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  • in reply to: Learning to Think in Multiple Scales #2569

    “If my reasoning is not sufficient in this thread for you Ben, just keep reading at the Diner. I’m sure you’ll eventually find an argument that resonates with you in there somewhere. LOL.”

    i’ve found me plenty. thanks! 🙂

    but this was a hypothetical ZPE scenario that assumed it to exist and to presumably be Black Ops, so to say Time’s Up doesn’t apply. to say they missed the mature phase of industrialism a while back also doesn’t make sense to me. what else has died yet other than NASA? though we are probably getting close, surely we haven’t passed Peak Black Ops (PBO) yet.

    i’m just trying to follow to its logical conclusion one of numerous points in your original comment.

    in reply to: El Gallinazo Surfaces: Off the Reservation #2568

    ashvin post=2163 wrote: Oh, and one more thing. In El G’s last thread here, he brought up the issue of what we should be doing above and beyond lifeboat preparations, which may prove to be useless in the event of totalitarian rule that sees any and all protections from the rule of law thrown out the window. So I would like to add my brief contribution to that issue here:

    Be prepared to kill your neighbors.

    If the history of active resistance movements in the 20th century have taught us anything, it is that they will not be remotely successful unless they find ways to remain clandestine (obviously) and to prevent others who are not actively resisting from informing on them. The only way to achieve the latter is to make sure that any potential informers fear you more than they fear TPTSB. You must let it be known that anyone who informs on the resistance or aids the rulers in any way will be punished by death, and then you will have to make good on that threat many times before it sinks in.

    For those of us who aren’t in the “right” frame of mind to kill our neighbors, or don’t have the skills or desire to engage in lifelong avoidance strategies, we will just have to fall back on lifeboat preps and pray everything works out for the best.

    Lifeboat Point #10

    keep your head down and your mouth shut. at all costs.

    failing to heed #10 is also the 41st Way To Lose Your Future.

    in reply to: El Gallinazo Surfaces: Off the Reservation #2567

    we have normality. i repeat, we have normality. anything you still can’t cope with is therefore your own problem.

    douglas adams

    in reply to: Learning to Think in Multiple Scales #2561

    Because why would you turn your own backyard into a poisoned and irradiated sewer not fit for anything above the level of the tardigrades to live on if you had the means to control world population (and eliminate it also if you so chose) in a clean manner? It seems rather stupid even for nefarious Illuminati to poison the planet they live on if they don’t have to do that.


    i just don’t find that reasoning suffiicient is all.

    what if it’s a catch-22? can’t have scaled-up ZPE without mature industrialism. can’t have mature industrialism without ecological collapse.

    in reply to: Learning to Think in Multiple Scales #2553

    why would they use ZPE now and not later when there are fewer people to control? what makes now the right time? don’t they have the non-negotiable toll on the biosphere of billions of humans to factor in?

    in reply to: DD Site Improvements #2535

    oh hell yeah. how long it takes depends on whether you remember to take that valium I sent you. if you do then the over/under is five days or 50 comments, whichever comes first. which is to say the over/under is 50 comments. if you don’t take the valium then i’m heading straight for the peanut gallery that first morning.

    in reply to: DD Site Improvements #2532

    Karpatok post=2134 wrote: You are a huge insensitive selfish, self centered, blow hard braggard with next to no respect for the existence of others. You fancy yourself as more intelligent than anybody else, yet filled with hostility and fantasies of violence[knife fights,gun slingers,billions dead and dying] and your strong impetus for disruption and picking fights,you really should disqualify yourself from attempting to enter an arena of temperate and civilized discourse where people of more than fifteen years of age are sincerely communicating and attempting to come to terms with the present realities in the world. Precisely because his is a tempered and controlled passion for justice, expressed with moderate emotion and reason, is Ashvin a good choice here. He has been very patient with you,but I for one wish you would leave TAE until you can truly act 54 in your appreciation of the reality of others.

    RE refers to himself as a neo-darwinian primitivist. another way of putting this might be a max stirner anarcho-communist. stirner: “greed in its fullest sense is the only possible basis of communist society.”

    Gonzo is rewilding this joint. not the worst thing for it I don’t believe but it’s liable to infuriate. enjoy the insights while you can cause you know he’ll be gone soon after ilargi gets back. 🙂

    in reply to: I'm hoping Nicole will have time to give her take #2502

    The ‘Death Tolerance’ subsidy is one the nuclear reactor industry observes with anguish. How its executives wish that its products’ death rates could be as tolerable as those of the car makers. Sadly for them, it is not possible to make radiation sexy.

    steve from virginia

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2450

    the following year, as you probably know, Triv, he expanded on this idea in his The Ultimate Revolution speech at Berkeley. i posted about this at TAE last year: my favorite part is in the q&a session when a lady named lillian asks a question. up until this point the great aldous huxley has been talking about the ultimate/final revolution in the context of technological dictatorships and with his eye clearly on the soviet union. then lillian suggests something that to my ear has perhaps never crossed huxley’s mind. it starts at 4m42s:

    Triv said

    Hi Ben, Huxley’s speeches are interesting material that everyone ought to ponder.

