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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59381


    It wouldn’t surprise me if Congress told the FBI to stand down and not help the major or police.

    It is pretty clear from AG Barr’s behavior that the President has little control of the DoJ nor FBI. The gang of eight still retain control and want him out at any cost after repeated impeachments failed.

    Now with the lockdown hurting the economy, they see another opportunity to get rid of him.

    I suspect this time they will succeed.

    Then everything in DC can go back to the way it was before and the elites will be happy, even if the people aren’t.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59380


    Are the riots in Minneapolis or St Paul?

    I suspect outsiders are there to burn the poor folk’s homes and neighborhood down. It has all been planned ahead of time. White folks dressed in black, so the locals get blamed. Sad.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59377


    Yes, I knew the Chinese cheat.

    But then as my brother said, they cheat all the time!

    Cheating is their national sport!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59373

    Yesterday, China fell from sixth last to fifth last on the virus charts.

    By Monday I expect that China will be third last from the bottom of the virus charts!

    At some point, China will simple disappear from the virus charts!

    This goes to show you how successful China has been at exporting the virus around the world.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59372


    Universities raising instead of lowering tuiton fees doesn’t surprise me one bit.

    I have long noted that for government entities, they must receive increased budgets every year just to survive as they currently are.

    If they receive the same amount of money as the year before, they will die a thousand deaths!

    Hopefully by raising their student tuiton fees, they will get less students, and even less money!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59371

    So the big drug dealers are declaring a war against HCQ.


    Because HCQ is stealing customers away from buying the big drug dealer’s more expensive drugs that work better at killing and extracting wealth from their customer’s estates!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59370

    So the world is on fire!

    Soro’s thugs have been let loose again in Democrat controlled inner cities where the police are told by majors to stand down. Waiting for the President to step in. He doesn’t take their bait. So their inner city neighborhoods burn. Sounds like a great winning formula for the poor people!

    Moving to the big Apple, the Democrats don’t like the homeless poor, so it is OK to declare constant war on them atnd their tents! This is being done to help them re-pitch their tents somewhere else. The liberal press looks away and as usual says nothing.

    In the early days of the virus, the Democrats were eagerly hoping the virus would kill off a lot of rich conservative people. Yes, they got their death wish. The virus did kill off a lot of people. According to a PEW study, 75,000 of the 100,000 reported deaths, so far, occurred in Democrat represented areas.

    The truly rich don’t pretend to like poor people. Me thinks Democrats, deep down, really don’t like poor people either! They are just using them to further their ends.

    So in conclusion, everything in our world is perfectly normal.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 29 2020 #59343


    I think we are just here to observe the world changing around us!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 29 2020 #59342

    Dr. D:

    Your quote of King John I:. The law is in my mouth!

    Did King John say that before the nobles shoved the Magna Carta down his throat?

    Interesting every since that time, no future King of England has desired to call himself King John the second!

    I guess the Magna Carta didn’t taste too good, on the way down!

    Surely a little HP sauce would have helped improvepp the taste!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59308

    Now that Britain did the unthinkable, the elite EU bueaocrats in Brussels are suddenly running out of money to spend and have really no way to force Britain to pay them the money they so desperately need to keep up their appearance’s!

    It is in Britain’s best interests to not hurry in dealing with the EU bueaocrats!

    Let the EU bueaocrats stew in their own mess! They created it, so they have no right to complain!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59307


    Too bad the Twin Cities are burning.

    The last time I was in the Twin Cities was due to thick fog covering the mid west.

    I was working in a coal mine east of Billings, Montana, just north of where Custer met his fate! (He sure picked a forlorn place to die!).

    We took off from Billings early morning on a bright sunny winter’s day heading to Chicago. Then we circled O’Hara for hours before heading to Bismark, ND to land and refuel. We then circled the Twin Cities for many more hours. Finally after dark we touched down in the Twin Cities. We stayed overnight before resuming our flight the next day. That was a day to remember!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59306

    John Day:

    Mentioning Hawks is enough to frighten Moki!

    Every once in a while, when she is in the open back yard with us, she will suddenly run back into her cage where she knows she is safe. The walk-in cage has a roof on it. Usually it is just an airplane flying over head.

