Vincent van Gogh Starry night over the Rhône 1888
Less than a year ago.
Ron Paul
"Vaccine Passports" Are To The Control of Your Movements, Just As A "Cashless Society" Is To The Control of What You Can Buy
— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) September 17, 2021
Karl leaves out the vit. D. Not great. But a good initiative.
• To Governor DeSantis, Ivey, Lee And Others (Denninger)
It is time to respond to this outrage: BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) – “The increase in usage of monoclonal antibodies has caused federal officials to place new limits on how much of them Alabama will get. We’ve learned that state health officials and legislators are fighting to make sure the state gets as much as it needs. The interesting twist is that there is no shortage of monoclonal antibodies of any kind nationwide. As of this week, the more than 200 providers offering monoclonal antibodies will see a roughly 30 percent reduction in what they requested.”
Ok, fine. Which one of you Governors would like to have a basically-zero Covid rate? Which one of you would like to be the State with the lowest rate of coronavirus disease, a collapsed health-care burden (to near-zero) and a collapsed rate of death too. How would you like to see this start to happen within two weeks and be so apparent every news stations has to report on it within a month?Here’s how — which, if you read when I put this forward, was something I promoted in early December of 2020. It costs about $2 per person in a household.
It’s simple: For anyone suspected (test results not back yet) you dispense to them five doses of Ivermectin to be taken every day if they are obese or otherwise morbid, and every second day if not along with one dose per every two days for everyone in the household, calibrated by their weight. Everyone in the household also gets ten days of a 1,000mg Vitamin C tablet and ten days of 30mg of Zinc, both dietary supplements. The exception is anyone on a blood thinner; you simply ask and, if they are, they don’t get the drug (but do get the supplements.) The State buys the drug in bulk, from India if you have to (fly a charter over there to pick it up; **** the Feds) and dispenses it.
Why? Read the linked article. This is is not just about treatment; it is also about cutting off forward transmission of the virus. It will not work every time but it doesn’t have to work every time — just often enough to suppress Rt below 1.0 and the virus dies out. The risk of someone having a serious adverse event from this is 1 in 600,000. If Florida has ten percent of their population that gets infected (or suspected to be) or is in a household with someone who is over the next three months (improbably high, but let’s go with it) that would be a cost of about $5 million. For Alabama it would cost about a million. That’s it. Who’s got the stones to do this?
Whoever does it first and collapses their Covid-19 case, hospitalization and death rate is President in 2024 — that is, if the other 49 States don’t have their residents lay siege to DC and their State governments as soon as they see the first State’s results. It won’t work? Yes it will — it did in a State in India too with over 200 million people. Grow a set, governors. The Federal Government cannot prevent you from doing this.
AP changed the headline on the fly. From the one I used it became: “US Panel Backs Covid-19 Boosters Only For Seniors, High-risk”. Curious.
The rejection was massive, that is noticeable. 16-2.
• FDA Advisory Panel Rejects Widespread Pfizer Booster Shots (AP)
Dealing the White House a stinging setback, a government advisory panel overwhelmingly rejected a plan Friday to give Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots across the board, and instead endorsed the extra vaccine dose only for those who are 65 or older or run a high risk of severe disease. The twin votes represented a heavy blow to the Biden administration’s sweeping effort, announced a month ago, to shore up nearly all Americans’ protection amid the spread of the highly contagious delta variant. The nonbinding recommendation — from an influential committee of outside experts who advise the Food and Drug Administration — is not the last word. The FDA will consider the group’s advice and make its own decision, probably within days. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to weigh in next week.
In a surprising turn, the advisory panel rejected, 16-2, boosters for almost everyone. Members cited a lack of safety data on extra doses and also raised doubts about the value of mass boosters, rather than ones targeted to specific groups. Then, in an 18-0 vote, it endorsed extra shots for people 65 and older and those at risk of serious disease. Panel members also agreed that health workers and others who run a high risk of being exposed to the virus on the job should get boosters, too. That would help salvage part of the White House’s campaign but would still be a huge step back from the far-reaching proposal to offer third shots of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to Americans eight months after they get their second dose. The White House sought to frame the action as progress.
“Today was an important step forward in providing better protection to Americans from COVID-19,” said White House spokesman Kevin Munoz. “We stand ready to provide booster shots to eligible Americans once the process concludes at the end of next week.”
Same thing, but I noticed this sentence: “ from Israel which shows that a booster can strengthen protection for a few weeks in older adults.”
