Paul Gauguin Contes barbares 1902

France, Ireland, Ukraine, Romania

What’s going on in Scotland?

Today, PayPal suddenly shut down our donation platform. Then FB restricted our posts, our ability to add followers, & threatened to unpublish our page.
Big tech must think we’re having a big impact. We are.
Read more:https://t.co/N1sKJdMAo1
Donate: https://t.co/viYmBYeY1u pic.twitter.com/o944gMoSbL
— Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care (@Covid19Critical) October 16, 2021

Pfizer currently has 92 lobbyists in Washington, D.C.
Johnson & Johnson has 67
Merck has 53
Gilead has 46
Natural immunity has zero.https://t.co/bmo3GqNmxq
— Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com (@JordanSchachtel) October 15, 2021

Nebraska Attorney General ruling on IVM & HCQ : “Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”


“We kill 15 people to maybe save 1. Are we nuts?“
• Proof That The CDC Is Lying To The World About Covid Vaccine Safety (Kirsch)
Furthermore, if we use the same methodology as used by the CDC in their paper to determine the actual underreporting factor for this year, but we use a much more accurate reference, we find that the best estimate for the minimum URF is 41. For less serious events you’d use a higher number since healthcare workers and consumers are far less likely to report less serious events. So using 41 is always “safe” in that it will not overestimate any event. This means that we’ve killed well over 150,000 Americans so far, and all of those deaths had to be caused by the vaccine because there is simply no other explanation that fits all the facts. See this paper for the details. The paper also details 7 other ways that the number was validated and none of those methods used the VAERS data at all. This makes it impossible for anyone to credibly attack the analysis. Nobody wants to debate us on this.
And Pfizer’s own Phase 3 study showed that we save only 1 COVID death for every 22,000 people we vaccinate (you have to see Table S4 in the supplement to learn that 2 people died from COVID who were unvaccinated and 1 person died from COVID who got the vaccine, so a net savings of 1 life). We have fully vaccinated almost 220M Americans which means we may save an estimated 10,000 lives from COVID per the Pfizer study which is the most definitive data we have (since “real scientists” ONLY trust the data in the double-blind randomized controlled trials).
Yet the VAERS data shows we killed over 150,000 Americans from the vaccine to achieve that goal. In other words, we killed 15 people for every COVID life we might save. But it’s worse than that because the Pfizer study was done pre-Delta. The Pfizer vaccine was developed for Alpha variant and is less effective against Delta. So our numbers are even more extreme. This means of course that the FDA, CDC, and their outside committees are all incompetent in their ability to spot safety signals. They couldn’t even spot the death safety signal. It also means that the vaccine mandates are immoral and unethical.

“They developed ESP:VAERS which was fantastic, but they canned the project because it was too good: uncovered lots of safety signals. So they pulled the plug on it 10 years ago.”
• The FDA’s BIG Mistake (Steve Kirsch)
The FDA has been assuming that nearly all of the adverse events reported in VAERS have been due to “over-reporting” of “background events.” In short, there is nothing to see here: it’s all noise. This video proves that that assertion is impossible. It shows compelling evidence that VAERS is actually UNDER-reported by a factor of 4 compared to previous years and the under-reporting factor is 41 for this year. The video also discloses that the FDA and CDC never bothered to compute the two key factors (the URF and PTR) that reveal the truth. They simply assumed everything was fine. This was the BIG mistake. The VAERS data shows, without a doubt, that these vaccines are a train wreck because they kill more people than they save and should have been halted in January 2021 when VAERS was first throwing off extreme safety signals.
However, everyone in the mainstream media, Congress, and the medical community is afraid confronting the truth as it would erode all trust in these institutions. So the deception MUST continue, just like a Ponzi scheme cannot be stopped. NOBODY will debate my team of experts on this. Pfizer will not defend the safety of their own drug. Also, if you ask the FDA or the CDC for the analysis they did to determine the URF and PTR, you will be ignored because they never did the analysis that is needed to properly interpret the VAERS data to spot safety signals. VAERS has been around for 30 years, so you’d think that by now that they should know this stuff. They do know it, but they don’t do it to cover up the safety signals.
They developed ESP:VAERS which was fantastic, but they canned the project because it was too good: uncovered lots of safety signals. So they pulled the plug on it 10 years ago. Naturally, nobody in the medical community has called them out on it because otherwise they would lose their NIH grants. So that’s why I made the video… because I don’t have an NIH grant and someone has to be the truth teller here that points out that the emperor has no clothes. All the mainstream media “fact checkers” will focus on attacking me with ad hominem attacks, because they can’t attack the data or the methodology. None of the “fact checkers” will actually ask the FDA or CDC the embarrassing questions they refuse to answer like “where is the analysis of the URF and PTR?”
NOTE: There is a typo on the slide in the video on the PTR definition. The numerator and denominator should be reversed. So a higher URF this year means a lower propensity to report. The presentation link above has the corrected formula.

