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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle November 13 2022 #121010

    How come a graph that is deliberately terminated 95 years before the present is labelled ‘YOU ARE HERE’?

    Does the perpetrator of this piece of deceit want to suggest that the present is the year 1927?

    Or does the perpetrator of this deceit want to hide something -such as that data from recent decades shows a very different trend- in order to promote an entirely fake narrative?

    src=”https://imgs.search.brave.com/PPrSNfIR7uCXUo8f7RfZ8XLZ51XxnbJu8fDN-DD36fE/rs:fit:850:319:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pMS5y/Z3N0YXRpYy5uZXQv/cHVibGljYXRpb24v/Mjc1MjgwOTIyX1Bo/YW5lcm96b2ljX0ds/b2JhbF9UZW1wZXJh/dHVyZV9DdXJ2ZS9s/aW5rcy81NTY0YWU2/NDA4YWVjNGIwZjQ4/NThmZDcvbGFyZ2Vw/cmV2aWV3LnBuZw” alt=”Large Time Scale” />

    Narrower Time Period

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2022 #121008

    I knew about FTX right from the start. Not the NAME. But as soon as I saw dems frothing at the mouth that we need to send billions and even MOAR billions to The Ukraine, I knew those billions would end up funding the Democrat party in the midterms.

    The only question was what name would pop up for the money launderer and how much would get skimmed on the way back to the US.

    Hillary spent, officially, a billion on her run. If even 5 billion made it back to the US, that’s a lot of official funding and a lot of bribes and things as well.

    Don’t tell me FTX is the only one unless you want me to laugh uncontrollably

    I dread the astroturf BS the leftover billions are going to fund in the future. A further delight to look forward to surely.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120787

    There is no dictum that all finger pointing is projection. When I point at a rock and say “there is a rock,” I am not a rock. When I point at the wall and say, “It is painted red,” I am not painted red.

    It is a mystic principle that the holy must not touch the profane and that in touching, the profane makes the holy unclean. “Touching” the profane by pointing at it and naming it does not make one unclean, because that’s superstitious claptrap.

    The right to size up reality, make a judgement call, and act on it, is the right to live. If you attempt to live life without making any value judgments, you will die. If you do not die while admonishing others to not make value judgments, you’re a malicious hypocrite.

    If you live in a decadent, easygoing, NICE time period and culture, if you see nice people forbear for years, to avoid conflict, while parties evil press on regardless, then YES it is totally healthy to, aloud, to oneself or others, point a finger and name it.

    If you think the evil is in the finger-pointer and “Hey, They aren’t so bad, you exaggerate too much” or “They don’t exist” or whatever, go ahead and ACTUALLY make your case. He Who Smelt It Dealt It is not spiritual wisdom.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120784

    A code that forbids you to cast the first stone, has forbidden you to admit the identity of stones and to know when or if you’re being stoned.

    The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your break or see it vanish into a looter’s stomach, is an absolute.

    There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who shoves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120767

    wtf is it with de-personing celebrated doctors, forcing state employees to inject or lose their job etc in November 2022? We’ve known for over a year and a half they are dangerous, worse than ineffective, and still experimental. Nobody even knows what’s in them, really.

    Is it me or does the impulse to continue to inject come off, almost as like an unreasoning, irrational lust for reproduction? Like the Xenomorphs in the Alien franchise?

    One starts to think in terms of science fiction

    Strategic Interests — we’re on the cusp of waging war based on microbiology, nanotechnology, and drone swarms. Worse yet, you can end up being in such a war and not know for sure who is waging it on you. Everybody is deploying their primitive nanotech to be ready for the new microbiology/nanotech war, hopefully a cold war. Possibly such a war is underway and the weird behavior of different countries reflects that?

    Masters Of The Universe Want To Live Forever — Powerful parties are aging and almost out of time. Only way to get to longevity or immortality is a crash program running MANY simultaneous experiments on billions of humans.

    Aliens — See Vernor Vinge’s A Deepness in the Sky. Aliens have lurked in our solar system until we acquired sophisticated enough wireless and internet technology. They’ve studied us to figure out what #%^s us up the most. Individuals, societies, nations, etc. Having fully owned our networks, computers, money systems, political systems, etc, they’re ready to have us destroy ourselves. Or like Rendevous With Rama, we’re going to build the stuff that assembles the aliens for them while getting rid of ourselves. Because, over light years, it’s easier to transport blueprints than to transport life forms. Maybe even inside ourselves.

    Aliens 2 — Only wackos would visit us. They could do any number of better things with the necessary resources. They could just send a spy satellite to sit there in stealth relaying them the entire internet if they want to know about us, no need to discuss anything. Only, sadly, something like religious missionaries would want to actually show up. If you see all the craziness in society lately as Alien religious missionaries, horrified and disgusted at human nature and determined to help us and correct us, it actually kinda fits.

    AI and TransHumanism — The coming AI tech makes TPTB think they don’t need a bunch of people around anymore. And maybe they did something stupid to themselves too soon with kluge cutting edge tech like some sort of technological or genetic mental augmentation, mind upload, or something else they convinced themselves would be awesome but made them into stupid reptile insect jerks. I suppose a foolish deal with transdimensional demons, clockwork elves, an uncontrolled AI etc would work there too.

    just riffing here for fun. I was just thinking about how, a couple months ago, some of the discussion shifted from What Are They Doing to Who Are They to …. WHAT tf Are They.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120755

    The Kherson withdrawal is a little confusing.

    Russia has a LOT of big rivers running generally north-south so that any east-west combat movement forward OR back has to take all those big rivers into account. The USSR dealt with this QUITE a bit in WW2. Establishment of bridgeheads for advances, logistics running across rivers were THE feature of the war in the east after Kursk. For years and thousands of miles. River after river after river.

    But we’re being told the withdrawal is because of the river presenting logistical difficulties along with danger from the dam.

