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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56531


    Yes, the government isn’t being nice because they love us!

    Maybe they are more worried that their tax slaves won’t be laboring to create enough wealth for them to steal to keep themselves in the style they have become accustomed to!

    After all the government rescue packages are just more blatant emergency transfers of wealth from us to them!

    It is all about their survival not ours!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56530

    Dr. D. Rich:

    You forgot to include all those clueless people going for a joy ride in a self driving Tesla!

    Their gene’s are no longer available to future generations!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56528

    Carol:. Yes some families would want to hide such things that happened in the past! I however, am not that way. Curiosity drives me!

    The fact is most of my relatives came to the states or Upper Canada on one way tickets! None left due to happy circumstances!

    Let’s face it crossing the Atlantic in a sailing ship was a very risky thing to do back then! Much more risky than the virus we face!

    Mostly English, I do have some Irish in me! My Irish side (Mother’s side) has two vague stories. One came to Quebec City after the British replaced tenant farmers with sheep! The other Irish came over due to being on the losing side of some kind of Irish vs Irish clan struggle. The reason the stories only go back as far as Quebec City, is likely due to the fact that they probably couldn’t read or write. Anything recorded would have only been written by local priests in long lost family Bible’s. So all I have are the oral stories past down from gen to gen.

    I do know my great grandfather (on my Father’s side) left England in the late 1890s to avoid having his young son being put to work on a grinding machine which was basically a death sentence (like black lung) in those days! Also the very bad air pollution from coal too!

    The Bishop part of the family comes from my Father’s Mother’s side of the family. They were all Bishops being loyal to the crown, fled to Upper Canada (Ontario) as Empire Loyalists settling around Prescott – Brockville area. (That is why we have a family cottage in the 1,000 Islands!)

    One of the Bishops was a personal doctor to a British general, so obviously they had to leave! There were a lot of doctors amoung the Bishops. On my Father’s side that tradition of doctors (3) still continues.

    I certainly wish I knew more about my family’s history but only on my Father’s English side can we trace the family back to early 1600. Even that family tree part took a retired engineering relative in England over 20 years to discover. He had to visit many church records and cemeteries all over England as nothing is digital.

    Interestingly, even the spelling of the surname was often spelled differently amoung a given family’s siblings! Probably this was a result of different priests spelling the surname as it sounded to them!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56522


    Maybe my use of guard was a bit extreme! He wasn’t carrying a gun!

    Actually the Walmart guard was very helpful!

    He is the one who pointed out the available of the wipes to clean the shopping cart handles!

    I think as far as wanting to go back to being as close to normal, we are on the same page!

    We both want an end to the lockdown!

    But if everyone does social distancing, wears a mask and gloves, then with a few other practical changes, we can get back to the normal business of life!

    Will it stop the spread of the virus? No! But it will slow it down so we can better manage it!

    Hopefully by then the medical community will be more robust along with easy access to testing for the virus as well as testing to see if you had the virus too!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56512


    Your comment about people being “burned at the stake” reminded me of my great, great, great, … relative Bridget Bishop being the first witch to be hung on June 10, 1692, in Salem, Massachusetts!

    Obviously she “objected” to charges of witchcraft to no avail!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56506

    Yesterday, I ventured out to the local Walmart to get groceries.

    My how things have changed in just one week! Slightly reduced store hours.

    First there is 2 meter spaced lineup to get into the store controlled by a security guard. One out, then one in. Metal handrails guide the line. More people are starting to wear masks and gloves. I wore my winter gloves but no mask. I guess I will have to sew some!

    Once inside, the security guard tells you to take a hand wipe to clean your grocery cart.

    Inside the store, on the floor of each grocery lane entrance, are home-made one way arrows to direct the flow of grocery carts. Grocery lane exits are marked with home-made “Do Not Enter” signs on the floor.

    I must admit myself and other shoppers were initially having a little difficulty catching onto this new one way grocery cart flow system!

    The 2 meter spacing part everyone seems to have no difficulty with.

