Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOften left out of the transcripts/quotations of J. Small’s response to Roos’ question is the little laugh just after quickly saying “No,” the kind of response and transition one makes to emphasize light dismissiveness of the seriousness and an attempt to produce consensus acknowledgment: as though one shrugs, says “No,” but then says, “Look, here’s how it was really going down” so that her audience also understands what was already understood. Not quite as bad as an “Are you serious? Duh!” but moving in that rhetorical direction. The laugh is recorded in the captioning of the video, but I do not see it mentioned in many of the quotations. Those little details are not often seen in news coverage anyway, though.
Also, does anyone else notice the Freudian slip in her response as she reframes the question before answering? “Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it, um, entered the market.” She does shake her head ‘No’ subtly as she says ‘stopping’ but notice the word that follows and compare it specifically to what Roos asked her. ‘Immunization’ is not the same word as ‘transmission’. What does it mean to stop immunization? Is her head language indicating part of her understands she’s about to misspeak, or is it a tacit admission of that foreknowledge regarding the “stopping” and so the dissonance prompts her to switch words midstream?
Off to see the Wizard . . .
ParticipantHaving no conventional weapons makes it more likely for a nation to use unconventional weapons.
A while back, some of us had a sidebar about the aliens turning off nuclear weapons. I recently came across Lt. Co.Thomas Bearden’s Excalibur Briefing, where he says in multiple instances that the advanced forms of technology the Soviet Union developed under a hyperspatial physics/zero-point energy model could also accomplish this. They could also, if they wished, detonate a nuclear warhead while it was still in the US silo. There are a lot of “out there” claims made in the text, but if the foundations and the engineering from them are sound, what’s proposed is a kind of World Revolution in everything we understand about consciousness, time, intention, history, paranormal phenomena, in addition to a solution to energy scarcity. Here’s a YouTube video:
Tomorrow/today I’m going to see about getting a job driving a truck hauling a trailer for a quail farm. If I get it, I’ll go back to lurking while saving up money, the last few bits of it allowed me before they push the Off button, and maybe learn something about quail farming, towing long trailers, and business aspects of agriculture here in the South.
Participant153… slipped finger
22022022. I just noticed that is the date of the SMO starting in the non-US format, and palindromes are appealing to me.
Everyone should have known communism was not going to work. I mean, there were so many red flags.
Participantkultsommer, thank you for your advice and observation. I do notice that we don’t always read one another closely, and I’ll confess I skip over some comments —only to come back to certain of them if conversations hint contextually there’s value in doing so. But when the spirit moves me, all that old training in reading and rebuilding closely kicks in. The Logos taught and teaches me the spirit is not confined to any one book but to all text, even nonsense: Wittgenstein, beautiful haunted man, showed me how the difference between the senseless and nonsense is valuable, but even then, enacting rules of engagement revealing our uses of both have revelatory powers too. Silence still shows things; mystics still say things. Our words being inspired by the spirits moving through us at least show who has which gods within them: insofar as those are gods in formal spaces and geometric vectors, when grammars and logics drive wording. Other gods move us towards art, sculpture, engineering, farming, raising kids, shooting guns, praising beauty, dancing, self-destruction, addiction, boredom, annihilation, &c.
That said, it’s interesting to think that what Afewknowthetruth’s list is really saying is that Ayn Rand is right and only those self-sufficient, logically driven, and materially free to live in Galt’s Gulch deserve to survive the collapse of a modern world that’s enslaved us and weakened us and made us so completely dependent upon it. We have allowed ourselves to be lazy, in character and practice and act, which means we’re corrupt, and ignorant and afraid. So, kudos to the modern judos who swiftly escaped the tentacled clutches of octopods, squids, and communally collectivist monsters: they are the Reardens and Galts and gardeners for the future.
ParticipantOn a different note, I think I’ve determined that Monkeywerx is either not doing a good job at analysis or ignoring his own mistakes and errors or a fraud/grifter taking advantage of people. I posted earlier observations based on the links to his material also posted earlier, and the original Monkeywerx website was posted here at TAE on October 4th.
