

    But I also think the data shows Marx’s failures cost over 100 million lives. Lest you then accuse me of thinking that this makes oligarchical dictatorship capitalism better (when I didn’t say that)…

    …I think the “Capitalist” oligarchical dictatorship model has cost far more human lives than Mao and Stalin in the “Communist” oligarchical dictatorship model… just for the record. The oligarchs trick the people into thinking they are “free,” when they pretty much repeat the oligarch funded “consensus,” and then they set up systems that kill people by the 10s of millions every year. About 25 million die of starvation and malnutrition… millions more through corporate societal asset stripping wars and who knows how many with the toxic diet they promote.

    The real issue is that humanity is between a rock and hard place when human selfishness rules the day.

    Legitimately criticizing Marx in one area doesn’t mean that Marx didn’t have incredible insight in others. It just means he had a blind spot – a very big one at that – and since you didn’t point it out, I did.

    The lesson is that we all need to be very careful of potential blind spots – even if those who have a special genius in a particular area.

    in reply to: Discovering the "End" in "Extend & Pretend" #3268

    ashvin post=2880 wrote:
    Elimination of political leaders probably wouldn’t do much good here. Perhaps it would provide some very short-term relief, but it is really the anti-austerity mentality that has now taken root across Europe, and that’s something that cannot be whacked. Hell, a suspicious killing of Tspiras may just make it stronger.

    Hi Ash, that’s why systemic control is so important.

    It doesn’t matter what the Greeks want or think now, they are under control of the financial oligarchs.

    Even if they leave the Euro, they are toast. They will impoverish their savers and the Big Finance Capital oligarchs likely won’t sell them oil or, if they do, it will be for an arm and a leg.

    The only real chance we have is to identify who the real criminals are (you know, the “authorities”), put them in jail and set up sovereign nation states that each have the ability to issue their own currency within certain limits.

    If I’ve missed something here, do share the details of how wishing austerity will go away will actually make it go away.

    BTW, humanity has to wake up to the fact that they can’t rob future generations forever. The people are nearly as bad as the oligarchs, they just don’t have the power to inflict their selfishness onto the others that the banksters have attained.

    It’s a cesspool of greed (selfishness).

    BTW, did Marx reject “communism” after predicting evil dictators would take control (Stalin and Mao) or did he have his own gaping blind spot as well?

    in reply to: Fukushima – One Earthquake from 85x Chernobyl #3260

    Updated information on Fukushima…

    Fukushima Threatens The Continuation of Life as We Know It

    Fukushima Plumegate Cover-Up

    How to Achieve Nutritional Victory

    This is a BIG DEAL, so why doesn’t Big Finance Capital turn their media loose on it?

    1. You can’t be blames as bad, it would be one of their corporate fronts.
    2. It would cost their corporate fronts money and control, instead of quadrupling the stock price of their corporate fronts.

    YOU have to educate yourself and take precautions. the FALSE AUTHORITIES are out to deceive you.

    “[M]an who would not reason (think and use his own observations), a man who could not reason for himself is therefore a beast of burden and meat on the table by choice and consent.”
    ~Albert Pike

    “Shake off all fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God, because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    BTW, repeating establishment “evil men” propaganda IS NOT being “involved in public affairs.” That’s what they teach you in school and it is a very powerful way to control and manipulate you.

    in reply to: Fukushima – One Earthquake from 85x Chernobyl #3258

    Reverse Engineer post=2762 wrote: I don’t get why your videos go up and mine don’t? Every time I try to drop a YouTube link into a post I get a message saying “you have tried to Spam the Site. Admin has been informed.”


    RE, are you just copying the Youtube links? That’s all I do – just copy and paste the links… no other code. If you are doing that, it is probably a setting on your account.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3256

    ralfy post=2865 wrote: The problem isn’t that there is not enough money. Rather, there’s too much money: more than a quadrillion dollars, much of it consisting of unregulated derivatives.

    The problem, then, is far larger than Bernanke and the Fed. It is a global capitalist economy run by a few powerful global banks.

    Hi Ralfy, you in appropriately limit the Fed’s sphere is influence.

    The Fed is the Trojan Horse for the Architects and Controllers of the Federal Reserve and the structure of the monetary system.

    Those derivatives only exist because the Fed (actually the Controllers of the Fed) wanted them to exist.

    The Fed is much more than its individual policy decisions – THE ENTIRE SYSTEM exists at the behest of the Fed and its Architects and Controllers.

    It was the Fed that pushed for the end of Glass-Steagall and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

    Ultimately, it is the Architects and Controllers of the Fed who are to blame, so just evicting the Fed won’t do a lot so long as those con people stay in charge with all their fraudulent, ill gotten, crime syndicate wealth still in place.

    The game I see in play is…

    1. Blow a massive credit bubble (~25 years)
    2. Loot as much cash and bank credit as possible under the excuse of “saving the system” (this is where we are now)
    3. Execute a wicked deflationary bust to roll up society’s assets under Big Finance Capital corporate fronts.
    4. Let the American subjects wallow in abject poverty for a while.
    5. Promise some goodies to the American people but, alas, there has to be some strings attached, “for your safety.” Oh, and you have to roll up under this cool world currency system run by the same Big Finance Capital criminals who created our current fraudulent systems.

    Of course, they need to concurrently set up police states, destroy freedoms like the Bill of Rights and set up re-education camps for political activists.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3255

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote: @m111ark, Trivium,

    I apologize for being confusing, it’s a bad habit. Let’s try another tack:

    At issue is secured and unsecured lending. If you make a deposit of $10,000 you are making an unsecured loan to your bank. Mr. Bank can turn around and lend this money ten or more times. this is infamous ‘fractional lending’. From $10k your deposit becomes $90k of loans, only $10k or which is secured (by your deposit). In effect you have indirectly created $80k in new money or 8x your deposit you inflationist you!

    And you blame Bernanke! Horrors!

    I’m not sure who you are talking to, but I don’t blame Bernanke for being anything other than a lying, fraudulent front man for a fraudulent system being controlled by a bunch of con men.

    The Fed is ultimately controlled by the people who finance the BODs of the Federal Reserve. Bernanke is an employee. He was put into position because he does what he’s told.

    Big Finance Capital controls the Fed such that THEIR AGENDA is worked out in the markets. More for them, less for everyone else.

    Also, the Federal Reserve System is the system that mandates fractional reserve lending be legal. Of course the Federal Reserve System is at fault – and especially THE ARCHITECTS and CONTROLLERS of that system.

    It’s bizarre that you’d mock an attack on these criminals, even one wrongly levelled primarily at this fraud’s front man.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    A central bank cannot make unsecured loans and still remain a central bank.

    Oh yes they can – they lie and keep the public away from the books. Come on, stop being so naive – these people are lying criminals. They lie about the trivial like their mandate. Look it up – it isn’t a dual mandate (low unemployment, stable prices), it is a singular mandate to keep credit and monetary aggregates “commensurate with” the long term productive capacity of the nation.

    What did these criminals do? They broke their mandate and took monetary and credit aggregates PARABOLIC TO the long term productive capacity of the nation! That PARABOLIC MOVE is a ROOT CAUSE of the ongoing collapse, but everyone lies about that, too, and blames something else.

    Weapons of Mass Debt

    (Keep and Share is a PDF hosting site – nothing nefarious)

    Stop being so gullible and trusting the book propaganda, steve. They aren’t playing “by the book” any more. In fact, they burned it up and buried the ashes as evidenced by their actions, NOT their lying words.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    The two kinds of banks are assembled differently, for one thing CBs don’t have a conventional capital structure. Since they aren’t profit-making enterprises,

    Maybe not for the Central Bank itself, but they ABSOLUTELY are profit making mechanisms for THOSE WHO CREATED IT AND THOSE WHO CONTROL IT!

    The flow chart of the fraud is in this PDF:

    Debt Money Tyranny:

    Again, stop with the book reading, it was propaganda to deceive the masses while this Trojan Horse worked over time to collapse the nation state system.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    capital in the conventional sense is not required. They have almost no capital: the ECB has €50bn in capital against a €4tn in liabilities. However, their assets and liabilities always match on paper, the books are always balanced.

    New money is not the source of credit but its excess over collateral.

    Which is EXACTLY what the central banks are creating by taking on toxic trash assets valued at top value. The typical mistake, though, is to think that this new money will not require repayment with interest ONCE THE CENTRAL BANKS STOP THE LYING, and they can’t lie forever.

    It, too, will be debt based money once the VERY REAL LOSSES are finally admitted.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    What matters is the face amounts not market worth which is simply an opinion.

