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  • in reply to: Europe, The Morally Bankrupt Union #19718

    Napoleon had incredible insight, even if he was a tyrant himself. He was a very intelligent tyrant.
    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
    ― Napoléon Bonaparte
    I don’t think one in 1,000 people comprehend the essence of this Napoleon observation. It literally sums up the world as it is, not as people suppose it to be.
    What can be gleaned from the quote?
    1. The Money Power of a nation runs the nation, regardless of the propaganda. While everyone obsesses about governments doing this or that – even on this website – they completely miss the fact that they are simply the “curtain” that conceals the Debt Money Monopoly “Oz” from the masses – and bloggers.
    2. Governments ARE NOT undertaking policies to benefit the people governed by the government… This isn’t the US doing anything – it is the Debt Money Monopolists doing it through their vassal Vichy government structures they financed into place. “The US” is being gutted by this supranational group just like this supranational group is gutting the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia.
    3. This group is Supranational – they aren’t constrained by national bounderies.
    4. They have no decency – NOTHING is off the table for these people, whether it is putting small pox a blanket to further their genocide or financing al Qaeda (now ISIS) to overthrow Libya.
    5. Their sole object is gain. Period. More for them, less for you… and there is no decency in how they will mind and physically fork you to get it all for themselves.
    Napoleon had a clear comprehension of EXACTLY WHO he was fighting, while the duped British Army thought they were fighting for “country.”

    in reply to: When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control #19559

    Hi Ilargi,
    Have you stopped to consider that the financiers of the supranational organizations actually run them? You do know that governments don’t produce money in the West, right? Private banks control the issuance of money via their ability to make loans… to the private sector, to the corporate sector, and to the government sector.
    Lookee, here, the financiers created the supranational organizations, the financiers finance the supranational organizations…

    How could the Debt Money Monopoly NOT control these supranational institutions regardless of the result of any penny-ante election in some debt money subjugated Vichy government system?

    in reply to: Greece To Return Classical Masterpiece #19008

    Hi Scott,
    >>Tell me how this makes sense:
    There are millions of jobs to be done. There are millions of people who want to do them. The Land has value, but money does not; money is not wealth, as Henry George proved long ago.<<
    The debt money system has value because the government uses guns and jails cells to enforce that value. This is fiat value, not intrinsic value, but ask all the people who’ve been killed over “fiat value” if it is perceived as having “no value.”

    >>Fiat money like we have is not even “scarce.” It is not something we can “run out of.”<<
    You really need to define terms. First off, what do you mean by “we?” Do you mean society? Do you know that a society that has one person owning all the money and everyone else impoverished with inextinguishable debt hasn’t “run out of money?” However, I don’t think that is the society you had in mind, but it is consistent with you statement given the lack of definition inherent in the terms.

    >>So, what the heck is this fear of debt?<<
    Because it is inextinguishable from the standpoint of society outside the Debt Money Monopoly. Their net trillions in monetary assets (that they possess personally and also that they control through their economic army of multi-national corporations) IS EVERYONE ELSE’S NET MONETARY LIABILITY AND INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT, BY ARBITRARY DEFINITION! For those people who are a wee slow on the uptake, YOU WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO DIRECTLY VOTE ON WHO DEFINES AND CONTROLS MONEY BECAUSE MONEY IS THE SURREPTITIOUS MEANS THROUGH WHICH YOU AND YOURS ARE CONTROLLED.

    >>Forget the banks. We don’t need them to provide money.<<
    The government they financed uses guns and jail cells to make sure they are the only ones who can offer money within a society and the government makes sure there is no real competition to the Debt Money Monopoly. Yes, there ways to reduce their influence (buy local, pay cash, grow your own, live little, buy used, use credit unions, etc…), but we are not allowed to just forget the banks. This is the lesson to the “socialists” that lobby for big government who are trodden under the delusion that they somehow control the Frankenstein they create when the special interests that really control government use it as a club on which to beat the general populace while lying to them about caring for the general public. The Potemkin BanksterCare is a perfect example – the deductibles and copays ACT AS A WALL TO PREVENT THE POOR FROM GETTING THE CARE!

    >>We actually have a Coinage Clause in the Constitution to allow Congress to “coin Money” (Art. 1, Sec. 8. Clause 5).<<
    No, YOU have nothing. The Debt Money Monopoly finances the government, so the government does their bidding. If that wasn’t enough, the Debt Money Monopoly finances and promotes the politicians they want in power on the major media outlets that they also finance. Do you see how that works? The media carries the narratives that please the Debt Money Monopoly. Increasing the size and scope of the Debt Money Monopoly’s #1 weapon to force the common person to bow before their self-interests is simply insane from a perspective of knowledge.
    >>Henry George was also Greenbacker, like his part-contemporary, President Lincoln, issuer of the original “Greenbacks” (U.S. Notes). Congress can do this again, at any time, for any reason, for any amount. We have nearly a Trillion dollar Output Gap now, says the CBO, so forget about inflation for now. Let’s just get people working again and lower real unemployment.<<
    Can you IMAGINE collecting interest on the world’s money supply annually? Can you imagine what how easy it would be to put that money to work for Machiavellian purposes when the society is so ignorant or nescient THAT THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST AS AN ENTITY?
    >>OK, enough. I cover all this and more in my new book: America is Not Broke!<<
    That simply is not true. The government ENFORCES the debt money mechanism by which America is broke! The government is financed by the Debt Money Monopoly that is systematically impoverishing everyone. It is literally a delusion to pretend the most powerful entity on the planet simply doesn’t exist… like a small lamb pretending that hungry wolf who has been chomping on its leg for 30 seconds doesn’t actually exist and their leg isn’t damaged.
    >>See here:
    Chapter 1 is about Greenbacking
    Chapter 2 is about Georgism
    Chapter 3 is about Public Banking
    Chapter 4 is about Government Financial Asset Hoarding (10s of trillions of dollars…yes, it is)
    Chapter 5 is about hundreds of billions more in potential assets and revenues.
    Stop the scaremongering. It’s all a political scam. America is Not Broke!<<
    America is broke and the government is there to make sure that it stays broke. Do you know why the Feds control so much land? Because the Debt Money Monopoly will seize that land when the Feds can’t pay the debt and it will be easy to seize as long as the Feds (financed by the Debt Money Monopoly) control the land. That’s why they are using government to kick ranchers off the land – the Banksters want the land unencumbered and they don’t want the bad press associated with kicking people off after they’ve seized the land.
    The ONLY solution is a mass education movement to educate the masses about the existence of the Debt Money Monopoly and their mechanisms of surreptitious debt money based tyranny. The masses will then demand a real monetary system instead of fight amongst themselves like good little serfs dying to become slaves.
    However, given that this is an issue that even the likes of Ilargi WILL NOT TOUCH, well, I have little hope that this message will get to the masses – the only message that can make a permanent change for the better.
    Please educate people on the Debt Money Monopoly and how they use government’s infrastructure to oppress the masses. Please DO NOT play pretend like a small child who pulls the covers over their eyes believing that hiding under the blanket will mean the person who just bashed through the front door can’t exist because he chooses not to look at him.

    in reply to: Greece To Return Classical Masterpiece #18998

    “Now, my friends, let me come to the great paramount issue. If they ask us here why it is we say more on the money question than we say upon the tariff question, I reply that if protection has slain its thousands the gold standard has slain its tens of thousands. If they ask us why we did not embody all these things in our platform which we believe, we reply to them that when we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished.?
    ~William Jennings Bryan (the cowardly lion in one political interpretation of the Wizard of Oz)
    No, Georgist ideas, at least as elucidated in these threads DO NOT ADDRESS THE ROOT CAUSE. William Jennings Bryan did, though. If we don’t solve the “money issue,” NOTHING CAN BE SOLVED!
    Henry Ford, Sr. nailed it, too. “The youth who can solve the money question will do more for the world than all the professional soldiers of history.” ~Henry Ford, Sr.
    But, alas, the common folk can’t solve what they don’t comprehend and they don’t comprehend it because the media, including the vast majority of the alternate media, simply doesn’t tell them the truth – for whatever reason.
    Debt based money is fraud. It is an artificially enforced ZERO SUM GAME that uses interest (usury) to systematically convey the money assets to the debt money creators and the inextinguishable debts to everyone else.
    THAT IS THE ISSUE. Until THAT ISSUE, AND THAT ISSUE ALONE, IS SOLVED, nothing of long term substance can be accomplished because the MONEY POWER, that Eisenhower claimed was “ever present” and “gravely to be regarded” (read Eisenhower’s farewell speech in full) will use their MONEY POWER to corrupt the system TO SERVE THEIR SOCIOPATHICLY PERCEIVED SELF-INTERESTS.
    It is so simple, even a cave man could “get it.” Unfortunately, not many people are willing to let the 5th grade math “sink in.” George Orwell created the neologism “crimestop” to address this specific, and very real, quirk of common person human nature…

    1984 – Newspeak
    Modern Newspeak
    George Orwell
    Chestnut Tree Cafe

    to download a free Java plugin from Sun Microsystems.

    Newspeak Dictionary

    Newspeak and other terminology found in Orwell’s novel “1984”, with some additional words which only appear in the movie.

