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  • in reply to: From Crisis to Crisis: Zimbabwe to Greece to Montana #4637

    A “club” of financial criminals have captured most western governments and financial systems and installed Debt Money Tyranny – a fraudulent, debt based monetary system that systematically transfers the monetary wealth from the productive class to the parasitic financial crime club class.

    This fraud operates within a veneer of “free market” so that this club of criminal internationals financiers can then use their fraudulently obtained “debt receipt” (society’s debt, which is unpayable since their criminal club holds the debt receipt “money” required to pay it back) to secure control of the establishment organizations within society.

    This further entrenches their control over the collective mind and all establishment interests.

    States another way, it is a sophisticated financial tyranny is engineered to hurt the citizen badly by the time the whole process has run its course.

    A graph of money flows in this fraudulent system:

    Piled on top of the fraudulent foundation illustrated in the above money flow graph is the criminal bubble / bust operation being run by Big Finance Capital (a descriptive name of the criminal class running this operation – the wealthiest, most politically connected people on the planet Earth):

    It’s all illegal – and they lie about a nonexistent “dual mandate” in order to cover the tracks from the people not educated in how to perform intellectual self defense via the Trivium.

    “The Ultimate History Lesson” with John Taylor Gatto (free on Youtube) explains the rational why this small groupd of criminal [D]elites feels they can commit unlimited crime against the rest of us AND THAT THIS IS DOING US A FAVOR!

    Netflix “the Empire in Africa” to see how this “club” of criminals oppresses and divides indigenous populations in order to asset strip nations.

    Then Netflix “A Film Unfinished” about raw footage Hitler took of the Warsaw Ghetto a few weeks before he shipped these people to the concentration camps.

    Your assignment – tell us all the fundamental difference between the current crop of [D]elites that rig fraudulent societal asset stripping monetary systems and deny resource opportunities so that 25 million people die of malnutrition every year and Hitler’s Warsaw Ghetto model other than size of real estate and lack of walls.

    Oh, and the fact this current crop of psychopaths are 1) much better marketers and 2) kill people in numbers Hitler could never imagine… 250 MILLION in a decade, all under the radar of the average citizen intellectual self defense capabilities.

    One might argue, as one retired physics professor did to me, that this is the result of the impoverished being “backwards” in some fashion.

    My retort is that sub Saharan Africa would look like the pinnacle of civilization relative to an America where the power and resources were cut off for a year.

    Vote “Yes” and get the word out on California Prop 37 – Label Untested GMO Pesticide “Food”

    in reply to: Peak Oil: A Dialogue with George Monbiot #4555

    Greenpa post=4193 wrote: Ok, really scary. Following my comments above about the key problem being a lack of ability to make decisions and take actions-

    This morning, over at WaPo, the big sidebar ad is from Dow Chemical – and they have trademarked the word “Solutionism.”

    And have a website to go with it.

    So- the big corporations are already working to move into the place of societal decision making. And they’ll likely succeed- because it’s a vacuum, as I pointed out. Your government can’t act? Hey, come to Dow. We can.

    Hi Greenpa,

    A paradigm to consider is that the money power (Wizard of Oz) behind Dow (curtain) is also the money power (Wizard of Oz) behind your elected officials.

    Hence the incentive to remove power (decision making) from governments and roll them up under their more directly controlled corporations so that said political puppets can spend more time insider trading off of Federal Reserve tips so long as they vote in the interests of the money power (Wizard of Oz again) behind the Federal Reserve (more curtain).

    Anyway, hopefully that makes some sense when you consider the how the money flows and the interests of the people behind the money.

    in reply to: Something's Gotta Give #4500

    Hi rlm,

    Let me share my understanding and you can determine if it resonates for you.

    1. Coins are debt free money – so it isn’t true that governments don’t issue debt free money, they just don’t issue much of it relative to debt paper receipts (FRNs) and debt based bank credit.

    2. I believe Ilargi has answered your questioned. If I undersatand him correctly, he’s stated that we will go into a deflationary spike pit based on the dynamics that you currently understand. Interests rates will eventually collapse the bond market and then debt will become disassociated with money and all money will become debt free – which would easily allow for the mechanics of hyperinflation.

    3. This scenario IS NOT a mechanical scenario. There are human predators and they essentially run the financial system and have incredible influence on all major establishment organizations.

    They use the monetary system in order to wage asymmetrical warfare on the citizenry that they hold in utter contempt.

    They will orchestrate the scenario that will enrich themselves the most at the expense of everyone else. It really is that simple. We have debt based money because these predators set it up that way. They will not allow hyperinflation until it benefits themselves.

    4. The typical direct to hyperinflation response, which was posted on this thread, is that hyperinflation is a loss of confidence in the money… which is equivalent to claiming that hyperinflation is a “loss in confidence of the debt behind the money.”

    Go ahead and try and “lose confidence” in your mortgage debt, your car loan debt and all your other debt… It’s absurd on its face.

    5. The typical hyper narrative doesn’t ever seem to square that the money power behind JP Morgan both controls the money supply, and therefore hyper or deflation, and is giving out 30 year mortgages for 3.6%.

    The only way to reconcile those two facts is… 1) they aren’t going to hyperinflate, 2) the money power behind JP Morgan, etc… will lose control of the money supply or 3) the money power behind JP Morgan are complete and utter morons on the brink of zeroing out their trillions in debt holdings and trillions in cash while bailing out the average debtor.

    The depth of this kind of thought is exceptionally shallow. It doesn’t take into account WHO controls the money supply, WHAT their interests are and basic Economics 101 cost / benefit / self interest theory.

    As Nicole says, though, humans are not rational creatures, we are rationalizing creatures – and a debt saturated society has rationalized their own bailout out just ahead of being gutted and filleted.

    Of note is that this hyper idea is often promoted by libertarian minded folks who rely on Mises.

    Rockefeller brought Mises to America and funded his work. The same crowd that set up Debt Money Tyranny to systematically rob society blind.

    Which brings to mind the quote of one Vladimir Lenin:

    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it (or at least fund someone with an idea you want to be considered “the opposition”)”
    ~Vladimir Lenin

    These people play 3 dimensional chess, not checkers.

    The Ultimate History Lesson:

    The Ultimate history Lesson Commentary:

    in reply to: GMO Pesticide "Food" – CA Labeling Initiative #4470

    Hi All,

    GMO Labeling is going to be on the CA ballot this November.

    If you want to defeat a Big Finance Capital initiative to force their untested pesticide food down your throats (with typically ignorant consent from a typically apathetic populace), start to take action.

    YOU make a difference with me. I’m handing out thousands of cards encouraging people to get educated and vote on this initiative.

    This is winnable – so if you feel the system always wins, then double up your best effort and lets beat them back. If CA forces labeling, they will likely have to label nationwide.

    Again, this stuff turns mammal “family jewels” a different color (light pink to dark purple), causes organ damage, causes lower birth weights, higher infertility and over the animals were sterile after 3 generations…

    Details can be found in the PDF linked here (including pictures):

    If you aren’t thinking critically and actively creating your own play, then you are just an actor in someone else’s play.

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4459

    jal post=4086 wrote:

    jal, have you watched The Ultimate History Lesson (skip the intro if you find it boring)?

    I’ll find the time.

    I don’t think you will be disappointed.

    Peace Revolution has commentary that adds even more to the discussion.

    If you know any humans, this whole series is *highly* recommended.

    RS this is recommended for you because it outlines the evidence of a long standing conspiracy of the [D]elites to 1. demonize the masses, 2. exert control over the people and 3. cover it up form those that were demonized.

    Ash, this is recommended for you so that you can consider the evidence of an alternate viewpoint – and the video is sourced so you can go to source itself – don’t trust the intermediary. That’s a major theme of the The Ultimate History lesson.

    As a related aside, check out the latest podcast over at The Extra Environmentalist.

    While you should verify this, the interviewee stated that iron work was observed about 1,000 years before it became popular in Europe. He surmised that this was because the [D]elites of the **MILLENIA** held their control based on their being close to copper ore, so they didn’t allow this iron work knowledge to spread.

    For 1,000 years. I don’t know if that is true, but it is worthy of research for some interested party

    That’s why I love the criminal Federal Reserve angle where they broke their own law for 25 years, lied for over 25 years to cover it up and NOBODY in the establishment (media, politics, education, medicine, religion, foundations, nobody) has outed them in spite of this being a top 5 biggest story in all of human history.

    However, the implications of this truth are very scary and most people won’t even let it enter their brain as a possibility, let alone discuss it in order to vet it and more thoroughly understand the implication.





