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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121327
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121326

    “So why single out Russia?
    Cause I was replying to a question by another commenter , that question paraphrased was why does Poland hate Russia more than Germany?

    The founding Jews in the first Soviet were Russian born and bred in Russia , they were Russian Jews. It was because they were Jewish they were able to get the funds to stage the revolution from Wall st and the City.
    There is plenty of guilt and blame to go around , throwing the first stone and all.
    This war is the topic at hand. The discussion was centered around the relationship between Russia and ii’s neighbours and their attitudes towards each other as the result of recent history.
    The US has used the animosity to move it’s power East. If the relationship between the Eastern European countries had been mended after the end of Communism then the exploiting of the situation could not have happened.
    Of course it goes back into ancient history too but right now people have lived through Soviet occupation , it was not allways physical occupation but the Communists in Poland were direct puppets of Moscow , if they weren’t they would not have been allowed to be in charge, Moscow had complete control.
    Russia suffered massively but they never had their country cut in half and subjugated for sixty years like Germany did. They become the invaders and occupiers because Comintern was their goal.
    Yes Germany and Japan were supported and became very wealthy because the US had the resources and the strategy to make them allies for the foreseeable future whereas the Soviet satellites in Europe were all standing in lines for bread. The reason being that communism removes the ability for a real individual centered economy to flourish. Communism is and has allways been doomed to economic failure.

    That the Western leaders and the powerful are loathsome and morally bankrupt is an existential fact , you all do that subject non-stop. I balance the balance.

    The crew here totally loathes all things Western , for all it’s faults I would rather live here in the West. Some here have already left seeking utopia elsewhere. All those here praying and wishing and waiting with expectation that total collapse here is going to fix the world are in for an extreme shock!
    Folk here look forward to total collapse of their society , their economy and their lives as a salvation? The total destruction of the lives of all the folk in the West is going to fix all the worlds problems? Folk praying every day that all the Europeans freeze to death to pay for their sins , please , please let them freeze , oh if only winter would come sooner , I need to see them all frozen stiff as punishment! It is coming , any minute now. Yay!
    That is my impresion of what I see here and in all the doom and gloom media.

    The day to day living here is still conducted on the ground by citizens at a far higher level of honesty and fairness than any other country I have been . Honesty , friendliness and civility among the citizenss is is still very high. Criminality is still very low. Most of Europe except for where they have let the big-nogs in are also like that I believe , otherwise the folk from shithole countries would not be knocking the door down to get in.
    Shit has been tested by the Flu scam though, I think a lot of folk have learned a lesson there. The main one being that the corporate media does not have your best interests in mind.
    The fact is that Jews and their proxies are responsible for what is happenong in Ukraine . Look around at the main players on all sides .The old pattern of settling their differences and their hatreds using America as their proxy continues. PENAC was a dual citizen dominated think tank , all the powerful think tanks are dominated by them and almost every President is surrounded by them, Blinken and Nuland are all from the chosen ones camp I think , Nuland for sure. All the biggest financial supporters of the Biden war machine are from the same basket. I never hear one word of criticism or even recognition of this fact. The list of the top donors to Biden is posted without one pointer to their status as chosen ones , scared?
    Anyway I am over it for now , all the words here will not change a thing.
    I rambled ona bit but there you are , old goats do that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2022 #121279

    I could not help myself ,
    Padmahsambava , also known as Guru Ripoche wrote this text , it is one part of The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
    This verse comes as close as you can get in words, to delineating self recognition , and how to facilitate it.
    You will see in this verse very similar statements as we saw in Gabriel and the third patriarch’s text , The Faith Mind.The instruction is to cease conceptualising and be aware nakedly and no you don’t have to take your clothes off. It is not meant to be read and thought about , it is an instruction to ACT ON.

    ” Now, when you are introduced (to your own intrinsic awareness), the method for entering into it involves three considerations:
    Thoughts in the past are clear and empty and leave no traces behind.
    Thoughts in the future are fresh and unconditioned by anything.
    And in the present moment, when (your mind) remains in its own condition without constructing anything,
    awareness, at that moment, in itself is quite ordinary.
    And when you look into yourself in this way nakedly (without any discursive thoughts),
    Since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer;
    only a naked manifest awareness is present.
    (This awareness) is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever.
    It is authentic and unadulterated, without any duality of clarity and emptiness.
    It is not permanent and yet it is not created by anything.
    However, it is not a mere nothingness or something annihilated because it is lucid and present.
    It does not exist as a single entity because it is present and clear in terms of being many.
    (On the other hand) it is not created as a multiplicity of things because it is inseparable and of a single flavor.
    This inherent self-awareness does not derive from anything outside itself.
    This is the real introduction to the actual condition of things.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121240

    ““I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.”

    “Widely seen as the first Soviet government, the Council of People’s Commissars was formed in 1917 and comprised 16 leaders, including chairman Vladimir Lenin, foreign affairs chief Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, who was in charge of the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121239

    “The Poles seem to hate Russia even more than the Ukrainian Nazis.”

