Jun 162021
 June 16, 2021  Posted by at 8:25 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wassily Kandinsky Moscow II 1916


Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA (STD)
WHO ‘Highly Compromised’, Unfit To Lead COVID-19 Investigation – Redfield (ZH)
Sen. Johnson Shares Letter From Grateful Constituent About Ivermectin (JTN)
Biden Aides Lower Expectations Ahead Of Putin Summit (NYP)
Empire Of Clowns Versus Yellow Peril (Escobar)
Bipartisan Support For A Government-backed Digital Dollar (MW)
The G7’s Reckless Commitment To Mounting Debt (Lacalle)
New Study Proves Hawking Was Right, Black Holes Only Get Bigger (RT)
AG Merrick Garland Raises As Many Questions As He Answers (Turley)
Julian Assange: The Man Who Knew Too Much (LAP)





Vaccines and infections





Gene therapy after all? Talk about scary. And if this doesn’t do it, try watching Dr. Fleming.

Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA (STD)

In a discovery that challenges long-held dogma in biology, researchers show that mammalian cells can convert RNA sequences back into DNA, a feat more common in viruses than eukaryotic cells. Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into proteins. But polymerases were thought to only work in one direction DNA into DNA or RNA. This prevents RNA messages from being rewritten back into the master recipe book of genomic DNA. Now, Thomas Jefferson University researchers provide the first evidence that RNA segments can be written back into DNA, which potentially challenges the central dogma in biology and could have wide implications affecting many fields of biology.

“This work opens the door to many other studies that will help us understand the significance of having a mechanism for converting RNA messages into DNA in our own cells,” says Richard Pomerantz, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Thomas Jefferson University. “The reality that a human polymerase can do this with high efficiency, raises many questions.” For example, this finding suggests that RNA messages can be used as templates for repairing or re-writing genomic DNA. Together with first author Gurushankar Chandramouly and other collaborators, Dr. Pomerantz’s team started by investigating one very unusual polymerase, called polymerase theta. Of the 14 DNA polymerases in mammalian cells, only three do the bulk of the work of duplicating the entire genome to prepare for cell division.

The remaining 11 are mostly involved in detecting and making repairs when there’s a break or error in the DNA strands. Polymerase theta repairs DNA, but is very error-prone and makes many errors or mutations. The researchers therefore noticed that some of polymerase theta’s “bad” qualities were ones it shared with another cellular machine, albeit one more common in viruses — the reverse transcriptase. Like Pol theta, HIV reverse transcriptase acts as a DNA polymerase, but can also bind RNA and read RNA back into a DNA strand. In a series of elegant experiments, the researchers tested polymerase theta against the reverse transcriptase from HIV, which is one of the best studied of its kind. They showed that polymerase theta was capable of converting RNA messages into DNA, which it did as well as HIV reverse transcriptase, and that it actually did a better job than when duplicating DNA to DNA. Polymerase theta was more efficient and introduced fewer errors when using an RNA template to write new DNA messages, than when duplicating DNA into DNA, suggesting that this function could be its primary purpose in the cell.

Dr. Richard Fleming on mRNA

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Remind me: why did he leave?

WHO ‘Highly Compromised’, Unfit To Lead COVID-19 Investigation – Redfield (ZH)

The World Health Organization is “highly compromised” and unfit to lead an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, according to former CDC head Robert Redfield. “Clearly, they were incapable of compelling China to adhere to the treaty agreements that they have on global health, because they didn’t do that,” Redfield told Fox News on Tuesday. “Clearly, they allowed China to define the group of scientists that could come and investigate. That’s not consistent with their role.” In March, Redfield told CNN that he doesn’t believe the natural origin theory which posits that COVID-19 jumped from a bat to a human through a yet-to-be determined intermediary species.

“I think they were highly compromised,” Redfield said of the World Health Organization (WHO), which ‘investigated’ the origins of the pandemic in what was nothing more than political theatre conducted by a highly conflicted group – one of whom, Peter Daszak of NGO EcoHealth Alliance, worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and was funded to the tune of millions of dollars by Anthony Fauci’s NIH. Redfield slammed Fauci during the interview, saying that while he supports the lab-leak hypothesis, “Other individuals, Tony Fauci, for example, would say that he prefers to support that it evolved from nature.” “Now, why would that be?” asked Redfield, adding that “sometimes scientists when they bite into a bone on a hypothesis, it’s hard for them to move on.” “I guess if I’m disappointed about anything about the early scientific community it’s that there seemed to be lack of openness to pursue both hypotheses,” he continued.

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“..I was finally able to connect with a Green Bay doctor that provided my wife real treatment — Ivermectin and other support prescriptions. Within an hour of taking Ivermectin, her headaches were gone..”

Sen. Johnson Shares Letter From Grateful Constituent About Ivermectin (JTN)

Sen. Ron Johnson’s name was invoked on Monday’s episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert during a segment in which Jon Stewart indicated that he thinks the COVID-19 pandemic emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China. “I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science. Science has in many ways helped ease the suffering of this pandemic, which was more than likely caused by science,” Stewart said. “There’s a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China, what do we do? Oh, you know who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease is the same name as the lab.” The Wuhan Institute of Virology is located in Wuhan, China. During the segment Colbert invoked the name of Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin: “And how long have you worked for Senator Ron Johnson?” Colbert asked.

