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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2016 #28477

    Wow, Ilargi, you’re getting popular. Facebook and Financial Times all in one week. The elite must be getting worried.

    Sounds like Financial Times might have a problem with Google News, not you. If their news is accessible through Google News, perhaps Richard Pigden should be on the phone to them. They are the transmission line.

    Anyway, whenever I read a newspaper article, I am sickened by the one-sidedness of them. Facts? What are those things? Investigative journalists? They lost their jobs long ago. I mean, if we actually had investigative journalists, people would actually be informed.

    Rags of half-truths, omissions, and propaganda.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2016 #28474

    Gaddafi of Libya said shortly before the NATO intervention and his death:

    “If one seeks to destabilize [Libya], there will be chaos, Bin Laden, armed factions. That is what will happen. You will have immigration, thousands of people will invade Europe from Libya. And there will no longer be anyone to stop them. Bin Laden will base himself in North Africa […]. You will have Bin Laden at your doorstep. This catastrophe will extend out of Pakistan and Afghanistan and reach all the way to North Africa.”

    Libya: How to Bring Down a Nation

    Well, there you go. How prophetic is that? Exactly what happened: “You will have immigration, thousands of people will invade Europe from Libya.”

    And chaos? Read the article. Don’t forget, the day after Gaddafi was taken out, amid the devastation, something very important was set up: a central bank. Priorities! And the rebels appear to be selling very cheap oil. I wonder, who are the buyers?

    I guess Gaddafi was the wall that kept them from coming.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2016 #28473

    Dead elephants in Tanzania, and dead bears in my neck of the woods. Read last night where three bears were butchered in the last week. Why? For their paws and their internal organs. The rest of the bears’ bodies were left for the four-legged scavengers. The two-legged criminals are selling to two-legged Asians for lots of money. Never thought I’d see that here. Since this practice appears to be just getting started (but has probably been ongoing, just not reported; don’t want to incite “racism”), I guess I can expect to hear of many bear kills in the next few months.

    Fines and jail are too good for these people.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 31 2016 #28453

    Dalai Lama said:

    “Speaking to German reporters in the de facto capital of Tibet’s exiled government, the Dalai Lama apparently said that “too many” refugees are seeking asylum in Europe.

    “Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” he said with a laugh, according to AFP, which quoted from an interview the spiritual leader gave to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper. “Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.” […]

    From a moral point of view, too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily,” the Dalai Lama said. […]

    Beyond the skepticism, the Dalai Lama did convey his characteristic compassion.

    “When we look into the face of every single refugee, especially the children and women, we can feel their suffering,” he said. “The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 31 2016 #28452

    Article entitled: “Why Exactly Does Saudi Arabia Fund the Spread of Wahhabism? How did Saudi Arabia end up funding the building of mosques and madrasas around the world?”

    “Many in the West may be unaware of the significance of an event in Saudi Arabian history for the rest of the world. In an article titled Saudia Arabia and Iran: The Cold War of Islam (sic – the “i” in Saudia still stands two weeks after the article was posted), Spiegel International reports that in November of 1979, the same year as the Iranian revolution

    …Sunni terrorists seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca and took thousands of pilgrims hostage. Their leader came from the heart of Saudi Arabia and claimed to be the Mahdi, or redeemer — and he called for the overthrow of the king. The royal family saw little choice but to call for assistance from French special forces — infidels — to liberate the mosque.

    One effect: “The House of Saud was humiliated, particularly in front of its own religious establishment.” How did it attempt to restore its status?

    … the princes sought to cleanse themselves by beginning to send billions in oil money to radical preachers — preachers who then carried Wahhabism, the most strict and unforgiving form of Islam, around the world.”


    So the king and princelings of Saudi Arabia (not exactly the most religious, what with the blonde babes pouring out of the woodwork) maintain their position by placating the religious right. These religious fanatics, in turn, keep the masses in line. Everybody is safely tucked into their positions.

    Unfortunately, because of this, we end up with mosques all over the place, paid for by the Saudis (in order to protect themselves and stay in power). Of course, we also get the oil that cooks our dinner as we look out our kitchen window at a mosque, and they do buy our debt so that we can keep living beyond our means.

    When you want something, you inevitably always give something else up. But if you end up sacrificing your culture, you end up paying a heavy price.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 31 2016 #28450

    I had heard about the Saudi/U.S. story awhile back: the U.S. protected Saudi Arabia (the princes from the peasants, no doubt, as well as outside forces) and the Saudis bought U.S. debt. Of course the Saudis can threaten to sell their U.S. Treasuries if they don’t get their way, but the U.S. can also threaten to: send in their NGO’s, start another Arab Spring (you know, democracy and all that); create another ISIS-type evil within Saudi Arabia; or start calling the Saudis terrorists/dictators (or any other derogatory term deemed necessary), sanction the country, suffocating it. Just picture the mobs of angry protesters chasing the princes as they sprint to their jets.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2016 #28435

    Dr. Diablo – agree with much of what you have to say, but you’ve used the word “murder” several times now and I’m wondering what you mean. Nobody is talking about murdering anybody. We are talking about letting populations decline naturally. You say, “We’re not anywhere near the carrying capacity of N. America.” Okay, but why wouldn’t we start to limit growth instead of waiting for full carrying capacity and then saying, “Whoops, I guess we’ll have to start decreasing now”? Why wait? Nobody needs to be murdered, just a natural decline of population.

