V. Arnold

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  • V. Arnold

    I love/hate the language of economists; *velocity of money*, *credit velocity*, the growth mantra. They complicate for obfuscation to protect their positions as head witch doctors. They claim science when it’s nothing more than the talk of charlatans. Granted, there are exceptions…
    Debt is not good, ever! We’ve been sold a bill of goods by a bunch of liars.

    Sufficiency, has anybody ever heard of that mantra? It should have been the past and it damn sure better be the future; but it won’t.
    There is something fundamentally wrong with us (specifically western humans) and we refuse to try and change our nature. And nothing else will suffice.

    V. Arnold

    For my own POV, the aggressive push by Obama is reckless. It tells me he doesn’t understand Putin. That alone could set the course for conflict/war.
    If Obama thinks he can corner Putin/Russia, in their own sphere of influence without consequences; then Obama and his advisers are fools (but then, we already know this).
    And doG help the world; we’re headed for Armageddon.

    And I just saw you’re post above after hitting post.
    God’s be good, we’re royally screwed…

    I honestly think Putin/Russia doesn’t want war. But he will not, absolutely not, back down to America’s aggressive politic in his sphere of influence.
    I’m still trying to wrap my mind around America’s stance. It’s illogical, inane, wrong, counter intuitive, and only makes sense if America truly thinks it rules the world.
    It doesn’t and that may kill us all…

    V. Arnold

    The genuine news sources are being eliminated at an alarming rate. Minus the obvious pro-Russian bits (even they are interesting) RT is a pretty decent source overall.
    Especially when it comes to western media bullshit.
    These are very scary times as America drives hard against Putin’s Russia.
    It’s like an inverted reality, as propagandized by America and the west in general that the artificially generated clusterfuck in Ukraine is a Russian driven crisis; when in fact it is the creation of American policy.
    I think we have taken a step too far and thereby jeopardized the world at large.
    May cooler heads prevail…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 2 2014: This Is As Big As We Will Get #14959
    V. Arnold

    The UK’s Cameron is going to suggest cutting off Russia from Swift banking transactions, effectively blocking them economically from any international business.
    Now that’s bloody stupid and could be construed as an act of war.
    Intelligence is no guarantee people will not act in very stupid ways…

    in reply to: These Clowns Are Dragging Us Into War #14929
    V. Arnold

    @ sprocketsanjay

    Yes, Orlov nailed this one. But so has RT and so many non American/European news sources. I hardly bother with the western press any longer. They’re so jejune…

    in reply to: These Clowns Are Dragging Us Into War #14925
    V. Arnold

    Orlov pretty much nails it; How to tell if Russia invades Ukraine;

    in reply to: These Clowns Are Dragging Us Into War #14922
    V. Arnold

    Unfortunately what we’re seeing is the arrogance of exceptionalism. When one is exceptional one does not compromise or negotiate.

    Putin speaking at a pro-Kremlin youth camp:
    “Russia is far from being involved in any large-scale conflicts,” he said at the camp on the banks of Lake Seliger.”We don’t want that and don’t plan on it. But naturally, we should always be ready to repel any aggression towards Russia.
    “Russia’s partners… should understand it’s best not to mess with us,” said Putin, dressed casually in a grey sweater and light blue jeans.
    “Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers.”

    I wonder if anybody in the west listened to or even heard his words.
    I find myself in a strange world these days; I believe what the Russians (Putin) are saying and think the Americans are just a pack of liars and obfuscaters…
    Exceptionalism is just another word for psychosis…
    We’re losing to our own internal wackos; doG help us…

    V. Arnold

    Ugh, yes the perp was a Brit, allegedly, sorry bout that…

    V. Arnold

    The only positive thing to come out of the MH-17 war crime (it can hardly be deemed an accident) is this, IMO; it exposed the MSM and western governments for the liars and propagandists they are. This story was so colossally blundered they were fully exposed for all who would see.
    One to whom facts matter should believe no media; printed, televised, broadcast, or inter-netted, unless and until one can chase down good information.
    Experience is the best teacher about doing the verification (for those who would learn).
    There are trusted communicators out there; find and value them and verify, verify, verify…

    Apparently the U.S. is pushing for more sanctions against Russia. If I remember correctly, sanctions and embargoes against Japan in the 30’s backed them into a corner and incited their action at Pearl Harbor thus beginning the Pacific theater of WWII.
    Nuclear winter will certainly abate global warming, but not do much for us…
    Intelligence in action seems MIA in the U.S. government.

    V. Arnold

    Small nit to pick; it was an American in the beheading video. Not that it matters really.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Aug 27 2014: The Right To Live Free And In Peace #14874
    V. Arnold

    @ Raúl

    ‘Tis a small world after all…

    V. Arnold

    It would seem the U.S. is quickly losing all credibility and slipping into psychotic behavior towards Russia. I’m sure the U.S. policy despots think they are acting rationally; but in the view of one from without; it looks to be pure insanity. Where the hell does the U.S. find people like Nuland and her ilk?

    This is a site run by a Russian and it offers some pretty good perspectives;

    This thread is most informative Raul, thank you, fascinating…

    in reply to: War and Peace and NATO #14820
    V. Arnold

    @ Variable81

    Your closing paragraph is quite enough for me to end this back and forth.
    Have a good life…or not…

    in reply to: War and Peace and NATO #14811
    V. Arnold

    @ Variable81

    The view from the outside is almost never the fact/reality on the ground.
    Fear is a thief; don’t let it steal from you. (Me)
    I’m 11+ years out and doing fine.
    Yours is a long post, but significant of nothing outside of your familiarity.
    Again, don’t let fear rule your decisions; its a big wonderful world “out there”…
    All I’m saying is this; we’re all faced with decisions, and the present situation, improperly understood, could mean your ability of movement is limited, if not forbidden.
    Look, this is complicated and if you haven’t been paying attention then you are pretty well fucked. Act now or you may not have the choice to act later.
    I cannot be more clear than that…

    in reply to: War and Peace and NATO #14805
    V. Arnold

    Erm: Addendum;
    relocation, depending where one is, of course. If one is in Europe, U.S.A., Canada, Britain? Then leave as soon as possible. It may give you choices not available in the west in the near future.

    in reply to: War and Peace and NATO #14804
    V. Arnold

    This is our world today:
    “War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984
    I suggest you look up George Orwell’s letter to Noel Willmett, written in May 1944.
    It’s most prescient and very important for an understanding of this very fucked up world.
    Our world has had a polar shift; north is now south…

    Here’s a link to the letter.


