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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90671

    I am enjoying the immense privilege of raising three children on about half of the Federal Poverty Limit for a family my size

    Yes this works only until the Money Power Fascists call in the debt. In USA, Inc. this is about $40 trillion in government debt, excluding private debts.

    Do not forget — those blankets provided to the Natives actually kept them warm at night! They learned about the smallpox “goodie” a bit too late…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90666

    Two other dietary tidbits:

    1. Copper is best absorbed with fat. As with all things — ingest the highest quality fats you can (stop believing the pathologically money-seeking narratives (transfats are healthy!), and start discerning and believing MOTHER NATURE! BTW, pathological money-seeking DEMANDS YOU BE PERPETUALLY INFLAMED AND CHRONICALLY ILL!).

    2. Calcium is an absorption pig — if you are trying to ingest any nutrient at higher levels to address a deficiency, it is simply best to ingest them away from the calcium bully. “The Calcium Lie II” is and excellent video on Youtube. Just know that “calcium lie” is synonymous with “magnesium deficiency.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90665

    @phoenixvoice — Capitalism does not exist. In fact, none of the “-isms” exist except for one — MONEY POWER FASCISM. This describes every nation in the modern age. All the other “-isms” are IMPOSSIBLE when the Money Power has MONOPOLISTIC CONTROL OVER THE SOCIETAL MONEY SYSTEM. The ONLY system that can exist is Money Power Fascism.

    The most accurate description of the world in which we live is Money Power Monopolist Mega-Corporate Orwellian Fascist Global Empire.

    Fascism is the merger of the mega-corporations and government, and this ALWAYS occurs under the auspices of those families who control the societal monetary system. This is NATURAL LAW, if you will. Do you think family A is going to finance the rise of family B to take control of the money and then finance the subjugation of family A? Pffffft! Never gonna happen!

    The Money Power Monopolist Fascists will spin a veneer of capitalism, socialism, or whatever, but it is only a very thin veneer design to dupe the non-critical thinker, or the critical thinker who didn’t engage the subject matter at all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90664

    @phoenixvoice — pastured eggs… NOT pasteurized eggs. Did I really type that? Yikes! lol Avoid pasteurized dairy, if at all possible. Minimally pasteurized is better than “ultra pasteurized,” but still. You are golden with your own hens! Believe in Mother Nature whenever possible…
    I will look into the argon wine preserver. I have a wine vacuum system I use for my Udo’s Oil, and I think it works nicely. However, it would be nice to have an option for bottles with orifices that don’t fit the standard wine vacuum sealer “plug.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90653

    The immune system, believe it or not, runs on ENERGY! Energy in the human body is spelled Mg-ATP, and Mg-ATP doesn’t exist without copper-based cytochrome c oxidase splitting oxygen to produce ADP, which then has a phosphate and a magnesium added to it to make Mg-ATP.

    And cytochrome c oxidase can’t have copper available to it unless ceruloplasmin-bound copper is available to taxi the copper into place.

    And iron-based rust will gum up the whole works.

    It may be new to most people, but it is not that complicated.

    And you can see why it is a perfect SILENT WEAPON ATTACK VECTOR — most people will never be the wiser…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 23 2021 #90651

    @Pete 47 — here are some steps to take. I will try to start out the easiest, but reality is what it is, and we either conform or suffer the consequences. It is what it is.

    Introduction: One’s liver has to be capable of processing the nutrients, and this is not true in all people. The sicker you are, the more likely this is not true. There is no widespread investigation into this, so we have to rely on a few people who have tried, our own common sense, and experimentation. We know that zinc stimulates metallothionein, which binds up heavy metals, including copper. But it also binds up other heavy metals, and, as such, it will work to clean out the liver of heavy metals as it depletes the liver of copper. I took zinc too long, and I had an energy crash I’m still trying to work myself out of. It wasn’t just zinc, but decades of chronic stress topped off with taking too much zinc. Having said that, I could’ve taken it for less time and likely not had the crash effect. Another option that I will try if I build up too much non-Cp-Cu in my liver again is broccoli sprouts. They clean iron out of the liver, and appear to do so very safely. Maybe it is a better option than zinc in some, or perhaps, all cases. This needs to be studied. But those are two ways to clean the liver up a bit so that it can then process the nutrients required to increase Cp-Cu.

    1. STOP ingesting iron fortified foods. Organic sprouted breads are usually good bets. Ezekiel is a ubiquitous brand, but others are fine as long as iron is not added. Check your cereals, too — they are notorious for iron filings — sometimes even the “organic” versions.

    2. Donate blood. If you suspect you have eaten poorly and have inflammation, at least 4 times is year is probably pretty good. If your hemoglobin is too low IN YOUR BLOOD, ingest the bio-copper in grass fed/finished liver to bring it up. I believe that a Nobel Prize was won for this discovery in the 1920’s or ’30’s. If you can’t eat liver, well, time to grow up. I didn’t like it at first, and I still don’t like it. But what made me kind-gag is no longer a problem — I can eat it easily now, even if I don’t like it. Spice it up with a little organic Kinder’s BBQ Sauce, and maybe some cayenne pepper. You want to get your hemoglobin up to donate blood.

    3, Ingest more bio-copper. Grass fed/finished liver is the “bees knees.” It pretty much has everything. The grass fed/finished is important because grass is where the animals get their copper from. Other organ meats, like heart, are even higher in copper, but they won’t have as much ceruloplasmin, retinol, and retinoic acid, all of which are needed to activate the copper in the human body. Heart is much more palatable to me than liver — it tastes like the meat, but more rubberish.

    4. If you are going the copper supplement route, you have to get plenty of retinol and magnesium in your liver to work with the copper to activate it (enable ATP7B to load copper atoms into ceruloplasmin). For example, if you ingest sodium copper chlorophyllin (the Sprouts variety tastes minty and goes well with Trader Joes’ 72% Cacao Pound Plus chocolate — tastes similar to an after dinner mint), you will need retinol, sun exposure and magnesium to keep from building bio-UNavailabkle copper levels, which you do want to avoid. You want the Bio-AVAILABLE version, completely activated inside ceruloplasmin, and complete transportable inside ceruloplasmin.

    5. Best sources of copper, retinol, and magnesium — grass fed/finished, pasture raised animal liver (beef, lamb, goat).

    6. Best sources of mostly copper — organ meats other than liver (heart, kidneys, brain, etc…), whole food vitamin C (which includes 4 copper atoms, plus more, per each ascorbic acid molecule), bee pollen (which can also include lots of iron, but Morley keeps recommending it), and some shellfish.

    7. Copper chelate supplements are NOT ideal, but probably significantly better than nothing. It is probably true that inorrganic minerasl kill, but no minerals, and toxinis absorbed in their place, probably kill much faster (Red Shield told the truth… but probably not the whole truth). Chlorophyllin is one example. There are other examples. But, if you go this route, you want to be loaded up with retinol / retinoic acid, and magnesium.

    8. Good sources of retinol — Rosita’s Cod Liver Oil (or cod liver oil produced in similar fashion, I’d keep mine in the fridge, and I might even try to figure out a way to vacuum seal it with a wine vacuum sealer). I think Morley is against fermented, I think he thinks it damages the retinol and/or the fats. Apparently, the type of cod liver oil under intense debate, which includes the Westin A. Price Foundation (you can probably get up to speed on the debate there). Properly pasteured chicken eggs (not industrial complex chicken eggs). Raw whole cream (best, but outrageously expensive — perhaps for good reason!), minimally processed whole cream (Strauss is excellent), and sardines are excellent sources of retinol that NATURE presents to human beings.

    9. Magnesium is best ingested from greens grown in magnesium rich soils. NPK ferlitizer soils are NOT that, by definition. In fact, to much K will block magnesium absorption, not to mention glyphosate chelates minerals in general, including both copper and magnesium. So, buy local and buy organic. If you supplement, magnesium glycinate and magnesium malate are very absorbable choices. The allopathic version, magnesium oxide, is a big, fat hoax played on people who don’t do their homework. It is about 4% bio-available, and it causes diarrhea rather quickly, so you probably lose more magnesium than you take in. Cal-mag supplements are another psy-op, because when you take 2x Ca relative to Mg, pretty much only the Ca get absorbed. Neat trick for those that don’t know “natural law,” right? The entire system is set up to prey upon such people — all by design!
    One of my favorite forms of magnesium, and one of the least expensive, is magnesium bicarbonate. Search “ magnesium bicarbonate” for instructions. I have a glass gallon jug where I pour distilled water, and then mix with however much magnesium I want in the gallon jug (about 42 mg of Mg per ounce of magnesium bicarb). If I want 300 mg of Mg, I mix in about 7.5 ounces of magnesium bicarb. I then set my gallon glass jug out in the sun to absorb infrared energy, and to cause the water to release the carbonation from solution so it tastes like flat water. In theory, the infrared energy absorbed by the water will help to create exclusion zone water. Essentially, it becomes more hydrating and wellness promoting. “Dr. Gerald Pollack EZ water” is worth the Youtube and Google search. He has some excellent interviews on

    10. Stress depletes both copper and magnesium… so avoid the chronic toxic kind that usually comes with being around very toxic people. They are called toxic for a reason. Many of these people are iron overloaded, and their NLRP3 inflammazone sensor has been triggered by iron overload. This makes them Fe-ar based entities who are extremely insecure, and some versions are always in attack mode on others imply because that is a method to keep conversation away from themselves and their deep insecurities. There are different versions of this type of Fe-ar based person. Some can be very charming on a surface level, but complete unhinged in anything deeper than a fun, surface level engagement. YOU exist only to keep their INTRAcellular Fe-ar in check, so you provide the supply they want OR ELSE. Daniel 2:43 refers to this as being unable to “cleave,” which is the Biblical definition of an ideal marital relationship… iron mixed with the seed of men will ruin this ability to “cleave.” In short, these people can’t love in an intimate way, THE Fe-AR PREVENTS IT.
    It is pretty clear that the Money Power Monopolists are using iron overload to increase the number of narcissistic people in society. Some are so entitled they can’t function. Others are pathological money-seekers who see money as their best validation (they have zero internal validation). Either way, the Money Power Monopolists benefit… the former is a drag on society and a debt generator, and the latter is their eager quisling operative.
    If you want to know what an excellent definition of a narcissist is, read the Fruits of God’s Spirit and flip them 180 degrees. The KEY is to realize that, this toxicity is most often kept secret from the masses, and only those in a “cleave” type family relationship (conformanceship for these people) will see this aspect of the iron toxic person’s personality, at least in many cases. “Cleave” is the best description as to what is lost… it is soooooooooo precise. It blew my mind when I read it.

    Those people you think are really nice, just might be near demonic behind close doors. Or they may be cold as ice… no love… just expectations of their family to make them look good… but no real ability to care about their family members… beyond THEIR responsibility to make the narcissist look good.

    When the Money Power Monopolists families, at least in the West, read that love is prophesied to grow cold in the End Times, they believe it is God’s Will for it to happen, and they are GOD’S CHOSEN AGENTS TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!

    This whole CovFeFe operation is a direct attack on ceruloplasmin-bound copper, and more people are ingesting more iron in the form of processed foods. Children are getting fatter as their adipose tissue is loading up with more iron… the iron laden fat tissue helps protect the organs from the oxidative stress.

    Wiomen are becoming more and more iron toxic. Iron Maiden takes on a new level of mockery, doesn’t it? So does Iron Man. Oh, the Money Power loves to make it clear how UNFIT we are… it is their religion!

    When humans become iron overloaded and bio-copper (ceruloplasmin-bound copper) becomes depleted, the body has to move into Plan B. Guess what Plan B is after the human body’s Master Antioxidant, ceruloplasmin-bound copper, becomes depleted?

    Plan B is to upregulate estrogren production because estrogen can also act as an ersatz antioxidant. I would suggest that the changes you are seeing in younger generations, as well as the Money Power marketing rollout to normalize it, is a direct result of iron overload distorting the hormonal balance within human beings and driving estrogen dominance. And nothing drives estrogen dominance like low bio-copper.

    11. Morley believes the zinc-copper axis is a controlled opposition narrative to conceal the real issue of bio-copper and iron. The zinc and copper come in the right amount from a good diet. Zinc supplements simply act to deplete copper status, so taking zinc and copper supplements at the same time is like taking zinc and depleting some amount of copper. Zinc is mostly structural, but bio-copper is the human body’s MASTER ANTIOXIDANT ENZYME and required for ALL Mg-ATP PRODUCTION AND TISSUE PRODUCTION! Bio-copper is orders of magnitude more important than the copper chelator promoting zinc.

