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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2016 #27523

    Babble – thank goodness Russia went into Syria. The U.S.-backed ISIS is being pummelled with the help of Russia. And, no, it is not Russia’s fault that people are fleeing into Europe. These people were invited in by Merkel, enticed to come. Word went out on Facebook and Twitter that Germany wanted them to come, and so they came, even though they were safe in Turkey, 80% of them living in apartments, not refugee camps (even though the bleeding hearts don’t like that info to get around).

    Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United States (along with its NATO puppets) have been instrumental in destroying Syria. They wanted Assad gone. This is what they do to countries. Same in Libya and in Iraq. Keeps the military-industrial complex in lots and lots of moolah! Stirs up the tribes in the Middle East, creates confusion, destruction. Countries don’t become strong and talk back when they’re destroyed, do they?

    The U.S. fighter jets that were supposed to be bombing ISIS were coming back with three-quarters of their payloads. They weren’t trying to bomb ISIS. They created ISIS in order to take out Assad. If you want to blame anyone, blame the U.S.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2016 #27522

    Babble – Russia may not have taken many Middle Eastern refugees, but they sure as hell have taken thousands and thousands of Ukranians who fled into Russia; you know, the ones in eastern Ukraine who have been getting bombed and killed too.

    A group of refugees in Russia felt they had the right to put their hands where they shouldn’t, and some Russian men set them straight.

    “A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday.

    The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and tried their luck in Russia. What they didn’t realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries.”


    So they were expelled from Norway for “bad behavior”, and they ended up in Russia. Apparently Russia is taking some.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2016 #27490

    So Justin Trudeau (a featherweight compared to his father, who at least was well-read) feels sorry for the Syrians and brings a few thousand in (goes and greets them at the airport, a touchy-feely moment captured by the press, Trudeau looking like a child who just got a new puppy), yet he continues to be a part of NATO, the organization responsible for destroying Syria, Libya, Iraq…..no questions asked.

    He’s all chummy with Israel (who slaughter Palestinians), and agrees with the Conservative resolution not to use BDS (boycott, divestiture and sanctions) against Israel because that “promotes the demonization and de-legitimization of the State of Israel”. Yeah, we wouldn’t want anybody de-legitimized now, would we?

    “Israel’s occupation is routinely compared to apartheid by Israelis – and not just critics of the government. Michael Ben-Yair, Israel’s attorney general from 1993 to 1996, wrote:

    “We enthusiastically chose to become a colonial society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the occupied territories …. We developed two judicial systems: one — progressive, liberal in Israel. The other — cruel, injurious in the occupied territories. In effect, we established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories immediately following their capture.”

    Justin Trudeau’s Shame: Extending Carte Blanche to Israel

    Out-of-his-league! But really good at singing “Kumbaya”, and really, really enjoys himself at White House dinners where he kisses ass well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2016 #27489

    Contrasting what Hillary Clinton said in her book “Hard Choices” against what really happened in Libya:

    Obama (the narcissistic, yet Presidential-looking man) said in 2011: “The task that I assigned our forces [is] to protect the Libyan people from immediate danger and to establish a no-fly zone.… Broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.”

    Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon said two days later: “The military mission of the United States is designed to implement the Security Council resolution, no more and no less.… I mean protecting civilians against attacks from Qaddafi’s forces and delivering humanitarian aid.”

    James Steinberg, Clinton’s deputy, said the very next day: “President Obama has been equally firm that our military operation has a narrowly defined mission that does not include regime change.”

    Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: “The goals of this campaign right now again are limited, and it isn’t about seeing him go.”

    Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, said: “Regime change is a very complicated business. It sometimes takes a long time. Sometimes it can happen very fast, but it was never part of the military mission.”

    Just last month, Robert Gates said: “I can’t recall any specific decision that said, ‘Well, let’s just take him out.'”

    Yet, in March, 2011 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched and they landed just 50 yards from Qaddafi’s personal residence. Cries must have been heard from the British submarine that launched them, “God dammit, we missed him!”

    Later that day, Vice Adm. William Gortney, Director of Joint Staff was asked: “Can you guarantee that coalition forces are not going to target Qaddafi?” His response was: “At this particular point, I can guarantee that he’s not on a targeting list.” When it was then pointed out that it was Qaddafi’s personal residence that had been attacked, Gortney added, “Yeah. But, no, we’re not targeting his residence. We’re there to set the conditions and enforce the United Nations Security Council resolution. That’s what we’re doing right now and limiting it to that.”

    The Big Lie About Hillary’s War In Libya

    Read the rest of the lies. Paul Craig Roberts said the establishment would have especially chosen Obama BECAUSE he was “new”, wouldn’t really know what’s going on. I contend they also would have seen his narcissism and knew he wouldn’t really give a shite about what really happened.

    Smooth-talking, long-legs-in-a-fine-suit Obama – and everybody got sucked right down the tubes. And now Bernie (who has voted in favor of every war the U.S. has recently entered) and Clinton (a shark wrapped inside a woman) want their turn to cause more mayhem? I think I’d rather go with the guy who wants to at least ask some questions.

    “Liar, Liar, Can’t Wait to Fire” Clinton? Get ready for war with Russia if she gets in.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2016 #27488

    “Some questions must be asked. If nobody else does that, you get Trump.”

    Yeah, you might end up with someone who actually asks questions. Perish the thought! Some of the questions and positions put forward by Trump are set out in “Which Presidential Candidate Am I?”

    “I am the only candidate who opposed the Iraq War in 2004 and has strongly denounced it in 2016.

    I am the only candidate who has rejected the policy of meddling in Syria and trying to overthrow the Assad regime.

    I am the only candidate who has said that the U.S. president should be a neutral broker in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

    I am the only candidate who has not rattled the sword at Russia but instead has warned about the possibility of World War III if we pursue a belligerent course.

    I am the only candidate who has questioned our government’s close relations with Saudi Arabia.

    I am the only candidate who has questioned the need for continued membership in NATO, relic of the Cold War and instrument of US/Euro wars of aggression.

    I am the only candidate who has said he wants good relations with all countries and would have a strong military that wouldn’t be necessary to use.

    I am the only candidate who has expressed a willingness to normalize relations with Cuba (during the Florida debate, which elicited boos from the audience).

    I am the only candidate who has rejected the bipartisan program of economic globalization, including NAFTA and TPP (unfair trade agreements driven by transnational corporations).”

    Read the rest for yourselves. Questions are such messy things, aren’t they? As the above article says, Trump “…has said some dumb things, some crass things, some wrong things. But let’s give credit where credit is due and stop listening to the corporate media for our understanding of populist politics. They are century-old masters of disinformation, mass distraction, and divide-and-conquer.”

    Which Presidential Candidate Am I?

    Truth is messy too. We can we “wowed” by a well-rehearsed smooth-talker, someone who has all of his lines written for him and then reads them off a teleprompter, who speaks of honor, equality, bringing jobs back home, or we can be unsettled by a shrill and loud comb-over who is actually asking tough questions and demanding some answers.