“This is not a conspiracy,” Stewart said. Johnson tweeted on Tuesday that he enjoyed the pair’s discussion on the show and the lawmaker shared a letter from a constituent who had written to say that Ivermectin greatly helped his wife who had suffered significantly with COVID-19. “@jonstewart @StephenAtHome enjoyed your Late Show Wuhan virus discussion. Since I was mentioned, let me share this email I got from a constituent. Open minds can save lives,” Johnson tweeted. “I am writing today to thank you for your leadership in Wisconsin as it relates to COVID and alternative treatments. My wife and I watched Dr. Pierre Kory testify before the Senate Committee about ivermectin, Dec. 8, 2020, and we were utterly dumbfounded that this treatment was not readily available as treatment and prevention to the general public,” the constituent wrote.

The letter explained that the woman later became ill with COVID-19 in May and suffered significant symptoms. “Her case was quite severe; she will report that she has never experienced the severity of headaches and body aches in her lifetime as well as severe nausea and high temperatures,” the letter noted. “As the days progressed, she grew so weak that she was not able to walk without assistance.” “As her symptoms worsened, I remembered the hearing you hosted and Dr. Kory. Through your leadership on this issue, I was finally able to connect with a Green Bay doctor that provided my wife real treatment — Ivermectin and other support prescriptions. Within an hour of taking Ivermectin, her headaches were gone,” the person told Johnson.

Nasal-spray Ivermectin for C19

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Less than zero then?

Biden Aides Lower Expectations Ahead Of Putin Summit (NYP)

The White House on Tuesday lowered expectations as President Biden arrived in Geneva, Switzerland, for his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin — with a senior Biden administration official telling reporters they are “not expecting a big set of deliverables” from the Wednesday talks. Biden’s own tone changed ahead of the meeting when he downplayed past descriptions of Putin as a “killer” who has “no soul” and told reporters Monday at the NATO summit in Belgium that Putin actually is a “worthy adversary” who is “bright” and “tough.” White House officials for weeks said Biden will seek to forge a new understanding with Putin that would allow for a more predictable US-Russia relationship. And Putin aides told reporters they still believe there may be a joint statement.

Biden and Putin are expected to arrive at the meeting site in Geneva around 1 p.m. local time Wednesday. The senior US official said meetings could last four to five hours, but that there will be “no breaking of bread.” Then Putin, followed by Biden, are expected to give solo press conferences, the official said. The lack of a joint press conference will allow Biden to avoid embarrassing moments that make him appear weak or hypocritical. Putin aides suggested he will advocate for the “human rights” of Capitol rioters during the summit. The senior US official said “nothing is off the table” for the talks, which are expected to include discussion of recent cyberattacks against Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods by criminals suspected of living in Russia.

Biden has struggled during press interactions on his first foreign trip, which also included stops in the UK and Belgium, with lengthy pauses and saying he must stop talking lest he “get in trouble” with his press handlers. The Geneva summit is expected to kick off with an initial meeting between Biden and Putin. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and translators also will be in the room, the senior US official said. There’s scheduled to be a brief press availability when Biden and Putin first sit down — though on Monday, the White House scrapped a similar “pool spray” at the start of Biden’s meeting with Turkish autocrat Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leaving frustrated US reporters dependent on Turkey’s government for information.

[..] Lavrov said ahead of the talks that Putin is prepared to flip the script on Biden if he brings up sensitive issues, such as human rights including the case of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who last year survived poisoning attempts. “We will be ready to answer the questions that the American side will raise. This also applies to human rights,” Lavrov said. “For example, we are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on January 6 this year.”

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“..the G7’s economic output barely registers as 30% of the global total.”

Empire Of Clowns Versus Yellow Peril (Escobar)

It requires major suspension of disbelief to consider the G7, the self-described democracy’s most exclusive club, as relevant to the Raging Twenties. Real life dictates that even accounting for the inbuilt structural inequality of the current world system the G7’s economic output barely registers as 30% of the global total. Cornwall was at best an embarrassing spectacle – complete with a mediocrity troupe impersonating “leaders” posing for masked elbow bump photo ops while on a private party with the 95-year-old Queen of England, everyone was maskless and merrily mingling about in an apotheosis of “shared values” and “human rights”. Quarantine on arrival, masks enforced 24/7 and social distancing of course is only for the plebs.

The G7 final communique is the proverbial ocean littered with platitudes and promises. But it does contain a few nuggets. Starting with ‘Build Back Better’ – or B3 – showing up in the title. B3 is now official code for both The Great Reset and the New Green Deal. Then there’s the Yellow Peril remixed, with the “our values” shock troops “calling on China to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms” with a special emphasis on Xinjiang and Hong Kong. The story behind it was confirmed to me by a EU diplomatic source, a realist (yes, there are some in Brussels). All hell broke loose inside the – exclusive – G7 room when the Anglo-American axis, backed by spineless Canada, tried to ramrod the EU-3 plus Japan into an explicit condemnation of China in the final communiqué over the absolute bogus concentration camp “evidence” in Xinjiang.

In contrast to politicized accusations of “crimes against humanity”, the best analysis of what’s really going on in Xinjiang has been published by the Qiao collective. Germany, France and Italy – Japan was nearly invisible – at least showed some spine. Internet was shut off to the room during the really harsh “dialogue”. Talk about realism – a true depiction of “leaders” vociferating inside a bubble. The dispute essentially pitted Biden – actually his handlers – against Macron, who insisted that the EU-3 would not be dragged into the logic of a Cold War 2.0. That was something that Merkel and Mario ‘Goldman Sachs’ Draghi could easily agree upon.

