Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle March 14 2020 #55352
    Dr. D

    “CNN contributor, Democrat Andrew Gillum unable to speak at hotel party. Also found: meth and alleged male hooker”


    Serious voice: “THIS is CNN”!!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 14 2020 #55349
    Dr. D

    Totally predictable, been saying this for years. Decades.

    Now I didn’t know the virus, although obviously that was one, but the avalanche is always going to fall down boom the same way. This is the same emergency as a financial panic, and since we were already boom-girder for Repos since Sept 14 was already rumbling.

    The system has been long and intentionally undermined for decades to be just-in-time, to have no manufacturing, to make sure each and every item must circle the globe (and require international banking houses rentiers) to be completed to market, to have no warehouses, to have NO local support, local supply, local production. This was the major illegal: water, front yard gardens, chicks, milk. Swat teams, ban hammer, nothing we hate more on all earth than living things and food. As per Agenda 21 then 2020. By law, worldwide. Maximum population in cities. Laws against medicine, herbals, then trying to overload the system and reduce the number of doctors with Obamacare. Yes, they “promoted” health care, but in fact their plans added zero doctors and nurses, drove a bunch away, while the “money” went to insurers and administrators in clear PREVENTION of health at all costs. …While adding 300k new patients. Not a fan of such medicine here in the states, know our system too well, that aside from it being totally, completely illegal at the Federal level. Do it at the State level, totally fine, Massachusetts, which instantly went bankrupt as a bad example to others.

    Anyway, given the system they painstakingly built against the CONSTANT objection of EVERYONE in the U.S. since Ross Perot, this was the ONLY POSSIBLE result. I thought it would be banking alone, but should have known, like ‘99, if the banks went down, there would be an event, planned or not, to divert blame by ‘01. The results MUST BE, lack of hospitals, lack of supplies, lack of preparedness, lack of resiliency. That’s just a normal day in a system of unemployment and debt. But also lack of work. Lack of responsibility, lack of morality, lack of community. Also tirelessly undermined and openly attacked with the most fury the system can muster, Swat teams, whatever, against any hippie or Amish that rears their unwashed head. It’s the monoculture future of THX1138 and Logan’s Run or bust.

    So you do what you do, you get what you get. Surprise! If you still had 100 small-town shops, local chicken farms, church suppers, canning and wine in the basement, PTA meetings, community Boy scout rallies, Elk Clubs and bowling leagues with 1/3 debt-to-income ratio, no credit cards, you would weather this without much ado. But you didn’t. You moved into a condo, got all your food from Safeway, disowned your kids who are now in Arizona and Minnesota, with one in Korea, instead of sacrificing for each other, and now you pay the price. Not rocket surgery. No one cared.

    So they were saying “don’t panic buy, just…blah blah.” Maybe a worldwide pandemic with a market crash IS the time to panic? Just maybe, THAT’S when the balloon went up? And that means ALL buying now, ALL preparing now, is “panic buying” that takes supplies from the mouth of others. The only time TO prepare that doesn’t harm your neighbors is BEFORE. Now that time is gone and everything you do hurts them to help yourself. What do you want me to say? YOU did this. En masse it could not POSSIBLY have been more obvious. Since Y2K everyone spoke of this regularly, delineating the exact parameters of the problem and solution, and did nothing. So now instead of settling back at home, with mom who doesn’t work, eating off last year’s Ball jars and 50# of sugar, you’re fighting in WalMart over more supplies that aren’t coming. Just like people have been telling you most of your life.

    Didn’t take a pandemic to make that happen. It’s nothing unusual. Just a stop to the checkbook, a cutoff of massive, wasteful, profiteering international trade that was killing your home town and unemploying everyone anyway.

    I could have told you this decades ago, and did. Nobody cared. When did the “Peak Prosperity” “Crash Course” come out describing how this was inevitable? 2002? The problem isn’t the virus. It’s you.

    Why do I say that? To get up your nose? No, if that’s the problem, what’s the solution?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 13 2020 #55300
    Dr. D


    Good example why I’m not alarmed yet. Problem being, when it goes it will be fast. Here’s why Cheeto wanted some air speed, as opposed to candidate Cheeto, so when things happened he would have power/time to act. Imagine same crash from 10k, which is where it deserves to be.

    Notable, more oversold than 20 years, maybe ever, but certainly a historic long time. Those things don’t last. From it you can see that adding ‘energy’ to the markets has another danger: impossibly fast flip-flop bullish to bearish which breaks derivatives, trading houses (Mnuchin probably bankrupted one in Chicago), and destabilizes the system. A system that was going down, and planned to anyway, but… Roughly equivalent to rocking the boat. Yes, in seas you may need to run the gunwales up to keep waves from coming in, but as you wildly flip the boat back and forth you also greatly increase the chance of capsize. Of course, if you’re PLANNING to capsize, as discussed for 40 years, the only way TO do this is to flip the boat back and forth. Capitalists are amazingly resilient and very clever and can adjust faster than you can order them about from a podium. They’re not going to sit still to be massacred. So take it any way you want, that’s the system report card.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 13 2020 #55271
    Dr. D

    The other first thing said in horror movies is a scientist who just created a new master invention, usually a life form, and then says, “I mean well. What could go wrong?” “Since 1813”

    Did anyone check China’s masks to make sure there’s not a “present” inside? I would explain a lot about how they’re supercharged and no one else on earth is. (Unless China wants to come clean) Just as written about Jan 1st. Just before they had a worldwide pandemic planning, that shuts down the world economy, crewed by the same insiders shouting now, for a rogue “coronetvirus.” What a coininkydinky. Everything a coininkydinky.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 13 2020 #55228
    Dr. D

    “UP TO 37 DAYS,” not 14.

    OMG, we knew that 2 months ago. THEY knew that 3 months ago. Yet they keep saying 14, which means nothing comes from nowhere.

    Also, P.S., this plus the aerosol is why they can’t stop it. And also why having all 10 elements of an engineered virus is why it’s an engineered virus. If you didn’t believe the U.N. bioweapons expert when he said so last month.

    Since no one’s tested or has symptoms, anyone have a death rate? Nope. Without both numerator and denominator, you have nothing. But yet we have to guess.

    Some countries still don’t take the situation very seriously and fail to aggressively contain

    Contain? Hahahaha, sure. But in any case, those who DON’T contain, as countries probably recover faster and better. That’s not a nice thing to say since they will also kill a % more people, mostly old or medical. What scale are we discussing? Micro or macro?

    Ohio estimated on Thursday that more than 100,000 people in the state have coronavirus

    Probably right, that’s what I’ve been saying. Number of deaths in Ohio? Zero. There’s your numerator and denominator. But it’s probably multiples of the flu, which isn’t safe. Say 300k? And sadly we wouldn’t notice. Unless you crash the economy, then 3M die, congratulations. And all those extra 2.7 million are totally voluntary, due to YOUR panic. (and 20 year selfish lack of preparedness since the ‘99 crash) So does that make Britain smart? Or dumb? If you’re on war footing, which China ALSO advised, then does it make sense now? Or do we just win with no hardship and no casualties? Do we sacrifice the whole nation, economy, AND pensioners trying to save people over 60? Hey, not saying those are GOOD ideas, I don’t really know, that’s why we advocate and vote. But they want NO casualties, NO hardship, NO work, and 100% whining, crying, and blaming.

    Fast market crashes mean nothing, and points mean nothing, only %. That’s only telling you that computers trade quickly (no kidding, Sherlock), and there are no real people in the market (also duh.) This is why they’re not markets, and haven’t been in 30 years while you applauded.

    I’d Rather Be in Italy Than US”

    That’s interesting, but also he’s moving from a nation post-peak impact FROM a nation not yet peak. That has nothing to do with either of our nations, it’s selfish arbitrage. I’d rather be here, but I don’t live in New Rochelle either.

    UBI as from yesterday, money, being a fantasy, is infinite. Real goods take work and are not. They’re proposing printing money and thereby transferring MY work to those who don’t work. As the old slogan goes. And that’s what caused the final spike in Wiemar, and the final complete loss of confidence in currency. But that’s been planned as 2018 since at least 1989, and you got a two year extension, so whatever. But if you want to more utterly destroy the poor than ever, go ahead and try it. Every single welfare transfer has made it worse before. It won’t matter, since they’ll just deny that was the cause after, and the destroyed, murdered poor will vote for it again, just like Zimbabwe and Argentina, for generations. Yes, Pete Townsend was wrong. Einstein was right “There are two things that are infinite, stupidity and the universe, and I’m not sure about the universe.”

    “Could we fix health care with that?”

    Therefore, NO. You CANNOT fix health care with money – and OBVIOUSLY!!! You fix it with doctors, nurses, clinicians…you know all those things Obamacare DIDN’T do, while they also added money, profit, administration, oversight, control of dissident medial records, obstacles, and paper-pushers at +10% p.a. for 12 years compounded. DOCTORS, silly. That takes 6 years. YOUR MONEY MEANS NOTHING TO ME, or to reality for that matter. Since reality is now optional, no one notices. THey’re saying “I’ve got money and we need food: why don’t we harvest TWICE at once, for 2020 and 2021, then plant twice?” A: because you’re a moron with the sense of a 3-year-old, that’s why. Back in the real world: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall; pants first, then shoes, it’s not optional.

    Inject a trillion, see markets lose 10%. Never a better moment to end the Fed.

    …And that’s how – the ONLY WAY – to end the existing monetary system. He’s been at it for years now, discrediting the Fed, which richly deserves to be discredited, and has stolen 99% of the dollar, and the nation, in 99 years. So good, THIS apparently is what it takes to change people’s minds. Therefore THIS is what we do. As per Economist 1989. Also, anything the Fed “Wins” at means the rich only win, since they are the Fed’s sole constituency. Therefore the only way the working man wins is when the Fed LOSES. Loses credit and control. 1929 leveled income disparity. Why? Wages dropped uncomfortably, but Stocks, bonds, etc, dropped I N C R E D I B L Y. If you think about it, that’s the only POSSIBLE way. Because if the poor lose $50 they’ll all die. But the rich can lose billions and be fine. So that is what will happen.

    “the loss of glyphosate would cause very severe impacts on UK agriculture”

    Well too bad, it’s about to happen. Or where will you get the money and the product? From a bank? Through a factory, then a dock, a truck, a store? That’s going to slow down. They won’t get all the inputs they need. Aaaaaand now they’ve stopped all the cows, therefore all the manure, therefore all the self-seeds, therefore all the tractor parts, therefore all the…

    “Migrants on the Greek islands are to be offered €2,000 (£1,764) per person to go home

    That’s the best war reparations I’ve heard of. Just can’t come from Greece but Germany, Britain, United States…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 12 2020 #55223
    Dr. D

    Do her judges and jailers tell themselves they are the good guys?”

    They tell themselves they, like all their peers in government and out, are against the Constitution, particularly the 5th (incriminating yourself, no coerced testimony and confessions) “Speedy trials”, and “Cruel and Unusual punishments.” Because they love and worship government, they believe in life sentences for common contempt-of-court, as per Armstrong as well. But why not? Half the country is against free speech, free religion, free assembly, self-defense, specific warrants with specific targets, juries, separation of powers, limited powers-of-government, i.e. jurisdiction, prosecuting attorneys required to share all evidence with the defense, and just about every other Federal law every written. In its place, will to power. Might makes right. They have the might right now, therefore we do whatever they say when they ask for our daughters. That’s the law!

    The words of our first Federal Law aren’t important. They’ve been repeated until they have no meaning. It’s the concepts that matter.

    stuffing it with “goodies.”

    It’s a Congressional bill: of course they stuffed it with pork. The bribe money’s cut off from other sides and the Cramers of the world didn’t get a heads up, although the WHO people did (we have the internet posts that show them knowing and holding the market door open as long as possible to let their insider trillionaires sell out).

    Flip side, now $1.5 Trillion new dollars to insider golfing pals. Yay! No soup for you! The point ISN’T to help the economy; it never is. It’s to help the same 1st information insiders they helped get out of the market before declaring WHO. Well, at least the proposed Congressional bill – finally, and not yet done – offset unemployment, taxes, what-not, a little. At the same time realize this is Weimar’s point where they start printing to hand out paychecks to union workers. That is, inflation can go on a long time before it reaches the people. And also inflation doesn’t occur with employment (hardly ever, contrary to Keynes’ discredited dumpster fire) but in a WEAK economy like Brazil and Zimbabwe, specifically where there is a SHORTAGE of real goods. Check, check, check. But I’ve been telling you for years they were going to cause a monetary reset. 2018 was printed on the front page in 1989. 29 + 2 years. How much more lead time did you need? How about since the bank lockup in ’08? Prepared anything since then?

    “China is pitching the storyline that SARS-Cov2 came from the US.”

    Still very odd, what took them so long? I mean if I can find evidence it went through NC to Harvard to Canada to China, then re-edited in Wuhan, surely they can. I’m just a guy on the internet and I try not to look into things like that, just as they cross the transom.

    But on that note, remember way back Bill Gates’ exact virus scenario? And guess which was the country named? Italy. Same as the internet chatter in 1 Jan. Funny ol’ world. Those tech guys boy sure are smart!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 11 2020 #55132
    Dr. D

    Okay, they played the “Pandemic” card on the economy and stock market. So that game of shutting down the economy, and therefore any physical response, is going forward. I wonder how that affects the pandemic bonds.

    It’s also most of what they don’t talk about, like WHY are 10 different facilities infected? Why only in Washington? Anyone want to guess hyper-low wages=foreign workers? We’ll never know, because if that were true, they’d nuke the planet before admitting it.

    So…30 dead. Wow, one weekend in Chicago, be still my heart. No one cared for the last 30 years. I guess they weren’t real people? Important people?

    Because statistically no one has died, either U.S. or worldwide, (0.00005%) the key danger remains the economy, a thing actually could kill us. No one cares about that either. Keeping the lines open is mean, irresponsible, heartless. It’s a “war footing” but one where there’s no casualties or sacrifice, you know, a T.V. war, where people fade into the scenery, shout a lot at the walls, and all go home at the end. So to be “serious” about this, we definitely, DEFINITELY need to shut down the entire economy, make sure no one goes to work, no products and source materials move, and no food gets on trucks. In #OppositeLand, that’s #Winning! Or what do you want “them” to do?