    I’m not convinced that he had an eye on the Soviet Union at all, although, I’d need to listen carefully one more time to be sure that this is a fair opinion.

    It seems to me that he was articulating a future takeover of society – not one that had occurred as of yet.

    Surely, nobody is arguing that the Soviets made their dictatorship one where the people “rather enjoyed their servitude,” but that is EXACTLY what I observe in the Western world at the hands of the scientific, technocrat “soft but hardening” oligarchical dictatorship.

    In short, I think he was telling society what his elite buddies had planned for us – remember, his brother was in big with the Rockefeller, Big Finance Capital controlled “United Nations.”

    thanks for the correction, Triv. i was confusing him with Orwell on the soviet question. here’s the relevant quote on Orwell from fairly early in the same huxley speech:

    And here I would like briefly to compare the parable of Brave New World with another parable which was put forth more recently in George Orwells book, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell wrote his book between, I think between 45 and 48 at the time when the Stalinist terror regime was still in Full swing and just after the collapse of the Hitlerian terror regime. And his book which I admire greatly, its a book of very great talent and extraordinary ingenuity, shows, so to say, a projection into the future of the immediate past, of what for him was the immediate past, and the immediate present, it was a projection into the future of a society where control was exercised wholly by terrorism and violent attacks upon the mind-body of individuals.

    in reply to: I'm hoping Nicole will have time to give her take #2439

    a fun jap vid on it, candace. closed captioning available.

    I think stoneleigh might still say the fallout wouldn’t be as widespread as chernobyl because it wouldn’t be like a volcano erupting the radiation high into the atmosphere and getting carried on winds.

    i’m in portland. my landlord became pregnant last april and the baby is colicky at 3mos and counting. I know it’s still early days but I do hope it’s unrelated.

    in reply to: DD Ashvin TAE Popularity Poll #2438

    i hit that minus sign, too, candace. AND i voted that you should be banned. you’re back to zero, buddy. join the club.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2437

    William Carlos Williams

    The descent beckons
    as the ascent beckoned.
    Memory is a kind
    of accomplishment,
    a sort of renewal
    an initiation, since the spaces it opens are new places
    inhabited by hordes
    heretofore unrealized,
    of new kinds—
    since their movements
    are toward new objectives
    (even though formerly they were abandoned).

    No defeat is made up entirely of defeat—since
    the world it opens is always a place
    unsuspected. A
    world lost,
    a world unsuspected,
    beckons to new places
    and no whiteness (lost) is so white as the memory
    of whiteness .

    With evening, love wakens
    though its shadows
    which are alive by reason
    of the sun shining—
    grow sleepy now and drop away
    from desire .

    Love without shadows stirs now
    beginning to awaken
    as night

    The descent
    made up of despairs
    and without accomplishment
    realizes a new awakening:
    which is a reversal
    of despair.
    For what we cannot accomplish, what
    is denied to love,
    what we have lost in the anticipation—
    a descent follows,
    endless and indestructible


    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2435

    “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
    ~Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

    the following year, as you probably know, Triv, he expanded on this idea in his The Ultimate Revolution speech at Berkeley. i posted about this at TAE last year: my favorite part is in the q&a session when a lady named lillian asks a question. up until this point the great aldous huxley has been talking about the ultimate/final revolution in the context of technological dictatorships and with his eye clearly on the soviet union. then lillian suggests something that to my ear has perhaps never crossed huxley’s mind. it starts at 4m42s:

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2397

    ashvin post=1975 wrote: [quote=ben post=1940]sumacarol, if ash isn’t willing to engage in good faith and without arrogance then he deserves to get shit for it. I was mistreated SA last week because I was trying to stick up for Ash and keep the peace but I realize now that SA didn’t deserve that and i’m sorry. do you think he’s been an honest broker of discussion lately?

    Just saw this nonsense from you (who else?), and couldn’t let it go. I believe you are referring to a brief exchange with SA on the Teju Cole thread. This is how it went:

    SecularAnimist wrote: Good job on getting under people’s skin, Ash. Keep it up

    ben wrote: SA, get ahold of yourself.

