Dr. D

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 3 2020 #60797
    Dr. D

    Georgia chart is quite telling. It says the lie is in framing. Reopening? Nothing. (~5 day delay) Mr. Floyd killed May 25th. Riots begin. Spike starts on June 15. Nah. Can’t be. I read science that riots actually STOPPED the spread of CV: the virus can tell.

    “What these relatively decent jobs numbers may actually show is an economy that reopened too quickly.”

    Huh. How do you figure? Chart above says reopening did nothing. Ziltch. What to do when that happens? Report it anyway, of course! You know, how 60% of NYers got CV while under quarantine in their house? So clearly it was all that going out and reopening that did it. Science!

    With almost 2.7 million confirmed Covid-19 cases”

    Which means nothing if they’re not sick

    and 128,000 deaths”

    20-40,000 of which were intentionally caused and 50-90% of the others were caused by refusing multiple cures we have, including HCQ, which doctors have used as high as 99% success rate in hard-hit NY.

    …What were you saying again? This disease which has a 500K ÷ 8B = 0.0000625 rate.

    How many people die on earth? 150,000. A DAY. x ½ x 365 = 27,300,000

    In other words, you can barely pick them out of the statistical noise. Especially with the deaths being over 70 + comorbidity. Quarantine the nursing homes. You know, the way that is legal and done for 500 years?

    …But they need this to rig the elections. They don’t care if a million people die, ‘voluntarily’, by withholding care. Don’t care if the Lancet helps kill all 1M of them. And lately to stop immediate hyperinflation as the system goes exponential, overnight bailouts are $1T/day. You need a lot of deflation to counteract the exponential end of the system. And since they could care less and actively WANT you all dead, means nothing to kill a hundred thou, a mil, to do it, just as they would in a war. Which is what this is.

    Spending the 4th watching “Hamilton” while insurgents shuttle guns and armor to revolutionaries in unmarked vehicles, trying to burn down police stations with heavy fighting for 12+ hours. The entire city is only one of several torn up, laid waste, bullet holes, graffiti, biohazard, arson, rape, murder, killing black children in the streets. Just the way they wanted, are funding, and supporting glowingly on TV. Okay.

    “China Didn’t Alert WHO To Coronavirus Outbreak — The Internet Did (DC)”

    Maybe, but Taiwan did and WHO ignored them. We know that officially. Did Ft. Deitrick do it? What makes you think any of their past leaks were accidental?

    “a vast a majority of Americans want to bring the troops home.”

    The government hasn’t done what the people want since I can remember when. Vietnam?

    A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” — Edward Abbey 

    He wasn’t the first. Thomas Paine said likewise. The government is not the nation, not the people. They are usually AGAINST the nation and the people, advancing their own self-interests, which is often but not entirely the interests of oligarchy. But we have an answer: More Government!

    Can anyone explain the logic?”

    The logic? Destroy everything. Forever. Any reference to anything, any person, and time, other than myself, my ego, is a limit of my perfect, endless, abusive power. Like the Orwell quote says. And they support this as a goal most desired, because their minds are either aligned to rebellion, or to order.

    Oh and PS, did anyone ask? Did anyone poll the groups in question? Not on your life. They got a couple people who don’t like it – because there are always a couple people mad at anything and making a buck on it. But the head of BET said yesterday he thought white people liberals were stupid, maybe they should ask what black people want. You know, like scholarships, not burning down black businesses and black infrastructure in black cities? Jericho Green noted “I don’t want to live in a world without blackface.” You know: a world without jokes. A world where no one can be stupid and nothing is ever forgiven.

    “Hamilton” has every character cross-cast, although I suppose they’ll be bigots for not cross-casting them by gender too. No one cared, because it’s not the point. But wait! I thought it was bigotry, cultural appropriation and oppression not to have the exact race of the exact character play the actor of the character. You know: down to where if you have a half-black half-Haitian child, you must go find a half-black, half Haitian voice. You know: instead of an “Actor” which is what we used to have. This just happened for the cartoon “Central Park.” Apparently she was not allowed to play the character’s white half. As irony is dead, no doubt soon Nancy Cartwright can no longer voice Bart Simpson, nor Chuckie, but only 50 year-old women. Ah, what a wonderful world that will be when we get rid of “Acting” in favor of a fringe religion based on “race purity” which doesn’t scientifically exist.

    ‘Cause that’s what this is: a religion. And it’s the old religion. You might remember it from a previous wave of the “National Social Democratic Worker’s Party.”

    Notes from the other day:

    “Othering” is making someone “not us” but “them.” Actually, unless you’re demented in other ways that shouldn’t matter either, but most are so… So in our “othering”: “they” are bad, “they” aren’t even human. So of course it’s morally good and right to dress up n black and punch anyone you think might be “them”, attack their children with guns and fireworks, get them demonetized, de-banked and de-jobbed. You know: God’s work. When you hurt enough “others” with arson, extortion, and murder, then you’re good guy! It’s obvious! See 1930s race-based religion, above.

    The Central Bank “Bailout of Everything” Will Be a Disaster (Lacalle)”

    Yes. It’ Socialism. No one can fail: we pay everyone for everything. And of course you have rich guys in rich dachas with private security at the top, while the poor get poorer. The good and working are not rewarded, the bad and lazy are not punished. Logic and physics are suspended leading to complete madness and chaos. But this time is different.

    I can’t believe they’re still trying Harris. Did they have “America’s Talent” to find the worst two candidates in the party?

    Remdesivir if I remember, operates by halting cell division. That is, it halts virus cells from doubling while the body has time to kill them. So then it absolutely makes sense that halting cell division for more than a few days would be terrible: cells don’t live that long and the body always has a lot to do, especially dividing to create more white blood cells n stuff.

    I’m concerned if the author doesn’t know this, as it’s remdesivir’s single function, but check me.

    Vindicated? “Trump-Touted COVID-19 Drug Hydroxychloroquine Works, New Study Funds

    The surprising thing — and how we know it’s Armageddon and the world is ending – is that CNN reported this. …You know, after killing 500,000 people by trying to be your doctor.

    Well the French surrendered without firing a shot. Irony may be dead, but jokes and stereotypes aren’t. My poor country. It’s not like the people aren’t tough. Sigh.

    3 waves” of 1918-1919 pandemic flu in the US. We are retracing them.

    Not if it’s made up (like the ‘76 vaccine), a co-factor attack which seems likely, and a 0.006% rate. The only thing that’s been attacked is our economy. Oh and Democracy. That.

    if Usian’s have even an inkling, of what’s coming?”

    Coming? We have open street fighting in Seattle, among other places, and have for a month. Do Usians have a clue? Not even now. CNN (I think) just reported “Well, I guess we’ll have to wait for something to happen…” Wait? A city just tried to secede using armed forced, and the Feds are arresting Antifa steadily, as soon as the violent crimes are written up and warrants are served. “The revolution will not be televised.” Strangely, it’s completely televised, overblown by 100-fold in fact, but denied. Didn’t see that coming. No one notices. …But do remember the U.S. is very large. It contains multitudes. What they’re doing is a bee-sting to us, really. Don’t exaggerate only the blue areas are destroying themselves, don’t overreact.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 2 2020 #60730
    Dr. D

    Continuing their unbroken streak, Leftist BLM arrested for unprovoked crowd shooting of SUV and driver.

    Well, you can’t very well arrest them BEFORE the crime, but fat lot of good it does after.

    Oh and CHAZ finally ends with extreme “police” brutality, where CHAZ police empty 300 unprovoked rounds into two black children: 14 and 16. The 16 year old died.

    Good job BLM. That’s showin’ how to do it. Took only 7 days.

    What “Capitalism” do you mean? If a Choctaw trades red ocher with a Comanche, do the mountains fall? They are in a state of *perfect* capitalism: they own things, control the equipment to make them, and trade, often using abstract currency. There’s no enforcement, and no one can make them do anything. So the problem is where…? And does the cure to this terrible mountain-felling system kill 100M people per 100 years, beyond the daily terror, oppression, tyranny, and complete environmental ruin? If so, I’d rather have the disease.

    I’ll take this one up: If the BLS said it, it’s a lie. The BLS is a subset: adult Americans, subset: Media. Every word, every breath, every number, every time.

    Universal lies like MMT. Sure, it works. It’s a time-delayed reverse-progressive tax increase on the poor. It works by causing inflation that inevitably must help the top, the first-holders of new money while it raises prices on the last-holders of money, the bottom. It delays wage increases while increasing investment profits, and therefore turbo-charges all income disparity. That’s why they all want it, why it’s promoted in schools and billionaire-owned media articles and not banned and de-platformed like every idea that would actually reduce income disparity and harm the rich. –Incidentally the same reason why Socialism is allowed and promoted by all rich men and institutions everywhere: the few billionaire party-members will still be the deciders — far stronger — and live in palatial Dachas while they send you to Siberia and grab your daughters. And as always, the poor are easily sold on it and buy in, which utterly destroys them, as it has in Argentina and every other place it’s ever tried, and is the largest reason they have indeed been destroyed in America every minute of every day since we started MMT in 1971.

    But by all means, do it more: utterly annihilate the poor. We’ll just invest and profit 25-fold by it with a 60% ruined economy and 30% unemployment rate with 20% of that nation on food stamps and the resulting nationwide riots. Why? Since nobody listens to what we say anyway. I’ll advise you not to and list why in endless mind-numbing detail, but they have to learn for themselves like always in history. The unlearning and unwary may indeed be going to h–l. Doesn’t mean we have to help, though.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2020 #60630
    Dr. D

    Riots every night unceasing. A shooting every night in the CHAZ, another black man killed in another Leftist area, Leftist “helping.” Protected in full by every blue leader. DNC Congressman beaten in WI for filming them pull down statue of another Abolitionist. The Lincoln statue they wanted removed was put in by Frederick Douglass, possibly America’s most famous slave, and paid for by freed slaves. Now the 70% white BLM crowd says the statue, and therefore Frederick Douglass, are racist white nationalists. Irony is of course dead. From a point of view this is all great, since the nation can see who they Left/BLM/Antifa are, and they are only destroying Blue cities and states, with Blue mayors, and black city businesses, leaving all Red states alone. So…thinking the vote may not be real strong in those areas where now they only grocery, only pharmacy, only liquor store, the only employer in a black neighborhood is burned and gone. Burned by 70% white people. Who are rioting on behalf of black people. You’d think they’d notice. Irony is dead.

    Still trying to make a United States of Europe in the bond market, as Armstrong has said since they consulted him before the Euro was formed. They said the people wouldn’t go for it, so they would shove it down their throats by force and try to make the bond market after. That did not go well, and it’s not going well now. But the Varoufakis article shows the latest attempt. Now it’s crystal clear it would be all massive transfer payments south and vice-versa with all Germany utterly destroying the EuroSouth and controlling all Europe by dictat, even France. Anybody want to sign up? Savage more Greeks, sell more assets to China.

    More tests = more cases. More cases = nothing. We know that people had it when we didn’t know but they had it anyway before. Now we know! But that’s bad! Because, Science! Data is bad! Also as we see in the Diamond Princess some people cannot seem to get it. 40%?? Then we have a certain number getting it now. 20%?? Add them together and we’re at herd immunity right now? Aaaaand why would this not be true as regardless of misbehavior, number of people in the streets, NY’s number will no longer rise? The chart is exactly the curve as if we did nothing: flat, sudden rise, plateaus on herd immunity, then falls. Same chart, same curve, predicted day 1. Like this:



    Cases are still low compared to the 5 blue states who killed 20k with LTC facilities, and Houston had to come out and uncharacteristically debunk they were not having ICU problems. Because the media said it, it was therefore fake. Don’t worry, 20 years after WMD and ties to Al-Qaeda, we still believe them 100%. Just like experts Mueller and Powell, we believe now Fauci and Birx. ‘Cause we’re the smart guys.

    Half a million dead = 500k ÷ 8B = 0.0000625. Be still my heart. We’z all gonna die. Is that below sharks? 10x less common than dog attacks. Meanwhile the death rate keeps dropping, 90% down, back to April levels, as the original curve predicted. Report it? Not on your life. We’re still mailing fake ballots nationwide, with 20% fake in Paterson NJ, reported by NAACP, more in Illinois, and we’re still killing all business, shifting all profit and power to Amazon and WalMart, and the 6 billionaires who own all media, increasing income disparity, and shutting down 4th of July picnics while demanding and defending rioters in the streets (e.g. D.C. Mayor)

    Meh. Pretty expected. Lies, hypocrisy, murder, extortion, grift, graft, turn long-planned race war up to 12 (already failed at “11”), blah blah. So CIA handbook says — as per Ukraine – get the people out, then have a shooting in the National Guard, Bloody Sunday, whatever works, with Serbian snipers on the roof (they were interviewed later on Italian TV news). This causes the tinder you’ve carefully bought and arranged to burst into flames. So: no NG. Let the governors, mayors take the heat they created and richly deserve. Let the people choose if they love mobs, lies, arson, and extortion, or due process and rule of order. But it’s no fun, of course.
    I don’t think anyone fully appreciates what actual unrest or an actual civil war would look like in America, but we could kill 100,000 in 4 hours, easy. For months. So basically, this little dust-up is a joke, simply to illustrate where things can go and how lucky you are right now.

    Although it doesn’t look it, people are paying attention. Twitter, CNN, is not reality, hasn’t been since they started. That’s why it’s critical not to overreact. And they haven’t, so it looks like they’re doing nothing. What would you want done? Arrest people before they commit a crime? Once you commit a crime, we can arrest and pursue, as they are. Slow, boring, normal law enforcement, like any other day: you traveled across state lines to commit a felony, and are financed by international NGOs who therefore become international terrorist organizations. Continuing their unbroken run since Christchurch, Antifa/BLM was the mass shooter in KY not the “white nationalists” which is apparently anyone in America, including Candice Owens and Daryl Davis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis Nope, another Progressive/Leftist. Another time not reported. The only attacks are the Left, as always. The only enemy is truth.

    So will Americans stand with the law and Constitution, free speech, self-defense? Or will they cry “Save me Daddy government, I don’t want no freedoms no more”? Well, policemen aren’t coming.
    Looks like, annoying as it is, the majority still want the same as ever: equal justice, equal law, free speech, due process. They will die for it, but they will not kill for it. So doesn’t that put them in the right? Doesn’t that mean they will win? 30 years in a row, the media is mad a h—l, they demand the stupid rednecks be stupid and stupidly attack with their stupid guns. They demand they be racists. Invent it on the door of NASCAR garage or the streets of Chicago if they have to. But they’re not. They both live closer and are more racially integrated than The Karens. So they lose again this time too it seems. Stand Fast.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 30 2020 #60624
    Dr. D


    “On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.
    I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30.
    But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.
    Here are some facts few people know:
    • Humans are not causing a “sixth mass extinction”
    • The Amazon is not “the lungs of the world”
    • Climate change is not making natural disasters worse
    • Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003
    • The amount of land we use for meat — humankind’s biggest use of land — has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska
    • The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California
    • Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s
    • Netherlands became rich not poor while adapting to life below sea level
    • We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter
    • Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change
    • Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels
    • Preventing future pandemics requires more not less “industrial” agriculture
    I know that the above facts will sound like “climate denialism” to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism.
    …For years, I referred to climate change as an “existential” threat to human civilization, and called it a “crisis.”
    But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public.
    I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren’t getting worse.
    …It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables.
    Some highlights from the book:
    • Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress
    • The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land
    • The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium
    • 100% renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today’s 0.5% to 50%
    • We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities
    • Vegetarianism reduces one’s emissions by less than 4%”

    Etc, ad nauseum.

