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ParticipantI laugh at atheists using words like moral or good. The concept of good and evil, right and wrong and morality are all either based on divine laws or human hubris. If there is no God then there are no long term consequences to anything you do or don’t do.
Study hard, help others, raise the next generation, cure cancer or comfort orphans has no point when it all ends anyway. May as well kill the teacher, kill others, kill babies and rape the orphans because it doesn’t matter. If you say it does matter then you have cognitive dissonance if you are an atheist. But for a thiest is does matter because of any number of reasons, you love God, or you fear God or you want to do what God commands or you just want a good ledger when Judgement Day comes.Neal
Participant@ D Benton Smith. You are right about them changing the definition of words. My personal hate is what they have done to the word PHOBIA. Once upon a time it meant a fear, usually excessive or irrational. Claustrophobia, agoraphobia etc. Then they changed it to mean disagreeing with anything that the weirdos support. If a person thinks men can’t give birth he is transphobic, if a person says that marriage is between a man and woman he is homophobic.
Or racist. If a person says all lives matter they can be fired for a racist comment. How is a comment that is non racist is deemed racist but a racist statement like saying all whites owe reparations isn’t racist?Neal
Participant@Dr D. Can the Saudis flood the oil market? At best they might be able to pump another million barrels and then why would they? They need as much cash as possible from the oil to cover their handouts to the locals. And unlike the Russians they don’t have autarky, nor are they anywhere near it. Oil drops to half price and the Russians can tighten their belts and rely on eating their own food and exporting grain, gas, gold, nickel, fertiliser, rare earths etc.
The Saudis would again see their foreign reserves drop and this time there are no other princes left for MBS to force to sign over wealthNeal
ParticipantThe 2 quadrillion of derivatives mentioned above. People cannot visualise that amount of money.
People can visualise 10 grand however as a nice sum of cash. Then they see a million as a fortune, an amount they will never hold except in their fantasy of winning a lottery. Totally life changing.
But to get to 2 quadrillion they need to put a 100 million in a pallet, then load a truck with 20 pallets. Then they need more trucks. A million truckloads of cash. Park those trucks bumper to bumper and they would reach from LA to NY and back to LA and back to NY. If anything goes wrong and counterparty risk collapses even a bit of that 2 quadrillion then goodbye to anyone getting their money.Neal
ParticipantTAE summary.
I’m hoping that the post of yours was Babylon Bee type satire. What name would Charlie Manson be known by? Onekid? Or Nicole Kidman would become Kidone. Maybe Sonny and Cher would be Kidny and Cher?Neal
ParticipantI think there is a typo somewhere in one of the articles. It said stocks in Germany will fall 20% from their current value. Should read that stocks in Germany will fall to 20% of their current value. Seriously who would risk buying German shares knowing that the factories might be shut within weeks due to rising energy costs or ordered to shut due to rationing of energy. How many will not reopen ever come spring? How many will be bankrupt? How many banks will be kaput?
1.5 trillion euro debt by European power companies…..and people think those companies will be able to keep price increases down? Can broke European governments come up with the cash to subsidise every household a few thousand euros just for the coming winter?Neal
ParticipantYes, he may be talking about more recent German history. But misleading headlines are just annoying clickbait.
ParticipantGermany is facing the largest crisis it has ever had
I’m, that headline seems a bit of an exaggeration. How about the collapse at the end of WW1 with revolution, overthrow of the empire, loss of territories and the humiliation at Versailles?
Or the hyperinflation in 1922-23?
Maybe the collapse of the Reich in 1945? To me that is Germanys biggest crisis ever.
So unless the nukes start flying or the Chinese occupy Berlin I don’t think a cold miserable and broke winter countsNeal
ParticipantYes, first thing I thought when seeing that picture was how high can a ceiling be.
As for Zelinskys citizens; last I heard was that many are taking out Russian citizenship.
As for Britain being a free country; I’m old enough to remember a tv series with Edward Woodward about Britain being a police state. At the time I thought the premise was silly. Guess I was silly as Britain is a police state with people imprisoned for posting “hurtful” memes, locked up for daring to not wear a mask and a Brazilian was executed on a train, police apologised as they meant to execute a different guy, but hey all foreigners look alike.