    They hate the Russians more that the Germans because the Russians were far , far worse to them. Remember no one who was captured in the war wanted to be held by the Russians, everybody did everything to prevent that because the Russians were the most brutal of all.
    They did not want to live under an atheist communist murder machine , they leaned towards the lesser of two evils at least the Germans were Christian and a had more successful and free economic system.
    Also they understood that Bolshevism was a Jewish phenomena , they knew it was Jews who ran the Lubanka, the Gulags and the Holodomor. Eight of the ten who formed the first Soviet were Jews , there is link below of Putin saying exactly that.
    When the Germans arrived and were killing as many Jews as they could they were happy to see that and cooperated to some extent, just as the Ukranians did.
    Why do you think that the Germans put the Jewish labor camps in Poland? Poles were not unhappy to see the 60,000 Jews put to death , they did not see them as Poles, they were not wanted there and were hated as they were throughout Europe at that time.
    All of Europe was grappling with the “Jewish problem” and looking for a solution.
    Germany paid a big price for the war and has admitted it’s guilt , Russia has done nothing to amend for the occupation of Eastern Europe.
    Where ever they went in Ukraine they destroyed the Holodomor memorials, they are still denying it and have always made excuses for the Katyn forest murder of twenty thousand Polish officers…..
    AND , have you forgotten that Russia invaded Poland in a pact with Hitler? You don’t remember that? The Russian invasion was much more brutal than the German.
    Every one who is a Russia devotee want to forget that Russia and Germans were allies in the beginning and BOTH invaded Poland.
    When Russians drove the Germans out of Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe , they did not set them free , they occupied and persecuted them for sixty years. It is only since the collapse of communism they have had freedom and economic progress and that came from the West not the East.
    I purposely used the words Russia and Russians and not Soviet because this concept , this exscuse , “ Oh that was the Soviets” is a deliberate attempt to obsfucate the fact that they were predominately Russians just as the present Russian federation is predominantly Russian.
    These old threads of hatred are woven deep on both sides and may never be erased, think Northern Ireland type hatred and division.
    Try to look through the eyes of the Polish people for a bit.
    Russian occupation of Poland only ended in 1989 , this is not ancient history many, living Poles still remember vividly the Soviet times.
    You have been listening to too much Russian historical revisionism.

    Now it is ime to run the old defense , “But Stalin was a Georgian” up the flagpole.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2022 #121189

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2022 #121159

    “Yes, there is much discord amoung Russian media over the war in the Ukraine despite Russia “supposedly” being a dictatorship. How can that be?”
    Every one in Russia is hopping mad at the humiliation , the debacle that has overcome them. They want someone held responsible. Putin uses the state media to spread the blame far and wide ….to every one except himself , the Supreme Commander , the one who ultimately is responsible , the dictator , his name is never ever mentioned except for praise. Simple ain’t it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2022 #121157

    Solovyev’s outlook was transformed once the Russian puppet gov. in Kiev was replaced by a US puppet gov.
    What is good for the goose……

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2022 #121154

    They really have no idea what to do. Atsome point they will have to relax the extremism against their citizens.
    “The Iranian judiciary said late on Sunday that an unnamed individual has been sentenced to execution for “setting fire to a government center, disturbing public order and collusion for committing crimes against national security” in addition to “moharebeh” (waging war against God) and “corruption on Earth”.

    Five more unnamed people, who authorities described as “rioters” – a word the government uses to describe the ongoing protests and those participating in them – were handed between five and 10 years in prison on national security-related charges.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2022 #121151

    Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.”
    ~ Khalil Gibran


    “P.S. Faith is also conceptual. Faith itself is a concept, and thoughts and discussions about faith are necessarily conceptual.”

    Gibran is saying , “words cannot capture or grasp reality”.

    The same pointer has been given by many teachers over millenia.
    How can thought , something so fleeting, so transient , lasting only a second or a fraction of a second , explain or represent or capture or grasp or outline or delineate that which is non-conceptual and infinite?

    One example of the same pointer from the third patriarch of Zen.

    “There is one Dharma, not many.
    Distinctions arise
    from the clinging needs of the ignorant.
    To seek Mind with the (discriminating) mind
    is the greatest of all mistakes. “

    Here the word “Mind” is used instead of faith.

    He then attempts to deliniate the non-conceptual state , the “Faith Oasis”.

    “All is empty, clear, self-illuminating,
    with no exertion of the mind’s power.
    Here thought, feeling,
    knowledge and imagination are of no value. “

    Trying to understand reality , that which never changes , by thinking about it , is the GREATEST OF ALL mistakes.

    So many times I sat with my mentor and listened as he gave the same instructions to seekers . Instead of acting on the instructions to recognise the non-conceptuality of their own being , to become totally silent and enter into it now , they immediately continue to conceptualise and ask questions and make statements, continuing the conceptual flow of the mind-stream. Is it any wonder that teachers get angry at their students when they claim to want to know the Truth but reject it at every moment. , even when it is offered to them freely with both hands?

    That is the ignorance I was referring to. It is not that you are stupid or dull , it means you are ignoring the teachers instruction and by doing so you are ignoring your own reality , your intrinsic naked awareness.

    Naked meaning the mind that is free of ALL thoughts and reality is shining through without the conceptual obstructions. It is only thinking that seems to veil the ever present reality.

    Anyway enough , even life long seekers cannot come to the thought free state , the state that you were born with, a state where there is absolutely no identity or diversity of any kind , a non-conceptual singularity.

    To attempt to help those here who see seeking the truth as just another idea to verbalise about is obviously a hopeless endeavour. I have mentored seekers in non-duality for some years , I have seen the mind stubbornly ckinging to it’s ideas and continuing to project the false individuality , the false multiplicity of being , the “ME”. Very few see the light.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2022 #121083

    “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.”
    ~ Khalil Gibran
    and what does everybody do with this pointer to non-conceptual awareness?
    They go on a conceptual caravan ride and start writing about how profound , or otherwise the pointer is,
    doing the exact opposite of the pointer’s advice , classic ignorance!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2022 #121016

    “Not to mention that now, the Russians can blow the dam up stream at any time and drown the Ukrorats in the Dneiper estuary. They already blew up the rail line and road across the top of the damn, doing the dam is a detail”

    Watching DPA yesterday he was explaining that the South side of the Dnieper where the Russians have set up their defense pillboxes is the most susceptible to flooding , not the Northern side.Isn’t the reason the Russians have retreated because the UKRANIANS were going to blow the dam , not Russia. If the Ukys were going to blow it , why don’t the Russians just prevent them from doing that?

    FTX , a Jew an Indian and a Chinx , scamming has now been diversified, thank god that the fraud business is no longer only in the hands of white supremists.

    The enablers of the Ukrainian wars and scamming , global crooks.

    How many are Jews?


    With Nuland ,Zelensky and all the Jewish oligarchs involved , the only ones missing are Jizzlane and Epstein.

    More rain this week , another 50 mm. An interesting take on why it is so wet. Dude reckons the pacific volcanic eruption is partly responsible.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #120944


    “Russia is LOSING THE WAR.

    You have made your bet. Let us see how this all plays out.”