    It’s the same with my body. I’m about 4 pounds overweight, still fit into my teenage daughter’s jeans. I have lots of extra carrying capacity, could probably balloon up another few hundred pounds if I let myself go to town, but the point is I don’t want to get to the point where I’m at “full capacity”. I want to stop before it gets really difficult and I’m “forced” to do something about it.

    Maybe if you explained what you mean by “mass murder”, I might better understand where you’re coming from.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2016 #28408

    Agree on suppression of the truth. While trying to post at The Guardian, my comments were repeatedly denied, even though I wasn’t rude, just stating the facts as I saw them. I provided some links, if I remember correctly, and they were denied. They said something like I wasn’t adhering to their policy. I read their policy and I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. The next time I tried to comment, I was told my comments were being “pre-moderated” (I think that was the term). I think they allowed me one comment, and then I finally just gave up.

    Apparently the moderators work 24/7 and they are volunteers. Whoever is moderating could, if they disagreed with what you had to say, just deny you.

    So with media in so few hands now, and terribly biased to boot, when you try to provide the other side of the story, you’re just shut down. Must go along with the agenda, mustn’t deal in facts, mustn’t contradict.

    Not only have we been sheared, but our mouths are being stapled shut.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2016 #28216

    Nassim – Erdogan is fast becoming a real tyrant, but he must be a tyrant the U.S. and its NATO puppets like, otherwise they would take him out. They’ll take him out anyway, I’m sure, but not until he’s no longer useful.

    Another article you posted said that ISIS were continuing to march from Turkey into western Syria. The Syrian army would work hard and might even feel they were getting the upper hand, only to find a never-ending supply of ISIS forces trickling in from Turkey. Israel is taking wounded ISIS members into their hospitals, patching them up, and then sending them back. It’s a huge concerted effort to undermine Syria and Russia, and it gets harder and harder, as time goes on, to stop ISIS from coming through the cracks.

    I’m sure Erdogan wouldn’t be mouthing off about the refugees either if he wasn’t given instructions to do so, kind of like a pretend fight. He’ll probably get angry, they’ll all flood in, and Merkel will say, “Turkey let us down.” Meanwhile, it’s probably all been planned this way from the beginning.

    I feel sorry for Syria, for Russia. How do you stop this when the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Britain, Germany, basically all those who can really hurt you, are chipping away at your defenses?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2016 #28212

    Continuing on. I think we can all agree that the financial elite presently run the show and that they have their own agenda and, from our standpoint, very bad intentions. Are they looking for solutions? Not on your life! They don’t want solutions, have fought tooth and nail against solutions. Why? They’re happy with the status quo, are trying valiantly to maintain this status quo. They don’t want solutions.

    Solutions are there, but the financial elite don’t want them. As Steve Keen and Max Kaiser said, maybe Trump can force solutions on them, use his leverage against them, just like they’ve been doing to us for so many years now, cut a deal.

    Trump really is the last hope for America. Bernie knew he couldn’t win, not against Mrs. Super Delegate Clinton, and he’s now going to try and hand his faithful followers over to Wall Street’s bitch, Hillary. This so-called kind man, lover of America, who is closer in his positions to Trump than Hillary, is going to hand his followers over to someone who he greatly disagrees with. What? Why? He’s been very soft on Hillary the whole time. He could have gone after her, but he held himself back. Fine. I hope they both go down in flames.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2016 #28211

    “Why We Are So Bad At Solving Problems” was a great article. You said, “If you use energy, you produce waste; use more energy and you produce more waste. And there is a point where you can use too much, and not be able to survive in the waste you yourself have produced.”

    The financial elite are the waste. We’ve allowed this waste to build up and we’re drowning in it now.

    Re over-population. A few days ago you posted an article re the drought in Africa. Yeah, like that hasn’t happened forever. And yet the man in the article, who used to be goat-rich, now is down to his last few and doesn’t know how he’s going to possibly feed his family of SEVEN! SEVEN!

    Optimism is great (and of course the financial elite love to spout off that the gravy train is never going to end, so jump on board), but, goddamn, doesn’t anyone – anyone – think long-term, or use a little bit of common sense, like, gee, we just might get another drought?

    The last 30 to 40 years of financial engineering has pulled forward population, pollution, resource stripping, etc. You said in your article, “The bottom line is that we may have good intentions, but we utterly fail when it comes to solutions.”

    I think there are a lot of people out there that could come up with good solutions. Problem is we’d have to fight the financial elite/corporate (expletive), and they do not have good intentions, far from it. They do not care whether the planet is stripped naked, just as long as they get to count their money while taking their last breath and know that they won, they came out on top.

    The problem isn’t good solutions, but the fact that we’re being ruled by people with very bad intentions. They own the source of money, the government, the courts, the media, the everything. They own us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 15 2016 #28210

    The article posted here a few days ago entitled “China Bubble Set to Rock Global Markets” said:

    “Well, first of all, the recent rebound in commodity prices, here at home, and the affiliated rebound in raw materials stocks, could have been driven, at least in part, by those very speculative excesses in China.”

