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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle June 17 2022 #109892


    “May she out live her children, and theirs as well.”

    The curse upon Cersi Lannister. Maybe a little walk of shame would be approrpiate too.

    in reply to: The West Is at War with Itself #104399

    Excellent description by Dr. D.
    I thought to post a link to Sting’s I hope the Russians love their children too..
    The problem is regardless of Russian desires the rulers of the west don’t want peace. They may say they do but they never negotiate in good faith which is a prerequisite for peace. There is too little power and money in peace and too much of it to be got in war. The companion song should be “I wish the west loved their children more than power and money.” But they seemingly don’t and it may be the death of us all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 13 2022 #104129

    Perfectly Lawful and Legal and Unfortunate
    When the old Russian Federation broke up, and Russia released the Ukraine as an independent country it came with the proviso that if there was evidence of criminality, genocide, international threats to Russia on Ukrainian soil, etc. Russia could come back in and secure the situation.

    By “the old Russian Federation” does she mean the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States or maybe the Russian Empire? I searched for documents on the dissolution of these and can’t find anything that sounds like what she asserts.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 1 2022 #103230

    Reverse mRNA transcription sounds very dangerous. What is the actual result? Does it mean that the affected cells will continue to produce spike proteins forever?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 26 2022 #99150

    What your linked data doesn’t show is the death rate for people who received early treatment. To show data that doesn’t include this is a straw man. It says “people who receive no treatment until they enter the hospital are more likely to die.” If there is no data for early treatment the question is why not? They’ve had two years to come up with early treatment and still none exists. Explain that if you can.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 25 2022 #99051

    The tide is turning. This is from the r/portland in reddit where the comments have been viciously pro-mask, pro-vaccine:

    Multnomah County is very close to 80% vaccinated for the entire population, with the 65+ crowd a whopping 95%. I personally have three doses, and I am sure many on here do too in addition people will be getting another sickness to bolster antibodies.

    I think we need to rethink our strategies here from containment and fighting it every step to adapting and yes living with it. I would even say as we crest this next peak at the end of the month that includes doing away with many mask mandates and to let private businesses and individuals handle their safety on their own terms. I would argue even the most stringent mask wearers feel the same sentiment after two years.

    We have a lot of tools to deal with this and we know a lot more about it and we need to start thinking about the other implications of this health pandemic and the disruptions it has caused…and this isn’t conspiratorial but I think we’re closer to a civil war than we have ever been and this is just another wedge issue.

    I know this will come off as controversial, but I know I am not alone “rational” people also feel this way at this juncture in time.

    Only a month ago a comment like this would be downvoted to oblivion and called out as anti-vaxx misinformation but now it is acceptable and upvoted. The replies to this do say that it is still important to get vaccinated. No mention ever of other early treatment options.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 22 2022 #98732

    Dmitri Orlov writes about the 5 stages of collapse:
    1. Financial Collapse
    2. Commercial Collapse
    3. Political Collapse
    4. Social Collapse
    5. Cultural Collapse
    Usually these happen sequentially but we seem to be on the cusp of all 5 happening at once and the whole thing looks engineered. A good example is the effort to destroy the concept of gender, contributing to cultural collapse. I usually stick to Hanlon’s Razor: Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity, but this sure smells like malice. The charges are all in place. They just need to push the button to bring the whole thing down into it’s own footprint.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 21 2022 #98630

    Four questions I would like answered
    1) Why did the CDC not provide any early treatment guidance for Covid. Did they research this and just find that nothing worked?
    2) Pfizer et. al. have made billions from vaccines. Is this not motivation to push vaccines at all costs? Are they just good guys getting the riches they deserve for having saved mankind?
    3) Are vaccine side effects real and how often do they actually happen? If this can’t be answered, why don’t we know this basic, important info?
    4) What are the long term consequences (say 5 years out) of the vaccines? Can they guarantee there won’t be any increases in health risks for vaccinees that are worse than Covid?
    Answer these and you might change my mind.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 21 2022 #98631