Study aimed at Informed Consent. Published March 2021 at the NIH. They’ve known about the risks all along.
• Risk Of Covid-19 Vaccines Worsening Clinical Disease (PubMed)
Aims of the study: Patient comprehension is a critical part of meeting medical ethics standards of informed consent in study designs. The aim of the study was to determine if sufficient literature exists to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus.
Methods used to conduct the study: Published literature was reviewed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus. Clinical trial protocols for COVID-19 vaccines were reviewed to determine if risks were properly disclosed.
Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.
Conclusions drawn from the study and clinical implications: The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.

“Covid may never stop “breaking through” in the jabbed. If you took the jab you may well be stuck for life with repeated infections..”
• Want To Get Covid Many Times? (Denninger)
How would you like to get Covid-19 more than once? All you have to do is get vaccinated before you get Covid-19. You should build “N” antibodies after a natural infection. So…… with all these vaccine failures where are the N antibodies? They’re……. not there. Indeed, as the vaccinated percentage went up the slope of that line decreased until it….. was flat. This very strongly implies that getting Covid-19 after being vaccinated, which we now know adjusted for vaccination population percentage is more-likely now if you’re vaccinated than if you’re not appears to give you zero “N” antibody protection. That is, it appears the jabs program your immune system to fight it off without building those antibodies at all.

But we know from past experience with coronaviruses that it is the “N” antibodies that are conserved across mutations and thus are critical, over time, to prevent severe outcomes. How long this disabling of “N” antibody production is sustained nobody knows, but that it appears to be entirely suppressed in people who have been vaccinated and then get infected seems to be substantiated in that data. Now we have an explanation for why, when someone who is jabbed gets hammered, they get hammered fast and hard. Oh, and here’s the even-better news: Covid may never stop “breaking through” in the jabbed. If you took the jab you may well be stuck for life with repeated infections, and while protection may well be 50%, 60% or 80% against hospitalization and death for any given single infection if you roll those dice enough times they will come up snake eyes and you’re screwed.
The only good news is that since Delta appears to escape the jabs sufficiently to infect the mutational pressure may be insufficient to continue generating more strains with even better escape potential. If you got jabbed you better hope that’s true; if its not, well…. Oops.

