Forum Replies Created
Just to keep perspective, a billion dollars of US government spending takes 3 dollars from every man, woman and child in the US (using 330 million as the population). 1.5 trillion of spending takes 4,545 dollars from every person. Most people don’t have that to give, so it comes out of the currency by deflating its value.
Keeping this in mind, I just sent $200 of this deflating currency to Raul for his Christmas gift, and for the incredible efforts he has made to beat back the forces arrayed against us as well as the poor people in Greece. Please do what you can to help him.
Though I encourage people to “Plant Potatoes” I have been on the Carnivore diet since July. Astonishing health benefits. Though I just turned 70,I feel and look at least 30 years younger now
and all my accumulating infirmities have faded away. It is truly astonishing. I guess I need to encourage people to grow beef and lamb now.BishkoParticipantThank you Raul for everything you do. Here’s my $100 since PayPal won’t take potatoes.
BishkoParticipantI just had a chilling thought.
Over the last few months I have been listening to Vivek speak good words.
He had convinced me that he was genuine and was eager to do the right things for our Country.
However, lately, some concerns about him have come up. A few niggling doubts that put a couple question marks next to his name.
If his is a shill of the power brokers, how would they have him act?
Exactly. Just the way you see him.
But how would he be useful in the upcoming election? He would steal votes from Trump. But they know that he could never steal enough votes from Trump to tip the election.
But what if that is not what they have in mind?
What if they get Vivek and Trump apparently trusting each other, and Vivek seems to be damaging his chances to be President, as appears to be the case. What if Vivek says that he is All In on Trump and that everyone should vote for Trump.
We go down the campaign trail a few months and Trump is obviously going to be President.
Then, one or two months before the election, Trump dies in a plane crash or some such. You know that they can bump him off at any time.
Who else would people vote for since they can’t vote for a dead man? Vivek, neatly installed.
You see my reasoning. I hate that I have these suspicions since he really speaks to what we are concerned about, but I can see that this is exactly the kind of thing that the power brokers will do to continue in power.
BishkoParticipantYou have two cows.
Interested investors make a logical assumption that your cows will breed every year and make more cows. So in ten years you will have 150 cows. These 150 future cows are assumed to be a real asset and are rated Triple AAA and are sold as a tranche. Since they are a “Growth” fund and will make more cows they are used as a counter party asset so that insurance companies can leverage their potential value to new highs. In becomes the new darling of Wall Street. These are then re-tranched and re-hypothecated to make a series of hedge funds that are also Triple AAA rated since they are based upon real assets (your two cows).
Your two cows come down with black leg disease and have to be put down.
You point this out to the media and hedge fund managers, hearing the news first, put in tremendous short selling plays. Once the news hits the main stream the Hedge funds and derivatives take a nose dive. All the insiders make a killing on the short selling.
The asset managing high frequency trading algorithms go into overdrive, and the plunge protection AI sends out press releases that: “With the death of these two cows we can now decouple from the necessity of marking to market” and the valuations soar to new heights.
Retirement accounts around the world invest in this bullet proof asset. Officials around the world are calling for your imprisonment for putting this multi billion investment portfolio at risk. There are Congressional hearings, your name is being bandied about as the new “Sam Bankman-Fried”. You are vilified, ostracized and honored, all at the same time. You are offered ten million dollars to “Shut the Hell Up!” and disappear. You take the deal because lifelong torture in a special prison is your only alternative.
I wish that this was a joke.
BishkoParticipantIlargi: Truer words were never written. Though my income has been reduced to one third and future prospects appear dismal, my potatoes (and the rest of my gardens, orchards and vineyards) have done very well. My old house, built originally in 1899 has no foundation, no insulation and no heat. But I cheerfully send you $400 to do with as you will. You are truly a Man among Men and one of those rare individuals that I can admire as a real Master and Commander. Merry Christmas Sir.
BishkoParticipantIn a cockfight, nobody in the betting audience cares about the injury or death of the roosters. The roosters don’t really know why they fight, and the people who arranged the fight are unknown and collect their fee, and control the masses. This is the world today.
