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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #90991

    @House — your explanation actually indicates that you ought to listen to what that insider said. You seem to be preparing for inflation… Inflation is part of the process, but it is accurately called Empire Siphoning the proceeds of debt-issuance while leaving the debt for the monetarily illiterate. That’s what the Rothschild said, not some milquetoast “inflation, oh noes!”
    The inflation is actually debt-based money debt generation. Both debt and money are created on a balance sheet. The lenders have P + I on their balance sheet as an asset, and the lenders have P+i on their balance sheet as a debtor, BUT THE BORROWER ONLY HAS GUARANTEED ACCESS TO THE P. Well, P can’t pay P+I, all by design!
    So, yes we will have inflation until the debt-based money bubble reaches it apex (peak debt), and then THEY WILL COLLAPSE IT, EXACTLY AS THE AUTOMATIC EARTH HAS PREDICTED FOR EVER NOW. That’s the plan.
    The bigger the bubble, the bigger the bust. And this time they are planning to create a scenario to drastically reduce population, and they will NOT be propping up the economy, they will be wholesale asset stripping it — as in taking title to your home for your portion of the debts.
    As for division creating, it is the EXACT OPPOSITE! He basically says we are idiots for being divided by them… and that they are robbing all of us idiots, and it is OUR FAULT! He also says they’ve divided us to rule us forever, and we are idiots for playing along.
    If that isn’t motivation to begin working together, well, what is?

    We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!
    Can you not see that??
    WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.
    Who is the greater fool?
    WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?
    That is why you are viewed as foolish children.

    Demoralizing and partitioning…controlling the educational system, the media, medicine, law, religion, the “governments” and… almost forgot…that pesky money supply! Yes, that should about do it…leaving only the details to be filled in!
    Glad to hear I received a high score! That fills me with pleasure!

    Hey, let’s all read THAT ^^^ and keep going along with the partitioning and the control system! That’s smart, right?

    Everyone is stuck on the paradigm of FIAT.
    FIAT, or binary, chips or any other manifestation of fictional/representative value is over. It has served its purpose and subjugated formerly free and self-relaint humans.
    The NEXT BIG THING is already here. As with FIAT and its wart-y cohorts, the methodology is one of absolute control. FIAT framed behavior, what comes next will control it absolutely.
    I am truly surprised no one has hit upon it yet, as it is much on human’s minds during this current phase.
    I, too, prefer the Socratic method, but the nuance and subtlety have been lost on those here so far. I had understood that this forum had sufficient size and scope to suggest a few worthy humans, but sadly has not been the case so far.
    Wait and see, I suppose.

    I think you read it, but I think you didn’t actually heed the advice given from a controller WHO KNOWS.

    Start with the truth…what you KNOW to be true and lay aside the false beliefs and programming you have been “gifted”. Start by knowing you know nothing and see if any insights come to you.

    Dear Bickle!
    Take with grains of salt that which is presented for your consumption! And ask WHY it is being presented!
    Remember the four underlying principals:
    that which you know you know
    that which you know you don’t know
    that which you don’t know you know
    that which you don’t know you don’t know
    which is the prime?

    Dear Bickle. The prime MUST be to learn what is not known. Therefore, not knowing what you don’t know is prime.
    Learn what the questions are is first and foremost. Then find the answers.
    This presumes that you are questing, and not just content where you “are”/
    Are you, Bickle, a quester?

    As for emotive responses to a galactic bloodline narcissist whose bloodline controls the global money systems…

    Human emotions are a hybrid between the ancestor “fight/flight” and adopted characteristics.
    Obtaining control of the human emotions is humas greatest imparative and challenge. How may eons is THAT one going to take!

    They don’t do anyone anyone any favors. The guy is a jerk, but he knows the future they are financing, and it is bubble blowing (debt-money siphoning leaving debt to the monetarily illiterate NPC’s), then collapsing the economy to the point that “survival of the fittest” will be done at a local level. If you don’t prepare for THAT scenario — one without functioning power and a grocery store, well, life will be even harder, if it can be sustained at all.

    That’s what is coming. And, they do appreciate you conforming to your programming and ignoring the truth that they believe they must put before you so you can ignore it… and prove to them that you are unfit and nature is going to be responsible for what happens, not them.

    Everyone is looking for a narrative
    It’s of no consequence, really.
    What is important is that which remains unseen. Pay no heed to the noise and commotion…but SCRUTINIZE that which IS present but not comprehended.
    Remember, it is natural LAW that the grand plan truth MUST be within reach of all.
    Blindness is by CHOICE

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #90977

    It will correct one day and what a bill to pay it will be!

    All by design!

    Truly, there is much disinformation out there, but we do not even need to dirty our hands…for the large part.
    You little people are adept at offering opinions on things of which you have no real knowledge. Very adept.
    Look at the stock market. The objective is to get the worthless fiat out of the serfs hands, not make a profit!
    Why would those who own the fiat creation have to work to get more! Silly!
    The market exists to get worthless fiat out of the hands of the little people, and for no other reason. And it is very easy to do. Think about how the markets work!
    I offer you this Bickle. If you can figure out the mechanism by which this is accomplished, I will fill in the blanks and you SHOULD be able to help your bloodline with some crisp, new fiat!
    Laughing out loud!
    That just sounds silly to me!

    It has generally been the dream of humanity, of humans, to live free of molestation! Your desire has been the norm for most.
    Sadly, the molestation is by design, and part of a system of ongoing exploitation. Well, sadly for some anyway.
    Laughing out loud!

    HUMANS KNOW the education systems in most first world countries is substandard. Test scores compare countries every year and the west falls further and further behind. YET humans STILL persist in sending their kids to institutions designed to make them compliant. DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS? Yet only an insignificant percentage do anything about it.
    SO tell me, sir, to whom does the BLAME properly lie. Keeping in mind, of course, that the concept of BLAME is another “beautiful lie” and BLAME does not EXIST IN NATURE.
    The rest of your ramblings I do not quite understand, but I bid you a pleasant day!

    zippy, do you know what PROGRAMMING you yourself are running?
    Or are you above all that??
    Laughing out Loud!

    Public spectacle of the type to which you refer are known as PCE’s…Perception Changing Events! Designed to modify the humans flimsy perceptions of REALITY to realize a specific objective or objectives.
    NOTE THAT ANIMALS COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED, or DIDN’T HAPPEN IN NYC! I have already stated many times the so called financial markets are a complete FABRICATION! So their collapse, or rise, is by definition, STAGED! The creation and dissolution of wealth which never existed in REALITY!
    Laughing out Loud!
    PCE’s don’t work outside of the human circle!
    Laughing out LOUD!
    As the magician “tricks” by telling the audience where to focus attention, and, by extension where NOT to look…so the PCE’s occur for specific reasons and desired outcomes.
    THESE PCE’s are not the issue! It is the “grinding” which is taking place without respite that is causing your inevitable demise! Catherine Austin Fitts describes this “methodology” as the “slow burn”. Her advice, limited as it is, deserves consideration to those mired in the “present” reality.

    What distracts you are only circuses! The “death” is all around you and never sleeps. You need only open your eyes to see what your fate holds and estimate, with some precision, the exact circumstances of your demise….if that, for some reason is important to you!
    Laughing out Loud!

    Would your efforts not be better spent avoiding such a fate?
    Do you constantly look for exploding airplanes and crashing buildings?
    Sad lot, really!
    Has this been clear enough for you?

    BTW, that’s an admission to their financing 9/11. Why? There were countries in the Middle East that did not have BIS, Inc. controlled debt-based money central banks, and they had to create a pretext to send over the Western Militaries THEY CONTROL in order to overthrow those countries and set up BIS, Inc. central banks. The “woman” who “rides” the beast empire system has illicit relations (fornication) will ALL nations… through their debt-based money central banking system (simple observation — this is the way the world works IN FACT). Syria and Iran are the only — TEMPORARY — holdouts. NOW YOU KNOW. Does anyone really CARE, though? That’s the more operative question.

    And the kicker… our property is collateral for the $40 trillion in FRAUDULENT, INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT… ALL BY DESIGN, AND RIGHT IN OUR FACES FOR ANY HONEST, CARING PERSON TO SEE… yet how many care to make this information a priority?

    In the early American west, humans were allowed to fence in (stake a claim) for as much land as they could defend! Of course, other forces were at play, and others may have disputed either the concept or the terms. Many humans died defending their dirt!
    The idea of registering ones land makes some sense if you buy into that system, and you perceive that system operates in a way beneficial to you and your interests.
    Once that dynamic changes, you must ask yourself if the system continues to be one in which you are the BENEFICIAL PARTY!. For example, if registering the property (in the US anyway) subjects (those pesky words again, SUBJECTS!)…
    Laughing out Loud!
    …you to PROPERTY TAXES where you pay rent to the licensing agency for the privilege of occupying what you thought was yours..and you have to pay a fee and REQUEST a PERMIT to make any changes…(!) what gives you the idea that YOU own the land?
    SO, to your specific question, ALLODIAL TITLE isn’t a check-box on some bureaucratic form, but more relevant to the experiences of the wild west!
    For example, can you produce documents to perfect title from treaty? Do you know that treaty law is considered the supreme law in the the sense that it trumps the constitutional laws as well.
    If the property in question can trace the “hands of ownership” transfer back to the original treaty which relinquished true ownership from the original transaction, you have perfected title and no one can bother you from a MORAL STANDING. YOU ARE RIGHT!
    Laughing out Loud!
    Second part is more problematical! Can you defend your claim? Do you think those who benefit from your serf-dom will allow you to NOT be a serf WITHOUT A FIGHT?
    Short AND long answer: NO
    Ask the Native American Indians how that works out

    Know that the so called “financial collapse” is a fiction, and preparing for a new financial system already established.
    And yes, the ownership is largely complete. Realize that this is the result of generations of meticulous planning, execution and, dare I say it, GENIUS!
    Of course, one can question the GENIUS aspect. If a bloodline knows exactly what will “happen”, is it GENIUS?
    I submit the unraveling of the mystery of the ages allowing this knowledge to be had is genius beyond that of human comprehension.

    You do ask a relevant question which all serious humans should address; namely “who will get food and who will starve”. Can you follow that thought thread?
    Laughing out Loud!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #90974

    EVERYONE in America has a de facto exemption from vaccine mandates if their over-arching belief system is that their life here on Earth is contrary to special interests blindly injecting them with black box goop based on an undeclared agenda.

    Clearly, the agenda IS NOT IMMUNITY, for if it was, they would not try to force vaxx those with much superior natural immunity. SO WHAT IS THE AGENDA?