    A: I want mommy and daddy to do everything so I can sit and cry, complain, whine and criticize. You know, having taken no responsibility, made no plans, have no resources or pantry before now. It’s YOUR FAULT! Whatever “IT” is, it’s your fault. Feed me Seymour. So they say this is coming, they are shouted down as insane. They limit travel, they are lambasted. They post $10 Billion early, and it’s the wrong $10 Billion. They build a wall and scan airports and it’s cruel. They repatriate factories and it’s dumb. Then, having gone home, job well done, wake up the next morning: Whaaaaaaaah! Why is it only $10 Billion??? Why are the airports open??? Why don’t we have any factories??? You’re stupid: you never did anything to help!

    The airport thingy, the billions, the quarantining, the military bases….???” Whaaaaaaaaah! Shut up shut up! Feed me! I’m not responsible! I’m IRRESPONSIBLE!

    Okey dokey. Thanks for doing nothing all these years, lifetimes for most. Calling me and anyone who worked or had a modicum of foresight for the obvious, two extra cans of beans suckers and lunatics. Here we are. What do you want me to do about it? I told you every day this would happen until you ran away and stopped listening, then I said it on the internets until you stopped listening. Now you think –I– can stop locusts, bad weather, and pandemics? The one guy who can do that is the one guy you won’t talk to, can’t even say his name with your mouth. So…here we are, and we’re neighbors. I hope that newer iPhone11 and Cable subscription was worth it, ’cause I’m just plumb out of words.

    Well, you’re in luck because at the moment this ISN’T an emergency and ISN’T bad. Will they have a come-to moment, where their behaviour changes? Nope. Not on your life. The second it lets up, they’ll be mocking it and me all over again. And I’ll still be here, planting trees while you laugh, again, when we get a break in June.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 11 2020 #55114
    Dr. D

    Italian “minimal growth in living standards in two decades.”

    Thanks, Euro. Extracting wealth from the poor since 2001! Killed waaaaaaaaaay more people than Corona already. The nations cheer! Don’t stop EU, we want MORE EU! World government even!

    “What happened in Wuhan could happen here. Why do we think otherwise?”

    Okay then Doctor: What DID happen in Wuhan? Mere 3,000 deaths in a city of 20 Million as reported? That’s 0.015% death rate. The flu. Would you like to alter your story now?

    Reminds me of 9-11, we want to start a 20 year, $20 trillion dollar worldwide crusade and erase the U.S. Constitution for HALF the ordinary deaths of a single DAY. But O’Brien said so! In our 5 minutes of hate! People said, “this will change everything” and I was like WTF why? Do you have the slightest idea of how big and strong this country is? 3,000 people is a pinprick: go back to work and think about something important before you do something stupid. Ah, but they were all acolytes of Osama, who said:

    “it easy for us to provoke and bait this administration. All that we have to do is to send two mujahidin to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written “al-Qaida”, in order to make the generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic, and political losses without their achieving for it anything of note other than some benefits for their private companies. …So we are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.”

    Ah, if only we had known from him saying it publicly for years! And the quote being on national T.V. And all his detractors pointing it out! And screwing up 100% of each step to get here! Who coulda knoooooowd?

    So if 3,000 was a rounding error, two days of one cause of death in one country (heart disease), how much less in China. …Again, unless you want to reject the official numbers, Mister Doctor fellow. Can’t have it both ways.

    “The American immune system is not stronger than the Chinese immune system,”

    That’s not what the ACE2 receptor chart said. So is it is or is it ain’t? Isn’t it enough to say it has a 0.01% rate and therefore 33k may die? Nope! They have to lie and make it MOAR! So if China DOESN’T have this death rate, and it is already dropping off sharply, where do you get the science that WE absolutely, certainly will? A: Out me bung-hole. Can I expect an apology if you’re wrong and crash the world-wide economy instead? Nope, that’s only for people like me. Being an expert means never having to say you’re wrong, even 30 years later. Ask East Anglia. And the OPCW. And the IMF. And…

    Ah the trouble with constant non-stop lies that everyone believes every word although no one’s ever told the truth before. They are so in love with “leaders” and “experts” they haven’t noticed they’ve never been right in our natural lifetimes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority Haven’t we died from SARS, H1N1, Avian, Swine, Mad cow, Creutzfeldt–Jakob’s, and Ebola yet? 12x over at least. I know I died at least twice. Meanwhile male life expectancy drops and 30,000/year die of opioids and the nation applauds. They wear stupid red hats, you see. A public service really.

    Now I don’t trust China’s numbers a bit but they set up three stadiums to deal with the flow and only a month later all three are reportedly closed. So they threw all their people in the ocean or it is over now? And if it’s over in 60 days and they’re still standing what does that say? Maybe that for the 100th out of 100 times in a row the media hype machine is lying? Just like terrorists, they exist somewhere but you won’t die from them?

    That’s what Cuomo is saying, he just called out the U.S. ARMY to shut down a whole 1 MILE area. Yeah, ’cause Americans seldom travel more than one mile. On the Metro North, the nation’s busiest subway. And specifically only the BUILDINGS, not the 79,000 commuting people. And NOT the city of “Wall Street”. Nope, never. Clearly it’s his top concern. For the cameras. And the yummy disaster relief money for his pals. Does he look concerned to you? So does he know things you don’t maybe? Like da Cheeto?

    Pollution Cuts May Mean Coronavirus Saves More Lives Than It Costs (F.)”

    Can’t please some people. First they want everybody dead, then they don’t. If this is true, we should have a Corona per year and save millions. Already should have a baby boom from everybody staying home.

    US President Donald Trump’s efforts to “get NATO more involved in Syria,”

    Huh? He was leaving Syria. That’s why y’all were mad; it was irresponsible, impeachable even. I know that wasn’t completed, but… But that’s Lindsey for you, can’t take the “Con” out of “NeoCon”. Back in the real world, we and Russia need to contain Turkey’s senseless ambitions as still fueled by Saudi and Israel. Personally, I’d leave it to Russia alone, but I can understand tag-teaming, especially with those two jokers ever-plotting. Using my tax money. Just another Wednesday in the Land of the Lost. Think I’ll go lick a banister.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2020 #55082
    Dr. D

    I dunno. If you’ve ever worked in any business or industry or tried to get anything useful done, ever (naturally that excludes government), you could shoot every “leader” and no one would notice at all. Things would probably improve.

    Since government is nothing BUT ordering people around, exclusively to do things that shouldn’t be done, like robbing some people to pay for killing others, then I suppose you would need leaders. But remember: THEY don’t do…anything. If they did any work, they’d be “Laborers”. You know, doctors, machinists, carpenters, toilet cleaners, drug dealers: honest work. They have the only job in the whole nation that we exclusively, by definition, don’t need. Even stockbrokers like Gordon Gekko are more useful: they put weak, stupid businesses out of their misery.

    Ah, but as our founders said, anarchy or democracy (but I repeat myself) is no solution, so government we have. Somehow there must be a structure to pay the courts, be public liaisons with the military, and run the post office and patent office, at a loss, extremely badly. Other than that, I couldn’t be happier to hear every one of them has coronavirus. If they stayed home with hot orange juice we might save 500 bombs and 5,000 lives a week.

    Of course if everyone didn’t love it — and them — as icons and our very gods to worship, WE would stay home and cut off their taxes, and save those 26,000 bombs/year while taking a well-earned vacation. …Then go back to working having fired them all with a 30% pay raise.

    In any case, “Leader” is clearly synonym for “doesn’t do work”, “stole my paycheck”, “doesn’t know jack” and “doesn’t make good decisions” in every year of my experience. Congress is rated below “bedbugs” but edged out “ebola” for reason. My heroes.

    Here’s the deal in America: I’M the leader. I’M the boss. The people are the boss of congress, not the employees. We don’t need you. You need us.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2020 #55069
    Dr. D

    Success! Sentiment, which was 99% Bull positive last month is now +90% Bear negative. Okay! Shorts are in! Rocket is fueled and ready for launch. And here I thought we’d have to get under 20k and into April 1st. Silly billy. Not with computers and markets that are unrelated to anything real at all! Then it’s just bits and emotions. Almost like Crypto!

    Over the 20% bear market level to lure the technical traders in, all systems go.

    In other news, they detonated the last girders underpinning the petrodollar, as long-staged. I wondered why we played ball with MbS and Saudi arms, and now I know. I may not approve, but I understand why they played quid pro quo for this time when Cheeto would call the favor and hit the last oil mooring hard, freeing the dollar and the financial reset. Probably didn’t have Wuhan in mind when they planned it though.

    “I have worked in Italy, UK and Aus” and America.

    Huh? What credentials could he possibly have to make this legally possible? He’s an administrator, right?

    Anyway, every death is a tragedy for someone, what’s the death rate? Are you taking the year’s average flu death rate and packing it into one month with one flu variety? We don’t know. If so, we’re like 100,000 deaths short.

    “the outbreak has completely “killed” the country’s burgeoning tourism”

    Yes, but then the Germans and Brits will be spending that money back home instead. You’re just adjusting the same economy in different directions that otherwise would be fine, but happening too fast. But I have an answer! Fascism! Central Planning! We will MAKE people keep having holidays in Italy by FORCE. You will go, Comrade, whether you enjoy it or not. I’m sure just like China’s totalitarian central planning shock force, this will totally work and contain both the virus and the economy. No? I thought violently ordering people around to maintain the status quo was the answer to all problems.

    “Trump should be wishing that the Federal Reserve Bank had ignored his pressure to lower interest rates.”

    Whisky Tango Foxtrot. He wishes we had higher rates so we could lower rates? Because the ALREADY lower rates aren’t lower rates? By this logic, we should wish we have 100,000 masks in warehouses so we don’t have them in hospitals. Then we could RELEASE them to hospitals and be MUCH safer.

    Here’s an idea: if the economy is ALREADY hotter because of rates, wouldn’t that make it ALREADY stronger against headwinds? #AntiLogic.

    The pandemic is not only causing illnesses and straining health care resources”

    Really? Where? Now bait-and-switch conflate world problems with U.S. problems, in classic CNN #AntiNews.

    “Everyone should have access to health care right now” “It’s … only the humane thing to do,”

    Thankfully the laws of physics have been suspended now and we don’t have to worry about who will pay for it and how it will work. And it’s lucky it’s humane, because, Mr. Ghitis, we ALREADY all have access to EXCELLENT health care. Just walk in. Especially if you’re bankrupt, illegal, or in prison, for only then can you get the BEST care. How much better can it possibly be? …We just don’t have an answer to how to pay for it. Which we don’t have now, didn’t have before, and have never had in human history. NHS is failing, Finland, Sweden failing, France, riots from raising taxes from failing, Canada, even shipping their surgeries here, still failing, China, communist system, failing. But it won’t fail this time! ‘Cause I thought in in my head and said it with my mouth. Laws of physics are voluntary, subject to my will. Speak my will to power, and lo! Gravity obeys! There was a certain Angel who said this, and next he had to move out.

    The Geek federation of hospital doctors”

    I want to be part of this Geek Federation. Otherwise hired as their copy editor, a mythical beast now long believed extinct.

    “iPhone sales in China a “doomsday type” like decline.”

    It’s almost like they were dummies and the worst, most extractive company in the world and, despite stiff warnings both hyper-verticalized their whole supply chain to a single point of failure AND put in all in one nation, that ran open concentration camps, with a dictator-for-life, who had suicidal slaves work for you. So Progressive! So hip! All the cool kids love slavery, fascist dictators, and ethnic concentration camps for dissidents! Google said so! …These people drive me crazy.

    How about this: Apple is a suck company that deserves to fail and be wiped from the earth for being stupid, stupid, stupid about 20 ways to Sunday to squeeze a fraction of a nickel from the blood of the poorest to the richest, most insider shareholders on earth. Companies that live that far out on the tree get cut off. Bye.

    “Life is hard. But it’s harder if you’re stupid.” –John Wayne

    The publication of Vault 7 in early 2017 was the trigger for a major escalation in the US”

    Again, he was not responsible for Vault 7…exactly…nor some of the other leaks The Guardian put out against his wishes and over his frenetic work. …But then blamed HIM for THEIR laziness and unconcern. Can we arrest The Guardian and give them the death penalty instead? Public service like? (A: sadly, no. They are still the press. Unlike Europe, China, Britain, Canada, Sweden, we still believe in free speech.)

    the establishment wing of the Democratic Party wants to put him in charge”

    Nah, they’re going to have him retire the minute he picks HRC or Michelle as VP. As planned way back. Probably didn’t think it would get this bad, but it only helps their case. So who’ll be VP to the VP? Oh and remember, HRC never collapsed in public on a mild, breezy, 70f day and was bodily hauled off in black SUVs on camera. That was 4 years ago so she’s MUCH healthier now. Nope. Even though you saw it, asking questions is an illegal conspiracy theory. RussiaRussiaRussia. Now that Russian thing, everyone on earth is working for Russia, all 8 Billion of them, is totally true. They shut off my heat in Fargo! Oh wait, that was Wells Fargo, when their fake accounts and fake overdraft fees evicted me from my house. Welp, nothing to see here! Rachael Maddow’s on!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 9 2020 #55018
    Dr. D

    “oil plummeted 30% to $30.”

    Yaaaaaaaaay!!! Too bad I can’t buy more. Might come in handy.

    Btw, 1,200 Dow points is nothing anymore. Remember when it dropped 1,000 back at 10k? Yeah, now we’re at 30. So it’s still 1/3 as serious as then. They’ve been lulled by the bots rigging it such that even 200 is considered a big deal. Not. To equal ’08 it would have to drop 3,000 points a day, and have the trading halts kick in.

    ““These are truly dangerous times for all investors, but particularly for those holding large amounts of overvalued equity and property assets at fake economy prices.”

    Certainly could say this every day for the last 30 years, and I have. Meanwhile real things like wheat and gas have never been cheaper. So your shelves are stocked, right?

    Putin stopped supporting MbS. Isn’t that a good thing? How much do we like MbS?”