• FDA Advisory Panel Rejects COVID Booster Shot for Most Americans (NR)
An advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration on Friday recommended against approving a booster shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to most Americans. The scientific advisory committee voted 16-to-3 against recommending the additional shots, thwarting the Biden administration’s hopes that the FDA would approve the third shot in time to begin rolling out the extra dose for Pfizer recipients next week. However, the panel voted 18-0 in favor of recommending a booster shot for anyone over 65 or anyone who is at high risk of severe disease from COVID-19.
The vote followed a daylong debate in which a number of the panel’s independent experts questioned whether the data justified a broad rollout of an additional shot to most Americans while the vaccines still appear to offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization. “It’s unclear that everyone needs to be boosted, other than a subset of the population that clearly would be at high risk for serious disease,” said Dr. Michael G. Kurilla, a committee member and official at the National Institutes of Health. The CDC’s Dr. Sara Oliver presented data showing that vaccines continue to offer robust protection against severe forms of COVID-19 in the U.S., even in people 75 and older.
Jonathan Sterne, a professor of medical statistics and epidemiology in the U.K., said his analysis of 76 different studies on the vaccines’ real world effectiveness found that a number of factors can skew the results, including how many unvaccinated people in a study have natural immunity from earlier COVID-19 disease. He cautioned against drawing conclusions from short-term results from booster shots, such as data from Israel which shows that a booster can strengthen protection for a few weeks in older adults.
“..the reason the town has a rat problem is that they’re leaving their damned trash outdoors and have killed all the cats who would otherwise control the rodents.”
• How ‘Witch Hunts’ ALWAYS Start… (Denninger)
Non-sterilizing vaccines increase infection prevalence markedly because someone who is infected yet has protection does not know they’re infected and thus spreads it all over the place until it hits someone who has had a vaccine failure (not “breakthough”) or is unvaccinated. You then see actual symptomatic disease yet the vaccinated people may well have passed the pathogen through a dozen or more of them before that happened. In short the vaccines we’re using today cause VACCINATED PERSONS to screw both the unvaccinated and those who have waning immunity which incidentally is extremely common with narrowly-focused non-sterilizing vaccines (again, witness the “aP” versions of the pertussis vaccine .vs. the “wP” versions which are durable) and that does not even account for the coronavirus mutational factor which we’ve also know about for decades and, in non-sterilized vaccinated persons promotes mutational escape since the odds of being symptomatic go down.
Who doesn’t get screwed? Those who got the pathogen and built durable and broad natural immunity, as well as those who used sterilizing vaccines — if there is one. For coronaviruses there isn’t one so in point of fact the actual plague rats are calling everyone else a “witch” and threatening to drown or burn them when in fact the reason the town has a rat problem is that they’re leaving their damned trash outdoors and have killed all the cats who would otherwise control the rodents. And the worst part of it are the grifters who have 40+ years of actual scientific knowledge that they’re 100% full of **** and yet run around scaring everyone and telling them that if they just drown a few more witches the rats will go away. It was a damnable lie hundreds of years ago, it was used for profit hundreds of years ago and it remains a damnable lie used for profit today. Worse is a “vaccine passport”; that provides the plague rats the ability to congregate with more plague rats and wildly spread disease among them so as to find more susceptible hosts!
Such schemes with non-sterilizing vaccines ridiculously increase disease propagation.The absolute worst of this is forced, encouraged or, dare I say, allowed non-sterilizing vaccination among health care workers. That’s manslaughter because some percentage of their patients cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and by definition those who seek health care are already compromised in some fashion or they wouldn’t be there. Perhaps they have cancer and are taking chemotherapy or have some immunological disorder. A non-sterilized vaccinated nurse or doctor treating them is going to kill them as certain as the sun will rise in the East tomorrow because said doctor or nurse has no idea they’re infected and passing the pathogen to others; as soon as it hits someone who is actually susceptible to get sick that person is screwed.
“..a public health disaster that will displace vulnerable workers and exacerbate a nationwide hospital staffing crisis, with severe consequences for all Americans.”
• 24 State AG’s Challenge Biden’s Vaccine Mandate For Private Sector (JTN)
24 Republican attorneys general, led by South Carolina AG Alan Wilson, have joined a coalition to stop President Joe Biden’s recent order that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandate that private sector employers with 100 or more employees require them to receive a COVID-19 shot, submit to weekly testing, or lose their jobs. The order, the AGs argue, would drive some workers to leave their jobs (in an already tight labor market not yet recovered from last year’s shutdowns) — including those in the healthcare industry. Calling Biden’s plan “disastrous and counterproductive,” the AGs’ letter warns the “vaccination mandate represents not only a threat to individual liberty, but a public health disaster that will displace vulnerable workers and exacerbate a nationwide hospital staffing crisis, with severe consequences for all Americans.”