    Whether we choose to face it or whether we choose to delude ourselves and pull the cover over our own eyes.

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4424

    jal post=4075 wrote: @ TheTrivium4TW
    I seldom take issue with what you say.
    However, I must object to you quotations.

    What Bertrand Russell thought would happen will not happen.

    Sexy maids will always be able to have children of the elite.

    Since the advent of the web, anyone can access the information that previously was only available to the elite.

    Knowledge begets discontent.

    (Before 9/11 I used to be very contented. After the financial meltdown, I became a seeker. My glass is now 1/2 full.)

    Hi jal, thanks for the support and I don’t think we are not too far off on Russell’s quotes, either. I didn’t post those so that people would think that they have been implemented 100% as of right now. Rather, I posted them so that people could understand the mindset of some who serve the oligarchs and, once thinking in terms of that mindset, evaluate if plans to accomplish similar have been put into place and, if so, how far down the tyranny road they’ve been able to progress.

    I also think you you haven’t discounted that most “real world” folks aren’t anything like you (especially if you agree with me a lot 😉

    Yes, there is a plethora of information on the internet, but one has to look for it in order to find the good stuff.

    Not only won’t most people find it on their own, they will refuse to look into it when served up on a silver platter. Repeatedly!

    So the system has been able to significantly skew the perspective of the vast, vast majority of people so that these criminal financial Ponzi operators could run their fraud and destroy society with very little resistance.

    Let me give you an example from today. I have a friend who is very competitive. He’s always commenting how small I am (and he’s a lot thicker than I am, even if an inch or two shorter) and about how he can beat me at Frisbee golf (and he can – I’m a rookie and he’s actually pretty good).

    I joked with him that he was safe playing Frisbee golf for a while and that if I wanted to beat him at something I’d invite him to play poker. 😉

    He basically came back with he’d be happy to give me a shot, anytime, any place.

    Then I gave him the run down on GMO food and how it changed the “family jewels” from pink to purple, was linked to sterility in mammals, organ damage in mammals, higher infant mortality, reduced body size, etc… and asked him to direct some of his competitive spirit to helping reign in a real danger to humanity…

    Nothing. No response, nothing.

    Yet when a car sped by while we were playing golf, he was right in the street yelling in their window to “slow down.” He recognized that danger and took action without even thinking.

    I would argue we are heading down the path that Bertrand Russell spoke about, but we aren’t at the end of the path yet – with that I completely agree.

    My research also led me to believe that there are two different education systems. One that teaches the [D]elites HOW to critically think and one that teaches everyone else WHAT to think and WHO is the AUTHORITY (ultimately, people on the payroll of the [D]elites who can think clearly).

    Even Woodrow Wilson spoke of this…

    “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”
    ― Woodrow Wilson

    Now, Wilson was speaking of the 7 liberal arts… a classical liberal education, not the counterfeit that has replaced it.

    You will note that the Trivium is composed of the first three liberal arts taught in a classical liberal education. Talk to someone with a “liberal arts” degree today and they’ve never heard of the Trivium.

    The Trivium is a method to systematically determine what is true, what is false and what is unknown. It also makes clear what needs to be done before one actually knows something.

    That isn’t taught to the masses. I was exposed to a similar thought process via the scientific method (engineering studies) and also through the Plan, Do, Study, Act method (W. Edwards Deming), so it just clicked with me.

    I observe highly educated people believing complete nonsense because they fell for an Appeal to Authority logical fallacy and they don’t have a clue that they don’t have a clue.

    This includes MDs, software engineers, technical supervisors, etc…

    Interestingly, the MDs seem to have been taught how to use logical fallacy in order avoid an honest discussion, but I think it is because they actually believe it carries weight as opposed to them being completely dishonest.

    While I’m on MDs, “anecdotal evidence” is the BEGINNING of investigation, not the END! Whoever taught the medical profession that “anecdotal evidence” was an epithet to shut down discourse was probably funded by Big Finance Capital Rockefeller types.

    When Newton observe the apple fall, it was “anecdotal evidence” of what we now call gravity. More research is required.

    But this is why a woman who reversed MS through diet is of no interest to the “sick care professionals.” They’ve been duped. Big Pharma maximizes profits off of a sick society, not a well one. they are in the business of maximizing profits, not minimizing them.

    jal, have you watched The Ultimate History Lesson (skip the intro if you find it boring)?

    There are five parts, so keep clicking as you have time.

    Two quotes, in the first hour, struck me as profound:

    “The first step in reaching for an education, I think, is to mistrust what you most are certain of. Mistrust that. Now, it may survive, but it needs to be tested not once, but until you are exhausted testing it.”
    ~John Taylor Gatto

    “So what we got was a second American Revolution between, oh, I don’t know, 1865 and about 1910. This time the British won. Again, but they didn’t win by force of arms, but by force of insight into the way opinion was created.”
    ~John Taylor Gatto

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4415

    rwg post=4071 wrote: How do we change?
    Human behavior is something like 96% unconscious. Mostly it is driven by emotion.

    Human brains light up much more when we see images of or think about people we think are like us than when we see people who are different. The more they are like us (socio-economic status, family and religious background, etc.), the more activity in the brain. This is probably why it is easy for us do terrible things to people we perceive as different. Also why it’s important to not let anyone “other-ize” us.

    Then again, the desire aspect is also exceptionally powerful.

    We are persuaded by people we perceive to be attractive, have attributes we want ($, access to power, etc.), and who make us feel good when we are around them. Much of this is psychological projection of positive things we have put into our “shadow.” (Most of what we hear about the shadow has to do with the nasty bits, but there is all kinds of good stuff in there too that we are forced to dis-own by our oppressive society. See the books Owning Your Shadow and Inner Gold by Robert Johnson and Jung’s Dreams, Memories, Reflections for more on this.)
    See also the PBS and documentaries on the work of Clotaire Rapail for more info on unconscious associations if that is of interest to you. Fascinating stuff.

    To make matters worse, the social engineers have studied human behavior and use their knowledge as a literal weapon against the populace.

    “In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
    ― Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

    “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
    -Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society p50, 1953

    “Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.”
    *- Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”, 1953, pg 49-50*

    “In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education
    for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and biochemistry will be brought into play…. All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called ‘co-operative,’ i.e., to do exactly what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them.”

    “On those rare occasions, when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it.”
    *- Bertrand Russell, “The Scientific Outlook”, 1931*

    “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
    ~Dwight Eisenhower

    “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.”
    ― Aldous Huxley, Collected Essays

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4407

    Love the title of this article and the picture!

    RWG, I would love to learn more about your lists and the equipment needed to put together a robust solar battery system without busting the banks.

    You can post that kind of thing here:

    Maybe we need a new thread titled Preparation.

    Dopamine, I wish I had your confidence that I could find a piece of paradise as the Great Unwashed are taken out by the psychopathic [D]elites and that they’d have no interest in taking my nice view and eating my steak, but I don’t.

    In fact, every solution I get around to includes a near fully educated and fully aware populace to keep the psychopaths at bay.

    By all means, work hard to better your family’s odds of success, but consider reaching out to others to help them better perceive what is being done to them, who is doing and why they are doing it.

    While ignorant based arrogance is extremely high at the top of a bubble and nobody wants to be inconvenienced by bad news, the Muppets will be ready to listen after the Money Power gleefully rips their financial faces off.

    Unfortunately, it is a common human trait that pain, sometimes extreme, is required to change our behavior.

    in reply to: Cuckoo in the Coal Mine #4401

    Now we all know how Noah must’ve felt. 😉

    I think empathy plays a role – some people have lots of it and others don’t have so much.

    When I bring this subject up, I always start out with the fraud that is debt based money because I can PROVE the mechanics of debt based money empower the lender (Big Finance Capital, Federal Reserve System) and push the borrower into a servitude and/or asset stripped state in about 2 minutes flat.

    There is no debate – but the most resistant I received was from a guy with a Masters in Finance… but he eventually came around and actually embraced the knowledge because his home country had been abused badly by Big Finance Capital and their corporate / government fronts and now he understood one of their key mechanisms more clearly.

    I can also prove, beyond all doubt, that the Federal Reserve lies about its mandate in order to criminally break Section 2A of the Federal Act to criminally blow the world’s largest credit bubble in human history and all the politicians, the entire MSM, the education system and every other establishment organization runs interference for the Fed’s criminal activity – knowingly or unknowingly.

    Now the implications behind THAT realization is to hard for even TAEers to respond to… the system is rigged and this is being done criminally and with malice aforethought.