    An opinion of the counter party that will buy it! -lol-

    You seem to be spitting Fed propaganda like there is no tomorrow. So you think that worthless 2nd mortgage or that home that is 60% below the mortgage value and falling are just “opinions” and that their prices will snap back under our debt based monetary system when society and government are saturated with debt?

    Get real. Those are assets are impaired. Big Finance Capital wanted to offload them to the public and they need a way to do so – and they use the Fed as the conduit.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Even implied leverage would destroy a central bank because it lacks adequate capital, if this were to be an issue the Central Bank would be just another (large) commercial bank.

    If CBs make unsecured loans they are instantly PERCEIVED as being insolvent. Quote from Bagehot:

    Just so, an immense system of credit, founded on the Bank of England as its pivot and its basis, now exists. The English people, and foreigners too, trust it implicitly. Every banker knows that if he has to prove that he is worthy of credit, however good may be his arguments, in fact his credit is gone.

    That’s exactly how I perceive them. I also perceive the mega banks who had to legalize securities fraud in order to pretend not to be insolvent as insolvent. Maybe they’ve had time to switch their toxic assets to one or two banks by now – so maybe a couple of the winners aren’t insolvent any more… it is impossible to tell when they all can lie through their teeth.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Assets fly to the CBs when the market panics

    Created by CBs that break their own law – you forgot to mention that part steve. Did you not know it? If not, now you do… Again…

    Weapons of Mass Debt

    Its all there – the mandate and the reality of what the Fed did… About $30 trillion in law breaking societal debt was created, bare minimum.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    and are worthless on the markets. CBs exist to validate the worth of assets and to provide liquidity while doing so.

    CBs don’t “validate” the worth, they just lie and accept the worth at 100%. If I recall, the Fed broke the law when it it accepted non government guaranteed paper as assets. There is so much fraud and law breaking it is tough to keep it all straight.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Assume for instance you are a bank and hold a $10m bond, you’ve lent to some industry such as real estate. For one reason or another real estate bonds are worth less with the passage of time.

    “[O]ne reason or another?” Are you kidding me steve? The Fed criminally, CRIMINALLY, broke Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act and CRIMINALLY spent 25 years blowing the world’s largest credit bubble that eventually busted, as all bubbles must, and you sum it up as “one reason or another?”

    Why do you hide the obvious criminal nature of the Fed and the fraudulent nature of the Federal Reserve System (by blaming customers and mocking the blaming of their front man)?

    Is it that you can’t quite grasp reality through the social engineer conditioning?

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Bonds have lost enough so that other banks like yours have become insolvent. Capital and deposits are fleeing. You must jettison assets and shrink your balance sheet. You have a choice: the market prices your bond at fifty cents. The Fed will lend $10m against your bond. Quick: what will you do?

    File bankruptcy unless you have your criminal hooks so deep into government that you have captured it and control it. Reality, once again, slips right through your grasp – and you seem to rather enjoy the state of suspended disbelief.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    What the Fed won’t do is offer you $100m for your bond. It will offer $10m or a little less for a haircut. It will offer par and no more.

    Oh, they are so tough at the Fed. Funny you chose bonds instead of MBS where the REAL problem lays. How about those mortgages, steve? Accepted at par (don’t look at the books, prole!), down 60% with no hope of recovery. Par, baby, par.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Whether the market says the bond is worth fifty cents or not is irrelevant, the face amount is the limit of what the central bank will lend. It can create new money only if it lends above what the collateral is worth.

    MBS are where the real problem is (in America), steve, and I think you know it. Is that why you avoided discussing MBSes? As RE has pointed out, the Greek bonds were valued at par and some won’t be paid because they can’t be paid. BTW, they knew this BEFORE they bought them AND MADE THE PRIVATE BANKS WHO ORIGINALLY LENT WHOLE FOR THOSE BONDS.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    What this means is the central bank is collateral constrained. It cannot lend more than the face amount of collateral it takes in exchange for credit. If the Fed lends $3 trillion it has $3 trillion on its balance sheet. Instead of being a ‘bank’ it is more like a pawn shop.

    Still burning down the straw man, steve. Nobody I know claimed the Fed let $10 on #3 in collateral. NOBODY. What they have said is the Fed takes $10 in face value MBSes that are worth $5 and lends $10 against this.

    Yet you avoid the real issue like the plague.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    The CB can issue credit but it must have collateral.

    But that collateral can be fictional as long as people suspend disbelief. Right now, people are suspending disbelief. Nicole’s and Ilargi’s message is that this will, at some point, reverse and there will be new rules that turn the current game upside down.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    If the Fed says the collateral is worth fifty five cents there is no point to having a Fed.

    The whole point of the Fed is to do this…

    Debt Dollar Tyranny

    Everything else is designed to confuse people that rather enjoy a state of permanent suspended disbelief, for whatever reason.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    If the Fed says the collateral is worth $100 billion the markets will know the Fed is lying and ignore it. If the Fed was to leverage your collateral the other banks dealing with the Fed would ask why they cannot leverage their collateral as well. The Fed would have to decide which collateral was marginable and which is not. Unlike commercial banks, there is no underwriting department at the Fed to determine whether prospects of this or that business venture are as advertised. It simply accepts instruments face worth in exchange for credit in the same amounts.

    That’s the propaganda, steve. You’ve been conditioned well. “The Man” pats you on the back. But here in reality, that’s a straw an argument. You built up an argument which nobody made, you limited it in scope and then you burnt it down.

    The Fed’s MBSes, steve – do you believe they are worth par?


    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Commercial banks have underwriting departments, rating agencies, risk management sections and analysts. There are also thousands of banks who can make granular judgments about trillion$$ in unsecured loans. (Most of these judgments are bad, BTW.)

    Thank goodness for ratings agencies, RIGHT STEVE? -lol-

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    Being collateral constrained the CB cannot create new money it is impossible as what goes out is equal to what comes in. Only commercial banks offering unsecured loans create new money.

    That false idea burns up when your straw man burns, steve. If I give the Fed a $1,000,000 paper mortgage that will only sell for, at most, $500k for the foreseeable future, and the Fed loans $1,000,000 against it, THE FED HAS CREATED NON INTEREST BEARING DEBT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE FED FESSES UP TO ITS LIE AND RECOGNIZES THE TRUE VALUE OF THAT PAPER. At which point, the Fed will demand that the tax payers repay the Fed for the difference between the $1,000,000 and the price the MBS actually sold for, MINUS $10KS OF FEES PAID TO THE BANKSTER, NO DOUBT.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    What confuses is the offhand use of the term ‘central bank buying’. If you sell your car to me for $1000 then buy it back in a year for the same $1000 it is the same as you borrowing $1000 and offering the car as collateral.

    The Straw Man is Ash. Here in reality, which you craftily avoided, the example is selling the Fed a $500 market value care that was bought 5 years earlier for $1,000. The Fed pays out $1,000 and then eventually sells the vehicle for $400. The Fed will eventually demand the $600 from the tax payers.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    I have been annoyed by the Fed’s open ended lending against collateral such as during QE 1.


    They are crooks BEYOND ALL DOUBT! They lie about their mandate BEYOND ALL DOUBT! They CRIMINALLY blew the world’s largest credit bubble BEYOND ALL DOUBT!

    Yet you are annoyed at lending in Q1. Man, you are a tough guy! BTW, those weren’t bonds they borrowed in Q1, were they? How is that real estate market since they bought those MBSes AT PAR?

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    However, there were good policy reasons for doing so (retrieving bad mortgage paper from the Chinese). The Fed will hold the collateral to maturity whence the loans will be retired and credit extinguished. But there was indeed collateral accepted in this and all other cases including all open market operations and QE.


    The holes in your Straw Man, steve, are so wide that the mice have lost interest.

    steve from virginia post=2858 wrote:
    The point is not the mechanics of the process but that Central Banks do not create anything new. When their balance sheets expand it is because private sector balance sheets contract an equal or greater amount. (This is always left off those ZeroHedge charts, btw!)

    Think of the Fed and other central banks as pawn shops. They will lend you the five hundred dollars, but you have to let them hold onto your $2,000 Rolex watch. And they won’t lend you the $50,000 against that watch.

    Try going into a pawn shop and borrowing your purchase price for a hot beanie baby at their peak interest.

    They will laugh in your face.

    Yet that is exactly what the Fed does – especially for the corporate banking interests that roll up under Big Finance Capital, the people who control the Federal Reserve to systematically asset strip society and protect their corporate fronts while indebting nation states with unpayable debt.

    steve, Stockholm Syndrome is reversible if you would consider suspending your suspension of disbelief.