    Which would you prefer? A liar-in-chief whose allegiance is to corporations, Wall Street, multinationals, or someone who actually “might” for once show some allegiance to his country?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 22 2016 #27427

    “Hillary Clinton on her best of days is still a serious menace to both the earth’s continuance as a habitable planet, and to peace. A committed neoliberal who has pursued, both as a senator and as a secretary of state, a policy of economic and military destabilization of sovereign governments, with no regard for the aftermath of such criminality (think Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Venezuela, Libya, Ukraine and Honduras, but especially Libya, Ukraine and Honduras, which were very much her doing in her last public position as secretary of state), Clinton has made it clear even on the campaign trail that she considers Russia to be an enemy. If elected, she has also made it clear she’ll continue a dangerous policy of brinksmanship, pushing for NATO membership of more nations bordering Russia, and moving offensive weapons and troops there too. The stated neoliberal (and neoconservative) goal is to ultimately destabilize Russia so that a) President Putin is removed, and b) so that Russia further fragments into smaller nation-states. This is a mad recipe for World War III, and Clinton, as a new president out to prove her toughness, is a good bet to push things to a point where that war could become a reality.”

    Why I Won’t be Voting for Hillary in November

    Hillary is flip-flopping on trade:

    “Clinton now says that she opposes the TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership, having praised it as “the gold standard” in trade agreements not long ago. The official reason for the flip-flop: she read the fine print. The real reason: Sanders could kill her on this, and so will Trump, if comes down to a Trump v. Clinton race in November. What would she do if she became President? The answer is obvious: “renegotiate” this or that fine point and flip-flop again.

    She could hardly do otherwise: trade deals like NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the TPP are the lynchpins holding the neoliberal world order together. Without them, well-paying jobs and the unions that make them possible could not be so easily made to disappear, and the handful of miscreants at the top of the income and wealth hierarchy would not be able to enrich themselves quite so egregiously at everyone else’s expense.”

    Could Hillary Clinton be Worse Than Trump?

    These trade deals will be rammed through unless the people get up in arms.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 22 2016 #27426

    Nassim – to this day I am still incensed by what happened to Gaddafi. I hope that every single one of the people who took him down is held responsible and spends the rest of their lives in jail. Assad has been lucky so far; hopefully he survives.

    Dmitry Orlov has a good piece today, “The Colour Counterrevolution Cometh”:

    “You see, in the US hatred of the Washington régime runs very deep, with millions of people sick and tired of being swindled by various hated bureaucracies…If all goes well then, starting next year, tens of thousands of Washington operatives, along with their friends in various politically connected industries, such as banking, defense, medicine and education, will evacuate to a variety of nonextradition countries (which will no doubt respond by raising the prices of their passports) while thousands more will begin their lengthy sojourns at federal penitentiaries. And thus the crisis will be defused.

    And if it doesn’t go well, then we’ll probably be looking at a “deteriorating security environment.” How far it will deteriorate is anyone’s guess, but if you are one of the Washington régime’s stooges then you may want to get yourself a second passport before the prices go up and get out ahead of time.”


    Bernie Sanders has gone along with every single massacre.

    Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter?

    Why Bernie Sanders is a Dead End

    The Myth of Bernie Sanders

    And Clinton? Get ready for much more war should she ever get elected! A very dangerous woman who is married to one of the worst sell-out presidents ever! Both have enriched the establishment and could care less about the average person.

    “The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other”:

    The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other

    American Exceptionalism and the Election Made in Hell (Or Why I’d Vote for Trump Over Hillary)

    Trump is a loose cannon and, as Trivium said, might be a plant (maybe the establishment sensed the American people were mad and gave them an outlet – Trump), but he’s all the American people have got.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2016 #27381

    Ken – last thing, then I’m zipping my mouth. In a way, the U.S. taxpayers ARE paying more for their fruits, vegetables and houses (that illegals are hired to build). It’s just that they’re not seeing this increase when they purchase these items; it ends up in the taxes they pay for everything. The big money ends up in the pockets of the wealthy farmers and construction companies (who pay some back in campaign contributions), but in the end the U.S. taxpayers DO end up paying for this flow of illegal aliens. I mean, somebody has to, and it sure isn’t the wealthy. I think we know that by now.

    These types of things, along with so many others, are what have the American people completely pissed off.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2016 #27380

    Ken – thanks. Yes, I found that link too and posted it on the last thread. See the other link I posted as well, which shines a light on the ability to claim children (children, even nieces and nephews, who are not even living in the United States) on your income tax in order to receive a fully-refundable tax credit of $1,000.00/child.

    “One of the workers, who was interviewed at his home in southern Indiana, admitted his address was used this year to file tax returns by four other undocumented workers who don’t even live there. Those four workers claimed 20 children live inside the one residence and, as a result, the IRS sent the illegal immigrants tax refunds totaling $29,608.

    13 Investigates saw only one little girl who lives at that address (a small mobile home). We wondered about the 20 kids claimed as tax deductions?

    “They don’t live here,” said the undocumented worker. “The other kids are in their country of origin, which is Mexico.”

    He later explained none of the 20 children have ever visited the United States – let alone lived here.”

    It gets worse:

    “Claims for additional child tax credits by ITIN filers have skyrocketed during the past decade, from $161 million in 2001 to $4.2 billion in tax year 2010.

    · Undocumented workers filed 3.02 million tax returns in 2010. 72% of those returns (2.18 million) claimed the additional child tax credit.

    · In 2010, the IRS owed undocumented workers more in claimed additional child tax credits than it collected from those workers in taxes.”


    Paid out more than it collected in taxes, so this is costing the U.S. taxpayers. Add in education, food stamps and housing if a new baby is born on U.S. soil (and, quite frankly, they’d be idiots not to have their babies born in the U.S. – I guess that’s why they’re doing it, along with the Chinese now), welfare assistance for the parents of said child, on and on.

    I’m not saying the illegal immigrants are bad people, but it does appear the system is being taken advantage of. Maybe laws need to be changed?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27375

    Ken Barrows – a tax loophole that is being taken advantage of. “Hey, if it’s there, then nail it,” some might say.

    “Millions of illegal immigrants are getting a bigger tax refund than you. Eyewitness News shows a massive tax loophole that provides billions of dollars in tax credits to undocumented workers and, in many cases, people who have never stepped foot in the United States. And you are paying for it!”

    I don’t know whether we should call this a “benefit”, but from where I’m sitting, if it “benefits” you, then I guess it is.

    “Each spring, at tax preparation offices all across the nation, many illegal immigrants are now eagerly filing tax returns to take advantage of a tax loophole, using their ITIN [individual taxpayer identification number] numbers to get huge refunds from the IRS.

    The loophole is called the Additional Child Tax Credit. It’s a fully-refundable credit of up to $1000 per child, and it’s meant to help working families who have children living at home.