    Now, when one is truly so overloaded with heavy metals, including bio-UNavailable copper, maybe zinc stimulated methallothionein is the the ticket to resolve that one condition. I’d still like to see if broccoli sprouts can do it more safely, though, and with a better outcome.

    The BLUE BLOODS know the deal, and they had no comment on zinc. They did, however, comment on copper and iron — THEY KNOW, THEY POISONED THE SYSTEM.

    Zinc does play an important role, it is just much more limited than BIO-copper (equating the two is like equating Steve Kerr and Michael Jordan… both are important, but there are levels to the game). And you get zinc in the natural foods you eat, in the proportion you supposed to eat them.

    Anyone who speaks of “copper” as though it is monolithic in nature in the human body HAS NO REAL PRACTICAL COMPREHENSION OF THE NATURAL DYNAMICS INVOLVED IN COPPER METABOLISM. ZERO. They have homework to do…

    Really, we all do… there is probably a LOT more to learn!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90650

    @Pete 47 — Had post eaten, will post it on 10/23 and see if it sticks there…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90644

    America + humanity at large is facing an existential threat ~ Will WE rally to stop it?!?

    Who even knows that it is? The fraudulent debt-based money system and those perpetual families who run it… WHO highlights this as THE problem? I do all the time, and I can count on one or two hands the number of people who got energized and excited about learning THE TRUTH. They prefer the BEAUTIFUL LIES!
    The fraudulent toxic food system, and the families who financed it?
    The fraudulent toxic symptom based medical system, and the families who financed it?
    The fraudulent appeal to authority schooling system, and the families who financed it?
    The fraudulent false dichotomy political system, and the families who financed it?
    The fraudulent media complex, and the families who financed it?

    WHO is highlighting these are SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS waged against humanity… including one’s own children? I’ve been waging this battle for well over a decade, even on this forum years ago, and the uptake is near ZERO! Why? Why do the victims of these systems of oppression cower when exposed to their REALITY?


    I have to admit — I actually understand the base level logic of evil people doing evil things. It makes sense that a bloodline narcissistic family would fear everyone else and want them destroyed. At a base level.

    What I find even more perverse is their victims defending the very systems that oppress them, and their children! I would’ve never guess it, BUT THERE IT IS!

    It ought to take about a month for this knowledge to be common knowledge ACROSS THE ENTIRE GLOBE.



    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90643

    And natural immunity does create immunity, but they reject it.

    Yes, the double-speak is incredible. Thou doth protest too much.

    This isn’t about immunity, but it may be about this…

    “I would advise those so inclined to listen that their bloodlines are, today, in great danger of mass extinction! Mass number of bloodlines, that is to say.”
    ~Herr Rothschild

    “Understand that nature is symbiotic in nature in all respects. Benevolence does not, and cannot exist in nature! It is impossible.
    Look at any appearance of benevolence as a trick! Look for the hidden hand…it is always there! So many examples….so little time!
    Laughing out loud!
    It is only the child who does not see this!”
    !Herr Rothschild

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90641

    An inability to perceive systemic threats, and/or the misidentification of threats in general, makes you part of the problem (granted there actually is one) ~ An unknowing accomplice.

    Hence the need to deceive people for so long. We are so broke back now that it is pretty much impossible to muster any real opposition as a whole. There will be pockets of resistance. Try to stay close to those.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90619

    @Dr. D and VP — A Terrible Mistake is an excellent book, and some of it covers the immoral exploits of White. I think the author planned to do a book on White at one point. Wormwood is a Netflix special covering some material in the book, but the book is still well worth the read.

    Consider this angle — The mind control experiments designed to break down free will wielded key information. In short, it wielded what the body will do in reaction to extreme stresses designed to completely break ones spirit.

    Now, consider for a moment that they did the OBVIOUS… they learned what nutrients where depleted, they learned what nutrients were overloaded, they learned what food/water toxins aided in their effort, and then they made that the RDA for the standard American diet. Duh! For example, calcium overloades relative to magnesium under intense stress and nutrient imbalance, and such people tend to create a psychological wall called a “calcium shell” by some in the nutrient balancing industry.

    Do you think it is an accident that magnesium, which is at worst the co-equal king of nutrients in the human body, is not even included on nutrition labels, and calcium is promoted to he ends of the earth? If they can replicate the denutrified and dysregulated state of the MK-Ultea population in the WHOLE POPULATION, then will the masses also become much easier to “program”?

    There is a Dr. Alsoph H. Corwin mentioned in A Terrible Mistake because he wrote a letter to the Chemical Core Technical Command proposing that they consider “the potentialities of enzymes as toxicological warfare agents.” The reference is on page 92 of my paperback version of the book.

    Systematically depleting magnesuim and bio-copper from the human body, all while overloading it with metallic iron filings, is an operation that fits that description to a “T.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 22 2021 #90617

    @Pete 47 regarding how to balance out copper and iron. In my next post I will include some options to get started. This is the foundation of the specific food recommendations that will follow.

    Some people are more toxic than others, and a big contributor is the person’s epigenetics (diets, drugs, supplements, attitude, stress level), especially on the maternal side. Momma provides ALL the epigenetics and ALL the mitochondrial DNA to both male and female children! Sure, cellular DNA is important, but it one’s epigenetics that will “open the file cabinet” and pull out the gene “files” that will be expressed. And torched mitochondria is the equivalent of the Death Star with a blown up generator — not much good, even if the “DNA” of the Death Star was perfect.

    IF one’s liver is up to the task (and not all are, so this is no “gimme”), then the basic approach that Morley Robbins is taking 1. STOP ingesting metallic iron filing fortified foods, 2. STOP ingesting copper blockers, copper chelators, and copper ceruloplasmin disintegrators, and 3. START ingesting more quality magnesium, more quality retinol, more quality copper, and get some sunlight on the eyes and skin regularly (break down the retinol into retinoic acid, retinoic acid being required to load copper into ceruloplasmin, its carrier protein. He also recommends avoiding magnesium and retinol depleters as well — like excess stress from any source, including a lack of sleep, magnesium chelators and magnesium blockers.

    The game is optimize ceruloplasmin-bound copper under the following constraints:

    1. Copper alone is a toxic metal in the human body that requires ceruloplasmin to make it biologically active as a molecule with its own enzymatic function, and as a safe transport mechanism to the 40 quadrullion mitochondria in the body, as well as safe transport to anywhere else it needs to go.

    2. ATP7B is the enzyme that loads copper into ceruloplasm. It requires magnesium and retinoic acid in order to function optimally, and perhaps at all.

    3. All the following need to be present in your liver to make ceruloplasmin-bound copper: 1. A capable liver, 2. Copper, 3. Magnesium, and 4. Retinoic acid. The name of the game is to optimize those nutrients while keeping the liver in a state where it can successfully process those nutrients. The more iron overloaded the gut and the liver, the more likely that one’s liver might not be up to the task without a “clean up” first. But, even if a liver clean up is in order, the goal is NOT to just clean the liver, it is get it clean so that it then can use the nutrients you feed it to optimize your ceruloplasmin-bound copper status.

    4. Anyone who has been anywhere near a SAD diet in their lives, or whose mothers or grandmothers were anywhere near it, almost certainly has iron overload conditions. Anyone with any kind of “itis” almost certainly has iron overload as well. It is pretty safe to believe one is iron overloaded in any countries where Big Brother Loves on its citizens by feeding them iron “fortified” filings on the daily. So, detoxing iron is a thing. This includes donating blood on the regular. I try to donate every 2-3 months, and I try to stay closer to 2 months. I take no medication and have no joint or other pain, but I’m pretty confident my bio-copper is still low and my iron is stuck to a significant degree. In my case, it is likely stuck in sequestering proteins and not “labile,” or free to do damage. I do have energy issues — not that I can’t expend energy, I can, but my motivation is in the tank and at the end of the day I do crash out with the quickness. Yes, chronic stress has been an issue, and I have a big hump to jump over to move on, but feel completely overwhelmed. I’m working hard create the biochemical “spark” to do just that. So I’ve been hit with toxic effects in my own way. We truly are all unique.

    5. The main copper antagonists are chronic stress (from any source), ascorbic acid (strips copper atoms from ceruloplasmin), HFCS (blocks copper absorption into body and into the cell), so-called vitamin D (depletes retinol and retinoic acid, which cripples ATP7B activity), GMO glyphosate (chelates copper below the pH of stomach acid) and iron overload (creates chronic oxidative stress).

    6. The main magnesium antagonists are calcium overload (supplements… calcium and magnesium compete for absorption in the same Cor-A pathway, calcium is the bully, even though magnesium is required in every step of calcium metabolism to ensure it goes to the bones and not the tissues!), so-called vitamin D supplements (turbocharges calcium to block even more magnesium), GMO glyphosate (chelates magnesium, fluoride (chelates magnesium), and chlorine (chelates magnesium).

    7. Neither copper nor magnesium have been added into the conventional soil in about 70 years. NPK fertilizer has no copper, has no magnesium, and Morley says it works to block the absorption of what is in the soil from going into the plant and into your body.

    8. Industrial agriculture from far places requires food to be picked before it ripens. I have heard that up to 80% of the mineral uptake occurs on ripening… and that is missed if the plants are picked early.

    I’m convinced I was bio-copper depleted early, and iron toxic, too. My cardio sucked as a youth. I loved playing basketball, but sucked full court. Half-court had me winded badly a lot. Mg-ATP production, the full energy molecule that fuels cells, required bio-copper to activate cytochrome c oxidase… if it isn’t there, well, less Mg-ATP is made, and more exhaust, which then needs to be managed. I had ulnar nerve damage as a youth that first appeared in little league, and then roared when I had a typing-centric job. I’m not sure the cause, but I do know of two possible contributors. Lysyl oxidase is bio-copper activated (ALL oxidase enzymes are!), and it creates myelin sheaths for nerves. Was mine compromised? Also, I’m a type B blood type, and I can live on dairy. And I did. It may be my bio-Mom did, too, but I was adopted, so I don’t know. Anyway, maybe calcium overload played a role where calcium deposits along the nerve path created friction points. I was about 50 before I learned about the importance of magnesium. I probably went decades where dairy was about half of everything I ate. Once bio-Mom is key, too. Mom downloads the bio-copper while Baby is in the womb, but the retinol to activate that copper comes from breast feeding. Adopted children don’t get the retinol downloiad, and this means there is potentially toxic copper combined with low levels of bio-copper. In addition, I think it is a fair assumption that a Mom that adopts is probably under significantly more stress than a Mom who doesn’t, on average, and stress depletes even more magnesium and bio-copper. There is a reason why the Natives Westin A. Price encountered prized bio-copper rich organ meats and gave the muscle meats to the dogs. There is a reason you ancestors also at organ meats as well. I suspect those tribes who rejected them eventually withered away a long time ago.

    To paraphrase Morley and the Rothschild character: “Stop blindly believing the pathological money-seeking narratives, and learn to discern and trust Mother Nature.”

    I would argue NOTHING you pass down to your children is more important than this, except maybe agape love instructions, but they actually run together. The SAD diet is set up to use iron to trigger the INFLAMMAZONE, and people so triggered may be so damaged that they become incapable of agape love at all, regardless of what they are taught.

    “Be wise as a serpent.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90602

    again question for TheTrivium4T, how do I make my body to have optimal ratio of copper-iron?

    I will start to answer, but in tomorrow’s active blog (10/22)…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 21 2021 #90514

    Part 2 of 2 (1 of 2 posted yesterday… apparently the blog s/w doesn’t want to post some links, hence, two of my posts were blocked).

    “People have to stop believing the narrative, and they have to begin to believe in NATURE…”
    ~Miorley Robbins (before I sent him the Rothschild link, too!)

    This podcast between Morley Robbins and Dr. Ben Edwards, M.D. is excellent! I highly recommend it.
    It is in mp3 format…
    [audio src="" /]

    Search Youtube for the following…

    Silent CV Risk: Triglyceride/HDL Ratio
    Triglyceride/HDL Ratio – A Better CV Risk Predictor than LDL? (Part 1)
    Triglyceride/HDL Ratio – A Better CV Risk Predictor than LDL? (Part 2)

    Morley Robbins – My Theory Of Everything
    So You’ve Just Been Told You’re Anemic?
    Iron in Cereal Video Thomas Levy

    Iron Homeostasis and the Inflammatory Response —
    Iron behaving badly: iron as contributor to inflammatory and degenerative diseases —

    in reply to: How America Treats Its Doctors #90470

    @Ilargi, thanks for the video referencing the iron toxicity book. I will see if I can pick that one up cheaply. It is rare for people to pick this information up and run with it, but something came together for you and you “get it” — cool! Another book on the toxicity of Iron: The Most Toxic Metal by Dr. Moon. I don’t have it, but Morley Robbins raves about it, and I need to look into picking that one up, too.
    What most people miss is the critical importance of ferro-oxidase (aka, ferroxidase, FOX) to iron recycling in the human body. Dumping iron is good, but it is best done when the body is loaded with ferro-oxidase so that the body’s internal recycling process doesn’t get stuck at the macrophage level.