    IMHO, THIS is the most obvious occulted agenda…

    Q: If you were to tell the whole world one message, what would it be?
    A: I would advise those so inclined to listen that their bloodlines are, today, in great danger of mass extinction! Mass number of bloodlines, that is to say.

    The pharmaceutical industry is very large and powerful, and exists as a middleman of sorts between humans and their natural remedies.
    Unfortunately for humans, these pharma are profit based first and foremost.
    Remedies to every issue facing humans can be found in NATURAL LAW, including health related. It is up to the human to choose direct participation…or farm out these needs to a party with clearly vested interests!
    Another great example of FREE WILL!
    Laughing out Loud!
    No one would say the information isn’t out there to those who seek it out!
    Check and MATE!

    “Check and mate” signifies “game over.” What is THE GAME THEY ARE PLAYING? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST BLOODLINE! He could NOT have been more clear. How do they win? Eliminating almost all other bloodlines, of course. Notice how he associated “pharma” with “game over, B*zzz.” Do you really think that was an accident? Are you willing to bet your life?

    At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step….referred biblically as the thousand year peace. At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.
    THEN things get interesting!
    Thanks for playing!

    As calculus concerns itself with always incrementally APPROACHING zero, one BLOODLINE will, in fact, attain such perfection.
    All others will cease to exist.
    The stakes are HIGH, and sparring partners are NEEDED.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2021 #90973

    @Germ and All, Vitamin D(eception) is the rule. People react at a very surface level, and never dig deeper. Kind of like ASSuming that literal rusty metallic iron filings “fortified” into the food system is a direct drop in replacement for Mother Nature’s naturally processed organic iron. Bad ASSumption. And it is “NATURAL LAW” for the Royal and Banking Predator Classes to use the “natural law” that is our confident ignorance against us. We need to become “wise as a serpent,” and when we don’t, THEY BLAME US! They actually have a point — at what point do we GROW UP AND TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR OURSELVES? NEVER? Not quite. NEVER for most people? Absolutely!

    So, what is the relevant grammar and logic behind vitamin D, the information that reveals the D(eception)? It isn’t hard, it isn’t difficult, but it is a bit more of a complex truth than a simple beautiful lie.

    Vitamin D has hormone properties (why did they misname it — there is a reason, can anyone think of it?), and has both a storage (calcidiol) and ACTIVE FORM (calcitriol). EMPIRE, INC. ONLY MEASURES THE STORAGE FORM. Why occult the active form?

    When you want to make sure your engine has enough oil (active form), so you check the trunk to see how many quarts of oil are in the trunk (storage form)? That’s the equivalent of what all these people are doing when they check storage D (calcidiol) only.

    So, what is REALLY going on? The people who TEST RATIONALLY, like Morley Robbins, test calcidiol, calcitriol, serum calcium, and retinol status when assessing one’s TRUE HORMONE D STATUS, as opposed to the BLIND BAT assessment of storage D only.

    What do they find? WHEN STORAGE D IS LOW, ACTIVE D CAN BE QUITE HIGH! Oh, if active D is high, how will D supplements help an already high active D status? That’s a question YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO FORMULATE AT ALL! Active D is high due to HIGH LEVELS OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATION, storage D is low due to low magnesium, which is required to flip cholesterol into storage D, due to the chronic inflammation.

    What do D supplements do for chronic inflammation? THEY MAKE IT WORSE IN THE LONG TERM! How? Too much calcium blocks magnesium, and magnesium deficiency leads to chronic inflammation. In addition, hormone D supplements obliterate retinol status, and retinoic acid is absolutely required by the ATP7B enzyme to load copper into ceruloplasmin, which is THE MASTER ANTIOXIDANT IN THE UNIVERSE.

    So, hormone D supplements both deplete magnesium and deplete “blue blood” status (including depleting ferro-oxidase).

    “The best way to control the opposition is to finance it as societal programming”
    ~Me, borrowing from a basic theme Vladimir Lenin theme

    Related highlighted research and analysis, and before you complain about it, note that this is HIGHLY DISTILLED INFORMATION. I’ve reviewed a ton more information that this, but this is the best I’ve found. At some point, people, WE HAVE TO TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. STOP PARROTING EVERYONE ELSE’S FINANCED FALSE NARRATIVE (appeal to authority, appeal to popularity logical fallacy), and begin investigating yourself, especially when someone has already done it, and pretty much lays it out in front of you… PASS IT ON! If something is not right, CORRECT IT! But don’t mindlessly ASSume and parrot. We’ve all been there. I have been there. It is easy to do, hence we do it! But at least KNOW when we do it, and DO THE HOMEWORK when it is possible to do it). Let’s all EVOLVE to a higher plane of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

    If I post links, the blog software blocks my post entirely. So I will post the search terms and you will have to search them.

    Testing is Key to Hormone-D! Root Cause Protocol
    The Truth of Hormone-D… Root Cause Protocol
    Vitamin-D deficiency = Mg deficiency. Period. Root Cause Protocol
    The Vitamin-D controversy… Root Cause Protocol
    Iron Toxicity Post #50: The Iron-ic “D”eceit of Hormone-D — Root Cause Protocol
    Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Is Vitamin D Supplementation Really Necessary? One Radio Network Augest 12, 2019
    Rethinking Vitamin D with Morley Robbins youtube
    Why You Shouldn’t Supplement Vitamin D w: Jim Stephenson Jr & Morely Robbins | Mitolife Radio Youtube
    Vitamin D—Risk vs Benefit (Dr. Mildred Selig, Mg researcher)
    Vitamin D — More May Not Be Better Johns Hopkins
    Jim Stephenson – WARNING Vitamin D Is Toxic!! Youtube

    PS — Dr. Stephanie Seneff explains that naturally synthesized hormone D is both water and fat soluble. On the other hand, vitamin D supplements are only fat soluble. This limits its functionality in the cell. It is best to get hormone D the right way… from cholesterol, via the sun, in a magnesium replete body, or at least from food like quality sardines.

    PSS — Like ascorbic acid, vitamin D does appear to have some short term therapeutic effects. If you get Covid and vitamin D is part of a protocol that has been shown to be effective, have at it. Do what you need to do to address an acute issue. But that’s it. It is vitamin D-mo therapy, not some kind of magic elixir over the long term. More vitamin D supplements and ascorbic acid are consumed today than ever, and chronic disease is 60% plus… None was consumed in the 1940’s when chronic disease was 4%. 2+2=4.

    PSSS — What is the main driver of chronic inflammation that drives high active D and drives down both magnesium and storage D? IRON. Read Daniel 2:43, because those who control the global money supply have, and it is their RELIGION to finance Biblical prophecies against you in service to God… and they REALLY ENJOY being the vehicle of God’s Wrath against the sinning masses (us). They enjoy it a lot! <<< This is what happens when a monopoly control over money is allowed and never addressed. All those who ran/run interference for this Money Power Monopoly have guilt for what they are doing now. They are ENABLERS. Stop enabling!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90968

    the US Chamber of Commerce spent over $2 billion dollars a year to lobby (bribe) congressional critters!

    And yet, for all their $2 billion, BUSINESSES ARE BEING WIPED OUT, left and right, based on economic warfare — the only description that fits. Unless, of course, the US Chamber of Commerce ONLY WORKS FOR THE MONEY POWER FASCIST MEGA-CORPS, which is entirely my point!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90967

    The last time I looked, the US Chamber of Commerce spent over $2 billion dollars a year to lobby (bribe) congressional critters! Lobbying is just legalized bribery!
    Assuming a US senator is worth twice as much as an ordinary house rep is worth, that worked out to (435 house reps + 100 senators) to over $3 million per year for each house rep and $6 million per year for each senator. With inflation up, it is likely much higher now.
    No President has any chance!

    And yet, Congress sits still while Presidents issue Executive Order Dictates and does nothing.

    Did Congress pass a law requiring mandatory vaccination for companies with 100 or more employees? H*ll, did Biden even file the executive order yet? Has Congress wined one bit about their power being usurped?

    No. Why? If they truly had power THEY WOULD FIGHT TO KEEP IT.

    They don’t, though. They, like the President, does the bidding of those who financed and promoted them into office. THEY KISS THE BRASS RING FIRST. It is an illusion to think random people make it into office and THEN get corrupted. Pffffft, they are corrupt as the day is long BEFORE the Money Power handlers even consider to finance them and promote them in their major media complex.

    If you controlled the money, THIS IS WHAT YOU WOULD DO, RIGHT? And you haven’t had a family line obsessed with holding onto power and, ultimately, being crowned Messianic Bloodline… and doing so for perhaps 1,000 years or more! About 60 seconds of thought and you’d conclude you’d finance and promote people who would do your bidding so you could maintain your position.

    Duh! Yes, the programming is there to deceive you as to WHO is really calling the shots.

    Of course, most understand that the major media outlets are, in fact, outlets to disseminate propaganda and protect the interests of those in positions of power. It is always amazing to watch those with otherwise skeptical minds refuse to assimilate information until confirmed by that very same mainstream source!
    Look to the LAWS OF NATURE and your understanding of HUMAN NATURE…and by that I mean how humans ACTUALLY react to various stimuli…not the BEAUTIFUL LIES they tell themselves and others!
    Laughing out Loud!”

    So, this controlled media would promote people who actually threatened “those in positions of power”? Rothschild disagrees, and he kinda, sorta would know firsthand, right? He’s a source document, if you will, not the imagination of someone on the outside. And, yes, this dude is almost certainly real based on the plethora of information he reveals, and the absolute disdain he has for the people his family is trying to exterminate.

    You imagine that government officials rule, and others imagine that Vatican rules the governments. Both are wrong, and Rothschild is very clear on the subject…

    “Actually, religion has historically served a very useful purpose…very useful indeed!
    However, all good things must come to an end when something more effective is developed!
    Laughing out Loud!
    FIAT has also been a useful religion, but it, too, will shortly be replaced as the PRIMARY method of control.
    You appear to be an enlightened CHAP. What, pray tell, is the NEXT BIG THING in a post-fiat world?
    Laughing out Loud!
    It has been lost on many the significance of the (financial) attack upon GREECE, birthplace of WESTERN CIVILIZATION!
    Laughing out Loud!”

    ” Of course, the “secret(s)” has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that’s interesting!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90930

    @Saul, unless they can provide an FDA approved vaccine product that is NOT EUA, THEN THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW as far as it is written, as far as I understand. It is illegal to force a person to take an EUA vaccine. If they demand you be vaccinated, THEY HAVE TO MAKE SURE IT IS A LEGALLY ADMINISTERED, FDA APPROVED VACCINE.