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Presented as defending your privacy …

Bipartisan Support For A Government-backed Digital Dollar (MW)

Members of a House Financial Services Committee task force largely expressed support for experiments to create a digital form of the U.S. dollar, citing the need to keep pace with China and to enable a larger swath of the U.S. population to access the digital economy, during a hearing Tuesday morning. Neha Narula, the director of MIT’s Digital Currency Project, explained to the committee the benefits of a digital dollar, describing the U.S. electronic payment system as suffering from “high fees and limited access” because it has not evolved fast enough to keep pace with the demand for online digital payments.

Narula, whose group is collaborating with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston to study a potential Fed-backed digital dollar, added that while private cryptocurrencies may evolve to solve these problems, they also present risks including “the immaturity of the technology and its ability to provide widely available, highly secure and scalable payment transactions.” That’s why, according to Narula, that dozens of central banks across the globe, including the European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China, are experimenting with digital forms of their own currencies. Warren Davidson of Ohio, the ranking Republican on the task force, was quick to embrace Narula and the other panelists’ support for designing a digital dollar with consumer privacy as a major priority.

“I’m very encouraged about this dialogue…and by your passion for privacy.” Davidson told the panel. “If we get this structure right, we can really move past this sad part of American history where Americans essentially surrendered their privacy in the late 1960s, early ’70s with respect to financial matters.” Davidson was referring to the the so-called third-party doctrine, which was developed by a series of Supreme Court cases in the ’60s and ’70s and says that citizens do not have a legal right to privacy with respect to information that a person willingly gives to a third party, including banks and other financial firms. A digital dollar has the potential to protect the financial privacy in a way that private companies do not, he said.

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“A minimum global corporate tax. Why not an agreement on a maximum global public spending?”

The G7’s Reckless Commitment To Mounting Debt (Lacalle)

Historically, meetings of the largest economies in the world have been essential to reach essential agreements that would incentivize prosperity and growth. This was not the case this time. The G7 meeting agreements were light on detailed economic decisions, except on the most damaging of them all. A minimum global corporate tax. Why not an agreement on a maximum global public spending?

Imposing a minimum global corporate tax of 15 percent without addressing all other taxes that governments impose before a business reaches a net profit is dangerous. Why would there be a minimum global corporate tax when subsidies are different, some countries have different or no VAT rates (value added tax), and the endless list of indirect taxes is completely different? The G7 “commit to reaching an equitable solution on the allocation of taxing rights, with market countries awarded taxing rights on at least 20 percent of profit exceeding a 10 percent margin for the largest and most profitable multinational enterprises.” This entire sentence makes no sense, opens the door to double taxation and penalizes the most competitive and profitable companies while it has no impact on the dinosaur loss-making or poor-margin conglomerates that most governments call “strategic sectors.”

The global minimum corporate tax is also a protectionist and extractive measure. The rich nations will see little negative impact from this, as they already have their governments surrounded by large multinationals that will not suffer a massive taxation blow because subsidies and tax incentives before net income are large and generous. According to PWC’s Paying Taxes 2020, profit taxes in North America already stand at 18.5 percent but, more worryingly, total tax contributions including labor and other taxes reach 40 percent of revenues. In the EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association), profit taxes may be somewhat smaller than in North America, but total taxation remains above 39 percent of revenues.

Some politicians mention corporate technology giants as the ones that pay no taxes and use an effective tax rate where they put together loss-making companies with those making a profit thus reaching an artificially low effective tax rate. Technology giants will not pay more under this new agreement, because their taxable base will not change, their profit and loss account will remain similar and, more importantly, the deductions on large investments, which are the cause of their apparently small tax payments, will not change either.

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“..entropy or disorder can’t decrease over time..”

New Study Proves Hawking Was Right, Black Holes Only Get Bigger (RT)

Physicists have said that they have proven, by analyzing gravitational waves from space, a theory developed by Stephen Hawking in the 1970s, which states that black holes cannot decrease in surface area over time. In a study published on Monday, scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Cornell University shared their findings from a research project which analyzed ripples in spacetime created by two black holes that spiraled inward and eventually merged into one bigger black hole. The ripples studied were the first gravitational waves ever identified, detected by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in 2015. Splitting the gravitational wave data into time segments before and after the black holes merged, the researchers calculated the surface areas of the black holes in both periods.

The physicists found that the surface area of the new black hole was actually greater than the two initial black holes combined. The finding confirms a prediction made by famed scientist, Stephen Hawking, in the 1970s, in which he stated that black holes cannot decrease in surface area as it mirrored a rule in physics, that entropy or disorder can’t decrease over time. Hawking’s law states that the surface area of the black hole won’t increase on its own, but when things enter it, it gains mass and correspondingly its surface area increases. While incoming objects can make the black hole spin, which decreases surface area, the size increase due to the additional mass will always be greater than the size lost to spinning.

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Turley defends Assange.

AG Merrick Garland Raises As Many Questions As He Answers (Turley)

In his testimony before Congress, Garland stressed that he intends to create new protections for the media to allow “journalists to go about their work disclosing wrongdoing and error in the government. That is part of how you have faith in the government, by having that transparency.” But what is a journalist? Does it include bloggers or citizen journalists? There is general agreement that this is a case of investigative journalism. After all, Pro Publica has won six Pulitzer Prizes and bills itself as a nonprofit investigatory group committed to exposing “abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.”

