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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2022 #119436

    “Biden ended his speech by getting the COVID-19 booster shot live on camera.”

    I’m pretty sure that it was only a saline injection. Too much at stake to have him keel over.

    It’s beginning to look like bigger and bigger “things” are becoming “disposable”.
    Ukraine has become a disposable country where money laundering by large countries and corporations have been having a field day. All world leaders are now disposable as well. BoJo, Truss, Biden &c. Their expiration dates are all determined by their aggressive usefulness, and by their handlers. If the power brokers need some law passed or some egregious thing done, they just put someone in place, get er done, and then have him or her removed by the outrage that ensues. They are “paid” for their service by a nice platinum parachute. In the past a lot of this was “hidden” and they got away with it (1913 Federal Reserve vote at Christmas). For those who are found out, they are quietly, or noisily shuffled off and the game continues.

    This was learned by the power brokers by their long history of putting people in power and then rewarding them with wine, women and song, all the while flensing their country of natural resources and influence. The Congo comes to mind as well as all the other countries where the “natural” leaders were ousted by our CIA and satellite groups.

    I am horrified and disgusted by what the “leaders” (handlers) of my country have become. I used to struggle to not be ashamed to be an American. I realize that I could not have done anything to change the unsavory outcome before us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2022 #119279

    All these problems before us, Recycling, Pollution, Overpopulation, Recessions, Depressions, Topsoil loss, Wars, Pandemics, Elites, Banksters, High Level Graft and Corruption &c will all diminish (though not disappear) as the fossil fuels continue their EROEI decline and all their attendant infrastructures simplify, merge and fade.

    It’s beginning to look like Deagel may have been correct. Plant Potatoes (I’m sure glad I did.)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2022 #118836

    Lake Mead has many creeks (some subsurface) that add water continuously. At this time of year a large segment of the agricultural lands has stopped using water because their crops have been harvested and they will not replant until next season. This happen everywhere, even on my property. I monitor my depth to water on my well every month and around September or so the water level starts rising even though there has not been rain to recharge. This is the direct result of hundreds of ag wells in my area going mostly dormant. The “recharge” is just the water table “relaxation” that slowly bring surrounding water into the area because the months of aquifer pumping has temporarily “depressed” the water table in this area. This is probably what the rebound is in lake Mead, or something akin to it. If the level is rising without rain then they are drawing less water from the lake than is entering it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2022 #118503

    As scary it is beginning to look out there, and I have been preparing for years, I have some doubts as to the likelihood of a full blown nuclear war.

    The people behind the scenes who are really in control of everything don’t want their world to be radioactive. They are all people of leisure and comfort and I guarantee that they think of this world as “theirs”. I’m sure they all have their own high tech bunkers but I doubt that they want to spend months or years underground just for the sake of a great reset. They still want some kind of economy around for someone to raise their hanger steaks and collect their caviar. If the world is destroyed their money would be worthless and their future would be more uncomfortable than they would tolerate, so I can imagine that they will pull all the levers and press all the buttons to keep it from going full on nuclear.

    I can, however, see how this could easily be used as a new hobgoblin to get the masses to demand safety regardless of their lost liberties. It has already been used to funnel hundreds of billions into unknown hands.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 8 2022 #118029

    AFKTT’s List. An excellent list. I was slightly surprised to find that I have fulfilled each category. Many with prejudice. And a few more categories besides.

    Bosco: An excellent description of how the natural gas pipelines function. I have actually tested many of these compressor stations across the country, from Kentucky to California. They are quite the technology.

    It seems that someone had inadvertently (or not) contaminated some lube oil with PCB oil (PolyChlorinated BiPhenyl) and it had entered the nationwide gas pipeline system. They feared that it would end up into peoples homes where it would be burned by heaters, stoves and ovens. The fear was that it would generate Dioxins that would expose people. So we traveled around the country testing the natural gas delivered from these suspect pipes. Fortunately, they were able to “rinse out” the entrained oils and the risk faded with time.