    Just like Greenpeace founder Pat Moore and the recent documentary on renewable energy “Planet of the Humans.” But don’t worry: facts, logic, they have no traction here, there are only da feelz in the Land of the Lost. Truth, #Logos, is the one true enemy. #Resistance. #Insurrection. Against #Reality.

    If people got a shovel and started some permaculture, they would all know this. What was possible or not. When you read online, they are just ideas, and all ideas: vampires, talking polar bears, are all possible and equal inside the mind. Work is the equalizer, the grounding rod to #Reality.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2020 #60541
    Dr. D

    I think you’ve nailed it: that type of pollution happens largely because of transport. Local production = a tiny paper box for your berries, or not even that if the market vendor keeps it. Probably much else in that, as, how much spent in machines and parts for transport, in roads and bridges for transport, in retail paving 1,000 acres to vend the transported?

    …And back to one, if Dean’s tariffs are put on, we also can’t enslave and pollute, ship garbage somewhere else and pretend we don’t know it’s not being re-used.

    Parents: clearly they don’t care if the vaccine “works”; that’s not the point. If they cared about anything, they wouldn’t ship cases to nursing homes and demand people get into the streets. I’m pretty sure it won’t work, and they’ll be “accidents”. Or is that, accidentally reducing annoying populations how it does “work”?

    Why bother with oil? Technical reasons: the refineries cannot be easily adjusted and must mix our light oil/liquids with their very heavy crude to make marketable sale. If V goes offline, our refineries do too, in a way. Therefore, they must control the STABILITY of that oil, and its price, to make the U.S. end work correctly. Even though the equipment and profits are here, it can’t work correctly without them. V is in the same position, though. Without some light to mix with, and the exact right refineries to crack it, they have a lot of road tar and no gas to drive on it.

    I disagree, but that makes no matter. I also feel under the lies, there IS something with Iran, V, and a few others. Notice how all the present bad players, Strzok, DeBlasio, Jarett, are not just from the CIA, but from the IRANIAN stationed CIA? How many of those punks could there be on earth? And all of them are at the top, all pulling the same direction? And we know BP set up Iran in ’56, but then who suddenly toppled the West with clean impunity, which has never been done that I can find? Just some clerics with cassette tapes and no intel structure one day? Doubt it. Would believe, for example, that France was annoyed and got back in to push UK/BP out, but it doesn’t fit later facts. That leaves some 3rd subterranean power bloc I can’t define. If there is such a one, then as corporations are as a cloud, circling the earth borderless, then this borderless power bloc hovers, travels, and is in many nations too.

    Strange? We have the CIA/Derp State/MI6 working seamlessly, and include 5 Eyes, Saudi, and Israel. They are essentially one group with tight, interlocking interests. So why wouldn’t there be a tight, interlocking power bloc in Iran/Ven and a few places? And although certain blocs here might like them and their position on the board (causing war tensions for profit) they may legitimately be against and financing, undermining American, that is, the “peoples’” interests. Or so it seems from their actions. That’s why I’m uncharacteristically soft on these sanctions, but pretty hard on transparency and law at home. For instance: almost certain there’s a hidden breakaway state in Iran military. …You know, just like there is in the U.S.? We see every day in the news who attack the legitimate, elected government and all the people who voted for it? So V may be more like 90% breakaway with a 10% layer of actual government on top instead of vice versa as here or Iran.

    Doesn’t make it legal or right, though. I’m still against it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2020 #60522
    Dr. D

    Well only one number then. 20M is NY Metro, and now we’re in all 50 states. So any common-sense estimate? 120M? When the tests don’t work, who can tell?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 26 2020 #60492
    Dr. D

    What’s keeping the market up?

    Could it be $1 Trillion per month bailouts, that started back in September at $400B, then $700B, and now $1,000B. But they have gotten better at hiding it in the Fed books.

    Large systems have large explosions. Remember the Star Trek episode where time stopped as their starship was exploding? Just because it’s slow doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

    Why do you think they’re doing more stimulus, more stimulus? Oh and yes: Jubilee for the rich, Capitalism for the poor. For now. But without a system, there is no system of power for the rich. Their only asset is the debt of poor people who won’t pay. That’s not rich, that’s poor; that’s not strong, it’s weak. Like Germany, who then cuts off tourism as Greece’s only source of income. While selling their ports to China, the other source of income.

    Amid bad news, certain good news: bumper crop in corn perhaps. In the U.S. Panic! Disaster! Will this help fill the locusts happening throughout the Old World? And therefore find a market? Because we are nearly the last remaining food exporter? Which do you prefer? iPhones? Or food?

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says the true number of cases is likely to be 10 times higher than the reported figure.”

    Huh? Then 200M people have it and we’re done. Yay! Drinks all ’round! Also who are the “health officials” that are NOT the CDC? The Bakersfield school nurse? …Nevermind, the WHO and CDC have been totally, completely wrong about everything so far and will be wrong about this too. More than 20M are surely affected – there’s that many in NY Metro – but we’re probably not at 200M either. Wrong and wrong. Because: experts. Because: adult American opened mouth. Because: Printed in media. Guarantees no skepticism, no fact checking.

    UK Officials May Be Legally Culpable for His Torture (CN)”

    So they’re going to put the UK in jail? Or like CHAZ, they make the innocent taxpayers fund all your criminal malfeasance so they can do it again tomorrow?

    On Cambodia: they’re still doing this, and we’re still applauding them. Open-air slave markets in Libya, constant warfare in Africa, and criminal investigations if you withdraw, while we ring-fence Russia with first-strike nukes and embargo Syria and Venezuela. Parties love it. All officials are protected and adored at the highest levels. Heck, we could find out you and your fundraisers were serial rapists of underage girls from Minnesota at the highest level and still fight FOR the criminals FOR the media that covered it up, and AGAINST the victims and prosecutors.
    But it’s different from Cambodia. We’re for slavery, but that’s different from when Jefferson was for it. The difference is we’re perfect! We’re the good guys!


    in reply to: The Importance Of Where And What #60488
    Dr. D

    DNC Head Howard Dean had a simple solution: We tariff nations on the basis of how similar their environmental and worker laws are compared to ours. In that way, we all go up, and we have a true level playing field. To his credit it took a few months, not minutes to kick him out of the party after saying this. Doesn’t make it not true, though.
    However, it seems you’re against resource use, and therefore extraction, you are against life itself. There is no life without neg-entropy, drawing energy and inputs to yourself and pushing waste and entropy away. Since ticks, but also bugs, trees, giraffes, whales and plankton do this, they are similarly immoral and should be removed. I don’t think that fits. Rather we are animals who have the rights and requirements of all living things, and live as a part of an eternal whole.

    “You are a child of the universe
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
    Therefore be at peace.”

    It is our denial of life and our animal nature that causes such trouble, not our embrace of it. That is why we are unthinking, and therefore victims of our success. If we weren’t denying, seeing nature as the “other”, we would think not “let’s save the earth” because the earth will be fine, but “let’s save ourselves” and our standard of life, the freedom and air and pleasure that makes life worth living. We can only do that by gardening earth as is the way of our species, and gardening it to increase all species as is also our way. Denying death, killing, eating, trading, sacrificing, cooperating, is how we’ve come to have nothing, not even the right to leave our lairs, see our children, and breathe free air anymore. It’s not only anti-human, it is anti-life, and no other species is death-desiring enough to do so.

    As Husky says, you have an “end of Rome” or “Soviet” moment, where, if you do not align with natural law and protect property – negentropy – rights, “capital,” that is, “people” will bury their coins in a pot in the back yard, take no risks, and do no work for 70 or 1,000 years until things change and they give up their unnatural, anti-life ways.

    I doubt they will, because they must learn their lesson. But the Black Market and corruption, and the violence and dangers therein, will be brisk. If you think the environment is bad under Capitalism, wait until you see it under Communism. viz, China.

    in reply to: The Importance Of Where And What #60461
    Dr. D

    The issue is complex and not to fret on not spending line on every small issue, or of blaming the victim, but

    1) if the banks don’t have absolutely certain access to completely free money they would have be prudent and prioritize and limit credit. Therefore credit would be cut off early and safely. This is a fundamental way in which the present system is intentionally broken, and nations have been grasped and drowned by it many times.

    2) as part of 1, Financialization, they have spent 40-60 years specifically arranging tax, tariff, trade, and worker laws to drive U.S. production overseas on the basis of saving the a) worker, b) environment c) safety d) regulation. Therefore no choice is possible to buy American or local, because it is de facto illegal and to do so would bankrupt you shortly. Many Americans or American businesses have tried since 1980 and failed. So you cannot be a “responsible American” either with savings (0% interest paid) or with purchases (0% products are all U.S.).

    Nor can any one person reverse large wheels set in motion, much less the average working Joe, though they are held underwater and accused of drowning. The best we can do is read the times and position accordingly. However, that is working against one’s self: even should you make the 25-fold rise in Dow stocks and donate to anti-financial causes, you are still enriching the financiers then paying to attack them — zero sum at best. Meanwhile the other side can make the 25x and lose no donations but rather donate to enhance the unfair, anti-worker, anti-American effect.

    And so they have.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 24 2020 #60390
    Dr. D

    Don’t worry about Twain : really they’re just banning reality itself. It conflicts with their ego, so you know which one will have to change. Me? Or should I destroy everything on earth, past, present, and future? The choice is clear…

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which — I — am always Right.” – George Orwell, “1984”

    Daily new cases = daily new testing. Hey, does this mean that with every test the denominator gets larger so the death rate gets smaller? Why yes it does. Texas! Panic! Rates rising (due to testing). Rate? 0.007% (2.2k : 30M)

    Since Putin knows who started WWII, he’s warning us against making the same mistake (again). But don’t worry: the West will never learn. Why should they? It’s your sons who die, not theirs.

    Did the Guardian really just say information and journalism is the same and equal whether you’re on the ground in battle or on your sofa reading Twitter? Yes they did. Because they’re The Guardian. Sure saves a lot of money on sending people places and having them know things! You know, where you talk to people, confirm things, call them on the phone? OMG, don’t you TXT? Bored already.

    P.S. The Guardian ran a bunch of bogus pics, pretty much constantly, I’m thinking of the ones done on a movie set in Egypt pretending to be Syria. Like ISIS, blue-checkmark approved! Totally supported while the people calling out fake chlorine and fake WHO were banned.

    “Johnson and May Ignored Claims Russia Had ‘Likely Hold’ Over Trump (G.)”

    So the gist of the article is that BoJo and May were totally, completely right? And the claims of MI6 were totally, completely wrong? Because Mueller and 100 congressional committees found nothing in 4 years of trying?

    Steele, who said under oath his data was completely, hilariously unverified and was doing your garden-variety every-year election-tampering of British interests in all elections worldwide, claims May should have looked further into his fabricated election-rigging stories. I agree. In order to fire and/or prosecute Mr. Steele and all of MI6 for attacking an ally. I’m thinking the room next to Skripal, since they, and he, and their handler were all close pals. Coincidentally.

    Remember, they’re at it again, with a British org calling on crooked-by-certified NBC journalists activists to get one side’s election banned from the internet. With friends like these…

    Speaking of, so yesterday Twitter says it’s a violation of service to enforce the rules. Yes. We know you feel that way. You haven’t enforced the rules fairly since you were born, or since 230 was written. The only crime is enforcing the law. In this case the speaker was the president, and the law was saying that it’s is indeed a federal crime to secede from the Union. How dare you!

    Bonus? Twitter says, “This violates our terms of service but we kept it visible in the public interest.” No. No you didn’t. Because they opened their mouth, it is therefore a lie. You kept it up because a Federal Judge has already heard the case and told you you could NOT remove the President’s posts, because they are a de-facto public platform and service. You can’t remove them even if you wanted to without civil or criminal prosecution. But keep jabbering away your nonsense and pretend threats. Hey, wouldn’t that be “editorializing” and therefore grounds for removing 230 protection?

    Ah, if only someone would enforce the law. Say, whose job is that anyway? Who’s the top policeman?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 23 2020 #60345
    Dr. D

    Utah article totally fact-free. Like all modern news articles. How many deaths? Don’t say. How many cases? Does say. What percentage? Doesn’t say. Is it increasing or decreasing? Doesn’t say. Who is affected? Doesn’t say. Is there any danger of restricted resources? Doesn’t say. We can only infer that it’s reducing quite a lot – perhaps wrongly – because the Governor has downgraded to green. Apparently 180° out of opposition to the article.

    Okay, since nobody has this “Google” thing, here’s the number: 158.

    158 dead in 6 months. Population? 3.2 million. 0.005% death rate. Now that IS in shark and water buffalo territory! At the same time 158 died, 25,000 babies were born in Utah. At this rate, life and hope will drown out irrational fear and death at a rate of 158:1 into a great blue future where life so overwhelms death that Utah is overpopulated and colonizes Mars.

    Sigh. Facts. Statistics. Why do I bother? They’re not emotional, they’re real and not made-up, so no one cares. The real world languishes for lack of people seeing and interacting with it. The real world, outside with trees and swings is lonely, longing for a single human.

    So back to the headline, anybody want to shut down the economy and kill all 3.2 million Utahns for a danger equal to traffic deaths, 0.005%? Without facts or logic, heck why not? I hear sometimes there is still a single case of plague or death by sour milk, so we can shut down the economy for that too. …I mean except for the part where all 3.2 million die instead of just the 158. But: logic. Without it who can tell the difference, really?

    It would stop Corona alright: when every last dirty human is dead of malnutrition and lack of health care due to no economy, we’ll have shown that virus but good! Sort of your Mutual Assured Destruction approach. #AntiLife in every degree.

    Don’t worry: all articles tomorrow will read the same, and say I’m stupid and bad at math. See that square in the corner? Type “Calc.exe.” Numbers go in there. Try it!

    Here’s one for you: Cuomo’s foray into forced LTC killed as many as 1 in 160 of every Utahn. (20k : 3.2m) X lives don’t matter. He’s considered a successful expert, trustworthy and good. Utah with 158 deaths is considered backward and stupid. Danger! Panic Now! And wheel turns on…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2020 #60291
    Dr. D

    Schrodinger’s Disease: It’s both safe and not safe. You’re supposed to get it and not get it at the same time.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 21 2020 #60290
    Dr. D

    Picture: Americans working. Must. Be. Stopped.

    Another Idiot Day, which we celebrate with lies. Q: suppose Russia had hacked the campaign and tangled up Biden’s rally. Election Interference! Pearl Harbor! BombBombIran (or whoever, doesn’t matter, don’t need facts) When it’s T, nope! Funny and good. Stunning and brave. Hecken successful.

    Now in reality, neither, since no one was turned away, it was a normal post-Covid rally with 2M online views. Don’t know what they think they won, but signaling is all, that everyone who wanted to got a seat and no one’s vote has changed means nothing.

    But anyway, great fun, but punk’d who? Stopped what? And how was organizing with offshore intervention not “foreign election-interference”? I know, “It’s not fascism when WE do it!”(Dress up in black, burn books, attack groups and intimidate voters). It’s getting impossible to even imagine there being equity between players, one rule for all, as any normal life demands.

    So as expressed for 4 years now, the DNC is running 2016 all over again. It’s astonishing. Overconfidence reigns, right down to Joe not hiring campaign officials yet in WI and MI. Okay! I’ll tell you not to, but go ahead. It’s just hard to see the game played badly.

    Schiff told us in 2017 that he had seen “more than circumstantial” evidence of collusion. He lied.”

    Bolton is now saying essentially the same thing. Everyone believes him because after 3 years of non-stop “Bombshell: Walls closing in” complete fail nothingburgers, no one learns. Apparently no one’s paying a cost for being totally wrong 1,200 days in a row or they’d learn right quick. Don’t worry: the working people are. All costs and learning, all “capitalism” you know: where there’s “bankruptcy”? Falls exclusively on them. This is how the upstarts-over-the-hill march into the Forbidden City or into Chaldean Babylon without firing a shot. “Mene mene tekel upharsin.” And you can measure them by their restraint and self-control. I.e. not burning things like Abolitionists.