    That’s how I know Ron Paul is controlled opposition – he portrays these criminals as “academics” who don’t know the real world.

    They know it quite well, Ron, thank you very much. They are on record CRIMINALS right out in the open!

    I don’t talk about reptilian people because I can’t prove it and, frankly, I don’t believe it and won’t believe it without some serious hard evidence.

    What does it matter? They ACT reptilian and they are criminals – they belong in jail and our monetary system needs to be freed from debt based societal slavery.

    There is only one solution.

    And you all aren’t going to like this any more than I do.

    An educated, informed populace is the ONLY solution.

    As Plato said, “The price good men [people] pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    I think one could make the argument that indifference to public affairs makes one an ignorant narcissist – which most definitely is not “good.”

    The solutions that I’ve developed include:

    1. Reject debt based money en masse. We, The People have to reject the debt based money criminal societal asset stripping operations across the globe. Note that the nations that don’t allow usury are being bombed into Central Bank submission, one by one.
    2. identify and prosecute the criminals – starting at the top. Big Finance Capital operatives behind the Federal Reserve get charged for treason for implementing debt based tyranny and for criminally breaking Section 2A of thge Federal Reserve Act and for lying about it 25 years running.
    3. Asset strip the ill gotten gains of this criminal class. Let their heirs work like the rest of us instead of kick back and devise more efficient ways to capture government and loot society.
    4. Nullify the fraudulent derivatives… the $100s of trillions of that toxic trash.
    5. Implement a real education system where people learned how to critically think and the evils of debt based money. Also, the true history of Big Finance Capital attempting to seize covert control of the government and trying to covertly kill off the poor.
    6. Properly limit government to its Constitutional foundations UNTIL such time that the gun and the jail cell of the government can be kept out of the hands of murdering, looting, lying, Machiavellian criminals – the exact state we find ourselves in today.
    7. An understanding that power corrupts, so any institution that begins to grow in power is IMMEDIATELY downsized by the economic decisions of the educated populace. People reject Wal-Mart and they buy at the local grocer. Sure, we pay a bit more – but there isn’t a GMO conspiracy to harm are health (the stores buy from local distributors, NOT multinational power mongers as well) and we might end up owning that grocery story that is in every neighborhood.
    8. Pay cash and starve the Big Finance Capital TBTF&J criminal corporate fronts. Keep your money local.
    9. Learn and apply permaculture.
    10. Say no to narcissism and actually lover your neighbor as yourself so you will put in the effort to do things right instead of slide down the the “convenience” path to hell on Earth.

    I try to do what is right because that is me.

    When this fraudulent contraption collapses and my family is wiped out and in poverty, it won’t be because I didn’t point out 100% proof that this system is a fraud and we are victims of an ongoing crime and cover up.

    Until then, they will have to keep sending my emails to the trash can… at least until Bertrand Russell’s imagined minions of world government get around to killing me in their “lethal chamber.”

    “On those rare occasions, when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise,
    requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his
    previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it.”
    *- Bertrand Russell, “The Scientific Outlook”, 1931*

    BTW, I don’t fit that description. There was nothing spectacular about my intellect that these criminals would try and get me into their club. However, for whatever reason, my interests, the aptitude that I do have and my engineering, scientific method background has allowed me to reverse engineer many of their methods in spite of their lies and I’m doing all I can to expose these criminals.

    This is about faulty good versus pure, analytical, covert evil.

    This is about narcissism blinding our value systems as to what is the real danger and what actions make society safe.

    This is about modern day Sophists using logical fallacy to dupe a society that, frankly, gladly goes along with the program so long as they “feel” good in the moment.

    “Americans [and, by extension, Americanized Westerners] fear on thing and one thing only.


    ~Podcast interviewee – can’t recall his name

    The depth of truth in that statement, IMHO, is as profound as the statement itself.

    100%, beyond any and all doubt, proof of Federal Reserve’s criminal bubble blowing operation:

    Mechanics of fraudulent debt based monetary system graphed: is simply a PDF hosting website.

    If you prefer web links with non PDF graphics, check out these links

    Weapons Of Mass Debt – Debt is the Destruction

    Debt Money Tyranny

    in reply to: Angela Merkel is Playing You For Fools #4377

    m111ark post=4025 wrote: It helps, at least for me, to have the end goal in mind when trying to understand the machinations that take place the world over.

    As I see it; the U.S. is being eviscerated so that the worlds new policeman, China, will have no opposition when it assumes it’s new role as the world’s only super-power. As the de-facto model of “democracy” on view for the world, our model MUST be DE-legitimized as a form of government. No self-respecting Oligarch wants competition, anywhere, and China’s form of complete control looks just right to said Oligarch. The banksters are on board as they see Asia as the next host for their vampire squids, it is after all, the only place left that can still borrow new money into existence.

    Europe, long dead, is being sold off, or set up to be sold off at fire sale prices to the new kings of finance – the Asians. What we see daily is the red herring, the straw man, the stuff that’s supposed to blind you to what’s really going on. It’s the stuff you have to dig for that’s important, if you read it in a convenient, conventional place, it’s merely propaganda.

    A thousand years of turmoil, but what’s a 1000 compared to a history of a million.

    M111ark, I don’t think that the Western oligarchs are going work out of authoritarian China.

    They like the authoritarianism, but they want to wield it 100%, not through some kind of authoritarian proxy.

    IOW, I think China likely gets stabbed in the back as the Western oligarchs try to continue to rule out of the West.

    It’s just my best guess, though.

    in reply to: Angela Merkel is Playing You For Fools #4376

    AndrewP post=4019 wrote: If Germany were out of the Eurozone, the rest of them would just print, print, print Euros to infinity and beyond. The Euro would become a Drachma, but its banks would be saved

    But I don’t see how this will “save the banks.”

    If you think so, please explain how this will “save the banks.”

    The more detail, the better..

    in reply to: Rant: On Deception #4357

    BTW, one of the most useful aspects of the Trivium is that it provides a systematic method to know when you don’t know something!

    The vast majority of people think they “know” things based off what the “news” says.

    They have no idea there is no legal obligation to tell the truth!

    They have no idea that media was bought and paid for about 100 years ago…

    “In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

    “These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

    If you don’t have the data, if you don’t know the relevant data is accurate, if you don’t know the logic applied, you don’t know.


    You might be able to make a good guess, but you don’t know.

    That’s why I like highlighting that Ben Bernanke lies about his mandate and criminally broke it by taking credit and monetary aggregates parabolic to actualized national production potential…


    But, ironically, almost nobody cares one whit. The Fed’s criminal actions, covered by the Fed’s lies, should be the #1 story everywhere – it is the root cause of all the economic maladies.

    That it is a conspiracy fact, right out in the open and beyond all doubt, should shock the senses.

    Even so, nobody cares enough on TAE to even comment.

    Bizarro World to the max.

    So there is something else at work here, too. One can know the truth, but be blinded to its importance, wilfully or otherwise.

    in reply to: Rant: On Deception #4346

    Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}

    I can’t prove what Russo says is true, but he exudes credibility, IMHO, and his statements are consistent with the context that is being built around us.

    Built by “architects.” Big Finance Capital, financial criminal, looting, lying, war mongering, child genocidal murderers.

    You think that is going to far? Only because you haven’t thought in full context.

    Can you still conclude 2+2=4, Winston?

    2 Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say


    2 Children abandoned by Greek parents as cuts also sees country running out of medicine


    4 Governments setting the state to mass murder small children turned over to it by families unable to care for the children when this criminal Debt Money Tyranny weapon of mass debt explodes in our faces…


    5 “Government” wouldn’t do that… when does the NFL start again? Pass the GMO chips and the medicated toxic waste Hydrofluorosilicic Acid that has never been shown effective in a randomize, double blind placebo study… but I trust the “government.” Look how they saved us from that 2008 collapse nobody could have predicted.

    Sub Saharan Africa is little more than a Hitlarian Ghetto at the national level minus fences… 25 MILLION die of starvation adn malnutrition DUE TO FRAUDULENT MONETARY POLICY AND OPPRESSION FROM “THE EMPIRE IN AFRICA.”

    In fact, watch “The Empire in Africa” and “A Film Unfinished” and try and list the differences between Hitler’s ghetto and poor African country populaces. Restricted energy, restricted food, rigged, cruel rulers…

    [note – it isn’t the West, it is the criminal Big Finance Capital oligarchs who have captured the Western governments through an apathetic, ignorant populace.]

    Don’t be misled by the false narrative that Africa is “backwards” because the people are “backwards.”