    Red lines on the floor plus pylons with ropes channel and space carts waiting at checkout cashiers.

    Cashiers have home-made plastic shields to protect the cashier’s who now wear plastic gloves.

    Overall, I have to give my Walmart store credit for making these simple but effective changes.

    Less shelves are empty now than before. I got about a 90% of what I wanted.

    If this is what the new normal looks like, I can live with it. The other option, I don’t want to think about it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56504

    I agree that until a country gets serious about everybody wearing a mask, the virus will continue it’s exponential spread.

    It is not about the mask preventing you from getting the virus.

    It is all about the mask preventing an infected person from spreading the virus to other people!

    That is why the business of life in Taiwan can continue as before.

    Also wearing gloves in public helps reduce the spread too.

    I think once our governments finally figure this out, then our lives can go back to normal.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 2 2020 #56503

    Yesterday, I saw a news report that the province of Manitoba is allowing former nurses to return to work as nurses. They will wave the government’s registration fees. They may temporarily wave re- certifcation requirements. All of these are government restrictions placed upon already trained nurses being able to work.

    Whomever thought of this idea should be given some credit.

    However getting former nurses to go back to nursing will still be difficult. Most of these former nurses have carved out new careers away from nursing and will be reluctant to return.

    Why do most nurses leave? Constantly Rotating shifts.

    Somewhere I once read that for every practicing nurse, there are 2 nurses no longer practicing. That was certainly true in my family as both my Mother and sister were no longer working as nurses.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle April 1 2020 #56482

    Speaking of goats!

    When I was working a Congo copper mine, a friend was working night shift. Behind the house he was staying in was an open grassey area that the local kids often played soccer in.

    One morning someone tied a goat with a long rope to his backyard fence to eat the grass and left it. The goat kept going baaa, baaa so much that my friend couldn’t get to sleep! Pissed off, he got up and untied the rope attached to the fence. That worked great and my friend soon fell asleep.

    That evening before sunset, a boy knocked on his door asking if he had seen his now long gone goat!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2020 #56383


    If the new normal means PM Trudeau’s family can go to the cottage, then so can I!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 31 2020 #56382

    One chart we are not likely to ever see, is a chart showing the exponential growth of political corruption this virus has triggered!

    in reply to: Dr. Fauci: 200 Million Americans Will Be Infected #56342

    Federal Canadian health officials are busy telling Canadians to stay home and not go to their cottages!

    Guess what!

    Trudeau’s wife and kids just went to their government cottage to wait out the virus since schools are closed!

    in reply to: Dr. Fauci: 200 Million Americans Will Be Infected #56340

    Is it possible that the government is the biggest problem inhibiting amore robust response to this virus?

    For example, supposed you want to make face masks. How long do you think it will it take you to get approval from the government before you are legally allowed to make face masks? Days? Weeks? Months? Or Years? If you chose years, you are correct!

    And while we are thinking about making face masks, how much money do you think you would need to jump through all of the government’s regulatiary hoops? $1? $10 $100? $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? $1,000,000? $10,000,000? If you chose $10 million you stand a fighting chance of succeeding!

    So, by government decree it takes time and money to make medical face mask in America! So if you are alreadylicensed to make medical face masks, and you move your factory to China, just how high are the hurtles that a new competitor now has to jump? I would say barriers for a new competitor for making medical face masks in America are nearly impossible to surmount!

    Oh, yes! I forgot to mention the existing medical face mask maker has hired the US Chamber of Commerce to ensure new laws and regulations are in place to prevent your entry into making medical face masks!

    So in reality, your chances of making medical face masks are zero!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2020 #56336

    I noticed the CDC has been finally forced to allow the meds Dr. John Day told us about 3 months ago!

    But not before 2 Dem state governors banned doctors from proscribing these 2 meds! I wonder if doctors in these 2 states still have to abide by their governor’s bans? I can only think these 2 governors where more interested in protecting the big drug companies?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2020 #56334

    Finally the media admits Ontario is doing a crappy job of testing for the virus!