    No idea what’s going on there anymore. Turkey either. Probably somebody knows, but it’s all a double-double blind, double-cross double-reverse I’ve lost track. Let’s make it easy: They are killing people. That is bad. Stop.

    “This resiliency of the consumer will once again support equities

    Bunch of problems. Sure, yes, the consumer came out in force, emptying his bank account. Only to buy toilet paper, not Teslas right now. However, there hasn’t been a connection between sales, retail, economy, debt, and stocks in a generation: 20 years, since 2001. Why start now? He didn’t notice? You’re fired.

    “Even before the virus, Britain’s reality is devastating”

    Maybe now with the Virus, they’ll finally care? Since the government will be kicked out of it and go back to neighbors helping neighbors, I suspect so. We’ll save 60% up-front dodging bureaucratic waste.

    wait for a less packed train”

    I knew de Blasio was stupid, but this really takes the cake. I’d say he’s anti-science, but that would require understanding any sciencing to begin with. Ah, but what did I just say about government? On the plus side, I’m sure he’s been to a recent conference just like AIPAC and will join the people shortly, an equal-opportunity virus.

    According to Varoufakis we should throw all borders open and not allocate resources? Maybe do it via central planning the way the WHO and de Blasio have? Brilliant! Tell you what, Yanis, take the door off your house and I’ll stay there while I’m ill until this whole thing blows over. What no? There are rules? Huh. Rules for me but not for thee, I reckon. You can do what you want with my resources, but I can’t do what I want with MY resources.

    Covid-19 may have pricked a bubble that was going to burst anyway.”

    Yes, and whose cycle time was up to the day. It didn’t need a pin.

    “Tyre Wear Produces 1,000 Times More Harmful Pollution Than Car Exhausts (BW)”

    Another plan for me to live in caves while they buy 5,000 foot mansions at sea level. And I bet the death rate they will cite for this used-tire-dust is greater than Coronovirus. Almost everything is. And no one cared.

    Who’s Fiona Hill? I’ve given up listening to idiots and liars for lent.

    “The Russians didn’t invent partisan divides. The Russians haven’t invented racism in the United States,” Hill said. “But the Russians understand a lot of those divisions, and they understand how to exploit them.” So do the GOP and DNC, and they spent 16000x the “Russian” $10k in the ’16 election. Ah but #Facts. Why bother? Bernays long since showed facts matter least of all things on earth. Only the feels. And to her other point, we may seem divided, but Congressmen aren’t shooting pistols at down and beating each other with hickory canes in Congress, much though that might be wished. We could power a small city with the Pay-per-view.

    It was unclear how Russia was attempting to help the Vermont senator.”

    Yeah, pretty “unclear”. And how Russia backs everyone in the race on every side, who hold every possible policy, including active Army Majors, even and especially ones that surround them with nukes, attack their allies, and embargo them as an act of open war. Because #AntiLogic! Our god.

    “Biden’s cognitive decline.” What decline? He just doesn’t know his name, what campaign he’s running, or who his wife and sister are. Shouldn’t matter. The President hasn’t run anything important for decades. Clearly we should run an 80 year old with 5 heart attacks who can’t stand up for 30 minutes rather than a 40-year-old decorated woman-of-color Army Major centerfold surfer. That’s just common sense!

    …You run out of words after a while. That is the point, of course. Of corruption, of injustice. The crooked abuser idiot sons of idiot sons can prosper only by attacking justice, because otherwise they would immediately sink to the bottom of the toilet where they belong. It’s only buying their way into Yale, to collude with other idiot sons that anyone would employ them at all.

    But it so discourages the rest of us that we don’t defend the system, and therefore tolerate, encourage, condone injustice, abdication of duty that makes their lives possible. And makes our lives impossible. But it’s only because you all love injustice and won’t expose them, ridicule them, prosecute them, that they can get to a point of such immense and dangerous illogic. Then when they finally present their populist demagogue, the Final Solution from daddy government if only you say “Caesar is God”, you’ll be helpless, but the answer won’t come from him but yourself. Only from your own honestly, your own work, and your own religion, to choose #Logos over chaos, to choose work over theft, hard truths over comfortable lies. You can start anytime. This is your invitation.

    in reply to: The Virus is a Time Machine #55016
    Dr. D

    Great points all. Dr., yes, I’m seeing all kinds of strange things now as brains shut off. The 40% hospital vacancy rate was one of them. That it’s more contagious than flu (when Corona by definition IS the flu, a longstanding common strain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus ) is another one. They can say a lot of things, that it’s more serious, more deadly, sure, but since it has the same basis, it’s worse? And if it isn’t more dangerous, why would we care HOW contagious it is? Or even now, actually, since we’re all going to get it. That’s why they keep showing the “infected” charts, which are hyper-dramatic, instead of the “recovery” charts, which are 99 – 44/100% safe.

    Keeping sense, Martensen points out that at the expense of slowing via grave quarantine, you can spread the impact on the health system over time. Which is indeed an excellent and advisable point, almost certainly worth the effort. He does miss by saying outside China we “prioritized GDP and the economy” – that’s an opinion. In my mind, “t’is not done”, and why? Because in the West we prioritize FREEDOM, and wouldn’t put on marital law, welding apartment doors shut, and shooting dissidents in the street, no matter WHAT happens. And I hope we agree on that. — Death is the least thing to be feared. The economy is a second, which as a few days ago ALLOWS us the prosperity to do anything at all medically vs living in caves. Like masks, ventilators, etc. Sure we like toys, but that’s not the whole point.

    Yes, this shows that we CAN do something, and since it’s 100% all the same people, shows that they DID NOT BELIEVE a single thing they were saying about CO2 Global Warming in the last 20 years. All bulls—t for taxes, money, and power, which you could tell from them all flying private jets between 5,000’sq houses bought at sea level, Presidents included, or especially.

    And it strikes me people may be thinking I’ve been a denier or something. No, what part of “a million people will die” would that be? And I’m guessing a million died ALREADY in Wuhan, and expect 1M more in larger China? But now I’m not alarmist enough, I bet — always out of fashion. The difference is, I can point out that +1M have ALREADY died from time to time and it ALREADY didn’t turn the dial at all, a very grounded opinion. Even Spanish Flu with 10% death rate barely mattered.

    And I expect the death rate is 0.1% or so, which is probably wildly higher than the flu, way WAY lower than their 3% rates, yet 0.1% = 80M people. The Diamond Princess is going to be predominantly elderly which have a 15x higher death rate, but even so that would be 5M. That’s not nothing, and we still have the larger problem of supply chains and re-localization. Although that ultimately may be healthy for us, any change that moves too fast is dangerous. This is the plan St. Greta was proposing, voluntarily, and now you can see how many people just the change alone would kill, lacking any virus. And she wanted to shut off all energy use as well. Don’t get your world advice from 15-year-old mentally ill dropouts I guess.

    So more generally, what do you all want out of this? Martial law and total government control with mandatory testing and prison-enforced vaccinations? You know, in exclusive service to keep the few over 70 alive, who are a net draw on their children? Or freedom for them and your threescore and ten? What kind of world are you building, do you hope to see? Hiding in packed flats behind a toilet paper fortress, or in the rural distance of your neighbors, poorer and somewhat solitary?

    Leg two here, markets down 1,200 as the cycles charts said. Got to get under 20k minimum, and we still have three weeks to April. Unexpected the oil prices, I appreciate that. Remember no cycle can end without a blowoff top.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 8 2020 #54968
    Dr. D

    I’m sure their new extortion in Lebanon will kill 3,600 people.

    No one will care.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 8 2020 #54967
    Dr. D

    Article: “All Hospital Beds in the US Will Be Filled with Patients ‘By about May 8th’ Due to Coronavirus: Analysis”

    All hospital beds are filled now: what do you suppose they mean? It means they’re experts: they didn’t think.

    “65% of those beds are already occupied.” If anyone besides the Dr. is here, they can vouch occupied beds near 100%. We don’t keep two hospitals running but one empty. That’s not capitalism: we never have, never would. Other than that, it seems she’s trying to make a mathematical point about compounding, which is fair.

    I’m an engineer. …I run calculations to estimate impacts.” This is the problem. Unlike engineering, in the real world everyone is LYING to you, so your Inputs are all false. In ways you can’t predict. You can’t build a bridge this way, but they don’t give you a toolbox to identify all the lies the field surveyors have salted. Sadly, they now SHOULD do this for bridges as we saw in Florida: the sand guys are going to cheat, the concrete guys are going to cheat, the rebar guys are going to cheat, the contractors are going to cheat, and with each guy dropping the strength 30% thinking the other guy ISN’T cheating, and adds up to deadly failures. This is worse, because you can’t estimate the lies. You think you’re building a bridge when turns out to be a swimming pool, and they didn’t give you concrete, it’s space epoxy. Good luck planning.

    In politics and news, you have to assume everybody’s lying, everybody has an angle. Double for doctors, who strangely do doubt their patients (so many ARE lying) but NOT with science and pharmaceutical companies, no matter how many times they’re caught and discredited. I think they just don’t have the time, but I wish they would stop them before the next Vioxx kills the next 10,000 people (and nobody cared).

    Rabbit vs hare clock: Corona = 3,600, Flu = 108,333 (650k wiki, 2mo time)

    “Strongest Evidence Yet that America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing (Atl.)”

    Yet another day every failure the government makes is one big “accident” and they’re not up to something. What history, news story, personal account, history, logic, fiction, or theory have these guys ever read that make that plausible? But I am a coincidence theorist, and everything that happens everywhere – especially in government, involving trillions of dollars – is completely random and accidental. No one ever has any plans. No one ever walks away with more money or power at your expense. Because that would be a “conspiracy” you see, and we know criminals never work together in robberies, never have in the past, never will in the future. It’s just plain impossible for robberies and crimes to ever occur. Asking the question or suggesting it is dangerous treason.

    “An attendee at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which U.S. President Donald Trump also attended, has tested positive for COVID-19”

    This was hilarious. Couldn’t happen to nicer guys. Okay, now look at how they react to it. How did the DNC react? How are they planning their big convention? Do they believe their own stories or what?

    “Quarter of Italy’s Population Put in Quarantine (O.)”

    This will be interesting, with a +40 day incubation and no symptomology. Also how do they plan to supply? Reminds you that this has been happening for 1,000 years, and usually far worse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decameron

    “IMF Deal Would Spark ‘Popular Revolution’ in Lebanon – Hezbollah (R.)“

    Attacking them again, as usual, probably at Israel’s request. The IMF is the most famous arm. Since they gave the last catastrophic nit-wit who lost $100B a big promotion, will they make the new IMF head that failed again here the Pope? I can fail twice as hard for half the money. Just give me a chance. I’ll even avoid being a convicted felon! Maybe that’s the problem.

    “Top Saudi Royals ‘Arrested for Plotting with Americans against King’ (RT)”

    Some guys have to make hay while everyone’s distracted. We do know that the Brennan/CIA-wing of the Royals seem to be different from the MbS wing, and may have been something to do with that Vegas affair. So no surprise. Russia ups the heat by supporting the OPEC flood. I don’t mind if gas prices drop. Sounds great. They can put a war on shale, but shale is highly diminished and unless they take the keys, money has no meaning and we can still print $20T/yr and hand it to Morgan, Fargo, Harley, Toyota, foreign, domestic, legal, illegal, insider payoff, anyone at all without batting an eye. See if we won’t. I never thought it could get here but they all love and condone corruption just that much. Did you see Mnuchin destroy the shorts on the Chicago VIX Friday? Pinky finger. Click: mouse. Click: mouse. And everyone loves it all, not the slightest impulse to honesty and sound money.

    Ah, seems like only yesterday having a single box of pasta and even one roll of toilet paper made you a dangerous unscientific unhinged Armageddon moron. Still does, I wager, so I’m not sure how the Costco crowd is selling it to themselves. Probably: “When I do it, it’s super far thinking and smart, but when YOU do it, it’s dumb, careless, and greedy ‘cause you took mine.” “All for me and none for thee” it’s the new religion to the new Prince, the Light of the World, the Morningstar.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 7 2020 #54905
    Dr. D

    “Death will follow.” Yes, we won’t just walk away from this.

    “This is the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career.”

    Wow, this guy lacks both imagination AND knowledge. Ebola? Smallpox? So far the ordinary flu? Nice way to say “DON’T PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!” “PANIC!!!!!!!!! DON’T, I MEAN. It’s almost certainly the end of human life on earth, but, Stay tuned, keep obeying my every word and don’t buy masks or stay home or anything.”

    Uh-huh. Very helpful. IF you want to crash the world economy, kill millions from THAT instead, and start a world war that then kills Billions. Aside from that, very irresponsible. Type II diabetes kills more people, and will. No one cares. California was filled with 3rd world diseases, many that were transmissible pandemics. No one cared. Now with 11 it’s a state of emergency? Yes, Docktor, 11 is now ermigerwdweallgonnadie! That’s 2 hours in NYC, ONE city of thousands in the U.S.

    “US banned the sale of rubber tires”

    Wow, such genius. So farmers can’t get tractors into the field and miners can’t get ore from the mines. Genius! We’re winning now! Central Planning forever! It’s a PR stunt, meant to make people care. What ever has happened in life that you do not assume every time they say anything, it’s a lie meant to manipulate you? And that was just after they solved hunger in the Depression by dumping milk and plowing under crops. Our hero! Man of the people!

    Not Enough Face Masks Are Made in America to Deal With Coronavirus (NPR)”

    It’s almost like shipping all production overseas in service of globalization is a national security nightmare that would end national sovereignty. Ain’t that right, NPR? Wait, weren’t YOU telling us we were dangerous backward idiots who needed to “learn to code” in re-education camps while defending Clinton, Bush, Obama and their ruthless murdering Globalism of the working class for the last 40 years? And that’s why Trump won? Nope. Not anymore. We have always been at war with Estasia. Just ask us.