BishkoParticipant“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser TytlerWe need to be reminded of this from time to time. We can easily see where we are on this trajectory. Selfishness => Apathy => Dependence S.A.D. Bondage is next. Grim times indeed.
BishkoParticipantI used to think that Neil deGrasse Tyson was a scientist.
BishkoParticipantProperty Rights.
Does anyone ever own anything? Seems a rhetorical question, but it has extreme relevance in day to day living.
I was pondering my metal working anvil the other day. At 220 pounds it weighs more than I do, which makes it a chore to move, but do I really own it? I get to “care take” it for a while. A few hours or a few decades but eventually, in a billion years or so, it will subduct into the mantle and there’s nothing I can do about it but ponder.
@ D Benton Smith: “The real war is in our own hearts and values,…”
Very concise and clear thinking. This is the type of insightful self examination that may yet save the world, if only enough people embrace it. Hope springs eternal, and some of the posts on TAE, though earthshaking in their potential, give me hope that intelligent people are working on these issues and looking for answers.
BishkoParticipantI fear that there is a new Horseman of the Apocalypse coming over the horizon.
Hyper-inflation.BishkoParticipant@ Abner Doon
Truer word were never written. This has been in the minds of everyone who reads this blog. It is especially poignant for those of us who reside in the US. We are facing the consequences of evil power brokers who have run away with all the marbles long ago. The usual progression of an organism that has been hooked on an addictive drug for decades is not pretty. As the US and it’s vile handlers lose their grip on the addictive drug of “World Reserve Currency” the DT’s and withdrawal symptoms will commence in earnest. Crashing banks are one of the first symptoms. Dying dinosaurs can cause a lot of damage and no one is safe. This is why I promote planting. And for those of us in the Northern hemisphere, that time is arriving. I hope you use this window of opportunity well. Ten years ago I could buy 20 pounds of potatoes for one dollar. Now they are $1.50 per pound around here. Except the ones I grow.
The consequences of the “Riders of the Apocalypse” can be mitigated greatly by having a good garden.
BishkoParticipant“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in Fortune or Misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.” -Robert Louis Stevenson
BishkoParticipantYou really have to believe in your own Magic. If not you, then who?……
Everyone has a superpower. Use clear eyes to look at your own.
Apply that superpower to your current condition and strike a Spark of Magic to the Tinder
and blow it into Flame. Then warm your Heart and the Hearts of others with your Fire.
Look forward with Anticipation. All good things are coming towards you. I can hear the
rumble as they approach and I can hear it Singing in each new Sunrise.You know this. Stand up in your power and the Universe
will be your Playground and your Tools.Everywhere around you is a Golden Loving Opportunity for Joy.
And plant potatoes.
BishkoParticipantRegarding East Palestine.
If they didn’t ignite the Vinyl Chloride leak, they would have had thousands of dead people and livestock. The ignition destroys a huge amount of the VC and lifts the byproducts into the sky where they can be diluted before it impinges on people. Less lethal than leaving it alone at the derailment. Kind of like Chemotherapy, “We have to almost kill you to save you.” Lighting the leak probably destroyed well over 90% of the VC.
500 parts per million in air (0.05%) can be anesthetic in its action. Knocks you out, then, laying on the ground, you die. The vapor is just over twice the weight of air so it would form an expanding ground level blanket that would kill everyone in it’s path. The plume would roll on for many miles in unpredictable ways. Vehicles driven into the plume would stall leaving the people inside the plume with no way to get out unless they could sprint for 200 yards without breathing and with their eyes closed. As the plume engulfed your house, and you were “sheltering in place”, enough would seep inside to take you out. Going up onto the roof may save you, maybe. A tall tree would be better.
Also, this dense creeping plume would be exceedingly explosive. Once it encountered an ignition source it would have flashed back causing a tremendous explosion, destroying everything near the plume and setting many fires everywhere.
Standard hazmat protocol says to leave a VC fire to burn because putting it out generates a huge danger of re-ignition and explosion with catastrophic results.