    They have finally admitted Ontario is only testing medical workers and those people so sick that they are admitted to the hospital! Their tent assessment facilities are just a smokescreen to keep people out of hospital ERs!

    Ontario, out of 10 provinces, has tested the least number of people per 100,000 people in Canada!

    BC has tested more than 3 times as many people as Ontario!

    I have been saying this on TAE for some time now.

    Sadly, Ontario lost the containment battle weeks ago!

    I wonder how long it will be before Quebec and Manitoba close their borders to Ontario!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 30 2020 #56332

    Maxwell Quest:

    From an engineering point of view, your half full glass just means your glass is twice as big as it needs to be!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2020 #56256

    Doc Robinson:.

    Yes, Tyler likes to exaggerate! Click bait!

    Gold and especially gold mining stocks are in a world of hurt at the moment!

    Someday paper gold prices will stop setting the price of physical gold but that day isn’t now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 29 2020 #56255


    Regarding Drinking water on Indian reservations. This is is just part of Indian politics!

    This problem has been around forever and will be in the future too. Sadly it has a lot to do with corruption on the Indian reservations.

    Do you remember the Harper government trying to bring transparency to tribal government finances? By requiring Indian governments to publically disclose annually how tribal money was spent?

    Do you remember how all of a sudden Indian chiefs were declaring drinking water emergencies all across Canada? This was merely the Indian chiefs way of hitting back at Harper!

    Then Trudeau was elected. The first thing Trudeau did was to eliminate any requirements for Indian chiefs to publically disclose how tribal money was spent. Notice how we suddenly no longer hear about Indian drinking water problems anymore!

    It was always about the power of Indian chiefs to spend their tribal money from the federal government as they saw fit! Try and take that power away and the chiefs will beat you over the head with drinking water!

    As for maintenance of water systems, well a new pickup is more appealing.

    I have a wee bit of experience with natives here in Canada and the US. In particular Naskapis, Montagnais, & Navajo. I have also run into a few others like Mohawk, Hopi, Crow, etc.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 28 2020 #56192

    Late yesterday, I posted a few notes about making face masks and ventilators, from my Detroit based engineering brother who works for GM. we

    GM & Ford will soon be making face masks. They have everything they need except for the face mask fabric. Their biggest obstacle was finding a non-Chinese supplier of face mask fabric. Well they found one!

    An auto supplier of sound deadening material in South Carolina! This supplier is tweaking their machinery this weekend to reduce the sound deadening material down from 75% to the 25% required for face mask fabric. They will produce 1 million square yards of spun polypropylene face mask fabric by this coming Friday. That means both GM & Ford will soon be producing face masks in volume!

    GM production engineers, in the last 2 to 3 weeks, have sourced all of the over 700 parts needed to produce ventilators. Production will start this week and ramp up to 1,000 ventilators per day, in Kokomo, Indiana.

    So some good news in the fight against the virus for Americans!

    However up here in Ontario, the government is only now reducing restrictions placed on private companies to help in the fight. This is because the public health officials have resisted this every step of the way! This is our truf and everybody else keep off! Tests can only be done at government labs not private labs. This is still the case despite a huge backlog of tests to be preformed! (Private labs have to be certified by the government!)

    I know Americans love to bitch and complain about how incompetent their government officials are! No matter how well American politicians perform, it is never good enought! We could have done better! Everything is hung out on the clothes line for everybody to see!

    I have worked with Americans all over the world. The one thing that has always stuck me is how flexible they are! Saying NO to an American is asking for big trouble because they won’t accept NO for an answer especially when they think there is a way!

    When I compare responses between Ontario and the US, I see some big differences!

    In socialist Ontario, the public health (union) officials are resisting the privatization of any public services even in this emergency! They want to retain 100% control of everything even if many Ontarians die because of it. They don’t want to risk the public finding out how incompetent they really are by letting the private sector help out and show them up! And there is nothing we the people of Ontario can do about it since the socialist control everything!