“..the evolutionary dynamics of a pandemic..”
• Looking At Snapshots, You’ll Never See Where This Pandemic Is Headed (Geert)
An increase in infectious pressure leads to a higher risk of rapid viral re-exposure in the population. As far as previously asymptomatically infected unvaccinated individuals are concerned, rapid re-exposure to SARS-CoV-2 may lead to viral replication on a background of suboptimal spike (S)-directed immune pressure (due to suboptimal, short-lived anti-S antibodies [Abs] of low affinity) and even to enhanced susceptibility to disease (due to suppression of functional innate Ab capacity by the afore-mentioned suboptimal anti-S Abs).
When such suboptimal anti-S immunity occurs in a substantial part of the population it is likely to further increase natural immune selection pressure on viral infectiousness and, therefore, promote further expansion of more infectious variants, thereby giving rise to additional waves of infectious cases and morbidity. As the evolutionary dynamics of the virus in highly vaccinated countries/regions are now placing huge immune selection pressure on the viral fitness landscape, it is fair to postulate that the highly diversified spectrum of evolutionary trajectories of this pandemic seen in different highly vaccinated countries will now rapidly narrow down to a more uniform path characterized by the following, prognostically unfavorable features:
• Waning of vaccine efficacy as mirrored by a relative increase of morbidity and mortality rates in vaccinees over time
• A relative increase of morbidity and mortality rates over time in vaccinees as compared to the unvaccinated
• A relative increase in suboptimal immunity over time in both the vaccinees and unvaccinated individuals (due to diminished vaccine efficacy and suboptimal naturally elicited Abs, respectively), which may translate into a relative increase in cases of ADE (Ab-dependent enhancement of Covid-19 disease pathology)
• A relative increase in the base-line infectivity rate over time
• Continuing waves of increased infection, morbidity, and mortality rates
• A relative increase in frequency of more infectious viral variants with immune-resistant phenotypes over time
Conclusion: All experts and public health authorities seem to agree that the evolutionary dynamics of a pandemic are very complex and shaped by an interplay between infectious pressure exerted by the virus on the host immune system and immune pressure exerted by the host on viral infectiousness, and that a pandemic can only come to an end when sufficient herd immunity is developed to control the virus. It is, therefore, surprising that none of these authorities seem to worry about the impact that massive immune intervention could have on the evolutionary dynamics of a pandemic that is now characterized by widespread dominance of highly infectious variants. The impact of any human intervention on these dynamics can only be assessed and measured by monitoring changes in population-level infection, morbidity, and mortality rates, and comparing these rates between vaccinees and unvaccinated individuals as a function of time.

Google translate from Holland. The percentages at the end are strangely divergent.
• Doctors Covid Collective Doubts Usefulness Of Mass Vaccination, Coronapass (AC)
They are against the mass vaccination of the entire population, against the coronapas and against testing people without symptoms. The advice of Doctors Covid Collective differs quite a bit from those of the Health Council and the OMT. “We’re trying to counterbalance it.” More than 32,000 “friends” of which 2,100 BIG-registered doctors and medical professionals are members of the Doctors Covid Collective, the website reports. Most affiliated doctors and professors wish to remain anonymous, “given the strong censorship and pressure felt after going public. Several of the doctors affiliated with us have been ordered to remain silent, some of them lost their jobs.”
[..] One of the main criticisms of the collective is the mass vaccination of the population. “Mass vaccination is unnecessary and even harmful. Only those who belong to a risk group might do well to get a vaccine,” explains Felix van der Wissel, a general practitioner in Amersfoort and spokesperson for the collective. “Think of people over 60 and people with, for example, diabetes or the lung disease COPD. I think vaccination could be wise for them.” Van der Wissel is concerned about the many side effects that have been reported at Lareb and worldwide. “I am especially concerned about the more than 500 reports of deaths after vaccination. Also think of reports of miscarriages, menstrual disorders, strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis in different parts of the body. It is important to thoroughly investigate whether there is a relationship between these reported side effects and the vaccines. It is incomprehensible that the vaccination program continues while science does not yet have an answer to this question.”
The GP is vehemently against vaccinating young people. “In the Netherlands, only three children have died from Covid-19. In contrast, some potentially dangerous side effects such as pericarditis, inflammation of the pericardium, have been reported in young people after vaccination. Massively vaccinating young people with so-called vaccines whose long-term effects we do not know means taking an irresponsible health risk.” While the risks of vaccination should not be underestimated, according to Van der Wissel, the coronavirus is not as dangerous for the vast majority of people as is often thought. “The chance that people will die from an infection is extremely small. Only 0.04 percent of people under the age of 70 who become infected die, a professor has calculated for us. The death rate in children is completely negligible.” Researchers from the RIVM came to a higher percentage in February: an average of 1 percent of the Dutch population dies from an infection.