    “No one would have ever fathomed, that America – the greatest country in the world – with “the greatest economy ever” – could even be on the cusp of a civil war.”

    AYFKM? Rural folks thought they’d attack as far back as the 90’s, but using the Federales. In fact, they attacked for sheer instigation and amusement a handful of times. So, a few illiterate TV-glued suburbanites in 1% areas thought things were okay? They’ve been methodically setting this up for years and essentially putting in the pieces and telling you so for 3 Presidents, how could you possibly, possibly miss it? Well, apparently we’ll go through it, go out the other side and people won’t fathom it happened in the past. Other locations like Argentina do this too: “Oh, honey, it’s not that bad. It’s just about to get better.” “Ma, you’re going to the (empty) market in body armor…” Nope. …And ride Da Nile for a lifetime. Sure Minneapolis is burned down, but Oak Park (ave $175k) is fine. …Until it isn’t, like the rich, hipster district now known as CHOP. You know, where they’ve had a murder each day, and cry big tears when they call the police they banned from the area and the police don’t come. But…that’s what you wanted? What you said? You’re in control now, buddy, live it up! …But that requires hard work, and like holy water it burns, it burns! Cannot touch it. YOU do the work, you know like not sleeping or eating while training 8 long years in medicine. I give the orders: Gimme sammich.

    “Greece Urges UK to Return Parthenon Marbles (G.)”

    Since Europe has attacked and destroyed the tourist south with Covid, what’s the point? No one will see them anyway. When South Europe collapses due to EU policies the statues will be safer from fire and painting in London than Athens. …Or you think the same crews that took down Lincoln and Grant won’t take down Athena?

    Start with lies, end with lies: After admitting he was lying on 60 Minutes to get everyone killed about how masks don’t work, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI St. Fauci then said he saved 2 million people. …By telling them no masks? No dumb-head. Then how? Doesn’t know. Doesn’t say. Just opens mouths, lies come out.

    “Lowering the Curve” means, you know, that. “Lowering.” “The.” “Curve.” That is, you’ll have EXACTLY the same number of people, — everyone will get it – but everyone will get it S L O W E R. So no Science here! He’s America’s Science-free zone! Unless you’re going to argue that anywhere in the country people were in any danger of running out of supplies, especially those ventilators we had 50,000 of but didn’t need. …You know, outside of NYC where Cuomo killed 20,000 by contaminating every nursing home by force.

    Why don’t people trust Science anymore? Is it just because they lie with every waking breath to pick your pocket and get you killed? The world may never know.

    WMD and ties to Al-Qaeda. RussiaRussiaRussia. My helicopter was taking fire. We’re going to shut down for 4 weeks. RoundUp is safe as water. Trust us, we’re here to help.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 20 2020 #60195
    Dr. D

    From the people who got everything wrong and killed a whole bunch of people:

    “WHO Chief: “The Pandemic Is Accelerating,” Warns of “New & Dangerous Phase”

    Uh-huh. Like this “acceleration”:


    You could say I’m fed up with sociopathic mathematicians justifying ending the Enlightenment and all human rights with their crackpot theories that never occur. Still 25 Million short of being justifiable. They’re so IYI they don’t realize they’re first against the wall should human rights diminish.

    In other science news, we discover that larger countries have more people than smaller ones:

    “Brazil Coronavirus Total Tops 1 Million, Second Only To US: Live Updates”


    Hadn’t time to post it, but at our hospital, I realized some of the new hospitalizations are incidental. That is, Joe delayed his cancer and heart symptoms for 4 months but now is forced to go to the hospital with worse outcomes. He is given a test at the door, and is now in the Covid ward, although Covid has no symptoms or effects, and he’s really there for a heart stent. However, statistically he is an “increasing rise in Covid hospitalizations”. Nor can anyone do anything about this, it is perfectly true, and must be.

    On the opposite side, as we fight against cures with every fiber of our being, (adequate Vitamin D suggesting to be 80% cure, supporting both city and melanin numbers) they are still barely getting better at it. So there are a number of people NOT on the death numbers, but nevertheless may have long-term injuries, and below 70 too. They are not in the Covid death numbers but arguably should be in some way.

    So still: Covid numbers still always add Influenza et al numbers, number of tests = number of cases, test ≠ test, hospitalizations may be unrelated to Covid injury, and Covid death numbers ≠ Covid severity. Your numbers are garbage. Let’s do higher math on them.

    Oh and let’s just SAY, make up, fabricate, invent, prevaricate, lie, that there is a second wave, and when every number says it doesn’t exist – at all – just write and claim it anyway. We gots elections to rig here!

    Why don’t people trust Science, St. Fauci laments? People are just ignorant, superstitious, and irrational. I mean, just because I LIED, openly, to their faces, getting them killed, on national TV, for MONTHS, invoking science and wrapping myself in the flag of knowledge and truth, then a month later reversed and called them all stupid and unscientific AGAIN….is no reason not to believe me and Science. Science is all things and their opposites now, not just in series, but with nurse-lauded protests, AT THE SAME TIME. That’s logic. Don’t criticize, don’t question. Because asking questions is unscientific. Asking about theories the evidence doesn’t appear to support is unscientific. Believing the people whose theories that were initiall RIGHT instead of catastrophically wrong is unscientific. Submit or die.

    Sound like the sort of science you want to live under? Science of Stalin and
    Pope Urban VIII? How many fingers am I holding up? We were always at war with Estasia. Schrodinger’s mask.

    The problem being of course that Science only works for men of Courage, who are not cowards and pathological liars, toadies, slaves to popular opinion, as ours are, from the Nobel committee to the nurses PPE’d and applauding maskless 10,000 man riots in the streets. That’s good both for the Covid AND the burn unit. Profits are high this quarter. Nurses should be proud.

    Srsly, wtf.

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams (whose abolitionist statue will be removed shortly)

    If people can’t regulate themselves internally, with #Logos and restraint, they will be regulated externally, with a jack-boot. We know which way the media, corporations, and oligarchs prefer.

    PS “Mother Of Atlanta Cop Charged With Murder Fired For “Creating An Uncomfortable Workplace”

    Being a relative of the accused is now also a firing offense. You need do nothing, simply exist to be purged in the Glorious Cultural Revolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution 2 Million dead. You know, to re-establish control wavering after the 30 Million dead of starvation a year before.

    Q: What’s the best way to kill communists? A: Communism.

    Give them everything they want and they’ll have a Berlin wall creating, gun-toting, racial segregation-running, free-speech stopping, religion-attacking, slavery-supporting, reporter-beating, no due process dictatorial zone in no time. 5 days actually. The outside can only reflect what’s inside your heart.

    Why do I fight this? Because I can leave them alone to their world and their beliefs, but they cannot leave me alone to mine. No step on snek. No hecken.

    But yeah, Science has a perpetual “Lying to Everyone on National TV Everyday” problem. “Roundup: Safe as Water!”™ Skripals say: “VX: Also safe as Water!”™ C’mon, when have Vioxx, Statins, Thalidomide, or reducing your Vitamin D with illegal, unlegislated house arrest ever kill anyone? Oh, yesterday? RussiaRussiaRussia. They’re under your bed in West Germany. Look!

    Not to fear: we’re not meant to be governable. The People are the government, they must form to govern themselves or perish. And the States are in charge, able to promote their individual character and desire in contrast to the former Federal or world monoculture.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 19 2020 #60162
    Dr. D

    Fauci comes out and says, “Yeah, we knew masks would help, but we told you not to use them so you’d be killed.” Science!™ Ah, ‘Trust us, we’re here to help.”™ And my favorite: anyone who said the obvious then (or now, really) was lifetime banned. Even when the WHO and CDC and Fauci, and Birx, and
    e v e r y b o d y else was totally, completely transparently d e a d wrong.

    Today’s fun: Rallies for Arson? Medically safe. Rallies for parties? Totally deadly.

    So deadly in fact, I’m still waiting on the 25 million dead. Or any number above seasonal average. Remember: according to the CDC, George Floyd died of Covid.

    Hey, today’s fun, rising cases = rising testing. Who knew? A: Everyone?

    2nd wave, as they said, totally in action. Science!™

    It looks like this:

    and this:

    Yup! Hey, is that exactly the statistical pandemic curve, flat, rises fast, then flattens on its own as all people are exposed? Exactly as if we’d done nothing at all? Why yes, yes it is. Besides, isn’t the whole point and plan is FOR people to get it? So isn’t getting it a GOOD thing? Or at least necessary? Nope, we pretend we’re both trying to get it and not get it at the same time. Getting it is good, but it’s also bad. We’re sad and it’s a catastrophe both ways! Panic! We have always been at war with Estasia.

    And don’t forget: +20-40% of the people were killed intentionally by Cuomo, Whitmer and the gang pushing people out of a not-full medical system into an unprepared LTC system by force.

    Your helping did nothing but destroy everyone in America, help billionaires, and have created riots and food pinch points that will come into play shortly largely against the poor. Oh and no police while you pay taxes for them anyway and the rich buy private security. Congratulations. When Nike, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, Novartis, and every slave-owning oligarch is for it, might be a clue it’s not good for you, the common people. The same establishment is totally, completely, overwhelming FOR BLM, which means they are the Oligarch army, not the Resistance. If they like you and your cause, you’re obviously helping them, could it be more clear?

    Their website: “We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege… We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement… We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network”

    Does that sound like a bait-and-switch for nationwide Socialism and peculiar social norms many supporters would oppose, but Socialist/Fascist corporations, the Deep State, and their handmaiden parties have been forcing on an unsuspecting population for decades, impoverishing many, erasing the Middle Class, and making Black Lives and Black DNC cities worse decade after decade?

    Facts, logic. Why do I bother? The point of existence right now is full rebellion to #Reality itself, with all the ill consequences that entails.

    “Huey P. Newton of the Black Panthers said it best fifty years ago: “Marxism is my hustle.”

    Speaking of that article, today’s link here: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/juneteenth/

    It ends with “today is Juneteenth, a day to celebrate. But how…?”

    By pulling down famous abolitionists, burning down black businesses, and erasing examples of successful black experiences, what else? Every get the idea this is a scam, a hustle? But they have that vast heteronormative conspiracy thing covered.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 18 2020 #60118
    Dr. D

    Keeping up with Chaz, or in this case “Chop” (“What did they do during the French Revolution??? Chop!” – Actual quote from CHAZ meeting.)

    Chaz has moved seamlessly from colonization, violence, police brutality, suppression of due process, religion, and human rights, into race-slavery: “A post that appeared on the subreddit for the Seattle ‘CHAZ’ autonomous zone that has been taken over by left-wing extremists suggests rounding up all the white people and organizing them into forced work brigades.”

    That’s right: depending solely on your pigmentation, you are now officially captured and enslaved, though not transported…yet. But like I said, these guys just love slavery. Don’t know why. Love Apple, love Nike, love Amazon, love Weinstein, major fund raiser, love Epstein major political power-player for decades and his buddy’s clothes in Victoria’s Secret, love human trafficking across the border, and the poor maligned coyotes who do the trafficking before INS stops to give 13-year-olds their pregnancy tests. Love slavery in forcing smart, highly-trained doctors to give them care for free, love slavery when they print money and get free Cheetos on the couch provided by others who work. Love, love, love. They are the party of love-bricks and love-arson, the party that re-established open-air slave markets, and now the proud party of race slavery here at home.

    But thankfully the statues of abolitionists have been removed by the roving safety council in black masks and carrying bats, and so long as we love being beaten in the streets we are indeed safe…from being beaten some more. What a crazy day.

    ““I can help keep a lookout for them, how do they look like?” asks one CHAZ occupier. “What are the signs to identify them? I would think going up to ask them is dangerous.”

    “Anyone that is white,” says a respondent.”

    Stunning and brave. Tolerance and diversity in action.

    Meanwhile, back in the real world: “Harvard Professor: “Defunding The Police Is Not A Solution And Could Cost Thousands Of Black Lives”

    Hope they didn’t spend a lot of money on that study. The Black community, along with minorities, whites, and a majority of all Americans agree. Except for these tiny fringe lunatics – fronted by rich, white progressives, but backed by most major establishment media and corporations – everyone wants police with reform. So they are therefore measurably AGAINST what the black and minority communities want. …And told Black people to shut up about it at the Chaz. They didn’t notice. Irony is dead, because it requires rules, thoughts, and words to have meanings.
    While this is going on, open riots shoulder to shoulder, liquor stores are essential, Church is cancelled permanently, and they’re attacking Jews at funerals, welding their gardens shut.

    Wish I were making it up.

    So…does the side attacking Jews, supporting open, active anti-Semites like Farrakhan, Ilhan Omar, and the Women’s March people, does trampling the black community and doing the opposite of what they say, to say nothing of destroying the jobs and livelihoods of 200M working people and burning their much-needed mostly inner-city businesses say, “Are we the baddies here” yet? Nope. Not on your life. That would require self-reflection of ego, which cannot be restrained by mere #Logic and #Physics. That would require submission to #Logos, which is the very rebellion they stand for.

    As you like it. As you wish. However, know that in #Reality, cause and effect are not actually suspended and rules and consequences do still exist.

    Well, at least Paw Patrol and Fawlty Towers have been banned. Hattie McDaniel and Candice Owens have been silenced. Books are burned, Jews are driven out of public spaces. The world is safe for tolerance and diversity again.

    “Prof Says University “Inclusion & Diversity” Efforts Are A “Smokescreen” That Harms Black Students”

    Huzzah White Karen! Stunning and brave!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 18 2020 #60117
    Dr. D

    The full round was entertaining: A foreign political actor used an NBC reporter to CREATE a story — instead of reporting one — by asking/demanding Google ban NBC’s financial news competition. Google joyfully complied. So foreign agents prompt an end of freedom of speech and plausible election-rigging in service of a monopoly destroying competition.

    …Snap goes the trap. So Google will ban not the sites, but the COMMENTS section, that is, the public itself. But ZH comments are notoriously rude and saucy. Don’t matter: the same rude bois go to NBC, HuffPo, all over to say the same rude things…but compliant, election-rigging sites are not banned, although the anti-war left is. Don’t see why it should matter. As we see with Flynn, DACA, other court/SC rulings, they just say “We don’t like it so we made up a rule the legislators didn’t say.” “The Law is in my mouth.” You know, like ACA, aka Schrodinger’s Tax. “’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.” Newsflash: We’re not the master; we’re the slaves. Might makes right. Power is the master, by any means necessary.

    Whether you like the recent ruling, the SC is at it again with conflating sex and gender, one of which is social. And in NY for example, “gender” is literally ANY THING you wish it to be. So if your gender involves being naked and robbing people, or dressing up like a yellow cat and crawling on all fours on your salesman rounds, that’s legally protected. You’d think that’s crazy, but it took about a week for people to say they were “women” and enter sports and visit little girls’ bathrooms too. Even I thought trouble from that take time and be real but minor. Nope. Noticeable and instant. Women’s protections trampled and made unsafe. That’s why words have meanings. But if you can’t change the law, change the meaning of the words in the law instead. Reality is whatever I say it is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 16 2020 #60072
    Dr. D

    Commenters are on the same page.

    Amazingly and dangerously ignorant:

    Defaced John Greenleaf Whittier, foremost abolitionist.

    Matthias Baldwin, outspoken abolitionist in 1830, defaced with “murderer” and “colonizer.” As far as we know, he was not accused nor suspected of murder, and it’s difficult to be a colonizer when he was born in New Jersey to a man also born in New Jersey. …But these guys believe in racial supremacy and racial determination, so all white guys must return to Europe while all black guys must NOT return to Africa. That would be silly and racist, of course. P.S., Ireland would be very full.