Uncontrolled burning makes many chemical species. Some inert, many very reactive and deadly. Hydrochloric Acid is not toxic, but it is corrosive. Your stomach uses HCL to digest your food. Calculating the amount of Dioxin that is generated in this fire is a difficult exercise prone to errors. I would suspect that this uncontrolled burn has generated a few ounces (maybe) to a few pounds (unlikely) of Dioxin of which there are many different isomers of differing activities and carcinogenic effects. Estimates of downstream and down wind cancer activities is a Thesis level effort. Quick work by water and air sampling analysis can help to elucidate these risks.
Many people, livestock and wildlife will have shortened lives due to this exposure event.
If this was a planned event, then what can I say? If it was accidental, then the “experts” will have their say. But with all the money pinching going on and all the Railroad contract disputes it is no mystery how “deferred maintenance” of “curtailed or cursory inspections” could cause this.
Putting new, severe restrictions on the quality of the transport tankers will drive the price of PVC to new heights and many companies will be put out of business and many more people will be unable to afford the products.
The people who decided to light the leak had many variables to think of. They could estimate the life cost of leaving the leak alone and the danger of a “flash back” event. But once they lit the plume, the other non-leaking tankers come into the picture. Will they ignite as well? A very tough call, and maybe a career ending one. But it probably saved many lives. The shortened life of others, including very distant people, will be stirred into the mix in the months ahead.
One can make an argument than everyone who uses PVC is complicit in this event. Since we buy PVC pipe or products that contain PVC we are contributing to the industry as a whole. The fact that companies are cost cutting to try to maintain market share in this new de-industrial future is a truism. Cost cutting will always lead to corner-cutting and something will always go wrong. Sometimes in very bad ways. East Palestine is just one of many coming to a theatre near you.
BishkoParticipantCO2 hobgoblin…
Even though Mars has less than 1% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure, it has more than 13 times the CO2 in it’s atmosphere than Earth does (950,000 PPM @ 0.006 atm vs 415 PPM @1 atm). Average temperature is minus 81 degrees F, compared to Earth’s average of 57 degrees. This is due almost entirely to the weaker sunlight that Mars receives, 44% of Earth’s. Heat is not stored in the CO2 for very long. As described before, spectral drain holes allow it to flow away into the sky.
BishkoParticipant“The greater the bureaucratization of public life, the greater will be the attraction of violence. In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” – Hannah Arendt, On Violence
As referenced on Survivalblog
BishkoParticipantWhen there are no fish in the barrel, you back away so that the fish can fill it up again.
I’m sure the ultimate goal of Russia is to not become the hated murderer like the US has become. Every Islamic country, and many others, have committed themselves to eternal hate of the US. And for good reason.
Putin knows that the West’s puppeteers are doing everything they can to cajole, tease, threaten, engineer and gaslight the Russians into becoming the “Vile thing to Hate”. This is not working. Putin has been very careful to follow a path and a plan that makes him look like the tolerant one when facing a room full of bullies.
Putin knows that, after the dust settles, his countrymen will have to live in close proximity to what remains of the Ukrainian people. He is trying to accomplish this without causing endless hate that rolls on into the future.
The soldiers sent against Russia will be allowed to retreat leaving all their broken expensive imports behind. Those that stand and fight will be fish in the barrel and be ground away with minimal loss of Russian soldiers and Ukrainian citizens. Rinse and repeat. The horrors of war are being played very carefully by Putin.
BishkoParticipant“It is thus that small acts of kindness make life pleasant and desirable. Every dark object is made light by them, and many scalding tears of sorrow are thus easily brushed away. When the heart is sad, and despondency sits at the entrance of the soul, a little kindness drives despair away, and makes the path cheerful and pleasant.”
I do not know who wrote this, but I have had it hanging in my office for the last 30 years.
BishkoParticipantEgg Shortage
Farmer: “I took samples of my chickens that you killed. None of them had the virus.
USDA: “You must have missed the ones that did.”
Farmer: “I took one hundred samples!”
USDA: “But you had fifty thousand birds. You must have missed them.”
Farmer: “Not one of my samples had the virus. I followed the protocols exactly. There is no virus!”
USDA: “You must have missed them.”
Farmer: “I did not. The sample size was adequate.”