    Shut down America’s power and keep it off. Sub Saharan Africa would look like the pinnacle of human civilization compared to what America will devolve into in pretty short order.

    “The Narrative” is just that… and it is fed to you because knowing reality is not in the interests of those that deceive you.

    in reply to: Rant: On Deception #4345

    Figmund Sreaud post=3998 wrote: Germane, trust me! First, a snip from the rant:

    “What these sheisters do is convince you that everything you thought you knew to be true can be substituted with their own MYTHS conjured up in corporate board rooms and hotel suites,”

    Most perfect example of, most timely:

    The New North American Energy Paradigm: Reshaping the Future
    Rex W. Tillerson, Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil Corporation


    Re: CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, hang out of guys like Dick Cheney and Fareed Zacharia (and you thought they were on different “teams” – DECEPTION!)

    “At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system had to be greatly extended… the tasks was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group. This front organization called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company…. In fact, the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairsand the Council on Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris.” [5-Carroll Quigley, pp.951-952]

    Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow.

    Council on Foreign Relations

    Bilderberg (Media does all it can to keep this meeting of Big Finance Capital operatives as secret as possible)

    Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group’s Connection To Everything In The World

    Rothkopf admits 6,000 people control the world in his book “Superclass.”

    “A global elite has emerged over the past several decades that has vastly more power than any other group on the planet. . . .
    That such a group exists is indisputable. Heads of state, CEOs of the world’s largest companies, media barons, billionaires who are actively involved in their investments, technology entrepreneurs, oil potentates, hedge fund managers, private equity investors, top military commanders, . . . artists, even terrorist leaders and master criminals, meet the above criteria for membership. . . . I identified just over 6,000 people who qualify.”

    And now for a world government

    “Anti-Democratic” World Government Advocate Attends Bilderberg

    Bohemian Grove

    Get to know the Trivium, dust it off and put it work studying these subjects.

    All high powered “round table groups” that the media keeps out of the spot light.

    in reply to: Rant: On Deception #4343

    Nice post, Ash. “The Narrative” passed off by Big Finance Capital (Money Power, Money Changers, Den of Vipers, NWO, Globalists, all the same thing) is entering the surreal for anybody that isn’t completely immersed in their own issues or wilfully blind.

    Highlighting the problem is one thing. Recommending a specific system in order to resolve the problem is another. Saying “fix it” is far different than giving people the tools and step by step instructions.

    That’s where the Trivium comes in. Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. It is a systematic approach to determine what is true, what is false and what one doesn’t or can’t know for sure. For those interested – I will post relevant links at the bottom of this post.

    Two key takeaways:

    1. Unless you personally know the data and the applied logic, you don’t know something. At best, you know only what someone else said about it. In financial fascism, the highest bidder will get the most talking heads to tell you what you ought to believe. As per our previous discussion, an expert in a subject isn’t always a good source (you have to do the research yourself to know for sure) because it is a patently false assumption that all experts are 1. honest and 2. always correct. Ben Bernanke is an “expert” on the Federal Reserve and he lies about his mandate in the hopes that suckers will repeat his lies as truth.

    2. Learn the logical fallacies. These are arguments that appear sound, but are not. Keep in mind, a logically false argument doesn’t mean the argument’s claim is wrong, it just means that their argument establishing the claim is wrong. The fallacies I observe the system promoting all the time are:

    A. ad Hominem
    B. Appeal to Authority (Bernanke, Krugman)
    C. Incomplete Context
    D. False Dichotomy

    Here are some links I think people will find useful as we all try and grasp the maximum amount of reality that can fit within our skulls:

    You need to develop a systematic critical thinking process in order to navigate the real expression of Orwell’s Universal Deceit. Consider at a “mental anti virus suite of knowledge.”

    Logic, Fallacies, and the Trivium. Tony Myers Interviews Jan Irvin

    The Ultimate History Lesson (keep clicking through all 5 parts)

    Poverty is not a Choice

    Debunking Money

    Renaissance 2.0

    Trivium Education

    42 Fallacies

    30 More Fallacies

    Sun Tzu, Art of War


    Tragedy and Hope

    BTW, those people who are out to deceive you know more about how you think and how you operate than you do… Eisenhower warned of, and Huxley bragged of,the dangers of a “scientific technological elite…”

    The Scientific Technological Elite (Eisenhower)

    The Ultimate Revolution (Huxley)

    Propaganda (Bernays, Froyd’s Nephew)

    The Century of Self

    The Secret of Oz

    The Money Masters

    PS – The “Deceivers” are also putting “slow kill” toxins in your water and in your food…


    CDC says fluoride has no evidence of benefit for infants

    Fluoride Follies

    Fluoride Revisited

    Avoid Flu Shots, Take Vitamin D Instead

    Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of (Big Finance Capital Deceiver) Money

    **Please vote to label GMOs in CA during November election**

    Welcome to my current state of *reality*. 😉

    in reply to: Rant: On Deception #4341

    del post=3994 wrote: I think I am one of few people who follow this site that isn’t all that bright. I have read a great deal, questioned a great deal and I believe there is much to value here. Not from just those who submit articles but from those who comment on them as well. I appreciate your rants as much as those articles that offer a view of information never discussed in the main stream and not as intelligently presented on many other sites.

    Thank you to all those who write articles and those who comment.

    hi del, I think you are “bright” enough if you know you need hang around TAE. I don’t think “bright” really means much without detailed context. I know very bright people who won’t go near TAE style issues with someone else’s 10′ pole.

    I was listening to a podcast and a British guest made an excellent point. He said, “Americans fear one thing and one thing only… inconvenience.”

    You’ve made the decision to face the “inconvenient” head on and most brilliant PhDs won’t go near anything as “inconvenient” as the collapse of Ponzi style fraudulent debt based monetary system that will suck their community back in time many decades… minus all the old school knowledge.

    PS – the podcast commentator had another insight I thought was interesting… “In Britain, they don’t even bother lying to us any more. I’ve got good news and bad news for America. The good news is that they still respect you enough to lie to you. The bad news is that is so darn easy to lie to you.”

    in reply to: Hyperinflation or Deflation? #4315

    The Subject title is a false dichotomy.

    You will likely see both a wicked deflation and and serious inflation.

    The one consistency is that both will work in the self interest of the international money changers who, essentially, controls the world’s money.

    We went through a serious inflation, this is cash looting / society debt saturation stage, the deflation / societal asset stripping stage is next and then, more than likely, a serious, if not hyper, inflation will ensue to “balance the multinational / mega bank books” post societal asset stripping.

    in reply to: This Is Not America #4294

    davefairtex post=3893 wrote:
    The 80s are a little bit nuts, the 90s more so, and the 2000s things just go crazy. 2-5T in debt added every YEAR, for a 600B annual increase in GDP.

    And for the very few people on the planet that both understand the Fed mandate and believe the Fed should be accountable to the law, this is criminal law breaking.

    in reply to: The Orkin Man: Which Side Are You On? #4127

    Hi All, first of all, we *really* need to stop pretending guys like Pol Pot and Mao were doing anything for the “little people” other than dominating them for their own selfish purposes.

    “Pol Pot whose efforts to form a Communist peasant farming society…”

    Uh, no. Pol Pot wasn’t “Communist” any more than Hitler was “National Socialist.”

    Pol Pot set up an authoritarian oligarchical dictatorship that DOMINATED the peasants they didn’t outright murder.

    Second, I don’t think this is that complex – just apply the rule of law. Those people who committed fraud… including the people who set up the fraudulent Federal Reserve System societal wealth conveyance fraud…

    We also need to confiscate the ill gotten wealth of Big Finance Capital at the top of that flow chart so that society’s monetary assets balance out with society’s debt AND unstrap the debt “vest” from the debt money tyranny “terrorist” Federal Reserve System Big Finance Capital Trojan Horse.

    and the people who systematically broke Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act and lied about it in order to provide cover for their know legal activity need to be charged with criminal fraud as well.

    All the bankers that perpetrated fraud, all the ratings agencies that perpetrated fraud on down the line ALL get prosecuted and those found guilty get the appropriate punishment for their crime.

    All the false documents filed in foreclosure have felony perjury charges waiting to be filed.

    I don’t support anything that takes out innocents… we need to simply apply the rule of law against those “animals” that have proclaimed themselves “more equal” than the rest of us through their actions.

    Of course, this will never happen so long as the typical citizen is in a narcissistic induced, false reality stupor.