    The surprising thing that I noticed about most of these compressor stations was that they were pumping ambient air into the pipelines. When I asked about why they were doing this, they explained that they had a minimum BTU value that they were required to deliver to their customers. Often the gas that they obtained for their upstream sources was of a higher BTU value. They were simply “diluting” the gas to bring the BTU value down while at the same time generating more volume to sell. They were not going to let their customers get a better quality gas for free. Instead, they were making more money by “watering down” the gas. All in the quest for the almighty dollar. The volume of air that was entering the system was not enough to drop the UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) into the danger zone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 5 2022 #117780

    Only a few of us, I think, are willing or able to conceive of a future where an empty soda bottle with a sealing lid will have a “high value” to someone. Or a small pile of rusty pipes half sunk in the ground being a reason to fight to the death for ownership.
    Though there may be huge dislocations in time, space and infrastructure in the near future, it may very well be that the dystopian/apocalyptic future may arrive after all, and with a whimper instead of a blast.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117706

    The evidence for who punctured the pipelines is lying all around the damage on the seabed. A simple dredge and settling tank would recover most of the components of the devices used. Simple forensics would probably provide a definitive answer.

    in reply to: An Endless Series of Hobgoblins #117629

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 2 2022 #117540

    To everyone here. Thanks for your kind words.

    I have used the phrase “plant potatoes” long enough that it has become a metaphor meaning “Do whatever you can to get your future food supplies assured.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 2 2022 #117526

    “Question (one of many) – Frequency is sound, right? So how does sound become “light”? And light become matter? Or is it that light reveals matter, matter being the manifestation of “light”?”

    Yes, sound has a frequency. A “pure” sound, say 1,200 cycles per second, is a very clean sound. Philosophically unobtainable with any modern science. If you use a sound generator to generate a 1,200 cps tone, it might sound quite clear and clean. But how exact is it? Can it be demonstrably proven to be at exactly 1,200? Or does it have a “width”? Say 1,199.999999997 to 1,200.000000003 cps. Hmmmm. Not so clear after all. Also, what metric are you using for the second? The beat frequency of a Hydrogen atom at 54 degrees kelvin? You see my point. We can at any point and in any argument get away from “truth” and argue for the minutia, but at what cost. To prove a point?

    Yes everything is vibrating, and not at just one frequency. Our bodies are filled with myriads of frequencies; some harmonics from your body being an antenna to the power harness in your house, the power lines outside in the street and underground, your cell phone &c. There are also untold other “frequencies” in our bodies; our peristalsis; our brain waves (~8cps which strangely enough coincides with one of main peaks of the Shumann Resonance); our many endocrine cycles that move over days or weeks. The list is endless.

    Sound energy can “become” light, I have done it. You make a spherical resonance chamber, usually made of glass so you can see the light, fill it with water, glue two transducers (small powerful speakers) on opposite sides of the chamber and crank up the sound (usually ultrasound). The sound waves form a standing wave pattern that has the exact center of the globe as it’s focal point. Light will be produced. It turns out that the light emission matches the frequency of the gases dissolved in the water. This is called sonoluminescence.This is highly artificial and no “natural” phenomenon of this are known to exist so far. Your are artificially concentrating sound to produce light (and heat). Some calculations estimate the point source of this light can exceed one million kelvins, a lot hotter than the Sun’s surface (but not the center).

    Speaking of the Sun, this is where light becomes matter and matter becomes light. In the center of the Sun it is so hot that matter does not exist as we know it. The atoms are so hot that their electronic excited states are so wide that it can be calculated that the atoms have no electrons at all, they have all flown the coop so to speak. However, they are still nearby, swimming around in the “Soup” of atomic nuclei in what is commonly known as a “Plasma”. 27 million degrees is really hot and you would expect all these “particles” would emit a lot of light. Since these electrons are not happily nested in their normal orbits (normal for us here on earth) we find it difficult to “calculate” the band gap frequencies that photons would have from electron interactions. The frequencies would be higher than we normally have experience with. X-rays and gamma rays are the normal currency of the center of the Sun. These extremely powerful and short wavelength photons are transferring from atomic nucleus to atomic nucleus so rapidly that there is a flux that enters the Einstein equation E=MC2. Light really is being converted to matter and matter is really being converted to light. The concept is that if you “untie” the “knot” of an atom, it’s entrained energy is released with a value that is proportional to the speed of light squared. In the dense, hot, confusing center of this plasma the photonic density is so great that there are innumerable photons squeezing together again to reform matter. This is the common belief in the center of main sequence Suns.

