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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2022 #118862

    aspnaz & vietnam vet
    “A Color Revolt is underway in Iran”
    A lot of folk always think that if there is some kind of pushback or revolution happening anywhere that is entirely originating from and being orchestrated by the US/CIA.
    Some influence can be brought to bear through social media but it is impossible to bring hundreds of thousands onto the street unless they have a legitimate grievance .
    I visited Iran about five years ago and a lot of people were pissed off with the regime and were not afraid to say so .
    One man in a shop in the central market of Shiraz actually called out in a vey loud voice to me and my friend as we walked by ,” This regime no good” , no body around us looked upset or unhappy with his statement , it seemed the majority agreed. We never met any body who spoke good for the regime.
    We were there for Ashura the biggest Shia religious celebration of the year. The scene of over one hundred thousand people marching in the parade in Shiraz was immensely impressive , all the women were in full black purda .
    That morning after the parade there were two hundred and fifty thousand people at the central mosque complex , we wanted to go in but we were told to come back later in the afternoon , which we did.
    It seems although there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the government there is still a very strong commitment to Islam.
    We never saw a sign of the regime goons anywhere at any time.
    The demonstrations happening at the moment would seem to indicate otherwise though , so I can’t see what would have changed in such a short period of time.
    However the young people are the most pissed off as they are all so highly educated and yet employment is just no where to be found.
    The anti-head covering protest is most likely happening because it is the most personal and obvious sign of the thuggish regimes control , I would think that many of the protestors are still deeply religious.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2022 #118731

    John Day
    Thanks for the Fauci movie link , only nine days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2022 #118729

    or , imagine a story about the past , maybe a story about the Titanic .
    I stopped counting the conspiracy theories on the Youtube page at thirty eight……
    BIG clickbait , some well over five million views , money for jam.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2022 #118728

    A War Russia SET To Win (Bhadrakumar)
    Ukraine CAN Retake Crimea By Next Summer, Former Top US Commander Says (ZH)
    Turkish Hub MAY Solve Nord Stream Problems – Gazprom (RT)
    US POISED For Slowdown In High-end Munitions Deliveries To Ukraine (Fox)
    US To SEE Winter Spike In Natural Gas Prices (RT)
    WILL Comey and Mueller Be Prosecuted for Lies John Durham Uncovered? (ET)
    Imagine some future event and write a story about it , journalism , it’s tough.

    “Massive Ukrainian losses of personnel and equipment, as usual.”
    These MASSIVE losses have happened every day now for TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX DAYS NOW!
    And they are fighting stronger than ever , how do they do it??????

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2022 #118640

    I partially agree with your assessment of the US military and it’s commanders in chief , it is just a bit over the top. I am not a big fan but never the less in the Second World War they did a good thing by defeating the Japs , otherwise us Australians would have been up shit-creek without a paddle.
    You assume that because I am not a big fan of Russia that I am a full US supporter . Not so , the US military has also had times when it could not or did not supply it’s troops with sufficient equipment and made major tactical errors as well as doing non-stop war.Not good.
    I am just pointing out that the idea that Putin is not some god like figure who is perfect beyond reproach.That everything Russian is perfect beyond reproach and that they have a utopian society which we should admire and emulate.
    The fact is that all the articles collated here are a very one sided view of the situation and I am just adding some balance by throwing some light on the true Russian situation.
    The facts show , if you have the eyes to see , that Russia , so far has failed miserably with it’s attempts to project it’s power in Ukraine. They were badly beaten and forced to withdraw from the Kiev region and Kharkov and have struggled to hold the line on the rest of the front while making almost zero gains at the heart of the conflict at Donetz.
    These glimpses of what Russian’s themselves are saying ( on Russian TV) reveal the situation as it is. Russian military organisation and logistics are very poor , that is why they have to have the mobilisation , they have proven so far to not be the force that I believed they were.
    So a little reassessment was and is in order , I still read , or skim the headlines of the pro-Russian media but I also look at the Pro Ukraine media too.
    A few months back I believed that all the pro-Ukrainian media was just a lie but events on the ground now show that it was not all BS.
    There were so many articles claiming how badly the Ukrainians were equipped and led and how quickly the Russians would run through them , Ritter, the Duran and Escobar for example crowing in the first couple of months that ” This war is over , Russia has won!”.
    So it is obvious they are running propaganda for the anti-West cause and should be regarded as such.
    My pro-nouns are , “Your Honour” , “My lord” and “Oh Great One” , thank you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2022 #118593

    This is the mighty Russia , the country with the second strongest military in the world, the country which is flush with oil and gas profits , who is going to lead the new free and fair world …..but their soldiers have to provide their own sleeping bags and medical supplies , with winter coming on? It is glaringly obvious that they still have a hangover from the Soviet era, in short, they could not organise a fuck in a brothel.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2022 #118567