    But 13 Investigates has found many undocumented workers are claiming the tax credit for kids who live in Mexico – lots of kids in Mexico.

    “We’ve seen sometimes 10 or 12 dependents, most times nieces and nephews, on these tax forms,” the whistleblower told Eyewitness News. “The more you put on there, the more you get back.” […]

    One of the workers, who was interviewed at his home in southern Indiana, admitted his address was used this year to file tax returns by four other undocumented workers who don’t even live there. Those four workers claimed 20 children live inside the one residence and, as a result, the IRS sent the illegal immigrants tax refunds totaling $29,608.

    13 Investigates saw only one little girl who lives at that address (a small mobile home). We wondered about the 20 kids claimed as tax deductions?

    “They don’t live here,” said the undocumented worker. “The other kids are in their country of origin, which is Mexico.”

    He later explained none of the 20 children have ever visited the United States – let alone lived here.”


    I’d be interested in hearing what you think about the above.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27374

    Ken – yes, but apparently there are ways around this – forged documents. Now, you might argue that this isn’t the illegal immigrants’ fault, that the U.S. government ought to be able to tell real from fake documents, but apparently some illegals are taking advantage of this.

    “Once illegal immigrants arrive, they buy forged documents saying they are U.S. citizens. The only way to stop this is to crack down on those who make and sell forged documents. If employers, state, and federal agencies cannot tell a forged document from a real document, then of course illegal aliens will receive benefits.”

    I guess it’d be kind of like cracking down on drugs – next to impossible.

    “Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies.”

    Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27362

    Undocumented mothers can have their babies delivered for free in the U.S. Is that the emergency you’re speaking of? Once the baby is delivered, the family, through the baby (now considered a U.S. citizen), is eligible for food and housing benefits. How many come to the U.S. especially to deliver their babies, to secure citizenship for their child?

    Do children of undocumented workers not attend school? What about school lunches? Are they going to deny them? What about SNAP?

    Are you telling me that undocumented individuals receive no benefits at all, aside from emergency Medicaid?

    Leaving aside the benefits or no benefits question, there is the fact that many, many illegals are working under the table, not paying taxes, the employers are greatly benefiting from this, and the U.S. workers are left out. This is the biggest crime.

    I read a really good article on Mexican farm workers taking over jobs that local families used to have. The farmers who employed them treated the migrant workers poorly, paid them less than the local families they used to employ, and were raking in the money; they were filthy rich. The local families wanted the work, had always done the work, but now it wasn’t around because it was cheaper to hire illegals. This should not be allowed. You hear about these poor farmers, how they say they wouldn’t make it without the low-paid migrants, and then you see their cars, their houses, their lifestyle, read about the campaign contributions they make to their favored politicians, and you realize it’s all a pack of lies. They scare people by telling them that they’ll be paying a lot more for their fruits and vegetables if the illegals are kept out. Well, just looking at their lifestyle tells me that there’s a lot of money in fruits and vegetables, but the “poor farmer” is pocketing it. How about he pay the workers at least the minimum wage, and then reduce the friggin’ price of the produce?

    Corporations and businesses again are the beneficiaries of illegals. They spread the cost out to the rest of society.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27360

    “Europe’s return plan violates Greek law. To address this, Greece must overhaul its asylum laws in a matter of days to enshrine Turkey as a “safe third country” to receive asylum seekers.”

    Shouldn’t they have done this at the beginning of the exodus? Wait, the people came from Turkey, had to cross through Turkey to get to Greece, had to leave the apartments they had in Turkey (or camps), had to literally walk across Turkish soil to get to the water’s edge, but now Turkey is considered a safe “third” country”? Shouldn’t it be that Greece is returning them to Turkey because Turkey was a “safe refuge” to begin with?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27359

    We all decry the loss of the rhinos and the rest of nature, but somehow we can’t talk about over-population. Aren’t the poachers just beating us to it? Won’t we, given our record, decimate nature all on our own; it’ll just take more time. Poached now or annihilated tomorrow sort of thing.

    By 2050, Nigeria will overtake the U.S. (4th) as the third most populace country in the world, behind India (1st) and China (2nd). Nigeria! Then Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Bangladesh, Congo, Ethiopia, Mexico and Egypt. Population projections for 2100 state the world’s population will rise to 11.2 billion. The median age of 30 (now) will rise to 36 in 2050 and 42 in 2100—the median age of Europeans today.

    Gee, maybe if the West keeps taking more and more people from the rest of the over-populated world, keeps the cycle going, we can…..not even make a dent in the world’s population? Kind of like what Dr. Diablo mentioned re Steve Keen the other day, Steve Keen’s insistence of the infinite and endless taking on of more and more debt. Eventually the game stops, but the damage is done in the meantime. All that’s left is the autopsy.

    Run, rhinos, run!!!! What, nowhere to go? Poachers to the left of you, encroaching farmland or condos to the right? Well, don’t worry, we’ll shove you in a pen and get people to pay to come and watch you slowly die.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27358

    “The hotelier joins a number of other companies, including Walmart, Apple and General Electric, that have pushed for more U.S.-made products in recent years.”

    Yeah, right, “pushed for more U.S.-made products”. What a laugh! I don’t blame a business for doing things more economically, but let’s call it that. They could give a sh*t whether it’s U.S.-made or China-made or Vietnam-made. They’re bringing jobs back now because it’s becoming more economical to do so (with advances in machinery), plus it saves on shipping costs.

    As the article said, jobs are coming back, but they are greatly reduced in number. So if there is a need for fewer and fewer workers, what are they doing bringing in huge amounts of people through immigration? I don’t get it. Maybe somebody could enlighten me. I mean, aren’t things supposed to at least balance out somewhat, or is that just silly thinking on my part?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 17 2016 #27357

    “Killing off your manufacturing base is the worst thing you can do.”

    Trump keeps saying this too, but somehow he’s labelled “nationalistic” or “protectionist” for saying it. Ditto for his questioning about the trade agreements which are being hammered out in secret.

    Allowing cheap labor (illegals and temporary foreign workers) to flood over your borders, which forces domestic labor costs down and is a drain on social services, is another bonehead idea. Trump keeps saying this too, but somehow he’s labelled a “racist” and a “bigot” for saying it. A wall doesn’t have to be built, just enforce existing laws that nail employers who don’t hire Americans first – and – cut off all benefits to illegals. If this happened, they would simply return home on their own. Trump is saying that if more workers are needed than America has, then, fine, bring them in “legally” as new immigrants.

    When not only is your manufacturing base lost (employers have gone to where they can get cheap labor), but your domestic jobs are also lost to illegals, you are really getting screwed. Name any legal or social arrangement/contract that would survive this.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2016 #27298

    Nassim – always love your posts. They always get us a little closer to the truth, allow us to sift through the lies.