    Usually when she isn’t hopping around, she will lay under a lawn chair near us for shade and probably protection from an air attack.

    The interesting thing about tomatoes, is that not too many critters seem to like them or at least they don’t bother them too much.

    My Father and Mother had a large backyard garden in Toronto. The fence at the back allowed the critters to run up and down the neighborhood on the interstate checking out all the gardens. Lots of Italians and Greeks who love their gardens!

    Strangely the tomatoes never seem to get hit. Not sure why? But everything else like corn, peas, beans, lettuce, got hit hard! If it wasn’t the critters, then the insects!

    The trick is to grow extra, enough for everybody!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59297

    I agree with John Day about Maxwell being just a cover for Bill Clinton.

    It is just paid disinformation. All pre-planned by the deep state.

    Everyone knows Bill liked young girls. Just ask Monica!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59296


    I think that is how we got the story of Robinhood!

    The names were changed to protect the guilty and punish the poor!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59295

    John Day:

    I had to break the sad news to Moki, my daughter pet rabbit, that she couldn’t visit your two gardens because the US/Canada border is closed!

    Yesterday, I had to tell her no spinach from Zerosum’s garden either! Seems Zerosum’s grandchild adopted six baby rabbits!

    She will just have to wait until my garden decides to sprout! Then she can nibble away to her hearts content.

    At least nice spring weather has finally arrived in Toronto!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59293


    That model seems to reside nearly everywhere in the world where there is a big gap between rich and poor.

    I haven’t travelled in South America, the one continent I missed, in my world travels.

    But I suspect my central American travels gave me the correct flavor.

    I can verify what you saw certainly exists in Africa!

    And once upon a time, not too long ago, this system existed in Europe too!

    If it hadn’t, I might still be living in Europe, instead of Canada! (Some started out in the US first, before heading to Canada later.)

    Needless to say, none of my ancestors came to the new world in happy circumstances!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59292

    The ban on HCQ treatment, by bought and paid for health authorities, is because if people use inexpensive HCQ, they are ignoring more expensive treatments (that don’t work)!

    It is all about enabling the rich to rob the poor.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59270


    As for no social distancing on the beaches.

    The women are to blame!

    P.S. Moki understands! She is planning on living in John Day’s garden instead!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59261


    My daughter’s rabbit Moki, wants her share of your spinach!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59259

    Last two:

    Just remember, as Mark Twain said, you need to bury Democrats face down so they can’t dig themselves out on election night!

    This problem has been around for over a hundred years!p

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59258


    I wonder if the misquitoes can spread the virus?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59230

    I remember reading about one hospital dealing with the Spanish flu a century ago.

    They pioneered the sound idea of getting their patients outdoors as much as possible.

    They housed many patients in tents on their grounds. They found that the fresh air and sunshine did wonders towards reducing the spread of the Spanish flu to their staff and helped their patients recover better. Clearly the UV light helped to kill germs on surfaces.

    With the Coronavirus, it will be very interesting to see if being outdoors more actually increases the spread of the virus. My guess being outdoors will not be as bad as groups of people being indoors.

    My reasoning is this. In Ontario there has been a spike in cases likely due to more people visiting family to celebrate Mother’s Day. The weather was cold not good for being outdoors at all.

    But now warmer weather has finally arrived allowing people to be outdoors much more.

    The virus seems to be better suited to spread indoors than outdoors is my guess. If this is true then the number of virus cases shouldn’t rise, with people outdoors more, as much as the health authorities have been warning.

    Then in the fall,as people are slowly forced indoors as the weather cools, the number of virus cases will rise again.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59229

    Willem Buiter is more than useless! He is an idiot!

    Our entire monetary system is built on debt!

    The dollar in your pocket is a debt! It is an IOU! More likely an “I Owe You Nothing”!

    Selectively defaulting on just some debt, which only he gets to decide, is like pulling out a brick at the bottom of a wall, and then wondering why the whole wall fell!

    Nobody is willingly going to volunteer to be the first to lose their IOU! If you decided to do so, then you are also deciding the fate of all those to whom you owe debt to too!