    No doubt Indonesia would love to sell their coal and other commodities in Indo rupiah to get rid of the rubbish , I am just not sure who would want the other side of the trade.The Indo currency has been in a slide since as long as I can remember. I think when I first visited in 1974 a million rupiah cost about five hundred Au dollars , recently a million could be bought for just one hundred Au. So any country receiving Indo Rps. would be very clever if they sold it immediately for a hard currency like the US dollar Euro or Russian rubles. If you kept it for very long you are a big loser and if you do accept it and trade it for a stronger more stable currency then you also lose. This is not a currency you want to own.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2022 #118449

    John Day.
    “Ukraine” isn’t one people, not a “nation”. You’ve seen the different colored historical maps.

    Russians and Ukrainians are very close to being the same folk. To repeat the point of my post , the root antagonism from the Ukrainian side is their experience of Russians , or their Eastern brothers during the Soviet era. The same goes for all , or almost all of Eastern Europe.
    I have an Australian friend of Estonian extraction who absolutely hates Putin and Russia and I mean that she really has a passionate hatred and she was born in Australia! She visited Estonia a few years back and inherited this passion from her relatives in Estonia during her visit.
    Just like Northern Ireland and many parts of the world these old hatreds are nurtured and sustained at the hearth and in the hearts of many folk. That is history at work. It would be great if folk could reconcile but it is not going to happen , mostly.
    South Africa had a major reconciliation event between the Afrikaners and the Southern Africans but now Afrikaners are murdered as defacto government policy.
    Vietnam and Cambodia are two countries that don’t seem to hold hatred for the US after the US wars there , so it is not impossible for countries to forgive , exactly why they are free of the hatred of the US there ,I don’t know.
    Folk on the TAE mostly think I am a US/Ukraine supporter but I am just putting up some facts that it might be useful to bear in mind about the historical background of the conflict and try to add a little balance to a very once sided collation of media.
    I used to be an avid consumer of all the ant-west media but lately the bias has just gotten too much so I have taken a more balanced view.
    The content of consciousness is a never ceasing flow , a mind stream it has been said. Change , transience is the unbroken fact. In my life I have seen more change that at any time in history , I think that the rate of change is most likely the cause of so much of the angst and depression that people are feeling globally. The human race have never been through such change at such speed ever before.
    There is no holding back the tide , we can rage against it but there will be no reclaiming the status quo of the past .The West will pass as the great power just as all great powers have past.
    This morning I checked my rain gauge , one hundred and fifty millimetres of rain in three days, the sun is shining now and the birds are happy that the rain is gone and the breeding of the young can go on again. The dirty waters of the flood are going to hold salmon and snook for at least a month. Tomorrow or when the seas calm down I will go fishing again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2022 #118385

    The Tzar humiliates and frightens his court.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 13 2022 #118379