That sounds a tad familiar. WikiLeaks was founded as a nonprofit “to bring important news and information to the public … to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth.” In 2013, WikiLeaks was declared by the International Federation of Journalists to be a “new breed of media organization” that “offers important opportunities for media organizations” through the publication of such nonpublic information. If Garland is going to implement protections for the media in the use of leaked material, he will have to address the continued prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by the DOJ. The Justice Department is still fighting to extradite Assange. It is using the same tactic that was used in the Rosen case by treating Assange not as a journalist but as a criminal co-conspirator.

DOJ insists that Assange played an active role in his correspondence with and advice to the hacker. Yet, Assange would not be the first journalist to work with a whistleblower who is prospectively or continuing to acquire nonpublic information. I have previously written about the Assange case as potentially the most important press freedom case in 300 years. (For full disclosure, I also advised the legal team of Julian Assange in England on our criminal justice system and the free press protections under the Constitution.) Both Pro Publica and WikiLeaks could claim that these disclosures serve the public interest. Pro Publica wanted to expose an unfair tax system. WikiLeaks wanted to expose how public figures were lying to the public on subjects ranging from foreign wars to campaign issues.

Both the rights of free speech and the free press require bright lines to flourish. For the free press, one bright line is to bar reverse engineering in leak investigations and the targeting of publishers or recipients of information in the media or Congress. Another is to require a higher showing (and higher authorization) for any searches of the records of journalists. That, however, will take us inevitably to the questions that the government and frankly some in the media have avoided for years. What is a journalist, and what to do with Julian Assange?

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… and shared what he knew…

Julian Assange: The Man Who Knew Too Much (LAP)

Millions viewed the “Collateral Murder Tape” online, as well as interviews with one of the soldiers who rescued the children – Ethan McCord recounts how it impacted him, and the wider PTSD forever wars inflict on our soldiers. In our fog of war reliable count of the hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan remains elusive. Those who prefer such dark reveals remain buried see Assange as someone to destroy. US military budgets remain on crescendo. The world’s top five arms dealers, and twelve of the top twenty-five, are American. Assange is bad for business. “Someone’s not going to like this” was predictable. Assange stepped into the crosshairs of fame, targeted by powerful disinformation systems.

Politicians and media pundits, some of the latter still joined at the hip with America’s military/intelligence/industrial complex, chimed in. Some called Assange a traitor – never mind he’s Australian – and high tech terrorist, even calling for his assassination. So dark was the picture painted that even sympathetic writers feel obliged to begin with “Whatever you think of Assange…” When Wikileaks revealed the DNC gamed the 2016 Democratic Party primaries, the punditry judged democratic derailments not newsworthy when the higher good was resistance to Trump. Media ran faster with narratives ripping Assange than questioning or correcting them.

Claiming Assange is outside publishing boundaries is a conceit that who, what, when, where, why and how requires formal training, or an official imprimatur. Never mind the international journalism awards Wikileaks quickly garnered, the uncovered bedrock for important stories that enabled accolades to news organizations building on Wikileaks revelations. A decade ago Daniel Ellsberg, who exposed government lies about the Vietnam War by leaking the Pentagon Papers, told me government’s objective going after him was a UK-styled Official Secrets Act that undermines First Amendment protections. Beyond criminalizing leaking classified materials, it would criminalize seeking and publishing them.

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Jon Stewart



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Home Forums Debt Rattle June 16 2021

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  • #77479

    Wassily Kandinsky Moscow II 1916   • Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA (STD) • WHO ‘Highly Compromised’, Unfit To Lead COVID-19 Invest
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 16 2021]


    Great interview with Bret Weinstein, but now as interviewee, on the lab leak hypothesis and censorship.

    Polder Dweller

    It’s worth watching the rest of the Heidegger tweeted segment (linked in the tweet) where a woman explains that the oil and gas industry is preparing to replace all workers vaccinated with mRNA within the next three years. Obviously this means that at the very least they are expecting to have problems with these employees in the near future. Where are they getting their information from? That would be interesting to know, also, will the insurance companies start drawing similar conclusions?

    I’ve been thinking about why there’s nothing in the MSM about adverse reactions and, beyond any grand conspiracy, I reckon it’s a simple question of buyer’s remorse whereby very many in the MSM have actually followed their own advice and got the vaccine. They themselves now don’t want to hear that they might have made a terrible mistake and so they double down with promoting the vaccines as there’s safety in numbers.


    19-Year-Old College Freshman Dies From Heart Problem One Month After Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine



    Asymptomatic COVID spread used to shut down the economy and close schools was false: in fact, it was a lie

    Paul Elias Alexander, PhD, Parvez Dara, MD, MBA, Howard Tenenbaum, DDS, PhD

    Asymptomatic COVID spread used to shut down the economy and close schools was false: in fact, it was a lie


    I’m sure many of you have come across this witty meme:

    Those who think that the Covid19 will modify their genetic makeup should see it as an opportunity.

    It doesn’t sound quite so funny anymore does it?


    Covid 19 vaccination I mean. (G.Note to self Get it right the first time).



    Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Myopericarditis Data for United States 6 to 29 Year Olds, Comparing <6-Months of Covid-19 Vaccines vs. >20 Years of Influenza Vaccines



    In a prospective study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients from Italy (n=103), low levels of Vitamin D were independent predictors of COVID-19 severity and mortality.



    Discussion of the role of Zinc (and Copper) in the response to Sars-Cov-2 infection.