My analysis is posted here:
https://polemos.substack.com/p/is-monkeywerx-just-bad-misleadingBasically, the times and locations that Monkeywerx gives for the P8’s flight path do not match with the times or locations of the southern (or northern) blast. He misleads his audience by not clearly stating there is a huge gap in time in the flight path he’s showing them, because he makes it sound as though its one continuous sequence from plane refueling to bombing run to exfiltration. He uses a cut edit in his own SITREP to obscure this fact, and although he mentions on his website (not in the video!) the times for the refueling rendezvous and the time of the P8 leaving, nothing on that website indicates why there is a substantial gap. He claims the P8 came from the United States and went back there, but Reuters has now published that this is false: the flight path of the P8 leads from and goes back to Iceland, and they also explicitly discuss the time gap. Their flight path also indicates that the motion Monkey describes as a “bump” following weapons release is actually a course correction in the horizontal plane: it’s not going up and down and up again, but right and left and right again. There are other oddities occurring in the video that I discuss on that stack post.
Here’s something I’ll say here. At this point, I find that it was Sweden who had warships out at both leak locations in the days prior to the blasts. It was Sweden (and Denmark) who recorded and reported the underwater blasts to the United Nations Security Council. Reported just recently (tinyurl.com/3raaa36h), it was Sweden who seized evidence at the crime scene (trying to find the original press release for this is tough). The Swedish Public Prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist —and trying to track down information on this guy is tough— has had previous (https://tinyurl.com/yy9t7t5b) cases (https://tinyurl.com/mrywxkze) nvolving (alleged) Russian crimes. And, just to add even more noise to the circumstantial evidence, Sweden earlier in the month was demonstrating their unmanned naval vehicle trials. (https://tinyurl.com/42yf7z2h)
See where I’m going with this? You’ve got Swedes in the area before, Swedes reporting the blasts, Swedes seizing the evidence, Swedes signing up to join NATO though not yet a part of it, Swedish prosecutor who readily accuses Russia of criminal involvement in their nation. I know: portions of the leak/blast area are in the Swedish economic zone, so it makes legal sense for them to be conducting the investigation and seizing the evidence and presenting their findings to the UNSC. And Russia is not exactly an innocent nation that never practices realpolitik.
But what’s happening with Sweden in all this? Why is it all this talk about Nordsteam very rarely shines the light on what the Swedes are up to? Am I just being cynical?
(Apparently, anchor tags do not work well in comments?)
ParticipantV. Arnold, you said about Afewknowthetruth’s list:
“Zero mention of weapons for self defence….why is that?”I point you to #19 on his list. Can you type out what you see on your screen?
As for me, I didn’t see toilet paper or composting toilet. Maybe the paper fits into 13’s “etc” and the composting toilet fits into #6, but greywater is not blackwater. With all the emphasis people place on getting water and food, sometimes they do forget we have to poop somewhere, sometime.
ParticipantIt seems like we’re coming closer to the time when Tomorrowland / Wakanda materializes out of the air and offers people a hand at creating zero-point modules for clean, limitless energy provided by splitting and recombining water; time-traveling individual cells and organs to restore their functioning and vitality; anti-grav struts to create vehicles and quake-resistant troposcrapers; an end to the capitalist financial speculations destroying the planet through strangling its energy and creativity; and all for the low-low price of being incorporated into a hivemind collective older than our neighborhood of stars.
Or so it will appear. When the Man on the Mount mentioned the coming vast orchestrated suffering, the wars and rumors of wars, the distress of pregnancy and suckling newborns, the quakes and sudden vanishing of people, he also mentioned the miracles and signs but did not say they’d be fake.
I like the progression from seeing earlier ads to now retro versions of today’s media tech. Speaking of Tomorrowland, it’s fascinating how so much tech evolution focused on “social networking” and churning people onto proprietary platforms. I remember having to learn how to use USENET and gopher and memorizing IP addresses just to get to library websites over a Prodigy dial-up connection, then having to learn html to create my own webspace for my own thoughts and ideas, then forgetting all of that because of work, life, and the ease in Internet designs. All the fascinating engineering solutions to material problems became military and intelligence sequestered while us numbskulls left on our own fell in love with cats and cartoon memes.
All the small critters look so beautiful up close, but they spend so much time sniffing and licking and tasting their world. I can’t imagine what it’s like to listen to the world through my tiniest hairs, but all those arthropods do. What must the world “look like” when you sense it via vector smell and taste and subtle shudder of earth or leaf! How does a human look when the ant blogger “zooms out” their smell and taste and vibration to see one whole?
Participantaspnaz, Yes, and I was also the Polemos who posted on unz.com but no longer.