Nurses have already been refusing vaccine mandates imposed by their employers in many states, and filed lawsuits arguing their natural immunity protects them and others. After working for over a year in hospitals and urgent care centers being exposed to those who had the coronavirus, plaintiffs in several lawsuits argue they were considered heroes. Now, they’re losing their jobs or being vilified for choosing not to take an experimental drug only available, in some cases, through emergency use authorization, according to their complaints. Biden’s mandate doesn’t include exemptions for those who work remotely, have religious objections or health concerns, or have already obtained natural immunity following recovery from the virus.
The attorneys general argue Biden’s “edict is also illegal,” relying as it does on a rarely used emergency temporary standard under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Exempt from the normal public notice and comment period, the emergency standard can go into effect immediately upon publication. In June, the Department of Labor attempted to adopt an emergency temporary standard for the first time since 1983, and that attempt is currently under challenge. “Regardless of how you feel about vaccines, President Biden’s edict is illegal and if the administration doesn’t change course we’ll pursue every legal option to strike it down,” S.C. AG Wilson said in a statement. “I’m fully vaccinated and encourage everyone who can to get the shot, but this is a question of following the law. We think it will also mean fewer people will get vaccinated, which we’ve already seen in New York, where healthcare workers quit because of New York’s vaccine mandate.”
More vaccines.
“..NGOs, philanthropists, and industry..”
• Biden To Host Covid-19 Summit On Wednesday (Y!)
President Joe Biden will host a virtual summit with world leaders on the coronavirus pandemic next Wednesday, a day after he addresses the United Nations General Assembly, the White House said Friday. “This meeting is about expanding and enhancing our shared efforts to defeat Covid-19” and will seek to “align on a common vision” against the virus, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. The summit will be “on the margins of the UN General Assembly.” Biden, due to address the annual UN meeting on Tuesday, has pitched the United States as the global leader on the fight to get the world vaccinated, even if the claim is greeted with skepticism by some health NGOs and others.
No details about participants were provided. Psaki said in her statement that the summit will build “from previous gatherings of world leaders and ministers in fora like the G7, G20, and Act Accelerator to rally civil society, NGOs, philanthropists, and industry along with world leaders and align on a common vision for defeating Covid-19 together.”
Kirsch’s slides don’t fit well into Debt Rattle format.
Steve Kirsch Founded COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Entrepreneur, philanthropist, environmentalist.
Tweet: “@stkirsch had his Twitter account suspended for asking people to read his article on # of people killed by the vaccines. If Twitter thinks he’s wrong on this important issue, why not debate him instead of censoring him? You can follow him on GETTR. Slide 6 offered $1M bet to anyone who thought he was wrong. Where’s the misinfo? But if I tweet a link to his article, my account will be taken down so go to his GETTR account to see the post.”
• Excess Death:Life Ratio Is Unacceptable (Kirsch)
They need to make a living.
• 11 of 15 NYC Restaurants Not Enforcing Vaccine Mandate (NYP)
Most of the 15 Manhattan restaurants visited by undercover sleuths this week were not enforcing Mayor Bill de Blasio’s city-wide COVID-19 vaccine mandate for people dining inside, according to a new investigation. Only four of the 15 restaurants asked reporters for ID along with proof of vaccination before seating them inside, according to a segment from Inside Edition. At an Upper East Side location of the BurgerFi chain, the restaurant let a producer for the show order and eat inside without showing proof of vaccination — even though the eatery had small signs at each table that read “show me your vax.” When confronted the following day about the lax enforcement, a manager of the store said, “I’m shocked right now, not gonna lie. I’m shocked because I know that I’ve definitely been asking everyone.”
BurgerFi is now investigating the matter, a representative for the company told The Post. “After learning about the incident, we immediately began an investigation, and will continue to work with all BurgerFi locations to ensure all proper steps are taken to abide by vaccination dining regulations and policies appropriate to each restaurant location,” the spokesperson said. Hummus Kitchen, an Upper East Side Mediterranean restaurant, also didn’t ask to see proof of vaccination and matching ID when visited by an Inside Edition producer. Among the four restaurants that did cooperate with the order was SoHo’s Mercer Kitchen, where a hostess asked to see a vaccine card at the door.
“.. trigger production of an antibody known as immunoglobulin A..”
• Vaccine Nasal Sprays Aim To ‘Shut Door’ On Virus (Y!)
Could delivering Covid-19 immunity directly to the nose — the area of the body via which it is most likely to be transmitted — help conquer the pandemic? The World Health Organization says clinical trials are underway to evaluate eight nasal spray vaccines that target Covid-19. The most advanced effort so far by China’s Xiamen University, the University of Hong Kong and Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy has completed phase-2 trials. “When the virus infects someone it usually gets in through the nose,” said researcher Nathalie Mielcarek who is working with the Lille Pasteur Institute to develop a nasal spray vaccine against whooping cough. “The idea is to shut the door.”