    Then I watch what is happening in the US. Every state’s response is different especially those states run by Democrats. Several Democrat run states have banned doctors from proscribing medications discussed here on TAE! I wonder why and for who’s benefit they are doing this? Certainly not the peoples. I watch the speaker of the house! Stalin would be really proud of her!

    Yes, for political purposes, everybody cut the CDC’s budget even if they didn’t, maybe it was a blessing that the CDC were proven incompetent so early on! I don’t see anybody waiting for the CDC! Seems more like the hell with them! Remember CDC’s restrictions on early testing? FUBAR!

    Here in Ontario everybody seems to be waiting on everybody else! That is what I saw in Russia in 1983!

    Then I too also noticed how American private enterprises are rising to the challenge! Like what my brother is telling me. I see almost nothing like that here in Ontario, the so called industrial heartland of Canada! There is a small brewery, 2 guys, making hand sanitizer, bottled in beer bottles? That’s the big story up here!

    I have to wonder when this is all over just who rises to the challenge better, the government or the private sector.

    I think American private sector flexibility will prove to be the big difference maker in the long run.

    Meanwhile Americans, keep putting your dirty laundry out on the clothes line!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 27 2020 #56144

    In our family, some good news.

    Whatever kind of flu my wife had she seems to be recovering and no longer has a fever. She was the one we were most worried about especially her lungs.

    What my daughter and wife had is the weirdest flu I have ever seen! To me the flu hits you right between the eyes! You know you have been hit! Then it backs up just to make sure you have been it hard enough!

    Tonight I was texting with my brother who works for GM in engineering in Detroit.

    First we discussed making face masks.

    Both GM & Ford are making masks. The fabric used to make masks is only made in China and they are not allowing any fabric to be exported. So what they are doing is having a US auto supplier in South Carolina that makes auto sound deaden material tweak their machinery to reduce their density from 75% to 25%. This will allow this supplier to produce 1 million square yards of the same spun polypropylene fabric used to make the fabric used in face masks!

    The supplier is supposedly tweaking their machinery this weekend! One million square yards of needed face mask fabric will be available by this coming Friday! So that is very good news for Americans!

    Then we talked about GM making ventilators. My brother spoke directly to a production engineer involved in this project.

    GM in the last 2 to 3 weeks has sourced the over 700 parts needed to produce ventilators. Production will start in Kokomo, Indiana this coming week with a planned capacity of 1,000 ventilators per day! This ventilator production is being done by what used to be known as Delco Electronics, GM’s radio supplier. Again more good news for Americans!

    The big difference that I see between the US and Canada, is that private companies are being used to quickly ramp up needed medical supplies. In Ontario, the public health service is resisting the use of private companies! Therefore we are experiencing huge bottlenecks every step of the way!

    From what I have seen NYS can test more people per day than all of Canada put together! P.S. Ironically NYS greater testing ability seems to be causing a mass flood of NYers to flee the state! To states with less testing!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2020 #56015

    Dr. D. Rich:

    When I could hear better, I often heard my wife’s stomach gurgling because there was no check valve to muffle the sound!o

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2020 #56013

    Thanks Dr. D Rich and Bosco!

    Right now I am just taking things one step at a time. Hoping it is just normal flu.

    If she starts having any more difficulty breathing, I have told my 2 kids be prepared to drive her to emergency. Both are home through weekend so that is good. Two drivers plus two cars.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 25 2020 #56009

    Over a week ago my 19 year old daughter likely came down with a mild dose of the coronavirus. She had just returned from attending university in downtown Toronto, clearly a hotbed. She seems fine now.

    We are still unsure about my 23 year old son if he had it or not. Naturally we will never know because Ontario doesn’t test non travellers.

    Unfortunately today my wife is running a fever and experiencing tightness in her chest. Not good. She is the one person in our family who is most vulnerable to any virus in her lungs. She has had many lung infections in the past.

    When she was born, she was born without an esophagus. This genic defect also came with being very hard of hearing. About 50% of children born without an esophagus suffer hearing loss.