    Light does indeed reveal matter, especially in a dark room, and matter certainly is a manifestation of light. Especially in the center of Suns. And since Suns are far and away the largest component of the universe (as far as we can tell so far) then these statements are more the norm for the universe, even if they are not quite so true on Earth.

    BTW, even though I have spent my life studying to be, and working as a Scientist, I found out in 2006 at Burning Man that I am a Shaman. I didn’t believe it at the the time but after a bit of study, I was rocked to my roots to find it true. My main task then was to find a way to keep them from fighting: Spirituality vs Science. Not only do they not fight, but they made an agreement to work together for the betterment of myself and for all I meet. Been quite a Journey.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 2 2022 #117514

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken

    The Great Lie. One of the Hobgoblins. If you want to better understand the Anthropomorphic Climate Change Hoax read on.

    I am a chemist. I run a business measuring air pollution. In chemistry there is a scientific tool known as spectroscopy. The principle of spectroscopy is measuring the absorption or transmission of “light” through matter.

    “Light” is in quotes because for true scientists the electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of frequencies that begins with the very very low frequencies, say below one cycle per second, (alpha brain waves are 8 cps btw) all the way up to ultra high frequencies of X-rays and Gamma rays and beyond.

    Different forms and compositions of matter absorb or transmit different frequencies of “light”. For example, a 0.1 mm thickness of aluminum can stop visible light that would easily transit one hundred miles through air. However, in spectroscopy, we vary the frequency of the light that we use to “study” the material so that we end up with a “Spectra” of the material as we vary the frequency. In chemistry, these Spectra are used to tease out compositions of materials as well as their concentrations.

    In chemistry, we immediately run into the phenomenon known as “Extinction” or the “Extinction Coefficient” where our sample, suspended in the “light” beam blocks the light so completely that there is no useful data coming through the sample like the aluminum above. The Spectra is at complete absorption or 0% transmission. Not useful. When this happens, you dilute the sample or make it thinner so there is greater penetration of the “light” so you can obtain a Spectra.

    In the other extreme, your sample may be too transparent in the spectrum that interests you to obtain a Spectra. The Spectra is a complete transmission or 0% absorption or near enough. Also not useful. In this case you make the sample more concentrated or increase the path length of the cell making the sample “thicker”.

    As this relates to our atmosphere. The “cell length” of absorption of solar radiation is a somewhat abstract concept. If you assume that the atmosphere “ends” at 50 or 100 miles above us, you can make calculations. However, at any one time there is only one point in the atmosphere where the sun is coming down at exactly 90 degrees. This changes moment by moment as the earth rotates and seasons change. Everywhere else the sun is coming down at an angle which increases it’s path length. At the poles much of the sun goes straight through the atmosphere and never touches the earth and exits out the other side. The perfect tangent. This is what causes the “ozone holes” not the fluorocarbons. A separate hoax and separate discussion.

    So, with all these varying path lengths, and variable densities (absorption also changes with pressure) and changes of state (clouds are liquids suspended in gas) you get a complex absorption process.

    However, you can easily measure the solar spectrum at the earth’s surface (or at any altitude) to obtain the measurements that show you which frequencies are absorbed partially or totally or not at all. This spectrum shows thousand of “holes” where thousands of frequencies of light zip through the atmosphere, carrying their entrained “photonic energy”.
    The “Hard UV” radiation that hits our upper atmosphere is absorbed by the oxygen molecules when they are still quite dilute at 20 to 25 miles up where the atmospheric pressure is almost a vacuum. These UV frequencies are at “extinction” because they never penetrate very far into our atmosphere. The UV frequencies that are “softer” the so-called UVA and UVB are of a lower frequency and exist at what is considered the Ultra Violet Cutoff for our atmosphere. Hard Ultra Violet frequencies cannot penetrate down to the surface since they are absorbed to “extinction” at much higher altitude. Our atmosphere at sea level would need to be near these vacuum conditions for these “Hard UV” photons to reach the surface, or there would need to be no oxygen in the atmosphere. Neither would allow life to exist here.

