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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle April 27 2022 #106920

    I hope everyone is enjoying the Fourth Turning. BTW the rollover into the First Turning has been postponed by the ruling classes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 20 2022 #106468

    The Resilient Gardener, Carol Deppe recommends you raise, Potatoes, Corn, Beans, Winter Squash and Ducks. This spring may be the last time you can reasonably expect to get started before it’s too late.

    “The Secret of Success is Constancy of Purpose.” — Benjamin Disraeli

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 6 2022 #105591

    My friends and acquaintances keep asking me “What can I do?” regarding the events unfolding. I always answer “Plant Potatoes.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 30 2022 #99546

    For the Freedom Convoys. Large heavy vehicles moving through crowds &c, “Beware of Agent Provocateurs.”
    It takes them time to assemble these agents. I bet they are hustling now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 20 2022 #98544

    The boa constrictor loosens it’s coils occasionally to get a better, more deadly grip. Get ready for the next anvil to drop.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2022 #97959

    I get the feeling that the people who are responsible for all this are looking at their monitors, gazing over all the protesting masses around the world and thinking that it is just a “stirring of the yeast”. For those who have not read “The Sea Wolf” by Jack London, The captain of The Sea Wolf, Wolf Larson, would look down from the poop deck over his men, a few of whom were about to fight each other to their death, and act unconcerned as a baker looking at the stirring of the yeast. The power brokers, safe in their compounds are pulling the strings of power and encouraging the world to rise up against their leaders. The leaders are all disposable to them. As they get hung, beheaded or deposed there is always another one desperate for power that will take their place and sell their soul to get what they want until they too are discarded after their use is at an end.

    in reply to: After the Storm #97784

    The power brokers would not have gone through all this just to have it fizzle out. Pay attention! Agenda 2030 has a deadline.
    What if, just a thought here, that all the preceding was just to get everyone pissed off and to not trusting the govt and the med system. Then, they let the “real” viruses out. The ones with real lethality, not wimpy covid. All the preceding could just be a head fake. I would not put it past them. The world’s population is growing at over 200,000 per day so all the past two years deaths don’t even make a dent in the curve. If they want real de-population they had better get crackin. Maybe they will. The four riders may be stirring in their stables.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 8 2022 #97421

    “So, why is this one not working?”
    “It’s working, the infectivity is presenting exactly like the lab trials.”
    “But nobody’s dying!”
    “That’s the part we can’t predict. All the models showed that we should have gotten 5 to 9 million deaths by now..”
    “So, what went wrong.”
    “Sometimes these things happen. Our extrapolations of in-vitro experiments don’t always pan out into in-vivo field trials.”
    “So omicron is a flop, do you have anything else to deploy?”
    “You of little faith. We are just getting started on the alphabet. Some of these are sure to land on the mark. Just be patient, just don’t be a patient.”
    “Heh, good one.”

    in reply to: 21/22 #96891

    “We’ve gotta do something about Rogan.”
    “I know, we’re working on it. We’ve got someone on the inside.”
    “Need to know only.”
    “Right. Sorry. Using the zibbly dust? Giving him the depression?”
    “Yeah, but it might take to long to have an effect. Remember Vince Foster?”
    “Yeah, had to hurry that one before he spilled the beans. But what now, the Brunswick Prion?”
    “You got it. Still might take a while but we’ve got a few others up our sleeve and the Top has demanded immediate results.”
    “Sniping still off the table?”
    “For now…. never can tell, Rogan’s really pissin’ em off.”
    “K, keep me informed.”

    in reply to: Automatic Earth in Athens Christmas 2021 #95151

    I just donated 200.99. 100.99 for the kitchen and 100 for TAE. I live in a house that has no heat, but I will share what little I have. Dig deep people. Raul has what is uncommonly known as “Constant Magnificent Generosity”. A lot of people, doing a little each, can really add up. “When I remind myself, that all this is the work of the Hand and Soul of One man, without mechanical help, it seems to me that a man can be as effective as God, in tasks other than Destruction.” excerpt from “The Man Who Planted Trees” Thank you Raul, for all you do, and have done. Merry Christmas.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2021 #94976

    “I’m warning you, I’ll take the shot”.
    “Good.” (pulls out syringe)
    “I told you I would take the shot.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 26 2021 #93703

    We are probably all in full understanding about what “agent provocateurs” are all about. I’ve noticed a trend in all the reporting of “Cases” in almost all countries. I’m beginning to wonder if there are “Virus agent provocateurs” quietly going about their business. The repeated spiking curves of illnesses in all the affected countries could be easily explained by the deliberate release of new viruses into the populations. It would only take a small handful of people to accomplish this, and, it would seem, to be just what the power brokers want. Anyone read the commandments of the Georgia Guide Stones?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 12 2021 #89831