    –They don’t have the bridging capabilities prepared to fight inside their own country, even?
    –They didn’t drain the dam down over a month or more so that a flood cannot happen?
    –A massive bridgehead like Kherson is extremely valuable militarily.
    –Isn’t the evacuated area supposed to be part of Russia now? Declare it is Russia and then leave it?

    I’ve been scratching my head as to what Russia actually is up to this whole time. But I guess that’s the point.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120752

    I realize today that the “Elite Inbreds” situation is truly appalling, but look at it from their point of view: Every day they must get up and work with us. They can never escape us. Because all and every bit of their power can and does only come FROM us. So no matter what they do, no matter how much they hate, despise, and belittle us, tomorrow for them they are only down in the mire, in a pigsty with us deplorable vermin all over again, another day having to manipulate, convince, direct, control, and murder us all over again. Covered with s–t and not gods at all. A Sisyphean state for all eternity.

    Back when I worked for a ginormous corporation that eventually fired me for not taking a shot that doesn’t vaccinate, there was a recurring pattern.

    I’d be put in a job position, trained, given my responsibilities, metrics/deliverables to meet etc. …and then find that for some essential parts of the task, I had to stop and ask someone else’s permission. Always someone else’s permission who had less knowledge of the situation and of the job.

    Sometimes everything had to go to some faceless locationless backoffice group who clearly had a quota to meet. They were allowed to reply with clarifying questions. If we didn’t reply to questions within a certain time period, they could close out the request with no work done. Therefore there were ALWAYS questions, regardless of how detailed, concise, and complete the request was. Because it’s easier to ask a question that was already answered than do an hour’s worth of work.

    Or it would go to a supervisor. These requests were relatively easy because of daily interaction with that person, prior experience at our level, etc. But it still took time to compose the request, have a conversation explaining the request, wait for them to get out of a meeting, not be having a day off, etc.

    When TPTB realized the sups were making rational, reasonably quick, confident decisions, they’d push the decision back another step. We would need to email the sup with a written request. The sup could then send a written request to some faceless locationless person elsewhere asking permission. We couldn’t ask those people directly. We had to ask a sup to ask them. For core tasks within our own job. For all I know, those backoffice people had to ask yet someone else for permission. In some cases, I verified they DID.

    Basically, whenever TPTB realized someone was sizing up the situation for themselves, deciding what would be right, and then doing it …they simply could not stand it.

    Their coping method was that someone ELSE would decide. But as soon as they realized someone ELSE was sizing up the situation for themselves, deciding what would be right, and then doing it they’d freak out all over again and push the decision-making power to yet some other entity.

    They simply cannot stand that process existing in just ….some PERSON out there, just having the NERVE to DO it – size it up, decide what’s right, do it.

    They seem psychologically relieved when it appears to them that no one can do this. But of course, that’s exactly what they NEED from everyone in their company. And they’re always trying to stop it.

    With the advent of semi-sophisticated algorithms, they were absolutely jubilant. FINALLY they could have NOBODY making decisions. They developed a algo based web tool that we were all supposed to consult and obey. C-suite people were on announcement videos sent company-wide saying things like:

    “It’s AI!!! It’s AI!!!”


    “Trust The Robot!”

    They really truly thought they would be free of us while still able to use us.

    But all the same things were in play as ever in a bureaucracy. They are the ones directing the programming of the “AI Robot.” They are the ones measuring and deciding what to measure. They are the ones living in the toxic soup of clueless maniuplative middle managers and project managers THEY selected advising them on what to measure, how to measure, what the “data” means, and what orders to give via “robot”

    They really, sincerely seemed to think an algo meant they’d never have to let another human being act on their own perceptions and judgment again. I’m not sure I ever saw upper mgt happier.

    But of course, one of the first rules you learn as a worker- DON’T inform management about the job except for existing problems you want solved (which they will not solve anyway) NEVER tell them what you do that WORKS. If you tell them you are doing rational things yourself, they will have a heart attack and put a stop to it ASAP. Workers protectively guard the vital information from the algo-users. We won’t tell you what’s vital and we sure won’t help you decide how to figure out what is vital.

    Occasionally there’d be some process that would be causing endless grief for workers and customers, cost to the company. We’d tell management for 6 months, a year, no change.

    I discovered if I found myself, in a meeting, training, or something where a middle manager was, there was another method available for fixing problems. If I worked it into conversation somehow that this problem was an ADVANTAGE to workers, if I put on a snide, smug face and voice, made out purely by TONE that we were getting away with something (getting away with accomplishing some task within the job as opposed to doing something bad!!!), that I thought I was clever knowing it…. within 2 hours of getting out of the meeting, there’d be a department wide, caps, boldface email putting an end to the hated process.

    They were so stupid. If they had asked me ANYTHING about the problem, I’d have had to admit I had no details proving it was something we were getting away with or benefiting from. My act would have fallen apart at the touch of a feather. But they would never, ever ask. They would witness my smug, shitty aren’t-I-clever act and just move to stomp on it via email asap. So dumb. The same manager that wouldn’t fix the issue for a year would fix it in 2 hours if I played on their compulsive dread.

    This was a consistent 20 year experience while process document owners, managers, VP’s, CEO’s, company names changed. Somewhere in the culture of the company, the bureaucracy, there was kind of a standing wave, a continuous thing no matter who came and went.

    Just mind your own business and let us get things done. But that’s what they cannot stand.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 11 2022 #120751

    mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Cells To Produce Spike Proteins Is A Fairy Tale (OffG)

    Did the study that showed mRNA reverse transcribing into DNA in liver cells check by looking for generic antibodies? I would think they used some other method to determine DNA reverse transcription.

    So if mRNA can’t get in there and if it can it can’t do anything, how does it also get in there and reverse transcribe into DNA?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120624

    aspnaz, you seem to have a peculiar habit of doing a quote of my posts, as if you are replying to me, while pretending what I said was never said. sort of refuting-by-not-refuting?

