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ParticipantIn my zip code there were 1047 loans totaling $75M of which $42M were forgiven. A lot of the loans were to private individuals who were self employed and all kinds of businesses from restaurants to dog groomers also got money. The bigger the business the more you could get. Some got hundreds of thousands of dollars.
ParticipantHere’s a link to where the Covid Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) money went.
I found that my neighbor got $20K for his renovation business and that a local collection agency got over $100K. The number of loans in my suburban zipcode was astounding.
ParticipantI’m all for free speech but only if it’s human speech. Any comments that are AI generated should be deleted. I don’t want to read your interaction with AI. I prefer trolls to ChatGPT. AI posts are the margarine of online content.
Participant“Explain to me again why student loan debt shouldn’t be cancelled.”
We don’t know the terms of the loan but using a mortgage calculator to find a similar situation if a 50 year $70,000 loan has an interest rate of 8% the payment would be $475 per month and the principal will still be $60,000 after 25 years. But if you pay an extra $100 a month you’ll pay of the entire loan in 21 years. I am guessing their degrees didn’t involve much math.
ParticipantI was a math nerd who liked sports but wasn’t that good at them. Playing sports back then it was beaten into you that you had to play fair and follow the rules. Having worked in high tech for a long time with people from a lot of other countries they often don’t have that same ethic and take advantage where they can. I knew an immigrant (Celticbiker’s guess of her ethnicity would be correct) who said “You Americans are so stupid. You follow these stupid rules and get taken advantage of over and over.” Of course Americans following stupid rules is what made the working country she got to come to and take advantage of and her attitude will turn America into the hell hole she came from.
ParticipantRKF Jr. has set up a website where you can suggest people to be part of the Trump administration. You can also vote on other people’s suggestion. Suggestions now include Peter McCullough (Health), Catherine Austin Fitts (Economy ) and Douglas McGregor (State).
ParticipantHow about Venmo?
Participant“If you can remotely detonate a pager then you can remotely detonate a cell phone.”
And an electric car. Anything with a Lithium Ion battery and a remote connection.
ParticipantThe left can’t meme
The right can only memeDarkMatter
ParticipantWhen I saw the pictures of the opening ceremony I didn’t think of the last supper, I thought of Bacchus
ParticipantIf Josh Shapiro really is the Democrat VP nominee and Harris/Shapiro are elected they can quickly dispose of Harris and Israel will finally have the US president they really want.
ParticipantBack in the day a WW2 vet I knew as a kid said that in the pacific theater if you left camp and tried to return there was a daily password to get back in. One day the password was “What is the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner.” Anyone who could answer was shot. That’s a good Turing test too. Anyone who knows that is not human.
Participant64 = 8*8, 8*5 = 40
81 = 9*9, 9*7 = 63
16 = 4*4, 4*4 = 16DarkMatter
ParticipantOf course if the order is not A – B – C – D -E you just reorder to columns and the same logic holds.
ParticipantImpressed by apsnaz’s analysis I drew this to illustrate why his 7 horse solution is correct:
After the first 5 races and the race of the top in each group only the horses above the double line can possibly be one of the three fastest. A1 is already proven the fastest and there are only 5 other horses that need to be in the 7th race to determine 2nd and 3rd.
ParticipantRick did it. There’s snow under his car so he’s been out.
ParticipantThis just might be the most American thing I have ever heard of.
The “most American thing” was not the self-immolation itself but the peace officers responding by drawing their weapons. Reminds me of Fouad Kaady who was found naked and bloody in the road with his car on fire and who was then tazed and shot by peace officers within a minute of their arriving on the scene.
Participant? = 17
9+6 = 15
2+4+7 = 13
1+3+5+2 = 11DarkMatter
ParticipantSaw a Reddit post about where to get the most recent booster in my city this was in the comments:
Just coming out of my second COVID infection (last one was a year ago). This kicked my ass almost as bad, and I’ve had four shots already. Whatever the current variant is, is really nasty. Though I know others who had much milder symptoms.
How long do you have to wait for a booster, after an infection?As Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
ParticipantThey have to keep Joe Biden as a candidate for president in 2024 until they can force RFK Jr. to go third party. If Joe folds before that, RFK Jr. will be in the debates and cause all kinds of problems. Once he has gone third party they can make Newsom the Democrat candidate knowing that RFK Jr. will get more Republican votes than Democrat votes and Newsom will be elected. To further hedge their bets they can take Joe out in 2024, make Newsom the VP and then have Harris resign. Then Newsom can run as the incumbent, war President. But they have to prop Joe up until RFK Jr. makes his move.