    The Guardian article said, “Rihab, a woman living in eastern Ghouta near Damascus, which has been besieged by Bashar al-Assad’s regime…”

    Right there they lost me. Besieged = attacked. Regime = authoritarian. The guy is fighting for his country, a guy who said the last thing he wants to do is hurt his people. Listening to the fellow (and I know you can’t always go by that), I get the impression that he actually loves Syria and wants the best for it, but he’s up against powers that want to take him out. I mean, who is besieging who here? Why don’t we (the West) get the hell out of their country?

    It looks like he will get the country back (with Russia’s help), but what’s going to be left of it? The people are being stolen by Europe, the country is left in shambles, and the remaining people are broken. Talk about a mess. Assad said in the following interview:

    “President Assad: I would like to ask every person who left Syria to come back. That’s natural but not enough. Emotions are not enough. They would ask: “Why should I come back? Has terrorism stopped? Have the basic requirements for life been restored?” Many of those who have emigrated are neither against the Syrian state or with the terrorists, but sometimes there are circumstances which force people to emigrate. So, my answer to this question is: when terrorism recedes, and things are better, they will return of their own volition without any invitation. So, instead of asking these people to return, I’ll call on the European governments, which have been a direct cause for the emigration of these people, by giving cover to terrorists in the beginning, and through the sanctions imposed on Syria, to help in making the Syrians return to their country.”


    I had been unaware that Syria has had many sanctions placed upon it. Don’t go along with what TPTB want? You get sanctioned. Good timeline on Syria done by the BBC, part of which says (which sounds so familiar):

    “2010 May – US renews sanctions against Syria, saying that it supports terrorist groups, seeks weapons of mass destruction and has provided Lebanon’s Hezbollah with Scud missiles in violation of UN resolutions.”


    More of those “weapons of mass destruction” that never turn out to have existed at all!

    in reply to: Be Careful What You Wish For, Angela #27290

    tabarnick – well put!

    in reply to: Be Careful What You Wish For, Angela #27288

    rapier – agreed. Laws are only observed when it is convenient to TPTB. The U.S., Britain, France are in Syria. Why? They haven’t been asked. Who cares! They just do as they please, law or no law. U.S. and its allies are arming ISIS. What? There must be some law against that. I’m sure there is, but it won’t see the light of day because the enforcer of said law is the one doing the crime.

    Turkey is going against its own Constitution and locking up journalists or shutting down newspapers. Erdogan doesn’t care. Who’s going to stop him? (Well, the U.S. might, but that’s for a later chapter in this saga).

    Every country out there knows that the U.S. is trying to take Assad out. Where is the outcry from these countries at the U.N.? I mean, a country is being destroyed (another one!), and still nothing – crickets. Leaders are assassinated, countries are sanctioned, bombed, destroyed, laws broken right, left and center, and yet you believe the Geneva Convention will somehow prevail? I don’t think so. If it somehow does get upheld, if TPTB insist upon it, then it is somehow benefitting them. Otherwise, they could give a shite.

    The only reason Merkel would have taken any of these migrants is because she was told to (most likely by corporate interests). Period. End of story. She and the others could care less about the plight of these people.

    in reply to: Be Careful What You Wish For, Angela #27285

    It appears the whole world is against the only law that really matters – the law of common sense. Of course the people from the war-torn countries should be protected. WHERE IS THE UNHCR? Why weren’t camps set up in a safe part of Syria? Why? It’s not that that organization doesn’t have enough billions of dollars to throw at it. Where were they?

    Every single one of these families should have been set up and protected in a camp, and they should have been supported by the whole world. And you speak of law? When almost every other law has been thrown out the window recently, somehow the precious Geneva Convention is sacrosanct? And what does the Geneva Convention say? That refugees should be allowed to seek asylum in the closest safe country, and cannot be pushed back. It doesn’t say anything about them travelling hundreds or thousands of miles to get to the most favorable countries (Sweden, Germany, Norway, etc.), the ones who are calling them to come, enticing them with benefits (free medical, dental, housing, welfare, eventually family reunification), countries that allow them all of the rights, yet require no obligations from them, such as adopting the customs and habits of the welcoming countries, abiding by their laws, not what they’ve been taught or what it might say in the Koran. Merkel even threw out the Dublin Agreement. Laws and agreements apparently have a way of being changed, ripped up or trampled on when it’s convenient.

    Who really should be taken to court, then jailed, are the leaders of these countries who have gone against what the majority of their citizens wanted, and all to please the business communities. Yes, socialize the costs of the new citizens to all of the taxpayers, yet the businesses reap the benefits. Same old, same old. They all should be tarred and feathered for what they have done, not just to their own citizens, but to all of the migrants who are understandably flocking to where the most benefits are paid.

    Don’t even think about telling me that they’re running to Germany to be safe! That would just be stupid and it would not be truthful – at all. They’re safe in Greece, but since Greece does not pay any benefits, they don’t want to stay there. They want to march forward to where they will benefit. No, a true refugee would kiss the ground of Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon. They’d be happy they made it out alive. But that’s not the case here, as they are making their way to where conditions are “most favorable”, not to where it’s “safe”.

    80% of Syrians – 80% – were not living in refugee camps in Turkey. They were living in apartments, working under the table. Only 20% were in refugee camps. Why any of them had to flee their own country is beyond me. The UNHCR should be made to set up camps in a safe zone within war-torn countries so people never have to flee. That way we wouldn’t have to have the argument that they “HAD” to travel thousands of miles because every country they passed through was NOT SAFE. Yeah, right. It appears the word “optimal” is taking the place of “safe”.

    And as Trivium says, why are we not talking about who is causing these wars and going after them? Isn’t it COMMON SENSE to go after who is causing this continual warfare, instead of running after the “effects” like a chicken with their head cut off? Instead of rolling up in a ball and crying that the sky is falling, the sky is falling, they’re not adhering to the law, shouldn’t we be getting to the bottom of what’s going on, who is benefiting, following the money?

    Where is the court of law – call it the War Court – who oversees and heavily sanctions warmongers? Nowhere to be found. Instead we have a bunch of namby pamby laws that try to mitigate the effects of the warmongers’ wars.

    The sick bastards who caused a lot of the problems in the Middle East were the ones who drew up the maps of the countries, ex. Winston Churchill. Had these countries been separated along religious, ethnic, cultural lines, there probably would have been peace. But TPTB wouldn’t want that, would they? They wouldn’t have control. Why aren’t we seeking to draw up new lines: Sunnis, over here; Shia, over here; Christians, over here. Give them their own countries. Israel got their’s, didn’t they? Somehow they see the benefit of having a nation of like-minded people. Somehow they realize that commonality fosters peace.

    When Tsipras got elected, he set free the migrants who had been held in detention, let them travel to northern Europe. He set the precedent. The word went out on Twitter, Facebook that if you got to Greece, you could get to northern Europe. The floodgates opened. The migrants, who had been “safe” in Turkey, decided to chance it. As the Iraqi fellow in my post two days ago said, “Everybody was doing it, so I joined in.” He had been told that you get “this and that” in Europe, but he found out otherwise, so he returned to Iraq with his friend. His story, the reason he travelled, was NOT about safety. It was about being an economic migrant. These people ARE economic migrants.