    Read up on it, and then put it in writing, and present it to them (if my belief is correct). Get them to reply, in writing, that they don’t care if they are breaking the law. They can’t require you to smoke crack with clients. Why? It is against the law. They can fire you for not smoking crack with clients, but they will have wrongly terminated you.

    Maybe you will decide to take the jab just to go along to get along, but I recommend you really pin them down legally first. See what they do. They almost certainly have NO IDEA they are breaking the law since a mass Empire, Inc. programmed psychosis is in play here.

    Also, do you have natural antibodies? If so, you already have much better immunity than a vaccine only can provide, so your clients pose much more risk than you do. If they can’t abide by the law, make the argument that you are actually less of a threat (by at least 6x, and up to 27x) than a vaccinated person. This MINDLESSNESS has to stop somewhere.

    EVERYONE IS JUMPING OFF OF A BRIDGE SIMPLY BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS. Natural immunity is better than the vaccine!

    Peggy Haul, Peggy Haul, Peggy Haul — SHE KNOWS THE LAW. Your company does not. Read Title VII for yourself. Your company is breaking the law, IMHO. Now, Empire, Inc. doesn’t care, and hopes everyone folds under pressure.

    It is you against a corrupt Empire, Inc., and they have all the mon-eye. You can still demand some semblance of integrity.

    “I, Saul, am willing to take an FDA approved vaccine in order to meet my job function. However, I am not willing to take an EUA vaccine, and this law says that EUA vaccines CAN’T BE MANDATED (cite the law and the actual text). Please tell me where I can go to get an FDA approved vaccine that is NOT on an EUA. I am attempting to do no more than be a law abiding citizen.”

    See what they do. You might make them mad, but what kind of soulless DEMONS are working for, anyway? I know, the same most everyone else. This Money Power financed scenario sucks.

    “So rule one would be to learn the rights accorded to you under the highest applicable law. Example, a township statute cannot trump the Constitutional law.
    Once a person is aware of their RIGHTS and DUTIES under the law, they know what laws and duties apply to them.
    Second, if a demand is made not in compliance with the law, the person MUST refuse the request…ie, exercise their rights under the law. The driver in the example above did just that. After a few minutes of noise, the cop waved the drive through the checkpoint!
    If even 3 out of 10 refused to comply, the checkpoints would come down! Systems of oppression require voluntary compliance! Remember that ratio…30% non compliance kills a voluntary system!
    A golden nugget for those so awake.
    Does the Constitution require a passport? Do all of the illegal aliens flooding into the US have the proper paperwork? No? Then why do YOU feel compelled to comply? Are you willing to cross the border as they do? No? Well then come in like a man, on your feet, BUT be prepared to stand your ground!
    Why do you think the US has passed a “law” stripping the citizen of their Constitutional safeguards?
    THIS….standing one’s ground…is where the cowardice of most good citizens falls to pieces. They are under the delusion that obeying whatever crazy “laws” are implemented must be obeyed!
    Sorry to be in that situation!”


    “In order to understand the system of confiscation, you must have a cursory understanding of contract law, which is remarkably easy to obtain if one is willing to turn off the idiot tube and apply ones self to the acquisition of knowledge. Doubtful.
    Second is the understanding of the fact that words mean things. Further, words are empty vessels to which meaning can be filled. Under contract law, words carry the meaning that the contract drafters assign. Read a REAL contract and you will see that, after the recitals, generally come definitions. What are definitions, you ask? Whatever the contract drafter SAYS they are.
    Example, you are writing a contract that says “The word GREEN, for purposes of this agreement, shall be held to mean RED”, as defined by a standard Pantone color chart. You sign this contract in order to obtain a drivers license, and have therefore accepted this meaning of the word green. Chances are that you did NOT read the contract, but merely signed the form that the drivers license official stuck in front of you and told you to sign. SHEEP!
    Laughing out Loud!
    You are subsequently ticketed by a corporate armed militia employee and charged with running a green light. You go to the local court and become tongue tied trying to unravel a Gordian know of nonsense.
    Good luck with that one.
    There are ALWAYS ways to avoid the trap
    . I have already explained this in great detail, and most of your other questions as well. Why do you not take the time to READ AND LEARN?”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90929


    I think you should put the blame where it really belongs, on the shoulders of a corrupt Senate/House. On domestic issues Congress reigns supreme!

    This is the deception. It is true to a degree, but it is false. Why? Because the people in those institutions are de facto CAPTURED BEFORE THEY GET INTO POSITION. How? It takes massive money and major media to get into those positions. WHO can compete on those terms with the Money Power and the Media Complex? The truth is NOBODY CAN!

    Have you read Machiavelli’s The Prince? He recommends that the real ruler rule territory used to be free by hiring rulers from the so-calld free country to rule in the stead of the THE PRINCE. IOW, the Prince would still be the ruler, but he would rule through the people hired to do execute his plans.

    The gullible rabble were to be none the wiser.

    I’m not just arguing that this is possible, I’M ARGUING THAT THIS IS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE OUTCOME POSSIBLE.


    Nancy Pelosi is NOT a shot caller! She’s a sellout! Nothing more, nothing less. The concept requires suspended disbelief in a rational person — good thing most people are no longer rational, but reactors.

    Think about it this way, the Royals and Rothschilds have allodial title — their property is NOT COLLATERAL for the INEXTINGUISHABLE GOVERNMENT DEBT. They control the global money systems. They are above the money, and rightly know debt-based money to be a mass murder mechanism as the poverty it must induce is the world’s number 1 murderer. And they blame you and I for using it. Their for-hire Presidents and CONgress people all pay property taxes. Their property will go up for auction when the Royals and Rothschilds call in the debts.

    The Royals and Rothschilds will be foreclosing upon them and asset stripping them. If the President or CONgress had any real power, THEY’D PROTECT AT LEAST THEMSELVES. WHOSE IN CHARGE AGAIN?

    Didn’t the head of the Republican CONgress go to jail for messing wrestlers… but, but, but… he ran the world. How about the Prince Edward — what happened to him when he was caught messing around with underage girls? NOTHING.

    WHO HAD POWER OVER GOVERNMENT? The man you claimed does who went to jail, or the man who is above being charged at all?

    “Demoralizing and partitioning…controlling the educational system, the media, medicine, law, religion, the “governments” and… almost forgot…that pesky money supply! Yes, that should about do it…leaving only the details to be filled in!
    Glad to hear I received a high score! That fills me with pleasure!”

    “Bickle, the presidents are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell their souls for some simple comforts and perks.”

    “The bush bloodline is of no relevance, except to them. They are regarded as one would a low-brow neighbor who unwittingly came into some undeserved windfall. They won’t be a factor.”

    “Of course, groups of humans may band together and set rules with various and sundry methods of registration and dispute resolution based on the common good….
    Of course, such systems may be completely infiltrated and corrupted beyond the most wild imaginations limits, but that is another story for another time…
    Laughing out Loud!”

    “Mr Turkey, the International Banking system is a wonder! Study it and learn how its tentacles grow and spread across the earth! Silently and without respite. Whom do you suppose created this? Your local government?
    Laughing out loud!!
    It has created the appearance of wealth for a generation! Many have received benefit and many have suffered. Of course, it is all illusion and based on faith.
    The international monetary system is the one true religion of humanity. No small feat?”

    “there is only POWER, and ILLUSION.”

    “For many years, human governments were pitted one against the other…resulting in wars, famine and poverty…except for the banking classes! They benefited greatly from war! And still do. As the era of the nation state comes to a close…on the cusp of a global world order…competing nations will give way to class warfare and ultimately competing bloodlines. Poor Chinese will hate rich chinese…poor americans will hate rich americans…europeans the same. Poor will wage war against the “rich” much larger scale than nation states. Perhaps you are seeing this play out now!
    Laughing out loud!”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90918


    Today it is the US empire!




    How could it be otherwise? IMPOSSIBLE!

    Name one society of size where the people who wielded control over the money system didn’t also rule the society. Just one. Note how this MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF HUMAN HISTORY IS NEVER TAUGHT, AT LEAST NOT OUTSIDE THE MONEY POWER FAMILIES, and perhaps their minion quisling class.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90914

    @Saul, are they trying to force an emergency use authorization shot on you? That’s BLACK LETTER LAW ILLEGAL. Yes, ONE Pfizer vaccine was approved, but is it available in the US? I heard Cominirty was NOT available in the US. THAT’S THE ONLY VACCINE THEY CAN LEGALLY FORCE ONTO YOU.

    If you CHOOSE to take any other vaccine, you are VOLUNTEERING based on the lies you are being told (overtly or through omission). Read up on the Emergency Use Authorization RULES!

    The logic inherent in this Money Power Monopolist system is to prove us to be UNFIT… this is why they PURPOSEFULLY DON’T FOLLOW THE RULES — TO EXPOSE WE ARE IDIOTS FOR GOING ALONG BASED ON… NOTHING BUT WORTHLESS YICKETY YACK!

    If you mon-eye is worth more than avoiding this jab, at least tell them you are a law abiding citizen and want to take a LEGAL VACCINE, and tell them they should let you know as soon as an approved, non-EUA vaccine is available for you to take!

    Be wise as a serpent! Do NOT be deceived!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90911

    I bought a few Budesonide inhalers from my Indian friend – they were $5 each.
    You wont believe what they cost in the US:

    But Trump ran on a plank where he would fix this. Then the night he got elected, he removed that plank, and NEVER talked about it.

    Kick another field goal, Charlie Brown…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90909

    @Saul — Peggy Hall binge on Youtube tonight!

    Unless you have no over-arching view that you do NOT exist to have…

    1. Governments finance gain of function research.
    2. Governments almost certainly loosing said weaponized viruses…
    3. Governments lying all day and night…
    4. Governments ignoring natural immunity…
    5. Governments coercing people irrationally…


    Read Title VII…


    I recommend you follow his advice.

    A secondary binary weapon system can be deployed at any time, and blamed on the Chinese, of course, and it can target this “vaccine only” antibody and turn it against your own body. The Money Power could unleash it at any time. Really, any national could, too, but the Money Power have so much control, I don’t think anyone could put the jump on them.

    The West’s Obituary* —

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90908

    We must find an “antidote” to the vaccine.

    We know what the antidote is, or at least a partial antidote as there just may not be a 100% antidote for choosing to ingest a Money Power Monopolist bioweapon designed to both end your bloodline and make you look unfit to live.

    CovFeFe and calm before the (cytokine) storm. Get rid of the toxic iron, and get rid of your proinflammatory lifestyle. And build up your anti-inflammatory blue blood (bio-copper) status.

    Any shorter term anti-inflammatory hacks may help as well.