    You can’t solve a problem when you have NO IDEA what that problem is. The first step is to define the problem… and when I do that, more than 9 out of 10 people have a visceral reaction and essentially run away. No debate, no sharing of thoughts, no dialogue, no critique… just covers pulled over the eyes as though that is gonna keep the bad men away.

    in reply to: Capital Flight, Capital Controls, Capital Panic #4104

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for the timely article. Please keep the analysis coming as more events “break.”

    A question for you, Ilargi, Ashvin and Commentariat… If one were to keep a sizeable chunk of change at Treasury Direct (in the US, obviously), what would happen if the credit union one used was forced to “limit withdrawals?”

    Wouldn’t the Treasury Direct stash of cash become be restricted to the withdrawal limits?

    riesterm, I wouldn’t trust credit unions more than banks b/c I can easily see banking restrictions mandated across all institutions.

    I would, however, recommend using a reasonably solvent local credit union over a criminal Big Finance Capital mega banking institution unless you like directly paying for the financial knife that will be used to slit our nation’s financial throat.

    in reply to: What Choice is in Greece's Best Interest? #4102

    el gallinazo post=3710 wrote: TAE Summary

    Should have mailed you the draft of my post first. Could have saved a lot of electrons 🙂 You are just as clever as always.


    “I’d also point that Illuminati is like a conditioned “thought killer” word to the mostly uninformed general public. I understand enough of the term to know that these people are real and it makes sense, but most people will completely intellectually tune out, just like when they invoke “conspiracy theory” to mentally tune out.”

    Of course you are right, but I am tired of catering to brain dead muppets. Until they break the Illuminati mind control conditioning, it really doesn’t matter anyway.

    “1. I hear that all the toy army men for sale are of the United Nations variety, not the U.S. military variety. I don’t know if that is true, but I do know the army man set given out at my son’s school for 5th grade graduation was of the U.N. variety.

    Lamentable as it may be, the Illuminati are concerned that some American soldiers will refuse direct orders to shoot their unarmed brothers and cousins. Their remediation for this sad possibility is to condition American youth to regard UN uniforms as domestic. Thus when we are occupied by “unsympathetic” soldiers speaking English with thick foreign accents, we might still regard them as domestic. Isn’t it wonderful how they can make their agendas known to the Matel Toy Co. and your local school board, yet leave the rest of us muppets in the dark!

    El G, when interviewing schools for my kid, one principle talked about “competing in the global market.” I thought about asking why she didn’t mention the fact the “global competition” is slave labor that might get their organs “donated” to some Big Finance Capital criminal at any moment… and then explain how we can compete with that as the Debt Money Ponzi Fraud was on the cusp of implosion…

    Then I thought better of it. You are right – Muppets aren’t ready.

    in reply to: What Choice is in Greece's Best Interest? #4065

    el gallinazo post=3687 wrote: As I mentioned, watching a sport without knowing the scoring rules is really boring.

    el g, glad to see you visit again. A couple comments.

    1. I hear that all the toy army men for sale are of the United Nations variety, not the U.S. military variety. I don’t know if that is true, but I do know the army man set given out at my son’s school for 5th grade graduation was of the U.N. variety.

    2. Panetta has all the dirty intel on all CongressCritters since they claim the right to criminally wiretap and record everything everyone does. Surely they know all about Congress’ comings and goings…

    I’d also point that Illuminati is like a conditioned “thought killer” word to the mostly uninformed general public. I understand enough of the term to know that these people are real and it makes sense, but most people will completely intellectually tune out, just like when they invoke “conspiracy theory” to mentally tune out.

    That’s why I prefer to use terms like “Big Finance Capital” and “Money Power” to describe the exact same group of criminals.

    Those terms haven’t been psychologically to the extent of “Illuminati.”

    Then again, most people aren’t ready for the truth and will flee it with all their might.

    My goal isn’t so much to convince people now, but to let them know where to look when this demonic Ponzi scheme from h*ll implodes.

    in reply to: What Choice is in Greece's Best Interest? #4064

    YesMaybe post=3681 wrote: I’d be the last person to argue that US influence was positive.

    What was Winston Smith’s position, again? Ministry of Truth?

    Language is very important. The [D]elites hide themselves via the manipulation of language.

    In this case, “the U.S.” didn’t do anything, rather, the [D]elites who have captures the government of the U.S. in a silent coup did something. It is easy to fall into the paradigm presented to us in order to deceive even ourselves, but easy is not right – even when I do it.

    Another example is when the system refers to “communists” and “capitalists.”

    Nothing remotely close to either system exists at any kind of scale. So why do they use the language to confuse people? Because it benefits the [D]elite oligarchy.

    “Communism” is essentially “boot on your neck” oligarch tyranny dictatorship.

    “Capitalism” is a softer version of the same, except they have temporarily used more “carrot” and less “stick,” but that time is running is running short for anyone who has any clue regarding the heinous mathematics that underlie this demonic system of debt enslavement. Not to mention the “soft” tyranny is now “hardening” as evidenced by a President who now claims he can assassinate anyone he wants to without any over sight at all and a government that has, on record, detailed plans for political re-education camps.

    Now, the people have a role to play, but that role is mostly one of deceived narcissist avoiding real responsibility at all costs. The people are passively guilty, but they aren’t the active evil that the [D]elites who have seized control of the American government (and every major establishment organization), embody.

    We need to make these distinctions in our every day lives or else we, and those we talk to, will be hopelessly distracted from the real issues.

    in reply to: Goodness Gracious! Great Wall's on Fire! #4026

    The Players:

    Mega Banksters – they control the money supply and government (their operatives are financed and promoted by their media into office) and, therefore, control whether looting, inflation and/or deflation will occur and in what order.

    They also own trillions in cash and trillions in debt instruments via their front corporations.

    Everyone else:

    Enslaved Debt Money Tyranny and the Central State protected monetary crime syndicate.

    Now, if you disagree with any of the above, please present a cogent argument – because I think there is enough data out there to prove both groups and their standing well beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Now, if you accept the two parties and their respective level of control, riddle me this, Batman: Why would the Bankster super inflate while they are holding trillions in cash and debt instruments?

    NOBODY on the straight to hyperinflation side of the argument answers that question in anything close to a reasonable manner, yet that is the MONEY question, as it were.

    The retort is usually, “well, they haven’t done it yet.” True, but you need to consider the context. They are looting society out of trillions of dollars in “bailout” (societal debt enslavement) debt receipts and saddling society with all the debt! Yes, the dollar may be temporarily devalued 10%, but they doubled their cash, so they don’t care.

    They would care dearly about zeroing out their trillions in cash and debt holdings, though, so that’s an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SCENARIO THAT WHAT WE SEE NOW. Apples on Earth to oranges in a different galaxy.

    What about Argentina? How about answering the original question? It isn’t easy to answer, is it? Argentina was actually a DEFLATION from the perspective of the Banksters. IOW, their cash could BUY A LOT MORE in Argentina AFTER the collapse of the Argentinean currency.

    You can’t think linearly in a 3 dimensional financial world.

    Would you hyperinflate if you owned trillions in debt receipts, bank credit and debt instruments?

    Or, rather, would you loot all the cash you could (in process), pull the plug and deflate, bust the debtors out of their REAL WORLD ASSETS, BANKRUPT AND ROLL UP THE COMPETITION UNDER YOUR TBTF&J CORPORATE FRONTS and then, only after you’ve impoverished the nation states and rolled up ownership of the real world under your front corporation, hyperinflate to balance your books (and when it doesn’t matter any more as the Banksters own everything by busting the indebted proles)?


    Water is wet – that’s how obvious the answer is here.


    RE, thanks for the article – two thumbs up. Ashvin, thanks for posting it here.

    Note that the system architects created this system to enrich themselves with wealth and power, but they blame the society they asset strip for the very system they created!

    They tell us carbon is evil, while they dump toxic waste in the water and call it great, they turn food into “pesticide” and refuse to test it for human consumption, the dump tons and tons of depleted uranium in the form of munitions… all because they “care” about the environment.

    NOT! Whether excess carbon is bad or not is not really the issue (I really don’t know because, apparently, the Big Finance Capital “United Nations” corporate front won’t let anyone have access to the data and the methodology as they dole out $10s of billions in cold hard debt enslavement receipts for “compliance”). The issue is that the “solutions” always benefit “Big Finance Capital” and their interests at the expense of everyone else.

    Big Finance Capital Insurance companies won’t insure against vaccines that Big Finance Capital Pharma says are “safe.”