    Absolutely Putin miscalculated , big time. Russian intel believed the majority of Ukrainians were with them , big mistake. The facts show now that the majority of Ukrainians supported the coup and did not want to be under Russian control. Putin and Russians seem to have amnesia about their recent history and thought that Europe loved them.Remember that Russians starved six million Ukrainians to death so their grain could be sold for hard currency in 1932 , that is not ancient history and not forgotten.Absolutely Putin miscalculated , the Russians thought that the Majority of Ukrainians wanted to be a Russian puppet state.Wrong! Didn’t the Russians invade and occupy all of Eastern Europe not so long ago? Is it a surprise that Eastern Europe wants to be in NATO as a defence against another Russian invasion/occupation? Isn’t it obvious now that the majority of Ukrainians agreed with the coup and did not want to be under Russian control? Did not Russia invade Poland at the same time that the Germans did in nineteen forty five? Didn’t Russians murdered twenty thousand Polish officers and security forces in the Katyn forest? Did not Russians starve to death six million Ukrainians during the Holodomor in the Ukraine? Is it any wonder they hate Russians? Have Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe been compensated by Russia for the atrocities and invasions they have perpetrated on Europe? The Germans did , Russia never did.Hasn’t Russia invaded Finland twice? Didn’t Russia send it’s army into Eastern Europe when they wanted some breathing space from the Soviet occupation and squash their bid for freedoms? Did not Russians spend decades where millions of their own died when they were enslaved and worked to death in the Gulags by the Kremlin? Weren’t the gulags only shutdown finally in the sixties? So of course Eastern Europe and Ukraine want to be in NATO and not associated with a Russia that has brought them so much death and destruction. So why all this endless apologising for the West offering shelter to Eastern Europe and Ukraine? How come Putin and Russia are saintly angels who the West must bend it’s knee to? So yes time for Europe to turn their back on the invading Russians. Stop using their energy , stop trading with them and cut them off from Europe for ever , after all they claim they are now over Europe and have their own multi polar group to trade and have cultural ties with. Russia and Putin are not the friendly, loving democratic people that anti Westerners think are. The Russian opposition leader is in prison , the opposition press has been shut down , opposition journalists have been murdered. Where is the democracy there? What do all the Putin lovers have to say about these facts? Crickets? Russian oligarchs are Putin’s friends and profit off this war just as US and Ukrainian oligarchs do , Putin’s cook for example. Look at the mobilisation , Putin’s elites , the bankers, IT people , all journalists have been exempt from service , the body bags are not going to filled with middle and upper class kids from Moscow and St Petersburg , the body bags are going to filled with the bodies of minorities and the poor , sound familiar? Billions have disappeared into the pockets of the Russian military complex but now draftees are being dumped at the front with nothing but a handgun , some have to buy their own food and body armour , is this the great society we place above us? Does not Putin/Russia have it’s own private army of goons , the mirror image of the US Blackwater mercenaries ,called the Wagner group? Doesn’t the Wagner group recruit from Russian prisons? Does not the Wagner group operate globally fighting in Africa and other countries so the Kremlin has plausible deniability? Does not the Wagner group provide the muscle for Russian oligarchs who have gold and diamond mines in Africa ? Isn’t the Wagner group aligned with and provide military arms and bodies for coups and civil wars in Africa and the Central African Republic? ? Doesn’t the same Russian oligarch who “owns” Wagner also have the military contract to supply all the food to all of Russia’s military? Hasn’t Russia sent troops into member states of the Russian Federation to prevent those republics leaving the Russian Federation? Has not Putin gradually removed most of the independence and power for self determination from members of the RF? Isn’t the RF just Putin’s own colonies , his empire ? Did not Russia recently go to war with Georgia nd steel twenty percent of their land? Hasn’t Putin had four shots of the Russian AZ jab? Wasn’t the Covid scam also fully implemented in Russia by it’s Pharma working arm in arm with global Pharma and the jab mandated and the population put on ap trackers? Does not Russia have the fifth largest prison population on earth per one hundred thousand population? Isn’t the wealth disparity in Russia even worse that the US with seventy five percent of all the wealth circulating in two cities? Why is Russia so exalted and worshiped by the people on this and other channels? Biden goes to see the Saudis and our alternative press decry the association with terrorist supporting decapitators but when Putin gets to gather with them to jack up oil prices, the alternative media cheers and applauds? Double standards any one ? If you think that a Russian/China hegemony is going to be a utopia then I have a bridge to sell you . Why all this love for Russia , I just don’t feel it. Russia and Ukraine deserve each other and mirror each other , it is a war made in heaven , let them have at each other as hard and as long as they want , they might work off a bit of the hatred they have for each other.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 11 2022 #118189

    Putin , “When we send our missiles to bomb you it is a Special Military Operation , when you strike back at us it is terrorism.” What a vast masturbator.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 10 2022 #118158

    Trump the peacemaker? Did he not send a shitload of weapons to Ukraine? Even Obummer balked at that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 10 2022 #118157

    So as soon as some nation threatens us with a nuke we are supposed to kneel?
    Looks like Putin’s testosterone shots are starting to kick in.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 9 2022 #118084

    I am a bit surprised Kanye had the nads to say what he said about the Kushners. But then when you are worth billions , that is power too.
    What he said is no surprise , just the fact that he said it is.
    Jews have controlled the president and the country from at least the moment the FED was sneaked through the congress.
    When a tiny minority with allegiances to a foreign power control money and finances through the FED and Wall st. , the culture through Hollywood , the national and the global narrative through NYT and media and now through social media also have the power of censorship , they control the country.
    Take a look at the deep state , they are in all the positions of power. Take a look at any photo of any presidents staff , mostly they are in a majority , all unelected of course.
    The situation is not unlike Germany between the wars , except now they have one hundred percent protection through hate and discrimination laws , you know the Holocaust thing and all.
    In Trump’s case they were playing both sides , as they do, in one hand controlling the president through Kushner and co. and on the other hand trying to have him removed from office.
    It is an open secret.
    Israel is always the winner though.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 8 2022 #118019

    Biden or Trump talks to the Saudis and very one is up and arms , how disgusting to be dealing with this decapitator and terrorist supporter………….Putin gets together with MBS , every body cheers…….LOL.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 8 2022 #117979