    This isn’t about safety. This is where what you write does not smack of the truth. If I sensed there was some truth in what you had to say, I would acknowledge it. You can’t bend the truth.

    Truth – the United States and its allies are trying to overthrow Assad of Syria.
    Truth – the United States and its allies are funding and arming ISIS and others.
    Truth – the United States and its allies pretend to be fighting ISIS and others.
    Truth – refugees have had to flee to safe countries (where is the UNHCR?)
    Truth – economic migrants decide to leave safe countries for more optimal countries.

    Let’s at least call it for what it is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 7 2016 #27250

    Merkel in bed with the Devil – Erdogan. Go, Merkel. Keep making the EU better and better (not). A dictator who is presently taking over and arresting anyone who disagrees with him is a friend, someone you could trust? Come on! Did he instigate the Syrian migrants (80% of whom were NOT living in the Turkish refugee camps) to flee to the EU in order to blackmail Merkel? If he didn’t instigate the migrants to leave Turkey (a safe refuge), was he guilty of looking the other way and not stopping them (or the smugglers who helped them)?


    Some Iraqis are even returning to Iraq.

    “‘It was very bad,’ Omar, 25, said of the German camp.
    ‘Honestly, we were starving there. We ran away because of hunger. They gave us only cheese and tea, and our weekly allowance was €30.’
    They decided to try their luck in Sweden instead, but that didn’t work either.
    ‘When we arrived there, it was winter. It was freezing. They put me in a room with three Syrians.
    ‘I couldn’t speak Arabic and they couldn’t speak Kurdish. We were communicating like deaf people,’ Omar said. After trying Germany one more time, they gave up.
    ‘We said to each other, let’s go home. It’s better than anywhere else,’ he said. […]
    But Omar and Abdullah come from Iraq’s northern Kurdish region, which has been largely spared from fighting with ISIS.
    They are among what experts say is a growing number of migrants who are returning home because of the difficulty of finding housing and employment in Europe.
    Some 70,000 Iraqis joined the tide of refugees and migrants seeking a better life in Europe last year, according to the Geneva-based International Organization for Migration (IOM).
    The Iraqi Refugees Federation, a local NGO, says the number may be twice as high, with some 40,000 coming from the Kurdish region. […]
    Omar had worked as a day labourer in restaurants and supermarkets, while Abdullah had driven a taxi, which he sold to help finance his trip.
    They say their decision to migrate was mainly driven by peer pressure.
    ‘I saw that everybody was leaving and they were saying, It’s like this and that (in Europe).’
    But when I went there it wasn’t like that at all,’ Omar said.”

    Peer pressure? That’s what I thought; everybody’s doing it.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27204

    Obama on Trump becoming President:

    “I’ll leave it to you to speculate on how this whole race is going to go. I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President, and the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people, and I think they recognize that being President is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show or a reality show. It’s not promotion, it’s not marketing. It’s hard, and a lot of people count on us getting it right. It’s not a matter of pandering or whatever will get you in the news on a given day. Sometimes it requires you to make difficult decisions even when people don’t like it and doing things that are unpopular, and standing up for people who are vulnerable, but don’t have some powerful political constituency. And it requires being able to work with leaders around the world in a way that reflects the importance of the office, and gives people confidence that you know the facts and you know their names, and you know where they are on a map, and you know something about their history, and you’re not going to just play to the crowd back home – because they have their own crowds back home.”

    Blah, blah, blah. A serious job? Here’s what was considered “serious” by Mr. Obama (and the reason he was chosen and anointed by the elite to be the leader) – that he turn a blind eye to all fraud, corruption, military aggression, law (and he’s a friggin’ lawyer?), truth, etc. The only thing he did was make damn sure that everything was pieced back together again and the status quo was maintained. The constituents that mattered to Mr. Obama were the elite, and only the elite.

    There are many people with self-centered, narcissistic tendencies and big egos. Some are loud, overbearing, while others speak softly and read a good teleprompter. There’s really not much difference between the two. The latter is just more successful and polished at hiding it.

    Obama has to go down as THE worst president ever! But then he really wasn’t pulling the strings, was he? Others are doing that. He is just a two-bit actor who will reap big rewards for his part.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27203

    Trivium – that’s something I’ve thought about too. The whole elite network is working furiously hard trying to smear Trump – almost too hard. Knowing psychology as they do, they’ve got to know that people get further entrenched when they feel they are being pushed in a certain direction (to be against Trump), and they swing harder towards him. What if they know this, and are doing this on purpose?

    Look, we all know this whole mess is going down. They’ve held the balloon up in the air as long as they can. They set Trump up to take the fall, and, yes, he gets blamed. A “see, I told ya so” moment. It turns into a “Now do you see why we need globalization, illegal immigration, foreign workers, deregulation and Obamacare?” Perfection.

    The Syrian/Afghanistan/Iranian/whoever migrants will take the fall for pulling Europe apart. “Why, there was nothing that could be done. The situation was just too overwhelming.” Takes the heat off of what the elite have done to ruin the EU.

    They’ll probably entice Erdogan into attacking Syria, then hang him out to dry too, just like they did with Saddam Hussein when he attacked Kuwait with the apparent blessing (well, you’ve got to protect yourself) of the U.S., only to find out that that was a set-up. The elite are losing in Syria, and what better way to say, “Hey, look, Erdogan was just getting too out of hand, so we had to take him out.” The U.S. doesn’t lose face. After all, they’ll say that they’ve been trying to combat ISIS all along, but that bad Erdogan wanted Syria, he was an aggressor. I think they’re setting him up.

    Create chaos and give people something else to blame (certainly not the elite), and you’ve created magic. Trump, migrants and Erdogan. Done. Their MO – always set up a fall guy.

    OTOH, Trump could be in league with the elite. Yes, he actually could be. Obama talked a good game, yet we saw his colors very quickly after the crisis in 2008 (no charges laid against a single banker). Obama fooled everyone with his “hope and change”. We were all sucked down the tube on that one.

    If Trump gets elected and we don’t see him making major changes, calling for investigations, etc., then he was either on their side all along – or – he’s been bought off/his family has been threatened. But a guy with an ego like that would simply grab a mike and start spouting off about being threatened, if he was. If he does actually care about his country, he would do that.

    If he gets elected and doesn’t change things, the people will be very angry. I think they’ve had enough already, and this could throw them over the top.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2016 #27197

    Hey, Mr. Martin Wolf, suck on this:

    “Trump has just released his health care reform proposal. He is the only candidate that has put forward a plan that will force down the cost of medical care by as much as 80%, rendering Obamacare unnecessary along with Medicare.”


    He wants competition? What a terrible man!

    Trump also doesn’t like globalization, distrusts the opaque TPP agreement, thinks Americans will actually lose more jobs.

