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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 12 2019 #49827

    To get to a login screen, just go the URL

    in reply to: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space – Part 5 #23372

    Para 2, last sentence — should read “It will be important to work with natural systems in accordance with permaculture principles, rather than in opposition to them as we currently do so comprehensively”?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 7 2015 #20364

    IT CLAIMS parts of NY, PA, AND VT ARE abnormally dry.

    in reply to: Greece Prepares To Leave #20163

    I do hope, Ilargi, that Varoufakis and Tsipras are subscribed to TAE!

    in reply to: The Only Road Out Of Davos #18536

    Check out Local Dollars, Local Sense by Michael Shuman (Chelsea Green, 2012)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2015 #18297

    Everybody expects China growth to decelerate, Chu says

    Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — Charlene Chu, a senior partner at Autonomous Asia, talks about the outlook for China’s banks and economy. She speaks with Angie Lau on Bloomberg Television’s “First Up.”


    Hey, BB: can you tell us your source(s) for that list of species extinction rates? Thanks!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Jan 30 2014: No More Humming Along #10924

    I’m delighted to see the posting rate increased here at TAE, and these Debt Rattles synopses. Thanks!


    in reply to: Energy Is A Power Game – 1 #8912

    Providing a counterpoint to sea ice extents which do not appear to be reducing by much are sea ice volumes:

    in reply to: Winter In America Gets Colder : Why We Choose Poverty #8894

    Michael Hudson talks history on this Extraenvironmentalist podcast. Feudalism comes up quite a bit.

    in reply to: TAE 3.0: What do you want to see? #7794

    I understand the considerable effort required to do it, but I miss the 2 or 3 times a week commentary by Ilargi and occasionally Stoneleigh in TAE 1. Usually building on some current event(s), I think that approach allows newcomers an easier entry point into the Big Picture. Each analysis, as well as showing relevant quotes, provided a set of links to external articles on related news, for those who wanted to explore the cited reports further.

    With TAE 2, I bookmarked TAE Comments -> Main Forum, and seldom venture beyond the comments tagged as New there.

    Perhaps TAE 3 can take the form of TAE 1, with comments showing below each post.


    As well as gradually getting their country homestead in order with her like-minded husband over the past 5 or 6 years, my sister has recently been focusing on ‘inner transition’. And in sharing this, she has been finding some receptive audiences. She has just blogged one of her most concise statements:

    Up river from Cornwall, in Brockville, ON, I’ve been tagging articles with similar concerns as ‘coping’:

    in reply to: What Happened To The Debt? #5238

    In response to ted’s questions …

    My own decision was to consider my investments and the financial prospects in the broader context of climate change, peak oil, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, etc. Together these pointed me, both ethically and pragmatically, toward a revamped lifestyle with a lighter footprint and fewer dependencies on complex, external systems. This of course is an ongoing process, and my efforts are unique to my case but are perhaps illustrative: I sold my large house with little land in favor of a small house, a big lot and no mortgage debt; sold my car; have been learning to garden and to work with the local food cycle; cashed out my modest other investments in favour of tools and equipment; have been working with a community group focused on relocalization, etc.

    in reply to: Peak Oil: A Dialogue with George Monbiot #4585

    The picture I have of receding horizons: oil is an essential input to oil production. On the downslope of the peak oil curve, the next barrel costs more to produce, resulting in a positive feedback on costs and the progressively steeper slope of net energy.

    in reply to: Skeptical Science Analysis #2874

    Why don’t you take these issues up directly with the folks at Skeptical Science? Or

    in reply to: DD Site Improvements #2455

    What’s with all this pimping of DD on TAE? If there’s content there, it should stand on its own.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2454

    “And after perhaps a 1000 words of hemming and hawing about various interpretations of that question and what would be needed to answer it, in terms of actual measuring instruments, the authors—220 authors from 62 countries—concluded:”

    So let’s just cherry pick a phrase that seems to damage IPCC credibility out of the full context of their reply.

    “You KNOW all the experts have been telling us we’re doomed unless we go back to the forests and start eating roots and tubers.”

    And let’s add a final nail to the IPCC coffin with a lie.

    in reply to: easy bread at home #1120

    Yapeen – Could you explain, please, how one cycle links to the next with the dough? According to your notes up top, half the dough has now been used, and half the dough has been returned to the fridge. What are the next steps for the latter? Many thanks.

    in reply to: Die Wahrheit Macht Frei #714

    The Global Economic Crisis: Can Canada escape a lost decade?

    On January 26, 2012, in Ottawa, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives organized an event titled “The Global Economic Crisis: Can Canada escape a lost decade?” The first session examined perspectives on the crisis and the way forward, and featured Yanis Varoufakis (Department of Economic Sciences, University of Athens) and Stephany Griffith-Jones (Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University).

    Varoufakis considers Canada and Australia to be in a short-term sweet spot.

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