    Vaccination of all the three hundred thousand troops mobilised in Russia is compulsory.
    Russian government official admits they have been lied to and also admits that Russia has insufficient weapons to destroy Ukrainian infrastructure. Moral is low and Putin’s birthday present will not help.What a debacle.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 7 2022 #117935

    It seems to me that Russia has put too much time and money into It’s nuclear weapons , banking on using their superior capability to bluff against losing a ground war like Ukraine. MAD is still thing so it might have been better to have spent that time and money on the conventional weapons that they now desperately need. Videos of Russian troops being dumped at the front with nothing but a hand gun must be really bad for moral. If those vids are not faked that is but it seems that some at least are real.

    in reply to: Putin Made a Peace Offer. Take it. #117869

    To commenters,
    I can post links here just fine but I can’t attach a file , any tips on fixing that?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 5 2022 #117743

    V. Arnold
    No clue .
    No doubt
    Toot ain’t cheap ya’know..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117713

    John Day
    “Thanks for further context, Redneck.
    It’s war. “Plans don’t survive the first engagement with the enemy”, etc.
    Plans certainly don’t last when they are built on hubris bad intel and bluff.
    My cynicism is mostly directed at Escobar, Lira , Ritter and co. Turns out they don’t know any more truth about the situation than you or I . They just talk their book and cash the cheques.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117684
    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117683

    In Retrospect and why I am now cynical about Russian huggers.
    “Insane in the Ukraine
    How does this end?

    Edward Slavsquat
    Sep 11


    Internet war punditry: rapidly advancing towards total irrelevancy.
    The Ukrainian military has launched a counter-offensive in the Kharkov region.

    There are many hot takes about this.

    We are not going to provide you with a Military Analysis. Instead, we will offer a brief overview of how we arrived at the current state of affairs—and ask the simplest of questions: Can we please stop with the malarkey and have an honest dialogue about what has occurred over the past six months? Please? It’s time.

    The Kiev “feint”

    Remember when thousands of Russian troops semi-surrounded Kiev and Zelensky was supposed to flee for his life (maybe he did, temporarily, to Poland. History’s Mysteries)? Oh, we remember.
    (There is a image in the original article here showing posts from Escobar , he used the phrases below.”

    “Going for the jugular” and “doing it the hard rock way” suddenly became a sneaky “feint”? Okay, sure.
    Go back to mid-March—all the usual suspects were still predicting an imminent assault on Kiev. There’s a simple explanation for this: Russia was still signaling it had ambitious plans for Kiev and neighboring regions.

    Twitter avatar for @colonelhomsi
    In a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry listed the areas of Ukraine where, according to their data, the population represents “good relations” with Russia – these are:
    March 18th 2022

    68 Retweets213 Likes
    But by late March the narrative had changed in a very radical way.

    On March 25, Russia’s ministry of defense claimed that operations in Kiev, Kharkov, Chernigov, Sumy, and Nikolaev were designed to “tie down [Ukrainian] forces” and prevent them from “strengthening their grouping in the Donbass.”

    March 13, 2022 (source:
    A few days later, the Kremlin described the Russian withdrawal from these areas as a gesture of goodwill aimed at encouraging peace talks.

    Seemingly overnight, Russia’s short-lived excursions into Kiev and the surrounding regions were rebranded as a “feint” that would allow for the swift liberation of Donetsk and Lugansk. (Current status: incomplete.)

    A new narrative was born: with Phase I (“the feint”) a resounding success, the Russian military could now focus its attention on the Donbass. We were told, day after day, that Ukrainian forces in the east were going to be boiled alive, Ramen noodle-style, in a giant cauldron. Once the Ukrainians were encircled, Kiev would be forced to either surrender or crawl to the negotiating table.

    Twitter avatar for @GonzaloLira1968
    Gonzalo Lira
    In the encirclement pictured on this map, there are some 60,000 Ukrainian combat troops—their finest men. They have no chance of being relieved, reinforced or resupplied. They have no chance to win. If they keep fighting, they will die—for nothing.

    This is an utter tragedy.
    Terror Alarm @Terror_Alarm
    🚨🇺🇦🗺Battle of #Donbas starts.
    Russian Red Zombie army is trying to pinch off a Ukrainian salient with two major strikes from the north and the south now.
    April 22nd 2022

    960 Retweets2,993 Likes
    It was all over, according to the liveliest intellects of our time. Gonzalo Lira proclaimed that Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin met with Zelensky in late April to inform Kiev that the United States would not be sending heavy weapons to Ukraine.

    “It was a kiss-off. It was the signal to the Zelensky regime that US/NATO will not supply heavy weapons or planes, and will not get into this war. It’s over,” Lira tweeted on April 27.

    Scott Ritter had a slightly different take: Russia would destroy any NATO weaponry sent to Ukraine before it could reach the front lines.