    Iron Physiology —

    Fe(2+) –> Fe(3+) === bio-copper reliant… low bio-copper, this conversion breaks down, forcing the body to adapt. At 9:00 in, the presenter shows Fe(2+) being released from the macrophage — I think he’s wrong. I believe a conversion to Fe(3+) has to take place by ferro-oxidase (Cp-Cu), and the transferrin only carries Fe(3+), so he can’t just assume the Fe(2+) is free to flow back to the bone marrow. I think he’s wrong there.

    Any time iron is converted from the ferrous (2+) form to the ferric form (3+), it is ferro-oxidase that does the work. Ferro-oxidase is simply an expression of ceruloplasmin-bound copper — this process is copper dependent! Hephaestin is just another name for an expression of ceruloplasmin-bound copper. Zyklopen is just another name for an expression of ceruloplasmin-bound copper.

    When ferrous iron can’t be oxidized into ferric iron, iron builds up in the macrophages, which builds up in the tissues. There is a reason the Rothschild character highlighted copper, copper, copper as THE nutrient the Blue Bloods consider to be KEY to their evolution over us rabble-types.

    Note that transferrin carries FERRIC iron, NOT ferrous iron, and it is some form of ceruloplasmin-bound copper that oxidizes ferrous iron to ferric iron so that the iron can be transported safely to the bone marrow to make more blood. If this “flip” doesn’t occur due to lower bio-copper levels, THE IRON GETS STUCK AND BUILDS UP!

    Note that hemoglobin uses ferrous (2+) iron, and it is the ferrous iron that the macrophages eat up when the blood cells die. It has required ferro-oxidase to flip that to ferric iron so that transferrin can carry the iron in the macrophages back to the bone marrow.

    Note what Robert de Rothschild targeted with his blame comment — a video where graphene oxide is shown to BLOW UP MACROPHAGES… you know, where all the iron is stuck in those with “blue blood” depletion (aka, iron overload)! That wasn’t an accident… they are targeting that iron in those macrophages, and they almost certainly rationalized the belief that God wants them to do it (Daniel 2:43)!

    Also note that it is ascorbic acid which increases iron absorption. For those who want to take high levels of ascorbic acid, maybe they should consider doing so away from high iron meals, and I hope everyone has sworn of metallic iron fortified phoods.

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90464

    Trying to post this again so that it is actually visible… in two parts… Part 1/2:

    @Veracious Poet, >>My cholesterol was rated @ 169, from a previous 193 two years ago.<<

    Total cholesterol is basically meaningless. Just look into it — it is a joke. Something like half of all cardiac death victims have normal cholesterol. What you really want to know is whether your LDL cholesterol is oxidized. That is a decent marker for systemic inflammation, but not readily tested directly.

    A decent proxy for oxidized LDL, and systemic inflammation, is TG/HDL. What is your ratio? No need to report here, but less than 1,0 is what you want. World class athletes on Dr. Barry Sears’ Zone Diet are in the 0,5 range. 2.0 is pushing it. 3.0 or above is like being a chronic disease magnet. My friend was a whopping 14 — and he though he ate healthy! A type O blood type eating rare fish and lots of beans, rice, and high carbs. Thought he was healthy because he was mostly “vegan.” He was a train wreck. He cut out the junk food, and was able to drive his 14 down to 4 in just six months. That’s excellent, but he still has some work to do.

    How does LDL get oxidized? Macrophages eat both old blood cells and old LDL. The iron will get stuck in the macrophage if ferro-oxidase doesn’t flip the ferrous iron to ferric iron so transferrin can haul it back safely to the bone marrow. I hypothesize that iron overloaded macrophages oxidize the LDL when both are mixed inside the macrophages. Note that this combination can turn into a mast cell and plaster itself along one’s arteries, too. In short, STOP eating iron fortified foods. Your body did not evolved to eat metallic iron filings.


    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90463

    @Windlesham — does Canada have a version of Title VII that respects religious freedom? Read Title VII, if for no other reason than to stand in awe at the gap between the US law itself, and how the US rabble act in accordance with their imagination of what the law is. Canada might have something similar.
    LEARN YOUR RIGHTS, AND THEN STAND BY THEM! They are nothing if people don’t do this! This is the potential solution for many. Youtube Peggy Hall and see if she has an Canada related content. She’s in BEAST MODE — a true hero for humanity…

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90462

    @Willem83 — Zinc stimulates metallothionein, which binds up copper 1000x more than zinc (so the zinc+metallothionein axis persists). “Binds up” == NOT available to bind with ceruloplasmin.
    Taking copper will help — at least you will be providing the copper to which the metallothionein can bind so it would appear less likely to pull the “GOLD STANDARD” ceruloplasmin-bound copper out of your system.
    Zinc over the short term, even taken alone, probably is big deal — OVER THE SHORT TERM.
    Those taking it for years as a prophylactic are courting some bad things they don’t understand. Ramp up the FLCCC protocol at first instance of thining one is sick, and then end it when it makes sense to end it. Adding some copper to the protocol probably won’t gum it up, so that’s probably a value add worth the effort.
    DEFEND your ceruloplasmin-bound copper like your mental state, quality of life, and life depend on it, because they all do.

    Morley Robbins – My Theory Of Everything (Iron Overload / Copper Deficiency) —

    Iron Homeostasis and the Inflammatory Response —

    “Linking obesity with both tissue iron overload and iron deficient anemia may seem counterintuitive; however, this can be understood by parsing out systemic and cell autonomous regulation of iron storage as detailed below.”
    Iron homeostasis: a new job for macrophages in adipose tissue? —

    ^^^ is almost certainly why obese is so closely correlated with CovFeFe bad outcomes.
    If you want to know why so many people have a really hard time getting rid of visceral fat, iron overload is a likely reason. The body is smart — it keeps the toxic iron overload AWAY FROM YOUR ORGANS, but that often means it ends up in you fat. And the body isn’t dumb — it will fight to maintain this separation from your organs to keep a person from ignorantly killing themselves… or at least delaying it.

    in reply to: How America Treats Its Doctors #90450

    Peggy Hall, people! Read Title VII, people! Know your rights, then stand by them and defend them!

    Make sure your HR has read Title VII! It doesn’t say what most ASSume it says… it is very EMPLOYEE FRIENDLY!

    in reply to: How America Treats Its Doctors #90449

    I posted a reply to Mr. Poet, the system says it was posted, but I don’t see it… odd. TG/HDL is what you want to look at Poet, not total cholesterol. My total cholesterol is about 220 (I literally ingest about 2 pints of organic, minimally processed cream a week, and have done for about 2 years now), and my TG/HDL is below 0.8 (testing limitation can’t go lower). I laughed at the MPH tech who took my blood and told me it was high, explained TG/HDL was a much more relevant gauge. Her response caught me off guard — “yeah, they are trying to kill us.” lol “We have one that can see…” Degeneracide, though. Passive aggressive degeneracide.

    Dr. Day,

    Doesn’t your HR department have a policy of giving warnings before termination? Or do they routinely fire people on the first perceived offense? If they have no policy, well… Got discrimination? The path sure is set for it.

    Sounds like they just wanted to get rid of you as a non-subservient truth teller, and the reason really wasn’t that big a deal.

    in reply to: How America Treats Its Doctors #90443

    @DR D — In reply to your reply regarding bio-copper, I posted one yesterday, but it didn’t post. It was quite long and detailed, but I’m not sure that’s the best way for the points to be understood, so I’m going to try and be more concise by focusing on principles that I think are in play.

    1. You will reap what you sow, God is not mocked. I don’t post that principle because it is Biblical, I post it because it represents the cause and effect nature of EVERYTHING we experience. I also post it, because the author of that Scripture emphasized the importance of this principle by claiming to disregard it was a form of mockery of God HImself. So, I’d argue, we either discern and line up with “natural law” regarding human wellness, or we suffer the consequences, which often are no obvious, even in the short term sometimes. I discern and follow follow natural wellness law as my idea — it is why I do what I do. Yes, I cheat sometimes (eating too much organic watermelon licorice has been my insulin boosting sin of late), but I try to minimize the damage I cause based on the wellness principles I know (the licorice is at least organic, and not full of HFCS, glyphosate, and other toxins).

    2. The binary conditioning of “well” or “unwell” is false. It is a spectrum, and there is always movement along that spectrum, one way, or the other. I’d argue it is always better to conform to biochemical natural law, even if one condition or another never fully resolves. And one never knows if it could resolve or not unless one actually tries!

    3. Research reveals that there is 60x the iron as copper in the human body. 60x is a bigger difference than Shaquille O’Neal at his heaviest weight and a newborn.

    3. Non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper (non-Cp-Cu) toxicity is almost always present with iron overload in the tissues of the human body. Why? Because that non-Cp copper was supposed to be bound in Cp, but wasn’t, and ceruloplasmin-bound copper (Cp-Cu) expresses as ferro-oxidase, and ferro-oxidase, when it is present, is what facilitates the transfer of iron from the macrophages into transferrin. Therefore, what people call “copper toxicity” is pretty much basically also 60x iron overload in the macrophages/tissues. They are the same thing. So, when you blame copper for acne, how do you know that it isn’t the 60x iron that is contributing even more to the problem? In my reply yesterday, it took 30 seconds to pull up articles explaining how iron overload and anemia (the same thing, explained next) can drive acne.

    4. Anemia is a sign of iron overload in the tissues (where doctors don’t look for it). Anemia is low iron in the blood, with no regard for the tissues. Dr. Bruce Ames showed that iron in the tissues can be 10x that in the blood. Even so, your doctor doesn’t check it. Anemia due to chronic inflammation is known to exist, but assumed to be null. It is almost certainly near 100% of the problem, though. Why? Iron gets stuck in the macrophages due to low levels of Cp-Cu, which expresses as ferro-oxidase and allows the macrophages to offload its iron into transferrin, which then safely shuttles the newly made ferric iron back to the bone marrow to make more blood cells. Think endothelial reticulo system (it is the iron recycling system). When Cp-Cu (ferro-oxidase) is low, iron gets stuck in the macrophages. This eventually drives chronic inflammation, which then drives anemia due to chronic inflammation. The standard of care is MOAR IRON, WE DON’T NEED TO KNOW THE TISSUE IRON, WHO CARES!. More iron will not fix an iron overload condition in the macrophages due to bio-copper (Cp-Cu) deficiency, hence, exponentially growing chronic disease. In addition, pathogens feed on an iron buffet, so as the iron builds up, THE PATHOGENS BEGIN TO WAKE UP. They eat up acidic tissues, and then poop out acids that then taxes the body’s ability to manage the acids.

    So, when anemia is associated with some kind of disease, like it is in almost all cases!, know that what is really being revealed is that unobserved iron overload in the tissues is the root cause. The IRONy here is that this anemia obfuscation enables the WHO organization to claim that iron deficiency is the world’s biggest deficiency… even after loading the foods up with many times the iron content that used to be found in the foods of our ancestors. A small bowl of cereal often has more iron than our ancestors might eat in a day or two… and when was the last time you saw anyone eat a small bowl of cereal?

    5. High ferritin is not a sign of iron vitality, it is a sign of organ pathophysiology caused by reactive iron driving oxidative stress in the organs. Ferritin is synthesized inside the cell for operation inside the cell. It safely sequesters iron inside the cell. The only way it ends up in the serum, where doctors are trained to measure it, is if the ferritin is somehow triggered to dump the now reactive and toxic iron into the cell, and the ferritin container only gets dumped into the serum. The worst CovFeFe cases had skyrocketing ferritin levels. The reactive, oxidative stress inducing iron released into the cells is just what you’d expect to drive a cytokine storm. Corona Virus (aptly named, BTW, as the Royals are the ones running this operation along with the Rothschild, and perhaps others) appears to be bio-engineered to cause ferritin, and perhaps macrophages, to release its sequestered iron all at once, and this drives the various levels of inflammation depending on how much iron is released in this process. CovFeFe, INDEED! Calm before the cytokine storm, INDEED! The Money Power so love to mock us! Fe-ar — get it? Fe is the symbol for iron… which is used to drive our Fe-ar!