    No kidding! The words “could have been driven” should have read “were driven”. The words “at least in part” should have read “almost entirely”.

    “Slosh, slosh, slosh” goes the speculative money. The mafia have fixed the race.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2016 #28126

    The true reason behind armed conflicts. “The very essence of the banking industry is to make us all slaves to debt.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2016 #28124

    Babble – “…Russia has consistently refused to join the world community and instead has been a belligerent, criminal government.” They are not conforming to U.S. and NATO commands, but why should they?

    “Is Russia really a military threat to the United States and its neighbors? Is it seriously trying to “revenge” itself for the 1989 collapse of the Soviet Union? Is it actively trying to rebuild the old Soviet empire? […]

    In 1990, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker and German Chancellor Helmet Kohl pledged to then Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move eastward, nor recruit former members of the East bloc military alliance, the Warsaw Pact. By 1995 NATO had enlisted Pact members Romania, Hungry, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and signed on Montenegro this year. Georgia is currently being considered, and there is a push to bring Ukraine aboard. From Moscow’s perspective NATO is not only moving east, but encircling Russia. […]

    Vladimir Putin might not be a nice guy, but the evidence he is trying to re-establish some Russian empire, and is a threat to his neighbors or the U.S., is thin to non-existent. […]
    Expansionist? Russia has two bases in the Middle East and a handful in Central Asia. The U.S. has 662 bases around the world and Special Forces (SOF) deployed in between 70 and 90 countries at any moment. Last year SOFs were active in 147 countries. The U.S. is actively engaged in five wars and is considering a sixth in Libya. Russian military spending will fall next year, and the U.S. will out-spend Moscow by a factor of 10. Who in this comparison looks threatening?”

    Baiting the Bear: Russia and NATO

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2016 #28041

    rapier – “He’s a fruitcake.” Ah, but he’s a billion dollar fruitcake and a very successful businessman. Fine, he might need a couple of hours education re the bond market (just so he can really see the manipulation) and a couple more to really understand the manipulation of interest rates, a few days on the Federal Reserve and who owns it, who is benefiting from the secretive trade agreements, etc. Hell, give him a week with anyone other than some banker hacks (not Harvard fat man, Larry Summers, or the likes of Timothy Geithner), but people like David Stockman, and he would see the overall ugliness.

    Last week you said something along the lines of, “Why can’t they just keep doing what they’re doing? I mean, who’s it hurting?” Well, it’s hurting a lot of people. This is who Trump is tapping into, and they are angry. Some political pundit on TV said that Hillary wants to maintain what Obama has achieved, she doesn’t want to tarnish his legacy. Ha! Ha! What a complete idiot. These people just do not get it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2016 #28028

    John Day – I can’t really see an invisible power center behind Trump. I mean, who would it be? Certainly not any of the mega-wealthy, corrupt, business slime that are out there. They’ve already got their man, bought and paid for, and that’s Hillary. Why would they deviate from the script?

    If there were a secret consortium backing Trump, it would have to be people who have gotten screwed by the elite and are angry that they can’t succeed because they’re being blocked by one of the various monopolies out there, or maybe they haven’t been asked to join the Council on Foreign Relations. Let’s face it, most everyone in the top 20% are doing just fine with this crooked government, and I can’t really see anyone trying to upset the apple cart. Why would they? Government employees are doing just fine and rooting for Hillary, no doubt.

    If you were in agriculture, would you really want someone to stop illegal immigration so that you could hire someone for a higher hourly wage? Construction, same thing. H-1B program? Trade policies? Okay, maybe we’re talking here. Perhaps there are people who are getting screwed by cheaply-made Chinese steel entering the market. About the only people that might be backing Trump (aside from the millions of middle class that are sliding on down to the lower class) might be small business owners, small manufacturers.

    The multinationals aren’t going to complain about the status quo. They like it. They want Hillary to keep that gravy train going. Chamber of Commerce is laughing. Realtors are laughing. People on social assistance can’t be too upset with what’s been happening; their checks keep coming, along with their housing assistance, free cell phones, SNAP cards, etc. The military-industrial establishment certainly wouldn’t be behind Trump (although he has said he wants to make the military strong, but use it only for defense) as the wars are good for business.

    That’s about all I can think of: regular voters and small business/manufacturers. I think Trump has tapped into what the angry populace are saying, and he’s listening to them. This is a revolution by the people who have suffered the most. That’s what he told the Speaker, Paul Ryan: “This is what the people want.”

    Yes, I believe he had better watch his back. The elite don’t quite know what to do with him yet as they’ve never had to face this problem before. “Hey, we’ve always fooled them, but this time it isn’t working.” This is an uprising by the people and they are mad at what their country has become; they’re tired of not being listened to.

    But the elite might be happy that Trump knows next to nothing about government. If they can work with him and bamboozle him, well then maybe they can make it work, providing he doesn’t ask too many questions and try to change things too much. Otherwise, it’s off to Dallas in a convertible.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2016 #28025

    Dr. Diablo – from yesterday: I think I get what you are saying, that it isn’t particular countries, but particular individuals (no matter what country they’re in) who are doing the damage and at fault, making/changing laws or holding steadfastly to laws when it suits them, starting wars in order to get something they want, showing no allegiance to anyone or nation, but only to themselves.