    Our Ponzi scheme Central Bankers can’t ever let that happen! It is what they fear the most!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59228

    Isn’t it nice to now learn that the Wuhan Lab was designed and built with Chinese help by France!

    Yes, the French designed the lab!

    It was supposed to be a partnership but the Chinese kicked the French out right after it was built!

    French intelligence warned French leaders this would happen but they ignored the warning!

    French intelligence also warned about how sloppy China was about safety protocols too!

    All of their warnings came true.

    But of course the French leaders were socialists just like the ones who enabled Hitler to effortlessly over run France in 1940!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59227

    I see Bill Barr is busy doing nothing! He excels at this!

    Nobody has been charged with anything since he became AG!

    None of those who have been falsely charged have been acquited.

    Their version of the law remains solidly in place.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2020 #59203

    It is looking more and more likely the coronavirus was created in a lab. Just as we initially thought it was.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2020 #59202

    Here in Toronto I went out grocery shopping today. Still some empty grocery shelves mostly in baking isle.

    My best estimate of people wearing masks is 25%.

    I would say slightly fewer people are wearing masks than previous weeks.

    Coronavirus cases are increasing in Ontario.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the death rate in Ontario is falling since we have probably killed off most of the old folks in our nursing homes.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2020 #59198


    We don’t need a witch hunt!

    Reminds me of an ancestor, Bridget Bishop, who wasn’t so lucky! She was the first witch to be hung in Salem, on Gallows Hill, on June 10th, 1692.

    She was also one of the last witches to be pardoned too but only, how ironic, on Halloween 2001, over 3 centuries later!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2020 #59158


    One thing NY and Ontario both got wrong is allowing the virus to get injected into nursing homes.

    In Ontario 79% of deaths were in it’s nursing homes! Many nursing home workers work in multiple nursing homes to put together many part time jobs into a full time job.

    Not sure what percentage of NY’s deaths were in nursing homes but suspect very high.

    By my calculation, only about 30% are wearing masks in Ontario. Bet NY is about the same!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2020 #59157

    Ontario’s virus cases continue to climb while testing declines.

    The Premier says everyone can get tested but local health units decline to test just anyone. You need to meet their testing criteria still. No wonder testing has fallen!

    People know better than to waste their time and energy trying to get tested.

    Just anothers reason Ontario’s lockdown failed.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 24 2020 #59155


    Falling into that catigory Toronto doesn’t seem to want to cut their costs!

    They are threatening the provincial and federal governments, by saying they will layoff 20,000 workers if their $1.5 billion shortfall isn’t covered by the two higher levels of governments.. Hopefully their demands fall on deaf ears. Naturally they have done nothing but keep spending money they don’t have. If Toronto ratepayers had to make up the deficit, their property taxes would need to double!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 23 2020 #59127


    I bet the sky is nice and blue too!

    The thing about landing in LA is you drop down through an incredible thick brown air above LA!

    Funny though, once on the ground, if you look up the sky is blue!

    You don’t see that thick brown air above LA!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59104


    You will be perfectly safe if you just wear a mask!

    A life jacket is optional.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59102

    Tonight Canada surpasses China’s official coronavirus cases!

    Canada passed China’s official death rate over 3,000 deaths ago!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59101

    I see that Remdesivir does not work! Basically useless!

    But we at TAE already knew that!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59100


    Here in Toronto we are finally getting some nice spring weather!

    Too late for Victoria Weekend though.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59099


    I suspect the scammers sent the money to Nigeria to be cleaned in a laundry mat before being sent back stateside!

    Same as the Ukraine laundry mat operation Congress set up!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59097


    I think we will find that the Nigerians scamming Washington State’s unemployment system, live in Washington State!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 22 2020 #59096

    Dr. D:

    You can pretty much tell which states are police states by the number of protests!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 21 2020 #59069

    Based upon my visit for groceries yesterday, I would say less than 50% were wearing masks.

    Once inside the store, people were less carefull about social distancing.

    Social distancing only applies in line ups to get into the store and at the cashier. In between forget about it!

    Following flow direction arrows, forget about it!

    That is why Ontario’s lockdown did not work.

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