    “Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to say the coronavirus poses an imminent threat”

    As above, how times change. Only last week, we were super-dumb anti-science because we said it WAS real and WAS a threat. Now it’s not a big enough threat. It’s almost like they only act emotionally and run around with their hair on fire. So… Reuters, anything on how the Republicans DID think it was real MONTHS ahead of the media, and STILL think it’s real, but the Republic probably won’t collapse over it? Nope. It’s a million degrees or negative zero. You’re an idiot when you say yes, and an idiot when you say no. Conservatives are always, always idiots. Like when Trump quotes some NYT news article, then they immediately come out and say it used to be true, but now that HE said it, it’s totally dumb and NOT true. At least monthly. Hair on fire. If you follow chickens running randomly around the barnyard squawking, you’re going to get killed. That’s the only thing they know how to do: everyone NOT running around randomly in #AntiLogos is the mortal enemy. Pick a side.

    Romney To Vote For Subpoena Seeking Hunter Biden Ukraine Records (Pol.)”

    Ah, the revolutionary act of acting questions. Ordinary, normal ones they’re after me for every day (Tax season). And if he’s innocent, won’t they find nothing? That’s what they tell me when they tap my phone, mail, car, TV, and accounts. But No! We cannot ask questions! All facts are the #Enemy.

    “If they had been American, they’d be labeled heroes.”

    Quite true. Because CNN/The Guardian: “We Make S—t Up!”

    Russia prohibits itself from a first strike. The US does not.”

    So weird. Russians sure are tricky to install EVERY U.S. President and EVERY candidate, yet still nuke themselves without warning. Just shows how crazy * They * are. We of course, are beautiful innocent little golden-curled children who never did nothin’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 6 2020 #54904
    Dr. D

    “let the homeless die in the street”

    Actually, being homeless is the only way you CAN get a hospital bed. Nobody working can afford it. We can get one, but they’ll take the house and car and then we WILL be homeless. #Irony. We provide services only to those who don’t work and can’t pay for them. If you work: get lost. No soup for you. Die in a hole. Maybe not productive for the building of more masks and beds?

    I think we in the west are now entering the exponential phase”

    Maybe, but somebody needs to show me some numbers. No test kits, fine, where are the ICU patients?

    “LAX and DHS have been testing all the screeners”

    Problem: all over, the tests don’t work and are negative.

    This is a binary situation. …Trump is connected to higher powers…”

    Not really. They’re lying. But the problem is WHERE are they lying? Millions will die, but millions die every year and no one ever cared before. They encouraged it. 30-60K/yr opioids and they couldn’t get enough! We have 11. Now they care? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. We’ve passed vending machine deaths, are we up to lightning strikes? Or diarrhea? Probably not. Certainly not flu or heart disease which has killed 100,000-odd while we’ve been talking.

    big uproar of indigination”

    Ah! Seems like only yesterday a GOP Congressman saying China –might– be less-than-forthcoming with us was shouted down as the height of dangerous unhinged tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, because –NOTHING– was happening and it was all made up. How times change. Now only a week later the same GOP congressmen saying it’s not ebola-zombie-apocalypse-armeggedon-from-Mars are the dangerous tinfoil-hat conspiracy-denier-haters, because they won’t say it’s bad enough for CNN. The guy who they would impeach for shutting down travel again is now they guy who denies science and never did nothin’. #Logic! It’s always a million-billion degrees or absolute zero, no in-between.

    “Cathal Haughian” The other cycles guys said too, Charles Nenner and Bo Polny and probably Armstrong. Of course that’s market only. Asked what would cause it, they said, “I dunno!!! Because that’s the cycle.” In the up, bad news in good news for every reason (lately, the Fed will print) and in down cycles, good news is bad news. So it isn’t the news at all, then, is it? It isn’t the events. Costco never made such profits as Q1 sales just now. No one cares. We all knew there would be a reset. We just didn’t think they could delay it for a lifetime: 20 years. But that’s the cycle. For decades, everyone knew things had to change, thousands protest, then one day one unknown priest nails a paper to a door. Boom! Time/cycle now opens. He just happened to be standing there. But I said we’d have a reset right now from their actions, T and the Fed were setting it up and pulling the plug way back, specifically Sept 14th 2019. Which they said they would. Because what can’t go on, won’t.

    Question is, they were planning to drop it, trap the shorts, and spiral dizzily into Nov 2020 election. Will that plan be derailed now? Nenner says so at least, we’ve seen the high. But this is a yawn: it was always going to happen, we all said it going way back, people like Polny even picked the day. No one noticed when Spanish Flu killed people. Even a few years later it wasn’t in any movies, only dry history books. Same now. Life goes on, perennial as grass.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 6 2020 #54869
    Dr. D

    “When you get the coronavirus, the official CDC recommendation to treat a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever is to lower the rate hedge funds can borrow at from 1.5% to 0%, and increase Treasury purchases to $200 billion per month.”

    This is why half the Corona task force are economists. What does that tell you? Maybe it’s an economic attack, not a medical one? A real biovirus would kill people.

    China Pharma Exports Cut Would “Plunge US into Mighty Sea of Coronavirus” (ZH)”

    Hilarious, thanks. So that’s another industry we can move home instead of paying you to run. Employment + national security + insider control + free money to set it up. You know, like they just did re-opening and re-shoring rare earths in a hurry. And YOU’RE the guys who made it possible, convincing Americans it’s a good idea.

    Vietnam Able to Make 10,000 Coronavirus Test Kits Per Day (VnE)”

    Huh. Yet we can’t do THIS in a hurry. Why? Funny ol’ world.

    “Trump Attacks Biden’s Cognitive Health (G.)”

    The Guardian. ‘Nuff said. He doesn’t need to “attack” anyone, Biden speaks for himself.
    Anyway, reality time, they need Biden to get in, pick VP, then bow out for “health”, and then Hillary/Michelle pick THEIR VP, all legal and official-like.

    Romney Says US Senate Republican Probe of Biden Appears Political (R.)”

    Ah, only because Ukrainians are not real people but animals, Untermensch we who we don’t care about, Ukraine has ORDERED the U.S. to investigate this, via their 1995 Clinton treaty. And are they investigating Joe, or Hunter, who is not even in government but an ordinary citizen like you and I? A: Never. My side right or wrong. After 4 years of investigations meant to overthrow democracy and rig the ’18 & ’20 election, apparently finding nothing, then if you even SUGGEST that we investigate the other guy, ’cause fair’s fair, it’s illegal. Always for me, none for thee. Forever and ever, amen. We can take out, arrest, and remove Chris Collins, no problem, no comment, but cannot investigate any Democrat, anywhere, ever. We cannot even ask QUESTIONS about them. That’s freedom!

    Senator Schumer Expresses Regret For Supreme Court Comments (R.)

    Uncalled for, but I wouldn’t go crazy. I’m more interested in how they know which way they’ll vote already. Kavanagh voted PRO-abortion last time. Didn’t help. It’s facts, so no one cared. And I thought there were no “Obama Judges” or “Trump judges” because they were all unbiased as driven snow. Only the Democratic ones are? Because we are baffled and have no idea how RBG and Sotomayor will vote? Huh.

    Brain attack of brain virus indeed. Mine hurts from it.

    Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Fell Apart in The Fall, and It Never Recovered (IC)”

    She went full Bernie (falsely) and as we now know, the DNC base doesn’t like Bernie. Not that they aren’t cheating too in Iowa and with Bloomberg, and just today, with Tulsi again, but not to this level. And probably set back women by a generation, thanks Liz.

    FBI Agents Linked to Carter Page Surveillance Barred From FISA Process”

    That can’t be, they were also pure as the driven snow. And yet if so, didn’t something illegal happen? And no one goes to jail? Yet the screaming, the screaming, the whining, crying, tantrum screaming: Nothing’s happened. One guy lost his pension which was back-filled by Soros with a GoFundMe. Good to be a Gangsta’

    Johnny cash showing he’s a true American.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2020 #54868
    Dr. D

    V Good point. They reason is because WE created it. Therefore the Chinese would need a copy to defend against us. This is the lame excuse for all their deadly Frankenstein experiments, “Because the other guy will, so we need to be MORE evil to be less evil.” Right!

    Good catch on Deitrick, the clown show that brought us fake anthrax back to put Congress in line to vote anti-democracy, headed by Mueller. This is related, as are the Harvard and Canadian arrests, but not sure how yet.

    They don’t have tests on purpose, silly. But what the full purpose is, I’m not sure. I’d say it’s because they released it previously and don’t – yet – want everyone to know everyone in the U.S. ALREADY has it. …And therefore there’s no death rate. (or 0.01%, the flu) Because then it couldn’t have come from China TO here. We’d have to be in on it somehow ahead of time. “The American government is insanely lackadaisical.” Uh-huh. It is. WHY? We can do stuff fast if we feel like it. Why do we suddenly not feel like it? Because believing China was an existential threat, we first-strike them after the trade negotiation went nowhere? That’s whether or not anyone told Cheeto, and I’m not saying he didn’t authorize it.

    Donald Trump said today people infected with the novel coronavirus will get better “by sitting around and even going to work.” Sigh. No he didn’t. He said people DON’T KNOW they have it, and they ARE going to work anyway, which is a fact. Also, we’ve already established a 98% recovery rate, so 98% of people ARE getting better by sitting around. But if he said the sky was blue, people would say it’s red. Let’s stick to the facts. Occasionally he can say them.

    What does Donald Trump know that I don’t?”

    Basically everything. Because he has classification, knows what the CIA is doing, what happened in Ft. Deitrick, what is happening in China, and what the WHO and CDC are up to. And he’s putting his neck out and saying it’s influenza. Yet you don’t believe the only guy talking who actually has facts and clearance. Okay. It’s a free country.

    I wouldn’t say Taiwan’s article can work. Yes, IF the disease is real, natural, and wild. This one isn’t, it was engineered, probably in several forms, and released in several variants in several places. You know, like Cruise ships, to get into the news good and propper. Therefore the theory of “spreading naturally” and “mutating naturally” can’t be trusted.

    Italy wouldn’t inflate the numbers per se, but they also wouldn’t want to panic by saying infections are 10x higher than suspected … and therefore the death rate is merely 0.3%, either. It’s a balance.

    I’m not saying it isn’t dangerous, neither is Trump. If it’s Influenza, +1M people will die. However, 11 people die every 2 hours in NYC. No one cares. That’s only double the rate of being killed by vending machine accidents. Get a grip, when did everybody become such sissies? You’re all GOING to die, it’s just a matter of how. Don’t cower: pick a heroic way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2020 #54833
    Dr. D

    The 10 elements of an unstoppable engineered biovirus are named here:

    This means the possibility of quarantine is near zero, and certainly when lacking measures like building a fence and shooting any thousands who venture into no-mans land, while catapulting in supplies. That sounds bizarre, except that’s what they did during the Plague, an actual disease with an actual death rate.

    So do the people in Wuhan have it? Um, unless they were surrounded by angels flapping their wings, then yes. Give me any plausible scenario where anyone could NOT have it. Remember it has a 40-day incubation, a re-infection rate, lives in dogs and cats, and 9 days on surfaces and climbs the damp pipes through buildings.

    I’m sure quite a number of people who sheltered DON’T have it. But they are starving. As soon as they leave their apartment, they WILL have it. So will the men delivering the food. And soon I’ll have it, too if I don’t already. So thank God it’s only a bad flu.

    Again, I am missing something here, but even more that we’ve proven there are two viruses, China has admitted COVID is from the lab, the virus chimera has three Crispr pieces including HIV and SARS, it seems only logical that they released a VERY bad virus that killed 600k-1,000k and the only cure was a) it’s extremely racial (unlikely) or b) they IMMEDIATELY released a downgraded but still quite dangerous version right on top of it to stamp it out. And thank goodness, considering. Because of structure, this downgrade is still quite racial via ACE2 receptors, but nowhere near the mortality of the actual weapon they were so proud of when they crowed in open papers on it.

    Next bet: what makes you think we didn’t know this, and the Dark State released it? Although they must have rock-solid, definitely convinced China it was China’s own fault or they’d have nuked us back already, that doesn’t mean it’s TRUE, just that they believed it. The timing is very, VERY suspicious, and not for China, but for a Deep State who’s always said (essentially) that they would do this, and has been smoking red-hot for implementing all the very specific social and infrastructure features that would protect the elite in case of a biovirus. Stay tuned.

    In any case, I imagine from the reaction that yes, from above, yes from the 10 engineered features, everyone in charge knows it cannot BE stopped. But we CAN stop millions from dying in panic, shortages, market crashes, and resulting war. So we’re doing that. It’s also only as bad as a bad year in influenza, which is 650k/yr EVERY YEAR, and +1M in a bad year. Yawn, no one cares because the flu is REAL and not on Facebook and Twitter. In #AntiReality, we only care what’s on T.V., not when your house is falling down or your daughter’s in danger from the guy next door. Who’s the principal/police chief. That’s not exciting: who cares about that? We only care when O’Brien TELLS us to care. So we’re going to have a +1M death rate, easy. Aaaaaand just like we do every year when no one cared.

    Just like the 30,000 opioid deaths we had and no one cared.
    Just like the 10,000 war deaths we had and no one cared.
    Just like the 645,000 heart disease deaths we had and no one cared.
    Just like the 1,250,000 traffic deaths we have and no one cared.
    Just like the 828,000 suicide deaths we have and no one cared.
    Just like the 61,000 legal prescription drug deaths and no one cared.
    Just like the 251,000 malpractice deaths we had and no one cared.

    We have 11 deaths. Newsflash: I don’t care.

    Clearly I am 3,075,000 times more likely to die from the causes above. So are you.

    I’d worry about your pension being stolen and your house repossessed. Or even administrative reform in Dr. D’s ward. Those will actually kill you. Covid won’t. Unless you can show me some numbers.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2020 #54824
    Dr. D

    If the test says they “have” it, does anything else happen? Or do they go home with a taco and a box of kleenex, unbothered?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 4 2020 #54819
    Dr. D

    I guess the point here is that rich people thought they were going to spark a pandemic, then sit at home in their gated community and order Amazon online while robots worked the fields and factories, and they worked from home on Twitter trading Dow 100,000.

    Nonsense, since the first janitor would just break in and hit you with a mop, but that’s how dumb they are: dumber than the dumbest hick in Kentucky.