    You are of course correct. It isn’t the average Israeli, American or Brit who has gone rogue; they’re just going about their business. But to my mind, the real movers and shakers appear to be coming from three countries: U.S., U.K. and Israel. The rest (Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, others in Asia and South America) are mere puppets for the elite from the above three countries.

    I just wondered why the Americans pander and suck-up to Israel so much, almost down on bended knee, as if they are puppets for the Jews/Israelis. Are the Israelis the real leaders? I mean, they own almost everything: newspapers, publishing, financial services, television and film, technology. Do the American politicians only bow down because they get such large amounts of campaign contributions from Jewish corporations?

    If true, then you have a group of American politicians who are more worried about offending Israel (who is running roughshod over the Middle East) and American Jews than they are of their own countrymen. This implies that they are the real leaders. They have bought-and-paid-for people in their back pocket. The U.S.A. run by Jews. I mean, the U.S. protects Israel at the U.N. with their veto power, even though Israel is blatantly in the wrong. And potentially four Jewish Supreme Court justices out of nine? What?

    What do you think? As Trivium says, we need to start identifying who is really running the show.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 6 2016 #28024

    John Day – Occasionally I think that Trump might be a plant. He seems too off the wall to be, the type that couldn’t be bought, but you never know. If he shoots off his mouth too much, Hillary could easily win. Maybe that’s the plan.

    If he isn’t a plant, then they will work on his ego and they will bait him until he does shoot off his mouth. Obama and Hillary have big egos too, but they know enough to keep their mouths shut. They don’t take the bait.

    Read a good article from I believe Paul Craig Roberts. Whoever it was said that Obama came out of nowhere, and the elite love people who come out of nowhere because they don’t know enough about what goes on in government to get a handle on what’s going on. They can be easily bamboozled. And if they get too inquisitive and start asking too many questions or want to change things, they can easily be taken out by a crazed citizen that the elite can set up (like Oswald).

    Who knows. If Trump is legitimate, sincere about his intentions, he could certainly change things. To me, he really is America’s last hope. Isn’t it interesting that Hillary, from the left, and backed by the elite, is more to the right on many issues than Trump, and Trump, from the right (but who used to be a Democrat), apparently backed by no one, is further to the left (more along the lines of Sanders) than Hillary. It’s sort of upside down.

    Looks like Hillary will escape her email fiasco. The FBI’s investigation hinges on the word “willfully”, that she didn’t “willfully” do anything wrong. Others who have been charged and gone to jail didn’t get to use that special word; they were just fried. From what I’ve read, she was told many times by her underlings that she shouldn’t be doing this, and she just said she didn’t care. I guess they wanted to get that out of the way so that Trump could not smear her with it.

    One sailor, while on board his ship, took a picture of himself to send to his girlfriend. It was an innocent picture, and he didn’t take into consideration the fact that some piece of equipment was behind him while the picture was taken. I believe he was sent to jail, yet Hillary, while maybe not willfully trying to give information away, did in fact “knowingly” (as she was repeatedly warned) ignore people who were telling her to stop what she was doing. One law for us, another for the elite.

    If she gets in, America might as well fold up its tent. It will go from overdone to burnt and beyond repair. Trade deals for the elite, wars, more inequality and lots more corruption.

    Can you just imagine the sweat pouring off the foreheads of the elite when Trump stated the other day that he would get rid of the trade deals, that he would put tariffs on all multinational goods produced for next to nothing overseas and then sold into American markets, that he would make sure that trade is a two-way street, and not just one-way? They must all be in getting their blood pressures checked.

    Of course, even if Trump gets in, how will he get this done? They will kill him if he tries.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2016 #28006

    Former French Foreign Minister (Roland Dumas) weighs in with what he was told in Britain a few years before the Syrian war, and what Prime Minister Netanyahu told him re Syria. Interesting. The British people he knew were already gearing up to go into Syria. Netanyahu said that they were prepared to get along with Syria, but Syria was not prepared to get along with them. Short video (1:34 minutes):

    I’ve spent the last few days learning a little about Israel (it was before my time), how it got started, what happened to the Palestinians, how the Golan Heights was stolen from Syria by Israel and how they say they will never give it back. Both Trump and Clinton bow down before AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), members of Congress and the Senate don’t dare say anything about Israel. Do they wield such power that everyone is afraid to speak?

    Back when I wasn’t paying really any attention to world affairs and barely listening to the nightly news, I would often wonder why, when anything – anything, even small things – were said about Israel, there would be an immediate apology from the U.S. government. For someone barely paying any attention (and someone who knew nothing about Israel and didn’t care at that time), it just stood out and struck me as odd. I remember commenting on it and wondering what made Israel so powerful that the slightest thing said would garner such attention.

    I was reading the comments on Amazon re a book entitled “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”, which was written by Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian, who went back through diaries, correspondence, etc., and explodes the myth that the land had been empty before Israel took it, how 800,000 Palestinians were forced off their land, their houses bombed. I haven’t read the book, but the comments pretty much tell the story.