    Airstrip One – Formally called England. This term demonstrates Orwell’s distain for American influence Europe. It seems that Oceania (America, England, South America, Australia) looks upon Britain as little more than an ‘airstrip’ … a launching ground into the European theater of war. It appears that Orwell was predicting the minor role that England would play in the global politics of the future.

    artsem – Artificial Insemination – The government is pushing this method of childbirth as the ONLY method, to aid in the destruction of the family unit. To hear a speech on Artsem from the movie, click here

    Golden Country Atomic Wars – The Atomic Wars took place during the 1950’s. Colchester, England is the only city that was specifically mentioned as being nuked, but the book does say that many cities were destroyed in North America, Europe, and Russia.

    It was out of the chaos of these wars that Party emerged and seized control.

    Big Brother is Watching You Big Brother – Also refered to as simply “B.B.”. Similar to America’s “Uncle Sam”, except this individual is the leader of the nation. In Oceania, Big Brother is worshiped almost as if he were a god.

    And just like the gods of most religions, Big Brother is most likely fictional. Orwell never refers to Big Brother by his ‘real’ name, and it would appear that nobody in Oceania possesses this information either. Winston’s memory is a little foggy, but he does share some of the history of BB’s rise to power with us:

    “The story really began in the middle sixties, the period of the great purges in which the original leaders of the Revolution were wiped out once and for all. By 1970 none of them was left, except Big Brother himself. All the rest had by that time been exposed as traitors and counter- revolutionaries.”

    But this really doesn’t answer the question of whether Big Brother is a ‘real’ individual or not. But elsewhere in the book there are hints that Big Brother is a fictional leader:

    “Nobody has ever seen Big Brother. He is a face on the hoardings, a voice on the telescreen. We may be reasonably sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable uncertainty as to when he was born. Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the world. His function is to act as a focusing point for love, fear, and reverence, emotions which are more easily felt towards an individual than towards an organization.”

    It also fits the ideology of Ingsoc to have a fictional leader. It would go a long way to help the stability of the nation, since it would be difficult for any power-hungry inner party members to stage a coup d’etat against an imaginary phantom.

    This phrase Big Brother has found its way into everyday speech, and can be found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

    big brother, noun, Date: 1863
    1 : an older brother
    2 : a man who befriends a delinquent or friendless boy
    3 : capitalized both Bs [Big Brother, personification of the power of the state in 1984 (1949) by George Orwell] a : the leader of an authoritarian state or movement b : an all-powerful government or organization monitoring and directing people’s actions [data banks that tell Big Brother all about us — Herbert Brucker]

    bellyfeel – Full emotional understanding. Blind, enthusiastic acceptance of a concept.

    blackwhite- The ability to accept whatever “truth” the party puts out, no matter how absurd it may be. Orwell described it as “…loyal willingness to say black is white when party discipline demands this. It also means the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know black is white, and forget that one has ever believed the contrary.”

    The Brotherhood – see the resistance

    Chestnut Tree Cafe Chestnut Tree Cafe – The “haunt of painters and musicians. There was no law, not even an unwritten law, against frequenting the Chestnut Tree Cafe, yet the place was somehow ill-omened. The old, discredited leaders of the Party had been used to gather there before they were finally purged. Goldstein himself, it was said, had sometimes been seen there, decades ago.”

    There is a rhyme about the cafe that re-occurs throughout the book:

    Under the spreading chestnut tree
    I sold you and you sold me
    There lie they, and here lie we
    Under the spreading chestnut tree

    This is most likely a “Newspeak Translation” of Longfellow’s original poem, The Village Blacksmith

    Under a spreading chestnut-tree
    The village smithy stands;
    The smith, a mighty man is he,
    With large and sinewy hands;
    And the muscles of his brawny arms
    Are strong as iron bands.

    crimestop – Orwell’s definition: “The faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. In short….protective stupidity.”

    in reply to: It’s Greece vs Wall Street #18813

    Asking the Debt Money Monopoly for a jubilee is like an antelope asking a hungry lion for a “hand up” after having twisted their ankle and fallen down. I mean, really people?
    The root cause is fraud in the form of money P, lent from nothing, that requires P+I to pay off when the lender accrues I and has no requirement to make it available to the lender.
    I hear the Greeks saying that they can’t pay the debts, BUT THEY DON’T EXPLAIN WHY THEY CAN’T PAY THE DEBTS.
    The system is not broken, it is fixed. It is rigged. It is all a fraud run by criminals who hire rhetoricians for millions so that the Debt Money Monopoly can direct money where they want and earn interest literally on most of the world’s money supply.
    And if your country is paying interest to the Debt Money Monopoly then it is likely your country is 1. being bombed already or 2. on a shot list of countries to be bombed.
    “Wall Street” is far to vague a term to reveal actual, useable meaning. Wall Street is on the game board, NOT AN ACTUAL PLAYER. The Debt Money Monopoly – the human majority OWNERS AND CONTROLLERS OF THE MONEY CENTER BANKS – is a precise term that properly identifies the villains instead of hiding their identities in an abstract “Wall Street” descriptions. But, I get it.
    “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the (Debt Money Monopoly financed and controlled*) monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man’s wares.”
    —The New Freedom, Chapter I: The Old Order Changeth

    *Once can not create a monopoly in America without money and money is only issued into society by the Debt Money Monopoly.

    in reply to: It’s Not The Greeks Who Failed, It’s The EU #18716

    <<The question is that of how to balance the inevitable “anticipated losses”, while maintaining the overall structure of the financial system.<<

    No. The debt based structure of the financial system has to go. It can’t be maintained if the common person is to avoid serfdom. Anything else is rearranging chairs of the Debt Money Tyranny Titanic.

    >>That is, our notion of economic growth requires energy, which has up to now been provided almost entirely by fossil fuels.<<

    You’ve missed a step. Debt Money Tyranny drives the growth. Without growth, most people go bankrupt. That’s why the Fed targets inflation. I’ll share the mechanism that does this in my next post.

    Debt Money injections drive growth. That’s a KEY root cause factor in play here.

    in reply to: It’s Not The Greeks Who Failed, It’s The EU #18691

    The root cause is Debt Money Tyranny where one person’s monetary asset is another person’s INEXTINGUISHABLE monetary liability. Any other spin is misinformation that will lead to non solutions to the ultimate root cause. “Supra-national” equates, 100%, with Debt Money Monopoly financed institutions and operatives. There are NO exceptions.

    The concept that the most powerful entity within a society will control the money of said society is common sense. Since a private international banking cartel controls most of the world’s money, THEY are the most powerful entity within society. When you rub a couple brain cells together independent of the Debt Money Monopoly financed media narratives, you’ll see how easy it is for the Debt Money Monopoly to control government WHEN THEY FINANCE AND PROMOTE THE POLITICIANS WHO WILL DO THEIR BIDDING AND THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

    Greece is not a failed experiment, rather, it is an astounding success of how to use debt money to create the feudal system Carroll Quigley said was the goal of the “Money Power.”

    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank…sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
    ~Carroll Quigley, CFR Historian, President Clinton Mentor

    Oh, you thought the Council on Foreign Relations historian and Bill Clinton mentor was kidding? NOT!

    Expect Greece, and the rest of the world outside the Debt Money Monopoly and their servant class, to trend worse and worse over time. Machiavelli said the feudal lords should not let the serfs have too much power so they would be easier to control, right?

    in reply to: Bunch of Criminals! #18663

    Debt Money Tyranny – a private international banking cartel literally renting money to society so our economies can temporarily function for the interest costs – is the root cause of the problem.
    Everything else is secondary.
    If you don’t eliminate debt based money, YOU’VE DONE NOTHING LONG TERM.
    Except that term might not be so long anymore.
    Greece is the symbol of where Debt Money Tyranny was ENGINEERED to take “little people” so that the sociopathic oligarchs can benefit according to their sick desires.
    By all appearances, they don’t just want your stuff, either. They want your soul and spirit, too.

    in reply to: Is This The Day Europe Gets Its Future Back? #18662

    Prof L&L, the normalcy bias will confuse one who doesn’t comprehend the power structure and the incentives operating on the power structure.
    The power structure robs from the little people, they don’t bail them out.
    If you don’t get that one single concept, you’ll never comprehend the game afoot.
    You do get the bubble phase, the error is in extrapolating that out beyond the debt implosion “event horizon.”
    The debt bubble’s purpose was to create the bust – it is a feature, not a bug.

    in reply to: Is This The Day Europe Gets Its Future Back? #18661

    There is no long term future for a society in the “bonds” (oh, the oligarchs must laugh every time the word “bond” is said aloud!) if Debt Money Tyranny.
    It really is too bad that so many of the Prussian operant conditioned “intelligentsia” can’t quite grasp the applied 5th grade math that underlies the absolute proof of the debt money fraud.

    If the international banking cartel lends $20 government/society (or $20 trillion – the math doesn’t change, people!) @ 5% interest, in one year government/society owes the private international banking cartel $21 due to double entry bookkeeping adjustments that add $1 interest liability to government/society and $1 interest asset to the international banking cartel (to add to their $20 “bond” – oh, the laughs must be good at the oligarch parties… “bonds” tying down society in Gulliver the Bankster’s Travels).

    How can a $21 debt be paid when the borrower only has $20 and the lender possesses the only $1 available to pay back the debt (and they are not giving that $1 back, they are busy swindling the chumptocracy out of the original $20, too!).

    Oh, and a “bailout” is when the $20 is created and stuffed in an international banking cartel corporate “front pocket” and society is sent the $21 bill EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDNI’T RECEIVE THE $20 PROCEEDS FROM THE DEBT.

    I know, this is sooooooo simple the mind is repelled.