    Excuse me , I made a bet?

    I said Russia should win , whatever that means , I don’t think they know themselves what winning is. I would say it means beating all of Nato armed forces on the field in Ukraine, that is the actual NATO armies , not the Ukranian proxies , but who knows?

    Again , what I said is that Russia SHOULD have won a long time ago but they don’t have the capability. They still should win , they have to win, Putin’s leadership , his ego and the future of Putin’s new world order depends on it.

    At minimum that means taking ALL the territories in the newly annexed Oblasts and then killing all the remaining nazis throughout Ukraine which would include the Jewish nazis , totally obliterating all and every piece of military equipment in Ukraine , replacing Zelensky with a puppet government which would declare neutrality and divorce itself from NATO and the EU and realign with Russia. If hostilities from the Ukrainian side of the border do not completely stop then that is not winning.

    So………can they do it?

    “like discarding the works of Shakespeare or Dante..”

    They already did that , Shakespeare the anti-semite , remember?

    Russia supports creation of Gates-Rockefeller “Pandemic Fund”
    Moscow reaffirms fealty to WHO at G20 summit, calls for “global sanitary shield”

    See , same old shit , Ivan is on the clotshot train along with Gates and all the other Western scammers. Putin has been jabbed four times and ia absolutely scared stiff on the flu. He has diplomats sitting at the end of tables forty feet away and he has his fully masked cabinet sit about eighty feet away when he meets them in the St. Petersburg imperial palace.

    Sam Bankman-Fried,Madoff , Epstein , Weinstein ,Wolfowitz, Allbright, Nuland , Rotstein ,Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Zelensky and on and on..

    Just another Jewish scammer to put in the basket with all the rest of them starting with Roschild when he scammed the London exchange in 1815 , followed by so many other who have now increased to plague proportions. Ya see why the Germans did what they did ?

    Crypto is and always be a scam. The move into cyber speculation is just the next “innovation’ by the scammers. Bitcoin or any other cyber coin will never be widely used by normal people in every day transactions, it will always be a get rich quick scam , or a go broke quick scam , going broke the most likely scenario as we increasingly see.All the virtue signalling about the blockchain and how it will frees all from fiat etc. is just marketing BS from the scammers , keep buying shitcoins folks, suckers!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2022 #120874

    Dr D said

    History Lesson: Russia RETREATED East of MOSCOW for Napoleon. Napoleon had the entire empty city of Moscow for his leisure. It was sacked freely, Russia gave no defense. Yay Leon! Did they lose then? How was Napoleon doing? Do they speak French in St. Petersburg now?

    What is this?

    No body is invading Russia, Zelensky has not marched on Moscow.

    Putin is invading Ukraine , Putin marched on Kiev!

    There is no comparison.

    Napoleon marched in , the Russians withdrew, burned Moscow to the ground as they left. Napoleon froze and fled.

    Putin marched into Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Kherson .

    He retreated from Kiev , he retreated from Kharkov , he has retreated from Kherson because they were incapable of holding it! Not because they have some great esoteric strategy in play.

    How can you compare that?

    All this talk about Napoleon is meaningless. All this talk about Sun Tsu is a pathetic excuse for Russia’s lack of capability to beat pissy little Ukraine , a tiny corrupt shithole.

    They had their chance right back in January when there were no Himars , there were no Howitzers , Zelenszyhad fled the country and NATO stood buy going, Oh shit we have lost this one!

    But Russia was inept and incompetent.They could not hold the Kiev airport with their best paratroopers. The Chechens were there in support and got their arses kicked too.It was a rout.

    They have been on they retreat ever since.

    Will they “win”, they should , they should have won months ago! No wonder Putin is putting more and more of the Russian military into the hands of his favourite oligarch , literally privatising the military because the state funded military is the same old incompetent fools who sunk the Kursk , lied about and then had to get the West in to try and save themselves from their own incompetence.

    You read what Pepe the Chinese shill had to say , even he , unbelievably had to say exactly what I just said.

    Here the TAE crowd are still making up excuses, the cognitive dissonance must be very difficult to deal with.

    The TAE deniers are just like the Covid supporters. They bought the Covid lie and now the facts are out and they truth has been revealed that it was ll a lie , they still can’t bring themselves to admit it. Go sit in the corner with the Covid enablers until you can face the truth and admit that at this point in time Russia is LOSING THE WAR.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 12 2022 #120866

    I haven’t read Pepe La Phew for quite a while.
    This took me by surprise , he is agreeing with what the Russian media is saying, that the entire SMO or whatever it is now is a colossal fuck up.

    “The list of negatives is considerable. Kiev forces secure their flank and may free up forces to go against Donbass. Weaponizing by the collective West gets a major boost. HIMARS can now potentially strike targets in Crimea. The optics are horrendous. Russia’s image across the Global South is severely tarnished; after all, this move amounts to abandoning Russian territory – while serial Ukrainian war crimes instantly disappear from the major “narrative”. At a minimum, the Russians a long time ago should have reinforced their major strategic advantage bridgehead on the west side of the Dnieper so that it could hold – short of a widely forecasted Kakhovka Dam flood. And yet the Russians also ignored the dam bombing threat for months. That spells out terrible planning.”

    Regarding the dam threat , why not just STOP THEM?

    “Now Russian forces will have to conquer Kherson all over again. And in parallel stabilize the frontlines; draw definitive borders; and then strive to “demilitarize” Ukrainian offensives for good, either via negotiation or carpet bombing.”……..Ya don’t say!

    and then the inevitable clawback.

    “ Because they may be sensing the next Russian move with the arrival of General Winter should be capable of conclusively winning the war on Moscow’s terms. “

    So why the fuck ain’t they done it already? That is what the rest of the world and the Russian people want to know!

    The eventual victory by Russia , whatever that looks like has now been severely tarnished by a year of wasted blood and treasure.
    Russia’s partners in their new world order must be horrified as well.