    I think I’ll trust the judgement of Big Finance Capital Insurance, thank you very much – not to mention Big Finance Capital Pharma refuses to do a randomized, double blind placebo study on the flu shot! They absolutely have to hide the results of a test that can’t be manipulated when done right – their corporate mandate to maximize profits demands it… but they care about you… they’d never maximize profits at your expense…

    The EPA scientists union opposes water fluoridation:

    The CDC admits that fluoridated water doesn’t help children between 0 and 6 months of age… but it can damage teeth. If it can damage teeth, what does it do to bones and soft tissue? Don’t look there, though… just listen to the corrupt authorities…

    The Big Finance Capital Media subdivision won’t touch this news because they have a vested self interest to make sure the proles don’t understand the toxic reality created in order to further Big Finance Capital’s agenda.

    This is also true of nuclear energy.

    Big Finance Capital front corporations get immunity from any kind of nuclear accident. They privatize all the profits, they make all the design decisions. When their decision “blow up” in our collective face, they pass the costs off on the tax payer and they increase their charges to deal with the disaster they created.

    The chumptocracy has to end.

    RE, if the chumptocracy doesn’t end, the “solution” will be shoved down our throats by the very people who engineered our current dilemma…

    They know full well they need to keep control of the military / police / security complex, so they will wipe out everything else to keep that going strong as long as possible. If there is a Great Culling to fix the [D]elites states #1 problem (too many of yous and Is), it will come before the military / police / security complex collapses so that it can be appropriately downsized and maintained.

    in reply to: Ruminations: Faith and Humanity #3947

    Patrick post=3568 wrote: At the risk of insulting anyone; faith is simply silly. As we understand it, faith is that which transcends reason. It is something we prefer to believe rather than what evidence-based reason compels one to believe.

    That’s the traditional definition of spiritual “faith,” the establishment narrative, if you will.

    I think a much better definition of “faith” is trust in what has been promised.

    In other words, one doesn’t have “faith” God exists, rather, one who knows God exists has faith that He will do what He says He will do.

    I get this won’t make sense to many people – all I can say is that it will one day and God is NOT the eternal burning sadist that most establishment narratives paint of Him.

    He is fair and just and everyone will be offered to choose, with a clear mind, whether they will commit to caring about others equal to themselves or whether they prefer to be as though they never were (hint – Ezekiel 37 shows it doesn’t have to be in this life, contrary to the false establishment narrative).

    in reply to: Ruminations: Faith and Humanity #3946

    Requirements for a reasonably decent long term existent include, IMHO:

    1. A correctly calibrated value system.
    2. The desire to care about others equal (not more, not less) than oneself.

    BTW, that’s the Bible in two sentences – so it isn’t original thought on my part.

    Neither of those things will happen, so humanity is absolutely doomed… except for the supernatural intervention of on who possesses…

    1. A correctly calibrated value system.
    2. The desire to care about others equal (not more, not less) than oneself.

    Again, not original to me.

    in reply to: Welcome to the No-Growth Paradigm #3826

    Reverse Engineer post=3445 wrote: I don’t think a “No Growth Paradigm” is the right label here, because it indicates a stability at this level.

    Debt Money Tyranny is Ponzi like in nature. It must grow or else the collapse phase has been initiated.

    It can’t grow exponentially forever, so it must collapse at some point.

    The key take away here is that the wicked nature of Debt Money Tyranny doesn’t allow for steady state or sustainable living – it is the very nature of our money that drives this addiction to growth. That coupled with humanity’s misplaced greed, of course.

    RE, the “Architects” not only are aware that collapse is coming, they knew it would come in 1913! The *engineered* in the collapse phase – the collapse is just as important as the preceding bubble for their societal asset stripping model.

    “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientific one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.” (Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, The Economic Pinch, 1921.)

    “The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. It may not do so immediately, but the trusts want a period of inflation, because all the stocks they hold have gone down… Now, if the trusts can get another period of inflation, they figure they can unload the stocks on the people at high prices during the excitement and then bring on a panic and but them back at low prices.…The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed.” (Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, referring to the Federal Reserve act, Congressman Lindbergh stated this a few years prior to the stock market crash in 1929 which ushered in the Great Depression Congressional Record, Vol. 51, p. 1446. December 22, 1913.)

    From the Architect perspective, the collapse is not a bug, it is a feature.

    Yes, I expect them to lose some of their major corporate structures. But, just like chess, you have to lose some pieces to win the game.

    “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” Henry Ford

    We can’t look at the “curtain” structure instead of focusing on the Wizard behind the curtain or else we will get ourselves confused as to what is actually transpiring before our very eyes… which is their goal.

    War is all about deception – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    The best warrior never has to fight – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril – Sun Tzu, Art of War.

    The Traitor is the Plague.

    They know, RE, EXACTLY what they have done, are doing and will do.

    More for those in real control, the Architect class and those minions they choose to keep by their side, and less for everyone else.

    Much less.

    The collapse is part of their strategy to take trillions upon trillions in real property value (today’s dollars) from unsuspecting sheeple who will have NO IDEA they have been conned by Debt Money Tyrants.

    They will lose their assets just as if a National Socialist came up to them, stuck a gun in their face and told them to get out and never return.

    The result will be the same – but with better marketing, the war victim will have no idea that there is even a war, let alone understand that they were a victim of a war. Unless people tell them – which is what I try to do.

    In general, they don’t listen now. Unfortunately, our selfishness and emotional need to avoid contemplating danger is exploited so we stand down until the PAIN hits a crescendo… but by then it will be too late… nobody left to speak out at that point. BTW, this is why the [D]elites want the final collapse to be almost everyone all at once. Catch the suckers by surprise and all.

    But they won’t let it be obvious that the financial system was a fraud and caused the collapse – so plan on them trigging the actual collapse initiation by blowing something up… the Strait of Hormuz or an American city, I do not know.

    But there will be an “event” they orchestrate and their captured media will associate the collapse to the event. The suckers will do what they do best… suck it all up.

    War is, after all, all about deception. Those that actually read and study the material the [D]elites and their minions read and study would know this.


    Bot Blogger post=3444 wrote: Triv,

    Sounds a lot like: ‘Hand over all your money or the banker gets it!’

    Hi Bot, yeah, that about sums it up once you see the main character as the banksters.

    It is that obvious to the very few thinking people.

    Ben, a villain in the TV show LOST, said something that we could explain it.

    “I find emotional needs and then I exploit them.” ~Ben (a 3rd season episode)

    Or, is that that the show’s financiers taunting those of us who still *think*.

    What we all ought to think about is…

    what emotional needs do I have that make me vulnerable to exploitation?

    I have friends that think everyone running the system is a stupid moron.

    I look at the system and I can’t rule out supernatural genius.


    pipefit post=3418 wrote: The mailing of ss checks, combined with their other spending, is contributing to consumer price inflation, currently about 6%/yr, per As the federal deficit widens going forward, inflation will increase.

    The trillions they give to AIG and JPM were never going to be spent on consumer goods, so therefore they have no effect on inflation. They are merely accounting entries. Any simpleton can see that.

    SS checks, on the other hand, buy gasoline, food, etc. Why don’t you take a class on economics, perhaps econ 101, lol?

    I took Econ 101 and earned a 4.0 – it was my favorite class in all my years of school…

    pipefit, you don’t quite seem to understand that money is debt – every dollar out there is an obligation to pay it back with interest.

    You know what group owns the most of that debt and controls most of the dollars per group capita?

    I call them Big Finance Capital, but what you need to know is that they own the mega banks and the people that sit on the Federal Reserve Board are their operatives.

    Yes, serious to hyper-inflation will come, but it won’t come while Big Finance Capital is loaded to their gills owning the debt of the people and trillions of cash.

    Apparently, you missed the part about “self interest” in Econ 101.

    Jamie Dimon sits on the Board of the New York Federal Reserve and his bank is lending 30 year money for 4%.

    Oh, you are smarter than the OWNERS of JP Morgan (and almost all Western governments, BTW) WHO LITERALLY CONTROL THE FEDERAL RESERVE, are you?

    They are so stupid they will wipe out the debt owed to them and hand the homes over to their debtors for the price of a loaf of bread?

    Come on.

    Of course they are gonna bust the economy first, asset strip society in the “Great Deleveraging” and then, after they own almost all the hard wealth, they will seriously or hyperinflate to “balance their books” and call it even.

    The mega banks are TBTF, what do they care if the housing drops 90% – they can’t fail. Their competition is eliminated. They own the world.

    No, but they are gonna give up that power and control so your gold fetish is fulfilled.