    Hiding won’t help.

    in reply to: The Only Road Out Of Davos #18556

    >>And to do that, we first need to know what exactly the model is.<<
    The model is Debt Money Tyranny – the one subject you seem unwilling to touch even though 5th grade level math proves the prima facie fraud of the system.
    If Banksters generate $20 for society based on 5% debt, then society owes the Banksters $21 in a year’s time, BUT SOCIETY ONLY HAS $20. The debts are inextinguishable.
    That’s the math that underlies Henry Ford’s observation…

    “The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.”
    ~Henry Ford

    There is a reason they call the debt paper associated with the generation of money “bonds.”

    in reply to: We’ve Let The Clowns Come Way Too Far #18555

    Hi Ilargi,
    You do everyone a grave disservice when you refer to the dElites and their operatives as “clowns.”
    That’s akin to calling Joe Stalin “Uncle Joe.”
    No, he wasn’t Uncle Joe, he was a sociopath out to do great harm to a whole lot of people who should’ve viewed him as a methodical tyrant, not a docile “uncle.”
    No, these people aren’t clowns, they are criminals who use their fraudulent debt based, zero sum monetary “game” to starve 10s of millions to death…. 30 years ago! If the oligarchs use abstract systems to murder 10s of millions annually, do those people really die if you don’t recognize the underlying structure of the operation?
    Stop the disservice. Call them what they are – ice cold blooded criminals out to harm average people – and the really connected ones enjoy it a whole a lot.

    in reply to: The End Of The World Of Finance As We Know It #18468

    Twain has expressed the societal asset stripping process in play right now quite well.

    This is the same old debt bubble/bust cycle that has been played on unwitting societies with unwitting or bought off intelligentsias for hundreds of years – and the process has been refined to a science, exactly as Charles Lindbergh, Sr. made clear, oh, just about 100 years ago…

    “Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientific one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.” (Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, The Economic Pinch, 1921.)

    He was right, but the one thing we learn from history is that (common) people learn… nothing, or at least very little, from history, hence, we fall for this crap every single time even though it is so obvious.

    I have news for everyone, the debt collapse is part of the program like the ball coming down (depression) is part of the throwing the ball up (debt bubble) process.

    In fact, the debt bust is CRITICAL to the agenda. It was in the Great Depression, it was in the early 1920s, it was every time before that, too!

    The bust is when the debt money generated from fiat turns into a “better than alchemy” mechanism where the debts generated from nothing TURN INTO OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL FOR THE DEBT MONEY MONOPOLY CORPORATE CARTEL.

    The bust is being orchestrated to transfer the physical assets of society to the oligarch corporate fronts.

    The surveillance and police state are being set, right on time, to deal with people who FINALLY realized they will lose everything they worked their lives to obtain – and then some… en masse.

    Ms. Foss knows this quite well… she opines in “A Tribute to the Automatic Earth” youtube video, “why should the bankers get it all?”

    Indeed. They don’t “get it all” until they bust the leveraged out of their assets, hence, the bust is exactly what the Central Bank has engineered on behalf of the Debt Money Monopoly – the same people who own and control the money center banks and the multi-national corporations. These are the same people who have collecting interest on most of the world’s money supply via the monopoly power of money given to them by their quisling politicians.

    Oh, no, don’t expect Ron Paul or Rockefeller funded Mises to point this out – they won’t. They want you to think the politicians are just stoopit or “academic,” which is exactly what the Debt Money Monopolists want the “in the know” people to think.

    No, they are cold blooded criminals waging Sun Tzu Art of War on the monetary witless.

    in reply to: Oil, Power and Psychopaths #18078

    >>America is trying to control the world by throwing it into confusion, emboldened by poorly understood theories about military superiority, and creating conflicts all over the place that look like they will never be solved. Whereas all it would need to do is make sure it secures itself, its own territory, not control the entire planet. <<

    Socrates spent a lot of time thinking about words. That was my son’s takeaway from reading a biography on Socrates.
    Socrates was a wise man – because using vague words leads to a lot of confusion. I spent a great deal of effort encouraging people to use more concise words.
    “America” doesn’t do anything because it doesn’t exist. It is an abstract concept.
    The American government does do things – BUT WHY? WHO controls the government?
    The Debt Money Monopolists who finance government control it – if they didn’t then their ROOT OF ALL EVIL **POWER** would be stripped from them by government.
    “America” is not doing anything, but the Debt Money Monopolists who finance government and politicians are doing as you claim- to the detriment of the American people.

    Most people won’t get that “America” would do something that hurts “Americans,” hence, a key element of what ought to be communicated is lost to the benefit of the real malefactors of EVIL on the planet.

    Note to Diogenes – Geo Engineering is a better term than “conspiracy” labeled “chemtrails.”

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18073

    Nassim, I would like you to consider a paradigm alignment path that I think is critically important.
    Debt Money Monopolists exist. They enforce their will through providing money into society and by financing quisling politicians to enforce their will.
    The term “Israel” conceals this CRITICAL power and class distinction – exactly as any Debt Money Monopolist would want it. The last thing they want is to be exposed – so please lump in the poor Jewish plumber oppressed by Debt Money Tyranny when criticizing the evil of the world… a guy – or gal – who has no political power at all.
    See how that works?
    The world’s Western governments are financed by Debt Money Monopolists. They finance governments to lie to, steal from, and murder people. They also have to do some legitimate government work as a form of revolution control. Hitler fed many needy people – it didn’t make him a good guy.
    The real power structure has nothing to do with “Israel.” Israel is ON THE CHESSBOARD.
    The Debt Money Monopolists are the Master Chess Players and THEY are the ones that to be exposed with laser like efficiency.
    While Napoleon was an authoritarian thug, HE HAD EXCELLENT STRATEGIC INSIGHT – a skill from which nearly everyone in modern day society can benefit…

    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.
    ― Napoléon Bonaparte

    I get it – the deceptions are many and they run deep. But we can actively think our way our of the cognitive quagmire.

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18072

    Competition is forced onto an ignorant society via the artificially engineered ZERO SUM Debt Money Tyranny “Balance Sheet” system imposed on society by Debt Money Monopolist Monsters.
    Do you know what “balance sheet” means in terms of debt based monetary systems?
    It means monetary ZERO SUM GAME.
    For every FRN or bank credit balance, there is an equal amount of debt.
    One person’s money is someone else’s, or some other group’s, INEXTINGUISHABLE DEBT.
    This is the ROOT CAUSE to the inequality that correctly offends Ilargi, but he won’t touch the root cause with someone else’s 10 foot pole.
    Our monetary system is a prima facie fraud and the #1 reason it persists is the Orwellian “crimestop” exhibited by people with the power to influence others – at least the people who haven’t already sold their soul to the Beast Empire System ridden (controlled) by the Debt Money Monopolist Monster cartel.

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17991
    Participant Aerosol Effects on Water Clouds and Warm Precipitation

    “Aerosols are hypothesised to increase the lifetime of clouds because increased concentrations of smaller droplets lead to decreased drizzle production and reduced precipitation efficiency (Albrecht, 1989).”

    “In addition… future developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare–even the weather may be tampered with.*

    Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm….(Gordon J. F. MacDonald, “Space,” in Toward the year 2018, p.34). ”
    ~Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, circa 1970; Chief Debt Money Monopoly Technocrat

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17989

    >>Diogenes Shrugged suggests that the “chem trails” story is the cause of recent climate changes. I watched the video you posted and I’m not at all convinced.<<

    Yes, but are you convinced it has no substantial impact at all?

    Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014

    “The more aerosols in the air, the less it will rain overall.”

    If that statement is true, if aerosols, even scientifically engineered ones, in the atmosphere inhibit rain, well, that inhibits snow, it inhibits drinking water and it will BRING A POPULATION DOWN TO ITS KNEES… or just maximize profits.
    Or, perhaps, it will make farmland cheap so multinationals can buy it up and “turn on the rain,” as it were. Don’t lack imagination here – the Debt Money Monopolists have plenty of imagination to screw you and yours over.

    Now, I don’t claim I know exactly what is going on here – but SOMETHING is going on.
    To not question and investigate to reach substantial answers is, IMHO, foolish.

    “In addition… future developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare–even the weather may be tampered with.*

    Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm….(Gordon J. F. MacDonald, “Space,” in Toward the year 2018, p.34). ”
    ~Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, circa 1970; Chief Debt Money Monopoly Technocrat

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17987

    To Huck:

    >>You did not just throw that extremely inane derivatives argument at me did ya?
    Seriously how retarded are the collective people here.
    Derivatives totals represent the underlying. So they are notional. No person on the planet will ever lose that much money. 98% of it are Interest rate linked and 95% of that is under 2 years maturity.
    Even if I had your IQ and actually got scared looking at those “Liabilities”, then you need to understand that all those “liabilities” are also someone else’s “Assets”. So if you count them on one side count them on the other.
    What you should focus is Net exposure, that takes into account potential losses after Margin requirements already put up are exhausted. That is around 12 Trillion dollars. Yes 12 Trillion in a world with Net assets (assets minus debts) exceeding 1 Quadrillion dollars. We are so fucking doomed.”

    Let’s run an example.