Mexican study of an ivermectin-based Medical Kit, published on May 15, 2021.
• Ivermectin And The Probability Of Hospitalization Due To Covid-19 (Cdmx)
Objective To measure the effect of Mexico City’s population-level intervention –an ivermectin-based Medical Kit – – in hospitalizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A quasi-experimental research design with a Coarsened Exact Matching method using administrative data from hospitals and phone-call monitoring. We estimated logistic-regression models with matched observations adjusting by age, sex, COVID severity, and comorbidities. For robustness checks separated the effect of the kit from phone medical monitoring; changed the comparison period; and subsetted the sample by hospitalization occupancy, Results We found a significant reduction in hospitalizations among patients who received the ivermectin-based medical kit; the range of the effect is 52% – 76% depending on model specification.

Does he smoke? Does he drink? Does he drive a car? Is he fat?
People have never been denied health care for any reason.
• “Expert” Calls To Deny Life-Saving Hospital Treatment to the Unvaccinated (SN)
An “expert” whose work on cybersecurity has been cited by the NY Times and the Washington Post announced on Twitter that the unvaccinated should be denied life-saving hospital treatment because they are “not fit for life on earth.” Chris Vickery, who describes himself as a “data breach hunter” also brags about how his “findings have contributed to investigations conducted by the FTC, FBI, SEC, Secret Service, HHS, SSCI, and more.” During an unhinged Twitter rant, Vickery asserted that a time limit of December 1st should be put on people refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine. “Set a date now. After that date, no hospital services for the willingly unvaccinated,” he screeched.
“Then, after the chosen date, anyone choosing to refuse the covid-19 vaccine can deal with the consequences of that choice alone,” added Vickery. After claiming there was no “legitimate” reason for anyone to refuse the shot, Vickery ended his rant with a demented call for such people to “separate from the surviving world.” “Human society isn’t a suicide pact. If you are too dumb to get the covid vaccine, then you are not fit for continued life on Earth.” “That’s your choice, but the consequences of refusing to get the vaccine is you having to wave a fond farewell and separate from the surviving world.” Some joked that this was yet another example of the familiar trend of blue checkmarks on Twitter aggressively displaying their virtue while actually calling for mass genocide.

People want to know the details. Is this true for all soldiers?
• Army Doctor To Soldier With Medical Issue: Vaccine Shot Or Court Martial (PM)
A retiring soldier has been threatened to take the vaccine or face a court-martial. In a shocking leaked audio clip, an Army doctor is heard telling the soldier she must either get the shot or possibly face a court martial. Terminal CWO broke the story and Jack Posobiec broadcast it on his hit podcast Human Events Daily, where he analyzed the entire clip. “If we were civilians and you said, ‘Doctor, do you think it’s reasonable for me to not get the vaccine for a few months until I feel comfortable?’ I’d say, yeah, that’s reasonable, you’re young and healthy, it’s reasonable to wait a few months until you feel more comfortable,” the Army doctor said.
“The Army doesn’t allow me to do that, though. So I recommend that you submit an administrative waiver because I can’t grant you a medical waiver unless you had specific medical conditions such as severe allergic reaction to the first shot, unfortunately.” The soldier, who has Endometriosis, is a medical retiree. She notes in the clip that she is going home in six days, but the doctor says a court-martial would prevent her from doing so. The court-martial would, however, only be used should an administrative waiver be rejected. The doctor explains how the soldier would go through a chapter process, where the military determines what kind of discharge the soldier receives.
“And then after the chapter process is concluded, it would go before the general court-martial convening authority, General Doyle, and he would make the determination,” the doctor explained. He describes how that General would determine whether she separates the Army as a medical retiree or Chapter Separation, which is a process in which soldiers are removed from the military. Such a process is used with soldiers who deal with substance abuse or serious crimes like assault. “So I really recommend applying for administrative labour today or getting the shot just because like you’re so close to being done. I hate it when good people get punished,” concluded the doctor.