I’ve been unable to do anything more than read and sleep for the past year due to a job that required ten to twelve hours each day, nine days a week, but I’ve quit that job, been catching up on my book and Internet reading, been cleaning up other bad habits. I’m rusty with writing. Don’t have another job yet, but looking. In the meantime, trying not to get too carried away with fluffing my nutter online.
Also, thank you for the comment there. I appreciate that.
ParticipantI tried to post the following here in the comments, but though the attempt to post is reflected in my profile’s comment count, it vanished and does not appear here. So, I think it’s sequestered due to the code. Either way, my comment/post concerns how the Monkeywerx sitrep analysis (I’ve linked to this earlier) of the P-8 he finds on Skyglass in the area of the southernmost Bornholm blast corresponds to the Swedish warships discussed in Rixstep’s Substack analysis. Basically, the timing seems off to me.
ParticipantIn addition to reading Monkeywerx’s analysis, you can also watch his SITREP where he walks through his reasoning and provides more of the context. More color commentary and background and body language than one finds in the linked site, plus you can watch the P-8 flight with his commentary:
Sorry if this has already been linked.
ParticipantMichael Reid, you mentioned the Georgia Guidestones, with the plan’s objective “clearly written right there.”
Personally, I live not far from the Guidestones and have been visiting them —religiously— for a decade until their destruction earlier this year. I have been there and talked about them with whoever else was there, and I met all kinds of folks from all kinds of walks. I get that many people were really hung up with the first of the guidelines and shut down reading the rest. But what about the other guidelines? Who is against protecting people with far laws and just courts? Why be against nations resolving their own issues internally —wouldn’t pursuing that value invalidate all of the practices the Lords of Chaos pursue throughout the globe, whether Ukraine or Syria or Chile? And, really, who is against petty laws and useless officials? That seems to me a very worthwhile sort of objective for anyone who still wants to have governments ruling them —certainly that’s the upshot I think aspnaz wants for me to take in his harrowing tale of a land of anarchist electricians. If the law enforcers were just, useful and considerate, you’d break a law just to be treated squarely.
I watch as my native Georgia lands get flattened, bulldozed, and uprooted for copy-n-paste greyed-out angular-arched suburbs and massive Amazon distribution centers. Atlanta’s accelerated creeping is exactly a malignant cancerous growth using the interstate corridors like Spike travels down epithelia and interstitial spaces —”Be not a cancer upon the earth” comes to mind. More and more litter, not just tossed out by consumers of fast food junkies but also disseminated from malfunctioning garbage trucks, all along the gutters and rights-of-way, plastic bottles and discarded vapes in the creeks, cigarette butts at every intersection, kudzu tearing down all the trees and shrubs and utility poles the humans forget in the in-betweens, crevices, cracks among abandoned shops and homes and farms, and now the prolific Joro spiders with their amazingly strong golden webs laying waste to the last bits of arachnid and flying insect diversity left.
Being always an outsider, I appreciated how the Stones encouraged unity through a “living new language” while showcasing that language’s appearance across eight others. “Snow is white” = “Schnee ist weiß,” da? I spent a decent amount of time in my life just sitting with the Stones, watched as more surveillance cameras and then the fences showed up, saw the cell tower spring up to their west, lamented the graffiti and stains and jokes. The red clay and pebbles and gravel, the horses still grazing and the questions remaining, all that’s left of what stood though misunderstood. I’m not a mason, and I’m certainly not free. But I get it. Like so much of Georgia, like what happened to the temples and stoneworks of the great Apalache nation in its north, it’s gone and destroyed and flattened. The book says in the end times, all the valleys will be raised and the mountains laid low: flattened. Like the growth curve for a virus or human populations: flattened.
We are not moving into a higher dimension. We are moving into Flatland.
Okay, maybe only some of us. The ups and downs are worth it, to me.
ParticipantIt’s true. Bishko has consistently been saying to plant potatoes for some time.
Also, shamans are translators, linking together different perspectives so that the one can “hear” the other. Sometimes they are forceful, grabbing the listener to hold them still (physically, spiritually, emotionally, &c). Sometimes they just stay in the stillness and something settles the listener within. All kinds of ways to bridge the gap. It makes sense that you communicate well, Bishko. You’ve probably also taught a lot, right? Not necessarily “formally”. But you also have good teachers.