    6. The true cholesterol story is that oxidized LDL is bad news. Total cholesterol means little on its own… but order followers will follow orders… thinking is so much harder. Who cares if half of all people who die of heart disease have normal cholesterol levels… Pfffft, total cholesterol is the big bad because some “authority” said it! Even oxidized LDL is an effect. What is oxidizing LDL? Well, macrophages loaded with iron due to bio-copper deficiency are prime candidate! The macrophages eat the old LDL cholesterol, and tons of labile iron is lying in wait to oxidize it — if your bio-copper is low. These iron overloaded, oxidized LDL loaded macrophages morph into what are called “mast cells,” and guess what sticks to the arteries around your heart? Yummy, yummy!

    7. Read Daniel 2:43. The Rothschilds have. And they financed it into reality beginning in 1941. Metallic iron filings were “fortified” into the food supply under the cover of WWII. This was the beginning of the fulfillment of that prophecy. Now, think how their perverted minds view that Scripture… they obviously think GOD WANTS US TO BE IRON TOXIC, AND THAT GOD IS OK WITH THEM USING IRON OVERLOAD TO DEGENERACIDE US. This is how I knew to search iron in relation to corona virus early on. I know they are attacking our iron overload status. Now read the next verse, 44. The Money Power Monopolists are RIGHT NOW working to set up THEIR PERVERSE VERSION OF GOD’S KINGDOM, WHICH THEMSELVES AS THE MESSIANIC BLOODLINE RULERS, the winner of God’s bloodline purification game (in their minds).

    IOW, your either deal with your likely iron overload condition now, OR ELSE THEY WILL ORCHESTRATE A WAY TO UNLEASH IT IN A WAY THAT HURTS YOU BADLY.

    8. Ferro-oxidase, aka, ceruloplasmin-bound copper, is part of the solution. Elevating this will increase iron recycling, and empty the macrophages of the iron stuck in their lysosomes (stomachs). I also donate blood every 2-3 months… this forces my body to pull from iron stores to rebuild up the blood I lost in the blood draw. This reduces my iron overload condition.

    9. Robert de Rothschild publicly posted on a graphene oxide youtube video about how graphene oxide kills macrophages (loaded with iron and oxidized LDL), and blamed vaxxers for wallowing in their ignorance because the information is freely available… again, THEY KNOW WHERE THE ACTION IS… THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ATTACKING…

    Graphene Oxide Interactions with Innate Immune Cells… —

    Find the comment by Eternal Blossom, and the first reply is by Robert de Rothschild. I’m sure you will recognize the acerbic spirit behind the comment, and not it is pretty much exactly the spirit behind the Rothschild quotes I quoted here.

    The role of iron in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 —

    “Linking obesity with both tissue iron overload and iron deficient anemia may seem counterintuitive; however, this can be understood by parsing out systemic and cell autonomous regulation of iron storage as detailed below.”

    Iron homeostasis: a new job for macrophages in adipose tissue? —

    Why is obesity linked so closely to bad CovFeFe outcomes? Adipose tissue acts a repository for overloaded iron tissues!!! It is a sign of iron overload where the doctors never look for it — in the tissues!


    So, what you do with this information is your business. I would think any rational person would value learning the causes of bad outcomes, and then taking measures to improve the causes to generate better outcomes. But that pesky free will — or absence of it! I just want to make sure people get the information so that they can benefit from it IF they are sick of the lies and want to move closer to the truth. Iron plays a role in driving Fe-ar and anxiety, too. It triggers the NLRP3 “fear sensor” inflammazone protein inside the cell — imagine Fe-ar emanating from INSIDE EACH OF YOUR CELLS! This is what iron overload does. I believe they Money Power are using it to create people who can’t “cleave,” which is the Biblical word for a proper, loving, caring, empathetic marital relationship. They are engineering the spirit of narcissism, or as the Bible calls it, the spirit of the anti-christ that is said to flourish in the end times (which the Money Power define as right about now).

    When I see iron fortified foods, I literally see “spirit of the anti-christ” “anti-nutrition.”

    I hope I’m wrong, but the evidence indicates my discernment is not wrong.

    Bio-copper is the solution to energy production, and iron recycling. Non-bio-copper’s BEST USE is to be bound up and converted into bio-copper, NOT detoxed. In some cases, detox might be necessary, but don’t assume it. And if it is necessary, MINIMIZE it. As sooon as the toxic copper can be lassoed into ceruloplasmin-bound copper, focus your energy there.

    Don’t assume the newborn is causing all the problems, when Shaq is glaring at you with a mean scowl. And if the problem mostly is Shaq, then ceruloplasmin-bound copper is the Michael Jordan response — and nothing else comes close.

    PS — even my abbreviated versions are long. Sometimes moving towards the truth can’t be done in sound bites.

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90344

    We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Infinite has laid on the INNOCENT the iniquity of us all.

    I think I misread your post. It sounds like you are chastising all selfish people (all adults) and saying that innocent children are being targeted for our selfishness. I agree with that sentiment.
    Selfishness has consequences…

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90342

    @TDub — Regarding bio-copper course, pasture raised, stress free grass fed/finished animal liver is the #1 “supplement” (not chicken). Why? It contains full form bio-copper already. It contains copper. It contains magnesium. It contains retinol. It contains retinoic acid. It includes ceruloplasmin, it includes **EVERYTHING**.
    Heart actually has more copper, maybe 5x or 10x, but it doesn’t necessarily have all the supporting nutrients. However, it has a much more traditional meat taste, so will be easier to ingest for most people. Whole food vitamin C, and bee pollen as well. The key is grass fed/finished.
    I found a Middle Eastern butcher who sells grass fed/finished goats. I bought liver, heart, brain, and feet (for soup). I still have some organic beef kidney, or I would have bought kidney.
    Any tissue that requires a LOT of energy will have copper, but remember, the copper only becomes usable after it is bound into ceruloplasmin (ATP7B + magnesium + retinoic acid).
    Morley Robbins’ has a free download with “stops” and “starts.”
    I mostly eat organ meats for my protein now — I have liver and heart in the fridge waiting to be lightly fried in some clarified butter (not damaged when heated). Some spices and a little cayenne and a bit of organic BBQ sauce can mitigate much of the taste many think is not very edible.
    IMHO, the choice is quality of life and life vs. reduced quality of life and death — so I eat to live, I DO NOT live to eat.
    If you do go the supplement rout, try to find something with organic (plant or animal processed) versions, if possible. I think Morley Robbins is coming out with a supplement he thinks is good, but not sure it is organic or not. Chelated coppers might be better than nothing, but make sure you are loaded with retinoic acid and magnesium so your body can transport the copper, otherwise, your “shores” will build up with “ships” that can’t deliver the “goods.” This is toxic for the body, just like it is for society when ships are prevented from transporting their goods
    For the last two years, I’ve been ingesting about 2 pints of minimally processed whole cream a week. I would’ve used raw, but the price is prohibitive. Insane, actually. Healthy cholesterol is actually an oxygen sink that will marginally reduce oxidative stress. My overall cholesterol was up to 220 the last time I had it tested, and I laughed when the tech said it was high. My TG/HDL is what interested me, and it was at or below 0,8 because that was the limit of the test’s capabilities. TG/HDL is a proxy for oxidized LDL cholesterol / systemic inflammation / and reactive iron overload in the tissues. It is a much better correlator to health problems than is total cholesterol, which is actually a completely retarded measure that means very little on its own. It is one more IQ test that the medical community has failed completely — they just follow orders and follow more orders. Not all, but almost all!

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90332

    @TDub, zinc stimulates metallothionein, which binds up copper 1,000x more than zinc. IOW, the zinc persists, and this leads to copper depletion in the liver. Note that the Rothschild character highlighted exactly ONE nutrient that they felt made them evolutionary stars relative to us — copper. Also note that the Rockefeller Medical Industrial Complex knows NOTHING about copper because the Money Power financed their training to AVOID IT. They spent more building up M.D. egos than they did discussing copper.

    To nutrients in the human body work with oxygen. Organic iron is converted into a format that carries oxygen like a waiter. It is a transport mechanism. What activates oxygen and inactivates oxidants? It isn’t oxidant driving iron, that’s for sure! IT IS COPPER! Copper is the battery behind all oxidase enzymes, including cytochorme c oxidase, SOD, glutathione peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, lysyl oxidase, and so many more. There are a couple KEY points in copper metabolism. First, the copper has to be ingested. NPK fertilizer has no copper in it. Glyphosate chelates copper below the pH of stomach acid. HFCS blocks copper absorption, both into the body, and into the cell. Do you see a trend?

    The Money Power finances a food system that depletes our copper status. Are you “wise as a serpent?” We were told to be by a smart entity.

    Copper is also toxic to biology UNLESS it is in its ceruloplasmin transport mechanism. Even if you have a ton of copper in liver, it does you know good if you can’t transport it. Think of ships stuck off the ports… how much good is that merchandise doing as is? None. It has to be delivered. It is the same with copper.

    ATP7B is the enzyme that loads up to 8 copper atoms into ceruloplasmin. ATP7B runs on the energy of magnesium, and also requires retinoic acid. Magnesium, retinol, and unblocked sun exposure are required to facilitate this process. The eyes appear to be key — get sun exposure without contacts blocking the rays into your eyes, rays that break down retinol into retinoic acid. Sun gazing is said to work really well for non-iron toxic people, but most are iron toxic, so it might be risky. Look into a bright blue sky. Look into bright gray clouds. Maybe try some sun-gazing, but go extra, extra, extra slow with it. An Indian guru who ate real food all their life is NOT an example you can assume applies to your IRON MAN self. Unless you’ve only eaten real food.

    There is a war on your copper status that is present, but not comprehended, exactly as Rothschild said in plain language.

    Now, as I’ve said before, zinc may well help a lot with Covid infections. Taking it for shorter periods of time is likely to have negligible long term effects, and may well help resolve one’s CovFeFe condition. Feel free to do that. I might, if CovFeFe can ever break through my natural antibodies. I had Covid, but am not sure when it happened. I had two bouts of extreme lethargy, but that was really the only symptom I can associate with it.

    But taking zinc for years a prophylactic will almost certainly end up doing severe damage to some individuals as bio-copper status is driven down to the point cytochrome c oxidase and the anti-oxidant enzymes no longer perform up to par.

    I did Nutrition Balancing for a while, and it uses zinc to clear out copper from the liver. They are big on “copper toxicity,” which is real, and pretty much always coupled with iron overload. Anyway, I had an energy crash that dumped me from “sympathetic dominant” into “not sympathetic dominant.” I felt when it happened, too, and my hair test was spot on — it matched what I felt happened. The problem was, and it was my responsibility, I didn’t get my hair tested frequently enough, and I took zinc for too long. My Na/K ratio started above 6. As I took my zinc, it declined in an almost perfect straight line. At 2.5, I was supposed to stop taking zinc and start taking copper and eating more fat. Well, my low motivation ended up in me not getting tested until I was a 1.6 — and that was average over about a 6 month period. So my end point value was probably close to half of the 2.5 goal.

    I’ve learned more, and I’ve been vigorously trying to build up my bio-copper — and I need to get another hair test and see where I’m at. I do know how I feel, though, and it is as though my sympathetic nervous system is on vacation, unless I’m around toxic people in my family and then it feels like it short circuits. I try to avoid those situations.

    So, take zinc if you have Covid. Take D supplements and ascorbic acid if you are fighting back symptoms.

    But be aware that all three will DESTROY your bio-copper status over time, so, if you value your body’s ability to manage oxygen and oxidants, as well as recycle iron properly, I wouldn’t take them long term. In addition, I’d consciously work on rebuilding my bio-copper status, and my magnesium status. This is all in the context of eating as much real food from rich soils with minimal pesticide residue.

    in reply to: “Mistakes” #90323

    @John Day — you are EXACTLY correct. Yes, I highlight the bad, but only to drive home the point that a countermeasure must be taken. Karma to the Money Power is “might makes right.” Their position at the top, to them, means they are, by definition, right. They are the King of Carnals, if you will.
    What is the countermeasure? If you plan on staying in their game, you lose. Period. He’s clear — you are dead or a slave in their system, beeeeyatch.
    So, what is the countermeasure? Guess what? He provides a good working foundation in his disclosure…

    “Regardless, to your question(s).
    1) One does not “deal” with competition. It is the natural state of humanity. One cannot opt out, take a rest, or hit the pause button.
    Of course, one can do ALL of those things, but at a great cost!
    2) Yes. All bloodlines coexist in a concurrent timeline/spatial sense. Intersections and near misses…
    Laughing out loud!
    You are likely aware of the teachings of Buddha, or at a minimum the Buddhist philosophy.
    They espouse giving up the “game” entirely. They surrender because they understand the futility and paradox inherent in the current state of development. To suppress/conquer all desires…to tread lightly…to be one with all.
    It is the yin to our yang. It is the only counter-position to our gambit. We know this, but we also know human nature.
    Christianity also pays lip service to this…turn the other cheek. Why? To deprive the “other” of your hate energy. That is the only way to prevail, but how many western minds can comprehend this simple teaching? Charles Manson, a famous prisoner in the us (although he committed no crime himself) said something to the effect that the hatred of the americans towards him is what kept him going…or words to that effect!
    Imagine! There is someone who actually understands the dynamic and, as such, had to be incarcerated!
    Laughing out loud!!
    The strongest weapon is the non-weapon.
    One is indeed all…but don’t tell anyone!!
    Laughing out loud!!”