    My real thought: “The lie is different at every level.” The Trillionaires have ACTUAL compounds with ACTUAL armies that CAN be gated as they control counties in Switzerland. They laughed at the credible billionaires in Miami who believed they would do that too, and laugh as the tiny, insignificant single-billionaires and millionaires help them kill everyone, cleanse the world of us annoying human vermin, and so die themselves. They think they’re Very Important People™, part of the In Club™, when really they’re being used and discarded like everybody else. If they didn’t notice from the #AntiReligion they avowed to and the pile of victims behind them all.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2020 #54816
    Dr. D

    Okay, let’s go the other way. CDC claims Covid has 3% death rate. Wuhan has 20M metro, roughly, and we know has not been contained. Well 20M x 3% = 600,000 dead. Somebody want to show me these people? I will TOTALLY believe you; that fits the response. But 3,000 dead = 0.015%

    Can we stop lying now? It’s one way or the other: either people died, or they didn’t. Either it’s 3% or it isn’t. But your math makes no sense. Stop.

    11 are dead in America. So you’re saying with no borders, no quarantine, no stop of flying since 1 Jan, there are only 300 people infected among 330M people in 60 days? Stop. You’re hurting my thought-thinker.

    There are 138 identified. That means with no testing nationwide, no tracking of people, no knocking on doors, we claim to know HALF of all people infected, and half of those were on the Diamond Princess. Stop.

    Maybe we don’t know: certainly the critics think so. In that case, if there were ONE person on Jan 1st, with an R3 (Fibonacci) doubling every 2 days as claimed = 5,702,887 infected and 171,000 U.S. deaths. More because that guy came on a plane carrying 100 passengers. (~50% rate = 267,000,000 infected @ 8,010,00 deaths)

    Unless all the whining and screaming stopped it. I swear to God we’re all going to die from hating facts and being bad at math. It’s like herding buffalo over a cliff: so easy a cave man could do it.

    Which do you want to give up: the R-naught, the number infected, or the 3% death rate? They can’t all be true. Corollary: if they’re not true, it’s not a pandemic.

    “Ask yourself what would happen if the headlines were all exclaiming COVID’s 98% survival rate.” Indeed.

    “We know, irrefutably, one thing about the coronavirus in the United States: The number of cases reported in every chart and table is far too low.”

    Yes, but of course the conclusion they draw from the lack of evidence is “Panic!”, when it’s equally rational to draw the conclusion “Don’t Panic.” Of course! If it bleeds, it leads, even if I have to pour the ketchup.

    Ask yourself what would happen if the headlines were all exclaiming COVID’s 98% survival rate.”

    They cut a roadblock in testing and let the States do it. Reversing centralization and Soviet bureaucracy, and also control. By Rod Rosenstein’s sister. Hopefully this gets somewhere. It’s probably good because all the right people are complaining about the new rule that will free up the test kits. That leaves the problem of the test kits being lousy worldwide, constantly throwing bad results, a feature of the 3-part engineered biovirus.

    “Purell for $400? US Lawmaker Urges Amazon to Tamp Down Price Gouging (R.)”

    Price controls. Because that’s always worked before! Every time it’s tried! Oh wait, I meant the #Opposite. Now you can have Purell at $1, except the shelves will be empty for the next 100 years and Jimmy has a black market out back where it’s $600, not $400. He pays kickbacks to the police, the party and Senator Markey, (That’s the extra $200) so don’t think of reporting them. Like Epstein, you might not kill yourself.

    The Greatest Victory of the Establishment Since the Defeat of the Huns (Turley)”

    Wow, if Karl Rove, John Bolton, and James Comey are on your side, it’s truly the army of the angels. You should be so proud. And the problem here isn’t that they can’t screw Bernie: as commenters here said, they surely would somehow. The problem is, “What Next?” They are going to live down their devout, knee-bowing wish to prefer Trump to a Progressive. ANY Progressive. Ever. Any person in all America that would ever deign to raise wages and help any working man. I don’t think that’s a winner, and it will be less a winner 5 years from now. But if they resist reform, this is what happens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrhic_victory

    “Moscow’s Difficult Decision on Idlib (Lawrence)”

    Russia has been working with Turkey a long time. They know what they’re doing. Still annoying though. And long.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 4 2020 #54815
    Dr. D

    If it’s me: no, since everything you hear, read or see is a lie meant to rob you and steal your freedom, the world is a very simple and obvious place. I’m not scared. They’re lying idiots.

    That said, although my theory now fits all the facts, there is still something wrong with it and it isn’t true in an important way. What, I can’t yet tell.

    Misinformation worldwide. Claiming masks don’t work. If they don’t work, why do doctors use them? Yes, they work for 4h if used properly, but they’re still better than NO mask, not only for yourself but protect others if you have it. The point is every level of reduction in “viral load” matters, but is essentially unmeasurable. The world instead polarizes into two all-or-nothing camps shouting at each other. Hide and stab yourself, or walk around in denial and contaminate everything. Sheesh. Wear a bandana if you want, it will still help.

    Same with wiping down surfaces. If it doesn’t help, why do they wipe down restaurant tables, to spread the dirt around? Of course not, it’s bleach and/or other water, and it DOES help, but it’s not an operating room either. How much effort vs risk in diminishing returns? You’re a grown -ss adult: it’s up to you.

    This has been long ‘planned’, as I’ve said and you can read the papers. 10 years ago alt-people were already pointing out that the weirdo bent-for-leather global initiatives were all for pandemics: 12 mega-cities, health initiatives, end to vitamins and herbals, but most notably Amazon, the nation’s company store, which tracks what books you read and things you buy, but more, has robotic workforce from the factory to the doorstep, with these idiotic megadrone army that makes no economic, energetic, or engineering sense. Walmort, moving to robotic stockers, self-checkout, and delivery/door pickup. Uber, chomping eat-a-bug desperate not only for delivery, etc but self-driving cars. From Tesla, who has killed more people than Chuck Manson with their idiotic belief in technology I can disable with a loogie. At least it was voluntary immolation for their Green god.

    What do each of these things (and 1,000 more) tell you, and the speed and alarm Ford and GM were pushing them? Pandemic, meant to control the masses. Especially here since we’re armed, as quarantine creates cover to kill the resisters, as just happened in about-to-protest Wuhan, Italy, France, and Iran. But I am a coincidence theorist and this is all a big accident. That they wrote down. In increasing detail. For 45 years.

    Pretty sure they’re going to fail though. Because they are neanderthal-browed, mouth-breathing schmarty-pants who pray to a god whose ethos is “Can’t think straight.” So it goes on, the parasite and the host, for the next 1,000 years. Unfortunately, since people can’t seem to believe there is evil anymore and do any duty as men and citizens, they fall for it like children and are devoured.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 4 2020 #54769
    Dr. D

    Pedro Miguel Lock, Panama Canal 1915

    How dare they do things? We must pass a law and stop this immediately! Someone might get hurt!

    Official deaths = 3,203 There are 3,000 deaths by lightning a year. If this 3k holds, soon Corona will be as likely as getting hit by lightning. There’s only one response to that: call a pandemic!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_strike

    Okay, not to be a snark, with an R3,
    http://www.medrxiv.org › 10.1101 › 2020.02.13.20022251v1.full.pdf
    Observable cases in Wuhan 12-27 Jan = doubling every 2 days. Cases at that time = ~ 78,000. Death rate = 3% Quarantine = zero, it is outside quarantine, on planes, and appearing worldwide. Number of days = 36 /2 = 18 doublings = 9,984,000 x 3% =

    299,000 dead by today.

    THAT’S a pandemic. Instead, wiki shows cases from 2/23 to 3/3 have risen from 77,150 to 80,270. That’s a rise of 4%. Deaths barely budged. Habeus corpus: produce the dead bodies or shut up. I believe a lot of lies and covering, but you can’t hide 299,000 dead bodies worldwide without a lot more media fiction than we’ve seen. We have a big zero. People in a nursing home in Italy and Washington died of influenza. Like every other year. The pandemic, whatever it was, has stopped and is now the seasonal flu.

    (Sorry if I missed a trick here, but my scientific calc is in the other room, the assumptions are all wildly margin-of-error, and I don’t care except to make a point: it took 60 days to take out 500 million people, but in the next 30 it didn’t take out 1,000? Explain. My theory is it was all the whining and screaming “we all gonna die” in the West that sacred it off.)

    Then there’s this:

    …most patients have only mild symptoms and the death rate appears to be between 2% and 5%, the WHO said.
    By comparison, seasonal flu has an average mortality rate of about 0.1%, but is highly infectious – with up to 400,000 people dying from it each year.”

    Or by their own numbers, near 0.1% (the flu) if you’re under 50.


    Real story: whatever this was, the world factories in China are offline and may not even start for 3-6 months. Hey, maybe we should force manufacturing back to America, secure the borders, put on tariffs or something? Nah, the #Opposite. And the screaming, oh the screaming. Always the whining and screaming.

    For Biden, I can’t even. It’s embarrassing in more ways that I can define, even personally embarrassing. But what’s with environmentalists rushing the stage to stop milk (again)? Their goal is to make all cows on earth extinct, and they won’t stop ‘til they’re dead. Because that’s #Love and care for animals!

    Guys, try to be more productive and think things through a little, will you? The way to #SavetheCows isn’t to kill them for all eternity. But I’ll donate one to you if you want to adopt. And #ItTakesaHerd so you’ll actually have to adopt a family, maybe +5 cows at 2,000lbs each for 10,000lbs total, plus their 800lb children, then take them on yearly road trips to other cow friends so they don’t inbreed. But not to fear! I’m sure with love and fe-fe’s it will all work out. We’ll set them free in Central Park and let them walk down Columbus Avenue to Riverside. It’s only natural.

    Similarly, no idea what Erogan is doing. Double-crossing everyone? That’s indeed tricky but it doesn’t work out so well in the long run.

    EU Pledges €700 Million to Help Greece Fight Migrant Influx from Turkey (F24)”

    There’s always a first time. But after that money is spent to fix the camps on Lesbos from the FIRST time, what will they do with all the new guys?

    Planet Plastic (Rolling Stone)”

    Guess they better tell Asia to knock it off then. Oh wait, they just did. So that’s all good then, right?

    The cure for this would be very, very high prices, so it’s only used for medical and we don’t get triple-packed in an Amazon box with 3 more boxes with 5 useless poppers each inside.

    …Aaaaaaaaaand that would require stopping free, 0% money in the multi-trillions a year. For them of course, but:

    No soup for you!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2020 #54735
    Dr. D

    25,500, just 6,000 points to go and the shorts are all-in. Takes time as well, though. 6,000 points and 30 days.

    Shorts are invariably big insiders, so they are making more trillions today, reloading the mechanism. Sounds tough taking money from 401ks. That’s why we pay them the big money, and if they fail, bail them out to make bonus. Mo’ money, mo’ money.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 3 2020 #54727
    Dr. D

    “As of 2016, there were 3,007 counties, 64 parishes, 19 organized boroughs, 10 census areas, 41 independent cities, and the District of Columbia for a total of 3,142 counties and county-equivalents in the 50 states.”

    That’s one Corovirus death per U.S. COUNTY. The U.S. has 1/3 as many people as China, so the equivalent is 3x less, to say nothing of all counties planetwide. How much closer to statistical zero do you want?

    Let’s play let’s pretend:
    Let’s suppose – purely fiction – that Wuhan DID release a bioweapon from their lab — nevermind how or why right now — and it DID kill 100,000 – 300,000 people. This would fit their stunning reaction, especially if they soon realized their patient zero was from their own lab, with their own responsibility, >14 days in quarantine, with +9 days on surfaces. Whole cities are shut down. Areas are blocked off that have patients. They are willing to stop their own economic production voluntarily, because otherwise it will stop anyway, and not only will the government fall, but – what really matters to these people — they’ll never live it down and China will be discredited, pariah, for 1,000 years.

    Okay, fine. So…what do we do? Let’s pretend that the bioweapon was our, from Harvard via Canada, as all those people are now arrested. Sure China loses face, but are we to admit we have such poor control of our weapons and secrecy, and so many communist sympathizers at Harvard and the Intel services (but I repeat myself) that they would get everyone on the planet killed by selling out to China for the price of a used Mercedes? That’s not good for the U.S. either, although how everyone doesn’t already know this is a living mystery to me. So what to do?

    Let’s pretend that – since it’s ours, we know all about it. And since we know it has 5 (7?) major elements of bioweapon pandemic, aerosol, persistence, +30 day quarantine, no symptomology, etc. it literally can’t be stopped. That’s why it was made: to be used. To succeed in mass death. (The dummies. Gawd nerdy schmarty-shmartz are the worst, dumbest ever) But knowing the whole genome, the whole life cycle of this bioweapon, they have scenarioed what to do if the OTHER guy uses it, little realizing that OF COURSE someone would use it, something would go wrong, it would turn on them, every day since Mary Shelly in 1815. So they take the Wuhan we have, with three genetic faces to fool the immune system, that is un-vaccinatible, that as a virus is un-curable (that’s why it was made), and do something interesting:

    You take the Wuhan and either damage its expression, or if it’s built that way, remove the payload. THEN YOU RELEASE IT WORLDWIDE. Without testing. That day. Why do you do that? Like a forest fire, the only possible cure to it is to make a firebreak and make sure most people have antibodies to Wuhan 2.0 before they meet the Wuhan 1.0 bioweapon. However, releasing a pretty stiff flu is sure to kill a lotta lotta people, and/or turn into more mischief you can’t even predict, and you’ll be sued up the wazoo by every 80 year old person in every nursing home on planet earth that dies of it. Worse, — and this is what they really care about — the people will come up there with pitchforks and take away your toys, erase your budget and keep an eye on your little monsters, keeping you from mass killing people for sport for a generation. And who wants that?

    So you can’t admit it.