    Covid vaccine to be compulsory for England care home staff


    Mister Roboto

    I just finished reading the piece that Germ posted yesterday from “The Conservative Woman”, and I found the last few paragraphs especially poignant:

    Mandela was right. Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s OK to have been scared by this virus. Courage is the triumph over fear. And we all need to strive to accomplish it.

    It’s a hell of a task because this is true, that men think in herds and go mad in herds, but they only recover their senses one by one.

    It’s a tough task ahead. In order to go back to normal, we need to mount an unprecedented awareness campaign to kill this harmful narrative, this deadly narrative of fear and malarky.

    And then after that, we have to do some more work. It’s not simply, ‘Get rid of this fear.’ We need to look very carefully at what failed. What safeguards do we need to prevent this kind of situation from ever happening again. Thank you.

    I think I eventually came around not only on account of the rank injustice of sick people being denied the medicine that could help them (I’m actually starting to admire and respect my state’s ueber-conservative aging frat-boy Senator Ron Johnson, and six months ago I would have smashed my keyboard before ever writing such a statement), but also because I’m sensitive to feeling as though I’m being manipulated and pushed around. I really have to think and hope that I’m not the only one who was swept up in the initial wave of hysteria who has been feeling this way for a few months now. I’m actually at the point now wear I would actually kind of like to burn the two cloth face-masks I own (one deep bluish-indigo, the other deep purplish-indigo) in my mini-charcoal-grill!

    Michael Reid

    The paper in Germ’s comment #77483 shows how everything COVID has been a LIE

    Dr. D

    “B3 is now official code for both The Great Reset and the New Green Deal.”

    Escobar also believes they are the same thing. As you could tell by the same cause, methods, and goals. If both guys are kicking toward the same pitch, they’re probably members of the same team. And they have something else in common: both will kill billions and install technofascism and neofeudalism. We noticed.

    Anyway, I’m thrilled to see everyone making fun of these useless, stupid, insulated, out-of-touch, hypocritical elites. When you reach that point in the public awareness, they realize they’re so bad that you could literally pick a random car mechanic or HVAC tech and they’d be a better leader. Like: literally any normal human is both smarter and better for the people. At that point the next question is: why not do that?

    Actually, there are qualifications, and the society itself is so cripplingly immoral that would not be a good idea: see the French Revolution vs America’s founders, but that’s the mental realization that change can happen and we can make it. WE are the leaders, the government, not the hollow puppets and idiot sons of the G7, tottering dinosaurs 100 years old. …No offense to present dinosaurs. You know if you’re keeping up or a fossil.

    “Bipartisan Support for a Government-Backed Digital Dollar (MW)”

    And thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s why that won’t work. Besides, if it’s bipartisan, you know it’s bad. Any good for the people is fought tooth and nail to the death, starting with the most fake, vicious lies they can fabricate from thin air. I don’t see that, and the illegal arrests we grown so accustomed to. Therefore: it is bad.

    “The G7’s Reckless Commitment to Mounting Debt (Lacalle)”

    Hahahahahaahahaha! As if we were ever going to pay it back! As if ANYONE was ever going to pay it back! Tra-la! Even a dollar! Muppets.

    Conclusion: if we’re never paying it back, we are defaulting. Prepare accordingly.

    Btw, the “debt” that’s owed is to us, the people. It seems like bondholders, but really they are social promises. That’s what they’re not going to deliver. NHS, pensions, social security. Oh and any security at all, like police, fire, military… The rich are going to buy that themselves, as they have already with “defund the police”. I don’t see them going without police and security and consequences $30,000 in armed security for any Mayor; only the poor. It’s Soooooooooo much better with no police since then G4S can do whatever they want to you, like the old strikebreakers and railroad bulls. Beat you, bury your body? There’s no police: who would look? So: perfect world in my opinion. The rich get everything, including the right to defend themselves and survive: the poor are killed by the hundred-thousands in organized crime and stochastic terrorism. The Constitution ceases to exist. What’s not to like? Surely Brazil, Columbia, and China are the envy of the world, right?

    I hate to even broach it because nobody cares, but, you C O U L D have a limited government and equality under the law with the idea that “all men are created equal.” Crazy I know; I’m told such beliefs are the sole purview of terrorists. Nevermind: I don’t know why I brought it up.

    “AG Merrick Garland Raises as Many Questions as He Answers (Turley)”

    Rights and equality under the law like with Assange. Who isn’t a citizen. And isn’t in the country. So Garland is claiming sovereignty over the solar system. Right.

    Btw, Veritas, which merely posts whole videos end-to-end are ALSO not journalists, they “selectively and deceptively edit.” By posting the whole videos. End to end. Logic!

    “Julian Assange: The Man Who Knew Too Much (LAP)”

    As yesterday, Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow…and Amy Goodman, and Eric Bolling, and certainly Mika Brzezinski all the way back to Walter Cronkite and Joe Pulitzer “Remember the Maine!!” also all knew. They REFUSED TO REPORT.

    If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people – including me – would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.” — Hunter S. Thompson

    EVERYBODY knew. They just won’t TELL you. That is: they’re LYING.


    “The truth is like poetry. And people fucking hate poetry.” — The Big Short

    Leading to:

    “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” –Dresden James


    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — CIA director William Casey

    Everybody knew. I’m nobody, and if –I– can know, sitting at home, everybody knows. They just lie from skin-eyes to sunset. Each breath, every utterance, grunt and sigh, they lie some more.