    I’ve noticed that each time you do it, my post PREVIOUS TO yours anticipated your fake-reply and already spoke to it. If I were replying in any detail, I could simply cut and paste my previous posts as a reply back to your quote “responding” to me. Which proves you are not conversing. Not a conversation. What is it you ARE doing?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120622

    “You can bet that a very large number of swing voters will have refused to vote Republican because the GOP candidate was for the USA leaving Ukraine. People are simply that stupid.”

    Intrinsic to the Ukraine news are the Billions continually being added to that go over there. While these swing voters can check their own household and then step outside and take stock of their neighborhood with their own eyeballs.

    Did Carter do well during hostilities with Iran and a more hostile attitude towards the USSR?

    And Biden did better in the midterms than both Obama and Clinton?

    I would take the other side of that particular bet.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120605

    The Babylon Bee: Nation Unsure Whether To Support Party That Runs Brain-Damaged Candidates Or Party That Loses To Brain-Damaged Candidates


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120603

    @Dr D

    To the extent that Umberto Eco misses the mark (although he does pretty good, really) when he DOES miss, it is as if he is saying “When you look out your window and see goose-stepping soldiers parading in shiny high boots, then you have fascism, and when you look out the window and don’t, then you don’t have fascism”

    To SOME extent, he takes a particular external stylistic approach and assumes it is the underlying thing. Totalitarians gladly grab whatever gives leverage. So saying they have a taste for grasping a PARTICULAR thing for leverage would be wrong. Is he too naive to say fascism is beside the point? Tradition? You can make ANYTHING tradition with enough repetition.

    Maybe a simpler definition would be:

    1.) They’re good at gaining control
    2.) They’re bad at running anything (and think competence and good stewardship is beneath them?)
    3.) First they blame The Bad People for ruining their Brilliant Plans
    4.) Eventually – but without TOO much delay or hand-wringing – they say “Fine, we’ll just use slavery/forced labor to make our plans work”
    5.) Despite continually finding new enemies to eliminate and conscripting more forced labor, nothing works anyway.
    6.) Their security forces realize they are superfluous, given a long enough time frame.

    It’s interesting how Eco both predicts Wokeism and fails to predict Wokeism at the same time.

    I tend to get suspicious of people focusing specifically on fascism. YES 30-s-40s Germany was bad. Obviously. But just to the east you get the same methods being used for 70+ years without getting the same kind of attention. So if the methods are not objectionable, just the doctrine, then what’s his point? And if the methods ARE objectionable, why linger over the STYLE in which the same methods are used? Obsession with “fascism” tends to be a telltale sign of a still-butthurt internationalist socialist movement mad at the breakaway nationalist socialist movement. The nationalist flavor totally lost due to being more incompetent and it’s been over 75 years. I guess ideologies can get PTSD too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120590

    If I understand correctly, the Biden admin’s midterm results are better than both Obama and Clinton midterms?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120583

    The midterm results are hilarious.

    OF COURSE Americans love runaway inflation, not being able to afford a home, unemployment, weird fascist medical regimes that destroy lives, families, societies and cancel everything that is fun, demented presidents, brain-damaged senators, the threat of nuclear war, the inability to speak freely, sending billions and billions of dollars overseas while not spending billions to rebuild the small businesses that were destroyed by the policies they love, not spending billions to stop repeated shipments of enough fentanyl to kill the entire country, not spending billions to fix the mounting homeless or crime problems, not spending billions to fix the crumbling infrastructure.

    Sure, makes sense. You just have to realize the demographics of America have changed. You just don’t have the same political concerns or blocs in America anymore. Just look at that pie chart. See that huge pie slice of People Who Love Punching Themselves In The Face Continually has now reached a size to swing any election? You just have to understand a modern electorate.

    Historically, Americans would vote for The Other Party when things become intolerable. Even when that isn’t really a solution. But not this time kids. Maybe next time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 9 2022 #120578

    With COVID-19, there was this large event that people could not control, so how could they make sense of it? One way is by adhering to conspiracy theories.

    I noticed, in the religious exemption request for the shot which does not vaccinate, they wanted documentation that I was following orders from some religious authority figure

    when I explained that their requirement that I must be blindly following SOMEONE’S orders was itself against my beliefs and then explained how their requirement was against my beliefs, they replied that I had sent no documentation. They meant no VALID documentation, as they clearly recognized I had sent them …something. 18 pages of it. But I had sent “no documentation”

    for people for whom actual critical thought, logic, science, skepticism, free will, are not a thing, they can only imagine “conspiracy theory” being explained as ADHERENCE TO something as opposed to breaking away from something.

    You can send them 18 pages of well-considered rational explanation that you have honed over many hours to be as logical and concise as possible, and they will respond that you have said nothing – does not compute. You did not adhere to anything. You were not following anyone’s orders. Therefore you “make no sense” and have “said nothing”

    With COVID-19, there was this large event that people could not control, so how could they make sense of it?

    The concept that people DID make some sense of it does not compute.

    Probably based on an underlying concept that people cannot know or understand anything and only do things because of how they were influenced. A disbelief in human consciousness as the baseline belief.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120521

    My point isn’t even that Joe is faking it.

    My point is that, if we can conceivably see Joe faking it as the more rational explanation, then we are REALLY out into weird/awful territory.

    Like in Dune, if your Mentat can only compute super weird conclusions from available data, something is very, very wrong. In the Dune series, it’s the point at which the Mentat gets mad, turns to his boss, and asks, essentially “Dude, why are you #%^ing with me?”