    The evolution of the Donbass “cauldron”
    It wasn’t until mid-May that Ritter conceded “Russia has shown itself unable or unwilling to [intercept weapons shipments]—as a result—the Ukrainians are having a meaningful impact on the battlefield.”

    Mariupol was officially cleared of Azov fighters at the end of May (some of whom were later released as part of a prisoner exchange), but the long-anticipated encirclement of Ukrainian forces in Donbass never materialized. Reinforcements and NATO-supplied weapons continued to flow across the Dnieper.

    No biggie.

    In a tweet commemorating the first three months of fighting, Lira mused that the AFU wouldn’t be able to hold out for another 90 days. The Ukrainian military, according to Lira, was now a spent force entirely reliant on reservists.

    Twitter avatar for @GonzaloLira1968
    Gonzalo Lira
    Today is Day 90 of the conflict.

    ►Russian forces have captured +100,000 square kilometers, are destroying the AFU in the Donbas.

    ►The AFU has little-to-no airforce, tanks, APC’s. They’re down to reservists.

    Does anyone really think Ukraine can stand another 90 days of this?
    May 25th 2022

    396 Retweets1,657 Likes
    But after taking Mariupol, Russia’s advances slowed to a snail’s pace. Gains in East Ukraine came to a screeching halt after the UAF was expelled from Lugansk in early July.

    “The special operation is going according to plan”

    Suddenly, a new narrative was born: the longer the war went on, the better it was for Russia. Time was on Russia’s side—even as Ukraine was “rebuilding significant capability” (source: Scott Ritter).

    But this wasn’t always the prevailing wisdom. For educational purposes, let’s briefly review what Very Serious Pundits were saying in the first weeks of the conflict.

    On March 9, the Saker published an article under the headline: “The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)”. The analysis, written by a “military professional” named Alexander Dubrovsky, repeatedly stressed that speed was of critical importance to achieve Russia’s goals in Ukraine.

    “The special operation does not stop, there will be no more delays. Every day of delay categorically harms us, unplanned diplomatic, political, economic and military problems appear. Only speed and onslaught, until in the West they begin to assess the situation with a cool head,” Dubrovsky wrote.

    The article continued: “The final turning point will come after the cleansing of Kharkov, blocking or taking Odessa.”

    A new directive had been issued by the Russian MOD, Dubrovsky revealed: the gloves were coming off and “hypothetical harm to civilians” would no longer take precedent over military objectives:

    I want to reassure you, for the twelfth day our guys are operating in a different operational and tactical reality, losses will rapidly decrease. If earlier there was a strict order not to cause even hypothetical harm to civilians, civilian objects… today it has been modified. In one sentence: “not to the detriment of the personnel of the units.” As a military man, I am completely satisfied: now the humanitarian sensitivities are over – real work will go on.

    This was the “must-read” that received a glowing preface from Andrei, the Saker’s chief curator.

    Fast-forward five months. On August 10, the Saker penned a commentary explaining why he was no longer posting maps of the military situation in Ukraine.

    “Unlike the first month or two of the SMO, there are very few changes worth showing on a map,” Andrei wrote, adding that the barely moving battle lines showed Russia was taking special care to avoid civilian casualties.

    Okay, great—but what happened to the speedy “cleansing” (yikes) of Kharkov and Odessa? And how is it that “every day of delay” was bad news for Russia in March, but suddenly a non-issue in August?”

    Edward Slavsquat

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117680

    From the Russian Military review.
    “Today, the Ministry of Defense is really sowing panic and defeatist sentiment precisely by the fact that it is not able to tell the people of Russia the TRUTH. […]

    Why does our Ministry of Defense cowardly hide its head in the sand today as soon as problems begin? … Will real success come from verbal victories?

    Already today, many in Russia have the same question: if the Armed Forces of Ukraine are left without equipment, if the soldiers do not want to fight and scatter, then who, excuse me, captures the cities? Are necromancers raising the dead? […]

    The situation is ominous … The Ministry of Defense can remain silent as long as it wants or draw beautiful reports, destroying the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the fourth time. Will this change the situation at the front? Also no. It is high time for the authorities to think about what they are doing, and how long will the Russian people allow themselves to be mocked like that. Trust is lost very quickly, as practice shows. Experiments of this kind can end very sadly, and it is a pity that the Ministry of Defense is playing with fire, pretending not to understand the problem. […]

    And, finally, the same question that was mentioned at the very beginning: do you really think that we have no right to the truth?

    September 14: “A costly lesson”

    When the dust settled:

    At the moment, the Russian army has practically withdrawn all its forces from the Kharkov region. That is, this means that Ukrainian forces ended up on the Russian border.