    If I was betting man , back when this war started I would have bet the house on Russia having this in the bag in four months and so would every other Russia loving talking head. Ritter and company including Pepe , “ This war is over “.
    Even I can feel the humiliation , pity the poor Russian folk.
    Putin should resign in disgrace.

    in reply to: Russia Is Fighting A Land War In Asia #120823

    Methinks that Dr. D and other Russia lovers do protest too much!

    in reply to: Russia Is Fighting A Land War In Asia #120821

    ” unless you BELIEVED what reporters, the news media said. They said it? Russian news, which is known to be the most Western infiltrated or influenced of any body in Russia? And you took what they said seriously? How’s this: “They said it, therefore it is a lie.” That better?’

    So you are saying that all Russian media is directly controlled by the West? Which agency or government or corporation and how? Can you explain how for example the state run tv network is controlled by the West please?
    Like this one?
    And this infamous one.

    Or this one.

    Redneck said

    ‘I can go on and on about what Russia should be doing besides the stupid destruction of its citizens.”

    Not my words mate , that is the dude who calls himself Edward Slavsquat.from his blog. and I don’t agree. I watch this dude because he lives in Russia and has a lot of Russian media translations on his blog. He is American so you will hate him.I gave the link to the complete article.

    The kids were jetty jumping to day and the wharf hotel was going off with hoons doing burnouts all afternoon. The cops are too scared to come down and book them ,LOL. All is well with the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120740
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120739

    I reckon Trump is done if Desantis runs. A lot of folk will vote fror Desantis but not for Trump , they want to move on. Trump tried to humiliate Desantis already but it backfired. Lotsa big money for Desantis from the finance crowd , they want him because he is one of them. He may pushback on some of the social issues but essentially he is a status quo man.
    What humiliation , what a debacle , even I a former Russia supporter is embarrassed for them., Russia’s most popular military news portal, published a scathing op-ed about the decision to abandon the city:

    So, Kherson is finished.

    The city is being handed over without a single shot being fired, and it was not even handed over today, but a little earlier, when an organized withdrawal of all comers began.

    We have repeated Gostomel, Bucha, and Krasny Liman—only on a somewhat larger scale. 115,000 Kherson residents (data from the Ministry of Defense) became refugees, having lost everything: housing, work, property, prospects. […]

    Now for several days we will listen to a stream of completely shameless propaganda, the purpose of which is to justify what happened. […]

    But our shameless propagandists will justify anything. They’ve been paid. And they’ve already started to explain that Kherson was not needed at all and stuff like that.

    The world’s second-largest army continues its heroic flight … But that’s not the point. The main thing is that a subject of the Russian Federation has been abandoned. […]

    The bottom line is that today Russia is losing the remnants of self-confidence of the so-called “Russian world.”

    And so on. The commentary ends with an appeal to the Kremlin:

    The Russian government, which conducts the special military operation so splendidly, needs to understand the main thing that it (they) stubbornly refuses to understand: what they call the SMO is an ordinary war for the rest of the world … it’s time to start [really] fighting. […]

    I can go on and on about what Russia should be doing besides the stupid destruction of its citizens.

    Russia’s leadership must put aside its “business interests” and conduct a “real war,” the op-ed implores.
    That about sums it up, retreating inside their own brand new border. If the Ukys look like blowing the dam , which I doubt , why does not the second strongest military in the world STOP THEM?

    Another chosen one robbing the people blind. This was rampant in Germany in the thirties, that’s why they looked for a solution. Now however they have got it all sown up , now now , that would be antisemitic of me to say that and there are LAWS against that , meanwhile laughing to the bank.

    let the non-dualists eat cake!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2022 #120704

    Managing the tension between the Taxpayer funded military and his oligarch mate’s private military must be a priority for Putin.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2022 #120703

    Headline scroll , nothing worth reading ,
    Seems ol’ mate Stefano has a book out , most every thing about the clotshots has been done and done and done….to death , so why not pull a arbbit out of the hat? What would Malone and co. know , I am the science , not Malone. Amazed you would read past the first paragraph let alone buy the actual theory.

    “Stakeholder”, I first heard this word starting to pop up in corporate speak about twenty years a go when I worked for the Western Mining Corporation. Some shiny arse drone from up in the sunlight would come down to the coalface and give his little inspirational about WMC , The Waste Money Company , we used to call it , how it was on the edge of huge success, always on the edge .
    So when I first heard it my mind’s eye saw somebody holding a steak! WTF do we have in common with people holding slabs of meat and why do they have the power over us that we must do what they want?
    Then the light came on and my mind saw someone holding a wooden garden stake as to steady it so it could be driven into the ground. So we were the ones hitting the stake , got it ………

    “How to grow potatoes.”
    Spuds are one of the easiest vegs to grow , in these parts they just wanna multiply and thrive. If you miss some at digging time they just come right back up again. You can grow them in almost anything. Chuck em on your lawn, cover them with eight inches of woodchips and hey presto , spuds are on.
    Thing is Wallabies love em , the tops that is. So keeping critters off them is no. one priority here.
    Now , what are you eating while the pretties are growing? You got four months to wait because you don’t want to dig your spuds early as they don’t store so good.
    About here the first thing I see that will keep the body going while the spuds grow is wallabies and possums and rabbits. Now there are some big beef beasts wandering around these parts too but the folk who own those cows have a lot of lot of guns so unless they are about to give you a beast out of the goodness of their heart be careful.
    You got deer and sheep , rabbits and good ol’ Aussie possums over there in Un Zud I believe so that might be your starting point.
    Rabbits are a no brainer , they are easily kept and fed and the breeding cycle is just over two months.
    Now if you are real smart the first thing you will buy is a pair of ferrets. Those little blokes will scare you out some bunnies for an instant feed and also give you your breeding stock for your own rabbit supply.
    For catching critters nets is your low tech. easy to use means. Get some good strong netting , the stuff from fish farms is good , strong enough to hold a deer. You can use smaller netting right down to bunnies. Make a cone shape and set it on the critters trail, set two cones back to back , that way you cover traffic both ways , easy peasy , then you got some meat to make that spud stew you love so much.