    Like, if I try to “compute” what is going on with Joe, I theorize:

    1. He’s faking it
    2. He’s so debilitated, all parties have agreed, after medical analysis, that he poses no harm blabbing up on a stage on live TV (NO chance a brain cell manages to fire and he mentions some filthy deal publicly? He’s a certified, total vegetable with metaphysical-level certitude?)
    3. Some scifi area 51 DARPA/CIA solution has been applied that they know DEFINITELY makes him safe
    4. The senile guy on stage is a double/fake/actor that never knew any secrets to divulge
    5. His handlers, the people his handlers work for, and his wife can’t stop continually punching themselves in the face, only able to briefly pause to gasp “this is the best performance we can get from Joe” before resuming continual self-face-punching

    If this was Dune, this would be the moment your Mentat starts raging incoherently and trashing the room like Citizen Kane or Kate Winslet in Titanic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120517

    “This might be the best performance the owners can get from ‘Joe Biden'”

    And again, I would assume this is as good a performance as you could have gotten out of Ronald Reagan. But we never saw a circus like this with Ronald Reagan when HIS mind was gone.

    This is the best performance we can get from Biden’s HANDLERS, is it? Are his handlers, and his handlers’ handlers, all equally disabled by dementia?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120516

    @John Day

    This might be the best performance the owners can get from “Joe Biden”, and they might be planning to cut him loose while he carries the blame for what is about to happen.
    There are “nootropic” drugs, “smart pills” of various sorts. They may be doing the best 15 minute tune-up they can on “Joe” and then walking him offstage.
    He sure won’t be able to testify against anybody.

    ok yes but…. imagine one of the more whimsical villains in the Batman universe announcing he is going to drug the corrupt Mayor of Gotham to the gills with Truth Serum just before he steps onstage for a huge live press conference.

    How quickly would that Mayor be eliminated by the Gotham Mob before he could speak?

    Okay Biden won’t TESTIFY to anything, surely not, but he could blab virtually anything while up on that stage — if he’s really that mentally deficient. If he really can’t tell who is dead or alive, where his son died, what careers he’s had in the past, etc.

    I’d think there’d be at least as many parties interested in his demise as there were in JFK’s. If he is really mentally gone and speaking LIVE on video constantly… considering all the pies he has had his fingers in over the years, then why isn’t he dead?

    Personally, I want him to keep on going for the full term. It’s like the biggest ever real life performance art absurdist piece. Not just his behavior in his role, but everything surrounding it, the multiple uncertain conclusions one could logically draw, behavior of everyone around him. It’s all rather fantastic.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120509

    Let’s do some further mental arithmetic regarding a Continually Publicly Displayed Mentally Gone Joe Biden (C.P.D.M.G.J.B.) Stand in his handlers’ shoes for a moment.

    You could decrease his appearances, give him various forms of help to get through limited appearances, use other officials to speak on various subjects on his behalf while he stands there, etc. BUT YOU DON’T. So you either can’t stop punching yourself, or you want this.

    If your desire, for whatever reason, was to project the image of a senile president, would you want an ACTUALLY senile man that is president babbling ACTUALLY senile-random things? You want to project the IMAGE OF a senile president but ALSO have him actually going up in front of hot mics, live stages and video, and say things you CANNOT CONTROL?

    I would think, only if he is completely out of the loop, not president in any conceivable way, incapable of saying anything you didn’t want him to say. But he’s been a politician for decades. If he wasn’t so senile 2 or 4 years ago, are there things he could say that you wouldn’t want him to say?

    Would you seriously want to play Russian roulette over and over again with this guy’s mouth?

    Enthusiastically and overtly by continually pushing him up on stages and in front of microphones?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 8 2022 #120508

    I drop off my paper ballot day-of, rather than early, because I figure it forces them to expend more resources to disenfranchise me that way. They Cloward-Piven me, so I Cloward-Piven them.

    Anyway, about Joe Biden’s total mental incapacity There are actually TWO possibilities:

    1.) Joe actually IS that mentally gone. His many absurd behaviors are entirely real and his handlers and his wife keep pushing him out there to do it, PARTICULARLY in a way that allows it to happen.

    2.) Joe is faking it. At least to some degree.

    When Reagan had lost his mind, did we see this? Did Reagan call out to dead people, wander aimlessly, babble randomly? NO. He was never ALLOWED TO. His staff and his wife made absolutely sure of that.

    So what is the DIFFERENCE between Joe faking it and it being real???

    Either way, someone is VERY PURPOSELY creating this absolutely over the top insane picture of a mentally gone president. Considering this, I find #1 to actually be the less plausible of the two. Don’t you?

    Where is the First Lady? …the person we never hear referred to as the First Lady, but as Doctor Jill? Where’s the Doctor? Is the wife REALLY so out of it that she has ZERO impulse to protect her husband and/or no idea how? When Nancy Reagan was able to lock things down essentially perfectly for years? How plausible is that?

    Biden’s HANDLERS have no idea how to stage-manage the president in such a way that continual gaffes and disturbingly strange incidents don’t perpetually happen? Instead, they compulsively push him out in front of crowds unassisted? Continually?

    Which is really more plausible? That they WANT this out there or that they DON’T? We should not speak of a Biden Mental Problem but of the Biden Mental Problem Narrative, because even if it is true, surely it is also theatre.

    Because the act of putting him out there continually, frequently, is an act of theatre. In which case he’s just as likely to be faking it as not.

    The purposes of theatre do not require that he actually be senile, and his presence in the public eye as senile IS purely theatre.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120278

    We had this problem in our apartment in Hong Kong, the fridge failed and it was not a standard size fridge. We could not find a replacement so we had to rebuild part of the kitchen to fit the new fridge which was a standard size. Non standard sized appliances are a pain in the arse, as are non-standard kitchen cupboards and worktops, they are also more expensive.

    They needn’t be.

    1.) 4,000 refrigerators would not be expensive like a custom one time job.

    2.) If you design them, you can make them easily serviceable.

    Your built in refrigerator would be up against a wall. On the opposite side of that wall, you open up a door and the entire guts of the refrigerator are easily accessed.