    BTW, the way to refute anything I say is to provide the data and logic that support refutation and provide examples, just like I’ve done. If you can’t, then the honest thing to do is admit to it.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3244

    Reverse Engineer post=2856 wrote: [quote=TheTrivium4TW post=2854]RE, I have to agree that humanity is doomed on its current course. When doom hits, the root cause probably doesn’t matter too much.

    IMHO, even the oligarchs are being played for fools… their lust for “more” will destroy themselves as well. It has already made them bitter, angry, soulless people.

    Understanding the Root Cause does matter, because if enough people understand how Money perverts Human Society, they may be able to reject it in time enough to prevent an Extinction Level Event. Time grows short though now, the Window is Closing here on Homo Sapiens.

    IMHO, it is our JOB as Bloggers and Commenters to get the MESSAGE out NOW to as many people as we can, as fast as we can. I write at a furious pace to achieve that goal. I will NOT GIVE UP on Humanity. Not so long as these Keyboard fingers will cruise at 100WPM or even BETTER than that sometimes when I really get going. Not so long as the Internet remains up and running, and even after that if I am still walking the earth I will find another means to get the message out.

    The Keyboard is MIGHTIER than the Sword. Keep WRITING Triv. Get the MESSAGE OUT.



    I’m fighting side by side with you. Although our messages are slightly different.

    The difference don’t matter at as long as the current structure is in place, so I’m 100% with you we need to tear down the status quo before it kills us an society.

    BTW, my message isn’t just to reform the monetary system. Even with a perfect monetary system and a free market, the system would fail because of selfish human action facilitated by money.

    I also believe that humanity has to realize that big is bad, very bad, and we should all do the best we can to support those businesses that are small and local. Big businesses will SELFISHLY leverage their wealth and power to eliminate their competition so they can grow even bigger. They will then infiltrate the education system and dog train the students how this is most excellent.

    The the average person could own a business again, IF we valued small and were properly terrified of BIG.

    The issues are complex, brother… we live in interesting times.

    Hold on tight!

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3241

    RE, I have to agree that humanity is doomed on its current course. When doom hits, the root cause probably doesn’t matter too much.

    IMHO, even the oligarchs are being played for fools… their lust for “more” will destroy themselves as well. It has already made them bitter, angry, soulless people.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3238

    Reverse Engineer post=2849 wrote:
    Any Nation State can issue it’s own Credit, but if that credit won’t buy Oil, then it is useless as a means to maintain an Oil based economy.

    That is a very severe rub and a method of control.

    The sad thing is that THE PEOPLE own the oil, but the bankster political operatives have given that resource over to the banksters – just another sell out to their true masters while telling the proles about the glory of our “Democracy.”

    As for Marx, did I miss it or did he also predict Stalin and Mao?

    Just askin’.

    RE, I owe you my thought process on evil being a human trait rather than a monetary trait… so here goes…

    e·vil (vl)
    adj. e·vil·er, e·vil·est
    1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked: an evil tyrant.
    2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet.
    3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous: evil omens.
    4. Bad or blameworthy by report; infamous: an evil reputation.
    5. Characterized by anger or spite; malicious: an evil temper.
    1. The quality of being morally bad or wrong; wickedness.
    2. That which causes harm, misfortune, or destruction: a leader’s power to do both good and evil.
    3. An evil force, power, or personification.
    4. Something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction: the social evils of poverty and injustice.

    mo·ral·i·ty (m-rl-t, mô-)
    n. pl. mo·ral·i·ties
    1. The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.
    2. A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct: religious morality; Christian morality.
    3. Virtuous conduct.
    4. A rule or lesson in moral conduct.

    Given the definition of evil and moral, that portion of the definition can’t apply to money because money is inanimate. It can’t be moral or immoral because it has no conduct, rather, it influences the conduct of people. The people have the conduct, not the money.

    Point #2 in the definition of evil can’t apply, either, because money doesn’t cause anything… people cause things. Money is inanimate.

    Point #3 could apply to money, but again, it is PEOPLE that will bring the misfortune to the person with money, NOT the money itself. So having money could be a bad omen of being robbed and killed BY PEOPLE.

    Point #4 suffers the same fate. It could apply to inanimate money, but, ultimately, it is DECISION OF PEOPLE that would put money is such a light.

    Point #5 doesn’t apply to inanimate money.

    So, some definitions of evil don’t apply to money. The ones that do could only apply because of DECISION MADE BY PEOPLE.

    By the way, they need not apply at all, again, based on DECISIONS MADE BY PEOPLE!

    Now, assume that money had some kind physical mind control properties like a drug of some sort. If the chemical change in the human was directly initiated by the money and that was the root cause for the bad HUMAN CHOICES, I could see blaming money as evil.

    But abstract concepts can’t EXTERNALLY impact people in this manner.

    If human behavior isn’t externally motivated, as in drug induced mind control, then the HUMAN BEHAVIOR has to be INTERNALLY generated.

    James 13-14 sums up this principle nicely, IMHO.

    James 1:13-14
    13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.

    The bad news is that one’s evil (selfishness – not caring for others equal to oneself) comes from within. The good news is that one’s evil comes from within so one can take action to mitigate it.

    Can money “grease the skids” of human evil desire? Absolutely. Is it the root cause of human evil desire? Absolutely not.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3235

    pipefit post=2843 wrote: The oil trade is all that is propping up the dollar. Without it, it is completely worthless.

    That’s nonsense. What is it – $11 trillion in American mortgage debts need to be paid back in dollars. In fact, every one of those dollars is owed to someone – and the wealthiest of those people have the government and their armies ready and able to back up their debt dollar tyranny.

    What people don’t seem to quite grasp is “losing confidence in dollars” is equivalent to “losing confidence in the debt those dollars represent.”

    Think it through. Understand the game that is afoot.

    It is a game of control, or domination over the world by, ultimately, a very small group of people at the top of a hierarchical, top down system of, essentially, well marketed dictatorship.

    The EU foreshadows the ultimate model. I’m sure, as they bankrupt the nation states and impoverish the people, there will be less velvet and more iron fist, though.

    What Ilargi is saying, without being so blunt or conspiratorial, is that those “abstract” dollars are a tool of people who control the nation states… and those people will “get in your grill,” so to speak, to make sure their “abstract” societal asset and control stripping mechanism does EXACTLY what it was designed to do.

    Yes, oil plays a very KEY role in keeping external players in the Debt Dollar tyranny system.

    Again, ENFORCED by the people who use that abstraction for their own, personal gain.

    The thing most of the “to date winners” in this system fail to understand is that they are not winners at all… they are eventual targets to be taken out. Their wealth was a necessary by product of this system, not the purpose of this system. Once control is ceded to Big Finance Capital, well, they will still want more and there will only be one group in which to TAKE IT.

    If you don’t understand the strategy at play, you are doomed for sure.

    Resist now, resist often.

    in reply to: There Is Not Enough Money On Planet Earth #3233

    m111ark post=2832 wrote: Ok, Steve from Virginia, RE, and others who participate on this board:

    I’ve been reading this blog for years and only now want to take part in this discussion… so being new to the discussion I’m not yet familiar with the protocol. I don’t want to seem argumentative but some things I’m reading here are just not true.

    Jump right in and be yourself and be polite. Individuality is what a feature, not a bug.

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    Steve, you say that the government prints money, that is just not the way money works.

    What I think steve tried to convey is that the government CAN print money and has done so in the past. If so, that is true.

    However, you are correct, the current system doesn’t allow for that right now. They can coin debt free money…

    But this is where Econ 101 comes into play. Whose interests does Bernanke represent? That is the KEY question because that will dictate the actions he will take.

    The straight to hyperinflationists seem to mostly think that Bernanke will defend the politicians within government.

    My research says Bernanke is ultimately employed by Big Finance Capital, which has perched itself atop the government and the major corporations, including major banking corporations, and Bernanke will defend their interests AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PEOPLE.

    The monetary system is a con game and fraud and nobody in the “establishment” will call out the obvious – this is all fraud.

    This flow charts shows how it works…

    BTW, that’s Big Finance Capital (BFC) at the top sucking everyone else dry, which is why they created this system in the first place. The borrower is servant to the lender, so the government is servant to BFC. In theory, this could change, but I’m pretty confident that anyone in power who would try and create this change would be risking their lives now that the CIA and Pentagon listen in on everyone’s phone calls and email… they know who to target.

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    There is no facility for that. The government borrows money, that’s why we have a public debt.