    Then I read about the Golan Heights. Unbelievable. After claiming occupied territories, Israel realized no one was forcing them to give it back, not really, and so they have come to think of it as their’s. No wonder Syria and the rest of the Middle East do not get along with Israel.

    But why the power of Israel? Can someone explain? Why hasn’t the U.N., that mighty organization that some like to hold up as so wonderful, forced them to return the land? What power do they hold over the U.S. government? What’s going on?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2016 #27946

    Nassim – that’s a very interesting article you posted. There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye, big plans that of course politicians and far too many unelected people get to decide on, leaving the citizens virtually no voice, essentially because the damage is done before the public can vote the scum out. I’m going to read it a few more times before commenting. Thanks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2016 #27945

    “Top advisor to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force commander announced that the downfall of the ISIL terrorist group has started. “The ISIL collapse has started intellectually and doctrinally and in the battlefield,” Brigadier General Iraj Masjedi said, addressing a gathering in the Central city of Kashan on Sunday night. He expressed the hope that the current year would witness the fall of the ISIL and Takfiri terrorism in the region.

    Elsewhere, General Masjedi blasted the US and Israel for their warmongering policies in the region, and said, “While the Americans claim that they are fighting against the terrorists, they don’t carry out any operations against the ISIL and instead supply them with equipment and weapons.”

    In relevant remarks in February 2015, IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani underlined that the terrorist groups in the region, specially the ISIL, were experiencing the last days of their lives.”


    Let’s hope so, but the U.S. just put more troops on the ground. They must feel they are losing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2016 #27944

    “Members of Turkey’s governing AK party and pro-Kurdish politicians have traded blows in parliament over plans to strip MPs of their immunity from prosecution. The brawl erupted as a committee met to discuss the government-backed changes to the constitution. Some parliamentarians launched themselves into the melee from a table, others threw water or aimed punches.

    The opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) say the move is aimed at stifling dissent.
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for members of the pro-Kurdish HDP to face prosecution, accusing them of being an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

    Several parliamentarians were injured in the fighting. A session last week on the constitutional changes also broke up in violence.”

    And the EU wants to deal with this guy?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2016 #27942

    V. Arnold – I hope so. I hope Russia can keep fending off the attacks, but they just keep coming at her. If nothing else, I believe that Putin loves his country and will do his utmost to keep it strong.

    rapier – I believe what you say is true also; Russia doesn’t want to play the debt game. Every single so-called socialist country (the ones who don’t want to rape their citizens) has been ostracized, sanctioned or been helped along with overthrows or coups (Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Libya, on and on). “You will play the game, or else!”

    “…the empire of debt, bankers and finance. We don’t associate it with Jews anymore.” From what I read, I think it is still associated with Jews. If there’s a post about banking or central banks, out come the Jew comments: “Damn Jews, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen. Are Jews the only people allowed to run the central bank?”

    A post on banking brings up Blankfein, Summers, Rubin, Schwarzman, Weill, and out come the comments on Jews.

    Or the newest Obama attempt at putting another Jew on the U.S. Supreme Court (which, if confirmed, the court would then consist of five Catholics and four Jews). Many comments on why there are no Protestant judges. And why, when Jews make up less than 2% of the U.S. population, would they potentially have four seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Many comments re Jews running the world (Bilderberg, Rothchild, Kissinger, Soros). If anything, comments re Jews are growing.

    I even read that the crooks who looted Russia after the downfall of the Soviet Union were the Jews.

    I don’t know if these comments are correct or not, but they are most definitely there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 1 2016 #27937

    Babble – there was a soft invasion by the U.S. in Ukraine. I’m sure you’re aware of this. “Regime-changing” is what they call it, like was done in Libya, Iraq, Iran, and countless other countries.

    And your evidence for Russia taking down the passenger plane? Your evidence is because it “could only be controlled by a trained Russian”? Really?

    Niall Ferguson? Do you mean this guy: “Ferguson was an advisor to John McCain’s U.S. presidential campaign in 2008, and announced his support for Mitt Romney in 2012…” He is part of the establishment, a good Harvard boy.

    Putin may not be innocent, but he is no worse than Hillary and Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, etc. But he is not an aggressor, he is not building NATO bases on the borders of the U.S., he is not attacking and removing sovereign leaders.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 2 2016 #27935

    V. Arnold – “WTF is wrong with the west (NATO) and their incessant aggression towards Russia?”

    The West want to shut off Russia’s flow of gas to Europe. The West (U.S. corporations) want their pipelines from Qatar and Saudi Arabia to be supplying Europe, not Russia. Call Russia aggressive, sanctions follow the trumped-up Russian aggression, everybody belonging to NATO gets on board, prospective pipeline countries are destroyed (Iraq, Syria), clearing the way for the pipelines.

    The U.S. want to ostracize Russia, cut it off. Imagine what a wonderful relationship Russia could have had with Europe. But, like you said yesterday and today, this will end up being a good thing for Russia because she will develop her own industries. The U.S. will try to bankrupt Russia, and then go after her. She is too resource-rich for the U.S. to ignore.