    Defaced Union war heroes David Farragut and George Thomas, who killed 1/10th of all (white) American men to end slavery on behalf of Black Americans. We should pay reparations to the decedents of the white families who fought for their liberation.

    And of course, the U.S. Flag itself, which is the flag of the government that voluntarily ended slavery at tremendous cost.

    And wasn’t Jefferson in a long-term interracial relationship risking his standing and reputation?

    Well, when you’re ISIS, of course you must destroy all history, all symbols, all traces except those of the pure party. That’s love, diversity, and tolerance!

    Well, waiting for the dynamiting of Harriet Tubman while the statue of Conf. Gen. Pike and KKK Senator Byrd still stand.

    And I hear Einstein and FDR made mistakes once; shouldn’t they be destroyed from history #MeToo?

    Why yes, everyone but ME, my ego, must be destroyed and replaced with my ego. Only then can there be peace. “[When we] win back the House and/or the Senate civility can start again.” — HRC Hail Hydra!

    “Our enemies are your enemies: Disorder. War. It’s just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? A holding action. A band-aid. …. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It’s the next step. …Society’s at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning, we’re going to give it a push. But, if you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine. And HYDRA can’t give the world the freedom it deserves.” –Winter Soldier

    Freedom. Order. Peace of the irrepressible boot. Just kill those 20 million Americans like Alinsky and CIA contractor Deagle predicted, and the other 300 million fall in line. It’s obvious. Logical. Destroy the nation and replace it with something better: your own image. Don’t be an enemy of #Logic and #Order, obviously you must pay people to riot in the streets and destroy things. Only then can we remove Liberty, the Constitution, and 10 Human Rights.

    “The Ends Justify the Means” — Niccolo Machiavelli, who having written this, was rejected by his patrons. A statement so wrong even the Borgias couldn’t accept it.

    So what are we up to here?

    Since if you can’t push: pull, what happens after the French Revolution of Robespierre, in our case the virtual mob cutting off virtual heads?

    After Robespierre came Napoleon. And the 1st “world” war in Europe, and 12 years of total genocidal carnage. Worked a charm! Rich folks who financed the war, sold the supplies, made a mint! Nasty, dirty peasants killed 3.0 – 6.5 million out of maybe 88M involved – almost a 10% mortality rate as the 4th Turning, total wars usually are. Bought up all their assets from the burned and ruined cities.

    So long as they get this war that resets the finance and perpetuates control, they need not worry about Cheeto specifically, or the failed 50-year plan to establish a USSA under Socialist rule in the Weimar/Russian plan. They failed the short plan and fall back to the long plan.

    Nor would Cheeto be Napoleon here, clearly. But once the Trotskyites of HRC, Alinsky, and the gang fail, the social pressure will swing back to law and order, to nationalism and country. So whoever shows up next can call on deep patriotism from obedient Zoomers who long for order and an end to total madness and irrational witch hunts based on skin color. …And THAT guy, at that time, will be dangerous. Probably against China, the trap HW Bush set up in 1989.

    But I’ve said this already. Just that the socialist revolution is having a 2nd wind right now, and will therefore be defeated far more soundly, driving the pendulum that much further. Which at this point seems to be the plan. Why else would the actors involved take so many, very great and specific pains to insure The Donald’s re-election when they could so easily a) put up a real candidate and platform or b) cede the inevitable loss and double back in cohesive force in a mere 4 years with a base as quickly restored as the GOP has? But no: every. single. move. is specifically designed to get Trump elected in a landslide. Every crazed stereotype, every fear, every indignity, every violence, every alarm is being activated to channel the people into law and order and support of tradition, i.e. the Status Quo. Every move is being made to make the DNC cease to exist, the moderates to become “Republican” and be replaced by a Progressive or BLM party.

    So who wins from this? From supporting order, status quo, creating a new generation of patriotic military force? Guess. What will the world look like two Presidents from now? Not a fan.

    Hold the line for the decentralized Federal Republic with equality under the law and human rights. It seems we’ll be the only ones.


    Ironic, since that’s exactly what I was going to say about Yaneer and Taleb. They precisely account for everything except human behavior, the one thing they’re measuring.

    They achieved this less than 16 years after the Wright brothers’ historic 1903 flight”

    And they pretend we’ve had no advancement in technology since 1970. Still can’t get to the moon. We forgot how, AND lost all the tapes and records. Honest! Nothing to see in our DUMB Bunkers but sticks and stones.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 15 2020 #60043
    Dr. D

    So today, keeping up with the instigation and intentional destruction:


    Impeachment distracting focus from world’s best-timed virus.


    Release violent prisoners in Blue areas under COVID excuse. (as in Argentina, et al.)

    Destroy entire middle class with shutdown and move assets to billionaire monopolies.

    Failure as Trump’s approval rises anyway.

    World’s best-timed riots.

    Fire all police while we promote riots and release all prisoners over and over.

    Continue to arrest business owners and law-abiding people who venture out.

    Continue to release all rioter and provide their bail over and over.

    Riot again when people are hurt attacking the police.

    Put it all on the news, so there is end of faith in logic, reason, authorities, and government.

    Proceed until election is disrupted and therefore disputed.

    Blame RussiaRussiaRussia.


    Part Deux:

    Chaz fights against police, violence, oppression, and for freedom.

    Police withdraw.

    Chaz takes the precinct. Because they have a flag, they claim the area despite the native population already living there.

    Use guns to enforce order.

    Support open carry and violent militias associate with terrorist attacks on immigrants.

    Far from disbanding, they set up a new police force before the old one has gone.
    Build a wall.

    Establish borders where immigrants are frisked and denied access if they are not authorized.

    Stop and frisk.

    Start a War on Drugs and prevent drugs from entering the area.

    Go to businesses and demand money for protection, as taxation.

    Defend only those businesses that they like.

    Harass and assault citizens like graffiti artists who vandalize their preferred businesses, ignoring those who act against non-preferred people/businesses.

    Free Food put out for homeless and other indigents is immediately stolen, leading to shortages.

    Set up racial segregation both in the garden, and in speaking.

    Ignore and shout down black voices who tell white Chaz leaders they are hijacking the Floyd movement.

    End religious freedom by attacking preachers who visit the AZ.

    Are presently ignoring and covering up sexual assaults and other crimes.

    Congratulations, you got exactly what you wanted. And that was: a lesson in government and human nature. Apparently the Socialist Utopia is exactly like the Conservative one except for the lack of law, order, rights, process, and work. No surprise since they are for robbery, arson, and murder as a general means of communication.


    Statues of KKK Grandmaster Senator Byrd – personal advisor to HRC — and Confederate heroes remain.
    Statues of Churchill, Lincoln, and Wm. Wilberforce under deep attack.

    Funny that apparently they like this, attack what gets in the news, what inflames the situations, never go after actual items or actual functional targets? It’s almost like a set-up, a puppet show, a scam.

    What’s the scam? Konstantin Kisin (UK):

    Konstantin Kisin’s Twitter thread on how woke culture risks a far right backlash

    The idea has always been to force the Right into overreacting, because the unarmed, illogical, and untrained Left would be mowed over in an afternoon and exist at the pleasure and amusement of people who do work and have experience with force and violence. Since they lost the Federal level, their 50-year plan is derailed. But: if you can’t push, then pull. They don’t care who fights who so long as they’re up on the hill with us divided. See if you can so infuriate the normies that they can be pushed to extremism on the “right”, i.e. to “Fascism” not Communism. (Yes I know they’re the same but using colloquial definitions here.) Same plan as Weimar and Russia, more or less the same pieces carefully put into place since 1970.

    However, despite all attacks and unceasing reports of right-wing violence, the right isn’t into it. So, good luck! The active right is still for Liberty and Process, not violence and statism. Howso? Compare the “Protests” of VA gun-owners with the “Protests” of the Left in MN. They’re burning the cities down, but the Right doesn’t care since they (on large) don’t live there and always expected them to. The Left has always mis-fired in their incredible, violent prejudice against hard workers, gun-owners, and rural people, so they constantly think Jimmy-Bob is on the brink of attacking someone. They never are. They’re on the brink of being left alone. What was it, last 5 out of 6 mass-shootings, before they gave up on the shooting narrative, were all Left, Democrats, and Antifa members, including Christchurch? So they think antagonizing the people will work. Maybe it will, but I don’t think so. Instead, it’s revealing to the world who the Left is and what they believe in, as with Chaz and their choice of statues, above.

    Couldn’t plan it better if you were Reagan incarnate. Please, please, keep going. Since I’m making this all up, and it’s not like I’ve said this going years back, feel free to ignore me. Nothing to see here. Just one guy who can read good and wants to do other stuff good too. Just a guy who believes people when they write stuff down and sign their names, when they tell him directly in their own words what they wish to do and why. It’s not that hard.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 12 2020 #59905
    Dr. D

    “Here’s What Caused the Worst Stock Market Sell-Off Since March (F.)”

    Nothing. Because there are no markets. However, each day there is a one-way increases the pressure and the danger. Despite idiot commentators and politicians, Shorts are the system stabilizer. Without them, when markets fall, no one covers, no one buys. Enormous air pockets. So strangely the sellers force the buy. But this is by design as they’re about to scuttle and re-start the system.

    Howso? Free money for unemployment, no taxes due, top control of industry, Fed owned by Treasury who owns stocks of all Business, and just now, a new initiative for national homelessness. Feds (that is, Indiana) solving California’s dismal 3rd world problems again. But anyway, why? Pure coincidence, I’m sure. You know, because they’ve been writing papers about how to do this since 1970.

    “The Real Economic Catastrophe Hasn’t Hit Yet.”

    No, but as there are no markets they will pull the plug and swap whenever they feel like it. Clearly.

    UK Economy Suffers Record Slump With GDP Plunging By 20.4% (Sky)”

    Great proof that GDP isn’t everything. People are still in houses, eating food and drinking water, watching last year’s TV sets and driving last year’s cars. How happy or unhappy are they? Don’t worry about the spot GDP, the system is large and has a lot of stock and inertia.

    Oh and if the virus is everywhere, Yay!!! It’s over. We’re done. You weren’t going to stop it, so where did you think we were going? But it’s not everywhere, is it? It still needs to stop some elections.

    US Virus Hotspots Reopen Despite Second Wave Specter (R.)”

    They did manage to achieve the Political Nirvana: The worst of all worlds. We killed everyone via the economy AND we didn’t stop the virus at all. As predicted. We could have had only one, but we didn’t get to choose: the only way to have only one of two disasters was to keep the economy open, Utopians excepted, still nattering on about math and overcoming all human nature that has never happened in human history.

    Retired Generals Who Denounced Trump Could Be Recalled, Prosecuted (JTN)”

    Or present Generals. Strangely this is true, and with good reason, although no one makes a big deal about it. You cannot incite to mutiny. Clearly that’s bad.

    Twitter Deletes Over 170,000 Accounts Tied To Chinese Propaganda (Hill)”

    Should read “Twitter openly glorifies violence, with Jack Dorsey at the lead. Twitter is the world leader in (false) Propaganda.” But it doesn’t. “All cops should be killed” page is wide open and approved, as were Al-Q and ISIS back in the day. “Hey let’s discuss this” says black conservative is banned. Told. You. So. Stop supporting them and playing on your enemy’s turf. Enemy as in “The Enemy of Free Speech and all Human Rights.”

    Among many things, Russiagate pushed Democratic Party further to the right;”

    And may get him re-elected. Thanks Democrats! Your failure to go after his REAL faults and crimes instead has been the greatest gift one could give. Grab your check on the way out.

    Obama Retread Sees Moscow’s Hand in Protests (Giraldi)”

    Hey, weren’t those the guys that started the open-air slave market in Libya? And now work for the media without being discredited in the least, either they or NBC? They should be so proud. We should DEFINITELY believe them on all things concerning Black oppression and human rights. The only thing better would be is they opened TWO slave markets! Wait: they did, the one in Ukraine is running briskly, and I wouldn’t look at any other place they were “Helping” like Sudan, the Mexican border, NYC garments, Apple and Nike… They just love slavery, I guess. Since Andrew Jackson, nothing changes.

    Flynn Case: 85 Lies, Contradictions, Oddities, and Unusual Occurrences (ET)”

    I do not find that suspicious at all. Nor when the Judge also becomes the prosecution who walked out for lack of evidence. Nor that the people the Judge hired to be his self-directed prosecution are witnesses and participants in the crime. Ms. Yates. Nope! American justice at work!

    …Since it’s okay to wiretap, harass and arrest opposition candidates now, can we wiretap Biden and everyone he’s talked to? 85 times? That’s democracy now, right? Funny ’cause it seems like Republicans are the only ones against it and they have the most to gain.

    whose career in jazz was destroyed by McCarthyism during the 1950s witch hunts.”

    Like everyone who is standing up against the National Socialists, on-line book-burning, and the neoMcCathyism of being “Racist” and “Far Right” today. History always comes around. Ask yourself: if you’re against investigations, books, speech, self-defense, due process, if you’re against law, for riots, for violent street safety groups roaming the streets in black, if your first question in any joke, movie, or conversation is “what is their race?” and not merit, if you are for violent wars of expansion against Russia, Syria, Libya, if you think it’s good and right to punch anyone you don’t like without any investigation or process, to shout down, harass, get fired, anyone who disagrees with you, firing bullets and fireworks at their children, if you have ever read the history of the 1930’s, perhaps you may ask yourself, “Are we the baddies here?”

    Nah. Just keep up your arson, violence, slandering, race-fascinated, color-judging, book-burning, people-destroying ways. ‘Cause that’s peace and tolerance! That’s true love and diversity!

    Love of the ego above all. Peace only when we have the justice of every. single. person. being only like me and doing exactly what I say before I say it. When tomorrow I change: they must change instantly, or die if they’re lucky. Probably I’ll just make something up, falsely slander, McCarthy, and kill them anyway. Yay me! Go me! Burnin’ books and killin’ folks, there is no greater love.

    in reply to: No More Washington or America #59902
    Dr. D


    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” – George Orwell, 1984

    Let’s get started on those statues! Then we’ll erase Mammy and GWTW, all black Oscars, all slave artifacts in museums, American history, then black voices who disagree, then all people who ever sinned, including Lincoln, Churchill, and Wm Wilberforce, then the United States of free speech, free action, and 10 Human Rights, then at last history altogether, so we cannot learn from it, “it” being “reality.” Then there will only be the Party, the eternal now, which being unable to defend ourselves, as ignorant as animals, will stamp on our faces forever.

    In 1984 Winston’s sole job was exactly what you propose: Erasing history. Rewriting it. You approve of its erasure in the missing article, and laud their suppression of basic human rights — free speech — without even reading, with no curiosity or alarm. Does this not give you pause? Assange is in prison for this, for trying to tell you the truth, which includes both good things about us all, but also bad. You seem to approve of the censorship that would have him silenced, imprisoned, and the war crimes he revealed hidden, the criminal state that committed them, protected. Don’t.

    “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” And violent power, of the State, of the billionaire oligarchs, control the PRESENT, they choose WHICH statues and histories fall, since all men sin, yourself included. These wealthy oligarchs to a man are SUPPORTING BLM, which shows clearer than I ever could that they consider BLM, the riots, the political actions as SUPPORTING themselves, their injustice, the violent State, and the [white] people who run it. Unreflective suppport is therefore helping them, and therefore by your definition hurting black people and the fight against racism. …Which is not a stretch at all, since it is exactly these people, these method, this party, who have done the same thing in every DNC state and city where conditions specifically against Black Community have gotten worse for 50 years in a row, while non-DNC areas have slowly improved. So whatever method they are using, it’s clearly counterproductive. Erasing human rights, free speech, discussion of history clearly does not help the Black Community and cause. How could it?