USDA: “You said it yourself, you did not see any in the samples, so you must have missed them.”
Farmer: “You are lying to me. You killed my birds and there was no virus!”
USDA: “Do you want the check or not?”
Farmer: {…………}
USDA: “Thought so. Not a word,….remember, you must have missed them.”
BishkoParticipantIt still appears to me that Russia is making Chess moves, whereas the collective West is, at best, making Checker moves. And maybe not even that, but Tic-Tac-Toe moves.
BishkoParticipantSudden death on the field.
It seems quite obvious to me that these “Sudden Deaths” on the playing field is caused by the jarring loose of the long white ‘calamari’ clots that seem to be in almost everyone who got the shot.
I would bet that most of these “field deaths” happen just after a bodily impact on the player. Releasing this clot material in the arteries would then send it into the heart, lungs or other critical organ where it would jam up the valves and tubes.
The fact that embalmers are easily pulling these out of their “clients” makes me think that the long fibers are not that well attached to the arterial and venous walls and the hydrostatic shock associated with an athletic impact might just be the thing that sets them free.
BishkoParticipantAs the 2022 draws to a close here are things I am concerned about:
The push for cashless societies.
The planned releases of much more deadly viruses.
A ramp up of false flag operations.Things I am hopeful about:
Regenerative ranching for meat, dairy and egg production.
The spreading practice of “no-dig” gardening.
The increasing understanding of Permaculture.
The growing awareness of people in general who are starting to see the human experiment with clear eyes.
The growing percentage of preparedness.BishkoParticipantAs the last millennium counted down to 2001, I threw a lighted boomerang into the night. Before it returned to me (and I caught it), the new millennium had arrived. So I threw it in one millennium and caught it in the next. It will be a thousand years before I can repeat this stunt.
Wishing everyone here a better millennium.
BishkoParticipantCIA Drug experiments.
It has seemed quite obvious to me that after the Kennedys and MLK assassinations, the CIA needed a less obvious method of doing away with selected people. By chemically affecting certain portions of your brain you can induce artificial severe depression. These chemical depressions are so severe that the subject always elects to suicide. Mike Ruppert knew he had been selected and poisoned, and despite intense therapeutic care decided to end his life. Giving people cancers is also a viable solution for them, though it takes longer. I believe that Vince Foster was poisoned but was taking too long to go away so they had to send the goons in.
If I were Musk, or Rogan, I would be very, very careful what I ate or drank, because I believe they have very devious ways of getting their zibbly dust into your food.
Now the whole planet, minus us un-vaxxed, has been dosed. This is no longer a problem, it is a predicament. No solutions, only outcomes. What a world….
BishkoParticipantThe four gas giant planets are relatively slow moving in their orbits. 12, 29, 84 and 165 years. Currently all four of them are on one side of the Solar System. A fairly rare event. Apparently, their gravity pulls the Earth’s orbit into a bit longer ellipse than normal, up to 14% IIRC, which makes it a bit colder an Earth for 20 to 30 years. Get ready. These are the first harbingers of what is to come. The Dance of the Planets has it’s effects. It’s a good thing that potatoes like cool weather.
One of my favorite quotes: “The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.” –Galileo
BishkoParticipantThe list of Hobgoblins that they use is relatively short, but they have many children. For example, these are the current Hobgoblins that the “Unproductive Class” are using to foment fear in the populace:
The War on Terror
The War on Drugs
The War on Climate Change
The War on the Pandemic
The War on RussiaWhat all these Hobgoblins have in common is this:
They are all constructed and artificial.
They are all pumping fear.
They are constantly blared out by the controlled media.
They are not allowed to be questioned.
None of these “Wars” can be won or conclusively dealt with.
You can get tremendous “Funding” if you espouse any of these in a “Scientific” Way.
They are easily revealed by their constant “Pumping” by the media.The way to reveal a lie is to grab your microscope and crawl into the pipe and start looking.