    And, now, YOU are accusing ME of being a dishonest “broker of discussion”, arrogant and not engaging in good faith?

    There’s nothing left for me to say to people such as yourself…

    a crime has been committed. nice work, super sleuth – way to put two and two together and share the fruits of you labor with us. while it may well be arrogant — perhaps it takes arrogance to know arrogance — dishonesty and good faith have no bearing on it.

    There you go again, trying to label people and place them in boxes without a lick of understanding about what you’re doing. So mind-numbingly foolish! Yes, I find some value in the ideas of post-structuralist philosophers, but much more so in the traditional post-modern thinkers, as well as the Marxists/post-Marxists, German idealists, logical positivists, so on and so forth.

    First, if what you view to be “post-structuralist” analysis of the Greek suicide was your problem in the first place, then why didn’t you just say so, instead of diving head first into insulting comments with no substance? Second, it seems your new problem is that I had the gall to break down and analyze a man’s suicide and, more specifically, his message, instead of just saying,

    “wow, what a tragic and sad event!”

    and leaving it at that. In your mind, that is the equivalent of me lacking empathy for the lives of other people who are suffering.

    I’m not going to even explain to you why you are ridiculously off the reservation with those sentiments. All I can say is that, if you are looking for mindless, emotion-filled commentary on the world’s events, go read Huff Post or The Daily Beast or Business Insider. Thoughtful, objective, critical and deconstructive analysis is mostly what you are going to get on the front page of TAE, and is mostly what you got on the old site too, so either deal with it or stop reading (and complaining like a little child).

    as an aside, it’s funny you should bring up huffpo, because a comment i wrote you yesterday that was lost to the ether mentioned how this joint has reminded me of huffpo on several occasions this year and needless to say each time it was unsettling.

    ‘wow what a sad and tragic event’ isn’t what i wanted and you know that. nigga don’t throw that saccharin bullshit at me.

    why didn’t i just say so in the first place, about postsructuralism? well i guess i was focusing on the symptoms instead of the disease. so perhaps you’re right, next time i’ll try not to have to reframe it. but then again, look how personally you’ve taken my ‘boxing-in’ of you. so really i can’t win.

    as for your claim of having broken down and analyzed the suicide, i think that’s a real stretch – all you had the “gall” to do was display reflexivity. nothing more.

    you identify much more so with with the trad postmodernists, you say, than the poststructuralists? that’s a great shame. i picked poststructuralism because of foucault and also because it’s a sort of pomo-lite.

    newsflash, ash. postmodernism is dead. it’s absolutely a valid reaction to mid- and late-industrialism — i appreciate where it’s coming from certainly i do — but it’s not forward thinking. no doubt it’s a useful tool for protesting the apparatus and engaging long-disaffected gen-Xers but it has its limits because it has paradoxically also been the perfect tool of industrialism for half a century. it is the marketing arm of the machine. the machine has mashed pomo-laced nihilism into people and acclimated them to the self-consciousness of it all. hence the pervasive irony. well it’s pathetic.

    you claim to be an anarcho-syndicalist; the hallmark of anarcho-syndicalism is direct action; maybe that can help you understand what Dimitris Christoulas did.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2359

    ash, regarding my looking foolish, i really couldn’t give a rat’s ass. i accept your normative insult. perhaps you got it from your hero foucault’s deranged hatred of polemicists. well opinions are like assholes everyone’s got em.

    from the OP

    In terms of social unrest, this event was neither surprising nor very exceptional, compared to what has already happened and what will happen in the near future. I have never understood why people take their own lives to get across a sociopolitical message, and I imagine I never will. But that’s exactly what Dimitris Christoulas did, and his message was heard loud and clear.

    Sometimes, a prevalent reaction to an event like this is to make it into a bigger deal than it really should be, and to idolize the person at the center of it. Other times, we become very skeptical of both the man and his message simply because we feel it is necessary to counteract the media fanfare. We want to pretend that we are taking a cold, hard, objective look at something that is inherently emotional in nature.

    my fundamental problem with you, ash, that as far as i can tell you’re a devout poststructuralist. this will sound harsh but i believe the above excerpt to be pre-packaged, school-grade, poststructuralist tripe, and that it shouldn’t be on the front page of TAE. the deficit in empathy is a function of inhabiting a poststructuralist self-consciousness. all you are doing here is neurotically fretting over the fragments. the unified whole of it may be ineffable but it’s full of truth nonetheless. you just have to let it be.

    poststructuralism is paradoxical and results in its own type of metanarrative. the anti-metanarrative metanarrative.

    narratives will do. minimalist narratives. metamodern narratives. tactical narratives. narrative therapy. placebo narratives. narratives for animals. myths.

    the New Sincerity.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2335

    Candace post=1936 wrote: “His obtuseness” ? Your tone and style are not neccessary here. As for conspiracies, have all you men going going to the club meetings to keep up with the conspiracy of female oppression? Or has that history come out of the habits of human beings? Did slavery start with a conspiracy or did it just become a habit for people that was reinforced because the people it benefitted were so comfortable with that habit that they were willing to use any means they could think of to keep it going?

