V. Arnold

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 11 2014 #15790
    V. Arnold

    The whole world (well almost) is sucked into an epic Ponzi scheme. And it’s going down in an epic manner.
    Russia and China will escape the worst because they see it and will take measures to minimize the effects.
    The rest? I don’t know, but surely there will be a gnashing of teeth and a rattling of saber’s.
    Possibly some nukes, but maybe not too many. That’s unlikely (not too many), but one can always hope, no?
    I think we’re the too crowded rat experiment where we eat our young…

    in reply to: US Shale And The Slippery Slopes Of The Law #15789
    V. Arnold

    @ Raleigh
    That quote ought to read: “Find out just what any people will take to keep quiet and you have the exact measure of what they will receive.”

    When it all goes away, let’s see if the people continue to quietly submit.
    Your “re-quote” still says the same thing that Douglass said so much better; don’t fuck with true greatness.

    As to what it will take to wake up the U.S.? I dunno, I gave up after 57 years of bullshit and compliance I just could not bear (Vietnam excepted). That coupled with advancing old age helped me make the break.
    You remain hopeful and optimistic if it helps you get by; I have higher expectations for my life and refuse to be tied to any government. Given all governments are crap/corrupt, why oh why would anybody give them purchase over their lives?
    Nationalism is folly of the highest order.
    Think deep, long, serious, and with a very broad brush; the world is not what you believe.

    in reply to: US Shale And The Slippery Slopes Of The Law #15781
    V. Arnold

    US Shale And The Slippery Slopes Of The Law

    The U.S. is long past being a nation of laws, which used to be one of the positive things that separated us from most of the rest of the world.
    Reagan began it, Clinton built on it, and Bush 43 cemented it on 09-11-2001.
    The law is now anything the government says it is. And the SCOTUS is in lockstep with all of it; any questions? Not hardly…
    None so blind/compliant as those who are afraid…

    “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” Frederick Douglass

    in reply to: US Shale And The Slippery Slopes Of The Law #15779
    V. Arnold

    Thanks, in large part to the U.S., the world has become a fools game. Those who realize this also know there is no second coming, no Klatu (The Day the Earth Stood Still) come to save us.
    There is a freeing aspect to that, which somewhat offsets the tremendous responsibility which it entails.

    I like this Frederick Douglass quote:
    “Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 9 2014 #15718
    V. Arnold

    OMFG! Ilargi you have just made my brain explode. Info overload to the maximum.
    I can’t possibly be more hermetic without totally isolating from everything. Gold seems a safe, though limited refuge, for a reserve stash in case of a total collapse of currencies.
    Being of peasant status, my ability to buy gold is much limited; maybe a few ounces.
    Also, being in a kingdom may afford some relief; as the government can act within certain limitations to protect its citizens.
    In any event; the ship is going down…

    in reply to: The Disgrace of Sacrificing a Generation #15709
    V. Arnold

    @ K-Dog
    Not a troll among us.
    This is one of the most troll free blogs I know of. How’s Kunstler?
    His is one of the worst, IME.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2014 #15683
    V. Arnold

    And just why does Kunstler have any traction? I’ve never understood that. He’s a zionist and a weak sister on gay’s and gay rights. He pretends other. Disclosure; I’m not gay, but an ardent supporter.
    A world made by hand? Oh please. Romantic fantasy geared to selling books to the hopelessly naive and frankly, stupid. The world Kunstler describes will be far darker than he imagines, IMO.
    I’d sooner listen to the Junior Woodchucks; Hewy, Dewy, and Lewy.

    in reply to: Grandma Yellen And The Mushroom Cloud On The Horizon #15608
    V. Arnold

    @ kibbinayye
    Will make a very short list of countries. Canada, eh?