    Too bad.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 1 2016 #27926

    “Trump Saves American TV”? Probably. The networks are making an absolute killing off this guy. 85% of all PAC money is going to the networks for advertising, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. One guy I read somewhere said the networks play up Cruz (knowing full well that Trump will beat him), all this causes more people to watch (like WWF wrestling). Slinging mud everywhere, all in the hopes of getting the ratings up. Without these election cycles, these networks would actually have to work for a living.

    What is very significant is what is absent from the media, like no criticism AT ALL, AT ALL, AT ALL of Hillary Clinton. No Benghazi, no Clinton Foundation dirt, no outrage over her emails, no talk of obtaining transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, no talk of the moola that her and Bill have hauled in from their speeches. I mean, this witch is many degrees more dangerous than Trump, and yet…..silence.

    That’s because her campaign’s advertising money is instrumental in keeping these networks alive, and they aren’t about to bite the hand that feeds them. Besides, Hillary represents the status quo, and things could be a lot worse for these monopolies if someone wanted to break them up (and it won’t be Hillary).

    So they crucify Trump every single night (Trump this, Trump that), say very, very little about Bernie (except he’s going to lose, but good on him for trying – laughs all round!), stay neutral on Cruz and Kasich (again, don’t bite the hand that feeds you), and say absolutely nothing about Hillary, nothing.

    A great number of women are voting for Hillary simply because she’s a woman, never a question of how many young men have died because of her warmongering, never a question of how her trade policies are going to screw every single one of their children. She’s a shark in a pant suit.

    If it turns out to be Trump against Hillary (and I’m not saying he is perfect by any stretch of the imagination), then I hope he exposes her for everything she stands for and leaves her stripped naked for all to see. That would be a pretty sight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 1 2016 #27925

    Greg Mannarino – everybody should see that video. Pure fakery, all of it. I like the way he refers to “the system”. Andy Samberg’s comical take on not trusting “the system”:

    V. Arnold – agree re Russia. Russia just got serious (after the sanctions were applied) and started developing their own industries. Good on them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2016 #27885

    Picture of an unaccompanied minor (at link). Tell me that this fellow is a little child.

    6′ tall “unaccompanied minor” refugee in Sweden raises questions

    And Sweden’s open door policy is providing some touchy-feely results:


    Of course, none of this would have happened if not for the U.S. and its puppets trying to overthrow Assad. Good, clean camps should have been set up (where are you, UNHCR?) in Syria, away from the fighting, and the Syrians should have been held there. But that wasn’t part of the agenda, was it? In the meantime, we all should be putting pressure on our own respective governments to get the hell out of Syria.

    We are being lied to, and the elite agenda is being fulfilled. They must be laughing hysterically at our stupidity. At least now people are starting to fight back, and hopefully throw the bums out. You can’t let in the whole world, otherwise where would it stop? Especially people from cultures so completely opposed to your own.

    Take a look at this video (if you can stomach it) of an Afghan woman who was accused of burning the Koran. These men are regular Afghans, not part of some terrorist group, and they murdered this woman in broad daylight, again with no questions asked or facts provided; just animalistic behavior. Are we so desperate for new consumers/cheap labor that we would allow the likes of these men into our countries?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 28 2016 #27883

    Dr. Diablo – “Poor misguided Guardian, believing things the Yanks publish.” All part of the propaganda machine, the U.S. and U.K. working hard to keep their citizens ignant. Guardians for whom? For the rabble? Nope. For truth? Nope. Printed lies and blatant omissions in order to steer the masses here, there and everywhere, all so the elite can maintain their positions or push through agendas that are unpalatable to the people.

    Read one of their articles re Britain taking in “unaccompanied minors” and the big furor over the government voting no. Right under the title of the article was a picture of very young children (currently residing in Greece), suggesting that these little children were the ones being turned away. It worked. With little to no facts and the half-truths and quarter-truths we’ve come to love and blindly accept without question, out came the predictable bleeding hearts. Asking no questions, they launched into tirades that “the children must be saved”.
    No thought required, they said, as everything anyone needed to know was already laid out in the article.

    The several people who suggested that the “unaccompanied minors” might be young adult men pretending to be children (of course they have no documents; documents are messy, truthy things which might get you turned away) were discounted. Without thinking, the bloggers blindly chanted for the children (in the picture) to be brought in. I mean, several of these so-called unaccompanied minors’ dental x-rays have proven they are young adult men, not little six year-olds, or even thirteen, fourteen or fifteen year-olds. They’re young men in their early twenties, half of whom have a sexually-transmitted disease.

    The Guardian did their job well. They provided the propaganda, and the bloggers fell for it. Steering the dumbed-down masses one little lie at a time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 12 2016 #27689

    Yes, we are furious that Russia does not bend to us, does not allow us to own all of their resources. I mean, we’ve brought everyone else to their knees! “God damned Russians! Why don’t they just submit, already? Quick, bring on more sanctions. We’ll sanction them until they submit to our will.”

    On another note, it looks like Lattakia, Syria is returning to normal again.


    And more Syrian families are now returning to Palmyra after collapse of ISIL there.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 11 2016 #27667

    regionswork – it would be nice if the world’s countries would cooperate, but the greedy see the resources and make a bee line for them.