    In theory, that could change, though. I think that is what steve meant to communicate.

    steve did confuse me when he said only the government can create currency. Uh, every time a credit card is used, currency (debt based bank credit, which I think is reasonable to include in the definition of “currency”) is created. Every car loan creates currency, etc… Perhaps steve is referring to only physical FRNs or coins – I think that is government issue only… in conjunction with the Federal Reserve international banking cartel Trojan Horse.

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    While it’s true that the FED only buys previously issued debt, that debt is normally sold to the private sector. While the FED engages in REPO’s and such to adjust the quantity of money, only in QE does the FED buy and hold that debt. That means they create new money. New money is not created when the primary dealers sell that debt into the private capital machine.

    If I understand correctly, they take $1 billion in “assets” in exchange for $1 billion in bank credit.

    I think we all know that the $1 billion face value of the assets isn’t real, maybe $300 million or less.

    However, this is still NOT printing money. That $1 billion issued as bank credit still has debt attached to it, it just isn’t collecting interest UNTIL the “assets” are recognized at their real value. Let’s say that’s $300 million.

    Once the international financiers decide it is time to end this charade, they will release that, totally unforeseen events have revealed that the banks can’t pay back the $1 billion and the assets are only worth $300 million… THEY WILL THEN CHARGE THE TAX PAYER THE DIFFERENCE, $700 MILLION, AND COLLECT INTEREST ON THE AMOUNT DUE.

    They just don’t charge interest while they pretend the “assets” offset the cash infusion. Oh, they will eventual bill their subjects, though.

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    What you need to understand is that the debt money system that is OUR monetary system is a ponzi scheme. New money must always be created to pay the interest from previous debt and the only way to get new money, excluding QE, is for consumers to borrow.

    While this is practically so, it doesn’t have to be this way. The reason it is this way is because Big Finance Capital doesn’t return all the interest they accrue lending nations money, therefore, the nations don’t have enough money to pay back THEIR debts, but BFC is flush with cash.

    The flow chart, above, shows this mechanism graphically. if you want a text walk through, you can go here…

    When Money is Debt; Wealth is Poverty

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    Of course, when they borrow, more debt is created setting up a cycle of ever more need for more debt to create money to pay the interest…. evermore. IF consumers can no longer borrow money, no new money gets created and we have a recession/depression. That’s the real cause of the so-called financial crisis, consumers maxed out of credit and could no longer borrow. That’s why the FED MUST create new money.

    They must continue to issue credit or else the whole thing collapses. In addition, if they keep issuing credit, the whole thing collapses, just at a later point in time.

    So, the game is to figure out what the Big Finance Capital will tell their Trojan Horse to do… print into oblivion and wipe out BFC’s trillions in debt assets, trillions in cash and bail out those they put into debt or…

    …steal as much cold, hard cash as they can then bust the system, bust the debtors, roll up the debtor assets into their front corporations so the sheeple don’t realize that one group benefits from much of this operation and then hyperinflate to balance the books. By then, it won’t matter whether the oligarchs have trillions in cash BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTROL MUCH OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD AND THE SERFS WILL BE MOSTLY IMPOVERISHED.

    This is the world that Nicole describes, but in a way that is much less, shall we say, “conspiratorial.” I have no doubt she knows this was all rigged, though. Someone pointed out she had made this comment in the way back machine: “the system is corruption.”

    Why yes, yes it is.

    So, put up your Dr. Evil finger and tell us all what YOU would do in Dr. Evil’s role.

    m111ark post=2832 wrote:
    Incidentally, if you’ve ever wondered why we’re now termed consumers rather than citizens, now you know. The consequences of a debt money monetary system are always the same, citizens become consumers and consumers become debt slaves and finally, the slaves revolt.

    Hence the police state, the right of the bankster financed President to kidnap, torture, assassinate and brutalize anyone they want with no due process or no requirement to present even fraudulent evidence.

    Oh, and now the political activist “retraining camps” the Army has been preparing for since at least 2010.

    At least East Germany had the morality to fabricate evidence!

    One caveat, though. Don’t expect the BFC oligarchs to just the economy collapse under its own weight or directly because of their policy change.

    They will almost certainly concoct some *event* that will act as the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” as it were, and that even will be blamed for the collapse.

    Perhaps this will be a Strait of Hormuz being blown up or a nuclear attack on a US city.

    You see, people in Amerca can’t think on average. They don’t understand that correlation isn’t necessarily causation. Even worse, they never get to that point because they simply trust “authority.”

    Cold, hard, corrupt, scientific dictatorship authority.

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3171

    ashvin post=2777 wrote: [quote=TheTrivium4TW post=2751]

    Why did Smallpox mortality fall of a cliff as vaccination rates declined by over 50%?

    You must realize that there are multiple sides to this argument,

    Your initial claim was quite authoritative. At least now your mind is somewhat engaged in THINKING instead of just ACCEPTING.

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    and all have a certain amount of data/logic on their side.

    As I asked before, what data and logic did YOU use to reach your conclusions that enabled you to make a claim of “irony?”

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    The consensus view is that vaccination played a large role in preventing transmission of the disease,

    World wide “consensus” is that the Fed has a dual mandate.

    Does that make it true? I KNOW it is false. It is trivial to prove as false, yet it remains the “consensus.”

    If something that is trivially proven false is “consensus,” how much easier would a false narrative be if it were hidden within the complex?

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    but was also aided by “surveillance-containment” strategies, which proved to be more effective in certain under-developed communities.

    That doesn’t explain the all the data, though.

    The main point is that the people in POWER to PROVE efficacy REFUSE TO DO SO.

    This debate shouldn’t even exist – we should have hard numbers base don hard, unbiased science. We don’t.

    Did you know that vaccines safety is determined only short term and in relation to another vaccine?

    Did you know that effectiveness is determined by how well it creates anti-bodies, but there is no science that links these additional anti-bodies to actual disease resistance?

    Did you know they refuse to track how many people got the flu had a flu shot?

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    As far as data/logic goes, the links you provided are unimpressive to me. First, your two graphs, one of which is entirely derived from written comments made to British Parliament in 1923 (not a great source for data points on a graph),

    Because you say so? Where is the data that impresses you that contradicts this data?

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    seem to be consistent with the fact that smallpox deaths drastically declined after vaccination campaigns were launched, albeit not in a linear manner.

    That’s entirely misleading because it lacks context. The question is not whether deaths declined during vaccination campaigns, the question is whether vaccines changed the natural rate at which deaths were already changing pre-vaccinations.

    If rates are dropping 20% pre vaccine and then “drastically” fall 15% after vaccine, it is simply dishonest to say that vaccines were responsible for that “drastic” 15% drop. You make no mention of context. Neither does “consensus,” so I can see where someone relying on that “consensus” “authority” might not make that connection on their own, the same way one relying on “consensus” would not think about fact checking the Federal Reserve’s legal mandate (BTW, I didn’t – Denninger had to bring it my attention, but the bell rang when he did!).

    I was disappointed I didn’t find longer time graphs for smallpox to be able to see how vaccination impacted its natural rate of change.

    I don’t like that you were “disappointed,” so please provide the data that you think is correct and hopefully this is on a longer time scale.

    However, we have much better data for other diseases that “consensus” claims (is “consensus” related to Simon? Anyway…) were significantly impacted by vaccines.

    Note that when vaccines were introduced for diptheria, whooping cough and measles, there was no significant change in the rate of decline in the number of annual deaths from these diseases.

    Yet “consensus” argues “causation” and people parrot it as Gospel…

    You know, like the “dual mandate.”

    But we aren’t done yet.

    Look at typhoid, Scarlett fever and diptheria… all declining dramatically without vaccines.

    Now, I know you are a very smart guy and that these details aren’t hidden from you. I know you understand the implications, too – that the vaccine issue isn’t as clear cut as “consensus” would have the proles believe. BTW, I’m not saying vaccines can’t be effective – I don’t know and Big Finance Capital Pharma isn’t about to do definitive research when everyone accepts and repeats their well funded “consensus.” Kinda like the Fed’s ‘dual mandate” well funded consensus.

    I want the randomized, double blind placebo studies… Big Pharma does not.

    But, you won’t bring up these realities – I have to. Why?

    My deconstruction of the the social engineer control methods leads me to believe that they understand it is very difficult for people to admit they are wrong once they make a claim. Therefore, if they can get someone to make a claim based upon “authority” and not data and logic, that person will resist the data and logic and hold on to their opinion.

    That’s how the system works.

    I had a lively debate with a retired physician about the EPA scientists opposing water fluoridation (which is also consensus, unless one is an actual EPA scientists that has reviewed the research directly – but who needs data and logic from scientists… this is “science!”).