    It’s not the actions or discussion itself that’s the problem, but the method: the end justifies the means. Clearly statues come down all the time, monuments are renamed, but we have a democratic PROCESS by which to do it. I don’t just go to the “Jackson Building” and burn it down, because later we find it was named after Michael Jackson, not Stonewall. You may think I’m kidding, but I’m not: GwtW was only latest in criminal line of embarrassments. Removing Wilberforce, the PM who ended British slavery, was only yesterday. Erasing the California mural by Aurnotoff last year was another, where the artist portrayed Washington as killing Indians, a shocking and revolutionary political statement in 1930, but the existence of Washington AT ALL, in any way, even to discuss his pros and cons and history could not be permitted in our new environment of universal tolerance. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/28/us/san-francisco-murals.html The AntiFascists erased Churchill, a man whose legacy is defined by fighting fascism. So that makes the statue-pullers…Fascists, I guess? Without discussions, words, artifacts, we don’t know who we are, and are sheep to the slaughter, unthinking, unknowing, unaware. …Which is exactly what is occurring in BLM right now, as people ask questions (Shocking! How dare you!) “you got half a billion dollars this month, where’s our money going?” Seems fair. Except those donations are going TO WHITE PEOPLE, as it is a shell corp for a group that donates primarily to DNC candidates, almost exclusively Presidential ones. Who — Biden, Klobuchar, Buttigeig, Warren, Sanders — are all white. There’s an argument there, but without free speech, we can’t ask, can’t know this, can’t improve, and the same black experience will keep happening as the same black money will keep getting pulled out of the same cities like Chicago and Baltimore, and will keep getting worse as they have for decades, with more black people getting killed by it.

    I cannot condone the death of free speech, the elation of its suppression, nor can I condone violence, murder, and arson as a means of discussion, to make changes by any means necessary, because I feel like it. “I want it, so I took it.” This is against every thing spoken by Dr. King and is a travesty of his name and movement, an immense disservice to the Black cause, and seeing black riots on TV for a month may both set back stereotypes by 20 years and get Donald Trump reelected.

    In his hallmark speech Dr. King said “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.

    Those out today are against Dr. King and everything he stood for. I am for Dr. King’s dream and what he stood for. Too bad without history, without discussion, everyone else forgot. And that is why we don’t erase history, ESPECIALLY the bad parts, ESPECIALLY the bad speech. Choose.

    in reply to: No More Washington or America #59863
    Dr. D

    One thing’s for sure: erasing “Paw Patrol” shows what kind of serious and important people they are.

    in reply to: No More Washington or America #59862
    Dr. D

    You’re right: D.C. just named “Black Lives Matter” street. Not to be out-signaled, DeBlasio named a street in each of the 5 burroughs after BLM. Bigot. What you need to do is name EVERY Street in EVERY town, county and city “BLM Street”, or Boulevard, or Avenue, Highway, etc, otherwise, YOU JUST DON’T CARE.

    But look on the bright side: you’ll always know where you are! You’re on Black Lives Matter Street. And you can never leave.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2020 #59861
    Dr. D

    Oh, forgot: since each day more people get it, each day gets us closer to every person getting it and therefore poof! End of disease, herd immunity. So isn’t each days numbers good and not bad?

    Or what did you think would happen?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2020 #59860
    Dr. D

    For the world of lying and making everything up, today’s numbers:


    They’re calling it a “second wave”. Why? ‘Cause we said there’d be one, d—–t! So whatever we have to do make or invent, whatever fires we set, we’ll report it happened. …This chart says there’s no second wave because we never left the first one. They are all steady numbers except Arizona, which just kept rising.

    Now here’s the fun part: NJ is dropping. Great, right? Or not, as they may stop the spread and therefore cause people to get sick in the winter instead of now when their health is better. Since everybody gets it, trying to prevent people from getting it may kill them instead. …Or not, take your pick. So is Arizona getting it now, better off, or worse?

    …And then of course there are the multiple rumored cures they can’t suppress and attack fast enough, but which zero would have to die. But the WHO, CDC love death for decades and have been really good at it, although this is really a magnum opus to their weird religion of manslaughter. I would expect no less. It was indeed a Green New Deal, with lowered CO2 and resource use via the lowered population, as advertised. Wonderful new world, stunning and brave.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 11 2020 #59847
    Dr. D

    The Worst Literal Hitler Ever

    “So, the GloboCap-Resistance Minneapolis Putsch appears to have not gone exactly to plan. Once again, Trump failed to go full-Hitler, despite their best efforts to goad him into doing so. They gave it quite a good shot, however. It was more or less a textbook regime-change op, or “color revolution,” or whatever you call it.”

    Yawn. So boring. So no imagination. So textbook. So predictable.

    “What you’re looking for are headlines like these:
    “We are teetering on a dictatorship” — CNN
    “‘Words of a dictator’: Trump’s threat to deploy military raises spectre of fascism” — The Guardian
    “Donald Trump is Trying to Start a Race War” — Rolling Stone
    “Remove Trump Now” — Slate
    “The Trump Presidency is Over.” — The Guardian
    “Trump Must Be Removed” — The Washington Post

    Uh-huh. Except they’ve been saying that for four years and no one cares, nothing’s new. In fact, being discredited with RussiaRussiaRussia, Meuller, China, Comey, everything else, they’re far less listened to than ever. Less popular than Yogi Bear, less trusted than Congress.

    So…Dictators always obey the annoying and illegal rulings of lower court judges, allow all their allies to be arrested, fail to disband the Congress, never call out the military, encourage free speech, protests and gun rights, and never arrest any of thousands of known liars and libelous in print and media? In their weirdo universe, yes. He’s a “Strong Man Weak”, and there are both 11,000 supremacists in the U.S. (according to official stats) and 300 million of them. Unarmed black men are killed at the rate of 12 a year (official stats) and every day. They are not killed 1/3 more often by black officers (official stats) but exclusively by white ones. This is because U.S. police departments, which are half black and brown, are inherently racist. …Because of all the brown and black white supremacists. Like in the Proud Boys, whose leader is Latino. Of which there are 11,000, not enough to be EVEN the police. Yup. That’s the official story. No problems here!

    Because of this, a local policeman in a Democratic city, in a (now) Democratic state, the President – and the Abraham Lincoln statue in Wisconsin – is clearly responsible and must be removed. …And replaced with nothing: according to Seattle’s new autonomous zone, which is extorting political demands, the courts are also going to be removed. Well, not nothing: they will be replaced by Nazi Brown Shirts true believers of the Progressive, SJW, National Democratic Socialist religion. Whatever they say goes, as they propose no evidence, due process, jury, or rule of law. That’s how we control violent overreach of authoritarian individuals, by enshrining the capricious will of unrestrained individuals. That’s the official story.

    Don’t worry: there aren’t enough sane, logical people left in America to see anything wrong with this. This is the madness of crowds and the reason the Founders feared and hated the mob and wrote the nation’s law to restrain them, the mob, unrestrained “democracy” above all things. And yet men recover their senses [very, very] slowly, and one by one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Mackay_(author)

    Or not. There are irrational men always, every day of the year, every year of the world. Clearly.

    Here’s some other official stories of logic:
    “UCLA Prof Suspended, Under Police Protection After Refusing to Exempt Black Students From Final Exam” — for bereavement of people they didn’t know. However, he could NOT exempt white people from Minneapolis or his Teachers Aide who was Minneapolean.

    “Minneapolis Manufacturing Company Torched in Riots to Leave City: The fire engine was just sitting there, but they wouldn’t do anything.’” As ever, “Helping” leaves a burned and empty husk, destroying all those you thought to aide. Death and destruction is like air. Hard work is like garlic and holy water.

    And of course, “Words are violence” in fact, Silence is now also violence. One thing that’s not violence and is essentially legal in +3 cities is: arson, assault, murder, extortion, and theft. No no. That’s the “peace arson” with the “peace matches” and the peace “communication” with the loving application of cranial “peace bricks.” You can tell because they were applied to black men and black businesses. Official story.

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” – George Orwell, 1984

    “Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”

    “What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?”

    “Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”

    The ultimate end: All is ego. All is myself. Nothing is allowed, everything must be only me, me and my ego. You, everyone, everything, all else must be destroyed.

    “Rio Tinto Destroys 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site: ‘Misunderstanding’ (G.)”

    We do have a problem when every site, everywhere is important. Every river, every mountain, and every camp going back 46,000 years. They can be clean and pure, OR you can have a house with light. This is your choice. What do you do? Sit in the dark in the same caves by the same dung-fires your fathers did? Or do you not? One or the other must go.

    Fed is buying all assets in America. The Fed is owned by Treasury. The people (government) now own all assets in America, not traders or banks. As described in 1979. So they can, if they wish, and under the Defense Production and Emergency Powers Act, decide what to do with them.

    P.S. DNC Photo was of Kente cloth, a symbol of the Ashanti Slave Empire. The one that caught and sold most (of the mere 388k) slaves sent to England (‘s Colonies). Nice optics, very accurate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashanti_Empire No wonder “Blexit” is called “Leaving the Democratic Plantation.” And no wonder they cancelled Candice Owens for Great White Karen to protect the Black Community from hearing Black Voices. But if you take the 388K and work tirelessly for a century to foment a race division and war in order to protect a few oligarch billionaires, you certainly can make quite a mess.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 9 2020 #59759
    Dr. D

    Theory of Ft. Dietrick release long before: https://www.zerohedge.com/health/satellite-data-suggests-covid-19-hit-china-long-previously-known-harvard

    “Significant spikes in hospital traffic and Baidu internet searches for terms related to COVID-19 suggest that the virus hit Wuhan, China “beginning in late Summer and early Fall 2019,” according to a new study by Harvard”

    Well, it’s Harvard so it’s probably a bald-faced lie led by inbred morons, but there it is.

    It also means China was lying and therefore putting the planet at risk far longer and far more intentionally. But if correct, suggests the U.S. was also lying and blaming our way out. However, we have the problem that, if it was already in the public system last fall, how could it possibly NOT spread here, and DID spread there? For 6 months?

    Oh and the “Spike” they’re calling everywhere: predictably, none of the articles will present and g— d— data, but here’s one in Florida:


    Peak, decline, then slower rise to a lower high. Is that a “spike”? The word “Spike” has no meaning or purpose, so it’s the perfect word for a media that has no meaning or purpose. I think of “spike” as a dizzying, vertical outlier on a chart, wildly out of line with surrounding data. This is not. And as yesterday, Test ≠ Test, how many tests are running, how injured are the test-positive? No one cares *at all*. It’s neither dramatic nor self-confirming, so it must be false. That’s Science™! Just like Dr. Fauci pining that black people are more susceptible and injured so it’s a racist disease they must take care of, unless they congregate by the 10,000’s nationwide, in which case his medical opinion and ethics are to say nothing and let them. That’s Science™! Fact-and-data driven. No politics here! Squeaky clean and totally objective! Clearly their scientific opinion is that scientists are not human and therefore have no universal human attributes like “bias.”

    Hey, speaking of being totally illogical and killing ten-thousands for sheer bias and sport, here’s an example of disbanding the police: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray-Hill_riot Of course: Canada, land of the calm and reasonable. Oh, and when the police went on strike for a mere 16 hours, they had a sniper, 6 bank robberies, 12 arsons, complete looting of all downtown, and it took the Army to restore order. But please try it in your city and show us all how it’s done, I’ll watch.

    In fact, we won’t have to wait as without public support, police are quitting nationwide.

    Naturally, being communists, Social Democrats are doing exactly what the National Social Democrats did in 1925, by displacing the official police in Bavaria and replacing them with “volunteer” Nazi Brownshirts, true Progressives and believers in the new religion, who ran the city with violence, fear, and injustice. People with wrongthink were beaten up and burned out, as always, plus the hate-group “other” to first attack then later put in ovens, in our case DJT Conservatives. But in a historical note of advice to the new Citizen “Safety Patrol” of Minneapolis, governments can’t trust such maniacs, so they were of course first against the wall to be mass-executed in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Ah history: always the same and no one learns. You can see the same thing in Russia 1917. But like our people today, they were both financed and directed by agitators abroad. This is what happens when they forget that other saying, “The Price of Liberty is Constant Vigilance.” And duty and hard work. Like garlic and holy water to them: we hates it forever and ever. That’s what Communism is! Their whole sales pitch is we’ll print money and not work and honey will fall in our mouths. The sales pitch of Conservatives is if you build something it won’t be stolen. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can count on the support of Paul. To help beat and rob “redistribute to the needy.” Ah well. Everyone has to learn for themselves by being half-ruined.

    Sort of like repeating the totally discredited, essentially mass-murdering WHO for all their numbers and advice going forward. Nobody learns from history? Nobody learns from new printed and discredited hours ago. Like this: “Barr: Clearing Of Lafayette Park Was Unrelated To Church Photo Op (Turley)”

    Truth and facts. The enemy of the (Derp) State. Reality: the enemy of their progressive non-theistic religion.

    “Folks really think Black people are a joke.”

    Yes, they are but little children that need saving by Great White Mother, so they banned black advocate Candice Owens to protect black advocate voices like Candice Owens, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, and Kanye West. All day, every day, no one is discredited. The concept there might be illogic and contradiction never registers.

    “Mob law ruled… Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to have taken complete hold of otherwise decent people.” – Hugh Green, 1938 on Kristallnacht

    But no surprise, as above, they are Race-fascinated Social Democrats, who believe in the religion of the total state. How would they know? They were educated from birth by the total state, with all these elements like police militarization and immunity carefully set up and paid for decades ago, with the same predictable, historic results we all said would happen. But we’re even more stupid now when we’re right than we were before it was proven. Suit yourself. No one can learn until it happens to them.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 8 2020 #59709
    Dr. D

    “The only truly systemic dynamic in their plight is the campaign by government, ongoing for more than fifty years, to uplift them with social programs, cash assistance, and affirmative action, plus monuments, prizes, and holidays, and very vocal public encouragement from “allies” in media, entertainment and sports. All this “help” only seems to make the problems worse.” — Kunstler

    Huh. Funny.

    Taleb still applying high math to garbage data. So how good are masks? According to what? Used how? Didn’t we already find that they reduce only like 80% even when well-used? So if you are infected in 5 minutes, you’re now infected in 40 minutes — almost no help at all in a workday. Yet no one’s sick at Publix and WalMart. That’s aside from official hospital use – you know, with “science,” before we began using them as buffalo rattle talismans – which said masks couldn’t be used much longer than 30 minutes before being saturated and useless. And the public is under no such conditions to clean, not touch, swap, nothing.

    So, if I can smell someone’s cologne instantly through a mask, how good are viruses, which are far smaller? Masks then do NOT work in NYC – AT ALL — but DO somehow work in Wyoming. They work in Red States but not Blue states. And they aren’t necessary in million man marches next to Governor Whitmer because: Magic! Reasons! And that’s according to medical professionals who three months ago said “No masks for any reasons; they’re a useless waste as the public can’t use them right.” …And you’re going to apply second-level math to this. AFTER we already have data that masks WERE used in NYC and did NOT work, disproving his math in a real world situation…For five months running , which are the headline numbers he himself is working from. IYI man, you’ve jumped the shark. …The shark on the moon. Next to Brian Williams.

    This is what happens when you live in your ego and never consult the planet outside you. What is that about “skin in the game”? God, I wish I could have made a $50,000 bet with him on this to sharpen his thought. But I made my own bets and won. In fact, I overestimated by a factor of four, just to be polite. So far, 100,000 with normal Flu being 75,000. Standard Flu season range, already posted CDC’s own numbers. But, facts: no one cares. Facts don’t give the feelz.

    Stanford Professor Michael Levitt said that [the lockdown] actually made very little difference.”