    Four questions I would like answered
    1) Why did the CDC not provide any early treatment guidance for Covid. Did they research this and just find that nothing worked?
    2) Pfizer et. al. have made billions from vaccines. Is this not motivation to push vaccines at all costs? Are they just good guys getting the riches they deserve for having saved mankind?
    3) Are vaccine side effects real and how often do they actually happen? If this can’t be answered, why don’t we know this basic, important info?
    4) What are the long term consequences (say 5 years out) of the vaccines? Can they guarantee there won’t be any increases in health risks for vaccinees that are worse than Covid?
    Answer these and you might change my mind.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 20 2022 #98561

    Try Again
    The Covid Room

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 20 2022 #98560

    The Covid Room

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 20 2022 #98559

    Covid Deaths and Vaccine Deaths
    I appreciate Mr. Unz’s analysis but he doesn’t mention the twin elephants in the room
    1) Unknown long term side effects
    2) The complete failure by the medical complex to provide or even allow early treatment options.
    Even so he gives this valuable warning:

    Meanwhile, critics of the orthodox position on Covid and vaxxing should recognize that their opponents possess overwhelming political and media power, and hence they should be extremely careful to fight their battles only on the most solid and defensible grounds. Making wild, unsubstantiated accusations will merely damage their credibility, destroying one of their very few assets.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 19 2022 #98456

    McMaster could play the role of Buck Turgidson in a remake of Dr. Strangelove. He has the right shirt and has a talent for saying absurd things.
    Buck Turgidson

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 18 2022 #98415

    Maybe there should be a deck of cards similar to the Rogues and Heroes decks from Desert Storm.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #98414

    Aces 1

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #98413

    Aces 1

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2021 #98412

    Math Meme

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 14 2022 #98060

    Federal Covid 19 Reporting Form for Hospitals and Labs

    Fields now inactive
    – Num hospital beds
    – Ventilators available and usage
    – ED overflow
    – Covid 19 Deaths
    – Remdesivir inventory and usage
    – Critical staffing shortages
    – PPE supplies

    New fields
    – Pediatric beds and occupancy
    – Pediatric ICU beds and occupancy
    – Pediatric admissions

    Newly required fields
    – Influenza admissions and lab confirmations

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2022 #97864

    SARS-COV-2 Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease by Stephanie Seneff, Senior AI Researcher at MIT

    There are many reasons to be wary of the COVID-19 vaccines, which have been rushed to market with grossly inadequate evaluation and aggressively promoted to an uninformed public, with the potential for huge, irreversible, negative consequences. One potential consequence is to exhaust the finite supply of progenitor B cells in the bone marrow early in life, causing an inability to mount new antibodies to infectious agents. An even more worrisome possibility is that these vaccines, both the mRNA vaccines and the DNA vector vaccines, may be a pathway to crippling disease sometime in the future. Through the prion-like action of the spike protein, we will likely see an alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, CKD, ALS and Alzheimer’s, and these diseases will show up with increasing prevalence among younger and younger populations, in years to come. Unfortunately, we won’t know whether the vaccines caused this increase, because there will usually be a long time separation between the vaccination event and the disease diagnosis. Very convenient for the vaccine manufacturers, who stand to make huge profits off of our misfortunes — both from the sale of the vaccines themselves and from the large medical cost of treating all these debilitating diseases.

    Debt Rattle referenced a paper of hers about the dangers of GMO wheat back in July 2106.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2022 #97671

    I listened to the Supreme Court hearing. It included this:

    JUSTICE ALITO: …What the Secretary said was “employees who are unvaccinated are in grave danger from SARS COVID virus, but employees who are fully vaccinated are not.” So the — the purpose — if this is to be sustained, it has to be on the ground that it presents a grave danger to unvaccinated workers who have chosen to be unvaccinated. That’s my understanding of the issue, but maybe I haven’t understood it correctly. Is that your understanding?

    MR. FLOWERS (from OSHA): That is my understanding. And I don’t see how there could be another understanding because the emergency provision specifically says that such emergency standard, meaning the precise one at issue, must be necessary to protect employees from the danger at issue.