    The EPA scientists cite the research they used to reach their conclusions – including the FACT that there has never been any solid scientific research (like a randomized, double blind placebo study to prove efficacy of ingesting fluoride – sound familiar… vaccines are treated the exact same way!) proving efficacy!

    Now, this retired assured me he had personally researched the issue and all was good – the EPA scientists were wrong. Well, after claiming the article came from some “kook” website… you know ad Hominem. NTEU is the EPA scientist union – it is from their own website.

    Since I’m only interested in the truth, I said, “Good, send me the data. I’d like to review it.” I really wanted to see it because, as a truth seeker, I LOVE being wrong. That means I’m closer to the TRUTH.

    I never received the data and I asked at least 6 different times via email – the requests when unanswered.

    When I have data, I share it. When I don’t, I admit it. What is this “game” all about proclaiming all this data and then hiding in a closet?

    Simple – he can’t admit he’s wrong, yet he can’t produce the data that shows his view is correct… so he tunes out.

    “Consensus” didn’t help him out one bit, either. “Authorities” lie all the time. It is naive beyond words and shows a complete lack of human history… which is typical in America. I was there once. For most of my life. No more.

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    Also, in the first graph, smallpox deaths “dropped off of a cliff” while % vaccinations only declined by a small amount. One would expect the mortality rate to drop once levels of vaccinations reached a critical point within the population, and then for vaccinations to steadily decline in use. I’m not sure why Scarlet Fever is also included in the second graph?

    That graph lacks context. I want to know what happened before. without the data, one can’t reach a solid conclusion. Maybe, maybe not. But we do have lots of data for other diseases that “consensus” claims were knocked out by vaccines and the vaccines didn’t even make a dent in the incidence of the death rate decline.

    In addition, massive swings of deaths is not what is advertised with these vaccines – but it is a rationalization. Does the vaccine confer immunity from the disease or not?

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    I don’t see any references cited for the claims by “Dr. Roger Shafly, PhD” or “Dr. Joyce Marshall, N.D., PhD.”, nor any information about who they actually are. According to you, wouldn’t it be the ultimate ATA fallacy to rely on anything claimed by them in that article?

    She’s an expert – isn’t that what you’d argue? -lol-

    Why yes, you did argue exactly that. Now it is the “ultimate” ATA. My, how things change when the shoe is on the other foot! 😉

    Your ruler is so flexible. Mine isn’t. You are exactly right – that doesn’t prove a thing other than you KNOW when to apply the Trivium, but you selectively chose to deploy it.

    You see, I admit the truth – I don’t hide. The cite of “[A]n American paper published in 1922 reported” is meaningless in trying to prove something. It needs to be verified.

    As I said before, it doesn’t mean it is true or false, it just means that the logic used to establish the truth of the matter is a lie – it is false logic.

    Not many people are willing to run against consensus. The social engineers and financial oligarchs know this, so they fund the “consensus” they want and off we go.

    Even smart people are duped… and they are so smart they can’t admit to being so thoroughly duped.

    BTW, the retired physician knew how to be extremely skeptical, too. But only of things not “consensus.” When it was “consensus,” no data or logic required – and he lied to keep up his own image of authority in place. How sad.

    ashvin post=2777 wrote:
    Note that I agree with you that a lot of these medical strategies are devised to maximize profits, and many times are over-hyped as to how effective they really are. I’m just less willing to dismiss vaccination entirely as an evil tactic of the elite to poison the masses and nothing more than that.

    Based on what data and logic? “Consensus” was your answer, but you have personal knowledge that “consensus” can be 100% false.

    Your logic appears to be, “that kind of lie is too big, so it couldn’t be true.”

    I’m telling you that is a fallacy that people as far back as Hitler knew how to exploit.

    All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true within itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

    Goebbels stated it thusly…

    The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

    You don’t KNOW anything unless you know the underlying data and the logic applied to it.

    You might feel lucky, as does anyone who falls for “the Big Lie” – that’s a key factor in the Big Lie that makes it so attractive to social engineers with an agenda.

    In the meantime breast cancer rates are tripling, other cancer rates are sky rocketing, diabetes is sky rocketing, bran disorder rates are increasing dramatically, chronic disease rates are way up…

    …And nobody knows why. IT ISN’T GENETICS. They don’t change that quickly.

    So what is it?

    Consensus won’t give an opinion, but they will sell you drugs to mask symptoms and cause other diseases… if you are lucky. If you aren’t, you’ll be one of the 106,000 killed by FDA approved Big Finance Capital Pharma drugs.

    One question, though. The same people that lie about a black letter law criminal Fed, the same people who cover for their criminal bubble bust operation, the same people that restrict money from impoverished nations and kill about 25,000,000 a year from malnutrition and starvation, the same people who sell tainted Factor 8 and kill the people who took it and their family whom they infected (and they were protected from prosecution by the government), the same people who inject vaccines into orphans until they kill them, the same people who inject radiation into orphans until they kill them, the same people that inject pesticides into orphans until they kill them…

    …the same people who turned our food supply into pesticide facsimile “food” and refuse to test it as it damages every mammal tested with it…

    …the same people that weaponized the monetary system with a result that could kill off a billion people or more before this depression runs its path…

    …the same people who fund al Qaeda to start civil wars in non threatening sovereign nations and kill off tens of thousands of dark skinned Africans (Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, anyone?)…

    the same people shilling for infanticide as “ethical…”

    …those same people wouldn’t weaponize the vaccination system… the same way they weaponized the monetary system, the same way they weaponized the food system, the same way they weaponized the water system….

    Based on what again? “Consensus?”

    Or is that fear of accepting how bad we have it and who the real terrorists are and their position within society the driving factor?

    I have sources and links for all the above… I posted some of them in my previous response (that were summarily ignored).

    As for the quotes – I didn’t post those quotes in a vacuum, nor where they supposed to be anything more than an opinion that the reader should research on their own.

    The real issue of the post was how YOU knew the smallpox vaccine was so effective, not that I was proving it wasn’t effective. I did post information that challenged the “consensus” effectiveness of the vaccine, but that was to challenge your, er, assumption, that the “establishment’s consensus” was somehow unassailable.

    Your answer was loud and clear. “Consensus.”

    That isn’t valid, though. Not on its own.

    BTW, you ignored the SV40 question. Do you know what it is? do you know how many people it may have killed?

    Dr. Maurice Hilleman, explains why Merck’s vaccines have spread AIDS & other plagues worldwide

    While we will never know how effective vaccines are BECAUSE BIG PHARMA REFUSES TO PROPERLY TEST THEM FOR ACTUAL EFFICACY, it is very telling when a Big Pharma elite insider claims that “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.”

    Unfortunately, he doesn’t provide the data and logic he used, as high level vaccine program insider, to reach his conclusion. I wish he had.

    47,500 paralysis cases after polio vaccine – Deccan Chronicle

    Oh, the “consensus” didn’t tell you? Don’t hold your breath for them to tell you the Fed is criminally breaking their singular mandate, either. DUH! Criminals aren’t going to out their own crimes.

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3158

    Reverse Engineer post=2767 wrote: [quote=skipbreakfast post=2764]I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose.

    The main thing far as I am concerned (and I do NOT speak for any Diner except myself) is to understand motivations better and see the Big Picture. Being perfectly correct in any given theory isn’t as important as how it helps you to see the Big Picture.

    In the case of the matter at hand, whether intentional or not, the results of course are the same, and you can infer that moving into the Future, the current crop of Illuminati Scumbags learned lessons from this that they can utilize to even more profound effect in the future.

    This of course is the reason it is so important to bring in the Orkin Man. If we don’t Exterminate them FIRST, they will Exterminate US. Don’t bring a Knife to a Gunfight with the Illumati and show No Mercy, for no Mercy will be shown to you. Take NO Prisoners in this war, for this is the Final Battle for ALL the Marbles and nothing less than the Survival of Homo Sapiens as a species is at stake.


    Folks, RE is 100% serious here. The oligarchs don’t like you. They really don’t. They toxify your water with their industrial wastes and lie about it being really nutritious for you. They hope you will just believe the “authority” and never look at the actual research – or the research they AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

    The EPA scientists were duped UNTIL THEY LOOKED AT THE UNDERLYING DATA AND LOGIC, aka, applied the Trivium method, and then they came out against water fluoridation (hundreds of chemicals, actually).

    They feed your children pesticide facsimile “food” that change the colors of mammal organs and sterilizes more than 50% of mice 3 generations out. Infant mortality sky rockets and the offspring are dramatically smaller in size.