    Canada was good during the Vietnam war, but things have changed a lot. IMO, not a good choice.
    I’m in S.E. Asia, which values its independence somewhat. While friendly to the U.S. they maintain a healthy distance, mostly. South America has some interesting choices which if my circumstances were different I would seriously consider. Spain and Portugal offer interesting possibilities but I personally don’t trust the European politic or economy. If one is mobile then it doesn’t matter so much, because if you don’t like a place pack up and move. I will no longer consider flying as mode of transport (I absolutely detest flying), so rail and sea are my two options.
    Good luck and don’t wait too long…

    in reply to: Grandma Yellen And The Mushroom Cloud On The Horizon #15606
    V. Arnold

    @ Raleigh

    Perhaps Ms. Warren was a recipient of some of this money? This is what needs to stop, the buying of policy. So Israel is given this foreign aid, then turns around and funnels it back into the U.S. political system? Nice circle.

    I would put it differently; if she and the rest weren’t corrupt in the first place the money wouldn’t work.
    I’m sure they all justify their graft with platitudes such as; “…how else can I get into office where I can do the greatest good?”
    The system is systemically broken and corrupt. That’s why voting is a joke.
    The sleeper is not wakened…

    in reply to: Grandma Yellen And The Mushroom Cloud On The Horizon #15569
    V. Arnold

    @ kibbinayye
    You say to collect “belongings outside the reach of the ‘system’ … And watch the sky.”
    Well, you can start by relocating. And then collect all the cash you can. I recommend keeping the cash close (no banks, no records).
    Keep a very low profile in all aspects. Live modestly even if you can “afford” more.
    That’s as much as I’m willing to say; you think about it and figure the rest out for yourself.

    @ Raleigh
    I like some of what Elizabeth Warren has to say…
    Are you aware Warren supported Israel’s attack on Gaza?
    That was enough for me to cross her off as viable.
    There are no choices for 2016 independent of the machine.
    Do not vote in 2016!

    in reply to: Grandma Yellen And The Mushroom Cloud On The Horizon #15562
    V. Arnold

    “The EU is a dead experiment, a Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde all in one. But no-one wants to see it, and no-one has a clue.” Ilargi

    As an American who left, I find it likewise remarkable the vast scope of denial in the states.
    The media is excitedly talking Hillary 2016, Bernie Sanders 2016, and wild speculation about Warren.
    As though the 2016 elections will actually change anything. Americans are living in a lala land of fantasy and dreams.
    Those firmly rooted in the here and now are either the very wealthy, or people who never bowed to the fear and lies that have been and are now America today. Both are minority factions, with the truly wealthy possessing power to rule and manipulate the planet. The other minority, the un-cowed, have the power of choice in at least their own lives. In this sense knowledge is power.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Oct 1 2014: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse #15519
    V. Arnold

    @ October 3, 2014 at 3:00 am

    That was a deep dive, one that exceeded my oxygen capacity. Mighten it be better to do a few shallow dives as an alternative?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2014 #15517
    V. Arnold

    Charts, lots of charts, graphs, and statistics.
    But here on the street nothing really changes.
    For us poor schmucks, nothing really changes. Another day older and deeper in debt? Yes, for some. For the rest; a never changing future of lies and bullshit.
    And no future worth pondering…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Oct 1 2014: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse #15510
    V. Arnold

    @ Raul
    “The US is now checking on 80 people in the Dallas area alone whom the carrier has been in touch with. And that’s just the people they know of. The number could be 180, depending on what he’s done, did he go shopping, shake hands etc.”

    Exponential spread is the by word. Exponential is an interesting word and it’s meaning is potentially catastrophic for the U.S. Particularly because of it’s complacency regarding medicine and medical acumen. Exponential is one’s worst enemy when it comes to infectious disease. Europe’s black plague and the influenza of 1918 are perfect examples.
    I do not trust the MSM who have already failed in this, oh so short, period of time
    The human factor is already operational with lying, misinformation and hubris.
    The impossible may well be about to be possible; things move fast these days, no?
    Public beware and self educate; panic is not warranted; just conscious action.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Oct 1 2014: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse #15490
    V. Arnold

    Our hubris makes us dangerous. This patient was also checked at another hospital and sent home. This after telling them he had just come from Liberia.
    I’ve read that Ebola is not a danger to the U.S. because of our advanced medicine and abilities; forgotten in all this is it’s run by humans…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 30 2014: Why The Fed WILL Raise Rates #15484
    V. Arnold

    @ Jef & Diogenes + TheTrivium4TW

    Thanks all, great responses.