On a personal note, I don’t have any access to land my own to grow upon, but I have been growing worms and making soil with them (and springtails, isopods, fungi and molds, wayward sprouts from pumpkins and fruits, &c). An experiment of sharing space, since they’re in my room with me. Still, I do appreciate those of you who have secured your own land, your own earth and soil and food webs. Being poor, I have learned the secret, or been initiated, of this part of finding joy despite my envy, anger, frustration and doubts. Being unafraid, I know I have a lot of karma to burn off, demons to move along, children to lament, and ideas to start acting upon.
The wonderful thing about the collapse of the Empire is how much it will force all of us, from the immune-compromised to the ivermectin-dependent, from the TikTok wind-up zoomers to the God-Emperor’s finest dread-naughts, to put away with faith and trust in those “above us” and start handling our issues ourselves. Obviously it is our karma for many of us to die, vaporized or withered in cages, but we all knew we’re not going to make it out alive. There is great freedom at the end of the world, to be as silly or serious or kind or greedy as we each please.
Odysseus, Er says, chose instead to spend the last go round in a cabin out in the woods far from town. What does he know?
(garble bargle nonsense test)
ParticipantSometimes I post, and it goes through. Other times, a robot says I’m spam. It asks me to add two numbers together, but stumps me by showing me only one.
Then there are times, maybe it’s this time, when I write something earnestly mine
but vanished it goes, clicked into the void, gone,
so of no mind, nor for one, fine:
not even a robot suspicious
the words weren’t mine.
Maybe I’ve better just stay lurking
That’s fine.Polemos
ParticipantI’m not unsympathetic to Alexander Carpenter’s comment, but I find many of those kinds of flaws or tells (depending on what frame you use to approach the subject) present in people who present themselves as “against” or “outside” or just “alternative” to the SN. Just casually work your way through the comments on the major anti-COVID Substacks, and you’ll find the same behaviors and commenting habits. Very few people will be open to questioning penetrating to their assumptions. They repeat the same phrases (“mass formation psychosis” or “5G” or “depopulation agenda” or . . .) while making the same assertions about the dark and evil elite who want to kill off not only those commentators but the “mindless sheep” who outnumber them, the righteous few. Challenge any part of this, and you must be an idiot, a bot, a fool, or not paying any attention, or you soon find that there is little depth, little thoughtfulness, but even more of the repeated narrative a person on the outside, in the alternative, or dispossessed is supposed to say. But if you do get sources for the alternative mindsets, you soon find these commentators are repeating from the same experts, linking to the same authorities, deferring to the same groups, behaving as one sees among the cults of personality Alexander Carpenter criticizes. And likewise, just as the SN concentrates attention upon “bad guys” whose neuroses or obsessions helps us blame them for the problems, how is that different from the concentration of outsider frustration and suspicion upon “Bill Gates” or “Albert Bourla” or “Klaus Schwab”?
How many people asserting there are self-assembling nanostructures present in the inoculations actually develop plausible mechanisms for how these things work? —likewise compare these assertions with the ignorance from supporters of the SN about plausible mechanisms for how the inoculations ostensibly work: these groups of people cannot explain what’s happening beyond very superficial hand-waving claims, but they similarly lack the doubt that ought to follow from this kind of ignorance. And if you manage to find one who actually helpfully links to a downloadable pdf from nlh.nih.gov, you soon find they misunderstood the article or it offers no support nor context for the assertions —might even describe facts and situations undermining the claims! So instead what they each offer are stories: stories about how things work, how they fit into their larger pictures of our succumbing to fascism (white supremacist/nationalist fascists or transnational corporate globalist fascists), how we become siloed into push-pull/pilpul antagonisms wasting and dissipating our energy, how if we all worked together as a community, we’d defeat the Other Side —<e>the fascists.
Well, I wrote ‘you’ in the above, but it is what I find when I go about my way finding and gathering information. Having left behind social groups both “left” and “right”, both “above” and “below”, I find that this sense of the other’s projecting upon the self is still part of our fear as humans to really practice the art of loving the other, and especially the other within one’s self.