    Triv was saying that Ash seems to support the idealized version of communism, but you seem just as wedded to “idealism” with your statements.

    Candace post=1936 wrote: “His obtuseness” ? Your tone and style are not neccessary here. As for conspiracies, have all you men going going to the club meetings to keep up with the conspiracy of female oppression? Or has that history come out of the habits of human beings? Did slavery start with a conspiracy or did it just become a habit for people that was reinforced because the people it benefitted were so comfortable with that habit that they were willing to use any means they could think of to keep it going?

    Triv was saying that Ash seems to support the idealized version of communism, but you seem just as wedded to “idealism” with your statements.

    sorry, candace. His Superior Obtuseness, I mean. don’t mind me and my asshole nonsense.

    was slavery just a bad habit of people willing to use it by any means necessary, rather than conspiratorial?

    I know what I think.

    then may I refer you upthread to Triv’s point #5, regarding the ‘Debt Dollar Tyranny facsimile economic overlay’ for the cultural implications.

    as to me being wedding to an unspecified idealism, if you’re referring to my having philosophically divorced myself from the totalitarian precepts of civilization, let me remind you that this IMO is a radical blog – here that’s called realism. if not then feel free to clarify.

    sumacarol, if ash isn’t willing to engage in good faith and without arrogance then he deserves to get shit for it. I was mistreated SA last week because I was trying to stick up for Ash and keep the peace but I realize now that SA didn’t deserve that and i’m sorry. do you think he’s been an honest broker of discussion lately?

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2331

    I have never understood why people take their own lives to get across a sociopolitical message, and I imagine I never will.

    to His Obtuseness,

    it’s similar to saying, i’ll never understand why people get hooked on crack.

    empathy: to emotionally put yourself in the place of someone else.

    get it yet?

    What I criticize is the view that all or a very significant portion of human history has developed through a continuous series of inter-connected conspiracies, one informing the next, that have brought us exactly to where we are today. Big difference.

    what do you think the mandates of civilization consist of then if not central planning by those at the top who can lever control through accumulated resources? what is it that you do not understand (i hope that’s not too concrete a word for a politician such as yourself) about the winding paths of capital from power center to power center? if you can get with arrighi’s narrative of so-called modern monopoly capital, starting in genoa and winding all the way to the Fed, then why can’t you even be open to narratives that precede it? is the evidence really that much worse so as to induce dismissiveness or are you just saying that?

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2330

    Reverse Engineer post=1928 wrote: [quote=Ben]what’s the cut-off point again, and why, beyond which we needn’t go in order to fully understand your broader and more nuanced reality?

    From my reading, Ashvin’s cut-off point comes somewhere after 911 but before Aliens. I can’t get more specific than that though. LOL.


    I think, effectively, 911 is more of a concession for ash than it is a conviction. that way he gets to compartmentalize it. so I think we should phrase it ‘somewhere around 911.’ and since crop circles can’t intellectually be compartmentalized with ropes and boards they are, as you say, ridiculed if perceived to be relevant at all, let alone relevant to the future. it’s as if he considers his financial analysis to be a materialist endeavor.

    ash, as for icke, who obviously is an affront to your local intelligence, perhaps you shouldn’t throw the baby out with whatever it is you perceive to be the bathwater. if you didn’t find some of the things that icke said in that interview with jones uplifting in any way then that’s your loss. god forbid boatloads of people wake up through other channels than yours, or even draw inspiration from them in your presence.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Suicide in Greece #2320

    great comments, Triv. great democracy now! anecdote.

    thank you, RE, for honoring christoulas’ suicide.

    In terms of social unrest, this event was neither surprising nor very exceptional, compared to what has already happened and what will happen in the near future. I have never understood why people take their own lives to get across a sociopolitical message, and I imagine I never will.

    ash, aside from the obvious empathy deficit, the vertiginous heights from which you report are closeted in ivory.

    Is that really what was contained in this man’s last message to his fellow Greeks – a bunch of “loose talk”? Can we really say, at this point in time, that people like Papademos are not puppets of a supranational banking elite that is just as malicious and destructive as the Third Reich? I think not. In fact, I think that most of the evidence points towards the accuracy of Christoulas’ comparison.