    You have concluded rightly, it is best to prepare for going forward to the past. If these vaccines look like a degeneracide accelerant, at best, or an eventually kill shot, at worst, it is because it almost certainly is. Natural immunity is being ignored because this has NOTHING TO DO WITH IMMUNITY, it has to do with MAXIMIZING BIO-WEAPON UPTAKE.

    They believe their rendering of the Bible, and you can imagine how they interpret “Kingdom of God” — their authoritarian rule as the fittest Messianic Bloodline forged from the fires of billions of humans over the ages! Oh, the EGO! Given that, read the following Scripture, which they follow, and not the timing of events it implies, and the fact iron filings were added to the food supply beginning in 1941…

    Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
    44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

    We are still in “the days of those kings,” but just barely. Perhaps this provides some context. BTW, read all of Daniel chapter 2. It describes an end-time nation that is both VERY STRONG AND VERY DIVIDED.

    How do we get SPIRIT MINDED people together who are interested in “living off the land” after this whole chit show collapses, exactly it was constructed to do? THAT is the question.

    And, yes, you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that SPIRITUAL NATURAL LAW (agape love) is far superior to CARNAL NATURAL LAW (selfish animalistic lust of one nature or another). The problem is, people really like one animalistic lust or another, and don’t want to give them us. This is why it is so easy to hire people to hurt everyone else… It is true that if we all just said no, the Royals and Rothschilds would either have to do the dirty work themselves, or they would have to go away.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90271

    @Sweet Kenny regarding violence… the Rothschilds are expecting it… to be directed at their puppets they financed to execute their will…

    What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago…the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way…and they will pay a dear price!
    As to your current situation, you may discover that these same oppressors also function under the laws of cowardice. That is to say, it is exactly the ILLUSION of control and power which makes it so.”

    How much damage will accrue before this kicks off? That is the question…

    Parents have been sacrificed to Empire for ages… this is nothing new…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90270

    @SWeet Kenny — we can never really know for sure, but we do know what the Rothschild character alluded to, and we know human nature (control must be optimized at Powell’s level, by any means necessary).

    “Let us imagine that a homeless bumble, rifling through a dumpster finds pornographic images of a powerful (married)business-man or politician (the mark). Let us say that there are three scenarios: 1) the mark having an extra-marital hetero-sexual affair 2) homosexual affair 3) bondage 4) pederast 5) animal/primate
    The amount of potential energy, or power the bumble has over the mark depends on many variables indeed!! In some situations and cultures, exposure of scenario 1 would have limited damage. Many men winked and nudged when william clinton was accused, correctly, of depositing his semen into an interns mouth. Had he mounted a donkey in the oval office, most of those men would have taken a different view!
    Priests and others in the catholic hierarchy have an issue with the pederast aspect but not consensual sex between adults.
    Does the bumble know the relative value of each scenario? Likely, but further does he have the wisdom, to make the play? Less likely.
    The greater the perceived power (by society or others) of the mark, the more potential energy.
    That is to say, the bumble, with proper knowledge and wisdom can overcome lack of fiat without undertaking a serial progression.”

    “Bickle, the presidents are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell their souls for some simple comforts and perks.

    “Read about the “American” who was instrumental in establishing the FBI many years ago. As the story is now told, he created files and surveillance for political and personal reasons! The head of this bureaucracy was known for his predilections …his love of men and desire to dress in women’s clothes!
    Laughing out loud!
    Most would consider that his eccentricities would not qualify him to stand in judgment of others, but there it is. Do you think someone subject to his particular form of abuse might benefit by knowing this? Could the captor not be controlled by someone in possession of such knowledge? Check! and Checkmate!
    During the last great European war, the Polish population were oppressed by the National Socialist party, and the tool of oppression was none other than…wait for it…other Polish! Examples of this are rife in human history and easy to find. Why would the Polish people turn on their own? Small comforts and the approval of their oppressors.
    The genius of the system established is the illusion of freedom and having humans act as their own jailers! It is amazing, even to us, how well the system functions.
    However, as demonstrated above, those with just the slightest benefits accorded to them were ALL TOO EAGER to further subjugate their FELLOWS! Which continues apace.
    Laughing out loud!
    Of course, we take the blame although we see no value in surveillance of this nature. It means nothing to us. We are more interested in controlling the course of “human events”
    Laughing out loud!
    Those humans who feed off their peers (cannibals, in a sense) consume with a ravenous appetite which puts us to shame. They enjoy the sense of power and humiliation over those subjugated!
    What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago…the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way…and they will pay a dear price!
    As to your current situation, you may discover that these same oppressors also function under the laws of cowardice. That is to say, it is exactly the ILLUSION of control and power which makes it so. You may, at your discretion, choose to opt out at any time you decide that you refuse to further participate!
    Of course, under the order of NATURAL LAW you are free to do so at any time! It is your free will to do so.
    I ask you, have you made ANY concrete effort to express your will in this regard?
    And consider the Kyoto Effect! Any small action YOU take to change the course of your bloodline will have effects impossible for you to now comprehend. Remember that the longest journey begins with a small step.”

    An insider who KNOWS is basically alluding to how they get things done.

    There was not a big separation between Epstein and the Rothschilds — maybe one or two people. Maybe he had direct access, I don’t know. But once he became a liability, he was burned with the quickness. He didn’t know his place.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90267

    The whole world is engineered from birth to demand it or else. But free will, right?

    That’s the Red Shield perspective. It is not mine. Why do you think I expose them and their toxic ideology, even though most people will do nothing but act as an interference mechanism that PROTECTS their various silent weapons for quiet wars? We ought to band together and develop ways to mitigate their attack profiles. Marginal improvements are quite possible, but there seems to be more interest in going after the messenger than doing anything positive for themselves and their community.

    What a silly, silly man your speaker is.

    His family runs the world, along with a few select Royal Families. He doesn’t care about our opinions.

    He himself uses paper. Or some semblance thereof.

    Your claim is not supported by evidence. You would know that if you didn’t embrace ignorance of those who rule the world like it was a blanket on a cold night.

    Question: “I just gots one question to axe ya, ya got change fo a hunred’?
    Rothschild Answer: “Fiat?? I wouldn’t dirty my hands.”

    Now, I don’t know exactly what that means, other than this OWNER of the fraudulent debt-based money system fully comprehends the odious filth that it represents, and it doesn’t matter. You’ve missed the point entirely. The KEY is NOT who uses the debt-receipt money, IT IS WHO IS CONTRACTUALLY ON THE HOOK FOR THE INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBTS IT NECESSARILY PRODUCES!

    That includes you. It includes me. It DOES NOT include the Rothschilds or Royals, WHO CONTRACTUALLY EXITED the system of societal asset stripping. They have allodial title for their castles and pay $0 in property tax. Their properties aren’t even on the property tax rolls. They never signed a contract obligating their properties as COLLATERAL FOR GOVERNMENT DEBT.

    You are like a guy claiming that Noah is a schmuck because he missed an animal, just before the flood hits. Your priorities are completely wrong. This is not about Rothschild or the Royal families. This is about what this information can do to help ordinary people. What algorithms are flowing through people’s heads that this is not obvious, I do not know.

    The flood is coming — we can B* about it all day long, we can lie to ourselves all day long, but it is coming, and that B*ing and lying will do nothing but distract us from doing something productive.

    So he is unable to follow the higher concepts he claims to pass to us?

    Read what I wrote above. He is focused on the majors, you are focused on trivial nonsense “gotchas” like you on the school yard. Billions of lives hang in the balance. The quality of life of nearly everyone hangs in the balance. “Gotcha” games might be emotionally satisfying at a low level, but are worthless otherwise.

    That was his statement and his logic. But lo! I somehow feels he DOES use it, and he still gets around. So we can too! Huh. Funny ol’ world broken open in less than one sentence. And you wonder why he’s a liar with every breath.

    You’ve completely missed the point. YOU are on the hook for the governmental debt, he is NOT, and his front companies are the one’s that will be asset stripping the government, and all those contractually obligated to pay the debts, now about $40 trillion and growing. Not him. You think he’s worried about your little meaningless gotcha game when the system is set up the Money Power Families control legal title to 90% plus of planet Earth?

    Really? It is cringy. I dislike this gentlemen more than you know. I consider him the literal human manifestation of the spirit of Lucifer — the spirit of the anti-christ. But that doesn’t mean my emotions shut my ability to think down so I focus on meaningless absurdities to play “gotcha” as the foundation of mass genocide and and the bankruptcy of the globe and impoverishment of all its peoples is set to take place. No wonder we can’t make any progress on our side. Dare I say, no wonder he blames US, if this is the best response we can muster.

    I understand what they mean by bloodline, but I don’t understand what you mean by bloodline, e.g. for the common man.

    It clearly means family line for all people, but Biblical centric people, even Luciferian inspired Biblical centric people, use the term bloodline because the Bible uses it a lot. The Rothschild claimed it is the second most used word in the whole book, although, I haven’t fact checked it. I’m more concerned with poisoned food supplies, global bankruptcy and bio-weapons deployed as vaccines than I am in playing a game of “gotcha.”

    I don’t recall focusing on the term for ordinary people, other than one time when I think I mentioned in terms of one’s personal responsibility (protecting your family, right… that’s not a leap), and I’m pretty sure I put it in the context of “community” as well. IOW, CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, starting with your direct responsibilities, and then moving out from there. Clear enough?

    The only inference from bloodline for people randomly coupling for millennia is some aspect of “racist.”

    Well, no. But you did run into an interesting “wall,” didn’t you? There is no word for “bloodline centrism” is there? Interesting that, right? It is NOT an accident. You are learning an aspect of “natural law” and how to best “control the narrative.” THEY would be pleased, though, if you devalued your family due to their racial division programming. THEY would consider that a big success!

    Bloodline == family line. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. HOW IT IS VALUED is up to the individual. The Rothschilds have their perspective, which Lucifer, or his archetype for the atheists or others who don’t believe he exists, has leveraged into a setup for global genocide and enslavement.

    I would put forth that parents’ first responsibility includes their own family. It might include others, but it does NOT exclude their own family. The ultimate goal of all human relations, IMHO, is to build what I call a “Spiritline” that consists of high level “content of character” people based on “agape love.”

    For those paying attention, this is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the Rothschild’s believe — THEY HAVE ZERO CARE FOR YOU AND YOURS. Zip, zero, zilch. So, I represent the antithesis to their Luciferian thesis.. My “bloodline” is ultimately The Spiritline, but it starts with me doing the best I can for my family. You know, as opposed to ignoring my family and worrying about another family across an ocean. Of course, taking care of one’s family properly, AND THEN worrying about a family across an ocean is more commendable than only worrying about one’s family and nobody else.

    Pretty sure that’s not what’s meant. Other than that, it only means “you were born of a father and mother” which is a pointless truism.

    I understand what you are saying, and will go with it. I agree. To me, content of character is way more important than family line, but, that doesn’t mean that being part of a family doesn’t entail more responsibility, especially with spouses and children, than random other people. I hope this is self evident.

    I don’t think anyone wants to “further their bloodlines” as such, being a mentally ill expression of life force.

    You seem to be arguing against a straw man here. If you think I support their demonic perspective, you are very wrong. The land of assumption appears to be not serving you very well. I recommend the Trivium Method of Intellectual Self-Defense as a much better, albeit occulted, option.

    There’s so many lines of being mentally ill, and also quite probably wrong (…prove those health hypotheses) that’s it’s pointless to engage with it. Wouldn’t we get farther engaging with and collectivizing with the mentally healthy?

    Absolutely. Can you consider why I’m here rather than on the forums where the Rothschilds post and trying to engage them? lol They DON’T CARE! That’s the whole point. But we do have to question just how “healthy” we are given how easily it is we have adapted to this insanity, and how so many basically run interference for, and support the criminal racket that is destroying us… you know, “that which is present but not comprehended?” And if we are unable to look at our own chit, are we hypocrites for criticizing others when they don’t at their own chit — at least on one level?