One of the biggest problems today is the TLDR mentality (Too Long, Didn’t Read). Our culture is now based upon the instant gratification of looking momentarily at your phone to show you the “Truth”. I don’t find many people any more that are willing to climb into the narrative and tease out the lies.We are now entering the age of TCDU (Too Complicated, Don’t Understand). The Age of Reason required Critical Thinking which has two rules:
1) Separate the Facts from the Opinions, and
2) Check those Facts.The road to Reason is a fragile trail and the thread line is easily “bumped” off it’s tracks by Obfuscating Science Lies.
Every Scientific Narrative has myriads of rabbit holes surrounding it. Any one of these can be used to shunt off intelligent Scientific inquiry. The Climate Nitrogen Scare is one of these.
All Scientific phenomenon can be understood by almost anyone who tries. The trick is to form your opinions from facts and not from someone else’s opinions. Many facts are hidden, but most are in plain sight and the rest can be teased out with a bit of sleuthing.
Remember this truth: If anyone selectively gathers together “Facts” into a pile, you are now looking at an opinion.
Also remember: Facts lead to Opinions, Opinions lead to Beliefs, and Beliefs lead to Religion. You will almost never change someone’s Belief by showing them Facts. Changing someone’s Opinion with Facts is almost as impossible.
So I encourage everyone to grab their Microscopes and begin to open up the narratives. Many here at TAE have been actively doing this for a long time. So long that it is easy to get jaded, and the much needed sarcasm results.
BishkoParticipantNew study shows that 100% of people who drink water die. Scientist and Researcher Arnot Fudwit claims that everyone who drinks water dies. “The correlation is absolute! There are no exceptions. We have also found a direct correlation between consumption and death rates.” He added. “And this is pure clean water! No toxins at all!”
“If someone drinks more than their body weight in water in a 24 hour period, then they die much, much sooner.” He said. “The correlation is uncanny.”
“We also found that for people who drink 0.01 Percent of their body weight every 24 hours also die much sooner, but it takes them up to 7 days to die. These are astounding facts!” He exclaimed. “We have many charts that clearly show these effects as absolutely real, but more research is needed.”
“We know that climate change can effect the distribution of water on the land so we have been granted a $50 million government stipend to continue this unprecedented study.” Fudwit added.BishkoParticipantThe age of “Push Button Heat” is noisily and erratically coming to a close.
For those who read TAE, and have push button heat, you may want to consider additional methods to remain warm in the coming years. The “Energy Descent” curve is beginning to turn downward a bit more with each passing year and the convenience of automatic heat at your disposal will gradually, and in fits and starts, become more expensive and less available. Get your infrastructure while it is still available and still relatively inexpensive. As Greer would say: “Collapse early and avoid the rush.”
And plant potatoes….
BTW, I grew sweet potatoes also this year, only a hundred plants. Incredible yield. Murasaki is a variety I can heartily recommend.
BishkoParticipantComing Headline:
“Italy not buying Russian gas! Top officials in Italy today claim that the gas being imported is Italian gas.” ‘The moment we paid for it, or decided to pay for it, or possibly, maybe receive it, it became Italian gas, no matter the source!’ We are still complying with all the EU imposed Russian sanctions!”
BishkoParticipantI have homeless people living on my property. They don’t have anywhere else to go. I also have a huge garden (plant potatoes, remember?) that they use to eat from. I have had up to 18 homeless at once on my 5 acres. Some have been problematic. Most not. Currently down to 9.
I also feed a 93 year old woman who lives alone, four times a week and spend at least 2 evenings with her, dinner and a movie. She also gets “Meals on Wheels” for everyday eating. The stuff is absolutely awful, no one could live on it and most of it ends up in my compost. The company that supplies the “food” is paid by government and I’m sure make a killing. It is such a waste to produce such garbage. It is so easy to make delicious, healthy food. Especially if you have the garden that I have. Tonight I am making her spaghetti marinara at her request. She says “If you didn’t cook for me I would not eat well.”
Thank you Raul for everything you do, and for everything you are.
BishkoParticipantMy house has no heat. Though I live in California, it still gets cold and I sit here at my desk with a coat on. However, the need to keep Raul solvent has convinced me to send him $100. I know he hates to ask for currency, but we all need to look inside ourselves and ask how much he has altered our lives by being the Man he is and ask ourselves “could we do a little more to assist his efforts?”