    From yesterday , no person has ever been out of the present, EVER.
    You imagine the past , ‘re-member” , it in the present.
    You imagine the future in the present.
    Trying to get back into the present is a huge mistake , it is an impossible task because you have never left it!
    In fact you are the present , what you label as ‘the present” is your own intrinsic nature , there is no separation between you and the present , the seemingly two are…….. not two , non-duality.

    Folk still seem to be suffering from the tyranny of mind induced by refusal to investigate and see that the universe is phenomenal and change is the immutable universal law.
    With technological change accelerating , for example I have seen more tech. change in my lifetime than any other human has ever seen before in the entire history of humanity , then it is only reasonable that social and economic changes are also accelerating.
    Empires will rise and fall quicker, social mores will arise and set more quickly.
    The strain on the human mind as it experiences change at a a pace never seen before is considerable. There will be side effects and tyranny of mind is one symptom. How to deal with all this rapid change?
    Sub to TAE and try to keep up with it and try to predict the future! LOL.
    Maybe just realise the inevitaibilty of change ,the transcience of the “ten thousand things” see that the past and the future are conceptual products of mind, reified as though real but failing the test of reality.
    Test it’s reality by applying the following.
    REALITY is that which never changes.
    Build on the rock , not upon the sand.

    Some freshening showers and beautiful sunny days, nature is thriving here now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120505

    “Chooch and Redneck should get a room – glad they found each other.”
    AAWWWWW! So sweet of you to think of us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 7 2022 #120438

    Curious recent events around Ksenia Sobchak.
    She don’t want the Nalvany treatment!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2022 #120322
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 6 2022 #120320

    I donow shit about paintings, seems to me most are crap but that one I would hang on my wall
    Early start to morrow .

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120289

    Memorial on Old Arbat Street, Moscow, to children killed in Donetsk and all memorials to the sixty million starved to death in the Ukraine , the Holodomor are being pulled down.
    “We’re deeper in debt than ever. And planning to spend trillions on net zero. It doesn’t add up”.
    This headliner has been around for a decade at least , do we need a daily reminder? Are our memories that bad?

    “Ireland’s external debt is 609% more than her GDP..”
    What a total surprise , didn’y know any countries were in debt. Wow.

    Amazing , brand new news! Never had a clue about it!
    U Britain narrowly avoided a financial crisis in September
    A crisis that never happened ,’that car nealy ran over that little kitten”……..but it didn’t!

    “bracing for layoffs is now Wells Fargo, who has seen their U.S. loan volumes “collapse”. The fall off in loan “…
    You are joking?

    “They’re different kinds of debts, a….
    Drone on dude.

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin honored National …”
    Quiet , GOD is speaking.

    “seizing the assets was “not something legally permissible in the United States.”
    Old story , haven’t forgot.

    “pandemic amnesty” in The Atlantic magazine, a house organ of the people in …”
    Never expected that…not!

    “Vomited up the Bureau of Lies and Scams did…”
    When the number suit my narrative they are real , when they don’t they are not.

    “The FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have become political institutions.”
    Another brand new bit of information , never even dreamed of such a thing, thanks.

    “CNN has more employees than viewers.”.
    That is the softest punching bag in the gym.

    “Breaking Friday, Florida’s Board of Medicine and state Board of Osteopathic Medicine voted to ban puberty blockers and sex-reassignment surgery for minors in the state.”
    Knew it was happening , don’t need to know the details…..good for them , banning that is.

    “When a host of doctors, academics and journalists criticized her COVID vaccine-doubting, anti-lockdown views, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill struck back, filing a $12-million libel suit against them.’
    More COVID crap, ZZZZZZZZ.

    Gold. Beautiful , love it.

    Not just a dig at TAE , it is pretty much the same everywhere on this side of the great divide. Media is a business and it needs to sell so watch what gets the clicks and just keep dredging the same tired old shit up again and again. The pressure of providing content into people’s pockets 24/7 is just too much to sustain a steady supply of good stories , so rinse and repeat the sheeple will graze on it. The upside is it shortens up my media time and I can get on with my life.
    Having a few days of late spring weather, sunny , slight breeze off the land from the South……..mmmmmm , feels good to be out in it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120200

    Biden says ……The fix is in!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120198

    Sundance is a totally one-eyed Trump supporter. But good points made.
    “The DPRK is a proxy province of China, and Beijing leverages their control within North Korea to achieve strategic geopolitical objectives. All other presidents before Donald Trump played an international game of pretending not to know China controls North Korea. Chairman Kim is a hostage to the influence of Chairman Xi. Kim walks a very tenuous tightrope with Xi’s regime constantly over his shoulder and almost certainly in control of the DPRK military.”


    Itching for Another Conflict, Biden Regime Turns Toward North Korea

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120197

    Hopelessly out of touch!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120196

    From yesterday,
    Sorry to hear that you are in a concentration camp , it is a metaphorical one I hope,

    Putin never mentioned nuclear weapons , that is disingenous , what then is he referring to in these two bits? He never used the words ,”nuclear weapons “ because he is a bit of a shifty one when it comes to putting out his nuclear threats so he uses veiled language instead. If he is not talking about nuclear weapons here , what is he talking about, firecrackers, spitballs,slushballs?
    I stole this from chooches post yesterday.
    Putin explicitly stated that Russia’s nuclear arsenal would play a deterrent role. On Feb. 24th after launching the SMO, he stated.

    “I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.”

    A clear restatement of this position recently on 14 October at a press conference. Putin was asked a question from a state media journalist, Sergei Dianov:

    ‘NATO officials are saying explicitly that Ukraine’s defeat would mean the alliance’s defeat. Do you think NATO will send troops into Ukraine if the situation on the battlefield becomes disastrous for Kyiv?’

    He replied:

    ‘ ….. in any event, sending troops into direct engagement, a direct clash with the Russian Army is a very dangerous step that could lead to a global catastrophe. I hope those who talk about this will be smart enough not to undertake such dangerous steps.’