    Any and all light the reaches the earth’s surface is either absorbed, reflected or refracted. Some of the absorbed light enters into chemical reactions where it is “trapped” as chemical energy. Photosynthesis comes to mind but there are others. This is a very small fraction of the total received. Some is reflected. The fact that you can “see” is a confirmation that a great deal of the light that reaches the earth is reflected. Since all of this light that reached the surface has already been “filtered” through the atmosphere, these reflected photons have a great propensity to “exit” the atmosphere as well since their frequencies have not been shifted very much. The multi spectral sunlight that hits a green leaf is partially absorbed and partially reflected. The reflected light is green because the “useful” frequencies have been deducted from the spectrum by the chlorophyll to operate the plant’s chemical factory. The remaining non-useful light is reflected away as waste. That color green was always “inside” that sunlight that came down and is reflected away to your eye, camera, bird wing or to space. This is why you can see green forests from the space station, that green frequency is not absorbed by the components of the atmosphere.

    All these processes occur on femtosecond time scales. The light travels from the sun in about 8 minutes transits our atmosphere in about 5/10,000 of a second, hits the leaf and is reflected back out to space in another 5/10,000 of a second and continues it’s journey throughout the universe to an unknown end.

    Light that is absorbed by material at the earth’s surface has a different journey. The energy is absorbed by the electronic configuration of the molecules that it hits. This forms an electronic “excited state” where the electrons of the material move to a “higher” orbit. This excited state can be used by plants to run their chemical processes, or, in inanimate matter, can exist for a period of time (usually only femtoseconds) until it is re-emitted as a lower frequency photon or photons.

    Thermodynamics forbid the new photon from being re-emitted at the same or a higher frequency (higher energy) although there are modern high tech exceptions to this (thermal imaging scopes &c where additional energy is added to the matrix).

    So this new lower frequency photon is once again either absorbed, reflected or transmitted out into space.

    If the new lower frequency photon is absorbed onto something, it means that it’s frequency was just right to enter into the electron cloud of this new molecule forming a new “excited state”. This is once again re-emitted as a new-new lower frequency photon which follows the same process of reflection, transmission or absorption. All matter is constantly emitting photons that are being absorbed by the matter around them. The higher energy (from hotter atoms) photons relatively quickly reach equilibrium with its surroundings. Hotter things emit faster and more energetic photons. Think of a hot skillet taken off the stove. Doesn’t take but a few minutes to “cool” to room temperature. Some convection, some radiation of photons. All the convected heat also gets emitted as photons from the atoms that did the convecting.

    Once again, all these thing occur at very short time scales.

    The photon that get’s absorbed and re-emitted at infrared frequencies follows this cascade in nanoseconds depending on the time it takes the photon to travel to the next absorption site, either microns away to kilometers. If the photon’s frequency is of a wavelength where it cannot exit the atmosphere since there are many molecules of say CO2 there to absorb it, it gets absorbed and then re-emitted at a lower frequency. Eventually, the photon is emitted at a frequency that has no “absorbers” around. All it sees is open sky and is gone. Nanoseconds. The atmosphere has many “frequency holes”.

    CO2 has a Spectra, look at it if you can find one wide enough, see the thousands of holes in it. The fact that it can absorb in some infrared frequencies does not mean that it absorbs all infrared frequencies. The infrared spectrum is much much broader than the visible spectrum.

    Clouds are a complicating issue in all this since they are composed of small droplets of liquid. The Spectra of liquids is usually different from the gas phase. However, that said, clouds are quite transparent to some frequencies of infrared light. Infrared imaging cuts right through fog and clouds thus no absorption at those frequencies.

    So, overall, the sun’s energy that enters earth’s system does not stay here long. The heat that builds up during the day in the soil, rocks, water and air spends the next few hours emitting and re-emitting lower and lower frequency photons to each other and to the sky as they approach the new dawn. Cloudy nights can offer a reflecting surface to slow their exit from the atmosphere of certain frequencies but even a cloudy night gets quite cold by morning since those lower frequency infrared photons pass right through the clouds.

    If you ever spent a sunset in a desert you realize how quickly the air loses it’s heat to infrared photons and the desert’s surface does not reheat the air above it much. The radiation pressure of a clear night sky is very weak and these infrared photons coming off the land are exiting en-mass.

    The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has also reached “extinction” in that the frequencies that CO2 absorbs, almost none of those photons escape back out of the atmosphere to space. They are, however, re-emitted at lower frequencies almost as soon as they are absorbed. This is the point of the person who wrote about the “sunglasses” analogy where more CO2 is just adding more sunglasses.