    1. Bank A has $20 trillion in derivatives exposure to Bank B on rates going up and $20 trillion on rates going down
    2. Bank A has $20 trillion in derivatives exposure to Bank B on rates going up and $20 trillion on rates going down
    3. Bank A has $20 trillion in derivatives exposure to Bank B on rates going up and $20 trillion on rates going down
    4. Bank A has $20 trillion in derivatives exposure to Bank B on rates going up and $20 trillion on rates going down

    Each of these banks has $1 trillion in assets.
    If I am interpreting your argument correctly, you would conclude there is $0 net exposure and, therefore, there is nothing to worry about.
    Let’s run a little experiment through the system…
    Let’s say rates rise such that the derivatives expose each bank to a $2 trillion liability.
    Bank A owes $2 trillion to bank B. Bank A has $1 trillion, but owes $2 trillion. Bank A goes under and its $1 trillion is tied up in bankruptcy.
    Bank B gets $0 trillion from Bank A and owes Bank C $2 trillion.
    Bank B goes under, too. It pays nothing to Bank C.
    The same effect occurs to Bank C and Bank D…

    No more debt money producing banks THEN NO MORE DEBT RECEIPTS YOU THINK OF AS MONEY FOR SOCIETY.

    I think you’ve swallowed Bankster Kool-Aid engineered to keep the dangers hidden from you.

    in reply to: What If The World Can’t Cut Its Carbon Emissions? #17986

    Hi All,
    I would like to throw in my 3 cents on the various issues being discussed here.
    From DS – “But the crooks need their chumps. So it’ll be that third group that must be eradicated.”
    Now that’s what I call insightful, accurate, and concise!

    Climate is exceedingly complex. Micro, macro, whatever – it is complex. The data I’ve seen, coupled with basic common sense, indicates to me that people who claim to know what temperatures will be 10 years out are 10 years away from making all kinds of excuses as to why they were wrong. The extremist global warming crowd back in 1998 have found themselves in this predicament since NONE of their Debt Money Monopoly finianced models turned out correct. Let’s go over what we know…

    1. The #1 root cause of CO2 emissions are the Debt Money Monopolists who ultimately blew the world’s largest debt bubble via their control over the mega banks and the the Federal Reserve System. I would hope this fact, once laid bare, is obvious to most folks here, but if not, please consider that it takes money (debt – money is a literaly debt receipt) to buy things, it takes energy to make things, and it takes CO2 emissions to produce the energy. You will find that CO2 emissions correlate rather tightly to the debt bubble blown by the Debt Money Monopolists through their various front corporations (including the Federal Reserve System they PRIVATELY CONTROL).
    2. We know that more man made CO2 has been emitted into the atmosphere in the last 15 years than in any previous 15 year period.
    3. We know that the projected warming (circa 1998 – 2000) didn’t materialize.
    4. We know the main root cause of CO2 emission, the debt bubble blowing Banksters (Debt Money Monopolist corporate fronts) are trying to set up a carbon exchange market.
    5. We know the Banksters manipulate the stock market for corporate gain – including trading on insider infromation, rigging Libor, bribing governments (officials went to jail, not Banksters), you get the idea.
    6. We know that carbon credits enshrine the current Debt Money Monopoly corporate structures as effective monopolies. After all, if current Bankster enshrined energy company A gets free carbon credits for emitting its current level of carbon and a new competitor B GETS NO CARBON CREDITS AND HAS TO PAY FOR THEM, then company B operates at a serious disadvantage and must charge higher prices – IF IT CAN EXIST AT ALL. “Competition is sin.” ~John D. Rockefeller. Indeed.
    7. We know that an insider in Britain leveraged the carbon credit system in order to pocket about $1 billion
    8. We know that endless wars produce an untold amount of CO2 emissions and other damage to the environment and to life. It also creates a lot of profit for the Debt Money Monopolists who finance the war efforts and, once a nation is conquered (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine), the Debt Money Monopolists steal the wealth of the country and set up a debt money system that starts the systematic asset stripping of the host population.
    9. We know the media covers up the top two low hanging fruit root causes of CO2 emissions – the debt money bubble (which always presages a bust – no exceptions ever) and the endless war campaigns that install more debt money systems and take out oil competitors tot he Debt Money Monopoly oil corporate fronts.
    10. The Debt Money Monopoly multinational corporate fronts moved much of their manufacturing away from relatively clean emission American plants to China where Hell level of pollution can be observed. The net effect IS TO INCREASE WORLDWIDE POLLUTION AND EMISSIONS OF CO2.
    11. The Debt Money Monopoly financed media complex ignores this reality as well.

    While I don’t know exactly how the climate works to be able to accurately predict world temperatures 10 years out (and neither do you outside your personal delusion – if you think anyone does then lets put all your assets in escrow and when, not if, you are substantially wrong I’ll take your assets off your hands), I DO KNOW THAT THE DEBT MONEY Monopoly Monsters, THE #1 ROOT CAUSE TO THE CO2 EMISSIONS ISSUE (if it is a significant one), has rigged the system for personal gain.

    I KNOW that.

    “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat with demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned namely mistaking systems for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” (present company of the world’s greatest consumers excepted, no doubt)
    ~”The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.

    “In addition… future developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare–even the weather may be tampered with.*

    “In addition, it may be possible–and tempting–to exploit for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that timed artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth…. In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period…. No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.”

    “As one specialist noted, ‘By the year 2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major nations, a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means, thoroughly weakening the population (though with a minimum of fatalities) before taking over with its own armed forces. Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm….(Gordon J. F. MacDonald, “Space,” in Toward the year 2018, p.34). ”
    ~Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, circa 1970; Chief Debt Money Monopoly Technocrat

    in reply to: Quo Vadis, America? #17537

    Hi Ilargi,
    As someone who has interacted with literally thousands of people and who has had material exposing this fraud downloaded around 40-50,000 times, I have an idea why people allow this crap to go on.
    My observations are entirely consistent with what George Orwell called “crimestop.”
    crimestop – Orwell’s definition: “The faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. In short….protective stupidity.”
    Now, before proceeding, I must comment that I believe you know exactly why, even if subconsciously, these difficult issue trigger crimestop in people because I believe you are a victim of it, too.
    Every debt based monetary system is prima facie fraud. I’ve proven this repreatedly using 5th grade math – and this is FACT is more important than anything I’ve ever seen you discuss on these forums.
    It is – whether you admit it or not.
    You want to believe the false narratives painting over this fact – politicians are dumb, bankers don’t know what they are doing, yadda, yadda, yadda… all narratives financed by the Debt Money Monopolists.
    Once you figure out why YOU can’t handle THIS TRUTH, then you will know why others can’t handle the TRUTH you espouse above. Once you solve your blind spot, then maybe you can help others solve their blind spots.
    As for debt money being prima facie fraud…

    If I loan you $20 Trivium dollars at 5% interest, in one year you owe me $21 due to double entry bookkeeping adjustments that add $1 interest liability to your balance sheet and $1 interest to my balance sheet. YOUR COLLATERAL FOR THE LOAN IS NOW 100% UNDER MY COMPLETE CONTROL. You have NO CONTROL as to whether the loan is payable or not – NONE. You are my servant. Now, in this little scenario, you are government and society and I am THE DEBT MONEY MONOPOLIST CARTEL.

    Now, I fully expect you to ignore this post, just like you’ve ignored it every other time I’ve posted it.
    Ignoring is one method used by people to avoid hard truths.
    I would also add that “American” doesn’t exist. Individuals exist. Everyone is different. Some of us Americans are talking to everyone we can about the ENGINE OF THIS DEBT MONEY TYRANNY. Some of us have dropped off a thousand fliers on people’s doorstep trying to “wake them up.” Some do banner hangs.
    In other words, people are selfish and don’t want the responsibility of dealing with hard truths so their subconscious triggers “crimestop.”
    You will almost assuredly do it with post – AGAIN!
    You won’t walk through the 5th grade math that proves our monetary system is prima facie EVIL and responsible for IMPOVERISHING BILLIONS and STARVING 10s OF MILLIONS annually BECAUSE THAT’S A HARD **REALITY**.
    I’ll believe you’ve overcome your crimestop once you post an article explaining how the Debt Money Tyranny system is a fraudulent system – how it forces humanity to rent its money supply from the criminals who set it up and how one person’s monetary wealth is another person’s inextinguishable debt BY ARBITRARY AND CRIMINAL DEFINITION.
    Oh, and America is not supposed to be a democracy. Please stop repeating that false conception propaganda. America is supposed to be Constitutional Republic with democratically elected officials WHO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. America is not supposed to be a democracy where PEOPLE ARE ELECTED TO DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION!
    So, if you want to know why Americans allow this crap, look in the mirror and find out why you allow a prima facie fraudulent debt based monetary to ruin the planet for the common person WITHOUT EXPOSING THE FRAUD!
    Then, and only then, will you have answered your own question.
    Expose the whole fraud – don’t dance around the edges!

    in reply to: And On The Seventh Day God Shorted His People #17353

    Hi Ilargi,
    What makes you think the oligarchs aren’t controlling oil now?
    Also, you recently said that when this system goes under, it will take out the top of the pyramid, too. Actually, the system collapses right into their hands. As Nicole said in A Tribute To The Automatic Earth, “why should the bankers GET IT ALL?”
    Ultimately, though, they will destroy themselves, but I don’t think collapsing the system under their control will do it. Rather, collapsing the system under their control WON’T BE ENOUGH, and eventually, MOAR will catch up and destroy them.
    If one doesn’t recognize that the Federal Reserve, JP Morgan, Citibank, Walmart, Haliburton, CNN, Fox, PBS, allopathic medical school, public education, Krugman, Obama, Bush, yea everything establishment, are all pieces on one side of Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard with the Debt Money Monopoly as the Grand Chess Master, one has NO CHANCE at comprehending what is occurring around them on a daily basis…
    No one piece exerts overwhelming CONTROL, but taken as a group… meet Mr. Wizard behind the corporate curtain.