    But STOP allowing a Money Power Monopolist bio-weapon to be injected into you under completely fabricated circumstances, not to mention bio-engineered circumstances!

    If one is committed to “going down with the ship,” well, you will get exactly what you want, so don’t complain about it! If you don’t like the toxic, pro-inflammatory results being delivered on the “ship,” GET OFF THE SHIP!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2021 #90907

    @Germ and all, it isn’t “capitalism” no matter how many time the Money Power Fascist Media report it as such. It is fascism, the merger of the government and mega-corps, under the auspices of their Money Power Monopolist Masters.

    Money Power Monopolist Mega-Corporate Orwellian Fascist Global Empire.

    I’d express it in fewer words if I could, that’s the system in which we live. The Fascists are the beast empire system, and the Money Power Monopolists are the “woman” that rides/controls/direct the fascists.

    Just LOOK at what is ACTUALLY THERE! Silence the propaganda, and just GAZE UPON IT!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90815

    Copper Binding in the Prion Protein† —

    Moreover, several studies suggest that PrP acts to protect cells from deleterious redox activity of uncomplexed copper.16,17 In mice, PrP knockouts relative to wild-type exhibit significant increases in lipid and protein oxidation, as well as loss of superoxide dismutase and catalase function.18

    ^^^ Note — I that “uncomplexed copper” is likely code for “don’t mention ceruloplasmin-bound copper. They are almost certainly speaking of toxic non-Cp bound copper.

    The normal cellular form of the prion protein is designated PrPC. Disease results from a refolding of PrPC to the scrapie form termed PrPSc. This form contains no nucleic acid or alterations of the PrPC polypeptide backbone–its amino acid sequence is equivalent to that of PrPC. Once PrPSc forms, it acts as a template for converting additional PrPC to PrPSc thus facilitating a buildup of misfolded protein and subsequent neurodegeneration. PrPSc is therefore the infectious prion agent.

    Does the PrPSc form get created when the PrPC form is overwhelmed with too much non-Cp-Cu copper because the body can’t make Cp-Cu bio-copper due to a copper and retinol deficient diet, metallic copper overload (pipes, birth control), and the ingestion of tons of bio-copper antagonists like HFCS, ascorbic acid, hormone D supplements, calcium supplements, zinc supplements?

    Putative functions of PrPC —

    These authors propose that PrPC serves as a carrier for copper ions, transferring copper to and from non-ceruloplasmin species that, like PrPC, have dissociation constants in the low micromolar range.

    It seems like they are saying that PrPC manages non-Cp-Cu “toxic copper.” Remember, the goal is to minimize that “toxic copper” while optimizing Cp-Cu “Michael Jordan copper.”

    Role of the prion protein in copper turnover in astrocytes —

    Experiments with recombinant PrP showed that the protein could block copper (Cu) toxicity to neurones. This inhibition was due to the protein’s Cu-binding capacity.

    Do prions manage the non-Cp-Cu toxic copper? Can they get overloaded, and then does their activity get distorted?

    Also… this sounds interesting… I wonder if high non-Cp-Cu, high iron, and low Cp-Cu is the breeding ground for the flu.

    The Crossroads between Host Copper Metabolism and Influenza Infection —

    The third is the search for points in the host metabolism the effect on which would suppress the replication of the virus but would not have a significant effect on the metabolism of the host. Here, we consider the possibility of using the copper metabolic system as a target to reduce the severity of influenza infection. This is facilitated by the fact that, in mammals, copper status can be rapidly reduced by silver nanoparticles and restored after their cancellation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90813

    @TAE Summary — You have now been baptized into the Church of Pharmaceutical Mysticism…
    Credit to Robert Scott Bell

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90812

    @Saul — this seems relevant to your inquiry…

    It has to get into your lungs.
    I think budesonide inhalers are available, but very expensive. For less money total, I bought a nebulizer such as asthmatics use, and got the budesonide in the form of little ampules that you open and squeeze the liquid contents of into the medicine cup of the nebulizer.
    But cost was not what made that decision for me. The main reason I got a nebulizer was so I could do breathing treatments with dilute hydrogen peroxide-iodine solution during the early, viral replication phase of the disease, i.e., the first 5 days. When I had Covid last month, I did those treatments at least twice a day the first week. Each time, they immediately relieved my coughing, and I am convinced that, along with ivermectin, they helped reduce my viral load.

    Is This the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections?

    Is This the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections?

    Scroll down to the “How to prepare your nebulizing solution” section and read carefully. Note that the regular H2O2 at the drug or grocery store has stabilizers in it that could be harmful to your lungs, so you need to get “food-grade” H2O2. Pay attention to that chart showing how to dilute, since an excessive H2O2 concentration could be disastrous. I had the nebulizer, food-grade hydrogen peroxide and Lugol’s iodine on hand, “just in case,” well before I got sick. The iodine is optional, but I used it.
    Another thing you should purchase is a finger pulse oximeter, to measure your oxygen saturation levels. I measured mine multiple times a day when I had Covid, and whenever the saturation got too low, I’d do another breathing treatment.
    I think you’re supposed to start the breathing treatments with budesonide on Day 5 or 6 of the illness. Unfortunately, I was in such a brain fog that I messed up and didn’t start until Day 8 — which might help explain why Day 6 and 7 were SO rough for me, and why my illness dragged out and lasted over two weeks.
    I can’t prove anything, but I am convinced that the H2O2 breathing treatments during the early phase and the budesonide breathing treatments in the next phase are what kept this obese 64-year-old out of the hospital.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90811

    @Saul — This is from Denninger today…

    “Well, neither Ivermectin or Budesonide killed me. I used both when I got Covid in August. I do not know if Ivermectin appreciably impacted the course of the disease because I hit it early and hard and thus perhaps it did nothing (hard to prove otherwise, isn’t it?) but the budesonide reversed symptom progression within 12 hours of initiation of use. I cannot attribute that change to mere chance. Is it proof? No. But do I believe it worked? You bet. And I’m still here; neither killed me, nor did either do any harm I can detect (nor did the virus itself) to my cardiopulmonary function from pre-infection baseline.”

    200,000 Grannies, No Problem. A Few Puppies? —

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90810

    @It’s All Good Man — I’ve heard rumors of that as well. I default to the ROOT CAUSE and try to address it with all my might. Don’t get me wrong, hacks are quite handy, but they are hacks. How much better to eliminate the ROOT CAUSE such that the hack isn’t even required! I don’t know much about it, so I can’t really comment. I think Dr. Thomas Levy has “bio-layer” busting nebulizing protocol, too. I’m not sure if he thinks it works for CovFeFe or not, though. I seem to recall it relied on hydrogen peroxide, too. Pine needle tea (high natural vitamin C and its copper) is supposed to work well.
    I have CovFeFe antibodies, so I must have gotten it, but I can’t be sure when. The ONLY symptom I had was extreme lethargy, but I’ve had that prior to CovFeFe, and even prior to 2018, so that really wasn’t new to me. IOW, I had CovFeFe, but I can’t tell you exactly when I had it. This is NOT a fraudulent PCR test. My blood has antibodies (could be a fake antibody test, but I think that is less likely). I’m draining my iron and building up my bio-copper and magnesium statuses. I’m eating more in line with “natural law.” I’m moving away from the “unnatural” and tortured “food” supply. Stress depletes minerals in animals, too, resulting in an ingest mineral profile that is aligned with chronic stress… Iron overloaded animals will yield iron overloaded humans.
    CovFeFe… the Money Power Monopolists have TOLD YOU WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!
    I’d focus there, first, second, and third.
    My “tool kit” for a bad case of CovFeFe is my Root Cause Work, oregano oil, nebulized ionic silver (still need to verify here, though), no carb option, ozone water, oxygen, and ivermectin.
    I know someone with diabetes, heart disease, partial kidney failure, etc… and she went down with what was likely CovFeFe. Her dad and brother went to the hospital in the last year, and never came home — CovFeFe deaths, and $60k in bounties for the hospitals. So, she didn’t want to go to the hospital. Her oxygen saturation dropped into the 80’s, and she was on oxygen at home. She had NO energy. She barely said a word for days, and normally you can’t keep her quiet. She rested and rested and rested, and eventually recovered in about 3 weeks.
    I’m of the opinion that CovFeFe is actually killing very few people, and it is the policies and withholding of proper medication that is murdering over 90% of the people dying — even the ones with comorbidity issues. She thinks she would have been killed if she went to the hospital. If they gave her the research lacking Kidney Killer Remdesivir, she would almost certainly be either dead, or on dialysis three times per week now. Cha-ching! Moar Debt!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90802

    “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘CovFeFe’ ??? Enjoy!” ~Trump
    “No, I think the president and a small group of people knew exactly what he meant.” ~Sean Spicer, Press Secretary
    See the “AM” breaking off the “AMERICAN DREAM”? —

    President Donald Trump: ‘It’s The Calm Before The Storm’ | NBC News —

    What storm? Only one storm ended the calm… the CovFeFe cytokine storm, of course!!!

    “I love my banks.” ~Donald Trump during his debates with Hellary…


    The Money Power Monopolists love to mock us in the media and through their political quislings… the more UNFIT they believe us, the more THEY BELIEVE NATURAL SELECTION KILLS US OFF, NOT THEM AND THE SYSTEM THEY FINANCE.

    “Bickle, the presidents are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell their souls for some simple comforts and perks.
    If you think ANYONE in politics is worthy, do yourself a favor and volunteer to work on a campaign…state or federal level. That should give you an idea of the type of people who gravitate to “public service”.
    Those “great men” of power and position are often not “good men” and ALWAYS choose to stay outside of the media glare. You would not notice such men if you passed them on the street.
    Buffet, for example, is a pudgy little sausage, taught and bursting with fat and excesses. To refer to him as an “oracle” of any kind is nonsense. These people develop connections whereby KNOWLEDGE is passed on a quid pro quo basis and “money” is “earned”.
    There is a well written book by an indian trader who explains that every large trade is made only when the trade outcome is already known. He tells a very accurate accounting of how financials and derivative markets operate. I believe his name is DAS or some-such. Now wrap your puny neural membrane around the fact the system of finance is a fraud upon its face. Learn the fraud!
    Grow! Young Bickle!”

    “It’s all about the bloodlines.
    The bush bloodline is of no relevance, except to them. They are regarded as one would a low-brow neighbor who unwittingly came into some undeserved windfall. They won’t be a factor.
    Of course, every bloodline has its “secrets”. Your point being? And of course, you have no idea of the “real secrets”.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90801

    Note what the Rothschild character did when asked what “blue blood” referred to… he dissembled like at no other time in his disclosure (aka, apocalypse).