    As predicted. And that was because of the very high transmissibility. But uselessly and intentionally closing DID destroy the economy, the middle class, and cause delayed medical care and riots that will lead to a lot more deaths, maybe 10x more. So thanks for helping. You know, the “help” that makes all problems worse? Like 99% of the time? Please consult the planet outside of you. Please calibrate your antenna of “helping” vs not helping over time, as Kunstler suggests.

    “1,425 more [cases] than the day before”

    Which of course, and again and again and again and again means nothing. Does it mean they have more testing now? Did a single person become inconvenienced or die? Is the test still 50% accurate? I’m not saying nothing DID happen, but numbering the cases or tests means no more to me than the number of Texans who wore red today. Hospitals are empty. And because of it, they’re going bankrupt. The intentionally stopped economy is both demonstrably and statistically killing 10-fold more people now.

    I’m not just making this up to play advocate: U of Pittsburgh says even those testing positive have a noticeably smaller viral load now. The virus is going away with no help from anything. Because how would anything we’re doing both allow infection and also reduce the load? So the Test ≠ Test now. That is, a test in January would suggest a viral load and therefore pursuant sickness of 80, but now that positive test indicates a load and severity and possible sickness of 8?

    For science and math guys, the Queensboro Bridge Troll has better math and logic. It’s d—-d embarrassing. My terrible math shouldn’t be beating anyone’s. Engage brian, not confirmation. We’ve got a stack of mysteries on CV to solve, but they’re stuck to the narrative like a tongue to the flagpole instead.

    And this is on top of learning that some very large percentage appears to be immune. We don’t know the limits or numbers (young healthy care workers are still sick at higher rates) but perhaps +50% appear unable to get it?

    I assume it’s because they’re in large crowds and rioting. A certain cure. According to official health care professionals and governments, I kid you not. Literally rioting is safe and legal but Temple is still closed and Jews are arrested at funerals. You can protest in your Bodega, but not sell water to the 5,000 people outside. Solution? A NC racetrack said they were having a “Protest”, with high ticket sales. Who says it isn’t?

    This same logic that says “When in riots, disband the police”. We can’t prove that ISN’T a good idea since nobody in the history of earth has ever been dumb enough to try it. But it’s their city: do what you want with it. Just don’t ask for bailouts of your dumb ideas.

    So anyway, the hilarity was people coming home from said police hatred-and-disbanding protests, get jumped, then say “Stop being mean to me or else I’m going to cry daddy and call 911 on you..” So, the you want the police disbanded AND to make them your personal bully? Gotcha. Well, hope you all like 2A because without police you’re all going to carry a handgun every minute for the rest of your life, like back on the frontier. And that probably won’t be adequate, so plan on joining the local posse or gang, who will naturally feud with all the neighboring posses and gangs. …Maybe we’ll all learn why we have this system and people are jumping the walls to get IN to the United States, not out. It’s so bad and lawless everyone’s trying to come here. I’m all for it. Having to do some work with some risk instead of whining, complaining, and demanding daddy fix it while they eat cheetos would do them some good. But 500,000 innocents will die in the turmoil before they learn. Maybe that’s what it takes. That’s what Alexander Tytler says anyway.

    Same with the NY Times. I think it’s awesome they want to shut down all opinions and all speech, that they literally can no longer publish “news” and “opinions.” Now it’s not just cranks on the internet saying it, it’s clear to the whole nation who and what they are. As with protests, Mayors, plans, orders, and so on.

    Million man march in D.C., shut down all police, not only stood down the national guard, but evicted them from their hotel rooms. Demanded all pathways to the White House be made wide open, and Mayors and CNN top reporters supported rioting and killing of black business owners as the innocent “voice of the people.” Disbanded all law and order, supported the violence in all DNC cities nationwide. This is the best possible, for now we all, every American, knows. If they like that sort of thing and the results, great. If not, they have options and responses. The Federal system is running fantastic, as states or cites have authority within their districts to do as they wish, so long as we’re not being invaded. They can call for Federal support any time, day or night, the minute they want violence to stop. But they don’t, which is their prerogative and right.

    So who will the voters blame? They’ve sold what, 6 million guns this month? And since nobody on the right needed a 3rd Bursa, they are overwhelmingly leftist city-and-suburban voters buying their first. Suddenly supporting 1A, with protests, which are perfectly legal. Chris “no quarantine” Cuomo said, “Who says protests have to be peaceful?” Well, Christopher, quote: “the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble…” Also supporting 2A, as they have the right to self-defense, not only for their person, but collectively. At this rate we’ll restore all 10 human rights, but I’m still waiting on #4. So…question: which way do Constitutionally-minded, armed and prepped citizens usually vote?

    Good luck. The less the government gets involved, the better it’s getting and the more ground we’ve recovered. In just 4 weeks they’ve done what all the years since Reagan couldn’t. Pelosi, Schumer, DeBlasio, Cuomo, Bowser, Lightfoot, Whitmer, CNN, NBC, I owe you my deepest gratitude. Are you sure you’re not on the payroll? Every breath is a poster child and campaign ad, just like “All of the architects of the Iraq War think Donald Trump is unfit.” Thanks! I’m just going to run that on loop for 5 months and go golfing.

    Like I said, you don’t get out of what we’ve done for nothing. However, compared to a civil war, it could hardly be better, a heavenly dream of peace and harmonious progress, kumbaya.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 6 2020 #59645
    Dr. D

    Ah, so Billy only wants a chipless data system that does the same thing, and to fund this year’s most medically discredited organization which killed hundred-thousands. And Microsoft owns a number of patents for what they’re discussing, you know, the ones he mentioned in his Ted Talks, so I can’t understand where all these weird ideas are coming from…except his own mouth. For decades. We were never at war with Estasia. It’s called a “Straw Man”: bring up things that were said that are slightly over the line and false, and refute them in a “Broad Brush” that implies the true ones don’t exist either. That’s a 2 for 1 fallacy sale! It works and 1,000 more people die! Cheers all around. He gets his black death merit badge.

    “BLS Admits Another Error”

    The government’s lying? When did this start? That’s okay, just keep printing their stories and referring to CNN anyway when the Easter bunny has more credibility (and Yogi Bear has higher ratings.) Speaking of Fallacies, it’s called “Tethering”. It keeps you within a controlled distance of the official so you can never reach the truth. Since Carter, 40 years now. Yay! Lies. True love. ♥ ♥ ♥

    Biden is such a big deal I heard nothing about a nomination. I do, however, see tons about Michelle O. all of a sudden. …I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

    “Obama dropped 26,171 bombs on 7 different countries in 2016 alone.
    Obama expanded drone strikes ten fold.
    Obama bombed Libya back to the stone age.
    Obama armed Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.
    Obama enabled Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen.
    Obama is a war criminal. “

    That can’t be right: Like W., it was all scandal-free goodness and light.

    She or her close allies are the only people that attacked and kill more brown people than Kamala Harris, so she’s the obvious choice.

    Lisa Page now works for NBC like all the other lying, discredited, CIA insiders, so solid 6-figure paycheck for getting fired. In #OppositeLand, all you need do is obvious public wrong and you’re trustworthy, approved, and secure. If you work at a job that keeps people alive, you’ll probably die of low pay unless the police kill you first.

    Ted goes nuclear: if a nuke is dropped in the forest, does anybody care? Might as well be on the moon since we’ve been literally dropping literal bombs and toppling literal nations with literal war crimes for 60 years and no one knows, the media won’t report it if ordered by Lisa and Johnny. …Which we’ve known since the Church Committee, but that doesn’t exist either except it’s on Wikipedia and every history book. But if a guy eats a burger or something, it’s clearly life-ending, unhinged, unconstitutional, impeach. So anybody gonna do anything?

    Ah, you’re right: protests last year too. And they also did zippo, nada, nuttin’. Like always. That’s why we need to do it again! We only take losing actions, like protesting a case we literally won weeks ago and antagonizing everyone in the country – ESPECIALLY needed suburban (women) voters – then wonder why they’re not getting anywhere since 1970. Like the environmental movement. Then tomorrow pick the losing strategy with the losing leaders again. And complain! It’s YOUR fault we picked the world’s dumbest, most obviously losing approach and every organizer funded by insider oligarchs. Waaaaaaah! Now go away or I shall call you naughty names for not caving in to my divisive, totally vacuous counterproductive actions a second time.

    WES: am I referring to Cheeto and Barr with that pointless, obviously losing statement?

    Speaking of losing and not arresting anybody, can we get some charges for 100,000 deaths cause by the open high-level suppression of HCQ? Not with these politicians and this public you can’t. They both get what they deserve. Lies. But that’s life in a violent death cult.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 5 2020 #59644
    Dr. D

    Ah, relying on government. They should know all about changing the rules every 2 months, or having no rules at all, from their tax and accounting departments. Ending small business and helping monopolies since 1913. Why is there such income disparity? Just can’t figure it out. And every time we add more rules and more government, more handouts and more bailouts, it gets worse! Well, it’s a mystery we may never know.

    The problem with Cuba is, they’re lying. Now they’re always lying with every waking breath, and the government lying 100% of the time is only half as bad as the reporters, who invent new material out of their demented, overheated noggins and lie 200% of the time. But whatever has been going on in Cuba for 50 years is not the official story, and the reasons and explanations they give have been diverging even more in the last decade.

    But you can’t run a democracy where truth is the enemy and all the information is classified, because then no one knows what’s happening and no one can make decisions. …Which is of course how they want it, so the Dulles CIA can force you to pick pre-planned conclusions from their violent menu. Declassify everything back to 1913 and we’ll find out a whole lot about what’s been going on here. Actually, it’s illegal not to, but since nobody follows the law and government least of all, and anyone who tries ends tied up, in Belmarsh, or dead, just as Schumer promised in 2016, I wouldn’t be in a hurry. It needs to devolve so the states and locals can pick them off, as is happening now. Their shrinking to near-nothing, the Army and Post Office is also the law, but somehow people are all alarmed about it.

    Point being: we have no idea what’s going on in Cuba — or Iran — so it’s impossible to tell if it’s good or bad. I can therefore tell you that WE are bad. In some capacity. Clean your own room. This is being fought tooth and nail in the Senate, so we coincidentally has a bunch of clogged news cycles. Whooda knowd?

    We have reached a point where in the same press release, medical officials literally say going out for riots is safe, but going out for barbecues is dangerous, to say nothing of lockdown protests, where of course the most die of all. …Just as predicted by Orwell. Meanwhile peace marches for racial support burn down black cities, while gun demonstrations have no violence at all. Funny ol’ world. The funny parting being is, it’s so predictable it hurts.

    Did you see the official S.F. posting where groups under 12 are recommended, unless they’re riots, in which case it’s 100? The virus can tell. Actually I could care less since both are legal, and all most measures to prevent them are pointedly illegal and a human rights abuse, but it’s funny. You know, in a fatal kind of way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 5 2020 #59581
    Dr. D

    “Billionaire Dalio Warns “We Are Beginning to See Democracy Slip into Anarchy”

    No, what you’re seeing is decentralization. Or as Hugh Smith says, “the solution is fragmentation and decentralization so the unit size is reduced to the point where accountability and transparency can be enforced by the citizenry and/or members.”

    Which as I’ve said, is allowing competition and the piranhas will devour the whale sharks in hours. Sorry that’s uncomfortable. The system depends on reaching an improper extreme, and then clamping a lot of pressure down to make the extreme go further. But this is the essence of fragility: should the input energy ever waver, the underlying pressure will breach containment. …So the response is more pressure, more intervention, more rigging, as we’ve seen from 1994, 2001, 2008, and more.

    But it’s not “Anarchy”. Humans don’t know anarchy; they are inherently self-organizing. It only seems like anarchy because you’re living in a world of authoritarian violence, intervention, and dictatorship. If you wish to remove dictatorship, the thousand interventions to help undeserving idiot sons, and undeserving authority, then you must hand control back to the people, and they will self-organize. However, they are generations out of practice and their transition is messy and chaotic. To egos to whom every possible event they know better and order about, this is offensive and intolerable. Let it go. You were never in charge anyway, and everything you did wrecked it more. Let it go.

    Taleb’s second order effects that he forgot are presently beginning to kill more people than the 1st order. This was done to defend against a fat tail that is predicted for 1,000 years but never comes. But these things take time. Right now their “helping” is initiating a collapse, civil war, and long-term annihilation of the middle class that allows our system to function peacefully. Later, that will transform into the U.S. – the only remaining food exporter – to stop exporting and millions to starve. Because no one is working. As anyone could see in 10 seconds. But these things, those 100 million deaths instead of 100,000, take time. Everyone will have forgotten by then what started it all, and that it was voluntary, their fault, the fault of ‘helpers’ and schmarty-guyz like Taleb. So it goes.

    Since they’re actively trying to kill you with their good intentions, and tell you so in public, prepare accordingly.

    Low-income districts are particularly troubled because of plunging revenue amid the Covid-19 recession.”

    Helping! Voluntarily helping you right to death. No one could have seen that stopping all commerce would halt tax revenue, and thus all services. That the loss of the middle class and all services would lead to collapse and violence. The most obvious, whitest swan ever seen. But you’re killing grandma when you could kill all of us, including grandma, instead.
    The system is decentralizing, re-localizing. So stop looking for someone to help you, no one is in charge but you. Since they’re not helping but hurting, withdraw your commerce and tax as well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle June 1 2020 #59424
    Dr. D

    Speaking of graphs:

    So…they brought forward the deaths of people clinging to life in nursing homes. Then those people died and deaths plunged. At the end of year, no additional overall deaths?

    Death rate here is 0.0003.

    But then, the riots can be called Covid deaths. Hey, if you shut down the economy, jail people at home, get rid of 40 million jobs, then order them to wander wearing masks while there’s no work on Monday can there be unintended consequences? ‘Unintended’. Ha. About as unintended as the people leaving pallets of bricks before each protest. Those were bought somewhere and paid for with something, you know.

    So, they’re trying their long-planned civil squib. People are already catching on.

    Says Susan Rice: “It’s the Russians! Honest! When have we ever lied?” Oh, yeah. And then too? And that other time? And yellowcake, incubators, and chlorine? As these unimaginative minion troglodytes follow the CIA handbooks like high-school interns.

    The hospital here where I live literally shut down and didn’t see anyone except emergencies and has only now started to schedule the backlog of cases and operations on a triage basis. That didn’t mean you didn’t get care, but it does mean they would have caught your colon cancer 4 months earlier. Because: bureaucracy, some had critical care delayed, like dental or eye surgery were considered “optional” for … reasons … when really there was risk of deadly infection or blindness. These things happen even with the best intentions.

    ‘Unintended consequences’ you could see 1,000 miles off. That may have been the right decision, if we ever get data that doesn’t self-conflict we’ll know, but such decisions have very clear and in this case, very high costs. The fine hospital now is probably teetering on bankruptcy because all normal operations were stalled, and although well-run, were it not the hub hospital would almost certainly collapse. Others will. Was it worth it, or did we get bad data from the WHO, China, and the Media from the get-go? Even when we know will anyone admit it?

    Apparently the virus no longer exists. Everyone congregates and breathes heavy, sometimes spitting blood, and the media cheers. Unlike only a week ago in Michigan, when it was super-irresponsible. Funny ol’ world. We were never at war with Estasia. We were always at war with Eurasia. These are not the droids you’re looking for. What virus? Ah, love is never having to say you’re sorry, you were wrong, or explain anything afterwards. And the U.S. is made of pure love. Until tomorrow. When Squib War is over, it will have never happened, and like goldfish they’ll pick something else. Look! Squirrel!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 30 2020 #59365
    Dr. D

    Well, their delicious civil war is on, going successfully as predicted and as planned. I’d run down the details, which cities, who’s in charge, but I don’t have time and you wouldn’t believe me anyway.