    in reply to: More Than A Quantum Of Fragility #17322

    Hi Guys and Gals,
    I would like to point out that we must specifically define terms before discussing them.
    The word “growth” is an excellent example. What does it mean? In the last two comment sections I’ve observed people use it to mean entirely different things and this resulted in people talking past each and missing some of the insight available.
    The GDP number is represents “growth” in dollar terms, regardless of what that represents in society. This is a key way the oligarchs dupe the masses into thinking the economy is better than it really is.
    Let me provide an example. In the DRAM business, the quality of a given memory stick increases as does the production volume. Due to persistent over supply issues, the price IN DOLLARS often plummeted more than output increase. Was their growth in the real world? Absolutely – and a MASSIVE amount. What was the impact on GDP? It was much less because each unit of increased quality production fetched much less MONEY.
    The current situation is that PHYSICAL growth is negative (less physical stuff being built and sold) and MONETARY “growth” is increasing.
    Imagine a society that has $20 available money stock and $10 worth of sales in a year. The Central Bank wants to create monetary growth (it must be defined as there are different kinds of growth), so they issue $5 more debt into society. This causes main street money supply to temporarily increase (it eventually decreases when principle plus interest must be paid back) and prices to inflate, say, 10%. If physical production and physical sales remain CONSTANT, the dollar sales “growth” will be 10% as $22 is spent to buy the same number of goods that $20 bought the year before. The Central Bank then claims “10% growth” when there was NO PHYSICAL GROWTH IN THE ECONOMY.
    This is important because sustainable and valuable businesses and jobs are tied to physical growth, not temporary growth in criminal “think air” societal enslavement debt creation by fiat.

    in reply to: Cheap Oil A Boon For The Economy? Think Again #16994

    Professor LnL, while deploying the currency “Bazooka” is one of a few options on the table, you have yet to explain why the Debt Money Monopolists would deploy said “Bazooka” in the direction of their own assets. In fact, nobody with your position has ever addressed to this my satisfaction – and no, “because they are stupid” is not to my satisfaction and exposes the poor level of intellect that developed that line of “reasoning.”

    in reply to: OPEC Presents: Q4 and Deflation #16954

    >>In every possible short term I think it’s fair to say that for most every living human, growth is preferred. It’s water under the bridge now but at any point the last 50 years or whatever period you choose if we had chosen to reject growth for its own sake the way down would have been less steep but we can’t go back now. Then too at every possible point in the past the same formula applied. Growth was better at every moment along the line. <<

    Rapier, in a debt based system where interest is siphoned away from society and into the hands of the architects of the debt based monetary system, the choice is to grow and then die when the bubble busts at a later date or die right now as your engineered insolvency is realized even sooner. Of course, the world collapses right into the hands of the the debt based monetary system, which is the foundational reason Nicole says “why should the bankers get it all” 49 seconds into A Tribute to the Automatic Earth…

    What Nicole doesn’t explain are the precise mechanics as to how the “bankers get it all.”
    I’ve done that – the Debt Money Monopoly privately controls the definition and issuance of debt based money to society (no vote for you, serfer boys and girls!), they saturate society with inextinguishable debt based mostly on collateralized loans, when the system begins to break down, they got their bipartisan political operatives to offload the Bankster debt onto our society that already held onto inextinguishable debt (now we have even more), they generated trillions more in debt money and kept the proceeds while offloading the corresponding debt onto the tax payer (the one two punch over a monetarily nescient society), and that’s where we stand now.
    The next phase, once we fully transition out of this phase, is to rescind credit, bust all the debtors, and seize the collateralized assets.
    The biggest bankruptcy will be the government and the assets of the government will be handed over to the Bankster – exactly as has already started in Europe. Greek Islands are going to Banksters – through a fraudulent debt monetary system mechanism and other deceits. Some will say that Germany took advantage of them – and then Germany will go bankrupt, too. This crime is bigger than the nation state.
    Now do you see why the Debt Money Monopoly government worked so hard to kick its citizens off of Federally liened land to the Debt Money Monopoly before the Banksters take it over? Cliven Bundy and the 50 or so other ranchers being kicked off federal land all of sudden takes on a whole new dimension.
    The takeaway is that “steady state” means “bankrupt society in short order.” It also means less collateral to convey from society once the exponential debt bubble busts.
    I **highly** recommend that you read and reread my last two posts until you completely comprehend what I’m saying. When you do, you will either “see the light” or you will be tasked with mathematically showing the error in my logic – something nobody has ever don’t in almost half a decade of me putting this information out as far and as wide as I can get it. And yes, I’m talking people with decades of accounting experience, Masters in Finance (worked for Blackrock of all places), Masters in Economics and even Steve Keen. I emailed him a diagram exposing the whole fraud and he never emailed back. I want someone to prove the 5th grade level mathematics wrong… It would make my day. But they can’t, so they ignore it – what else can they do in order remain nescient of the real world that is as unpleasant as the dystopia 1984. Orwell coined a term with the perfect definition of how schooled and unschooled people deal with revolution information – crimestop. Look up the definition – I see it at work all the time.

    in reply to: OPEC Presents: Q4 and Deflation #16952

    Hi Rapier, I think you misunderstand my stance. I didn’t say that all monetary systems are prima facie fraud. Rather, I said that debt money systems where money is lent into existence are prima facie fraud.
    Since the Debt Money Monopoly is running the show, everywhere they control is tied down with debt monetary systems and everywhere they are in control are going to bankrupt to the Debt Money Tyrants and those who most closely serve their interests.

    People don’t comprehend the mechanics of why deflation is bad. Denninger is claiming how good “deflation” is because he doesn’t even understand the mechanics. Ilargi is 100% correct when he says that deflation is not just lower prices. He is also part way there when he says it also means lower spending. The REAL CRUX is that is means LOWER DEBT MONEY ISSUANCE INTO SOCIETY!
    Here is why: When $20 is lent into society, as all money is save coinage is (which is so small a contributor it can be ignored), more is due at some point in the future due to the attached usury. If the interest rate is 5% per annum, then $21 would be owed in a year’s time. If the interest rate is 30%, then $26 is owed in a year’s time.
    Failing any further debt money lending into society, society is on the road to bankruptcy and collateral confiscation with 100% certainty – and there is nothing society can do about it BECAUSE THEY ARE POWERLESS UNDER THESE RULES. The lender is also bankrupt iif even $1 of the $20 they lent into society isn’t returned to the lender in full (for example, it was lost in the couch) because they have the $20 liability on their balance sheet that originated when they created the $20 to lend into society (at interest to society, BUT THE BANK DOESN’T HAVE TO PAY INTEREST ON THEIR LIABILITY… SOME ANIMALS MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS AND ALL…).
    The latter problem was solved during the previous crisis. Their corporate fronts now CAN’T GO BANKRUPT BY DEFINITION. Too Big To Fail and Jail. That just means everyone else goes bankrupt more quickly when the exponential debt curve caves in AS IT MUST.
    The operating system is a Trojan Horse malware system.
    If you still don’t “get it,” try this example. Set up a game of Monopoly – the board game. Assign a person to be the banker. The only rule change you have to make is that the banker lends money into society at interest – say 5%. Every time any player passes go, THEY MUST PAY THE BANKER 5% OF THE MONEY THEY POSSESS.
    Guess who wins the game? Every single time.
    Monopoly. Indeed.
    That is a good real world simulation of the real world mechanics at work – except the interest is paid per “pass go” event instead of “annual event.”
    The Debt Money Monopolists have already orchestrated the nation state into bankruptcy. We are already there – with no way out under the current rules. We are done. Fork in Turkey; Turkey already cooked and carved; Turkey not sophisticated enough to figure this out given that the Debt Money Monopoly “farmer” has lied to them their whole life.

    PS – A steady state economy can easily exist in the real world. But it can’t exist in a debt money system where society’s (ex Debt Money Monopoly which is a class unto its onw) monetary debt is always greater than its monetary assets.

    BTW, the above is not my opinion or feeling. I KNOW it because that is what the 5th grade math lays out for anyone with eyes to see. I don’t think 2+2=4, either. I KNOW it. What is surreal is that otherwise super smart people can’t grasp it and aren’t the least bit bothered by the fact they can’t defeat the mathematics involved in the proof. If they tried to defeat it, they’d see that it can’t be defeated.

    in reply to: The Price Of Oil Exposes The True State Of The Economy #16922

    If you haven’t already, give Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
    a listen.
    Also, for those who have not seen it…
    The Coming Crash: Usury and the Irrelevant Church
    I’m not convinced that Ilargi and Nicole fully comprehend that the foundation of debt monetary systems are fraudulent.
    The operators of such systems are, by definition, criminals.
    They aren’t dumb. They aren’t out of touch academics. They are criminals to the core – and the most sophisticated criminals the world has ever seen, hence, their average victim has no idea they even exist! Even their well above average victim.
    Inequality: Why are the rich getting richer?