    One such box, IMO, is that ALL elite institutions and people are intentionally attempting to enslave humanity and create a one-world dictatorship.

    how do you reconcile these two statements without prevarication? by highlighting the respective uses of “most” and “ALL” instead of effective realities?

    And, as someone who was actually alive during the Nazi occupation of Greece, I don’t believe that he would ever make such comparisons “loosely”.

    no comment.

    Dont’ get me wrong here – I don’t dismiss the clear evidence of intentionality on the part of the international financiers to construct a monetary system that primarily serves to extract wealth and enslave the masses with debt. That is certainly a key part of a broader reality, but there IS a broader reality for me. It is one that cannot be fully understood without going back at least a few centuries, and it is not ubiquitously populated by coordinated conspiracies of the minority elites.

    what’s the cut-off point again, and why, beyond which we needn’t go in order to fully understand your broader and more nuanced reality? and why do you imply that that longer history of yours undermines Triv’s choosing to focus on the contemporary iteration of TPTSB?

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #2300

    “I believe that young people with no future will one day take up arms and hang the traitors of this country at Syntagma square, just like the Italians did to Mussolini in 1945″

    suicide note found on dimitris christoulas, 77, who shouted that he didn’t want to leave debts to his children before he shot himself in the head in syntagma square.

    in reply to: Teju Cole: The White Savior Industrial Complex #2287

    hi seychelles,

    yeah it was me. as to your question upthread, I see it as the birdman staying on the cutting edge. are we?

    in early summer 2009 the commentariat was engrossed, over several threads, in speculation over the Chiasso bearer bonds incident. the two japanese nationals detained at the swiss/italian border with more than 100B dollars.

    michael salla says it’s about black gold. and I don’t mean oil. shadow banking of epic proportions:

    in reply to: Spain's Unbearable Pain #2251

    david icke is really inspirational in this interview. alex jones is great, too, other than his accusing the TSA of pedophilia:

    in reply to: Spain's Unbearable Pain #2250

    mr166, maybe you are a closet anarchist. I used to be.

    in reply to: Birdman of the Netherlands: Daedelus LIVES! #2177

    hey nassim. the narrative of human birdwings was that it was motor assisted. so there! 🙂

    in reply to: The Death of the Entertainment Industry #2155

    frank mccourt (not of angela’s ashes fame) bought the los angeles dodgers completely on margin in 2004 for 430M, raided the team to the tune of 100M, filed the team for bankruptcy in july of last year, ate his last dodger dog in september, and sold the club at auction yesterday for 2.15B. magic johnson, retired basketball great and one of my childhood heroes, became a minority owner, and a minority owner. dodger fans immediately made a pilgrimage to his statue outside where the los angeles lakers play:

    here’s the real magic, standing behind a seated angela merkel:×340.jpg

    in reply to: Teju Cole: The White Savior Industrial Complex #2120

    SA, get ahold of yourself.

    in reply to: Teju Cole: The White Savior Industrial Complex #2117

    FrankRichards post=1711 wrote: Jee Zuss

    I’m gonna miss this place, but I don’t water ski well enough for competitive shark jumping. I’ve been reading and commenting since Sharon Astyk vectored me here in ’08.

    This is Ash’s second “America is exceptionally horrid but isn’t exceptional” post in the last 10 days. There is a definitional problem there dude.

    And Illargi has been throwing out hints about not believing in peak oil since ’09. Even with his workload, that has been long enough to do the flippin’ research. Every time he talks about it, I get more convinced that he is talking about a ‘big kablooey’ peak oil that no numerate person ever believed in and totally ignoring that 7 years of $100/bbl oil has not managed to raise C&C production by more than 0.5%/year. That dude, is the old ‘undulating plateau’ if anything ever could be.

    your comments are first-rate and i’ve always wished they were more frequent. i feel your pain on the oil question. now that we are nearing the senecan cliff at the end of the undulating plateau, it looks like extend and pretend may just accomplish what it set out to do. cheers, frank.

    since we’re on the topic of chains we can believe in, and i haven’t seen it said anywhere in the forum yet, el gallinazo left the commentariat yesterday. i mention it in order to save people from wondering about his absence.

    in reply to: Christchurch, China and Peak Oil #2044

    peak oil?

    josh posted this chart two ways at the Undertow on 3/20

    in reply to: Birdman of the Netherlands: Daedelus LIVES! #1940

    put the cursor over the Up Arrow at bottom, then CC.