    What a terrible man for thinking such silly thoughts!

    Trump actually hasn’t taken any Koch Brothers money, or anybody else’s money either. In other words, he refuses to be bought.

    What a terrible man!

    Trump actually thought the war in Iraq was a disaster, thought the U.S. should have never been there, thought a lot of lives were wasted for nothing. Trump wants a strong country as far as the military goes, but he thinks the current wars could be solved peacefully.

    Again, what a terrible man!

    Trump thinks Americans are losing jobs to illegal aliens, and he’s wondering why, with high unemployment, the government is bringing in so many temporary foreign workers.

    Wow, sounds like he should be tarred and feathered for asking such nonsense questions.

    I’m waiting for Mr. Martin Wolf’s slamming of Hillary Clinton. Something tells me I’ll be waiting a long time. Take a look at Martin Wolf’s write-up at the top right of the below link:


    Commander of the British Empire, Oxford, London School of Economics, Davos since 1999. Just a lowly reporter. Yeah, right. Protector of the status quo much?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2016 #27123

    Even the so-called heroes we love to honor are in many cases constructed out of a bunch of made-up bull.

    “As Churchill himself boasted, he “created Jordan with a stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon,” thereby placing many Jordanians under the brutal thumb of a throneless Hashemite prince, Abdullah. Historian Michael R. Burch recalls how the huge zigzag in Jordan’s eastern border with Saudi Arabia has been called “Winston’s Hiccup” or “Churchill’s Sneeze” because Churchill carelessly drew the expansive boundary after a generous lunch.

    Churchill also invented Iraq. After giving Jordan to Prince Abdullah, Churchill, the great believer in democracy that he was, gave Prince Abdullah’s brother Faisal an arbitrary patch of desert that became Iraq. Faisal and Abdullah were war buddies of Churchill’s friend T. E. Lawrence, the famous “Lawrence of Arabia”.

    Much like the clumsy actions in Iraq of today’s great Empire, Churchill’s imperial foreign policy caused decades of instability in Iraq by arbitrarily locking together three warring ethnic groups that have been bleeding heavily ever since. In Iraq, Churchill bundled together the three Ottoman vilayets of Basra that was predominantly Shiite, Baghdad that was Sunni, and Mosul that was mainly Kurd.

    Ask almost anyone outside of Iraq who is responsible for the unstable mess that Iraq is in today and they are likely to say one word, either “Bush” or “America”. However, if you asked anyone within Iraq who is mainly responsible for Iraq’s problems over the last half century and they are likely to simply say “Churchill”.

    Winston Churchill convened the 1912 Conference in Cairo to determine the boundaries of the British Middle Eastern mandate and T.E. Lawrence was the most influential delegate. Churchill did not invite a single Arab to the conference, which is shocking but hardly surprising since in his memoirs Churchill said that he never consulted the Arabs about his plans for them.

    The arbitrary lines drawn in Middle Eastern sand by Churchillian imperialism were never going to withstand the test of time. To this day, Churchill’s actions have denied Jordanians, Iraqis, Kurds and Palestinians anything resembling true democracy and national stability.

    The intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict can also be traced directly back to Churchill’s door at number 10 Downing Street and his decision to hand over the “Promised Land” to both Arabs and Jews. Churchill gave practical effect to the Balfour declaration of 1917, which expressed Britain’s support for the creation of a Jewish homeland, resulting in the biggest single error of British foreign policy in the Middle East. […]

    Churchill was also one of the greatest advocates of Britain’s disastrous divide-and-rule foreign policy.

    Churchill’s administration deliberately created and exacerbated sectarian fissures within India’s independence movement, between Indian Hindus and Muslims that have had devastating effects on the region ever since.”

    What type of a guy does all this, all in one lifetime?

    Winston Churchill: Britain’s Greatest Briton Left a Legacy of Global Conflict and Crimes Against Humanity

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2016 #27122

    jal – from your first link:

    “Tragically only a handful of economists predicted the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-8…..If any other profession (e.g medicine) was so wrong in something that affected millions they would be sued. The universities who train economists should hang their heads in shame.”

    Oh, but it IS done elsewhere, especially in the field of medicine. Doctors are taught to treat the “effects”, not the causes, with prescriptions, lots and lots of them, keeping the pharmaceutical industry very happy. University research is steered toward this end. “Don’t give us cures. Give us something that makes us billions today, and each and every year going forward.” Dieticians and nutritionists are taught the very things that profit the processed food industry. New information that happens to leak out is quickly discredited, or it never sees the light of day.

    I believe millions upon millions of people have unnecessarily lost their lives because information was held back in order to placate big money. Physical destruction. Of course, we already know and talk daily about the economic destruction that occurs from the banking cartel, resulting in the riff-raff ending up with the short end of the stick always while leaving the financial elite whole. All of the above slowly, but surely ends up causing psychological destruction among the common population.

    Destruction right down the line, and all so a very few world elite can profit. Sickening.

    in reply to: The FX Mexican Standoff #27116

    Nassim – “…Chinese are being a bit more careful.” Yes, I think they are. Probably finding it harder to get their money out of China. Plus, I think a lot of the people who could afford to buy the higher-priced homes have already bought – the smart money. Or I should say the ones with “inside information” about what’s going to happen.

    in reply to: The FX Mexican Standoff #27110

    Nassim – just take a look at where the Chinese elite are fleeing to – the West. That might inform us of who is going to be better – or less worse – off. They might be hedging their bets by moving abroad, but something tells me they know more than we do.

    in reply to: The FX Mexican Standoff #27108

    Dr. Diablo – all figures are complete lies and fudged. Agreed. Why wouldn’t they be? They’re all in cahoots, every single central bank. That’s why they meet all the time, to keep the big pile of fudge from exploding. China is a product of the U.S. Without Western technology, know-how, and direct foreign investment, China would still be back in the Dark Ages. U.S.-made, prime Grade A (or maybe Grade C- now) beef. The country was used, both by the Chinese elite and Western elite. If the Chinese people end up benefiting somewhere down the line (maybe 20 years from now, maybe never), it will purely be by accident, an after-effect of the initial looting by the elite.

    Here’s the difference I see between the two parties: the corrupt Chinese elite are getting their money out and buying up our countries. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do not think that is allowed in China. There was talk in 2015 of relaxing the rule that said you had to study in China for at least one year before you would be able to buy a property. How many people are going to do that? Was this required of them? Want to start a business in China? I believe you have to have a Chinese partner, otherwise it’s not allowed (at least that used to be the case). And How about India? No? How about Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam? Properties have increased exponentially in many Western countries as a direct result of this corrupt money flooding into our countries, making it very difficult for younger citizens to afford to live in the city they were born in.

    So, yes, all lies and jest, but some countries appear to be more equal than others. The Asian countries actually protect their citizens, yet their own citizens freely travel to buy up everyone else. The Western countries’ currencies have gone way down (aside from the U.S.), making it even easier for the Chinese to buy up property.