    How to Be a Crook

    Does everyone here know that private banking corporate fronts lend money to society and THEN COLLECT ANNUAL INTEREST ON THE ENTIRE DEBT MONEY SUPPLY?
    That’s every Federal Reserve Note, every dollar of bank credit, every investment count dollar, every Euro in existence, every Euro of bank credit, etc…
    Can you imagine collecting even 5% of the world’s money supply every year for 20 years, because a small group of owner / controllers can’t imagine making such a low percentage because they get a much higher percentage!
    Oh, and the kicker? Every one of their net positive monetary unit is society’s INEXTINGUINGISHABLE DEBT!
    Two Faces of Money Slide Presentation

    The summation and conclusion?
    The monetary system “operating system” has been hacked by criminals and contains a usury based Trojan Horse malware program.
    The very foundation of society is a fraud – and your pay check was initially emitted by the criminals running the system… and was based on societal debt.
    I’ve never heard Ilargi or Nicole address this fundamental truth, although I’ve brought it up numerous times on these comment boards and proved it using simple 5th grade mathematics.
    And not just I, but several others. This is the root cause to all other major problems – and if people won’t admit to the root cause then there is no solution.

    in reply to: Who’s Ready For $30 Oil? #16838

    >>Really awesome comment as the prices were rallying out of the bottom.
    Of course being wrong for a decade punctuated with a brief 6 months of glory has not stopped you. So party on. If you get $50 average oil price for 6 months I will donate a $1,000 to your site.<<

    Ha – the irony of that statement is that if this actually occurs then you might not be able to afford the $1000 donation any more!

    I highly recommend the following audio book..
    Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
    If anyone has a good reading voice and decent recording equipment, it would a good volunteer opportunity to read for LibriVox.

    in reply to: Who’s Ready For $30 Oil? #16837

    >>“There won’t be another $50 Trillion.”

    Don’t bank on that.

    There will be “Whatever it takes” until all resources are under such pressure prices explode. Then the Central Banks will get what they wanted all along. Call it what you will, I’ll call it devaluation of currencies.<<

    Hi Professor, I have some questions I’d like you to answer to suss out the foundation of your articulated belief system…
    1. Why do you believe the Federal Reserve or the other Central Bank agents are telling the truth when they say they want something? They have a history of lying – they’ve lied about their true Section 2A Mandate for 30 years running.
    2. What does the corporate structure of the Federal Reserve reveal to be the CONTROLLERS of the Federal Reserve system? Are a few Big Banks the shareholders of the Federal Reserve corporation? Do the majority OWNERS of the few Big Banks exert control over the Big Banks that own and control the Federal Reserve?
    3. How do the OWNERS of the trillions in cash and trillions in debt benefit from hyperinflating the currency?
    4. Is Council on Foreign Relations historian Carroll Quigley right when he, after extensive research with the CFR library, claims the following:
    “The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
    – Carroll Quigley, member of the Council on Foreign Relations
    “It must not be felt that the heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up, and who were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. ”
    – Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope
    If Quigley is right, the whole Federal Reserve system is one big Sun Tzu Art of War deception that amounts to a Debt Money Monopoly Trojan Horse system.
    My view is that the bankrupting America and seizing its physical assets through forfeiture benefits these criminals more than zeroing out the value of their trillions in debt paper and trillion more in debt receipt money held by the mega corporations they control.
    The idea these people are “stupid” and “don’t know what they are doing” such that they will “zero out their own wealth” to assist the hoi polloi is indicative of someone who actually believes the Rockefeller engineered false narratives promoted in the schooling system he helped to engineer and finance.
    For more on that scam, I highly recommend John Taylor Gatto’s Underground History of America Education free audio book.

    in reply to: George W. Bushmeat and the Economics of Ebola #15872

    FYI to all,
    Red alert.
    NYSE Margin Debt Drifts Higher in August

    Notice how the Debt Money Monopoly coaxes society to lever up to the hilt and then pulls the plug on society. Study that chart. You know what comes next – once everyone is levered to the hilt, the Debt Money Monopoly knows the only way to really sheer the sheep and draw blood is to drive the market down.

    That explains all the establishment talk of bubbles and markets ahead of themselves lately.

    I **highly** recommend that anyone invested in the markets should listen to Investor’s Edge with Gary Kaltbaum.

    As an added bonus, his NFL picks against the spread are as good as it gets (about a 2-1 win ratio against the spread over the long term. I think he’s 13 out of 14 in the last 14 Superbowls).

    in reply to: George W. Bushmeat and the Economics of Ebola #15870

    Diogenes, the monetary system is a total fraud engineered to systematically bankrupt society and a person as smart as ilargi is unable to overcome his Orwellian crimestop level to address this even though I’ve been here explaining it using applied 5th grade math for years.
    If the dElites can get away with that in broad daylight while the intelligentsia looks on, there is literally not much they can’t do right in broad daylight. Everyone ASSUMES that one self serving evil, wicked action after another is because they are stupid. Maybe the ASSUMPTION is stupid – after all a tactic in spelled out in Sun Tzu’s Art of War over 2,000 years ago was to “pretend inferiority.” Why? Because it obviously has worked for 2,000+ years and the intelligentsia has no anecdote for that particular Art of War tactic.

    You are right to question.
    I will recommend the following as resources in your search – particularly the Debt Money Monopoly’s effort to weaponize viruses and their on record effort to create a sterilant “vaccine.”

    Dr. Mary’s Monkey

    You will probably get through in a couple days. As always, be careful to distinguish between proven facts and speculation based on evidentiary points. Just the 100% proven facts reveal a pretty disturbing story.

    Weaponized Cancer Viruses Exposed! with Dr. Mary’s Monkey Author Ed Haslam

    U Of Texas Professor Says Mass Death Is Imminent
    “But resources aren’t the only threat, Pianka says. It’s the Ebola virus he deems most capable of wide scale decimation.”

    Ebola conspiracy theories spreading fast as outbreak travels round globe – was deadly virus created in laboratory?

    MERCK – CANCER – SV40 and AIDS in VACCINES – ADMISSION BY Dr Maurice Hilleman

    Wikipedia – Maurice Hilleman

    “Maurice Ralph Hilleman (August 30, 1919 – April 11, 2005) was an American microbiologist who specialized in vaccinology and developed over 36 vaccines, more than any other scientist.”

    Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )

    And yes, the establishment has “ethics boards” that are recommending infanticide be legalized as long as you don’t call it infanticide. Seriously.

    After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? (Journal of Medical “Ethics”)

    As for the Rockefeller Foundation trying to develop a sterilization vaccine, your need to look at the 1968 Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report…
    “Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.”
    ~1968 Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report

    Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction

    I’ve read a few vaccination inserts and they say that they haven’t been tested for effects on sterility… by design, perhaps?

    Oh, and look at these charts just destroy the lie that vaccination was the main reason that mortality due to disease was reduced.

    Graphic Reality: The Charting of Truth
    Here’s a link to the PDF with the charts (it is in the article towards the end)…
    Graphic Reality: The Charting of Truth
    In many cases, there is no evidence at all that the vaccine had any effect on mortality whatsoever. In some cases improvement was indicated and in others worsening was indicated.
    The bottom line is that the whole vaccination is like magic narrative is full on dried horse crap.
    And that’s not considering the toxins they put in it for various reasons and the fact the oligarchs who created the vaccination program reject it for themselves. Rockefeller was into homeopathy and David de Rothschild is a naturopathic physician. Rockefeller Medicine Men is a book that admits that the European Royalty rejected allopathic medicine for themselves.
    There is a reason you will never be told the rate of autism, I’m sorry, encephalitis that leads to autism, in the Rothschilds, Rockefeller and various European Royal families. Back on the home front, I have two small nephews, one real, one is a friend’s child, and neither can talk right. One was two and couldn’t get more than a word out. The other was 5 and talked like he was three. Vaccinated, industrial carb, GMO… the full meal deal… Oh, and David de Rothschild owns an organic farm. Yeah.

    Oh, and did I say the monetary system is a fraudulent Trojan Horse system engineered to do only what it is doing right now – bankrupting society with inextinguishable debt? I wanted to say it one more time so it could be ignored just one more time. 😉

    In 1984, Orwell wrote a line about the illiterate having perfect handwriting. That guy was so insightful – he was way ahead of almost everyone in our time!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Oct 1 2014: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse #15495

    >>Unless there would be a massive wealth transfer from rich to poor, from north to south, but that’s never been in the cards. The intention was always to make the EU a tide to lift all boats, or even, in the wildest dreams, a boat to lift all tides. That intention has failed in dramatic fashion. But not one single one of the architects and present day leaders is ready to fess up to their failures. <<

    Hi Ilargi, I think your assertion that the Debt Money Monopoly financed political and financial hacks propaganda should be taken at face value is off the mark. Way off the mark.

    I don’t think these people have failed at their real objective at all. Rather, I think you’ve failed at discerning their real objectives… sometimes. It is odd because sometimes you write as though you comprehend the inherent systemic fraud engineered into the system. Then you write as though a declaration of these serial liars ought to be taken at face value.

    JP Morgan was NOT kidding when he said, “A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.”

    The idea that these people did this to “lift all tides” is the good reason.

    It is NOT the real reason.

    Debt based money is anthema to “lifting boats.” In fact, the only thing it does, and it does it systematically, is to sink all boats not attached to the Debt Money Monopoly yacht, as it were.

    I posted this video in the last post or two, but apparently the ramifications of its message didn’t sink in…

    Inequality: Why the boats are systematically being pushed underwater instead of lifted…

    Poverty Debt is Not a Choice

    The people bankrupting the world through fraud are doing it on purpose. Their front men are modern day Machiavellian sophists who lie to gullible people that make up the chumpocracy.

    I’ve concluded that the most dangerous part of this arrangement is the attitude that generates the chumptocracy. We have to raise our political IQ some amount above our shoe size or will cook our goose so that the Banksters can seize it to eat it.