    So on the ground you have two things: Wuhan 1.0, not admitted, killing 100,000 – 300,000 in China, possibly a racial virus as described, but still very dangerous. Anyone flying worldwide – you know like all the 0.1%, Tom Cruise, the Iranian council, John Kerry, the Pope – may have the real one because they’re all best buds. At the same time, the U.S. has spread the degraded, barely dangerous Wuhan 2.0 — which is going to kill a lot of people, but 100x less, only as much as the ’67 Hong Kong flu – in a desperate bid to stop Wuhan 1.0, with you, us, as the guinea pigs. The two cannot be distinguished, and the tests don’t work, so we don’t know when there’s an outbreak in Italy or Washington, which it is for a dangerous window. AND we need to get Wuhan 2.0 “cure” throughout the country, the world – which will kill a few hundred/thousand weakened people – BEFORE the testing comes up to speed and kills everyone with the THIRD problem: panic and the supply chain.

    Paging Dr. Rorschach, what say you? Does this fit the facts? Because one thing I DO know is that their story is fake garbage. Either people died or they didn’t: either we have a pandemic or we don’t. You can’t say 3,000 people died in 3 months, but it’s a big deal. There are 3,287 traffic deaths a DAY. x ~95 days. So driving to work is officially 312,265x more dangerous than Wuhan, if you believe a word they say. Panic!!

    So if you were in their shoes, what would YOU do?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 2 2020 #54676
    Dr. D

    This has a lot of effects, but one is to make Kung-flu look dangerous. If 80k have it with 3k dead, that’s your 3% death rate. If as more likely, 900-1,000 million have it, then your death rate is 0.0003% That is, the flu.

    Again, will someone show me 100,000 dead somewhere? I’ll totally believe it, but if not we don’t have a pandemic, we have a “war of the worlds” scam-and-liefest. It’s one or the other: either people are dying or they aren’t. Either we have a pandemic with a death rate or we have only 3k and a fake media drama feeding-frenzy fantasy scam. 3,000 people is a puff not a pandemic: that’s the number of people who die in TWO DAYS in the tiny U.S. of heart disease alone.

    Produce the body.” Habeus corpus.


    “strict testing restrictions set by the Centers for Disease Control”

    Sounds interesting. WHY did they set the testing levels so high? They get budget if more people happen. They get lambasted if they miss. Yet they want both these things on purpose.
    Since clearly no one is quarantining and people are all over, why doesn’t anyone have symptoms and check into a hospital? Show me the people.

    there are another 700+ cases added.”

    Cases galore, yes, because thanks to these guys, there’s no quarantine at all and we’re all going to get it. Heck I probably have it by now. But is anyone DYING from it? Even in ICU?

    Tulsi Gabbard Urges Trump: Don’t Drag Us into War with Russia (ZH)”

    No comments on Trump ending war in Afghanistan. Me either, he said that about Syria, but it should be said. If someone does right, can we say it? A: not if it’s Trump.

    Gas cost 25c in 1946. That’s 0.18oz. Gas today costs $3.00 and silver is around $17. That’s one silver quarter. No inflation at all. You guys just love taxes and won’t say no.

    Dr. D

    Great article from a much better writer than I.

    They’ve long planned this, (read the papers, please) and intend to push humanity to and fro while they’re unmoored for maximum death and disaster capitalism extraction. Then they can rebuild the system in their violent, crooked image, as their motto states. We, of course will resist that, as always. Unfortunately, people overwhelmingly help them by refusing to believe there’s anyone out there that would do them the slightest harm, and believe like a puppy every man is their very special friend, and there’s no slaughterhouse anywhere, ever, where they take your rings and gold teeth.

    I have no idea where they got such an idea, but it’s not from the history of earth.

    “Places such as Syria and Yemen are very likely to see truly horrific outbreaks”

    Quite the opposite, I think. They “collapsed” early to beat the rush. You at Oxford are going to become like them, not that they will kill twice as many when everyone who isn’t rock-hard is already dead, dead, dead. Don’t worry for them but prepare for yourself. What you did to them and was authorized and loved will, as always, now be done to you. How can you say no? For decades you all said it was fine, moral, justified.

    horrifying possibility, that certain sociopaths will use the synergetic fears of refugees”

    Like the total destruction of privacy, free speech, and intentional austerity killing tens of thousands a year for sport, this is no ‘possibility’ but already happening for decades everywhere, on purpose, and well-reported. For example, just yesterday Erdogan did it for the 100th time.

    we must hold on to a sense of vision and endeavour, that something better is still possible.”

    With universal corruption, the only fix is within the heart, and that is religion. That you will do good and are willing to die for it. Materialism, atheism cannot provide this fortitude which is why it’s hated so violently and opposed and undermined constantly. A placid, abstract, “sense of vision” is inadequate when the soldiers tell you to perjure the innocent and persecute someone, or they’ll burn your house, shoot your kids, send you to jail. And they’ve already been doing those light, cheerful things for decades. And people’s constant surrender to any challenge has not stopped them. Only if you say “No”, remove your consent, and hand them your useless broken body will that mean a whit. As that homeless Indian guy said. And only religion, faith, will provide that, but that sense, honor, faith, #Logos, is our arch-enemy and will be persecuted the hardest. More than now even.

    USA can survive the twin disasters is if government by and for the people is restored.”

    Government has never worked, especially in health care. Our whole 230 year history shows that. So although there may be solutions, they’re not one of them. Cutting off 90% of their taxes so we can afford health care might be because slowly giving them 90% of our taxes did not. Pandemic? Meh. Unless somebody wants to admit to 100,000 dead in Wuhan, Corona appears safer than the common cold. It’s one way or the other: either admit the dead, or stop saying this is a thing that exists. 3k dead when the common cold has killed 100,000 in the same time is as many as were hit by lightning while fighting sharks. Now I don’t believe those numbers, but you can’t have it both ways: either it is or it isn’t; pony up.

    If not, there’s nothing to tackle. “Habeus corpus”: “Produce the body.” No death rate = no pandemic = no collapse. They will counterattack in April.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 1 2020 #54628
    Dr. D

    I’ll take that car even broken. It’s fixable unlike today’s modern cars with a single fender cracked.

    So which is more ecological again?

    From yesterday: Korea, in the religious meeting, they had 50-50 for symptoms. When tested, 80% of the non-symptomatic had it. So if – let’s say everyone has it, but only a fraction has any health issues, then we can stop reading the “infected” number, which is alarming and start reading only the “death” or “ICU” rate, which is 3,000.

    So we’ll call the number “10,000”, as above. Over much of the planet by now. Can we do a turtle vs the hare race vs influenza now? 30k/mo is the number to beat. With 3 months in, Wuhan is behind by a factor of 10x. Panic!!!

    “CDC refuses to test for COVID-19. Why?”

    Why indeed. Because it’s hardly more than influenza but can cause a War of the Words panic that will kill millions? I mean unless you think all the doctors in UC Davis are stupid and/or suicidal. Do you? Are you going to allege that? Which fits the pattern better?

    Markets Expected to Fall Further as Coronavirus Hits China’s Economy (G.) “

    That would be true if the markets weren’t totally disconnected from the real economy, and have been since ‘08, if not ‘01. But they need to get the shorts to buy in hard so they can burn them. You know: the muppets who actually believe against all evidence that we have a real market.

    China Pollution Clear Amid Coronavirus Slowdown (BBC) “

    Still no word from St. Greta on China. And no victory laps from all those schmarty-schmarts guys who ached for human death to save the planet. You can’t please some people. Why aren’t you happy now? You have everything you asked for.

    Bernie Sanders Looks To Blow Away Rivals On Super Tuesday (G.) “

    America is so racist first we elect a black guy, then we elect a guy with a Jewish family who’s pro gay marriage, THEN we elect a Jewish guy. We’re tricky like that! Nazis everywhere, but tricky Nazis.

    Conclusion: in #AntiLogos, reality will never, ever matter. EVER. It could be 1,000 years and it still wouldn’t matter. The sun could burn out and we’d still hold on to these lies, accuse each other while the guys in the castle laugh and drug your daughters.

    “‘Get Out Of The Way, Let Us Deal With Assad’, Erdogan Says He Told Putin (RT)

    This is why Turkey can never get anywhere and fails all the time despite the power of their people. You can’t double-cross and fight everyone at once, at least not openly. You need to lie about it, hide and deny, like Britain and Israel. Who’s going to work with him now?

    And what Chemical weapons plant? Since everyone’s a goldfish, apparently, they dismantled their program in what, 2015, overseen by the U.N. and it’s anti-logical to go there since? Nope, make stuff up, lie, have the media print it. Then when called on it, lie and deny more. Since the population is #Antilogic, they love it! It’s just like them! Brother! Sister! The one true god! The morning star, the prince himself, Lies.

    Either the EU acts now, or people are going to be killed.

    Well yes, but the EU WANTS them all to be killed. That’s why they started the war, supported it, and took every action since. They also love rape and hand grenades, and have come to a new love of deadly flus they openly promote letting spread to every corner without the slightest containment. So I imagine they ache with longing for the deaths of these 76,000, especially as they’re mostly civilians, because they ache with longing for the deaths of Germans, of uppity French protesters, of the unemployed in Greece and Spain, and prettymuch everyone else. That’s what happens when you’re a death cult, like most leaders worldwide. They’ll probably record it and watch it at parties for light entertainment now that Epstein’s pipeline is down.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54624
    Dr. D

    It would make sense if it’s a (our) biovirus they know the nature of, that it probably can’t be controlled, but hardly kill more than influenza. That is actually the fact, unless somebody wants to show me 100,000 dead in Wuhan nobody’s admitting.

    The tests have issues since it was engineered cleverly, — you can go read the paper on the “chimera” virus with 3 parts from Wuhan labs — and with 3 shell expressions, it’s throwing nearly 50% false positives and 50% false negatives. So…why would you want a test like that? You can scare the people with it, but not much else.

    28 NIH beds is typical media lies. First, use your head: it’s impossible. Second, those beds are VERY special respirators, NOT cheap, boring ICU respirators. They on on par with dialysis for your lungs, removing your blood and breathing for you, and considering how extreme that level of support is, I’m surprised they have 28 of them. Third, it’s very hard for NIH to tell the media “how many”, because they always keep beds full, but shift both admission/discharge AND the type of wards they have to suit the need. That’s not infinite, of course, ICU is still a special thing, but they’re going to kick out the known hypochondriac with chest pains (again), that guy who keeps overdosing then walking out, and the homeless guy with exposure they took in for no real reason but sympathy. If you shove those out because beds are needed elsewhere, how many do you gain? No one knows. 10%? 30%? It depends on how far up the tree you go. Note the media doesn’t ask questions, sensationalizes, lies, causes panics, then never retracts, even when publicly exposed for it. If you haven’t noticed from 4 years of RussiaRussiaRussia.

    Otoh, in Korea, in the religious meeting, they had 50-50 for symptoms. When tested, 80% of the non-symptomatic had it. So if – let’s say everyone has it, but only a fraction has any health issues, then we can stop reading the “infected” number, which is alarming and start reading only the “death” or “ICU” rate, which is 3,000. …Unless you can find me those 100,000 denied dead somewhere. That 3,000 is higher than influenza, but 3,000 / 1.2B = 1 : 40,000. I think America an withstand that rate. That’s why they’re not testing, and calling it “the flu”. Because it is “the flu.” For us at least, still waiting on Wuhan and suspect it’s something more there. But they will make hay on more nonsense if they can, and call them stupid and heartless, and we call them hyperemotional and very, VERY bad at math.

    It’s their hyperemotional overreaction (and lies) and child-of-alcoholic constant belief in known liars that will stop the system and kill hundredfold more people than the disease, at least so far. They’ve finally found our Achilles’ heel. Our penchant for lying constantly, then whining and complaining, surrendering, cowering in fear like babies. It’s a can’t-lose.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54574
    Dr. D

    “China Reports Catastrophic Data: PMIs Crash To Record Lows (ZH)”

    They’re going to print money and call a force majeure on their contracts, which they needed to do when they cracked back in Nov if not before. But they didn’t have an excuse. Funny ol’ world.

    Not to laugh, so are we. Powell may call a major print/bailout this weekend so he can make his $770B/night Repos official and put a reason behind them. (note, that’s a TRILLION dollars) Yeah: they were anticipating Wuhan back on Sept 17th 2019, that’s the ticket.

    “China Will Meet US Trade Deal Ag Demands, But May Invoke Force Majeure (SCMP)” Ding!

    “killed over 2,700 in China alone” 2,700 / 1.2 Billion = 0.00000225 Panic!!!

    Southeast Asian Supply Chains Feel The Squeeze From Covid-19 (SCMP) “

    Maybe, but they’re all going to print money and have a perfect excuse, so…nothing done, economically, at least. Zombies will all survive and increase so long as they’re insider pals. Yay! They get $770B/night, you get inflation and pension defaults.

    “US Sanctions on Iran Helped Coronavirus Spread Undetected (NI)”

    See? THIS is how you blame the U.S. for everything, THIS is normal.

    “Australia Defied WHO on Coronavirus (SMH) “

    Experts. Expert medical bureaucrats, I think the Doctor will have something to say on this. Along the lines of: “they’re just dreadful politicians of a different stripe”?

    calling it “racist”. But, of course, that decision now looks very wise,”

    Calling someone racist was just an unfounded smear meant to bully someone into slavish obedience using fear? I’m sure it’s the first time. https://lists.grabien.com/list-hate-crime-hoaxes (1st google hit) People would never use leverage they have to their advantage would they? No, they are the good people, and I am the bad people, just ask them! But we are NOT just all one people. That’s equality and brotherhood

    “Israeli Scientists Claim To Be Weeks Away From Coronavirus Vaccine (NYPost) “

    Hard to tell when everything’s a lie, but it would be good cover for the cure the U.S. bioweapons lab would already have.

    “Attorney General Bill Barr appears on a collision course with President Donald Trump”

    While they play WWE Wrestlemania 2020. Remember Trump and Kim? A minute before they signed up and walked the DMZ together? Meanwhile, nothing happens and no one’s arrested. From the endless screaming you’d think someone would have lost a pension at least.

    “If Sanders does not receive the necessary votes,”

    This is why they had 25 candidates. If each 20th runner gets one, it’s enough to stop Bernie and screw democracy. I’m sure that’ll turn out fine. But proves as Dore and so many say, “They would rather have Trump than any Progressive.” And why not? They gave him more budget, more military, more Congressional spying, more wall, and now more free billions for “health” that he personally allocates. And you think they’re AGAINST him? The two parties aren’t R and D, they are the People and the Government. …Or the People and the Banks/corporations/government, same thing. Their party is all in for a NY billionaire insider vs a NY billionaire insider, and applauds. Heads I win.