Back then I would have fought against Godless evil Russia, today I would fight for that God fearing country against the West.Neal
ParticipantNot sure of the table showing material used per unit of electricity is accurate. For example many hydro dams have little concrete being made of earth or rock. Also is the table showing energy produced over the life of the dam, solar farm etc or annual production? If annual then as windmills and solar farms last 20 years, nuclear plants 50 years and dams offer 100+ then that also alters the results.
Participant@aspnaz. I can’t see the logic of the WEF crowd pushing for the Ukraine conflict. If thousands of anti aircraft and anti tank weapons are being sold cheaply on the black market then the most likely targets outside the general public (multi billion strong, so a few attacks would harm 0.0001%)? That of course would be the few tens of thousands in the WEF and their lackeys in government.
Would Davos ever have another meeting if a couple of private jets are destroyed anywhere in the world? Would they ever leave their bunkers knowing that an anti tank round would make short work of their armoured limo? They could never go into their garden or near a window as a missile or a drone might get them and even staying indoors provides little protection from larger missiles.
If that report of the prices is correct one could buy crate loads of manpads for less than a new car costs and have it delivered for a fee into Europe.Neal
ParticipantEnjoyed reading Kunstler with his honesty about his silly choice in 2013. Doubt there will be similar admissions of dumb green choices by most governments.
One thing I have noticed is that 40+ years ago it was not uncommon for people to install solar hot water systems. Cheap, no need for rare earth unrecyclable silicon etc. But all the governments here (Australia) do is push, promote and subsidise solar electric generation that isn’t nearly as green as solar hot water. Is it the same in whatever country you are in?Neal
ParticipantCan’t connect to Saker. 3 days now.
ParticipantNobody is being forced to take the safe and effective jab (barf bag time). But if you choose not to take it you can’t work, travel, dine out, get a transplant or get welfare. That is the crap that so many governments have pulled to “persuade” people to “volunteer” to get the jab.
Frankly that level of pressure is a bit like a rapist who claims his victim consented to sex after he said hump or die.Neal
ParticipantThose protestors glueing themselves to a frame. What was the glue made from (animal, vegetable or mineral). If animal then they win no favours with their vegan brethren who abhor horses going to the knackery. If mineral then that means mining ( or drilling for oil) and if vegetable that usually means logging to obtain sap. Plus any posters or flyers for their protest are almost certainly made from petrochemicals. Oh the irony. Hope they starve in the next famine as without oil and gas drilling there will be no food in their metropolis.
ParticipantYes Dr D. I’m also wondering how will they restrict the delivery of the hot water. Also how will they work out for which hours each suburb gets its hit water and how will it be done fairly. Some people are shift workers at filthy jobs (I used to work a night shift in a waste recycling plant) and it would be a health risk if they got home after the allotted hot water hours. But government pen pushers never think of the janitors, mechanics, garbage collectors, dish pigs and others who keep their cities clean.
And if they limit the volume to each apartment block then there will be fights between those who take quick showers and those who run the tap full blast for a long soak leaving just cold water for those after them.Neal
ParticipantThe Patrick Wintour article on how Germany got hooked on Russian gas is amazing for how much history it shows yet completely fails to mention that the so called Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 was less an invasion and more a response to a CIA coup creating a mess on Russias border. It also does nothing to mention why the heck Germany had to boost reliance on Russian gas because Germany didn’t want “dirty” coal for power or “scary” nuclear power, thank the Nimbies and Greens for your cold showers in the dark this winter for being utterly stupid and then thank the “Russia evil Ukraine democratic” twats for the sanctions that will destroy the EU.
Participant@phoenixvoice. What you describe is no different than the Soviet Union under Stalin. Party loyalists were more likely to be executed than the common folk and the more that were purged and killed made the remaining members even more loyal.