    She spent the first 2 years of her life at Sick Kids in Toronto. She is one of the very first babies in the world to survive after having a leg vein used to create an esophagus. The only thing missing is the check value at the top of her esophagus. The top of our bed mattress is elevated with a few bricks to help keep her from being completely horizontal when sleeping.

    Likely these early operations are the reason why her lungs are so vulnerable to infections.

    For now we wait and hope.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 24 2020 #55956

    One thing I am beginning to see clearly now, is the big difference in the availability of test kits between Canada and the US!

    In the US, private enterprises have escalated the number of test kits available, exponentially!

    In Ontario, the government is only now considering allowing private companies to provide test kits and do testing!

    Ontario government health officials have resisted enlisting private companies to help by putting up all kinds of excuses as to why private companies can’t help. This is our union monopoly!

    Only now that Ontario government health officials have been totally overwhelmed, do we discover, way too late, their incompetence and lies.

    The number of test kits has ramped up very slowly. The ability to complete testing has lagged even further behind! Test result times have now reached 7 days and still rising!

    Unfortunately the damage has been done in Ontario with community spread now spirilling out of control.

    In the US, maybe you should be grateful that the CDC’s incompetence was exposed very early on, giving private enterprises an earlier start to meet the challenge. Maybe in the big picture, cutting the CDC’s budget was a big blessing in disguise?

    In the land of Medicare for all, government health officials told us soothing lies that everything was under control and they were well prepared to deal with the coronavirus, … hint, hint, … unlike the US!

    The only thing they were well prepared for, were the lies they would tell us!

    in reply to: BREAKING: Virus Kills Easter Bunny #55952


    If you are talking global warming, I am all for it!

    Send it my way please! I can’t wait any longer!

    Yesterday, in Toronto we had a silent shot of snow!

    I want to be able to step outside of my igloo!

    in reply to: BREAKING: Virus Kills Easter Bunny #55951

    My read of history says the people are always worse off after a crisis due to the elites using the opportunity to steal more wealth from the people than they could get away with in normal times.

    During a crisis, the normal checks break down allowing the elites to plunder without restraint.

    Observing Washington and Ottawa, there is no crisis, it is business as usual.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 23 2020 #55864

    Seychelles:. Yes, keeping your license active, can come in very handy!

    When my Father was dying of leukemia, he was struggling with constant nasal infections.

    His older brother was a retired doctor, who kept his license too, so he could help out in his son’s practice, so he proscribed sulfa meds, so my Father could at least sleep at night.

    I don’t believe a practicing doctor would normally proscribed sulfa for such long term use (years).

    P.S. My cousin said the problem with his Father helping out, especially when on vacation, was his Father would spoil all his patients by taking extra time to chat up all the patients, which of course they loved! My uncle was a people person plus retired, not trying to make a living!

    Then when my cousin came back he had to get them back on the regular bang, bang, schedule! They would all say, but your Father never rushed!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 23 2020 #55860

    Bosco:. Glad to hear your wife will be working from home? or at least at home. A bit safer.

    My son and daughter are both at home.

    Daughter has been home from university for nearly 10 days now. Yesterday she had to go downtown Toronto to remove all her stuff from her student residence since it will close today. She said there are still too many stupid idiots wandering around in Toronto. Last night Trudope finally said enough is enough. Nobody will listen!

    My son has been home since last Thursday. He services GE wind turbines so is on call if one goes down.

    Today my brother in Detroit called to let me know Michigan is in lockdown now. He has been working from home from GM for about 10 days already. He gets to crash test cars for a living! It is the paperwork afterwards that is the real killer!

    Today both Quebec and Ontario are shutting down all unessential businesses just like Michigan. Before they were just asking. Now they are telling!

    Quebec is now even arresting quarantine violators! Just like their cousins in France needing a note to be about! Short Gaulic tempers!

    Interesting piece of history re-Quebec. The english word “bigot” comes courtesy of a certain selfish French governor called Mr. Bigot! He is responsible for the fall of Quebec City to the British. He wouldn’t give the French general the use of local militia, so the French general faced the British with only French troops! Both generals died!