    “The system IS NOT broken, it is FIXED.”
    ~Ben and Jerry’s stamp

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Oct 1 2014: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse #15494

    >>Trivium – in the video “Inequality: Why Are the Rich Getting Richer,” at 1:10 minutes it says: “The shocking fact is, if nobody went into debt, there would be almost no money in the economy.” Why is that so bad? That would just mean house prices (essentially all assets) would come way, way, way down in price, a dollar would actually be worth something again. “But, but, but,” you might argue, “I paid a whole lot more for my car or house and now they’ve come way down in price, but I’ve still got to pay on them.” Well, as it turns out, you were only “renting” your house from the banks, anyway. Renting!<<

    Hi Raleigh, given the prima facie fraud that is debt money and the debt bubble that was inflated around it, you are right about most people effectively renting what they think they own. The point is that people weren’t fully informed. They should have a reasonable chance to pay off their home in a sane world.

    As it stands now, when the Debt Money Monopolists pull the plug on credit, which could be done slowly or quickly at any given moment, the debtors will be bankrupted and the Banksters will seize their assets. The net effect is that the Debt Money Monopolists will essentially control the essence of society even more so than they do now… and by a lot. That isn’t good.

    >>It’s all relative. When there are fewer dollars in existence, they are worth more (they buy more), and prices have to come down to reflect this.<<

    The fraudulent transfer of physical assets from the citizenry to the criminal Debt Money Monopoly cartel will be absolute, not relative. That’s the problem. Once they cut off any semblance of ownership of real assets from the vast majority of the soon to be impoverished middle class, you can also kiss good bye your formerly unalienable rights as well. Neofeudalism will rule the day.

    >>As we’ve seen, when people paid way too much for their houses (and their houses dropped in price), they simply walked away and bought another house that was much cheaper (and, to boot, they got the cheapest mortgage rates in history), or they rented. Of course, I didn’t see people complaining too much when the worth of their houses was doubling, but that’s another story. And you get a tax credit for the interest you pay on your mortgages.<<

    That was then. This is now. And the future will get progressively more Draconian. As of now, a person who walks away from a home with a $100k deficit will have $100k in debt forgiveness added to their income by the loving and liberal IRS. States like CA will add the debt forgiveness as income as well. Watch the tax code… this chit is important. Now, how many people can pony up $20-$50k in a single year to pay out the IRS?

    As for the future, expect the banks to start suing people for the losses and, possibly, debtors prison or forced military service. When the going gets worse, the fascists get uglier.

    >>Banking needs to go back to what it used to be: bank managers in crumpled suits, earning a decent living, and lending only to the most qualified borrowers who have a really good down payment that they’ve saved up. No securitization; in other words, getting rid of the ability of banks to unload inferior mortgages onto some sucker investor (passing the hot potato) who thinks he’s getting premium AAA beef. Make them keep the loans they hand out on THEIR books. That way they won’t be lending to people who can barely fog a mirror.<<

    And the sheep want the wolves to stop eating sheep.

    >>As far as I can see, Positive Money (and I may be wrong) appears to want the game to continue, but wants “more” money spent into the economy. Are we not already floating in the stuff?<<

    I agree with your assessment. The vast majority of the debt free money crowd think that the answer is to issue lots of debt free money to fix the problem. Ellen Brown is an example of that type of attitude.

    >>I mean, the government is guaranteeing inferior loans, supplying Section 8 housing, welfare, food stamps, free cell phones; banks are choosing not to foreclose on millions of mortgages because they don’t want to book the loss. All that creates free “positive money” floating around and being spent at Walmart and the 7-11. There’s no shortage of money floating around. QE has kept asset prices from crumbling (more positive money). We are awash in the stuff.<<

    The existence of all that money is temporary. It is all owed back with interest on top. Much of the world rents its money from a private Debt Money Monopoly supranational banking cartel. This set up is inconsistent with democracy, let alone a Democratic Republic. The Debt Money Monopoly are the “more equal animals,” if you know what Orwell meant.

    >>People want something for nothing (mainly the financial industry).<<

    The Debt Money Monopoly is raking is probably 5-10% of maybe 70% of the world’s money supply annually. They don’t want something for free, THEY GET MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONETARY WEALTH FOR FREE! And not just for free, they get licenses to lie, steal, and murder with their “money power.”

    >>They want their house debt inflated away,<<

    Their naivette would be cute if this is wasn’t so serious.

    >>and they don’t mind if savers’ money is worth less because of it. Savers would have less money if not for all of the previous inflation, you say? Yes, they would have less, but what they’d have would be worth more, would buy more (because prices would be down). It’s all relative.<<

    I don’t think you are considering the effects of the 100+ year fraud that is already baked into the cake. If the system wasn’t rigged then your logic works out. But the system is rigged and the deflationary collapse is all part of their Sun Tzu Art of War operation to take the world’s middles classes and turn them into serfs dependent on their authoritarian feudal lords.

    And this is NOT my opinion. It is the direct writing of the Debt Money Monopoly’s chief historian after he spent years in the library vaults of the Council on Foreign Relations!

    “The Money Power Seeks to Create a World System of Financial

    Control in Private Hands Able to Dominate Every Nation on Earth

    In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
    ~Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, CFR historian and Bill Clinton mentor (hander?)

    Read the whole chapter – it has amazing revelations from the the oligarch point of view.

    For example, Quigley touches upon:

    1. The denied “international order”
    2. The Bank of England printing debt free money to bail itself out while refusing to do the same for the English people
    3. The heads of the World’s central banks have no power – they are puppets of the Debt Money Power and will be cast down if they ever go against their Debt Money Masters.
    4. How Montagu Normal, head of the Bank of England, absolutely despised Democracy and viewed it as direct threat to the Money Power he served.

    And a whole lot more including…

    “This power of the Bank of England and of its governor was admitted by most qualified observers. In January, 1924, Reginald McKenna, who had been chancellor of the Exchequer in 1915-1916, as chairman of the board of the Midland Bank told its stockholders: “I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money…. And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” In that same year, Sir Drummond Fraser, vice-president of the Institute of Bankers, stated, “The Governor of the Bank of England must be the autocrat who dictates the terms upon which alone the Government can obtain borrowed money.” On September 26, 1921, The Financial Times wrote, “Half a dozen men at the top of the Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills.” Vincent Vickers, who had been a director of the bank for nine years, said, “Since 1919 the monetary policy of the Government has been the policy of the Bank of England and the policy of the Bank of England has been the policy of Mr. Montagu Norman.” On November Il, 1927, the Wall Street Journal called Mr. Norman “the currency dictator of Europe.” This fact was admitted by Mr. Norman himself before the court of the bank on March 21, 1930, and before the Macmillan Committee five days later.”
    ~Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope

    Remember, this is the oligarchs’ inside historian telling you this…

    Chapter 19 can be found here:

    If you read the whole thing, you will find out why property tax was really created… to force self-sufficient people in India into the debt money system and economy and eliminate the self-sufficient.

    It was a brilliant plan… but evil as h*ll.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 30 2014: Why The Fed WILL Raise Rates #15457

    Hi Jal,

    Re: yesterday… sorry for posting to the wrong person and mistyping “too” as “two.” I’ll try to pay better attention to detail.

    Money pervades nearly everything humans do – both locally and across the globe. A fraudulent debt money system and the bombs being dropped on one’s country if one’s country doesn’t have a debt money system are going to impact people locally, regionally and globally. There is no escape hatch or truly safe zone.

    The evil of debt money pervades the entire planet… locally, regionally, and nationally.

    You can look anywhere you want and you will see the effects all around you as long as you comprehend the system. However, it does so without an obvious direct cause to the observed effects. Once one becomes aware of the mechanism, though, improved clarity follows.

    Did you know that the guy down the street with lots of net cash savings is a debt slave master who enslaved someone else to inextinguishable debt that was used to create the net money s/he has saved up? Wow. And they told us we abolished slavery, didn’t they?

    They lied.

    Inequality: Why are the rich getting richer?

    How To Be A Crook

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 30 2014: Why The Fed WILL Raise Rates #15455

    Hi Ilargi,
    There is no dual mandate. The mandate is singular and, if followed there are three listed expectations (not even two!).
    Search Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act and you will read this…

    Section 2A. Monetary policy objectives
    The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy’s long run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.
    [12 USC 225a. As added by act of November 16, 1977 (91 Stat. 1387) and amended by acts of October 27, 1978 (92 Stat. 1897); Aug. 23, 1988 (102 Stat. 1375); and Dec. 27, 2000 (114 Stat. 3028).]

    The mandate, contrary to the Big Lie Psy-Op that people can’t seem to shake… is…

    “The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy’s long run potential to increase production…”

    That’s the mandate…

    Now, why is that their mandate?

    “…so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.”

    The dual mandate psy-op is to confuse the masses so that they don’t understand the mandate is to avoid exponential debt growth relative to GDP growth.

    Guess what the Fed did why dazzling everyone with “dual mandate” BS for 30+ years. They took monetary and and credit aggregates EXPONENTIAL TO the economy’s long run potential to increase production – THEY BROKE THEIR SINGULAR MANDATE AND USED THE DUAL MANDATE HOAX TO COVER UP THEIR PREMEDITATED CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.


    You aren’t doing anyone any favors by effectively running interference for the Fed’s criminal activity spreading the dual mandate false narrative.

    Everyone would be much better served if you highlighted the singular mandate, the Fed’s lies about a phony dual mandate, and expose the purposeful and criminal exponential debt growth relative to GDP growth.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 29 2014: A Rare Sane European #15435

    Boogaloo, Re: yesterday’s post.