    So the official line now is that the the unvaxxed are being coerced into vaccination or fired for their own protection. They’ve given up on “protecting the vaxxed from the unvaxxed” at least in the Supreme Court. The unvaxxed are now being protected from both the unvaxxed and the vaxxed who might give them Covid. They are firing you because they care.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2022 #97658

    Best Prepared Countries
    This Week's Deaths per Million

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2021 #97657

    Best Prepared Countries
    This Week's Deaths per Million

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2022 #97585

    Over a few months time maybe Wallensky will come to say most of what Malone, McCullough, Van Den Bossche, etc. are saying but will never admit the CDC was wrong. It will just be that “The Science” has worked and we now know more than we did because “The Science” has worked. Those guys were just guessing but were still untrustworthy because when they said it it was based on guessing and not “The Science.” Might as well have believed flat earth theories as to have believed them until “The Science” told us what the real truth is. It’s always best to wait for “The Science.”

    We may never get our “I told you so” moment and I am OK with that if it means the madness stops.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 4 2022 #97023

    Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty but the pig will enjoy it.

    — Abraham Lincoln

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 3 2022 #96843


    What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

    The largest experiment on human beings in history may have been telling us that fat was bad and sugar was OK
    It was a massive failure and caused many more deaths than Covid has so far and has many of the same features of this debacle.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 3 2022 #96842

    Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Working Age People

    Complete information on this should be the sine qua non. I want to see this with stats on whether the deceased were vaccinated, had Covid and if they had Covid with early treatment. Reliable data on this would mean the end of all debate.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 31 2021 #96663

    Happy New Year to All!

    Here’s my prediction for 2022:

    The Machine Stops

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 30 2021 #96620

    The news is full of US children hospitalized with COVID in record numbers.
    And then there’s this is a surprising admission by Fauci:

    But the other important thing is that if you look at the children who are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID,” Fauci added. “And what we mean by that — if a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID. And they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual. When in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s over-counting the number of children who are, quote, ‘hospitalized with COVID,’ as opposed to because of COVID.

    from Fauci Now Says Hospitals Are ‘Overcounting’ COVID-19 Cases In Children

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 27 2021 #96361

    Thanks for posting the Dr. Yogendra interview. I listened (at high speed) to that plus part 2
    Very interesting. Lots of new info. A couple things:
    1) They found the main mechanism of long Covid is the spike protein getting stuck in macrophage cells which causes perpetual cytokine production.
    2) They are mainly looking at the spike protein coming from Covid but the same thing likely happens from the vaxx.
    3) They are doing a trial with two drugs, Maraviroc and Atorvastatin, both from Pfizer. The first resets the immune system and the second stops stuff from attaching to vascular cells. It takes several weeks for it to work.
    4) The vaccine does not cure long covid as is claimed. It sometimes gives temporarily relief but makes many much worse in the long run.
    5) He is not anti-vaccine but says if you have long Covid you should cure that before getting vaxxed.
    6) His research is downplayed by CDC, NIH, universities, etc. and they tell people not to follow their treatment. He is getting the Kory treatment.

    in reply to: An Open Letter to Friends #95879

    Thanks but unfortunately it had no effect on D. Originally the letter had links in it and he disregarded them all as being from unreliable sources. For example, with McCullough he linked back to his Wikipedia page which says he spreads vaxx misninfo. I asked him what sources he found reliable and he said CNN, CDC, NIH, WHO and apparently Wikipedia.

    The friend and his wife both had Covid. He said the first 5 days were not bad but then they took a turn for the worst and went to the hospital. They both have weight issues. In the hospital he was afraid he might die and said only monoclonal antibodies saved his wife’s life. His wife BTW is a nurse. This was pre-vaccine and they both got the vaxx ASAP because they were told they might get Covid again and they didn’t want to go through a repeat. Now they have both been boosted. I have empathy (or is it sympathy) for him. He’s gone through something I haven’t and has a different perspective. We’re still friends.

    in reply to: An Open Letter to Friends #95854

    ” It may be good therapy for everyone to put all their Covid thoughts and frustrations in writing.”