    I like to use the ink in the pool analogy. If you are underwater in your pool and looking across to the light under the diving board you are getting near 100% transmission (of the visible not IR). If someone throws an ink well into the pool and stirs it around, your ability to see the light drops. Adding additional ink makes it drop more. At some point you have complete absorption and cannot see any light. Adding more ink to the pool does not make you see less. You have reached “extinction”. You could of course swim towards the light until you could see it again. Then more ink would make it opaque again. CO2 in our atmosphere has reached “extinction” a very long time ago, long before life arrived. This CO2 Hobgoblin has been so effective since almost none of the people, and unfortunately almost none of the scientists understand, or they refuse to understand these principles.

    This dissertation is a slightly simplified version of reality. I tried to keep the concepts intact without going into too many sidelines. A nit picker, including myself can find many nits to pick, but I think that I’m getting the main points across.

    These concepts are not difficult to understand. It is all founded in base level physics and chemistry. Applying your intellect to the understanding of how all this works clears away the “fog of agenda”.

    Plant potatoes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2022 #117427

    Regarding the doubling of CO2 levels. If all the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere can be attributed to man’s burning of fossil fuels and we have recently just passed the half way point of fossil fuel depletion then the future increase in CO2 would be from the burning of the remaining fossil fuels. Preindustrial CO2 levels were 280 PPMv , current CO2 levels are 413 PPMv, so all of the previous burning of fossil fuels has increased the atmospheric CO2 by 413-280 = 136 PPMv.

    Burning the remaining half of the fossil fuels will add another 136 PPMv to the atmosphere bringing the level to 413 + 136 = 549 PPMv.

    The v at the end of PPMv is for “volume” as opposed to “weight” or “Molar” This is the chemist in me.

    The second half of the fossil fuel inventory will never be completely burned. The last 20 to 30% will be economically impossible to extract except for high end feed stock, not fuel. So this 549 PPMv number will most assuredly be lower unless there are natural CO2 emission processes in action that are actually driving the number as well.

    In addition, it has been known for decades that there is a steady loss of CO2 from the equation. We know the volume of the atmosphere, we know how much fossil fuel is burned and we know the carbon content of all these fuels. But there is a constant shortfall in the CO2 increase. It is generally believed (not by everyone) that the loss is due to dissolution into the waters of the world. This makes sense and research can be performed. But agendized research would return bogus data and analysis like we are seeing in almost all published AGW research. The WEF needs this Hobgoblin and is pushing it hard and funding any “scientist” that will support their contention even if the data and the analysis is completely bogus. We saw this with the Covid lies as well.

    I realize that for people who have a belief in Human caused Climate Change, there is little hope that true facts will alter their outlook. Facts lead to Opinions, Opinions lead to Beliefs and Belief lead to Religion. If your mind is closed, facts do not matter. It’s like trying to convince a Catholic that god doesn’t exist. “Don’t confuse me with the Facts!”

    in reply to: Smokin’ a Pipeline #117145

    More than a few countries know exactly who blew up the pipelines. All seas and oceans of the world are carpeted with advanced microphone arrays that monitor everything that happens out there. I knew someone in the submarine service and they could “hear” activity well over 1,000 miles away underwater. That was 30 years ago. More advanced now.

    Every ship has a multidimensional ‘fingerprint’ that allows it to be tracked everywhere. Many monitoring stations watched it happening in real time, but are silent.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 26 2022 #116915

    Food processing plants burning down.

    These plants are filled with cameras, they record everything since the concern of food contamination is so high. Where are the arson investigators? Years ago arson was one of the most aggressively pursued investigations since the insurance companies have so much at risk. –crickets– This smacks of collusion again. The investigators and insurance companies have to be getting paid off behind the scenes. No one who works in these plants, nor any “investigators” want to end up in Assangeville.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 21 2022 #116464

    “The $64,000 question is this: Is there an interstellar “prime directive” that prevents them from interfering in the affairs of other planets?”–Maxwell Quest

    It may be this is what the Council of Five is for, delicately steering the human race to a better, less dangerously animal like behavior before we destroy ourselves and ‘our’ beautiful planet. Indications are that time is running out, or their patience is, and that something must be done soon, a “Childhoods End” sort of thing. However, that said there are probably several other species, not of the Council, who may not see the prime directive as “Prime”. This can help explain many of the unusual reports around the globe.