    What is blue blood? Whom has it? or rather….who was it passed to?
    Quoting: Lightfeather
    you skipped over my question…
    Quoting: Lightfeather
    A term of differentiation to create and highlight distinctions of “class”.
    In reality, it has no practical meaning…no more that any other word.
    Have you ever met an “other”?

    First, he completely ignored the question. Like it wasn’t there. He hoped it would just go away.

    THEN… he spouts absurdities about differentiation (the purpose of ALL words), and then goes on about words just being abstract representations with no inherent meaning.

    THEN… he changes the subject!!!!!!



    The fact the Royals and Rothschilds literally ASSIGN THEIR VALUE BASED ON THEIR BIO-COPPER STATUS ought to be VERY TELLING, and it is “hidden in plain sight.” But YOU have to figure it out.

    Do you know if there is some truth to the studies that people with RH – blood type seem to be more intuitive, and so forth. WHY does RH – seem to have more Copper in their Blood, yet RH + has more Iron? Why does it seem that more people with RH – blood have extra vertebrae, lower blood pressure.. Is it just by coincidence?
    Quoting: CrazyMama73
    Higher copper is relevant and a factor from the environment of early development of the Rh-‘s.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90800

    Note — the researchers are saying that iron lowers in the blood AS IT BUILDS IN THE TISSUES…

    “Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and prion diseases are characterized by alterations of metal ions.”

    Our results show that iron content is diminished in prion protein-null mouse serum, while it accumulates in liver and spleen. Our data suggest that these alterations can be due to impairments in copper-dependent cerulopalsmin activity which is known to affect iron mobilization. ”

    Interesting — EDTA looks to selectively deplete “toxic copper” while leaving ceruloplasmin-bound copper alone. For those with livers so toxic that the right nutrients in the right ratios make them more ill, this might be an option to reduce the “copper toxicity” while not depleting one’s PRIZED Cp-Cu “blue blood” status. I would work to minimize the EDTA… use only as much as is necessary, and read up on it first. Talk to a doctor who is well versed in this type of approach (less than 1%).

    “By dyalizing serum against the divalent cation chelator EDTA, we determined copper bound to Cp. Indeed, EDTA affinity constant for copper is enough for chelating free and exchangeable copper ions in serum (e.g., copper ions bound to albumin or small molecules) but it is unable to complex Cp-bound copper (Favier and Ruffieux, 1988).”

    “…suggests an impairment in Cp ferroxidase activity.”

    “Since Cp ferroxidase activity mediates Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ for incorportation into transferrin (Tf), which is the main iron transporter, and iron mobilization from tissues (Osaki et al., 1966, 1971)”

    In Absence of the Cellular Prion Protein, Alterations in Copper Metabolism and Copper-Dependent Oxidase Activity Affect Iron Distribution —

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 25 2021 #90799

    This is like shooting fish in a barrel…

    “A growing number of neurodegenerative conditions, such as sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Parkinson’s disease (PD), are associated with accumulation of iron in the brain.”

    The Role of Iron in Prion Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases —

    I think you will also find a whole lot of non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper, and not very much ceruloplasmin-bound copper (ferroxidase) as well.

    The medical establishment will be wringing their hands in ignorance for another 40 years, but the research scientists either know, or ought to know.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2021 #90797

    @PH: predictions are difficult… especially about the future… lol

    The crypto casino is just one of the most obvious signs that the debt-based money bubble is near its apex. The debt-based money bubble is the mechanism that results in the deflationary depression that assets strips the globe (coming soon).

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90769

    @NoManIsAnIsland… This man is real… he knows way too much. He knows all the silent weapons for quiet wars pretty much nobody else talks about, let alone all of them. He knows how these silent weapons work. This is what he told your wife over 10 years ago, and anyone else with “ears to hear.” Why? They believe it is “natural law.” They believe it protects them from the guilt associated with global genocide. Chit is real now. Read Daniel 2:43, and note that iron was added to the food supply in 1941. Now read verse 44… you can bet your bottom dollar the recent global shake up has everything to do with their effort to set up THEIR KINGDOM that they believe is God’s Kingdom… They believe they will reign as the Messianic Bloodline purified through the millennia! I couldn’t make this up, but it is true! I just observe what actually exists — AND THERE IT IS!

    The REAL struggle will BEGIN AFTER the “consolidation”…which is coming soon to a theater near you!”
    ~Rothschild, circa 2011

    “I would advise those so inclined to listen that their bloodlines are, today, in great danger of mass extinction! Mass number of bloodlines, that is to say.”

    “ANd for those who are able to make the transition, do not despair for your fallen comrades! They will have had the opportunity and free will to save themselves…and chose not to do so for whatever reason. If you need proof, look no further than this thread for validation.”

    “At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step….referred biblically as the thousand year peace. At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.

    “You ARE aware, presumably, that GENETIC ENGINEERING and MODIFICATION could CONCEIVABLY be introduced into his system through this mechanism, causing much mischief and possible havoc! ”
    ~Rothschild about HGH, but it applies to mRNA therapy in spades…
    THEN things get interesting!
    Thanks for playing!”

    “Humans are notorious for making bad choices and blaming others, fate, the government or whomever for the sorry state of their condition. Look at the fast food industry growth and the rise in health care costs. HFCS, Pharma, vaccines and so many others…and yet stupid humans just keep marching to the same tired beat.

    “The pharmaceutical industry is very large and powerful, and exists as a middleman of sorts between humans and their natural remedies.
    Unfortunately for humans, these pharma are profit based first and foremost.
    Remedies to every issue facing humans can be found in NATURAL LAW, including health related. It is up to the human to choose direct participation…or farm out these needs to a party with clearly vested interests!
    Another great example of FREE WILL!
    Laughing out Loud!
    No one would say the information isn’t out there to those who seek it out!
    Check and MATE!”
    “Even if there were men of courage and conviction, the average citizen is to fearful to follow along.
    There will be no change of a positive nature for the immediate future. Things will get MUCH darker and many will lose hope.”
    ” I understand that many are trying to evolve from their present “reality”. Keep in mind that what you are “experiencing” is by design, and that most will perish.”

    “Free Will = the ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints which directly or indirectly affect the evolution of the bloodlines and propagation of the species”

    “Illusions upon illusions.
    stupid little children…under the care of the shepherd”

    And Fauci is just one of those “shepherds” he warned against trusting! If you do, he calls you a stupid child!

    “Yes…one will catch more flies with honey than faeces. Construct the cages with some creature comforts, and they will “lock” themselves in.
    And then advance that, rather than a literal “garden of eden”, the planet is a scary, scary place.
    Who doesn’t want someone else to “assure” their safety.
    and so on.”

    “There is only the GRAND SCHEME of the particular bloodline(s). Of course, these directly affect every other bloodline, almost all of which are completely unaware of the realities of their existence.
    Are there more than one bloodline of significance? Of course, but there are precious few.
    YOU are of a bloodline. What is YOUR grand scheme?
    Answer that and you will have YOUR answer.”

    “As to an end game, it is already in play. The slaves are yoked and doing the work they were bred to do. They also lack the intellect to see what is in plain sight, which would remove the yoke. So, the free choice is available, a prerequisite to this form of slavery, and the slaves are fearful.”

    “You may understand the stakes are very high! When you truly understand this aspect, you will understand there can be no “ethics” situational or otherwise. There is only survival which is the true Natural Law.
    Sometimes I am amazed how clueless you all really are!
    Laughing out loud!!”

    “You presume that killing violates the Natural Law. Aside from the Human genus, where do you see indications of this in nature.
    If humans act differently than the majority of the animal kingdom, it is not, by definition a Law.
    Give an example in nature where any species is “safe” in the definitive sense of the word.
    Don’t you understand? It is the ILLUSION of “safety” which provides ultimate control…for only then does “fear” work as a tool of control.
    I think the humans on this site at least understand THIS point.”

    “You are not prepared in any sense of the word. It is something of a standing joke among many enlightened how the simpletons scurry about hoarding tins and small calibre handguns and such. Is it seriously believed that any such preparations would sustain any serious attention from those in power?
    Will a few gold or silver coins matter in the likely scenarios? Think that one through carefully.
    Seriously, how can one hold such deluded viewpoints. If you can find someone who has been through such an ordeal, ask them about it. Likely that you will never find such a person since they DON’T survive the encounter.
    YOU ARE NOT PREPARED. Absorb that fact.
    Now, let’s assume that you live in Los Angeles and get word that a tsunami will take out the city. That information has great value, does it not? You can prepare you and your family by moving to the mountains. Of course, there will be details to work out and plans to make, but humans are adaptable by nature.
    If you lack this vital knowledge, will the provisions and skills you have laid in allow your survival when the city is submerged? What if your tins float away with the debris?
    The point is made eloquently in the bible.
    For want of knowledge, my people are lost.
    Not, for want of creamed corn, my people are lost. Big difference.
    You lack knowledge, and a deluge is coming. My bloodline HAS knowledge, and control is how it has been obtained, and kept.”
    “you don’t understand the NYSE any more than you understand “money”…how can you bring down something you don’t understand?? laugh out loud…
    read sun tzu for a beginners course, then ponder on the fact that you are taking on forces with experience measured in millenia.”

    “Bickle, you have not yet engaged the struggle!
    Only a select few bloodlines will even get to the STARTING GATE!!
    Laughing out loud!!
    YOU are the best YOUR particular bloodline could advance to this point, for reasons which can be well understood. Your bloodlines have given you precious few tools from all outward appearances. This is very unfortunate for you, and suggests the odds are stacked against you!”

    “Carbohydrates are the trojan horse for the pharma industry.”

    ” Fear is a human construct! Think on that. It is within your scope to live without fear. Truly the beginning signs of evolution!”

    “The filters are there for a reason. Figure out the reason and you will have your answer. CLUE: FEAR BASED! Children are programmed from birth to respond to FEAR! Why?”

    “North Korea has already cut a deal under the aegis of China…feit accompli. Cuba has also agreed to the North American integration once Fidel “passes”.
    That leaves IRAN. And biblical prophesy. The fallout from that conflict sets the stage for the true new world order as has been broadcast in the media for the last 13 years or so.
    3) Of course, humans have free will. However, free will without intelligence, imagination and the “will” to evolve is meaningless. Similar to giving an infant the keys to a vehicle…what are they going to do with all that potential?
    Look to the routines in your own life and ask what YOU do with YOUR free will to improve your bloodline…”

    “Money is meaningless. Only power matters.
    And we have all that is needed.
    From where does your POWER come from?”