    They pump your children full of heavy metals, human fetus tissue and all sorts of other nasties… without ever proving the vaccines are even effective at reducing disease and REFUSING to due randomized, double blind placebo studies and REFUSING to do long term health studies with non vaccinated children (like the Amish).

    They use their control over media to mock anyone who simply doesn’t trust the “authority” knowing that not 1 in 50 will ever look up the actual evidence, but 49 out of 50 will be cock sure they know the truth because some authority told them.

    That authority was convinced by another authority… all the way up the ladder until you reach the nastiest form psychopathic social engineer villain.

    they shoot children up with radiation. The shoot children up with syphilis. They pump pesticides into children. They test vaccines on children until the children die.

    They invade foreign nations so they can set up their drug growing operations (Afghanistan is #1 in heroin and marijuana production IN THE WORLD!). They buy up pivate prison systems. They lobby governments for draconian, profit maximizing prison sentences. They then import the drugs into the nation states by the thousands of tons and hope that their media effort to make drug use look “cool” and “counterculture” maximizes drug users and their for profit prison taken of the national wealth pie.

    The government arms the drug gangs with guns and grenade launchers while the mega banks launder the money. When caguht, nobody gets charged criminally. The only person fires was the whistle blower…


    That’s how they roll.

    GE engineered Fukushima could release 85x the radioactive cesium on the west cost and… you can hear a pin drop in the MSM.

    Can’t make GE look bad, they monopolized industry now that they alone control carbon emissions and control, I mean advise, the White House.

    You bad people, you… GE good… radiation is now nutritious for the proles!

    In case you still don’t get it, right as they are ushering in the collapse of the world via a fraudulent monetary phenomenon (yes, resources play a role, too, but they aren’t the main driver yet… they will be, though) and Greek families are turning their small children over to the government…

    Children abandoned by Greek parents as cuts also sees country running out of medicine

    the medical “ethicists” come out and claim that murdering children is is a “right” of the mother (and government), just like abortion.

    Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

    Where is the AMA? Silent. They’ve sold the proles on torture and the destruction of the Constitution, why not sell them on the murder of their children.

    You shall know them by their fruits…

    in reply to: Political Machinations of Greece (LIVE) #3157

    Everyone spends all day analyzing how good the different chair arrangements look on the Debt Money Titanic.

    “We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. We believe it. We believe it is a part of sovereignty….

    Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson rather than with them, and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.

    When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished.”

    ~William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold Speech in 1896

    I don’t care about the chairs that everyone else obsesses over, I care about stabilizing the ship – and only ending debt based money and kicking out the criminal architects from power will get us down the right path.

    Until then, we are Hansel and Gretel heading right into a trap, whether we chose left or right.

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3153

    skipbreakfast post=2764 wrote: I don’t think this conspiracy is impossible. It’s so brilliant that it should be true. But I don’t buy it mainly for the reason I stated. We can retroactively concoct all kinds of scenarios to explain human events, but this one flies in the face of what I believe about human nature. Note that the conspiracies you have pointed out here have all been exposed eventually because someone “talked”. And they were TRYING to keep them secret. I think this particular conspiracy about smallpox would not have been kept secret. Why bother? Native Indians couldn’t read, and there were no newspapers.

    Again, it’s possible. And worth considering and investigating. I think it’s valuable exploration. But there is just as good a reason to believe the opposite at this point: smallpox was an inadvertent victory for the conquering Europeans. I agree we’re capable of dastardly plans. But we’re also chaotic and unpredictable. There’s usually someone in the mix who has an alternate agenda and then talks.

    I’m glad people demand truth and look into the charades of the status quo. So Doomsday Diner serves a valuable purpose. But I see many conspiracy theories, and I don’t have to believe them all. Sometimes it seems like people want to believe the conspiracy because the truth of the matter is too difficult to bear–that we are fairly predictable, mean and short-sighted and each somehow complicit in the big mess we’re in.

    sb, I agree. I don’t see how it can be possible to prove RE’s hypothesis. There are so many easily provable (as long as people look!) conspiracy facts that I like to focus on them.

    I invariably regret getting into areas where I can’t reasonably support my conclusion as I’m almost always discussing these things with sceptical people.

    The bizarre thing is that these people know how to be skeptical, even extremely so, but they suspend this approach when it comes to “authority.” The social engineers understand this weakness is the average person and they leverage it to the hilt.

    in reply to: Spain Has Been Shut Out #3152

    Golden Oxen post=2748 wrote: What is the problem, too much debt, or being tied to the EURO, or both? Debt problems have usually been solved by inflating it away. If the EURO prevents this it will have to be placed in the another idiotic idea waste basket, which it obviously was and still is. A currency without a country is just to silly an idea to allow a worldwide financial collapse. Let’s get back to German Marks, French Francs, Italian Lira etc. as soon as possible please; preferably before we are all standing in a soup line.

    When money *is* debt, you can’t inflate it away. the debt will *always* grow faster than the money creation, by definition.

    They could, however, redefine the money, though. But remember, what occurs depends on where one stands.

    In Argentina, their currency was hyperinflated from the perspective of someone in the Argentinian system. From outside the system (where the banksters dwell, BTW), though, it was actually a deflation. American dollars bought a LOT more in Argentina when the people of Argentina were bankrupted.

    “Collapse” is really a euphemism for a well marketed societal asset stripping operation by the criminal bankster class.

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3144

    skipbreakfast post=2754 wrote: The problem I continue to have with all grand conspiracy theories is that people are terrible at keeping secrets.

    sb, a “conspiracy theory” has to be judged based on the evidence at hand, not some paradigm that may or may not be true.

    For example, there is a near UNIVERSAL view that the Fed has a “dual mandate.” They DO NOT. They have a single mandate. I provide the law, I explain the law… and a fellow poster here at TAE responded by arguing essentially “lots of people say it is a dual mandate, therefore, it must be true.”

    Nooooooo. Of course, he couldn’t provide said mandate.

    This line of argument is a way to AVOID the evidence of a particular conspiracy theory. Human history is one big conspiracy of the rich and powerful lording it over everyone else – so the real question is, “what are the rich and powerful conspiring to to do to this generation of people?”

    Let’s analyze your thesis… people can’t keep secrets.

    How long was the Manhattan Project kept secret?

    How long was the Gulf of Tonkin Operations Northwoods false flag incident kept secret?

    How long did the Pentagon keep it secret that they invited Anwar al Awlaki to lunch with a Secretary of the Army just months after 911? I think it was 8 years.

    Your argument is these events didn’t exist because there would be no way to keep them secret – yet they did. For extended periods of time.

    But I’d go one further… who says a conspiracy needs to be “secret” as long as people are conditioned to ignore them?

    I have already mentioned the fraudulent “dual mandate” lie that everyone on the MSM TV repeats as though it were a fact.

    How about this one – the EPA scientists union has come out and opposed water fluoridation and their objections are PUBLIC!

    Anyone can read it. Note that the scientists actually cite the research they used in order to reach their conclusions.

    Even though this is public, it is blacked out of the Big Finance Capital controlled media – that’s why they control the media.

    The Corporation Unsettling Acounts

    skipbreakfast post=2754 wrote:
    In no uncertain terms, something would have been written down! The European monarchs and their advisors would have absolutely no reason to keep this a secret amongst themselves. They wouldn’t have to worry that the North American Indians were going to read about their plan on the Internet in advance. And yet, there is nothing written anyhwere, in any form, to substantiate the conspiracy at all. It would have been a very devious and effective plan if they’d come up with it. But the lack of written conjecture from the period is seriously damaging to that theory.

    OK, your response is in regards to RE’s hypothesis. It stands or falls as provable on the evidence.

    skipbreakfast post=2754 wrote:
    I continue to see human beings as highly adaptable, selfish and short-sighted animals. We quickly adapt to make the best of a terrible situation, especially at the expense of other humans’ energies. But our ability to consciously collude together over long periods of time is beyond our capacity. It’s not our character. We’re much better at saying, “Hey, wow, look, everyone’s going broke cuz we all spent too much (being the short-sighted sods we are)…I know, let’s just go with this now and buy up all their assets on the cheap–who cares if they can’t eat!”

    We’re just very selfish and very good at opportunistically profiting from misfortune.

    This is an Accident logical fallacy

    It is not proper logic to assume a general rule to a specific case in which it does not apply. You have to look at the EVIDENCE.

    For example, the Federal Reserve System is a weapon being used by a tiny cabal of criminals to asset strip America. It has been doing so for about 100 years.

    In addition, the Fed has broken its singular mandate for about 25 years running – yet almost nobody knows. It is a secret.

    And when I prove it beyond all doubt, most people IGNORE it.

    There are different levels of conspiracy theory. RE’s theory here doesn’t have much supporting evidence presented.