“I was fine up until I took the vaccine, I was fine.”
• NBA Player Claims Covid-19 Vaccine Ended His Season (SBN)
Former Atlanta Hawks point guard Brandon Goodwin’s season ended early last year due to “minor respiratory condition,” according to a team report this past May. The Hawks went on a deep postseason run to the Eastern Conference Finals and the team decided not to bring the Norcross graduate back after drafting Sharife Cooper and signing Delon Wright. Goodwin has not signed with another NBA team since. Recently, on a Twitch stream, Goodwin revealed his side of the story, and it all starts with him receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. “I got sick and I never quite recovered from it,” Goodwin said on the stream, as posted on YouTube by Cosign Zee. “I would always have back pain, I was just super tired in the games.”
Goodwin used Atlanta’s back-to-back against the Philadelphia 76ers on April 28 and April 30 as an example. “Bro, I was so tired,” he said. “I felt like I couldn’t run up and down the court. My back was hurting.” The Hawks then had a three-game homestand from May 1-5. “My back really started hurting bad,” Goodwin recalled. “Then, I’m like, ‘OK. I need to go to the doctor. That’s when I found out I had blood clots. That all within the span of a month.” Goodwin then left nothing up to the imagination when he revealed what he believed caused the health issues. “I was fine until then,” Goodwin said. “I was fine up until I took the vaccine, I was fine.”
Blood clots have been reported as rare side effects of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Women under the age of 50 are advised to remain cautious about the rare but increased risks of developing a blood clot from the J&J vaccine, the CDC says, a risk that “has not been seen” in other vaccine options. “People trying to tell you, ‘No. It’s not the vaccine.’ How do you know?” Goodwin asked. “You don’t know.” In seemingly another Twitch streaming clip (same link as above), Goodwin doubled down on his belief the vaccine caused his health issues. “Yes, the vaccine ended my season,” Goodwin said. “One thousand percent.”

If Ron Johnson knows, that means the Senate knows. Where are you, Nancy?
• The Worst Is Yet To Come From Biden’s Vaccine Coercion (U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson)
As we have seen in New York state, many doctors and nurses who refuse to be vaccinated now must leave health care, either voluntarily or involuntarily, due to vaccine coercion. Their decades of medical skill and knowledge will be lost to the mandates. I have been inundated with testimonials from doctors, nurses, and other health-care workers asking for relief from the mandates and indicating they will not succumb to the pressure. New York’s experience will be replicated throughout America, and the negative impact on health care will be profound. I have been in contact with Lt. Col. Theresa Long, an Army flight surgeon. Her affidavit, which was part of an amended filing in a lawsuit against the military regarding vaccine mandates and injuries in the military, was made public in late September and describes only a small portion of the alarming story she has to tell.
As a result of her efforts to alert her superiors, she is now a pariah to her senior command, and her medical license is being attacked merely for speaking out. The day before her superiors canceled all her appointments with patients, two out of five aviators she saw had developed pericarditis shortly after vaccination, only reporting their symptoms because they read an affidavit online. She has much more to tell but is under a gag order imposed by the military. The recent flight delays involving Southwest Airlines are another harbinger of mandate harm. Although Southwest’s CEO and pilot union officially deny that delays are being caused by a worker slowdown in reaction to vaccine mandates, individuals are confirming what most of us view as obvious.
Last week, I received a letter from a Wisconsin constituent who is a pilot for a U.S.-based airline. His testimonial raises serious concerns regarding airline safety and demonstrates why we can add a growing pilot shortage to the self-inflicted harms of the vaccine mandate. The most alarming anecdote in this letter involved a recently vaccinated pilot who “sustained, over a two-day period, partial blindness in one eye and then severe migraine headaches.” His doctor told him he had suffered “micro strokes.” The pilot did not report his medical condition to his Federal Aviation Administration medical examiner because he feared “he would lose his pilot certifications, and hence his livelihood.”