So will the WEF crowd end up purging themselves Jim Jones style with endless boosters. Those that don’t die might just die out as they love the lgbtq+ crap, have abortions if they do get pregnant ( and any kids they do have are multiple jabbed and maybe put on hormone blockers) and think the DINK lifestyle is great. Less than 1 kid per woman equals them more than halving themselves per generation.Neal
ParticipantSo the jabbed are getting the bug multiple times and the bug is continuing to evolve. Would it be fair to say that the large pool of immune compromised jabbed will mean there will never be herd immunity and eventually with such a large susceptible population there will arise strains so different from the existing strains that we purebloods will have minimal immunity to and those jabbed still alive after their 20th infection will go for blackjack 21 infection?
ParticipantThe Canadian withdrawing a largish amount of cash having problems is a worldwide phrenomenon. Here in Australia the banks ask me questions every time I send money overseas ( and from my HSBC account to my wife’s HSBC account).
And they have done this on sums as little as $2000.
BTW anyone dealing in cash needs to learn a few simple rules to not get flagged, to not break the law and to not get the money seized. The number one rule to remember is that in many countries the banks are required by law to report transactions over 10 grand. The second rule to remember is that the are “encouraged” to report lesser but still large sums (something like 5 grand up). And the third rule to remember is many countries have LAWS regarding structuring payments (say to get around depositing 100 grand being reported you instead go 25 times to the bank ( perhaps several times a day for a fortnight) to only make individual payments of under 5 grand. The bank will spot this and they are required to report all suspicious activity. You had better have a plausible excuse ( like you made multiple trips to reduce the amount you would lose if mugged) and if you admit to structuring then you will face prosecution. At the very least they will have flagged you for full audits of your tax affairs for X number of previous years and also for the future.
Best to keep a modest amount in the bank. (and spread over several banks) and salt away a little each week out of prying eyes. Another thing to put away is a few hundred to a few grand in small change (in the US nickels are ideal as their metal content is near their face value making them a hedge against both inflation and deflation). You can always use them for daily expenses and in an emergency they make a nice weapon inside a sock.Neal
ParticipantIf big pharma thinks they will have a permanent immunity from liability if their shots kill millions of kids then they are mistaken. Firstly that immunity might only apply in the US, what about the other 200 sovereign nations? Secondly laws can be changed, made retrospective or overruled by interpretations of the law.
And that is just legal consequences, nothing to stop other countries sending hit squads to take out the trash or to abduct and export for rendition those guilty of crimes against humanity.
Then there are going to be millions of men (and women) who have lost spouses and children to clot shots, are now lonely, depressed and remorseful with nothing left to lose. Do all those pharma executives and their minions and those public officials who pushed the shots (no jab no job, no jab no college) as “safe and effective” have anywhere to escape to from those with guns, knives, ropes, clubs, SUVs etc that want an eye for an eye?
Getting sued will be the least of big pharmas worry.Neal
ParticipantIs it just the US that has zero industrial capacity? I get the impression that loss of manufacturing capacity affects the whole western world. Australia shut its last car manufacturing plant 4 years ago. Germany might need to shut the worlds largest chemical plant ( lack of gas and what they get is very expensive). Just about everyone is having supply constraints (don’t you love Just In Time manufacturing) and yet somehow NATO thinks it can ramp up munitions and weapons production (using raw materials that Russia mines and is sanctioned).
We are deep in clown world (and not the happy clown but the fat serial killer one).Neal
Participant@red, you mention the attack in the shopping mall in Ukraine. Correctly speaking there was no attack on the mall. It was collateral damage reportedly caused by exploding ammo at an adjoining depot. Also photos from the mall show a near empty car park so the mall wasn’t packed. Reportedly the mall also failed to heed air raid warnings.
Why any government would store ammo in wartime in a built up suburban area is something that the western media has failed to askNeal
ParticipantLooking at all the drops in birth rates for Taiwan, Germany, Switzerland etc I’d have to say investing in any industry aimed at infants might be a bad idea. I’m wondering what will all the midwives and obstetricians be doing about retraining to other medical fields ( like taking care of all the immune compromised people).
ParticipantIn regards to African fertiliser, some already produce significant quantities. If my memory serves me well Morocco has large Phosphate mines. Egypt also produces Nitrogen based fertilisers (from natural gas). Currently Egypt has arranged to sell fertiliser to India in exchange for wheat.