    Baraitser interjected seventeen times.

    But I thought if judges were biased against the defendant they had to recuse themselves, right Sotomayor? Can’t have a judge and a juror who have already made up their mind then taking cases, can we?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 29 2020 #54573
    Dr. D

    Returned from yesterday:

    Yes but if it’s a biovirus, and one we developed (and China stole), don’t you think we developed the cure too? It wouldn’t be much good to have a weapon that destroys yourself equally. If so, then it seems the CoS calls over to Ft. Deitrick, the lab head tells him what it is, how it works, and if it doesn’t have a built-in self-destruct, the lead time on producing enough “cure”, whatever that may be.

    Were this to be true – and it seems more likely than a fruit bat ate a pangolin – then PEOPLE WITH THE HIGHEST CLEARANCE KNOW THINGS BUT THEY CAN’T TELL YOU. The NYT, the Guardian, known to lie every day, in every way, better and better, then call accuse every guy WITH the clearance and information, to be foolish anti-science idiots, and are then wrong again, almost every time, and no one notices. You know, over my whole lifetime. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, lies lies lies lies lies lies lies.

    But what’s he going to say? “We (America of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s) created a racial bioweapon against the all humanity and the Geneva convention and that kills civilians especially, and we’ve been testing it off and on in various places over the years, and now a) we released it or b) our security is so poor, and we have so many spies and moles in government that would help kill half the planet who can be bought for a used Mercedes, and they all work in Level 4 and Harvard and the CDC, and that’s how it escaped? And that’s how China is lying, and we are lying, and the WHO is lying, and the CDC is lying, but trust us: we’ve got it all under control? Pay your taxes, join the Navy, vote for Burr?” Um, no. HE CAN’T TELL YOU. So everything you hear is a lie, if you didn’t notice from the last 30 years of lies.

    So no, wouldn’t surprise me if he’s right for these reasons and it’s over by April, because otherwise, why bother sticking your neck out? But he has to let this play out. And if 1/100th extra people die that died of the normal flu this month, is that really a risk? If China wants to use it as a premise to round up dissidents, are we supposed to get in their home life drama and stop them?

    Paging Dr. Rorschach.

    Here’s the thing. People HAVE it, but are they DYING of it? 8,000 people “have it” in CA they’re trying to imply but not ONE needed to go to a hospital? There’s a big difference between having a flu, NOTICING you have the flu, and DYING from having the flu. I have flus all the time, don’t notice, and am never tested. If so, who cares? You’re going to embargo the worldwide supply chain in a war-like siege over it? A day after the acquittal when your trade negotiations didn’t win and you’re about to collapse anyway and need a diversion?

    Q: If zero kids get it, why close the schools? Not for the chillin’s. It’s never for the chillin’s it’s always for us, our money and power and the Epstein chicks you can buy with it. So I guess it IS for the chillin’s that I can traffic and buy, then overdose and dump them in a flophouse. Another accident in Flyoverland.

    Q: If there’s a worldwide pandemic, why knock down the wall and divert the money OUT of U.S. healthcare and medical readiness TO USAid who will funnel the untracked money back to Swiss accounts and election funds again? Do these look like serious actions of serious people to you?

    Q: Since any 6th grader understands the flu, why did the U.S. and Japan just let everyone off ships without testing, and don’t bother even now?

    Q: Since any breathing human understands flu, why did U.S. officials walk in and out of quarantine, not just unconcerned with the public – that’s a given – but also 100% unconcerned with their own deaths?

    A: All just coincidental lucky accidents. That everybody with access to information act like this is a zero while known liars and deep state actors are pumping fear doesn’t mean anything, citizen. Please panic and obey our directions. Why?

    leadership is quickly waking up to the fact that a) +80% don’t get it badly enough to warrant closing anything down whatsoever” Sinnycool nails it. The play is to pump it up, because outside China (or maybe in?) it’s hardly worse than the flu, so to get any leverage YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE PANIC AND SUPPLY CHAIN, the ECONOMY, and the ELECTION, not the flu, which is a zero, going nowhere. You can have it all you want, but it won’t kill you. That is the only Rorschach that makes any sense.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 28 2020 #54526
    Dr. D

    Day 90, still no one’s accused us. Strange. They accuse us of everything that happens on earth, every time. They even accuse Trump of causing the epidemic by not invading China. Just shows there’s a first time for everything. Or is it that knowing they lie about everything, always, it’s the sudden lack of accusation that’s suspicious?

    Does anyone know how many dissidents and people with low social credit are missing in Wuhan compared to the general population? That’s the first place they were seriously tracking. How about Iran? Suddenly pop up there among areas featuring journalists and moderates, or is it real?

    Fantasy football: we know Kung-flu has a very strange reaction: one you get antibodies, as soon as the count diminishes you reach a threshold where the disease attacks even HARDER, using the very antibodies against it as the vector. As I understand, that’s similar to HIV.
    So way back when, China thought SARS was an ethnic biovirus. Although its attack on Asians is a truly amazing coincidence, it doesn’t matter if it WAS a weapon, only that THEY believed it was. So, knowing the problem, they had millions of their citizens vaccinated against the next attack. …Who now have COVID antibodies. …The very antibodies the virus uses to more successfully attack the host than the initial virus. And the question of engineering such a thing arises again, because now CHINA would be the one who weakened and indicated those people to a new, more clever attack. So only if you got the vaccine, you die of the virus? 90%?

    Which they would never admit.

    And contaminated their vaccinated population by fooling around with a new virus in Wuhan #4 lab they bought/stole from Harvard via Canada that we knew all about and probably leaked to them?

    Which they will never admit either.

    Nor will anyone else, or they wouldn’t get Americans or Europeans to take +70 vaccines from birth either. Still trying to see Rorschach here. /fantasy football.

    From our level doesn’t matter: it’s the economy/supply chain/idiotic over-reaction that’s our real threat. Dow scaring under 20k seems in the bag. It could probably be 10K and still be overvalued, but one must have standards, you know. The standard is: get in some shorts and then start printing so that burning them will drive up the market into the final re-set. But these things have both price AND time. It takes TIME to break optimism and run fear.

    It also takes time to reveal the cure you had all along, or else people will catch on that you’re ALWAYS lying, and the whole thing – the market, the money, the government, the society — is a scam.

    How about this: they’re not suiting up and not testing because outside of the zone, patients can all “have it” but have virtually zero effects or mortality unless you’re 80? In that case, testing WOULD be dumb, because it would cause a panic among people who will 99 & 44/100ths% be unaffected. Remains to be seen, but the other explanations make no sense.

    Go the other way: Rosensteins’ sister is the one with the outsized message from the CDC at the same time California – who has done nothing – suddenly says they are “monitoring” 8000 people. Really? Do you have their names? Does even one of them have it? Newsflash: it’s a pandemic, we’re “monitoring” the whole United States, your words mean nothing. So why did you say them? Strictly for propaganda value. To light up the headline-reading trading bots. And suddenly seeing a lot of this. Same media who beyond giggling at the very IDEA – my word! What silly tin hats! – of a disease at all, who BANNED anyone who stated the obvious even if they are medical PhD’s from Duke, now suddenly jump on the administration for not acting sooner! Weird.

    It’s almost like a) you were lying or b) are dumber than a goldfish and don’t remember what happened two seconds ago. YOU’RE the ones who told us this was nothing who DEMANDED planes continue to fly, infected people were brought home, until you were CERTAIN it had spread, and THEN you want tests and panics. Good job, Brownie!

    So for the coup de grace, they want to “Mr. Trump, tear down this wall!!!” in order to pay for the epidemic which would be PREVENTED by the travel ban, ICE, documentation, and the wall. Europe follows, demanding open borders for maximum travel. “EU Experts: Closing Borders ‘Ineffective’ For Coronavirus (EUO)“ Ah, “experts.” #AntiLogic. The only logic we know.

    Anyway, what patterns can you draw from this narrative? That the only way to stop Trump from dismantling the stealy, rapey, stabby Deep State is to crash the economy? Huh. Funny ol’ world. But I am a coincidence theorist and their actions are not suspicious at all.

    So again, Dow chart vs 1929 you posted? Uh, yeah, that says “crash” to Dow 18,000. That’s what the Dow was before Cheeto was elected. Big deal.

    EndoftheworldDogsandCatsWe’reallgonnadie!!! Fair value P/E is 7 with 3% dividends. Right now it’s 20.03. That means the Dow should be 10,000 to be low, but fair. Relax. 18,000 “crash” “1929” level is still way, way, WAY overvalued. By 100%. Oh and the Dow-gold needs to be 1:1, or $20,000.

    So are they in on it, or capitalizing on the mischief?

    Locust swarms have been recorded in the region since biblical times, …. Warmer seas are creating more rain.”

    So you’re saying it’s normal and the desert is greening there. Gotcha. If they can get through this, sounds good. The climate and food production is noticeably improving then.

    “Whatever happened to Woodward and Bernstein”?

    You mean the guys who worked for a CIA leaker in order to remove a President one employee (Mark Felt) didn’t like? Then lauded both the Bush and Obama administrations, one of whom destroyed more whistleblowers than all other Presidents combined? Those upstanding gentlemen?

    “the whole thing – the market, the money, the government, the society” – and the PRESS — is a scam. A fairy tale they told you back when and you believed it. They’ve been Assanging since Pulitzer – of the “Pulitzer Prize” said, “Remember the Maine! Give me the photos and I’ll give you the war!” And 3 shiny new colonies. Does no one know “Wikipedia”?

    This guy does:

    “Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies.” ~ Julian Assange

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 27 2020 #54524
    Dr. D

    His virus task force seems to be focused on the real danger: the economic overreaction.

    Of course that is hilarious to those who can’t do math, or read about previous “serious” epidemics, ones so large we forgot all about them a year later and can’t see them on a population/economic chart. I thought all people dying was good?

    Oh well. Someone will be right, but no one will apologize.

    We’ll move on to the next thing and be wrong about that too, forever and ever, amen. RussiaRussiaRussia! CattlecarsNuclearwarStockcrash! Aaaaaaiiiiii! We all gonna dieeeeee!

    Here we go again, blasted into the future, learning nothing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 27 2020 #54487
    Dr. D

    That was “Eat a bag of D…s” (a classic) but this one was “Shaking My D–n Head”


    Fascinating and amazing article with such goodies as: “MPH Online’s grisly top 10 list of the worst pandemics. The 1889-90 Flu, otherwise known as the Asiatic or Russian Flu, was first observed in Central Asia, northwestern Canada and Greenland. It went global through urbanization…”

    Yeah, that urban Western Canada and Greenland in 1890…certainly the cause. Do synapses ever fire off anymore?

    And, “The Asian Flu originated in China, in 1958. Its two-year spread resulted in about 2 million dead, including 69,800 in the United States.”

    And with a U.S. population of 174M in 1958, I’ve never heard of it or anyone it affected. That’s 35x today’s toll in a country 1/3 the size, proportionate to 140,000 Americans dead today, and shrug, unnoticed. History blinked and was gone.

    The Hong Kong Flu of 1968 was a fast-spreading H3N2 strain … Though it only had a 0.5% mortality rate, the Hong Kong Flu still killed over a million people.”

    Never heard of it, no one noticed.

    “we can place nCoV as more deadly than SARS and the Avian Flu, but still quite a ways from the Sixth Cholera outbreak which resulted in 800,000 dead, or other influenza outbreaks whose body counts go into the millions…”

    Although meant to be honest and terrifying, clearly this is the most reassuring article I’ve read since December. Giggly almost.

    That and these jokers: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html

    So Doc says 400k/yr = 33,000/mo = 100,000 dead since 1 December. Covid = 2k, officially. You can’t say the common cold is 50x more deadly than Kung-flu, but close. So: “What’s up Doc? Why all the hubub, bub?”

    My bet is, yes, it’s killed not 2k but 100k, based on reaction and crematoriums, with 1B not 8B affected. So that’s 100x more deadly than flu. But flu is probably 0.003% death rate (most never doctor, so are untracked. Who do you know that has ever died?), so upping by 100x = 0.3%, or 3 in 1,000 die. And yes, that’s high. 8B x 0.3% = 2.4M dead. But comparatively, it’s a say-what, no effect, the cure (stopping the worldwide economy in a bid to retain power and/or cause a world war due to crankiness) is worse than the disease.

    The disease I can stand. In fact, I’ll have to since thanks to government and the WHO, I’m going to get it. What I can’t survive is their “helping.”

    And you ain’t seen nothing yet. If they disappear famous doctors in the international flu spotlight, and set up roadblocks worldwide with submachine guns, you can only imagine what tricks they’ll learn and justify against uppity folks in Virginia. No questions will be asked, no one will review their actions after. Long planned, long discussed, G4 warfare, with bio “mistakes” long been tested and used since 1935, brought and used here.

    Helping! Helping! Helping so much!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 27 2020 #54479
    Dr. D

    If they don’t get some shorts in this 99% market, they won’t be able to force it higher.
    If they if they don’t have a reason they can’t start 0% rates and hand out ever-increasing money to their friends at an ever-increasing rate.

    They’ve done everything so far without inflation/hyperinflation on the monetary side, so if too much money can’t break it, how about too few goods?

    Monetary reset. Unseats the monetary interests. Who are coincidentally the CIA/Deep State allies.

    So going pretty good. Is Kung-flu dangerous? Sort of. It’s more dangerous than the regular flu, but that’s not saying much. By amazing coincidence, beyond the 7 key factors of bioweapon Smith described, it also hits basically Asians and smokers. For everyone else, it may actually BE the flu. I suspect it is. But the attempt to break the economic system and punish us, drop the economy and keep the right people in power with but not exclusively for the election, I suspect will fail. That doesn’t make either a FluII or the supply disruption not dangerous though. The supply stop IS dangerous. This day and every other day, no different. That’s why we have borders and sovereignty with national security manufacturing systems at home, and the employment therein. 87 days later, still no one has accused us. Why not? They accuse Trump of not stopping the disease in China, presumably by invading and conquering them to get the jurisdiction to — once he’s King of China — stop it. SMDH.