    Jef: This particularly hit me between the eyes;
    “What makes this even more insidious is that those who manipulated us into this situation have linked nearly every aspect of our economy to this scam so that to end it means the collapse of life as we know it. And I don’t mean back to gardening and made by hand localization BS. I mean dirty, nasty, ugly, collapse.”

    World Made by Hand; romantic bullshit, IMO.

    As an old guy, I hope I have a few more years before shit-hits-fan.
    Cheers(?) 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 30 2014: Why The Fed WILL Raise Rates #15459
    V. Arnold

    Well, this thread by Raul was well above my pay grade, so-to-speak.
    Being an expat, the strengthening dollar has meant a raise in my monthly income due to increasingly favorable exchange rates (for me).
    Unfortunately the rest (above) is somewhat lost on me. Maybe it’s just as well. I do not see how it affects everyday life for the average American. I couldn’t care less how the wealthy fare…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 30 2014: Why The Fed WILL Raise Rates #15452
    V. Arnold

    What disturbs me most is this; it was reported there was Zero/0 chance of transmition on the flight. Hmm, me thinks there is already damage control, aka, manipulation of news.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 29 2014: A Rare Sane European #15433
    V. Arnold

    @ Raleigh
    “Of course they have a clue.”

    Yep, agree.

    Time to get off the merry-go-round. End nostalgia, it’s a lie, Maya.
    Everything you’ve been taught is wrong. Everything you’ve been told is wrong. And finally, everything you believe is wrong.

    in reply to: The US Has No Banking Regulation, And It Doesn’t Want Any #15408
    V. Arnold

    I find the conversation interesting only in lieu of the obvious engagement by so many who do not understand the game. It’s rigged, fixed, crooked, and corrupt.
    My younger sister just returned to the states after working abroad for a year (teaching English). She was fortunate and found decent employment. It’s a school district so it’s only 8 months full time; summers off, no pay.
    At 65 in Nov., she’s looking for investment opportunities; financial planners, brokers, etc.
    And this is my point; what chance has she in the markets (or whatever one calls them)?
    Zip, zero, zilch, IMO.
    I have advised her (strongly) to join a credit union and open a CD (if they still exist). I have advised her to stay away from all banks and the financial charlatans.
    There is nothing out there for “us”, except possibly credit unions.
    That this isn’t evident, much less obvious, just boggles the mind…mine…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 26 2014: Can Money Save The Climate? #15382
    V. Arnold

    @ TheTrivium4TW
    So why doesn’t TAE explain WHO creates the money out of debt and WHAT their agenda is via the writings of their historians like Carroll Quigley and their Technocrats like Zbigniew Brzezinski?
    But, but, isn’t that exactly what TAE does?
    I know it’s complicated (well above my pay grade), but I know the questions (important) that I have had and found adequate answers within the very dense subject of political socio-economics.
    It’s about power. In a sense that’s all one needs to know. And an accurate view of the now should suffice for a picture of today’s realities, and further, ones position within that construct.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 26 2014: Can Money Save The Climate? #15379
    V. Arnold

    @ NooBoob
    Civilization is slowly collapsing while the earth is quickly dying.
    Nah, we can’t do that. It’s often said “we’re” destroying the earth.
    Nope, can’t do that either.
    But, we sure can and are changing it. We are making it toxic for one heck of a lot of the present species, which includes humans.
    But the earth? It’ll survive us and naturally go the way of planets. Remember, what’s going on now is as natural as rain…
    But, that also doesn’t mean some of us aren’t mad as hell…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 26 2014: Can Money Save The Climate? #15368
    V. Arnold