    Naturally Mr. Bigot lived to go back to France rich! No justice back then either!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 23 2020 #55859

    John Day:

    Earlier today I saw an article where a doctor, Alain Gauthier, somehow managed to connect 9 patients to one ventilator machine since his hospital only had 1 or 2 machines.

    Thought you might be interested in this. I would put link but don’t know how, so here is address.

    Interesting engineering.com/Canadian-doctor-rigs-ventilator-to-treat-nine-patieents-instead-of-just-one

    I also saw where two patients were connected to one ventilator but the catch was they had to be about the same size and use the same amount of air.

    in reply to: Virustime #55856

    Generic:. Talking of lung scarring. My brother caught valley fever while living in Arizona. Valley fever also leaves scarring in the lungs. This has caused some difficulties getting visas, like China, that require X-rays. He has to provide doctor’s note saying the lung scars are from valley fever.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 22 2020 #55785

    Zerosum:. It is rather interesting but not surprising that the rich skiers are doing their best to community spread the coronavirus far and wide!

    Skiers from Iceland, Norway, and Sweden flying to the Italian Alphs to bring home the virus! Italians skiing in Vail. Mexicans skiing in Vail! A virus circle if I may say!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 21 2020 #55728

    I find it sad AG Bill Barr is trying use this virus to make a power grab so he has the power to arbritarily arrest and detain people indefinitely without access to a lawyer or the right to appear before a judge. Proves 100% he is deep state.

    Some of the same sick people in Israel too!

    Hopefully all these sick people are unsuccessful.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 21 2020 #55727

    John Day:. I am glad to hear your co-workers listened!

    Just a guess but the US drug companies probably want to fire President Trump for telling Americans what you have been saying forever! Now they don’t get to make a killing!

    Not sure if you grow some corn or not. My Father loved his corn on the cob! His problems were the squirrels followed by raccoons.

    The squirrels liked to climb up the young corn stalks and topple them to the ground before tasting the immature cobs basically killing that stalk. Naturally for years the raccoons got the blame!

    Then one day my Father caught a squirrel in the act! From that point on, he drove wooden stakes at the end of each row of corn and then weaved two strings between each corn stalk, tied for support to the wooden stakes. This prevented the squirrels from doing their thing! That discovery made Dad a happy camper!

    Mom grew tomatoes but always put a large tin can around the stalk to keep the bugs away until the tomato stems could hardened.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 21 2020 #55726

    My observation of the big variations in death rates mostly reflects the size of the denominator.

    The exception is where an area’s medical facilities get completely over run and basically crash because too many of its medical workers get sick. This is Wuhan, Iran, and northern Italy.

    If you do little testing, then the size of the denominator is unknown.

    (That is my province, Ontario, which is not doing community spread testing. Only people who have travelled from 8 selected countries are eligible to be tested. If your Canadian, you are not eligible to be tested, just self isolate at home. My daughter and son are not counted in any statistics! )

    For example, if the death rate is 1%, then Italy with over 4,000 dead, may have over 400,000 people infected. But likely we will never know.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 20 2020 #55667

    Dr. D. Rich:. Good luck! Right now they obviously don’t need doctors! That will change soon! Sometimes stupid just has to do stupid!

    My Father’s older deceased brother was a doctor and I remember all the political shit he had to put up with too! The family will soon be back to two doctors, as the youngest graduates soon.

    I also imagine the US drug industry would dearly like to fire President Trump for bring up the use of John Day’s cheap medicines to fight the virus!

    No doubt the US drug companies were all rubbing their hands with glee on how they were going to fleece and bankrupt more Americans than ever before, with their expensive useless drugs that they had already lined up with their bought and paid for congress critters!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2020 #55604

    Zerosum:. Do you think if I hang a coronavirus sign on my front door, the banks will leave me alone?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2020 #55603

    Zerosum:. I forgot to mention how often those harmless old folks trapped in nursing homes, try to make a desperate break for it!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 19 2020 #55602

    Zerosum:. Sadly nursing homes do take away walkers and canes from the old folks trapped inside!