    My letter to a friend written a month or two ago, before Omicron:



    First, here are things we probably agree on:
    1) We are both trying to improve our odds. There’s no guarantee with any approach
    2) The vaccines diminish symptoms, hospitalization and deaths from Covid for a limited amount of time
    3) Long Covid is a real problem and affects a lot of the people who get Covid

    That said …

    What we were originally told about the vaccines was not true. We were told by Fauci, Biden, Gates and Wallensky that if you got the vaccine you wouldn’t get Covid, get hospitalized or die from Covid. You wouldn’t need a mask any more. Your life would go back to normal. We were told if 70% of the population got vaccinated we would reach herd immunity. These things are now known to be misinformation. The CDC now says we cannot expect to reach herd immunity ever with the vaccines and that boosters must continue indefinitely even if everyone gets vaxxed (The vaccines will never get us back to normal and your anger at the unvaccinated is misplaced.) There is still a lot we don’t know about the vaccines. But the same people still expect us to do what they tell us to do. Yes, science is a learning process but I have to question either their honesty or competence.

    Up until recently Covid 19 vaccines in the US only had Emergency Use Authorization. Emergency Use Authorization is only available for vaccines for diseases for which no treatment exists. It was unquestionably in the best interest of Pfizer, et. al. to have no such treatment found and approved so that they could get ‘warp speed’ authorization for the vaccines and the consequent billions of dollars in profits. Despite being around for 20 months there is no non-vaccine treatment for Covid 19 (This may change with the Pfizer drug which BTW is $700. It is claimed that the mechanism of the Pfizer drug is the same as that of Ivermectin.) The standard of care is essentially if you get Covid go home and if you get sick enough go to hospital. This is unbelievable. One might ask why the CDC, FDA, NIH or WHO didn’t investigate existing drugs to find something that could be prescribed before hospitalization. Anyone who claimed to have found such a drug was mocked and demonized. One might think that when these claims were made one of these agencies might have investigated Hydrochloroquine or Ivermection or even Vitamin D to see if it was true. But only vaccines were pushed as a possible solution to Covid Why is this? (OK, rhetorical. It’s the money.)

    The mRNA vaccines work by getting your body to create spike proteins which your immune system then creates antibodies for. Spike proteins are the part of the virus that does the damage. The virus has three phases. The first is in the respiratory system and lasts several days. This is often not so bad. In the second phase the virus gets in to the vascular system through the lungs. The spike protein on the virus attaches to the lining of blood vessels and this damage can cause clotting and other problems. The third phase is inflammation as the body tries to deal with the damage done to cells by the virus. This phase is the most dangerous and causes the respiratory problems that kill people. The reason the vaccines are effective is because the spike protein antibodies help to stop the virus at stage 2. The reason they are dangerous is because the vaccines themselves generate spike proteins that can cause the same damage as stage 2. A lot of people have suffered adverse effects from the vaccines but this is ignored by the mainstream media.

    The Lancet reports that vaccinated people infected with Covid 19 transmit the disease at about the same rate as the unvaccinated (23% vs 25%). According to British statistics people over 30 are twice as likely to get Covid 19 if they are vaccinated than if they are not. It appears that the vaccinated have milder symptoms on average than the unvaccinated if they contract Covid. Given that the vaccinated are about twice as likely to have Covid and just as likely to transmit it, it is the unvaccinated who are at higher risk from the vaccinated than vice versa. Whenever I hear people saying that unvaccinated can’t come to events because they threaten the vaccinated it sounds ridiculous. “I am protected and you aren’t so you are a threat to me.” I was allowed to come to the office when no one was vaccinated but now that other people are vaccinated I am not. Am I a bigger threat than I was previously? Are they at more or less risk now that they are vaccinated? This seems illogical and punitive.