    Money can not stop climate change. And yes; capitalism is the problem. Unregulated, irresponsible, western style capitalism. Easy, yes; too easy? That depends.
    Human nature is the real problem, IMO. I’m tempted to blame western humans, but that wouldn’t be wholly fair. Native cultures did their share back in the day, but lacked the technology that gives us westerners the leap ahead on destructive power. Give us power, any kind of power and we’ll use it until we abuse it; guaranteed! It’s our nature. It’s not learned and I don’t believe it’s cultural; primordial is far more likely.
    Can you tell? I’m not optimistic. We won’t act until our house burns down and then we’ll find somebody else to blame.

    To be is to do,
    To do is to be,
    Dobe, dobe, dobe, dobe…

    On the walls of the men’s room in a biker bar in Portland, Or. circa 1970’s

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 25 2014: It’s The Dollar, Stupid! #15348
    V. Arnold

    I was afraid you’d say that. His owning a bank should have been a clue, no?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 25 2014: It’s The Dollar, Stupid! #15344
    V. Arnold

    It’s usually the wackos talking about gold. Peter schiff, on RT;


    said that Switzerland was backing it’s franc with gold. I have read (here[?]) China and Russia are as well. Hmm…
    He went on to say that fiat currencies were ultimately doomed and only countries that backed their currencies with gold would enjoy relevancy in the international markets. At least, that’s what I heard. He’s backing the gold standard; going back to it, at least to some degree.
    He also said most of the global economists were way more stupid than he ever would have thought.
    I’m a fair hand at personal finances, but that’s at a micro level (sub-atomic) not the macro level (Newtonian). 😉

    Who is Peter Schiff? Is he a wacko? He sounded pretty knowledgeable.
    He owns a bank in the Caribbean apparently.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 25 2014: It’s The Dollar, Stupid! #15343
    V. Arnold

    Wow, Raul, a true tour de force today.
    Debt, Ukraine, EU, Japan, China, debt, American Imperialism/hubris/hyperbole (America’s)/impunity/dollar, did I miss anything?
    I’m glad I agree with you, because otherwise there would be a lot to get upset about.

    Debt is interesting; my ex-partner (stateside) was a financial planner and constantly droned on about why debt was/is good. She treated her inflating home value as an ATM.
    I told her that I wasn’t buying any of it and no matter how much she was schooled in investing she was dead wrong.
    My point is this; most Americans (people(?) have no idea about debt, because the government and the cult of financial planners and investment brokers are all chanting the mantra of debt is good. What’s largely missing all round is common sense.
    I was going to suggest you do a “debt for dummies” column.
    Our only debt is a house bought 10 years ago with 20% down (not borrowed) and a house payment of roughly 9% of income. I learned my lesson many years ago. Now, just why don’t I feel secure? Because all I see is shit…
    I will, however try to enjoy it while still possible.

    Frankly, without a stable economy, how can the U.S. government “help” Blacks,Hispanics, and poor Whites with buying houses? Maybe rent control/subsidies, but purchasing? No way, IMO.
    I think “its finished.

    The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
    George Bernard Shaw


    V. Arnold

    @ Raleigh
    I know you are talking about vast numbers of people committing group atrocities, not individual people.
    Actually, I am speaking of the individual. “Possibilities” are only realized by the individual.
    One must put one’s own house in order before all else.
    Past that I don’t know what else to say. Cheers.