    in reply to: The Extraenvironmentalist Interviews Nicole Foss #1939

    alfbell, don’t fall for the bernank misdirection. think obama. they’re just trying to get savers to spend and debtors to borrow to facilitate extend and pretend for as long as possible. savers win in a deflation by buying up defaulted assets for pennies on the dollar – and the Western elite are savers. therefore there’s no incentive for them to destroy the currency yet. you should read the primers for the technical answer and let us know what you think. 🙂

    in reply to: Birdman of the Netherlands: Daedelus LIVES! #1935

    (it got me too, after some hemming and hawing.)

    in reply to: Birdman of the Netherlands: Daedelus LIVES! #1934

    gotcha greenpa! 😛

    in reply to: You wouldn't know it to look at it #1897

    desert mouse post=1490 wrote: Is it just me, or are most of these acronyms meaningless?
    Is there a place where I can get the definitions?

    when in rome, desert mouse! :silly:

    internet slang website

    TAE has its own slang, too, which may require reading every comment there ever was, and remembering them. the forum format makes this more challenging. and the acronyms are subject to change. for example LG’s (mine and joeP’s version of el g) TPTSB upthread is about a week old, means The Powers That Shouldn’t Be, which he moved to from TPTB.

    TOD (The Oil Drum) won’t come up at the link above. it was all new to me too when i found TAE and i found it fun to try and figure them out over time. and if it’s something custom, or obscure but important, it’ll probably get put in parentheses after, like FCLO (Fermented Cod Liver Oil).

    and you can always ask.

    in reply to: Is there no search box for blog post? #1870

    i don’t see one either. if you just search ‘fukushima the automatic earth’ you’ll find stoneleigh’s articles on the topic.

    i’d also recommend steve from virginia’s tireless and tantalizing fukushima coverage at

    steve’s twitter feed is also an easy way to stay abreast of the ongoing disaster.

    in reply to: An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling #1824

    when in doubt

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1819

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #1784

    reposting here RE’s disallowed attempt at linking to today’s blog article at DD. a message redirected one to The Official Thread. link below, followed by an excerpt:

    mr. peabody visits japan

    “So for a while there while the American and French Revolutions were being fought, the Japanese more or less were not involved in Global battles for control anywhere. However, around 1858 or so it was determined by our policy makers here in the FSofA that Japan simply HAD to be opened up for Trade. Now, do you think J6P here in the FSofA who was just about ready to get going on a Civil War really gave a shit about whether Japan was open for trade or not? They didn’t make Mitsubishis and Toyotas back then, about the only thing Japan directly had for Trade was some Silver in their own mines. Japan however wasn’t the REAL prize, China was, and it wasn’t J6P who was making these decisions. The FSofA Navy was being built up on EXACTLY the same lines as the British Navy was, primarily geared toward projecting Force to enable Trade. In the years leading up to the Civil War, most of the people in the country were in a period of extreme hardship, you don’t GET something like a Civil War without that occurring. Nevertheless, our Federal Goobermint had enough Money to build some State of the Art Steam Powered Frigates with the best Guns available at the time to send to Japan under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry. Where do you suppose they GOT the money to do that? It wasn’t from Taxation, the IRS didn’t even exist at the time. No, that shit was financed by our good old friends, the Illuminati. It’s a continuation of the very same paradigm run from the beginning of the British and Dutch East India companies, the foundation of what Eisenhower called the “Military-Industrial Complex”. Just as Commodore Matthew Perry was part of this in the mid 1800s, so also was General Smedley Butler a part of it at the turn of the century. It is the Raison d’Etre of the FSofA Military, always has been.

    Now I am going to do a little Speculation not in the History books. China was too large and too well organized a country to try to control from half a world away, even with the invention of the Steam Engine and Frigates driven by steam. Along the British Model of controlling world economy from a small island by virtue of a powerful Navy, what the Illuminati needed over in Asia was a small island to Industrialize and run their fleets out of. Japan was PERFECT for this by virtue of its geographical position and its pretty large population for that time of well organized people under a consolidated Feudal system the Illuminati were very familiar with in Europe. All the Anglo-Amerikan Illuminati had to do to was to get the damn Feudal Lords of Japan to buy into their system for Global domination. Sadly, said Feudal Lords wouldn’t even TALK to them, and they kept whatever trade they needed limited to a couple of small ports. Japan was Isolationist to the EXTREME from the period between 1600 and 1850.

    So to break this Isolationism, in 1858 we sent Commodore Matthew Perry with few steam powered Frigates with our very biggest Guns on them in a show of FORCE to convince the Nipponese Leaders that they better open up for Trade or we would shell them back to the Stone Age. Sound familiar? We had Big Guns, they still had Samurai fighting with Bow and Arrow and Swords (albeit with some very good Steel they were making themselves).