    The vaccines have unknown side effects. British statistics show that the death rate for all causes per 100K in the last 6 months are about double for the vaccinated as the unvaccinated. Deaths from causes other than Covid are not being attributed to the vaccines but there is definitely a correlation. When Pfizer did their tests they saw something similar but only reported deaths from Covid 19. The vaccines have long term effects that are unknown. Yes, they protect people short term, but the vaxxed pooh pooh the possibility of long term problems. In my experience a lot of vaccinated people are now emotionally invested in vaccines being good. Similarly people not wanting vaccination are emotionally invested in vaccines being bad. Everyone needs to admit that they are biased and make allowances for the other side. We need to avoid the attitudes “I hope all the unvaccinated die” or “I hope all the vaccinated die”. I’ve heard both. I heard from you “If only Covid were as deadly as Ebola it would force the unvaxxed to get vaxxed.”

    There is research that shows that the vaccines modify the immune system. I read about this but it is above my pay grade. However it is very believable that when mRNA enters your cells it has effects we don’t yet understand that alter the immune system. Yes, as you state mRNA tech has been around a long time, but this is the first widespread use in humans. To claim it is some tried and true technology that is totally understood is ridiculous. Does it mess with your immune system? There is evidence that it does and we should err on the side of caution. My ex-sister-in-law was a thalidomide baby and the effects on her children have been devastating.

    You are willing to get a booster every 6 months in perpetuity. OK for you, but given what we don’t know this sounds extraordinarily risky for young children. Are there long term studies of how this will affect children in 5 years? Of course not. Everyone knows that young children are at little risk for Covid 19 itself. No young children died in Oregon from Covid. The official reasons for giving children the vaccines are 1) they can still get Covid and some (mainly the comorbid) suffer consequences and 2) to protect their elders. This just sounds crazy. A treatment with unknown long term consequences given to children to protect their parents, teachers and other adults. Just. Crazy. The official answer is just trust us and to put the burden of proof on the people who think it sounds risky. Just. Crazy.

    Some make the argument that we should mandate vaccination so as not to overrun hospitals with patients. OK. Let’s make a rule that people should be forced to take health measures that prevent hospitalization and lets apply it evenly which would mean a lot of measures besides Covid vaccination. Do we want to go there as a society? Should the government get to tell people what to eat and drink and what they need to inject in their bodies and what entertainment is allowed so they can be kept out of the hospital?

    Not everyone is as likely to go to hospital with Covid. People with comorbidities are much more likely to have adverse Covid effects and end up in the hospital and die. This is rarely addressed. Vitamin D has been shown to be a predictor of infection, seriousness and mortality from Covid. I get no credit for improving my odds by keeping my Vitamin D levels high and avoiding comorbidities through diet and exercise. People like you laugh at it. “Oh, you trust your immune system? With that and a buck you can buy coffee at McDonalds!” It’s one size fits all and that size is the vaccines.

    So for me 1) I have reduced my risk by diet, supplements and exercise 2) I don’t have comorbidities like obesity 3) I generally avoid crowds 4) I trust the information from doctors actually treating patients about the ability of Ivermectin to combat Covid 5) I don’t want to damage my immune system and double my future mortality risk by getting the shot. I see my biggest risk as long Covid. My daughter has some long Covid symptoms (mainly loss of smell) and says it is quite disturbing. Some claim that Ivermectin reduces the chances of this but I’m not sure of that. The Covax vaccine is a traditional disabled-virus vaccine and doesn’t mess with your immune system. I might be willing to get Covax. Unfortunately it may never be available in the US. There is no profit in it for big pharma. It is being rolled out in Iran. Maybe I should go there to get it.

    I don’t want to get in to a mask discussion. I will just say that ventilation is more effective than masks at preventing Covid 19. We never hear about that.

    I am also skipping a description of how patients in hospitals are treated with a deadly combination of remdesivir and ventilation.

    I compare our current situation to the demonization of fat in the 1970’s. The US government and all it’s industry funded experts agreed, everyone (including me) believed the experts and bought into it and it became policy and the obesity epidemic of today followed. I believe we are seeing the same kind of thing again.