    Re recognition of loyalty at work
    Seems to me that wanting the oxygen thieving , foodwasting , shiny arse , drones in management to pat you on the head indicates a bit of a fragile ego thing. Who needs it? If you get the respect of your mates at the coalface that is enough. If you don’t get that from them you are most likely a drone too , a non-worker.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120087

    Woopsy , one got out of the herd there for a minute! Ride em in Rawhide!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120086

    Myself and my friends are not in a “horrendous mess”. We are living and loving life.
    Is your life , your actual life , not what you have seen in the media , is it “Horrendous”?
    We have electricity , cheap electricity here , we have so much food that many people are grossly overweight, fuel is expensive and the roads are packed , lots of rain , the countryside is green and delicious , I can here beasts lowing and birds singing right now as I type.
    Maybe you need to change your circumstances to one more satisfying ?
    When the thrift shops are empty , when people are walking or hitching, when the “poor” are undernourished and thin , even then the situation will not be horrendous.
    Shit happens , stuff goes up and down , remember back when interest rates were 18%? The recession we had to have? Everybody I know got through , we all survived and thrived. Sheesh!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120084

    My request for ten words or less was not meant to be mean .Don’t you find that short concise , pointing to the essence only sentences convey the most power?
    All the Mahavakyas , using the term loosly ,are like that eg. “I am that I am.”
    Or “ I am that,I am!”
    When you are on centre , what is the condition of your mind , your thoughts?

    Dr. D
    It is the same old shit as here.
    Russia’s COVID shot collusion with AstraZeneca
    The Kremlin teamed up with Big Pharma to “protect the lives of millions of people”

    Edward Slavsquat
    Apr 14


    “The website announced on its Telegram channel on January 12:
    Yesterday our website host, following a letter from some comrade major [a term typically associated with FSB/secret service-type people], turned off our website
    Do they really think that this is the end of the truth? Yes, we prepared for this three months ago.
    The database continues to be regularly updated and sent out.
    No passaran [“the enemy shall not get past”]!”

    It’s great to see how they , the Russian’s are reacting.

    As for young people and work the vast majority of under thirties that I know love their jobs and never miss a day , my kids are the same.
    Also there are lots of jobs where you can do minimum hours or week on week off rosters.
    I worked week on and off for years , if you take one weeks vacation you get three weeks off and over a hundred grand a year and share options, I loved my work . After I took off my leave and my sickies I only worked four months a year . There are great jobs about if people want to have a go.
    There are still plenty of couch potatoes though , herb removes some people’s motivation I have observed.
    Before I retired I only quit one job because of job dissatisfaction , I stayed two hours.
    Yesterday a mate was trying to tell me that people today who voluntarily take on mortgages are just as much slaves as people in feudal times! The old ’neo feudalism ‘ crap.
    What a crock , he watches way too much propaganda.
    Not sure why the text changed , will sort it later. Oh , so after I cut and pasted here from my notebook app the text repaired itself, the wonders of computerising!
    The Southerly is dying as the low moves East , a Nor’Easter not far away. High low tides. The days are drawing out now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120081
    in reply to: We ARE The Balance #119996

    To all at TAE.

    I must admit I am struggling a bit with my new found celebrity. Fame can be difficult too.
    I magine little ’ol Redneck being so much “on target” , that I get a headline page heralded by the editor himself and a fine refutation piece by the second in command of the ship , the Uber commentator and analyst , the famed Dr. D.
    I am honoured sir and your logic is impeccable and you know who you are and you look marvelous!

    Yes me !

    I would bet that I am the first sub to be so honoured. Is that right Raul? Have I set a new precedent here ? Did Deflationista break through with a headliner ? Did he/she/it? I want to know!
    Please respond in the comment section below.

    Could barely sleep last night trying to figure a way to monetise this situation. Am thinking maybe a doorstep interview with a national broadcaster , I will have to make it dark ‘cause that sells.
    I am thinking something like ,”Aged Tasmanian pensioner with early onset dementia cyber bullied by Doctor and human aid organiser.
    The two are believed to be behind the dark online far right white supremist cult known as TAE.
    “In an emotional plea from his doorstep this morning…….was cyber bullied by the cult leaders….suffering PSD…….emotional damage.. is establishing go fund me page to help pay for a young and attractive mental heath support worker to be his live in psychological help thingy……
    That’s the ticket!
    Wait , Sixty minutes maybe? Once the story has gotten some air, or should I just approach them directly with an exclusive. I will need a publicist and a spokesthingy too.
    What a lifechanger this has turned out to be , thank you all so much!

    G’day mate, I cannot reveal my location as I am sheltering in place at a secret location pending the release of my expose of the cyber bullies at TAE.
    I advise you to switch your computoriser off and then hit it several times really hard with the biggest hammer you have at hand , it might be your last chance to survive , the interknob is a very dangerous place, keep track of 60 mins and channel nine national news for future updates.
    I heard about the snow on the mountain yesterday , good ‘ol Queeny , I remember it well . I spent some time down the hole there. It used to be a hard drinking little town but I hear the yuppies have taken over since the mine closed. You aren’t one of them are you?
    They have a fuckin art gallery now!
    Things have changed sice the King river stopped flowing upside down. Throw another log of Huon on the fire mate , stay warm now .

    “I even suggested that Putin probably is a dictator as there do not seem to have been any realistic Russian elections (or even opponents) in recent years.”
    Musta missed that bit , it’s a wonder you were not sacrificed for that onslaught , what are you an atheist or something?

    ‘“I am just adding a little balance to a very one sided group who have very deep seated bias against the West and are blind to any faults on the other side.”
    “I am still trying to figure out exactly what those two statements mean in combination. in fact, I’ve given up.”

    I am highly edumacated ya know. The rest is pretty good.

    “As Chris Hedges says, hope must be invested in acts of resistance and civil disobedience. Even the smallest acts are of immense significance. Once we adopt the mindset that we are defeated, only then are we defeated.”
    Rhetoric dude retoric , give me one example of your wrings or speakings that brought the West of the left to it’s knees.
    Not to go all personal on Hedges but he has ceased to be of any significance for many years, just another burnt out shell of a commie sympathiser struggling to make a dollar droning on in his sixties style of gobbly gook.