I believe that we are seeing a race between the Technocracy being developed around us and Resource Depletion. With all this raging around us in the Fourth turning we need to keep grounded. I believe that The Automatic Earth has been, and will hopefully continue to be one of the uncorrupted voices of reason in a darkening world.
Plus or minus a few years:
1st Turning:1950’s and 60’s Safety and Security was expressly desired and available.
2nd Turning:1970’s and 80’s Safety and Security was not expressly desired but was available.
3rd Turning:1990,s and 00,s Safety and Security was not expressly desired and was not available.
4th Turning:2010,s and 20,s Safety and Security is expressly desired but not available.I’m hoping to be able to hang on long enough to get back to the 1st Turning.
BishkoParticipantMaking arrows is difficult. The point of an arrow needs to have a very accurate symmetry otherwise the arrow veers off course the instant it leaves the bow. I have made some wildly inaccurate arrows. Metal is relatively easy to pound and file into symmetry but I find it remarkable that the flint knappers were able to achieve this, probably by trial and error. But if they were a tiny flake off in their symmetry, it would be very difficult to confidently hit the target, and all their arrows would probably have different flight characteristics.
BishkoParticipant“In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations.”
Complete hogwash. In reality: The heads of government were put in place by Klaus Schwab (and his handlers) after they swore allegiance and were given complete amnesty and a free ride to the safe Island after SHTF. They know that if they don’t dance to the tune they agreed to, things will be grim for them and their families. Even our un-illustrious California governor is a Schwab graduate. We tried to vote him out. HA! That worked well.
Agenda 21 and 2030 are their game plan. It’s spelled out and published. Read em and weep.
Oh, and plant potatoes…you are going to need them.
BishkoParticipant“The continuity of civilisation will require a cooperative, planned contraction of both the material economy and human populations, beginning with a personal to civilisational transformation of the fundamental values, beliefs, assumptions and attitudes underpinning neoliberal/capitalist industrial society.”
In all my reading of history over the decades, this has never, ever happened. And I realize that it never will happen. Famine, Disease, Pestilence and War seem to be the actual transformation that shows up. Always.
Just like “The Limits to Growth” mentioned in their Book and Updates:
1972: We really need to do something about this!”
1992, (20 Year Update): OMG, we really, really need to move on this now or it will be too late!”
2002, (30 Year Update): It’s too late. Good luck everyone.Everything is degrading, reacting and being lied about. It all boils down to a common ending: Quality of life will diminish in the years ahead. This is why I suggest planting your food. Time is indeed growing short.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
BishkoParticipantThe singularity will need a tremendous amount of electricity which is the “lifeblood” of AI. With the sorry state of our electrical grid and the looming blackouts, I doubt that AI will be safe from repeated “reboots” which will not do well for their consciousness. Ain’t no AI’s in my potato patch. Yet.
On another note, this continual “excess death” march will slowly reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in a new form of “Demand Destruction”. It looks like everything is going according to their plan.
My friend has a saying: “I hope the end of the world comes while I am still young enough to enjoy it.”
BishkoParticipant“If present trends continue then present trends will not continue.” -D.B. Smith
There is the truth in one sentence.
Reminds me of my own refrain “If you don’t know where you are going, you will get there.”Plant potatoes…
BishkoParticipant“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”
~ Dalai LamaUnfortunately for us, we often end up like that mosquito. Squashed.
BishkoParticipantWe in California had finally had it with our WEF minion Governor Gavin Newsom and made a referendum to throw him out. Poof, nothing burger. I feel like all the prison inmates stood up on their bunks and demanded a vote to change the Prison Warden and were all handed a piece of paper and a pencil. All the “votes” were collected by the laughing prison guards and brought to the Wardens office to “count”. How can anyone really believe that they have any effect in these farces?
BishkoParticipantIf the United States of America could somehow join with the BRICS nations leaving our Government and it’s handlers behind……. Just wondering.
BishkoParticipantI am so glad that I have lived long enough to see that painting. Thank you Raul.