“That is your “Joe Biden” government, from top to bottom, a matrix of fakeness and malice..”
Sanjay Gupta is now the discredited poster boy for American doctors-without-honor and a medical system in abject collapse. All this lying by the government, the doctors, and the news media led to “Joe Biden’s” dastardly “vaccine mandate” — and fake, too, since there is still no actual legal instrument behind it — that is the final insult to medicine as legions of health-care workers ranging from doctors and nurses to janitors quit their jobs rather than submit to forced “vaccinations.” The vax mandate is in-step with the primary motive of the Democratic party’s neo-Jacobin program, which is to push people around, to coerce them to do things that common sense and the instinct for survival argue against, and then to punish the people sadistically when they refuse, and to do it for the sheer pleasure of inflicting harm on their enemies — who happen to be the citizens of the USA.
That is your “Joe Biden” government, from top to bottom, a matrix of fakeness and malice. The vax mandate is doing a steller job of wrecking every other public service from sea to shining sea as police, firemen, EMTs, 911 operators, and soldiers in the US military demur from the shots. And, of course, there are all he private companies going along suicidally with the scheme: the airlines, the railroads, the truckers, the retailers, you name it, all shedding employees and the ability of the companies to function. Naturally, the news media is trying to hide the damage, but in another week the net effect will be of the world’s biggest-ever general strike. Every activity in the country will stand still; some activities will just crash-and-burn; and many will not return to their prior states-of-operation.
This is not just a matter of the kiddies missing their Christmas presents. That’s just a dumb-ass sentimental ruse to divert your attention from the entire armature of American life imploding at warp speed. Christmas presents! How about no food, no gasoline, no heat, no money, and no public safety? That’s where this is taking us, and in the fast lane. And it hardly matters whether the financial markets manage to stay artificially levitated. Reality has already discounted the financial markets because they have forfeited their basic function, which is to signal the true price of everything. The true price of a society lying to itself about everything will be the sickness and death of the society. We must be very close to a clear majority of the people in America recognizing the danger we are in and identifying the source of that danger. When that moment arrives, will we be able to do anything about it? It may take extraordinary measures not seen before in our political history.

Pump it up.
• Free-Money-Blow-Off Spike in Retail Sales Got Refueled by Spiking Prices (WS)
Total retail sales – powered by inflation, seen in magnificent price increases – rose 0.7% in September from August, to $625 billion (seasonally adjusted), just barely below the mind-boggling free-money-blow-off-spike in March and April. Sales were up 13.9% from a year ago, and by 20% from September 2019:

In this monstrously overstimulated economy, demand for goods has surged, triggering all kinds of shortages that are now rippling through the system, as global supply chains and transportation systems have been buckling for a year. This demand was created by $5 trillion in deficit spending by the Federal government and by $4.5 trillion in money printing by the Fed since March 2020. The magnificent price increases, as tracked by the Consumer Price Index, have inflated retail sales. These product groups account for 52% to the retail sales here:
Food prices: +4.6% year-over-year
Restaurant prices: +4.7% year-over-year
Gasoline price: +42.1% year-over-year
Used vehicle prices: +24.4% year-over-year
New vehicle prices: +8.8% year-over-year.New & used auto dealers and parts stores: Sales ticked up 0.5% in September from August, to $123 billion (seasonally adjusted), after four months in a row of large declines off the free-money-blow-off spike in March and April. This is the largest retail category, in normal times accounting for over 20% of retail sales. The number of vehicles delivered has collapsed in recent months – new vehicle sales in September plunged by 37% from the free-money peak in March – because dealers have run out of inventory to sell, as automakers are having production shortfalls due to the semiconductor shortage. But there’s plenty of demand still, and so prices have shot sky-high, with many new vehicles being sold at prices substantially over sticker, and used vehicles with ridiculous prices.

Short Rogan
Media mock @JoeRogan for claim they invented about horse pills pic.twitter.com/D5CuBEKgBw
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 15, 2021

Loggerhead sea turtle

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