    Let’s play pretend: somewhere in America, there is a guy who has access to all the intel and documents, gets information on all the bioweapons people have been fooling with, and all the cures they can’t admit they have. Must be hard to know all that and not speak up. To know what is going on and not say, “Hey you fools, HERE’S why not to worry, and I KNOW.” All that guy might say is “April”, so we’ll see. For now all we see is a certain blood pressure medication (check me here) stops it cold. Perhaps Chagga and garlic too. Huh, so many cures already and it’s only been a month, what will summer bring to non-Asian non-smokers?

    Food for thought.

    Doc, how many people died of the regular flu in the time we’re fretting about this famous flu? Officially or unofficially? With 1B affected, has it killed as many people as heart disease or falling in the shower yet?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54364
    Dr. D

    Hey L.A. prosecutor, Cory Feldman on the phone to talk to you about how very, very much you care. He’s been on national T.V. trying to get your attention for child rapes after his best friend committed suicide over it. …Hello? Hello?

    I’m sure after 30 years, he’s the ONLY one.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 25 2020 #54363
    Dr. D

    Unlike his father, there’s still time to arrest W. for New Orleans. If you deputize me, I’ll be happy to help.

    How on earth would only 40-70% get it? Is there a space station or prison island somewhere that’s incommunicado?

    So no one in America has Covid – even Hawaii. Because no one in America has been tested. Especially Hawaii: they have no testing kits. Explain please? Because to me it sounds like you WANT the planet covered in this and ye olde 800 million dead. …As they’ve written about as a benefit to especially to themselves and the planet at large – at the expense of the poor (i.e. YOU) of course — for 40 years.

    The other noteable thing: no one has accused the U.S. or even anyone else of setting off as a bioweapon. Even though it strikes all our enemies at a critical turn, suddenly including Iran who was nowhere near nothin’. …But we’re just lucky like that I guess. 100% of the time. Right after warning GM and Apple in the strongest possible terms to move their supply chain back home or else. Blaming us dirty imperialist American pig-dogs is just the go-to, the always-taken default, forever, divert-the-blame plan. And this is the one time only they DON’T use it? Why? Very strange.

    To be positive, look at Singapore, who has done everything right. They apparently can read words and ‘science’ and immediately a) stockpile critical goods like masks so their hospitals remain functional b) immediately define ‘proximity’ as +2m, c) trace each infection back to origin immediately and tirelessly, d) when identified, put the people under a real, not theatrical quarantine of the correct duration. Wow! So mystery! Amaze!

    Sadly, Canada is the complete opposite, having patients that have all the symptoms, CAT scanned lungs, who work with Asians from the area, and REFUSE to test, because, rules. Rules are, test only if YOU are directly from an affected area. So there! Be symptomatic all you want, sneeze up the hospital, walk around Vancouver coughing to your heart’s content but Medicare will EBD before they pay $50 to test you.

    Meanwhile in the States, Hawaii is proud to say they have no outbreaks, especially not on Maui, where a known infected man was. They know this because he flew back home asymptomatic…although we’ve known for two months the asymptomatic can contaminate…and they double-checked all this by a) finding no one and b) giving no tests. So how can there be any confirmed cases when we won’t test anyone? By definition: no outbreak! QED. Safe as houses. …And so on through the system, flying 90% likely contaminated back on the same plane as healthy people against orders, and Oops! Whaddya knows? My bad: they had it. And then kicking the known-infected out of a strict military base into a halfway house with open doors in a residential district of a town of 1M greater area. That’s just #AntiLogic! The only logic we knows here in Idiocracy. We’ll feed them Brawndo and give them Starbucks. Remember 8,000 ‘voluntary’ quarantines, except we have no list of names, no idea if they’re doing anything, and no one’s checking.

    And thus, on and on forever, until the good and logical people stand up and wrest control of the system back away from the lunatic zealots of #AntiLogos. Which, as they haven’t bothered in my lifetime, much less back when it was a lot easier, it’s going to be a long, long time, maybe a generation, and 800 million dead would be an optimistic number. First to go will be me and Chris Martenson no doubt, for correctly pointing out #Truth that if you act like an idiot you’re going to kill everyone, it’s voluntary, unnecessary, and dumb. Because we WANT 800 million dead. I’ve been reading about how awesome that is most of my life but at least all year from every corner, especially from international heroes like Gates and St. Greta. Why WOULD you stop? Help it. #Resist by flying in as many cruise ships and Chinese students and keeping the borders as open as possible. Erase ICE if you can! If anyone tries not to die, call them a racist. Because as we know the laws of physics depend on your skin color and change from place to place.

    Meanwhile, 40 + 47 = 87 incinerators running, ballpark 2,610/day x 60 days = 156,600 numbers that don’t care about your feelings. But you can die for your antiscience religion and political correct cause if you wish. And they are. And no one’s at all mad, any interest in changing behavior, so who am I to say? Isn’t this like the Moorlocks or Star Trek where they jump into the incinerators on command for a virtual war?

    Speaking of theatre and voluntary, “Weinstein to Face 8 More Allegations after New York Verdict (G.)” the NY D.A. who took money from Weinstein and didn’t prosecute him for 20 years is suddenly all into this verdict. Yeah! That’ll larn him. Right behind him is the L.A. prosecutor who did the very same thing. …And somehow nobody else in all of Hollywood, ever did this, ever. It’s almost like it’s all a big puppet show.

    US Proposals to Whitewash Idlib Terrorists Unacceptable – Lavrov (RT)”

    Another day, another day Trump hasn’t stopped the war and moved the troops home. Another day Congress hasn’t removed his (illegal) power to do so, nor impeached him for it. It’s almost like it’s all a big….oh wait I said that already.

    “Julian Assange faces life in prison for publishing true information that was in the public interest…if truth becomes treason we are all in trouble.”

    IF? That’s like IF we have a pandemic. Where have you been? It’s been like that all my life. It’s almost like there’s no principle, no law, and it’s all one big…illusion? show? joke? con?

    These are not serious people. They will die of it and take you with them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 24 2020 #54319
    Dr. D

    Intolerant America with the Greek/Russian Orthodox church in the background, already built by 1941 without any trouble, filled with Greek/Russian speakers. It’s almost like we’re a melting pot that receives everyone for a better life, then gives it to them in exchange for hard work. You know, going back to 1650, to a million immigrants a year today, all of whom think we’re better than where they came from. Us evil Nazi, racist, oppressive bad guys. …You know, except less than every other nation on earth where they came from. Worst system ever, except all others.

    “Boeing Forced to Buy Rocket Parts from Russia for New ‘Made in USA’ Starliner Spacecraft”
    RussiaRussiaRussia! This is part of a Russian conspiracy to prevent us from having to go to work in the morning and make functional parts!

    You know like this:

    We don’t make, plan, or do anything. But don’t worry! We’ll be on top forever and it’ll all work out because: reasons. Failing that, our opponents could have an unfortunate accident that shuts down their factories for a year.

    They’re having a very hard time getting to a brokered convention that they can cheat and steal from Bernie. The people hate Neo-Libs and billionaire Bloombergs just so, so much. With good reason? I’ve been saying that for years, decades. Downside: DNC has been promising people they’re not Socialist, not open border world-wide communist brotherhood revolution, not coming for your guns, Bibles, and free speech for 100 years, since Wilson and the Progressives signed up with the segregationists at the KKK. Well, now they have all those things between one candidate or another, and applaud it all while being against hard work, nation, family, ownership, and being left alone to your own desires.

    But don’t worry, for the 40 or 50 years we’ve been saying this, we were crazy and making it all up. It only JUST happened in this last month! Honest!

    If that’s what they are, great! It’s a free country, believe what you want. However, like whether your guy is gay, sleeping around, whatever, just be HONEST about it. They sort of are, at least in political terms, so good. Now we can vote if we want those things like normal folks.

    Oh and Russia – which is not Socialist – wants to elect Sanders, a Socialist, AND Trump, a Capitalist, AND Gabbard, an Army Major and moderate, AND everybody else except Buttigieg, who we all know is just a super-tough guy. Weird, huh? And weird how a country the size of New Jersey runs every election on earth and is still being surrounded by nukes with all their allies attacked to standstill. It’s almost like that doesn’t make any sense. But that’s just #Logic! Better than logic: CNN/NBC logic.

    With a WHO that – with 1 BILLION people on watch or lockdown, still says “Nothing to see here, no pandemic” — China FINALLY gets rid of the ridiculous food market nonsense: “Chinese Scientists Find Coronavirus Did Not Originate in Wuhan Seafood Market” Huh. So you’re going to apologize and reinstate all the people who were banned BY the WHO for saying that obvious, obvious thing back in January? And by denying, got unknown scores of people killed?
    N. O. P. E. But don’t worry, they have out their Wuhan report this morning, so they can get in a LOT more lies and a LOT more banning of people who call them on it and tell the truth. Same as yesterday.

    “The vast majority of cases and deaths are still in Hubei province, but who cares, we must produce.”

    This doesn’t have to do with money. It has to do with keeping things running to get food, gloves, delivery truck parts, cell towers working. You’re not going to fight Covid from a cave, collecting rainwater. If not, then things need to function. I’d ask them back to the factories and quarantine them there, with cots in the back. Would you rather sit at home on Netflix-and-Starve? I’d rather keep my country running with a decontamination fog on the back dock. Cash or profit is not the point. It’s a given they – the world – is just going to print cash and profits.

    In Milan, grocery stores were emptied by panic-stricken shoppers, and shortages of disinfectant and respirators have been reported.”

    This is the point. Somebody has to make those things. Profit doesn’t make them, people do. Money is a symbol, a joke, it doesn’t matter, physics do.

    Record Two Million Britons at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (Ind.)

    Meanwhile a far deadlier epidemic nobody cares about. It hits all the right people and generates nice lifetime profits. Probably deadlier than opioids. #Winning! Hey, what were those 50s films about healthy eating, healthy life? Gross. How dare you be pro-health, pro-children, pro-nation. You can’t oppress me and tell me what to do! Even if it’s naming the obvious consequences of my voluntary actions, you Nazi!

    How helping and hurting are all mixed up now in #OppositeLand. Preventing you from running in traffic is #Hate. Stopping black babies from being killed is #Racism. And of course: “the campaign of a Jewish presidential candidate whose family was wiped out by the Nazis [is now] the third Reich.

    When you’re core #AntiLogos, it goes on and on; on and on forever, with more time than I have to describe it. The only logic is #AntiLogic. The only truth is #Lies.

    “The red dresses are a symbol of the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.”

    What was that “first they came for me”? First they came for the native girls, rape and disappear them, in Pine Ridge, then Skid Row, then the girls of Milwaukee and Minnesota, setting up Epstein’s cottage on a girls’ band camp, for best worldwide recruitment…THEN of course accidental murder. Oh and then in U.K. grooming gangs, still not looked at “Because the girls liked it, and did it voluntarily” every government since it started still claims. And I’d say it’s “You’re Next” but it’s been you already, every day of my natural life. No adults cared, anywhere, put my picture on a milk carton and walked away, to go have their friend at work watch pron and sleep with the babysitter. You can’t judge me!

    Actually, I can. And I have. But it’s not my judgement you should be worried about.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 23 2020 #54264
    Dr. D

    Pretty useless around here. With 1 Billion people under quarantine, 33 countries and 4 continents involved, involved, a death rate of 3-10%, even normal, conscious people like Tim Pool say, “You know, we might want to not be ashamed to do something, sometime, you know, in the future. They’re thinking about maybe calling this an ‘epidemic’. It might get serious someday, who knows?” Clue phone: 1 BILLION people? Hello, hello…?

    “ . . . “

    Yeah, if we don’t look out, this might turn into something, you know, dangerous, like a thing we might want to do something about and s—t. You know who isn’t serious? You guys. They are not serious people. They are incapable of serious thoughts and actions. They are not adults. The only upside here is that at least they will (mostly) die with the rest of us. The downside is, it’s THEIR inability to be serious, logical, to read words like “40 day quarantine” with their little eyes and have them land on their brain like any 10-year-old can is the CAUSE of the problem. But that’s #Facts. Must be resisted at all costs, even if you die of it.

    And you thought I was lying, exaggerating. Sadly no, if all the wars and thousands of deaths, slave markets, child rape swaps, and endless impoverishment of virtually everyone didn’t clue you in.

    Next part: nobody is in the least mad about it. They’re not going to do anything about any of the seven levels of h—l they’ve intentionally put upon you, for your own family soon dying. Applause! They finally found a war that culls 5% of the planet’s poor in a way we can all get behind! #Winning! Just as they’ve written continuously for 50 years, and Oops!, an accident.

    coronavirus crisis could slice a full percentage point off growth this year”

    Not serious.

    “China’s car market is likely to see sales slide more than 10 per cent”

    Not serious.

    14 Americans who tested positive had been put on a plane with healthy passengers,”

    Not serious.

    The South Korean government lodged a complaint with Israel over its abrupt entry ban against South Koreans

    Not serious.

    US Says Russia Behind Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign (G.)”

    Never serious.

    And I’ll tell you here, no American, not even medical people are in the least serious about it either. They’re all going to smack into the medical/economic brick wall and put on their surprised face and say, “Who’d a thunk? Nobody coulda knowd.” except for literally everyone, and a million preppers since the 90’s who told you about police militarization, the fake war, the housing crash, the tech bubble, the patriot act, and literally everything else that’s happened since then. I’d tell you 3 years ago when they started the idiotic, irrational charge into “driverless cars” and “home drone deliveries” “door-front pickup” that mostly can’t be done and make not a lick of sense in God’s green earth except to confront quarantines we didn’t (yet) have. Nobody saw that with me? I’m not even smart. Nope, medical people, being ‘experts’ are going to do nothing, plan nothing, change nothing, stock nothing. Okay, that’s not fair, they’re smart people: 5% of them will try to do something and be shut down by taffy and red tape by the other 95%. Tell me if in your experience I’ve got this right, Dr. D.

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