    “Meat is only used…occasionally…for ritual purposes. Those who have actually read the bible understand on some level the need and significance of “sacrifice” in the cosmic “wheel”.
    Ritual and symbolism are extremely relevant, but generally humans concern themselves with non-sense like comets and old calendars.
    Generally, eat to your blood type. There is no universal diet…no one size fits all.
    The human diet should be primarily fat, plant based is preferable…with proteins next based on the humans “lifestyle”.
    Carbohydrates should be avoided at all costs.
    If one wishes to really stretch the mind, check out that Indian fellow who lives on sunlight alone. He is on a very productive path…and of course being mocked to no end…
    Laughing out loud!!
    If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of “innocents”…particularly with so many better options available.”

    “Pollution of your bloodline is the only relevant issue. As I quoted earlier in another post, the word bloodline is mentioned most frequently after “God” in the bible. There is a reason why.”

    “YOU are a placeholder in time for your bloodline…nothing more or less.
    Make the tough decisions now and do what you can”

    “Very evolved that the trolls and trollops are throwing diversions to distract from things they don’t, or don’t want to, understand!”

    When questioned what the Rothschilds have that other bloodlines do not…

    “Discipline and knowledge for starters.
    Not to mention control of the earth’s assets!”

    ” Are they disinterested in their own genetic bloodlines continuation?”

    “There is only enlightened self-interest. The concept of a person who is so selfless that they put their needs below an unrelated other is absurd on its face. Which is why the story of JESUS was so enduring and polarizing. Of course, another “beautiful lie” is that, by suggestion, our lives are so valuable, so important, that others would willingly sacrifice theirs for ours is silly and simple-minded. You do not find such examples OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILY BLOODLNE…without explanation.
    I am only interested, and charged, with the advancement and well-being of MY bloodline and, quite frankly, could care less about YOURS. If you want to assign a name to that…fine. If you want to operate on a SERVICE TO OTHERS basis…even better. Based on your belief, you should have no problem working to advance the bloodlines of the bankers you claim to fight.”

    “According to American Indian folklore, any poison which occurs in nature, has its remedy within 3 meters.
    You might be surprised to learn that every so called intractable position which one might find themselves, has a “remedy”. Without exception! That is the natural law and it is observed “religiously”…so to speak.
    The keys to YOUR kingdom are within YOUR reach. How could it be otherwise? But continue to blame others and look outside for your “answers” if it makes you feel better.
    For me, I am a man of honor. I have committed to tell the truth and I do. If you can’t formulate a question of importance, how is that MY issue? Keep in mind that there is no universal question for each bloodline has its own unique path and current state of development. How could it be otherwise?”

    “Islam is manifesting its bloodline(s), as one would expect.
    One would do well to study how they integrate and subvert the existing culture. One aspect is the reproductive rates, and their “control” of their own lines. Reminiscent of the Irish long ago, before they “evolved” into the “modern” world.
    It is largely irrelevant. Energy is Energy. Slavery is Slavery.
    Islamic religion forbids usury, so on the surface it would seem to be a conflict…but it isn’t. They are allowed to “rise” only within the constraints of our needs and vision.”

    “Fiat?? I wouldn’t dirty my hands.”

    “Demoralizing and partitioning…controlling the educational system, the media, medicine, law, religion, the “governments” and… almost forgot…that pesky money supply! Yes, that should about do it…leaving only the details to be filled in!
    Glad to hear I received a high score! That fills me with pleasure!”

    “We abide by the “universal” law, but “you” don’t.
    We have no control over “universal/natural” law.
    We obtain our power, in part, by this observation of “universal/natural law”!
    Right Action equals Right Result!”

    “Sad to say, human children are de-learning math! Math understanding and capability are going…going…gone!
    What if MATH is indeed the universal language of nature? Will the next generation of humans be deaf and dumb to the natural order? Apparently so, but they will be proficient text-ers!
    Laughing out loud!
    Is it the fault of anyone but the PARENTS for this being the case? Anything stopping the parents from teaching math to their bloodline?
    But go ahead and blame the “elites” for your own failures and see how that serves you!
    As to the other “questions”…of course there are many species ALIEN to humans…some in your own backyard.
    As I mentioned many times before, their is only your bloodline and OTHERS. How much clearer could this be? Does the form they take make any difference whatsoever?”

    “Usury, or interest, is charged along the way. The owners of the Fed receive a cut of this interest. What is represented, of course, is the blood, sweat and energy of those so yoked. Which would be you, of course.
    3) Thus, there is no issue with deficits and deficit spending, as your Mr. Cheney pronounced to great dismay. Of what difference if the debt is 15 trillion or 150 trillion…only the interest has to be paid…not the principal…
    It could not, by definition EVER be repaid…by design.
    Laughing out loud!

    Keep repaying the interest…keep toiling…and all will be well.”

    “Those who hold the power shun the public view with all their collective might. NO ONE wants attention when they are holding the strings”

    “I have been consistent in stating that I would answer questions truthfully, which I have. I did NOT agree to lead you by the nose down the merry path.
    Any of you who have children know they learn best when forced to confront difficulties head-on. YOU must struggle a bit for the revelations to have any value. The depth of laziness and lack of intellectual curiosity should be of genuine concern to your future well-being.”

    “As the Book so succinctly stated…
    “For want of knowledge, MY PEOPLE are LOST”
    MY PEOPLE = My Progeny/Bloodline
    How much clearer could it be??”
    ~Rothschild, quoting the Bible

    “The sheep will NEVER raise up…never!
    That’s why they are SHEEP!”

    “2) There will be NO jubilee…count on it!”
    ~Rothschild… Steve Keen is a waste of energy… he has NO POWER! He ought to be exposing the debt-based money fraud as I exposed it to him, but he ran off and avoided the very real issues…

    “You have never owned anything, because you have never paid for your “purchases”. Using the private credit notes does not extinguish a debt.
    Easy come, easy go.
    Ever wonder why the life lived in the US is so “easy” compared to the rest of the planet?
    Oh yes, I nearly forgot…you are God’s “chosen” people…not like those nasty black children in Africa who deserve what they have.
    Laughing out loud!”

    “1) One does not “deal” with competition. It is the natural state of humanity. One cannot opt out, take a rest, or hit the pause button.
    Of course, one can do ALL of those things, but at a great cost!
    2) Yes. All bloodlines coexist in a concurrent timeline/spatial sense. Intersections and near misses…
    Laughing out loud!”

    ” SECRETS, in the correct context, means hard-won family knowledge passed from worthy generation to worthy generation. NOT the embarrassing incidents of shame of your family’s history.”

    “Are you acquainted with the scientific process? Did you take any science classes in your secondary education?
    Hypotheses, test, evaluate, conclude.
    Rinse and repeat!
    Ever hear the term “follow the money”?
    Do you understand human nature?
    If you provoke a mother bear with cubs, what will be the probable outcome? Why would you provoke a bear instead of taking an alternate route?
    If you wanted to kill the mother bear, you might threaten the cubs KNOWING how she will react. Knowing in advance how she will REACT, allows one to plan her demise, does it not?
    If you insult a fellow traveler…provoke him or her without cause, what reaction can you expect?
    If you place Na in water what happens? Does it happen sometimes or EVERY time?
    Bickle, think man! Where is the puzzlement you express.
    This is clockwork! Time pieces doesn’t go from 12:03 to 13:13…they go to 12:04.”

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90768

    @NoManIsAnIsland — The Money Power have threatened your wife’s life… I would not take that lightly. Their Empire is irrationally pushing this therapy, which has inherent bioweapon capability. Denninger has been all over this, and I recommend she read all the articles, starting with this one…

    BTW, you don’t need to worry about China, although they will probably be blamed in the end. It is the Money Power Monopolists you need to worry about… and they are aligned, East and West, to hurt us, and hurt us badly. It is, believe it or not, Biblically mandated in their view, and they believe they are called of God to manifest the end-time prophecies against humanity. Their current ruling position indicates to them they are absolutely correct in that view, or else they’d be debt-based cretins like us.

    The West’s Obituary —

    You can bet dollars to donuts the Money Power already have the bioweapon that will trigger what Denninger is talking about… locked and loaded. All they need to do is maximize, through any means they can, the up take of the first part of the binary weapon system before they engage the second part of it. This is a real life Sword of Damocles…

    BTW, the Money Power Monopolists have done a genius job mitigating the Sword of Damocles over their rule… brilliant! Rule through monetary abstractions (the one ring to rule them all, BTW)… and other people acting as fronts for their behind-the-scenes rulership…

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90767

    @47:18 — “You are a puppet of other motivational forces.”

    “You can be the unconscious actor in a malevolent tragic drama, or you can wake the hell up, and decide to be the hero of, not only your story, but everyone’s story.”

    “And then you can choose — which of those do you want”:

    POWERFUL stuff. It sounds good on paper, but try and expose the moentary god of the masses and see what kind of pariah society makes you… you might be the hero, but you are the like a Biblical or Socratis hero… everyone dislikes you for being the messenger of the Ugly Truth.

    Including Peterson, BTW. He will never come about the money system, and he will never admit is is a debt-based fraud. It won’t happen. Or, I should say, the odds of it happening are well less than 1%. It is trivial to prove beyond any and all doubt…

    $20 lent into existence at 5% means a debt is owed of $21 in a year… $20 can’t pay $21, and the lender has COMPLETE AND TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE BANKRUPTCY OF THE BORROWER. The borrower is hapless and helpless. It is a fraud from the beginning because is IMPOSSIBLE for the borrower to pay the debts UNLESS the lender ZEROES OUT THEIR MONETARY ASSETS, AND DOES SO IN THE EXACT TIME FRAME THE BORROWER NEEDS TO PAY BACK THE LOANS.

    It is theoretically possible, but practically impossible because the whole point of the system is to bankrupt up through fraud. It is like saying that weapon your enemy is pointing at your head could be used to hunt animals and feed everyone… yeah, good luck with that, schmuckster…

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90755

    @NoMansLand — 42:30 and on is some of the most powerful video I’ve ever seen on the internet…
    Jordan Peterson’s Philosophy of “How to be in the World” distilled down to its 5 strongest points —

    The whole interview is well worth the time spent, IMHO…

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90754

    @VP “Those who can make people believe absurdities can make them commit atrocities.”

    @NoMansLand Be wary of the “allopathic” medial model. Look up the definition of that word. It means to swap one symptom for a better symptom. ALL the science in that system is about masking symptoms with better symptoms, all while completely ignoring THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ORIGINAL SYMPTOM.

    I recommend you read Rockefeller Medicine Men, which is free on It is an insider’s book, not an outsider’s book. The Rockefeller Foundation helped finance it. “Hidden in plain sight.”