    I hope you are right that the American people grow a backbone and prevent the Debt Money Monopoly from pillaging them wholesale.

    My observation is you are betting on a serious change in America – because the majority of people I interact with are running around with a political IQ less than their shoe size and a monetary IQ less than half that.

    These are the people that think Putin invaded the Ukraine and the (Debt Money Monopoly financed) Western nations support democracy.

    The fact that the West overthrew the democratically elected government and installed a Debt Money Monopoly shill is completely and totally lost on these people.

    Also keep in mind that the major incentive of TBTF&Jail multinationals is to wipe all their competition off the face of the planet. $100 homes would do that. I doubt they get that low, but not because Americans somehow wake up and address the real issue that has evaded them for 100+ years even when I explain it using applied 5th grade math. Rather, the Debt Money Monopoly Bankster corporate fronts will secure control over millions of homes through foreclosure. Yes, they will be dramatically underwater and fully bankrupt, BUT THEY CAN’T FAIL – ONLY THEIR COMPETITION CAN FAIL.

    In addition, the trillions in debt proceeds (money) will be spent in order to buy up resources for pennies on the dollar.

    I agree the level of stress between Debt Money Monopoly predator and their chump prey will increase with unexpected results.

    However, I observe the Debt Money Monopoly financing a police state at an alarming pace… that doesn’t bode will for a peaceful future because the Debt Money Monopoly capitulated to a population of clueless people.

    I hope I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t bet that way.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 29 2014: A Rare Sane European #15434

    Hi rapier,

    >>I have a question about printing money.<<

    “Printing money” is a terrible phrase because it is very misleading. They are issuing money based on debt – debt based money. I know you know this based on the rest of your post, but I recommend using the words that most accurately describe what you are expressing. Nearly everyone thinks printing money equates to printing Monopoly money and, when two much comes off the presses, there will be uber inflation.

    >>If I print money and lend it to you, You will give me a cash flow to pay back the loan with interest.<<

    You don’t have to pay interest, I do as the borrower. You just have to retire the principle as I pay it and you get to pocket the interest. Unless, of course, you are a TBTF&Jail Debt Money Monopoly corporate front. Then it doesn’t matter how bankrupt you are, you just mark to myth and everyone pretends it is all good.

    >>If I wasn’t a good loan officer, I would have taken no colateral or bad colateral that I could seize if you were to default and not continue the cash flow.<<

    The better debt money criminals require good collateral. Do you know WHO has the best collateral? Your GOVERNMENT.

    >>The assets that I would seize would enrich me for a second time.<<

    Absolutely – you start with nothing, lend money into existence and then use your control to fraudulently bankrupt tranches within society and you sweep up their assets for yourself. Their very real assets.

    >>I printed the money … I don’t need to pay it back to anybody.<<

    Technically, you are supposed to retire the principle as it comes in. However, you don’t have to pay interest on the money you created on the ledger. Only the chumps pay interest for money generated solely on their debt obligation.

    >>I would think that the central banks would also make sure to be in the position of not paying anyone for the money that they printed.<<

    Some animals are more equal than others.

    >>What would be the consequences?<<

    You are living in the consequences… just look around.

    in reply to: The US Has No Banking Regulation, And It Doesn’t Want Any #15404

    Prof, Paul and Griffin are wrong in their analysis, which is basically a repeat of the Mises “analysis.” Mises was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation – look it up. This doesn’t mean Mises was “in on it,” but it does mean that whatever Mises was saying played will in the Rockefeller “playbook.”
    Money is debt. I don’t think the Mises crowd understands that. I also don’t think they understand Weimar and Argentina from the perspective of the Debt Money Monopoly for, if they did, they would tell people that Weimar and Argentina WERE DEFLATIONARY from the perspective of the Debt Money Monopoly. Once everyone in those countries was impoverished through the debasement of their local currency, the Debt Money Monopoly could swoop in and buy up the country for pennies on the dollar as denominated in EXTERNAL CURRENCY.
    What the Mises crowd doesn’t understand, their Achilles Heel, if you will, is that the Debt Money Monopoly NEVER HYPER-INFLATES WHEN THEY HOLD THE MAJORITY OF MONEY AND DEBT PAPER.
    Never. Ever.
    Never ever.
    Never ever ever.
    You can’t find a single example of them ever doing it because it would be STUPID. They would, in effect, bail out those they criminally put into debt through fraud by destroying their own personal wealth.
    Uh, not gonna happen.
    You will have to worry about an American dollar hyperinflation only after one of two things occurs – 1. The Debt Money Monopoly’s money and debt paper is denominated in something other than American debt receipt dollars or 2. The Debt Money Monopoly has divested themselves of their cash and debt paper and turned it into physical goods (like American consumer homes after they are foreclosed on – fraudulent mortgage paper and all).
    Nicole and Raul are correct – there will be a deflationary spiked pit ahead of the deflation precisely for the reason I outline above.
    While I really like Griffin and think Paul has some good ideas, they are playing the role of Lenin’s useful idiots here. They haven’t thought this out all the way and they don’t know they haven’t thought this out all the way.
    The concept of “losing confidence in the currency” is absurd on its face.
    society has X currency and X+Y debt BY DEFINITION. The Y is the net money position of the Debt Money Monopoly and their cartel of mega corporations and even pension funds that are in line to be looted.
    If society loses confidence in its currency, THEIR DEBTS WILL GO UNPAID.
    That means they lose their houses, their farms, their cars, their businesses, etc…
    Anyone believing that they can “lose confidence” in their mortgage or their car payment while maintaining possession of their mortgaged property hasn’t thought this through very well.

    “The best way to control the opposition is to finance it.”
    ~Updated Vladimir Lenin quote

    in reply to: The US Has No Banking Regulation, And It Doesn’t Want Any #15400

    Folks, thi sis **really** simple.
    Who controls the Federal Reserve?
    The title includes “owns” but that is a red herring. It doesn’t matter who owns it or if it is owned at all… what matters is WHO CONTROLS IT.
    The Big Banks CONTROL the Fed. This is how the stock structure was set up – to guarantee that the OWNERS of the Big Banks and, in case you didn’t know, THE “OFFSPRING” (literal and figurative) OF THE ARCHITECTS OF THE DEBT MONEY FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM.
    WHO finances the country? The Debt Money Monopoly through the Big Banks that own stock in the Debt Money Trojan Horse Federal Reserve System.
    WHO finances the major media? The Debt Money Monopoly. Sure, about six megacorps control the major media, BUT THE DEBT MONEY MONOPOLY FINANCES EVERY ONE OF THEM THROUGH THEIR CARTEL OF MEGA BANKS.
    WHO finances good press for their political operatives and bad press for their political enemies?
    WHO is the #1 financier of political campaigns?
    WHO finances the Democratic AND Republican AND libertarian political apparatus?
    Yeah, this isn’t rocket science, people.
    Anyone with a clue would be **shocked** if the big banks or the Fed were actually held accountable for their crimes.
    The Fed has broken Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act and lies about a “dual mandate” when the expected results of following the mandate are triune (not even dual!) and the mandate itself if singular.
    However, the previous sentence is far to complex for even PhD level people to comprehend due to the Orwellian Crimestop and “Ignorance is Strength” Zeitgeist that pervades societies across the globe.
    Then again, people understand intuitively that if they don’t execute the mind and the works of the Debt Money financed and controlled Beast System, their ability to “buy and sell” will be greatly compromised.

    “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
    ~ Napoleon

    “If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.”
    ~ Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.
    Source: In the foreword to a book by Irving Fisher, entitled 100% Money (1935)

    “The Money Power Seeks to Create a World System of Financial
    Control in Private Hands Able to Dominate Every Nation on Earth
    In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
    ~Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope (circa 1966)

    Quigley was the only historian given unfettered access to the Council on Foreign Relations historical documents – in essence he is the Debt Money Monopoly’s chosen historian for the technocracy. This book wasn’t supposed to make it out into the public domain, but it doesn’t matter because the masses are so brainwashed and apathetic almost nobody will read the book and, of those who do, almost nobody will believe it. It is the “playbook” of the dElites that run society. They literally tell you how they run the world in that book – or at least most of it. Their technocracy is still compartmentalized to a degree.

    This is a good place to start getting into Tragedy and Hope… it is action packed if you know what you are reading…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle Sep 26 2014: Can Money Save The Climate? #15380

    >>Jeff, we live in a world where money is far more important than truth. That’s the pivotal point. It opens our doors to those for whom the truth is a hindrance to getting what they want.<<

    So why doesn’t TAE explain WHO creates the money out of debt and WHAT their agenda is via the writings of their historians like Carroll Quigley and their Technocrats like Zbigniew Brzezinski?

    You are exactly right – money is the God of this world… but that God is created by a group of people who use their Debt Money Monopoly in order to push their agenda on a mostly nescient populace.

    It is well past time that those who have won the blogging race start to focus on the Debt Money Monopolists and how they are leading humanity over the cliff… while they party large on their yachts while circling their Greek vacation island they bought on the cheap after bankrupting Greece.

    Democracy doesn’t exist as long as people don’t get to vote on the nature of their monetary systems and Debt Money is a prima facie fraud. Would someone who only reads the articles posted on this website know that? I think not – the big white elephant in the middle of the room is kept nicely covered up and out of view. This in spite of quite a number of your commentariat bringing up the issue over the years.

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 874 total)