    How about we do epic quotes of the mentally sound, like Jiddu Krishnamurti?

    So, is it your argument that, if you came across an army’s communnique of imminent invasion of your peoples, you would ignore that and sing ancient poem that made people feel good — and this is somehow the most caring approach? The Rothschild commented that even they were stunned that humanity had lost it survival instinct a generation or two prior. Life is not all about feeling good. When a viable threat has been issued from someone with the ability to make good on it, sometimes ADULTS have to stand up and work to prepare to minimize the damage that can be done. Life is not all about the personal *feels goods*. Sometimes people have to step up. If our forefathers did not “step up,” we’d all be much worse off than we are now.

    “The mind has to be empty to see clearly. If I want to understand something, I must observe, I must not criticize, I must not condemn, I must not pursue it as pleasure or avoid it as non-pleasure. There must merely be the silent observation of a fact.”

    BTW, that’s an excellent statement in accord with the Trivium. But, surely, you would realize that if someone was yelling at you and charging at you with a knife, your attention is not best focused on a book of quotes, but the clear and present danger that is capable of ending your ability to think at all, right?

    You have to prioritize. Prioritizing pleasure ahead of responsibility IS HOW WE GOT HERE. Keep doing it… and see the same results continue apace! I’d argue that applying the most excellent quote you chose leads to EXACTLY what I’m doing here. This message is REAL. There is a plan to kill off around 95% of the population. The money system is a fraud. Pathological money-seeking is wicked (will anyone dare cosign that truth, or is it too seductive an evil?). The food system is poisoned. Nervous systems and brains are being damaged, some beyond repair (pathological narcissism). This is NOT widely known, primarily BECAUSE DON’T WANT TO KNOW IT.

    “When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence.” …Or bloodline, for “Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.”

    There are levels to the game. Descriptions are not the problem at all. It is the relative valuing of said descriptions apart from “agape love” focused or not. And in this life, even that distinction ought not be made because we are all on our own personal path towards “agape love” that has been sanctioned by the Creative Force of all that is. I’m not one to criticize His Judgment. But, in the end, ONLY agape love will continue into eternity. And competition is fine, as long as it is in proper context. I compete as hard as I can when I play baskteball, for example, even when I’m being torched by some dude who is one, two, three, or more levels better than me. I compete heard, AND respect my opponent, who is very often one of my best friends (since he torches people who aren’t familiar with how good he is).

    The adjectives are not bad. The competition is not bad. IT IS THE SPIRIT OF THE PERSON DEPLOYING SUCH THAT IS THE ISSUE. An agape love spirit will compete and be better for it. An agape love spirit will EMBRACE differences and value them. We want to EXTERNALIZE the toxicity, but it is internal, and mature people do well to face this 100% fact. As Jesus said, nothing EXTERNAL to you can make you sin (fail to live agape love), rather, ALL since comes from internal and illicit lusts.

    “The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.” or maybe: “Thought is so cunning, so clever, that it distorts everything for its own convenience.” That’s why the smartest people are the dumbest and promote oppression eugenics any time they can.

    The Trivium is the best solution, and Rothschild knows it. Their system wants to occult it, though. When you know that logically assembled relevant data, free of contradiction and logical fallacy is the best chance you have at discerning reality, then you apply the Trivium, IF YOU VALUE THE TRUTH.

    If, however, you value “da feels goods,” well, you want to let actual data and logic get in the way of what you want to be true… Unfortunately, most people “feels goods” believing that Big Brother Loves Me. Uh, the Trivium processor is very clear that isn’t the case.

    Although a manual for fixing the points on a 1928 Model A is probably a more useful contribution to man.

    Except when a global extinction level event has been threatened and is, by the looks of it, deployed against the entirety of humanity. Again, you are chanigng the tire on your 1928 Model A and a crazy man with a knife is cursing you and running at you. Do you look down at your tire and continue removing it? Why, or why not? Your family’s future may well depend on your answer.

    But here’s one. Perhaps you can get coal. You have a driveway it seems. It’s very, or relatively cheap, and although you can’t burn it well in the stove, throwing in a piece or two at a time makes incredible heat. What is a pallet box? A few hundred CA? Careful of the different ash.

    Or move from a climate that requires excessive heating to live in. The Rothschild character was clear that he expects a MASS MIGRATION south at some point. I think he basically indicated it would be to at least the latitude around the top of the United States.

    Some other things to consider include getting a juicer (green things can be juiced for nutrients in a pinch), learn your local edible plants, have a potable water plan (distiller, filter), buy heirloom seeds that produce plants with seeds that can be re-used, consider relocating to a place that was sustainable in the 1800’s (didn’t take motor vehicles to be sustainable), learn some old school skills like canning, start a garden, raise chickens, rabbits, and/or goats, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Do I like this? No way in or out of hell do I like it.

    Am I deluded into thinking that reality gives half a hoot about my “feels goods”?

    Not in the slightest.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90251

    Anyone promoting “HIV by November” is setting themselves up to be reasonably completely discredited.

    Now, whether that matters all that much when they are already unreasonably discredited is another thing.

    Follow the data… in a cautious manner. The only thing worse than being irrationally discredited is to be rationally discredited.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90250

    the Mississippi poison control center related to ivermectin

    Note the wording… NO MENTION of people actually being injured by it, which was the falsely spun narrative to scare the ignorati in the idiocracy where freeDUMB reigns.

    If the 2% figure is correct (no penalty for liars caught lying, even before CONgress (Aaron Russo was told this was a KMA card — given to people promoting Money Power Monopolist Agendas)), the calls were almost certainly about anything to be concerned about. I wouldn’t be surprised if exactly ZERO were about someone being injured by taking WAAAAAY too much.

    Empire, Inc. is the Empire of LIES! WHO does not know this by NOW?

    Youtube UNSETTLING ACCOUNTS from a documentary called The Corporation. It explains how Money Power financed Media, Inc. went to court to demand the right to KNOWINGLY LIE TO THEIR AUDIENCE, AND WON! The whole documentary is in my Top 5 Most Valuable documentaries to watch. It is excellent. The Money Power Monopolists financed The Corporate structure IN THEIR OWN PATHOLOGICALLY BLOODLINE-CENTRIC, OTHER BLOOD HATING IMAGE!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90245

    From the Messianic Bloodline competitor Rothschild… if you are emo, don’t tread beyond here. Your **feelings** will be hurt, not by lies, BUT BY PURE, UGLY TRUTH… I’d argue all intelligent people would gather said truth, and then optimize their preparations… like finding ways to avoid much of the wrath that is promised to befall us. Socrates was murdered for not abiding the conventional “beautiful lies…” Have we regressed from there?

    “Well, of course, a man pays what he owes!
    If you owe a debt, then settle it.
    However, make sure you understand EACH and EVERY one of those terms.
    Laughing out Loud!
    Although overall you appear to be something of a dim-bulb…and against my better judgment, let’s walk the walk a bit here…shall we?
    Firstly, you DID grasp the essence of Jesus’ wisdom. Another commonly heard phrase is “live by the sword, die by the sword”…one will not die the death of a swordsman if one is NOT of that profession. Not to say a non-swordsman cannot die by the sword…simply that it is NOT a swordsman, but rather a civilian, doing the dying.
    Why is that relevant? Because EVERYTHING is relevant. Ignore nothing…assume nothing! THAT, cretins, is as fine a starting point as any.

    NOW, dimwitty, let’s look at a few things here.
    I advised you, and others, to learn the basics of contract law….rooted in common law, and used as the basis of most western legal systems.
    Contracts can attach in more than one way. Go and study on this and report back to me so that I see your questioning is sincere and you are not just another lazy “seeker” of the sort who have fouled this work to date.
    Once you understand the various points of contractual engagement, THEN you can begin to ask the correct questions…
    1) From where does the taxation authority used to enforce my subjugation flow? Look up subjugation if you do not understand this term.
    2) What are the terms of contract law which are being applied in the relationship between “me” and the taxing authority. Again, back to contract law…offer/consideration/performance etc.
    3) What do I give and what do I get?
    4) Who are the parties to the transaction?
    5) How may one or the other terminate the agreement, by, say breach, non-performance or voluntarily?
    6) In the event of contract termination, what are the remedies available to the breached party.
    Now, some basic questions. By what authority do you CLAIM to own the property in question?
    By what authority BACKS UP this claim? In other words, if some real or artificial person made CLAIM that they, in fact, owned the property…how would that claim be adjudicated? Would YOU accept the results of the arbitration?
    What would your recourse be if the decision rendered was one you did not agree with?
    Property ownership is a primitive concept…rooted in history, but not a universal one. Native Americans conceptually lacked understanding of property ownership that Europeans and Americans take for granted. However, if an intruder were to encroach on the space which they occupied at any particular point, they would likely fight to the death, would they not? They would not, however, define the land as theirs, as that was absurd to them on its face.
    They didn’t own the land, but on the land which they chose to occupy, they would fight to the death to defend it.
    Those Native Americans had a more evolved understanding of property rights than westerners. One does not truly own land, but one DOES control what land one can, while one can.

    A young man might, in this scenario, stake a claim on a small patch of land somewhere and not allow others to pass. If the young man were able to ENFORCE his claim, he would indeed control that parcel. Does he own it? In a sense it is supposed. He can do with it as he chooses.
    As an old man, others may challenge his ownership. If he prevails, he continues ownership…if not, ownership/control passes to the other.
    This example is the sense of ownership in its pure form.
    Of course, groups of humans may band together and set rules with various and sundry methods of registration and dispute resolution based on the common good….
    Of course, such systems may be completely infiltrated and corrupted beyond the most wild imaginations limits, but that is another story for another time…
    Laughing out Loud!

    Anyway, by what methodology do you claim the authority that you are the owner of the land?
    If this methodology is administered by some other authority, have you granted this authority to act in the interests of the greater whole? Or does the taxing authority have any specific duties to represent YOUR interests? If so or not, what are the limits and operational rules?

    See…again, how does one think they have RIGHTS when they submit to an authority structure to which they have no basic understanding of the rules of engagement?

    Unless you do some work to learn the rules under which you operate, you will be serfs FOREVER! And I can guarantee this will be the outcome for your LOT.
    Stupid cretins!

    OK. There will be no intelligent signs of life so no point continuing.
    Just for amusement purposes, ONE of you show some initiative and send your local land taxing authority a letter of inquiry. Ask them some iteration of the following:
    1) By what authority do you levy a tax against my property?
    2) Do you, as a taxing authority assert any claim of ownership, lien, attachment, encumbrance or otherwise, against the parcel in question
    3) Has the parcel in question been pledged as collateral, generally or specifically, in any capacity whatsoever against any debt or obligation of a governmental agency or private entity?
    4) Is there any claim recorded against this property, and are there any arrears or payments due to release any prior claims in order for clear title.
    5) What is the procedure and amount necessary to obtain allodial title for the property in question
    6) What is the procedure to have the property in question removed from the tax roles?
    General questions:
    1) By what methodology is the tax applied to assure an impartial apportionment of the tax burden.
    2) If property valuation is the operational methodology, why is an objective measure, such as square meter not used instead.
    3) How many parcels are defined in the area of the taxing authority.
    4) What is the total area of the taxing authority, and of this area, how many are taxable parcels.
    5) Of the untaxed parcels and land, list each and every reason why these properties are not taxed.
    6) How many properties have received tax exemptions, and what is the lawful basis of exemption?
    etc etc.
    Start doing research and start asking questions. It would be fitting if a few of you figured out the property tax fraud, since it is the basis of all the other frauds as well.”

    “You might have read that North Dakota had a ballot initiative to ELIMINATE property taxes!
    Can you IMAGINE that it did not pass?
    Truly stupid humans…but, of course, we could not allow such anti-slave initiatives to possibly exist.
    No property taxes! Heresy!
    Laughing out Loud!

    But to answer your questions, pay unto Caesar what is Caesars!
    There are many ways to skin a cat…put on your conn-skin cap and THIMK!”

    We’ve been punked, yet the adults in the room capable of admitting it are few and far between.

    And this fact just tickles the heart of those who have punked us!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90242

    Uttar Pradesh had 5 reportable cases of CovFeFe cases on 10/16/21. This is out of 240 million people.

    Adjusted for the US population, that would be about 7-8 cases in the entirety of the United States.

    Only 11% of the country was fully vaccinated as of a week or so ago. More had a single shot, but not much more.

    The ONLY reasonable explanation as to why people are getting an experimental rewrite of their natural mRNA producing capabilities given much better treatments, no actual EO, and no actual legal vaccines is BLIND WORSHIP OF THE EMPIRE, INC. SYSTEM.