    My wife’s mother had her electric wheelchair taken away because she was running into things and running over people! And she didn’t give a dam either! It was always someone else’s fault!

    Imagine what old trapped folks can do with a cane!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2020 #55546


    No you are misreading the government’s propaganda!

    The 3300 tests are the total to date! That is less than 100 tests per day!

    My daughter, and now my son, each have the coronavirus!

    They will not be tested because there are not enough test kits available!

    The assessment centers do not want them to visit! Said stay away!

    They have been told to just stay home and self isolate themselves!

    They are not being included in Ontario’s case numbers! It is Don’t Test, Don’t Tell!

    We know of 2 other coronavirus cases! Same story! No testing!

    Ontario’s case numbers are being counted by Stalin!

    This is all being done to give you a false sense of security!

    Ontario is not testing for community spread!

    That is how my daughter and son caught the coronavirus!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 18 2020 #55544


    Your idea of jumping off the city rat race bandwagon into the country is very romantic but unfortunately full of pitfalls for most people. to

    Most people I know who live on small hobby farms, support themselves with a full time job in the city! They have long commutes to work.

    Many of these types of people are highly educated, motivated, disciplined, and very skilled with their hands! These people can troubleshoot and fix anything put in front of them! I know very few people like that! It is very rare to find people who can think for themselves and translate that into reality with their hands!

    Another thing I have noticed about these types of people, is they grew up with a father doing all of these things. So obviously they had a 18 year head start on most people!

    Luckily, my brother and I grew up with such a Father! By profession, a mining engineer, but by trade a carpenter, plumber, electrician, mechanic, and self taught financial advisor.

    I can tell you neither my brother nor myself would ever consider taking on a hobby farm! First of all it is way too much dam work! But of course we know this from being exposed to farm life growing up! We also know there is no dam money in it either! Sure you can grow veg’s but mostly the excess you end up giving away!

    Here is another thing to factor in. Rural areas often have zoning, preventing the split up farms into smaller parcels. Any that currently exist are already occupied by people with the same idea as you, especially if within commuting distance to cities! Therefore very expensive!

    Also small lots may be too small to build on because you need sufficient land to put a septic system in. Many lots are too small, so you can’t get a building permit! Beware of people saying you can get a building permit, no problem! The borough will gladly sell you a building permit but later you may find that you cannot get a septic system permit from the health authorities! Often they won’t let you camp either! P.S. You won’t get your building permit money back! They love these kinds of Suckers!

    If you do find a small piece of land cheap, it is cheap for a reason! Often it is too far away from anything important! Like shopping, hospitals, medical services, no water, poor soil, flood plain, swamps, etc!

    Yes, one other thing! Bugs! Yeah! How comfortable are you with bugs? How about spider webs in your face and hair everywhere you go? Black flies in spring? Misquitoes the rest of the summer and fall? Ants crawling everywhere! Oh, yes ticks and Lyme disease! Picking ticks and thistles from you dogs hair? If you swim, swimmer’s itch from water fowl! Blood suckers too! I love to watch them suckers die by putting salt on them!

    Going from the big bad crowded city to the middle of no where takes a certain type of person! You need to be very comfortable with just yourself as company! I don’t know too many people tuff enough to do that for long periods of time. Most people simply go stir crazy!

    If you are still thinking of doing this, then you need to learn to become more independent, especially financially! Or have a skill that allows you to live in the country and work in the city so you can transition yourself over time. Don’t mind driving helps!

    Another thing I like to do when I get the urge to go country, is to watch You-tube videos of people already living or trying to live this life!

    It can be very entertaining watching them chop down a tree only to have it fall on their house! Remove a tree stump! Get rid of gofers in their garden! Digging a water well! Dealing with mice, Chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, and coyotes! Hilarious! Creating off grid power systems! Foxes stealing their chickens!

    The nice thing about watching these earthly types and their mis-adventures on You-tube is it costs you nothing and you can join them when you feel like it! You also get to leave them when you want too! This is how I get my fix!

    Well, good luck!

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