    White on white, white on black, Asian on white, white on Asian…..and on and on it goes. Yesterday I posted a clip from the movie Blood Diamond, which highlights the corrupt governments of Africa and the greedy Westerners who want their resources, how the two sides work brilliantly together to hold the continent down. But it’s not just the whites doing it; the blacks are right in there too. Not the ordinary people (just like you and I aren’t scheming to annihilate Libya or the Ukraine), but our elite leaders. In the movie, the black rebels were the ones hacking off the limbs of their countrymen. The black rebels were the ones taking slaves to work in the diamond mines. The whites were smuggling the diamonds out of Africa and selling them to places like De Beers – conflict diamonds. In exchange, the whites sold the corrupt governments or the rebels (whoever was currently in power) more weapons. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

    Sometimes I watch the series “Who Do You Think You Are,” a show about genealogy. One American black actor or sports star (I can’t remember which), whose family had been wrongly taken from Africa and brought to America, went back to Africa during the show to see where his relatives had come from. He saw an orphanage and asked where all the little children had come from. The person running the orphanage said that their parents had sold their own children into slavery, and that they had liberated them and taken them into the orphanage. The look on his face was painful because I could see he was thinking that it was supposed to be only white people that did things like that. Here his own ancestors were still doing the same thing – taking slaves and working them.

    Africa is Africa because almost every country there is ruled by corrupt governments, and they are in league with corrupt Western elite. Rinse and repeat pretty much everywhere else in the world: Asia, the Middle East, South America, etc. Without the West, though, most of these corrupt governments would be overrun. It is the West’s money that keeps these bad officials in power. They help in the overthrow of good governments, help to plan coups, but it’s a symbiotic relationship between the two.

    Whites don’t own racism. It’s firmly entrenched in the Japanese and Chinese cultures, and pretty much everywhere else in the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2016 #27657

    “Sometimes I wonder: will God ever forgive us for what we’ve done to each other? And then I look around and I realize God left this place a long time ago.”

    Somewhere in this brilliant movie, Blood Diamond, it is said that it’s either ivory, oil, diamonds or gold that causes all of the problems in the world. To that list we can add bankers and religion.

    Watched a documentary on blood diamonds, how corrupt governments (working with Western corporations) start taking all of the money for themselves. Then a rebel group steps in, initially angry that the government is not helping its people, but then they too succumb to greed and corruption (or maybe wanting to help the people and bring democracy was all a guise in the first place, and they just wanted to get rich). The rebels go into the areas where the oil or mines are and then they purposely disperse the people (just like they’re doing in Syria) away from the areas they want to loot. Here we can see ISIS has dispersed people and is selling the oil to Western outsiders.

    Most of these corrupt governments or rebel groups don’t want democracy; they want anything but. I mean, how are you going to loot when you’re being held responsible? And who buys these products? The West. Which means that the West does not want democracy in these places either.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 10 2016 #27656

    Would you look at that now – Ireland is apparently booming. But from what?

    “It’s true there has been a slight uptick in genuine economic activity place here with growth in things like personal consumption and construction, but this certainly cannot account for our current level of GDP, which suggests the place is absolutely abuzz with economic activity.

    How can this be? Well the reason is that Ireland’s is a recovery built on sand – and some highly suspect statistics. […]

    Conor puts it nicely when he states, ‘Credit is the fuel for the engine. What we have here is a country that is claiming it can drive for 50,000 miles on a single tank of petrol. This is no economic miracle; it’s just bullshit.’ […]

    Take a close look at this ‘Intellectual Property Products’ measure. Anything look peculiar? Well we see spikes (Q2 2012; Q2 and Q3 2015) which seem to just double in the space of a few weeks and then disappear. There’s clearly something up here, and that something is patents. With multinationals starting to relocate some of their intellectual property out of ‘bad tax havens’ (Bermuda, Cayman Islands, etc) and into ‘good tax havens’ (Ireland, Luxembourg, etc) our growth figures were give a massive shot in the arm. […]

    Our final a chart plots our nominal GDP growth together with GDP growth minus this IPP component. When we do this our supposed growth of 7.8% does the kind of disappearing act…”

    Ireland: a Recovery Built on Sand

    Emerald Isle playing Emerald City curtain tricks.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2016 #27638

    Foreign trusts in Reno, Nevada, courtesy of Rothschild:

    “Rothschild, the centuries-old European financial institution, has opened a trust company in Reno, Nev., a few blocks from the Harrah’s and Eldorado casinos. It is now moving the fortunes of wealthy foreign clients out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, subject to the new international disclosure requirements, and into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which are exempt.
    * * *
    For financial advisers, the current state of play is simply a good business opportunity. In a draft of his San Francisco presentation, Rothschild’s Penney wrote that the U.S. “is effectively the biggest tax haven in the world.” The U.S., he added in language later excised from his prepared remarks, lacks “the resources to enforce foreign tax laws and has little appetite to do so.”

    Of course, realtors are exempt from discerning whether money is being laundered or not. Who woulda thunk?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2016 #27637

    rapier – so nonchalant; whatever, it doesn’t really matter, not important.