    Once again, the Ministry of Defense called this a cosmetic retreat. […]

    All this is very similar to the spring gesture of goodwill with the withdrawal of troops from the north of Ukraine.

    The Kharkov operational crisis in early September is, of course, a lesson for the allied forces. Underestimating the enemy was very costly. Even taking into account the fact that it was possible to withdraw the troops relatively quickly. In the newly occupied territories, many people remained who believed that Russia was here forever. These are dark times now.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117679

    Pity the poor Russian draftees , if the Ukys don’t kill them the AZ probably will.
    At the end of September, several Russian regions, citing a June 2021 decree issued by the Ministry of Defense, announced they would begin vaccinating mobilized residents.

    In response, Independent Association of Physicians published two open letters—one addressed to Vladimir Putin, the other appealing to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

    Some excerpts from the letter to Putin:

    OPEN DEMAND from doctors to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are doctors, members of the International Public Organization “Independent Association of Doctors”, appeal to you with a demand to ban vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 for those mobilized and called up for military service.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 4 2022 #117671

    The Ruskys are just as delusional as the West , I am just…..words fail….
    The vax bit , starts at 4.00.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2022 #117625

    Are there more explosions in the pipeline? Most likely yes. Now Russia will be justified to strike at other EU supply lines. Asymmetrical warfare and nukes are about all they have at the moment.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 3 2022 #117624

    “On his telegram channel, Ramzan Kadyrov absolutely accused General Lapin, the General Staff of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for losing Lyman.”
    Do you notice that everybody cops the blame but Putin? How come the commander in chief is above criticism?
    If you want to know who has the power over you , find out who you can’t criticise.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2022 #117537

    Will a NATO/USA win give you what you want?
    Will a defeat of Russia give you want you want?
    There are no winners in war.
    I am just an observer. I am an old man approaching the end of life.
    I have no fear of death and no beliefs structures about the time after death. Logic says to me that I will return to , or remain as I was before birth, who knows.
    I comment as an observer knowing full well that none of us can know the truth about the situation with total surety , it is almost all belief and opinion formed from our biases.
    The future belongs to the youth , I don’t see them demonstrating a lot of concern at present. No anti-Vietnam style protests in the streets unless it is some woke horseshit. Most of the public in Australia are oblivious as to what is happening , the footy news dominates.
    Until about three months ago I was a firm supporter of Putin/Russia. Since the SMO has been operating I have had to do some reforming of my opinions and am willing to admit I was just as much propagandised by the Russians as the West has mostly been propagandised by our MSM. It is obvious to any body who is willing to look past their biases that the Russians have been bullshitting us too. The Wagner group thing is an example of that. Hatred for our own leaders has blinded us to the faults of the other side. It is really a choice between two seriously flawed points of view. Of course if you are willing to believe that Russia and China are going to establish a new fair world order , with them in charge of course , then their propaganda looks good. Pulling back the curtain a bit it is obvious that there are a lot of bad intentions all around. Just take a look at the almost non-stop wars that Russia has been fighting to maintain it’s own hegemony over it’s Russian Federation and it’s unwillingness to let the members of the Federation go their own way. They say that they have a right to their own sphere of influence just as the West claims. Now they want to extend that sphere globally , that is what they are fighting for ,there is no significant difference really.
    Look at the leaders that Russia supports and props up , look at Belarus’s leader , Lukashenko for example, he is in power because Putin keeps him there as a Russian puppet just as the West keeps Zelensky in power.
    The retort is that we do the same so that makes it ok , twisted logic at best.
    Is Russia about to take the gloves off and pull out the big guns and prove me wrong , we will see. So far the signs are that the old Soviet corruption and stupidity are still firmly entrenched. The mobilisation has been a debacle and needs to be reformed. The truth will out in the next year , either Russia is a military superpower or it is not. Hypersonic nuclear weapons don’t mean a lot except as a bluff , there are enough of the old school nukes about to ensure plenty of carnage all around.
    What bugs me is the number of commentators on the “alternative media ” side of the media wars who are just completely sold out to their own prejudices and refuse to stop gaslighting even when it is obvious they are just plain straight out propagandising.
    I had a lot of respect for Ritter and the Duran crew back four months ago but now they are so transparently gaslighting it is a major setback for alternative media. Yesterday Alex Christoforou was belittling the Ukys win in Lyman just as he belittled the Uky win in Kharkiv. Now Lyman is just an insignificant village that Russia has no interest in and was pretty much abandoned by the Russians anyway. One may as well listen to CNN.
    Watching the forums on the largest Russian tv channel , they have eighty million viewers , shows quite plainly how the Russians see the situation . Somehow Ritter and co. know better than the Russians what is happening on the ground, absurd.
    Is the West ready to double down and give unlimited support , we will see.
    Either way it is a massive clusterfuck for everybody , but if one is to fight a war , best to fight to win. That applies equally to both sides.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 2 2022 #117491