    I don’t think that it is a coincidence that Roswell occurred just after our first open nuke tests. Sent them scrambling.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 19 2022 #116271

    The Future will become sustainable. It is as inevitable as night follows day. If you really understand what this means your mouth will go dry.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 11 2022 #115680

    From a simple “Step Back” view of the Russian/Ukrainian activity, it appears to me quite obvious that the Russians are playing high level Chess while the Ukraine and it’s owners are playing tic-tac-toe; and of that, not very well. In Chess, there is a strategy known as the “Gambit”. If the opponent takes your proffered piece, they generally lose. Any strategist worth his salt sees this as an obvious gambit. I am incomparably saddened that more thousands of conscripted and otherwise innocent men will die.

    “Hungary on ‘Edge of Salvation’ in EU – Czech Minister (RT)” –fixed it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 7 2022 #115394

    Here’s something I have wondered about.

    If non-covid excess deaths are up 40%, and have been for a while, then this would cause immediate bankruptcy in all life insurance companies. This has not happened. I recall, I think last year, about some life insurance company refusing to pay out a claim on someone who died from the vax because it was “voluntary” and the death was considered a suicide.
    Then, we heard no more about it.

    If the life insurance underwriters are not going broke, then there is something happening behind the scenes. Possibly the money printers have contacted them all and said that they would be made whole if they kept their mouths shut. Seems logical.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 5 2022 #115229

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

    ― Alexander Fraser Tytler

    Better get planting….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 30 2022 #114646

    “Washington has claimed it plans to eradicate hunger in the US completely by 2030.”

    It looks likely that they will reach this goal. Dead people are not hungry.

    in reply to: EU: Controlled Demolition #114175

    I have long suspected that the goal is the engineered destruction of the masses. The Club of Rome was not wrong, things are unfolding as they predicted. The elites agenda has become clear by their actions and a lot of commenters on this blog are hitting the nail on the head. Their reasons for this deliberate depopulation could be one of the following:

    1) “We can’t have all those useless plebes eating our food, breathing our air and using up our oil and fisheries. Get rid of them.”
    2) The Council of 5 has dictated to the world leaders that the world population must be reduced to 500 million. If the leaders are unable to do this, the Council will, and it won’t be pretty.

    It seems to me that their goal is to coerce the masses to rise up against their leaders so that once everything is burning the WEF can come to the rescue with a Universal Government and their Digital Currency. Plant potatoes…..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2022 #113996

    Complex systems always develop a phenomenon called “Strange Attractors”. Religion is one of these. The human need to find meaning (or at least an explainable pattern) in the world results in quite bizarre beliefs and systems. A quote from a book I just read ‘The Secret Knowledge of Water’ by Craig Childs: “Distant thunder made sounds like important things were happening far away.” We always try to ascribe intent to natural things.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 22 2022 #113963

    It may be a lucky thing that the WEF is trying to incrementally destroy the industrial food production complex instead of all at once. By turning the food conveyor down by 30% a lot of people are going to wake up a bit and start gardening in earnest. I have been gardening all my life and this year have quadrupled production. Unfortunately, for those in the Northern hemisphere we are going into Autumn and it is becoming a bit late to start growing much in the way of calorie crops.

    Interesting times indeed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2022 #113718

    My sister and her husband got jabbed to keep their jobs. He now has a pacemaker, she had a stroke. Two dear friend were in cancer remission. Both got the jabs and now both have had their cancers return with a virulence that is breathtaking. Neither will make it to the end of the year.

    What Dr. D has been saying is pretty much straight on truth as far as I can tell. If you want to survive what’s coming you had better have about 5,000 square feet in plant leaves per person per year. Like I always say: Plant potatoes.

    in reply to: A Winter of Anger #112981

    Deep history has shown that during famines, the vast majority of people starve in their homes. This is because while they wait for help or for things to improve, they get too weak to do anything about it. It only takes a week or so.