    Therefore, you pull the failed part and put in another one. You are not:
    –throwing away an entire refrigerator
    –building an entire refrigerator
    –transporting both refrigerators

    As it is not packed tightly into a refrigerator that is not user serviceable, but rather, has quite a lot of space to work, as planned, if a particular brand/type of component is unavailable, you have space for whatever size/shape and/or adaptors would be necessary. Everything but insulation and connections would be totally accessible.

    Having floor-to-ceiling room in depth behind your fridge, you could even have space for TWO full pathways for the machinery. You could therefore have one set 1-2 degrees higher temp and if something fails, the 2nd one kicks in. Fridges could come in one set or with backups. You could add backups after the fact if you wanted.

    I suspect the problem with the broken fridge was it was not serviceable. Or servicing it did not make economic sense. Because of how it was built. If it were extremely easy to swap out failed parts, you wouldn’t be tearing apart your kitchen to accommodate a different fridge.

    A custom fridge would be designed to avoid just such problems. And thus massively avoid waste of materials, money, and time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120274

    Sorry to belabor the point but it’s weird that people aren’t getting this.

    The Emily Oster Amnesty article is NOT floating the idea of amnesty. NOT.

    It’s a deconstructionist postmodernist inversion mindf#$%. It wants you to accept certain givens as you answer the question. The QUESTION is wrong.

    1. In answering the question, you agree that what is happening NOW is baseline normalcy.
    2. There is no amnesty in her amnesty. postmodernism. words can mean anything or nothing.
    3. Whatever amnesty is, on an ever-changing basis, it’s expressly to be denied to anyone who spoke the truth. Those who did the correct and moral thing are the ones who will not be forgiven.

    How is this a CHANGE AT ALL and not a semantic rephrasing of the same old mission statement?

    This must be one of those deconstructionist postmodernist neomarxist bits where they “bring a new vocabulary” by thinking of new meanings for existing words, then flipping back and forth between old and new definitions at whim. What does she even think forgiveness IS and does she think it consistently?

    What is she willing to forgive, if not misinformation she found out was actually information? And having discovered the misinformation was information, does she mean, by not forgiving purveyors of misinformation, the “experts” …the experts that weren’t silenced, that is? Certainly not. Opposite world. We will never forgive misinformation, meaning we will pursue information-givers to the ends of the earth and ignore actual misinformation forever.

    She wants to jump on the existing amnesty/forgiveness train she noticed forming. So she can steer it back the way she wants it to go. WIth a magic spell of hand waving and word salad. “Educate” everyone that amnesty and forgiveness actually equals continual war.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120273

    …oh and obviously, pull the drugs from the market, widely, loudly, repeatedly through all mediums proclaiming it is because of the unacceptable % of injuries and deaths and the negative efficacy, as well as inability to get FDA approval after extended EUA

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120272

    Minimum amnesty requirements would be….. Everyone who lost their jobs getting them back. Lifting travel and other restrictions. Canceling the EUA. Stop pushing the shots through every medium. Stop the efforts to inject kids. Release ALL the data. Restore all credentials, unban, unblacklist, undemonetize, undebank, etc all affected peoples. Remove all censorship aimed at these people and regarding these issues.

    You have to STOP doing the things you want to have amnesty for before you can discuss it.

    The meme with a stick-man punching a person, stopping, and then proclaiming amnesty, as bad as it is, isn’t correct.

    The stick-man is yelling about amnesty WHILE punching continually with no end in sight.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120270

    re: Twitter firing half he employees. And they will be better off without them. An interesting and funny tale I came across a couple years ago

    “Why I Fired 12 Floors Of People” – Carl Icahn

    He could not figure out what 12 floors of people did. So he fired them and waited for something to go wrong with the company, to discover what they did, since no one could explain it to him.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 5 2022 #120269

    My post got eaten. Dunno why. Maybe because I included links?

    re: Mr House’s referenced Zerohedge article yesterday Something Has Snapped: Unexplained 2.3 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report

    basic takeaways from the charts etc:
    –mysterious discrepancy in jobs data indicating sorta-bad vs quite bad?
    –part-time jobs obscuring volume of full-time employment loss?

    I saw some conjecture in zerohedge comments about why are there infinite full time job listings but nobody seems to be getting hired (so at least I am not totally crazy in what I am seeing)

    Summary of zerohedge comments reactions:

    –the discrepancy is the vax injured going on disability or dead?
    –the discrepancy is the part time jobs?
    –the discrepancy is lies to keep up appearances?
    –lies for election year?
    –job listings are also lies to keep up appearances?
    –these are regular seasonal discrepancies that crop up and are of no concern?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120192

    @John – cool thanks. The Grapefruit thing is basically a Quercitin/Quinine substitute for cellular zinc absorption, but I didn’t know about the Lecithin aspect, that’s cool. I’ll read the whole thing. Lol in the meantime I got her to take some Zinc as well. Progress.

    I did research about a year ago on the grapefruit thing and was satisfied that it contains a chemical that will do a quinine-like thing for you, although somewhat less effectively. I forget the name of the exact chemical. NOW when I search, I find “fact-checking” USA Today articles screeching that grapefruit doesn’t have HCQ and HCQ doesn’t help with anything, ha.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120186

    I wasn’t going to post anymore today, but what the heck. This is amusing/tragic.

    My wife told me just now. Her entire office just discovered they all have Covid. The office that all had to get the shots to keep employment. Most of whom are fully boostered. And this isn’t the first time this has happened

    I offered her a glass of water with one of my homemade corona-remedy icecube and she refused.

    (crock pot – organic, scrubbed grapefruit peel, pineapple core and skin, tumeric, and ginger, low simmer or just keep hot in crock pot, 2-4 hours, strain out any solids, freeze cubes for later. 1 cube/4 hours when sick. Probably shouldn’t drink it if no specific need. The grapefruit peel releases something like quinine. Tumeric is good against inflammation. Ginger and pineapple have anti-parasite qualities, which for some reason seems to matter with coronoa so may as well throw em in there. A garlic pill along with that probably wouldn’t hurt.)