    ‘At the same time, China wants the yuan to play a big part in the new currency basket they want to replace the USD as reserve currency. Problem is, it’s too weak right now.’
    The real problem with the Yuan is that China has a closed capital account.It has a closed capital account because if the Yuan was traded freely on the global capital markets , the capital flight to other currencies would gut the Yuan overnight. The Chinese people don’t want the Yuan , they want any other currency but the Yuan. China is constantly trying to block the flight of capital. They also keep their capital account closed so they can manipulate the currency to keep Chinese exports cheap. So the Yuan will most likely never be floated and that is why it is such an unwanted currency and not suitable for a reserve currency.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 1 2022 #117466

    No doubt Shryver and company are now working furiously on their excuses for Lyman falling to the Ukranians yesterday. It looked like the Russians were finally going to stand and fight but they couldn’t hold out.
    The mobilisation is a classic Soviet style fuck-up , Putin is trying to sort out the mess.
    Funniest clip of the day was Ritter on Russian TV telling a despondent group of Russians how they are winning. Obviously his intel is better than those who live there.
    Only Putin’s private army the Wagner group is making any progress. But then they get a cut so have motivation. They are active all around the globe including Venezuela. They provide the muscle for Putin and his oligarch’s diamond and gold mines in Africa , run a coup here and there. They were making big bucks in Syria taking over oil fields from the Kurds and the US. They quietened down a bit there after the US took out about one or two hundred of them with air strikes as they were trying that trick on a CONOCO site in Feb. 2018. The funny thing was that before the strike the US spoke to the Ruskys on the hotline and asked if it was their boys who were attacking and the Russians said no , go ahead and fry them……maybe there is a bit of friction between the Russian Blackwater and the official armed forces.I guess they want a cut of the spoils too , Putin’s cook is getting too much.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2022 #117261

    Redneck said: “and a sham they are. How can only half of the population of a province decide the future for the other half that didn’t vote?”
    So what you are sayings that Russia organised and collected the votes on the Ukrainian side of the frontlines and they were submitted and counted? Some how I doubt that happened . Du=id the UKY government allow the referendum to go ahead in all the territories it still controls. As far as I understand the percentage numbers of voters are from Russian controlled territory only Correct me if I am wrong.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2022 #117182

    and a sham they are. How can only half of the population of a province decide the future for the other half that didn’t vote?

    in reply to: Smokin’ a Pipeline #117138

    Putin always projects the honest law abiding image. While the Russian people have been really pissed off about Europe still getting Russian gas and have been demanding it’s closure , Putin has been maintaining his virtue by claiming that he would not shut down the gas because he promised that the gas supply would never be used as a weapon. So now the gas supply is gone and it is not Putin breaking his word , perfect. Now almost everyone here and on Russia’s side will blame Europe or the US , perfect.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2022 #117047

    I was in Laos in 1974. The US embassy in Vientiane had a pool and burgers. My hotel had four retired Les Girls trannys from Bangkok living there , they were heroin addicts , interesting characters. The street my hotel was in had night stalls where you could get French bread , wine and fries as well as weed and smack. Each stall had a massive bong fixed to a stand that was so big you had to stand to smoke it.Buddha sticks were ten cents each , the heroin was the Eagle and Globe brand , very pure and cheap , lots of junkies from all over the world. We had quite a bit of acid as well. We went up to Luang Prabang through the triangle in the back of a pickup , our heads wrapped with scarves to hide our whiteness. There was two guards with automatic weapons and we drove like hell. The US embassy had reports of whiteys being shot and one public bus had a hand grenade thrown into it killing two hippies so we took a different transport. Luang Prabang was super cool , there was only one opium den that would allow foreigners , the pipes were made by women , I never saw women doing the pipes in any other dens.Lots of big fifty cal I guess gun dugouts everywhere and we would be held at gunpoint and asked our nationality , any country was good except for the US , they didn’t seem to worry that we were Australians and that we had fought in Nam , in fact the final withdrawal had still not happened at that point I think.The locals were very friendly and cool except for those in uniform with guns, I never did find out exactly who they were , when you are young and bulletproof it don’t matter. There was a full moon when we were there and the Lao had big party and danced all night drinking drinking copious Mekong whisky and bonging on . Up in the triangle the Mao hill tribes people were growing poppies as far as you could see. The women did the work and each one carried a bong on their back not necessarily for smoking pot , they smoked tobacco that way too. Afterwards we bought a bag of sticks and took them back to Bali where a ten cent stick sold for five dollars US. Interesting times. Our hotel had Buddha sticks for sale in the basement , there were one cubic meter bales, the restaurant had them in a container at the bar , just help yourself and pop a donation in the Jar. Hippy heaven in a war zone.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 27 2022 #117022