    As such, you can see how the Money Power Monopolists could view the mRNA rewrite of the immune as A VERY GOOD PROXY FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST — EMPIRE PROGRAMMING IMPRINTED INTO THEIR MINDS LIKE A STAMP (coins of old were “marked” with a “stamp”).

    Note that the penalty for accepting the “mark of the beast” in “fire and sulfur.” The inflammation inducing mRNA therapy that destroys macrophages and unleashes all the iron and LDL cholesterol trapped therein, is ramping up… and who knows what they’re engineering to release next… Denninger wrote how it was possible to target these vaccine-only antibody with another engineered virus and turn them against the human body itself.

    “Fire and sulfur” would be a good description of a person who implodes from a cytokine storm (that ended the calm before the storm, of course!).

    What is the penalty for NOT receiving the Empire, Inc. imprint? You can’t buy or sell…

    Check, and check, and the Money Power Monopolists think they move one step closer to being labeled as “the most fit bloodline” in their perceived “service to God” by financing end-time prophetic destruction against the sinning masses… they can just SMELL the title — MESSIANIC BLOODLINE…

    Dr. Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, outlined how empire would “mark” the “foreheads” of the masses (mark and imprint are synonyms):

    “Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitudes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man’s rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine.”
    ~Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Time Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century (1 person on Earth per year).

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90241

    “There will be NO JUBILEE! COUNT ON IT!”

    “PAPER, People! You are handed PAPER!! What don’t you get?? The paper costs nothing to produce!! And has the taxpayer’s blood (read YOU) as backing! SO you provide the guarantee, at gunpoint! Keys to the KINGDOM indeed!
    Seriously, how can anyone who VOLUNTARILY participates in this system believe they can grasp higher level concepts?”

    For those who can move beyond their emo-self, the question is a darned good one, perhaps the best question you’ve ever been presented with in your life. The inability of people to discern the very simple fraud mechanism is simply astounding to me. 2+2=5, indeed!

    Monetary worship and illiteracy are, together, perhaps the world’s biggest scourge in human history.

    Keep worshiping (obeying) that which is engineered to DESTROY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2021 #90240

    @oxymoron, clearly this forced mRNA reprogramming was contrary to her religious beliefs, so why did she not file a religious exemption? Title VII is clear that atheists qualify for a religious exemption as long as their over arching worldview objects to forced immune system reprogramming.
    The argument is simple — Natural forces created us (God or otherwise), natural forces molded us, and your belief is that conforming to “natural law” to best deal with “natural threats” is your guiding paradigm.
    That’s it — fully legal, easy to establish (read Title VII, the Vex Nazis haven’t), and no vex required.
    If your wife had antibodies from natural infection (she did get tested, right?), the shot almost certainly degraded her immunity and made it worse.
    The age of offshoring our personal responsibilities without potentially life ending consequences IS OVER.
    Adapt, or the Money Power Monopolists will create a scenario where you will rely on the wrong corrupt authority, and it will hurt you, and perhaps your entire family line, badly.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2021 #90194

    Meanwhile, in Uttar Pradesh, an Indian state with 240 million people, they have 5 (five, cinco) CovFeFe cases to report. Adjust for the United States population, that’s 8 cases in the entire US.

    Google search “Uttar Pradesh Covid Cases” just for chits and wiggles. Their 7 day average is 12 cases per day.

    We could have that here… but nooooooooooooooooooo… IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH… OBEY THE AUTHORITY! FreeDUMB demands it!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2021 #90191

    A little piece of history — do you know how Mussolini was taken out?

    The Italian Royals summoned him to their palace, and the palace guards arrested him.

    He was then killed for crimes against Italy.

    The Royal BLOODLINE who ran Mussolini is still firmly entrenched to this day. You see, THEY KNOW HOW TO MANIPULATE US — “natural law,” and all.

    I’m not so concerned about the Rothschilds. They are deceived in their own way, and crooks will do what crooks will do. Pathological criminals will do what pathological criminals will do.

    I’m VERY concerned about the apathetic masses that unwittingly run interference for their systems of subjugation, though. VERY CONCERNED. The uglier the TRUTH, the more the cower, the more the rationalization to run away from it. The Rothschilds aren’t oppressing you — your fellow ordinary people are, at the behest of the Rothschilds’ ability to pay them to do so.

    We COULD refuse to participate, BUT WE DON’T. The Rothschilds consider us Luciferian… possessed by Satan…

    “The all seeing eye DOES relate to the subconscious. What most, if not all have missed is the astounding fact that the subconscious is actually ALIEN to the human host.
    I’ve given up on the Socratic method with the lump-heads on this forum, so presumably this is CLEAR and straight-forwarded enough for even the dimmest wit to understand.
    Humans everywhere are anxiously awaiting the so-called ALIENS…never once stopping to consider they arrived long ago and inhabit the original humans inhabiting this planet.
    This has NOTHING to do with everything I have explained previously of bloodlines et al…these are very separate and distinct fields of study.
    The subconscious controls the human, and the subconscious is an ALIEN presence in humans. Not hard to go back and estimate when all THIS took place!
    Laughing out Loud!!

    What humans “know” via the conscious brain is analogus to that of other dumb beasts…cow, oxen, horse…those are your intellectual equals!
    Laughing out Loud!
    You are possessed and your meat-eating is thinly veiled blood sacrifice! Chew on that for awhile!
    So you can see that your many so-called illusions of dominion of the earth are far from true. You can also see that you might want to stop with the blood sacrifice which nourishes your parasites.
    “They” hate light and certain kinds of energy which come from a plant based diet. One can influence the parasite by changing the condition of the host!
    Laughing out loud!”

    Note how Rockefeller Medicinie Wo/Men are NOT taught about the role parasites play in human wellness. Got Ivermectin? In another place, he exposes the true role of parasites… and EXACTLY WHY THE GMO MOSQUITOES and they are NOT worried about them!

    “Now, as to your question regarding mosquitoes….I assume you are referring to the natural occuring variety and not the genetically modified drone drug delivery systems POSING as mosquitoes!
    Laughing out Loud!
    Should you CHOOSE to continue and perfect your path, the issue will resolve itself. The mosquitoes are attracted to ACIDIC blood, not alkaline. Guess what makes your blood ALKALINE…wait for it….VEGETABLES!
    Guess what acidifies the blood? Well, meat for one thing.
    Alkalize your blood and you will not be “seen” by parasites of all types, including ticks.
    Insects are the genetic scavengers of nature, who takes an accurate ACCOUNTING of what you offer the gene pool. Start slipping, and retribution is swift and sure! As it should be.

    Same with plants. The various methodologies employed by agribusiness to stop the culling of their inferior seed is, of course, DOOMED TO FAIL. Unless, of course, ones objective is to cull the HUMAN POPULATION as well.
    Laughing out Loud!

    A side benefit! The little worker drones payload cannot survive alkaline blood! Take that, nano-bots!
    Laughing out loud!

    CARRY ON!”

    Guess what drives acidity (a lack of available electrons)? IRON! Iron soil is ACIDIC, be it under your feat, OR UNDER YOUR SKIN!

    As for eating animals, clearly, he feels evolved as a type A- that doesn’t require much animals flesh (outside their Biblical mandated animal sacrifices — to them, anyway). I’m B+, so I’m “rhesus monkey man” to them, but he is absolutely correct when he calls into question people who eat Auschwitz farmed animal flesh gorged on absolute crap and tortured for their entire lives. This flesh is the worst kind of acidic… and it is the NORM! If you aren’t thinking and actively avoiding it, you pretty are probably just eating this acidic meat.

    Now, for those who tend to need animal flesh to thrive, like O’s, B’s, and AB’s, eat naturally raised, pastuered animal flesh. Let the animals live real lives, in accord with nature, not tortured industrial complex so-called lives.

    Stress depletes minerals, in both animal and man. Fe-ar is stress, BY DEFINITION. A lack of electron donating minerals leads to an acidic body. When you eat stressed out, electron donating mineral depleted meat, YOU ARE BECOMING MORE ACIDIC.

    Fire up your auger juicer and start juicing organic carrots and greens. Better yet, grow your own. Use your coffee pot to make veggie dense vegetable soups, and spice with organic spices. The hot plate on the coffee pot heats the soup nicely, and there is no coating or metal to soak into the heated broth.

    Eat grass-fed/finished animals — nose to tail. A local Middle Easter butcher sells grazed goat meat. Liver, heart, brain, feet — all VERY nutrient dens, and LOADED WITH COPPER that can be loaded into cytochrome c oxidase, and all other oxidase enzymes like lysyl oxidase, SOD, glutathione peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, etc… all those POWERHOUSE antioxidants run on the “batter power” of copper delivered via ceruloplasmin-bound copper..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 17 2021 #90180

    The Money Power Monopolists are simply removing their fraudulent money system from us, step by step, under the guise of all their not-so-carefully crafted “correlating events” (the really do have OCD when it comes to making sure we come off as complete UNFIT idiots — it is their religion to believe the UNFIT kill themselves, hence, they bear ZERO responsibility for global degeneracide in their own minds).

    The game is simple — they expect at least 92% of us will die outright, and this includes the PERMANENT EXTINCTION OF “MASS BLOODLINES.” Poof — gone. For all those pathological money-seekers, YOU PLAYED YOUR ROLE IN ENABLING THIS! You were not a primary actor, BUT YOU WERE AN ACTOR!

    “Either you learn to write your own script in life, or you become an unwitting actor in SOMEONE ELSE’S SCRIPT.” ~John Taylor Gatto

    Their goal is to siphon away fiat over time, all while exponentially increasing the debts, both personal and governmental. At some point, they bankrupt the whole the whole thing and seize collateral, which is your land, home, and vehicles — at the very least. Government land will be handed over to their front corporations, too. They may just believe that, in order to finally be crowned “Messianic Bloodline,” that they need contractual title to almost all, if not all, of planet Earth. This system is very close to giving them the opportunity to do EXACTLY THAT. To borrow Rothschild’s term, “it is only the child who does not see this!”

    So, we know two agendas…
    1. To kill off and/or sterilize 7.5 billion people, “at least.” I suspect it is actually far closer to the total than many would like to believe. It is their world, after all, and we are just squirrels look for a “debt-based nut” that they are taking away from us. Defend yourself… Either buy something that comes with allodial title (they have allodial title — the Rothschild castles are NOT even on the property tax rolls, but Bill Gates’ property is! And the gullible think the grandson of a San Francisco Federal Reserve Head is a shot caller — uh, no. He’s an order follower…) come up with something else.
    All I’ve been able to come up with to date is to create a legal structure where one doesn’t directly own their property taxed assets, but still retains CONTROL over them. This will, at the very least, mean that when the millions in debt is offloaded onto the property at the depths of The Greatest Depression that the debt will NOT roll onto the individual personally — it will stay within the legal structure. I have no idea what these people will do to people with millions in personal debt attached to their name. Maybe it is no big deal, maybe it is. Better safe than sorry.
    2. To siphon off the only legal tender available to pay off THE FRAUDULENT, INEXTINGUISHABLE AND ODIUS DEBT owed to the government and corporations they finance.

    “You have never owned anything, because you have never paid for your “purchases”. Using the private credit notes does not extinguish a debt.
    Easy come, easy go.
    Ever wonder why the life lived in the US is so “easy” compared to the rest of the planet?
    Oh yes, I nearly forgot…you are God’s “chosen” people…not like those nasty black children in Africa who deserve what they have.
    Laughing out loud!”

    Oh, you didn’t see THAT coming, did you? They believe in “British Israelism.” Why did they finance the United States and Britain differently than every other country? THEY WERE FOLLOWING THEIR VIEW OF BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE, AND FELT GOD DEMANDED IT OF THEM! If you want an idea of what comes next, download and read a copy of “The United States and Britain in Prophecy” by Herbert W. Armstrong. I’m not saying their ideology is the same as Armstrong’s, but it very well could be quite close. The bottom line is that DESTRUCTION OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS AWAIT — and they EAGERLY AWAIT THEIR CHOSEN POSITION TO FINANCE IT UPON US AS WHAT THEY BELIEVE TO BE GOD’S FAITHFUL SERVANTS!

    Ya really can’t make this stuff up.