It takes a certain kind of mindset to pursue deconversion from one’s inhabited lies, and one thing people most hate to hear is that “exiting the Matrix” is still part of a Matrix’s control systems —Neo had to learn this lesson in <i>Matrix: Reloaded, Morpheus had to have his confidence and zealotry shaken, the audience had to cope with their own enjoyment factor. There is a lot of addictive desire formed in being in opposition to a hateful foe —comments about other commentators often reveal a distinct enjoyment in tearing down, mocking, humiliating or otherwise cramming the space of someone taken to be on the Other Side. Recognizing one’s own participation in abuse, especially self-abuse, also helps one deconvert from false dichotomies and blinding mythologies —weakening one’s own reliance upon the ego for knowledge of one’s Self goes a long way towards recognizing the role desire and enjoymnet plays in all these forms of destruction, and creation.
ParticipantRegarding the ‘aliens’ and the nukes, I’m convinced that Lynch in his recent season of Twin Peaks was trying to get people to understand that a nuclear detonation is not simply a massive release of destructive energy in our 3D space resulting in a hot fireball, radiation, concussion, but it is also a release of all such and more across multiple dimensions (as in, action spaces constitutive of a perceived/inhabited reality for conscious agency). Humans who think Einstein-Minkowski spacetime is our new fundamental reality (though daily living in Newtonian-Cartesian coordinate space) are not up-to-date enough that cutting edge physics has inverted the “egg/chicken” question: consciousness does not live within a spacetime and finds itself generated from objects long since pre-existing within, but rather all-pervasive consciousness creates the dynamics of the reality it subjects to its own evolutionary unfolding. (Ask Donald Hoffman). This consciousness manifesting as humans —at least the mostly conventional kind— restricts itself from the vast endlessness of possibilities it is always already exploring across manifold evolving realities, but there are many other forms taken through which it explores. And some of these other forms are deeply aware of the limitations of not just the human expression but their own, yet are just as open to all the possibilities of their choices evolving towards integration or disintegration of/through/with others —to choose to prolong self as distinct or recognize others as One. Blowing open holes in reality, especially with the intention to create these holes as weapons to disintegrate others from the totality of the One whom one is: this is an act of Great Evil, likely to call attention not just from those who seek integration of all into One through love but also those who seek disintegration of all others through hatred (at root: fear) and rejection of the One. The former recognize the shame of the weapon and its working, and for the sake of love come to try and heal the fear and redirect the suffering, whereas the latter recognize the threat of the working and the opportunity for exploitation of such ignorance and hubris and accomplishment.
The many others didn’t travel from planets light-years away (though some will and have) but have always already been around us, not only because they are us from the past and the future and the sideways, but also because we are theirs, whether pets or cattle or children or grandparents or exhibits —you choose as much as they do. Before we were caught up in the electrochemical soup of a human holobiont and took it to be ourselves, we were the photons freely circulating in harmonious currents, resonating along magnetic fields traversing an evolving universe connecting the massive, living wells of light and radiance, and once freed of the experiences these bodies facilitate, we learn again to shed what cannot be remembered to renew what within cannot be forgotten. Or, out of fear, curiosity, self-imposed exile, sense of humor, desire to hide, desire for punishment, insatiable craving, longing to learn ever more, we climb back into some soup’s skull or ganglia or nodes or distributed computational matrix and forget in order to dramatize further the unfolding narrative of this planet, this well, and its neighborhood of hosts.
ParticipantAs much as farmers and growers talk about rising costs, we need to point out to them that they pay these costs because they have adopted costly and destructive techniques for “growing”. They could (have) reduce(d) costs to one-tenth what they had been while diversifying their marketable products using wiser techniques and strategies.
Justin Rhodes interviews Mark Shepard
Kirsten Dirksen interviews Shepard
Permaculture takes hard work and time, but creates spaces that become not only thriving but effortless (in the wu wei sense). Not only beautiful but educating. Not only healthy but enduring.
While I recognize the Burton Watson translation has its limits, I like the way it captures why the old gardener won’t use the well dip recommended to him by Zi Gong in chapter 12 of the Zhuangzi:
Where there are machines, there are bound to be machine worries; where there are machine worries, there are bound to be machine hearts. With a machine heart in your breast, you’ve spoiled what was pure and simple; and without the pure and simple, the life of the spirit knows no rest. Where the life of the spirit knows no rest, the Way will cease to buoy you up. It’s not that I don’t know about your machine – I would be ashamed to use it!
ParticipantPilate asked “What is truth?” and Jesus already gave an answer (given again by Dr. D). Socrates also gives answers, depending on when in the dialogues you come across them (while the eternal is unchanged, your awareness and orientation regarding it are changing, because you are not yet One with it).