    I also recommend you find a copy of “Drug Muggers,” a book that explains which essential nutrients are systematically depleted from the human body by the allopathic, symptom switching, drugs. Magnesium is a MAJOR victim in this pharmaceutical war on essential nutrients. It only works because the masses lack knowledge. “My people perish due to lack of knowledge,” and all. The Money Power reads that Scripture and perceives it to be a mandate from God Himself, and they consider themselves His loyal servants!

    The absolute best resource for learning how the body really works is Veritas Medical Radio. It is put on by Dr. Ben Edwards, M.D., a doctor who has gone through three iterations in his honest effort to do his best to help out his patients. His main program right now is The Root Cause Protocol, many details of which I have discussed here. He probably has 30 interviews with its creator, Morley Robbins. He has interviewed innumerable other people, and his level of discernment regarding wellness is as good as anyone’s I’ve come across. There is TON of KEY information covered in his interviews, and almost no material lacks value.

    I simply can’t put it any better than this warning from someone whose family set the trap!!!

    “The pharmaceutical industry is very large and powerful, and exists as a middleman of sorts between humans and their natural remedies.
    Unfortunately for humans, these pharma are profit based first and foremost.
    Remedies to every issue facing humans can be found in NATURAL LAW, including health related. It is up to the human to choose direct participation…or farm out these needs to a party with clearly vested interests!
    Another great example of FREE WILL!
    Laughing out Loud!

    No one would say the information isn’t out there to those who seek it out!
    Check and MATE!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2021 #90753

    @Pete 47 — Thank you for being interested. I love sharing this type of information, and the problem is people so locked into an ideology they are not capable of discernment. While I highlight the work of Morley Robbins as the #1 level to switch to move one’s metabolism in the correct direction, the lever that had the most notably perceived benefit in a short period of time was actually the anti-inflammatory Zone Diet. When I started that, I felt amazing! It eventually wore off, though, due to chronic relational stress (pathologically narcissist people really are an abomination of desolation… let the reader of Daniel be aware…) and eventually mineral imbalances (bio-copper and magnesium depletion).

    If you are looking for short term symptom relief, I would do the following:

    1. Buy OmaPure IFOS 5-Star Fish Oil from If you buy 3 bottles, the prices is very good for what you get. It is part of the Zone Diet protocol, and I’ve personally witnessed some amazing anti-inflammatory correlates. For example, my very athletic friend told me that he was playing tennis pain free for the first time in his life in his mid-40’s… and he’s been playing tennis since high school. He always had a sore shoulder when he played — even as a teen. No more. He was also playing on 3 flag football teams, some of them with retired college players, and at least one NFL player, so these were not scrub level teams. He was QB on all three. At the time, his mixed doubles tennis team earned a birth in the USTAA tournament in Arizona, and his team won the only match his team had him play.
    A coworker had a terrible stuttering problem. We are talking 2-3 seconds of delays getting certain words out. He was in his early 30’s. Within 2 weeks of starting with OmaPure, 90% of his stuttering disappeared. I suspect his brain had some inflammation interrupting how it functions, and the OmaPure resolved most of it.
    Balancing healthy proteins, healthy carbs, and healthy fats at every meal is also very anti-inflammatory. Effectively, you want to reduce your systematic inflammation. Iron is a key root cause, but elevated insulin from too many carbs or total calories at a given meal (glycemic load == insulin response) plays a key role, too. Learn what Dr. Barry Sears teaches about balancing your macronutrients. It goes a long way to promoting satiety and a general feeling of wellness and balance. This makes eating properly really easy, and eventually it makes eating out of balance something that actually makes you feel bad.

    The Zone Diet Basics —
    How To Eat In The Zone: Following The Zone Diet —
    The Zone Body Fat Calculator —

    Certain fats promote inflammation as well, which is addressed by the OmaPure fish oil to a degree. I ONLY fry with clarified butter (ghee) or animal fats. I won’t even fry with butter — the milk solids burn and then you eat the burnt milk solids, and your body is taxed trying to get rid of it. Why tax your body? Free it up by following “natural law.” I also don’t overcook — I lightly fry.
    Vegetable oils are pretty much toxic out of the factory. Fats the Heal and Fats that Kill is a good book about fats. I use Udo’s Oil, too, but I vacuum seal it and store it in the fridge to keep it as fresh and unoxidized as possible.
    Your body is amazing — if you do the “nutrient math,” none of us should really be alive today. The Rothschilds believe that nutrients transmute in the human body — you can live decades ingesting almost no magnesium because your body will take the crap you ingest and transmute it into magnesium it needs to use, but this comes with “friction,” and it is a process that can only last so long.

    Let me know what REAL FOODS you like to eat and I will whip up some meal suggestions for you.
    Dr. Barry Sears is right when he says that “food is the most powerful drug you will ever take.” It really is — for better, or for worse.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 24 2021 #90750

    @Dr D — nothing said about socialism, communism, and capitalism as applied to the real world can be true, BECAUSE NONE OF THEM ACTUALLY EXIST!!!

    What does exist are Money Power Fascist governments with different “veneers” used to deceive their respective populations. Every country is Money Power Fascist in nature, bar none.

    Try to name a single country where the government and the mega-corps. are not aligned with the group of people who controls the societal money system. Just one — name it!

    Name a country where the Money Power in that country does not wield control over the government and the mega-corps that the Money Power financed into being!

    It doesn’t exist!

    The Money Power Fascists PROGRAMMED the masses to falsely think in terms of capitalism, socialism, and communism… that’s an obvious psy-op!

    “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”

    The rabble needs to take back language from the dElites… don’t let them use language to frame the arguments as they wish… let’s take back language and DISCLOSE THE TRUTH!

    For example, white privilege does not exist, rather, what exists is black oppression. Being treated without bigotry is NOT a privilege, even if the Money Power would mind control the masses into thinking it is. Being the victim of bigotry based on skin color is OPPRESSION, NOT THE NORM.

    “The money is the oxygen for the lungs of the Beast.”
    ~Joe Plummer, Tragedy and Hope 101 author

    in reply to: Puppies, Sadists and Vaccines #90746

    What Money Power Puppet Clinton is NOT telling you is that all those unethical people he’s criticizing were promoted, and some probably had lavish jobs while Clinton was President.

    The Money Power just loves to mock the gullible masses!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90699

    @John Day, while it is an ugly truth, the modern US military was misused to attack countries without a BIS, Inc. central bank such that the OWNERS of the BIS, Inc. debt-based money system could seize control of their central bank and begin to subjugate the people in question. Freedom was just rhetoric.

    This is literally the history of 20th and 21st Century warfare — BIS central bank financed countries defeating non-BIS central banking countries, and then installing a BIS central bank.

    “Money is a tool, like all others, except that it is imbued with “mystical” powers. The establishment of central banks is ALWAYS a necessary first step of subjugation of geographically congregated bloodlines. Note that Libya’s first official act, before even the corpses turned stiff…was the establishment of a central bank. Those rebel forces were certainly well schooled by someone!”

    “Amazing how Libyan rebels took time out of their daily war duties to establish a CENTRAL BANK! Imagine the paperwork in getting that done on the battlefield!
    Those rebels are a well educated lot!
    Laughing out Loud!
    Seriously, don’t the serfs notice things like this?

    I did notice this, but could not get anyone else to care one iota.

    Also, he basically admits to financing and orchestrating 9/11 in order to set up the pretext that led to the takeover of Libya, and the soon to be completely takeovers of Syria and Iran, the lone countries left on Earth not directly or indirectly controlled by the Money Power Elites.

    “Keep in mind that the popular model of WORLD WAR is a concept whose time has come and gone. It is an obsolete strategy…from our side anyway.
    The trend-line favors integration and globalization. The WORLD WAR model promotes NATIONALISM…us vs them.
    This is the ERA of the BIG EVENT. Global spectacles where all will be watching, and to some degree, invested. The 9/11 show garnered the sympathy of many of the world’s population…later to be lost, of course. Watch for similar BIG EVENTS coming to a neighborhood near you!
    Laughing out Loud!

    Of course, the risk of any one human being killed is infinitesimal, but the risk of what is happening every day, every second, to your life and odds of survival, is 100%, or higher!
    The current process is that of grinding wheat kernels into a fine powder, which scatters at the first sign of wind.
    Catherine Fitts, a knowing human, has defined the current phenomena as SLOW BURN. Exactly correct. Stress levels are high anticipating the next big thing while the degradation of EVERYTHING continues unnoticed. Wheat into flour.
    The boiling frog syndrome.
    The ruling elites use of the Corporation as a SHIELD and tool of oppression has been going on for decades! How could one seriously believe that is NEW in any sense of the word?”
    ~A Rothschild

    BTW, I forwarded this information to Catherine Austin Fitts’ company, a “ticket” was opened, and then the next day the ticket was closed with no reply.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90698

    @userzoid re: Inside Job — From the Rothschild character (David, is that you? lol)– “Think of the energy harvest, on one plane, the same as animal husbandry. You provide a minimum level of sustenance to maximize the “yield”…nothing more or less. You take care of the herd, but they also don’t live in your space or partake of your “pleasures”. They serve you at your pleasure. If you choose to slaughter…or milk…it is your decision and yours alone. You answer to no one, other than your family.
    Psychedelics are an interesting topic. Synthetics, such as LSD-25 and its derivatives are useless noise.
    DMT is the real deal. Ayuasca is one route, but requires rigorous rituals prior which most ignore. The shamans understand.
    The problem without the preparations is that there is no framework of reference or understanding. You can access great historical works which explain much, but if you do not know the language in which they are written, it is a fruitless experience. One must be brought from the initiate stage through the preparation process to yield any true value. You may have noticed that the efforts to deceive are waning. Some believe it is no longer necessary.”
    ~A Rothschild

    They are OCD about ensuring that we are “unfit” because they believe if we are “unfit” that God’s “natural law” kills us, NOT THEM! They believe they are guilt free, and righteous before God!

    It is a nifty little trick Lucifer has pulled on the global monetary elites.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90696

    @VA, and two of those are “natural law,” but the one of them is not!!

    Hence, the insane world in which we live! And, dare I say, pretty much everyone on this board is in the top 1% globally in terms of access, however temporary, to natural resources.

    The Biblical Kingdom of God == Agape Love. It is the very base essence of God’s Kingdom and The Good News (Gospel). The Kingdom of God **IS** agape love within us.