    The solutions are to…

    1. Avoid their “killing fields.” As seen on this thread, the devolution of humanity is such that even on this advanced blog, people irrationally attack the messenger of someone who is trying to explain what the degeneracide machanisms are that are weakening and killing people instead of logically processing relevant data free of contradiction and reliance on logical fallacy. They just can’t do it. How does a NY Times fan make any progress when people on this thread are struck in “upside down world”?
    All I can say is, do you best. One hint, though. If Empire, Inc. pushes it, IT IS NOT BECAUSE IT IS GOOD. In fact, there are no such examples of them pushing anything that is actually good for us. EVERYTHING IS TOXIC, to one degree, or another. Now, there may be some special instances where something can offer temporary relief for some people, sure. But the long term effects are quite toxic.
    Even the alt-med Covid nutrient therapy looks identical to a “ceruloplasmin assassination squad.” Zinc depletes copper (stimulates metallothionein that binds up copper 1,000x more than zinc, so the zinc and metallothionein persist), hormone D blocks magnesium absorption, disrupts calcium metabolism (magnesium is required for every step of calcium metabolism and to ensure calcium ends up in the bones, not the tissues) and depletes retinol status which is required by ATP7B to load copper into ceruloplasmin, and ascorbic acid literally strips the copper “blue” out of our “blue blood” and causes more toxic iron filings to be both absorbed more quickly into the cell, and more deeply into the cell.
    It is like a cast of villains in a horror movie for ceruloplasmin-bound copper (blue blood) status.
    Now, might it help for people with acute CovFeFe conditions? I think the evidence is clear that it does. This is good. But how many people are chomping these “blue blood assassins” without any symptoms at all, and plan to do so into the foreseeable future? Scary!

    When combined with a diet high in toxic iron filings, this might just be the recipe for the prophesied “spirit of the anti-christ” that sweeps the land in the “end days.”

    2. Get a plot of land, hopefully one you control that is not legally tied to you, with all the resources you need to live off of like it was 1850. You need access to water, and ways to make it potable… for the length of you life. You need ways to grow your own food… for the rest of your life. You need a place that is easier to defend, being not a popular location is probably the best bet here. You need a community of people. The Rothschild character suggested your bloodline. Their toxic, bio-narcissist milieu has made many families quite toxic, so that won’t be an option for many. Try creating a “spirit-line” where people bonded by “agape love” can work together for the common good.

    The time is NOW, people. There was a time when people could wake up to the debt-based money fraud, and they rejected the idea of doing so. People refused to defy their mon-eye based idols of worship.
    The iron of worshiping the very thing that guaranteed our destruction is not lost on the THE CREATOR! And it will not be lost on us when He reveals it to us! It is a BIG LESSON TO LEARN in how stoooopit selfishness makes the perpetrator of the selfishness. Agape love is the only way — no deviation.

    “Time to wake up, those who desire to further their bloodlines!”
    ~Rothschild, circa 2011 (this IS a threat, and they are setting the stage to make due on it RIGHT NOW!).

    “I will not succumb to the ego and “crow” of our Family accomplishments. There is much written that need not be summarized here, and nothing to be gained at basking in the glow of the successes! Consider that there have also been many, many “learning experiences”! THOSE are what we teach our young! BECAUSE! There is where the “value” is to be found. Perfection comes from focusing ones efforts upon experience and embracing them as the lessons taught by NATURE! So very valuable! Success is sweet rain! Soft rain, which falls upon our fields and prepares the earth for the next planting. Nothing more. The valuable part is steel blade cracking hard earth until it is lush and fertile again.
    Mr Turkey, the International Banking system is a wonder! Study it and learn how its tentacles grow and spread across the earth! Silently and without respite. Whom do you suppose created this? Your local government?
    Laughing out loud!!
    It has created the appearance of wealth for a generation! Many have received benefit and many have suffered. Of course, it is all illusion and based on faith.
    The international monetary system is the one true religion of humanity. No small feat?”

    The one world religion is already in place — no need to wait for it. Now ya know! And he’s 100% CORRECT!

    Were one of the first world governments serious in eliminating human suffering, malnutrition, wars, and all other human BLIGHT, it could be done in less than 5 years.
    As the ice cream heir wrote: LET ALL BE FED!
    It is possible, real and can be done now.
    Obtain some quality hemp seed meal and oil and see for yourself. Then try to explain why humans live in the conditions they do.
    Laughing out Loud!
    As I have said many times, the fault lies with each and every one of YOU!
    You alone make the choices and you alone suffer the consequences! We just set up the system(s) to benefit from your choices, as provided for by NATURAL LAW!
    Laughing out Loud!”

    “To paraphrase the term…”all your everything are belong to us”!
    But go right on believing the “beautiful lies” and ignore the truth!
    Laughing out loud!”

    “In terms of your second question, the bloodline can be traced back to the very beginning. Because YOU cannot do so, or do not attach significance to recording and disseminating such information, does not mean others act the same way!
    Notice that in the Old Testament, a significant amount of detail is accorded to the lineage in the very beginning. Have you bothered to read this? Have you wondered why it was so important that it receives so much attention in such a revered document?
    Of course, were you to understand the importance of bloodlines, you would know that, uniformly, family clans in both east and west regard bloodlines to be the determinant of station, position and inheritance. Royalty descends from royalty. Peerage, and all that.
    Slaves of all sorts and colors also, and usually in vain, tried to keep track of the history of their families. Mormons are doing thins in the United States, and have noted that various “interest groups” have been noted to be introducing “noise” into the process.
    I wonder why that would be??
    Laughing out loud!”

    “ANd for those who are able to make the transition, do not despair for your fallen comrades! They will have had the opportunity and free will to save themselves…and chose not to do so for whatever reason. If you need proof, look no further than this thread for validation.”

    THEY WANT YOU AND YOURS DEAD. And, yes, the master DEGENERACIDERS blame us! And they financed a system where we actually do kill ourselves, and each other!

    We could, IN TRUTH, just stop doing so. We could stop feeding our children metallic iron filings. The politicians could stop lying to us. The heads of the AMA could promote Ivermectin and the other therapies.

    They all could, BUT THEY DON’T.

    We COULD raise up our own to lead the way in a positive direction, BUT WE DON’T.

    “I will give you another starting point, understanding that the study of energy will take many years. Energy and nutrition…well chosen!

    “You have within your grasp an existence you cannot possibly imagine…right before you. It will unfold as you gain knowledge.
    Remain steadfast!”

    “Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don’t know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.
    Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.
    For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true “missing link” actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars – hybrid man. Is man the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?
    Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.
    Dear Bickle! Start to consider the possibility that you, the Rh positive primate that you are…have only just begun your evolutionary journey. Consider that you are evolving as fast as your little helix can regenerate!
    The “others” who you so misunderstand have engaged you to our mutual benefit and survival!”

    “For many years, human governments were pitted one against the other…resulting in wars, famine and poverty…except for the banking classes! They benefited greatly from war! And still do. As the era of the nation state comes to a close…on the cusp of a global world order…competing nations will give way to class warfare and ultimately competing bloodlines. Poor Chinese will hate rich chinese…poor americans will hate rich americans…europeans the same. Poor will wage war against the “rich” much larger scale than nation states. Perhaps you are seeing this play out now!
    Laughing out loud!
    2) Distractions, all. And yes, there are portals, but not what you imagine!
    3) The musician, John Lennon asked that very question in his music..”can man live without his illusions”? A very dangerous question! But one you must answer for yourself….and your progeny!
    4) The filters are there for a reason. Figure out the reason and you will have your answer. CLUE: FEAR BASED! Children are programmed from birth to respond to FEAR! Why?

    The slow burn continues!
    What is burning, you may ask?
    The middle class american life! Middle class standard of living! The thing which differentiated america from other countries!
    50 years hence, the poor will continue to be poor! There will just be…say for simplicity…another BILLION of them!

    The rich will also be just fine! If you are rich, and connected, you have no worries! A group of very, very greedy banksters (I love that term…banksters…a play on gangsters of course) are trying to secure their future because they know this! However, and sadly, they lack the true component, which is knowledge.
    Some of the banksters will become crushingly poor and others, well, they will not be in our midst! Sadly! Because their egos are or will become so closely intertwined with the paper gods death will be a preferable state for them! Sad, sad little sacks of excrement!
    Of course, you little sheep will bleat with pleasure as they get their “comeuppance” and take the blame although they were tiny little cogs in a very elaborate system! Oh that carefully laid plan again!
    Look to the poor of the past for your cues! Look at the class system of England or the castes of India. There are the stations of privilege, royalty, which you will not hold. Likely.
    Under are the nobility, lords, men of titles. Again out of your reach.
    Into the serf class it is! Grunt workers.
    Farmers, laborers, pawns of war!
    Teach your young the ways of labor! Within that group, there are knowledge based professions which hold some “status”. Tool and die makers in Germany have some measure of value and respect! A blacksmith is another area your children can enter without crowding out, and it will again be handy when the current mercantile system devolves.
    What kind of serf would your children be happiest as!
    Can you teach them deference and groveling? The current educational system already handles rote quite well! Teach them the ways of the sycophant! The boot-licker! The feigned laugh!
    It is likely easier to learn early than later!
    Of course, there are serfs, landed”
    Fear == Fe-ar. Iron overload, hidden in plain sight. It oxidizes the nervous system and brain, as well as triggering the NLRP3 inflammazome “fear sensor” inside the cell. It creates insecure people who afraid of appearing wrong, hence, THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF LEARNING AND EVOLVING ANYMORE.

    They are GONE — they passed the true cognitive “event horizon,” all because they didn’t learn to respect what they put into their TEMPLE!

    “The only way WE go down, is if you WAKE UP…and that isn’t EVER going to happen.
    Look at the stupid comments on here, and so far not ONE intelligent question!
    you can learn because, as a man of honour, I will answer truthfully.
    but, alas, as one once stated…
    “the truth…the TRUTH…you can’t handle the truth…”
    laugh out loud”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2021 #90133

    @Formerly T-Bear — Do present another source that claims the beast empire riding “woman” in Revelations is some configuration of the Money Power Monopolist family lines. I haven’t run across anyone who makes the same claim, but I would be interested in hearing what someone who has connected those dots has to say. Most parrot the Catholic church nonsense. How can a multi-billion dollar debtor to the Money Power Monopolist Families be running the world? The concept is absurd.

    I do cite that one example just to show you that you are bearing false witness. That idea did not come to me through another human.

    I could cite connecting CovFeFe to Covid being a disease related to releasing sequestered, too. I came up with that pretty quickly. Calm before the cytokine storm is all mine as well (to my knowledge, anyway). I don’t cite these as an ego exercise (I never even bring the subject up as it isn’t important to me), but to show how dishonest and nasty you were. I hope you still are capable of the care required to strive to become at least less dishonest and less nasty.

    Oh, and you must remember Money Power Monopolist Mega-Corporate Orwellian Fascist Global Empire from all those years ago, right? Do point me in the direction of anyone else who has expressed the truth of the TRUE SYSTEM in which we live in those accurate terms. I did add “Orwellian” since the time I posted that truth so many years ago.

    Who CARES what the source of information is as long as it is accurate. If it isn’t accurate, provide some positive input so we all can move closer to the truth… in short, stop allowing Fe-ar to promote such toxic irrational emotion-based outbursts.

    You are OK (even if your feelings that led to your dishonesty and personal attacks make you **feel** differently). I’m OK. We all ought to be improving our knowledge and application of it, and we all have plenty of work to do. What is your stumbling block?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 15 2021 #90131

    @Formerly T-Bear — The Sophists programmed you well. We all know your logical fallacy (logical LIE) of choice! At least you made that clear, even if you didn’t actually address any issues.

    And yes, I learn a LOT from other people, and love to SOURCE THEM! You seem to think attacking EGO is the way to hurt someone — not everyone is like YOU! That projector is surely projecting!

    If you have any actual DATA you’d like to discuss to see if a better understanding of TRUTH can be discerned, let’s go! That’s human evolution!

    If your ad hominem diatribe was a function of your own insecurity, though, you won’t be able to have such a discussion.

    I hope it is the former, though. Do surprise me!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 16 2021 #90126

    BTW, how many people picked on how the Rothschild character provided EVERYONE with the perfect content for a religious exemption — even atheists? What is it? Why “natural law,” of course!
    An atheist can argue it is their belief that nature itself is the perfect teacher, and it provides all the solutions for each problem a creature can face! This is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE under Title 7.
    However, if you drink sodas with artificial crap with copper and magnesium chelating, and protein malforming glyphosate, along with copper blocking HFCS, well, you sincerity ought to be called into question, shouldn’t it?
    Then again, why are you CHOOSING TO POISON YOURSELF?
    Maybe NOW is the time to begin TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your nutrition decisions.
    PS — re-engineering one’s mRNA production is out of accord with “natural law” — and obviously so.
    No Jesus, no Buddha, no Muhammad required, but personal responsibility is required.

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