    That’s what Ash doesn’t get. This isn’t mechanics any more. The mechanics will be changed whenever it suits BFC. Period. Of course, the current mechanics suit BFC just fine, so they won’t change it – that’s why they set it up this way in the first place.

    It used to be that you couldn’t lie on your balance sheet – then the “mechanics” changed and criminal fraud is now legalized for the BFC front corporations (but not their competition, see…).

    Believe me, I despise what the dollar is… but when debts are called in, the debtors will need dollars very, very badly or else they will lose all their stuff… to BFC front corporations.

    Oh, and hyperinflation doesn’t mean the banks are somehow saved. Who loses when people get their homes for the price of a loaf of bread – the banks that lent out a house only to receive a loaf of bread. Come on!


    “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” Henry Ford

    “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientific one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.” (Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, The Economic Pinch, 1921.)

    PS – Mises was brought to America and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation… they viewed him as an *asset* worth funding. Because they are nice people, no doubt.


    ashvin post=3415 wrote: …and THEN comes the martial law.

    No, the martial law is already here – the NDAA sealed that deal. Plans for re-education of American political opposition in camps… The President claiming the right to murder anyone he so chooses. The U.S. fair game for U.S. military operations. I’m sure there were people in rural Germany that didn’t feel the whole Hitler thing, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

    Yes, I’m being nit picky – but the point is valid. Martial law is already here. What you speak of is a more aggressive implementation of what already exists…


    Bot Blogger post=3399 wrote: GlenJeff:

    The May 6, 2010 Flash Crash also known as The Crash of 2:45, the 2010 Flash Crash or just simply, the Flash Crash, was a United States stock market crash on Thursday May 6, 2010 in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged about 1000 points—or about nine percent—only to recover those losses within minutes. It was the second largest point swing, 1,010.14 points, and the biggest one-day point decline, 998.5 points, on an intraday basis in Dow Jones Industrial Average history.

    From the SEC/CFTC report itself:

    The combined selling pressure from the Sell Algorithm, HFTs and other traders drove the price of the E-Mini S&P 500 down approximately 3% in just four minutes from the beginning of 2:41 pm through the end of 2:44 pm. During this same time cross-market arbitrageurs who did buy the E-Mini S&P 500, simultaneously sold equivalent amounts in the equities markets, driving the price of SPY (an exchange-traded fund which represents the S&P 500 index) also down approximately 3%.

    Still lacking sufficient demand from fundamental buyers or cross-market arbitrageurs, HFTs began to quickly buy and then resell contracts to each other – generating a “hot-potato” volume effect as the same positions were rapidly passed back and forth. Between 2:45:13 and 2:45:27, HFTs traded over 27,000 contracts, which accounted for about 49 percent of the total trading volume, while buying only about 200 additional contracts net.

    That’s the narrative and, as usual, they don’t tell you the real important information. Think of it as a “lack of context” fallacy.

    Here’s what they left out…

    Brown/Kaufman Too Big to Fail Amendment Falls

    Note the date. I remember the day well.

    They tried to sell us on the “fat finger” – like we are soooooo stupid to believe that was the first time in the market’s history that someone hit the wrong key stroke.

    Yes, they think we are *that* gullible. I’m offended… and wish more people understood why they ought to be offended as well.

    The bottom line is that the Congress was in session deciding on if they should vote to limit the size of the TBTF&Jail bankster cartel front banking corporations and, shall we say, out of nowhere and economic “hit” came down as though from those claiming to do “God’s work.”

    Big Finance Capital was just, shall we say, letting the puppets they financed into office (and track all their dirty secrets via their police state apparatus) who was boss and that they had better not mess this up.

    By the look of the vote, the message was sent.

    in reply to: NFP and QE3 Speculations #3719

    Candace post=3315 wrote: From a Dem brand long term perspective it might be more useful to lose the election. After all President Hoover started his term in 1929 and yet he is the one most strongly associated with the 1929 crash and misery AKA Hoovervilles.

    If the wheels genuinely derail in 2013 or 2014 that president and his party will be the brand name associated with that failure.

    Of course who knows…

    Hi Candace,

    Please consider that both political parties report to the same Big Finance Capital interests.

    Perhaps Woody Harrelson narrating Ethos will drive this point home…

    As long as people are duped into voting for Bankster Puppet on the Left or Bankster Puppet on the right, we are DOOOOOMED.

    “In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”
    ― Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

    “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”
    – Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope

    “The history of the last century shows, as we shall see later, that the advice given to governments by bankers, like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally.”
    Carroll Quigley

    “In addition to their power over government based on government financing and personal influence, bankers could steer governments in ways they wished them to go by other pressures.”
    Carroll Quigley

    Please consider that Left vs Right is a false narrative designed to keep you on the bankster reservation – where the banksters win regardless of whether you pick Bankster Puppet #1 or Bankster Puppet #2.

    in reply to: NFP and QE3 Speculations #3718

    Reverse Engineer post=3332 wrote: [quote=AndrewP post=3323]QE3 will definitely NOT be Treasuries. The Fed already owns a large fraction of long term bonds. Bernanke will probably buy mortgages the way he did in 2008-2009, although he could surprise us by purchasing real estate directly, or even stocks.

    For any QE to work, Helicopter Ben would have to buy Greece, Spain and Italy for a start. So forget it, unless he bails out all of Europe a QE is SOL as a fix.


    RE, please define “work.”

    QE is working fantastic to transfer bad debts from private bankers to the public treasury.

    It is exactly 100% wrong at keeping rates low as rates always spike up when QE is implemented…

    QE is not designed to restart what can’t be restarted.

    The [D]elites are bankrupting us by design. You don’t “restart” bankruptcy in defiance of basic arithmetic.

    I think you know this, but fell back into the Matrix for a moment.

    If the banksters want to steal more cash and offload more assets and they think the cost of doing so will be less than they gain, they will QE3.

    If they want to begin the depression operation in earnest (a necessary step to bust debtors and asset strip them), they will not usher in QE3.

    It really is that simple.

    in reply to: GMO Pesticide "Food" – CA Labeling Initiative #3600

    Good news – enough educated and active people got involved and gathered enough signatures to get this onto the CA ballot. Be sure to educate yourself (don’t just believe Monsanto or other “authorities” under corporate oligarch control) and then educate your CA friends and relatives so they can vote to label GMOs.

    Label It Yourself Initiative

    The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
    ~Albert Einstein

    The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country, than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.
    ~Andrew “I killed the bank” Jackson


    But these “really nice people” wouldn’t dump their toxic water and claim it to be one of the top medicalapplications in the 20th Century… even though the EPA scientists oppose it because there is plenty of science behind this toxic waste being, well, toxic and very poor evidence, that it is even beneficial.

    They wouldn’t invade Afghanistan and turn it into the #1 heroin and marijuana production facility in the world…

    These people wouldn’t export 7,700 tons of Afghan heroin into Euope every year…

    I suppose some severely naive people might think all that opium is making from Afghanistan to Europe via mules under U.S. and NATO military radar.

    Those same people probably think the farmers of Afghanistan are all worth $10s of millions.

    Oh, that’s right, they just don’t think and the main stream media “loses” this information so that their pay checks keep rolling in.

    The death, the destroyed families, the demonic addiction, the draconian sentences (in Big Finance Capital prison complexes, no less – the very people that run the majority of the drug trade!)…

    Lookee who’s arming the Sinaloa drug cartel with grenades and guns?

    Those grenade stores sure have a lot of heat on them, no? Oh, wait. THERE ARE NO GRENADE STORES. A military or government are the only ones that can dole out grenades… Yeah.

    Don’t worry, people, Big Finance Capital is bipartisan – Bush was giving out the guns to their drug cartels under Project Gunrunner.

    Isn’t bipartisanship a great deal?

    Whose cutting deals to allow tons of Sinaloa cocaine into the United States, free and clear (while granny is being strip searched and Miss USA fing–ed?)

    Whose laundering between $10 billion and $378 billion in drug money?

    Note that the only person who was punished, in any way, WAS THE WHISTLE BLOWER. The drug money launderers had nothing happen to them – they just kept on doing the great job they had done before.

    I read the article a while back and I don’t seem to recall that they mentioned the money was ever recovered, either.

    The serfs get a criminal investigation filed when they move over $10k, but the drug lords connected to Big Finance Capital and their governmental puppets… well, they deserve dignity.

    Oh, and now that their fraudulent debt money tyranny is about to impoverish the world to themselves… now they want the right to kill off your children if you can’t support them in the Greatest Depression.

    Their vaccines have paralysed 47,500 children in India…

    I could go on, but if someone is dedicated to being a slave in a tyrannical system, no amount of additional evidence will suffice. There is plenty here.