    However, the criminal Fed is all evidence, all day – and there is no doubt they are a criminal outfit subverting America’s sovereignty as a nation.

    Can you accept that TRUTH? It isn’t hidden now – it is out in the open.

    KeepAndShare is a PDF hosting site – nothing nefarious there.

    Debt Money Tyranny

    Weapons of Mass Debt

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3138

    ashvin post=2738 wrote:

    I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you that smallpox was killing millions of people across the world until vaccinations became more common. It’s ironic in light of the video you posted on this particular thread, that’s all.

    “There is no question but that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease [small pox], and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination.”
    ~ John Tilden, M.D.

    “Even without mass vaccination, smallpox would have died out anyway. It just would have taken longer.”

    Dr. Tom Mack, of USC, reported at the CDC meeting June 20, 2002 -The verbatim transcript of the Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) June 19 and 20, 2002 (and this from a Big Pharma shill – the kind that says organ discoloring and mammal sterilizing “food” doesn’t need to be human tested).

    Hi Ash, where is your data and logic that leads you to believe that the small pox vaccine was the primary factor in the reduction of small pox deaths? What about death sky rocketing as vaccinations were introduced (we’ll get to that data later)?

    Where is the randomized, double blind placebo study (the gold standard in scientific inquiry – it can’t be manipulated when done correctly) showing any vaccine is effective at protecting people from disease in question? Don’t limit it to small pox – pick any vaccine at all!

    Why do you think Big Pharma, one of the wealthiest industries the planet Earth has ever seen, avoids the gold standard of scientific inquiry like it was the plague?

    How do you know that Rockefeller’s vaccination empire didn’t fool the masses the same way his Federal Reserve empire has fooled the masses – even very smart PhD and people that can’t stand him on Zerohedge – regarding the dual mandate lie that was constructed so the Fed could break its mandate and set the stage for worldwide economic collapse?

    How many hours of research had you done before commenting? Did you even watch the video?

    BTW, because some authority or another says so isn’t valid – just like every authority says Bernanke has a dual mandate, ‘cept he doesn’t.

    It’s a fallacy – and everyone repeating a fallacy doesn’t make it true.

    Why did Scarlett Fever death rates drop off significantly without a vaccine?

    Why did Smallpox mortality fall of a cliff as vaccination rates declined by over 50%?

    Flu deaths in children trended higher as vaccination rates trended higher…

    So, where is your data and logic? Why has the industry done all it can do to avoid like the PLAGUE the gold standard in scientific inquiry.

    A bit off topic of small pox, but still related to the same general Big Pharma tactics…

    Vitamin D did it… and the results were good.

    Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections

    Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead

    Dr. Wahls REVERSED her multiple sclerosis using diet – do you think any Big Pharma companies are interested or doctors are telling their MS patients?

    Big Pharma isn’t interested in health, Ash, they are interested in profits. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet and nutritious food doesn’t bring in the $9 million annual pay days.

    Bayer KNOWINGLY dumped HIV and hepatitis Factor 8 on men, women and children – and they infected their family, too. For years.

    They test pesticide on foster children and Glaxo Smith Kline just murdered 14 children testing vaccines on them – and they are appealing a paltry fine.

    Would you say it is “intelligent” to simply “trust” the authority of known criminals and liars and murderers?

    You did know, right?

    Do you know what SV40 is? Do you know how many deaths are estimated to have come from SV40? Do you know how humans got SV40? Do you know why very few know about SV40?

    Let’s close back up on small pox…

    “Between the 1st and 2nd epidemic, there was only a 7% increase in population with an increase of smallpox deaths by 40.8%. During the 2nd and 3rd epidemic a 9% increase of population with an increase of smallpox deaths of 123% with an ever-multiplying number of vaccinations! Deaths per year from cancer in England and Wales between 1857-72 also began to rapidly increase.

    Professor of the Athenian Faculty of Medicine, Leon Grigorski said “We are ourselves creating the diseases, and we are heading toward general cancerization and mental defectives through encephalitis, by the use of vaccines.” Upon limiting access to information the medical-industrial complex is able to maintain its authority mystique.

    Isolation is a well-known technique of brainwashing. Choices that challenge the position of the authority are limited and often times hidden. Because the intellect learns by comparison, when it is presented with only one point of view or other points of view are denigrated, it loses its capacity to discriminate and ultimately its capacity for fully rational thought.”

    Dr. Joyce Marshall, N.D.,Ph.D.

    There is irony, but I don’t think it is what you think it is.

    But Rockefeller is well pleased with the trust that you put in him and his Big Pharma and Media cartel (not saying the family is even the biggest player, but they have been incredibly influential).

    BTW, do you know who first started selling snake oil?

    Think hard… ’cause the family may still be selling it.

    You did know that, didn’t you?

    Truth or smugness… that is the question. 😉

    in reply to: A Defiant, Yet Desperate Leap Into the Dark #3129

    william post=2733 wrote: Simply put we are being directed to something scary. Good ideas like democracy are difficult and scary.

    We have a winner. WHO is directing us to “scary?” WHAT is their method of control and manipulation? WHERE are these ultimate “directors?” WHEN is pretty obvious – right now.

    WHY are these people “directing” us to “scary?”

    HOW are these people doing this to the entire Western world as they are simultaneous waging war against Middle Eastern sovereign nations?

    Is this related to the political re-education camp Army manual recently made public?

    Army manual for re-education camps applies to US citizens

    Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens

    Re-Education Camp Manual Includes Rules On Isolating Political Prisoners

    william post=2733 wrote:
    Through hardship we change.

    But not always for the better. Hegelian Dialectic – Problem, reaction, solution. The Directors want a solution, they create the problem that leads to their solution, the people react and, voila, “out of nowhere” comes the Director’s solution.

    That’s how we’ve arrive HERE. If you don’t like here, we need to admit the Directors are leading down the wrong path and give them the boot. NOT their front men and women – the actual Directors.

    Big Finance Capital.

    william post=2733 wrote:
    We need a system that respects useful resources, possibly ending of currency, and the ending of consumerism. A system that depletes resources so badly starving some to death while increasing wealth to the wealthy.

    We have what the Directors want. You shall know a tree by its fruits.

    william post=2733 wrote:
    Capitalism is the redistribution of wealth. What happens when wealth is fleeting? Does planned obsolescence make good use of resources? Although mass production shows greater profit by increasing production, if production numbers surpass need have we not just wasted resources. Is the creation of marketing wants to increase demand not self destructive when it is depleting resources severely? Are we not just taking from poor 3rd world countries but also from our future needs?

    As dangerous as pure Capitalism is, we don’t have it. We have a Big Finance Capital soft (but hardening quickly) oligarchical dictatorship.

    The debt based money fraud systematically transfers assets from the people to the oligarchs, who then use the “free market” overlay to their fraudulent monetary system to gain control over every major establishment organization. If someone threatens them, they outspend them. By a lot. And they use their media (it isn’t your media!) to ignore or demonize their opposition.

    william post=2733 wrote:
    This is not just some flowery hippy talk it is the logical progression of consuming past the systems ability to provide.

    By their fruits, you can be sure these oligarchs aren’t about to ratchet back on their life style.

    So, then, the game becomes… how can they keep their lifestyle and keep everyone else in check?

    Freedom has no place in such a world… remember, they told us that the terrorists hate us for our freedoms. NOBODY hates your freedoms more than the people who take them away from you (a bipartisan effort, BTW, with both sides licking their chops as they do it).

    If the Directors who control the government hate us for our freedoms what, exactly, do not their own proclamations label themselves as terrorists?

    WHO do you think is doing all this evil? Good people? Doesn’t the fact these people lie through their teeth, with a kind smile, to get elected raise any eye brows?

    This is reality. Hiding under the covers isn’t going to make it go away – not that you are doing that, but plenty of people are doing exactly that.

    in reply to: Escape from the Eurozone #3116

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    Actually, according to Gold Bugs, Gold is the only “Sound Money”. Any asset can become money when used as a proxy in trade, and any asset so used would then become Evil. Again, it is not the “thing” itself representing money that is Evil, it is the SYSTEM of money that is Evil. Its basically a system of placing artificial numerical values to things based on a couple of things, managed scarcity and property ownership. It automatically divides the world into a class of Haves and a class of Have Nots.

    You sure that isn’t people who do that?

    Is the hammer responsible for hitting the nail or the person who wields the hammer?

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    The Haves control most/all of the resources and define the numerical values for the resources they control.

    Let’s be clear – the “haves” are people, right? People are doing this. The system isn’t forcing people to do this, right?