    ….refused, despite panicking about visiting her mother this weekend. Which she will do anyway. Do we believe in the danger or not? Maybe we make the proper religious observances – duty to panic. (DTP) Not quite real, not quite unreal.

    She did take the D and K2 I offered at least. Sigh.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120181

    Europe Is Sacrificing Its Ancient Forests for Energy ? The thing that has struck me most about the past few years is the wasted potential. If you can drive millions (okay, billions) of people crazy, surely you could have driven them SANE even more easily.

    Since everyone now believes in and engages in self-contradictory self-defeating activities, either the people with power are idiots or liars. Or possibly they became so fascinated by the power of By Any Means Necessary that they became obsessively addicted to the means at the expense of any ends?

    I’m looking at a new 4,000 unit apartment complex being put up.

    It’s a total firetrap. I don’t understand how the building codes here allow it, but I’m looking right through all the stick-frame construction and there is not a single firewall.

    Are there flat, window-covered sides facing due south with proper overhangs to take advantage of seasonal free passive cooling/heat? Nope.

    Are there windowed cupolas on top and tunnels beneath, letting cool air be dragged up through the building for free during the summer? Nope.

    How thick is the insulation, anyway? As thin as they can make it.

    Are they putting a grocery store, liquor store, barber, pharmacist, veterinarian, doctor, restaurant, bar, bank, etc in the bottom level of the complex, so people can just go downstairs for whatever they need? So businesses can deliver goods to their door from inside the building? Nope.

    Did they already build out 2-3 story luxury apartments in a 2 mile radius surrounding every light rail station so no poor people can live near the train stop and use it for transit to/from work? Yep.

    Since they were building the kitchens from scratch, thus not needing to fit refrigerators to a standard size, did they opt for custom built-in refrigerators with 6in insulation instead of the usual 2in? Considering there was an economy of scale there with 4,000 units? Considering the landlord has to repair any refrigerator that breaks and that a compressor will last a lot longer with 6in insulation due to running less? Nope.

    Are there allotments being made for gardening? Which did TPTB brainwash everyone into wanting, a victory garden or an iphone? Some of them want to be vegan now, I guess, but just keep those salad ingredients travelling 3,000 miles. BTW omg meat uses fossil fuels!

    Are massive shipments of condoms being sent for free to countries with positive population growth numbers? Are B-52’s flying missions from Diego Garcia over these countries dropping millions of condoms and leaflets on family planning? Are aligned corporate interests showering these countries’ populations with incessant anti-population growth propaganda? No? Pollution, destruction of natural habitat, and resource depletion has no connection to population growth??? But we’re all going to die in 5 years? But we have billions of dollars to campaign rabidly on all sorts of tertiary issues?

    I could go on. Obviously.

    But these #%$#%tarts want us to starve to death and freeze in the dark while chewing bugs because they can’t be bothered to run anything properly and because they prefer to drive everyone crazy as opposed to drive everyone sane. You don’t need to be secretive or underhanded to get people to do things that are right and make sense. But I guess at least you COULD, if you felt compelled to keep a hand in things. But it’s this.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120168

    re: Germ’s spike-only damage article from yesterday.

    I didn’t bother much about the injection until my employer started making noises about requirements.

    At that point, I DID look into it and my mind was blown. The dangerous thing about Covid was supposed to be the spike protein. And they’re telling me they will inject me with RNA that will cause my body to manufacture that SAME spike protein in larger volumes than the virus would?

    I imagined the following conversation:

    Hi. We’re here from the government. We’ve been having a real problem with people getting burned lately, so we want you to take this govt-issued can of gasoline, pour it on yourself, and light yourself on fire.

    Oh, so this is like a different, special kind of safe fire?


    So… I’ll be more resistant to fire afterwards?


    Wait, what’s the difference between getting burnt in an accidental fire vs this fire you want me to set on myself?

    THIS fire has our blessing.

    I know the whacko neo-marxist deconstructionists insist that there is no such thing as a reasonable person, that there is no such thing as common sense, and that words only mean things in terms of other words, but still, for even any 80 IQ person, shouldn’t common sense have made anyone laugh at this proposed solution?

    Set yourself on fire, because we are seeing people getting burned? Flood yourself with spike protein because people are getting hurt by spike protein? It doesn’t even take research, education, intelligence, or anything else to have a common-sense reaction.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120167

    My guess is the Universe is trying to tell you something: now is not the time for “jobs”, as the entire economy is about to dissolve into a hustle. Without working banks, how can they cut a paycheck? Although you can get a job, might go to Taco Bell, then use your other hours to promote yourself and your own work privately.

    That is kind of my thinking – that we are headed towards a stage at which “work” at a “job” could be headed for a wall that will convert it into squandered time. Earn some money so it can go poof in inflation or a bail-in?

    Say you’re a guy with a lifelong furniture-making hobby. If you spend your time on making furniture in your garage and the currency collapses or your bank account disappears, the furniture will at least still be furniture.

    I post these musings for anyone in a similar situation. IF I get a job, my priority is to make it permanent, not temp working, and remote.

    Permanent because bureaucracies like to establish “gating” rules. You remain grandfathered into your old cellphone plan UNTIL you switch to a new phone, then their system forces you to change plans to change devices. It’s the same logic everywhere. If you are constantly passing through gates, you will hit the “update” rather soon. If you pass through a gate and then sit there, entrenched, you may very well still be subjected to capricious bureaucratic rules, but you avoid the gating feature.