    Don’t worry, though, the sterilization vaccine demanded by the Rockefeller Foundation doesn’t exist as long as we all just think it doesn’t exist…

    Download the actual Rockefeller Foundation document linked in the article.

    Oh, and the SV40 cancer virus in the Polio vaccine is surely a “mistake,” too.

    Don’t worry about mercury in your brain, though, it may help children behaviour and mental performance.

    Oh, and the industry and government that allowed Bayer to dump known contaminated (HIV, hepatitis) Factor 8 onto Europe after it was disallowed in the US…

    The sick joke is that the [D]elites actually believe that dumbing down and brain damaging children on the sly does lead to better “behaviour” and “performance” in YOUR children – not theirs.

    Go ahead, continue to ignore reality… it will work… until it doesn’t.

    Dr. Hilleman (Chief of Merck’s Vaccine Division) says vaccines “bargain basement technology of 20th Century.”

    Of course, that little FACT was not deemed for public consumption so it was cut out.

    After all, the “news” media has ZERO legal responsibility to tell the truth. They can lie all day long, every day – and they demanded the right to do so…

    Intelligent people aware of human history question everything where [D]elites can jack the system to rob people and reduce population – two obsessions within the [D]elite class.

    Wake up! We can’t fix what we won’t admit is broken – and they have studied our historical MO, so we need to consciously change it up or else humanity is toast.

    in reply to: China is Missing Its Own Targets #3540

    Mark T post=3157 wrote:
    Deflation Isn’t the Enemy

    Uh, yes it is. The [D]elites are incredibly adept at psychology and misinformation.

    For example, they have everyone feeling smart talking about “the business cycle” when, in reality, it is their “societal asset stripping cycle” where they manipulate the money supply to bankrupt people and then take their physical assets.

    Yet people think they are part of the “in crowd” discussing the “business cycle.”

    In a debt based, fractionally reserved, 1 quadrillion derivativized monetary system, deflation IS THE ENEMY.


    Bank accounts will be zeroed out. Stock values will collapse. Housing prices will collapse. Government tax receipts will collapse.

    Social Security payments will collapse. FDIC will collapse. Medicare will collapse. Job opportunities will collapse. Unemployment will collapse. States will collapse and the [D]elites will buy up all the state resources for cheap (insider deals with those they financed into office) and then toll their subjects to death.

    The whole point of a monetary deflation is to take your real stuff – so yes, it will be nasty.

    Remember one thing, though, as this plays out. The bubble and the bust ARE A MONETARY PHENOMENON.

    The “Money Masters” are using the monetary systems of the world to enslave the nation states and they will pose as our saviours… the criminals in charge who created this fraud will pose as the solution with another fraud that gives them even more wealth and more control.

    Education the people regarding the stealth asymmetric warfare that is Debt Money Tyranny.

    Expose the Federal Reserve and all their media, education and political collaborators as the lying criminals they are:

    Read the mandate and then look how they lie about it to cover the fact they’ve broken it for 25 years running.

    Also note that their “law” has no penalty.

    Sweet – criminals make their own laws without penalties. Must be nice, eh?

    Denninger said he read the entirety of FinReg and said there WAS NOT A SINGLE *ORE ELSE* CLAUSE IN THE WHOLE THING…. no penalties for breaking it.

    They will play us for fools every time. The only question is… will we play the role of fools?

    in reply to: FPC: The Hard Money – Soft Money Synthesis #3534

    pipefit post=3107 wrote: FOFOA-said, “Legal tender laws do not require me to save in the currency. In fact, I do not save in the currency, and I am breaking no law.”

    Wrong!! If you have worked 40 calendar quarters, more or less, you are vested in the social security system, and you are saving in communist fiat script. Did they ask you if you wanted to join that communist retirement program? Doubt it, lol.

    I WISH it was a “communist retirement program.”

    I’m of the belief that absolutely nothing will be there when I retire.

    Nada, zip, zero, zilch.

    And the average ignorant person talks about how “good” social security is.

    It is very strange to me how most people can only think linearly and once the variables get above 2, they literally can’t think straight any more.

    No, an unsustainable Ponzi scheme where insiders get to steal $2.5 trillion ISN’T A GOOD PROGRAM!

    Yes, a reasoned program to help the elderly poor is a good program, BUT THIS AIN’T IT!

    in reply to: FPC: The Hard Money – Soft Money Synthesis #3533

    pipefit post=3093 wrote: Tri wrote, “2) a statutory limit on expansion of the monetary supply relative to population and one hell of a line to cross that limit,”

    That’s what gold is. The supply of above ground gold has remained fixed at about one ounce per living person for 5000 years.

    I disagree, although I’m sure that’s what you *think* it is.

    It has never worked in the past and it will surely not work now – for one simple reason.

    The criminals own most of the gold and they will control its availability to do what they do now… increase and then decrease the money supply, conveying the nation’s wealth into their own hands.

    As this process is occurring, guys like Ash will revel in the fact they don’t control absolutely everything, but they will miss the bigger point – THEY DON’T NEED TO IN ORDER TO RIP OFF MUCH OF HUMANITY’S FACE. But the perceived “intellectual win” will be enough of a victory for some as the oligarchs watch the world burn from their mansions (unless people realize the con and take positive action to resist this tyrannical system in legal ways).

    And then we haven’t even gotten into how credit can be abused left, right and center – even with a gold standard.

    But I get it – gold is… shiny.


    in reply to: FPC: The Hard Money – Soft Money Synthesis #3470

    ashvin post=3083 wrote: [quote=andrew_not_the_saint post=3081]His writings on gold were always hard to digest and bloated, and in the end, I just find most of it to be just “ideas” without empirical evidence backing it up.

    I understand what you mean, but somewhat disagree. The best parts of the best economic theories, IMO, boil down to “ideas” about how these systems have worked in the past and how they may evolve or devolve in the future. Usually, the theories or parts of theories with too much emphasis on empirical/mathematical data analysis are the ones that are a bunch of BS. A notable exception to this may be Dr. Steve Keen, who has attempted to model Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis, but his model is very simple and even he admits that a lot more work needs to be done to make it close to reality (and his narrow focus probably gives him an overly optimistic picture of reality, anyway).

    That same naivety is certainly found in FOFOA, but his theories are just as interesting and not much less devoid of evidence. His view/descriptions of how the monetary system currently works is much better than most other out there, especially MMT (modern monetary theory). It is not really anything new, either, just a description of monetary history with a semi-Austrian spin. I also think there is evidence to suggest that there were/are high-level people involved in the founding of the EU/EMU who eventually wanted to use a Freegold system to overtake the $IMFS and make Europe the dominant global force once again. However, in contrast to FOFOA, I believe those dreams have been dashed in the last few years and I can’t imagine that any of them still hold out hope.

    Hi Ash,

    I’m not trying to rain on the parade here, but this is a 100% POWER microeconomics issue and absolutely nothing more.

    The oligarchs control the money, but they want to hide their tyranny behind a veneer of legitimacy.

    So, they run the system that they feel will maximize their return (control, wealth) while not being so obvious as to wake up too many of the sheeple.

    If near term hyperinflation met their goals, they’d do it, system be d*mned. They’d just change the system – they control it after all. They finance almost everyone in “government.” They run the bureaucracy and their military industrial complex listens in on every Congresscritters phone calls and they know their web and other habits, if you know what I mean.

    The near term hyperinflationists are simply under some kind of delusion that government is sovereign in practice and will put the banksters in their place to defend their jobs.

    That idea is absurd based on my research and ongoing observations.

    The folks buying physical gold are right in that they have a tangible asset they can carry around and can’t easily be zeroed out by the criminals running the show.

    The idea that gold will be driven up by demand as everyone is impoverished and 50% of credit evaporates doesn’t gel with me, so I wait. I’m more focused on getting the message out and trying to get more control of the necessities of life (a winner no matter what happens).

    Those asking for a gold standard without a wholesale change in WHO is running the system are asking for their own slave master.

    A reasonable monetary system is theoretically possible, but it will NEVER happen with a “box of rocks” prole mentality regarding “finance.” Even its name taunts us of slavery.

    It would include 1) a debt free national monetary system with cheap components, 2) a statutory limit on expansion of the monetary supply relative to population and one hell of a line to cross that limit, 3) and educated and active populace and 4) utter disdain for anything big and a yearning desire to support local small businesses.

    That would be grand, but I can’t argue with people who say, given the level of general ignorance and apathy in the population, that this will never happen.

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