That Bloke

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2025 #178876
    That Bloke

    “ No. 1 priority in Britain today: block any attempt at an inquiry. What a sad place.”

    Yeah, but don’t kid yourself, this is waaay bigger than just the UK. This underlies the nefarious doings at high level from Jeffrey to Davos to Demmink to…

    That oil tanker full of worms


    be opened.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 7 2025 #178741
    That Bloke


    Maybe it was derived from ‘poil’ = ‘hair/fur’ and ‘levre’ = ‘lip’ therefore meaning ‘hairy lip’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 10 2024 #166006
    That Bloke
    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 10 2024 #154379
    That Bloke

    Cat + Rat = 10
    Dog + Rat = 20
    Dog + Cat = 24

    Dog – Cat = 10
    2 x Dog = 34
    Dog = 17
    Cat = 7
    Rat = 3

    That is one heavy cat! A 3kg rat is terrifying. A 17kg Labrador is near starvation.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 12 2023 #141079
    That Bloke


    I gave up commenting a while back because my comments rarely showed up.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2023 #130555
    That Bloke

    Try again

    in reply to: Debt Rattle March 5 2023 #130554
    That Bloke

    Comment disappeared into…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 19 2023 #129418
    That Bloke

    If you’re interested in the complexities of modern warfare and why it is so difficult for either side to make any real progress then I can’t recommend this article too much.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2023 #128928
    That Bloke


    Good to see Malhotra putting Monbiot in his place. I hope George likes crow because he’s going to be eating a lot of it even if he is a vegetarian.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 13 2023 #128926
    That Bloke
    in reply to: Debt Rattle February 12 2023 #128885
    That Bloke

    Anybody have the misfortune of following Guardian “journalist” George Monbiot on Twitter? Well, he’s got a fantastic track record of getting it wrong and backing the wrong side but he never admits it and he never backs down, so there’s that.

    His main topic is climate change and he’s right there with Al Gore and his boiling oceans, plus we’ve all got to stop eating meat.

    On Syria he fell hook, line and sinker for the chemical weapon ruse.

    When they dropped the mask mandates in the UK he extolled his readers and followers to continue masking up anyway as it was “the right thing to do.” He pushed the jabs relentlessly, even though he caught Covid several times after getting his shots. And now he’s picked a fight with Aseem Malhotra telling him that he shouldn’t be pedalling conspiracy theories as they’re dangerous.

    What a piece of work, but that’s The Grauniad for you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 22 2023 #126881
    That Bloke


    Defibrillators at school in the UK? All my long years at school in England I never once saw any kid so much as faint, let alone suffer a heart attack. At one school about 5 miles away there was a lad who took a fast field hockey ball to the chest, just below the heart and he died. Classic case of commodio cordis, I’d say.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 22 2023 #126835
    That Bloke

    Polish TV pretty clear about what the Poles want and what Ukraine will look like once the rubble stops bouncing.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 18 2023 #126426
    That Bloke

    In this Dick Emery sketch from years and years ago, let’s swap things around a bit. Emery is the EU and the wife is the Russian economy. ‘Loving’ = sanctioning.


    in reply to: Predictions 1: War #125705
    That Bloke

    Raùl, you may not like doing predictions with or without tea leaves, but I do by reading the stars. What they have to say about Western European nations possibly becoming embroiled in a war within the next few months is not comforting.

    For those who are interested, I’m looking at the Capricorn Ingress for 2022, i.e. 21:48 UTC on 21 December 2022. The prediction is valid until the Aries Ingress on 21 March 2023. Let’s take the “capital” of Europe, Brussels.

    Mars (the war planet) is in the 10th house of the government which is already an indication that war features strongly in the minds of the commission (and the Belgian government). Not only that, but he is in opposition with the Moon, representing the public. This is a classic indication of war. Add to that that Mars in this case is the ruler of the 8th house suggests that there will be body bags for soldiers in particular.

    The last point I shall mention is that the 6th house of the workforce, public health and the armed forces has Uranus (the planet of sudden change) as its ruler and Uranus is in terrible condition (in his fall in Taurus). So a sudden change for the worse can be expected for the armed forces.