    Talk about the “straight and narrow way”? Here’s a quote on compromise, getting along by at last just not telling the truth: “‘Tis a tangled, tangled web we weave / when first we practice to deceive.” –Walter Scott (not Shakespeare)

    Or this one? What happens when you leave the narrow way?

    Midway upon the journey of our life
    I found myself within a forest dark,
    For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

    Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say
    What was this forest savage, rough, and stern,
    Which in the very thought renews the fear.
    So bitter is it, death is little more.” –Dante Alighieri

    Stop lying. If nothing else, you make ME seem like a raving lunatic.

    The king and the poisoned well

    Mister Roboto

    Very predictably, the replies to Senator Johnson’s tweet sharing the letter is filled with the insufferable sheep-bleating of Team-Bluetards. Perhaps another reason why I was so resistant to taking the pandemic “red pill” at first was that I knew deep down that once you do it, you will eventually have to go the entire proverbial nine yards.

    Dr. D

    Following tiny house movement and “own less: do more”, I see a lot of these: “In Praise of Small Menus True luxury is having someone else make decisions for you.” Yes, when you’ve truly “Made it”, when you’re truly rich, you’ll own nothing and like it. You won’t work, everyone else will make your decisions for you, and at last you can re-ascend the birth canal and become and infant again, bawling about nothing while everyone pays attention to you.

    This literal article says, “The first New York City restaurant I fell in love with served only one thing. I had not known this was a possibility. I had never encountered a restaurant that did not require me to make any decisions at all. Here is how it worked: You showed up at dinnertime. You got dinner. You didn’t have to take responsibility for your choices, because there were no choices. I felt like a very sophisticated baby. What I mean is, it was perfect.”

    This, and not working, is what Columbia graduates from Brooklyn want. To work hard, drink beer, shoot fireworks, and jump into the old quarry in the pale moonlight is what the rest of America wants. That is, to DO things and not be a baby. So historically, one of these nations fights, and one is subjugated. Which is which?

    This downscaling “The liberation of no longer trying.” “How being successful makes you unhappy” is 1/10th of Firefox’s pocket promo articles now. The usual culprits — because where do you possibly find people stupid enough to write this trollop? — are Vox, Wired, Narrative, The Atlantic. (Emerson is rolling in his grave. “Hitch your wagon to a star“)

    So the sales is B3: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll LIKE it!” Because, at this point, Millennials never will. They simply can’t catch up and with health care and estate tax, can’t inherit. BlackRock is insuring they can’t buy houses — again. No wonder they’re communists. Redistribution is grabbin’ some yummy stuff or you won’t get any at all. Hey wait: I thought property is theft? So why you want some?

    Very interested in the active placement of this non-stop push though. That takes $$ and a plan.

    “Drought Is Here to Stay in the Western U.S. How Will States Adapt?
    Drought “is not a temporary condition we can expect to go away, but rather something we have to deal with,” one expert said.”

    Note to experts: the ENTIRE West is a desert. Always has been. This “expert” didn’t notice there were just epic 200-year floods through most of the U.S., crushing combines and grain silos, breaking levees and burying towns. Conclusion? Experts say it never happened. We’ve been in drought doncha know? After being wrong there would be no floods, then that it would be only floods, that there would be non-stop hurricanes instead of all-time low hurricanes, they now say “the drought is here to stay.” Yeah, right. Sure, maybe. But the only certainty from your predictions is that YOU for sure don’t know better than a Magic 8-Ball. “Outlook not so good.”

    Mr. House

    Now Now Dr. D, i’m a Millennial. We aren’t all frothing idiots.

    Mister Roboto

    @Dr. D: It ain’t just the west of the country. At least one section of Wisconsin is experiencing drought conditions, so I would imagine there are other places in similar straits east of the Big Muddy.

    Mr. House

    Don’t agree with all of this but i think its not to far off the mark, thoughts?

    “If you look around at the various tribes of lunatics in the pantheon of modern leftism, the quest for structure is clear. The Antifa goofballs are motivated by alienation and atomization. They are urban consumers with no purpose other than to consume. The females howling about male privilege are unmarried and childless, thus lacking the structure in which a woman can blossom. The Left is nothing but stray dogs looking for home, longing for the leash.

    This is why the so-called conservatives wanted the war against the Muslims to be the new Cold War and why they rant about Russia today. As the late John McCain used to say, they want to be part of a cause bigger than themselves. A holy cause provides a reason to instill discipline. It may be what is behind the ruling class paranoia about imaginary white supremacy. It gives them a purpose and therefore a structure to their otherwise disorganized minds.

    Like the Muslim panic, these new panics – and Covid can be viewed in this light as well – will fail due to a lack of reality. The Muslims were never a serious threat to anyone but themselves and maybe their neighbors. White supremacy is a figment of the fevered imaginations of liberal women who read too many bodice rippers. Even China is looking like a poor stand-in for the Devil. These are not real threats, so they can never be the organizing issue of a new American creed.”

    Mr. House

    “Liberal democracy has become an octopus with its tentacles wrapped around various parts of society. One tentacle is the moralizers assaulting us with the latest fads from corporate HR. Another tentacle is consumerism strip mining the traditions and history, the social capital, that are the foundation stones of society. Another tentacle is finance capital skimming a bit from every transaction without adding anything back. Every tentacle has a corresponding one to help it fight off attacks.”