    If you’ve got no kids, are part of the establishment, or work for it, have lots of your money tied up in establishment fraud, then, yeah, what the hell, it doesn’t matter. In fact, you’d be kind of cheering for the whole fraud to continue, wouldn’t you? You’d probably even be rooting and hoping that the Clinton crook wins the election, just so everything will continue. Yay, they’re printing up more money – yay! Whoopee, my gold is going up! Yay!

    Anything but realizing losses. I mean, who the hell does that? I know when I can’t pay my loan back, well they just pat me on the head and say, “That’s all right, sweetheart, we’ll catch you next time, maybe a few years from now. Run along.” Yeah, right.

    Anybody who says this is okay is a person I would never want to know because I would never ever trust them. Laws don’t matter to them; the only thing that matters is that they keep banking their ill-gotten gains. If the world goes down the tube and real people actually suffer, who the hell cares? That’s not a world I want to live in.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2016 #27579

    “Serious concerns have been raised about the viability and legality of the EU-Turkey refugee deal just three days before its implementation, after rights campaigners alleged that Ankara had been deporting hundreds of refugees back to Syria on a daily basis in recent weeks…”

    Another commenter said, “However, the problem is that the agreement that the EU would take people direct from Turkey created a pull factor towards Turkey, so more people keep coming because they heard that Syrians can get directly to European welfare states from Turkey and no need to risk your life at sea or pay smugglers anymore.”

    Could it be that the word has gone out and the Syrians are now flooding over into Turkey, thinking that will get them to Europe, and Turkey is turning them around and sending them back? If they couldn’t afford to pay smugglers before to get you to Europe, now they don’t have to. They just simply make it to Turkey, they think, and they’ll get into Europe. Are these the Syrians that Turkey is sending back? They’re not running FROM war, but running TO Turkey in order to get to Europe?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27567

    seychelles – as in we think too much and love too little? Too much ego, and too little consciousness? And if things were reversed, we’d be thinking that “all men are my brothers”, we’d become enlightened? Is that what you mean?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2016 #27565

    “We’re going to see a lot of ‘hidden’ protectionism going forward. Globalization is now turning against individual nations.”

    Isn’t it about time that globalization was kicked to the curb? Aren’t “individual nations” what the establishment has been trying to obliterate? It seems that someone else (usually unelected bodies like the World Trade Organization, the U.N., Bank for International Settlements, central banks, the up-and-coming trade treaties, etc.) gets to dictate what an individual nation has to do. And when people finally have enough of this crap and rise up, they’re called protectionists, racists, fascists, unintelligent. Or the people are told, “But at least you have a democracy and you get to vote for your candidate,” but the establishment neglect to mention that they, not you, gets to select the candidate. How’s that for democracy?

    China already has tariff protection, and yet they get to ship product into the U.S. with little to no trade protection. That’s why the system has worked the way it has. Increased profits when the multinationals ship product back into the U.S. AND tax relief. Great system. Think I’ll try that, then I’ll post from jail.

    Nice racket if you can get it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2016 #27548

    “International law no longer has any meaning.” Or any law, for that matter. They will do what they want. Laws don’t get passed unless there is a huge benefit to the establishment, or if they’re trying to prevent their own demise. Whenever I hear about a new law being passed, I now stop and think: why would they be doing this? Who is going to benefit? The passing of new laws, throwing out or ignoring old laws, laws made retroactive (when convenient) – all in a day’s work.

    Politicians and sociopaths/psychopaths – the profession seems to select for them. Smooth Obama, well spoken, well dressed, calm, reassuring, came out of nowhere, right color, he lands in the White House. I even had high hopes, but I started watching his body language and I started to see what I thought were narcissistic characteristics. He even accepted the friggin’ Nobel Peace Prize. If I had been him, I would have been totally embarrassed and handed it back. But not Obama. Held held high, he would have felt he deserved it!

    The following article describes the differences between sociopaths and psychopaths. I don’t know whether they’re correct, but, if they are, very few politicians would fit into the sociopath category.

    “Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage. They are likely to be uneducated and live on the fringes of society, unable to hold down a steady job or stay in one place for very long. […]

    Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.
    When committing crimes, psychopaths carefully plan out every detail in advance and often have contingency plans in place. Unlike their sociopathic counterparts, psychopathic criminals are cool, calm, and meticulous. Their crimes, whether violent or non-violent, will be highly organized and generally offer few clues for authorities to pursue.”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2016 #27531

    “Mentions of China, the dollar and the term “global” have been more readily used by Yellen…”

    All central bankers are working together. That’s what they do at their meetings. We’re all one big happy global family now; no sovereignty.

    So the Fed is to provide low unemployment and stable prices. That’s their mandate. When was Yellen suddenly given a mandate to watch over the “global” economy? When was she given permission to sit atop her thrown like a queen overseeing her kingdom? Is she a citizen of China all of a sudden, because it sure looks that way. Is she queen of the world? My, my, how does the Dragon Queen sleep at night?

    Who does Ms. Yellen and the rest of the gang of thieves really take their orders from? She’s obviously picking winners and losers, but who is telling her to? One thing is for sure: these central bankers will have their heads on a plate if they don’t do as they’re told. Who is advising them?

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