Participant… democrat callers would have none of it. Republican callers were delighted …
If 20204 is Trump vs Biden and RFK Jr goes third party he will take more votes from Trump than Biden. The Democrats must love this.
Participant… democrat callers would have none of it. Republican callers were delighted …
If 20204 is Trump vs Biden and RFK Jr goes third party he will take more votes from Trump than Biden. Same with Desantis vs Newsom. The Democrats must love this.
ParticipantHere is the answer to the puzzle according to WhatsApp
Participant(5+5+10+4) x 2= 48
But order of operations evaluates multiplication before addition so
5+((5+10+4) x 2)= 43
ParticipantMichael Angelo also sculpted the Madonna and Child, now in Bruges, Belgium. The same woman, only younger. Also not possible.
ParticipantAfter watching RFK Jr claim that Thimerosal isn’t safe I googled “is thimerosal safe” and all the results on the page said it is with no evidence to the contrary. I then googled “study showing thimerosal is safe”.
This was the first hit.
When I tried to post the abstract I got the anti-spam screen here on TAE.DarkMatter
ParticipantReading Biden’s executive order it looks like it only applies to the Coast Guard though it’s confusing and hard to tell. It specifically mentions the Individual Ready Reserve and if you google that it sends you to the Coast Guard. Is it really all armed forces or just the Coast Guard that is affected?
ParticipantWho is Bill Browder?
There is a movie called “The Magnitsky Act. Behind the Scenes” that features Browder. The director, Andrey Nekrasov, claims he was going to make a movie about corruption in the Russian government and how Magnitsky, who was Browder’s accountant, was wrongly imprisoned and then essentially murdered in prison. This was the justification for the Magnitsky act in the US that sanctioned high level Russians. The Magnitsky act was championed by John McCain and others. Nekrasov says in the movie that the more he learned about the incident the less he believed it until he ended up making a movie that was just the opposite. He interviews Browder in the movie. Browder thinks Nekrasov is a friendly and gladly answers questions until it becomes obvious that Browder is now the target at which point he walks out of the interview. The film is convincing but is of course just one side of the story.
I have a Russian co-worker and when I mentioned Magnitsky he repeated the MSM Putin-government-bad-thankyou-John-McCain line. He hadn’t seen the movie and had zero interest in watching it. I asked if he thought Browder was a good guy but he had never heard of him. I asked about John McCain and he said that though McCain had done some bad things he had also done some good things. He said that Nekrasov used to be a respected director who had called out Putin but had now gone over to the dark side, probably for money. My coworker is very anti-Putin and since he is Russian I have to believe he knows things I don’t.
I still think Neskarov’s position is more correct but it’s interesting to hear the other side. As with so many things it’s hard to know what the truth of the matter really is.DarkMatter
ParticipantRussia confirms that they are launching a BRICS currency backed by #gold.
Prediction: Those owning gold will be demonized as Putin supporters and confiscation will be the natural course of action.
ParticipantAccording to the NYT the missile that hit Kramatorks destroyed the Ria Lounge Bar. You can find the Ria Lounge Bar on google maps and see the surrounding buildings.
Here is a NY Times Picture of the missile strike. Something doesn’t add up.DarkMatter
ParticipantThe graphs didn’t make is so I’ll try again
Graph showing chances of Covid are worse with number of vaxx doses
Graph showing effectiveness of bivalent booster compared to those with no bivalent booster
Thanks for the Joseph Fraiman link. Clicking through, the study the Results say:
“The risk of COVID-19 also increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received”
This is based on this stunning graph:
But the Conclusion says:
“The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19”
This is based on this lackluster graph, and note this graph compares the bivalent with the non-bivalanted including people with multiple boosters:
I am guessing that a graph of the bivalented vs just the non-vaxxed would show the bivalented much worse off.
The Conclusion doesn’t mention that triple boosted are 4 times more likely to get Covid than the non-vaxxed. A reasonable person would make this the conclusion of the study. Maybe they did what they did because otherwise it wouldn’t get published.
I have seen the increased risk of Covid with boostedness personally. My triple boosted boss who nearly fired me for not getting vaxxed just had his second bout of Covid in 6 months. He was out for a week but waxed rapturous about how effective a 5 day course of Paxlovid was. He is otherwise a good boss. -