    But so protesters apparently are most mad at CNN and the Treasury? Healthy white military men dressed in black are methodically going down the block, breaking each window with an stadard-issue emergency glass tool? Protesters film them and post it online. They know. I mean really? Can’t you do better than this?

    But since they’re getting what they wanted, why bother? It works well enough.

    So here’s the year so far: not in 2018, not in 2019, but ONLY in the election year, we just HAPPEN to have a virus outbreak a few weeks after the treasury market, and therefore US Dollar, blows up. A week after China signed a trade agreement they see as bad and can now take force majeure on. Result: financial reset, no one will be blamed for either.

    The virus is attempted to have the President force lockdown, crack the economy, lose election, and also go for mail-in voting which the NAACP says is rife with fraud and must be recalled. That doesn’t work: his popularity rises, virus stops, he dumps the attempts on the States, but also gets unlimited nationwide emergency powers and martial law and doesn’t let go of it. Why? Nuttin’ happening. Why the “resistance”, who gave him the powers plus extra billion$$ for spying and war, no mention his hanging on these powers either. Huh.

    So after pissing off every body in the nation, getting them to wear camera-baffling masks, and insuring everyone is broke, desperate, and nobody has a job to focus and occupy them, we have a egregious, intentional incident in a DNC district run by Ilyan Omar and Klobuchar, where two guys who have known each other for years is pretended to be random police brutality. The next day, the healthy well-dressed white men in black are smashing, and a few hours later all the evidence is burned up in the precinct. Despite the police were instantly fired—unusual and notable success, AND the first one was charged with Murder 3, no questions, very high probability of easy conviction, AND the whole thing is being investigated by the FBI. All America, Minnesota, and Minneapolis agree. So everyone is united, winning on every front.

    Then without a pause the next targets are CNN, the Treasury, and all the same blue resistance cities where nothing has happened locally. I’m sorry – so since every single thing has gone well, exactly as demanded, can you tell me why cities with no association, no events, suddenly want to attack the kind of random targets generals and policemen pick, not the kinds normal residents would? Uh-huh. The same organizers, same usual suspects, same mayors, and same mysterious gym-going white non-residents in the crowd.

    So since they’ve been planning this for decades, and certainly adjusting plans since 2016, so has the Administration, and they been leaking this unrest would be staged, would happen, and how, and where, for years. Don’t have time to explain, go look it up. So both sides, in this oligarchic dispute are running 5GW, getting confusion and the people to get hurt and do the dirty work on their behalf, while they sit safe in gated communities and private islands. As usual.

    But this isn’t going anywhere. They can schedule, pay, agitate, lie, and perpetrate events, but all that does not a war make. Ultimately, they got nothing: essentially no shootings and no gun control. People black and white are coming out, armed rednecks are defending black parts of Minneapolis, and they support George, the protests, but not the riots. Despite 50 years of keeping race wars simmering and 10 years stoking on high with all the events and rhetoric they could manufacture, this is true nationwide. So what ya gonna do? If people don’t shoot themselves for you, there aren’t enough oligarchs and enough money to do it themselves. …I mean besides them being spineless cowards and weasels, idiot sons of idiots sons who’ve failed at everything since birth.

    So Cheeto can send in the Guard — or not — won’t really matter. The government’s not in control, never have been, as you’ve seen in the lockdown theatre-and-puppet show. Hey, where’d that go anyway? When it didn’t work, suddenly alllllllllll forgot, huh. People will themselves decide this is enough, the point has been made, and won’t allow further damage in their own neighborhoods. It is their right to be armed, and their right to defend themselves, and when their patience is ended, they will, and not much will happen. The bad elements will just know it and disappear. If they don’t, they’ll be so outnumbered they’re a joke. “We can drown them in our urine” as one guy says.

    After that, you have a mop-up operation and healing, which the media will attempt to prevent a few more ways with a few more made-up things for a few more pointless months. Then they’ll scream about Russians, election interference, fascism, and a bunch of other words they don’t understand and can’t define. And that will be that.

    …Just sayin’. From the ground here. Just like I’ve said, oh how long have I been here? 5, 7 years? Saying exactly this, exactly this attempt, exactly this way, because they’re all idiots who lack talent, imagination, and can only follow orders and think-tanks, books on 5th generation warfare, and CIA coup manuals. And that makes it so, so easy to know what they will do, and how to respond.

    8 men own more wealth? Their claims on wealth will soon be nothing. The thing has been going down since Sept 14, 2019. That’s why the world’s best-timed virus shuts off inflation when we print $6T, then the world’s best-timed Booglaloo. Always burn down the casino after you rob it to hide the evidence. Nice try. Don’t fret yourself: be patient. History will find them, these 8 men. And the men paying for the present excitement. Fix your own house and let your own preparations play out.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 29 2020 #59329
    Dr. D

    “Minneapolis PD 3rd Precinct Set on Fire, Breached by Rioters”

    They don’t appear to be following the law. Or social distancing. But we told them! And when I think it in my ego, it happens!

    “The Law is in my Mouth” – King John I

    “You can’t hold back the tide” – King Canute.

    “The rusted chains of prison moons
    Are shattered by the sun
    I walk a road horizons change
    The tournament’s begun…
    The keeper of the city keys
    Puts shutters on the dreams
    I wait outside the pilgrim’s door
    With insufficient schemes” — King Crimson

    So a day after NY Times lists at least one name shot on the highway, listed as COVID, NY Times has to retract another, human interest sob story. Young, handsome, brave E.R. doctor dies of COVID. More inside. Well, he both didn’t die AND didn’t have COVID. Again. But I’m sure this was just a journalistic misunderstanding in good faith since, dying…not dying…who can really tell the difference? I mean, when you call the hospital, the wife, his co-workers in order to write the story and they say, “Dr. Billy-Bob? He’s over playing tennis.”

    Every. Day. And we still believe the numbers and stories they print. Why? Because the Financial Times has a cool-looking chart and math based on totally, entirely, completely fake fraudulent data? This week another state (CO) revised their CV numbers down 25%. AGAIN.

    But you know what they say: A lie can get around the world before the truth gets his boots on. No one reads the thousands of retractions that are printed, every day, after every article. The only enemy is truth.


    Not fake news, just plain wrong: Top media corrections of 2017


    Every story. Every day. But this one is true! I promise!

    “Trump Signs Order Targeting Social Media Firms’ Legal Protections (Hill)”

    This was very complex, but it falls to the same root: you’re either a platform or a publisher. They immediately double-down by claiming the President threatening to send the National Guard to a burning city is “Glorifying Violence.” No. Srs.

    China Says Wants ‘Peaceful Reunification’ With Taiwan (R.)”

    Thanks to us giving China everything since Pappa Bush in 1989, they’re now in a position to do kill everyone on Taiwan and tell us to get stuffed. Every President, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, signed up wholeheartedly while every U.S. worker was unemployed, every factory was closed, and Flint can’t drink the water. All to fully enable this China, Chinese expansion, and the inevitable war that follows. Yay! Just as they’ve been writing in their white papers for decades! But that isn’t true, because I refuse to look at and read them.

    They should ban 5G”

    They have researched it. Some of their hand-picked, corporate-financed scientists flipped on their masters and STILL reported it was dangerous. The news won’t report it. It isn’t true so long as I refuse to look at the open scientific papers and refuse to read them. Because that’s what the smart people do! It’s you weird internet people who read things that are stupid.

    Adam Schiff Alarmingly Close to Handing Trump Dangerous Spying Powers (Timm)”

    Oh, whatever: they already gave Cheeto billions MORE for spying than he even asked for. Because, muh Resistance. But if he was a Dictator and you’re worried, why did he shut down FISA system when he could most use it to persecute his enemies? Why reveal the desperate, glaring, nuclear-scale fraud in the system, FBI, CIA, Supreme Court (which personally oversees FISA/all) and not just quietly use it yourself? Duh, because they want to clean it up, not use it. Just like voter fraud, where the head of NJ NAACP is AGAINST the recent election in Paterson, and HIS OWN BALLOT was stolen and misused. But Jack Dorsey, DNC says there’s literally no evidence of fraud, anywhere ever. Less seen than Bigfoot. So the DNC is against the NY Times and the NAACP now, I guess. That’s what happens when you have to be against all facts and evidence: the only enemy is the truth.

    Estimates are that 75 percent of independently owned restaurants may never re-open.”

    Well, that’s true but also false. Yes, THIS restaurant will close and stiff all creditors, but the owner, staff, location are experts in this business, see the market demand, and quickly open a new one just like the old one. I’d say only the bank takes the hit then, but not really true: It’s still bad. The far bigger problem is, if government can turn you on or shut you off any minute, for any reason, however totally, provably, transparently wrong, (7 deaths in Wyoming) you don’t want to be in business, you hide your capital, and go to the beach. Nobody works = everybody dies. The governors just said “We will attack any person, doing any work, anywhere in the state, with no support or recourse.” This is EXACTLY how Rome fell: the government chased every drachma, every producer, hounded them into the forest, so they buried their coin pot and hid in the Villa. For 1,000 years. So the producers will stop. Just like Socialism everywhere. TO each according to his need. FROM each according to his ability. So I work, sweat balls in the blazing sun with a bank breathing down my neck, and government taking every penny of profits first, sharing no risk, and YOU eat it all then punch me in the face and leave me in a ditch for it, you know, before confiscating my children. So I…don’t…produce? No food is made, everybody starves, but you’ll pay me, essentially NOT to work? Just like every socialist system everywhere ever devised? Yes.

    U.N. says 130 Million will die. Ruling class and the people say “Yay! We demand moar. You naughty workers must be shown.”

    So it’s the CONFIDENCE that there is ANY rule of law that you have to worry about. There isn’t, I don’t know what people were thinking, they’ve been stealing and destroying businesses for generations, but for some reason, some people still want to risk their lives by doing work, creating things, and helping their neighbors. We have been told to stop. So Atlas Shrugged. GFY. We’ll see how it plays out, but my bet is every Governor of NY, NJ, will have every business and producer leave, and only the lazy, stupid, indolent will remain, as already shown in IL. Every state that was decent will receive all the productive people, their capital, their ideas, and prosper while NYC collapses into a crater and Knoxville becomes the new hub. Which they already have collapsed, IL, NJ, CA, long before this.

    So it’s perfect: each side gets exactly what they asked for and most desired. They wanted no workers, no nasty capitalists. So: no restaurants, no shops, no Target, no doctors, no farmers, no food stores, only governments and prisons, just as you asked. Like every other time in history. I think that’s ill-advised, I’ll tell you not to, but suit yourself. Apparently the only way to learn is to try it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59289
    Dr. D

    “How long will the bailouts go on?”

    Because of the political and mental structure worldwide, they will go on forever until they can’t. Which is why to sabotage them to speed their failure, as we see in the ‘States. This day was coming. Since Sept 14, that day is now. By comparison, the other things are a sideshow.

    Orlov nails this in the first 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ssk2BacEpo
    This is a driver for change preferable to a 3rd world war and we should appreciate life taking this path for our convenience. However, recognize it means the old system is dead, dead, dead. That means the old power, stemming from debt, has no power when the debt vanishes. New day.

    Only to mention Twitter wars™, Cheeto was trying to goad them into action on his election timetable using Scarborough. But haven’t we all had a cute, marathon runner turn up dead under our desk with blunt-head trauma right after we admitted we were having an affair? I mean, hardly a day goes by… That didn’t work, but he got this other line to bite. The only important thing is they, like Amazon but unlike every other structure on the planet, have special legal dispensation. They are protected from libel and publisher status by being a “platform.” That means they cannot edit and choose the material. Which is exactly what they’re doing, while also being an open PAC fund, specifically promoting political ends like Mail-in voting. AND getting CIA money at the same time. WTF? You’re either a platform, and let everyone talk, OR you’re a publisher, and are therefore responsible, political, and sued. They want it both ways, and we’re pretending that’s legal. It’s not, it never was, but since we haven’t enforced the law in 100 years, why start now?

    Minneapolis Ablaze Amid Looting (ZH)”

    Can you hear me now? What was that I said? It appears as if people are not following the law! But I told them! Don’t you know who I am?

    But never to let a uniting moment go to waste, they are pretending each side hates the other when everyone agrees on this wrong. Apparently that’s not good enough or something. No! No friends! I refuse to agree! We must not have allies! (Against the real oppressor and enemy of the people.) We got to get that Civil War started and bury our crimes in the bonfire, while sitting in the castle on the hill.

    Limited hang out? Exactly what I was thinking. Why would anyone even suppose/propose such a thing? It’s literally the least-likely of all explanations. How about “He went over to buy some much-needed political blackmail from Mossad and also have a involuntary afternoon with the young staff”? What does it take to have people add two digits?

    I’d say “when it’s with your daughter” but it already was. A hundred times. No one cares. But when someone tweets? Oh my god, the nation ends. This is not a serious culture. They are not a serious people. But all that is ending now. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cartonero https://www.dw.com/en/living-from-garbage-cartoneros-in-argentina/av-18913556

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59250
    Dr. D

    So Hong Kong did everything right. Funny.

    “Peru Seemed to Do Everything Right. So How Did It Become a Covid-19 Hotspot?”


    “Peru was one of the first nations in the Americas to take strict preventative coronavirus measures, like stay-at-home orders, curfews and border closings. So how did it become one of the hardest hit?
    As of Monday, Peru had more than 123,900 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3,600 deaths — putting it second only to Brazil both in number of cases and deaths in Latin America.
    The two countries had handled the epidemic entirely differently: While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the dangers posed by the coronavirus, Peru’s President Martin Vizcarra declared on March 15 a nationwide state of emergency that included mandatory self-quarantine, and shuttered the country’s borders.
    But the virus surged all the same.”

    As with the same curves worldwide. Of course, being journalists, the article is almost completely fact free. What are the ages? Locations? Income? Chart? Time? Comparison to world and 1st day? de Nada.
    But then, by not providing any facts, they didn’t have to lie! Or at least not that I could find at first reading, I’m sure it’s in there.

    Still, jumping point for the question: if these things supposed worked, even in hindsight, then why does every one of them have glaring exceptions and contradictions? Sounds like the data itself is faulty.
    Then, when nobody did their job and everybody’s lying, we all yell at each other! Really, it’s a win-win.

    “what’s the death and positive rate look like?
    So cases continue to go up but the death count peaked in mid-April, flat-lined, and now has collapsed.
    Why did all of this happen?

    Let’s recap: The “mitigations” were worthless. That was established by the end of March. I’ve pointed it out time after time; the curve of infection rate (not count, rate) bent before the steps taken could have had an effect. That which occurs before you do something cannot be caused by the “something.” This isn’t a matter of debate; it is fact and anyone arguing otherwise isn’t a “scientist” — they are committing fraud”
    Birx and others have repeatedly claimed we were in the “logarithmic” phase through April. That’s false and by the second week of April it was known to be a lie and thus could no longer be claimed as a “mistake.” We’re now six weeks or more beyond that point and yet not one retraction has been offered.”
    it takes five days for cases to become symptomatic and we are now three or more such periods into the “reopening” in Georgia, Tennessee and elsewhere. There have been NO logarithmic spikes in case counts or hospitalizations in any of these jurisdictions.”

    “…The CDC now claims that 0.05% of those under 49 who are symptomatic will die.”

    Folks, even the CDC is now saying this bug is no worse than twice as bad as the normal seasonal flu. That is, it’s roughly as bad as the flu season in 1968-69, or even that of just a couple of years ago — and that of 2009.
    “We knew immediately and factually after Diamond Princess that this “first premise” was false, as I noted at the time… Where is my apology and where are the heads of the politicians and so-called “experts” who murdered businesses and jobs by the tens of millions? When do they pay for the damage they caused on purpose predicated on an outright lie?”