    “Only “The One that left us here” can save it. I’m just trying to do my part while I’m here – and save myself. Returning to “center” (a positive state/place in body/mind/heart) is part of my practice. Mantra, song, dance, art, nature are all tools.
    Not to put too fine a point on it but it is really all about “you”, ain’t it?
    Nothing wrong with that , spend some time investigatin this feelin , this knowing ,”I am”. What is that centre you refer to? Ten words only thank you.

    NEWSFLASH , deep cover Tasmanian agent who has been linked to Q-anon has been doxed for inciting the US to create a nuclear bombing shield on Northern Australian shores.See TAE for details.
    I did that.

    US nuclear-capable B-52 bombers head to Australia as China slams move

    Bad news for all Tae folk . I have figured out a much faster and efficient way to make comments! Yes that means I can be more interactive with you all!
    If I do disappear though , like Delfationista , you know who took the kill shot.
    Poor Deflationista , her body was never found you know.

    Don’t take yourselves too seriously folks, it is another beautiful day here down under. Cool Antarctic sou’wester with sun showers.

    in reply to: We ARE The Balance #119890

    I wrote a reply to Dr.D late last night back on yesterdays page , I was going to bring it over and paste it here but I could not find it , sometimes I forget to push the post button , duh. Cognitive decline.
    You are the balance but so polarised it becomes ineffective. Unless you are already a rabid West hater these pages look like some kind of cult org these days. I have visited TAE for many years , since back in the Nicole days , it was never this closed and polarised. The whole world is polarised to be fair, you all are just unable to accept that Russia and Putin are not perfect , it is like a cult. Open up a bit or are you afraid of being ostracised by the group? Just a little bit of interest in Russia itself other than the usual gushing and fawning here would be refreshing.
    I see this on all sides all around. If I visit friends and they are all West haters and I say even the tiniest , weeniest critical thing about Putin /Russia I just get yelled over the top of , it is crazy , actually yelling and screaming! If I say something pro Putin to the proWest side usually the reaction is more civilised ,still very critical but that side is not quite so emotional in general but so sure they are right.
    I am completely aware of the system and how it works , the City , Wall st. , who I think you will find also funded the Bolshys, how Roschild became the richest man in Europe through the Waterloo scam , the Maidan , Nuland and the NWO , blah , blah , blah , whatever , all of it.
    I don’t need to condemn them, you all are doing that in spades! ad nauseam ! every day ! every article and comment ! LOL!
    Also I said in my reply last night that yes , I agree the West are arseholes. I am not pro West and not pro Russia on the ground in the war, maybe that is why I can see the faults on both sides there.

    Anyway what I believe and say is of no consequence , do you all think that spruking here every day is going to have any material effect on the world? Do you think getting angry at me or any body that don’t agree with you , getting anxious and worried , fretting about the world is going to make it change? If you suffer for the world and all it’s problems it does not have any effect on the world , it only effects you. I am powerless , Dr.D is powerless Raul is powerless , none of us as individuals or as groups can change a fuckin thing. All the words written here are just dust in the wind! We can talk and write and hurl abuse or cuddles and prophesies and pontificate but will it accomplish anything. Has anything changed by voting these many years?The truckers accomplished nothing as far as I know. The Dutch farmers , have they got their demands met? At least they are on the streets, we are on the keyboards.Have the Russians got the Covid scam totally removed and everybody compensated? We are dust under the feet of the oligarchs and central banks, all this righteousness and shouting won’t change a damn thing, don’t take it all so seriously , get a life , stop being a media junky , ok take a look but no need to spend hours online talking your book , unless you are getting paid that is!
    Todays good guys are tomorrow’s baddies and visa versa , it all just turns and turns. Why would I get on the same old bandwagon as every one else unless of course I feel insecure and want to be accepted into the fold or scared to be on the outside of the group. I can assure you I am not going to run and hide because of a little cyber battle , at the same time I have a life with lots of projects to do and shit to maintain , I don’t have the time or inclination to sit here and two finger type for hours ,
    My skin is thick and yes Dr. D I have not done stand up surfing for about two years, I prefer a goat boat , a sit-down surfing paddle board although that is partly a function of the gutless waves we have here on the coast.
    My point is that TAE has become so closed to any body at all who might want to point out even the smallest fault with Russia/Putin they are immediately branded a troll and mostly ignored , I know , don’t feed the trolls , it is just like the sites that are pro West , closed and cult like , but that’s ok , I don’t want to be accepted by any group. Why don’t I go somewhere else then? ( TAE folk hold their breath hoping he is going to walk away, please, please!) I visit about a half a dozen sites in a day now , I used to do a lot more but it is just so polarised and so much bias , most have gone the same way . Click bait feeding every bodies bias , after all there is a lot of money to be made and any cock and bull predictions will be devoured and shared voraciously .Every body knows who blew up the pipeline. Every body knows the end is near for the dollar , every body knows the future , yeah right. Lira the pornographer or whatever he is supposed to be is the new Oracle , right , LOL.
    Only the angry ones who just have to let fly will post a reply , the rest just look away when anything about Russia that does not fit the group narrative is commented on , like Covid, like the high Russian crime rate , like the talking heads on Russian tv crying out for Ukrainian babies to all be drowned in whatever river it was. Or else I see this very strange reply ,”Well , we are just the same or worse!” I still don’t see the logic in that. Occasionally I see excuses like the old chestnut that Stalin was a Georgian that even Dr. D dredged up , I thought he was better than that.
    So much of the subject here is Covid but I have never seen a Covid article about Russia’s handling of it , if there was one I missed it .The fact that Putin got jabbed endlessly and is scared stiff of it and has been sitting at tables forty feet away if the person he meets refuses to be vaccinated , the fact that Russia went fully down the WEF/UN route with all the same shit that the West did . But Putin rides the bear , bare chested , a judo guru , but scared of the flu? No comment? Not curious? There is no curiosity here about that at all ? While about fifty percent of articles on still TAE obsess over it?
    Personally I very rarely ever read any Covid articles any more . Why I would want to read the same articles over and over again I don’t know. In fact it is I rarely read anything more that the headlines anywhere , not just here.
    Similarly my criticism of your usual mob of pro Russia and China spruikers . They have been so wrong about the war for so long I don’t know why they still get so much space and reverence and Pepe we know is a paid mouthpiece for the CCP , but no comment , crickets! They should be right soon though , eventually they must be right , right?
    I gotta go , big day again , cold and windy to day , a cold blast coming from the Antarctic , goddamn this global warming.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119776

    Elon is sitting on a powder keg. If he ferrets this out in a more concrete way and makes it public , remember he now owns the Bird , he will have every agency of the deep state all over his arse.