    Will all this definitely happen? Well, that’s where astrology has its get-out clause: the stars incline they do not impel. Nevertheless, this is one of the nastiest charts I’ve looked at and I’ve been doing this kind of thing for quite a few years.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 3 2023 #124933
    That Bloke

    Did you personally know anyone whose death you think may have been caused by side effects…

    Perhaps we could have a TAE poll?

    I’ll start: yes, two.

    One a friend who had pancreatic cancer. She had chemo and then an operation to remove the tumour. Things were going well then in December ‘21 she was boosted after which her blood counts went haywire and a new tumour grew with spread around the body in record time. She died in May.

    The other was a former colleague, mid-60s, in good health. Went to bed feeling fine and never woke up.

    On top of that, a friend’s wife in her 50s had a TIA a few weeks after you know what, with no family history of strokes. Plus my wife who has developed mild arrhythmia and an eye problem.

    *I can’t mention you know, the thing or this won’t post.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 31 2022 #124697
    That Bloke

    Apologies for the fluffy bunnies post. I tried posting something that FSR is verboten. It’s no worse than loads of stuff that appears on this site but still some algo somewhere wouldn’t let it appear. The fluffy bunnies were just to check whether my username was now also verboten like last time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 31 2022 #124675
    That Bloke

    Fluffy bunnies

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2022 #124111
    That Bloke

    Your friendly neighbourhood eco-dictatorship:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 22 2022 #124079
    That Bloke

    Oxy, makes them look embarrassingly puerile or senile? Maybe both.

    Re-work for the covid era:
    “This town aah-ah, is dying from a lockdown”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2022 #123568
    That Bloke


    If McCullough and Seneff are right about the unvaccinated being passively vaccinated by the jabbed then you’re probably going to have to change your TVASF acronym to WAASF.

    I was following a Twitter convo about AGW and got pointed to the skeptical science website where I was supposed to be able to read how the deniers’ claim that the global climate had warmed by (only) 1.4C since the end of the little ice age (~1850), had been totally debunked. I found nothing of the sort, instead a garbled mess of an article which cleared nothing up at all since in lumped CO2 in with CH4, ozone etc. and talked about incident surface radiation (from the sun).

    One of the most compelling graphs I have seen to convince me that CO2 is not a driver is this from the British Antarctic Survey:

    Go on, blow it up nice and big and then placing your ruler vertically on it, you can see quite plainly that first the temperature goes up and then later the CO2 concentration increases.

    That and the extinction effect talked about in the TAE hobgoblins piece a couple of months back tell me the whole “CO2 is the bad guy” narrative is just a scam.

    As for volcanoes, sure, I remember the crap summers we had after Mt St Helens blew its lid and later also Mt Pinatubo.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 29 2022 #122189
    That Bloke

    “New figures, however, appear to show that the public is solidly with Musk on the free speech issue. New signups at Twitter are at an all-time high with two million new signups per day.”

    Get unwoke, go unbroke?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2022 #122116
    That Bloke

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 28 2022 #122115
    That Bloke

    @ John Day

    On holiday with my family back in the ‘60s and ‘70s 2CVs were everywhere in France. My father despised them as they were very slow and he used to call them sardine cans because the roll back canvas roof reminded him those old cans where you used to use a ‘key’ to open them.

    Another gem of a hideous vehicle on the French roads back then was the Citroën H van.

    Citroën H Van

    I never saw one looking clean and shiny like that one, though, they were always covered in rust.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2022 #121550
    That Bloke

    This film, State of Control premieres tomorrow.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2022 #121486
    That Bloke

    I was listening to Tom Luongo talking to Dexter White about the whole FTX rip off and the possibility that it was entirely deliberate to expose Dem shenanigans, trash (faith in) crypto and to shaft Davos. No idea if they’re right, but it seems plausible and made for an interesting listen. I was disappointed though to learn that Fried, in terms of SBF, is pronounced “freed” and does not rhyme with “cried” as I was saying it in my head. But I did like White’s other name for him – Sam Bankster-Fraud.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 20 2022 #121455
    That Bloke

    By my calculations, 1m70 puts all three a shade under 5’7” making them officially shrort arses. Putin is the same height, too. What can it all mean?