    So Putin is going to nuke New York and Washington….Plleeeaase! This is a bloke who has had four shots of Astra Zeneca and believes in Jesus and heaven and does not have the balls to missile the fuck out of the coke heads in Kiev , but he has his finger on the nuclear button ready to smoke London , New York , Berlin , Paris , Washington etc.???????? He don’t have the balls or the capability to even thrash the Ukys on his doorstep for God’s sake.
    Regarding my statement that Putin’s SMO has failed , I take my lead from the Russian MSM talking heads themselves , right now they are panicking because there are severe doubts about the success of the mobilisation and the inability to equip the draftees. They themselves recognise what a fuckup the SMO is and how they underestimated the entire situation and are now in deep shit .The shelves of the Russian military are bare. Threatening nuclear strikes is the latest bluff but nobody is going to be intimidated by that BS.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 26 2022 #116944

    Age restricted??????????

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 26 2022 #116942

    “The Russians don’t make nuclear threats” is the winner of the Porky Pie headline award to day. Putin himself threatened the West in his speech a few days back. Admittedly he nuanced it as he likes to appear so virtuous but it was a threat and that threatening has been going on for quite a while , at least since Russia acquired it’s Hyper missiles.His words were , “The West has to understand that if certain weapons exist , taboos and limitations on using them could be lifted in certain circumstances”.
    Once the sham referendums are done and the newly annexed territories are inside the Russian border , then those “certain circumstances” will be met which allows Russia to use nuclear devices in line with it’s rules of engagement. This is self evident to any body who understands the situation.
    This is the latest attempt to scare , to bluff the West and the Ukys into submission. The first bluff was the SMO which failed rather badly as demonstrated by the ned for the implementation of a Russian draft.
    Ukraine and the West will call this bluff also as it is mere hyperbole.
    What Putin does not say overtly the Russian press says for him. The Russian press is just as self censoring as the West and knows it’s lines.
    One of the Russian commentators was saying how the Russians really missed a big opportunity by not nuking the UK when the queen’s funeral was on . Upon being advised that the UK has some hundreds of nuclear weapons itself , his reply was that we have many more and that we are so much more powerful it does not matter about the UK weapons. The Russian hubris has been turned up to eleven and still ascending.
    It seems that Russian propaganda has been very successful at convincing people around the world that Russians are very virtuous and should be respected as such . I myself was a believer but recently I have actually taken a clearer look at their situation and have changed my opinion . For example Russia has the fifth highest prisoner incarceration rates in the world. They have recently started to engineer that down by allowing the Wagner group to recruit from the prison population for their supply of fighters against Ukraine. So after surviving six months at the front your newly pardoned child murder/rapist will be living next door to some one in Russia. Nice.
    My position now is closer to seeing that the Russians and the Ukys have a lot similar traits and probably deserve each other.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 25 2022 #116794

    Luongo the drongo was the one who came out with the totally wrong analysis a while back that the Russian ruble was backed by gold…genius.
    The collapsing , dying , almost finished , diminished US dollar is the strongest it has been in nearly a decade buying more Yen , Au and Kiwi dollar , Euro and nearly every other currency on the planet..woe is us depression is almost upon us , just wait , nearly here any minute now… will fake news never die.
    More fresh news , Covid was faked , never knew… revelation , earth not flat…..barren woman gives birth..two dead dogs and two dead cats die of polio……..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 25 2022 #116793

    Scott Ritter said numerous times about three months ago , ” This war is over , Russia has won”. For that he has zero credibility In my book , but here he is still talking up his bullshit , it is amazing that people can be so wrong so often for so long but they still get credibility. The two Alexes’s , the same , wrong on every thing they have said for six months but people in the comments are still saying thank you to them for their accurate and unbiased coverage , amazing.
    Re the Azovs in the US , after stating a war to eliminate Nazis, Putin’s mates in the Donbass let the captured Above commanders and the heinous foreign mercenaries go to Istanbul for a holiday , WTF?
    The end of America , the end of the dollar, the end of the west blah , blah , blah …….Yawn…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 24 2022 #116753

    That Lithium mining meme was pathetic.
    “Where is lithium available from? With 8 million tons, Chile has the world’s largest known lithium reserves. This puts the South American country ahead of Australia (2.7 million tons), Argentina (2 million tons) and China (1 million tons).”
    Anybody with a brain knows a few kids scrambling around in the dust are not mining Lithium.

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