    I also compare our situation to the Iraq war: claim an existential threat, get government experts to agree, get the MSM to beat the drum, roll out an expensive plan to address the problem, demonize those who disagree, when the profits have been realized and the whole thing is shown to be based on lies and ends in disaster no one is to blame, it was all honest mistakes based on the best data we had available.




    Further discussions with my friend convinced me that further discussion with him are a waste of time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 20 2021 #95753

    Speaking of masks I bought three masks from ViruShield
    They are just a small plastic shield that covers your nose and mouth and sticks to the bridge of your nose. They are ridiculously expensive but you can use them forever by replacing the sticky bit with double sided tape. They are good to wear with glasses and don’t fog them up and the glasses help keep them on. They are totally ineffective as a mask, so about as good as what most masks people wear but don’t inhibit breathing at all. I have worn one to stores and even in the airport and nobody in ‘authority’ has said anything (except they won’t let you on a plane with one). I get a lot of surprised looks and smiles and on occasion someone will ask me where to get one. They are not as non-compliant as no mask but make the statement “OK, if you insist I’ll wear a stupid, worthless mask, so there.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 19 2021 #95672

    Ordinary Men sounds very interesting. Thanks for writing about it. It seems like we as a society talk about the Nazis a lot and that book make me think we do it because it makes us feel better about ourselves because we
    falsely believe we could never be like them and are superior. I figured out a while ago that when we say something about someone else (including or maybe especially saying something about God) we are mostly saying something about ourselves. This even applies to this comment: I am really saying that I am superior to other people who say bad things about others in order to make themselves feel superior. It’s turtles all the way down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 17 2021 #95508

    @absolute galore
    I was on the debate team in high school and we had something we called a “squirrel case”. In one variant you made claims in a very assertive voice but gave no evidence whatsoever and when challenged just continued to make the claims authoritatively with absolutely no evidence. We sometimes used this when we were totally unprepared. So when I saw the Biden clip I immediately recognized it:

    1) Omicron is coming
    2) Unvaccinated face winter of illness and death.
    3) Vaccinated are protected from severe illness and death. Period.
    4) Booster shots work.
    5) Booster are free, safe and convenient.
    6) Schools and business will be open “and I want to see everyone around enjoy that” or else.
    7) The only real protection from Omicron is to get the shot.
    8) If you have your booster you’re in really good shape.

    Classic squirrel case.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2021 #95350

    I sent a friend the McCullough/Rogan interview. His pre-listening response was that McCullough has been discredited and he sent a link to McCullough’s Wikipedia page where there is a section on his supposed anti-vaxx stance. He still listened but thinks the whole idea that there was a concerted effort to push vaccines and ignore out-patient treatment is just conspiracy and compared it to the flat earth theory. The exchange with him was very disheartening. McCullough seems the most reasonable and informed person I have listened to and I agreed with 90% of what he said in the interview. My friend is a very intelligent and perceptive person and to find us on completely different sides of this is unnerving.

    I worked with the same friend at the beginning of the Iraq war. He was for the war and firmly believe in WMD while I was against and didn’t. He eventually realized he was wrong. Maybe it will happen that way again.

    I did read the McCullough’s Wikipedia page and the discrediting carried little weight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 2021 #95176

    If you care about others and think they are on the wrong path consider carefully what approach you take in trying to correct them. If you want your kids to be good Christians, beating them into it probably won’t work.

    If you don’t care and just want to vent your spleen beatings are as good a way as any to fail at it.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 13 2021 #95114

    A possible new narrative:
    1) The vaxxed took the risk, sacrificed and got the jab that slowed Covid down and kept society functioning until a benign variant (omicron) arrived
    2) The unvaxxed freeloaded but now enjoy the benefits
    3) The vaxxed, like wounded soldiers, are now suffering the consequences of their sacrifice for the unvaxxed
    4) The vaxxed are like veterans and are owed support for the rest of their lives from the unvaxxed

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 11 2021 #95052

    Beautiful Moment

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 11 2021 #95050

    Beautiful Moment

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2021 #95048

    Beautiful Moment

Viewing 40 posts - 81 through 120 (of 250 total)