    Pardon me. The vaccines do work. They are doing exactly the things intended. They are killing off tens if not hundreds of thousands while damaging millions more. All blamed on “breakthrough” virus’s. While dividing the populace.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 5 2021 #89281

    My Hospital Story. Over three weeks ago I started coming down with an illness that was growing in my lungs. Bad productive cough, fevers ramping up and down. Difficulties sleeping. I couldn’t eat. I lost 25 pounds in 14 days. I had covid over a year ago in April, 8 days of misery and extreme fevers, headaches &c. Despite this I now took several doses of Ivermectin (+zinc, C, D &c) that I had purchased a year ago in the expectation that it would eventually become unavailable. No effect. I tried Erythromycin (bird) no effect. I was going down. I ended up in the emergency room of our local hospital O2 sats at 85%. They treated me as a covid patient and took a deep swab. Results came back positive. I asked the admitting doctor how many cycles did they run on the PCR test. She had no idea what I was talking about. She didn’t even know what PCR stood for. I was getting bad feelings here. I told her that they probably ran the cycle 40 times or until they got a positive result. They had no idea what I was talking about and completely disregarded me. They kept telling me I had covid. I insisted that I did not, that I had it a year ago and was immune and that this was something else. Deaf ears. They treated me with remdesivir which did nothing except cost medicare $50K. The only thing that helped was Oxygen and a steroid they gave me iv to help clear my lungs. However, because my resting heart rate is about 41 they would not let me sleep. Every time I fell asleep my heart rate would drop into the thirties and the ICU center would panic, rush in and wake me up. No matter how I tried to explain to them that this heart rate was normal for me they could not ignore it and started taking blood samples every few hours for heart attack markers. The nurses actually showed me how to remove the battery from my cardiac monitor so that the computer would reset if my heart rate dropped. I ended sitting up all night trying to stay awake so they would not panic every time I fell asleep. I had to get out of there. I ended up tricking them to escape their covid isolation ward. I asked every nurse and every doctor I was able to talk to if they had ever had anyone show a positive response to remdesivir. They all looked at their feet and just mumbled a few things like “some improvement” but I knew and they knew that it was completely ineffective. I was not doing very well when I got home. The inhaler helped and thank goodness I had purchased an oxygen machine a year ago. It saved my life. I’m sending my own samples to a lab to find out what I had/have. I suspect Legionnaire’s pneumonia. Luckily I have Levaquin in my freezer.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 23 2021 #80709

    Doctors can no longer ignore the fact that they took the Hippocratic Oath. “First, do no harm.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 23 2021 #78197

    I bought 48 tubes of “Horse Wormer” Ivermectin as soon as I heard of it’s effectiveness against covid last year at Chris Martenson’s website “Peak Prosperity”. I have been handing them out to people who might need it. Recently, a musician friend came by because he caught covid and it was getting bad. I gave him some Ivermectin paste and zinc. He was better in 4 days. It seems that most people think that it is getting suppressed to generate more money for big pharma. It has to be GREED that is pushing this right? No. The power brokers behind the scenes had just manufactured another imaginary hobgoblin to keep the populace scared so they can be controlled. ANYTHING that makes that hobgoblin diminish in size or effectiveness is suppressed relentlessly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 24 2021 #68795

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

    ― H.L. Mencken

    Anything that makes the Hobgoblin less terrifying will always be attacked with prejudice. Thus we have the studious ignoring or vilifying of HCQ, Zinc, Vit D, and especially Ivermectin.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2020 #64794

    I can’t believe that people still don’t get it. Wearing a mask keeps you from spreading your spittle onto surfaces and others when you talk. This may or may not contain virus.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56188

    A possible solution to this pandemic.

    This Virus is killing people almost exclusively by compromising their lungs.

    It is also strongly suspected that the severity of the illness is directly related to the “Virus Load” that the patient has been exposed to.

    It is further suspected that a majority of lung infections have happened by patients inhaling their own aerosol generated in their nasal-pharyngeal passageway where the Virus has taken up residence. Older people are more prone to apnea or snoring incidence that could exacerbate the droplet formation and inhalation.
    If you were able to get inoculated with a small amount of Virus, in say your GI tract, such that your immune system would follow it’s growth without being overwhelmed, you could become immune before you contracted it in your lung tissue. It may be far better to have a few days of diarrhea than life threatening pneumonia.

    A pill that contained a small clinically appropriate amount of the Virus that dissolved after the stomach might do the trick. Worth a thought.

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