As far as natural gas supplies go Egypt is boosting the amount by buying Israeli gas. Egypt is also exporting LNG to Europe but the amount they are exporting will hardly make a dent in Europes needs. Plus it is causing issues in Egypt, they have increased fuel oil consumption from 20,000 barrels/day to 100,000 to cover for the gas they are exporting.
The stupidity of the west knows no bounds, the economic chaos facing Africa will bite the west once Africa has multiple revolutions. Already chaos in a number of countries (Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Ethiopia, Mali, Libya) and it can only get worse.
As for how far any country can fall look at Lebanon which has fallen 85% in 3 years and cannot generate electricity except with foreign aid. How will Europe cope if 100 million refugees descend on it? How will the US cope if it’s border is really overrun?Neal
Participant@Boogaloo, much as I support and admire your wish list I can’t see it happening without a great deal of pain (both for the US and the world) as we go from here to there. How will the average bottom feeder in the US react when their EBT and other welfare is cut off? Or the retiree finding his pension or 401 or bank account frozen? Sure eventually things will sort themselves out once all the 30 trillion federal debt plus all the local and corporate and private debt is adjusted for. Because loss of reserve status means nobody will want to hold that debt and everybody will be demanding to get what’s owing them.
And worldwide what happens when China finds its western investments are worthless, it’s western (and world) markets are super depressed and a billion Chines demand that their government do something (war, Taiwan, Japan, India).
So how does the world peacefully and with modest economic pain get to the end of US domination? Certainly not possible with the “statesmen” currently running western governmentsNeal
ParticipantThe captured British merc. What effort is the UK government making for him? Moreover what about the 2 captured by the local government ( that unlike Russia has the death penalty and sentenced 2 Brits to death).
Seems to me that the wisest thing for the Russians to do is let any foreigners be caught by the local forces and not the Russian army. Then what will the wests governments do if dozens of westerners end up on death row? If they provide consular assistance or make representations for them then the Russians need to shut any such contact with them down and tell the foreign officials that they need to deal with the Donbas officials. A quandary for the west as that requires de facto recognition that a Donbas republic exists. The UK government virtually encouraged Brits to go join an international brigade in the Ukraine. Now Russia claims to have killed 800 of them (probably vastly exaggerated) but I can’t recall seeing any mention in any western paper of any foreign fighter killed (a news blackout or what?).
Seems so strange that the least biased news sources are either Russian, third world or bloggers. Western MSM is not even worth lining a bird cage with ( maybe my budgie can read and that would be animal cruelty).Neal
ParticipantFirst post (long time lurker from the days of TOD). I’m in Australia but have relatives in Egypt (via wife). I follow the news from Egypt closely and Egypt is remaining neutral to the conflict and keeps relations with both Russia and Ukraine. They need to as those 2 countries are the main suppliers of wheat and oilseeds as well as the main 2 markets for Red Sea tourists.
Egypt was a prominent guest at the recent St Petersburg forum and the Egyptian president spoke highly of Putin. Let’s just say Egypt is furious at the crap that the US stirred up in the Ukraine.
Now Egypt is about to boost its Russian tourist numbers by allowing the Russian payment system MIR as they can’t use Visa and Mastercard. Seems like every sanction is boosting the swing away from the US control.
Now the jackasses think that stopping Russia selling gold through London and NY will cripple Russia. Gee, some of my relatives in Egypt own gold shops, I’m sure they (and the Middle East gold souks) will take any gold that the Chinese and Indians don’t want. If anything Russia has a problem with a rising Rouble so selling less gold (and using it to back their reserves) won’t be a problem.
The less gas and oil the west let’s Russia sell just means they get a higher price for the tight supply. Seems like Europeans like scoring own goals and want to freeze this winter. Has Lithuania thought through their blockading that Russian enclave? They say they will get power from Poland instead of Russia but where does Poland get its power from? Come winter as blackouts occur Im not too confident that EU solidarity will hold as each country keeps its limited supplies for itself.
Sounds good except this all plays into the hands of China and as bad as having US and EU controlling the world is being a vassal of the CCP will be worse. So will being part of the BRICS moderate China or will they dominate it? -