    Remote because it has become clear, jobs are now something to hold over one’s head. I’m not going to have a job take up all my time AND pin me down to one location. If I need to GTFO I don’t need “but then you’d lose that JOB” And I’m not keen to be physically present for any HR related “trainings.” I had 3 remote “trainings” with a live Ibrihim X Kendri in 2020 and the one blessing was that I could keep my camera off, mic muted, and give no traction to anyone for imagined attitudes, reactions etc. A corporate job with a physical office is a permanent continual liability.

    Anyway, yes, I do have my own work I’m doing while I apply for 5-10 or so jobs a week. I’d recommend anyone in a similar situation do some kind of work of their own and not simply hold their breath while job searching. Particularly, think of work you can do that is still worth something (that cannot be retroactively wiped out) even if something significant happens to the currency, the banking system, etc. And that could even be just higher inflation.

    But it just seems strange, spooky. An ocean of job listings, new ones continually coming out, more than I can keep up with. You might think OLD jobs might be left posted by lazy hiring managers and perhaps the economic environment is changing, so they just really aren’t looking for workers anymore? …but no, I am always filtering my search for jobs posted in the past 2 weeks or less. I find more acceptable jobs posted SAME DAY than I apply for.

    So we have a “worker shortage.” I can see things public and private are visibly not getting done when I am out and about in my area. (Trees in the park that fell in a storm in May still lie there in October for instance. Businesses do not pick up the trash on their property. etc) Seemingly infinite job postings, even for remote work. Did we run out of people? Or are we not using the people we have? Did we run out of jobs and the postings are fake? Are winners and losers being chosen and if this results in things not getting done, so be it?

    But whatever is going on, MAYBE I’m being done a kind of favor. I keep grinding away at my own thing while they don’t reply to me.

    One might see the Paypal $2,500 fine for “misinformation” as a way to capture, in the same way that a corporate employer does, people with a “hustle.” Much like Patreon, a convenient payment processor to connect fans direclty to artists, decided they were going to be the artists’ feudal overlords instead. Folks, whatever hustle you do, ensuring diversification of options and resiliency is going to be a constant job. Think of what a stupid asshole would do and be prepared for that.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120156

    Multinational Advertisers Begin Pulling Out of Twitter (CTH)

    I am reminded of a victorian-era mystery I read long ago. One with the typical drawing-room denouement at the end.

    With all the suspects present, the hero runs through all the clues, solves the mystery by thinking out loud, as they would in a Dorothy Sayers or Agatha Christie book… only to come to a startling conclusion. EVERYONE ELSE in the room was in on the murder. As he reaches the correct conclusion, they all rise up and kill him together.

    It’s amazing to see, openly, how many corporations don’t exist anymore for their ostensible purpose – soap, toilet paper, cars, whatever. This is a declaration that the exist first as political entities. Or they collectively exist as A political entity, perhaps.

    They’d rather pull ads than tolerate free speech?

    Their openly stated prioritization is that they would rather disenfranchise you than sell to you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120065

    (also, thanks for the kind words)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120063

    I’m a little embarrassed, but let me spell it out – I’m applying for virtual call center jobs.

    Job availability has NEVER been a factor in my job search. For all intents and purposes, there are infinite jobs. I can never get to the end of them.

    The bottleneck that limited me to 70+ thus far were the job listings themselves. Hundreds to thousands of corporatespeak gibberish words. An investigation to parse out the words, research the company, figure out 1. what does the company actually do 2. what do they want me to do for them. 3. what sentence-fragment contradictory to the searchable fields in the job listing shows it’s not a good fit? Where, with what phrasing, has a vax requirement been hidden? I don’t run at windmills, I toss all those aside.

    The listing typically takes you to a website where you need to rebuild your resume from scratch to fit the website form (they won’t take your pdf instead) questionnaires, multiple assessments, virtual recording-based interviews talking to a machine. There’s the cover letter to compose once you figure out who they are and what they want from you. All for a virtual (remote) call center job mind you!

    So to recap – infinite jobs, peon jobs, awesome resume FOR the peon position (and I AM a peon, so that makes sense…), patient and methodical with all the hoop-jumping, bottom feeding, infinite jobs.

    In the McCarthy era, there was blacklisting of celebrites. But they didn’t blacklist people loading packages into delivery trucks, people answering phones, people doing data entry, pet-manicurists, etc. I think it behooves everyone to keep in mind the combination of pettiness AND seriousness in play here.

    Get serious. Make sober, intelligent judgements on what would be pointless, stupid, petty, unreasonable, profitless to do that could nevertheless be done that may affect you. The underlying value system that might be bringing that on. Even if it FEELS as though it is unreal, like a tv show or sports event signifying nothing but eliciting strong emotions. Get serious.

    Consider this thought experiment. Drunk people don’t behave properly. However, if you ask a drunk what a reasonable sober person would do, they CAN tell you most of the time. Weird, right? I experimented with this myself back in college and found that, as an arbitrary act of will, I could do the reasonable thing if I modeled what a sober person WOULD do and was determined to do that.

    Today, it is as if we are drunk. Whatever I see or think, I FEEL as though it is just another ’08. I FEEL it is as if I am evaluating a TV show or sports event I dislike. As ramped-up as my outrage might get over it, in some sense, I ask, am I actually taking this in as reality or a kind of dream parallel to reality, lining up with it but somehow not actually the thing itself? They can’t be serious. It would be petty, wasteful, counterproductive, pointless? Who the #$#& am I to bother over?

    So bring your emotional determination into the intellectual plane. If you’re drunk, what would a sober, wise person do? If you feel a sense of unreality and absurdity, but intellectually know, then what would a person who intellectually knew that did NOT feel a sense of unreality do? You can model that.

    So, just my own two cents and field report. Maybe I just suck at job searches. But I suspect there’s insight to be gained here, as to where we are really at right now.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120053

    from Moon of Alabama

    The United States on Wednesday accused North Korea of covertly shipping a “significant number” of artillery shells to Russia to aid its war effort in Ukraine

    Oh no! People shouldn’t sell weapons to nations active in this conflict! That would be wrong!