    Now, faced with the two choices here of fighting against an enemy with FAR superior weaponry or getting into bed with him, those smart Nip Feudal Lords chose the latter of the two options. As a result, in the 50 or so years between Perry’s visits and WWI, the little island of Japan Industrialized just about as quickly as England, Germany and the FSofA did. You think Japan magically developed all the machines and factories to become an industrial powerhouse all by their lonesome? Not. They were LOANED these things with the idea that the payoff would come when they had enough power to access the Chinese market. Once strapped up with all this POWER, the Japanese now go on their own adventures of Conquest, taking on China in the Post WWI period. This is not exactly the plan the Anglo-Illuminati envisioned when they Industrialized Japan, although in WWI Japan was an “Ally” while they went on their campaign brutalizing the Chinese. The Anglo-American branch of the Illuminati figured they would be running the show, but the Nips weren’t staying in their place as a Vassal State.

    Post WWI though as the Credit system began to further fall apart, it is likely the Anglo-Illuminati started to call in their Markers on all the equipment they fronted to the Japanese enabling them to build their own Steam Ships and Guns and Ammo to Rape Chinese girls. The Nips can’t pay up, but instead of just forking over control of the country to the Banksters who loaned them the money to build this infrastructure, they Nationalize it all under the Empire of Japan and say FUCK YOU to the Banksters.”

    in reply to: Mr. Peabody Visits Japan #1783

    here’s the link to the article at DD, followed by an excerpt:

    mr. peabody visits japan

    “So for a while there while the American and French Revolutions were being fought, the Japanese more or less were not involved in Global battles for control anywhere. However, around 1858 or so it was determined by our policy makers here in the FSofA that Japan simply HAD to be opened up for Trade. Now, do you think J6P here in the FSofA who was just about ready to get going on a Civil War really gave a shit about whether Japan was open for trade or not? They didn’t make Mitsubishis and Toyotas back then, about the only thing Japan directly had for Trade was some Silver in their own mines. Japan however wasn’t the REAL prize, China was, and it wasn’t J6P who was making these decisions. The FSofA Navy was being built up on EXACTLY the same lines as the British Navy was, primarily geared toward projecting Force to enable Trade. In the years leading up to the Civil War, most of the people in the country were in a period of extreme hardship, you don’t GET something like a Civil War without that occurring. Nevertheless, our Federal Goobermint had enough Money to build some State of the Art Steam Powered Frigates with the best Guns available at the time to send to Japan under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry. Where do you suppose they GOT the money to do that? It wasn’t from Taxation, the IRS didn’t even exist at the time. No, that shit was financed by our good old friends, the Illuminati. It’s a continuation of the very same paradigm run from the beginning of the British and Dutch East India companies, the foundation of what Eisenhower called the “Military-Industrial Complex”. Just as Commodore Matthew Perry was part of this in the mid 1800s, so also was General Smedley Butler a part of it at the turn of the century. It is the Raison d’Etre of the FSofA Military, always has been.

    Now I am going to do a little Speculation not in the History books. China was too large and too well organized a country to try to control from half a world away, even with the invention of the Steam Engine and Frigates driven by steam. Along the British Model of controlling world economy from a small island by virtue of a powerful Navy, what the Illuminati needed over in Asia was a small island to Industrialize and run their fleets out of. Japan was PERFECT for this by virtue of its geographical position and its pretty large population for that time of well organized people under a consolidated Feudal system the Illuminati were very familiar with in Europe. All the Anglo-Amerikan Illuminati had to do to was to get the damn Feudal Lords of Japan to buy into their system for Global domination. Sadly, said Feudal Lords wouldn’t even TALK to them, and they kept whatever trade they needed limited to a couple of small ports. Japan was Isolationist to the EXTREME from the period between 1600 and 1850.

    So to break this Isolationism, in 1858 we sent Commodore Matthew Perry with few steam powered Frigates with our very biggest Guns on them in a show of FORCE to convince the Nipponese Leaders that they better open up for Trade or we would shell them back to the Stone Age. Sound familiar? We had Big Guns, they still had Samurai fighting with Bow and Arrow and Swords (albeit with some very good Steel they were making themselves).

    Now, faced with the two choices here of fighting against an enemy with FAR superior weaponry or getting into bed with him, those smart Nip Feudal Lords chose the latter of the two options. As a result, in the 50 or so years between Perry’s visits and WWI, the little island of Japan Industrialized just about as quickly as England, Germany and the FSofA did. You think Japan magically developed all the machines and factories to become an industrial powerhouse all by their lonesome? Not. They were LOANED these things with the idea that the payoff would come when they had enough power to access the Chinese market. Once strapped up with all this POWER, the Japanese now go on their own adventures of Conquest, taking on China in the Post WWI period. This is not exactly the plan the Anglo-Illuminati envisioned when they Industrialized Japan, although in WWI Japan was an “Ally” while they went on their campaign brutalizing the Chinese. The Anglo-American branch of the Illuminati figured they would be running the show, but the Nips weren’t staying in their place as a Vassal State.