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    The Evil is an emergent property which comes from the division into Haves and Have Nots.

    The only thing that stands between reasonably equitable distribution of claims on wealth (the system of money) are the actions that people take, correct?

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    It then spawns Jealousy, Avarice, Greed and the whole pantheon of nasty behaviors we see before us today.

    So, if I’m jealous someone has ripped muscles, it isn’t my fault, it is the fault of that person’s muscles? All those attributes are human – and they all stem from selfishness… human selfishness…

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    Once you create money, you also create the problem of borrowing and lending and the further problem of developing derivative schemes used to Gamble the money, and of course Gambling is yet another Evil spawned by Money. You cannot stop these “Games” from emerging from the system, once you let the Money Genie out of the Bottle it all goes south in a big hurry. Always has, since the Dawn of Agriculture and counting systems.

    There is no doubt that money is a tool that can be used for the evil purposes that some people can dream up, just as a hammer can be used as a tool to hammer in a nail. But that doesn’t take away the responsibility of the person who wields that hammer… to hammer that nail into the foot of their neighbor.

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    Money is like a Cancer on society, it grows and metasticizes over time and eventually all the funtioning organs of society begin to break down, until it goes through one of its periodic collapse phases.

    I think a much better description would be that money is an avenue which brings forth the evil that already lies within humanity.

    Temptation comes from within. You can’t tempt people with rotting flesh because people don’t selfishly want rotting flesh.

    But they do want claims to goodies they do want. They want status that other selfish people put on people who have money.

    What you are explaining is a lubricant. Money lubricates the expression of human greed and selfishness. BTW, I agree with that – it absolutely does that. Money is very dangerous as a lubricant for the expression of human selfishness.

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    In the past, rebuilds have always taken place because although their was managed scarcity in resources by the Elite Owners of the World, in fact the Earth was still always in great surplus relative to the population of Homo Sapiens.

    Those greedy SOBs used money to create artificial scarcity. Now real scarcity is entering the gym. those greedy SOBs want to, shall we say, “reduce demand,” so they can have more resources for their yachts and jets.

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    Not so anymore of course, because of the combination of Overshoot and Resource depletion, Surplus is just about gone and now whole societies like the Egyptians and Greeks are beeing triaged out to keep some surplus for the core. Soon enough that will disappear as well, and then the monetary system will fail in its entirety and you will get your wish, Da Fed will be No More.

    Actually, I think the fraudulent monetary system is still driving Egypt and Greece. Real scarcity is coming, but it isn’t strong enough to drive what we’ve see to date, IMHO.

    BTW, no group is more responsible for society’s unsustainability than the oligarchs who want everyone dependent on their ownership of the systems that support complexity. I’m sure you know this already, but I bring it up to provide context to other readers.

    We could do so much to improve sustainability IF it was promoted by the oligarchs and their politicians and their media and their education systems. Even their religious systems could play a role here, but they don’t.

    They want to run us over the cliff – they are selfish and evil people.

    Again, you misstate my position. The system of Debt Money Tyranny has to go. A nation can not, by definition, be sovereign and represent the people when it has to borrow money from its lenders.

    The lenders are, by definition sovereign. The lender’s interests are TBTF&J, not the government.

    They will NOT just walk away from the debt based monetary system. It is the Aladdin’s Lamp of fraudulent societal asset stripping – so people need to be educated on this point and they need to get active and educate other people.

    Reverse Engineer post=2726 wrote:
    Schemes will be tried to reboot a new monetary system, but they are all unlikely to succeed until there is once againa relative surplus in the environment, and that will not likely be the case for quite some time to come. Unfortunately of course, as Uncle Joe Stalin used to say, “you can’t make an Omellette without breaking a few eggs”, and many eggs will be broken when this monetary system finally goes to the Great Beyond. One can only hope that whoever makes it through the Zero Point this time will be smart enough not to walk down the Money Road again. Its the only way Homo Sapiens will survive on this planet; the use of Money will oly lead to our own Extinction. It is the ROOT of All Evil.

    So now it is “[t]he use of money” that only leads to our own extinction.

    “The use of Money” definitely lubricates the expression of human greed in all its forms.

    That is why I’m convinced that only an educated populace that literally despises anything big is the only way to add friction to compensate for that lubricant.

    You will likely argue that this condition is impossible – and I really can’t say you are wrong.

    But correlation is not necessarily causation. Human evil is definitely correlated with money.

    I argue “the use of money” is the lubricant, not the root cause.

    Your belief system is contrary to this idea.

    I owe you an attempt to validate my view that the root cause of evil in the world is human selfishness, not the lubricant which facilitates the expression of human selfishness.

    I will do that – but it will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

    in reply to: The First Biological War #3114

    Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination

    Lots of interesting information here to follow up on and confirm.

    Just watched it tonight and thought this was a good place to put it without starting a new thread.

    These “scientific dictators” are nothing if not Machiavellian.

    in reply to: A Defiant, Yet Desperate Leap Into the Dark #3112

    There isn’t enough money in “Main Street” to pay back Big Finance Capital because the monetary system has been weaponized by the inclusion of eternal usury and trillions in bailouts.

    The flow chart looks like this…

    Keep and Share is a PDF hosting site – there is nothing special about it. If you are worried about it, google it for problems.

    The criminal monetary system Architect class (George Carlin’s “The Owners”) rigged the monetary system to enshrine themselves as rentiers over the the entire nation via never ending usury. The money they suck out as interest is not available to main street unless they send it back to main street.

    If you want a verbal walk through of how this process actually works…

    When Money is Debt; Wealth is Poverty

    The monetary system is a fraud. It is run by con artists in very nice suits bought with the money stolen from society. The media and government and education is funded by these con people.

    So is the medical system – no wonder cancer rates are sky rocketing and nobody talks about causes.

    “We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. We believe it. We believe it is a part of sovereignty….

    “Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson rather than with them, and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.

    “When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished.”

    ~William Jennings Bryan in his Cross of Gold speech

    when you enshrine parasitic con men with the monetary wealth of the nation, it is literally INSANE to think good things will happen to their host nation.

    We have need Andrew Jackson’s foresight more than ever.

    “Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”

    From the original minutes of the Philadelphia committee of citizens sent to meet with President Jackson (February 1834), according to Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (1928) by Stan V. Henkels – online PDF

    Andrew Jackson was right. If we can’t admit the “Den of Vipers” and understand their societal control mechanisms, we have no chance of ever rooting them out. Of course they will bite us.

    Vipers bite. It is what they do.

    in reply to: China, or How To Live in Interesting Times #3111

    Karpatok post=2652 wrote: There is a rumor being bandied about that Stoneleigh and Illargi are considering moving to Australia. Was that the real reason for the “tour”?This is a fine time to sell into the Canadian real estate market since that bubble has not yet imploded and would probably make paying the Aussie $750000.00 a whole lot easier. And apropos any conversation about “human nature” trumping all, I guess it does make sense to jump the North American sinking ship’ rats or no rats. After all, what is shared experience among a few thousand anxious fans? And where does the greater safety of Australia lie vis a vis the above post? Wasn’t that the scene of Mad Max? Just sayin as the Surly would say.

    I’d evaluate the risk of world wide turmoil and China will likely want to secure Australian assets… by force, if necessary.

    in reply to: Escape from the Eurozone #3105

    RE, OK, so you can’t establish it using data and logic. Fair enough.

    You didn’t ask me to establish my view, but you have accused me of not doing what I wasn’t asked and then you proclaim I can’t do what I was never asked to do.


    I will lay out to try and prove it, but I’d like to test your axiom a bit further first.

    If money is evil and, say, gold is not (it’s an asset, not “money”), what evil can money (money) do that gold (can not do)?

    You could substitute anything for gold, like a lifetime supply of steak, a lifetime supply of food, a lifetime supply of transportation, whatever, but gold as an asset makes for a fairly straightforward comparison.

    IOW, if money is evil and the other items are not (as assets, not as money), then money MUST have a characteristic defined as evil that these other one’s do not.

    For example, a hit man can kill for $10k cash.

    He can also kill for $10k in transportation.

    He can also kill for a $10k vacation.

    People can fail to pay a $10k loan.

    People can fail to return a $10 car.

    So, what characteristic does money have that makes it evil that all these other resources, or assets, do not have?

    Don’t worry, I’ll set out to prove my view later today.

    in reply to: Occupy Movement #3103

    Some good videos to better understand the treachery of those who control the police (many compartmentalized and have no idea what is really going on, but some do):

    (Full Movie) Toronto G20 EXPOSED – Original Full-Length Documentary

    Seattle WTO Riots exposed

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