    The White House’s national security spokesman, John Kirby, said that it was unclear if the artillery munitions, which are being transferred through the Middle East and North Africa, had reached Russia. The United States does not believe that the additional weapons will alter the trajectory of the war.

    It’s definitely happening, but don’t worry. It has no effect. It is useless.

    Additional weapons will surely turn the tide for Ukraine (as we have assured you in wall to wall 24/7 repetitive messaging for 8 months) but additional weapons cannot be useful to anyone else.

    B goes on to show, with a map, how there is a rail line directly connecting the two countries.

    But if Bad Stuff goes through the middle east and north africa through intermediaries, even though it is totally useless, that’s way more spooky. People shouldn’t be big meanies. Not even totally ineffectually. That’s a rule. (unless it is us)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120048

    I’m particularly interested in this “amnesty” given my own personal situation.

    I was let go by my ginormous employer in April for not divulging my experimental injection which does not vaccinate status. I had worked fully remote for over 2 years. The company exempted all retail employees from the requirement. They fired remote people with no workplace to go to in their entire state. The HR lady who announced the requirement said it was being done “For Clarity”

    In April there was already PLENTY of information showing the ineffectiveneness and unsafety of this thing. I figured this must be the tail end of the panic. I gave it a few months to let things blow over and started applying for jobs in late July.

    Over 70 applications. The only interview I got was with a 50 person company with no government contracts.

    I had a fairly low level job. The kind of job that grinds through employees, has a high turnover. I’m just a peon, but my resume is kickass FOR the peon position I am trying for. I’m well spoken and do well on aptitude tests.

    I’m not talking about getting a job here, I’m talking about getting an INTERVIEW. 70+ jobs that I have painstakingly researched to make sure I was a good fit for, cover letters tailored to the specific position, etc.

    The 50 person company had a ton of applicants vying for one position. I made it through 3 levels of interview before I didn’t get the job. They seemed to think fairly highly of me – they asked me to apply again if another position opens up.

    So I’ve puzzled over why a small company with a MORE rigorous process and higher standards would be the ONE entity that gives me an interview vs the ginormous corporate entities that just need to shovel humans into multiple open positions like cannon fodder. And every single position I have applied for is 100% remote. To hopefully avoid a replay of April.

    Having watched our current president talk about creating a LIST, I do start to wonder.

    Surely occupying me with some crap job 40+hrs a week is preferable to me having all the time in the world to do anything I want, think about things, etc? Maybe the concept is that the Gulag is now everywhere rather than a specific location. Gulag in place. Or I’m supposed to get so mad I do something evil and foolish?

    My wife still views the firing as something I did to her as opposed to something that was done to me or to us. I’ve pointed out she VOTED FOR the dude who openly promised to do this to us. lol that does not go over well at all. The 70+ non-replies mean, to her, that I am doing something wrong and should just get a temp position. Ah yes, just maintain this level of employment uncertainty indefinitely as a way of life.

    In one of the last team meetings, a coworker proposed – vociferously and at some length – that the unvaxxed should be made to wear “special clothing” ….”for safety.” I barely restrained myself from asking, for the sake of environmentally conscious action, if entire suits of special clothing was wasteful and a brightly colored arm band or badge might suffice. Nobody objected. The leadership present on the call did not lift a finger to stop nor refute her rant.

    What do they even mean by amnesty? It appears to consist of NO concrete actions nor statements other than who, on the opposing side, doesn’t get to have it. Oh, amnesty? Really? Oh, so I get my job back with back pay? I can at least get A job maybe? This amnesty stuff is great news.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 3 2022 #120046


    Did you notice the “amnesty” lady SPEIFICIALLY said “we can factor out malicious misinformation spreaders” in any amnesty, forgiveness, live and let live decisions?

    So her article is certainly NOT a request for forgiveness.

    It is ALSO not a plea for dropping any of the things she could have asked forgiveness FOR. No suggestion to stop nor undo.

    Her article is best understood as a plea for TARGET PRIORITIZATION.

    Translation of her Amnesty article “Right now, we need to concentrate all efforts against ‘thought-leaders.’ We can circle back around to everyday normies at a later time. Redouble our efforts on anyone we’ve labeled ‘malicious misinformation spreaders‘”

    How else do you interpret an article that offers to stop nothing, undo nothing and declares “misinformation-spreaders” to be exempt from any amnesty?

    like everything in opposite-land, the article calls for not letting anyone get away while saying the word amnesty. A prominent, renowned doctor losing their accreditation at almost the same time as the article being published is telling.

    The “amnesty” article is saying No Mercy. In response to, at this very late date, a doctor’s life being ruined, it brings up amnesty and says “Not for THOSE guys” Because somebody might look up and say “Why the heck are we still coming after this dude NOW?”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2022 #118855

    ok I will try to disprove my theory. Jobs, fired, interviews, blacklist, blacklisted, vaccine, corporation, work

    if this doesn’t get blocked, then I’ve no idea why I can’t post my little story about firing for the vax and the subsequent job search and observations about the larger context

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2022 #118853

    hm. Interesting. I am posting nothing weird, offensive, no swear words, nothing illegal, etc. Whenever I try a short or long post referring to the color which is the absence of light, a bunch of people viewable in a linear fashion, and doing things to get money, even just those specific key words or terms BY THEMSELVES, screen loads to no new post. Very very strange.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 19 2022 #118852

    It’s strange that I can post SOME things but not others. I posted a short post yesterday and another one today, went through fine. Tried a longer post and nope. The other day I tried a few suspect expressions and got stopped. Tried the long post again today, stopped again. Long-ish but I thought innocuous. So I pondered what could possibly be the matter

    One thing I talked about was – a color commonly interpreted as the absence of light. Describing a record of specific people. In the context of not being able to get jjxjerbbbs. With my own personal account of what I am seeing. Let’s see if this goes through or not.

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