    China needs to devalue, and it will happen soon. When it does, the Chinese elite will have their helicopters ready just in case the natives start to get angry.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 27 2016 #27107

    Greenpa – that is some seriously funny video, and very illustrative of stupidity. You can just hear the hips breaking and the knee replacements snapping from that bonehead move. Snap, crackle and pop! Hope no one was seriously hurt. They obviously were not students of physics. Notice how everyone just assumed it would work out well, or else they would have been ready to jump. I did not see any one of them “jump” (except for the guy in the green jacket). That would have taken forethought.

    The more I see and hear of the world, the more I realize we are completely screwed. The elite just keep repeating and repeating catch phrases and theories until we (most of us) swallow them whole as if they are the truth, no questions asked: “QE is absolutely needed. Yes, these people are refugees, even though there are no guns at their backs and they’ve travelled through umpteen safe countries before claiming to be one. We ‘must’ have inflation; deflation is ‘bad’. Don’t bother saving because you’ll be able to ‘rely’ on social security when you’re older. There’s no over-population. Technology will take care of everything.”

    Lies, lies and more lies, repeated until they’re taken as truths. The elite know they are lies. “What the hell,” they say, “these people are too stupid to ever figure it out. When, or if, they ever do figure it out, it’s too late. The damage will have been done, but who cares, the idiots end up paying for the damage, while we reap all of the benefits.”

    Perhaps we listen to the elite now because we’ve had careful conditioning since birth to listen to our parents, to our teachers, to our ministers. When very young, we had to, for safety reasons. But it sets up the problem of never really questioning anything, going forward while blindly listening to what our so-called knowledgeable elders are telling us. A kind of “conditioned stupidity”.

    Saw a good quote: “Once you have accepted a theory, it is extraordinarily difficult to notice its flaws. As the psychologist Daniel Gilbert has observed, disbelieving is hard work.” — Daniel Kahneman who shared the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Vernon L. Smith.

    Disbelieving is hard work. It sure is; one of the hardest things you can ever do. So is questioning authority. The elite know that if they can mold us while young, they have got us, and we will blindly follow. But the elite have pushed way too far this time, and people ARE beginning to disbelieve/question. That’s a good thing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 27 2016 #27092

    “Any country that unilaterally rejects an EU law duly enacted on migration or otherwise cannot remain a member of the Union.”

    I just have to laugh out loud at this. Our financial system is run by the elites, along with the media, the educational system, the think tanks, elections, the court system, NATO, IMF, World Bank, UN, BIS, and some fat bastard (Peter Sutherland), who has belonged to every single elite organization known to mankind (I listed them last week) says that we’d all just better step in line?

    “Come one, come all. Free education, free medical, dental, housing, welfare, food.” Whoops, we’re being overwhelmed (as if Merkel didn’t know this would be the case when she shouted it out), and now she wants everybody else to go along with her mad scheme. Does she think that these other countries actually signed on for this? No, you’re right, they didn’t. If she wants the migrants, she can have them all.

    The majority of the people in Europe do not want this. The migrants had a safe refuge in Turkey, but they are coming because of Merkel and what she’s willing to give them. They’re not staying in Greece because Greece does not hand out benefits. If Greece did, they would be staying there. They are heading straight for the countries that hand out great benefits, and they’re being very selective about which countries they travel to. If I was fleeing for my life, I think I would have kissed the ground as soon as I entered Turkey.

    As you said, things change. The countries that are not welcoming the migrants did not sign up for this, and the people are overwhelmingly rejecting what’s happening. It is their countries, and they have a right to speak up without being shamed.

    There is a plan, an agenda (and, no, it’s not compassion) for what’s happening, and again it’s all being done without any input from the people. So they plug another paid-off, unelected piece of scum into the UNHCR (I guess they must have needed another stooge, so they moved Sutherland from whatever he was currently stooging into the UNHCR slot) and what, we’re supposed to listen? Forget about it!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 26 2016 #27079

    Damascus, 200 miles south of Aleppo, appears relatively untouched by the Syrian war. Life goes on.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2016 #27048

    VisionHawk – that is exactly what everyone should do. Remove their money from the banks.

    in reply to: That’s All I Can Stands, I Can’t Stands No More #26933

    V. Arnold – totally orchestrated, like Trump takes a dive in the 5th round, and hands it all to Hillary, just as planned? Not really a choice, all rigged? Probably closer to the truth than we could ever believe. Good questions. Definitely appears that whoever gets elected ends up being a puppet, a figurehead who follows the orders of big money. What the “people” want is inconsequential. It will take a revolution to change it.

    in reply to: That’s All I Can Stands, I Can’t Stands No More #26919

    “For the discerning listener, Donald Trump has been critical of U.S. militarism for some time. On Russia, on Syria, on Iraq, on North Korea.

    People say that Trump is loud. But I don’t think he’s been loud enough.

    Last night, he screamed an anti-war stance to the boos of Bush’s and Rubio’s and Kasich’s one percent donors. It’s only half of what needed to be said, but it was a measure of reality that’s desperately needed. […]

    Trump’s truth telling was met with more ridiculousness and lies.

    Jeb Bush described Trumps attacks as “blood sport” which, given the subject matter at hand — his brother’s appetite for illegal war and failure in his responsibility to protect the U.S. public was, to put it mildly, ironic. And then Bush appealed to the values of his family, which, evidence would show, includes hands quite drenched in blood.

    John Kasich’s reaction on Iraq WMDs was to appeal to Colin Powell’s credibility, which has been a late night TV joke for over a decade. […]

    Marco Rubio was perhaps the most priceless — “Saddam Hussein was in violation of UN resolutions, in open violation, and the world wouldn’t do anything about it.” That’s a total lie. Iraq had disarmed and the U.S. did everything it could not to have the UN verify that disarmament so that the draconian sanctions would continue on Iraq indefinitely and they could have their regime… […]

    In fact, it’s quite provable that the Bush administration lied about Iraqi WMDs before the invasion. I know, I helped document such lies at the Institute for Public Accuracy, where I work, before the 2003 invasion.”

    Trump is Right About Iraq, and That Should Stick to Clinton

    People are tired of lies and perpetual war. Trump is shouting out some real truth here when no one else is. We have to at least give him credit for that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 17 2016 #26918

    VisionHawk – yes, Neel Kashkari is pronounced “cash-carry”. Struck me funny too the first time I heard it. At 42 years of age, the guy has been everywhere: Goldman Sachs, head of TARP, Pimco, ran for Governor of California, and now is President and CEO of Minneapolis Fed. Wow! Just wow!


    in reply to: That’s All I Can Stands, I Can’t Stands No More #26914

    “For writers like me and Ilargi and Nicole – who rely on the best available data, statistics, facts and sound research to build a case – Trumpification is a clear and present danger.”

    Yeah, so if Bernification. Look at Bernie’s foreign policy history: westward ho the slaughter! Did he have the facts when he voted the way he did? If he did, he’s a dangerous man. If he didn’t have the facts, why didn’t he?