    How the End sounds:
    Beep….Beep….Beep (busy signal)
    “We’re sorry, for the person you are trying to reach, the mail box is full.”
    “Out of Service”
    “Out of Stock”
    “Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line and the next available agent will speak with you.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 5 2022 #112891

    I have had a quote on my office wall for several decades:
    “We could hardly wait to get up in the morning.” — Wilbur and Orville Wright

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2022 #112555

    “The average cow emits a whopping 220 pounds of Methane gas a day”

    More lies. The average cow eats about 24 pounds of feed a day. To emit almost ten times this much as Methane would require a serious change to the laws of Physics and Chemistry.

    A quick google shows that cows can emit up to 200 liters per day, some sources say 250 to 500 liters per day. A cow would have to be is serious bloat condition to emit 500 liters a day and I’m not sure if it is even physically possible without the cow being in serious trouble.

    Lets take the worst case of 500 liters per day. This is 500/24.04 X 16/454 = 0.7 pound of Methane. Not 220 pounds per day. And this is true if every cow on the planet is in extreme distress and is being fed irresponsibly and somehow survives this abuse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 29 2022 #112447

    I hope you all realize that the WEF are only the chauffeurs of the ones really pulling the strings. You will only ever see the chauffeurs.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 28 2022 #112365

    I always thought that Picasso’s art was a bit of a film flam and everyone was being taken for a ride like “the Emperor has no clothes”. However, to me, Art’s main purpose is to evoke something in the viewer, some feeling or memory. If the Art succeeds in this, then I believe that it has accomplished the artist’s task. We are on this earth to feel.

    A dear friend, now departed, told me he had discovered how Picasso had “discovered” his art form. He said he simply kissed his girl with his eyes open and observant, and then painted what he saw. He was correct. Try it. Picasso then ran with it to form his own genera and made his millions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2022 #112158

    Regarding feeding bugs to the masses. All higher forms of life need protein in their diet to manufacture proteins in their bodies. If you raise chickens for eggs the chickens don’t miraculously generate protein in their bodies to make those eggs, they need to eat it first. The chicken needs more protein in their feed than leaves them in the egg. The same with bugs. There is no miracle process where bugs generate protein, fat, sugar or any other nutrient without ingesting it first.

    The only reason to convert protein, fats and carbs to bugs is if it’s available only as a waste product that no other life form will use. This is why ruminants are used to convert grass to meat, milk, leather and fiber. An otherwise inedible source (for humans) is converted to a usable form.

    I don’t currently see any source that makes economic sense for bug conversions. Using municipal garbage to grow bugs has tremendous technical and hygienic challenges. And as we descend the energy cliff there will be less and less useful “garbage” generated as supply chains, food processing plants and energy fades away.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 25 2022 #112156

    IIRC there are at least a dozen pre-christian religions that used the same pattern of virgin birth, 12 disciples, miracles &c in the thousands of years BC. Christianity is just the latest. If the pattern is so effective at controlling the population, just refine it. “Religion is the Opiate of the Masses”; then Radio, then TV, then the Internet, then Cell Phones. What’s next? VR? Wireheads? Be ready, plant Potatoes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 19 2022 #111767

    Russia has now become a force of Nature. Remember what Voltaire said: “Men argue, Nature acts.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 13 2022 #111461

    “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000…”

    Though the Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed, they seem to be on track at achieving their goals….

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 11 2022 #111348

    If these vaccine induced non-fertility claims are true we should soon see lots of data showing severe declining birth rates everywhere. They shouldn’t be able to hide that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 7 2022 #111127

    They came for your cash, then they came for your fuel, now they are coming for your food. Plant potatoes…..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2022 #108658

    “Make Orwell Fiction again.” Saw this on a T-Shirt.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2022 #108435

    Plant potatoes. Not much time left.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 17 2022 #108083

    Capitalism works well until Corporatism takes over, like Cell Regeneration works well until Cancer takes over.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 11 2022 #107768

    $40 Billion for Ukraine, that’s about $115 from every “person” in the US. But luckily none from me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 5 2022 #107373

    A few hundred dollars and a closet will supply you with food for a year. Soon it will be much more expensive. That and a garden will keep you going for a long time. Get storing and get planting. Regret is coming. If you can’t opt out, you will be told what to do. The writing on the wall is too loud to ignore anymore. If you have direction, you have everything you need.

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