    “July 26, 2021, (Reuters) – A counterterrorism organization formed by some of the biggest U.S. tech companies including Facebook (FB.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O) is significantly expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database, aiming to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias, the group told Reuters.

    Until now, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database has focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a United Nations list and so has largely consisted of content from Islamist extremist organizations such as Islamic State, al Qaeda and the Taliban.

    Over the next few months, the group will add attacker manifestos – often shared by sympathizers after white supremacist violence – and other publications and links flagged by U.N. initiative Tech Against Terrorism. It will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyes, adding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.

    The firms, which include Twitter (TWTR.N) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube, share “hashes,” unique numerical representations of original pieces of content that have been removed from their services. Other platforms use these to identify the same content on their own sites in order to review or remove it. “(read more)

    Well, Conspiracy No More – Leaked DHS Documents Show Portal Connections Where Govt Officials Backchannel Instructions to Social Media Engineers and Conduct Surveillance

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119774

    To every virtue signaller out there who is sacrificing and praying for the planet ,
    News Flash,
    the planet don’t give a fuck ,
    the universe is indifferent.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 30 2022 #119773

    OK then , let em fight over country every day , I will order more popcorn.
    I always use the word Russia when talking about the USSR or the present version of the Russian empire because they were are Russian empires. They were called satellites for a reason , because they were held in Russia’s orbit by Russia’s power. Moscow is where the president/dictator sits and Moscow is where the big celebrations and parades happen cause Moscow is the controlling power of all those under her .
    This ,OH , Stalin was a Georgian shit , nothing to see here , no Russians involved here , look see Georgia! it don’t matter if Stalin was Chinese he was the dictator that ruled Russia and every thing he did was done by Russians to both Russians and non-Russians. I thought you were better than that.
    Any way the Germans were arseholes , the Russians were arseholes , the US and all her allies are arseholes , it just goes around and around. One rise the other falls , todays good guy is tomorrows empire builder and mass murderer , to expect it to stop is a little naive. This right now there is about the least amount of war ever , more food , more everything , it can only go down hill from here. The tide starts to recede as soon as it hits it’s highest mark.
    There is absolutely nothing you or I can do about it , we are powerless, every one on TAE is powerless, the truckers were powerless and I don’t think the Duchy farmers have made a difference either. We can rant and be rites and outraged and entertain ourselves but we are just dust under the feat of the truly powerful.
    Maybe hitting a prominent politician’s husband over the head while regaled only in underpants will make a difference, not!
    Don’t let it bring you down , i’t only castles burning.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 30 2022 #119667

    I don’t mind if Ivan kicks Uky’s arse , I don’t mind if Uky kicks Russia’s arse. I don’t mind if Russia kicks NATO’s arse and visa versa. Get it?
    As I keep saying I am just adding a little balance to a very one sided group who have very deep seated bias against the West and are blind to any faults on the other side.
    Poland is just one example of almost all the Eastern European countries that have joined NATO because they were raped by Russia not so long ago and want to band together for protection from the same happening again. I used the example of Poland but I could have used the example of a lot of other countries in the East.
    How about Finland for example.

    Search Results

    Winter War – Wikipedia › wiki › Winter_War
    The Winter War, also known as the First Soviet-Finnish War, was a war between the Soviet Union and Finland. The war began with a Soviet invasion of Finland …

    Russia is pulling down the Holodomor memorials in Ukraine , it reminds of the historical revisionism of BLM . Putin is rewriting history where Stalin is a really good bloke and every one should love and respect the man who starved six million Ukys to death so he could sell their grain for hard currency. They are denying their recent history , that don’t help the situation.

    So can you see why it was so easy for the US to get Regime change in Kiev and why the majority of Ukys and the rest of Europe have no love for the Russians.
    .Without this hatred and desire for revenge the US could not have triggered this war. The entire can of worms is a direct result of the Russian actions in Eastern Europe since they invaded Poland in 1940. If Russia had not occupied Eastern Europe and been so malevolent , the US could not have engineered the war, correct ? Do you agree? Only the Far East of Ukraine supports Russia , an estimated fifteen percent of Ukrainians
    It is not to say Russia , Russia , Russia is a bogey man , it is not an anti Russian , pro NATO beat up , it is a simple statement of fact as to how the war was able to be engineered by NATO and why there will never in the foreseeable future be any love lost between Europe and Russia.
    In Ukraine’s case it is all founded on Stalin’s treatment of Ukraine . I have already illustrated Poland’s case.
    Russia has never atoned for it’s invasion and occupation of Europe , Germany has to a large degree.
    The hatred between the Europeans and Russia will last for generations more unless there is a formal reconciliation process but both sides will have to want it. Until then I don’t expect to see any cooperation for a very long time.
    So let’s see the Russians prove they have the capability and the stomach to take back their newly annexed territories there is no room for any more excuses.
    As far as Australians fighting for Taiwan that is all hubris. We are an ally of the US and do their bidding. The US will not fight for Taiwan directly either , it will be a proxy war if it occurs. The anti Chinx sentiments are popular in Australia since the Chinx put sanctions on us for stating that it might be a good idea to find out how the Rona got started in China, it was not Taiwan related .
    The real reason was that ASIO made some statements about the Chinx penetration of Australian politics and there political interventions in our Universities. They operate their own enforcement regime inside Australia against any anti Chinese persons , both Australian citizens and Chinese nationals.
    You might have noticed our Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister in waiting is a Chinx and probably a CCP operative/sympathiser. They are very entrenched here and own huge sections of our economy. They are mercantile colonialists.

Viewing 40 posts - 121 through 160 (of 292 total)