    Mr. House

    “That is the primary defense of the system. All critics are herded into this set of false choices the system maintains. If you do not like that state-sponsored hedge funds are hoovering up single family homes, you have two choices. One is you can throw in with the loons and their bizarre defense of bourgeoise decadence. The other is you can waste your time making an economic argument claiming that the “market” will solve the problem if we worship it more.”

    Mr. House

    “The point of democratic systems is for the public to have a say in how public policy is formulated and a veto over the final result. In reality, it offers false choices controlled by a narrow elite. The narrow elite hides in the shadows of a mythical beast called the general will or the invisible hand of the market. It is a curtain behind which stands the ruling class. In the end, it is looking like what Marxism and liberal democracy have always claimed to oppose.”


    Biden-Putin Theater

    I’ve got interesting thing to do with my life.
    Why would anyone be motivated to be their puppeteer.
    (A thankless, unrecognized function.)
    .” ….the list of very competent medical professionals, who are getting banned, deleted, ostracized, keeps growing.

    The reality is we can’t afford not to ask questions, and we can’t afford to stifle questions and dissent. We need every voice.

    I don’t know who are the puppeteer.
    Why would they give up their life goal, ambition, success of being a puppeteer based on what I say.
    Better people than me have failed to replace the puppeteers.

    Mister Roboto

    @Mr. House: And the bleating, blithering insanity of the entire arrangement becomes increasingly laid bare to anyone who is even half-awake as the resources necessary to keep the whole mess afloat start becoming increasingly scarce and things start breaking down. I shudder to my bones to imagine what will go down once the breakdown is seriously underway.

    Mr. House

    I’ve thought about that. And its mainly the reason i’ve decided to go with the “rural” people. The cities will eat themselves alive before they try and move on to other areas like a hoard of locusts. I’ve got many friends who are “left” but i’ve lost loads of respect for them since trump was elected. And if things really get FUBAR, i don’t think they’ll manage well. Plus and its so strange, but the people in the “rural” areas actually strike me as more openminded these days. I know you have a history with the “right” (bible thumpers and such) but i find them to be more accepting these days. The left has fought so long with a “monster” that they’ve now become the monster themselves.

    Mr. House

    intolerant and dogmatic

    Mister Roboto

    I know you have a history with the “right” (bible thumpers and such)

    Well, I’m increasingly realizing that this was the eighties and the nineties, and those days are gone and not coming back. The only thing that matters now is what are we going to do about this increasingly uncertain future we all face? I hope more and more members of Team Blue realize that we all need to burn our “team-shirts” whether these are red or blue, ditch all the fear and hate, and face the future as Team People. (And I think you said something to that effect a short while back.)

    Mr. House

    I’ve lost that hope. Something terrible will have to happen first before people begin to come back to their sense. Obviously covid wasn’t that terrible 😉 but yes i agree. United we stand divided we fall.

    Mister Roboto

    I’ll just say similar thoughts have occurred to me and leave it at that. 🙂

    John Day


    I’m going on a charm initiative (I was going to say “charm offensive”, but it’s …).
    A couple of days ago I emailed the Medical Directors at my clinic about the Houston nurses (and others) fired for their refusal to accept experimental genetic engineering “vaccinations” into their bodies.
    I said that having given it deep consideration, and not thinking that our clinic would act this way (I don’t), that if such an edict came down from Washington I would have to resign my position.
    My statement of principle and position was politely received, with the reply that this was not a near-term consideration.
    I have made the loss of my services a set-piece going forward. I don’t really want that. I have worked 17 (discontinuous) years at this clinic. I am versatile in what services I can provide, broadly experienced, do very good work, as judged by patients and reviewers, grow the vegetable garden, and go pretty slowly. I am not “productive” as business managers judge those things, or as payers reimburse. I am a money loser.
    I have not taken a vacation, and have lost almost all of that time by not using it, in the 8 continuous years I have been working there recently. I work all day every Friday. Nobody wants to do that. I work a 12 hour long 8-hour shift, and I don’t leave until everything is done.
    Since I am not monetarily “productie”, I seek to be generally helpful and to prevent bad things from happening on my watches.
    Fifteen years ago, when “the kids” were teenagers, we sold the house and cars, and traveled around the world with bikes and backpacks.
    We were “home schooling” the kids. It worked out fine. They learned stuff. Nobody missed a year.
    Two places we visited taught the same lesson, Dachau concentration camp in Germany, and Tuol Sleng torture prison museum in Cambodia.
    The lesson was not that the people who did those things were monsters.
    The torturers and guards were ordinary people, which is a really important insight. They got mired in a sequence of slightly easier decisions to not quite do the right thing this time. They entered Hell gradually, having no-other-choice, each little step of the way, as they saw it.
    Things did not get better. Things did not go back to normal.
    Knowing this feature of history, one must determine how one would avoid getting caught in such a trap, should it be laid for them. One must act when one still has some autonomy. That is pretty early in the process, clearly before things “get bad”. When does the frog jump out of the progressively warming water?
    What might be the signal? You can see that I have chosen the signal of forced injection of genetic-engineering black-boxes, the elimination of personal choice regarding bodily autonomy, as my hill-to-die-upon.
    I’d rather not die on that hill, so to speak, but I can’t work in a setting that has adopted that human-as-property ethos.
    I’m going to find ways to be even nicer and more useful than usual. I think the vegetable garden emails that everybody likes are going to become a bit more frequent.
    The garden is producing. It’s June.