An article published in Scientific American in March urged developing nasal spray vaccines because they have an immediate effect on the virus in an infected person’s mucus. There they trigger production of an antibody known as immunoglobulin A, which can block infection. “This overwhelming response, called sterilising immunity, reduces the chance that people will pass on the virus,” said the article. The vaccines currently available offer strong protection against severe forms of Covid-19 but are less reliable at preventing the spread of the virus. Stimulating immunity directly in the nose “lowers the risk of infecting other people”, said Mielcarek. “From there you have less of the virus infecting the lungs and so fewer severe cases since the viral load is lower,” she added.
“..uses a pair of laboratory-made antibodies to attack the virus..”
“The UK is leading the world in identifying and rolling out life-saving medicines..”
• Ronapreve: ‘Most Vulnerable’ To Get New Covid Drug Next Week (BBC)
The UK’s “most vulnerable” hospital patients, who are unable to build up an antibody response to Covid, will be offered new drug Ronapreve from Monday. The new Covid treatment, approved just last month, uses a pair of laboratory-made antibodies to attack the virus. It was famously used as part of the suite of experimental medicines given to US President Donald Trump last year. The antibody cocktail has been shown to reduce hospital stays by four days and cut the risk of death by a fifth. The government said it had secured sufficient supply of the new therapeutic for eligible NHS patients across the four nations to cover the forthcoming winter.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid said he was “thrilled it will be saving lives from as early as next week”. “The UK is leading the world in identifying and rolling out life-saving medicines, particularly for Covid 19, and we will continue our vital work to find the best treatments available to save lives and protect the NHS,” he said. The new treatment is expensive and priority will be given to those patients at greatest risk of becoming severely ill. It will be offered to those over-50 without the necessary antibodies, and those aged 12-49 who are immuno-compromised – for example those with certain cancers – who struggle to mount an antibody response, either through being exposed to Covid, or from vaccination.
“..the Zoetis covid vaccine..”
• Lions and tigers at National Zoo Being Treated For Covid-19 (JTN)
Nine big cats at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington D.C. are being treated for COVID-19 after testing positive for the virus, according to reports. According to zoo officials, six African lions, two Amur tigers, and a Sumatran tiger fell ill earlier this week. Animal keepers at the zoo say they observed decreased appetites, coughing, sneezing, and lethargy in several lions and tigers last weekend. After running a fecal test on the large cats, it was confirmed they had contracted the virus.
“The tigers are less affected than the lions, showing fewer symptoms. The varying degrees of symptoms have us watching all of the animals very carefully,” a zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson told WTOP. ”We’re being as positive as possible.”The nine animals are being treated with anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medication, along with an antibiotic to prevent pneumonia. The rest of the animals at the zoo are expected to be given the Zoetis covid vaccine, which is made specifically for animals. All of the large cats are expected to recover.
“.. In the time it takes China to build 10 new submarines, Australia will be taking delivery of exactly none…”
• Morrison, The Third Amigo, Speaks Loudly To Xi (SMH)
Beijing decided to break Australia’s will. It imposed trade bans on more than $20 billion worth of exports last year and published a list of 14 demands on Australia’s sovereignty. Australia’s reply was delivered this week. In co-ordinated appearances by Scott Morrison, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, Australia elevated its relationships with the US and Britain to pool their efforts on the most important next-generation warfighting technologies. This so-called “trilateral security partnership” is to be known as AUKUS. In some ways this was mildly comical. The Dad’s Army Anglophone allies who fought together in World War II getting back together for one more fight, led by an American President who forgot Scott Morrison’s name at the critical moment – “that fella down under”, he improvised, “I appreciate you, pal” – in their joint video appearance on Thursday.
The three amigos – an Aussie marketing huckster, an English buffoon and an American senior citizen. Fresh from being chased out of Afghanistan and humiliated by barbarian terrorists they’d set out to defeat 20 years earlier. Their marquee initiative – for Washington and London to supply nuclear propulsion technology for Australian submarines – is serious. But Canberra has no ability to make use of it in a deployable submarine for at least another 20 years. What’s the point of giving an engine to someone without a car? In embracing AUKUS, Australia tore up its $90 billion deal with France for the supply of 12 conventionally powered submarines. Meaning that, from Thursday, Australia has no arrangements with anyone to supply any new submarines whatsoever.
China has 66 submarines. It’s expected to have 10 more by 2030. Six of those new boats will be nuclear-powered, according to the US Office of Naval Intelligence. In the time it takes China to build 10 new submarines, Australia will be taking delivery of exactly none.
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