    Speaking of the Kingdom of God, does the former intern at TAE (attorney-in-training at the time) still have a web presence? I’d like to make contact with him.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90692

    @VP and re: “natural law.” I divide it like this… and I think it is self-evident. True human “natural law” is what the Bible calls “carnal.” It is as you say — people acting out without agape lover (care for others equal to oneself; do unto others as you would have them do unto you). That is our “natural” (sinful, carnal) state. The word “natural” applies to it, and this is how the Rothschilds and their Royal Buddies use it.

    However, there is a higher order “natural law” that IS NOT natural to human beings, but is “natural” to YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This IS NOT natural to human beings, but it is REQUIRED for all peoples to live in a positive, uplifting environment. I refer to it as “spiritual law,” and it supersedes “natural law.” The message of the Bible is all about throwing off “natural law” and embracing “spiritual law,” as I’ve defined those terms. Yes, spiritual law is natural in the sense that it is how RELATIONSHIP ARE PROPERLY ORDERED. It is a superior form of “natural law.” But it IS NOT natural to human beings, which is proven repeatedly on the daily.

    Confusion arises when that which is NOT “natural” is called “natural law.” Maybe “spiritual natural law” is an even better expression of the concept.

    The real battle on Earth is nothing more than carnal minds waging war against agape minded people.

    This entire system is set up to make us hard and to “throw in the towel” on caring.

    Don’t do it! Hold onto as much “supernatural natural law” as you can… it is the most valuable essence in existence — bar none. Everything else is a distraction designed to occult the war on care and empathy.

    The carnal lion ROARS, either literally, or archetypally…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90691

    4. Anemia is a sign of iron overload in the tissues (where doctors don’t look for it). Anemia is low iron in the blood, with no regard for the tissues.
    5. High ferritin is not a sign of iron vitality, it is a sign of organ pathophysiology caused by reactive iron driving oxidative stress in the organs.
    Are tissues and organs interchangeable in points 4 & 5?

    Yes, but remember that anemia is a condition of the blood only… which is just one component of your body. The organs and tissues will be separate from the blood component, hence, the confusion caused in people trained to assume the blood condition represents the tissue condition, It does not. Dr. Bruce Ames did research showing 10x more iron can be stuck in the tissues than present in the blood. Doctors don’t measure this, however, even though it would be necessary to know before prescribing inorganic iron supplements.

    If so,
    Is the iron overload in the tissues indicated by anemia (see 4) the same as organ pathophysiology caused by reactive iron driving oxidative stress in the organs indicated by high ferritin (see 5)?

    That’s a complex question. I’m not aware of any research that says low iron in the blood has to inversely track high ferritin in the blood at all stages of iron overload progression. There is likely some tracking, but to what degree, I don’t know. I don’t think it is obviously so all the time, though. It is a most excellent research question to ask, though. The problem is that Empire, Inc. isn’t financed to unmasked “silent weapons for quiet wars,” so questions like that tend to not get asked in a research setting (if you ever want government funded research again, anyway).

    Markers both low and high iron seem to be bad for the organs. This might seem confusing for someone not versed in the language of hematology which probably includes most of us. Could you shed a little light on this?

    We have…

    High iron in the blood — I don’t have any information on this. It has never come up in all my investigations. I suspect the body is very adept at making sure this doesn’t happen, which makes sense. If pathogens feed on an iron buffet, the blood is the last place you’d want them congregating fo get in on that “buffet.”

    Low iron in the blood — This occurs all the time. The question is, what does it mean? The Rockefeller Medicine Complex is taught to believe, without evidence, that it means “low systemic iron in the whole body, including the tissues.” However, they never get around to measuring the tissues. What Morley Robbins found in the scientific literature is that iron metabolism is DEPENDENT on ceruloplasmin-bound copper expressing as ferro-oxidase to “open doors” so that iron can flow from the macrophages back into the bone marrow to be recycled into new blood cells. He cites research that says a healthy person recycles 24 mg of iron and needs exactly 1 mg of iron (organic — believe nature) daily. 3/4 cup of Total cereal has 8 mg of inorganic iron filings added to it. Eat 1.5 cups of that and you just broke your fast with 16 mg of inorganic metallic iron filings. And if you do this enough, Empire, Inc. leads us to believe, you will become “low in systemic iron” and need iron infusions.

    Perhaps you could explain THAT math to me where 1 mg is needed daily (for a proper functioning body), 16 mg is ingested before 8:00 am, say even a quarter is absorbed, and the body basically doesn’t get rid of iron it absorbs outside of bleeding. You don’t eliminate much iron, if any at all through the normal routes. There is something called desquamation, which is skin flaking associated with the body trying to deal with excess iron overload in the tissues. I’m pretty sure that is a condition I’m dealing with (really bad before I started eating organ meats, much better now, but still an issue).

    So, what does anemia really indicate? Does it indicate low systemic iron? Does it indicate elevated inflammation, which can be caused by too much iron unrecyclable iron stuck in the tissues because bio-copper, which NOBODY in Establishment Medicine, Inc. knows about, let alone talks about, is depleted to the point that the iron recycling doors shut and iron builds up over time? You doctor has been miseducated, and can even formulate the right questions.

    Here is a relevant anecdote. A friend of min called me up before her bypass surgery. She told me they were telling her she needed an iron infusion due to her anemia, and wanted me to set the doctor straight. lol I knew that was a fools errand, and declined. No doctor is going to listen to some dude over the phone. Anyway, she asked the perfect question, “how do you know that I’m not anemic due to chronic inflammation caused by too much iron in stuck in my tissues?” She nailed it.

    His response was exactly correct. “We have no evidence of that.” Ya can’t find that which you make no effort to look for, and nobody from “on high” ever recommended it, so it must be quackery, right?
    Anyway, she dutifully received her iron infusion based on the admitted ignorance of her medical staff, and both nostrils turned into wide open blood faucets. The blood streamed out… There was no stopping it, so they cauterized her nostril tissue… the blood kept flowing out… It wasn’t going to stop. So the cauterized her nostril tissue again. Finally, they forced the body to stop bleeding.

    I’m sure you can guess how I interpret the body’s response — the body is so overloaded with the iron, that more iron infused into the body was seen as a direct threat to life and limb, and the body went into “emergency ditch iron mode,” and whatever was required to drive that iron out of the body, in the form of blood, was done. Do you think the doctor learned anything — even if to ask a question that exposes his ignorant state and, just possibly, seek to learn something that could be beneficial for humanity? lol

    I don’t think the above is confusing. The only question is whether anemia is caused by low systemic iron or chronic inflammation, both of which are admitted causes of anemia. If it is chronic inflammation, is it iron overload due to excess iron UNNATURALLY fortified into the diet and low bio-copper, expresses as ferro-oxidase, which is required to “open the doors” of iron recycling in the human body.

    Macrophages eat old blood cells, secure the iron, and then holds onto the iron if ferro-oxidase is low. Ferro-oxidase is simply a name for an expression of ceruloplasmin-bound copper. Nobody here as ever had their doctor talk like this because their doctors were misinformed by the same “force” who is now firing them for not taking a toxic vaccine with unknown long term effect, even though they have much better natural immunity. Its the same “force.”

    High ferritin in the blood serum — Serum ferritin ideally would be ZERO in a Adam — the first perfectly healthy human prototype. Ferritin is synthesized inside the cells in order to safely sequester iron inside the cells. However, ferritin requires ferro-oxidase (ceruloplasmin-bound copper) for it to take up the iron. If it doesn’t, hepciden becomes a major storage player, and Morley says he can’t tell the difference between iron-laden hepciden and lipofuscin, a mish-mash of nastiness that is involved in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as those brown spots on your skin, and damage to your eyes. But I digress. Ferritin works inside the cells, NOT IN THE SERUM. Doctors are trained to measure it in the serum. Ferritin ONLY goes into the serum after it has been ejected from the cells, and it ONLY gets ejected from the cells after it has DUMPED ITS REACTIVE IRON into the cell. Damage cells == damaged tissues == damaged organs. High serum ferritin simply indicates that ferritin has dumped lots of iron into the cells, and that those cells are damaged.

    Low ferritin in the blood serum — Ideally, serum ferritin would be zero, but none of us are ideal today, at least in the West. We are all toxic to one level or another. Morley is under the impression that a low ferritin, measured in the low teens or even in the single digits, correlates to pathogens in the spleen. I’m not sure what his data source is for believing this, though. Morley’s “ideal” value for ferritin is between 20-50 ng/ml (given the ebb and flow of the general toxicity of the population). Ideally, I’d want a ferritin near zero, all while feeling great! Given the generations of toxic iron buildup and my age, though, that’s a pipe dream.

    A readily available decent proxy for your iron overload status is your triglyceride / HDL cholesterol level. It tends to track your oxidized LDL levels, which likely gets oxidized by iron stuck in your macrophages due to bio-copper (ferro-oxidase) depletion. A level below 1.0 is decent. Dr. Barry Sears’ elite athletes target around 0.5, and they do things like win Olympic medals as 41 year old mothers. Around 2.0 or above is pushing it, and above 3.0 indicates an expression of iron-induced oxidative stress, code named “disease,” is currently brewing and ready to boil over.

    Both TG and HDL should be on even the most basic blood panels, and all you have to do is divide the two numbers and determine the ratio.

    Let me know if you still have any questions.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90687

    @zerosum, “It is easier for the world to accept a simple lie than a complex truth”. – Alexis de Tocqueville
    This goes a LONG way towards the reality that society is drowning in lies that are “slow burning” them to death… the lie of debt-based money, the lie of iron fortified foods, the lie of depleted nutrients don’t matter, etc…
    I don’t try to be complex to be complex, rather, I try to cover all the relevant details, and sometimes that takes a while. No, it isn’t light reading, but, where would anyone get the idea that exposing global lies would be light reading? 😉
    I am the detail guy, though. I will default to too much over not enough, and most folks aren’t like me. But if the information is presented and people can’t be bothered, whose fault is that?
    If I preselect information and then people move on due to incomplete information, whose fault is that?
    I do the best I can. If anyone with more rhetorical skills can condense it down even more so more people understand it, I’m all for it! 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90674

    Here is a golden suggestion for those looking for items like phoenixvoice’s daughter…
    Set up an automatic search for “wood” on OfferUp. You can do “free wood,” too.
    It amazes me how many really nice wood-based items are given away for pennies on the dollar, or even for free.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90673

    @zerosum… How about the debt-based money instantiating debt instruments being called “bonds.” That’s no accident!
    Nor is “mortgage” — death pledge…
    And, no, you don’t own your home if you pay property tax — it is contractually COLLATERAL for the governmental debt… because the dElites are so dumb and we are sooooo smart! lol
    BTW, they own allodial title — and are NOT on the property tax rolls at all. Look up those castles — tax free, suckahs!

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