    I feel the details, so eloquently stated by you (Raul), aren’t as important as understanding the very big picture.
    I do feel we are past changing the course of this very big vessel headed for the rocks.
    Understand the ramifications and prepare as best you can; relocation is probably the best route IME.

    V. Arnold

    @ Escribidora

    Move. Leave. It’s an option that not many will consider. It’s a big world “out there”, don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from rational decisions for self preservation.
    I wish you well…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Aug 18 2014: Oh, What A Tangled Mess We Weave #14707
    V. Arnold

    Once again, far too much conjecture based on very iffy psychological analysis of alleged “facts/evidence”.
    @ Raleigh;
    Why are you so invested in the guilt of Brown?
    Why do you not let this play out?
    I have drawn no conclusions at this time. There just is too much noise for any clarity.
    Both sides have vested interests.
    The only thing certain is the systemic racism playing out and the whole country (America) is infected…sure!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Aug 18 2014: Oh, What A Tangled Mess We Weave #14699
    V. Arnold

    It seems rather foolish to draw any conclusions about what went down in Ferguson, Mo, when all one has to go on are news reports. And we know how accurate the news isn’t.
    If you were not there you do not know anything as fact.

    V. Arnold

    Aha, thanks for that very much. I only use DuckDuckgo now. I’m done with google, yahoo, and especially IE explorer.
    In fact yours is one of the few sites I frequent. I’m quite picky and considering scrapping the whole lot. We’ll see…

    V. Arnold

    I’ll say another thing that just chaps my ass; after you (Raul) spoke of the Assange news flash: I couldn’t find one damn word; BBC, Huffpost (blech!), BBC, CNN (blech in spades), yahoo, google news, Al Jezeera, and RT!
    Obviously I finally got it, but damn, it took a monumental effort. What’s with that?
    Bloody hell, where did you get your information? I want some of that… 😉

    V. Arnold

    He did say his health wasn’t good (heart and lungs?) and no direct sunlight.
    The U.S. is firmly behind this abomination of human rights violations and injustice.
    Sweden is the joker in this deck; I had no idea.
    The only positive I can see is that the US is losing all of its credibility by its rogue behavior; as you so rightly illustrate and speak to, and the world increasingly pulls away from a diminishing empire of hubris and impunity…

    V. Arnold

    Oh crap! Thanks.

    V. Arnold

    The stupid is strong in Missouri; what happened to Capt. Ron Johnson (state highway patrol)? He had things calmed down immediately, why is he not in charge of this?
    Nixon is a moron, the National Guard???!!!
    Well, not to repeat but the militarization of the police has been trending for years…

    V. Arnold

    “What are these people going to do when there are thousands of protesters, or tens of thousands?”

    Tahrir Square? I fear the present course is already set; the Spice must flow…
    These are not police, but something else entirely and this has been going on for years.

    V. Arnold

    I have likened Ferguson, Mo. to America’s Gaza. Which is also true of almost every black neighborhood in America.
    I laugh (not for joy) every time I hear the phrase, “post racist America”. The denial is breath-taking.
    As of Sunday evening, Ferguson is far from over…

    V. Arnold

    I’m left with only one possibility for the madness perpetrated by the west (especially the U.S.), and that is a permanently destabilized world, particularly the M.E.
    As to U.S. citizens? They are certainly complicit; either by omission or commission, IMO.
    Minus very radical action, it’s not apparent to me that it’s any longer possible to control the government or its policies…

    V. Arnold

    AE is an excellent read and shares my world view very closely. I haven’t lived in the U.S. for more than 11 years and the view from afar is, to say the least, both interesting and distressing.

    V. Arnold

    RT has shown a radar screen capture showing another aircraft in close proxity to MH-17 at the time of the shoot down.
    There is also a blog run by a Russian called The Vineyard of the Saker;

    He’s full of relevant information and it’s apparent he knows what he’s talking about.

    V. Arnold

    Navigating Wonderland, even Alice needed drugs. Lacking that, one does best by stepping back, away from the fray and not letting the bastards get you. Especially mentally.
    Knowing the truth may not allow one to change anything, except ones personal decisions.
    Great read and information…

    V. Arnold

    Some are getting *it*; tiny houses and debt free. Casey’s closing words that we’re going from a milk cow to a beef cow says it all.
    I don’t think most people understand debt and especially credit. Neo-serfdom coming soon to the average Joe.

    V. Arnold

    I’ve no argument with anything in this thread. We’re owned lock, stock, and barrel.
    Wouldn’t being debt free be one foil to the machine? It’s possible to be debt free, but maybe not in the U.S., short of some extreme (or real) lifestyle choices. Where I live there are no property taxes on a purchased home.
    So, isn’t personal debt (lack there of) an important adjunct to personal freedom?

    V. Arnold

    @ Raúl

    I’m a lurker making the plunge…into the deep end of the pool.
    I feel humbled by the intelligence of this, oh so worthy, counter to the machine.
    Thank you for this most relevant blog; clarity in the long night of fog…

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