    Post WWI though as the Credit system began to further fall apart, it is likely the Anglo-Illuminati started to call in their Markers on all the equipment they fronted to the Japanese enabling them to build their own Steam Ships and Guns and Ammo to Rape Chinese girls. The Nips can’t pay up, but instead of just forking over control of the country to the Banksters who loaned them the money to build this infrastructure, they Nationalize it all under the Empire of Japan and say FUCK YOU to the Banksters.”

    in reply to: Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future #1781

    james corbett had a recent podcast on conspiracy T/F.

    reclaiming skepticism

    in reply to: Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future #1757

    Winston Smith post=1310 wrote: SERIOUS NOTE OF COMPLAINT TO TAE STAFF:

    El Gallinazo Quote 1:

    “the executive branch of the global mafia, with a primary base in Israel”

    El Gallinazo Quote 2:

    “a total collapse of the world economy may be part of the NWO’s long term plan”


    is this the defining Jump-The-Shark moment for TAE?

    why are you resorting to NWO (new world order), “the Jews did it”, conspiracy theory drivel?

    and i guarantee you Naomi Klein would not appreciate having her well researched-and-reasoned thesis dragged through NWO, “the Jews did it”, conspiradroid mud.

    there is no need for shadowy cabals of Jewish “evildoers” to explain our cold, harsh, indifferent and unforgiving reality.

    i implore TAE to reverse this despicable, debunked and counterproductive course with dispatch.

    if TAE has a reasonable grasp of reality, it will at the very least redact this offensively specious BS.

    and if TAE has any sense of ethics, it will not reward let alone reproduce this effluvia.

    it’s an odious brand of miseducation and ignorance that does more harm than good as it grossly distorts reality.

    it’s Alex-Jones-level crap, which is to say, mighty low.

    for those not so easily ensorcelled:


    they’re good for what ails El Gallinazo.

    winston, are you going to believe your masters or your lying eyes?

    realpolitik and oilgarchy are not mutually exclusive.

    i happened to take a copy of the domhoff book ‘who rules america?’ from the shelves of an indie-chic hotel in istanbul two octobers ago. it was awesome but as with every other book i only ended up reading about fifty pages. it’s around here somewhere. the beginning laid out in great detail the social structures erected to groom the elite american youth. social secretaries, arranged marriages, a separate but unequal education system. it seemed little different from an episode of downton abbey.

    i’ll never forget reading in ‘who rules america?’, written in the 60s, that being on the board of a major hospital signified an entrance into nobility for a woman not of nobility; i was like, wait! michelle obama was on the board of a big ass hospital in chicago! then i was like oh man that’s some fucked up shit right there. but there it is. coinfatecidence.

    obviously she’ll never be true-blooded but her grandchildren might. beautiful still-brown bluebloods. land of the free.

    domhoff’s psychology background clearly took a backseat to his sociology background. that essay against conspiracy that you linked-to, winston, wasn’t very convincing. it started guilty of inferencing a generalized conclusion from a particular instance:

    “In the past, the conspirators were usually said to be secret Communist sympathizers who were intent upon bringing the United States under a common world government with the Soviet Union, but the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 undercut that theory.”

    an instance, furthermore, that is declared by domhoff to be illegitimate without any analysis whatsoever. my analysis is that even if the ‘communist sympathizer’ conspiracy theory among capitalists in america was baseless, there was probably a converse ‘capitalist sympathizer’ conspiracy theory among communists in the soviet union proven correct by catastroika.

    then domhoff goes on to believe in magic bullets and get suckered by the warren commission, which is what i took gravity to be alluding to in his argument for not fearing the science behind the more recent inside job in 9/11.

    the next paragraph, too, is entirely unconvincing.

    “There are several problems with a conspiratorial view that don’t fit with what we know about power structures. First, it assumes that a small handful of wealthy and highly educated people somehow develop an extreme psychological desire for power that leads them to do things that don’t fit with the roles they seem to have. For example, that rich capitalists are no longer out to make a profit, but to create a one-world government.”

    he obviously forgot to insert ‘inanimate,’ or perhaps ‘static,’ before “power structures.” domhoff’s economics are clueless not to realize that the urge to monopolize something is characterized by “extreme psychological desire.”

    it’s just another attempt to monopolize all the shit. welcome to civilization.

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