Jusepe de Ribera A philosopher holding a mirror 1630

The term Russian roulette was possibly first used in a 1937 short story of the same name by Georges Surdez: “‘Did you ever hear of Russian Roulette?’ When I said I had not, he told me all about it. When he was with the Russian army in Rumania [sic], around 1917, and things were cracking up, so that their officers felt that they were not only losing prestige, money, family, and country, but were being also dishonored before their colleagues of the Allied armies, some officer would suddenly pull out his revolver, anywhere, at the table, in a café, at a gathering of friends, remove a cartridge from the cylinder, spin the cylinder, snap it back in place, put it to his head and pull the trigger. There were five chances to one that the hammer would set off a live cartridge and blow his brains all over the place.”

The game we know is 5 empty chambers, theirs had one! I suggested the Russian Roulette metaphor recently for the vaccines after I wrote Five Alarm Fire, commenting on research funded by the British Heart Foundation which seemingly involuntarily between its own lines exposes the risks involved in the present line of vaccines imposed upon everyone but a few hard-headed:
I think Russian roulette is a good “model” for the vaccines. The classic six-shooter gives you a great 5 in 6 chance (83.3%) to live. Would you take it at those odds? And then they tell you to do it again, boosters. Still feel lucky? Hey, the odds are the same….
Got a few good comments on that from new commenter “bpeptide”:
Russian roulette – i like the analogy, but the odds of bad shot outcome are probably closer to 1 in a 100, than 1 in 6. That is still too high for a vaccine!
I think the risk ratio is not so important, the point is that risk is involved in the first place. Especially when publication of that risk is suppressed. “Informed Consent” may have been swept under the carpet by now, but it’s still an important legal “entity”. It’s the LAW!.
I asked a friend yesterday what he thought would happen if local media headlines would, besides “20 Covid deaths today”, also say “10 Covid vaccine deaths today”. Not even thinkable in the present landscape, but crucial for informed consent.
100s of 1000s across the world have died from the vaccines by now, and many millions have had severe adverse reactions, but none of these things are reported. There are “systems” like VAERS in the US and EudraVigilance in the EU that pretend to keep track of adverse reactions, but they themselves say they catch maybe 1-10% of those. And even they are already at some 40,000 deaths. But as long as the media don’t report on it…
“bpeptide” continued:
[..] the risk depends on which cells are instructed to manufacture the spike protein. if it is a muscle or fat cell, then the risk is lower because the spike protein does not immediately enter the blood circulation. It is stuck in the medium of fat and muscle and skin, and the immune system has time to respond. On the other hand, if the shot gets injected directly into the blood stream then it is the vascular system, heart, and brain that get instructed to manufacture the spikes protein. that is where the danger lies…this is why i really do think the bad outcome is related to where in the arm the injection lands. If it pricks a vein and enters the blood circulation directly, than that is where we get the worst, vascular and heart short term bad outcomes. Russian roulette….
My personal impression is that it doesn’t really matter all that much. Sure, some ways are more direct and lethal, but as the British Heart Foundation article confirms once more, spike proteins can do their damage anywhere in the body, even without a virus present. It’s all a toss-up, it’s a Russian Roulette! And that was my whole point.
We are injecting 100s of millions of people with something that carries risk to their lives. And to the lives of those around them, because we know it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission of the virus. And that is a risk to your life all by itself. Because it induces your cells to produce the very spike proteins that the virus uses to get into your cells and make you sick.
I don’t want to get into the details of that now, I just want to make the point that these things carry risk, and substantial risk at that, and that people should be made aware of that risk before they are “jabbed”.
They are not. Instead, their governments even try to force them to “take the vaccine”, or they can lose their jobs, freedom etc. That is so fundamentally wrong, where do we begin? And now they want to force it on your children… Where is their informed consent?
And don’t let’s forget that the worst consequences of the vaccines will probably come in the long term. For instance, the spike protein-related auto-immune ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement, a concern for many health professionals, takes 6 to 36 months to show itself. We just don’t know. But it’s because we don’t know that we should not be doing this.
We should not have politicians and so-called experts putting a gun to people’s heads. Everyone understands that. So why is it happening everywhere? Yes, Covid itself carries a risk as well. But it’s not that bad a virus:

It could have been “fought” with vitamin D, zinc and perhaps ivermectin, melatonin, HCQ, that would have stopped 50% or more of all “cases”. It’s not a really complex story. But all these other options had to be swept off the table to make room for an emergency authorization for untested vaccines. And now, here we are.
I said a few days ago that we will soon see the moment that the vaccines kill more people than the virus. But even if I’m wrong in that, what remains is that being vaccinated with any of the 4 vaccines currently applied in the US is a risky game, just like Russian Roulette, that people should only agree to on the basis of Informed Consent.
They are not. Crucial info is withheld from them every day and at every step of the process. That is highly illegal.
The future risk of the vaccines injected into people today is very real, Moderna et al did plenty research into the risk of spike proteins, and the results were terrible, they never got an approval for any mRNA “vaccines”. We’re playing Russian Roulette, but not with an individual, with millions of people at the same time, and therefore with the societies they are part of.
You want to put a bullet in your head, whether it’s with a 1-in-6 or 1-in-1000 risk? Fine, but at least find out what that risk is. And don’t let some politician or expert coerce you into doing it before you know.
What your government is doing today is playing the Vietcong role in the movie The Deer Hunter, in which American prisoners of war are forced to play Russian Roulette.
But you know what? At least that was all fiction.

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