    John Day

    Russian “charm offensive”: Thanks Wiggs. This is charming(ish) and not too long at all.
    ​Full video of Vladimir Putin playing the piano and singing “Blueberry Hill”. The Russian prime minister is used to taking to the stage, but this time it was not for one of his speeches.

    ​Please be informed that this article is Political Satire, a new category that Facebook (and the New York Times) had to discover after slandering the Babylon Bee as a far right extremist blog and censoring it.​
    It turns out that Political Satire is an old and constitutionally protected (as such things go) form of public speech.
    In Honor Of Pride Month, Biden Announces He Will Also Sniff Men’s Hair
    Biden was then quickly led off the podium by his wife before he could say any more.
    ​ ​”Every gender! I’ll sniff ’em all!” Biden yelled, protesting as he was dragged out of sight of the crowd.
    According to sources, no gay men have taken up Biden on his offer to sniff their hair. However, hundreds of straight male journalists have lined up outside the White House clapping and cheering, hoping for their chance to be sniffed by the President.

    ​Black Holes can only get bigger.
    Damned, ultimately, no matter whether you do or don’t. (More Russian news.)
    ​ ​Splitting the gravitational wave data into time segments before and after the black holes merged, the researchers calculated the surface areas of the black holes in both periods.
    ​ ​The physicists found that the surface area of the new black hole was actually greater than the two initial black holes combined. The finding confirms a prediction made by famed scientist, Stephen Hawking, in the 1970s, in which he stated that black holes cannot decrease in surface area as it mirrored a rule in physics, that entropy or disorder can’t decrease over time.

    Mr. House

    Yes Dr. Day, Forced vaccination is also the hill i’ve decided to die on


    In case you missed this: incredible presentation by Zach Bush explaining the vast impacts of glyphosate.

    John Day

    Riding off to work early today. I’m going to plant a Mexican avocado Seedling that Jenny dropped off at the clinic, and write it up.

    Mister Roboto


    Apples of discord are falling from above. The top tier of power is terrified- the World Wide Web has allowed them to influence and direct the Narrative, but it has also connected those who aren’t buying it.
    To deflect the coming wrath, the top tier is doing what it has done throughout history: they are sowing chaos. False flags, trumped up charges, fake elections, blackmail (Panama Papers; Epstein, etc.), fake pandemics, deadly medical experiments, the baiting of enormous egos…all line the rabbit hole (of Caerbannog*) we find ourselves in.

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public [let me adjust it: the World] believes is false”. (CIA Director William Casey 1981)
    “…We create our own reality…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” (Karl Rove to Ron Suskind, cited in NYT Magazine, Oct 17, 2004). [Happy to supply the whole thing- I’ve had it on my refrigerator since I read it that day.]
    The Rove quote has always made me think of terrible children who spill the milk and while you’re cleaning it up they go and break a lamp, and while your picking up the pieces, they let the dog out, and while your chasing it down, they punch their little brother..]
    Apparently, empires are run by monstrous children who fear the rod and must keep the chaos going to evade it.
    Scientific advancement (like the internet) has nearly always abetted the entrenchment of the power of the top tier. It is a Victorian Christmas tree aglow with burning candles- enchanting but dangerous- that the naughty children will happily knock over to avoid the rod, even if it burns the house to the ground.

    A merry mix of metaphors
    Is all that I have left
    The übermensch do as they wilt
    And leave us all bereft.

    *Think Monty Python’s killer rabbit.

    Mister Roboto

    Well, if the grocery store I work at demanded that I get the death-vax, I would have to give in. The insurance I get from work is how I take care of my type 2 diabetes of now quite a few years, so my choice would be to take the jab and maybe suffer or even die, or lose my job (I’m not optimistic about getting another one at the age of 54, Milwaukee, like many big, blue cities, can be very unkind and unaccommodating towards those who don’t fit its mold exactly) and definitely suffer and eventually die. (And I’m really not in the mood to hear about any Internet message-board “miracle diabetes cures”, m’kay?) As it is, I have always had a difficult time imagining me sticking around in this incarnation for terribly much longer. Plus, I detest the very thought of becoming a burden to my mother and older brother and would probably prefer literally dying to that.

    Interestingly enough, Wisconsin’s Republican state assembly did pass a bill aiming to outlaw employers demanding mandatory vaccinations (not sure if that would apply to any possible vax or just Covid-vax). Right now it’s languishing waiting for the also-Republican state senate to pick it up and vote on it. I can’t help but wonder if the state senate Republicans are the old-school rotarian sort of Republicans who blanch at the very thought of telling employers what they can do, even if they personally disagree with it. If the state senate passed it, there is an at least 50% chance our Democratic Governor Tony Evers (who I voted for back when the biggest issue I cared about was the vain hope of legalizing medicinal and recreational cannabis) would veto it. I don’t know if the Republican lege houses have enough of a majority for a veto override.

    Mr. House

    Cancer is scarier than Covid, I suspect, and we are all supposed to believe cancer can be asymptomatic. (I don’t- I despise “wellness” programs that rarely address nutrition, but promote endless testing to “find” cancer early- which only allows them to proclaim success in their absurd “five year survival is cured” claim- or worse, “treat” cancers which don’t exist).
    I see the lie of asymptomatic-ness to be a precursor to a cancer “vaccine”, and I have no doubts it will be “discovered” that cancer is contagious.

    About Dr. Fleming- I submit this. I truly believe the man is brilliant, but I fear he may have a jack-in-the-box ego.

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