    Blue Marmalade

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 14 2022 #120980
    That Bloke

    About the terrorist attack in Istanbul, here’s the Turkish minister for the interior not quite saying the quiet bit out loud.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120154
    That Bloke

    Hey Aspnaz, if your sister went to boarding school, are you also a boarding school survivor? I only managed one year myself (thank God!).

    This book by Nick Duffell is really interesting. Not everyone who goes to boarding school end up a sociopath, but far too many do, and then they become CEOs and politicians!

    Wounded Leaders: British Elitism and the Entitlement Illusion: A Psychohistory
    “Political leaders in Britain are consistently drawn from a class born to be educated away from their families in institutions – elite boarding schools. This has a direct effect on their ability to love, to relate, to make good judgments and to develop the necessary leadership qualities for today’s world.
    In this controversial and highly acclaimed book, the author guides the reader along the elite path through boarding school and Oxbridge to government, unpacking what he calls the Entitlement Illusion.
    Central to the illusion is a uniquely British phenomenon, an industrialised process for turning out servants of the Empire that has been unwilling to change with the times. It was deified in the Victorian Rational Man Project and normalised by the British public, who still buy into the trance. Up to date evidence from neuroscience shows what a poor training for leadership this actually is. “

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 4 2022 #120144
    That Bloke

    That last paragraph from CTH perfectly sums up what’s going on.

    “The World Economic Forum (WEF) was created to use the same fundamental associations of government and corporations. Only this time, it was the multinational corporations who organized to tell the government(s) what to do. The WEF was organized for multinational corporations to assemble and tell the various governments how to cooperate with them, in order to be rewarded by them. Corporatism was/is the outcome. The government is now doing what the multinationals tell them to do, and in return the multinationals install the compliant politicians.[..] What results is a slightly modified definition of fascism: “…A massive multinational corporate conglomerate; telling a centralized autocratic government leader what to do; and using severe economic and social regimentation as a control mechanism; combined with forcible suppression of opposition by both the corporations and government.”

    Here’s the Schwabster himself saying basically the same thing:

    “There is a clash between the state capital and the capital of interested parties. I believe that the future belongs to the capital of interested parties, not the state.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 2 2022 #119953
    That Bloke

    V. Arnold wrote:

    “As near as I can tell; critical thinking skills are lacking in 99 – 99.9% of all humans…”

    That’s the fault of the education system. Kids nowadays are taught only to learn “facts” and not to develop their critical thinking skills. Im sure it’s by design as well, as our governments are not too keen on people thinking for themselves these days.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 1 2022 #119861
    That Bloke
    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 31 2022 #119694
    That Bloke

    So the story doing the rounds is that “Truss me I’m the prime minister” texted “It’s done” to sleepy Joe right after the North streams were blown up using her own iPhone. The Russians picked it up and that’s how they knew who was to blame.

    Is that why Liz got bounced out so quickly?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2022 #118899
    That Bloke

    And all of a sudden, there she was, gone!

    That’s two Lizzes in less than a couple of months, way to go!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 20 2022 #118890
    That Bloke

    Ursula does Ingsoc better than Orwell.

    “We have increased the savings. And it is good, we achieved in September a reduction of 15 percent. We have filled our storages up to 92 percent. We did not give in to this blackmail. We made it. And I think we can be proud of that. We resisted. That is important.”
    – Ursula von der Lügen, 2022

    “It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be REDUCED to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”
    – George Orwell, 1984

    Chocolate Rations

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 18 2022 #118689
    That Bloke


    I had the exact same response from a GP friend. He will no longer talk to me.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 12 2022 #118254
    That Bloke

    I saw this couple on the evening news on Monday and thought then how the blood looked fake.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2022 #117353
    That Bloke

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 30 2022 #117307
    That Bloke

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 29 2022 #117224
    That Bloke

    So, whether or not Russia gets fitted up for blowing up NS1 & NS2 doesn’t really matter. They will anyway be blamed for a revenge attack on the undersea internet cables which takes the entire internet down. It’s called cyber polygon.

    Something to look forward this autumn.

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