    Well, never, duh. No one apologizes, because no one admits they were wrong. That’s a feature of a fact-free, logic-free, science-free world of da feelz.

    Meanwhile, in the world of real danger, gun-free Chicago has record shootings for the holiday weekend. 10 killed, 39 shootings. No one cares. “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” Huh? What??? “But we told them!” “It appears they are not following the law!” Hahahahaha. You guys are so cray-cray. If the TOP doesn’t follow the law, and the BOTTOM doesn’t follow the law, there’s only one sucker at the poker table, and it’s YOU. YOU are the only one following the law or even having the fantasy anyone is following the law, so you are the one paying for it, and you are the one being murdered and robbed, with robberies and murders done in your name, while refusing to take responsibility and defend yourself. Well, evolution at work, I guess. If the lowest poor guys in Chicago can understand this, image how dumb the smart guys must be.

    “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” What? People don’t just obey everything you say? When did this start? Who could have seen this coming? Taleb, have you heard of this “people not doing whatever you say” before? Is there math and charts for populations not obeying and committing crimes in history? What a genius!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59237
    Dr. D

    Ah, and thus why they to buy and shut down the WayBack Machine. How can the ego create reality, have it constantly reverse, “We were always at war with Estasia” when there are still books and records showing otherwise? The pure insanity and chaos cannot be complete.

    ““Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984

    “Power comes from the barrel of a gun”

    If you wanted only to enforce the present truth, to be who you are, to take the true consequences of your actions, what would you need power for? You would never use it. It’s only needed and used to STOP the truth and PREVENT justice. I mean, look at who wants and most desires, most uses it.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59236
    Dr. D

    Sort of. The people are very laid back and trusting, which is pretty good in a way. However, because they are never suspicious and believe any nonsense they’re fed, they are the victims of any half baked story and transparent con game any villain can cook up. You know, like yellowcake and the Patriot Act. Sadly, I thought people had a brian, morans, and a 5-year-old could see through this. Nope.

    However, they are the great mass and the con men are the minority, so we go twining through history together. Good and evil, in the dividing line of our own hearts. If people want the good, con men can’t touch them. It’s required to be complicit. So their present success says more about us than them. Adhere to the good, to that morality they claim doesn’t exist, doesn’t work, is all subjective and made up, and they will disappear to the corners. The greatest trick the devil had was to make people believe he doesn’t exist. Morality doesn’t exist. Rules don’t exist. Logos doesn’t exist. The only thing that exists is ME, the ego. And the ego is an empire now, and when I act, I create reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, and the reality of yesterday stops existing, and truth becomes whatever I think it is now — past, present, future — until I tell it to change again a minute from now. That’s “Reality”! That’s “Truth”, in the Reality-based community. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community A community of cult insanity. Apparently everybody loves it, so who am I to judge?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59224
    Dr. D

    More in explaining high cases in Democratic and Resistance districts:
    “Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Tests Have Been Double-counted, Officials Admit”

    Wow, 10,000 mistakes, and they all go the same way! Always! But I do not find that suspicious at all. I believe everything I’m told by experts, even though it is directly opposite to experts who spoke just a moment ago.
    Since this thing is so boring and so obvious, let’s go look at something important:

    “We are Headed into War”
    “the Democrats have nothing to stand on but the virus for the 2020 election. They used the Russians for the 2016 election and this time they are using China. They seem hell-bent on creating World War III simply for political gain which they may think will not come to blows – in that they are wrong!”

    The phrasing blames the DNC as if they are alone, which is wrong. All power-brokers including or especially Cheeto want this to happen, and I believe very few think it will be an open conflict. Genius timer Armstrong suggests they are wrong, and I find the chance of miscalculation between our cultures much more likely. China is fighting for her survival, we aren’t. So they may move far, far stronger than we believe or are ready or capable of responding to. It’s China’s back yard, and they know it: that’s why they call it the “China” Sea. If they want Hong Kong, or even Taiwan, we have nothing that can stop them. If they wanted Okinawa, or even the Philippines, we’d be lucky to slow them down. Like 1939 Japan, they could leap out into the Pacific rim and tell us to go do … naughty things. And then what? We fight a world war to push them back in a hypersonic nuclear age? We don’t even NEED nukes anymore, the kinetic blow of hypersonics can easily level Seattle and Chicago in minutes. China has demonstrated they can just lob ship-sized objects like artillery throughout the seas. So then do we retreat instead? Then what?

    Everyone’s distracted with garbage, nonsense, non-events while this goes on. Like the impeachment, engineered for a distraction that didn’t happen.

    China is not kidding. But we are a joke. Both as a military and as a culture. We can’t tolerate the stress of watching Netflix while people with actual work and bravery delivered Cheetos to you on the couch while whining and complaining about them DOING that work for you. But so it goes with Tytler’s cycles of decadence.

    They have tried to start WWIII (or IV) like 10 times in the last 3 years. Their avowed goal and religion is to reduce the population by a few billion and reduce the footprint on earth. While they get rich on the effort. Try to pay attention and take it with the gravity it deserves. Since the entire West is wallpapered with nothing but lies, I doubt this is possible, but I can say it.

    Speaking of new ways to kill millions or billions – beyond the millions now likely to die in the 3rd world, like Chile, commodities producer for a shuttered planet – they can’t stop/won’t stop killing people by shutting off the power and fuel that keeps us alive.


    These are the same guys who got every model wrong for 30 years, and just got all the pandemic models wrong that will kill a million or two with poverty and unemployment.

    “Florida loses approximately 200,000 people a year to all-cause mortality. New York, which has a roughly-comparable population, loses about 150,000. This is not surprising; Florida’s population has an older median age and thus you’d expect more people to die for all manner of ordinary reasons.
    New York has had roughly 23,000 covid-19 deaths recorded. That’s 15% of all-cause mortality, a very significant impact and enough to scare the living Hell out of a significant percentage of the population.

    Florida, on the other hand, has had about 2,200 covid-19 deaths. That’s approximately 1.1% of all-cause mortality, a completely-insignificant percentage — in fact, a rate lost in the ordinary year to year statistical noise of the all-cause rate of death.

    Tennessee has had about 300 deaths, and usually has about 70,000 all-cause deaths a year. That’s under 0.5%, again, an utterly-insignificant impact and again lost in the ordinary statistical noise.

    Michigan has had ~5,200 Covid-19 deaths; the state’s all-cause mortality is right around 99,000. That’s 5.25%, or ten times Tennessee’s rate. Now that is a figure that is quite material. Maybe not enough to scare the living Hell out of everyone (it’s 1/3rd of NY’s rate, after all) but it is high enough to scare plenty of people.
    Illinois had 4,715 Covid-19 deaths; their all-cause mortality in 2018 was 110,000. That’s 4.29%, or about ten times that of Tennessee and approximately four times that of Florida, which has an older population than Illinois. Again, quite material


    Explain? Apparently viruses are political, follow legal borders, and can vote. What’s the science for the Blue Flu?

    “US still going down slowly due to decline in top states, NY, NJ, IL, MA,”

    “This isn’t speculation; as I pointed out at the end of March every single state that I looked at had its infection rate (not case count, rate of expansion) peak on or before the day the lockdowns were enacted.

    Since it takes five to ten days from infection before you are symptomatic enough to go seek treatment this means the lockdown orders could not have caused the curve to collapse because the mitigation was put into place after the event occurred.”

    Yaneer doesn’t notice cause and effect. No science for us!

    “Every decision maker should take an in-depth crash course in risk.”
    “Tail Risk of Contagious Diseases – Cirillo/Taleb (Nature)”

    Yes, they should. Because clearly nobody’s paying attention right now. To science, statistics, data, math, or tail risks. Taleb’s ‘Tail Risk” would have us in our basements for 1,000 years because there is ALWAYS comet-striking-earth tail risks to everything. Every. Day. Yet this, which according to their stats, should happen, never does, while 6 Sigma events in human affairs, like market crashes, should never happen, but occur constantly. No one adjusts their math. They just tell reality it’s wrong and they’re right, as the ego drives them into ever-more delicious delusion. Everyone cheers the wrong where the only enemy is the truth.

    “Are these people still using Microsoft software, further enriching Gates?”

    Sure they are! It’s essentially impossible to do otherwise. That’s why we installed government mandated-and-protected monopolies! They have to to keep a back-door on every chip and software to the NSA and therefore to China and everybody else. This is literally true: go look at Intel chip exploit and software is naturally far worse. They just bought WayBack machine to destroy competition, and use monopoly and bank/market rigging defended by the SEC to fund it all. So no more truth and history for you! We’re firmly installed in 1984, Winston will be editing and re-editing all those pages just like they told you they would. …But of course although they said it for 60 years and did nothing but promote this the whole time, they were only kidding and I’m just crazy. Being right for decades is all just an accident and I’m wrong and making it up this time.

    “China’s Coronavirus Campaign Offers Glimpse into Surveillance System (R.)”

    I’m also crazy that this is happening worldwide, everywhere but here, just as they said they would, openly destroying journalism, protest, discussion, dissent, and all institutions that don’t strictly adhere to violent Stalinism that killed 100M in the 20th century. Join today! I, Karen, demand it! If we can save even ONE life by killing every bison in Yellowstone it’s worth it! Public safety brownshirts will expand their patrols from Antifa and Karen to the Bobbies arresting you for wrongthink online, which has been happening regularly. That’s how you know it’s good! Everyone’s much safer now that you can be arrested for anything, or even NOT arrested and held in Belmarsh for life without trial. Yay virus! We join today!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 25 2020 #59190
    Dr. D

    “The only real number is the total number of deaths – all causes of death, not just coronavirus. If you look at those numbers, you will see that every winter we get what is called an excess death rate. That is, during the winter more people die compared to the average, due to regular, seasonal flu epidemics, which nobody cares about. If you look at the coronavirus wave on a graph, you will see that it looks like a spike. Coronavirus comes very fast, but it also goes away very fast. The influenza wave is shallow as it takes three months to pass, but coronavirus takes one month. If you count the number of people who die in terms of excess mortality – which is the area under the curve – you will see that during the coronavirus season, we have had an excess mortality which is about 15 per cent larger than the epidemic of regular flu in 2017.

    …Mortality due to coronavirus is a fake number. Most people are not dying from coronavirus.

    …In developing countries many will die from starvation. In developed countries many will die from unemployment. Unemployment is mortality. More people will die from the measures than from the virus.”

    “Any reasonable expert …will tell you that lockdown cannot change the final number of infected people. It can only change the rate of infection. And people argue that by changing the rate of infection and ‘flattening the curve’, we prevented the collapse of hospitals. … But look at Sweden. No lockdown and no collapse of hospitals. The argument for the lockdown collapses.”

    “in 2017, 25,000 Italians died from flu complications. Now you have around 30,000 dying from coronavirus. So it is a comparable number.”

    –Yoram Lass former director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Health.


    “I Think It May Have Cost Lives” – Nobel Prize Winner Michael Levitt correctly predicted the initial trajectory of the pandemic, but was ignored by now-disgraced Imperial College epidemiologist Niall Ferguson”

    “We should have seen from China that a virus never grows exponentially. From the very first case you see, exponential growth actually slows down very dramatically.

    “The problem with epidemiologists is that they feel their job is to frighten people into lockdown, social distancing. So you say ‘there’s going to be a million deaths’ and when there are only 25,000 you say ‘it’s good you listened to my advice’. This happened with Ebola and bird flu. It’s just part of the madness.”

    Prof Levitt says the global evidence shows the virus fades in dry heat and in much of the western world “there seems to be some kind of immunity”. … “I am 73 and I feel very young,” he added. “I don’t care about the risk at all. As you get old the risk of dying from disease is so high that this is the time to buy a motorcycle, go skiing!”

    Believe the exerts, not the experts. The experts know. So do what they say, and the opposite of what they say, and remember: it’s your fault!

    So…one question: since the experts all disagree and are little better than man on the street interviews, who decides which experts we get to see and hear? Would it be “experts” of manufacturing pre-determined consent?

    Virtually nothing in America’s top-down financial and political realms is actually transparent, accountable, authentic or honest. Everything in these realms is a simulated, completely self-serving projection intended to fool us–The Big Con.” Charles Hugh Smith

    Big con? NY Times publishes list of victims, which from their own presentation, is meant to be political. Problem? We haven’t even been through the list and one gentleman named was shot on the highway, and didn’t die in a bed. But I suppose they rubbed it on him on the way to the hospital and got their $17,000.

    “ More Patients Than Beds In Mumbai “

    And you’re telling me this isn’t always true?

    And in abbreviated quotations: “I cannot live in societies that spend trillions on nuclear weapons” Agree. Hey didn’t some President warn us about this in the strongest possible terms, IKEA, Ikeheart, something? And then his successor was shot over it? Meh, whatever. Two generations did nothing, why start now?

    BREAKING: Coronavirus Outbreak New Losers!

    Israel, who wants to pin stars on people who are allowed to go out. …Now where have I heard that? And soon to be, Russia, which as an app you’re required to respond to in 1 minute, even if you’re asleep, so they can track all humans in 12 time zones. …But that’s never gone bad for them or anything. Clearly human rights that will kill millions have lost in Singapore, Hong Kong, Europe, Spain

    “Stop focusing on businesses, start focusing on people.” The businesses, or rather the SMALL businesses, that literally ARE people, are the ones who do the work that allow people to EAT, live, and survive at all. They are nearly the only job creator at all, which means they are the only traffic and commerce that isn’t essentially a rentier monopoly. So small business IS people. The only honest, non-fascist ones. Definitely need to be stopped then.

    So: stop focusing on people helping people, while employing people who help people and instead focus on people. I guess the difference is when you remove the first half, the only thing you’re removing is anybody doing any work. Which means people will die. No work = everybody dies. But we’ll know that soon when the inflation starts.

    Not doing work for people = helping people? I oppose.

    “So on the one hand you want a capitalist, neo-liberal system, but on the other you want companies to work for the public good.”

    I don’t see the problem, this has been true since before “capitalism” in the modern sense. Before, you needed to explain how your idea would help the people and the nation before you could incorporate. So I’m sorry nobody’s following the law, but since this doesn’t seem to be working, we might look into trying it. You know, going back to the days when things functioned, and the rules that existed then.

    “I remain amused by all the calls of hyperinflation”

    He’s not wrong, but it won’t matter until it suddenly matters. These things aren’t cost-free, and they’re having all kinds of bad effects, just not hyperinflation until later.

    “Japan Eyes Stimulus Plan Worth Over $929 Billion To Battle Pandemic (TRT)”

    Same as here: print a trillion in dollars, then cut the availability of goods in half by arresting anyone who produces or works. No one will work and everyone will eat: socialism defined! Okay. Everyone loves this and thinks it’s super-smart, so here we go. Apparently I’m going to profit on your suicide while begging you not to do it.

    states have lockdowns in effect and people go out and in places like Tokyo there is no lockdown and everyone stays inside”

    Goes to show the character of the people and the nation. You’re not going to stop that by saying, “Well I told them.” “I demand to speak to your manager.” It’s going to go the way it goes despite all the hot air. I’m pleased Asia is generally like this, but it also has substantial disadvantages. They can do as they please, but here, Karen won’t leave me alone. They’ll probably invent a law to inspect my bedposts, like they did in New Zealand. I oppose. Because they’ll use it to expose and imprison all the reporters, protesters, and whistleblowers, which they already have. Apparently no one notices, they like it, and want more.

    We managed to live in a world with nuclear bombs. But we won’t survive living in a world like that. “Public Safety” and the collective good, censorship, self-censorship, and gun control are the hallmarks of the Nazis, because they are National Democratic Socialists. I oppose. I don’t think that is unreasonable although our way has costs too.

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