    “Sanders supported Bill Clinton’s war on Serbia, voted for the 2001 Authorization Unilateral Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), which pretty much allowed Bush to wage war wherever he wanted, backed Obama’s Libyan debacle and supports an expanded US role in the Syrian Civil War.

    More problematic for the Senator in Birkenstocks is the little-known fact that Bernie Sanders himself voted twice in support of regime change in Iraq. In 1998 Sanders voted in favor of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, which said: “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime. […]

    Even Hillary belatedly admitted that her Iraq war vote was a mistake. Bernie, however, has never apologized for his two votes endorsing the overthrow of Saddam. On the rare occasions when Sanders has been confronted about these votes, he has casually dismissed them as being “almost unanimous.” I went back and checked the record. In fact, many members of the progressive caucus in the House, as well as a few libertarian anti-war Members of Congress, vote against the Iraq regime change measures. […]

    Even though Sanders markets himself as an “independent socialist,” in fact, he has rarely dissented against the Democratic Party orthodoxy, especially when it comes to military intervention. That should permanently settle the notion of whether Bernie is a real Democrat. With the blood of 500,000 Iraqi children on his hands, surely Sanders has already won the “Humanitarian Warrior Seal of Approval,” which leaves us with only one haunting question: Was it worth it, Senator Sanders?”

    Blood Traces: Bernie’s Iraq War Hypocrisy

    Now, he’s probably backing the U.S. in Syria because, being the so-called good samaritan that he claims he is, he wants to save all those Syrian people from ISIS. If that’s the case, then he’s a man without facts, which makes him a dangerous man, and just another “useful idiot” that the elite use to help them overthrow governments. Who is supplying ISIS with food and weapons, Bernie?

    IMO, these “useful idiots”, devoid of facts (or else he knows the facts, but looks the other way) are the most dangerous of all. They aid and abet the world’s psychopaths because they are too stupid to see what is really going on. Have you heard Bernie screaming out that there were no weapons of mass destruction, that he was duped, that the American people were and are being lied to, that the U.S. is nothing more than a killing machine? What’s that I hear? Oh, yeah, silence.

    He’s a dangerous man because it appears he gets half the facts, doesn’t think things logically through, and does not see the big picture. Is he new? No, he’s been around a long time. Perhaps getting half the facts and being elected by people with of the facts is the ticket to longevity.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 16 2016 #26880

    “In particular, they want to make sure that the borders between Bulgaria and Greece and Macedonia and Greece are sealed and effectively stop the migration flows.”

    Apparently there is a Refugee Handbook, and the handbook puts Bulgaria is at the top of the list of places not to go. The migrants consult the Refugee Handbook, listen to what the traffickers tell them, and they also read social media sites (Twitter, Facebook) to find out the best places to go.

    “The message is always the same: Bulgaria is poor and Christian; we don’t want you!
    Bulgarians have never been asked about the subject officially, according to sociologist Shivko Georgiev, who said “politicians simply don’t care.”

    It appears Bulgarians have not forgotten their history of being under Ottoman rule for 500 years. “We don’t want them here! The Muslims butchered us like chickens for 500 years…”


    But let’s shame and ostracize Bulgaria, shall we, if it makes us feel better. I mean, they should be forced into a marriage with the migrants, shouldn’t they? Wait, forced marriages? Isn’t this something we all abhor? Especially since the migrants didn’t want a marriage with Turkey, a country they had to pass through (a safe haven) and were safe in?

    A safe zone in Syria should have been set up as soon as the war against Assad started. All Western countries should have funded camps in this safe zone. Greece, with the assistance of the EU, should have stopped the migrant boats in their tracks right at the outset and taken them back to Turkey, international borders be damned. Had a few shots been fired (and it would only have taken a few), the influx would have stopped. The migrants are flooding into Europe because they can, and because they were asked to come by Germany. I say, if Germany wants them, then they can take them all. Don’t ask the migrants to come, and then turn around and say to other countries, “Well, you’ve got to take some too.”

    The whores of the elite, the media, should be shunned for the truth they are suppressing, the lies they are telling. Stop watching them on TV, stop reading their newspapers.

    What we are witnessing is another elite agenda being played out, a grand plan. Get on the phone and call your elected representative. Tell them we don’t need another Libya, another Iraq, that the U.S. and other NATO countries should not be trying to overthrow the Assad government. Tell them to get the hell out. I’ve done it; you should too.

    Just think of the weapons that are being sold by the arms manufacturers! Why, they’re rubbing their hands together with glee and hoping and praying that this war goes on forever. Think of all the Toyota trucks being sold to both sides! The ammunition, the planes, the helicopters, tanks! The dried food, the helmets, the army gear, tents, and on and on. Also think about the huge amount of money greasing politicians’ palms for allowing all of this to take place. God, you could actually make some serious moola whenever war is involved. Maybe that’s why they keep occurring with such frequency?

    We must have war, it seems. It doesn’t matter where, just anywhere these bastards can make a quick buck.

    Maybe the riff-raff should seriously be thinking about declaring a world holiday, say a “Revolution Day”, a day of protest against the elite who pull our strings, who frighten our families, who ruin countries. If they don’t get the message to stop, up the protest to a week. Boycott their products. After all, they use these tactics against us: shaming, prodding, pushing, pulling, continually doing what they want, damn the consequences. Let’s give them some of this back.

    These wars, and the destruction of lives they cause, would end tomorrow if the Muslim migrants were sent to live in camp cities in the Hamptons, Newport Beach, Manhattan. Can you imagine the consternation that would cause? Every defense contractor who rakes in a fortune should have to pay through the nose, and their mansions sitting far away from the crowd should have to house several families of displaced migrants, and they should be forced to live there with them; no fleeing to the Bahamas.

    Oh, yeah, it would end.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2016 #26817

    seychelles – the “useful idiots” I was referring to are the progressive liberals who aid and abet the psychopathic elites, but don’t even know they’re doing it (almost too utopian or idealistic in their thinking to realize they do more harm than good). You are correct in saying that the plebes are not even looking.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 10 2016 #26718

    Trivium – “JP Morgan said that every man had two reasons to do something: the good reason and the real reason.” Such a good quote! I’ve been saying this for awhile here: they are not allowing the migrants into Europe to be nice, although that’s what they want us to believe. When the citizens question what is going on, they are shamed for even asking the question. Rapier linked an interview with a professor who talked about this very thing – shaming you in order to shut you up.

    “ADDRESSING THE ROOT CAUSE”. Yes, that appears to be what no one wants to talk about, the root. The elite go around planning, scheming, causing chaos, and we just keep running around behind them, putting band-aids on the gaping wounds they cause.

    “But the DMM and their army of well-meaning but misdirected masses make that impossible as of now.” When are the “useful idiots” going to open their eyes and realize they’re being played? I suspect when it’s 2 seconds to midnight and a million seconds too late.

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