    V. Arnold

    @ John Day
    I hope that I have been respectful and not done harm in this writing.
    It has certainly come from an anguished heart.
    And my anguished heart heard you loud and clear.
    No harm, no foul. Well and truly spoke…

    V. Arnold

    @ Raleigh
    “The only thing I wonder about is how that “nature” came about. Were they born this way, or was it through nurture? I’ve thought about this a lot, and I believe that in most cases it is learned behavior (nurture).”
    Rather, I think it is primordial. The nature of all things is that. I do not know what place nurture holds; that it’s so highly touted by MSM makes me very suspicious and doubtful.
    The tribalism, secret societies, religions (Buddha’s teachings are not religion, but rather lessons in our nature, our true nature), are all primordial.
    It is said if we truly know ourselves (truly), we will know the world. IME (limited) that is true.
    We have made decisions from early on as individuals and, IMO, do not know, are not aware of those decisions. Cannot identify when or where those decisions were made.
    Dr. Day speaks of vast belief systems, again not understood by most. The power of belief is not understood either in the world or in our selves. Belief is very dangerous and is best discarded, IMO…

    V. Arnold

    @ John Day

    Powerful read. Thanks for the effort. Little you wrote was news for me. I wrote my first essay on the violence of America’s beginnings at the age of 15 (circa 1959 or 60) and was harshly received for my efforts. It wasn’t an assignment, but my response to history.
    My battle now is to not hate my fellow humans and keep the Buddha’s teachings close at hand.
    IME, most people haven’t looked deeply into their own nature or even human nature in general. My axiom is: Humans cannot do anything outside of their nature, for everything they do is within their nature. There is no un-natural act.
    Thanks again for that treatise…

    V. Arnold

    I don’t know if I believe this but, an anonymous millionaire has offered $30 million for the facts of who shot down MH-17.
    I apologize in advance for the source;

    We’ll see…

    V. Arnold

    steve from virginia
    Su-25 does not fly @ enough altitude to attack passenger jet w/ machine cannon. It is a ground attack aircraft like US A-10.

    Variable81 is correct. The later variants of the SU-25 have the ceiling, weapons (A-A missiles) and the radar.

    V. Arnold

    V. The story everywhere today is Scotland. Wouldn’t even want to get in the way of that.

    No problem. I’m old school… 😉

    V. Arnold

    How rude. This is about MH-17.
    Show Raul some respect for his hard work, no?
    Sorry Raul, you jumped in at the same time I posted.
    Maybe I’m out of order…

    V. Arnold

    Great catch. The only logical explanation is that Ukraine shot MH-17 down.
    I have some familiarity with weapon systems and ballistics. I believe this report to be a very good assessment of the facts as studied.
    Now, the question is; what is the reason Ukraine shot down MH-17?
    With today’s twisted body politic, I can only imagine a very twisted justification…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 15 2014: The Yin and Yang of Growth and Power #15167
    V. Arnold

    I watched The Moment of Truth, all 2:06:00 of it. Worth the time, IMO.
    Dotcom’s attorney, Greenwald, Assange, and Snowden all spoke. New Zealand has some serious problems with their lying PM, Key.
    You can watch it here;

    It takes a few minutes to start the speaking. So you can FF it a bit.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 8 2014: Please Scotland, Blow Up The EU #15048
    V. Arnold

    …understanding the exponential function.”
    …is easy; it is understanding belief that is difficult. And that’s our (human’s) Achilles Heel…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 8 2014: Please Scotland, Blow Up The EU #15047
    V. Arnold

    @ John Day
    “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”

    I think it’s belief and all that it entails…

    V. Arnold

    @ Dr. Diablo

    Yeah, you pretty much nailed it.
    Time to wake up from the dream; we really are the ones our mom’s warned us about…

    V. Arnold

    More stupid human tricks; Tuesday is S-Day (sanctions+) if Russia doesn’t kowtow and play nice with the benevolent(?) despot empire.
    I’ve not seen it said anywhere, but I wonder how much of the U.S.’s aggression towards Russia/Putin is because Snowden got sanctuary there?
    A week from now could make for interesting times; might be a good time not to be in a big city (or military bases) in Europe or America, yes?

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